#unless you’re ME :)
midnights-dragon · 19 days
“pRiMe EnErGy dRiNkS hAvE dAnGeRoUs cHeMiCaLs” i don’t care. next
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genderqueer-karma · 8 months
pissed OFF i literally was right about this stupid concept in this class but was like “no that’s probably wrong” never speaking again. btw.
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violetsandfluff · 1 year
Normalize doing things for you. Normalize prioritizing yourself. Normalize not feeling bad about doing something for yourself. Normalize not fitting everyone’s standards because you’re your own person
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comradekatara · 2 months
it’s pretty funny to me that when katara positions herself as the more mature sibling in the pilot, a lot of people just take her claim at face value?? as if every single person in the world doesn’t think that they are infinitely smarter and more mature than their sibling(s). sokka also considers himself smarter and more mature than katara, he just doesn’t vocalize that belief as explicitly. but in truth, they’re both mature and immature. neither katara nor sokka has a monopoly on maturity and competence, or lack thereof. sokka is cynical, condescending, and neurotic, but he’s also selfless, responsible, and loyal. katara is impulsive, naive, and recalcitrant, but she is also brave, resilient, and caring. and they’re both strong, courageous leaders who are brilliant, innovative, and skilled in their respective domains. it’s not a competition.
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nottheeconomy · 7 months
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The beautifully dashing leader of the phantom thieves and the charming detective princess!
My take on fem shuake!!!
I like my toxic doomed yaoi but toxic doomed Yuri hits so much harder when it comes to these two
(Brainrot under the read more!)
If Shuake were girls they would be so much more volatile than canon it’s hilarious
Honestly if Akechi was born a girl instead of a boy his already terrible life would be twice as hard hahahaha
Fem Akechi would have a much harder time willingly refraining from directly murdering shido
Like canon Akechi is this close to just shooting him in the head anytime he sees him but fem Akechi would have so much more temptation to see him dead dead dead
She’s going to have to withstand his disgustingly sexist statements with a bright smile on her face as shido says things like “oh Akechi, you’re not like those other women that only serve to further this country’s great longevity through rearing the young, you’re different, more capable.” And she needs to let those slimy words go in one ear and out if she’s going to be patient enough for him to be elected first
Not to mention she’s going to experience so much more scrutiny as a public idol since she’ll be a girl
Like in canon he already has a questionable fanbase but just imagine the weirdos that’ll idolise her as the detective princess
And she’s definitely not going to be taken as seriously by people for her detective work because people would JUST WRITE HER OFF AS A PRETTY FACE!!!!
She’s going to curate every facet of her image to make sure people takes her as seriously as possible
Her style needs to be trendy but not too trendy or people would call her vain
She needs to be careful of showing too much skin or she’ll be slutshamed
She needs to word her statements more delicately or else people would call her annoying do you see the visionnnnnnnnn
Like canon Akechi’s public mask is already so tightly wound against his face, fem Akechi’s public mask would be a full suit of armour (get it get it? Hahahahhaha)
Meanwhile! If Akira was a girl, the notion of her being a meddler when she tries to stop shido would be much stronger I think
Also I have a feeling she’s going to get harassed at shujin for having her criminal record leaked instead of how in canon everyone left Akira alone due to fear since people won’t take her assault charge as seriously
And then there’s kamoshida…eugh
So in conclusion:
I just think both of them would have so much more pent up rage than in canon hahahahahha
Like I’m sure they would’ve physically thrown hands in the boiler room of shido’s ship, like forget about the personas they’re going to throttle each other as the rest of the thieves watch hahahahahahhaa
On the bright side though I can see fem Akechi being closer to Sae and the detective princess being a role model to little girls
Hm but I have a feeling the rivalry between Akechi and Akira would feel like those early 2010s tabloid articles about how female stars had beef with each other, like it’ll be framed as something super catty hahahahaha
Man these girlies are filled with so much anger, honestly it’ll be so iconic if Akechi and Akira were written as girls but I err don’t have that much trust in Altus!
These are just my silly headcanons for fem Shuake! If you disagree with what I said it’s ok hahahahaha
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bpdohwhatajoy · 7 months
Being autistic is just people constantly violating your boundaries you already struggle to maintain
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turtleblogatlast · 2 months
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Don’t think I ever quite said what my LGBTQ+ headcanons are for the boys, so these are my current thoughts! Always changing of course but this is what I feel most strongly right now.
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt headcanons#rise donnie#rise leo#rise mikey#rise raph#donnie and leo’s sexualities being practically swapped was unintentional but it works way too well#same with mikey and raph tbh it was a happy accident#anyway I kinda hc raph as the type who doesn’t care about physical appearance just if you fight lol#Mikey’s more than happy with friends and family#Donnie is a BIG romantic but he needs time to sus a person out fully before he gets the hots for them#leo meanwhile isn’t keen on romance unless it’s with someone he grows to really really REALLY trust#I could go on and probably will later (knowing me) but it is late and I am tired haha#turtle art tag#curious as to what everyone else headcanons#the only one of these I’ll defend forever is Bi (female-leaning) donnie and trans leo#all the others can change over time but I really like where they’re sitting right now#I hope these are the right flags too because it was kinda hard to find them#went looking for transmasc flag in particular but I couldn’t find a solid agreed upon version 😭#ngl a big part of why I hc mikey as aro is because of a pun#my phone often misspells aromantic as aromatic and- and you get it- because aromatic herbs and- and Mikey is a chef do YOU GET IT#note that while I hc leo as bisexual (male-leaning) I still think he’s prob closer to demi in that as well just not as far into the spectrum#if that makes sense#headcanons are fun and hard to narrow down at the same time alas#I made this in like an hour can you tell djjdjd#I drew them all from memory so if there’s anything wrong…shhh#and if you’re wondering for April and Splinter#Both are Bisexual (female-leaning) but April is also Panromantic#I almost wanna make Splinter demiromantic too so Big Mama’s betrayal hits just a bit harder
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royaltea000 · 2 months
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Guy who never looks the same when I draw him
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guess who’s getting emotional about esmp2 again (it’s me)
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presdestigatto · 2 months
i don’t understand the insistence media outlets have with assigning carlos the role of the underdog when the only reason he’s been second to charles has been his own performance. carlos is the one with the family wealth and the influential father in motorsport. he comes from a larger country than charles which means the pool of fans who would root for him is larger. everything is set up in his favour, there is barely a narrative to build here. “he came into charles’ team :((” yeah and he’s been consistently beaten in quali and race h2h of course ferrari are sticking with charles
charles is ferrari’s homegrown champion because he swept the junior series and he’s consistently showing great things. trying to usurp someone who has rightly earned their position is not justice, it’s schadenfreude
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zytes · 9 months
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something’s wrong?
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saterise · 11 months
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Been rewatching Naruto and I had to draw the husbands
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optimisticlucio · 9 days
Guys. If you’re gonna make a post about Israel or Gaza, and just Israel or Gaza, can you get off the #jumblr tag
That’s a tag for Jewish tumblr. Yknow, Jewish stuff. Mezuzot, stories from the mikrah, converts talking about the process. The politics of one Binyamin Netanyahu and his cronies is a different topic and for the love of god I want to get a break from this shit sometimes.
Imma start blocking people who do it istg
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myfandomhalf · 5 months
BSD is the only fandom I know of that would take canon content between a ship and say “that doesn’t count bc it’s fanservice” 💀 what does that even mean?? And yes I’m talking about
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This is an actual scene in a movie / manga / light novel. Asagiri was involved and supervised the whole thing. It HAPPENED. It’s CANON. Wdym it “doesn’t count”??? Who decided to write this off as fanservice?? Like you guys are taking one of the most canon gay scenes and saying it doesn’t count bc it’s too gay so therefore it must be fanservice. You really think they had a meeting like “we should do something nice for the skk shippers let’s have Dazai and Chuuya be super gay” you think Asagiri with his track record would do/allow that?? You think he’d throw in some unnecessary yaoi just as a treat?? Please bffr.
If this happened with any m/f ship it would be treated as genuine ship content. Hell, if this happened with bakudeku half the fandom would rejoice and the other half would be beyond livid and disgusted but they wouldn’t say “doesn’t count it’s just fanservice”
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Angel: Vaggie, you’re an ex-exorcist, right? So you have a lot of experience with different ways of dying?
Vaggie: Yes.
Husk: *sips drink* I'm scared to see where this is going.
Angel: So, in your professional opinion, how will I die?
Vaggie: Definitely murder. We never find the body.
Angel: …That tracks.
Charlie: Oh! Oh! Oh! What about me?
Vaggie: You crave toast while taking a bath.
Charlie: *under her breath* I do love bath snacks...
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crippled-peeper · 1 month
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“actually it’s perfectly ok for people to make slime toys out of the water you need to drink. why? because I might need it 20 years from now, obviously. stop being a piece of shit to people who want you to literally go without drinking water, you ugly disgusting meanie cripple!!!! you’re hurting Future Me by being mean to these people shrieking ableist horseshit at you!!!!!! help!!!! help!!!! help!!!!”
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