mortalprinceoflies · 1 month
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“Oh, I’m sure decking you would be satisfying for many,” Luke breathed, keeping his temper mostly contained. “I ain’t that kinda guy, though. You ain’t a punchin’ bag; you’re a person, which means you can explain to me why you thought that was a good idea.”
Lucifer’s memories were still coming back to him, patches flooding back to him in dreams. Some were fuzzy, some were missing bits and pieces here and there, but the majority were now intact. He definitely remembered Cain. Just…not like this. In his defense, it had been millennia since the last time they’d met. Probably. Things had changed. A lot. It didn’t matter that he recognized the face before him or remembered the name that went with it; he didn’t know the person that Cain had become. That was part of why the son of Adam’s most recent actions baffled and frustrated him so.
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"Go ahead and slap me if it makes you happy…"
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mortalprinceoflies · 1 month
Lucifer — Season 1, ep. 10 : Pops   {Sentence Starters} 
“Does it matter?“
“He cheers me up.”
“Well… that’s a start.“
“That’s fantastic news!”
“I made a friend today.“
“So you’re kissing now?“
“Not in the slightest, no.“
“Wayward son, are you?”
“Is this a Shirley Temple?“
“You seem genuinely upset…”
“Who are you supposed to be?“
“His friends get worse and worse.“
“I’d really hate to be in your head.“
“Oh, so you want to kill me, now?”
“I hate it when people fight over me.“
“You sure know how to be dramatic.”
“Well, it happens to the best, I promise.”
“The way I see it, I’m doing you a favor.”
“Honey, your new friend is so delicious.“
“You don’t care who you piss off, do you?“
“It’s a horrible irony that my father invented.“
“I need to figure out how to be more normal.“
“Well, frankly, my dear, I’m as baffled as you are.”
“Don’t let your daddy issues cloud your judgment.“
“Perhaps the next one can be of legal drinking age.“
“You know what? I’m done playing your stupid games.”
“But I’m gonna put an end to whatever you’re planning.”
“Surprise! You get to eat chocolate cake in bed tonight.“
“You want to tell everyone I shot you, you go right ahead.”
“Don’t know what more proof you need that he’s deranged.”
“Right. Maybe that explains why you won’t have sex with me.“
“You know, I feel like the only thing that made him happy was this place.”
“I’m stuck in a place I don’t belong, and I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.“
“Because you’re a kind person who puts the needs of others before your own…“
“What am I doing? Why am I here, drunk, throwing myself at you? This is so sad.”
“I can’t believe that I would let myself care for him again. I mean, why? So I get hurt?”
“I mean, usually I’d leap at the chance to fulfill my carnal desire, but, for some reason, I can’t.”
“So, how did you handle it, anyway? You know, besides taking your anger out on criminals?”
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mortalprinceoflies · 1 month
Send ⏳️ for your muse to meet the younger version of my muse
Or send "reverse ⏳️" + description of your muse from the past meeting my muse in the present
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mortalprinceoflies · 2 months
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All playfulness left him as Zack spoke. The incubus was yet again thrown for a loop, wondering just how long his mortal friend and coworker had reciprocated his feelings without saying anything. And now the fool had the gall to act like Vig was the one playing games? The insinuation hurt more than he would have liked to admit.
“I would never touch you without your express consent,” he replied, his tone now deadly serious. “You know that, right? No matter how much I talk about wanting to be intimate with you, I could never bring myself to lay a hand on you without knowing for a fact that you wanted it. I’m not that kind of man, Zach. Never have been, never will be. How was I supposed to know that you wanted me, too? What indication have you given me? You always push me away when I flirt with you, verbally and physically! Hells, I was nearly ready to give up on trying to woo you until you said something tonight-”
The hand at his cheek and the ultimatum cut him off before he could admit that he’d been made weak in the knees, and now he was torn between fury, desire, and hurt. What the fuck was he supposed to do now? Give in and soil whatever they might have with uncertainty and the fear that he was being manipulated? Walk away and give it all up? Both options seemed horrible, frankly. Acting on impulse, he leaned forward and placed a chaste, shockingly gentle kiss on Zachary’s cheek before pulling away. “I’ve been open and honest about what I want, Zach. Do not blame me for not being able to read your mind. If you really feel the same about me as I feel about you, you need to tell me clearly, not rely on mixed signals and ultimatums.”
How long are you going to make me wait? (Zach to Vig; @mxrvelouscreations
Sexual Tension Prompts | @mxrvelouscreations
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“Excuse me..?” was Vigoraunt’s immediate response. Confusion and mild offense flashed in his sapphire eyes as he turned to face the reporter he’d been flirting with (he’d thought unsuccessfully) for the better part of a month now as they’d worked together. What could the man possibly want from him? Surely, he wasn’t demanding a coffee run, or anything else so mundane. Vig would be mortified if that were the case; he was no mere servant to be ordered around.
The expression on Zach’s face made him falter, however, extinguishing the incubus’s temper in record time. Desire radiated from the mortal, drawing him in like a moth to a flame. Vig didn’t honestly recall the last time he’d blushed like this as a result of just words. “And what exactly am I making you wait for?” he asked, needing confirmation of Zach’s expectations. “What has you wanting me so desperately, hmm?” Thank the hells he’d managed to regain his composure. It was exceedingly rare for him to be caught off-guard in such a manner, especially in pseudo-public. They were currently alone in Zachary’s office, though he had no idea how thin the walls might be. If this conversation was going in the direction he thought it might, he’d have to try hard to keep quiet. Smirking, he sauntered over to lean on the desk, staring the journalist down.
“Go on, now,” he urged lowly, “don’t be shy. Tell me what has you so worked up.” He was already considering getting on his knees for the man, just as a reward for managing to fluster him so thoroughly, but he wanted to hear what Zach had in mind first.
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mortalprinceoflies · 2 months
fucking love when I'm on a call with someone and they start to do a little errand or go somewhere else and they say "and you're coming with me" like. absolutely I am let's go on an adventure I've been spirited away
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mortalprinceoflies · 2 months
everyone's doomed by the narrative bitch let's get you some fruit
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mortalprinceoflies · 2 months
Send me an ‘✘’ for my muse to save yours... (Luke for Nick; @mxrvelouscreations
Savior | @mxrvelouscreations
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“You really…really shouldn’t have done that,” Lucifer growled, slipping almost beautifully into his angelic form upon seeing Nick’s already brutalized body be kicked by the vampire hunter. Singed, blackened wings unfolded from his back. Once cropped brunette hair had grown out and turned blond, framed by crimson ram horns. His skin had turned a harsh pink, and his eyes blazed pure gold with hatred. Barbed tail swished dangerously behind him. Was this overkill? Probably. But Nick was one of the loves of his life, and seeing him hurt and helpless had awakened the Morning Star’s vengeful side something fierce.
He was on the hunter in an instant, tackling the man to the ground and clawing the bloodied stake out of his hand.
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mortalprinceoflies · 2 months
Send me an ‘✘’ for my muse to save yours... (Nick and Vig; @mxrvelouscreations
Savior | @mxrvelouscreations
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Vigoraunt wasn’t a particularly noble person, but this fanged menace had fucked with precisely the wrong vampire. He didn’t care if the bloodsucker had sired Nick or not; as long as he was around to have a say in the matter, Nick had no ‘master’, and the incubus was bound and determined to prove it.
Cobalt eyes fixed the vampire lord with a fiery glare, as twisted yet elegant horns and a heart-tipped barbed tail revealed themselves. He didn’t want to waste energy hiding his true form from this monster. Better to let him feel the full strength of his fury. “Fancy yourself a bloody puppet master, do you?” he purred, deceptively calm as he stepped in front of Nick to face his aggressor. “Tell me, what do you think would happen if I burned away all of your strings with hellfire? Would you scream as you were dragged down to the Pits? Beg for the mercy that you’ve never once shown to those you claim to own?” As he rolled his shoulders to limber himself up, flames danced at his fingertips, eager to consume his foe. He grinned wickedly, showing off needle-like teeth. “I must admit, I’m quite keen to find out! Now kindly do him and the rest of the world a fucking favor and die.” A sudden flourish of his hands brought a column of azure fire blazing to life around the vampire lord, quickly swallowing him. Vig watched with an almost manic glee, waiting to see if he was strong enough to escape or would perish. He would tend to Nick in a moment, of course, but he wanted to be sure the abusive prick was dead before he turned his attention back to his lover.
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mortalprinceoflies · 2 months
Send a ‘✔ ‘ for my muse to react to your muse saving them. (Zachary and Vig; @mxrvelouscreations
Savior | @mxrvelouscreations
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Everything was spinning around him. Or perhaps he was the one spinning? No…no, he was stationary, leaning against the bar in an effort to make everything stop spinning. Why was it spinning in the first place? He’d only had one drink so far, right? A single glass of red wine to take the edge off after a long day, one that he’d been gradually sipping from throughout his lovely conversation with his even lovelier lover, who was currently in a shouting match with some-…
“Fuck,” the incubus muttered, his vision darkening around the edges. There was an intense burning in his throat. Whomever had drugged him had evidently known to use holy water to make it truly potent, which meant both he and his valiant partner were in vastly more trouble than they’d realized. “Hunter,” he croaked, reaching out for his lover. “Zach…h-he’s a hunter! N-need…to leave…we need…to leave! Now!” Vigoraunt was fighting to stay conscious, willing his hardy infernal blood to keep him awake until they were at least out of the bar. Demon hunters were not to be trifled with, and this one had managed to get the drop on them. Besides that, he hadn’t yet told Zachary what he truly was, meaning that the man had no idea that he was defending an incubus from a dangerously zealous holy warrior. He’d been meaning to explain everything, of course, but could never quite find the courage. Now they were in deep shit, and it was his own fault!
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mortalprinceoflies · 2 months
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So defensive already! Vigoraunt almost let out a laugh upon clearly startling the other, but managed to keep his cool. He’d found the man intriguing, after all, and didn’t want to scare him off so soon. “Oh, nothing, really,” he replied, casually taking a sip of his wine. “Just that it’s not every day I come across someone perusing a scientific journal in the middle of a crowded bar. Naturally, I’m a bit curious as to why you’ve chosen here to study.” He wouldn’t press the man for the subject matter of his reading, as it already seemed like a sore spot.
“Don’t tell me you’re just using it as a lure to draw in people who are attracted to smart guys.” A teasing smirk curled his lips with the passing of his playful words. “I might then have to admit that it’s actually working.”
“That’s one fun little hobby you’ve got there.” (Vigoraunt for Jonathan @mortalprinceoflies )
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"And what exactly do you mean by that?" His eyes lifted up from the book to look at the man before him. He certainly was a looker... but now was not the time to be in the gutter.
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mortalprinceoflies · 2 months
Send "____ has a crush on you!" to my muse to see their reaction
Fill the blank with the character's name
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mortalprinceoflies · 2 months
Send me an ‘✘’ for my muse to save yours... OR... Send a ‘✔ ‘ for my muse to react to your muse saving them.
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mortalprinceoflies · 2 months
Send 🐾 to boop my muse!
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mortalprinceoflies · 2 months
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The trip to the flower shop was quick enough, and after a bit of hunting, Vig was able to find what he needed, but the lady at checkout distracted him for a little bit too long. She’d seen what he was getting, and had curiously asked if he knew what those specific flowers meant. He said yes, of course, and what followed was a rather animated conversation about how she’d been gradually learning the language of flowers, which he’d practically grown up with. While it did bring him great joy, he was anxious to get back to his darling Zachary and see what he thought. The shop owner assented with a nod and a laugh, and rang him up with a considerable discount for making her day.
He returned home, bouquet in hand, eager to present them to his love. Purple morning glories and bluebells, accented with sweet woodruff and tied with a modest lavender bow. Had he known the other was awake, he would have announced himself when he walked in, but he entered quietly instead. Upon finding Zach up and about, he grinned and gifted him the small bouquet. “Surprise, love~” he cooed, awaiting the man’s reaction with baited breath. Hopefully, he liked them? Vig suddenly found himself growing a little nervous, face flushing a light rosy shade. He hadn’t done this for someone in a while. What if it was too soon? What if he overstepped?
“I thought I’d get you a little pick-me-up,” he continued trying to ignore the nagging thoughts at the back of his mind. “Do you have a vase I could put these in?”
send 🎲 to generate a kiss! (zach and vig; @mxrvelouscreations
Kiss Generator | @mxrvelouscreations | 36. A kiss to the shoulder
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Gentleness wasn’t exactly Vig’s forte, but he’d been making more of an effort as of late. His relationship with Zach had been fiery and aggressive and thrilling. Everything he was used to. That wasn’t all the incubus wanted from him, though. He didn’t want to constantly be in contention with the man, entertaining as that could be at times.
It was a fine spring morning when he decided that a romantic peace offering was in order. Flowers tended to be his go-to, as he knew the meaning behind each one. He didn’t want to go for anything too big or extravagant this time around. The message he wanted to send was fairly simple: sweet woodruff and bluebells for humility, and morning glories for affection. ‘I’m sorry for being an ass, and I’ll try not to be so much of one in the future because I really like you.’ Vig grinned to himself as he rolled over to look at his sleeping lover. This would be perfect! If only he didn’t have to leave the beautiful slumbering man in order to pick up the bouquet. He watched the slow rise and fall of Zach’s chest for a moment before sighing and kissing his shoulder as a quiet goodbye. While he got ready, he did his best not to wake the man, taking a moment to scribble down a note before he strode out the door.
‘I’m off to the shops. Be back soon. I’ll have a surprise for you. - Vig’
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mortalprinceoflies · 2 months
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Red headers
Saved? Like or reblog
Salvou? Curte e compartilhe
Credits twitter: @ellasxl
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mortalprinceoflies · 2 months
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He hadn’t intended on watching the vampire undress but the urge to sneak a peek at his competition was practically impossible to resist. When he did, he was dismayed to see that Nick indeed had the body of a bloody god. No wonder he always heard Luke moaning the prick’s name at some point during the night whenever he stayed over. Such was the curse of sharing a wall with his Lord and Lady, he supposed.
Still Vig found himself wondering what it might feel like to be in Luke’s place, for once. To have a strong, handsome vampire ravish him, use his body to make beautiful music throughout the night…those thoughts brought a heat to his face that he frantically tried to suppress before the other noticed. Nick probably wasn’t interested in him. It was plain to see how utterly head over heels he and Luke were for each other, and Vig didn’t want to get caught in the middle of that. He would be no one’s consolation prize tonight, either.
By the time Nick slid into bed beside him, he had cooled off and was staring up at the ceiling, watching the blades of the fan whirl around in the inky darkness. “How very fortunate for me, indeed,” he responded dryly, “but please don’t expect me to be your living heating pad. That’s a service I only render to dearest Delaney.” Hopefully, his attempt at a joke would lighten the mood and make things a bit less awkward. “And for the record, I don’t have a problem with you and Luke. Given how deeply he cares for you, I’d be remiss if I left you outside to perish in the dawn’s early light. I may be a devil, but I’m not heartless.” Eyelids already beginning to droop, he glanced over at Nick once more. Truthfully, he would have let the vampire stay even if he was just a friend to Luke and Delaney. Vigoraunt had a soft heart under all of his passion and bluster, and if he could help someone in need(within reason), he would. Always. The world was rife enough with injustices as it was, and he’d recently resolved not to directly cause any more of them if he could help it.
“ let’s not make a big deal out of this. “ (Nick to Vig; @mxrvelouscreations
Only One Bed | @mxrvelouscreations
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“I wasn’t planning on it,” Vigoraunt quipped, a slight smirk tugging at his lips despite his dour mood. He was drained. Luke and Delaney had left to go spend Parent’s Weekend in Texas with their eldest daughter, which meant that he’d spent the better part of two days looking after the younger two by himself. They were lovely girls, of course, and he was truly honored that his Lord And Lady trusted him with their well being, but keeping up with two teenagers was extremely taxing. On top of that, Nick (Luke’s precious Nick…) had needed a place to stay for the day, and Vig’s room was the only one that was reasonably available. He wasn’t going to make the man sleep on the couch, after all, and the master bedroom and Riley’s room were both off limits.
It was 5:30 on a Sunday morning. Morgan and Jayden were still sleeping, thankfully, and all Vig wanted to do was go back to bed, even if it meant sharing said bed with a bloody vampire. “It’s only awkward if you make it so. I’ve shared a bed with plenty of attractive men, and never had a problem with it before.” The continued teasing came as he removed his robe, revealing his mostly nude form, before flopping onto his side of the bed. It would just barely be big enough for the two of them. He didn’t care. The closeness would help him recharge a little so that he wasn’t dead to the world later.
Still, he didn’t want to make the other feel more awkward than necessary. “I won’t try anything,” he added more soberly, “unless you want me to. Never been one to take advantage. You’re safe here. Unless you harm any of my guitars.” One hand gestured to the set of three or four guitars standing by the far wall. One was a jet black acoustic guitar, the others were electric and varying shades of red. A large amplifier stood nearby. “Then I’ll have to gut you.” A threat that sounded almost too casual, accompanied by yet another smirk that was soon gone. “You won’t have to worry about the curtains, either. They’re blackout curtains, and I always keep them drawn shut in an effort to keep the room from becoming an oven. I have a tendency to overheat.” Hence why the overhead fan was on full blast. “Come on, then. Make yourself comfortable. I’d like to get at least a little more sleep in before the girls wake up.”
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mortalprinceoflies · 2 months
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(If Vig ever winds up having a daughter, he’s naming her Rose/Rosie. Flower names! Are so cute!)
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