#I don’t like talking on the phone unless it’s my fp and you’re not that
bpdohwhatajoy · 6 months
Being autistic is just people constantly violating your boundaries you already struggle to maintain
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beardedhandstoadshark · 8 months
I've never owned a DS before and I'm really interested in purchasing one but I have no idea which one I should go with. I know there's the regular, the 3ds and the XL, so which one would you recommend?
Depends on your preference! I‘m gonna go a bit into detail here so you know what you’re buying, and there’s a TLDR in bold at the bottom, but if it’s still too muddled please don’t hesitate to ask!
Also, disclaimer, whenever I talk about pricing it’s from my own perspective, so for all we know, I could buy something super cheap that’s really expensive for you and vise versa, so it’s better to check it for yourself still.
For starters, there‘s quite a lot of different versions of the console, with the og DS and 3DS even counting as their two separate lines.
Generally speaking I’d say go with a 3DS, as they can also play every DS game on top of their own (which doesn’t work the other way around) and the hardware’s only half as old, so it’s less likely to die on you in the near future. However that makes them more expensive, too.
XL just means bigger screen/console. It’s just like when a phone comes out in regular and big size. For some folks the added space is too much to properly hold it anymore, for others the regular size is too small to do anything. Depends on your preference. For comparison:
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The DSi and New 3DS are both kinda like "upgraded“ versions of the DS/3DS, respectively.
Left is a DSi, right is a New 3DS XL. They both have the same sizes as their normal counterparts, so the size comparison still works. (Ignore the low screen light on the DSi, I just didn’t bother changing it back lol. On Max brightness they‘re the same.)
If you don’t plan on playing any Gameboy Advance games, absolutely go with a DSi instead of a regular DS. They go for the same price (at least here) but the DSi has better hardware and way more functions, while being way less of a brick compared to the og DS. Apparently the max screen brightness is also higher than the og? Idk tho.
Theres also the DS lite, which is a DS that looks like a DSi, but again. Same price, might as well go with the upgrade. In any case, they’re also both harder to accidentally snap in two than the og model lol.
The New 3DS only has better hardware but no new software compared to the regular 3DS. But it’s got extra buttons! Very rarely used, but they exist. It’s kinda like 60 fps vs 30 fps, if that makes sense? The hardware difference is noticeable especially right after you switch, but you can also live without it, and sometimes it doesn’t make that big of a difference.
Like, if I play Hyrule Warriors, the regular 3DS is barely holding it together on 20fps and can’t even do 3D while the New one‘s playing pretty smooth and lets you play with 3D. And only THEN does the N3DS goes down on the same level as the regular 3DS because it’s essentially playing the game in double for the 3D effect to work. Meanwhile Mario Bros 2 plays the exact same on both of them.
What you could also do, is get a 2DS. It’s like a 3DS, but in 2D. All the features of a 3DS except for the whole 3D gimmick, so it’s basically like the Switch Lite. You also can’t fold it like the other ones, unless you get a New 2DS XL, which is foldable again, but that ones‘ price range is all over the place. The normal 2DS seems to sell generally cheaper than all the other 3DS consoles, at least.
TLDR: your options are a
DS Lite
For the regular DS line, and for the 3DS line a
New 3DS
New 3DS XL
New 2DS XL
If you only have under 100 bucks or don’t care about 3DS games,I‘d say go with one of the DSi. All consoles of the DS go for more or less the same price, and it’s got the best hardware and features of them.
If you’ve got extra pocket change, go with any of the 3DS consoles instead, as there’s just more games for it on top of a better hardware and less age. Your cheapest option is a 2DS, but a regular 3DS isn’t that far off either. They might even go for the same price, if you’re lucky? If you wanna, you can go also with a New 3DS if it’s a lot of pocket change.
And if you vibe with a bigger screen, take the XL version of whatever line you chose! Except for the 2DS XL, somehow its 3D counterpart is cheaper than the 2D XL again.
Also, ALL of these consoles come in multiple colors!
TLDRTDLR: DSi for price or any of the 3DS line for more games, imo
…and if you get any of them and the shoulder buttons are broken, that’s completely normal. You can drop them 100 times and the console is fine, but play Mario Kart too often and the shoulder buttons stop working lmao.
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funkymbtifiction · 3 years
communication style between feelers.
Hello again. 
I read the post about Dean and I do not agree with the poster, but I’m not here to reply to her but to ask you a question she kind of raised and I always want to ask. 
What are the communicative styles of Fi vs Fe in feelers .. once and for all? 
Because online the same styles are given to both functions, and I’m super confused. In my own experience and what I’ve noticed, Fi are direct and expressive, Fe hold back and are more secretive and vague. Yet it’s not what is described under those functions, is it? I also wonder if it has more to do with introversion/extroversion and enneagram type more than feeling function?
Lets take Rory and Lorelai. 
Rory the ISFJ: One of the reasons she’s one of my least favorite characters is because 50% of her lines are “no it’s fine” and “oh it’s okay”. And what frustrates me more is that she’s labeled sweet and polite and ‘the nicest kid in the world’ for it even though it hurt people around her. She never says what she actually feels and avoids these conversations and there are consequences. 
- She likes Jess and wants to be with him? she drags Dean along and makes him go through emotional hell with the uncertainty and the clinginess that comes with experiencing someone pulling away slowly and them lying and telling you it’s all in your head. She disrespects him and lies over and over again. Being honest and upfront would’ve saved him all of that.
- After she dates him after his divorce the same exact thing happens. It’s not working and the relationship wasn’t what she thought it would be. She wasn’t okay with the Doose’s market food spread, spending time in his house with his mother watching them like hawk and sister blasting music. She wasn’t okay with him snapping at her and staying at his friend’s apartment and them rarely spending time together because he doesn’t have a car and the lack of proper dates. Does she communicate these things? nope, she drags it along until the action comes from him once again and he’s very hurt and feels not good enough again while she cries wearing a diamond tiara because he 'dumped her’ when she dumped him both times way earlier and simply didn’t verbalize it.
- She willingly allows Emily to manipulate her then gets super upset about it and takes it out on her when the person she should be angry with is herself for not speaking up
- When she wants to date Logan and he doesn’t initiate it she’s also upset instead of going to him and telling him she’s interested. 
- When her and her mother attempt to end the grandparents separation, she let’s Richard cut her off and change the subject even though it was her idea and she felt very strongly about doing it that night
Lorelai the ENFP however wastes no time in that same episode. as soon as she was handed the drink she asked her mother directly “will you ever get back together with dad?”
- When Emily is being disrespectful or nosey she tells her to back off straight away. 
- when her father does the same the day after spending the day at Stars Hallow she tells him “You’re judgmental, it’s none of your business, it’s my life not yours and I’ll live it however you want. this stops now”
- when max proposes to her and she thinks it’s the wrong way to do it she says so immediately
- when sherry tells Rory to visit all the time at the baby shower because Yale is near, Lorelai says “well yes, when she’s not spending time with me”. She makes it clear.
- Christopher told the Rory of how she kissed him when they were young because 'she wanted to know what it felt like’ which is completely different than Rory who gets passive aggressive because of Logan. 
That being said. Both characters are unhealthy in expressing themselves one is your face and one acts like a doormat and is upset when someone steps on it. I’ll talk about my experience with IxFJs. I love them, but unfortunately we run into the same miscommunication wall. I’m an xNFP (leaning towards ENFP). Maybe it’s the Te in me but I like things clear and efficient in the sense that I want it out in the open all of it, no matter how insignificant and embarrassing it may be. I want to talk about it calmly and gently, reach a decision or a common ground, take the lesson from it and MOVE ON. I hate things hanging in the air till they shape themselves like an elephant and become the one in the room. The IxFJs I’ve known hardly ever share if I’ve wronged them in a way and instead start behaving a little differently around me, they won’t reply the same way to my messages and there’ll be awkward silence. I don’t understand why? it’s a waste of time and energy. Fe think that by not saying the 'negative’ things and addressing the 'not so perfect feelings’ they’re not hurting anyone, but in reality it’s the opposite, it's the most hurtful thing when you’re passive and you let the person suffer for it. 
I respect my people too much to make them feel stupid and play with their head and heart. I’ve told people I didn’t want to be friends with them anymore (and I was as respectful/friendly/considerate as I could while doing it). Difficult, honest, conversations hurt less than lack of honestly and action in my opinion, especially on the long run when the person calms down and is able to think logically. 
And I love my people so much that I don’t want to go days without talking to them because of an argument that could be resolved. I hate sleeping on unresolved business. Rory runs away every time she doesn’t like want to have a hard conversation with her mother, either to her grandma’s house or to Europe or the live in the pool house for months and poor Lorelai just waits.
I don’t relate to the INFP’s post at all about Fi finding it hard saying I love you. If anything I over do it. with handwritten letters and long messages and presents and on the phone and in person and written in the sky if I only I had the money
so which communicative style belongs to FJs and which to FP? I stand by Fi (direct and clear communication) and Fe (avoidant and passive).
It sounds like you have a solid ability to be honest and open about your feelings, and that’s admirable. You’re clearly not an avoidant personality, but that’s not the case for a lot of feelers. I think what you’re objecting to are attachment type behaviors, within the Enneagram system (3, 6, and 9). Rory, who is either a 9w1 or a 6w5 (probably a 9w1, given how you just described her) is an avoidant personality who isn’t sure what she wants most of the time, is afraid of conflict and confrontation, and has separation issues. She is indeed passive-aggressive and avoidant, and puts her friends and family members through hell while tying to sort out what she wants and how she needs to communicate. And it’s not good. Her behavior with Jess was especially bad, because she was really into him, didn’t want to admit it to herself, couldn’t admit to Dean that she had emotionally moved on, and didn’t know what to do about her feelings… so she strung him along.
Healthy people learn to put things out in the open and be clear about their feelings, but a lot of feelers of both types don’t know how to do this. I would say it’s easiest for ESFPs and EFJs, because of the direct communicative style of Se/Te and Fe-dom. Fe-doms can’t help talking about how they feel immediately as it happens, because it’s the center of their world. As regards your complaints about IFJs… avoidance happens, because IFJs are less sure about their feelings and how to communicate them in ways that are non-offensive to others, and about 80% of them are 9w1s, which compounds the problem of being avoidant. They don’t want to risk an argument, deal with your hurt feelings, or insult you in any way, so they ignore the problem and hope it goes away, but it never really does. They avoid you, afraid of what they might say that could be hurtful, and procrastinate about being honest. (I too have had this happen.) They aren’t sure of how much separation they want, if a relationship sours, because their minds are fuzzy on the issue (they are mad, then not mad, want you, then don’t want you), so they can send you mixed messages.
But, and I will say this, I have done the exact same thing. I am not proud of it, but I’ve done it. I’ve not known how to say, “Look, I am unhappy with this relationship and I want out.” Instead, I become more distant and wait for you to catch the hint, unless it’s in a romantic relationship and there I will say, “It’s not you, it’s me. I don’t want this” in a nice way. My 9 fix tries to ignore things, even if they bother me a lot, to maintain a connection. In the past, I’ve not been a direct communicator, though I’m teaching myself to be more so and just ask. I’m way more comfortable writing “Love ya!” than having a serious “I love you” conversation. Like the INFP, a lot of my feelings are buried deep inside and not things I discuss with people.
So, to answer your question: FPs are more direct simply because low Te is blunt as hell. They may dance around things but eventually blurt out the truth. Fe is more indirect but also more polite and able to tell people things “nicely” by finding a way to soften it. But you are still going to find FPs who are unclear and indirect, and FJs who are direct and quite clear. So it really depends on the kind of Enneagram type you are dealing with. An EFJ 8 won’t mince words, and an IFP 9 won’t be direct with you.
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statticscribbles · 3 years
Two for One
Summary: Fangs/Reader/Sweet Pea, reader is pregnant w/twins
You hadn’t known what to say at first when you realized you were late and then you started puking but you figured you couldn’t just ignore it until it went away, so you’d snuck past everyone at the Wyrm and actually asked FP Jones to help; you knew he would for Fangs and Sweet Pea so by default you were included in that and you’d decided to roll with whatever he was going to suggest.
It ended with him walking you across the street to the drug store and then you avoiding him once he’d bought you three pregnancy tests and a handful of home drug tests to store at the Wyrm in case anyone saw both of you. He’d offered to tell Fangs and Sweet Pea for you but you declined and he’d assured you it wouldn’t be any trouble but you reassured him that you would have no problems talking to them about it, and what they wanted to do about said growing issue.
It took you an extra two weeks mostly because you just wanted to avoid anything relating to the fact you were officially pregnant; a full month late was too far to be just stress from school and your parents disapproval at Sweet Pea and Fangs. While they didn’t seem to have much problem with your fling with the two southsiders; the idea of you being with any southsider was something they wanted to pry from your head. You hadn’t been sure how to tell them you were with both of them and now the thought of saying that and the fact you were pregnant from one of them was an absolute nightmare.
You’re shaking when you walk into Sweet Pea’s trailer and he frowns when he hugs you. “Fangs should be here in a second…” He sounds more worried and you try your best not to panic when Fangs walks through the door grin falling off when he sees how tense both of you are. “What happened; who died?” he nervously hovers and you can’t help but laugh almost double over with how far off Fangs’ guess is. “Nothing that bad; well I don’t think… I’m pregnant..” You don’t look at either of them waiting for them to say something. “So who’s the dad?” Fangs asks and you sigh in relief, happy that either of them haven’t said anything bad yet.
“How do we figure that out?” Sweet Pea looks nervously between you and Fangs. “I guess we could get a paternity test? I’m sure my parents will want one when I tell them.” “You haven’t told them yet?” “I didn’t think they needed to know before you two did! I’m also dreading telling them and having them either disown me or call me a Serpent whore; and you know they will!” You snap. Fangs has pulled his phone and and seems to be distracted by it.
“Superfecundation” Fangs looks up from his phone and grins, turning it around and pointing the words on the screen; Sweet Pea looks confused for a moment before squinting and reading; but then nodding. “I can go with that; it’ll be fine; no one will bother us anyways; I mean southsiders being teen parents; it’s expected.” Sweet Pea laughs hollowly and you swallow grimacing. “Except I’m not a southsider. And no one will be surprised if one or both of you bounce; but I’m stuck… God my parents are going to skin me alive for this.” You curl into yourself on Sweet Pea’s bed and both him and Fangs wrap their arms around you before they say anything. You all just sit for what feels like hours. “I mean you could always just be late; or it could’ve been a false positive.” “Blood tests can’t be false. Unless they messed up the blood samples in the lab; which is unlikely with how small Riverdale is.”
“Well maybe…” “Sweet Pea just say something if you want me to get rid of them.” “It’s entirely up to you..” “But?” You snap and he huffs. “It would make all of our lives easier; and free up the what next twenty years for that choice again? We can always have another kid later; but having kids now would ruin any hope of the next; minimum ten years; of being able to do anything we want.” “Fangs what do you think?” You turn to him and he shakes his head. “It’s not up to me; I’ll stand behind whatever you want Y/N.”
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Finding light in the darkness.
*Trigger warning* This post mentions suicide, overdosing, crisis team, alcohol, drug abuse, and other scenarios people may find triggering or offensive. Please proceed with caution.
Don’t be afraid of change, it is leading you to a new beginning. The pain you feel today will be the strength you feel tomorrow. Every day is a new beginning. Take a deep breath and start again.
Sitting in my living room, empty boxes of codeine surrounding me, this is it I thought, all the pain was going to end. Finally.
I texted my ex, I messaged my friends, all saying goodbye and how sorry I was for causing so much turmoil. I felt broken and defeated, I just wanted it all to stop. My head was racing, I just wanted all these thoughts to stop going round and round my head, was a little peace too much to ask for? Suddenly my Mum entered the room her face was pale. “What have you done?!” she cried, tears streaming down her face. All I could do was look at her and apologise, I had a momentary lapse where I hadn’t considered my next steps. One of my friends had messaged my Mum in a panic; my ex was on the phone, I could hear him crying but I just felt numb.
My Dad then raced into the room “Why would you do this, Victoria?” “Not my baby, please no” Those words will haunt me for the rest of my life. I can count on one hand how many times I’ve seen my Dad cry, but this was different. In that moment I thought “had I made a mistake?” but I still felt numb. Maybe it was the 60 codeine tablets I took or the adrenaline pumping through my body but all I felt was nothing. It had been like that for weeks now. This empty feeling inside me, like a black hole, sucking out every little piece of love and emotions I had. I didn’t realise it at the time but I was suffering with Borderline Personality Disorder, but I’ll get to that later.
Suddenly I was in the back of an ambulance, ECG hooked up to my body, and I’d spend hours in the hospital, being seen by different Doctors and Mental Health Nurses. My parents were pushing to having me committed. The hospital didn’t do anything; they sent me home and in less than 24 hours I’d be back in the hospital after a second failed attempt at taking my own life. 120 codeine tablets in total over 24 hours. Thank god I’m alive writing this now. I’m not a religious person but I must have someone looking down on me, keeping me safe.
You might be wondering how I got to this point, you see I’ve always known something wasn’t quite right, I could never put my finger on it but I never felt ‘normal’. Whatever normal is anyway. My head had always been a chaotic place for as long as I can remember, I always felt things so intensely, but that was normal right? I never knew any better. I would say goodbye to my ex after a lovely weekend together (he was in the RAF so I only got to see him on weekends) and I would have been crying hysterically, like he was being deployed for 6 months but in reality I’d be seeing him again in 5 days time. Minutes later in my car with music blaring I’d be singing and dancing along to the radio, like the previous few moments never happened. Something that would annoy the average person would make me fly into a fit of rage; my family described it as like walking on eggshells when they were around me. Too scared to say certain things out of fear of how I would react.
Anyway I’m digressing here, but the point is I always knew something wasn’t right with me. So what happened to make me feel so low? I had a week from hell. I’d been fired from my job by e-mail, basically told not to come in the following Monday. I was heartbroken, I was a photographer for a Cigar and Whiskey company, and I’d studied Photography at University. I could do that job in my sleep but that e-mail hit me like a tone of bricks. Later that week I would find out that my Nan had stage 5 terminal kidney disease and a couple days later my boyfriend of 3 and a half years would break my heart. It was traumatic, we’d spent 4 lovely days together and on the Sunday he woke up, looked at me and ended it. Just like that. I still remember the stabbing sensation in my stomach when I instantly knew something was wrong. An hour later I was driving 4 hours back from Buckinghamshire, crying my eyes out, reality had not yet set in and I couldn’t believe this was really happening. I still remember hearing Lizzo on the radio “If he don’t love you anymore, just walk yo’ fine ass out the door”. How ironic.
The day after my stint in the hospital I find myself sat in a room at the Crisis Centre on Northgate Street, waiting to be seen by a Psychiatrist and Mental Health Nurse to discuss what needs to be done. I’m angry, exhausted, confused and want anything but help. One of the Mental Health Nurses looks at me and says, “If you’re going to kill yourself, you’re going to do it anyway”. That was it, I went super saiyan, how dare he say that to me! These people are supposed to be here to help me, I know I didn’t want help at that point but how could someone in authority whose profession it is to support and care for those in a crisis say something so repulsive? That would be one of many unsavoury experiences I’d have with the Mental Health services.
After finally speaking to the manager (I promise I’m not a Karen), we all agreed that at home treatment would be best for my situation and me. Over the next few weeks I would be seen by the Crisis team every day. Every damn day I would have to explain in intricate detail what had happened and how we got to this point. You see with the Crisis team you don’t see the same person every day, they’re all on shifts, so each visit I would meet someone new and be expected to open up to a complete stranger about how I was feeling. When in a crisis a person needs consistency, the chance to build a rapport with someone and to feel like they’re being listened to. Not judged for being in the position I found myself in.
After many visits with a Psychiatrist and members of the Crisis team they came to a conclusion, I didn’t realise just how life changing this revelation would be. I had Borderline Personality Disorder. Suddenly everything fell into place; intense and unstable emotions? Check. Feeling empty and angry? Check. Impulsivity? Check. In total there’s 9 different symptoms for BPD (I’ll cover this in a future post), and I had all 9.
If you’re wondering what Borderline Personality Disorder is exactly then let me give you a brief outline, of course this is one of the most misunderstood and often stigmatised mental health issue a person can have. In simple terms BPD is a condition that affects how you think, feel and interact with other people. People with BPD experience a pervasive pattern of instability, both in the way they view themselves and with interpersonal relationships.
BPD isn’t a fad, it isn’t quirky, it can be soul destroying and it almost cost me my life. Experiencing a break up, losing a job and finding out a loved one is ill was just too much. Just one of those things can cause someone with BPD to lose control, they say things come in threes and for me it was true. To a ‘normal’ person a break up is hard, unless you’re lucky enough to part ways as friends, for me it felt like someone had died. That might sound dramatic but it was true, I didn’t realise but my ex was my FP (favourite person). People with BPD often have a FP, someone they rely on and put on a pedestal, and this person can do no wrong. My problem is my FP broke my heart.
Now don’t get me wrong I know it takes two to tango, I wasn’t a saint but in my defence I didn’t realise I was ill. I was moody, never wanted to spend time with his family, argued over every little thing and I wanted him all to myself. I didn’t realise it at the time but I was obsessed.
I spent the next two weeks at a friend’s house, drinking and getting high. My head was a mess, thoughts racing; I just wanted a moment of calm. I thought I was making myself feel better, trying to forget all the chaos going on in my life but I was just making everything worse. I wasn’t facing these problems head on, I was masking them and I didn’t realise it but things were about to erupt.
During this time I was a train wreck, I was drinking at every moment I could. Taking the dog out so I could nip to the shops and down a bottle or two of Lambrini in the park (how classy, right?). My problem was during this time drinking would make me disassociate; I’d become violent and angry. At one point I found myself in the back of a police van, but I’m not ready to talk about that yet.
I had reached rock bottom, my family stood by me, and god knows why- I gave them every opportunity to disown me and kick me out of the house but they never did and for that I am eternally grateful. I knew something had to change, I HAD to change. I couldn’t keep going on living like this, surly there’s more to life than this?
I decided I would quit drinking and get my life back on track. I knew it wouldn’t be easy, but anything worth having in life isn’t. I decided to try and raise money for NSFT (Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust), at this point I had been discharged by the Crisis team and I was now in the hands of NSFT. This is when I met Allison, my Mental Health Nurse and things finally started to change for the better.
I started cycling 30 miles every day, I reached over 500 miles but due to health reasons I had stop. It’s my aim to re-start my little goal and hopefully add to the £250 I’ve raised so far. I started engaging with NSFT; I had weekly meetings with my MH Nurse, Allison and went to Recovery College, learning ways to cope with my diagnosis and my recovery.
During this time I started feeling better, I was given a cocktail of medications such as antipsychotics and anti-depressants and slowly the real me was starting to come out.
2 years on I feel like a completely different person. I’ve rebuilt my relationship with my family; I’m one year sober and living in a beautiful new house. Treatment, medication and personal growth have changed me. Just yesterday my Sister was saying she could finally see the real me, the one that had always been there but just needed some nurturing (and treatment) to help shine through.
I’ve made many mistakes in life, I’m sure you’ll hear more about these in future posts but I decided I wanted to give back and use my experiences to help other people. You see I’ve always felt lost, like I never knew who I was as a person or what I wanted to do in life but I’ve finally found my calling. Last November I enrolled on a course and now I’m studying to become a Mental Health Nurse myself.
During my recovery I found that talking to someone who has lived experience of mental health issues utterly valuable. They understand you in a way no one else does, you have this shared connection. So I decided I wanted to take my lived experience, mistakes I’ve made, everything I’ve learnt over the past two years and try to help someone else that’s going through a Crisis.
I started volunteering at a Mental Health Charity called Together, working with the service users to offer them some support and it gave me a real taste of how it would be to work as a Mental Health Nurse and help someone who really needed it. Unfortunately lockdown hit and I had to stop volunteering.
I’m still working on my online course and hopefully by the end of the year I’ll be a Peer Support Worker and from there I’ll be able to join a course to specialise in Mental Health Nursing. For the first time in my life I have a plan.
What happened to that angry girl, who was moody all the time and argued over every little thing? I can say proudly that she no longer exists. Now I’m confident, happy and feel motivated to get as much out of life as possible. I’ve even started dating again! I’ll occasionally feel my mood flip quite quickly but I’m better at managing it now. Like any other illness you learn to live with it, this time though I’m not letting my diagnosis define me.
My relationship with my family has never been better, of course it’s not easy to forgive and there’s some things you can’t forget but my family have never held the things I’ve done against me. The past two years have been really tough but I’ve learnt a lot about myself as a person and the type of person I want to be. It hasn’t been easy writing this blog post, I wanted to give an honest and raw account of what it’s like to experience the darkest point of your life and what it’s like to rebuild from the ground up.
If you’re experiencing a hard time just know my inbox is always open, you’re not in this alone and I promise you things will get better.
Until next time.
Victoria Jane x
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FP//never a night alone, anywhere you wanna go
Request: Can I request a FP/Reader where reader used to tease FP about being a jock during high school and how he went from a gang member to the sheriff is like the opposite of what happened in school, FP points out the same thing happened to reader and they joke about swapping places, sorta fluffy, lighthearted-ness
hey! title comes from 5sos’ new song Old Me (go listen to it!) I though the title of the song fit with the theme of the request! I hope you like it! also, the reader is around about the same age as fp, but well, it doesn’t really matter that much. 
The bell above the door rings, alerting FP that someone has entered the diner. The slightly paranoid version of himself makes his head lift instantly, just to make sure its nobody dangerous, despite being on his first break in a 12 hour shift, but he soon feels himself relax when he realizes its just you.
You stop by the door and look around, lowering the hood of your coat and shaking the rain of yourself. Your eyes scan the menu and FP watches as you make your mind up, your lips mumbling slightly as you read. He doesn’t really know why you read the menu each time you come in. One, because you’ve had the whole thing memorized since you were about 10. And two, because you get the same thing every time. But despite that, FP’s smile doesn’t fade, and he watches you order before calling your name.
As soon as you hear him shout your name your heart skips a beat and soft smile appears on your face. You’ve known FP since you were both in high school and despite everything, he hasn’t really changed that much, and if he has, its for the better.
“Are you ditching class?” You tease and sit opposite him.
“Ha. Ha.” He deadpans. “I’m on my break if you must know.”
“Thats what you used to say during 4th period science.”
“Yeah, but you were also there. So who’s really in the wrong?” He quirks an eyebrow and you cross your arms.
“Ohhh, is that how its going to be?”
“Umm.” He pretends to think for a few seconds, a cocky smirk on his face before he looks you in the eye, his smirk growing. “Yeah.” He nods. “That is how its going to be.”
“Wow.” You shake your head, despite the fact that your heart is going a million beats a second just at the sight of his smirk. “You know, if I was you. I wouldn’t get too comfy on that pedestal you’ve put yourself on.”
“Oooo.” He teases. “Is that a threat?”
“No.” You shake your head and look around nonchalantly. “Its just a gentle reminder that at one point you used to be badass, and now look at you.” You look him up and down and he shifts, sitting up properly to stare at you.
“And whats that supposed to mean?”
“Think about it. You went from jock, to gang leader, to sheriff.”
“And you’re old. Do you want help getting off your high horse, I wouldn’t want you to break a hip.” You tease, a smirk now resting on your lips as he looks at you annoyed, despite the hit of amusement in his eyes. “You’ve done the complete opposite to what you did in high school. You stopped being popular to be a ‘bad boy’. And then you stopped that to go back to being popular.”
“I wouldn’t say sheriff is a ‘popular’ job.” He rolls his eyes. “But I get your point.” He adds and you smile triumphantly, stealing one of his fries and it feels like the two of you are 16 again.
Both of you hiding in Pop’s until its safe for him to go home. Outside seemed like such a scary place to you, filled with mean people, both familiar and not. As well as all the pressures you had to face, whether it was school or friends or what you thought was love. But inside the diner with the red neon light, you were safe, even if it was just for a few hours. You were happy, laughing and joking with each other as you stole food off the other’s plate and split a milkshake. And even if it didn’t seem like it then...even if you didn’t realize it. You were really in love. Something that you both seemed to have carried well into your adult life, despite marriage and kids (something that only happened to one of you). But right now, you’re just as blind as you were when you were 16.  
“However. I wouldn’t be so quick to judge.” He adds and you freeze before looking up at him.
“And why’s that?” You try to sound as normal as possible, but he knows you’re slightly nervous about what he’s about to say.
“Y/n. You’ve always been so quick to judge.” He starts and leans towards you, pushing his food to the side so he can put his hands on the table . “Like when me and that Vixen, Lily, fooled around in the backseat of my car.”
“I only judged, because I was in the front.”
“Thats not the point.” He waves his hand dismissively causing you to huff. “The point is, the same thing happened to you.”
“I’m not a police officer, let alone the sheriff. And I don’t know if you remember, but I was never a Vixen, sooooo.”
“I know.” He nods solemnly. “And that fact made me miserable every single day of school.” 
“Gross.” Your face scrunches is disgust and he laughs loudly.
“You may not have been a vixen, but you were a straight-A student. And then what happened? Oh yeah, you also joined the serpents, around about the same time I did, wasn’t it?”
“I only joined to support you. I know you didn’t want to and I didn’t want you to feel alone.” You argue and his eyes soften as he grabs your hand.
“I know.” The tone of his voice changes from playful to serious within seconds and your expression matches his. “And I appreciated it...I still do.”
“Well, what are friends for?” You blush under the weight of his stare and you’re not entirely how much longer you’re going to be able to form coherent thoughts if he doesn’t stop. “Continue.”
“Yeah, so you joined the serpents. And now look at you. You have a fancy ass apartment in the most expensive part of Riverdale, you run a business that you came up with and you have a ton of money. You haven’t done so bad for yourself Y/l/n.”
“Wow, a real genuine compliment from FP Jones?”
“I compliment you every single day.” He huffs.
“You know, telling me you wished I was a cheerleader when we were both 17 isn’t a compliment.”
“Are you sure?” He teases and you shove him lightly.
“Seriously though Y/n. You’ve done good.”
“You too.” You smile softly. “You’ve definitely made younger you proud. You’ve made me proud too.”
“Younger you or you now?” He wonders.
“Both.” You nod and send him a warm smile. “So how long is your break?”
“I’ve got another 15-ish minutes. Unless something happens...which lets be honest, this is Riverdale. I’m genuinely surprised nothing has happened yet.” He replies and the two of you laugh.
“Here’s your food Y/n.” Pop smiles as he places your tray in front of you and you and FP smile brightly at him.  
“So, 15 minutes. What are you going to do with all that time?”
“Probably steal your food.” He shrugs and grabs a handful of fries.
“Hey!” You slap his hand away from you. “Get your own Jones!” You add and chuckles before stealing some more. “Dude!”
“You loooove me.” He teases, making a kissy face at you which makes you roll your eyes.
“Yeah, yeah. You keep telling yourself that.” You mutter. “I might pay someone to rob somewhere or something, just so you have to leave.”
“Ouch.” He feigns offense and you smile sarcastically at him. A comfortable silence takes over you both, and while you eat he checks his phone, occasionally stealing some of your food.
“Who was that?” You wonder.
“Jughead.” He replies.
“Oh, how is he settling in to that new school?” You wonder and the two of you share a gentle look. “The last time I asked you said he was struggling with his roommate. Is everything okay now?” 
“Yeah, he’s dealing with it...in his own way.” He chuckles. 
“What about Jellybean? Is she okay after Gladys?” 
“She’s still upset but thats understandable. She’ll get through it though.”
“I can talk to her if you want?” You ask and his face lights up. 
“That would be great yeah. She really likes you.” 
“Okay.” You nod. “I’ll stop by later on. I have to go into work for a few hours but then I’ll come by and I’ll bring food too.” You go back to eating but you can feel him staring at you, your skin burning under his gaze. “What?” You ask and look at him, there’s a soft smile on his face that flickers slightly once you look him in the eye, and he takes a deep breath before starting to speak. 
“Yeah?” You reply, still looking at him confused.
“There’s been something I’ve been meaning to ask you for a while now.” 
“And its totally fine if you don’t want to o-” 
“FP?” You interrupt. “Just ask me already.” 
“Would you maybe like to go on a date with me at some point in the near future when you’re not busy?” He rambles quickly and it takes you a few seconds to actually take in what he’s just said. 
“FP.” You start and he sighs, looking at the table. 
“I’ve screwed up haven’t I? Just ignore me.” 
“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for you to say that.” 
“Just ignore me?” 
“No.” You shake your head. “Yes, I’ll go on a date with you.” 
“Oh-Ohhhh.” He smiles. “Okay. When are you free?” 
“Yeah.” He nods. “That er, that works for me.” 
“I would tonight but I have to see a very cute guy and bring him and his family food.” 
“Who-ohhh. I’m sure he won’t mind if you explain you’re going on a date with the sheriff.” 
“Hmm, I dunno. Because he’s kind of a badass. I don’t want him to kick your ass.” You joke making him snort.
“I could definitely take him. I have a pretty dark past.” 
“You? I don’t believe it.” 
“Yeah, well. There’s a lot you don’t know about me Y/n.” He winks. 
“Is that a promise?” 
“Definitely.” He replies and steals another fry before standing up. He grabs his jacket and hat before looking at you again. “I’ll see you later Y/n.” 
“Do you want me to bring pizza tonight?” You ask and he places a hand over his heart. 
“Do you want to skip the date and go straight to sex, because you are the woman of my dreams.” 
“Wow.” You laugh. “Now that I think about it, you really haven’t changed since high school.” 
“I know.” He grins. “I remember asking you that in school too, only this time, you didn’t turn me down!” He cheers. 
“I’m starting to regret that decision.” You sing as he chuckles one last time before walking out. 
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starrybumbles · 4 years
Home Sweet Home
CHAPTER 1: Riverdale
Sweet Pea x Reader
Summary: In a world so big, how were you stuck in such a tiny town?
Word Count : 1877
Author’s Note: Hi guys! This is my first piece of writing I’m putting out so hopefully it’s good lol. I’m not even caught up with Riverdale tbh, and that’s bc there’s so little Sweet Pea. Back to the point though, I would love your guys’ review on this (:
           Moving away from California was the last thing you wanted to do. It was your home- your safe place. So many good things happened there and now... it was miles away. The trees blurred into a green blob, right up until you decided to focus on one. Then it seemed to go in slow motion. A sigh escaped your lips, eyes flickering up to the rearview mirror. The backseat- along with the trunk- was filled with your bags. It left little room to actually use the mirror for what it’s meant for. But then again, no one was rushing to stay at the ‘town with pep’. (It was anything but.)
“It’ll be fine.” Your mom’s hand came to rest on your own. “Think of this as a fresh start.”
“I didn’t want a fresh start.” 
There was a pause. The words had flown out faster than you could stop them. They left a bad taste in your mouth- complaining wasn’t something you liked to do. This whole move wasn’t your mom’s fault; people were shit and liked to shit on others. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay. I know what you’re feeling. But I really do think you’ll be happier here.”  
As another silence hung over you both, you couldn’t help but wonder if that was true. Your life back in California was like a dream. You had a good group of friends, a best friend, and a place where you felt good and safe. It was a scene ripped right from the movie screen. But heading to Riverdale gave you a whole new perspective and you couldn’t say you liked it. 
The sun beat down your back as you pulled the rest of the suitcases out of the trunk. You could already feel the sweat building up on your neck. Even in Riverdale you couldn’t beat Summer’s heat- go figure. With three bags in your left and a suitcase in your right, you stepped back to let your mom shut the trunk. Your eyes wandered over to the park’s sign, dingy from years of standing. 
Sunnyside Trailer Park. Low Rates- No Pets- Swimming Pool.
A painted sun beamed with yellow and red rays right above the words. A line, the same shade of red, ran right through the second set below. 
Many times you’ve been here through the years and you couldn’t say anything has changed. A small smile spread across your face. The outside of the trailers were tinged with dust and dirt. Only one mattered, though, and that one was just a few feet away. A little wooden staircase leads up to the door. Trash bins were lined up on the left, while an isolated box stood on the other. It was familiar- so familiar you already knew what the inside looked like. But it wasn’t home. 
You walked up to the box and lifted a lawn gnome, grimacing at the rust on it. It was such an obvious place to hide a key. Your mother walked up behind you, groaning about how she should have thrown away more shoes. ( “You never know if I need them,” she’d said.) 
You trudged up the stairs and opened the door, settling your luggage to the side. To your right was the living room, set with all the essentials. To the left was the kitchen. You purse your lips before turning. 
“Hey, mom,” you called out. “You think uncle would mind if I munched on something?” 
Her voice echoed from the bathroom. “I don’t think so! Just munch, though. I think we should go to Pop’s and get something.” 
With that, you practically ran towards the kitchen. The cool air of the fridge hit you, a sigh of relief escaping. The feeling quickly fell as you saw nothing in there that would satisfy your hunger. You’d thought the fridge would be stocked considering your cousin was such a foodie. How did he get by like this? You closed the door, puffing out at the disappointment. Guess you’d have to wait for diner food. “So, uh.. when exactly are we going there?”
You watched your mom round the corner. “Soon. Uncle will be here soon.”
And, low and behold, your uncle walked through the door within the next few minutes. He wore a tired grin as he opened his arms toward you. Stepping away from the fridge, you wrapped your arms around him. His stubble scratched the top of your head. You murmured a little hello and your uncle returned it. That smile was still on his face as he greeted your mom. 
“It’s good to see you, Forsythe.” 
“Why don’t you ever use FP?” He groaned, holding her at arm's length. “I hate that name.” 
“Well, it's your name.” She rolled her eyes, patting his shoulder. Your mom was the older one out of the two and she made sure everyone knew. 
Despite the complaints from FP, you knew he wasn’t that bothered by it. Family was everything with you guys, even when you lived across the country. The constant contact with each other over the years kept that bond strong. It made you wish being here was under different circumstances. 
The two adults shared a look before nodding. Your eyes shifted to the half empty coffee pot on the stove, left untouched since the morning. Of course your uncle knew about what happened in California. You figured the talk would happen later- out of earshot for you. A part of you hoped you’d be included, while another didn’t want to talk about it. 
A buzzing noise reached your ears. You fumbled to get your phone from the back of your pocket. The screen lit up, soliciting a smile at the text. B/F Name, your best friend, had been texting you since you left. You missed her a lot. Never have you been so far away. Biting your lip, your fingers hovered over the keyboard as you responded. Maybe you would call her later if she wasn’t busy. 
“Y/n, fix yourself. We’re gonna leave.” 
You nodded without looking up at your mom and moved to the only bathroom in the trailer. The text was sent with a ‘ttyl’. 
Looking in the mirror, you locked eyes with your reflection. Bags hung under your eyes. They weren’t noticeable unless you were trying to spot them. You ran a hand over your face, taking a deep breath. Fresh start- that’s what this was. A new page to write whatever you wanted. You clicked your tongue, then sighed. 
Make the most of this, you thought, and nodded at your reflection before throwing the door open. 
The smell of burgers hit you as soon as the three of you entered. Despite its years, Pop’s looked as good as ever. The floor was checkered with black and grey, the booths a bright red with silver padding covering the top. On the walls were several decorations, many being old photos. Even the people here fit the fifties-esque aesthetic of the diner. 
At the register, your mom stood with your uncle, waving you over. A smile graced her lips, her hand reaching out to place itself on your back. Behind the metal table was a big man wearing an apron and a hat that had Pop’s Chock’Lit Shoppe printed on both. His smile reflected your mom’s. It took you a second before recognizing him. 
“Well, if it isn’t little Y/n L/n. Look at you all grown up.” His voice was as warm as an apple pie fresh out of the oven. 
You returned his smile, waving at Pop before shoving it back into the pocket of your jeans. “Hi. Been a few years,” you said. 
“It certainly has. I’m glad to see you back.” 
Pop nodded to both you and your mom before ushering you to find a seat. You followed the two adults down the line, feeling a bit awkward as you trailed behind. You could feel stares of other customers as you passed by. You kept your eyes trained ahead. 
Pop had come by to take your orders and within that time, you found that your uncle worked there in his free time. 
“So I’m hearing free milkshakes?” You grinned, eyebrows shooting up. 
Your mom snorted. “Or maybe she could get a job and pay for them.” 
FP nodded, pointing a finger at her. You gave them both accusatory glances. 
“I’d like an extra hand around here.”
“It’s not like I wouldn’t try to get hired, but we just moved here! I need a little time to adjust.” 
You slumped against the seat, and picked up a fry. Working at Pop’s didn’t sound like such a bad thing- you had at least a little experience under your belt. You glanced around the diner again, eyeing the empty tables. It shouldn’t be too hard. Turning towards your uncle, you continued, “I just need to get familiar with the place again. Adjust to life in Riverdale first before diving into being the town’s little go-getter.” 
FP snickered. “Alright, kid.” His eyes flickered to the door as the bell attached to it jingled. “Now’s your time to start getting familiar.” 
At his words, you swiveled around to meet Jughead. He looked a little stunned to see you. A second passed before a grin stretched across his face. You made your way toward him. Your arms wrapped around his middle with a squeeze.
 As you pulled away, a group started to push past the doors and stand behind Jughead. You nudge your cousin, then step to the side.  
“Jug,” you hissed when he didn’t follow suit. You gestured to the group, and when you made eye contact with the tall one you gave a smile. “Sorry for him.”
The one at the head narrowed his eyes at you. He crossed his leather clad arms over his torso, and you noticed that they all had the same jacket on. Jughead took a step back towards them, glancing at the tallest before switching back to you. It was then that you saw the same jacket on him that everyone else had. A small “oh” formed on your mouth as your brain connected the dots. 
“Are you guys having some sort of club meeting?”
Jughead scoffed, shaking his head at your ridiculous question. “No, it’s…” 
As he trailed off, his eyes shifted to something behind you. 
“A.. project.”
Right, you thought. A project for what?
You wanted to ask. It was so obvious that he was lying about whatever this was. Yet your lips didn’t move. And you knew why. There was a lot that happened back in your old town; stuff that you’d rather keep in the dark. Even from Jughead whom you were close with. Maybe this lie was his way of telling you he wanted to keep this to himself. So you’ll let it slide… for now. 
Two of the others looked to Jughead. The third one stared hard at you-- the tall one that you’d consider cute if he didn’t have such a mean mug. To avoid his gaze, you turned your back and waved the little group over. You all squished into a booth in the corner of the diner. Menus were passed around as Jughead grinned. 
“Let’s eat!”
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stattic-writes · 4 years
Two for One
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poge-life · 4 years
Shadow Of A Doubt (revised)
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As I have said before, I decided to re-write the Shadow of a Doubt series, mainly because my writing was horrible when I did it and i hated how I wrote it. I’m officially all caught up on Riverdale and got inspiration to write for Riverdale again.
Here’s the links for the original Shadow of a doubt: part 1 part 2
Please enjoy the new version :)
After the Blackhood had killed Midge Klump during the production of Carrie, all hell broke loose in Riverdale. Not only had he killed her, but the Ghoulies were back in town, looking for some heads to knock. Sheriff Minetta had asked you and Jughead to turn over your cameras that were used during the rehearsal portion. Wanting to examine any footage or photos during Midge’s final moments that could have caught the Blackhood.
Unbeknownst to you, Jughead had gotten footage of Midge and your boyfriend being very cozy backstage.
Toni and Sweet Pea had been texting you all day, saying that Fangs had been on edge since Minetta and Reggie Mantle had accused one of the serpents of killing Midge. You hadn’t been at school all day, due to you taking care of your little sister who had been sick for a week. You had tried getting a hold of Fangs but he had been ignoring your calls and texts all day.
Jughead had texted you saying that Fangs got arrested and wanted you to come down to the station to calm him down. So, you had dragged (y/s/n) out of bed and told her to quit complaining and just get in the car.
Breaking every speed limit on the way to the station but that didn’t matter. What did matter, was that you got to your boyfriend to find out why he got arrested.
Rushing into the station, all but dragging your sister with you, you pushed past the deputies and went into the cell block where Fangs was, with Jughead and attorney McCoy standing in front of him.
“What the hell? I don’t come to school for a day and you go and get arrested? What for?” You asked, turning into the room.
Fangs had his head down with his hands sticking out of the cell. The two that weren’t in a cell, shared a look before facing you, “We’ll leave you two to talk.”
“Jug? Can you take (y/s/n) home? Please?” You asked, and he nodded his head
You walked towards him and grabbed his hands, “What happened?”
He took a shaky breath in and looked up at you. Your heart broke at the sight in front of you. He had tears in his and his nose all red. The only time you had seen him cry was when he found out his mom got really sick.
“I’m so sorry. You need to know that I’m sorry and I never wanted to hurt you.” He spoke, tears escaping his eyes
“Fangs, you’re scaring me. What happened?”
“My switchblade fell out of my pocket when they arrested me but McCoy said they can’t hold me for it. They have 24 hours to find something to stick or they have to release me. But that’s not why I’m here. I was the last person to see Midge alive.” He explained, causing you to look at him in confusion, “What are you talking about?”
“Midge and I...we were...we were hooking up.” He said in a quiet voice, causing you to drop his hands and take a step back
“All those times you said you were helping her run lines? You were actually hooking up with her?” You asked in disbelief, tears welling up in your eyes. You swallowed the lump that was in your throat, eyes burning from you not wanting to cry
“You had been so busy with extra shifts at Pops and with the yearbook with Kevin. We were running lines at first. But then, we started hanging out, outside of rehearsal, without running lines. I just missed you.” He explained, causing you to let out a laugh
The kind of laugh that you do when you’re stressed or heartbroken. This time, it being the latter of the two.
“So while I was working my ass off, so that we could have a good future with each other, outside this god forsaken town, you were sleeping with someone because you were lonely?! How do you think I felt when Fp would send you on missions and I wouldn’t see you for days, I didn’t sleep with the first person who showed me any attention.” You exclaimed, running your hands through your hair
“I never meant for this to happe-” You cut him off before he could finish
“Did you kiss her first or did she kiss you first?” You asked, suddenly feeling small.
You prayed to god he said the latter of the two but when he remained quiet and broke eye contact to look back down at his hands, you shook your head, “I need to go. I can’t be here.”
“(y/n), I’m sorry!” He cried
“What do you want me to say? You broke my heart, Fangs. I can’t just forget that you slept with somebody else. I need to think.” And with that, you turned to leave. Ignoring the pleads from your former boyfriend.
You had your head in (y/s/n)’s lap as she played with your hair, “Isn’t it supposed to be the other way around? Ya know, big sister is supposed to comfort little sister, not little sister to comfort big sister after a heartbreak?”
You let out a laugh and sat up,”Sometimes, the big sister just needs her little sister.”
Your phone started ringing before she could respond. You grabbed your phone off your night stand and Toni’s picture filled up the screen. You answered it and were met with loud noise, “Toni? Where are you?”
“You need to get down here. Mantle let it slip that Fangs was the person to kill Midge and there’s a riot outside waiting for his release!” Toni explained in a rushed tone
You quickly stood up off your bed, pulling your serpent jacket on, slipping your shoes on, “Wait, what?”
“Minetta released the footage of Fangs and Midge together and Reggie told everyone that he killed Midge. So now, all of Riverdale is outside the sheriff’s station, waiting for him to be released.” 
You hung up and turned towards your sister, “I need you to stay in here and do not come out no matter what happens. If you do need to leave, you go straight to the Andrews, do you understand?” She nodded her head and you placed a kiss on her forehead before turning to leave the trailer
You grabbed your bike keys out of your pocket and started your bike, rushing down to the sheriff’s station.
Pushing your way thru the crowd, you made your way up to the door, pounding on it. The door opened and Fp’s head popped through the door. He quickly realized who it was, pulling you into the station.
He led you to where everyone was and they turned to both of you. You rushed over to Fangs and immediately pulled him into your arms, “I didn’t kill her.”
“I know. I believe you. It’ll be okay.” You told him in a quiet voice, rubbing your hands up and down his back.
Despite him being the serpents, Fangs could never hurt someone unless necessary. Actually, when they took Penny to Greendale, he ended up puking when he got home. Fangs may put on a tough exterior but behind closed doors, he’s a big softy.
He pulled away from you and placed both of his hands on your face, wiping away the tears that fell. “I’m so sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen.”
You shook your head at him and pulled him in for a kiss. “I forgive you. I forgive you.
You all turned your attention to your beanie wearing friend, who was pacing throughout the room, “What are we gonna do, Jug?”
“We can’t take Fangs out the front. We have to take the side entrance.” Jughead spoke, rushing into the front but was stopped by Minetta
“Crowds out there too,” He smirked, “Pick your poison, serpent.”
“What do we do man?” Sweet Pea asked in panic, worried for his best friend.
It was quite the sight to see the 6’3 serpent, notorious for his brass knuckles and constant fighting, to be in such a panic
“I don’t wanna die.” Fangs whimpered and your heart broke. He had tears in his eyes and was breathing really heavy. You turned and grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze,”You’re not gonna die.”
Jughead turned to face his fellow serpents, grabbing the side of Fangs’ head with one hand, placing the other on Sweet Pea’s shoulder. You and Toni were in between the two, looking at Jughead.
“We stand together so none of us falls,” He spoke, “In unity, there is strength.”
We all placed our heads together and recited back, “In unity, there is strength.”
Sweet Pea and Jughead led the group out the doors, with you and Toni standing to Fangs’ side. Serpents behind him. Fp had met you guys halfway, helping you guys push through the chanting crowd.
Behind you guys, Archie Andrews had tackled Reggie Mantle, who had a gun pointed at Fangs.
Before anyone could process what was happening, a gun shot rang out, causing everyone to either drop to the ground or run away in a panic.
You slowly stood up, looking around to see if anyone got hurt. You turned to see Fangs looking down at the hole in his abdomen. Blood quickly seeping through his shirt.
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It seemed like time had stopped as you watched your boyfriend drop to the ground, getting caught by Jughead and Sweet Pea.
“No, no, no, no…” You panicked, rushing to his side. You dropped to your knees, grabbing his hand in one of yours, placing the other on top of Sweet Pea’s, which was on top of the wound, trying to stop the blood flow.
Fangs lifted his head to try and see the damage, dropping his head at the sight of his best friends and girlfriend's hands covered in blood. His blood.
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Jughead, Toni, and Fp cried out for someone to call for an ambulance.
You brought his hand up to your lips and placed a kiss on his knuckles, letting tears fall onto his hand, “don’t you die on me Fogarty. You’re not allowed to die yet.” 
Sweet Pea picked up his shaky hand, covered in his best friends blood, before looking up at you. You had tears streaming down your face, holding one of his hands in your own, seeing as Sweet Pea was holding onto the other. He let anger course through his body as he looked around, trying to find the source of who shot him.
His eyes quickly landed on Reggie Mantle. Who was laying on the ground. Gun in his hand.
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theangriestpea · 4 years
In the Shadows : Eleven
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Summary: Jughead Jones, resident werewolf, just wants to protect his family and his pack from the incoming doom of The Red Circle. Sweet Pea and Lily join him to help keep the Southside safe from human tyranny. Meanwhile a demon princess named Myra and succubus named Lavender had a plan to bring on the apocalypse. <ao3> <masterlist> <playlist>
Rating: Mature // Explicit
Pairings: Jughead Jones x OC, Sweet Pea x OC, Kurtz x OC
Warnings: None for this chapter
Word Count: 5k+
A/N: This took me four days to write and I feel so bad about that. I just couldn't concentrate much on this chapter. And then I broke my own heart with the ending??? Sometimes writing be like that. No chapter warnings this time around!
Chapter Eleven : A Deal with the Devil   
Lavender awoke feeling as if her entire chest cavity were on fire. She huffed as the memories from the previous day flooded her head. How could she have walked into a trap like that? He could have killed her...would Myra have let her just simply die? Then the prophecy couldn’t possibly come to fruition. So then, was she truly ever in mortal danger? Or was this some sort of plot to make her crawl back into servitude?
“Hey,” A deep voice came from beside her and she turned her head to see a very sleepy Sweet Pea. “How do you feel?”
“Like I’ve been dipped in gasoline and had a match thrown on me.” She answered honestly, trying to sit up. A bolt of pain shot through her like lightning. “Oh fuck me, that hurts.” She groaned, laying back down in defeat.
“I should have gone with you.” Sweet Pea muttered as he pulled the blanket away to look over her shoulder. “That’s going to be one nasty scar.”
Lavender didn’t have the strength to cover it with her shifting magic. “Fucking humans.” She cursed, “That bitch Archie has hell to pay.”
Sweet Pea rolled his eyes, “let me deal with him. You’re on bed rest until you can move without making that face.
“What face?” Lavender asked as she shifted and grimaced.
“That one.” He pointed to her as he stood up. “I’m going to go make us breakfast. I’ll get you something for the pain that won’t hurt the baby.”
She pouted as she laid in bed. “Fine. Jerk.” Sweet Pea shook his head at her as he walked out to take care of Daisy and make food for them.
Down the street, Lily had slept in Jughead’s bed with his furry form to keep her warm. His little sister Jellybean had helped patch her up, though Lily insisted that she could heal herself once she got her strength back. FP had also had a talk with her about formally joining the pack. He explained that they weren’t exclusive to werewolves. He had just inducted a vampire a week prior and even had a few humans married in. It was all inclusive, though there would always be an alpha wolf to lead. He never foresaw that changing.
He made sure that Lily knew that being his soulmate meant she would also help lead the pack. There wasn’t much choice otherwise unless he stepped down as heir, which FP absolutely did not want him to do. Lily had been faced with the decision to either do the dance ritual and be inducted or to force Jughead to outcast himself from his own family. In the end, it wasn’t hard to decide.
“Juggie, we need to get you back to Lav’s.” She mumbled to him as he began to stir from his sleep. “Sweet Pea can help get you back. And I’m worried about her. They know where she lives, so what if they try to attack her there too?”
“I know, we should have gone back last night.” He murmured telepathically with the use of their physical touch. Something seemed off about him. His words were somehow less coherent. She couldn’t quite put a finger on it exactly, but she knew it had something to do with him turning.
She got dressed in some clothes she kept in his dresser and walked out with him. His father was sipping coffee at the kitchen table. “Boy, find a way out of this sooner and not later. You need to be out of that form by the rise of the next full moon. Six days, that’s all you got or there’s no going back.”
Lily hadn’t realized how little time she had. Her face grew more pale as she looked down at the black wolf. He said something to his father that she could not understand as she was not actively touching him. FP let out a disappointed sigh before waving him off. Jughead pushed her with his massive head towards the door, and she took the hint to go.
They walked to the double-wide, receiving a lot of weary glances from fellow pack members that were neighbors. Word spread like wildfire about what had happened, and many were enamored by the fact that Jughead risked his humanity to save the love of his life and the woman that saved them all last moonrise. Almost all of them felt incredibly indebted to Lily and already accepted her as one of their own. She wouldn’t have any trouble in pairing with their alpha as the majority were pleased at the thought of her helping lead them.
Lily felt awkward to be the center of their attention. She hadn’t realized how important of a role she had begun to play in all of their lives. Jughead didn’t prep her for any of this, mostly because he was oblivious to it all. The only thing he ever seemed to pay attention to was her, which though it was endearing it could also be a little irritating.
She knocked on the door to the double-wide and Sweet Pea answered it. He let them inside, seeing Jughead still in her beast form and sighed. “Guess it was too much to hope for that he’d change back after rescuing you.”
“This is your fault.” She said, poking his firm chest. “You gave him that potion. You allowed him to talk you into letting him do this to himself! We have six days to turn him back or he’ll never be human again, Pea!”
Sweet Pea frowned, “I didn’t have much of a choice. He would have never found you in time had he not turned. The locating spell wasn’t working. The sleet washed your scent away so he had no trail to follow. Don’t think for a second that I wanted for him to have to turn, because I didn’t. I know how much he means to you and I knew the risk it carried. I couldn’t leave Daisy without a mother.”
Lily deflated, her shoulders slumping as a sad look crossed her face. “Oh…” She murmured, having not known all of the facts of what had occurred the previous evening.
Daisy ran in, “puppy!” She screamed in the highest pitch she could manage, making all three of them flinch. Jughead crouched down so that she could crawl on top of him to ride him like a horse. She grabbed onto the fur around his neck, “Go! Go!” She chimed as he began to trot around the house as if he were a show pony.
A look of jealousy crossed Sweet Pea’s face, “I wish I could turn into a wolf.” He grumbled.
“Sorry, Sweets, you got stuck with the raven.” She said with a smirk before going to check on her best friend. Sweet Pea just groaned in response before going back to cooking.
Lily walked into the bedroom to see Lavender pouting as she played on her phone. She looked up, “Lily!” She said excitedly, trying to sit up before remembering that it hurt to move around too much. “You look like hell, what happened?”
“The Red Circle kidnapped me and tortured me...Jughead and Charlie had to save me.” She said, sitting down on the edge of the bed. “How do you feel?”
“Like a crispy shish kabob,” Lav replied as she resumed her pouting. “Sweet Pea was supposed to make me something for the pain, but he must have forgotten.”
Lily smiled, placing a hand over the scar and feeding a tiny bit of her magic into her. She had recharged a bit last night, not enough to do any major healing but enough to take the pain away. The right side of her chest began to ache dully, the pain transferring into her. “Better?”
“Yeah, thanks.” The succubus said quietly. “Are you okay? After all that, I mean.”
The witch frowned, “Sweet Pea gave Jughead a potion to turn in order to find me. He’s stuck...I have to figure out a way to get him back into his human body. But, honestly I don’t know where to even start. It’s not like there’s a library I could go to to figure it out.”
Lavender, finally able to sit up now that Lily had taken the majority of her pain, sat up in the bed so her back was against the headboard. “I know how.” She said. “But it will be a stupidly hard plan to execute.”
Lily’s face contorted with confusion, “What? You know how to get him back?”
“Myra made a potion for Kurtz. In case she needed him to turn back. She probably has some stashed somewhere, I think in that shithole in Greendale we used to stay at. Getting it from her would be the hard part. But, if we do have it then it’ll work. We just need one of his human hairs to activate it.” Lavender explained, “It would be incredibly dangerous to go against her in your state. You can’t use sex magic right now, unless you want to go down that really disturbing road of bestiality-”
Lily gave her a disgusted look, “That’s not happening.”
“Then we’ll have to work with what we’ve got.” Lav continued. “And we have to be incredibly careful.”
“Food’s ready!” Sweet Pea called out. Lily stood and offered a hand of Lavender who took it.
Lily helped her up, realizing that she had been totally naked under the blanket. She couldn’t help but look her body over. Lavender smirked at her, “Like what you see, little witch?”
She blushed, letting go of her hand. “Shut up and get dressed.” She turned her back to her and Lavender shrugged as she put on a silk robe and that’s it.
She put a hand on Lily’s shoulder when she was done. Lily glanced back at her and let out a breath when she realized she was covered. The two girls walked out to join Sweet Pea and the wolf that was Jughead Jones.
Lavender stared at Jughead and shook her head, “Poor thing.” He simply barked at her in response as he crouched down Daisy could get down and toddle to the table. Lily put her in her booster seat as Sweet Pea put the food on the table. “What about Jug?” Lav asked, seeing he hadn’t made a place for him.
“He doesn’t have hands, Shanna, what am I supposed to do?” He asked, irritated. “He can have the leftover scraps.”
Lily narrowed her eyes at him before making her soulmate a plate and setting it on the floor for him to eat. “Sorry, Jug.” She whispered to him and he shrugged the best he could in his current form. She sat down at the table, still giving her ex the evil eye. Sweet Pea simply ignored her.
“I’m surprised you could get out of bed.” he said to her as he began to eat the scrambled eggs on his plate. “You couldn’t even sit up this morning.”
“Lily took some of the pain away.” Lav said as she picked at her food, not having much appetite as her nausea kicked in. It hadn’t been quite as bad the past couple days but that was mostly because she had hardly eaten anything. She knew whatever she ate now would be back up in half an hour or less.
Sweet Pea finally acknowledged Lily again, “you need to stop. You healed her enough yesterday, it’s going to start affecting you.”
Lily grumbled to herself as she pushed the eggs around on her plate, “I’m fine. She was hurting and needed my help.”
“And your chest doesn’t hurt at all?” He asked, his anger starting to show. “Because I bet if you took your shirt off, there would be an identical mark there where her scar is.”
“Just drop it, Sweet Pea, I’m fine.” She snapped at him hard enough for him to back off just a fraction.
Lavender looked between them, suspicious that this looked more like a lovers quarrel than a friendly fight. “She won’t heal me any more, Pea. I’ll just go hide in my bed the rest of the day.” She pushed her plate away, unable to eat anything and he frowned at her.
“You need to eat. You’re growing a baby.” He said sternly.
She rolled her eyes at him, “am I? Is that why the thought of taking a bite of this bacon is making me want to hurl? I would have never guessed.” She stood up. “I’m going back to bed.” She muttered darkly before going back to her room.
Sweet Pea and Lily looked at each other, not understanding what just happened. Jughead got up from his spot on the floor and went into the bedroom to join Lavender to speak with her. He knew what was going through her head somehow better than they did. Perhaps it was his animal instincts making him more empathetic
He jumped onto her bed, resting his large head on the exposed part of her leg. “They do that sometimes.” He said softly, “They sound like an old married couple. It bothered me the first few times too but it doesn’t mean anything.”
Lav petted his head slowly as she let out an annoyed grumble. “I’m very hormonal right now and it’s just not helping my natural possessive tendencies. Normally I’m overconfident in what I can make men do. With him, it’s just like...I don’t want to have to control him. I haven’t felt this way since before my soul was taken. I don’t think I like having it back very much.”
“You will get used to it.” He assured her. “You have a better range of human emotion now. It will take some adjustment.”
“I don’t want to be a jealous idiot over my soulmate.” She murmured, hoping the other two couldn’t hear her. “But I can’t just turn the emotion off.”
“You don’t have to turn it off.” Jughead said back, “just rationalize the destructive thoughts you’re having. Soulmates rarely cheat on one another, the sex is too good. The only reason you have sex with other men is because you need to feed off of them.”
Lavender went silent, not having anything else to say to him. She wasn’t sure what she should do. He had sound advice but it was easier said than done. She knew the idea of Sweet Pea going back to Lily was completely ridiculous. It would be unheard of. It was just like there was a worm inside of her ear that just kept whispering terrible things to her. She was powerless against it. She found herself wishing to tear her soul from her physical body and hide it somewhere safe, somewhere where it couldn’t be hurt like this. She felt like such a child sometimes, and then she reminded herself that she died at the age of nineteen. She was, in all honesty, forever a teenager and never a full fledged adult in human terms.
Jughead lifted his head off of her when he heard Sweet Pea approaching. The warlock entered the room and the wolf hopped off the bed and trotted back into the living room to continue to play with Daisy who had begun to call for him.
“I made you some tea.” Sweet Pea said, handing her the mug as a peace offering. “It’ll help your stomach and maybe you can eat.”
Lavender sat up and took the cup with a sigh. “I’m sorry. I can’t really deal with human emotions right now. I haven’t had them in twenty years and they just seem to jumble all together sometimes that it's overwhelming.”
He took a seat next to her, “Lily told me about your plan. It’s too dangerous for you to go so I’m leaving you here with Jughead and Daisy. Lily and I will find it.”
She frowned, feeling another pang of jealousy inside her rib cage. “Okay….”
Sweet Pea grabbed her by the chin and forced her to look at him. A small pout formed on her lips at him doing this. “Stop.” He said in a gentle tone. “I would never do that to you. You know I understand why you have to fuck random men off the street. I don’t care about that because they will never make you feel as good as I do. I don’t want anyone else, I want you.”
Lavender blinked back the prickling tears. “I’m sorry,” She muttered, “I know that.”
Sweet Pea kissed her lightly on the lips, then the tip of her nose, and then on the middle of her forehead. This was something he did any time he was being particularly tender with her and it made her heart flutter in her chest. “Drink up and rest. If anything happens, call me and I’ll be here in no time.”
She nodded her head, forcing a small smile, “Okay, Pea. Be safe.”
He got up and gave her a proud smirk. “Safe? Doll, I’m powered to the brim with sex magic. Nothing can touch me unless I want it to.”
Lavender gave him an annoyed look but said nothing else. He kissed her on the lips one last time before turning to leave. “Call me if you need anything. This hopefully won’t take long.” He said, waiting for her sigh of a response before leaving once more.
She listened to him and Lily gather any supplies they would need before they walked out of the house. She assumed they were using her car since it was the only one at the house. Lily’s Saturn was at the cottage though the walk wasn’t too far. It didn’t really matter, she let Sweet Pea use her car whenever he needed to pick something up that was too big to fit on his bike.
The familiar engine outside roared to life and she heard the car pull out the gravel driveway and take off down the street. In the other room, Jughead was still entertaining Daisy by being her miniature pony. He seemed to be having fun too by the sounds of it. The demon let out another sigh as she turned onto her side, her forgotten tea growing cold on the nightstand. She was getting hungry, but she knew she wouldn’t be able to leave any time soon lest she wanted to take Jughead’s offer back and feast on his soul instead.
Sweet Pea and Lily drove to Greendale where Lavender stated the concoction they needed may be. Lavender had told them of this particular hide out before and Sweet Pea kept a raven outside of it to keep watch. It reported to him every few days about her comings and goings. He knew from the last report that she hadn’t been there since Lavender got her soul back. Hopefully what they were looking for was still there.
It took them about an hour and a half. They parked a mile away to avoid detection and once they were closer to the ramshackle building they took to their animal forms. Sweet Pea flew above the black cat on the ground as a raven. They were moving quickly, not wanting to waste any time.
Sweet Pea’s familiar appeared beside him and the two spoke through a nonverbal language Lily could not understand. It seemed as though Myra still hadn’t returned. He began to doubt their luck.
He landed on the ground at the edge of the wood to look into the clearing. His raven circled around top to double check the perimeter and Lily sniffed the air to try and gauge if anyone was nearby. When nothing turned up, they returned to their human bodies.
“What if it’s not here?” Lily asked, worried. “What if she destroyed it when I healed him?”
“Don’t freak out before we even go inside.” He said back almost apathetically. “She probably left it here with the rest of her things.”
Sweet Pea led the way, opting to go first in case it was a trap. Lily reluctantly followed behind him, a bad feeling arising from the bottom of her stomach. Something didn’t feel quite right but she couldn’t quite get a grasp of what her senses were trying to tell her.
He was able to break down the door with relative ease and step inside. It was quiet, the sunlight filtering through the dirty windows illuminated the cloud of dust that the dark witch had just unsettled. He held back a sneeze as he inspected further. When nothing stirred he motioned for Lily to come in.
The two searched the small house, checking every crack and crevice. Nothing was there. No clothes, no books, no equipment of any kind. The entire place was barren of any signs of life. Outside, Sweet Pea’s familiar let out a low croak of warning. They stopped in their places, glancing at one another before quickly joining hands as a loud pop rebounded off the crumbling walls.
“Looking for this?” A sickly sweet voice asked as a curtain of smoke and dust cleared. Myra appeared when it settled to the floor holding a glass mason jar in her hand full of a viscous green liquid. Her eyes scanned over the two of them, “Oh my, what do we have here? Old lovers entwined once more. How will my little succubus feel if she were to find out.”
They dropped their grasp on one another. It wasn’t as it had appeared to be. Sweet Pea had just fed in as much of his magic as he could spare into her in order for her to be able to cast protective white magic. His black would be of little use against a demon in terms of defense. He had to be careful with his reserve.
Lily was trying to formulate some kind of deal she could strike, however nothing came to mind. It was totally blank at the mere thought of being at the demon princess’ mercy. Jughead’s fate was in her hands now and the thought made her want to scream with rage.
“I’ll give it to you, little witch.” Myra cooed as she stepped closer to them. They stood rigidly, bracing themselves for an attack. “You just have to promise me something in return.” She circled around them, clicking her long fingernail against the glass body of the jar.
“What do you want, Myra?” Lily asked, regretting the words before they even spilled from her lips. Being indebted to a demon was perhaps the worst possible thing you could do. They played dirty and the odds were never in your favor unless you found a way to outsmart them. Clearly that was not going to happen this go around.
She stopped once she had made a full circle around the two. “The second the child is free from my little slut’s womb, you are to deliver her to me.” She said, a wicked grin playing upon her face. “If you don’t, then I will do to dear Jughead what I did to Kurtz and this time I’ll make the curse unbreakable. No potion, no amount of white magic, no lunar phenomenon will change him back. He will remain that sad mangy little dog for the rest of his life.”
Sweet Pea’s teeth clenched together so hard that pain rattled his jaw. Lily was looking at him, wondering if it was even okay for her to bargain away his daughter in such a way. His hands were balled into fists, knuckles white with tension. The demon wanted his child and there seemed to be no way around it. If he made this deal then he would break his own mate’s heart. He had no idea how she would react.
Lily’s eyes moved back to Myra who was still clicking the glass. “Time’s running out, Lilian. You only have six more days. Who knows if you’ll be able to find me again in time. The deal is only on the table for this moment, if I leave here today without a decision then it’ll be gone forever. And don’t worry, you won’t be able to wiggle your way out of payment. I will have that child one way or another. At least this way your lover doesn’t go mad.”
“It’s a deal.” Lily said, waving her hand at Sweet Pea to silence him with her magic. “You can have her the moment the cord is cut. If this potion doesn’t work then the deal is off. If something goes wrong with his change then it’s off. If he is anything less than healthy then its-”
“Off.” Myra finished for her, rolling her eyes. “It will work. Have a little faith in me, would you?” She asked, her disappointing tone nothing but a ruse. “One strand of his human hair added, let it sit for thirty seconds and stir. Every drop down that canine throat of his and it’ll be done. He’ll return to what nature intended.”
The demoness handed the jar to Lily who grasped it tightly in her hands, afraid that it would disappear she didn’t. It felt oddly light in her hands, as if she had expected it to weigh twice as much. Myra disappeared with a cruel grin and silence surrounded them.
Lily undid her spell on Sweet Pea and her heart hurt enough for the both of them. Tears were threatening to spill from his eyes, angry hot saline that didn’t dare to fall down his face. “What have you done?” He asked, his voice so dangerously low that she took a few steps back. Fear raced through her at the lethal glare on his face before she could say anything he turned back into a raven and flew out the open door.
Lily arrived back at the trailer park ninety minutes later. After getting a hair from his comb within his room, she walked into the double-wide with the necessary ingredients. She found that Daisy was taking a nap on the couch while Jughead was pacing between the living room and Lavender’s room in order to keep an eye on both of them.
When he saw her, he gave her a quizzical look. She shook her head, not wanting to talk about what had transpired with Sweet Pea. She was worried that if she said his name then he’d suddenly reappear to rip her to shreds with his words. She already hurt too much from the deal she made. She didn’t need to feel any worse.
She followed Myra’s directions, adding the hair and waiting before stirring it. She poured the mixture into a bowl and sat it down on the linoleum of the kitchen floor so he could drink it. She had to brace herself for what she was about to watch. Jughead had never let her watch him change before and she knew that it was going to be incredibly painful for him.
Jughead drank it, hesitating after the first sip before greedily drinking it up. It tasted leagues better than the potion to make him shift into a wolf. It was sweet like berries and citrus with some sour notes hidden somewhere in the aftertaste. He licked the bowl clean.
Lily watched as he back arched painfully, bones snapping and reforming. His mouth opened wide, impossibly wide. His lower jaw unhinged and two human hands were forced out from his throat. More cracking, more breaking, more sounds of pain as he used his freed hands to rip the fur from his body to make the mouth large enough for his human form to shoulder through.
It was actually a strange mix of horrifying and fascinating. Watching the eyes, teeth, and claws of the wolf body fall and decay. When finished, Jughead lay curled up on the floor totally naked in a puddle of deflated fur. He was breathing heavily, red faced from the physical strain and the tears of pain that had fallen.
Lily knew she couldn’t take his pain away. Not after having used so much healing magic the past two days. She crouched down to pull his shaking body into her arms in order to hold him lovingly. “Jug…” She whispered, her voice riddled with distraught. “I’ve done something terrible. Sweet Pea and Lavender are never going to forgive me.”
He felt like he couldn’t breathe as his mind was still spinning from the transformation. He looked up at her and was pained by the expression on her face. “What did you do?” He managed to gasp between staccato intakes of air.
“I had to make a deal with Myra, she was waiting for us.” Lily said. “I had to agree to give her the baby in order to save you. I wouldn’t let Sweet Pea speak up and ruin my chance of saving you. It was so stupidly selfish but I couldn’t bear the thought of you being driven mad by the moon.
Lavender walked out, having been woken up from her nap and feeling ever the more hungry. Her drive for a soul was getting worse but she worried about leaving without Sweet Pea there to protect her. Upon seeing the two on the floor, she let out a sigh of relief. “Good you got it. I need to feed, where is Pea?”
Lily chewed on her lip nervously, not knowing what to tell her. “He took off without me. I’m not sure where he is. I can locate him for you.”
She frowned, not understanding or liking what may have happened between them. Her jealousy spiking out of nowhere. “Why would he do that?”
“Lavie, listen.” Lily stood as Jughead sat up on his own. “Myra had the potion, she wouldn’t give it to us without a deal.”
Lavender’s brow furrowed, a sinking feeling growing within her stomach. “What kind of deal?”
Lily was about to break down, knowing that she was about to lose the woman who had quickly become her best friend. “The baby...the baby for the potion...I’m so sorry, Lavender, I had no choice-”
The hybrid’s eyes flashed black, the sclera no longer present. “Get out of my house.” She seethed angrily as an unknown force whipped her hair around her. “And don’t you ever come back.”
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Tag List: @the-gargoyle-queen​, @lilhemmo​, @wayward-river​, @southside-vixen, @princesweetpea​, @redhairdontcare732​  (comment/ask/message if you want to be added or subscribe to AO3)
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staliasjeronica · 4 years
Riverdale S4 Ep9 Thoughts *Spoilers*
- Jughead getting the control must mean there’s a hidden agenda.
-  First of all, stop telling Hiram where you’re going, second of all NOT HIRAM GOING TO STOP VERONICA FROM GETTING INTO COLLEGE.
- So you’re telling me Archie set up a hotline intended to notify the police and he doesn’t fucking do that??? Archie… I know FP doesn’t seem to do much but c’mon…
- Jughead is finally asking Charles for something!!! Brotherly bonding 🥺🥺
- How did Veronica, a then-sixteen/seventeen get a liquor license?? Please take her back to when she was only serving non alcoholic drinks.
- Poor Betty being dragged out of bed for this bullshit… they shouldn’t be involving her in this. I know Polly asked for her specifically but like… why doesn’t she talk to her mom?? However it’s oddly good to see Polly. Watching the music video she’s in really refreshed my mind for her.
- So… of all this time NOW you wait to metal detectors?
- COOPER-JONES RESIDENCE. Oh don’t fucking… don’t do this bullshit… How the fuck would Betty know to snap??? Also I hope she knows that Charles can’t trace a call unless it’s running and goes for a certain amount of time.
- “Right after I fire his ass.” Yas Archie! The way that kid was talking on the phone sounded really weird…
- Jughead fucking being loud as FUCK going too his grandfather… Jesus… you were (?) a Serpent learn to be sneaky please.
- Jughead looks so good though 👀👀
- So like… where ARE the Serpents like??? But this better mean actual growth for Archie (no more playing superhero)
- He beat his son because he was being a dumbass and sold his story?????? What a fucking loser…
- Would Evelyn really be dumb enough to tell her to the trigger word? But now she’s got Betty scared and wrapped around her finger.
- WHAT THE FUCK??  FANGS??? SO HE JUST SHOWS UP OUT OF NOWHERE?? Can we at least have a quick rundown of what the fuck has happened with the Serpents? Please?
-  Betty really thought that she would off herself if she said the trigger words?? She was there for like five minutes they wouldn’t have had time.
- Penelope you really calling Toni a she-goblin?? And this was all because… of Jason’s corpse?? Jesus Christ just fucking send her ass to jail!!!!!!!! 
- Reggie 🥺🥺🥺 But let me guess, Hiram has ruined any possible way for my baby girl to get into college huh…
- You know what probably makes me so mad about this storyline with Archie, though? Is that it’s supposed to be for the North and South Side… this kind of enemy thing is reserved for that and it’s bs that they just forgot about their best plot for WHAT
- Veronica and Kevin duo, we have missed it! What we haven’t missed is. fight sequences between the songs…
- When everyone gets mad at Veronica for that still but it turns out it was just her ending move sjsjjss okay
- Veronica please stop telling your dumb ass father what you’re trying to do and giving it away, you’re not stupid. You’re one of the smartest people in this show!  Also they better not judge Veronica for singing a song at her own business…
- That young!Betty and Betty scene was… wow…
- Jughead being wrong about his theory though… the biggest twist lmao
- Get Penelope out of that sex bunker and take her to the fucking police. The writers set Cheryl up to get better but now they’re just back to their same bullshit…
- This dark Betty bullshit is so fucking weird they’re acting like it’s an actual entity or something just let her realize that she’s not a great person and get HELP it’s not that fucking hard! Young Betty is still creepy… and just because you stopped yourself from killing your cat in your mind but it doesn’t actually do shit… god this show.
-  Veronica didn’t lose her chance at college!
- Of course the grandfather is gone..
- Cheryl looks amazing but PLEASE bring Choni back to their throne as the healthiest couple. s2 Toni would NEVER allow Cheryl to keep her mom locked up.
- Every time Archie talks about his dad… we cry.
- Archie nobody thinks you beating up dodger makes you a monster you’re just beating up a bad guy… you guys put too much thought into what you THINK people will think my God
- I couldn’t read what the fucking note said but uhhhh we staying AWAY from these g&g vibes… ANOTHER INITIATION? Jesus Christ… god now secret societies??? 
- Oh this is the scene where I maniped Jeronica together, my favorite edit 🥺🥺
- poor Cheryl though like burning your own brother’s corpse and setting it into the river :((
- They casted REALLY well for Fred’s brother omg I was tripping for a second
- I barely know what the fuck is going on in this show. Like, Betty has a dark side but then she has to get rid fo it and then, like, I just…
- Also Veronica meets Brett @ Jeronica Nation I—  👀👀👀👀
Having Betty kill Jughead would be a very, very interesting twist but would they do yet another fake out? I mean there’s many excuses they could pull to make it not real. Archie couldn’t feel his pulse, but you can’t always feel it on someone especially if their heartbeat is slow or weak. Or maybe they randomly bring in yet another twin, or something crazy like that.
Also… if they kill Jughead what’s my main ship going to be? I like Varchie but not that much… Sweet Pea isn’t really in the show anymore, and I love Barchie and Choni but they’re not at Jeronica level (they are right under though lol)
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xserpentlife · 5 years
Requested: @tatiyana-rakiah - Can you do one where sweet pea and the reader get into a big fight because sweet pea thinks she is cheating on him with fangs because her and fangs are sneaking around and being secretive and at first the reader tries to hide and deny their suspicious behavior but ultimately reveals that she and fangs were planning a surprise party for sweet pea and he forgot his birthday was coming up. Lol it’s alottt
A/N: Hope you like this! Thankyou to @wayward-river for always being my beta. Check out her stories too.
Warnings: Cursing. That is it I think.
Word Count: 2874
Summary: It’s Sweet Pea’s birthday and you are beyond excited he often never celebrated his birthday but something in you wanted to make it special for him. You started planning a surprise party and luckily Fangs was going to help you out but Sweet Pea started getting defensive about it. What happens when Sweet Pea is over you always being with Fangs?
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Y/N POV - 3 weeks ago
“Fangs… Fangs!, Fangs!”
“I need your help”
“Wait why are you here without Sweet Pea?”
“He’s on his way I told him I would meet him here because I wanted to ride, but really I just need your help”
“With what?”
“His birthday”
“What about it?”
“I wanna throw him a surprise party”
“Ooo fun!”
“Yeah, so will you help?”
“Of course” You looked to the door when you saw it open and see Sweet Pea coming in. He walked over kissing you on the lips and asking you to play pool.
Sweet Pea’s POV - One Week Ago ( Saturday - one week till the party)
Friday night Y/N talked to Fangs and it was odd. Usually, I would always drive her to the Wyrm but she wanted to ride so we rode separately. She left before me and was standing awfully close to him when I walked in. Was she cheating on me? There was no way she would be especially with Fangs, but I was starting to believe she could be. I followed her twice this week and both times she met up with him, I didn’t stay to watch what happened, I couldn’t. Tonight she told me she was leaving for a job but I had talked to FP earlier in the week and the jobs were on hiatus, so I knew it was a lie. I followed behind her to the wyrm and found her meeting with Fangs again but this time they left the Wyrm and went somewhere. I waited at home for her all night. I couldn’t bring myself to talk to her for most of the week. I ignored her this week and last week, words just weren’t forming. Would she really cheat? By the looks of it, yes, and I was beginning to believe it more and more.
“Pea, what is going on?”
“...” I looked at her but I couldn’t say anything. I wasn’t going to bring it up she had to tell me.”
“Pea why aren't you talking to me? You've been ignoring me for like 3 days giving me the cold shoulder what is going on?”
“I’m going to sleep”
“But we haven’t finished the movie”
“I’m tired finish it and then come, goodnight Y/N” That was so odd usually Sweet Pea would never go to sleep without finishing what you were doing together no matter what it was. Another odd thing was that he never, never called you by your name when it got late at night it was usually always cute nicknames he had for you. For the past week, he had been acting too weird. Barely talking or paying attention to you, and you didn’t know what was going on. It was starting to eat you away
Y/N POV - Thursday ( two days before party)
For the past 3 weeks, you have been planning the surprise party with Fangs.  You've got all the decorations and everything. The party was taking place in the field near the quarry. Fangs was going to be setting up while you distracted Sweet Pea.
“Fangs the party is literally tomorrow we need to go pick up the cake oh and can you keep it at your place so Pea doesn’t find it?”
“Yeah I can keep it and let’s go get it I'll drive us in the truck”
“Cool thank you” ¥ou were having a normal conversation with Fangs. The conversation was good mostly about the plan for the party but also just how life was. You finally got to the cake place, picking up the cake and driving back towards home.
“All we have talked about is the party but how are you Y/N?”
“Honestly, not great. I mean I am excited for the party and excited to do something for Sweet Pea, but he just, he hasn't been like his normal self”
“What do you mean?”
“Like he has barely talked to me. The other night I tried calling his name like 5 times and he ignored me and then said he was going to bed”
“Maybe he was just tired”
“No I wish, he didn’t even use a nickname like usually when he says goodnight he says baby or babe or anything, but there was nothing he didn’t say a word”
“I don’t know, I wish I had an answer Y/N but he hasn’t said anything to me” You were listening to Fangs when you felt your phone buzz.
“Speak of the devil”
*Phone call*
“Sweets, what's up?”
“Hey Y/N where are you?”
“Just wondering thought we could hang out, and I didn’t know what you were doing”
“I uh, I’m with Fangs”
“Oh, why? Are you at the Wyrm? I’ll come”
“No, we’re, we’re not at the Wyrm. We had a job for FP so we are on our way back now. I’ll have Fangs drop me off at the trailer okay?”
*end of call* 
You waited for Sweet Pea to say something but nothing came but the beep that signaled the phone call is over. You stayed staring at your phone not knowing what to do. Fangs had noticed.
“Y/N I wouldn’t worry about it, really I am sure everything is fine”
“Yeah…” You stayed silent the whole ride home. You saw the shadow of Sweet Pea sitting on the couch in front of the window. You dreaded going inside afraid of why he was acting so odd, but you figured you would ignore it unless he said something. You walked inside placing a kiss to his lips as he sat watching the TV.
“Hey baby”
“You okay?”
“Pea what is going on”
“I’ll be back” he stomped out of the trailer slamming the door shut and walking down the road. You cried not knowing what you did wrong. Not knowing whether he was mad at you or something else. Sweet Pea and emotions were tough. He often didn’t talk much about them until he met you. You waited for an hour on the couch. You were dead tired from running around all day. You needed sleep but you didn’t want to leave the couch and miss him coming home.
You must have fallen asleep because you woke up the next morning to a blanket on you, which Pea must have put on you when he got home. You walked to the back of the trailer to see Sweet Pea sleeping. You looked at the time and saw that it read 11. The party was at 12 so you had to get him up and to the party. You slowly started shaking him awake.
“Pea” he slowly stirred and started sitting up.  “Hey Pea, baby get up I have something planned we have to do today”
“Why don’t you get someone else to go” he pushed you off his lap getting up and going into the bathroom. You sat on the bed waiting for him to come back out.
“Pea what is going on”
“What does it matter?”
“Cause it fucking does matter when for the past two weeks all you’ve done is ignore me”
“Why don’t you ask Fangs what’s wrong”
“I did he said you haven't said anything to him”
“No Y/N because he is the problem”
“What did he do?”
“You apparently”
“What are you talking about”
“Baby talk to me please” You touched your hand onto his shoulder after he pulled his shirt over his head.
“Don’t fucking touch me Y/N”
“What did I do Pea?. I just want to know how to fix whatever I did”
“Oh stop you don’t fucking care”
“Of course I do”
“You can’t fucking fix it. Fixing it would be not doing it in the first place”
“I don’t even know what I did Sweet Pea!”
“You fucked Fangs. You’ve been with him for weeks. I followed you to the wyrm all those times and every time you met with him. I couldn’t watch you, knowing what you could be doing. Then yesterday you were out all day you told me you were hanging out with Toni and then I called you and you were with him apparently on a job when I know for a fact that there were no jobs. So don’t fucking lie to me I know you were fucking him behind my back”
“You think I fucking cheated. You fucking asshole”
“How am I the asshole you’re the one who fucked my best friend”
“I can’t believe you would think I fucking did that you jerk! You know what fuck you. I was not fucking your best friend. I asked your best friend to help me with your surprise party”
“My what”
“ I know you never liked your birthdays but I just wanted it to be special for once. So I was like I’ll plan this party and I got Fangs to help so it could be perfect. That is why I have been hanging out with him so you know what I am fucking leaving. Get dressed and get to the fucking field by the quarry because you can bring yourself to your surprise party. Oh and act surprised please there are people coming that were actually excited to surprise you. I’ll see you later when you get your head out of your ass” You didn’t even care that he now knew. You stormed out of the trailer getting on your bike and riding to the quarry. The whole time all you could think about was the fact that Sweet Pea thought you were cheating on him with his best friend. How could he possibly think that? You cared so much about him and he thought that. You planned the party from scratch. You arrived at the quarry seeing everything. The cake, the decor, the corn hole that you made special, everything, and it was all down the drain. You stayed sitting on your bike not being able to move just sobbing.
“Y/N what’s wrong?”
“He, he thinks I cheated on him. He thinks I cheated on him with you. The party doesn’t even matter anymore he knows about it, it won’t even be a surprise”
“Wait, what? What happened?”
“He started yelling telling me I didn’t care then he accused me of cheating on him with you, and then I tried telling him I didn’t but he wouldn’t listen and the party just slipped. I ruined my relationship, I ruined this party I ruined everything Fangs, everything”
“I… Hey Y/N just breathe. It is going to be okay I promise. He is a complete ass, and he knows it right now. People are here okay so let’s stay as calm as possible. We are going to get you a drink and you are going to have some fun.  I promise you everything will be okay. I promise” Fangs hugged you while walking you down to the field.
Sweet Pea’s POV
I felt like a complete ass I exploded at Y/N and for absolutely no reason. I needed to get dressed and get to this party for her. I rode my bike to the field seeing everything set up. The decorations were perfect, a bunch of food, and I could even see corn hole with a serpent painted on it. She did this all for me and I ruined all of it. I walked down the path and everyone yelled surprise at me. I acted as surprised as I could and everyone started rushing up to me. I said hi to everyone not seeing Fangs or Y/N anywhere. Once everyone dissipated I saw her sitting behind Fang's truck with him trying to calm her down. I walked overseeing her crying. I felt like an absolute jerk.
“Y/N” I kneeled in front of her and Fangs stood up blocking me.
“You fucked up Sweet Pea”
“No you don’t, she has been planning this for weeks, weeks. Planning this for you to make this birthday great for you”
“Look Fangs you can stop yelling I already know how I made her feel. I hate seeing her cry. I hate seeing her upset. I want to hit myself in the face for being the one who made her this way. Can I please at least talk to my girlfriend? Alone, please.”
“Whatever… Y/N if you need me call for me I’ll be over by the fire” Fangs walked away and I sat on the ground in front of her.
“Baby I feel like a complete asshole. I literally haven’t been paying attention to anything hell I didn’t even think my birthday was coming up soon. I feel like an asshole you planned this whole thing for me and I ruined it. I don’t even know how to make it up to you”
“I don’t care about the party Sweet Pea. I mean I, I do care but what I care about most is the fact that you thought I was cheating on you”
“I know it was so shitty of me to do that. I know how you are I know you would never do that just recently with the school merge and everything with the serpents and the ghoulies I just honestly have been so worried about losing you in any way I have been so overprotective and overbearing. I should have said something when I first was suspicious and not have let it build up inside of me. I am so sorry. I wish I could do something to make it up to you but I wouldn’t even know what to do. Baby, please forgive me. I am so sorry”
“Can we just forget about it. I’m upset but I just want you to have fun at your birthday”
“I will have the best time for you baby” She fell off the chair into my lap hugging me tightly. “Y/N again I am so sorry. I can’t believe I even blamed you”
“Shh forget about it okay?”
“Let’s go have some fun”
“Wait! I have a present for you”
“Baby You did all this I don’t need a present. I don’t deserve one after what I did”
“Hey, you’ve been having a tough time. You do deserve it. I got you something now open it” I opened the box she handed me and inside was a ring with two serpent heads biting on a circle. Knowing her it has a deep meaning.
“Baby I love it”
“I got the serpents to represent us and they are biting the circle because a circle is strong and is something that can’t be broken just like us”
“Baby this is the best representation of us, I love it now let’s go enjoy this party” I slipped the ring on and she stood up off my lap. I stood up after her and started walking into the party.
“Sweets let’s play cornhole”
“Y/N these are so cool where did you get them”
“I made them”
“You made them!”
“They are so cool”
“You like them?”
“I love them”
“Yay let’s play”
“Oh, baby we are about to have a lot of fun. If I win we’ll have even more fun tonight” I looked to her winking at her and dragging her over to the corn hole. Fangs came over to us then.
“We good dude?”
“Yeah, we're good. Look Fangs I’m sorry we haven’t been talking much. ”
“Look as long as you make it up to her were good”
“I get that but I know you would never do that to me, and I’m sorry for even thinking for a second that it was a possibility”
“Sweet Pea we’re good, here have a beer and have fun with your girl on your birthday” Fangs handed the beer to me and left, I finally got to be with my girl and try to make up for all the shit I did this week.
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steviemae · 5 years
secret friends // sp
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requested by anonymous: Can you write a sweet pea x reader where the reader is from the north side, but is friends with the serpents but her very strict parents can't find out. Sweet Pea teaches her how to break some rules. And she's in love with Sweet pea but she doesn't think he feels the Same way. But he does and is too afraid to tell her, until one night she helps him after he got injured badly in a fight. That would be great.
You sat in silence, listening to your friends make plan that you weren’t sure you could attend. Your parents were VERY strict when it came to who you hung out with and where you hung out. Being very hoity-toity Northsiders, you weren’t allowed to even allowed to venture to the Southside, let alone hang out with them and your parents have been cracking down since Southside High got shut down. It’s been months and everyone was cool with everyone. In school, you could be friends with them, but hanging outside of school was a no go unless you had an incredible excuse. Usually you would use Betty, but since she is dating Jughead - leader of the Serpents now - your parents don’t trust her anymore.
“Come on, y/n. Live a little. Break the rules! You never hang out with us.” Toni urged.
“Listen, i would if i could. My parents are insane. Who knows what would happen to me if they found out i even sat in the same room as you guys. You know how they are.” you gave everyone a look of apology, knowing that sometimes they got their feelings hurt a bit whenever you talked about your parents and how they felt about the likes of them.
“I’ll teach you how to break the rules a little.” Sweet Pea nudged your shoulder with his giving you a smirk.
“Alright, fine..” you gave up trying to convince them this wasn’t a good idea. The bell rang signalling the end of school, so everyone, including you, grabbed their bags and headed to their vehicles.
When you arrived, no one was home so you started to pack a little bag for the quarry tonight. Making sure you have a change of clothes, your swimsuit, and anything else you might need tonight while also keeping it minimal as you didn’t want to carry around a huge bag while sneaking in and out of your house.
“y/n!” your mom called as she made her way up the stairs. You shoved your bag under your bed quickly before she opened the door.
“Hey, mom.” you smiled as you took some books out of you bag.
“What’re you doing?” she asked, walking over to sit on the edge of your bed.
“I am going to get started on some homework so i won’t have to worry about sunday.” you informed taking all of your books and notebooks to your desk.
“Any plans this weekend?” she asked.
“Um actually, a few of my friends are going to the quarry for a little get together. I was going to see if maybe, i could possibly go?” you asked as you rummaged through your drawers for some comfy clothes to change into.
“Your father and i were talking and you’ve been in every weekend for a long time. So maybe this weekend won’t hurt anything.” she said. You dropped everything in your hands and turned around.
“Um i’m sorry. Who are you and what have you done with my mother?” you asked not believing her act for a second.
“You’ve been home everyday, every night, every weekend ever since we told you no more Betty Cooper. We’ve realized we can’t keep you locked in forever. Just be cautious of who’s around, you know how those Southsiders get. I want hourly updates of where you are and who you’re with.” she said pointing her finger at you sternly.
“This isn’t a joke?” you asked still not believing her.
“No jokes, dear. Have fun this weekend. Worry about your homework sunday.” she got up from your bed, patting your shoulder and walking out. You immediately grabbed your phone, texting the group chat you were in with the entire group saying that your mother had suspiciously given you the weekend to do whatever so you didn’t need to sneak out and that you’d meet them at the quarry tonight.
You grabbed the bag out you had packed earlier, making sure everything was in there that you needed. You had changed into some shorts and a shirt with your swimsuit underneath. As you walked down the stairs you heard your mom and dad in the kitchen talking and the smell of food hit your nose.
“Hey, i’m heading out. Is midnight okay?” you asked checking curfew time. You parent’s gave each other a look before your mother let out a sigh and answered.
“Midnight is fine, dear. Don’t forget what i said - texts every hour of who you’re with and where you’re at.” she said pointing the spoon she had in her had at you.
“I got it, mom. It’s just the normal group i’ve been hanging out with since birth, plus Veronica now of course. And we’ll be at the quarry. See you guys at midnight.” you stole a breadstick they had sat out to eat with their lasagna and ran out the door before they could change their minds.
At the quarry, everyone’s eyes were on you in disbelief.
“Oh my god, you were serious. They let you out of your cage for that night!” Reggie yelled running over to you and throwing you over his shoulder to carry you over to the group.
“No i wasn’t joking, but trust me, i found it just as hard to believe as you guys did.” you said once Reggie put you down.
“So what time do we have you till?” Sweet Pea asked.
“Midnight, unfortunately. But we have -” you paused, checking the time on your phone and seeing that it was barely 7 o’clock, “four hours so you better make it worth my while.” you sent Sweet Pea a wink. He chuckled and pulled his shirt of his head, tossing it at you making it cover your face.
“See you in the water then, princess.” he said before running off and cannon-balling into the lake. You grabbed the shirt off your head and let it fall to the ground.
“I say tonight is the night you tell Sweet Pea you like him before Josie digs her claws into him.” Cheryl mumbled into your ear. You shook your head letting out a scoff as you pulled your shirt over your head. You grabbed your phone out of your pocket, texting your mom that you had arrived and quick list of people that were there - obviously leaving out the ones she wouldn’t approve of. You put your phone in your bag and shimmied out of your shorts before running to the water and doing your own little cannonball.
The whole night, you and Sweet Pea were inseparable. Around 11:30, you decided to start heading home so you gathered your things and started shoving them in your bag.
“You’re absolutely sure you can’t stay any longer?” Betty asked.
“Positive. I don’t want to push it when they just now let me have some fun. So i think i’ll oblige by the midnight rule.” you said as you pulled the sweatshirt you brought over your head. Sweet Pea stood up and started walking with you towards your car after you told everyone bye.
Weeks had passed since the night at the quarry. You and the group got closer and your parents started letting you out more - not every weekend but sometimes you got away with dinner at Pop’s and a movie at the Bijou. You and Sweet Pea had grown even closer. The crush you had on him blossomed into full on feelings, but you wouldn’t let him know that. How was a Serpent going to like a Northsider with stuck up parents who literally hate the Southside’s existence? So you kept it to yourself.
You were currently walking home from the Bijou with Betty and Veronica when you spotted Fangs basically carrying a very wounded Sweet Pea.
“Oh my god. What happened?” you asked, the three of you rushing over to the two of them.
“Ghoulie’s happened. Sweet Pea and i didn’t have time to react and that cut him in the side and took off.” Fangs explained.
“How far away is his trailer?” you asked wrapping your arm around Sweet Pea’s middle and throwing his other arm over your shoulder making sure to keep pressure on the wound as you walked with them to his trailer. Betty and Veronica went home, per your request.
“Where are your keys, Pea?” you asked softly.
“Back pocket.” he winced. You moved your arm that was wrapped around his middle and grabbed his keys from his back pocket and moved to open the door. You and Fangs maneuvered Sweet Pea inside and sat him on the couch. You immediately got down on your knees in front of Sweet Pea, moving his shirt to look at the wound more closely.
“Think you can take care of this, y/n? I need to go tell Jones and Fp what happened.” Fangs asked.
“Yeah, sure go ahead. I got this.” you nodded. Fangs silently checked with Sweet Pea, making sure it was okay for him to leave and Sweet Pea nodded, wincing as you poked gently around the cut.
“Sorry. Um where’s your medical supplies?” you asked standing up. Sweet Pea told you they were on the kitchen table and towels were in the closet in the hallway. You gathered everything you needed and walked back to Sweet Pea, dumping everything on the couch next to him. You grabbed the bag of sugar and opened it, sitting it down on the coffee table before laying down a towel next to Sweet Pea to catch everything.
“What the hell are you doing?” he asked with a pain expression as you began pouring sugar over his wound.
“Sugar clots blood to stop it from bleeding. Of course, i’ll have to clean the sugar out of the cut with peroxide but at least it won’t be bleeding anymore.” you explained as you grabbed the peroxide and poured some over, cleaning the granules of sugar out of his wound and repeating the process. After the third time, the cut had finally stopped bleeding and you were able to clean up around it. You bandaged it up and sat back, wiping your hands clean on one of the towels. You noticed that his hands were covered in blood and grabbed one of them to begin cleaning them up.
“Now what’re you doing?” he whispered.
“Cleaning the blood of your hands.” you said simply, not stopping your action. You gently wiped the wet cloth across the palm of his hand, “the cut is long, but not that deep. I don’t think you’ll need stitches but if it starts bleeding badly again, i suggest going to the hospital.” you informed as you finished cleaning that last bit of blood from his hand.
“Thanks, y/n.” he said shifting in his spot.
“You should probably change out of those bloody clothes too.”
“Think i can change without irritating it?” he asked pointing to his cut.
“If you’re careful.” you watched as Sweet Pea stood up from the couch, wincing with every move he made and headed to his room. After a few moments you heard him calling for you. Standing up from the floor, you walked to his room.
“Can you help?” he asked looking as if he’d been struggling to take off his jacket. You chuckled lightly walking over and standing in front of him. You slipped your hands under the shoulders of his jacket, pushing it down his arms so that it would slide off easier, before pulling it from his arms and tossing it on his bed.
“That all?” you asked.
“Well if i couldn’t get my jacket off, you think i can get my shirt off?” he asked like it was obvious.
“Right. Okay, lift your arms up then.” you told him. He lifted them slowly, wincing as the skin on his side slightly stretched at his movements and you quickly and carefully, grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it off. He dropped his arms to his side, you dropping his shirt to the floor. Both of you paused for a second, staring at each other. You suddenly became aware of the close proximity.
“You wouldn’t mind helping me out of my pants, would you?” he whisperd with a slight smirk on his face.
“I think you can manage that on your own, Sweets.” you whispered back, tilting your head up to get a better look at his face.
“I think i owe you for patching me up.” he said brushing his fingertips along your forearm,
“You don’t owe me anything.”
“Ah but see, i want to pay you back for helping me. So be quiet and let me do it.” he said as he slowly leaned in. his fingertips brushed up your arm and up the side of your neck as his hand cupped your face. Your eyes fluttered closed as you waited for his lips to touch yours and soon they did. Ever so softly, his lips found yours. You thought you were floating for a second, you had dreamed of this moment since your crush on Sweet Pea festered and now you were essentially telling him you liked him, and he was telling you the same.
When he pulled away, you kept your eyes closed for a second, basking in the moment a little longer as he placed his forehead against yours.
“Not to ruin the moment, but i should probably head home.” you whispered finally opening your eyes.
“We’ll talk tomorrow.” he said, kissing you one more time before letting you leave.
As you walked out of Sweet Pea’s trailer, you couldn’t help the giant childlike smile on your face as you immediately texted the girls group chat about what just happened.
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statticscribbles · 3 years
Summary: Sweet Pea/Reader, Request: Using the song “Who Do You Love” by The Chainsmokers? But instead of her actually cheating maybe she’s helping out a friend get over a break up or something & Sweet Pea thinks she’s cheating; angst with a happy ending?
You shake your head hanging up your phone and watching Sweet Pea sleeping. You slide out of bed and pull your jacket on as you leave his home. “Babe where were you this morning?” He pulls you into his arms as he sits on the couch, questioning as he pulls you into a kiss. “Bathroom.” You state and he frowns.
“For three hours?” You shrug and stay quiet. Sweet Pea glares but doesn’t say anything, you toss your jacket off and he frowns holding up a handful of receipts and a pack of gum. “You hate this brand?” “It’s not mine.” “Well I guessed that, who’s are they.” He hisses. “A friend.” “A friend that you sneak out to see for three hours?” You narrow your eyes at his tone.
“Do I need to tell you everytime I go out?” “No, you know I don’t care about that. Apparently you’ve been going to Pop’s without me? Despite ordering two meals? Now I’m curious” “Just hungry; why are we talking about it then?” “Don’t put this on me, you’re the one sneaking behind my back to god knows where.”
“Sweet Pea I swear it’s nothing, please.” “If it’s nothing why can’t you tell me?” You hate how hurt he looks. “It’s just not a good time right now, I swear, I will tell you-“ “How long then?” You furrow your brow at his question. “How long what?” He raises his eyebrows at you crossing his arms. “How long have you been sneaking behind my back, how long have you been lying to me, how long Y/N” You shake your head. “Sweet Pea you can’t think I’m cheating on you, seriously? You’re-“ “Not important enough for you to tell the truth too.” He nods to the door. “What?”
“Get out. Just until you decide to tell me the truth.” You glare at him grabbing your jacket from the chair and shoving it on as you rush out the door. You don’t bother looking back and you miss how Sweet Pea follows you to the doorway, watching you call someone.
“Hey yeah, can I come over?” “You sound like you’ve been crying.” “I have, it’s nothing, before you ask.” You pause waiting for a reply. “Well come over then.” You sigh hanging up and making your way out of the trailer park. You roll your eyes as you watch him pull up. “The helmet is a bit much yeah?” “Gotta protect myself.” You hum shaking your head. “You scared about someone catching on?” He laughs shaking his head, before you swing over clinging to him as he speeds off towards his house. “You know I wouldn’t have pegged you for a motorcycle guy.” He shrugs pulling his helmet off and stowing his bike in his garage. “Your dad in?” “No, he’s at work, come on.” You slump on the couch. “So why were you crying earlier.” “Sweet pea thinks I’m cheating on him.” “Are you?”
“With you, I should clarify.” You watch his eyes widen in panic. “Wait he knows?” You hold your hands up shaking your head. “No didn’t tell him anything, it’s why he kicked me out.” “He kicked you out?” You nod and shrug. “Oh my god Y/N I’m so sorry, we can-“ “It’s fine. Seriously can we just go to Pop’s like we planned.” He nods offering you a hand to get up; he pulls you into a hug as you stand and you shove him slightly. “What?” “I’m fine.” He nudges your shoulder. “I’ll be fine once we get food.”He laughs nodding.
You’re slumped in the booth groaning in annoyance. “Listen, no that’s not how-“ “Fangs?” You freeze refusing to meet Sweet Pea’s eyes as he slide next to you. “You’re cheating on me with Fangs.” He hisses into your ear, and you cringe away from him. Fangs nervously reaches forward and Sweet Pea pulls back in disgust. “I can’t believe you two went behind my back and-“ “I like guys.” Fangs blurts out.
“Okay that doesn’t explain-“ He gestures towards you. “I asked Y/N for dating advice.” You watch Sweet Pea’s face change instantly, from disgust and angry to frustration “Why didn’t you ask me?! I’m your best friend!” “Yeah you are but that doesn’t mean you’re good at dating!” “I have Y/N don’t I?” “Yes but who plans all your dates? Who planned that adorable anniversary party?” Sweet Pea narrows his eyes. He pulls the burger you’ve gotten over angrily chewing on a handful of fries as well as the remains of your burger. “I hate both of you so much right now.”
“We know Sweet Pea, but isn’t this better than us apparently going at it?” Fangs chuckles and Sweet Pea nods slowly. “So, who’s the guy?” “What?” “The guy you want advice on.” “Oh uhh..” “It’s Kevin isn’t it.” “Maybe.”
Sweet Pea pulls you against him when you get back to his trailer. “I’m so sorry babe.” ‘What no I should apologize, I mean-“ You start but he shakes his head ‘Fangs should. If he didn’t ask to keep it a secret I wouldn’t have thought anything about-Wait why didn’t he tell me?” Sweet Pea looks at you and you avert your eyes. “Y/N, what do you know? “He said you weren’t good at keeping secrets.”
“I’m great at keeping secrets!I kept it a secret that Joaquin and Kevin did it on the pool table and I kept it hush about that time toni- Anyways.” “Sweet Pea, what about that time you told everyone Fangs broke his arm trying to tap dance? Or when Toni almost got a tramp stamp? What about-“ “Okay fine I’m not the best, unless it counts.” “Oh really?” Sweet Pea leans backwards. “What about that time you told everyone that FP went and got Hot Dog the Second put down without us cause he didn’t want to deal with us crying?” “It’s cause he didn’t want you to see him crying. DAMMIT, that was supposed to be a secret!” You swallow a laugh. “Y/N, can you forgive me.” “For telling FP’s secret?”
“No, for thinking you were cheating on me.” “Of course, I already do. There’s nothing to forgive, I mean besides your stupidity, but that’s not really possible.” Sweet Pea sighs in relief hugging you as he rests his head on yours. “I love you.” “I love you too.” You can’t help but smile as he smiles into your hair as you respond automatically. “I love you more.” He responds, you shake your head. “That may be true but I love you most.” “Well since I’m so bad at keeping secrets, I love you the most.” You laugh. “It’s not a secret if it’s a lie.”
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notmyatari · 4 years
On “Intellivision Amico,” from a friend
This was just posted on the AtariAge forum, where Tommy Tallarico has been holding court for the past year. I thought it would be smart to preserve it here. 
Yes, yes, official "hater," here.
I have certainly not made any secret of my dislike of what Tallerico has brought to our forum (cronyism, white knighting, a lack of critical thinking). That's probably not entirely fair... some of the Amico enthusiasm I'm sure is pure and genuine, but it really seems anything but the most mild criticism is met with insults, dogma and blinded thinking. I have stopped subscribing because of it (perhaps I'll go back to subscribing when some of this silliness dies down; I obviously still use and mostly enjoy the site). I have stopped trusting certain AA staff because of it. My block list is much larger than it used to be. I know perfectly well that a certain CEO has gone after me at least a couple of times (I'm really not sure why as I haven't done anything in his "official" thread and have limited most of my negative comments to YouTube... and even then, it's generally been light snark, never anything as personal as some around here have become). I've never been banned or reprimanded on this (or any) forum.
I truly hope some of you can put that, all of that aside for a second. I want to appeal to your critical thinking caps for a bit.
I always said that I did like the idea of family friendly, casual gaming. I have too many video games to even list (I'm one of those dorks with literally thousands of games), and hardly any time to play them... so fun, small pick up and play experiences and multiplayer experiences that my significant other and I can enjoy are important to me.
I have also been consistent in my view that an Amico was unnecessary to have those experiences.
I don't know that I'm a huge fan of any company or brand. I certainly have my expectations of certain companies, certain brands. When Nintendo releases a compilation of budget mini games, I have an expectation that they will be (for the most part) well thought out, buttoned up tightly and be mostly good value for money.
I don't need to become a walking infomercial for the Switch. You probably already know if one is good for you and your family or whatever. I will say this... at this point, if you can't see that Switch (really any console, but let's put aside the really heavy hitters that cost a ton for a second) provides literally everything Tallerico has promised you so far... RIGHT NOW, then you are either not looking carefully enough or you've been blinded by the "science" of talking to Tommy. I get it; I thought it was super cool when he first joined the forum, too! I legitimately love some of his contributions to gaming. My thoughts of happiness curdled slowly at first and then more quickly as I saw how he conducted himself here and elsewhere. All too often criticism became a reason to personally attack others. All along, there seemed to be a burning desire to have the last word, which, in and of itself is obnoxious, but doubly so when he preaches "let's agree to disagree" one time and then goes after physical appearances, relationships, mental states and other assorted nasty things on the other.
Putting aside my criticism of his behavior here for a moment, let's talk about the product he is trying to bring to market.
Most of the skepticism in regards to the Amico has been, all along, that it wasn't bringing enough DIFFERENCE to the table, particularly when Switch exists. Certainly, as the price of the console crept (continues to creep?) upward, the idea of a budget conscious console has all but flown out the window. "But what about the cost of games?" I hear some of you say. Well, sure, first party Nintendo games tend to be fifty or sixty(!) bucks... but how many wonderful indie titles come in under the 10 dollar mark? Hell, even the five dollar mark? "But the shop is too difficult to navigate; my mom can't do it!" I dunno... if you are that concerned about your mom's gaming habits, you help her with it? Just a thought. "But porn!" Sigh. You want to go after Nintendo (or any of the big guys) for charging an arm and a leg for controllers and peripherals... well sure, that's absolutely true... they gouge us! But when Amico costs right under what Switch costs already... I don't know how long you can hang onto that lifeline.
I think that the release of that trailer for 51 Worldwide Games today absolutely puts paid to the Amico and even the concept of it. You have 51 games, coming in at roughly forty bucks (what's that... 80 cents a game? even if a third of them suck, you'd still be looking at over thirty games)... and almost everything on that comp is something that Amico has touted for themselves (and no, I don't believe Nintendo is releasing this to undercut Amico somehow. This kind of dominance of casual gaming is WHAT NINTENDO DOES) as being an experience you can only have thru their machine. It just simply isn't the case. You can prosthelytize about the revolutionary controller and couch co-op and everything else you want... but my biggest problem all along has been that rhetoric.
Couch co-op already exists. On every game platform.
Fun, pick up and play family games exist. On every platform.
Easy to use controls? I guess that one is debatable, but I feel like that's more down to developers. I'm certainly not convinced that the Amico controller is some kind of paradigm-shifting wonder peripheral, anymore than I was about the Wiimote. The argument of "you have to hold one to see" simply doesn't work unless you're mailing one to those three billion people for a week so they can all give it the ol' college try.
Another red flag has been the insistence that Amico "isn't for us" (us meaning people who care enough about games to hang out on a board, I guess)... and yet, Tallerico spends a great deal of time here, preaching to the converted, and then making sure that every YouTube channel, big and small gets a personal checkup from him (or the faithful) if the word "Amico" is uttered. It's not for "us," but why is the drum being hit so hard on places that have "us." Do you see the disconnect, there? This weird, grassroots marketing appeal loses a lot of it's attractiveness when Tallerico has flat out stated that getting YouTube "influencers" onside was part of his strategy... and then suddenly skeptics have phone calls and interviews and free stuff. What are we supposed to think? What is anybody supposed to think? I can't help but think of the part in the Wayne's World movie where suddenly it's Wayne and Garth shilling Nike and Motrin for five minutes. I get wanting to go after 3 billion casual gamers who just play freeimum games on their phone... but I honestly and truly believe that if Tallerico and his team wanted to do that, they should have developed a suite of unmissable, killer software for phones, Steam, Switch, PSN, Live Marketplace (or whatever it's called these days), etc. under the Intellivision banner. Instead, they have gone this all but baffling route, designing an underpowered console from the ground up, couching it as some kind of budget solution and then watching as the price slowly grew. What is the end goal here? The stated goals of bringing back family gaming and so forth sound great... but they simply do not hold up to the light of scrutiny. Families never stopped gaming. Cheap, small games are within reach. I don't like the proliferation of huge budget AAA FPS titles with lootboxes and all of the other perils of modern gaming either... but nor do I pretend that that's all there is to gaming in this time.
Despite all of this, I don't wish Tallerico or Amico ill. He saw his shot, and I guess he took it. I don't think the Amico has much of a chance commercially, even being sold at non traditional retail channels. Very few will ever know about it; it will most likely be a blip on the radar. I do wish the never ending infomercial here at Atari Age would end. I do wish that some of you would realize that when you white knight for Amico, when you "stan" for it (as the kids allegedly say), you make the whole operation look bad. When you bash others for not liking an unproven, untried product... who are you actually doing harm to? The targets of your ire? I realize that this will kick up some stink, and I'm not particularly looking forward to it or looking for a fight. In fact, I won't. I've stated my issues, reservations and concerns. I particularly expect anything to change. I already know who this message will resonate with and who will take it as a personal attack. I just wanted to get some of this off of my chest, particularly in light of that Worldwide games trailer. Let me get it out of the way; my name is Justin, I'm married and have no kids and the Amico isn't for me and I have too many games and I'm  a manchild with toys on a shelf and etc. I'm a "hater," remember. But the last thing I am is a bandwagon jumper.
I really hope that some of you don't take this as some hate-filled screed... rather it's an appeal. An appeal to not let yourselves get so caught up in something that criticism of that thing hurts you like you were attacked. An appeal to look below the surface, even slightly when a new product is announced. If there are things you want, your family wants... don't be fooled by hype. Don't fall in love with the IDEA of something to the exclusion of all else. Instead, look around to see if your needs can be met by other means. Do you need the better mousetrap? Will that better mousetrap actually BE any better? Please think critically.
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Guilt (Part Two) - Sweet Pea x Reader
Summary: You’re out of your element during a second trip to the Whyte Wyrm, but your feelings for Sweet Pea are only growing stronger. Being Archie’s sister makes navigating the Southside versus Northside issue even more difficult as you try to figure out where you stand with Sweet Pea.
A/N: Oh my God, I finally got it done! This is part two of a request I got by @babbbiegirl​ (who probably wasn’t wanting all of this, but I’m very grateful for the inspiration the request gave me!)
I’ve come to the realization that the three things I struggle with the most are: titles, summaries, and figuring out how to end stories. So, all three are mediocre at best, but hopefully the rest of it makes up for that.
Warnings: Some pretty mild swearing
Word count: 8,307
You walk out of your bedroom when you hear the familiar sound of Archie slamming his bedroom door, always just a little too hard for no particular reason. Hurrying after him you pull your jacket on, covering up the plunging neckline of the shirt you were wearing. “Archie,” you call, almost running down the stairs.  
Archie turns to look at you when he hears you yell his name, picking up the keys to your dad’s truck that he was borrowing for the night. “Yeah?”
“I’m coming with you,” you tell him confidently, coming to a stop in front of him.
“To FP’s retirement party? Like hell you are.”
Crossing your arms over your chest you push yourself in front of the door. You both may be teenagers now, both too mature for your age after dealing with everything you had been through, but sometimes you still acted like children.
“Y/N,” Archie sighs, “get out of the way.”
“I’m not moving unless you bring me with you.”
“Why do you even want to go?” Archie asks impatiently.
Your cheeks warm up as the truth immediately comes to mind, seeing Sweet Pea again. You had taken extra time to get ready, tried on many different outfits, all in hopes that he would notice you. There was no way you were letting Archie leave you behind.  But there was even less of a chance that you were about to tell him the truth. “I grew up with Jughead too, I have just as much reason to go as you do.”
“You’re not coming.”
“Yes, I am,” you say, not giving in as you press your back into the front door.
Archie glares at you, not saying anything for a minute before checking the time on his phone. “Fine, let’s go, I don’t want to be late, I told Veronica I would be there five minutes from now.”
You turn around with a smug smile on your face, opening the front door and walking to the truck. The drive is quiet for a few minutes until Archie looks over at you for a second before returning his eyes to the road ahead of him. “Stay with me, Veronica, Jug or Betty, I don’t want you hanging out at the Wyrm alone.”
You roll your eyes, knowing that Archie was focused on the road and wouldn’t notice it. You wanted to tell him that you had already been to the Wyrm before, to prove yourself as being able to do things without being coddled. But you kept your mouth shut, because you were aware that the ten seconds of feeling smug would never be worth the repercussions of telling him about your trip to the Whyte Wyrm after the fight.
Archie pulls into the parking lot at the bar, already crowded with motorcycles. A small crowd of older men stand under one of the few lights on the exterior of the building smoking, each of them wearing a Southside Serpent jacket. You wait till Archie gets out of the truck before slipping your jacket off quickly and abandoning it on the seat of the truck. Closing the truck door, you notice Archie looking around nervously. Something was up with him and Veronica, you could sense that. As much as you didn’t want to see your older brother dealing with relationship issues you found a silver lining in it, that it would distract him from feeling like he needed to babysit you the whole night.
Walking into the Wyrm the atmosphere is shockingly different from the night after the fight. The bar is packed with bodies, conversations blending into a steady drone of noise, rock music playing loudly, the occasional crack of pool balls against each other coming from the back of the bar. “Come on,” Archie says, gesturing for you to follow him to a table in the far corner.
Knowing you just had to wait till Veronica showed up you oblige, sitting down in an empty chair without complaint. “When’s Veronica supposed to get here?” you ask looking over your shoulder, trying to find Sweet Pea without making it too obvious to Archie that you were looking for someone.
“She’s almost here,” Archie tells you and you notice Jughead approaching, looking tense.
“Y/N, I didn’t know you were coming,” Jughead says, stopping beside you and glancing at Archie.
“I didn’t know she was coming until fifteen minutes ago either,” Archie says, immediately justifying why he hadn’t said anything to Jughead about you coming.
“Clearly neither of you want to hang out with me,” you say and push your chair back, “so I’ll go find someone else to hang out with.”
“Y/N,” Archie says as you stand up, “I told you to stay with one of us tonight.”
“I can take care of myself, Archie. Figure things out with Veronica, don’t worry about me.” You say it like you’re doing him a favour, giving him space so he can work on his relationship. But it was just a thinly-veiled excuse to get away from Archie and Jughead. Turning away from Archie you weave through the crowd of people, eyes scanning the crowd the whole time to find Sweet Pea. You eventually spot him by the bar, talking with the, much too young to be bartending, girl standing behind the bar. Taking a deep breath, you walk over, stepping up to the empty space at the bar beside him.
“What are you doing here?” Sweet Pea asks, his voice accusatory.
His words sting more than you wanted to admit and you force yourself to smile anyway. You couldn’t show him that you were upset by that. Jughead was like a brother to you, but you weren’t here for him. None of your friends were here. You had come for one person. “Couldn’t get enough of this place, I guess.” Your tone is sarcastic, and you glance around you, trying to make it seem like you weren’t there to see him.
“Your brother isn’t going to do something stupid tonight, is he? That you think you’re going to have to apologize for.”
You roll your eyes, turning your head to look at him now. “If he does something stupid it’ll be with his own relationship.”
Sweet Pea watches you for a moment before nodding and shrugging, indicating that he wasn’t concerned in the slightest with Archie and Veronica’s business. You were glad, because that’s not what you wanted to be talking about. “Toni, Y/N. Y/N, Toni,” Sweet Pea gives the briefest of introductions, gesturing towards the girl behind the bar. You stare at him for a second, biting the inside of your lip to try and hide the smile on your face. You hadn’t told him your name. Which meant he must have asked about you. He hadn’t told you his name either. But you both knew, because you both had asked Jughead. Both pretending that you weren’t interested in the other person, just curious about who they were.
“It’s nice to meet you,” you say to her with a friendly smile, extending your hand over the bar and shaking her hand quickly.
She glances at Sweet Pea and you pretend not to notice the smirk on her face. “You too. Do you want a drink?”
You agree to a drink and she slides the club soda you asked for towards you a moment later, all the while her eyes flicking between you and Sweet Pea.
“What about you?” Sweet Pea asks suddenly.
You look up at him, eyebrows furrowed. “What?”
“Are you going to do anything stupid tonight?” he asks, a smile on his face. It’s almost shocking, seeing him smile. It was possibly the first time you had seen him smile, seen him not angry about something.
You smile and take a sip of your drink, looking around the crowded bar again. You were a little surprised Archie hadn’t come to find you or sent someone else to come and find you. “Well I don’t have any plans to do anything stupid,” you say, turning your attention back towards him, “but I don’t have any plans not to either.”
“Well at least you can’t do as much damage as your brother,” Sweet Pea says, chuckling quietly.
“Shouldn’t underestimate me.” You look away as soon as Sweet Pea tries to make eye contact with you, a smile on your lips, taking pleasure in knowing you had gotten his attention.
Your smile fades quickly as you watch a miserable looking Archie and Veronica walk onto the stage across the bar, Mad World playing over the speakers.
“Oh, this should be good,” Sweet Pea comments, chuckling. “I’ve gotta get a better view of this.” Sweet Pea begins to walk away, and you hesitate before following him, not wanting to stand at the bar alone.
Sweet Pea leans against a wall, arms folding across his chest as he watches Archie and Veronica begin singing. You come to a stop beside him, but you wished you were both still standing in the back of the room, watching Archie and Veronica was giving you an incredible amount of second-hand embarrassment. “Oh God,” you mumble and Sweet Pea snorts at your comment, glancing over at you.
You alternate between watching Veronica and Archie sing and staring at the ground in front of you, not being able to look for too long. You peel your eyes from the ground when the singing stops, just in time to catch Archie fleeing from the stage, Veronica already gone. A chorus of boos erupts around you and you hear Sweet Pea joining in. Reaching over you playfully hit his arm, smiling in relief, because at least it was over. “What? You weren’t enjoying that?” Sweet Pea asks jokingly, a smirk on his face.
“Couldn’t have been farther from enjoying it.” Your relief doesn’t last long as you watch Betty take the stage. This time you can’t take your eyes away from the stage, eyes wide in shock as you watch her strip her clothes off on stage. As she starts to dance you look around, the room filled mainly with middle aged men, most of them watching intently, a few glancing towards Jughead for his reaction. FP appears from the crowd as the song ends, clapping and ending the horrifying silence that had filled the room.
FP takes the stage and begins a speech that changes the tone in the bar drastically. There’s an energy his speech evokes, a riled-up excitement that filled you with anxiety. You became acutely aware that you were an outsider as the room erupts in cheers and applause when FP announces that he isn’t retiring. This wasn’t a celebration that you were supposed to be apart of. Pulling your phone from the back pocket of your jeans you text Archie, asking him where he went. You wait a couple minutes before putting your phone back in your pocket, crossing your arms over your chest and pressing your back into the wall, looking around the room in hopes that you would find Archie. You watch as Sweet Pea walks away from you, a sinking feeling in your stomach. Sweet Pea heads towards where FP was standing, surrounded by fellow Serpents, happily slapping each other on the arms, laughing, and cheering about FP’s announcement.  
“Hey, Northsider,” a guy’s voice drags your attention from FP and the celebrations happening around him. Turning your head, you look at the guy the voice came from, a bit older than you but still far below the average age of the people in the bar. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m Jughead’s friend,” you defend quickly, straightening your back and inching away from him, wishing you could just disappear.  
He chuckles, his eyes not leaving you, though he had yet to actually make any eye contact, his eyes all over everything except your eyes. “What’s your name?”
You swallow a lump in your throat, looking around again for Archie. “Y/N.”
“Well, Y/N. Can I get you a drink? Something to loosen you up a little, you look terrified.”
You bite the inside of your lip, feeling equal parts angry and anxious. If you had a little more courage you would have told him that if he thought you looked terrified it was because you were and to back off instead of trying to get you drunk. But you didn’t have that courage. “No, I’m fine. Thanks.”
“Come on, lighten up, have some fun. Everyone else is celebrating. What do you drink?”
You shake your head again, “nothing, I’m not drinking.”
“You have to have a celebratory drink.”
You wanted to tell him that you weren’t celebrating. That you weren’t a Serpent and you had no idea whether this was something that should be celebrated or not, that you didn’t even really know what it meant that FP wasn’t retiring. But you couldn’t figure out how to say that, too scared to say anything in case the anxiety took over and you said something wrong.
The hot air in the bar is permeated with the scent of alcohol and cigarettes and your lungs suddenly refuse to allow you to fill them completely. Your breathing is shallow, your heart racing. The stuffy warmth surrounding you and making you feel dizzy.  
“Hey,” Sweet Pea says, walking over to you. “Where’d your brother go?”
You let out a breath that you hadn’t realized you were holding when Sweet Pea returns. A sudden pain in your jaw alerts you to the fact that you had been clenching it, becoming aware that ever muscle in your body was tense with anxiety. You shrug and look around for what felt like the hundredth time, not seeing him anywhere. Of course, he was always so insistent upon watching over you until the one time you did need him, and he was nowhere to be found. “I don’t know, probably with Veronica somewhere.”
“I’m going to hang out with Fangs and Toni for a bit, why don’t you come with me?” Sweet Pea suggests, reaching over and placing his hand on your lower back before you have a chance to say anything. Not that you needed to say anything, anyone paying attention would have noticed your change in demeanour when Sweet Pea had returned to your side, the relief he had brought you simply by walking over. You walk along beside him, the pressure of his hand on your back guiding you through the crowd of people and back towards the bar where Toni was standing with Fangs. It’s not until his hand leaves your back till you realize how much you wished he would keep it there, or anywhere on your body. You wanted to feel his hands on you, and even the thought of that scared you. Because tonight had done nothing more than reaffirm that he had no interest in you. He was looking out for you, being nice, but only because your brother had disappeared.
“Thanks,” you say to Sweet Pea once you both stop walking.
Sweet Pea shrugs off your thanks, silently letting you know it wasn’t a big deal. But you couldn’t shake the feeling that it was a big deal, that if he had the chance he would much rather pawn you off on someone else you knew than have you hanging around with him and his friends like a lost puppy.
“Hey, I’m Fangs. You were here after the fight, weren’t you? Archie Andrews’ sister…you were soaking wet and terrified, if I remember correctly.”
Your cheeks flush, forcing yourself to smile and you nod at his statement. That was not the first impression you had been hoping for that night, but that’s evidently what had been received. “Yeah, that was me,” you laugh softly, “I’m Y/N.”
Pulling your phone from your pocket you check your text messages again, in case you had missed something.
“You can sit down,” Sweet Pea says, gesturing to the empty barstool he had left between himself and Fangs. He was sitting on his seat sideways, one arm resting on the bar top, turned towards the empty stool he was offering. Hesitantly you step closer and sit down on it, still worried you were accepting an empty invitation. Toni places another club soda down in front of you with a reassuring smile. It was a simple gesture, a glass full of carbonated water, yet such an appreciated one. It was a welcoming gesture in a rather unwelcoming place. Sitting there with them it felt like you were in a bubble, separate from the rambunctious celebrations that had given you so much anxiety not many minutes prior.
You listen to them talk for awhile about FP, about him not retiring and what that meant for the Serpents, about Betty’s dance. You listen in fascination as they discuss it all in an incredibly casual manner, realizing how different their lives were to your own.
“Y/N,” Jughead’s voice causes you to turn around, your knees brushing against Sweet Pea’s as you spin around on the barstool.
“Sorry,” you whisper to him, the corners of his lips curling into a smirk when you make eye contact. Looking away from him you’re met with a very clearly upset Jughead. “Hey, what’s up?”
“I was just talking to Archie, he’s outside in the truck, he told me to find you and tell you it’s time to go.”
You glance down at your phone, not seeing a message from Archie.
“Your brother really knows how to wreck a party,” Sweet Pea says, and his words seem to make Jughead upset as he turns his attention to Sweet Pea with an intense glare.
“Yeah, well, unfortunately he’s my only way home, so I guess I have to go,” you tell Sweet Pea, standing up from the barstool. “It was nice to meet you guys,” you say to Toni and Fangs before looking back at Sweet Pea. “Maybe I’ll see you around.”
Jughead turns to head towards the door with you. You can’t help yourself, you look back over your shoulder once you get a few feet away. “Y/N, wait,” Sweet Pea calls when you look back. He gets up from where he was sitting, walking over to you while fishing his phone out of his pocket. “Could I, uh, maybe, get your number?”
You smile up at him, a little surprised by the way he stumbled over his words. Of all the things you expected from him, being nervous to ask for your phone number was not one of them. “Yeah, sure.” You give him your phone number, watching him put his phone back into his pocket. “Have a good rest of your night, Sweet Pea.”
He stays standing there as you turn around and walk out of the bar with Jughead. The crowd of people seemed to have calmed down a bit, or maybe you had just gotten used to the energy in the room. You get into the truck with Archie and you head home despite not wanting to leave. You keep quiet about the fact that you had given your number to a Southside Serpent, to Sweet Pea, to the boy who not too long ago showed up at your house ready to fight your own brother.
It’s a few days before you get a text message from Sweet Pea and you had yet to tell anyone about your feelings for him, not your best friends and sure as hell not your brother. You were aware of the fact that it was still dangerous waters you were treading, maybe it was calmer now than weeks ago, right after the fight, but it was still treacherous.
Sweet Pea: ‘Do you have any plans tonight?’
You had been on your phone when you got the message, reading it immediately. But you made yourself wait to text him back. Even though you thought that rules about waiting to text someone back, so you didn’t seem overly eager were dumb, you still fell into the trap. You wait as long as you can stand before opening your text messages again, realizing as long as you can stand was only ten minutes.
‘Nothing important, why?’ You press send and stare at your screen, immediately wondering if you should have said something different, reading and re-reading the three words. The appearance of three little dots in the bottom corner makes your heart race, happy to see that Sweet Pea didn’t care about waiting any length of time to respond.
Sweet Pea: ‘Toni, Fangs, and I are going to see a movie do you want to come?’
You read the message, disappointment overwhelming your body. You had wholeheartedly been anticipating something a bit more date like, not hanging out with him and his friends.
‘Yeah, sure. At the Bijou? What time should I meet you guys there?’ you toss your phone down onto your bed, laying back on your pillows with a groan.
Sweet Pea: ‘We’ll be there at 8:30’
‘See you then’
You look at the time, two hours. Crawling off your bed you head downstairs, finding your dad and Archie in the kitchen. Archie was leaning against the counter, absorbed in his phone while your dad was cleaning up the kitchen. “Can one of you give me a ride to the movie theatre later?”
Your dad nods, taking a couple plates out of the drying rack by the sink and placing them into the cupboard. “Who are you going with?”
“Just some friends.”
Archie looks up from his phone when he hears your vague response. “New friends?”
You already knew where he was headed with that question, and his suspicions were correct. “Yes, new friends. I’m allowed to make new friends, Archie.”
“Who are they?” Archie asks, his phone completely out of his hand now as he stares at you suspiciously.
Your jaw clenches in irritation, exhaling heavily, glaring across the kitchen at him. “I don’t have to tell you.”
“Please don’t start arguing, you two. I can’t deal with that right now,” your dad says, and you sigh, leaning against the doorframe of the kitchen. “Yes, Y/N, I can drive you to the movies.”
“Great, thank you,” you say, turning around and leaving the kitchen before Archie is given the opportunity to ask anymore questions about who you were going to the movie with.
“Thanks for dropping me off, I’ll call you when the movie is over,” you say to your dad, opening the truck door and jumping out. The cold air sends a shiver through your body and you’re grateful you didn’t have to walk to the theatre, even if that meant making Archie suspicious. Walking into the lobby of the movie theatre you see Sweet Pea first, his back was turned to you, but it was hard to miss him, taller than almost everyone in the building.
“Hey,” Toni greets you first and Sweet Pea turns to face you as you walk over.
“Hi,” you reply and look up at Sweet Pea, smiling politely at him. You were trying your best to pretend that you were fine with him wanting to be just friends, but you weren’t sure you could play that role very well.
“Should we go get tickets?” you suggest, gesturing towards the ticket counter.
“We already got them,” Sweet Pea tells you, reaching over and handing you a ticket.
“Oh,” you say, taking the ticket from him while reaching for your wallet. “How much do I owe you for the ticket?”
You look up at him, your wallet still in your hands as you begin to unzip it. “How much was it, Sweet Pea?” You couldn’t not pay him back for the ticket. Him paying for you was too much like a date for you be okay with. If you were just going to be friends, you were drawing that line right away.
“I knew this was going to be weird for us,” you hear Fangs say and you look up, seeing that he was talking to Toni. “It’s like a double date, except we’re not dating.”
“We aren’t either,” you say quickly. For someone who wanted it to be a date more than anything, you were pretty quick to correct him on that. But if you didn’t then Sweet Pea would have, and it would have hurt more hearing it from him. “We’re not on a date.”
You pull a twenty-dollar bill from your wallet and shove it into Sweet Pea’s hand, sighing as he refuses to close his hand around the money. “Just take the money.”
“I’m not taking your money,” Sweet Pea tells you, holding eye contact as he easily folds your hand closed over the bill, keeping his hand around yours for longer than was needed to get his point across.
You break away from the eye contact and the physical contact at the same time, your heart hammering so hard against your chest you thought it might just give up altogether. “Fine, whatever. Thanks for the ticket,” you mutter, shoving the money back into your wallet.
“God, this is weird. I’m going to get some snacks,” Toni says, and Fangs follows closely behind her as they walk across the theatre lobby.
You turn back to look up at Sweet Pea once you were sure Toni and Fangs were far enough away to not be able to hear your conversation. “Do they…did you tell them… this isn’t a date, right?”
Sweet Pea shrugs and a tiny smile grows on your face. “No.” And with that the genuine smile turns into another forced smile as you look around the room to mask the chance that he would be able to recognize any disappointment on your face.
Once Fangs and Toni return you head into the theatre with them, not saying anything else to Sweet Pea. Fangs takes the lead and heads down a row halfway down the theatre and the rest of you simply follow suit. You sit down in between Toni and Sweet Pea, immediately feeling nervous about how close you were to Sweet Pea. You run your clammy palms along the tops of your thighs, adjusting in your seat as you try to keep your arm from touching Sweet Pea’s. You wouldn’t have minded being this close, your arms touching, if you hadn’t been spending the last couple hours trying to convince yourself that you could get rid of your attraction to Sweet Pea if you just tried hard enough.
The movie starts and no matter how hard you try to just focus you can’t keep your mind on the movie and off Sweet Pea. Every time you see him move out of the corner of your eye you’re pulled back out of the movie. It didn’t help that you had no interest in the movie, but the Bijou was a one theatre establishment so it’s not like there had been any other choices. As the movie continues to drag on you feel Sweet Pea’s leg press against yours and you look down at his thigh. Maybe he didn’t even notice, his legs were long, the theatre was old and small, he didn’t have a lot of space to stretch out. But you noticed, you noticed enough for the two of you.
“Sorry,” Sweet Pea whispers and you turn your head to look at him, realizing he had caught you staring at his leg. Your cheeks burn but the darkness of the theatre is enough to hide that from him.
“No, it’s fine,” you whisper back, turning your head to look at the screen, your body tense as you feel him staring at you now. A couple minutes pass and you turn back to him. “I’m going to the washroom, I’ll be right back,” you whisper, standing up and doing your best to get around Sweet Pea. You bump into his leg, placing your hand on his thigh to stop yourself from falling right on top of him. “Shit, sorry,” you whisper, moving your hand quickly and finally getting around him. If only he hadn’t been so tall, or he hadn’t made you so nervous that your legs felt like they were made of jelly, then perhaps you could have made something of a graceful exit. Instead, you feel your face get even warmer as you hurry out of the theatre.
The lobby is quiet, and you walk over to the bench along the wall, underneath the poster for the movie you were bailing on. Sitting down you stare blankly at the ground, at the dark carpet, covered in stains from years of spilled soda and buttery popcorn. Why you ever thought he would be interested in you as more than just a friend, you could no longer remember. You were just some stupid Northside girl, you grew up in a sheltered life, you had a loving family who did everything to protect you. Until this year the worst thing you had experienced was your parents divorce.
“Do you really hate the movie this much?” Sweet Pea asks, chuckling as he sits down beside you. You look at the large space he leaves between you two, sighing to yourself.
You turn your attention to him, leaning against the wall that the bench was pushed against. “Well I don’t love it.”
“Are you alright?”
You nod quickly, “yeah, I’m fine.” You fiddle with a loose thread on the seam of your jeans as a silence comes over the two of you. “You can go back and watch the movie, I’m just going to stay here for a few more minutes.”
“It’s not a very good movie,” Sweet Pea says, and you laugh quietly, staring across the lobby as Sweet Pea sits beside you doing the same thing. “Did I like, I don’t know, upset you when I touched you?” Sweet Pea’s voice is quiet and nervous, so unlike the way you recognized him.
“No,” you say quickly, leaning forward and turning your body towards him. The last thing you wanted was for you to be putting your anxieties onto him. You had to figure out your feelings, without dragging him into the mess of it all. “No, you didn’t.”
Sweet Pea nods still focused on something across the lobby. Or maybe focused on nothing in particular, but he hadn’t turned back to look at you. “Good.”
You nod despite him not looking and feel your cheeks get a little warm as your mind once again wanders back to how attracted you were to him. Your eyes glance down to his hands, resting casually in his lap. To the rings on his fingers, wondering the backstory for each of them, he didn’t seem like the kind of guy to wear rings just for the hell of it. Your eyes travel up his body, his large arms covered in layers of flannel and a very worn-in leather jacket. When you get back to his face Sweet Pea is staring at you, watching you completely check him out in the least discreet way possible. “I probably could have made that less obvious,” you say quietly, needing to say something to break the silence.
Sweet Pea chuckles, shifting closer to you on the bench. “I’m glad you didn’t.”
You swallow nervously, looking at the closing gap on the bench between you and Sweet Pea. “I don’t want to just be some stupid, naïve Northsider to you.”
“What?” Sweet Pea is visibly taken aback at the change in topic and tone. “Where is this coming from?”
“It’s just, you and your friends have so much going on in your lives. So much stuff that I don’t even know the slightest bit about. I grew up in the suburbs, I spent most of my childhood with two parents. My life has just been so safe, so sheltered. The other night, at FP’s party, I just felt so out of place and that’s your life. That’s your world and it’s a world I don’t know how I could ever fit into…as your friend, or something more. I like you. But I get it, I get that I’m just some stupid, helpless Northsider who you had to rescue at that party because I’m so out of my element in your world.”
Sweet Pea looks away from you when you finish talking, you watch him lean forward, his elbows resting on his knees as he runs his palms together anxiously. “I don’t know what to say, Y/N.”
“It’s okay, you don’t have to say anything. I’d rather you be honest about not feeling the same way towards me.” You tilt your head back, resting it against the wall behind you and staring at the ceiling, noticing the flickering of the light above you, threatening to burn out at any minute.
“That’s not what I meant,” Sweet Pea says, sitting up straighter to look at you.
Leaning away from the wall you look into his eyes, trying to figure out what he did mean then, if he didn’t mean that he didn’t have feelings for you.
“I don’t have anything reassuring to say to you. You’re right, we’re nothing alike. But you’re not naïve or helpless.  When you showed up at the Wyrm that night after the fight, that was pretty far from being helpless,” Sweet Pea says pausing as he chuckles quietly, bringing a smile to your face. You really hadn’t considered that to be much of display of bravery, especially not after Fangs recalled it as you showing up looking terrified. But Sweet Pea seemed to recall that evening differently. “And you didn’t need me to rescue you at the party, I did that because I wanted to hang-out with you, not because I thought you were helpless…but you’re right, the Serpents, that’s my life and maybe it is better if you stay away from it.”
You nod slowly before suddenly reaching your hand over and sliding it into his, folding your hands together. You knew you had to do it quickly, before the sudden burst of courage propelling it disappeared. “I don’t want to stay away from you though.”
“Then don’t.”
“Okay,” you state in a matter-of-fact tone, trying to ward off the nerves that were bubbling up.
“Okay,” he repeats with a smirk, his thumb grazing over the back of your hand.
“Maybe we could go on a real date sometime, you know, like without your friends chaperoning it,” you say teasingly, laughing softly.
“How about tomorrow? We could make up for the terrible movie with dinner at Pop’s?”
“It’s a date.”
Three weeks of spending almost every afternoon with Sweet Pea pass easily, almost too easily, all of your previous concerns seeming obsolete. Spending afternoons down by Sweetwater River, throwing rocks into the rapids while Sweet Pea teased you about not being able to throw well. Making out on Sweet Pea’s couch with a movie neither of you really intended to watch playing in the background. Playing one-on-one basketball at the court in the park near Sunnyside Trailer park, which never involved near as much actual playing as it involved making up your own version of the sport, along with rule-breaking amounts of physical contact. Spending hours laying on a blanket in an empty field near your house, staring at the stars and talking about everything and anything you could think about. Sweet Pea somehow was always able to make you happy, no matter how bad a day you had been having.
But the reality of what you two had been doing, sneaking around and keeping your relationship hidden from as many people as possible, came crashing to the forefront with the announcement of Southside High shutting down. It was one thing to hide your relationship from Archie when he never saw you two around each other, it would be another thing entirely to hide it with all of you in the same school. Everything had happened so fast, one day your relationship with Sweet Pea was isolated from the rest of your world and the next morning you were arriving at school knowing everything was going to change.
“We need to talk,” you say to Archie, walking down the sidewalk on your way to school. You had been texting Sweet Pea all morning, worried about this very conversation, but knowing it would be better to tell Archie yourself rather than wait for him to figure it out on his own.
“Okay,” Archie draws the word, eyes narrowing. “What about?”
You swallow hard, your mouth dry as your heart races. “You know who Sweet Pea is, right?”
“Yeah, he was at the house the night of the fight.”
“I know,” you say, watching the sidewalk ahead of you as you walk slowly towards the school.
“How do you know that?”
You shake your head and sigh. You knew you had to do this, that you had no choice but to tell the truth, but you simply didn’t want to face it. “Doesn’t matter, that’s not what I’m trying to tell you. Sweet Pea and I, we’ve been, please don’t get mad, I, we, it’s just…we’ve been like, hanging out.” You almost wince at the way your words come out, choppy and uncertain yet somehow you hadn’t even managed to say what you were trying so hard to communicate.
Archie is silent for a few minutes and you nervously pull on your sleeves, fiddling with them while you wait for some kind of response. “That guy showed up to our house with his gang ready to attack me, Y/N,” Archie exclaims. “How do you even know him?”
“Because you pulled a gun on him, Archie. Don’t forget about that,” you say it too loud and Archie slows down, glancing around him in all directions to ensure nobody was around to have heard what you said. “I met him at FP’s party,” you lie. It wasn’t a hard lie to tell, you had formulated it the night after the movie, when you realized that there was a chance of getting caught and you would need to have a lie ready on the back burner.
“And now you’re friends with him? He’s in a gang, you can’t be around that stuff, you’re going to get yourself in trouble, or hurt, or…worse.”
“Jughead is a Serpent too, we still hang out with him. You were in a street race, Archie. You don’t get to tell me that dating a Serpent is going to get me in trouble when you’re even more involved than I am.”
Archie comes to a complete stop and you’re a few paces ahead when you realize he’s stopped. Turning around you cross your arms over your chest, eyebrows raised as you wait for him to say something warranting a complete halt in your walk to school.
“Dating?” Archie repeats your word, a word that you hadn’t even realized you had used until he was saying it again. You feel your breathing quicken, chest heavy as the intensity of the look in Archie’s eyes fills you with anxiety. “You just said you were hanging out with him, how long have you been dating him?” Archie says, the word dating coming from his mouth filled with disgust.
“We went on our first date a few weeks ago,” you admit, truthfully, because you could no longer find a point in lying or trying to delay telling the truth.
Archie looks away from you, shaking his head. “When were you going to tell me? If they didn’t shut down Southside High would you have just kept this a secret? You can’t be with him, Y/N, he’s dangerous. He’s going to hurt you, or get you hurt.”
“No, he’s not. You don’t even know him, you can’t say those kinds of things.” You take a step away from Archie. “I told you now so that you wouldn’t have to figure it out yourself or hear it from someone else. But I didn’t tell you so you could try and talk me out my feelings for him.” You turn back around, still a few feet ahead of Archie when you continue walking towards the school. Archie doesn’t try to catch up with you, stays standing where he is till you’re far enough ahead that he knew he wouldn’t catch up to you without trying.
Walking into the school you see Veronica standing behind a table in the entranceway, looking around you expectantly. “Y/N, where’s Archie?” The table in front of her is covered in sign up sheets, baskets of school buttons, lanyards, and in true Veronica Lodge fashion, vases of flowers to make it all look more put together.
“He’ll be here soon.” Walking over you look down at the table, everything laid out so perfectly. You absentmindedly run your hand over one of the lanyards, biding yourself some time to think of what to say to her. “I’m dating Sweet Pea, I told Archie so you may as well know now too,” you say bluntly, turning to head to your locker before she could say anything about it.
You stand in front of your locker for much longer than was necessary, rearranging the books on the shelf for no reason aside from wanting to avoid having to resume the conversation with Archie. Eventually you walk towards the entrance of the school, slowly, but in that direction, nonetheless. You wanted to see Sweet Pea, to be around for his first day, but there was a flurry of anxiety about it in your stomach.
You see the crowd of students in the school foyer, but you could tell it wasn’t a crowd waiting to sign up for extracurriculars, it was a crowd to observe the drama that Cheryl Blossom and Reggie Mantle were hoping to stir up. You stop and lean against the wall halfway down the hallway when you hear Archie’s voice telling everyone to put the differences between the North and Southside aside. He was so ready to take that position, as long as it didn’t involve you, but when you were involved then he was acting very differently about it.
Mr.Weatherbee emerges from his office, telling everyone to get to class and dispersing the forming crowd. When you see Sweet Pea headed in your direction you push yourself off of the wall, a smile on your face. Fangs and Toni knew that you and Sweet Pea were dating, it didn’t take much work for them to figure that out after you and Sweet Pea missed half of the movie at the theatre that night and they found you holding hands in the lobby. But Jughead on the other hand, you weren’t sure if he knew or not. You had told Archie, you didn’t know if Sweet Pea had told Jughead.
You walk over to Sweet Pea, noticing the anger on his face. You had missed something, something that happened before Archie’s declaration to put differences aside. But you were determined to do what you could to make the day better. “Hey,” you say, looking over at Jughead who smiles in the way that makes you aware that he knows. Maybe he figured it out at FP’s party, watching you give Sweet Pea your phone number, maybe someone told him. Either way, it was a relief knowing that it was one less person to inform.
“Hi.” Sweet Pea reaches over and takes your hand without hesitation, making your cheeks warm up a little. Spending so long developing your relationship in secret made holding hands in a hallway full of people feel so incredibly unusual. But there was a level of validation to it, that you were together regardless of the ongoing tensions in the town, in this school hallway, between the Northside and Southside. “Your school’s really welcoming,” he comments sarcastically.
“Well, I’m glad you’re here,” you say softly, smiling at him for a moment before looking over at Toni, Fangs, and Jughead. “I’m glad you’re all here,” you add quickly.
“Y/N,” Archie’s voice calls from the hallway behind you and you unconsciously squeeze Sweet Pea’s hand tighter as anxiety fills your body.
“Did you tell him?” Sweet Pea asks as you stop walking, Sweet Pea stopping with you as his friends continue on their way to their classes.
“Yeah,” you say quietly and turn around, keeping your hand in Sweet Pea’s hand as you watch Archie jog over.
Archie’s eyes are immediately drawn to your hand connected with Sweet Pea’s, his jaw clenching at the sight. His chest heaves with an unnaturally large breath before he finally says anything. “We need to finish the conversation we were having before.”
You keep yourself as steady as you can, as unaffected by Archie’s obvious anger as you can manage. “Okay.”
Archie looks up to Sweet Pea for a second before turning his focus back onto you, gesturing to the edge of the hallway. You knew what he wanted, to talk to you away from the presence of the very person he wanted to talk to you about. But if he wanted to say something about Sweet Pea, about the Serpents, you weren’t going to make it easier on him. “What else did you have to say, Archie?”
Archie doesn’t respond immediately, looking around the hallway. There was no shortage of stares as students walked down the hallway, intrigued by the situation unfolding. “You need to at least not be so obvious about it,” Archie’s nods to your hand, still linked with Sweet Pea’s. “I don’t want you to get pulled into anything Reggie and Cheryl plan on doing.”
You can feel Sweet Pea watching you, that feeling you get when you know someone is staring without needing to actually see it. You run your thumb across his hand reassuringly. “That’s not going to happen, Archie. I’m not going to let them scare me into staying away from someone I care about, because that’s exactly what they want.”
“I’m just looking out for you, you have a perfect school record, don’t mess that up. Dad would-“
You cut Archie off before he has the chance to say anymore. The coolness of your façade starting to waver as anger eats away at it. “No, Archie. Don’t try and blame dad for your feelings. You know he wouldn’t be nearly as critical about this as you are.”
“Because he doesn’t know about the fight, doesn’t know that you’re dating a guy who brought his gang to our house,” Archie’s tone is hushed, but his hands are gesturing wildly, telling the story of his anger clearer than his tone.
“You’re right, he doesn’t know about that. But he doesn’t know about the gun, either. Step off the pedestal, Archie, you lost your moral high ground months ago,” you say quietly, stepping closer to him in hopes that nobody around would hear you mentioning the gun. “We’ve finished this conversation now.”
“Come on, let’s go find your class, can’t be late on your first day,” you say to Sweet Pea, looking up at him. You notice the smug smile on his face as he stares at Archie and before either of them has a chance to do or say anything to each other you pull on Sweet Pea’s hand, guiding him along with you and away from where Archie was standing, routed in place with a mixture of shock and anger.
The day goes by slowly, filling you with more and more anxiety until the final bell rings. The first day for the new students was officially done, it hadn’t gone well, but you hoped that meant it could only get better from here.
“Are you busy now?” Sweet Pea asks, walking up from behind you in the hallway as you put your books in your locker. His arms wrap around your waist, watching you arranging your textbooks in your locker.  
You shuffle closer to him, pressing your back flush against his body to give yourself space to close your locker door. “Not unless I’m busy with you,” you say, turning around to face him.
Sweet Pea’s hands rest on your hips, the corners of his lips curling into a smile. “Good, let’s get out of this place.”
“I know it hasn’t been a great day, but it’ll get better,” you say, smiling gently and leaning up to kiss him. “Nobody will be able to resist your cute face for long.”
Sweet Pea chuckles and reaches over, taking your hand in his and walking down the hallway beside you. His Southside Serpent jacket was in his other hand now that Weatherbee was on the hunt to take down anyone wearing gang paraphernalia. “Are things going to be okay for you at home now that Archie knows about this?”
“He’ll just have to get over it.” You walk through the door that Sweet Pea pushes open, holding it for you before following you outside. “How was your class? Are you working on the same stuff you were at Southside High?”
Sweet Pea wraps his arm around your waist as he takes up his spot walking beside you again, the door falling shut behind the two of you. “Pretty much, just in much nicer classrooms with textbooks that aren’t held together with duct tape.”
You laugh softly, glancing up at him. You hadn’t realized it was possible to be as happy as you were about a high school getting shut down. Things felt entirely normal with Sweet Pea for the first time. You wouldn’t have to lie to Archie anymore. You could walk around holding hands, didn’t have to avoid hanging out places that Archie might go. You were talking about classes, about school, and maybe that was boring, but they were completely normal things to talk about. You couldn’t deny the comfort that the normality brought you, the happiness that being with Sweet Pea without worrying about what Archie would do. Things felt like they would be okay.
Thank-you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it, even if the ending wasn’t great.
Tags: @gruffle1 @sweetpeasbabydoll  @lydiasobrien
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