#undertake genocide
moccasins · 1 year
Book (redraw)
decided to redraw one of my most popular drawings on deviantart, it's only been a year but i think i've improved. probably
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still can't draw someone throwing something :\
the original is here if you're curious.
it might be too fuzzy cuz tumblr's weird. if it is, you can see a not fuzzy version here :)
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rockydonetale · 5 months
Post-DoneTale Frisk...
[Trigger warning! The follow image contains: healed cuts, scars, and visible bruises. Has text that mentions mental health issues and an ED, though nothing graphic about the image itself!]
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Rocky, the hunter of monsters...
(TW for (only mentioned!) AFRID, C-PTSD, trauma, other mental health issues, starvation, injury, illness, dying!)
SCRIPT (Which is HEAVILY edited from what's on the actual picture!)
Older Frisk: Age 15.
Always wears oversized patchwork jacket. (Though I didn't draw them wearing it for design purposes.)
Weapon of choice: Red scissors.
Omnisexual. They/Them/He. Agender.
Autistic. Dyslexic.
Wounds never fully heal, scars always remain between resets. White scars from Magic injuries. Redish scars from Physical injuries. Bruises still healing.
Personality much closer to Chara's. (Ironically it's Chara normally keeping them from genocide route.)
Outfit reflects Frisk and Chara from Undertale, and the SOULS.
Struggling with C-PTSD, ARFID, and other mental health issues.
SOUL is... missing something?
Multiverse traveler. (Each Reset, rather just dying or full reset, sends them to a new AU.)
Still reckless, but now add unsolved trauma and a hatred for Monsters.
Always cold. (Due to lack of nutrition.)
Always tired, yet rarely sleeps. (Insomnia.)
Gets ill/Sick easily.
Normally wears leggings and gloves as well.
Genuinely cruel to monsters, as in their timeline, monsters are the root to all their suffering and pain and war.... so on.
Similar to most Frisk's in the world, Chara haunts him. However, Chara is like, "Dude, chill the F out..."
Soul has returned to it's actual self, DETERMINATION. But, the middle of it is gray, due to Frisk not being... complete.
Only 4'2 due to lack of nutrition. (Wears platform boots to be taller!)
Random facts about them!
Has canonically lost the game to starvation three times.
Has a pet rock named 'Rune' (reference to Runo, even if they technically didn't meet in this timeline)
Eyes were originally green, due to eyes being known as the 'Window to the soul.' And green is the opposite of red, basically saying that Frisk was the opposite of who they thought he was...
Rocks rocks, a lot.
Hey, he might be homicidal to all monsters, but they still have a specific interest in rocks! (Geology)
All stats maxed out. (100 HP, 100 DF, 100 ATK, etc!)
Always carries a sewing kit in their jacket!
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tautittology · 4 months
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good i think they should be more afraid for real reasons
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sayruq · 3 months
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Biden will direct the U.S. military to undertake the mission alongside allies and humanitarian partners, a senior administration official said. The project will take “a number of weeks to plan and execute” and will involve forces already in the region or that will be there soon. Senior administration officials said the project will not require any U.S. boots on the ground in Gaza. Instead, the plan involves U.S. personnel on military vessels offshore who will not be required to go ashore to install the port. Initial shipments of supplies would come via Cyprus, enabled by the U.S. military and partners. Officials said the U.S. would work with the United Nations and other humanitarian partners to distribute aid across Gaza once it reaches the port.
There are thousands of aid trucks sitting at the Egyptian border that could be allowed in instead of this ridiculous convoluted plan which means
This is an excuse to officially send in US troops into Gaza where they will help the IDF continue their genocide in the name of aiding Palestinians
"The project will take “a number of weeks to plan and execute”" meaning there is no intention of ending the genocide any time soon
The last part is most important and the one that should scare us the most given the already horrific conditions of Northern Gaza
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UC: What the-?! Genocide Jill?
Genocide Jill: In the flesh! Wassup, Master UC! Lookin' adorable as ever! I would've used that Familiar you helped me summon, but ah, whatever.
UB: So that's why you know how the summoning process works for someone with DID...
UC: Yes, I'll go into detail later. But for now...
*The team eyes Undertaker, awaiting your return. Soon, their eyes close, and a familiar presence returns.*
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i-am-aprl · 3 months
Exactly 21 years ago, Rachel Corrie, 23-year-old American peace activist and hero from Olympia, Washington, was crushed to death by an Israeli bulldozer in southern Gaza, while undertaking nonviolent direct action to protect the home of a Palestinian family from demolition.
On March 16, 2003, Corrie stood in front of a Palestinian home in hopes of stopping a bulldozer operated by Israeli forces from flattening the home in the Rafah refugee camp.
Israeli forces operating the 60-tonne D9 bulldozer built by Caterpillar Inc continued moving toward Corrie as she stood her ground, running her over and leaving her crushed.
There were many witnesses, including fellow American activist Greg Schnabel, would tell the media Rachel had been wearing an orange fluorescent jacket and was “clearly” visible to the bulldozer driver, as well as to Israeli forces in a nearby tank.
Twenty minutes after the bulldozer backed away, Corrie was pronounced dead.
Corrie’s peace work in Gaza took place against the backdrop of the Second Intifada (Palestinian uprising), which started in September 2000 and lasted until February 2005.
After Corrie’s death, some of her writings were collected by her family and published under the title Let Me Stand Alone: The Journals of Rachel Corrie.
One piece contained in the collection was from an email she had written her mother from Rafah on February 27, 2003 – just weeks before her death.
Corrie wrote: “Just want to write to my mom and tell her that I’m witnessing this chronic, insidious genocide and I’m really scared, and questioning my fundamental belief in the goodness of human nature. This has to stop. I think it is a good idea for us all to drop everything and devote our lives to making this stop. I don’t think it’s an extremist thing to do anymore.”
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intersectionalpraxis · 3 months
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At noon today, my doorbell rang, and three plainclothes police officers introduced themselves. "Mr. Abou Jahjah, we are here at the request of Dutch authorities, acting through Interpol, to request that you delete this tweet concerning complaints against IDF soldiers by the #March30Movement."
I was taken aback. I asked for more details.
They responded that they were not sure of the details; they were merely following orders received through Interpol. My children were questioning, "Daddy, why are the police here? What did you do, Daddy?" The neighbors peered out from their windows... Although the officers maintained professionalism, I sensed they too felt somewhat uncomfortable, indicating the awkwardness of the situation. I ponder who directed them to undertake such an action on a Sunday and in such a manner. This feels like intimidation; it's political. It's not illegal to file complaints and discuss them publicly. This incident speaks volumes about our current state of affairs.
IDF soldiers from the Netherlands, Belgium, and other countries are involved in war crimes and genocide, boasting about their actions on social media, showing genocidal intent, and posing next to dead bodies and destroyed homes, including personal items of victims. Yet, the police show up at my door because I lead a movement that is legally filing complaints against these actions?
The Dutch authorities are mistaken if they think they can intimidate me or the #March30Movement. If anything, this incident only strengthens our resolve.
No tweets will be deleted. Our freedom of expression is not debatable. Our right to denounce attrocities even less. Our lawyers in many countries are preparing more complaints. We will communicate on all of them.
Nothing can halt our momentum. Even if they target me, our movement is not reliant on just one individual; it is a collective effort, and more people are joining every day. We are resolute. Bring it on!
#EndImpunity #FreePalestine #StopGazaGenocide
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northgazaupdates · 2 months
Journalist Hossam Shabat responds to a problematic article about journalists in the west being unable to reach Gaza. Hossam writes,
The biggest problem is not Western journalists being unable to enter, but the fact that Western media doesn't respect and value Palestinian journalists. My colleagues and I risk our lives every day to report on this genocide. No one knows Gaza like we do, and no one understands the complexity of the situation like we do. If you care about what's happening in Gaza, you should amplify Palestinian voices. We don't need Western journalists to tell our stories; we are capable of telling and reporting on our own stories.
Context under the cut:
From the very beginning, Western journalists have neglected the people of Gaza. They focused on how resistance actions have impacted settlers, and mentioned Gaza in only the most reductive of terms. But now, as the scale of atrocities by the IOF finally becomes too great for them to ignore, these same journalists are crafting a new narrative: ‘We didn’t ignore Gaza because we don’t care, or because it was politically convenient to do so. We just couldn’t get there to report on it.’
This is a lie concocted under the weight of ever-fickle Western guilt. They deflect their accountability for creating IOF propaganda by claiming they were kept from reaching the area. However, even more than a lie, it is an insult to Gazan journalists—those still living and those murdered by the occupation.
Gazan journalists often have contacts outside of Gaza who could help them evacuate, but they chose to stay. They chose to stay and document the genocide against their people, and did so at immense personal cost. Montaser Al-Sawaf was injured and lost 50+ family members in a bombing attack, before he was bombed again by the occupation and left to slowly die in the street. Mahmoud Ziad Aliwa and Mohammed Saber Arab are still missing after being kidnapped by the IOF while reporting from Al-Shifa Hospital during the latest siege. Eshak Daour lost his brother just a few days ago.
But as they tried to share their footage and words with the world, they were ignored, in north Gaza especially. The world had no interest in the words of Gazans, but especially if they were Arabic-speaking. Rather than undertake the relatively simple task of finding a translation for Gazan sources, or contacting Gazan journalists directly in English (of which many of them speak at least a little), they were flat-out ignored. Only English-speaking journalists with massive social media followings received any acknowledgment, and even then it was extremely minimal.
The journalists of Gaza have always been there, they have always been speaking out and asking others to simply share their words. The implication that only western journalism counts as “real” journalism is insulting, degrading, imperialistic, unprofessional, dishonest, and cruel.
This blog was created due to uplift the words of north Gazans, which were not and often still are not reaching the rest of the world. We will continue sharing from people in north Gaza, but we ask that you, reader, do so as well. Do what western journalists have refused, and uplift the voices of people fighting for their survival in all of the Gaza Strip.
Many journalists post partly in English, but for those that don’t, Arabic speakers will often leave English translations in comment sections. You can also ask for someone to do a translation in the comment section, and often someone will reply. If they don’t, you can copy and paste Arabic text, or take screenshots and upload them into Google Translate. These are not perfect tools, but they give you some idea of what is being said. It’s better than simply not listening.
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vyorei · 7 months
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1 in every 200 people killed.
1 dead child every 10 minutes.
There's 2.2million people there, and now over 10,000 have been heedlessly and ruthlessly snatched away from life in a genocidal undertaking by an occupying force.
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chromatic-lamina · 4 months
I know that fandom often clowns on this statement
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from Law (about needing to take down monsters to learn about history), taking it as proof that he's somehow not fighting for freedom or that
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freedom of expression is not something important that has been sanctified ratified in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. (Article 19)
But that it is instead some nerdish pastime that no other character in One Piece or the real world is invested in (WG or otherwise) for obvious reasons of power, politics and freedom/repression.
But there are governments and organisations that regularly suppress this kind of expression (in One Piece and the real world--no surprise):
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There are governments and organisations that fear the pursuit of knowledge:
Partial SBS: Volume 86: Pedro led the Nox expedition party who were chased by the government for searching for poneglyphs, thus they became the Nox Pirates. That's a story from about 15 years ago.
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And there are governments and organisations that penalise people by taking their lives
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for seeking out knowledge. 👆👇
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From Clover,
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to Nico Olvia,
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to Rayleigh,
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(Egghead Arc spoilers under the cut)
to Pedro,
to the giants (👇 read right to left),
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to Vegapunk
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the power and desire to learn about history is emphasised and
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(from chapter 396 👆)
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(from chapter 1066 👆)
and also acknowledged as a very dangerous undertaking.
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And even Cora talks to Law about
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the meaning behind the Will of D. not being lost, BUT "living on in the dark shadows of history around the world" (it's not easily seen either).
Like, knowing history and access to history/knowledge is one of the main themes of the manga. And Big Mom is a monster. And the World Government is a repressive monolith. And this guy (guy?) 👇:
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nuking places and people for not toeing the line, or for knowing too much; riddled with antipathy towards holders of the Will of D. and, with Artur's (Library of Ohara) claim (among others) that the ancient immense kingdom was formed by descendants of the D. clan (which is canon)—
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—then wouldn't you too be curious and more than a little pissed off that your curiosity could be the catalyst for persecution and genocide?
That searching for identity, roots...your reason for being, is not allowed? (Sound familiar?)
Like, those scholarly waters are nothing if not shark-infested.
Ultimately the pen (Robin's ability to read the poneglyphs, the scholars' meticulous research) probably will be mightier than the sword, and although bureaucracy can entrap, knowing how to read between the lines, or even to read them, can loosen the ties that bind, and help ensure they are not unfairly cast.
Keep fighting to study history, Law. I too want to know about the Will of D.
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mayfriend · 30 days
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the absolute fucking gall of that 'may'. hell, the absolute gall to call this breaking news like this is a surprise to literally anybody paying even the vaguest degree of attention to the fully fledged, US-backed genocide israel has been undertaking for eight months now. 'may'. eat fucking shit. 'may'. fifteen THOUSAND children are dead
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misfitwashere · 5 months
The Neighbor's House is on Fire
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You have a good neighbor.  He does a lot for you.  He keeps the street clean around your house.  He mows your lawn when you are away.  He signs for your packages and brings them to you later.  Your kids go and play with his kids in the backyard.  He has an alarm on his house with a camera, which you don't, and he once ran burglars away from your house.  He's done a thing or two for you that you haven't noticed.  Like the time he stopped a crew from mistakenly taking down a tree in your front yard.  And the time he found your cat outside, on the street, and gave it to your kid.
And now your neighbor's house has caught fire.  The flames are just now visible.  There's plenty of time to react.  In fact, you happen to be standing nearby, at exactly the right place, watering your garden, with a hose in your hand.  The flames are in easy reach.  Your neighbor runs to you and asks you to just turn the water in the direction of the flame. 
You refuse.  You turn off the water and walk away.  And then you hurry down to your basement and shut off the valve, just to make sure your neighbor can't be helped. 
All you had do was flick your wrist, turn the hose in the right direction.  But you didn't.  It wouldn't have cost you anything.  A nickel on your water bill that you wouldn't notice. 
And if you had helped, you'd have been a hero.  Your neighbor would remember you, as would the press, as would your kids, as would everyone.  But you chose not to help.  Your neighbor's house burns down. 
And then yours does, too.
This is, currently, our Ukraine policy. We are choosing to let a good neighbor burn.  Ukraine does things for us that we need, and often that we neglect to do ourselves, or cannot do ourselves.  It does things for us that we do not notice. 
These are not small things.  By resisting Russia, Ukraine shows the world that there are people who care about democracy enough to take risks for it.  It reduces the risk of nuclear proliferation and nuclear war by showing that nuclear blackmail does not work.  It maintains the international legal order.  It fulfills the NATO mission by absorbing and reversing a Russian attack, making war elsewhere in Europe very unlikely.  It deters China from risky action in the Pacific by showing how difficult offensive operations are. 
These are all hugely important American interests, most of which we cannot fulfill ourselves.  Ukraine can fulfill them, if we help, just a little, in ways we would not even notice.
Ukraine is on fire.  In the past few days, Russia has launched something like five hundred rockets and drones at Ukrainian civilians, including nearly a hundred drones on New Year's Eve.  Russia continues to undertake offensive operations in Ukraine.  Russian propagandists and Russian leaders continue to announce the same genocidal war aims now as at the beginning of the war: the end of the Ukrainian state and the end of the Ukrainian nation.  Ukrainian citizens under Russian occupation continue to be tortured and deported.  
Ukraine resists, very effectively, with the weapons it has.  It has opened the Black Sea to trade, something that no one expected.  It is holding back the Russian advance, inflicting huge casualties.  It is shooting down missiles and drones.  (If you want to help detect the drones, which is a matter of urgency, please make a contribution to my Safe Skies campaign here).
So we are standing here with easy access to water.  It would be so easy to help.  And yet we are turning away from our neighbor in need.  Ukraine needs our support, and some of our Congressional representatives are blocking it.
The amount in question is not meaningful, given what we spend on national security.  It is about a nickel on the defense budget dollar.  
And that nickel is extremely well spent!  The defense department budget, after all, is meant to keep us safe.  That nickel on the dollar brings us security in the Atlantic and the Pacific, it brings us a reduced risk of nuclear war and a greatest international respect for law, it brings us the sense that we have friends who take risks for good things.  There is no other nickel on the defense department dollar that is nearly so important as this one. 
And, in fact, we don't even really spend that nickel on Ukraine.  Most of the defense money we nominally spend on Ukraine actually stays in the United States.  The arms Ukraine needs are in large measure weapons that your tax dollars would otherwise be spent to decommission -- to destroy and throw away.  For example, we have about a thousand long-range missiles that we will soon pay tax money to take apart and drop in landfills.  Those missiles, given instead to Ukraine, would seriously hinder Russian attacks, and put Ukraine in a position to win the war.
We are turning off the water.  Running down to then basement, caught in some strange self-destructive fit of self-absorption, we are putting our own house at risk.  Ignoring our neighbor is the worst thing we can do, even if all we care about is ourselves. 
Everything that the Ukrainians are doing for us can be undone this year.  Russia can win, and be encouraged to start other wars, where our participation is likely to be much more direct.  China can be encouraged, and we can find ourselves in a cataclysm over Taiwan.  International order can break down, and we can confront confusing, difficult, and painful conflicts all over the world.  Russia can halt food deliveries to Asia and Africa, leading to starvation and further war.  Everyone can be demoralized by the realization that those who risked their lives for democracy were sold out, just because Americans lacked the wherewithal to what is obviously the right thing.
It doesn't have to be that way.  It's easy to help a good neighbor.  This is a conflagration that we can stop with a flick of the wrist.  A bit of legislation to support Ukraine, and we all have a safer year, and safer lives.
© 2024 Timothy Snyder
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argumate · 2 months
that said it's fairly rare for a modern state to commit genocide by commission, in the sense of doing what Nazi Germany did and having an overt "here's how we're gonna starve the Slavs" document, and much more common to commit genocide by omission, where you undertake military operations "to address legitimate security threats" and just don't get around to making sure that the people you don't like have access to food and water and aren't getting blown up or shot.
technically it wasn't your plan to kill those people or drive them from their homes or whatever (although if you go looking you will certainly find some cheerleaders for that outcome) but you also didn't make any effort to ensure it didn't happen (and for whatever reason you don't face any process of democratic accountability from the people in question).
there's a reason why "collateral damage" became a sarcastic watchword during the early stages of America's war on terror, when it was regularly used to dismiss the deaths of innocents as unfortunate accidents that couldn't possibly have been prevented.
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balkanradfem · 5 months
I feel that any bad-faith argument about abortion needs to be turned into argument about quality and value of all life on earth. Because we are an intelligent species, and are capable of looking ahead and seeing the consequences of out actions.
For instance, we are living in a world with current ongoing wars, where certain people are given the orders to end thousands of lives, without any consequences or retributions. And yet this is not where pro-life is focusing their intent; apparently once babies grow up it's perfectly fine to gruesomely end those same lives in a genocide, or be starved to death during wars, that kind of thing just 'can't be helped'. But women can be pressured and guilted into birthing more babies, so apparently that's the way to go, sure way to increase the amount of suffering in the world.
But, you'll say, not all born babies will be killed off in wars (weird thing to say honestly), what about children who will live their lives safely and happily on this planet?
Well, tell me how?
Any child being born is going to experience the devastating effect of the climate change, they'll watch whole ecosystems collapse, animals going into extinction, and thousands of humans losing their homes and survival resources. They're being born into a misogynistic world, and if the child is female, she'll experience oppression that she won't even be able to prove is real to the male part of the population.
This child will grow up in the world where empathy is scarce, they'll be bombarded with news about human suffering almost every day, they're likely to come down with mental illness or at least feel that the future is bleak and brings more pain. They're also likely to fall victim to pedophiles, predators, and brainwashed boys who learned to sexually assault other kids due to the exposure of p*rn. Is pro-life trying to protect them from any of it? No. They're fighting to stop teaching them about puberty and what sex is, so once these traumatic things happen to them, they're unable to recognize them or speak about it.
But let's look into even more immediate effects of having a child born against their mother's consent. Once a baby is born, they're alive, but we all know that if they're not tended to, they'll die, experiencing nothing but pain. We always assume women will do this labour unprompted, but how can we assume this?
The forced mother, who is already traumatized from having to go trough forced birth, is likely both unwilling and without proper resources to care for a baby. The baby will feel this, they will know they're unloved. They'll know they're unwanted before they even grow up. As a solution to this, you suggest we blame and shame all mothers for not being good enough, for struggling with post-birth trauma or post-partum depression, for being unwilling to be a parent? You can't control what an unwilling mother does with her baby. You forced her to give birth but you can't do anything beyond that point.
Why did you do it? Why did you make sure a baby exists in a world where there is nobody who wants them, is willing to take care of them or give them a good life? What is it worth to you if there's another unwanted, unloved, suffering child out there? Does it make your life better if there's more human suffering? Do you fight for support of new mothers, for better healthcare, for better resources to take care of abandoned babies, for better institutions to take care of unwanted children? No. You feel entitled to women's unlimited labour and endless caretaking of children they don't want. You don't want to acknowledge it's undertaking of a huge scale, that requires endless resources, finances, complete exhaustion, loss of health, sleep, protection, sometimes education and career. It's nothing to you. Loss of quality of life, for everyone involved, means nothing to you.
As long as there is more human suffering. As long as mother didn't get any say over whether she'll become a mother or not, and how many times, and when. As long as her life was put at risk without her consent. As long as she was punished for something you consider she should be punished for.
And now I'm going to circle back to where I started, the war. Because mothers have to watch their children both go to war, risk their lives in war, and be killed in wars. After putting that endless amount of energy and resources to grow and raise a single child, they'll have to watch them go to slaughter. And what happens if a child dies, as a solider in a war? Mother gets payment for it. That's right. For having that child murdered by someone else, the mother will get paid. Murder of that child is not only okay, legal, approved by government and somehow necessary, but is also rewardable to the mother, who, had she refused to birth that same child, causing zero suffering to ensue, would have been punished. Nobody except the mother can get punished.
If the child was killed in a war, and not a soldier, nothing. Apparently loss of life with extreme amount of human suffering, is worth absolutely nothing. But refusing to put that life out there, is a punishable crime. Because it only matters if it's unborn or a newborn. Once that same baby grows up, it's slaughter time. Humans apparently lose value after they grow up, they're only worth as 'endless human potential' in unwilling hands, but after they've reached the age of 'not a baby anymore', worthless.
We have observed the world for long enough to see the consequences of the actions we make. Women are the only ones who can and should decide whether they are willing and able to bring another life into the world, that is worth living, that will provide a life which is livable, enjoyable, worth being alive for. Life is extremely precious and bringing it into the world where it will be subjected to neglect, torture, and possibly a painful death, is unacceptable.
Caring for mother's rights is the first thing that will improve any child's quality of life. Caring about the environment is the second. Ending wars and debilitating male's ability to even start a war, is a fight for life. Not fighting for them to take control of female bodies, which they'll use to make themselves endless supply of soldiers, endless war resources. Taking control from women always means putting it in hands of m*n, who don't find any problem with human suffering, who celebrate wars, find themselves at home doing massive murdering, torturing and raping of women and children.
Women in charge of life means making life compatible with joy, love, care and warmth. We are the only ones who give children have safety, community, care and protection only a willing mother can give. You're wrangling it away from us further away from control the women are. We are fighting for a world where every mother is willing, and every child wanted. Why aren't you?
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Absolutely remarkable footage. This is the precise, surgical action of the same army that pro-Hamas terrorism supporters pretend is undertaking an indiscriminate "genocide."
What you should take away from this is that genocide is what the Hamas supporters would do if the positions were reversed. It's a confession of what they would do, not a legitimate accusation of what is happening.
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skymagpie · 23 days
Shazidra of clan Stonefang - Short Backstory [Warlords of Draenor]
1. Early Life
In the rocky, harsh, mountains of the north, Clan Stonefang considered prematurely born children a bad omen, a sign of incoming hardships for the clan. The chieftain, Makdura, was advised to leave the child to die, but the clan's Farseer, Akh’tra, claimed that the birth of the baby was heralded by a raging storm which would make her a great shaman.
Under Farseer Akh'tra's guidance, Shazidra would grow up showing great promise as a shaman, succeeding in all the dangerous trials and rites of passage she had to undertake over the years to secure her place in the clan. While her mother Makdura loved her, Shazidra was closer to Akh'tra than to her own parents. The young girl and the old woman would meditate with the elements for days and even weeks at a time, away from the rest of the clan.
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2. War with the Blackrock Clan
Bordering the territories of the industrial Blackrock clan and the Thunderlords to the east, the small clan Stonefang was forced to compromise with it's neighbors over territory. While their relationships remained friendly, Chief Makdura maintained the peace by sending her strongest warriors as tribute to the other clans to serve in their cause.
With the forming of the Horde under Gul'dan, this peace could no longer be maintained as Blackrock would attack Stonefang territories to mine for more stone, mineral and coal for their forges. The Stonefangs preferred to live in with the land, taking only half of what their home had to offer, and leaving the other half to nature. With this mindset and values they shared with the Frostwolves and the Whiteclaws, they refused to follow Gul'dan.
Knowing that a war is inevitable and that her prematurely born daughter, who was smaller and weaker than the other orcs, would certainly not survive the conflict, Makdura made the choice to give Shazidra over to clan Thunderlord as tribute. She hoped that they would accept her, not knowing of how deep their corruption ran.
(The rest of the story and art are below the cut!)
Shazidra refused to leave her home and family, thinking about running away in the mountains and seeking help from the Frostwolf Clan, knowing that she would survive the journey as the elements were on her side.
However, she would not get the chance as clan Blackrock would attack without warning, killing the majority of her clan, including her mother, chief Makdura, as well as Farseer Akh'tra.
3. Imprisonment by the Blackrock Clan
While the Blackrock had no reason to spare her, a male orc she knew by the name Kortag would vouch for her, convincing the others that her great shaman powers would be useful to the Blackrock forges and that she would soon bend her knee and serve the clan. Kortag was raised together with Shazidra and given as tribute to the Blackrock clan in his youth. He and Shazidra spent their early teen years training and learning together, speaking of how they would be each other mates once they came of age.
Feeling loyalty to his former friend, Kortag took her as his own prisoner, hoping that in few days or even weeks, she would see reason and see that their weak clan had to fall and yet she can live on and achieve glory under Blackhand's command.
Shazidra refused. Having witnessed the death of her family, her friends, the genocide of her clan, she would rather die than serve Blackhand and this new Horde. Stubborn and prideful, Kortag did not relent and he decided he will do whatever it takes to break her will. Instead of the comfort he first offered her in his own quarters, he now chained her in a cold iron prison cell, away from the elements that gave her power.
Days turned to weeks, weeks to months. And months to years. It was no longer about turning her to their side, it was now about showing her the weakness their former clan carried, about winning this standstill between them. But Shazidra was like a stone, she refused to budge and be broken even by the merciless industrial machinery of the Blackrock clan.
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4. Escape and meeting Khadgar
As luck would have it, one day something stirred the Blackrock orcs, something foreign set foot on their home planet of Draenor. While she was cut off from the elements and from her power, the droplets of water, the earth under the steel of her cell, the wind and draft that crept between the metal plating of the walls, whispered to her that her time to escape was now.
In one last ditch effort, Kortag came to her, telling her that the Horde will claim a new world beyond the seas and the sky, and that she can leave this cell as a conqueror or as fodder for their Dark Portal. Not knowing what this meant, Shazidra finally relented. Almost a decade after her capture, chained up as a girl and now released as an aged woman, she convinced Kortag that she finally sees his side.
As he took her out, Shazidra sought to find a way to escape. The moment his guard was down, she took her chance and ran as far as she could. However, emaciated and weak from the constant imprisonment, she couldn't get far. Kortag caught her and this time, would grant her no mercy. She pleaded with him, saying that in that new world it wouldn't matter what clan they are from and that she will disappear in the mountains and no one will ever find her.
However, Kortag refused to lose. He had changed too much in his service of Blackhand, so it would dishonor him to let her go. As he grabbed her, Shazidra pounced and bit him on the neck, almost ripping his flesh before he let her go.
Enraged, he reached out to struck her down, but the storm that gave her life, now took his. Lightning struck his raised axe, burning through him and parting the rock they stood on.
Shazidra now knew that the elements had not forsaken her. In fact, even in her weak state, she felt more powerful and alive than ever. If only she could save her friend, make him see reason. Save the one thing left from her family. Being the only Stonefang left, she had no direction, no home to return to, no clan.
In the distance however, she saw strange beings, tall creatures with long ears, smaller figures with no tusks and some bearing strange pink skin. Seeing that they made quick work of the Blackrock, Shazi approached them. On the face of what she assumed is the one leading them, she saw no fear when her malnourished and bloodied form came close. Only what she believed is to be worry. Perhaps even sympathy.
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She felt so weak, so ashamed to cling to this creature for help, but they defeated the Blackrock. They laid waste to this new Iron Horde in their wake. Perhaps not all was lost. Suddenly a new emotion stirred in Shazidra - the thirst for vengeance. She would go with these strangers and do whatever it takes to get back at those who destroyed her home.
In time, she would learn the name of their leaders - an orc shaman named Thrall who bore strange green skin and a human - Archmage Khadgar. The man who saved her and pulled her out of the ruins.
Even though she felt no obligation, she still followed him, using his knowledge of this Horde and providing him her own knowledge of the land.
As she gained her strength, the friendship between her and this Archmage grew, and the two became close through all the hardships that fighting the Iron Horde and chasing after Gul'dan brought.
At the end of it all, Shazidra proved that she was a shaman to be feared and through their joined effort and the help of her slain ancestors and the elements, they were victorious in saving her home.
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When the handsome stranger, the Archmage Khadgar, decided he must return to his home, to another timeline, Shazidra refused to say goodbye. She insisted that her work is not done as long as Gul'dan draws breath and that with no clan and no home to return to, she had nothing to lose. For her honor and for her clan's honor, she had to see this done.
Khadgar could not refuse her and the two of them returned to the his timeline and to the strange world of Azeroth. The threat of the Legion that Gul'dan brought over from her Draenor was greater than anything she could imagine, however she had no fear. With her new "clan", made of all the people she met on this journey and with her new friend Khadgar by her side, she knew they will get through this - together.
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