#underrated lotr characters
galadriel-blue · 2 months
You know who is an absolutely underrated character in Rings of Power?
People need to be showing more appreciation for my SON-
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He's such an important character but I feel like most people brush him over. Theo is brave and strong, and even though he's still just a kid, he understands the weight of the relic, the broken sword, that he found, and the evil it holds. He is impulsive, as many young boys are, but he learns and grows from it.
That's why the scenes where he's with Galadriel are some of my favorites. Because they are so similar to each other. Both are angry and confused, but also full of justice and a sense of what's right, even when they go about it in the wrong ways sometimes. Theo helps Galadriel see her actions for what they are, and Galadriel shows Theo how to make the right choices in the face of fear and stand up for light against the darkness. Without Theo, we wouldn't have those parallels.
Theo is a good kid who got wrapped up in a bad situation, a war against evil, but it brings him closer to his mother, and to Arondir, who he realizes is a part of his family too. It brings him closer to Galadriel, a new companion, a comrade in battle. And he allows Galadriel to process her emotions through the eyes of one much younger. It is almost like she sees a bit of herself in Theo. A bit of the small, young elf who made paper boats to sail in the stream and was so frustrated with the evil in the world, the evil in herself, even from the beginning. The one who made a grave mistake and now must face the consequences, as seen in their discussion about whether or not their current downfall is her fault. Theo doesn't believe she is the one to blame, even when she does. I don't know, there's just something so pure, so understanding about Theo when he speaks to Galadriel. He doesn't see her like everyone else does.
Theo makes mistakes, he is tempted by darkness like all humans are, but he stands up to it. He is brave, even though he's young, which is an important sentiment to me, especially in a world full of immortals, those with long lives. No matter how long you have been on the earth or how much experience you have in the world, you can see the darkness and either choose it or the light. I think Theo demonstrates this well and we need to show him appreciation for it. I really hope we get to see more of him in the coming seasons of The Rings of Power.
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winwin17 · 1 month
Nothing is as sexy as when men spend their lives slaying Orcs to avenge their mother.
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almost-gabrielle · 1 year
I absolutely love your writing❤️ and I would like to know if you could do a imagine of dating Frodo or something along those lines
***I struggled a little bit with this one, but I hope that you like it all the same :)! Lemme know if you want me to change anything! Also, I wasn't sure what gender you wanted me to use, so I chose gender neutral for this one. Lemme know if you want that changed as well!***
You'd always admired Frodo and became quick friends before he randomly disappeared for nearly two years. You never got the opportunity to tell him how much you loved him, and you nearly lost that chance. And now, you were starting to lose hope that he would never return.
You kept Bag End clean while he was away. And every day, you kept looking out the window in hopes that he would return. Just as you were beginning to lose hope, however, a knock sounded at the door, causing you to jump.
Your heart pounded as you slowly made your way to the door, praying and hoping that it wasn't the Sackville-Bagginses. They've been pressuring you quite a bit to sell Bag End, but you bluntly refused, saying, "This is still Frodo's property. No one is having it."
You grasped the handle of the doorknob and carefully turned it. You blinked your eyes multiple times, wondering if what you were seeing was reality or a dream.
There stood your sweet Hobbit that had been gone for a couple of years. He was dressed in luxurious clothing made fit for royalty, and you had to remind yourself that it probably was. The only thing that you noticed that was different, however, was his face.
He no longer looked innocent, jovial, or carefree like he once was. He now looked worn and tired. There was no longer that gleaming light in his eyes that was usually there every time he saw you. Instead, there was a look that troubled him. But his eyes did light up momentarily when you came eye-to-eye with each other, before his expression became weary again.
In an instant, you opened your arms out and he sank into your loving embrace, holding him tightly to you. He buried his face into the crook of your neck, causing pleasant shivers to go down your spine. You breathed in his familiar scent.
"Two years, Frodo," you breathed, hugging him tightly. You never wanted to let him go. Not this time. "For two years, you've had me so worried."
"I know," he mumbled tiredly in reply. "I'm so sorry. I would have told you what was going on, if Gandalf hadn't told me that I had to leave so quickly."
"You could have at least left me a note telling you what was going on."
"I didn't want to risk anything, y/n."
You relaxed, knowing that you couldn't stay mad at him forever. You broke the hug and he put his hands on your shoulders, giving you a firm look in the eye.
"How about I make it up for you. We can go on a little date tomorrow morning if you want to. I'll tell you my story."
You rested your forehead gently against his. You could see him closing his eyes at the gentle pressure against his forehead.
"Deal," you whispered in reply.
The next morning, you dressed up in a nice outfit -- one that you wore to Frodo's and Bilbo's birthday party the day before he randomly disappeared without a word. Once Frodo's eyes were on you, his eyes widened, and he blushed brightly in realization.
"Th-That's --" he stuttered as his eyes raked you up and down.
You giggled, smirking at him.
"I know."
The two of you went to a quiet part of the Shire in the woods, before settling yourselves down after spreading the picic blanket on the ground. He told you of his adventures as the two of you feast on your favorite breakfast foods.
Your eyes widened as he told you that he had been stabbed by a deadly blade that could have killed him. How he had offered to take the Ring to Mordor. And how he found the legendary creature, Gollum, who ended up siding with his bad self in the end.
Once his story was over, it was nearly late afternoon, almost time for Afternoon Tea. Your sweet Hobbit seemed relieved to get all the horrors he'd witnessed over the past two years, off his chest. And he now leaned his head on your shoulder in exhaustion. You smiled down at him.
"You have Bilbo's old book, don't you? The one he wrote?"
Frodo looks up at you in surprise, and furrows his eyebrow in confusion.
You smirked knowingly at him.
"Why don't you go ahead and write your story?"
***Yikes! Not my best writing ever, but I feel like it's alright. Lemme know if you want me to change anything! And thanks for requestiong :)!***
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thefabelmans2022 · 7 months
saw a poll on here ages ago asking which of the other hobbits would be the best ringbearer and op said merry and i've been thinking about that extensively ever since.
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quotidian-oblivion · 1 year
List of forgotten characters who have my heart in Lord of the Rings:
Tom Bombadil
Mr. Butterbur
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Thinking about the fact that in sophomore year chemistry I wore a lotr shirt to school one day after winter break and apparently my chemistry teacher was a total lotr nerd and was feeling generous cause this was our exact conversation
"Hey! You like lotr?"
"Yeah :)) we actually watch the movies every year on new years"
"Ohh cool! Who's your favorite character"
"Pippin, he's actually a very underrated character and most people don't realize it"
"That's true, yeah. Have you read the books?"
"No, I don't own them and can never find them at the library"
"Do you want the books?"
"I have so many copies of the books I can give you the whole set if you want"
"Sure, I mean yeah if that's okay!"
"Ofc, give me a day or two"
And then literally the next day he comes to my desk and dramatically slams the whole lotr trilogy AND the hobbit on my desk right after class starts and just goes "I threw in an extra for you"
I loved that teacher so much he was actually the best, the whole class was staring at us like we were insane tho lmaooo
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LOTR-Themed Tag Game
I got tagged by the lovely @quillofspirit (thank you!) and tried to keep my answers to manageable length!
How old were you when you were first introduced to LOTR? My mom sort of told me the LOTR narrative in summarized chunks as a bedtime story when I was 5 or 6 (too little to have the patience to have the whole thing read to me). But I was probably 12 the first time I tried to read the books for myself.
Favorite LOTR character? Major character: Éomer. Minor character: Háma. And I have many desperately strong feelings about some very obscure canon guys that I still passionately love.
Books or movies? I thoroughly enjoy both, but I’m first and foremost a books gal.
Which location in Middle Earth would you want to visit? Just to visit? Lórien. I wouldn’t want to live among the elves full time, but it seems like the beauty in Lórien is out of this world so I’d love to see it. And check in on Haldir while I’m there.
Favorite movie? Most of the best Rohan content is in Two Towers.
Favorite scene? “DEATH!!!!!”
Favorite quote? I think this line from Haldir is beautiful and underrated: “The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all the lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater.” Also, my sentimental fave from Háma: “I said not Éomer. And he is not the last. There is Éowyn, daughter of Éomund, his sister. She is fearless and high-hearted.” True king shit.
What Middle Earth race would you want to be? Give me the messy, complicated humans (bonus points for the sweaty, dirty ones). Stick with what you know! (And I can’t live in a tree or underground.)
Favorite LOTR ship? Of the most popular ships, I guess I’d say either Farawyn or Gigolas, depending on whether I’m feeling a little emo or just want to be delighted at the time. My personal little pet ship is Guthláf and Wídfara, though I understand that’s not comprehensible to most people.
I definitely KNOW a lot of other people have answered these so I will probably mess up and tag someone who’s already done it! But I’ll take a no pressure stab with @frodothefair and @eomerofrohan
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lexithwrites · 2 months
🫐 !!!
🫐 What’s your favorite underrated thing in your fandom? (A ship that only you seem to write for, a character there’s almost no fics about, a trope that criminally hasn’t been written yet, etc.)
This is weirdly kinda hard because I feel like marauders fans do explore a lot of tropes and ships — there’s so many ships lmao — but I would KILL to see more fantasy, not canon Hogwarts fantasy but like LOTR or GOT fantasy,,,gimme dnd style wolfstar
Fruity asks
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tolkienosaurus · 2 months
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iiseult · 10 months
❥ requests - OPEN :)
❥ most recent work here!
❥ DISCLAIMER: Please be gentle w me, I don’t know what I’m doing on this app even a little bit and im used to ao3!! That being said pls let me know if I’m not following proper tumblr etiquette, whatever that may be.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ ABOUT ME! *ೃ༄
❥ My name’s Isolde, I’m a 19 year old college student living in the U.S., and I write mostly depraved femdom smut whenever I feel like it and at literally no other time!
❥ That being said there is no set schedule and I do what I want
❥ Also I love new friends! :D
❥ Probably not straight but also don’t know what to call it and also don’t care!
❥ single
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ INBOX/ASK RULES *ೃ༄
❥ Be 18+ or begone!
❥ Don’t be afraid to ask, I won’t kink shame or be mean and if I’m not comfortable, I will simply say no
❥ I like just chatting with people who have shared interests and shooting the breeze
❥ I’ll do drabbles, imagines, full fics, what have you but it depends on how motivated I am tbh
❥ nsfw or sfw, both are fine
❥ I love AUs
❥ I will never explicitly mention race in my writing. As a white person I am not equipped to properly portray poc readers, and my goal is to let everyone imagine themselves into the story no matter who they are!
❥ I will not write about kids I hate kids (that means minors)
❥ I will also not write about having kids/giving birth/being pregnant cause that’s none of my business
❥ No incest
❥ No scat
❥ No SA
❥ No somnophilia, I just do not get the hype sorry gang
❥ No necrophilia. no comment.
❥ I only write female reader cause I’m a girlll🌸
❥ Ermmmm I think that’s it but I’ll add more if it comes up
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ WHAT I LOVE TO WRITE *ೃ༄
❥ I will write age gap as long as it’s not between a minor and an adult.
❥ Corruption/virginity loss (let me be clear— this refers to the corruption of the character in question, not of the reader)
❥ Pet play (but not like, horses. pls no horses)
❥ Speaking of horses, COWBOY AU
❥ Overall just pathetic, whiny, desperate, good little submissive, obsessed, obedient, needy, overstimulated boys!!!
❥ Oh and occasionally mommy kink but is anyone surprised
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ FANDOMS & FAV CHARACTERS - including but not limited to: *ೃ༄
❥ KNY/demon slayer - haganezuka, gyutaro
❥ SNK/attack on titan - jean
❥ mystic messenger - 707 (hes the best fuck da gossip‼️)
❥ MHA - aizawa
❥ LOTR/the hobbit - bilbo, kili, thranduil
❥ house - james wilson (heavy on that one), greg house
❥ immortal beloved (1994) - beethoven
❥ kingdom of heaven - baldwin iv
❥ amadeus (1984) - mozart
❥ Les Miserables - Grantaire, Enjolras, Montparnasse (underrated king)
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meluiloth · 6 months
LOTR Week Day 6: Arwen and Elrond
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LOTR20 Day 6: Triumph . Healing . Hope
Summary: Arwen prepares for Aragorn's coronation. 508 words
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The sun was shining at last.
Arwen sat by the window, letting its bright rays fall upon her face and basking in the warmth, as she waited to leave with the company of Elves; she had longed for this day ever since the Fellowship of the Ring departed from Rivendell so many months ago, taking her beloved with them.
The days had been so dark then, full of uncertainty and evil… but now the shadow had passed, and the Dark Lord himself had fallen. It was time to celebrate the triumph of the Free Peoples.
A knock at her door made her open her eyes and look away from the window. “Come in,” she called, and a moment later her father entered the room, dressed in fine white robes. His brow was strained, but that faded when he looked at Arwen, and a smile spread across his stern features.
“My daughter, you are so beautiful,” he said.
Arwen smiled at him and rose to her feet, turning a bit so he could see her fully; her dress was the pale green of spring after winter, edged with intricate white embroidery, and her soft black hair was woven in an elegant tiara that perfectly fit her brow. The gown was one of the most beautiful she owned, having once belonged to her mother; though it felt a little loose on her thin frame—she was still recovering from the sickness of Mordor—she felt more beautiful than she ever had before.
She began to dip into a curtsey, but a sudden wave of dizziness passed through her, and her father took her arm as she stumbled. The smile on his face was replaced momentarily with concern.
“Are you well?” he asked. “Do you still feel sick?”
Arwen swallowed, but in a moment the headache passed, and she straightened. “I am well,” she assured him. “It was just a short spell; I have healed, I promise.”
Her father’s eyes passed over her once more, looking for any sign of lingering sickness, but he nodded. “I know you have… I just cannot keep from worrying about you, little star.” He chuckled, a little sadly. “I have been so worried for so long, I do not know if I can let go.”
Arwen smiled and took her hands in his own. “Remember, Ada… there is hope now. Aragorn will be King, and our world is free at last. We need fear no evil any longer.”
“You are right,” her father said, returning her smile. “Now, speaking of Aragorn… I believe it is time to go. Are you ready?”
Arwen let go of his hands and reached beside her, taking hold of the banner of Rivendell she was to carry. “I am,” she said. “I have always been ready.”
She, the Evenstar of her people, led the Elves up the aisle to greet the newly crowned King of Men, feeling stronger and lighter than she ever had before.
And when her eyes met Aragorn’s, it was like the meeting of the sun and the stars.
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This is a day late, I know, but I wasn't going to give up---so enjoy this little drabble of Arwen! I think she's a very underrated character in the fandom, so I wanted to write something from her perspective, and I hope you enjoy!
@lotr20, @frodothefair, @konartiste, @kylobith, @acornsandoaktrees, @lanthanum12, @nimbusnight28174, @from-the-coffee-shop-in-edoras
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sophiesbookishthings · 2 months
January Reads
I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy
My non fiction read for the year! I listened to the audio book for this one which I definitely recommend. Jennette McCurdy deserves only good things for the rest of her life.
5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Come Tumbling Down by Seanan McGuire
Wayward Children #5! Such an underrated series. Jack and Jill and the moors are my favorite. Also it's gay.
5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Legends and Lattes by Travis Baldree
Queer cozy fantasy! I loved how chill and kind this book was.
5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
I think about this book daily. The way everything tied together in this book was brilliant. I loved the concept of the reveurs in particular.
5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas
Ah the faerie books. I finally gave in and read this. It was fine. It was very basic fantasy romance. It wasn't bad, it was just unfortunately overhyped. Don't love the mc though she's kinda annoying.
3.75/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️✨️
Return of the King by JRR Tolkien
Lord of the rings my beloved! I could scream about any lotr book forever so I'm just gonna say Samwise Gamgee is the character ever and I love faramir and he deserves only good things forever. Also the ending of this series takes my heart out and stomps on it.
5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
In the Lives of Puppets by TJ Klune
Tj Klune is a master of found family and I will read everything he writes forever. This book also had an autistic ace mc, an anxious roomba, and a sadistic nurse droid and I adored every single one of them.
5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Red Rising by Pierce Brown
I feel like I should like this book more than I did. The mc just felt too perfect and like a societal ideal of masculinity that I really didn't care about that much. And I think to some extent it may have been the point but it still felt off to me. Started this in print and switched to audio cause the writing was not my favorite. Idk if I'll continue this series or not.
3/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Piranesi by Susanna Clarke
I went into this thinking it was about a satyr because of the cover. I was disappointed a few chapters in when I realized it was not. I did however really enjoy this book anyway. Very interesting how it resolves.
5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J Maas
Definitely better than acotar. Feyre's somewhat less annoying. Still think this series is overhyped but I do get it now. Also I don't get why everyone acts like this is straight porn. It's so tame lol but I read fanfic so 🤷. I do appreciate that this book went more into the politics of the world. Definitely made it more interesting.
4.5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️✨️
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99flare99 · 4 months
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How can I not start by talking about one of my favorite sagas ever! Lately I've been reading the LOTR book and I'm back obsessed with Tolkien's masterpiece💕. In particular talking about my favorite character: Boromir❤️. (Yes, I know that in the book he is only there for a scant 100 pages fortunately in the film they give him much more space!) He and Aragorn are the ones who made me passionate about this saga since I was child watching the films💕. Extraordinary actors and perfect for the characters they play!
Sean Bean proved his skill as an actor here (I LOVE HIM!!😭😭❤️)
EVERY TIME I CRY at its final scene! "My Captain, my King..."💔
Come non cominciare parlando di una delle mie saghe preferite in assoluto! Ultimamente sto leggendo il libro di LOTR e sono tornata in fissa con l'opera capolavoro di Tolkien💕. In particolare parlando del mio personaggio preferito ovvero Boromir❤️. (Si, so che nel libro lui c'è solo per 100 pagine scarse🫠 fortunatamente nel film gli danno molto più spazio!) Lui e Aragorn sono quelli che mi hanno fatto appassionare a questa saga fin da piccola vedendo i film💕. Attori straordinari e perfetti per i personaggi che interpretano!
Sean Bean qui ha dato prova della sua bravura come attore (LO AMO!!😭😭❤️)
OGNI VOLTA PIANGO alla sua scena finale!🥹🥹
"Mio Capitano, mio Re..."💔
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frodo-with-glasses · 7 months
Hi! As a fellow rediscoverer of LotR as an adult I stumbled recently across your blog and I just want to say that I really adore your Fig Tree AU. Especially the designs for Frodo and Sam are lovely 😍 and carry well the spirit of the book characters. It's as well really nice to find some non-movie-inspired fanart! So while I'm reading in LotR I scroll simultaneously through your blog and adore your takes on the various scenes. (1/2)
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Aaaaaahhhh oh my word, thank you so much!! It’s always a pleasure to find someone else who’s in their Tolkien renaissance! I love PJ’s movies, but I’m falling in love with the books all over again too, and this blog has become such a fun way to bring the underrated moments in the books to life with my silly little doodles. ^u^
It’s been a blast coming up with my own interpretations of the characters; including, of course, Frodo and Sam! My favorite boys! Hearing that they “carry well the spirit of the book characters” is such a very high compliment, thank you ;u;
Anyway, I’ll answer your second ask in a second! Thank you again for your kind words, and welcome to the blog! 💙
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Have you seen non Hatchetfield starkid shows? If so, which ones? (The only ones I haven’t seen are AVPSY, MAMD, and Ani)
I've seen all of them! I discovered starkid in april 2020, so I had a lot of time to explore their content because school and hobbies were put on hold. I saw AVPM first, and then a lot of those ranking videos of shows, songs, characters, etc. which is why I decided to watch the other shows. My blog is primarily Hatchetfield because I tend to get REALLY into stories with a lot of lore and worldbuilding (LOTR for example, I got into that around the same time as Starkid, I'm watching a LOTR video essay as I'm typing this lmao), and the fact that the story isn't finished yet leaves a lot of room for speculation which draws me in even more. That said, the other shows are very dear to me. I got my best friend into musical theatre by showing him Firebringer, Twisted has legitimately made me cry (also my previously mentioned friend and I went to see the Aladdin musical specifically because of Twisted, we were enraged when we learned they changed prince Achmed), Holy Musical B@man was the first piece of DC-related media I ever saw (and set my standards way too high), Ani means so much to me because when I was younger I'd watch Star Wars with my friend (it's also a very good, very underrated show, you should check it out!) and I can go on and on like this about every show. Another thing I really enjoy is Movies, Musicals & Me, Esther Fallick is amazing, the songs slap, and of course I'm a #paycourtney supporter
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Favorite lotr character(s) and why?
That’s such a good question! I honestly love all of them so much (well, except maybe Sauron). I love Sam, as we all do for obvious reasons, but also Frodo for being so underrated in his resilience and selflessness (despite being the main character). Gollum is a very interesting character in his own right, though perhaps not as likeable. I think Aragorn is a great male role model, Eowyn a great female role model, Boromir a great (and understandable, maybe even relatable) cautionary tale, but my all time favourite is actually Faramir. He’s so soft but also so brave - two traits that aren’t posed as mutually exclusive - and I’m just a sucker for any character with daddy issues. And he’s into strong women, so that’s a plus hehe
Thanks for the ask! Also asking it right back :))
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