#undermine character info
the-bastards-box · 2 years
OC time! Astra!
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A child of Nightmare and my OC Eclipse
Ref made by @banamberbread
Design notes:
They have star shaped freckles
They can make their tentacles disappear
Character notes:
Smart and social
They're 17
They're nonbinary and use they/them pronouns
They're friends with Cerulean, Crimson, Joy, Chance, Cinco and WhiteLight
They're dating Ash and BlackLight
They're Joy' cousin
They like to read and write
Their birthday is on 30th of July
Please reblog <3
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blue-shore-hotel · 2 years
💧- What is this oc most passionate about?
Tosk: My hotel probably!
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AITA for putting a hit out on an ex friend’s dnd character?
A few years ago I [M 18] was the link between two different online friend circles along with my longtime friend A [M 22]. Essentially, both A and I ran two different dnd campaigns that acted as a melting pot between our two friend groups. It was really fun, super casual stuff. Enter C [M 19], who was originally one of my friends and played in both groups. Over time it became clear that C was, to put it lightly, not a great person. At the time, I was a really new DM and struggled a lot with my self confidence. C was a super disruptive player in my group, going off the rails and generally trying to undermine both me and other players. I tried to sort it out between sessions, but it didn’t end up working out. It came to a head where I ended up shutting down my campaign, claiming school got to be too much, but in reality I just couldn’t deal with C’s behaviour. It was a really big blow to my self confidence at the time.
At this point a lot of people had been cutting out C for various other things like this - generally being disrespectful and callous, not taking responsibility for harm he caused, etc. Pretty soon the only times I was interacting with C directly was during A’s campaign.
A, who wasn’t 100% aware of the situation, came and talked to me after a session one day about why I’d shut down my campaign, and I told him everything about how I was feeling. He was really understanding, and said that he got the feeling that I probably didn’t want C around anymore, and neither did he. I agreed, so A offered to ‘sort out some stuff with C’s character’ and shuffle him out of the group. I made a joke about wanting C’s character to die, in a pretty flippant way, and the conversation diverted.
This is where things get kind of weird.
So, at the time, I was expecting A to just talk with C and kick him out of the group in between sessions, but that didn’t end up happening. C was at the next session just as planned, and continued to show up for several weeks. During this time A, and I really don’t know how else to describe this, pulled some Machiavellian scheme on C’s character as the DM to ruin his life. A wove in this story where C’s character got this evil mask shard of a dead god, and played on C’s want to sabotage other players & go his own way in a very ‘lone rogue’ way to isolate him from the group and get him involved in all these evil deeds (killing minor npcs, etc). None of our characters knew about this in character, but A dropped all these hints and the context lined up to make it seem like C’s character was slowly going insane. C, unable to communicate in or out of character, backed up this idea by refusing to talk about the god IC or OOC. Eventually this god fragment lead to the death of C’s character when an overpowered assassin struck him down, in a fight that felt very ‘well this could’ve been a party boss but because you didn’t tell anyone, you died’. Immediately following this the party found out about C’s character’s evil deeds, meaning he wouldn’t be mourned by the party. The whole death felt so… hollow. It really felt like C had ended up in this situation because of their own hubris. But they hadn’t.
A had masterminded the whole thing. He’d given me live updates about his plan to essentially manufacture a situation where C’s character died a miserable death that felt totally deserved in the eyes of the other party members. And then we all just blocked C anyway???
I’ve never seen someone manipulate somebody like that in my life before and I’ve never seen anything like it again. I’ve never told anyone else in the group that the death was masterminded by A because of my petty grudge about my failed campaign. I don’t speak to either A or C now but I still feel bad about not doing something. Should I have just told A to kick C way before this?? I had no clue it would spiral into actual months of chess mastering his demise!!
What are these acronyms?
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dutchdread · 2 months
“She is is envious of the bond Cloud has with Tifa”
Genuine question here because I see a lot of CloTi discourse talk about how Aerith is envious of Cloud and Tifa’s bond, but is this ever mentioned officially or explained? I can’t find one single inference or implication that she is, only that one could argue via subjective interpretation that she maybe wants to try to learn Cloud for who he is and not who he reminds her of.
Arguably, one could say that this interpretation is inherently describing an envy, but I’m looking at it from the perspective of Aerith wanting to learn who Cloud is in an effort to like him for him and not Zack.
(Full disclosure: I’m actually a huge CloTi, but I’ve been out of the fandom for a decade+, and I’ve been reading a lot of discussions on the LTD, and while my personal opinion is that CloTi is more or less canonical at this point, the nuance that they’ve developed with Aerith that just wasn’t there in OG is interesting/perplexing to me because I don’t have a full scope of info. And I like it when things are proven by the devs. It’s possible that there’s information I’m missing or have missed, but otherwise what I have consumed doesn’t seem to indicate she’s envious of Cloud/Tifa’s relationship specifically.)
The idea that Aerith is envious of Cloud and Tifas bond became a thing mostly after Rebirth. Before that it was also put forth at times when someone did a character study of Aerith and the evidence back then was mostly just that it fit and made sense. In essence it was an amateur diagnosis. We saw in Remake that Aerith had unresolved issues concerning her childhood during the Eligor scene, that combined with what we learned about her childhood in TotP made it so that a lot of her outgoing "life affirming" behavior made a lot of sense if she was, in essence, trying to catch up for lost time. She's enthusiastically, perhaps even desperately, trying to have the same experiences everyone else has, to have a normal life. This is also congruent with other parts of the story, like her seeing Zack in Cloud. If Cloud reminds her of Zack, and she had a bond with Zack, then watching Cloud and Tifa express that same young love that she once felt would naturally lead to her wishing she had that. After all, we've known for a long time that Aerith still isn't over Zack, so her being slightly envious of that is natural. And that doesn't have to be a bad thing. You can be happy someone has something and because of that have a positive longing to experience something similar. But where this was really made explicit is in Rebirth, where there are multiple scenes that hint or outright state that Aerith wishes she had something like what Cloud and Tifa have. The main two being the Kalm "date" and the watertower discussion. In Kalm Aerith takes Cloud on a date as a pretense to talk about the prior night, and almost the first thing she does is mention Cloud and Tifas friendship and mention that she'd have given anything to have a friend when she was growing up. As soon as she thinks of their bond her first thought is to link it to her own desires.
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She continues by saying to not take Tifa for granted. Since this is something Aerith lacked she thinks it's important, and the idea of it being sullied or undermined instinctively bothers her. She wants them to value it as much as she would value such a thing. This is not her living vicariously through Cloud and Tifa or anything, but just a small nuance that paints the picture of a girl who yearns for these bonds herself enough that she is hyper aware of them with other people. All this is then stated explicitly on the water tower, where Aerith states: "Must be nice..."
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She generally willfully daydreams about how nice Nibelheim is. It all paints the same picture, a girl without a childhood who never got to experience the things that Cloud and Tifa had and lost, but wishes that she did. This is a huge part of her character and establishes the background needed to understand stuff like "no promises to keep". Some people are upset that NPTK is not a love song from Aerith to Cloud, but a deeper look into Aerith shows why it would be weird for it to be one. Because Aeriths journey isn't about romance, it isn't even just about Cloud. It's about her experiencing and developing the bonds that she felt she was denied for so long. The song is "even about Tifa and Barret" because it's about all the precious bonds she made on her journey. It's one of the things that makes Clotis version of Aerith superior to the Clerith version, because we give her so many more layers.
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air--so--sweet · 1 month
Personally I think not giving Klaus telekinesis in TUA was the right choice (or at least not to give him telekinesis to the extent he has it in the comics) as it would just make him very OP and, in my opinion, it doesn't quite work with the direction they took his character. That said - I really love the image of Klaus conducting a ballroom of dancing clothes and laughed out loud at the punchline.
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The differences I find interesting in the script are the bits that are actually closest to what we see on screen but not not quite there yet, like Luther and Diego's fight resulting in damage to Reginald's favourite tree rather than Ben's statue, or a random locket in Viktor's room that gets pulled across the room and pins itself to the wall instead of the locket Luther gave Allison.
Or Five simply saying 'that's unfortunate' in reference to Viktor leaving having originally been this -
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I know it was likely changed as it undermines Five's line to Viktor later that he's the only one he can trust (which exists, though slightly differently in this draft also), but on the flipside it also adds a lot of weight to why it's Klaus that Five gets to pose as his father when he goes to meritech. Because you could just read it as Five choosing Klaus because he knows he'll agree to do it for money, but it is in fact that Five trusts him.
Also, if anyone else wants to read the script download link is here. I found it quite some time ago on reddit, I don't know how it got online or what draft of the script this actually is (I think I called it a first draft in another post, but that was an assumption, I tried looking it up and there's no info on how far into the process this script was written).
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zombie-bait · 6 months
Omg i just realized I have something tiny to add to the whole James Somerton debacle. I'm currently watching the hbombguy vid (as you do when procrastinating assignments) and I remembered something that stood out to me in James' old videos.
So I used to be a fan of his stuff. I am also a fan of Hannibal and IWTV. He made a video covering both so naturally I was very hyped. It was called 'The Gay Appeal of Toxic Love.' The vid itself was fine (I don't remember having any super strong opinions of it besides being excited to hear ppl mention Interview cuz I had recently become obsessed) but one thing did stand out to me. In the IWTV section he mentions Nicki and, naturally, his death:
"After becoming a vampire, Nicky becomes nearly catatonic, and eventually slips away from Lestat entirely. And after centuries of dealing with depression and severe mental illness, Nicky kills himself."
(sourced from this transcript: https://github.com/TerraJRiley/James_Somerton_Transcripts/blob/main/Transcripts/The%20Gay%20Appeal%20of%20Toxic%20Love.txt)
To anyone who's read TVL, I don't think I need to explain that Nicki had not, in fact, been around for centuries. "Nicki had lived to be 30" has been rattling around in my head since I first read it.
And like, obviously I don't expect every youtube essayist to read several long-ish novels to have a full grasp of the series' deep lore, especially when the focus was largely on IWTV and Loustat rather than the entire Vampire Chronicles. Still, it makes you wonder a bit about the quality of the research being done here. You can find the proper info in like, 5 seconds by just going on the fan wiki so I'm not sure what his sources were. And that's the issue at hand, isn't it?
At the time I felt a tiny bit smug recognizing the error but in light of everything that's been revealed, it's kind of telling. I'm not saying this part was plagiarized (I haven't found anything but others on reddit have found issues with different sections of the same video) but rereading the transcript it comes off as someone who clearly doesn't know much about Interview.... It feels like he's reading through a loose summary of plot points rather than analyzing a piece of media that actually means anything to him. It's very much Interview for people who don't know Interview which, one could argue is fair. Especially beyond book one, VC is a niche series and a lot of elements that are important to certain characters or plot lines cannot be summarized quickly for an audience unfamiliar with it. A good writer, who's done a lot of research about the specific topic they have chosen to make a video on, would be able to balance this. There is a LOT to analyze about queerness in VC and its a shame to see one of the more popular queer media channels half-assing it just to churn out videos heavily made up of other people's work. In retrospect he had several videos like that, where he would discuss things like manga/manhua communities while clearly having little knowledge on the nuance of those subjects. He was an outsider who presented himself with a strange amount of authority.
This was content created with the sole intention of propping up queer stories and history, yet it's built off stolen work from queer authors and doesn't actually care that much about exploring the communities it features. Vids like the IWTV one weren't really fact checked because it's only people like me who would might give a shit or even notice anything is off in the first place. There's a bit of a similar vibe in some of his other vids where he undermines the experiences of queer women because he clearly has not taken the time to learn about the nuances of representing queer women in media. These are things that irritated me when I first started to notice them but I put those concerns in the back of my mind because I cared about the topics he was covering and was excited to see these discussions becoming more mainstream.
The revelations of this evening have been disappointing to say the least.
(also for the record I know he made other more recent vids about IWTV but I haven't seen those and even if his account was still up I don't think I would lol
I did look at the transcript for his 'Vampires and the Gays Who Love Them' video (found from the same link I included above) and this quote about the IWTV AMC show is sending me: "Daniel has never grappled with the complexities of being gay"
Shoutout to straight, uncomplicated icon Daniel Molloy. Devil's Minion was a mass hallucination, spread the word)
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bonefall · 8 months
I feel like I missed an important bit- what's the deal with Sharpclaw and SkyClan's brand of Thistle Law? I've been looking thru tags but I can't find any detailed info, would love to know more esp. since Sharpclaw was a character I loved as a kid
Sure! Summary and then some links.
BB!SkyClan, this is VERY important, does not have Thistle Law. Not until they reach the Lake. Their political overton window is COMPLETELY different from Forest Four, more centered around the "Fulfillment" of something called Spiderstar's Plan.
Spiderstar's Plan = That SkyClan would live apart, surviving in any way they could, until The Rats could be dealt with.
So Sharpclaw can be considered more like a "Traditionalist," if you had to compare it to Forest Four politics. He believes that it's time to cut ties with the behaviors that kept them alive during a time of great 'humiliation.' Kittypets and Daylight Warriors can't be trusted because their full loyalty is not to the continuation of SkyClan, they live with a paw still in "the past."
Leafstar wants her viewpoints challenged and to not live in an echo chamber, but she disagrees that this is even a problem. It makes no sense to her-- they do nothing but contribute. Daylight Warriors are paws that never take more than they give. They don't steal. They bring useful goods and toys. There's no point to isolating ourselves?
She should have done something the minute he started truly undermining her, but she didn't. It burns a hole in him that she "doesn't listen" to him (truth: his ideas suck and make no sense), that he's not the one calling the shots, and he starts to envy the power she has when she's so nonchalant about the "Future of SkyClan."
In BB!AVoS, Darktail EXPLOITS these negative feelings.
This is to display his Modus Operandi as a villain; divide and conquer. He finds dissatisfaction within factions and drives a wedge between groups, breaking off who he can and using them to destroy the rest. He's going to do this when he gets to the Lake, too.
I'm SICK of evil hordes of instant martians that every foreign villain can order from ACME corp to threaten the Clans. So in BB, The Kin has VERY. VERY. VERY few non-Clanborn cats. Darktail's first expansion is from SkyClan.
It wasn't a horde of evil barbarians that attacked SkyClan that night; It was Sharpclaw and his supporters, spitting a point at Leafstar about how her "reliance" on Daylight Warriors had left her weak, and that it was time for a change.
Sharpclaw meets his end that night, trying to convince Hawkwing to join him. Then, the SkyClan oaktree that houses a slumbering Brokenstar falls directly on top of him, pulling down the entire rockface of the gorge and giving the cats a chance to escape.
(RIP Sharpclaw)
RATS RATS: here are the rats.
Post on Sharpclaw
Darktail and Sharpclaw
On Leafstar
Bunch of stuff on Skypelt
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lazywrites · 15 days
Hey I was wondering if you could write a piece about my OC Dina Khoury x Kurt wagner, I'll be giving her info in jot note from because that's my best way of doing it.
I wasn't sure which info would be useful for whatever you plan to write, but ig having the whole picture helps
-Dina was born to human x-gene carrier parents, a Palestinian mother and an afro Egyptian father. She also has an older brother who tormented her as a child.
-she was born into a strict religious household(Christian) and suffered spiritual abuse because of them, being shamed often(religion is a very spiky topic for her because of it but it doesn't effect how she feels about Kurt)
-she ran away from home at 10 after discovering her powers, which unfortunately lead to her being snatched off of the streets and thrown into mutant fighting rings.
-she has scars all over her body from these fights and feels sickened looking at them, for some reason her powers can't get rid of them.
-after escaping the ring she was discovered have dead in the street by Magneto and her took her in as his daughter.
-dina believed in magneto's cause after hearing about it and reflecting on how she doesn't want to continue experiencing like the way she has been as a mutant, why should she settle for being tolerated?
- appearance wise Dina has dark skin, dark brown(almost black)eyes, and light blond 4a texture hair thats in a different style almost every day.
-she loves wearing hair accessories like loc charms and jewels hanging by gold twin wrapped around the ends her braids/locs, and she wears purple all the time with different shades and color pairings.
-she's trans mtf and used her reality manipulation abilities to make the physical transition easier.
-She's funny, asertive, intense, and will go above and beyond to protect her loved ones, usually violently if the situation allows it; she's very adamant about the rights of mutants and is not going to be undermined in anyway shape or form much like her adoptive father.
I hope you like Dina and I hope you can come up with an interesting fic idea for her and Kurt. If you have anything you wanna ask me about feel free to message me😊😁
I had a lot of fun designing this character, and she's got such an entertaining backstory as well, i'm inclined to draw her later sometime again
sorry for the delay this week has been especially busy, if anyone else wants me to design an outfit for their OC just send an ask, i love drawing superhero outfits so much.
You are free to color it how you like, i don't know which colors you would've wanted her outfit to be besides the jacket, thanks for telling me her story!
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Also she's into this weird little guy idk why lol
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midnightmah07 · 7 months
voice claim: rin - fruits basket
Character info:
Isabelle is twisted from Belle, she's an RSA student!
Isabelle is the princess of a very small kingdom in the Shaftlands called Roseneuve (inspired by 19th century France and victorian/regency era England). Her dad, despite being king, loves to create things and study, so he always encourages her to study as much as she can. She's a bookworm and, despite being royalty, she's the youngest of the family, — third in line to the throne — so she's often teased by her sisters about how much time she prefers spending with her books than with real people.
Isabelle is kind and warm as often are RSA students, but different from them she can be really sassy, and doesn't stay quiet when people undermine her or her friends; speaking of which, surprisingly, Isabelle doesn't have many friends. Isabelle’s father and kingdom are known for being very creative and for being ahead of their time in the sense of improvement and inventions. Most people think she's a bit weird because of how much time she spends studying/reading books because of wanting to live up to the reputation of her dad so she's often labeled as the weirdo of the school — people don't bully her though, it's still RSA + they're not going to mess with a princess.
Also, Isabelle is the housewarden of Rosantée, a made up dorm based on Beauty and the Beast that me and my friend @viilpstick created. She got the position by dueling the current housewarden in her second year, wanting the position so people would stop avoiding her — while it did help and eventually she became respected in her dorm, at least in the beginning it backfired because people were forced to talk to her and didn't come to her because they wanted to.
Fun facts: Leona and Isabelle have chess matches with one another ever since they've become somewhat tolerable with each other's presence, and they've been on a tie ever since.
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Basic info:
Height: 155cm
Age: 18 years old
Grade: junior (3rd year)
Nicknames: Isa ( by Adeline, Leona and friends in general), mouse (by Leona), white rose (by Perse)
Birthday: November 13th
Dominant hand: both (ambidextrous)
Favorite food + drink: pudding and tea
Best subject: history of magic
Club: RSA's equestrian club
Hobbies: reading books, playing chess
Homeland: Roseneuve
Unique Magic: Inner Beauty - allows her to read a specific aspect of a person's life, whichever one she chooses, (ex: their unique magic, their name, a certain part of their past etc) but it can only be done once. This only add to the fact of the students wanting to avoid her.
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Relationship dynamics:
Leona Kingscholar: Isabelle and Leona were promised to each other a year before Isabelle enrolled at RSA to increase the better relationships between the two kingdoms (in other words, because Isabelle's kingdom is small, they're interested in it to gain a bigger, much stronger ally, and in Sunset Savannah's end they'd appreciate the amount of technological advances Isabelle's kingdom has). They hated the idea of an arranged marriage but they didn't have much of a say in the topic, and while Isabelle decided to deal with it the best she could so her country could prosper, Leona didn't really make any effort to get to know her at first nor to try and make the engagement something at least tolerable. Leona made an awful first impression to Isabelle, and ever since their first meeting they've been butting heads, but after a while of spending time together (forced time, may I add) and getting to know each other, they warmed up to each other and slowly fell in love.
Neige: Isabelle and Neige met each other right at her first year in school and he was one of the few people to actually accept her. She had a crush on him for a while, but she was rejected + she knew she wouldn't be able to break her engagement with Leona so she gave up. They're really good friends and always are seen together.
Chenya: Isabelle gave up trying to understand him a long time ago. At this point his weird manner of speaking and the way he just makes his head visible doesn't phase her one bit, she's used to him. Also, she's able to speak his full name with a straight face.
Malleus Draconia: they've known about each other since they're both royalty and because of Malleus's reputation, + him and Adeline have a will they won't they thing going on. Malleus and Isabelle have a mutual understanding, since most people tend to avoid them due to being scared and/or finding them weird. She tries to invite him to tea every once in a while.
Adeline Rosique (oc by @viilpstick <33) : Adeline and Isabelle are very close friends, and I believe Isabelle admires Adeline in a way, and she has this big sister vibe to her. She also appreciates how Adeline didn't really care for how beautiful she looks nor about the rumors and stuff people talk about her. Adeline is also Isabelle's vice housewarden and her most trusted friend in the school other than Neige.
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Character reference:
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Character cards:
Dorm card (Rosantée)
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Restless Man (Part 2)
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Summary: Beau finds out about the reader’s plan of using herself as bait and he’s none too happy about it. When things aren’t adding up, they start to think outside the box and realize Beau’s kidnapping is tied to something much worse than they imagined...
Pairing: Beau Arlen x reader
Part 1
Word Count: 4,200ish
Warnings: language, angst, bodily injury, kidnapping, threats, mentioned minor past minor character deaths
A/N: Spoilers for Big Sky season 3! Enjoy!
“So if we work a grid over here from the North side, we’d have more coverage,” you said, leaning over a map on the conference room table. Everyone in the room jumped when Beau threw the door open, the slam of it bouncing off the wall echoing through the room. You stared wide eyed as he stepped inside using his crutch, crossing the room far too fast for a man as injured as he was. “Sheriff-”
“Everyone out,” he growled. You barely moved when he shot daggers at you, his eye actually twitching. “Not you.”
You got a few sympathetic looks as people left the room. The second the door shut, Beau was in your face, barely an inch away. You swallowed when he growled, letting out a low deep breath.
“I tell you these people want to do unspeakable things to you, things I will have nightmares about forever, a-and you want to offer yourself up as bait?” Hot breath fanned over your face, Beau’s pants ragged as he let the rage pour out of him. “Are you that monumentally stupid? I mean really? Are that much of a fucking idiot-”
“Shut your damn mouth, Arlen.” His eyes flashed with surprise for a split second before the fire behind them re-ignited. “No. No you don’t get to call me stupid for having the balls to say this is our best bet. If it were anyone else, you wouldn’t be like this. But it’s me and you’re scared so you’re coming in here acting like I’m a damsel. Well guess what? I know what the fuck I’m doing.” 
He grabbed the collar of your hoodie, fisting it hard. You didn’t let him scare you into breaking eye contract, even if it seemed like he was ready to snap. “Arlen. It’s the best plan to catch these guys.”
“You’re only doing this because I told you I won’t be okay until they’re caught.” He stepped back, dropping his hand. “Drop this plan or I will put cuffs on you and tell them to keep you in lock up. I’m not joking.”
“It’s the best plan,” you said softly. 
“It’s the plan that gets you taken,” he said. Beau lowered his head, breathing deeply. “It’s too fucking dangerous and the team knows it. Why do you think they called me?”
You glanced out the conference room window, eyes landing on Pop. The second yours met, he glanced away and put his back to you, pretending to take a file somewhere else. Beau sat back against the table, green eyes turning gentler. 
“It was Pop, wasn’t it.” 
“He’s your partner. He cares about you.” You crossed your arms, standing before him, Beau’s cheek a painful purple color. 
“You told him what those guys said they’d do to me.” He nodded, an air of reluctant about him. “We can’t stop a good plan because you’re scared.”
“We can’t do a stupid plan because you want me to stop being scared.” You pursed your lips, Beau taking hold of one of your hands. “You know how bad this could go, especially when we’re backed into a corner. They get you and we will never see you again and I’m not letting this be our last conversation. We have so many conversations ahead of us, Y/L/N. We deserve to have them.”
With a sigh you sat down in a chair, Beau sliding into one himself. He never dropped your hand, rubbing his thumb gently over top. 
“Maybe it’s a dumb idea,” you mumbled. He smiled for the briefest of moments, quickly lowering his head. 
“If we had more info, it could work. But it’s way too risky right now.” You hummed, Beau scooting his chair closer, your knees touching. “I am sorry for bursting in like I did and undermining your authority. You’re the senior officer in charge and I’m sorry.”
“You’re scared,” you said with a shrug, glancing at Pop through the window one more time. “You must have told him some pretty bad shit was going to happen to me.”
“I did. Unfortunately none of it is a lie.” You spun in the chair to face the white board, Beau moving beside you, the two of you sitting in silence for a few minutes. “Y/N.”
“You getting the feeling that none of this makes sense too?” you asked. 
“Uh huh.” You were both staring at the two suspects pictures on the board, the ones you’d arrested yesterday. “If they’d actually wanted revenge, I’d be dead. If they wanted me to call and say I faked evidence in my old cartel case, they’d have tortured me for it. Or better yet, taken you.”
“Why kidnap you for a week and not get anything out of it?” you asked, leaning forward in your seat. Beau took a sharp inhale, your head turning when you sensed his eyes on you. You raised your eyebrows at him, his lips parting. “What?”
“They’d have taken you to hurt me. So why wouldn’t they take me to hurt you?” You started to shake your head, Beau holding up a finger. “Think about it for a second. If someone wanted to hurt you, what would they do? I’m the person you’re closest to.”
“But why? You said there were cartel guys saying it was tied back to Texas.”
“Or whoever is behind this hired those guys specifically because it’d make them look at my old cartel case. It would put eyes on me. My past. My safety. It gets us looking in the wrong spot and gets our officers all focused on me. It hurts me which upsets you and we’re leaving you vulnerable without knowing it.” You got up, standing in front of the board, trying to piece it all together.
And unfortunately the idea that someone was targeting you made everything make a hell of a lot more sense.
“I haven’t been alone since you were taken,” you said, looking over your shoulder. “I was sleeping at the office. Pop and I would always go with each other when one of us had to stop home.”
“Really?” he asked. You hummed.
“I said no officer was to go anywhere by themselves. We didn’t know if our people were being targeted.” 
“You probably saved yourself doing that. And these guys were annoyed because it meant keeping me around and in the dark longer than they wanted.” The board before you told you nothing new but there was a sinking feeling in your gut that Beau was right. If you wanted to fuck with someone, you went after who they cared about. If the cartel had been behind this, they wouldn’t grab him. They’d go after Emily. Carla. You. 
“So who the hell did I piss off,” you said, crossing your arms. 
“Someone from Texas. Someone that knew enough to hire the two cartel guys we missed back then. What’s the last big case you worked there?” he asked. You sighed, closing your eyes. “Come on. It’s most likely one of your last cases you had in Texas.”
“You know how my last job was undercover?” 
He nodded, urging you sit. “You never told me details. Just said it was a rough one and you were never doing undercover work again.” 
“Wait here for a minute.” You were faster than him and were quickly in your office, typing into your computer, watching the search bar load. You had a nagging feeling this wasn’t related to work unfortunately. When the screen finally loaded, your stomach dropped, eyes fixated on the bold text in front of you. 
“Y/N.” You looked over the monitor, Beau making his way inside on his one crutch. His jaw clenched slightly, a heaviness in his face. “Who got out?”
“They released him. T-they released him two months ago and didn’t tell me. They were supposed to tell me,” you said. Beau limped over to behind the desk, eyes wide when he saw the screen. You opened your lips but every single word caught in your throat. Beau recovered much more quickly than you, pulling you to shaky feet. 
Warm hands cupped your cheeks, Beau leaning to look you in the eye. “Hey. Hey. Look at me.”
The pit in your stomach was trying to swallow you whole, eyes welling with tears as you bottom lip wobbled. Beau looked pained and pulled you into his chest, squeezing you tight. You knew he was hurt but you clung to him for a few deep breaths, letting yourself feel small in his arms. 
Letting yourself pretend he could stop what was coming. 
But that wasn’t true. Not at all. Beau had been taken once already. And he was still in danger. 
All because of you.
Beau shushed you as you screamed into his shoulder, letting the feelings swirling through your veins out. “I’ll catch him and I’ll put him in the ground for good. I promise.”
“You can’t do that,” you whispered, shaking your head against him. “Not without a reason.”
“Sheriff.” You risked glancing at the doorway, Pop standing there along with a few other officers. “Everything okay in here?” 
“You need to tell them,” said Beau softly. You shook your head, forgetting about how embarrassed you’d be an hour from now for crying all over your boss in front of your co-workers. Beau was the only person in your adult life that you’d told and that took about three years of solid friendship and way too much whiskey to be able to open up.
Beau simply patted your head and kissed the top of it. “Okay. I’ll do it. You stay here.”
He sat you in your chair before ordering everyone back to the conference room. “Beau?”
“I’ll be there in a minute,” he said. Pop closed the door on the way out, Beau giving you his full attention, kneeling down with only a slight wince.
“What do you need right now, sweetie?” He was using that voice. That sweet, gentle voice he used when he was talking to a panicking victim or someone injured in an accident. All it did was make your gut churn with nerves. 
“It could be someone else,” you whispered. 
“It could,” he said with a smile. You both knew that wasn’t true though. The timing. The intelligence behind hiring ex-cartel members. Grabbing Beau.
“It’s Henry isn’t it.”
“I’m pretty sure, sweetie.” You bit your bottom lip when he wiped away a stray tear. “Hey. You need to hear this.”
You prepared yourself for him to say he’d protect you, keep you safe. All things he couldn’t actually promise. But somehow Beau knew that wasn’t what you needed.
“If a seventeen year old with no training beat him and put him behind bars, then he ought to be terrified of what you’re capable of now. Because that girl? She’s going to win every single time and he knows it.” Beau tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear as you felt yourself calm somewhat. “I’ll be back in a bit, okay?”
“I’ll be in there in a few minutes,” you said. He kissed your temple as he stood, the room quiet when he was gone. You distracted yourself by writing a few emails, one perhaps a bit too nasty to be sending but someone had seriously fucked up and it had to be corrected in the future.
With a sigh, eventually you found your way into the back of the conference room, Beau sitting at the head of the table with his laptop up. All eyes turned on you, Beau clearing his throat.
“As I was saying, Henry Frisch is suspect number one and is highly dangerous.” 
“Isn’t it premature to assume it’s this Frisch guy?” asked an officer sat at the table. “You’re making a lot of assumptions.”
“Frisch got out of prison a few months ago. He’s smart, has money and I know all of you can see this is far more logical than thinking those two dumbass cartel guys were behind this,” said Beau. 
“But you’re still assuming.”
“He is,” you said, feeling the heat of everyone’s gaze. “But Arlen is right. Frisch doesn’t directly target his victim. He goes after who they care about. And…”
“And?” asked Beau. You crossed your arms, staring at the floor.
“Houston correctional services can’t locate him. No credit activity in Texas in the past month. He’s not there. The two cartel guys left Texas around the same time Frisch disappeared.”
“It’s too much to be a coincidence,” said Beau.
“So who’s the victim if it’s not Sheriff?” asked a different officer. You kept on staring at the ground, a sharp intake of air around you. A quick glance showed an old picture of you on the TV screen, face looking not all that dissimilar to Beau’s. His eyes caught yours, giving you a small nod.
“Frisch was a high school english teacher. Fifteen years ago, he became obsessed with one of his students.” Beau put a picture of him up on the screen. The part you hated most was that Henry looked like a normal guy. He didn’t look crazy or scary. He was just a man.
“Officer Y/L/N.” You snapped out of your thoughts, Beau nodding at you. “You don’t have to be here for this.”
“In all fairness, I do.” 
“I won’t sugarcoat this.”
“I wouldn’t want you to.” He hummed, trusting you’d leave if it was too much for you. He pulled up a report on the screen, one you’d seen a million times.
“On a Friday night, Frisch went to the Y/L/N home sometime between nine and ten wherein he killed Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N in the living room. He then turned off the lights and waited for the daughter, Y/N Y/L/N, to arrive home.” You held your chin up, biting the inside of your cheek. “Our Y/N.”
“Holy shit,” someone muttered.
“Obviously his plan didn’t work out so well,” you said. Someone slapped you on the back, Beau forcing a smile in your direction.
“Y/N came home shortly after ten thirty where she discovered her parents. At this point, Henry Frisch attempted to abduct Y/N and the pair got in an altercation that lasted several minutes. Y/N ended up winning that one and I have no doubts we’re going to win this one too.” Heads nodded throughout the room, Pop putting his arm over your shoulders and giving you a side hug. “Let’s find this son of a bitch. Everyone be on high alert. He will go after any one of us. The closer you are to Y/N, the more of a target you are and he will know this. He planned Y/N’s abduction in high school for months before acting. Expect that same level of coordination. Pop, I don’t want you leaving the station unless necessary for the foreseeable future. You’re her partner so you have an extra target on your back.”
“Everybody.” You took a deep breath. “Don’t underestimate this man. Henry won’t think twice about killing you.”
“You beat him when you were a teenager. He might be smart but we just have to find him and then we got him,” said a cop on the far side of the room. “Just saying. He can’t be that strong.”
“She just told you not to underestimate him,” said Beau, standing and narrowing his eyes. “I would listen to her.”
“He’s not some giant. He-”
“Officer Y/L/N beat him because she was pumped full of adrenaline and going through shock at discovering her parents. It was literally a fight for her life. Yet somehow, she was smart. Smart enough to be logical while in the worst moment of her life. That teenage girl didn’t beat a weakling. She beat a man that took down two grown adults. It wasn’t because she was physically stronger. No way was she that. You want to know what she did? How she won?”
“Beau.” You gave him a warning glance. He might have known all the gory details but the rest of them didn’t need to. Beau backed off, the officer looking to you. “I am lucky to be alive. The only reason I am is because he got cocky. You can trust he won’t make that mistake again.”
The room went quiet, Beau letting everyone take a beat. You sighed, stepping forward. “Sheriff Arlen, you’re not authorized to be working. You’re on medical leave. Someone escort our fearless leader back to my house and make sure he stays there. Or he can stay at the hospital. His choice. But he needs to rest, not work.” 
He raised his eyebrows, balking at you. “Excuse me? One of my officers is targeted and you think I’d-”
“You are as much of a target as I am. Hell, you’re an even bigger one. I want three officers with Arlen at all times,” you said, pointing at three of your people. “Clear the house, thoroughly, and then keep his ass inside of it until we find Frisch.”
“How the hell do you expect to do that?” said Beau, standing grumpily on his crutches. 
“We know what he wants,” you said. 
“No fucking way.” 
“You’re not in charge right now,” you shot back. 
“Neither are you.”
“I’m your second in command,” you growled. “You can’t-”
“Officer Y/L/N and I are in a relationship.” Your heart skipped a beat. He didn’t just say that did he? Did, did he not realize how much trouble he could get in for dating an officer that reported to him? That he had authority over? He could lose his damn job. 
“He’s lying,” you said, trying to cover for him. “We all know he hates the idea of baiting Frisch by using me and he’ll say the craziest bullshit to stop it. He-”
“Crazy bullshit?” he asked, walking over slowly. “You’re a fucking idiot.”
“You are out of line, Arlen. Turner, take him to my house-” You froze when Beau stopped in front of you, grabbed your waist with his good arm and pulled you flush against him before delivering an exceptionally long kiss. 
“You’ll lose your job,” you whispered when he broke apart, keeping his face close. 
“If I have to lose it to protect you, so be it.” You shook your head, Beau shushing you. “I am not letting Henry near you. End of story.”
“You’re an idiot,” you said.
“You’re both idiots,” mumbled someone. You stepped back from Beau, watching him right his shoulders.
“If someone wants to report me for not disclosing a relationship that started 12 hours ago or thinks this is favoritism, go right ahead. Now I’m not at full speed right now. I get that. And I would kill to take a nap right now. But I am your leader and I will do what I have to in order to protect each and every one of you. I don’t agree with Y/L/N’s idea of bait. I find it too risky and we’re not jeopardizing her to get this over faster.”
Beau inhaled sharply. “I am going to go rest because I’ve had a hell of a week. If you don’t respect me, trust me, that’s fine. Y/L/N broke no rules. I did. She is still the officer in charge. Come up with a better, safer, plan and execute it.”
“Nice speech and all sheriff but you do know literally everyone in the office has been waiting for you two to get together, right?” You and Beau both scrunched up your faces, getting a quiet chuckle from the room. “Wow. They are oblivious.”
“Pop,” you said, getting a shrug from him. “You didn’t tell me? You’re my partner!”
“It seemed kind of inevitable, especially after the past week. You’ve been a little tense. And if I’m being completely honest, I don’t think either one of you should be in charge right now. You’re both way too close to this.” Your jaw dropped the same time you saw a proud little smirk appear on Beau’s face.
“Alright then. Turner, you’re in charge. Y/L/N,” said Beau as you frowned. “Work with your team, Y/L/N. You’re their best intel on Frisch.”
You sighed, grumpily agreeing. While everyone started brainstorming other ideas, Beau slipped out of the room. It was easy to catch up with him in the hall, Beau wincing more than before. You ducked under his good arm, helping him to his office where he sprawled out on the small couch.
“You really need to lie down in a bed, Beau.” 
“I’m not leaving this station and neither are you,” he grunted, trying to fix the pillow behind his back. You helped adjust it before leaving for a moment, returning with a thick shock blanket from the supply closet. You draped it over top of his body, Beau closing his eyes. “Remind me not to stand on this fucking ankle.”
“Can I get you anything?” You sat on the edge of the couch, stroking your hand over his head. 
“Someone needs to run by your house and grab my medicine. And maybe an air mattress. I’m serious about us not leaving here.” 
You nodded, Beau nuzzling your hand when you brought it to his cheek. “Frisch won’t kill me.”
“No. But he’ll make you wish you were. He’s a psycho and fifteen years in prison didn’t do him any wonders I bet.”
“I’m going to try and understand how he got out. I would swear on my life his sentence had no parole available.” Beau slowly opened his eyes and nodded. “He got two life sentences. How could he have been let out like that?”
“Frisch came from money you said?” You hummed, Beau taking hold of your hand, interlacing your fingers. “A payoff is unlikely, not after fifteen years. They were supposed to let you know he was being released too, considering your history.”
“He didn’t escape. The system says he was released. But why on earth would they let him out?” A knock at the door made you both turn your heads, Pop’s face somber. “What is it?”
“We did some quick digging and apparently Frisch got out due to a technicality. Something to do with chain of evidence a lawyer uncovered recently. The sentence for the attack on you was only fifteen years so they had to let him go,” he said. You let out a long sigh, Beau squeezing your hand. 
“We’ll find him,” said Beau, nodding towards Pop. “See if you can figure out where he’s staying and who his lawyer was for this technicality. He might know have an idea of where Frisch is.”
Pop left after Beau gave him a few more notes, the two of you quiet. Frisch was a nightmare, a nightmare Beau had to live with now as much as you. He’d gone after your parents without a second thought and now Beau was next in line.
Because of you.
“Do me a favor, Y/N. Stay safe for me, okay?” You kissed his temple and gave him a small nod, standing after a moment and turning off the light so he could get some rest.
People were back at their desks, seemingly working on something. You wandered over to Pop’s, taking a slow seat in the chair next to his. “You guys figure out a plan?”
“We’re working sheriff’s ideas. I could use some help going through properties in a hundred mile radius that fit the bill of where he’d want to take you, probably someplace similar to where Beau was.”
“Beau,” you smiled, glancing at his closed office door. “We found Beau because we trailed that guy with the out of state plates, right?”
“That house tied back to a phony name though. It was rented under an alias.” You leaned forward, still smiling. “What?”
“The house Beau was in? That was a secluded two story craftsman. Not a lot of craftsman in this area. I knew the floor plan because I grew up in a two story craftsman just like it. The same house Frisch came to and told me how he got us a home just like that one for us to live the rest of our lives in.” Pop looked leery but you didn’t have anything better to go off of. “If I’m wrong, I’m wrong. But I really think we should look at all craftsman style homes in the area first. Rentals, foreclosures, new sales.”
“Alright,” he said. You stood and smirked. “You’re pretty sure about this, aren’t you?”
“I’m pretty sure Beau was kept alive because Henry doesn’t want to kill him. Beau’s meant to keep me in line. He would have grabbed me too but I pretty much lived at the station the past week so he didn’t have a chance. But he’s going to want to try again, I guarantee it.”
“Let’s hope you’re right and it’s that simple.” 
“Me too.” 
Unfortunately, things with Henry were never simple.
A/N: Read the Final part here!
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acourtofthought · 16 days
I like your blog a lot for a long time. You have lots of great theories and There’s one theory of yours that i struggle with though and it’s that Elucien will come first because they’ve suffered more than the others. It’s not that I don’t believe Elucien can’t be next I think there is a very good chance, but this specific reason that they deserve it first is what gets me
Hasn’t Azriel been waiting for a mate or some answer from the Mother for 500+ years? (Not saying this is right but it’s the info given to us). Hasn’t Gwyn been in a library for 2 years looking for courage to go outside? Is Sjmass really going to writing the next two couples in order of who’s been more wronged? If that’s the case Helion and Lady Autumn’s story should’ve been resolved long ago. I think is purely a stan/shipper feeling to think a couples book should come first because other characters need to repent to faves before they get their happiness
For me, it's a little more involved than that.
First off, Az being hung up on Mor for 500 years and someone thinking he should get a book next for that reason is not a strong enough argument in my opinion. If he were to end up with Mor than sure, maybe that would make a bit more sense but she is not his endgame person therefore their past should not really influence his love story with Gwyn. As of November-ish in SF, we saw Az expressing jealousy over Mor when Helion asked after her whereabouts. As of December in SF, we have Az not able to admit to Rhys that he's no longer in love with Mor though he was having extremely sexual thoughts of Elain.
In my opinion, no, I don't think it's a great setup for Az to end up with his mate 9 or so months after that (because that's a realistic time-frame we're looking at here, Koschei and Beron aren't just sitting around waiting for Az's love life to happen before they carry out their schemes which will most likely be dealt with in an Elucien book. The state of Spring can't continue on the way it is for another 9 months while Az gets a girl. If he does, Az will not have spent even a single year not having been fixated / obsessed on a female for nearly the entirety of his life. I think it would actually be very healthy for Az to learn a little bit of who he is outside of his fixation on a female.
Also, Az claiming Elain can't handle the Trove, rejecting her and saying Lucien will never be good enough in one book then he goes on to get his HEA in the very next book while they continue struggling? That's rewarding his temper tantrum (again, in my opinion).
The LoA and Helion are most likely not getting a POV anytime soon so bringing them into the debate doesn't make a lot of sense to me at this point. If anything Mor probably even deserves her HEA before the others (especially Az) because she's the one who has struggled to come out to her family. She's the one who has felt scared of Az's behavior at times. She's the one who feels she has to hide things from Az otherwise he pouts and she has to feel bad about his feelings.
Why should Az, who honestly is not behaving well to most of the others (trying to undermine Feyre's word as High Lady, mouthing off to Rhys, being jealous of Lucien who is their ally, trying to hold Elain back from doing more, pouting about Mor, be the one to get his HEA after how he's acted towards all of them? Shouldn't he spend some time reflecting on how he's made them feel before he's ready to be the guy Gwyn deserves? He is surrounded by love of his friends and family yet he behaves as if he has nobody. I think his first lesson is to be grateful for what he has without wanting romance. Because that's the thing. He's tied up his self worth in whether or not he has someone and that will make his ending up with Gwyn be more about him finally thinking he can tell himself he's worthy rather than it being about a sincere love for Gwyn for the right reasons. But because love isn't going to actually cure him, their foundation will not be a strong one, his personal issues will not have been dealt with. Az wanting love from a relationship is a crutch. "if I got this I'd feel better".
And yes, Gwyn has been wanting to come out of the library but the thing with that is whenever she's ready to do so, she has a very strong support system already in place. She has Nesta, Emerie, even Cassian and Az. Gwyn has people who have supported her, pushed her to do more, believed in her. We already had the chance to here her story in her own words.
Compare that to Elain? Elain does not have that and she's the only possible FMC who we've never heard tell her story. Even Emerie got to tell her story. Elain is surrounded by people who don't think she's capable of much, who never once encouraged her to train her powers, who we have never heard how she truly feels about her fathers death or having stabbed the king or her mating bond. Elain does not have a found family so her spending another 9 months without the same support system the others have? Lucien spending another 9 months without a real home?
It's clear neither is in the court they belong so yes, I do think it would be more fair for them to not be pushed aside for another 9 months. Where Lucien is actually struggling with the affects of an unaccepted mating bond versus Az who is just pissy about not having one but is not going mad (which in canon can happen to mated males) from his instincts the way Lucien might be. Also, Lucien is not treated extremely well by the IC. He's tolerated, at times they get along but even in SF we see evidence of dismissive behavior. As of HOFAS Az has an even stronger friendship with Nesta, Cassian and Rhys are his brothers. Who does Lucien have? Who have we seen on page that he shares a real connection with? He said Vassa and Jurian are his friends but have we ever seen either of them actually ask Lucien about how he feels, what he wants? Cassian tried to strike up a conversation with Az about children, that's someone who is showing an interest in Az. All anyone asks Lucien about is Koschei or Spring or Beron and when he did try to tell Feyre about Vassa and Jurian, she made fun of him.
Also, to your point about Gwyn's trauma taking place two years ago, it did but it was only introduced to the reader on page in SF. We weren't able to read about what happened to her in real time. It's sort of like Lucien watching Jesminda be murdered. It was an absolutely horrific thing that happened to him but we didn't suffer with his character as it happened. That's not to say it makes his trauma (or hers) less valid but when we actually read about Elain and Nesta's kidnapping / being bound and gagged / forced into the Cauldron in book 2, where we read about their terror as it played out and Nesta had a chance to process the trauma on page in her own book and Elain confirmed she still has that trauma yet nobody is talking to her about it? Would it not be a logical conclusion that she also deserves a chance to have a voice since she was waiting for one ever since book 2? Where we witnessed even more trauma for her on page in book 3? Where she suffered another rejection in book 4 and had her own sister pushing her away for an entire year?
Even if Gwyn and Az don't find love right away they both have a place where they truly belong with unconditional love from their friends and neither Elain or Lucien have that. It's not even about deserving romance, it's them deserving a chance to find a home and I'm not sure why they should have to wait for Az to get a mate before they get that.
And in terms of plot, the pressing issues that affected their entire lands were the peace treaty, Beron, Koschei and Spring. From a plot perspective those things do seem more urgent and are tied into Elucien.
Sarah also said her initial plans for the spin-offs have not really changed from that first pitch (while drafting ACOWAR and finishing up edits for ACOMAF), where she knew who the first two would be about but was unsure of the third. At that time Gwyn's character did not yet exist so I don't think it's completely out of the realm of possibility to believe the characters with a confirmed / strongly hinted at mating bonds at that time were getting those first two spin-offs.
I do appreciate your comments and I'm sorry this particular stance is upsetting to you. It's really just my opinion though, no more valid than anyone else's.
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the-bastards-box · 2 years
Does minty taste minty?boutta consume 'em to find out
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To be a bit clearer about my issue with the tweet that I talked about in this post as I was posting in the car on the way home (I was not driving but had to do it fast because I get super motion sick) and have had some time to expand a bit:
If we’re talking about the general concept “Stolas set the parameters of the initial sexual transaction thus rooting their relationship in sex from the start and because Blitz is too self loathing and willfully blind to see the desired parameters have changed it is Stolas who made their relationship all about sex in large part because Blitz was never going to be in a healthy enough space to be the one to change it” then yes I agree with the sentiment.
Stolas could have simply said “I’ll let you use the grimoire in exchange for a date” instead of jumping straight to sexual relationship and they could have gotten to know each other first, maybe one date for each Full Moon*. So yes, he did make it this way, he set the terms. At the start of the show.
(*Side note: This would be a super cute fanfic premise tbh and if the show did something like that, where they need to exchange something and say “Hey, how about we make a deal to go on a date on the Full Moon” it would be a really fucking adorable way to reconcile them *starry eyes*. Just think about how much that would slap. The narrative circle of that would be *chef’s kiss*. )
My problem with the framing of “Stolas started it that way in Murder Family, was super over the top horny for a few episodes, now he must suffer the consequences despite the fact that he has been trying to change their dynamic since Blitz expressed how he felt in Ozzie’s” is that, the events of The Circus completely recontextualize the deal we see made and Stolas’s behavior.
We, the audience, didn’t know in S1 that Blitz initiated the whole thing and that Stolas was just mirroring that energy, so I am extremely understanding of this perception pre-S2. Even up until Western Energy, but by Oops we have enough evidence to show Stolas has been trying, Blitz is just refusing. So Stolas didn’t “make it this way” for where the characters are NOW. Not in a “It is Blitz’s fault” taking sides in the divorce way, but in a “This is about character growth or the deliberate lack of it within the story” way.
My big issue with the tweet now, and didn’t learn until I read the tags of a lovely person is that is apparently from an individual who actually works on the show. And that is….kinda concerning to me. A bit.
The idea that Stolas’s efforts count for nothing because he set the initial deal and behaved badly at the start, that we the audience should still see the current dynamic as “Stolas making everything sexual” is a problem 8 episodes into the 2nd season. We have many examples of him not doing that any longer, he has changed, we the audience have been shown that change. Why is it still being framed this way by the actual creative team?
I don’t know how animation production works, so I’m not sure if the people who work as animators are given the whole picture or not. I don’t even know they are fans necessarily, or if they get their individual parts to work on and that’s it. I have zero background info on how these meetings are conducted. I am not coming from a position of authority in this regard.
Setting aside the dismissal of Stolas’s character growth this season. framing it this way undermines the journey Blitz is on too. At this point in the story he is refusing to acknowledge Stolas’s earnest attempts, his willful ignorance is not a funny gag but a reflection of his character and state of mind. It is implied his own trauma and self loathing make him unable to believe what has being explicitly told to him. This confrontation is the tipping point for further development in one direction or another. His choice now is to continue to ignore it and lose Stolas entirely or to try and work through it in some way. By implying Stolas is the one who created thier current situation way back in S1 implies Blitz’s ignorance of Stolas’s feelings is not because of character’s motivations and his own choices to ignore it but simply because it was that way at the start and it is immutable. Stolas said “sex for book please” and “jelly sandwiches” and Blitz was just “I’m just doing what he said he wanted, now he’s coming out of nowhere with this feelings stuff” when a huge part of showing the audience that it is Blitz’s self loathing driving the conflicts in his life is that he refuses to believe the truth of the situation which is it wasn’t Stolas making it all about sex at all. That Stolas has been trying and Blitz keeps shutting it down because of his issues.
That just seems like a crucial part of what we’re doing here? Yes Stolas creates the situation in S1 but he went out of his way to do the opposite in S2.
Obviously this individual’s qualifications for interpretation, being an actual employee, trump my “I’ve watched it a bunch and obsess over it constantly” credentials by a long shot. But my concern is to have a meeting of people responsible for creating the show reflect this sentiment after what we’ve seen in S2 so far is just a little baffling to me?
Either those attempts by Stolas portrayed on screen and the change in his behavior towards Blitz after he realizes his feelings are meaningless in the face of first impressions being everything to both Blitz and the audience. If that is the case I’m not sure why they would be included if the end result interpretation is still “Stolas horny. Made it all about sex. The end.”
Or, I am misreading something, either the tweet itself or the canon text. This is very possible, tweets being an imperfect communication tool and myself being an imperfect person. But as I stated in the original post, if we’re accounting for what is shown on screen as being how we should interpret the characters, Stolas has been trying for months to shift gears and Blitz is the one who continues to frame it as “just sex”. So I just find the tweet completely out of touch with the narrative we’re consuming.
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derangedanomaly · 1 month
-Hello! My name is Anomaly, happy to welcome you in my blog!-
About Me:
Name: Anomaly
Favorite characters (borderline obsession): Error Sans, Horror Sans, Dust Sans, Science Sans, Mammon, Leviathan, Beelzebub, Satan
Likes: Angst, Fluff, Horror stuff, Writing, Drawing, Lemon juice, Music, Creepy stuff (lmao)
Dislikes: Public speaking, Mushrooms, Unnecessary Loud People
My Main Series/Saga:
UNDERMINE (On-hold/being rewritten - 5/2/2024) [Link]
Overcopy 1 [Link]
Overcopy 2 [Link]
Overcopy 3 [Link]
Overcopy 4 [Link]
Overcopy 5 [Link]
My Masterlists:
What is my blog about? / What can I find here?
I'm an artist, and a writer! There's a chance that I'll mash the two together, but I mostly separate art and writing.
How is it with requests?
My requests are always open, but I cannot guarantee that I'll answer right away, I'd say my rules aren't so strict, I'm just busy irl.
This blog isn't my only focus in my everyday life, so there are times where I just don't make posts for 5 days straight. The times where I post the most are on weekends, as I have more time.
Are there any special tags you use?
For personal questions, I simply use this tag: #vicnityask
For announcing new things: #vicnitynews
And for posts, that are about my Au "Over-copy", I tag them all: #chaos sans
Can I draw fanart?
Yes! I have no problems with anyone drawing fanart for me, quite the opposite actually. It'd totally make my day if someone drew me fanart :)
Hope you'll enjoy my work! Hope you'll have a beautiful day/night! ^^
[5/2/2024] (A/N: Why am I always writing these things SO late? I swear, I probably have the WORST schedule known to men. 💀 This should've been the first thing I should've wrote dawg 😭)
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faceofpoe · 1 month
sorry I'm never going to get over this with CX 2 but
The absolute storytelling fumble that was "their identities are erased" about characters that are shown to be these interchangeable and replaceable and unseen "shadows"
Only to then assign a *specific* "shadow" as your character foil
And giving him unique characteristics/personality/skills/plot armor distinct from the others
Rather than just letting *all* the shadows serve that function because the point is the erasing of the identity and "this would have been you, the unseen *disposable* ruthless villain whose death doesn't matter because the next one will just fill the void"
They undermined the concept of the shadows with CX-2 I will die on this hill
Crosshair "I realized how disposable I was" the uncaringly being replaced is actually so important to the foil concept and starts with CX2 eliminating CX1 but then making CX2 the dude who just won't die until Hemlock takes his shit and leaves him behind at the end?
Viewers gravitating to "ooh there's something deeper about him then" vs "that's narratively inconsistent writing" was the kinder take.
He is written to serve the story beats of every episode he's in with no consideration to how his characterization therefore shifts wildly in between and that is insultingly lazy storytelling.
I think I hate it more because I can ... kind of see the vision. The echoes of Crosshair's experiences in 6-7 as CX-2 gets beat to hell and back. Surviving the waterfall = surviving Kamino and then just getting used and used up until Barton IV/Tantiss?
But your character still has to work beyond "hey look at the parallels LOOK AT THEM" and so you're just left with "he acts the way he acts because random clones can die on Teth and we need to orchestrate a big solo fight with Crosshair; Cid can be tortured for info because audience knows she deserves it, but we need Phee alive for taxi service and burning Pabu would be too traumatizing and take away our happily ever epilogue that's already written"
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How to Write Quirks for your OCs
The thing that I noticed I see people choose quirks for their oc is and how they forget how quirks work while choosing a quirk which is in writing quirks and how you’re treated in bnha, for example when they make a character quirkless they forget all the things that came with how people who are quirkless are treated when they are creating it they forget how people with no quirk are treated in bnha.
I already talked about quirks in my bnha character design post, but this post is about how to write quirks and what to do when you choose them for your character. If you're going to give your oc a quirk you need to know how this quirk is treated in bnha for worldbuilding.
When choosing a quirk for an oc, it’s easy to forget how quirks are treated in bnha, Sometimes having a quirk can cause inconveniences or pain to characters like mt lady having to constantly always pay for the destruction due to her quirk resizing and destroying buildings every time she walks and how their original character quirk makes them interact with their environment. Himiko is the best example; her perception shifts due to how people in her environment react to her quirk. The majority of the characters' problems had everything to do with how they viewed quirks. Izuku was bullied and undermined for being quirkless, and the Todoroki family abuse started with Endeavor’s obsession to surpass all might by having a stronger quirk in the form of his son.
People are used as tools because of their quirks, with the people only caring about the quirks, not the people who have them.  People are judged based on utility rather than people. The person is judged on the utilitarianism of their quirk rather than their intrinsic value as people. There are several instances that their quirk is valued more than themselves by the people around them. the people only value the quirk of the person more than the person themselves. rending a person's only value is for their quirks. Most characters treat that person as an extension of their quirk without thinking about whether the people behind them would feel this is centered around caring about the utility of a quirk rather than a person.  
A lot of people in bnha do that, especially heroes along the lines of "If I had a quirk like that if I had enough power” or complimenting the person's quirk.
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Both sides talk about what quirks they need and seek to use their quirks for their gain.
Quirks like heroes are treated as usable products than people both villains and heroes seek to exploit others to use their quirks.
The head of the hero commission scouted Nagant due to her quirk.
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Hawks was in a similar situation but unlike Nagant, he sees this as a ticket out to cut himself off from his past and escape his terrible situation.The hero commission exploited quirks for their gain treating the person who has them as disposable products and disposing of them when they realize that they can’t control them.
All of them see the quirk first, person second.
You're seen as an extension of your quirk. Judged based on utility than as a person it comes off as dehumanizing. This is one of the problems that bred villains since they are not seen or thought of by people. Himiko is a perfect example of how people around her didn’t understand her due to how they treated her based on her quirk, forcing her to surpass it.
Quirks can affect the body makeup and influence the personality to some extent such as Himiko's quirk making Himiko drawn to blood, Tsuyu’s frog-like features causing her to have a liken to moist places, Rei and the rest of her family loves the cold due to how their bodies treat it.
Another thing in bnha is about quirk registrars. Quirks registries can be changed, when someone gets more info on their quirk they change their registry.
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Quirks are not consistent like people they change and grow; not everyone knows their quirk, which is why the register is updated. People can also  lie about their quirks making it handy for people to get away with things such as the case with Garaki.
When writing your oc, find out first how their quirk is treated, such as an OC who struggles to be seen as a person, not as an extension for their quirks, How they feel that they are not of any use to others feel sad about it, how they feel about being used for their quirks. You don’t always have to write their struggles with their said quirks, you just need to know how quirks are treated so you can have a better understanding when you are choosing a quirk for your oc.
The basic facts for quirks is that at the age of four when a child manifests their quirk, the child would have one of his parent's quirks or a fusion of the two
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Bakugo and Shoto are the result this with Bakugo’s quirk is the fusion of his parent's quirk,
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Todoroki is another example of this in more unsavory ways.
Hereditary being the main theme is seen in quirks with each getting stronger and different with each generation, quirks grow and change getting strong and diverse with each generation making it harder to know and control.
if you're going to write about a bnha character you need to keep in mind the themes of bnha which include how quirks act in bnha and how people react to quirks
Quirkless means without a quirk, Izuku is introduced as the main character as quirkless.
What does quirkless mean? Let’s go over the basics.
To know if a character is quirkless they have to be diagnosed by a doctor with an absence of the extra joint in the pinky toe means they have a quirk but having two joints mean quirklessness The reason why two joints mean quirklessness is because humans evolved to not need another joint.
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In the series 20% of the population of quirks,  In the past the quickness population is even larger In the present society quirklessness got rarer each generation. Most of the older population is quirkless you might meet someone that is. Being quirkless is considered an oddity to some since it's rare in the current era
You can place having no quirk in the quirk registry, you will find out if a person is quirkless if you look at their medical records.
Quirklessness is used in a negative context by other characters meaning useless because it means no quirk.
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They considered having no quirk to be considered useless since they are saying that they can't do anything hence their uselessness, since being quirkless is treated like a handicap in the series.
Something is interesting in the way how quirklessness is handled in the series. We mainly see it from Izuku's perspective. We viewed quirkless as a bad thing because we saw it from his perspective. the reason Izuku is devastated by learning that he is quirkless means that he can’t have the job he wants hero is a job position that allows people to use quirks freely being quirkless is a major handicap in the quirk-fueled profession for izuku in his struggles, in the beginning, is that he is trying to set into a profession that isn’t made for him. That is all from his perspective. People wouldn’t react the same way to being quirkless.
The real ones with this who think that are the people around them. For Aoyama his parents are the ones that reacted more than Aoyama did it was automatically his parents that created his problems Izukus's mother knew how much her son wanted to be a hero when his son asked she broke down tearfully apologizing she felt like she couldn’t give him the future he wanted there is an awful lot of self-pity on her part.  There's a reason why they couldn’t give words of encouragement and ended up making things worse for the people who are quirkless under the assumption that being quirkless Is a bad thing since it means that you can’t do anything without a quirk. They think being quirkless is a bad thing but that is a misconception.  
This showcases how society doesn’t handle quirks well. They don’t have the tools to handle them, which in turn created a lot of problems in the story.
No one in the story thinks that being quirkless can be a benefit as we see quirks can be dangerous to the person having them and creates a lot of problems with them. Having a quirk wouldn’t improve a person's job performance; not many jobs required using quirks.  
To write about a character being quirkless is in how the people around them treated their quirklessness, People who hear about this would react with pity or feel uncomfortable.
Writing a character who is quirkless means that you have to consider how they would feel about it. For your character it would likely mean struggling with being different or feeling left out or dealing with pity they might feel left out or being different
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but it all depends on the circumstances of the person who is quirkless. Maybe the people themselves aren't bothered by being quirkless since there aren't too many problems they have with people with quirks.
Quirks being used as tools
This is something I talked about at the begging of this post before and here I am going to elaborate on it This is something that needs to be expanded on the idea that the quirks in bnha are used as tools by others It was something that I saw in the series is that in the way on how people treat quirk are tools to use, Nagant and Hawks were scouted by the hero commision specifically because they wanted to use their quirks
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These people are seen as tools because of how useful their quirks are than people. This isn’t just exclusive to just the hero commision. Other people are guilty of this as well; even innocent comments made by heroes from the Spots festival increase this view.
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People put more value on quirks than the people behind their quirks. Even heroes have this kind of mindset.
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This demonstrates people's attitude toward quirks in general, showing how much they Put stock in quirks and whether they are useful or not. It shows people put a lot of value on quirks than the people behind them. This goes with quirklessness; they are not as valued as people with quirks are. When a quirk turns out to be useful they change their minds and this shift in mindset is how quirks are seen first then the people themselves. quirk counseling people are taught to consider quirks can be used to be useful to society can be a negative concept that causes people to attach their values to their quirks, even base their self-image after their quirks this leads people to be defined by their quirks resulting in overpressure the people themselves later to be crushed under the weight of expectations. This mindset horrendously causes others in neglecting their well-being to feel useful to others. This might explain why some people might be devastated by being quirkless. It shows how much placing so much value on quirks causes someone pain. This is a mindset passed around a lot by others and is harmful because it comes off as dehumanizing to the person with the quirk in question. I discussed in the post that this is dehumanizing to the person in question because they are seen as an extension of their quirk. Here's the thing: just because a quirk may not come off as useful doesn’t mean the person who has it is. That is something people themselves don’t realize.
Try to write about characters finding out about this mindset, how do characters feel about being treated as tools for their quirks than people? how would your character feel when they are treated this way? This is something to talk about.
Rare quirks
Rare quirks that are highly sought out by others. The rare quirks that are listed in the series are teleportation, healing, and electric quirks. Electric quirks are in popular demand and receive well-paid jobs. The reason why electric quirks are popular is that it's the modern era and the modern era uses a lot of electricity.
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Recovery Girl has a rare quirk; she makes frequent visits to hospitals; this is to indicate just how there are not many healing quirks in the world of bnha.
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Heroes comment that teleportation quirks are rare. The reason why teleportation quirks are sought out by heroes is that having teleportation allows them to go from one area to the next to fight crime.
If you're going to write about how to give your character a rare quirk keep in mind that the quirks that I mentioned before are not frequent.  If your character does write how their quirk is being used as a tool to due how useful it is to the people around them quirks would be caused to be used as tools and that's something to write about. I mentioned this before and this is one of the things to write about.
Mutations are quirks that have no resemblance to any of the quirks from either side of the family. Mutations are rare since they are not seen due to how little it doesn’t resemble anything in the family.
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Eri and Tomura are the only known examples as people with mutated quirks have both a few things in common, One is how Eri and Tomura don’t understand what was happening when their quirks first activated. Two they accidentally killed their family when their quirks first activated,Eri accidentally re-winded her father of his existence and Tomura killed his family. The third thing that they have in common is that Eri and Tomura don’t understand their quirks and accept what others told them as the truth. The reason why Tomura and Eri are quick to believe AFO and Overhaul is mainly because of how limited their understanding of their quirks is.
One thing to write about is how the people around those with mutated quirks don’t understand their power as much as the people with mutated quirks did, Eri's family members don’t understand her quirk and how it works which is why Eri was given to Overhaul because they are viewed to have similar quirks
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To write about ocs with mutation quirks if you take Tomura and eri as examples when you write about how the oc would feel it's that you don't understand their quirks since it didn’t have any resemblance to others. You don’t have to make a tragic example but use it as a basis.
To make a mutation you would not only show how it doesn’t resemble anything to others but show how it defies logic,
eri quirk, for example, can rewind a quirk it bends the rules in the bnha universe. That's one thing I noticed how it bends people's understanding of how things work.
Quirk marriages
Quirk marriages are briefly mentioned by Shoto but what are quirk marriages? Quirk marriages began in the second and third generations after quirks appeared, strong individuals would choose partners and force them into marriage to pass on a strengthened version of their quirk.
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Here's something I noticed: quirk marriages happened during the second and third generations which are around parents or grandparents. Fourth generation quirk users were children born from quirk marriages there was a panel that pointed out that Izuku's mother is a fourth generation
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means if she was a fourth generation then she might have known kids who had been through quirk marriages. How does Izuku know about it? Is it public knowledge? Izuku might have heard about it from his mother but that's my guess.
That is why quirk marriages are taboo in the current society as well as have potentially dangerous side effects that would be as children with bodies that don’t match their quirks which is a result of a quirk marriage as seen with Touya showing us how dangerous the consequences of quirk marriages are.
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The generation lacking ethics is a huge understatement; they had no sense of consequences when it comes to their own child's life making them very selfish. This showed how the children are treated as tools for their parents that they can mold and use for their selfish benefit even having no respect for their own child's autonomy. Shoto and his siblings are the product of a quirk marriage, Shoto always had feelings of anger at being nothing more than a tool by his father. Because he knew he was born from a quirk marriage and Shoto felt that he had no right to his autonomy since created by his father.
If you're going to write your oc coming from a quirk marriage keep in mind that using quirk marriage is considered taboo in current society
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 using this would mean that they would be birthed through unethical means. if your character came from a quirk marriage how would they feel? would they feel proud or angry? As we have seen with Shoto and Touya they might have felt they had no autonomy since they were created by their parents or they would feel a need to justify their existence since they existed because of their parents.
Speaking of quirks that don’t match their bodies…
Quirks don’t match their body
It is a fact that quirks can be incompatible with bodies which can sometimes be hereditary or a result of an unethical experiment. Unmatched quirks can give people pain each time they use them, at the time they can be fatal like with dangers that might lead to death. It can cause death if not careful.
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Aoyama uses this as a cover to explain his condition to blend in. This can be stated that Aoyama's quirk can be fatal if he's not careful.
The reason he wears the support belt is that if he doesn’t his navel laser would melt his stomach. It might not be an understatement if Aoyama had to wear a support belt when he was younger Aoyama didn’t have the support belt and would accidentally melt his stomach. Mina's comment on melting your stomach might not be funny judging on Aoyama's reaction that it can happen. It may seem to be funny but it has tragic implications with dabi being a tragic example.
Support items have a special purpose: the support items are used to alleviate the side effects of the quirks; they are not only used for heroes but also for people who cannot regulate their quirks.
Later in the manga, it was revealed to be a lie Aoyama, however what he said about quirks not matching your body is true which is something used later when discussing.
Let's look at Dabi. Like Aoyama, he has a body incompatible with his quirk.. He has a powerful fire quirk but a body made for ice which is a result of a quirk marriage with deadly consequences. When he was young he got burns each time he used his quirk from his training,  his quirk was hurting him as seen in panels
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there were ghastly side effects on Touya such as the accumulating burns on his body and his hair changing color all this resulted in Dabi burning death by accident. The side effects are completely apparent: the burns on Dabi’s skin each time he uses his quirk makes his skin look like it is going to fall off.
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What kind of struggles would your character go through? well for starters they would suffer physical defects
from using their quirk and require a support item to negate the quirk's side effects its possible to make
it manageable with his but how would they feel about it let's look at Dabi and Aoyama, Dabi feels that he's not good enough because his own body made him a failure in Endeavor’s eyes. Aoyama felt that he was not equal due to his condition both of them prove that they are trying to be good enough in others' eyes.
Mutants are people with quirks that affect their appearance.
There is a discrimination of heteromorph quirks in bnha. Mutants are discriminated against because of their appearance. Both Spinner and Mezo experience persecution by others for their appearances,
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 it is considered rude to insult others for their appearance
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even the word hetreromorpth might come off as too impolite.
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there was a group called the creature rejection clan a cult that commit crimes against people with heteromorphic quirks
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6/6 incidents and a great jeda purge is an event that happened in the bnha universe,
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where people participated in the slaughter of heteromorphic by how much discomfort they feel about their appearance. Discrimination happened because of only how much discomfort people feel about their appearance
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Discrimination towards heteromorphs is prominent in the countryside and small towns don’t happen too often in cities since it has densely populated areas with more diverse have more different people
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According to Skeptic, a portion of villains are heteromorphic. Feeling anger from all the persecution they endured, heteromorphs became villains.
If you're writing your oc as a mutant you need to keep in mind that this happens in the bnha universe,
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Your character might face constant persecution. How do characters feel when they are persecuted all the time?
they would say "if only” to themselves from all the mistreatment they endured.
You don’t have to write it in your character but that's something to think about
Villain quirks
The term above is obvious to know what that means but here is about how to write your character with a villain quirk.
As stated before people are seen for their quirks people would make assumptions about people based on others' quirks and make misconceptions that a person with a villain's quirk is a villain. People are assumed to be villains because of certain quirks and are treated as villains because of their quirks.
Being called a villain in bnha is an emotionally charged word and when used as the greatest insult against someone
being called a villain meant you have no future. However, The BNHA world has no clear-cut lines of what makes a hero and a villain. This comes with people with villain-looking quirks even when someone has a villain quirk it doesn’t mean that they are a villain
Take Shinso, for example, people made assumptions about him growing up to be a criminal because of his quirk this comment bothers Shinso because he isn’t he wants to be a hero
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because of this Shinso is jealous of others for being able to achieve their lot in life because he is labeled as a villain from the discrimination of his quirk he was shut off from ever achieving his dreams.
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Would your characters face prejudice due to having a villain quirk? Yeah, that's possible since being called a villain is a huge insult since people see others as something irredeemable.
How do you write characters with a villain quirk? What would they feel? if you take Shinso for example it's dealing with misconceptions by others. how they are dealing with misconceptions by others of their quirk.
Quirk counseling
What is quirk counseling? It's a program that kids go through elementary school when their quirks are awoken.
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Kids go through quirk counseling in elementary school to learn about their quirks and how to use them. However, quirk counseling is not a perfect program.
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Kamiyan addressed in Vigilante's society doesn’t have the tools to handle quirks is what led to discrimination. Society is unable to adapt to people who can not fit in with the people around them and are unwilling to accept the changing circumstances. the programs such as quirk counseling didn’t address the needs of the others.
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A kid’s quirk can have a great effect on their development and view of the world around them. Kids can take the words of someone older than them at face value but kids aren’t stupid it's foolish to assume that they are aware of social concerns and relationships and know what adults want from them. They can tell if adults are terrified or disgusted by their quirk.
Take Himiko for example, her quirk had a significant effect on her development as a person. Himiko was taken to quirk counseling presumably by her parents. The people at the program force their idea on what they think is best on her; they didn’t teach her about her quirk. She was just told to suppress her quirk due to how people are uncomfortable about it.
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They forced a certain idea on her and did not take her feelings into account. The program didn’t address her feelings and did not understand what the kids needed.
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 This is what Himiko was told throughout the program, this caused her to suppress her quirk at a young age but what is normal? Himiko was no idea what that means since normal differs for each Himiko doing these things is normal for her but people are unable to handle it due to how uncomfortable they are with it.
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Quirk counseling isn’t for everyone we’ve seen in Himikos' perspective; it demonstrates how quirk counseling failed to take the person's needs and issues into account.
Quirk counseling is used to teach kids about quirks and how to use them but doesn’t address the problem directly and leads to a lot of unaddressed issues. It ends up not addressing their needs. Students are not getting individualized attention specific for their quirk and teachers didn’t give them proper advice on their quirk only to make a biased observation and judgment this can easily lead to quirks being suppressed for this issue. Quirk counseling is another school program designed to assimilate children into social standards and hammer out bumps in their understanding of the world that make them fit into society's narrow box. It's not there to teach acceptance or control but it's more about fitting in with others by squashing down their quirks. Quirk counseling only serves to emphasize the differences between you and others, the program makes them believe that something is wrong with them. If you don’t fit in, you're messing around or something is wrong or you didn’t try hard enough.
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the people in the program are judgmental when they viewed quirks even when they view a person struggling with their quirk as messing around they Emphasized that they are the problem which is hurtful to them
Did your character have quirk counseling at some part? did they have internalized bitter feelings about themselves? Do they feel different because they are told that their quirk is abnormal? They end up feeling that they don’t fit in because of a quirk. When writing about it, look at the negative side effects it brings.
This post only serves as a basis to help people know what to write for their ocs, so a lot of what I write is not entirely correct or lacked information. If you feel that I am incorrect feel free to put your input in this I hope helps you get a better idea of what to write when looking at this post.
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