#ugh i need to write something
answer2jeff · 9 months
SHARING SPACE — Carmen Berzatto.
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synopsis: just a blurb, how you ended up moving in with Carmen :)
warnings: established relationship, reader is implied female (but little use of specific pronouns), fluffy headcanons, some smutty implications, some smutty implications but still fluff, mentions of alcohol and smoking, blurb is set once they're rebranding The Beef into The Bear.
i need more Carmen fluff this man is my whole life. btw this is super short but i'm sooooo burnt out :'(
It started with you "accidentally" falling asleep in his bed from the night before, panicking and hurrying to put your clothes in the morning before he had to rush to work. You weren't technically dating, but you were too close for comfort to be considered something as shallow as "friends with benefits." It was more than that.
But then things seemed to slow down. It turned into spending an extra ten minutes enveloped in each others arms. You shared, "good mornings" between sickly sweet kisses, his hands feeling up and down your torso while your fingers entangled in his hair. Carmen whispered about how much he didn't want to leave—as much as both of you knew he had to.
"You're gonna be late, Carmy." You'd groan, cupping his clean-shaven face and planting small kisses on his cheeks. Carmen let out a sigh of disappointment, realizing his short moment of bliss would be over the second he thought about leaving.
"I'm gonna clean up, 'kay?" He'd mumble, kissing your sweet lips one last time. His pupils dilated at the sight of you in his sheets, something he wish he didn't have to cherish from how little free time he seemed to have.
Once he'd hop in the shower, you'd get yourself dressed before pouring him a warm cup of coffee, occasionally placing any dirty dishes stranded in the kitchen in the sink as an act of courtesy. You'd check the time, 7:00am,
As much as it pained you to leave without a proper goodbye, you worried that Carmen needed space- that he didn't have time to pepper kisses along your cheeks before he left.
"Bye Carmy!" You'd call out, but not quite loud enough for him to hear from the bathroom.
He wished you would've stayed just a little longer.
Eventually, you caught on. At one point, you swore you saw Carmen popping his head back into his bedroom to see if you were still there as you were already halfway out the door. From that point on, you started leaving little notes next to his coffee, littered with "I'm so proud of you," and sweet comments like, "break a leg Bear," and sometimes even an "I'll see you soon."
Then it turned into spending all weekend, every weekend, in his apartment—even though you'd been stopping by the restaurant between closing hours, and spending a good hour or two with him every other day of the week.
It just wasn't enough.
You started bringing a share-sized blanket and bottles of your favorite drinks whenever you came over, which was practically 4-5 times a week by that point.That blanket ended up rotating between your apartment and his, until it finally resided on the couch.
Wrapping himself in that blanket whenever you weren't around, reminded him that there was something else to think about; that there was someone else who needed him just as much as he did them.
You started leaving little things like your hoop earrings on the kitchen counter, or your puffer jacket on his coatrack, wondering if they'd still be there by next weekend; wondering if Carmen would ever have the heart to give them back to you. (Spoiler alert, he kept everything you ever "forgot"' in the exact same spot. Having a piece of you in his home at all times seemed to make up for your absence during the week, even if it just made him miss you more.)
Then you started packing extra clothes with you that you'd stuff into an empty drawer in Carmen's dresser. You brought your travel-sized, makeup bag with you, which you just ended up leaving in his bathroom. Along with your meds, and your skin care, and practically everything else you couldn't live without.
"You should just move in at this point." Carmen let out a breathy laugh as he watched you do your makeup, his eyes meeting yours in the reflection of the bathroom mirror. Not even 20 minutes ago, he saw you pick out an entire outfit from the spare clothes you brought, not even realizing that you left a pair of black shoes that went with everything, right in his shoe rack.
"I practically live here now," you paused to put on some mascara, your mouth gaping open as you tried to concentrate, "but my lease is up on the 23rd." You joked, twisting the cap on your mascara back on and tossing it into your makeup bag.
"I mean—would you want to? Live here? With—with me?" He physically turned to look at you, your reflection not giving him enough clarity. He needed to see you, whether you said yes or no. You felt your stomach turn, and the question seemed unreal.
"I— yeah, I guess. Only if you want me to, but that'd be pretty... cool." You turned your head to face him, gazing into his desperate eyes. He needed to be able to call this apartment "ours," not just "his."
This apartment felt more like a home than you than anywhere else you resided in Chicago. You made your commute to work from this apartment, you ate and showered and slept in this apartment, bits and pieces of you were tossed all around this apartment, you brought home every new piece of clothing and jewelry back to this apartment.
Carmen literally made you keep a spare key in your wallet, advising you to come over whenever you needed something—even if he wasn't home. He trusted you with his space,
He took it upon himself to buy you a toothbrush, the shampoo and conditioner you raved about after he complimented your hair, and extra pads/tampons/menstrual cups (since he wasn't sure what you used,) just for when his bathroom would be occupied by you. He cleaned out the hidden cabinet behind the mirror above the sink, making sure you had a place for all of your things. He moved all of his cologne, deodorant, lotion, etc in the cabinet underneath it.
All he ever wanted was to make sure you felt safe.
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theloveinc · 1 year
Barbarian!Bakugo is a little bit… obsessed with lactation.
No, it’s not a new concept to him—he’s seen mothers feeding their children before, in fact, hardly ever put a thought to it.
But now that it’s you, now that it’s his child… it’s interesting to him. Beyond interesting, really. That someone he loves and desires so carnally can provide an almost irreplaceable service, one he is incapable of replicating despite how much he wants to provide for the both of you.
And he’d want to be present for most feedings anyway, both to bond and help ease the parenting load off your shoulders… but the whole time, he can’t take his eyes off your chest, where the little one is latched so safely and happy, suckling away as he stares in a protective haze, in awe. Blinking when baby blinks, wincing when you wince, his hands balling into fists when you sigh and the soft fat of your bosom jiggles.
He’s shy, though. Shy to admit his fascination despite how he asks to touch you one night, after the babe has been fed, swaddled and put to rest, and then rubs his fingers so gently against your nipple it starts to leak.
Bakugo looks at you under thick lashes, no blush because he’s seen you naked endless times, was there for the birth, but hesitant, almost… to do more than feel your raw areola underneath the rough pads of his fingertips. Even if, no sooner, does he put a thumb into his mouth to taste the few, silken drops of milk that escaped onto his skin.
Baby always eats first, of course, until plump and sleepy… but after that first touch, barbarian!Bakugo is no longer above licking up what’s left for him until your tits are relaxed and soft, then massaging you til there’s milk in abundance once more.
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kori-senpai · 3 days
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Fanart for @honeydots Fire Emblem fanfic. I've been using it as a reason to fluke out of social interactions for the last two weeks and boy oh boy I will continue to do so >:)
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puppyeared · 7 months
its so hard to watch time pass when things like careers and assignments exist. what do you mean im supposed to take that seriously
#I have an assignment that was due a week ago and I really really dont want to do it. I have to but i dont want to#im probably making it worse because my brain has built a wall around it so now i can’t do literally anything else until thats done. but#because I don’t want to do it I’m just kinda stuck. turns out this is what they meant when they said emotional regulation is part of#exec dysfunction.. I’ll have a thought like if I get a little bit of it done now i can get it over with. I can just submit something#and then not even 5 minutes later itll be like ugh but I have to draw all the assets out. I have to write things and make spreads ugh#and its just flopping between those two things. i hate it when ppl are like well how much time do you need to work on one thing#because BOY id love to know too. I’d love to know exactly when my brain wants to cooperate with me and work around that but I cant#even my period can’t decide when it wants to punch me in the stomach. which is kinda funny in the grand scheme of things but still#its so weird im just lying on my bed thinking abt all this like damn.. the time will pass anyways no matter what I decide to do.. damn….#if I submit that assignment now and take the L I literally won’t die. it’ll just be a deduction on an assignment nobody will ask me about#I know this but I’m still stressing myself about it so my thoughts aren’t really connecting to my body. weird#maybe its because Im having a hard time looking forward to things. theres definitely a lot I should be living for but I don’t really feel#a strong attachment to it I guess? it’s been like this for a while with holidays and meeting with friends so I just don’t#I kinda figured its because im pretty passionless and its more like passing interest. but it’s not very fun when it feels like I’m going to#be living distraction to distraction for the next 70 years or so lol#idk it kind of feels like slowly bleeding out. which is funny because I actually did experience blood loss this week#had a 30 minute nosebleed and literally could not stand. also it felt like someone was pinching the back of my brain which was interesting#yapping#does this count as vent#vent#Ive just been making an oc carrd and contemplate changing my blog header for the past 3 days honestly
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paimonial-rage · 5 months
Ask meme - 6 and 9 for the dragon men (zhongli and neuvillette) please!
This took so long I am so sorry, but here we go!
[Character Analysis Ask Meme]
What is Neuvillette's biggest insecurity?
Neuvillette’s biggest insecurity is not something he's ever tried to hide. Anyone that has spent enough time with the Iudex has probably heard him mention it before. Simply put, Neuvillette doesn't understand the emotions of humans very well. He never has and sometimes he doubts if he ever will? How many times has this flaw of his costed him dearly in the past? How many mistakes has he made? And how many are there yet to come? How he dreads the thought.
What can’t you trust [Neuvillette] with?
To chase after you - Iudex Neuvillette is many things—polite, kind, intelligent—but he is not a man without faults. Only a few know him well enough to realize he holds many regrets upon his shoulders, majority that were never his burden alone to bear. Should you ever become the source of one of these regrets, you can surely expect to know. With somber eyes and a weight upon his shoulders, he will apologize to you. But don’t expect anymore than that. Not understanding human emotions is not only his weakness, but a prison. He will not attempt to make things up to you nor will he try to make things how they used to be. You’re best off where he can hurt you no more, even if that means he will be left alone to the rain.
What is Zhongli's biggest insecurity?
Who knows lol.
What can’t you trust Zhongli with?
With mora - As knowledgeable and talented Zhongli is with many things, it is a surprise to many to hear that businessmen don’t exactly enjoy making deals with him. How can they when contract discussions always leave them with the [shorter end of the stick]? How many [unforeseen business expenses] do they end up incurring in such a short amount of time? In the end, they always lose more than they gained. What they don’t know is this unfortunate occurrence happens with any Mora dealings with the man. But what can you expect for someone that, by contract, has the Traveler liable for all expenses during his outings with them? It's simply best to leave all matters of mora out of any relationships with him.
With your heart - If there's one thing true about Zhongli, it's that, while he may withhold the truth, he does not lie. So when he speaks of a person warmly, they can very well believe his words to be true. That being said, it is important that one does not mistaken his warmth with depth. One cannot simply entrust their heart to him and expect his in return. How could anyone hope to understand the weight of many a millennia, after all? So while the desire may be cute, it'll never be something he would even consider to reciprocate.
#genshin impact#genshin x reader#zhongli#neuvilllette#zhongli x reader#neuvillette x reader#character analysis ask meme#my writing#i am so sorry this took so long anon i have no excuses#not the happiest with these set of responses either#neuvillette’s insecurity answer is severely lacking#it’s so obvious that it feels too easy but like#the reason why i feel that way is because the answer doesn’t answer WHY tha5 is his biggest insecurity. WHY does it matter to him so much?#the obvious answer is that it is because he cares about humans but why??#the answer i came to is that deep down he wants to be accepted by humans which is why he seeks to understand them but i am not sure#granted that’s just my gut answer. i need to do way more research but i already left you waiting too long#as for zhongli like….. ugh#my first answer for what you can trust him with was a cop out but like!!!#that’s because my second answer is like something i talk about alllll the time when i talk about zhongli OTL#i have a whole series surrounding it orz#i didn’t think anyone would want me to talk about it again so i came up with the cop out answer#but the cop out answer was such a cop out i ended up typing my original idea haha#so you get two answers that are kind of mediocre. i’m sorry. ;v;#all of my other answers for him would be more humorous#you can’t trust him with: common sense… bringing appropriate party cups… arriving to events on time#tho there’s no proof for it you gotta admit that he gives off the vibes of someone tha5 is chronically late to everything#and as for his insecurity like… typically old and ‘spiritually actualized’ people are of the hardest to analyze in terms of insecurities#he has no chinks in his armor#i will be working on your next ask though! hopefully it takes less time ;v;
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leverage-ot3 · 15 days
sorry to keep personal posting but my day fucking SUCKED and ended with me dropping one of my brand new earrings from a set that I just finished cleaning down the drain, took the sink apart and still couldn’t find it 🙃
if y’all feel like asking a leverage/misc question for thoughts or headcanons I’d love to answer them in the morning! or even if you just want to say something about your day- I just like hearing from you guys 💖
#or ask me abt my lockwood & co hyperfixation/chat w me about the show#and how I have been egged on my a moot to pursue my cot3 hunger games au (I have never finished a longfic)#(was bored at lunch break and wrote a portion of the berry scene 👀)#boss still owes me more than 2.5k and has been gaslighting me and continues to emotionally manipulate me and my coworkers#and cause serious shit that triggers clients in a THERAPY CLINIC#and has started second guessing my work by asking other employees if my input is ‘accurate’#which caused a flare up in my skin picking AND latent SI#ugh sorry for rambling yall I just need to write this out yk#I need a fucking sugar mommy or something 😭😭😭 I need to get out of this mentally/financially abusive job#not leverage#ask me things#jackie talks#about me#mine#this is the worst place I’ve worked which doesn’t necessarily say too much because I haven’t had many jobs#but one of my former bosses was a [redacted school shooting] denier when we were literally 20 min away from where it happened#which still boils my blood to this day LIKE WDYM YOU THIBK THE GOVERNMENT PAID OFF PARENTS AS A PART OF A CONSPIRACY TO INFLUENCE GUNCONTROL#she would tell a new hire ‘J doesn’t like conspiracy theories’#NO [redacted] I CAN DISCUSS THEM FOR FUN IN CONVERSATIONS BUT URS IS FUCKING RIDICULOUS#EAT A DICK#hmmm I wonder if I still have anger about that lol#ANYWAYS I finally got my intake after waiting 8mo for the clinic I needed to get in and will be starting therapy in a few weeks#🫡🫡🫡
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neverevan · 3 months
Inspiration Saturday ☔️
Phew, I haven't done one of these in months! But hoping to actually get inspired and also to prove that I am working on that last chapter and because I think I actually finally know how to get through that last bump, here's a little tease from the last chapter of the mudslide fic:
The hours leading up to that felt heavy. Eddie could feel Buck’s worried looks on the back of his neck all throughout, sticking there like he accidentally rolled into flypaper. Eddie couldn’t blame Buck for it much, but by god, did it make him feel like shit; like some fragile porcelain doll that couldn’t handle the pressure without snapping.
And he could handle it, damnit. He’s done this before and he’ll do it again.
After coming back from his first tour in Afghanistan, they sent out dates and locations for all upcoming funerals and Eddie had spent five days driving around in his old truck, wearing his cheap suit, sweating yellow stains into his white shirt and trying to get to all the places that he could afford the gas money to.
That was the one time of Eddie being selfish and leaving Shannon to deal with Christopher alone, that she never rowed up for him and he was still thankful for that to this day.
Those funerals were different, however. Most of those soldiers he’s never met or only so briefly that he probably wouldn’t have recognized them on the street — after that, he made a great effort to commit their faces into his memory, by staring at their framed smiles at ceremonies day in and day out.
This time, he was attending the service for someone who, inadvertently so, but saved his life and Bosko’s. Ramirez made the ultimate sacrifice and the least Eddie could do was to honor his memory.
✨Tagged by and tagging the wonderful @sunshinediaz @spagheddiediaz @jeeyuns @exhuastedpigeon @honestlydarkprincess @excuseme-greentea @disasterbuckdiaz @daffi-990 @diazsdimples @sunflowerdiaiz @watchyourbuck
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melon-official · 2 months
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She wails as though a part of her has died.
oh man. i picked up the sidestory to @just-a-carrot's five-arc horror epic a couple days ago and i'm so glad i did. i'll probably be talking nonstop and/or drawing about it for days
there's a handful of whiteboard doodles with other characters under the cut, but rly i just wanted to pay a homage to the scene that hit me the hardest... enjoy
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prince-liest · 2 months
Do you think we'll get some Vox & Valentino angst? I know it might not be up your alley, so I'm just wondering. I love the fic!!! Drink water, get some rest, and take care 💖
Drinking SO much water (and tea) because I'm sick atm, hahaha, thank you! <3
And, fuck, I really hope so. /bangs on the hood of the muse machine
I have a few ideas percolating in the back of my mind because I really do fucking adore staticmoth from the bottom of my heart, but nothing specific I've settled on that I like enough to actually write. The current highest temptation is a little 666 extra from Vox's POV about him coming out to Val and all of the convoluted things that that leads to, but I haven't committed to it hard enough to create a WIP yet.
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rocksanddeadflowers · 6 months
Been thinking about applying the myth where Thor has to pretend to be a giants bride to get his hammer back (you know the one, right??) to the TBI characters. Doubt I'll write it out but I have SO MANY THOUGHTS ON IT. My main thought atm being that, from what I remember, Heimdall was the first person to suggest Thor cross dress. Which is just. The excuse to right out Heimdall's involvement is almost as enticing as getting to write out Tyr. He's just. So silly to me. But so badass. I love him.
I can see everyone in the TBI setting at some grand meeting table for the Aesir (and co.) with Thor freaking out about his poor hammer (which, yes seems tricky to write in TBI context but. We'll just patch that plothole it with something later, I have a loose thread idea or two.), Freya desperately trying to avoid involvement in the entire debacle, Loki concerned but still trying not to giggle at the absurdity while Sigyn kicks her under the table to tell her to stop laughing. Heimdall leans over the table towards Thor, trying to remain stoic but his small smirk and gold eyes glittering with Loki approved mischief somewhat gives him away as he suggests, "If we don't want to risk our dear stunning lady here, and you need your hammer back, why don't you be Freya?"
Loki loses it laughing and most of the table can't help but laugh or giggle quietly, including Sigyn. Thor is immediately against the idea, but Loki is already signing up to be his handmaiden in between gasps of giggles (because she would never miss out on such good mischief), and really the idea is such a hit that Thor is sorely outvoted.
The story is still brought up for years to come, typically for a laugh at Thor's expensive. Still no one could deny he looked damn good in that dress.
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suckishima · 6 months
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man i love this sequence so much—and tbh their dynamic in general which i feel like we don't talk about enough
on paper they seem like such opposites—and they kind of are—with tanaka being a mood maker and morale stabilizer for the team, he's loud and boisterous and never holds back what he's feeling ("dial down my feelings?? what does that even mean??"), while tsukki barely speaks on the court, openly admits to disliking loud and excitable people, and seems to calculatedly hide his emotions away. you would think they wouldn't like each other and wouldn't work well together, but i think every interaction we see between them is a positive one
we see them kinda partner up to roast other teams or their own teammates, but also tanaka is one of the few senpai that tsukki seems comfortable openly making fun of directly. but then tanaka doesn't even ever seem mad by tsukki's taunts—occasionally he'll even pass judgement on how successful tsukki was with his comebacks. and tanaka will just throw a jab back easily, which tsukki doesn't really seem bothered by either—tanaka never gets under tsukki's skin the way kageyama does, for example
and then we get a great little sequence like this one that's deliberately pointing out their differences and then using them to emphasize something more, and it's just so effective??
what tanaka goes through in the first set of the inarizaki match of feeling like he's not doing enough and having it shoved in his face that he'll never be the best, is like a speedrun version of what tsukki has been going through since he was in middle school when he found out his brother was lying about being the ace. there are these little subtle callbacks too—with the dichotomy of being lame vs cool (yamaguchi calling tsukki lame for not trying and tsukki thinking yamaguchi is cool for saying so), and furudate even uses the same visual metaphor of a never-ending staircase
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it took tsukki years to realize he might be looking at things in a destructive way, and then months more after that until he actually saw the merit of trying—and then even here we can see that he doesn't find any of this easy. and tanaka basically does all of that in thirty minutes or so.
and while tsukki seems perturbed by this, he isn't mad at all. you can feel the respect tsukki is veiling behind his words in the first panel of the page when he calls him "ridiculously mentally tough." it's "frightening" to him because it's something that doesn't come naturally to him personally, when it obviously does for tanaka
of course it's important to note that the situations are completely different in terms of the catalyst for those feelings, tanaka didn't have some world-shattering event he's been struggling with since he was a pre-teen (that we know of). he just had an off day. but what i like is that the emphasis here isn't really about the circumstances, it's about their attitudes, how they each react to feeling down about themselves
and i just love the way furudate put this page in here. we just had this awesome sequence of tanaka scoring a well earned set point by doing a move he's been practicing for months after he spent all match feeling inadequate—sounds a lot like tsukishima winning set 2 vs shiratorizawa with a stuff block that was preceded by months of extra practices from him, but the reader (rightfully) isn't thinking about tsukki at all. until furudate gives us this conversation and we're reminded (not specifically or directly of tsukki's moment but) that this feeling is something other players, other people go through too. like, furudate didn't have to put this page in here, the chapter and tanaka's moment would have been just as epic without it, but i feel like it just adds this extra little emotional grounding to it
it just, it feels so human. getting down, being hard on yourself, feeling or even knowing you'll never be the best, everyone can relate—it's a storyline we've seen in haikyuu before but furudate always manages to make it feel not only fresh but satisfying because of how they present it to us with a new lens every time. tanaka and tsukki are so opposing in their character and actions that it makes their moments feel different and new, so it's just as cathartic for the reader every time, even though the underlying message is the same
whether it's hard or not, it's always cooler to try
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lover-of-mine · 8 months
Fuck it Friday!
I was tagged by @wikiangela @disasterbuckdiaz @cowboy-buck @daffi-990 thank you 💜💜💜
Imma be honest, I opened the most recent document, scrolled down a bit, and just copied an amount that made sense lol, so have this bit of the eddie begins fic where they are being soft in the hospital while waiting for test results lol prev snippet
"Hey, no sleeping," Buck says, shaking him gently, and Eddie blinks, slowly looking around to find out they're alone again.  "Sorry," he mumbles, eyes finding Buck again, "on the bright side, I don't feel like I'm freezing from the inside out anymore."  "That's good."  "Yeah," Eddie yawns, and Buck's eyes widen with worry while looking at him.  Were his eyes always this blue?  "Okay, am I gonna have to be annoying to keep you awake?" He jokes, but his smile doesn't reach his eyes.  "You're never annoying, Buck," he says, blinking against the sleep that's now threatening to take over and something flashes on Buck's expression but it's gone before Eddie can figure it out. "Not what it seems like when you throw pillows at me in the bunk room," Buck jokes, poking his arm and he chuckles. "That's just to remind you that we're there to sleep." "A pillow to the face is supposed to get me to sleep?"  "One can hope," Eddie mumbles, shifting around trying to get comfortable without being too comfortable, before looking back at Buck, worry creeping up his spine, "you know I don't mind the talking, right? I feel bad falling asleep on you, so if you're talking I'm not going to sleep, hence the pillows," he says and Buck's expression circles through multiple complicated emotions before he nods.  "It's just harder falling asleep on the bunks sometimes," he shrugs and Eddie chuckles. "I know." "But I will have to annoy you into staying awake for now," Buck says, adjusting in his chair. "You're not annoying." "You know what I mean." "Still not annoying." "Not even this conversation?" "No." "You sure?" "Positive."
no pressure tagging <3: @bucks118 @eddiebabygirldiaz @honestlydarkprincess @watchyourbuck @captain-hen @giddyupbuck @try-set-me-on-fire
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pharawee · 1 year
The thing that gets me most about I Will Knock You (apart from Thi being so embarrassingly relatable) is the way Noey sees Thi.
To us, Thi's this introverted pushover who's endlessly scared and/or frustrated by Noey (even as he's slowly falling in love).
But to Noey, everything Thi does is tinted by his obsession with old movies. Thi really is the one he's been waiting for: his perfect "heroine". We've seen him court other girls before and every single one of them has rejected him (they seem to like him from afar for his dangerous vibe but once they get to know him they're put off).
But everything Thi has been doing since they first met is seemingly perfect if you don't see Thi the pushover (the audience's POV) but Thi the classical romantic heroine (Noey's POV):
He steps on Noey's "heart" and then steals it/won't give it back: it's destiny! He gives him a little trinket to distract him: it's a token of love! He almost drowns (lmao) in shallow water: it's a ploy to get closer! He faints in his arms and gets scared in the temple: isn't it so romantic! He almost always avoids his gaze and tries to appease him: he's bashful and flirty! He's clumsy and helpless: he must be protected! They keep running into each other: obviously Thi seeks Noey out on purpose! He's the only one who likes his food! He's the only one who likes his style (apart from the rest of the gang)! Thi won't back down when it counts: he must want to impress Noey! He must want to be close to him - that's the only reason he'd ever want to tutor him, right? And when he disapproves of him going after Pam, it's really because he's jealous (ok so he's actually not wrong this time)!
Of course Noey is smitten! How could he not be? Thi really is the perfect Wanlapa, the perfect Jomnien, Jarunee and Taeng-Aon* (all famous female idols - either fictional or real, but all from the era Noey is obsessed with). When Noey uses these names with Thi, I don't think it's because he wants to belittle him. They're cute pet names. Something he would use with girls like Pam if they showed any interest. He also uses "ter" with Thi (a polite and intimate and often romantic form of address/pronoun usually not used between random people) - because if Thi is the heroine then he has to be the perfect (rugged) hero.
(*Taeng-Aon is the most recent addition but I assume it fits right in with the other names.)
Does this mean Noey is in love with Thi? At this point, I think it's exactly as he says: he (thinks he) knows that Thi is trying to catch his eye. He's flattered and he's interested but he's not in love (yet).
But he's also not just indulging Thi. Most Some of what he's doing (the whole ice cream thing, finding him a helmet to keep, hugging him at night in the temple, the many, many times he's touching Thi's face/hair) actively counts as courting - and it's kind of funny how that's exactly why Thi is falling in love with him.
All of the girls are attracted to Noey from afar but are scared off once he shows interest. With Thi it's the other way around.
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i-am-beckyu · 10 months
Writing for me atm be like this:
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and this
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and also this
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Oh and can't forget this!
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Yeah writing has been going great recently......
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sysig · 2 months
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Totally unaffected by this gesture of affection, definitely (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#The Captain#ZEX#Forgive the quality lol I wanted to make them pretty but then- Well you know lol#Dandelions <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3#You know it's bad when you start getting excited about the most mundane little signifiers <3#Dandelions deserve way more love than they get anyway it all balances out#I just hghh it's such a simple setup but there's a lot of feelings that can be expanded upon!#Like would Zelnick know about dandelions cultural ties?? He grew up on Unzervalt - unless someone brought some with them!#Or explained it I guess - but also Unzervaltians seem like scrappy underdogs sprouting up in the sidewalk cracks to defy the Ur-Quan too#Feels like it would actually mean a lot to him if he knew their symbolism!#But even if he didn't - they're Earth Flora! A piece of his home that /should/ just be mundane and everyday and not a big deal but it is!!#I legit teared up at Zelnick appreciating a blue atmosphere ah <3#He loves Earth so much wah <3 The naturalistic storytelling in his internal monologue are genuinely So Good#And then y'already know I love ZEX gifting him flowers lol I really do need to finish that one comic I posted the preview of it's cute!#Any little way that he engages with human courtship is The Cutest to me <3 Trying so hard to impress his love!#Trying so hard to cross that cultural gap agh it gets me bad! Seeing humans as more than just pretty somethings to be enjoyed at a distance#ZEX's pride also gets me bad hehe but I really love when he uses his intelligence to try to relate and understand#See humans as complex individuals both personally and in different cultures! He gets so distracted so easily hehe silly ♪#Also I don't know if I have anywhere else that it'd come up but agh gods his and Zelnick's conversation about the eventual fallout of ZEX's#kidnap attempt - Literally The Best like ugh!! ♥ I /tried/ to write something half that exact and eloquent and it's just right there! Gah!!#S'beautiful s'so good fjdslafd I'm love I'm love
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one of the worst feelings ever is wanting to write but your hands hurt too much or the words just don’t want to work so you just sit there staring at a half finished doc with tears in your eyes bc you want to write and you need to write but everything is telling you that you can’t
#and that you’re a terrible writer and that no one cares aaaaaaand imposter syndrome kicks in and you just feel like crap#bc all your friends have been wriying recejtky so why can’t you??? cause they’re bETTER THAN YOU#lol idk why my head is so bad today#the feelings of inferiority and emptiness and idk worthlessness are strong and i hate it but i can’t stop it#i just wanna write!!! and like what i write!!!#but i Can’t and i haven’t liked anything i’ve written in Months and ugh i hate not being able to d something i wanna do#oh and now i’m crying??? why the frick am i cRYING litetally why is typing this making me Worse#sorry guys needed to rant#the inadequacy was strong today#something something students keep telling me how much they dislike me or how i’m whiny for asking them to be respectful and like#i Know i shouldn’t compare myself to my friends but gosh it’s hard when they’re all like. so much better than me.#and i don’t have a lot of time to be on tumblr bc of work so i just feel like i’m watching everything from afar and it’s no one’s fault but#my brain’s like no one is Doing anything it’s just my brain being dumb and i can’t stand it and I want to stop feeling empty and like i’m#missing a part of myself and like the words i write don’t matter gOD why can’t i just feel happy with where i am and not care what the kids#who hate me say or realize that no one cares that i’m not on much like i’m still Here and trying to interact it’s not like everyone hates me#for being busy or for liking side characters more than the main characters and just—#sorry#that felt good actually#idk what came over me#imma just. imma shower. then maybe delete my tags#sorry if anyone got this far aT ALL grace is either asleep or trying to sleep so i don’t wanna bother them since they slept poorly last nigh#okay done now for real sorry delete tags later sorry if you saw this and how freaking messed up ky freaking brain is
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