#tw: addy addiction
addiefoxdances · 15 days
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ADELAIDE FOX  just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for 2 WEEKS, working as a MAGAZINE INTERN. that can’t be easy, especially at only 25 YEARS OLD. some people say they can be a little bit PETULANT and EMOTIONAL , but i know them to be DETERMINED and SOCIABLE. whatever. i guess i’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to BROOKLYN!
Birth Date: 23 August 1999 Birth Place: London, England Hometown: London, England Gender: Cis female Pronouns: She/her Orientation: Heterosexual (as far as she knows)
Occupation: Magazine intern (former professional ballarina) Language(s) Spoken: English, French Accent: Posh British Hair Colour: Blonde Eye Colour: Green Build: Very slight/slim Tattoos: None Piercings: One in each ear Clothing Style: Classic / girly Distinguishing Characteristics: Wide bright smile, long eyelashes, naturally earnest expression, small scar under her left eye on her cheekbone.
Addictions: Food restriction Drug Use: None Alcohol Use: Social drinker Positive Traits: polite, generous, compassionate, driven, charming Negative Traits: vain, childish, emotional, nervous, quick-tempered Fears: spiders, Atelophobia, atychiphobia Hobbies: Dance, fashion, pilates, baking Habits: Tugs on hair and rubs collarbone hard when nervous, chewing inside of her left cheek, pacing when anxious, always automatically smiles at babies and children
Weather: Sunshine Colour: Soft blue Music: Taylor Swift, Musical Theatre, Meghan Trainor, Maisie Peters, Top 40 Beverage: hot = english breakfast tea with oat milk. cold = san pellegrino lemon Food: Rhubarb crumble, salt and vinegar crisps, hash browns Animal: cats, dogs, flamingos, fainting goats
TW: Implied SA, implied ED, anxiety, and panic attacks.
Adelaide "Addie" Elizabeth Katherine Fox was born as the youngest child of the Fox family, destined to be their only daughter, and truly a youngest child through and through. Maybe because she grew up not the heir, nor the spare, but simply a third other option it was easier for her to develop her own outlook on life but that’s not to say it wasn’t still heavily influenced by her family name. A bright little girl she was always full of energy which was why it was no surprise to anyone that the first dance class she attended the tiny blonde fell totally in love with - an obsession with dance born there that day. 
Always looking up to her older siblings but with a specifically special bond with her brother Austin she made sure to stay in contact with both brothers even as they grew up and left home. When they both moved country however? That was a bitter pill to swallow. Left back in London with only Austin’s pet dog King for company she found the only way to cope was to throw herself into her ever growing ballet career, pushing her body to breaking point everyday allowing her to rise to a position where last year she got to dance lead for the first time - Clara in The Nutcracker at The Royal Albert Hall. 
So everything was ticking along fine until … well until one night backstage where she was accosted by a member of the production team who had drunk too much and the rest went as badly as you can imagine. Broken, a shell of herself, she became fraught with anxiety from the trauma causing horrible panic attacks, night terrors, and nasty flashbacks. Not to mention exacerbating her already bad eating disorder that was common among the dancers at the ballet company she was part of, striving for perfection an all times in ever way, including their bodies. Hardly able to function it got to a point where she just needed to get out - so she fled to New York City to be with her brothers for a little while. Away from the English media who had developed a viciously imposing fascination with the princess. 
This move hasn’t gone down well with her parents, she hasn’t explained to them exactly what happened, just that if they wanted her to ever be able to attend an official function again they needed to allow her this small amount of space for a while. Leaving ballet back in the UK because of all the things it reminds her of she’s instead taken an internship at Vogue Fashion Magazine (Well the Fox name might have had something to do with that) in an attempt to find herself again in the midst of her ever declining emotional and physical stability. 
Brothers: Austin Fox & Conrad Fox Best friend/influence: Aurea Souza Protector: Dakota Love Fellow NYC newbie & new friend: Luna Mendez Acquaintance met through work: Marina Takei Colleague: Nathan Young Big Sister/Fellow Dancer: Zoey Rivera
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openheartfanfics · 1 year
Newly Added Fics
May 20 - 26, 2023  
🎭 Angst  |  🦚 Angsty Fluff  |  🛸 AU  |  ☁ Fluff  |  ♥ NSFW  |  📚 Series  |  📷 Edit  |  📱 TextFic  |  Ⓜ Mature
Serendipity [OH/TRR Crossover] - @deb-1106 & @walkerismychoice 🛸Ⓜ
[extended: wip] Drake gets injured and seeks treatment at the hospital. TW: Gun Violence
Part 3
A Different Fate… - @jerzwriter 📚🎭
[mini: wip] A conversation with his friend, Tobias, has Ethan recalling a night from long ago and how it still lives in his heart to this very day. Feat. Tobias Carrick, Sienna Trinh
Part 4: A Glass Door
Break Free - @whenyourheartskipsabeat 📚
[extended: wip] Landry comes back into Alyssa's life but has he changed?
CH 1: Fresh Start
Degree of Fancy - @amortentiaopenheart 📚🛸
[mini: wip] New school, new friends....and a best friend?
Part 1
Part 2
Doppelganger - @cariantha ☁
Sawyer meets her doppelganger.
Everybody Hurts Sometimes - @coffeeheartaddict2 📚Ⓜ
[extended: wip] Casey is a top intern at Edenbrook, Ethan is the lead of Diagnostics. They share a secret of treating the revered Dr Naveen Banerji but is it all they will share. TW: Addiction and abandonment issues
Part 10: Fall From Grace
Part 11: Confronted
Part 12: Crash
From The Heart - @alj4890 ☁
Thirty Kisses in Thirty Days Challenge with the prompt: A kiss to the neck from behind.
Greetings From Hawaii - @potionsprefect ☁
Ethan and Victoria send out some special postcards.
Once [The Nanny Affair/Open Heart Crossover] - @peonierose 📚🛸
[mini: wip] Addison has stage four ovarian cancer. So Sam and Addi seek a consultation with Dr. Ethan Ramsey at Edenbrook. Will they make it in time? TW: Illness, cancer, mental health Feat. Ethan Ramsey
Part 4
Sweatin' - @socalwriterbee ♥
After another restless night, Tessa heads down to the gym to work out what ever has her tossing and turning, Ethan's turns up to help her with a different method. [Public Places]
Unfortunate Misadventures - @liaromancewriter ☁
Ethan Ramsey had seen people do stupid things before, but none quite like this. [Crack; Ethan POV]
We're Still Friends - @txemrn ☁
Ethan and Tatum have a study date, and reach first base. [Young Ethan]
When The Stars Align - @liaromancewriter 🛸☁
Sienna must decide if she will take a chance or let go before she falls deeper.
Heading Home - @jerzwriter 📷
The Carricks are bringing Baby Samantha home, and of course, the usual craziness ensues! [Domestic; Family]
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readingwithronny · 1 year
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What was the last book you rated 5 stars?
Mine was Haunting Adeline (cat and mouse duet) by @H.D.Carlton.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️/5
“I tried so hard to run from him, and now all I want to do is run to him”
Both books were freaking AMAZINGG⭐️. When I tell you it’s a dark romance emphasis on the DARK. From the very beginning the setting is eerie and spookie. Addie living in a haunted house and being stalked. Zade our stalker psycho hero. He’s obsessed with Adeline from the very moment he lays eyes on her. The romance was ADDICTIVE, HOT and KINKY🌶️.
TW: Explicit Sexual content, Crude language, Trafficking, Explicit violence, Psychological torment, Gun play.
#hauntingadeline #huntingadeline #triller #bookstagram #h.d.carlton#booklover#darkromance #spicycontent #bookrecs #bookseries #bookchallenge #horror
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dariusxanderson · 2 years
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NAME: Darius Anderson
AGE: Twenty-six
OCCUPATION: High School Principal 
BIRTHDAY: March 13, 1996
PLACE OF BIRTH: Newcastle, Washington
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Gullible, Resentful
MOTHER: Margaret Anderson
FATHER: Derek Anderson
SIBLINGS: Addy Anderson (deceased)
PETS: None
TW: overdose tw, alcohol tw, drug tw
Darius was born and raised in Washington, though not as an only child. He had a twin sister and Darius was the eldest of the two. The two of them were the best of friends 
They were surrounded by a lot of family growing up, blood related and family friends that they grew up around. The more the merrier, they always said. 
Darius grew up incredibly charming and sociable. He had friends from all walks of life, all social groups but ultimately by the time high school came around, Darius ended up befriending the jocks most of all. That didn’t go to his head and he often tutored those outside his social circle. Academia meant as much to him as sports did. 
Addy was his best friend above all else and with Addy, came Hazal. Darius was the first person to give her a hard time and he had been doing that for as long as he had known her. It was all in good nature but he found a bit of joy from being able to get under her skin. 
High school was time of excitement for Darius and his twin sister, though they tended to dabble in different after school activities. While both participated in underage drinking, Addy used that as a gateway for other things. Darius noticed but he thought she had it under control. 
Addy’s addictions would spiral on and off over the next several years of their life, especially when they went away to college. Both Darius and Addy stayed local, though they didn’t go to the same college. He was close enough to check in on her - but life got the better of him sometimes. 
Darius went to school to become a teacher but he also played football having got into the college on a scholarship. Addy went to school to get a degree in the arts, as she was the more creative one of the two. 
As life went on, Darius thought things were getting better for Addy, until he got the phone call that they weren’t. Shortly after their twenty-sixth birthday, Addy overdose. The funeral brought Hazal back into his life and a few months after the funeral, Darius moved to Vancouver to get a fresh start.
Growing up, they used to visit Vancouver and while it was going to be a fresh start, he also thought it would be a way to get closer to his sister though she was no longer around.
Darius is young for a principal but he worked extra hard to get there. He worked teaching jobs all through college, coaching, summer school, anything he could get his hands on to get the hours.
He still likes playing football, though not as seriously, he loves a good pick up game or playing down on the beach somewhere. 
When it comes to his twin sister and her passing, Darius doesn’t spend a lot of time talking about it. People that were close to him before she passed would know but others now might not. 
Darius gets really into football season during the year and can often be found sitting at the bar with a basket of wings and yelling at the TV. 
wanted connections.
 friends that he met while traveling to vancouver when he was in elementary to high school 
fellow teachers that work at the high school 
football fans and people that he can have friendly rivalries with
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BPD Vent!
tw: ed, bpd hell, suicidal ideation, sa, religious questioning, and addiction
bpd is out of control i tried to turn to god cause i wanted to k^ll myself and yk where that led me? to drugs but not the regular weed or prescribed to me, god gave me benzos, opioid’s and aderall. every now and then i’ll pop a 30 (thank you to my r^^ist/ cheater/ all around abuser who introduced me. i had a few really bad days and gave in to xanax because a friend mentioned she has a friend who can get them. i didn’t realize just he addictive thru can be i went through 28 in almost 5 days and i’m fighting everything to not take the last 2 to save for actual panic attacks. then i was offered addy and never did it before so i said fuck it 30mg? easy not knowing that it would last 12+ hours and it was just fun and i had an amazing time at work. also no one told me it gives u molly jaw???? i had no appetite but i found cough drops in my bag and started just playing with it in my mouth. i was watching my bsf (also coworker) and her jaw was moving crazy so we go to the bathroom and start bust out laughing cause we looked so fucking high she couldn’t smile(it was all crooked) and i couldn’t stop grinding my teeth😭 i can’t ever sleep so much so that my mom been feeding me 25mg amtryplin every night like candy and making me take it in front of her to go to bed which doesn’t fully put me to sleep i’ve been taking 3mg xanax and one of yhe 25mg followed by a joint or two. i only leave the house to go to work, besties house, or when my man(who’s not my man but is my man cause even tho we never dated we been fucking fucking raw for 5 years straight and have acknowledged we do truly care for each other we just don’t think a relationship will work in the long run i really do wanna be with him i just don’t want us to try and it back fire like a bomb and us never speak again i’m scared of being young and dumb and my stupid fucking bpd brain ) we’re both not in a good mindset i turned away from alcohol and went to real and he turned from drugs to alcohol and it’s very much giving if we try while both hurting well only hurt each other and if i hurt him it’ll hurt me. i think i’m in love with him but i’m not sure there’s a mutual trust with him about everything anyways gave to be up
in 3 hours hopefully i can fucking sleep. also tho why the fuck do i have a mandatory (or accept termination) 9am meeting on sunday when it is my only day off???????? i miss my bestie, my drugs, and my man.
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rants-ofareader · 1 year
Book rant: TW spoiler alert
Only on chapter 23 but now I see what everyone was raving about with Zade 😭😭 they did not have to make his delirious psychopath ass this addicting !!!
Addie is plotting to kill him and he’s imagining them married with kids . SIRRRRR you literally keep breaking into her house!!! Killing people for touching her !!!! FUCKED HER WITH YOUR GUN and scaring the living shit out of her !!! She do not love you (yet) . Anyway , i love seeing what both characters are thinking at the same time.
I also …love Zade 🫶🏽😭 I’m sorry he’s obsessiveness is just so charmingggg . 🥰 you don’t have to tell me I’m fucked in the head I KNOW THIS 😞
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graytindol-blog · 6 years
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( nick robinson, cismale ) did you hear how GRAYSON TINDOL is applying to columbia university as an ASTROLOGY major ?! the 19 year old is living in the HARTLEY HOUSE. i heard that they got in because they are +SELF-CRITICAL and +PASSIONATE, but honestly i think HE can be -COMPLEX and -PREOCCUPIED. they’re a real PRODIGY. oh well, only time will tell if the FRESHMAN will make it til the end.  
hi loves! my names vee, im 20 and am in CST ! this is my baby boy grayson, who prefers gray. hes a big huge galaxy sized nerd who takes his studies a tad too seriously. 
grayson michael tindol 
he L O V E S anything to do with the universe, he has wanted to be an astronaut since he was 5, he was one of the few to stick to their dreams! 
his parents are together and happy, his mom an english professor and his father an architect
he had your typical well off suburban life, went to a nice school, always got good grades and graduated as valedictorian 
his parents SHELTERED him, so he doesnt understand things, isn’t comfortable with nsfw topics and things hes just a cringy bb
he is a nerd, so hes always alone reading and to himself+watching documentaries
his BIGGEST critic is himself, he is always pushing himself farther than he needs (which includes giving himself a full schedule at school, stupid) 
he is compassionate, loyal, but he can be is always in his own world ~SPACED~ out 
he is easily influenced and pressured
his only fault is that he takes a lot of “energy” pills he calls them, which is adderall. a drug commonly given to kids with ADD/ADHD. one of his friends gave it to him one night before a test so he could study, and he has depended on them ever since - yet he wont admit it
OH and hes biexual, hes never been with anyone mostly because hes confused on WHO he likes, he doesnt quite understand you can like everyone he thinks he has to like either women or men -- hes goofy. 
hes a pisces, he loves old shit like records and old movies, hes a sucker for reptiles 
best friend / friend - it can be complex or as simple as youd like ! they can be the person who gave him the pills the first time, or be a friend from home, or even just a study buddy!
love interest - doesnt have to be right now, but i am a SUCKER for a love interest 
enemy/rival - maybe someone from school he doesnt like because theyre a better student, or got a better grade them then in class
im not sure what other connections i love all different kinds, the dirty, the sweet, the complex 
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flodaya · 2 years
my last queer/wlw book recommendation post has been gaining some traction recently so i thought after almost 2 years i would do an updated version 
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Young Adult Realistic Fiction
Ace of Spades by Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé - totally addictive, it’s described as Gossip Girl meets Get Out and that is really basically it; main characters are wlw and mlm; tw: racism, homophobia
The Henna Wars by Adiba Jaigirdar - wlw rivals to lovers, such a cute romcom but has some more heavy and serious aspects as well, muslim wlw representation, I also highly recommend the author’s other book Hani and Ishu’s guide to fake dating; tw: public outing, biphobia
Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo - a ya historical fiction set in 1950's San Francisco, talks about lesbian culture and the coming of age of a Chinese-American lesbian; tw: homophobia, racsim
Clap when you land by Elizabeth Acevedo - it’s about two sisters, one of them is a lesbian, the story itself is about these two half-sisters meeting for the first time after their father has died; tw: parental death 
Perfect on Paper by Sophie Gonzales - bisexual main character and a love triangle that is actually fun, super quick and easy read
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Realistic Adult Fiction
Detransition Baby by Torrey Peters - this book talks about womanhood, motherhood, fatherhood in a really interesting and moving way; tw: transphobia, misogyny  
Honey Girl by Morgan Rogers - this book is what everyone lost in their 20s needs to read right now, such a comfort; it starts with the main character getting married to her one night stand in las vegas, beautiful wlw relationship
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid - no wlw book recommendations list is complete without this; old Hollywood icon is ready to tell the full truth of her 7 marriages, just absolutely beautifully written
Anxious People by Fredrik Backman - Backman is one of my favourite comfort authors, this book is about a group of people being held hostage, one of the couples is a wlw, it’s just so funny and yet deep as well
Malibu Rising by Taylor Jenkins Reid - the story is told from the pov of 4 siblings, one of the storylines is about one sister figuring out her sexuality, TJR has such a talent for writing multi-dimensional characters and beautiful wlw representation;  
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Fantasy/Science Fiction 
The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon - almost 900 pages of the most intricate fantasy world, the main relationship is wlw between the queen and one of her “maids”, there is a mlm side character/relationship as well
The Long way from a small angry planet by Becky Chambers - interspecies wlw relationship and such a wholesome book, lots of queer characters 
The invisible life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab - an immortal bisexual female main character who made a deal with the devil and can’t be remembered meets bisexual male character who seems to be the only one who doesn’t forget her
The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri - wlw high-fantasy, morally grey lesbian characters, such a exciting and engaging story; tw: Suicidal ideation
Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan - such soft wlw representation between two girls who are being forced to be concubines for the king; tw: sexual abuse 
and five of my favourite mlm books as bonus:
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belit0 · 4 years
Wax Daddy
Rating: E
Pairing: [Senju Tobirama / Fem Reader]
TW: Wax Kink, Roughness, Dominance, Degradation.
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"Tobi? You're back early... Is everything okay?"
"I want you in our room, now."
It's not natural to see Tobirama Senju arriving early from work. There are more lonely nights than there are nights with his company. It's painfully common to feel his side of the bed cold when it gets dark, since being Hokage is something he carries with as much passion as his relationship with you.
Yes, sometimes you wish he would stay with you, give you more than he usually offers, but that doesn't seem to be within his limits. Neither are you selfish enough to demand that he change for you, and you achieved a strange balance in the relationship, managing to be happy in the few moments shared.
Many thought that marrying Tobirama after knowing him for only 3 months was hasty, excessive, unintelligent. But in the time you spent with him, the shared connection between the two of you was undeniable, something in which you quickly found yourself comfortable. So when the man proposed to you, you didn't even hesitate, it was impossible to say no.
From the beginning you were aware of his addiction to work, but you always found it an admirable quality in him. Today, however, you were beginning to wonder what you were missing when the Senju was absent for whole nights locked up in his office.
Of course you had shared intimacy with him, but you had the feeling that your man was hiding more secrets than he liked to carry.
Blind to the events that were going to unfold in front of you, tonight Tobirama arrives home strangely early and with a different face. Being a man who is characterized by his temperance, calmness and calculation, he was alien to you when you faced him with his eyes unsettled and his body tense.
Sitting on the couch with a book in your hands, you were startled by the noise of the front door. It could not have been anyone else but Tobirama, yet the situation was peculiar. As you turned your head and saw him enter, you heard his voice, in a tone in which he had never spoken to you before.
" I want you in our room, now."
"...Are you all right...?"
"Do you trust me [Y/N]?"
"With my life, Tobi, but..."
"Then don't ask and obey."
Intimidated by your husband's distinctive attitude, you follow his command, and go where he tells you. When you enter the room, you are followed by him, who closes the door firmly behind his body.
You stand in the middle of the room, waiting for Tobirama's next words to become more normal than the previous ones. However, this is just the beginning.
"Sit down."
The Senju turns his back on you and proceeds to open one of his drawers in the wardrobe. Without being able to see his expression or what he does, you sit on the bed as he asks.
After a few seconds, your man pulls out a large red candle and a lighter. He turns towards you and walks in your direction. Staring at you, he lights the candle, without running his eyes off yours. Once lit, he throws the lighter across the room.
" Strip ".
"... What? Tobi... I..."
"You said you trusted me."
"Yes, but this-"
"Don't piss me off. Strip."
Perplexed by this new attitude of the Senju, you do nothing but obey. The severity in his tone of voice sends fire into your abdomen, and makes an electric stream run through your chest.
Under Tobirama's fierce and hungry gaze, you take off your shirt, and remove your bra. When you go to remove your trousers, his voice stops you.
" Hold it. Lie down."
Obedient, you comply.
"I won't have you wearing a bra under my roof. These... - he kneels on the bed, in one hand he holds the candle, with the other hand he massages one of your breasts - are mine, and I will have them when I want to, is that clear?
"If you don't call me daddy from now on, you're going to have a rough time."
In front of your surprised face, he pinches your nipple with unnecessary force, making you shiver and let out a little scream.
"Is that clear?
"Yes, daddy."
"Good girl."
Without warning, he straddles you.
The candle, which has been lit for a few minutes, now accumulates liquid wax on its top. By leaning it over your chest, the Senju drops the hot contents onto your body, making you scream in pain and surprise.
"You are under my rules. If I don't ask, you don't talk. If I don't want it, you don't scream. If you do it without my consent, I will punish you. Understand?
" Yes da-addy..."
"Breathe. Don't scream, or you'll suck my cock till it's dry."
To hear him talk so dirty, a wave of heat comes straight down to the damp cradle between your legs. Suddenly, the pain of the wax became something tempting, something you wanted to feel in you. Having Tobirama's possessive look over your body while making the liquid across your breasts is something you never thought you'd enjoy this way.
When he leans the candle over you again, you take a deep breath and hold it. Your body contracts under the impact of the fluid, but you manage not to let out any screams or moans. The Senju spreads the contents of the candle across your belly, along your abdomen, your navel, the mounds of your breasts, and paying special attention to your nipples.
This is the area where you feel the sting of the wax the most.
"What a good girl... look at you... all marked for me. Tell me how much you want my dick."
" A lot daddy, I need it, please."
Your man hovers over you and proceeds to bite your neck. Leaving various bruises in the area, he dismounts from your body, and gets rid of your trousers and underwear.
Kneeling between your legs, still with all his clothes on, he continues his game.
Bend the candle over your thighs, near the cradle of your warmth, and leave a red waxy trail up to your knee. A whimper escapes your mouth at the lack of preparation.
"Did I say you could complain?"
"No Tobi."
"And you also forgot what to call me... what a disobedient little whore, I think you need to learn some respect for authority [Y/N]."
With that said, Tobirama blows out the candle, and takes off his clothes. An extraordinarily erect limb appears in front of you.
"Come here and suck it, you slut."
Your man's new words only motivate you, and you feel hungry to please him. Surrendering everything to him, you position yourself in front of him, and introduce his member in your mouth. You plan to use the slow pace that usually works with him in bed, but the Senju has other plans.
When you run your tongue over the head of his shaft to prepare it, Tobirama looks impatient, and grabs your hair with both hands. Pushing your head ferociously, he forces you to swallow its entire length at once, causing his member to touch the end of your throat in an unexpected way. When you find yourself gagging on it, this only seems to motivate him even more.
The fact that your teeth brush against his sensitive skin gives him more pleasure, and makes him move your head up and down with vigour over his length. When your hands are directed over his arms because you are on the verge of vomiting, your man allows you to separate from his member. Breathing desperately, threads of drool connect you to his body, and Tobirama is even more motivated to take you in when he notices the tears in your eyes.
"What a beautiful little girl... tell me how much you need me inside you and maybe I'll have the decency to give it to you.
"A-A lot..."
That said, the Senju doesn't waste time, putting you on your stomach and opening your legs. Positioning himself at your entrance, he enters with a single thrust, using your saliva and moisture as sufficient lubrication to slip inside you. His pace over your body is overwhelming.
Holding your form with one hand on your waist and the other on the back of your neck. His grip is suffocating and probably leaves bruises, but at this point you don't care because the level of pleasure his length generates inside you is too much to think about otherwise.
At some point, his hands disappear from your body, and he places his elbows at the side of your head. Biting your earlobe, he accelerates his violent pace even more, and hits your inside until he almost reaches your cervix.
"Be a good girl and ask for it, tell me how much you want my cum.
"Give it to me, Daddy, please.
"Say it, ask for it [Y/N] ask for it."
"Please Daddy just come inside me."
Feeling your walls milking him makes him lose his mind, your voice suffocated by pleasure and the sheets push him to the limit, he comes inside you and collapses on you.
Tonight, you discovered the secrets that your man kept inside himself.
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amelialincoln · 3 years
For the prompts. 15 Amelia and Addison
TW: Addiction/Substance Abuse (I kinda hate the way this is written but oh well)
Amelia's body tingled as wave after wave rolled over her. She loved that analogy. She always loved the waves. It came to her when she and Ryan used to get high on Addison's porch, staring out at
California's deep blue water. Ryan had come up with it first. On that particular night they were smoking a joint. A fat one that Ryan had ground and rolled himself or they wouldn't have shared. 'Feels like a wave' she remembered him saying, as he reached out his hand to pass it to her. He was referring to each hit and she nodded in agreement.
She hadn't smoked much weed in her life. Always into whatever would get her the most fucked up. And most of the time marijuana, even sativa, just made her tired. But since the pandemic started, that was all she'd been craving. And after the blowout with Link, she finally gave her body what it deserved. Her phone crackled to life in the back pocket of her jeans.
"What the heck?" She slurred, reaching for the illuminated screen. "Hello?" She found herself asking into the device, wondering who had called her.
"Hi, Amelia?" The voice made her panic and she instinctively pressed the joint into the wooden bench she was sitting on.
"Hi?" Was all her brain could think of to say. She'd curse her own stupidity if she wasn't high as a kite.
"You called me, remember?" Addison yawned. Amelia squinted at the lockscreen of her phone. It read: 3:37am. Whoops. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, fine." She leaned back onto the bench, tilting her head up to the sky. "I got to go."
"Amelia," Addison's voice made it clear that she had woken up. "Where are you?"
"I'm on a wave, Addie." Her voice was light and airy as her head lulled forward, in tune with the crashing on the shore. "You should try it sometime."
"What the hell are you--" The phone rang silent and the world collapsed into stillness. Amelia's thumb still hovered over what had once been a red button on her phone and now illuminated about a hundred missed calls from her ex boyfriend. She turned the phone off, wondering momentarily what the point of having one is at all and fished through her bag for a lighter. The riptide was bringing her out to sea now and she needed something to bring her back to shore.
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griffin-wood · 2 years
Top 5 Books? 👀
I have been hoarding this ask for a whiiile now and since I got nothing to read now - lemme ramble about this hehe! Thank youuuu pd! 🥰✨
UNDER THE CUT CAUSE ITS TOO LONG WElp, sorry pd it turns out into a book review sksk 😭
So, this is like low-key vv hard - but, imma cheat the system a little and ramble!
1. Addicted/Calloway Sisters Series (the whole series) (Check TW)
okay this series, I haven't actually finish it yet cause well, I don't wanna say goodbye yet...but holy moly, I love how the growth of the characters in this - ALSO, found family is a HUUUGE thing! And, okay - they all are vv rich lol, but the story did made me emo and just, how they are all a family? And just look out for each other and after everything they been through together? I'm just - in looove! Loren, Lilly, Connor, Rose, Daisy and Ryke - aka the core six for life ✨💕 the quotes in this book are so many but, lemme give one!
fav scene (this is sooo long, god but this scene lives in my mind everyday):
“Nearly every day of our lives you’ve wondered one thing.”
Sex darts into my brain.
And his smile lights up his face, full-well knowing the dirty paths of my mind. “You’ve wondered when your superpowers will kick in.”
His words flush my thoughts, and I focus on his intense, passionate gaze. “Have they?” I ask softly.
“According to your timeline,” he says, “they’ve been present as far as your mind stretches back.” His lips rise. “Lily Calloway…all this time, your superpower has been loving me.” Tears cloud my eyes, and they don’t stop, especially as he adds, “And you’ll be happy to know that I’m not mortal.”
“You aren’t?” I choke.
“No.” He shakes his head, brushing away the wetness beneath my eyes. “Because my superpower is the love that I have for you. It’s out of this world, extraordinary, incomprehensible kind of love. And no one and nothing on this Earth comes close to it.”
2. Ignite Me (3rd book of Shatter Me)
This final book of the first part of the trilogy? WORTH IT. god, Juliette's development was amazing. Also, Warner. Aaron Warner could step me in the face and I shall say thank you. Lmao, but also - Juliette and Kenji's friendship? SOULMATES YALL! And that ending, just... God, I love it! I'm about to start book 5 of the series but, it's definitely worth the try!
fav quote (I was blushing okay sjsks):
“ignite my love, ignite”
3. The Invisible Life of Addie Larue
This book. THIS FREAKING BOOK AHHH. This is the first physical book I bought in sooo long, and one of my pathways to getting back into reading? And just, I adore everything about it. Some people say it could be a hit and miss, but it's definitely worth the try. The writing was exquisite - and Addie Larue; she lived through history and I bawled at the ending????? Yeah, I literally bawled at 2 am for this. There's a lot of good quotes in it but the ones that stuck with me the most is:
“There is defiance in being a dreamer.”
4. Felix Ever After
I love Felix Love. Felix was definitely a relatable character throughout the story - and seeing how Felix was trolled for being trans? God, my heart hurt for him. And learning about Felix's story itself, the story and everything. It can make you feel a lot, and just - learn about love y'know. Sometimes people like the idea of us, than who we are - and that's a huge takeaway in the book. Definitely the ones that I adore. The friendships and just, love in general. Amazing.
fav quote:
“Its easier, I think, to love someone you know won't love you — to chase them, knowing they won't feel the same way — than to love someone who might love you back. To risk loving each other and losing it all”
5. The Silent Waters
this is a book I buddy read with @kelseaaa but, god it hit both of us very very hard. The story itself was.. Unexpected and the love story Maggie and Brooks? God, it's such a beautiful one. Just everything about this book made me emotional and just, I adore everything about it. Vv underrated but god it was emotional.
Fav quote:
“the world keeps on spinning because your heartbeat exists.”
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openheartfanfics · 2 years
Newly Added Fics
Oct 29 - Nov 4, 2022  
🎭 Angst  |  🦚 Angsty Fluff  |  🛸 AU  |  ☁ Fluff  |  ♥ NSFW  |  📚 Series  |  📷 Edit  |  📱 TextFic  |  Ⓜ Mature
This Life - @coffeeheartaddict2 📚🎭
[mini: wip] All appears well in the Ramsey household until Louise suddenly leaves, throwing life into disarray. TW: Deals with abandonment Feat. Ethan Ramsey
Part 2: Normal is Overrated Anyways
Pumpkin Spice - @peonierose 📷👻
It’s fall time meaning Luna and Bryce celebrate Halloween with their friends and family.
Soon (It’s a Relative Term) - @storyofmychoices ☁
Bryce and Olivia finally have a morning off together.
The Cat and His Lady - @peonyblossom ☁👻
When Bryce showed up to a Halloween party dressed as a superhero from a kids' show, he certainly did not expect anyone to be wearing a matching costume.
To Fall In Love - @planet-alicorn ☁
Bryce and Chandini enjoy some fall baking. [Cooks]
Boston Halloween Party - @potionsprefect  📷👻
The gang host a Halloween Party, and Bryce goes official. Feat. The Gang
Candy - @jamespotterthefirst  ☁👻
Their first time giving out candy as a couple.
Drained - @lsvdw-blog  📚🎭
[mini: wip] Serena is having the day from hell and seeks comfort in Ethan, but perhaps she shouldn’t have.
Part 3
If you don’t like then you should have take your suite off - @ambraambrose  🎭
Retelling of 2.11 scene with Ethan and MC. [2.11]
Lost Love - @ethanramseytwilight 📚🎭
[mini: complete] Ethan loved Catherine with all his heart but if anyone found out about them, doom was inevitable.
Part 1 | Part 2
Lover - @genevievemd ♥
Ethan spends the evening worshipping his wife on her birthday. [Birthday; Conference; Vacation]
Mimicry - @jamespotterthefirst ☁👻
The gang organizes a group costume that surprises Ethan.
Oh Yeah...There He Is - @txemrn ☁
While celebrating his/her first birthday, a few colleagues make note that Baby Ramsey looks and acts just like Tatum. Well, for the most part. [Domestic; Family]
Once [A Nanny Affairs/Open Heart Crossover] - @peonierose 📚🛸 [mini: wip] Addison has stage four ovarian cancer. So Sam and Addi seek a consultation with Dr. Ethan Ramsey at Edenbrook. Will they make it in time? TW: Illness, cancer, mental health Feat. Ethan Ramsey
Part 2
Sandwich and a Fridge - @potionsprefect 📷
Victoria has a delicious lunch and the doctors lounge gets an upgrade.
Sunsets - @coffeeheartaddict2  ☁
Following hey are celebrating the anniversary of their engagement.
This Life - @coffeeheartaddict2 📚🎭
[mini: wip] All appears well in the Ramsey household until Louise suddenly leaves, throwing life into disarray. TW: Deals with abandonment Feat. Ethan Ramsey
Part 2: Normal is Overrated Anyways
‘Tis the Damn Season - @genevievemd 📚📷 [extended: wip] A look into the final eight months of Ethan and Gen’s first year of marriage.
November - Part 1
Tricky Treats - @jerzwriter ☁👻
Kaycee laments forgoing her Halloween plans when a lucrative opportunity arrives, but the evening turns out better than expected.
The Gang/Ensemble
Halloween Memories - @liaromancewriter  📷☁👻
It’s Halloween during intern year and the gang is working. So, Cassie shares her most memorable costumes on Pictagram to pass the time.
Night Adventures - @liaromancewriter ☁
Busy with work and raising their son, Max and Sienna struggle to get alone time as a couple.
Pumpkin Pie - @liaromancewriter 📱
Sienna and Max talk pumpkins and pumpkin pies.
Addiction - @alj4890 ☁
Tobias and Chris enjoy a coffee date.
Paging Dr. Carrick - @jerzwriter ♥
Tobias selects the theme for their next roleplay adventure.  But when they’re interrupted, Casey makes plans for a night to remember.
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oboevallis · 4 years
could you do a part 2 to glass?
glass pt 2
TW: drugs
“Oh come on I had a single beer.” Amelia spit back at her brother.
“Amy, we care for you. And one beer turns into two then turns into drugs, and by how you’ve been acting that’s what’s going to happen.” Derek calmly stated.
“Like you two haven’t?!” Amelia pointed to her brother and her sister Lizzie.
“Well, were responsible. We’re not going to go out and get a drug addiction.”
“I didn’t even take drugs!” Amelia sighed dramatically and threw herself down against the hospital bed.
“Amelia, your hanging you with a much older guy. He’s kinda creepy, the drug addict kind of creepy. I don’t know what college kid dates a high school student.” Lizzie added, she had met him a couple of weeks ago and was embarrassed her sister was hanging out with him.
“Hey I’ll be out of high school soon.” The youngest shepherd quickly defended herself.
“Come on Lizzie, let’s just leave her alone.” Derek sighed, and directed her sister out of the room.
“Have you heard from mom?” Lizzie asked once her brother had closed the door.
“No, have you?”
“No, but I mean. She’ll forgive her right?”
“Yeah moms are supposed to forgive, she’s forgiven us for a lot.” Derek defended their mother.
“Yeah, but we weren’t as crazy as Amelia is.”
“Hey, what happened? I just got out of surgery.” Their sister Nancy greeted as she came down the hall. “Addie told me Amy was in the ER and you guys admitted her.”
“It’s nothing to bad. Her foot should heal up fine. I admitted her to try and come up with a plan. We gotta help her, or she’s gonna go off the rails.” Derek explained to his older sister.
“Okay, and where’s mom?” Nancy asked looking into the room.
“Probably already at the store working. Last night she told Amy she wasn’t helping her.” Liz explained.
“Did you drug test her?” Nancy asked.
“Yeah, she’s clean. Her blood alcohol level was high though.” While the three siblings were talking Amelia was changing into her regular clothes, ready to leave.
“Where do you think your going?” Nancy asked once Amelia stepped out of the hospital room.
“Home.” Amelia simply responded, walking away from the group.
“Hey, so the stores pretty busy. Im going to go help out mom, we could use the extra hands of you don’t mind.” Lizzie said popping her head into their room.
“I’m going to stay here.” Amelia answered in a monotone voice staring up at the bunk above her.
“Okay, well we’ll see you later.” Liz concluded shutting the door.
Once she heard the front door slam signaling her sister had left, she reached for her boyfriends jacket and dug through the pockets looking for the pills she swiped from the nurses pill cart. She was already coming down pretty fast and only had four left. She settled on only taking one for now. As she felt the pill dissolve she felt okay, better than okay. It was like pain didn’t exist, no sisters, no judgement, no school, no dead father. She just felt nothing. She didn’t know how long she was sitting there but she could vaguely hear the phone ringing so she jumped up to go downstairs and answer it.
“Hey chase!” She answered with uncharacteristic perkiness.
“Hey what’s happening?”
“Nothing much, want to come over? No ones gonna be home until later.”
“Yeah sure I’ll be there soon.”
“Hey, by chance do you have anything on you?” Amelia asked breaking away from their kiss. She went through the last of her stash by the time he had shown up.
“What like drugs?” He asked, kind of surprised to hear this coming from his girlfriend.
“Yeah.” She went in to kiss him again.
“Well not on me, but I have some back at my place.”
“Okay, well are we gonna go to your place then?”
“I mean yeah sure, I just didn’t think you were into that type of thing.” Amelia just shrugged in response.
Weeks had passed since her, habit, started. She had done a good job of hiding it thus far. Until her sister Kathleen came home to visit, she’d been out of state at college and missed her family so she decided to stop in for the weekend. Kathleen wasn’t particularly close to her sister, but she enjoyed spending time with her. The youngest shepherd was always fun to talk to because she had no filter.
“Amelia Frances Shepherd! What the hell are you doing.” Kathleen screamed as she walked into her sisters room. Amelia started blankly back at her not really realizing she was there, she had just crushed the pill of oxy, which her sister witnessed. “You are an absolute selfish bitch! All that mom and this family has done for you, and you go take drugs? Dad would be so pissed at you.”
“Don’t bring dad into this.” Amelia spat.
“If he was here he’d be so so so pissed at you.”
“Shut up!”
“I’m gonna go call mom.” Kathleen said turning on her heel to go to the landline in the kitchen.
“Don’t you dare.” Amelia jumped up to block the door. “You are not calling mom.” Kathleen started to speak but stopped herself, she glared at the youngest shepherd disgusted with her.
“Fine.” Kathleen pushed Amelia out of the door way and left the house to go to her car. Amelia knew better than to think she was off the hook, so she took her stash and distributed it, hiding in the most unlikely of places, but made sure to leave some out in the open to an extent so they’d think they found some.
“I’m looking for Doctor Shepherd.” Kathleen asked a nurse at the nurses station in the front of the hospital.
“Which one?” The nurse giggled.
“Who’s ever available.”
“Um, okay.”the nurse seemed slightly confused but went along with it. It wasn’t long until Addison appeared looking concerned she hadn’t known Kathleen was back in town.
“Hey everything alright?” Addison asked as she approached.
“Have you seen Amy recently?”
“No, is she missing?” Addison asked startled.
“No she’s not missing but like does she seem normal to you?”
“I mean she hasn’t been attending Sunday dinners, and when I’ve seen her she’s seemed kind of pale and shaky and then she just leaves to go to the creek. Why? What’s going on?”
“She’s doing drugs.” Kathleen whispered judgmentally.
“What?” Addison asked in disbelief.
“I saw her crushing up a pill.”
“Oh god. Okay I’m gonna go get Derek. We’ve got to do something.” Kathleen just nodded and sat down in the waiting area. While Addison was gone looking for her husband. As Nancy was walking out of her shift she noticed Kathleen.
“What’s wrong?” Nancy asked concerned, she was closer with Kathleen and they told one another everything so to not know she was at the hospital.
“Amy’s doing drugs.”
“Did she OD?”
“No,no but she will one of these days. Figures she’ll go out and get a drug addiction.”
“Hmm.” Nancy hummed in agreement.
“Why the hell did you leave her alone?” Derek asked as he stormed in.
“Well Derek there’s not much I could’ve done. There’s not much we can do. She’s gotta hit rock bottom until she realizes she needs help.”
“You’ve been in college for two seconds, don’t act like a shrink. Well get her into rehab.”
“Kathleen’s right Derek.” Nancy defended.
“How about an intervention?” Addison suggested.
“That could work.” Nancy hopefully agreed.
“Does mom know?” Derek asked.
“Not yet.” Kathleen confirmed. “She’s under so much stress right now. What if we tried to handle this before she finds out.”
“Yeah, I agree with Kathleen.” Nanny said.
“Okay. Addison and Is shifts are almost done. We’ll meet you two back at the house. And just pray to god she’ll listen.”
thank for the request, i really appreciate it. im also working on that other request you had so hopefully that’ll be up soon. sorry in advance i didn’t not proofread
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acebookreviews · 3 years
Every Body Looking: Review
Every Body Looking by Candice Iloh is one that I could relate to on many different levels, and is good for a quick read.
Every Body Looking is the life of Ada, a Nigerian-American girl who leaves home to go to an HBCU (Historically Black College/University). It's her first time being so far away from her father- who puts pressure on her to succeed, and her mother- who struggles with addiction and lashing out at Ada. She discovers her love of dance while struggling with her sexuality and creating her own path.
This book is written in poem formats, making it a quick but interesting read. Details from Ada's life are told ranging from first grade to her current experiences in college. It resonated with me a lot, considering that Ada and I have many things in common.
I am obsessed with the poem format. Candice Iloh does a great job showing us Ada's voice, and the way it changes throughout the years, and the relationship she has between her parents. She also does a great job at showing Ada's wants vs. her fathers, and her internal struggle with that.
I will add a TW on this book to anyone that decides to read it. It (briefly) deals with sexual assault. It spans about 3 pages, and I was able to skip those without missing key plot points.
I would definitely recommend this book to anyone that can identify with Ada. Whether you're Nigerian-American, black, going to an HBCU, struggling with your sexuality, or a dancer. I think many of Ada's stories will resonate with you. Her sexuality is not discussed a lot, but bits and pieces are scattered throughout her stories.
Genre: YA, fiction
Author: Candice Iloh
Released: September 22, 2020
Hello! I'm back doing what I love most. I'm currently reading The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V. E. Schwab so that will be my next review. I've yet to find a book that I really dislike, which is great but also I need to expand my taste in books.
As always, if you have any book recommendations, please send them! I'm open to any genre.
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adelaidefleur-t · 4 years
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Name: Adelaide Fleur Torres Birthday: August 11, 1988 Hometown: San Diego, California Career: Emergency room doctor
TW: None
Adelaide Fleur was born in San Diego to two lawyers who had their own firm. She was their miracle baby, as they tried for a baby for years and when they finally got pregnant, Addy’s mom wanted to make sure the child lived the best life possible.
When she was seven months, her mother started putting her in pageants. At first it was just for fun, but once Addy fell in love with it, it became serious. She had a pageant coach and was trained in dance.. She dreamed of being Miss America and wasn’t going to stop till she got there.
Her school life was good. She was smart and easily passed her classes. She didn’t really know what she wanted to do with her life after pageants, only deciding that she was going to Stanford for college.
After taking an anatomy class, Addy decided she wanted to become a doctor. The major intrigued her and made her want to learn more in that field. She also was still doing pageants, not really giving herself much of a social life.
Finally becoming Miss California, Adelaide finally went to Miss America, coming in as second runner up. It broke her heart completely, deciding to quit beauty pageants and just focusing on her studies full on.
Getting accepted into the Medical school in Stanford, Adelaide had a hard time deciding on what she really wanted to do. After watching a few different specialties, she decided to stick to emergency medicine. It was a way for her to do everything while almost giving herself a purpose for the world, something she felt she secretly lost once she stopped pageants.
Three years ago, Addy finally got her license, moving to Santa Monica and working at the emergency department at the hospital. She made a home for herself and now has a home and a dog named Truffle.
Addy was raised to love herself and that is something she still does. She tends to come off cocky or a little self centered, but being a doctor slightly evens out the cockiness.
She truly loves her job. She goes into each work shift with a smile on her face. Although there are times she really questions the people she sees and their decisions.
She likes the finer things in life. Top shelf, fancy wine, classy restaurants. And she always dresses for the occasion.
She loves clothes. She’s addicted to shopping and refuses to admit she has a problem.
She’s half Filipino and very proud of her heritage.
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neontigrr · 4 years
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damn rylan, back at it again with the loveable idiots — hello everyone & meet natalie, 29, devil’s disciple and sad sack of shit. she’s a recovering addict and an artist, part-time waitress at hale’s diner, part-time gardener at greer’s greenhouse, full time nerd and tiger enthusiast. find her info, facts & wanted connections below!! TW: DRUG ABUSE, EMOTIONAL ABUSE, OVERDOSING.
at ten she’s a spark begging to be ignited. a kid with a bright imagination, but her parents aren’t happy. school is hard for the girl who’ll spend hours covering textbooks in flowers — why should two plus two matter, she thinks, when i can make the paper bloom into whole gardens, full of creatures staring back at me, when i can create my own world? her parents have never been the kind to waste their days daydreaming. they look at their youngest daughter and think: where does she take it? all this carefree passion of hers, where does it come from? she lacks her father’s disposition for numbers, how clinically pristine they look when lined up one after the other, and how satisfying they feel when preceded by a plus sign on a bank invoice. she has none of her mother’s backbone, the way she carries herself as if pure, molten gold flew into her veins — staring everyone down, making herself taller. she seems to only have eyes for fleeting things, mundane passions: for her colors, for the music of a guitar, for the way the desert sand blows into her hair at sundown. come a couple years, all she has eyes of is the boy playing his guitar among the wrecks of a car parts graveyard — says his name is elvis and she knows that isn’t true, but in las vegas, somehow, you can make yourself be whoever you want to be. she smiles, and says her name is tiger instead: in another life, perhaps, she was fierce and with a bite.
at seventeen she’s golden spotlights on the vegas strip. atomic bomb waiting to explode, all summer glare and midnight rides into nowhere: it’s her and elvis in his daddy’s car and it feels like they could conquer the world, if they wanted. he sings to her, she dances for him, characters straight out of a ‘50s song, loaded with a naivety that tastes like the american dream. no time for overbearing parents, no attention paid in school: it’s just them, skin on skin, flowers blooming from her fingers in spray paint over abandoned buildings. this could last forever, she thinks, she begs, she prays: a life like this could last forever. (a life like this drains the best of her). elvis was born to be a king like his namesake, and he’s got dreams of fame and glory that don’t contemplate her presence. street artists never become rockstars, and she has time for nothing more than the creatures lunging out of her fingers, onto the paper. she’s skin and bones, ink and notes, like she could live off of music and drawings alone — and him, always him, a golden god, a forbidden hymn. the night he signs his first record deal she grabs her inks and her pens — draws a present on his skin, a crown for the king to be. and as she draws, she prays: that their dreams can be true, that this is not a happy chorus in a ballad, but a rock opera, a discography for the ages to come. she prays for him like a beggar at an altar: and maybe there’s magic in that crown she draws, there’s truth in the prayer she pours into it. he wins his dreams and leaves her behind: prayers always require sacrifices.
at twenty-two she’s broken lightbulbs under strangers’ feet. she’s shards of glass she could cut people with, but it’s herself she harms; see, elvis’ gone but there’s tons of friends in his place. there’s mary jane, addy, crystal, lucy and all her diamonds. vegas is a wonderland, a new high hidden ‘round every corner, and kind people willing to hand ‘em out like candy to an hazy, improvised alice — the drawings grow darker now, shadows with caved-in eyes and hollow chests. the colors don’t come the way they used to, and when they do they all look like a shade of nightmares — blood red, nausea green, despair blue. she looks for answers in his songs: on the radio, in her mind, she swears he still sings about her. has to follow him to the middle of the desert, to a festival where he stands on a stage and people swear he looks just like the real thing, the king himself. she doesn’t see him, though, but a hole where all her strength used to be, the us against the world turned into the open jaws of a ravenous monster: us against the world, and then the world collapses. wonderland turns to the land of nightmares, and the needle, it is her salvation — down the rabbit hole, she thinks, and someone must come out on the other side. either her, or the ghost of her. either her, or her evil turned to flesh. there is no white rabbit but a man — a good man, a honest man, with an inclination to fixing broken things. he helps her up to her fit, treats her alike his daughter and his sister, and when he begins asking her to help fix the remains of a broken bike, she begins to wonder whether he isn’t trying to fix her, too. sometimes he calls her tiger and she remembers when she fancied herself a wild and untamed thing, escaping cages, just following her instincts. under the heat of the south-west sun, she smiles. maybe all tigers were lost creatures at first.
at twenty-nine she’s neon gas begging to be lit up. there’s a tiger on her forearm, hides the scars of a previous life. there’s always ink under her fingernails, sometimes it seems it shines in the dark. charming has become her home: the devil’s disciples, her family. the bike she’d begun to fix with the man who helped her now bears the name of tempest, and she rides it out with the devils letting it add to the spirit in her heart — wild, untamed, free. her family becomes charming, becomes the devils, becomes rett, lani and rowan. she’s made herself a home in the sand: an old garage, turned inside out, now overflowing with flowers and colors, sparkling gems and drawings hanging at every corner — and a canary, otis, that sings her to sleep every night. she’s called it dustland, a sort of mythical place at the edge of charming, willing to welcome all the broken, all the wounded and the lost. but she loses herself too, now and then. at times she looks past the profiles of houses and buildings, and knows there’s a den of wolves in there, which hold the key to that rabbit hole she once lost herself in. at night, when the desert gets cold and her bones don’t feel anything like a tiger’s — she swears she can hear the wolves howl, beckoning. when she does, she turns to the ink to remind herself of how life was drained out of all shades, because of the needles in her arm. sometimes it’s enough to keep her breathing to the night. sometimes.
• ‘heart over matter’, because she barely ever acts on anything other than pure instinct. • she lives in a refurnished garage on the edge of town, and she’s given it the name of ‘dustland’. it’s full of trinkets and good luck charms, colors and drawings hanging on every corner, flowers, healing gems and her bird, a pet canary named otis. it’s a big enough place to hide people who need to lie low for a while, people who need to get patched up or goods that need to be out of the radar of unwanted visitors.  • the above mentioned ways the dustland has been used before are also some of the biggest ways in which nat contributes to the mc. she’s not much use in a fight, but is resourceful enough to always find ways to help and prove her belonging in the club, be it by smuggling goods, helping the wounded, whatever it’s required that doesn’t imply bloodshed.  • when she isn’t working, you will find her drawing on virtually any available surface. she tends to create beautiful, meaningful portraits for the people she loves the most too — they’re all some sort of surreal, odd watercolor portrait. • she has several tattoos other than the devils’ one, the most prominent one on her right arm: a big, colorful tiger she got about a year since her arrival in charming. it was a drawing she made channeling the nickname rett had given her, and it was inked by none other than the original nat, natalia ballard. • she’s a vegan, and a creative cook — she loves creating elaborate salad mixes and cakes with unexpected ingredients (flowers, herbs, peculiar fruits she seeks out at farmer’s markets, etc). • her bike, tempest, is a bike she and rett fixed back up while he was helping her get clean. it’s a little old and rusty, but still fights to this day (and nat finds the symbolism in it lovely).
coworkers/superiors at either of her two jobs (hale's diner/greer's greenhouse). someone from the gang who knows her / elvis / any of her friends, since they were all pretty involved in the drug dealing business. someone from the gang who might tempt her with substances again. fwbs (none of these will become actual relationships because she's taken, in that sense, but it might be a fun, or even relatively toxic, dynamic until then). people within the mc she's closest to — sibling figures, people who have a special connection with her, people who can't stand her, people who will often ask for favors such as hiding someone at her place or smuggle something somewhere. neighbors of sorts (she lives on the edge of town, in a garage basically in the desert, but there could be someone in the neighborhood who occasionally drops by for a coffee or something). friends from the auto shop! her bike, tempest, is an old thing she put back together with the help of rett, but it still needs constant care. i'd love for someone from charming auto to be telling her this bike needs to move on to its next life, ngl. enemies (it's rare for nat not to be well-inclined towards someone, but sometimes she gets a bad vibe from people and will turn stone-cold to them, and that's a dynamic i'd very much like to explore). some sort of trainer who might help her grow at least some fight in the physical sense. + literally anything, i'm down for whatever dynamic so just hit me up!!
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