#tw transid
zhong-leigh · 1 year
I had two of these transID / transautistic ppl following me this morning so not so friendly reminder: y'all ain't welcome on my page.
(and just to clarify, transautistic here doesn't mean the person is trans AND autistic. It means a person who ISN'T autistic is TRYING to "transition" into being autistic. It's a mockery on both our disability and trans people)
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There's a picrew called RADCREW and it features stuff like pro- pedophilia, transid, zoophilia, incest, necrophilia, etc..it's very gross and claims being a "critinclus" is being an exclu which it isnt? Anyways just watch out for them. They're gross. Also they're a pro-shipper! Disgusting
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redtail-lol · 10 months
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This is genuinely the most disgusting thing radqueers have claimed to be. This is such a slap in the face for real survivors. Everything else was shitty, but this is a new level of absolutely depraved. You WANT to go through a horrific and deeply traumatic event? You FEEL LIKE you should have been abused as a child? Really? Get help, you've certainly got underlying, unaddressed problems. You can't just identify as someone who went through CSA because you think that you should've
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talks-with-the-void · 11 months
hey radqueers!
yeah I know I'm breaking my own dni with this, but this applies only to this post. I always see you saying "ohhh antis claim we hurt them by being transX but we don't!" - well, why don't you for once actually explain how you don't hurt anyone by identifying as transabled, transrace, etc. literally. explain it to me.
explain how it doesn't hurt me to see people go "oh I have transtrauma and want to transition" (aka traumatize yourself I guess?) when I HAVE ACTUAL TRAUMA and I would fucking sell a limb if that meant it never happened.
explain to me how someone with "transBPD" doesn't hurt me by "transitioning" - aka actively performing symptoms I naturally have, like cutting people off ON PURPOSE or having angry outbursts ON PURPOSE because "uwu transBPD is valid". this disorder has a BAD influence on my entire personality and you LITERALLY PRETEND to have my symptoms.
explain to me how being "transautistic" doesn't hurt me, when I know that you COULD navigate social situations and generally, you know, life, in a "normal" (read: expected, seen as normal by society) way, when I can't. I have to put on an act every. single. time. the amount of people I know who make me feel safe enough to unmask... it's two. two people. with everyone else, it's an act. EVERYONE. I don't hate my autism, I don't know life any other way and it's just the way I am, but it DOES make certain things inherently more difficult and by claiming you "should be autistic", you're spitting in my masked face and are mocking my struggles.
by saying "oh we don't hurt anyone" you're taking away my - and countless others' - right to BE HURT by your entitled behaviour. yes, as a traumatized, autistic system with BPD and ADHD I HAVE the right to be hurt by seeing people claim they "feel like they should have those disorders". you don't have to take away resources or actively harrass others in order to hurt them. I'm NOT in the wrong for being hurt by you - you are in the wrong for hurting me and claiming that you don't.
fuck you. fuck you all.
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littletissueghosts · 8 months
Heads-Up About Oculoids
Hey, uh, I know I'm not really in the anti-radqueer community, but the coiner of the oculoid label has been making some uncomfortable comparisons between oculoids and transid people. I'd suggest being wary of the oculoid label, as someone who previously supported it. It doesn't so much appear to be an alternative to keep people from falling down the radqueer pipeline anymore as a term that could lead into the radqueer pipeline.
I am not accusing the coiner nor anyone using the term of being a radqueer. Do not harass anyone over oculoids.
Proof under cut:
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whatevenisexisting · 29 days
Here is your reminder not to bother engaging with the “transx” community that makes a joke out of the trans and larger LGBT community by spreading misinformation, romanticizing disabilities (notice how nobody identifies with the conditions that are stigmatized in a different way like IBS), perpetuating racism (if you’re white and identify as a person of color, I have some news for you hun), encouraging adults to go in the space of minors, further fueling ped0s who have no shame in acting on their disorder, and overall just causing harm to those of us who live with these actual identities!
It’s not worth it, babes. Exit out of Tumblr for a bit, take a deep breath, eat a snack or hydrate or step outside - give yourself that care. They aren’t going to listen because they’re too far in this echo chamber.
The only thing we can do is hope that this “community” will eventually realize what they’re doing is harmful and apologize, even delete their blog to eliminate the harm they caused - in my opinion, it’s better to delete than leave it up, unless they make it very clear they were wrong and caused harm.
And maybe, if someone seems genuine in asking more about these identities, and the energy is there, messaging them privately and providing them with the education they are seeking and deserve. Because responding publicly at this point will only cause further harm to ourselves and will lead them to be convinced by others what we want so badly for them to NOT believe.
Conserve your energy, babes. Use it elsewhere, whether it’s as an advocate for your or other communities, engaging in your hobbies and self-care, seeking out your support system, know that each of these alternatives is valid. It’s valid if you do engage, but it’s JUST as valid as if you do not.
Put yourself first.
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nightfallsystem · 1 year
Are you identifying as a trans-autistic individual? I noticed your profile only mentions autism. I am also on my own journey as a trans-autistic person and am genuinely curious about your experience. :)
i identify as your mom
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mogai-sunflowers · 1 year
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just learned that that “transnazi” shit is like. a real identity to radqueers??? like they actually support that and it wasn’t just that one person?????
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Found this image on a transid account I was blocking and I only recognize a few of these. Can someone pls explain all of them to me. Just so I know which ones to avoid/ which ones are good?
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redtail-lol · 11 months
I just saw some radqueer coin cisidism as discrimination against transids or anyone who isn't cisid and people who are anti transid are cisidists
Anyways rb if ur proud to be a cisidist.
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omniaspec-rat · 9 months
cw: transx, ableism, "transautistic"
Okay, so to save some spoons of making an id of a screenshot, I preferred to just copy and paste this text that I found because. it's just too much anger to handle alone.
To help my impulsive little friends who will also get angry if they see this, I've placed the text below the cut. Just to quench your curiosity, it's all transid bullshit with "tips for passing as a transautistic" coming from an autistic (or, as they say, "cisautistic") person, and some vent of mine.
"Tips for transautistic folks (from somesys who's cisautistic and sucks at articulating things):
Buy/borrow fidget toys. Trust me, nobody really cares about you having them as long as you aren't being disruptive.
Find something, obsess over it. Hyperfixations and special interests, especially the latter, are often regarded as an "autistic thing".
Buy. Noise. Dampening/cancelling. Headphones. They're just Good.
Fun fact: autism often increases one's tendency to dissociate. Indulge in daydreams, forget the world.
If you want to be bitey, get chewelry. It's less destructive than most other things. (Bonus for permatoddlers and other younger transage folks: works as a teether stand-in)
If you're in a crowded place and it's possible, block out the people sounds with music.
Most importantly, remember that autism has a basically infinite number of presentations and you can just do whatever makes you feel best."
I don't even know where to start. I'm just shaking with rage. And a little sadness. And a feeling that this will definitely become an "argument" for my OCD later on. It's just... unbelievable and horrible and disgusting and all that. I'm too angry to even speak.
I spent my life being told I was weird for all these things. Being told that I should try to be more "normal". And my god, I tried so hard. Very much. And I couldn't. And then, when I finally found the truth, that I was AUTISTIC and that my brain was structurally different... Now I am faced with people trying to imitate what I and other people like me do. Trying to pretend this is how their brain works because "it's cool and euphoric". And if I complain, all I'll hear is that I'm being "ungrateful" because "finally someone likes your traits enough to imitate, and now you complain about it?" as if I don't have the right to be mad about it.
The whole history of autism was based on a very simple definition of "having a brain that works differently from the rest, that works in these specific ways, which can be very variable, but are always out of the ordinary". So what does someone with the perfectly non-autistic brain think they can come along and call themselves autistic because they're constantly going out of their way to pretend they are one?
Say what you want. Compare me to how many horrible groups you can think of on the tip of your tongue and throw all sorts of nonsensical arguments that somehow equate me with real transphobics. You are not autistic. You guys can behave however you want, I don't care, I'd love for you to have the chance to be happy behaving in whatever way makes you feel most authentic, but DON'T YOU DARE calling yourself autistic. You are not autistic and no amount of lying you want to use to convince others or yourself changes that. And I'm tired of pretending I'm not seething with rage over all this crap.
I feel TERRIBLE writing this but I am exceptionally exhausted from you all, no matter how much I spend a solid 2 hours blocking you from every rq tag in existence, next week somehow there will be 1000 more new rq accounts ready to spoil my day, and they'll still say it's "only block it if you don't want to see it", as if I'm not almost crying and begging your ableist community to get away from me and still have to watch shit like this constantly
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gillipopmoji · 8 months
Hey so hear me out. That includes transautistics, cisautistics transallistics and cisallistics. Those are the terms I'm gonna use here.
So I just ran into a bunch of transautistic blogs. And a lot of posts about how transautism isn't valid. And yeah I agree. But you know what? Those posts aren't going to convince anyone of anything. and you're right. "Stop glorifying my oppression" does sound like something a TERF would say. And yeah to all the cisautistics I understand why you made those posts. People ARE glorifying your disorder. But that's because it's not a good explanation of why the idea of transautism doesn't work. So your logic is this: "if you can be transgender, what other things can you be trans?" And you see the MOGAI community deeply intertwined with the ND community so you think "of course! autism!" But you know why the idea of being transgender works? Gender is a social construct. Autism is not. And if you want to use fidgets or get really into a topic, that's fine. Maybe you're already autistic!
tl;dr transgender is valid because gender is a social construct, autism is not a social construct, and so it's not valid
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whatevenisexisting · 4 months
The fact that there are people who want to have Epilepsy and read tips on it will never not disgust me. Like seriously. Y’all are fucking ignorant, ableist, and your identity is NOT in good faith.
Why? Because as someone who actually has epilepsy, it DOES hurt for me to see some people on tumblr want this damn condition. As I’m struggling to get through a work week, as I’m finally realizing I need accommodations, as I’m feeling frustrated because I haven’t had a seizure since April 19th, and I already had two this month.
Remember y’all, when you have a seizure, out goes your ability to drive for at least a few months. Put yourself in a small town with no public transit, rely on family to get literally ANYWHERE - and then tell me you’re “transepileptic”.
I wasn’t planning to ever drive again, but that decision DOES affect my life and let’s say I chose to drive once it was legal. Well, in my state I would have been able to drive by July but BAM. There it goes again.
Have a seizure, and you cannot drive. Now you have to find other ways to get EVERYWHERE you can’t walk to. And if it’s pouring like it is for me today? Yeah, your choice is either walk in the rain and get soaked, take an Uber for a ride that’s only 5-10 minutes and easy walking distance, or stay home.
Not everyone can rely on family or friends every single time they need to go somewhere, remember that.
And I know I’m focusing on this part but it’s just ONE aspect.
I mentioned I had a rough week at work and I did. Have fun dealing with post-seizure depression and just overall triggered depression as you work for a suicide hotline. Have fun not being able to tell 99% of your coworkers WHY you are struggling so much this week because you can’t even the say the name of your condition (and as a side note, your mom hates this and doesn’t understand - she thinks it just means you’re ashamed even though you aren’t), so yeah, they respect that and it’s your right but it would be easier to talk to them if they KNEW. But you don’t, because you barely accept your condition to begin with. (The five stages of grief? Yeah, apply them here and put yourself permanently in between denial and acceptance, also anger and depression, and have a jolly good time.)
Oh don’t forget needing time off work! Because if you’re lucky like me, you’re going to be exhausted the next day and will need to sleep all day! Which means using a sick day, and in America most people are LUCKY to get two weeks. My friend’s partner gets five days. Total. Of paid time off and sick COMBINED. So yeah, have a blast balancing what little sick time you get with needing to care for your body because sometimes you cannot recover quickly for them! You likely don’t know that tonic clonic used to be called grand mal (don’t worry most people without epilepsy don’t know this and you know you don’t have epilepsy soooo) but with grand mal, you might end up in the hospital because you can injure yourself! Any seizure that involves convulsions puts you at risk of physical (even mental, if you hit your head and get a concussion) injury, but I’m sure you haven’t thought of that part, have you?
Or maybe you have and you still want a condition that severely impacts people’s lives and can kill them, in which case you’re just ableist lmao, and insist that me being against people outright SAYING they’re faking a disorder is somehow transphobic or I’m “using the same talking points” as people against the trans community. Like stop stop STOP.
You know what the difference here is? Trans people didn’t choose to be trans, they can’t always come out of the closet because it’s NOT SAFE which surprise, might have a significant impact on their mental health. They don’t have a choice but to be closeted. Staying closeted STILL comes with consequences though. Coming out of the closet might come with consequences. There’s a reason trans people have such a high suicide rate.
As for the “talking points”…that’s just stupid because you people KNOW and SAY you don’t have this condition. You give each other “tips” for doing these symbols, or should I say FAKING the symptoms.
Me talking about the REALITIES of living with a disability is a desperate attempt to get you to stop romanticizing them. Me talking about the TRUTH of living with something like in my case epilepsy, is a desperate attempt to make you realize it’s NOT something you want.
I’M the one who didn’t have a goddamn choice for this condition. JUST LIKE trans people don’t have a choice to be trans and cis people don’t have a choice to be cis.
YOU fucking DO have this choice. YOU have the choice to get off Tumblr, out of this horrible echo chamber and ask yourself why the fuck you’re ASKING for TIPS FOR HAVING A SEIZURE.
Like for real, get off this hellsite and THINK about what you’re absorbing. This. Is. Not. Healthy.
And no, I don’t give a shit if you’re ~also disabled and okay with this~ because it’s not okay lmao. Like these are not good faith identities. Period. These people romanticize serious conditions, play into the idea that people with disabilities are faking theirs (especially if they suddenly become able to do things - “oh, jessy can do that, why can’t you?” Disabled people hear that enough already), and simply ignore the reality.
Ugh. I’m only writing this because Tumblr is a blog and a safe space to write, my therapist is sick today and can’t do a session with me, and I woke up still pretty sad and frustrated and then I thought of “transabled” people and decided to rant. Going to keep this public for now, might make it private later.
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anonymoussystem2578 · 6 months
Ok so alt account for personal reasons. So for this post to make sense it will require a slight description of our trauma, so when we were 12 we ended up in a pretty bad situation and getting groomed because they it. This was before we had realized that we were plural but we were indeed plural still. So our groomer had convinced us that we were radqueer, a proshipper and made us participate in several kinks that he was into. As a result we ended up splitting a new headmate who for this post I'll call L. So L was split to identify with the things we were being forced into "identifying" as. As a result after we got out of that situation xe ended up going dormant and we never really cared. So skip forward to now and recently she left dormancy which is causing issues as she still believes in all that stuff. All the rest of our system is extremely anti radqueer anti proship everything else along those lines and she has been harassing other headmates about it. Please tell us if you have any advice.
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