#tw sui mentioned
v-lustale · 19 days
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An Ask/RP blog for my Lust, and AU, V-Lusttale! (This is actually an AU, of my AU! A post-pacifiest where now VLust is just a gamer streamer! His favourite game is DDLC!)
(Oh yeah! Just to keep RP mildly not overflowing with cash. There is a cap of donating 100g/$! <33)
#Vlust sans
Lore beneath cut! But trigger warning for mentions of: SA, NSFW, and suicide!
V-Lustale (Virtual Lustale) is an AU of underlust. On the outside, monsters are very reclusive, awkward or shy—It's quite empty in the underground since most spend all their times indoors, and while the underground has a purple tint, there's nothing inherently sexual of it.
However, on the UNDERNET, near all monsters are constantly online. Rather looking at explicit works, doing NSFW stories with each other (though anonymously.), or even steaming on 'Only-Monsterz', they're addicted to the fantasy, the escape online in their virtual world after the underground has long since fell into a depression.
Frisk, an eighteen year old sexual abuse survivor, falls into the underground in an attempt to take their own life. With Rosey. (a previously very sheltered child) and the spirit of Chara. (A troubled youth) Frisk needs to help the monsters build a healthy relationship with reality, sexuality—And heal from their own trauma.
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a-clucking-system · 1 month
a warning to anti endogenic blogs!!
this person has harassed both me and my partner system @starry-city-sys in our direct messages and they have been notorious for harassing other anti-endogenic blogs.
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this person even went out of their way to message my partner systems sideblogs to evade being blocked. saturn has screenshots of their messages somewhere on his account, i will at some point look for them again and link them here.
if you've had an experience with this person please let me know and i will edit this post to add as much info as i can.
our messages:
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i didnt bother including their messages, it was basically every overused pro-endo argument, each of which have been disproved time and time again.
as i mentioned in my messages to them, they also guilt tripped my partner system, pretty much pinning the blame for their friends suicide on a complete stranger. let alone a stranger who does not send death threats or condones them whatsoever.
i do not condone witch hunting, death threats etc. this is for informative purposes.
i suggest you just block this account on all your sideblogs if you make any anti-endo posts at all. im pretty sure they scroll through the anti endo tags just to harass people.
please also reblog to spread awareness. thank you.
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i want to stab my wrists with my needles and let the blood flow from my veins
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Hey, I’m really sorry about some of these Anons. I don’t get what can be wrong with people sometimes.
I’m not going to act like I know what you’re going through because I don’t. I usually scroll past it, but then I saw just how bad the Anons were getting. I just wanted to reassure you that people on here can be absolute jerks and to listen to people who actually want to help you in a way that doesn’t want to further harm you.
Everyone has their ways of helping and supporting others, and some may come off as more harsh or downright mean spirited than others. You’ll just have to accept what you want. Sure, the Anons can insist their methods (of basically telling you to stop whining and kys) are helpful and useful, but it matters more around how YOU feel and take it in. That may seem selfish, but what do you prefer? Help that isn’t helping you at all, or help that actually does its job?
So please. Don’t listen to the criticism that’s going to only further break you down. At some point when you’re not mentally in the dumps, then sure, you can probably look back at what you missed out on, but honestly my suggestion right now; Ignore the bad ones. Don’t even answer them. Delete them if you need to.
That's... fair. Really, really fair. I hope one day I'll know why I made them so mad, and apologize. But for now I've deleted the rest that I assume are them!
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future-rui-official · 7 months
why do all my younger selves keep trying to do themselves in. I mean I know why but. what the hell.
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finleyforevermore · 2 months
I swear Liam must be a cursed fucking name-
One Liam's passed away and now another one has gone inactive and may have potentially killed themselves
I'm so sick of this
Back to listening to Epiphany on loop until I feel better ig
Listening to that song isn't gonna bring either of them back
I guess there's no point in even listening
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fliipside · 3 months
anyway. this was my first phestival and can i just saw while crow won yall were genuinely some of the most toxic motherfuckers ever. i got DEATH THREATS over being team dove. what the fuck dude
like i’m actually disappointed. i can take death threats but i don’t think we should be telling people to slit or tie a noose because they killed you in a fucking roblox game.
you guys aren’t funny or edgy you guys need to shut up lmaooo. this goes for BOTH SIDES BTW
as for the players who DIDNT send death threats! gg
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jade-do-stuff · 13 days
don't kill yourself.
I don't know what are you going through, but I know that things will change, for better or for worse, but it doesn't matter, you need to keep going on, even if everything looks hopeless, because if you kill yourself you will never know how your life could change, your life can change from one day to the next, and you need to keep going on to see this changes and maybe only maybe, rediscover the wonder of life.
Edit: can y'all stop just liking? I need reblogs to spread this message
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( //tws for bullying and suicide mentions under the cut. )
Rui walks down the hallway after lunch, dragging his feet. He hadn't eaten, instead opting to go up to the rooftop and spend the lunch break with Mizuki.
He really, truly did not want to be here. He'd have liked to skip class again, but...
[after getting a 70 on a language quiz? pathetic, really...I need to be spending more time in class, maybe...]
He's suddenly pulled out of his thoughts by the approaching sound of footsteps behind him. Or, perhaps more sinister- the sound of giggling that tends to accompany it.
He turns around, and three students approach him.
"Oi, look! Kamishiro kept her hair brushed for more than a week! It's a miracle!"
He feels someone grab him by his hair, causing his head to jerk backwards and nearly throwing him off balance.
Someone in the group laughs and mimics his near-fall.
A bright light flashes in his face. He's being recorded.
"wow, yeah, not a tangle in this thing. Hey, are you sure you're the Kamishiro we know?"
His hair is pulled again, and this time he's actually knocked off balance. the trio erupts in laughter.
He hits the ground, and reminds himself not to open his mouth.
[It'll be fine. Just let them have what they want of you. Be the bigger person. Don't be angry. Why are you angry? Stop feeling that way. Stop it. Don't react. Don't react. Don't react.]
"Yeah, are you feeling alright? You really haven't been acting like yourself lately! Especially after you bombed that quiz."
Rui purses his lips.
[Rumors really do travel like wildfire here, huh? I'd ask how they know, but... it's not like it matters.]
"Do you have to choose between getting good grades or acting like a functional human being? Is that what it is?"
"pfft, imagine not being able to brush your hair and get a quiz right in the same day... embarrassing. I'd kill myself."
"she's tried that one already!"
More laughter.
...Rui's eyes are beginning to sting.
"How come you never went through with that? It's like for once you had the right idea about something, and you still blew it. I know your fellow weirdo stopped you, but, like, why'd you listen? Unless you were gonna stop acting like this."
The person speaking to him doesn't seem satisfied with his response - or lack thereof - and opts to kick him in the stomach.
"answer me, you fucking creep! Why won't you talk? I swear, your brain doesn't work right."
The person hits the side of his head a few times, and then crouches down to his level, grabbing him by the chin.
"I'm not gonna go til you say something. You should have done it. Really, nobody wants people like you around here."
[oh, god, please, no...!]
Despite his pleas with his own body, a sob escapes his lips.
"hey, look, she's crying!"
There's yet more laughter as Rui's vision begins to blur with tears.
He's not quite sure why, but that along with a few more kicks - some of which will definitely bruise - seems to leave the pack of kids satisfied as they head off to their classes.
For a while, he just...sits there. He doesn't want to go to class, or leave, or even move. Honestly, if he could drop dead right there, that might have been ideal.
But he has to.
His phone fell a ways away when he got knocked over, so he gets up to grab it, checking the time.
He's late for his next class.
[That'll go on my report card...]
is it...even worth it?
he murmurs aloud to himself, sinking down against the wall again with fresh tears in his eyes.
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batshikns · 1 month
"Tomorrow is another day."
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onlytiktoks · 5 months
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bunnie-the-idiot · 11 months
the kosa act.
i heard about this very recently, and figured i should spread awareness about it somewhere, since i'm not sure how many other people know about this.
so, lawmakers are trying to bring back the kids' online safety act, hence the abbreviation, kosa. as the name implies, it's in the name of protecting kids online, but the way this bill goes about it will cause harm. kosa will ramp up online surveillance through things like age verification and parental controls, make social media platforms install filters that will censor anything that's 'inappropriate' for minors, and give state attorney generals the power to decide what falls under 'inappropriate'. can you see where this is going?
'inappropriate' is *really* broad, and as such, will allow for misuse of power. sure, this might stop their kids from viewing spicy content or other things they actually shouldn't be doing, but it would also stop people from accessing resources that talk about race, gender, sexuality, etc. it also puts minors trying to escape abuse or domestic violence in danger. some places already censor info about these kinds of things, but kosa will implement this harmful censorship EVERYWHERE on the internet.
however, there is a way to help. you can go to stopkosa.com to send a letter to your local lawmakers. the site also gives you the option to call said lawmakers, and suggestions on what to say. please try to spread more awareness about this anywhere you can. even though kosa is (supposedly) in good faith, it will put more people in danger than it will actually protect, and has to be stopped. thank you for your time
-- bunnie/caelestis.
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2-kamikou-1 · 29 days
being traumatized is genuinely so fucking stupid I hate it here. my dad is fucking screaming and slamming shit around and like that shouldnt bother me as much as it is but here i am experiencing the same psychological distress as I did way back when when he screamed in my face and told me i was weak and a pussy and stupid and i should kill myself because that was the result of a sequence of events starting with him screaming because he was upset about something. in retrospect none of these issues are even that big of a deal so why in the fuck am i sitting here sweating bullets and on the verge of tears. i have physics work to do
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im so glad i managed to get rid of my blade or i think i would be dead tonight
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haze-cat-man · 1 year
Reading the original Devilman manga is such a trip, lmao. Miki is so different in it, and I hosntly love it, shes so aggressive. Like these assholes deserve it, but having her repeatedly tell someone to stright up kill themselves? Insane.
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Shes got a knife!
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celestialcass · 6 months
extremely personal trauma vent about one of my sexual assaulters following me on here YEARS after I told him to leave me alone
CW/TW: SA, CSA, harassment, being threatened with suicide
just discovered my ex-friend who SA'd me was still following me on here and interacted with my stuff as recently as this September... I'm sick to my fucking stomach i had blocked his number, all his other social medias, just missed this account I guess... I told him to leave me alone in 2018 I didn't want to think about him today or EVER again... blocked him now but now I'm so anxious that he had backups... i thought i was safe on here at least from him but I guess that's too much to ask for.
I'm gonna get this out now and hopefully not have to think about it again but he SA'd me and it took me a long time to come to terms with that since I have a stupidly long history of SA because I was an easily manipulated undiagnosed autistic CHILD for almost all of it. At least 5 times [that I can remember, I know I was drugged at least once but am unsure if anything happened] between age 9-21 and he was 2 of those times.
Confronting him about it he started crying and begging me to stay his friend, but the whole time we were friends he constantly used me as a therapist about his depression, tried to kiss me multiple times without consent, then assaulted me and when I finally cut him off he spam called me for a whole weekend threatening to commit suicide if I didn't talk to him, which is a sensitive topic for me because my grandma and a friend of mine committed suicide within months of each other when I was 13. This made me suicidal for the only time in my life [didn't attempt] and this low point is when I met him, so it really comes full circle huh.
This whole experience led me to giving proof that he assaulted me to the police[the ONE time i ever interacted with them and they helped even a little, they wound up going to his house and telling him to leave me alone but i didn't get a restraining order bc i didn't want to have to see him in court, also he's white so involving the police as an indigenous enby i was in far greater danger] as this stupid asshole ADMITTED it over text. I really didn't want him to graduate to legit stalking but I guess internet stalking is fair game to him??? fucking creep
anyways block/report spazman017 [not @ ing him bc cmon] if he's still active bc this man SUCKS [and has an ableist username too wtf] I still get jumpy around men who look similar to him and this whole reminder just activated my stupid fight-or-flight response
Love all of my followers that AREN'T people who SA'd me in the past, sorry about the trauma dump I just had to get this out.
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