#tw stancy
ronancebyler · 8 months
they really hard cut barb running away from her certain death to nancy and steve fucking on the bed. best part is them transitioning barbs scream of despair to the sex music 😭
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stevesbipanic · 7 months
Steve's never been broken up with until now.
If he's being honest he never gave girls the chance to break up with him, too afraid of rejection he'd rather cut it off before they had a chance to look at him with pity in their eyes.
He didn't want it's you not me spiel, his parents gave him enough excuses why he wasn't good enough to know he was the problem.
Nancy had felt different.
Hadn't she?
She giggled at his silly jokes, were those laughs fake too?
Was it all a lie when they kissed? Was the regret about that night just about Barb or was it about him?
Is he bullshit?
Was his love bullshit?
Had anyone ever loved Steve Harrington?
Sally Francis told him she loved him under the jungle gym when he was 7, she also kissed Randall Wills before the bell even rung.
Tracy Parker told him she loved him when he lost his virginity, she also kicked him out of bed when they were done.
Sarah Harrington told him she loved him almost everyday until he was 10, she stopped coming home as much after that.
Richard Harrington told him he loved him but Steve wasn't born yet his mother had just told him it was a boy, he doesn't think he's even heard his father say the word love.
Nancy Wheeler told him she loved him, but that was bullshit, at least she's the first one to admit loving him was pointless.
Steve Harrington doesn't even love Steve, and isn't that the cruelest thing of all.
What do you do when you're broken up with, Steve doesn't know, but he knows what it's like to not be loved, he's got 17 years experience in that, what's another 17 more.
Besides there's more important things happening in Hawkins than loving Steve.
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corrodedbisexual · 10 months
Stranger Things 4 | Chapter Seven | The Massacre at Hawkins Lab
Another scene from the Upside Down that desperately needed some light. ("For your modesty, dude" and all that.)
💡Stranger Things scenes you can actually see (7/?)
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So I know I’ve made a bunch of points already but this one just occurred to me. At the end of season 1 (mentioned by Nancy is season 2) after the teens fight the Demogorgan, Nancy says she waits for Jonathan, and when he doesn’t give any indication she should be, Steve is there and they reconcile and get back together.
Now something about that I didn’t notice back when I first saw season 2 and am really putting together now— Jonathan is annoyed that Nancy didn’t wait for him when he needed time with his family after Will was saved. And it’s understandable that the Byers needed time after all that they went through in season 1, but Jonathan is annoyed with Nancy when she tells him she waited for him, “Yeah, like a month.” Meanwhile….. Nancy lost and is still mourning Barb! And Jonathan doesn’t acknowledge that at all when he complains about Nancy not waiting longer before getting back together with Steve.
But Steve was there for Nancy as much as he could be after they reconciled with Barb’s death. He obviously messed up by being unwilling to break the NDA they signed to tell the Hollands what happened to Barb and from Nancy’s perspective and place in mourning feels unsupported by him because of this but let’s rewind a little.
What we are left to infer between seasons 1 and 2 is:
Nancy AND Steve are having regular dinners with the Hollands
Although Steve is somewhat reluctant, he still goes and is a polite and pleasant dinner guest
Nancy and Steve seemed to have an overall good relationship until the anniversary of Barb’s death was creeping up
They were planning couples costumes, going to dinner with the Hollands, Steve spends Christmas at the Wheelers house, they drive to school together, Nancy has been helping Steve with his admissions essay, they’ve been talking about their future, etc.
And when I was thinking about all that they’d done together after season 1, I considered how it might’ve gone if Jon was in Steve’s place.
Would he have gone to regular dinners with the Hollands? Would he have wanted to expose the Lab and everything with the Upside Down if Will hadn’t gotten pulled back in?
Just how annoyed he was when he said she only waited a month for him— while he was reconciling with his lost brother…. And Nancy and the Hollands were still mourning Barb who had died?
I’m not faulting Jonathan for needing time with his family after everything that happened, of course he did.
And I’m not saying Steve was #1 Boyfriend of the year just because he went to dinner at the Hollands' with Nancy
But I am saying that Jon gave next to no thought about how badly Nancy was doing after they fought the Demogorgan in season 1. And while she was mourning and needed someone by her side to face the Hollands and lie to them while mourning with them, Steve was there while Jon wasn’t and I think Jon probably wouldn’t have been if Nance had waited longer for him.
It’s a theme you see throughout this show, a little bit before but especially after Nancy finally blows up and gives Steve the “thump on his head” that he later thanks her for— Steve is there, Jon isn’t.
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estrellami-1 · 2 months
If I Should Stay
Tread lightly, folks. Discussions of past cheating, which is kinda par for the course for these two. Also, please keep in mind I do not condone Nancy’s actions in the least, nor do I fully believe Joyce has the best intentions for Nancy. It’s not conscious, mind you, but subconsciously, she’s always gonna want to her help kids first. Big gray area here.
Part 1 | . . . | Part 66 | Part 67 | Part 68
Joyce tugs Nancy in even more securely. “I know exactly what you mean. But no one here is like that. I think, this time around, he’s done an excellent job of surrounding himself with people who actually care about him.” She runs a hand over Nancy’s hair. “And you’re part of that group. Regardless of what you want to call what you feel for him, it’s obvious you care. It’s okay to need to take some time, but in the end, when you’re wondering what’s next, just remember he cares for you too.”
Nancy nods. “I think I do need some time,” she murmurs. “It just feels like he moved on so fast.”
“Because it’s not been as long for you,” Joyce nods. “I get it, honey. Take all the time you need. Want Jonathan to keep you company?”
Nancy looks at her. “D’you know who I cheated on Steve with?”
Joyce smiles softly at her. “I do. And trust me, I’d have something to say to him about it later if he’d known you two were still together.” She inclines her head toward Nancy, brows raised, gaze serious.
“Oh,” Nancy whispers, eyes dropping. “I didn’t know that.”
“Mhm. But it’s in the past—well, the future past, I guess—and you can take as long as you need, okay? But I do think someone deserves an apology.”
Nancy sighs. “You’re right.” She picks at the hem of her pants, then nods and stands up, hands on her hips. “I need time. But I need to apologize first.” She just as suddenly deflates, nerves coming in fast. “Will- will you come with me?”
Joyce smiles up at her. “Of course I will. C’mon.” She stands too and offers Nancy another hug, which she gratefully accepts. “I’m proud of you,” she murmurs.
“Thank you,” Nancy whispers, pulling back and squaring her shoulders as she stares at the house.
They walk up together but Joyce walks in first, Nancy following just behind. “Steve?” She asks timidly. “Can I talk to you?”
Robin and Allison both stiffen, but Steve waves them off as he gets up. “Outside?”
“Steve-” Allison starts, but he holds up a hand before turning to her.
“I’ll be fine,” he says softly. “We’re just gonna talk.”
He walks outside with her, Joyce hovering by the door, acting both as support and as a lookout.
“I’m sorry,” Nancy says forcefully, like it was pulled out of her. “I shouldn’t have gotten so upset, you broke up with me, and you really didn’t owe me an explanation but you gave me one anyways, even if it hadn’t actually happened yet, but I… I got insecure. And jealous. So I’m sorry.”
Steve nods, shoves his hands in his pockets, looks down. Scuffs his shoe along the concrete. “I get why you’re upset,” he starts cautiously. “But I thought we were okay. And to find out we’re not…” he lets out a harsh breath. “I do still care for you, Nancy. You’re one of my best friends. But I think I’m gonna need some time for this one.”
Nancy looks down at her own feet, wrapping her arms around herself. “I don’t think I took as much time as I should’ve,” she admits. “Can you count me out of this one?”
Steve manages a smile. “Yeah, I can do that.”
“And-” she squeezes her eyes shut, lets out a shaky breath. “Jonathan too, maybe?”
“I-” Steve takes a breath, stops himself, looks wide-eyed at the ground before letting out a long, controlled breath. “Yeah. I can do that.” His words are barely a whisper, and he lets out another short, harsh breath before brushing past her. “Excuse me.”
He lets himself back inside, and Nancy stands there, wide-eyed, staring through the spot he’d been standing in.
Then, Nancy Wheeler breaks.
The tears come in strong and fast, and she’s crumbling where she stands before strong arms catch her. “It’s alright,” Joyce whispers in her ear. “It’ll be alright.”
She lowers them both to the ground and lays Nancy’s head on her shoulder.
“I- I don’t get it,” Nancy sobs. “I did the right th-thing and I f-feel terrible!”
Joyce hushes her. “I know, dear. Sometimes the right thing feels terrible in the moment, but is best in the long run.” She runs a hand over Nancy’s head. “Did you drive yourself?”
Nancy nods. “And M-Mike.”
“Okay. Do you think I could drive you home and Jon could follow in our car? That way he can stay with you and I can come back here.”
Nancy nods and look up at her. “C-can you m-make sure Steve’s okay?”
“Of course, dear. Come on, let’s get you home, okay? And I’ll even give you my mom’s recipe to heal a broken heart: a warm cup of tea, a good cry, and a good night’s rest.”
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shares-a-vest · 4 months
He's Gonna Save Me, Call Me 'Baby'
wc: 1.1k | Rated: T for alcohol consumption (not excessive) | cw: post-breakup, angst with a hopeful ending
Tags: Future Fic (mid-90s), Post Stancy Breakup, Steve Harrington Angst, Angst with a Hopeful Ending, Platonic Stobin, Jeff (Stranger Things), Eddie Munson, Corroded Coffin, Implied Future Steddie (only bc the end is a little vague)
Written for the @strangerthingswritersguild Hozier Project. I chose the song, 'Jackie and Wilson'. Thank you soooo much to @subbaculture for setting up this event and making the banner!
(Read on ao3)
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“Look alive, Dingus.”
Robin turns around to Steve and pats him square in the chest. He perks up, even though his best friend turns straight back to the entryway of The Hideout to wave at Jeff. He thinks it would be easier if Robin’s head were on a literal swivel with the way she has been whipping back and forth for the past hour.
Steve grumbles into his beer, pushing through the burn in his throat that still lingers years later as he laments the lack of Eddie following behind his bandmate.
He knows they had arrived too early for Corroded Coffin’s show, but Robin’s summer break from teaching came just in time – sue him for needing to spend every possible moment with his best friend.
Though he’d decided as soon as Robin announced her return to Hawkins that he wouldn’t mention the flowers he ripped up in haste in the back garden last week.
He’d done so straight after arriving home from the real estate agent, head hung in shame as he fully accepted yet another hard thunk on the head courtesy of Nancy Wheeler.
Well, it wasn’t so much a thunk this time as it was what Steve might consider, ‘divine intervention’.
He was in the backyard, tending to his small and still very much intact flower garden when a piece of guttering fell clean from the house, smashing through the window of the spare bedroom Nancy was using as her office – a room they’d falsely promised each other would be used for an entirely different reason.
But, much like his childhood home (which endured a mighty crack right through that cursed goddamn pool during Spring Break of ‘86), Steve found himself existing in a not-so-perfect house. One that grew increasingly cold as years of Upside Down dust and fog and smoke cooled Hawkins’s atmosphere.
A house that, with a broken and rusted gutter pipe, decided to remind them that shouldn’t – couldn’t – be playing house.
That’s all it really was: a pretend white picket fence dream that isn’t what Steve had meant by his vision of vacationing with a brood of Harringtons, Nancy by his side.
A dream that Nancy never wanted and got dragged into until her office window smashed in.
A dream that Steve thought was dead and buried the day Nancy rightfully picked through shards of glass for her things and left.
Buried until Eddie called him, saying that he had been talking to Robin (because of course, they kept tabs on him). He said the band would be back in town and that Steve and Robin should meet them.
And so, with a few beers warming his belly, burning his throat and sending a prickling sensation up his scar-covered sides, Steve found that nagging hope bubble up again.
He shakes his head, scoffing at his hopeless self as the sound of rhythm and blues music over the bar’s jukebox almost drowns out Jeff’s and Robin’s chattering.
Maybe he should be talking himself out of it. Finally acknowledging that years-old fleeting something between him and Eddie.
But he wants it.
And Lord knows he acts on a mere fleeting feeling.
Maybe history won’t repeat itself this time. Maybe the rusted gutter was one last divine thunk.
Maybe it won’t just be a first date. Or meaningless sex. Or bullshit.
He should have known that love with Nancy – a love long sucked down his old pool drain along with Barb Holland’s life – couldn’t prosper in the aftermath of an almost apocalypse.
They thought they were supposed to try, is the thing.
Staying in Hawkins. Keeping things at bay. Watching. Perhaps waiting for it all to come back.
But then it didn’t.
It all just lingered.
And they were left to pick up the pieces.
Right mistakes.
Move on.
They just didn’t need to do it together.
Steve pivots on his barstool, leaning an elbow on the bar top to get a better (hopefully seemingly more casual) view of the entryway.
He has seen Eddie over the years. Every Christmas at the Hendersons, sporadic visits home, a phone call here and there. The band hadn’t exactly made it big – at all, really. But they made enough to move around. Tour. Always returning to The Hideout for a one-off Tuesday Night gig as if nothing changed.
Steve looks around, thinking there might be three more drunks than the last show –
And there he is.
Eddie enters the bar with Gareth and George in tow and Steve swears a summer breeze flows in with him.
He looks good. Leather-clad as always. Pants impossibly tight. Jacket chains jangling. His hair still a river of wild curls.
But Steve sinks back on his seat as the trio makes a beeline for the stage, Eddie’s bright eyes turning into a dark frown as he orders the boys about, barely carrying a thing himself.
He probably had some theatrical excuse about his outfit, punctuated by manic hand gestures and a pout or two.
Steve watches as they dump their equipment by the one-step platform, each maneuver creating cacophonous thuds that reverberate through the bar. Jeff grimaces at the sight before shooting an apologetic glance at the manager and barkeep. The boys always did saddle him with sweet-talking the staff.
“Someone’s eager,” Robin teases, catching Steve’s smirk.
Jeff quirks a brow and stifles a smile.
“Shut up,” Steve chuckles into his glass before he downs the last of his beer.
“Eddie is really excited to see you, man,” Jeff nods, offering a nonchalant shrug just as Eddie begins making his way towards them.
Steve’s heart quickens.
There’s that something.
A something that is reflected in the glint in Eddie’s eyes as he smiles wide and waves.
Steve wiggles his fingers in greeting, shaking his head at himself almost instantly causing a lock of his hair to flop out of place.
George not-at-all subtly drags Gareth in Jeff’s direction.
“Over here, Gare,” Robin commands loudly through gritted teeth.
“Hey, Steve,” Eddie says, his voice low as he steps forward to stand just close enough that yeah, Steve decides to roll with that hope again.
He reaches up to comb a hand through his hair but Eddie gets there first.
“Sucks about Wheeler, babydoll,” Eddie continues, allowing his fingers to scrape his scalp, carefully looking him over as he does so.
Eddie always is too much.
A lot. All at once.
Seeing him.
Steve hums and Eddie soon stops, an embarrassed set of dimples dotting his cheeks as he likely thinks better of it given their current location.
“It was... all a mistake,” Steve admits, taking Eddie’s retreating hand.
He intertwines ring-adorned fingers with his own, refusing to let go of the hope tethering them, ready to start again.
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poppy-metal · 2 years
you’re absolutely right about steve’s foot fetish, and we should talk about it
it starts with him treating you and nancy to semi-weekly pedicures and asking for “fashion shows” of your fresh polish, and eventually grows into him doing it for you two “to save money”…sure, he definitely buys the best quality lotions and prettiest colors
not him trying to be slick </3 nancy would clock it immediately and tell us.
thinking of sitting on the edge of the bed with her, steve on his knees feet in front of us, watching like a hungry dog because you've got on a revealing little skirt and nancys wearing jeans because she's cruel. both of you have just gotten your pedicures that he payed for done. nancys toes are a pretty dark blue and yours are a soft pink.
thinking of nancy putting you on her lap and urging steve closer but you push your foot against that broad chest of his, giggling when he grabs your ankle and kisses the instep. he looks wild.
"no touching, daddy." you tell him, as nancy starts to run her hands up your thighs, pushing up your skirt to reveal your sheer panties. there's a slit down the middle. steve groans, his hand clenching around your ankle. there's a gold chain around it, with his and nancys initials. he goes wild when he sees it sway by his head when he's inside you. "you've been a real perv, you know?"
"he has. hasn't he?" nancy agrees. her soft fingers dip between your sticky thighs to the mess between your legs. "and now he gets to watch mommy fuck you with her fingers."
you moan softly, leaning your head on her shoulder, and digging your toes into steves sturdy pec muscles when you feel her soft finger glide through your slick, circle around your hole and dip her finger in. "nancy...."
"mm, baby. let out all those pretty sounds. daddy needs to learn his lesson, hm? when he doesn't tell us things, he doesn't get to play in this messy little hole. mommy does."
"jesus." you hear steve grunt. his voice sounds wrecked. the hand still gripping around your foot feels clammy. "you're killing me."
"not yet, my dear. soon, though."
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dinosaursatemymom · 9 months
Tw:sa, mentions of sa
TL;DR: nuance is incredibly important when discussing ships and characters. Also don't fucking make shit up, that's gross.
I just found out that some people think that Steve SA'd Nancy in s1
Btw I don't ship stncy, but this is just, no. Oml no.
I just have to say that this is definitely wild. Especially because that's, just, not what happened in the show, and trying to paint Steve as this evil assaulter who was only using Nancy for sex literally undoes his entire plot in s1 that proves he wasn't just using her for sex.
In the first scene, he pushes for more, she says no, they joke a little, and then he stops. It was clearly meant to be lighthearted. The scene where they actually do have sex, Nancy initiates it. Steve did not at any point force Nancy into having sex. Lighthearted joking about having sex is not sa. If you cannot tell the difference between lighthearted joking around and literal fucking SA then please do not say shit like this, especially if you haven't experienced SA yourself.
Like, if you wanna talk SA maybe talk about the very real violation of consent in the show by Jonathan.(ftr I have forgiven Jonathan for this, he has clearly grown since s1 I just feel it's necessary to bring up in this convo bc jncy shippers tend to just ignore that this happened) Jonathan not only violated nancy's privacy, he also violated Tommy's, Barb's, Steve's and Carol's consent in taking these pictures. They were not in a public space, he went into a private gathering and took pictures without consent. That's a violation of privacy, tommy and carol being assholes doesn't mean they should get their privacy taken. It's gross, and it's even worse when people try to excuse Jonathan's actions and say he didn't do anything wrong.
Yes, Jonathan has grown and can be forgiven for this.
But, he was not in the right for taking those pictures of them.
It's the same with Steve
No, he shouldn't have slutshamed Nancy or said those things to Jon.
But, he was in the right for being upset about the pictures and he has grown since then
All of these things are true.
What isn't true it's saying that Steve SA'd Nancy. Especially when this is used as anti stncy "evidence". That's gross. Wtf.
Don't erase the real consent and privacy violation and make one up just to defend a ship. Ew
Also Nancy deserved so much better than Jon in s1, I'm actually glad about the decision to make them get together in s2 because it gave Jon some time to grow and be less weird. I don't really like how they got together (a grown adult giving teens alcohol and telling them to have sex will never not be weird) but I digress.
JSYK this isn't rlly an anti jancy post. I think that they could be really great if they could just fucking communicate and work on their problems better.
Also I just get really annoyed when people treat ships as if they have no issues and are perfect, which tends to be a lot of peoples attitudes on jncy which has kinda turned me off from the ship itself.
So many conversations surrounding jncy and stncy lack much needed nuance, which can lead to people saying things like this as "proof" that a character/ship is bad and terrible and the worst ship ever.
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vivika-ka · 2 years
now that i am done torturing myself and finished season 4, i’m not going to explain why the last episode made me pause multiple times to pace in my room because i was so angry lmao because i reblogged plenty of well explained posts already.
but i’ll talk about other stuff that stuck with me, and people might hate me for it but…yeah, ain’t that the life of anyone that doesn’t enjoy popular characters.
grammar might be shit because english is not my first language. fyi, this is fairly big and it’s very negative, so if you want to skip, feel free.
[i mean it, if you read something you don’t like to the point you want to send me threatening messages or cyberbully me, keep scrolling and leave me tf alone. thanks.]
1. dustin had waaaay too much screen time. why are we supposed to accept him as the certified genius of the group when all of members of The Party are “nerds.” all i’m asking is maybe instead of dustin always being the one figuring the upside down out, give some of those ground breaking discoveries to lucas. but also, it got to the point of being so annoying. i know it’s supposed to be a running gag of “maybe some humility will do you well,” but all the time? shut up.
2. everything and everyone revolving around nancy. i’m not joking. robin is scrambling to get on her good side and make nancy like her, which season 3 robin would’ve cared less. the whole stäncy thing, i just…please move on. the fact that she expects jonathan to be the one to drop everything to be with her, when he’s been doing that for every season, like maybe nancy can make some effort too? idk. the expectation that jonathan has to be the one to absolutely change the trajectory of his life because of what she wants (point is, he shouldn’t be afraid to decide the trajectory of his life, this is a relationship which entails two people, not one). the portrayal of every character being annoying, stupid, and incompetent sometimes, while she is always portrayed as someone incapable of mistakes. the same old self righteous and superiority crap that i don’t like. (but that’s on me because i never liked the wheelers since season 1, so i admit i’m biased).
3. going from stäncy fiasco, it still is technically tied to the overt attention to nancy, but steve was supposed to grow up. when she says he’s grown, i could only laugh at that point. part of growing up is realizing that maybe, just maybe, you have to learn to live with yourself instead of desperately seeking for a lover, which is what steve had been doing. being in a relationship isn’t going to fix all of your problems (this applies to mïleven but i’m not even going there). we had moved on from steve being in love with nancy, but the duffers act like that’s all there is to his personality, and let’s be honest, they were obviously out of ideas for steve’s character because they don’t know how to write characters other than relying on their superficial and stereotypical lenses. it would have been interesting to maybe see steve realizing that he is convinced he needs nancy in his life because he is lonely as fuck—so it’s not about “being in a relationship with nancy would change your life for the better,” there’s no such thing, it’s about “you’re seeking what is convenient and familiar because you are terrified of ending up alone.” but whatever, steve will always love nancy because that’s all he is there for.
4. the overt attention to karen wheeler. why am i supposed to care about this woman? why are we getting karen and ted’s reactions so much, and not the sinclairs or mrs. henderson? they are the ones watching their kids run towards danger right in front of them, why are they panning to karen constantly? “she’s worried about nancy,” yeah it’s been established again and again, but i am interested about the parents who are at that moment watching their kids turn their backs to them instead of asking for help. but then again, why should i care about her? to me she’s nothing but a woman who was flirting and willing to have sex with a 17-year-old in seasons 2-3, so, y’know, i’d much appreciate the sinclairs’ outburst about trust given they seem to be the most stable family in this show.
5. max’s “he made my life a living hell” after episode 4, but also after season 3 when it portrayed both of them as not super close but on the way to a better relationship. (i could go on about this but as i said, plenty of people did already). + the scene of billy breaking the sauna door portrayed as though that was all him and not him possessed by the mind flayer, me poupe. + “you’re much braver than your brother,” and the scene didn’t cut to said brother standing up to the mind flayer? ME POUPE.
6. the whole papa redemption arc. just get the fuck out of here. yeah, eleven didn’t forgive him, but the whole “i love you, you’re my family.” are you kidding me? the man ripped kids from their families, experimented on them, without a doubt killed and got them killed, all for the sake of winning an ideological war. ME POUPE.
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wisdomssdaughterr · 2 years
love, it never happens like you think it really should
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nancy wheeler 1983 - when everything is life and death, you may feel like there’s nothing left.
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steve harrington 1986 - instead of love and trust and laughter, what you get is happy never after
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el hopper 1986 - but deep down all you want is love. the pure kind, we all dream of.
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mike wheeler 1983 - but we cannot escape the past, so you and I will never last
the wheeler siblings remained trapped in 1983, clinging to old versions of what could have been and butting heads with a past that both eleven and steve want to leave behind. aka the wheeler sibling relationship paradox
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crazybagelbitch · 4 months
Posting one more time for the morning crowd!
Steve with bulimia, Harrington family lore included, seasons 1-4
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Stancy Valentine’s Event: Day 1 - Purple
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riality-check · 2 years
inspired by a conversation around the thought: “after the bathroom breakup in s2, what if steve becomes very uncomfortable around nancy when she’s drunk?” and then this happened. tw for mentions of alcoholism (not any of the characters in the story) and have fun!
Steve watches Nancy drape herself over Robin on the couch and take a long sip from her solo cup. He doesn't drink anymore, not since Starcourt, so he's made a habit of being the designated driver. With that comes tracking everyone's drinks. 
No designated driver Steve ever knew back in high school did that, but he thinks it’s the bare minimum. 
Steve goes over it in his head. They’ve all been here two hours. Eddie took a beer from the fridge, and Steve hasn't seen him have anything since. Robin’s only had three drinks, same as Jonathan, but Jonathan had a joint on top of that. Argyle hasn't had anything to drink, but he's on his third joint. 
Nancy, though? This is cup number six. She’s been pouring her own drinks, too, and Steve knows she has a very generous pour.
He just watches. Watches how Nancy props her feet up on the arm of the couch, watches how she reaches up to play with Robin’s hair. Listens to her giggle. 
Watches as she keeps drinking from that solo cup. 
Knows that she's gonna get up to get another one soon. 
He takes a breath. Then another. 
He still feels nauseous. 
"You okay, man?" Eddie asks from next to him on the floor. 
Steve doesn't take his eyes off Nancy, who's moved on to playing with Robin’s hand instead. "I’m fine." 
"You don't look it." 
Steve clenches his jaw. Unclenches it. Breathes again. "Can you just - will you - could you just make sure Nancy doesn't have any more for a little while? Make sure she doesn't go in the kitchen, or hide the drinks from her or something?" 
He can see, out of the corner of his eye, the confused look Eddie gives him. "It’s your house, dude. what you say goes."
“I know," Steve says. He watches Nancy slowly sit up and feels his stomach drop. "Just - please, can you?" 
Eddie doesn't respond for a moment, and Steve starts getting himself together enough to stand. 
But then Eddie puts a hand on his shoulder and stands up. "Sure thing, dude." 
Steve watches as Eddie makes his way to the kitchen before Nancy even stands up.
And he wonders, though it's not his place, why Eddie only had one beer if he's got such a reputation for being a stoner. Steve remembers that when he used to smoke, weed hit him a little harder than all those beers he shotgunned back in high school.
Eddie comes back from the kitchen with a smile on his face, though Steve can tell it's a little tense. 
"All done," Eddie whispers, sitting back down next to Steve. "Hid the vodka behind the fridge, the wine under the table, and the beer in the top cabinets where she can't reach." 
"Thanks," Steve says. He’s still watching her, watching her come back with a smile still on her face and no cup in hand. 
Finally, he feels like he can breathe. 
"Haven’t had to do that in a long time," Eddie continues. 
For the first time, Steve looks at him. "Do what?" 
"Hide booze," Eddie says with a shrug. "It’s a good thing the good hiding spots are pretty much universal across houses." 
Steve doesn't know what to think of that. He never did that, not even when his mom started having wine before noon. 
He wasn't brave enough to risk that. Still isn't, it seems.
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heavencasteel420 · 5 months
Didnt the guy in pamela try to rape pamela...?
Yes, but that’s not why I compared St@ncy to Mr. B./Pamela. I’ve been baselessly accused of calling Steve a rapist in the past (because I discussed the Montauk pilot screenplay where the Steve-equivalent character is a date rapist), so I want to make that clear. Pamela is just a significant work in the tradition of “privileged guy who’s a jerk to his virtuous female love interest in ways tied to his privilege learns the error of his ways, at least partly due to his female love interest’s goodness.” The “jerk” behavior can vary from sexual violence more extreme than what’s in Pamela (see: a bunch of 1970s-1980s romance novels) to not taking a girl to prom out of moral limpness (Pretty in Pink). I don’t uniformly hate this trope, or think it’s inherently more problematic than a lot of romance tropes, but it’s a pretty well-trod path.
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tjmystic · 1 year
Unwanted Opinion About Robin/Nancy and Nancy/Jonathan
Short version: as far as romantic relationships go, Nancy’s best match is Robin. However, I still ship her with Jonathan, and it makes me sad how both the show and the fans are shafting him.
Long version: under the cut, because it is long.
First off, let me say that I ship Nancy with Jonathan. I’ve shipped them since Season 1, I’m going to ship them through Season 5. Tis the way.
I love that all of the cast wants Robin to get with Nancy because of their desire for better representation and a happy ending for a wlw queer romance. I also love the idea of the internet collectively obsessing over the idea of Steve being bisexual and having it turn out that Nancy is the bi one. (Both is the better option, obviously, but it would still be objectively hilarious if Steve is totally straight and his ex is the bi one.)
I also think that Robin is good for Nancy in a way that Steve and Jonathan distinctly aren’t. Specifically, Robin isn’t emotionally needy. She has a need to be recognized and seen. She has a need to be taken seriously. She has a need for close friendships, which she’s realized through Steve and (now) Nancy. But she doesn’t have a need for a romantic partner. The only reason romance is such a big part of her character arc is that she’s a lesbian in the Reaganite Midwest. Her desire to be noticed and taken seriously is intrinsically linked to her ability to find a partner because she’s living in a world where queers are vilified to the absolute extreme and AIDS is viewed as a disease sent by God to kill all the gays. ANY story arc with her has to emphasize her search for love as a lesbian, just as any story arc with Will has to emphasize his search for love as a gay boy.
Contrast the way she interacts with Vickie with the way Steve interacts with Nancy. She has an obsessive crush on Vickie (and I say obsessive in the sense that she’s an adorkable teenager, that’s how pretty much all adorkable teenagers do crushes, it isn’t something worthy of moral judgement, it’s just cute). She talks about Vickie pretty constantly with her bestie (Steve). She gets heart-eyes whenever she sees Vickie. And the same is true for how Steve interacts with Nancy (though, good God, do I hope it’s just because he’s desperate for love in general, not Nancy specifically—I love both Nancy and Steve separately as characters, but I hate them as a ship). But he’s also obsessed with their future together. Robin isn’t fantasizing about adopting children or taking in a bunch of stray cats in a high-rise apartment in San Francisco. She’s fantasizing about the present—the way Vickie looks when she smiles, the sound of her laugh, the way she (Robin) feels when Vickie touches her. Steve, meanwhile, has a whole future planned out with a wife, 6 kids, and a Winnebago. He has domestic dreams out the wazoo.
And that’s why Steve and Nancy will never work. Nancy is never going to be the traditional wife type. She probably doesn’t even want kids (or, if she does, she wants to wait a good long while for it to happen). She wants to be a successful investigative journalist with an impressive degree and an even more impressive career. She wants to be taken seriously. She wants to be recognized for the genius she is.
That’s where she and Robin are perfectly matched. Unlike Nancy and Steve, Nancy and Robin have the same goals.
The PROBLEM with that is how it fucks over Jonathan.
I’m not one of those people who are like “good guys deserve women as rewards”. I am one of those people who hates when stories throw away great chemistry and experience between characters just because they get bored. And that’s definitely what it feels like—that the story has gotten bored with Jonathan. He hasn’t had a good plot since Season 1. Even his storyline in Season 2, while interesting, had him acting as second fiddle to Nancy. He didn’t really have any goals of his own. Same with Season 3. In Season 4, it feels like his storyline is entirely about how he doesn’t have a storyline. He’s lost sight of what he wants and who he wants to be, and he’s floundering because of it. Argyle is a happy stoner who smokes because he wants to. Jonathan is a sad, desperate stoner who smokes because he doesn’t know what else to do with his life.
The only real complaint I have about Season 4 is how they shoehorned in the “will-they/won’t they” between Steve and Nancy. At the end of Season 3, Nancy and Jonathan were fine. And even after having watched Season 4, I don’t see either of them as the type to struggle under a long-distance relationship. That seems wildly out of character for both of them. It only kind of makes sense under the lens of what I said previously about Jonathan floundering in California. He’s afraid, he’s pushing her away out of fear that she’ll sever ties first (or that they’ll linger on and turn into his parents, as he says to Argyle), and Nancy is left reacting to it the only way she can.
In reality, I feel like they’d both communicate all of this. More than any of the other characters (except maybe Mike), Nancy and Jonathan suffer from being teenagers who don’t know how to deal with their emotions. That isn’t a complaint, that’s just realistic characterization. But I STILL feel like they’d talk things through. After everything Murray laid at their feet in Season 2, I don’t think they would keep secrets anymore. Even in Season 3, their fight had more to do with telling each other what they considered to be hard truths, thereby oversharing, rather than hiding stuff from each other.
So there’s that. And then there’s the fact that, in one way, Nancy is never going to be what Jonathan deserves. (Which, again, not a complaint against Nancy—she doesn’t need to fit a man’s mold. She does, however, need to meet at least some of the emotional needs of whatever partner she ends up with. That’s true of any person in a relationship.) What I’m talking about is what I said earlier about how Steve and Jonathan are both emotionally “needy”. Steve’s needs are a lot more obvious than Jonathan’s because Jonathan never really voices them. But that just makes those needs all the more depressing. He’s never been someone’s number one priority. He isn’t number one for Joyce, he definitely wasn’t for his dad, he only sometimes is for Will, and he will never be for Nancy. The only person who consistently puts him at the top of their list is Argyle. But that’s why I like them so much as best friends. They’re like Steve and Robin—soulmates who don’t need sexual or romantic affection to know how much they love one another.
Basically, then, as long as Jonathan is cool with being his bestie’s number one but not his girlfriend’s, I think they work out the best. They challenge each other. They recognize each other’s strengths. And I think they’re the only two characters who take each other seriously. And I really want to see more of them together as a team because of it.
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tartarusknight · 7 months
I don't know what you're hunting. It's not me, it's something else 9/10
Also on ao3 Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9: when the ticking of clocks is more like a drum
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The fight was a blur. Eddie dropped down on top of the van with a terrible screech, face splitting apart with a sickening sound. However, before Nancy could point her gun at him, Steve broke through the treeline. He raced towards them and Mike let out a scream as Steve went straight towards him. Nancy shifted and shot at Steve. It missed him just slightly but it was enough to get his head snapping towards her.
And chaos was set free. Nancy moved out of the way of Steve's grip but that just had Steve turning to Lucas who was near her. The boys didn't seem to care who they hurt, just trying to hurt someone. She had been hoping to get one of them to focus on her but it seemed impossible. The group of them all just trying not to let them get a hit in.
Dustin cried out and Nancy glanced over to see Eddie's talons covered in the younger boy's blood. Joyce ran at Eddie, her taser in her hand. But Steve met her, slamming her hard into the van. As she went limp Nancy made her decision. They had to take one of them out of the equation until they got the other under control.
Nancy ran at Steve and with her pocket knife, stabbed him in the thigh. Steve roar and Nancy barely got out of range of his claws fast enough. She stared at him as the bottom of Steve's face opened up. As he roared Nancy could see the anger in Steve's eyes. He ran towards her and she turned and ran. Steve let out a guttural sound that had her heart beating harder.
She could barely keep an eye to make sure he followed her into the woods and make sure she wasn't tripping on anything. The injury to his leg had him a little slower but he still caught up to her too quickly. Time was ticking as she dodged his grip, rolling to the side and back onto her feet. They had to finish this before Henry died or else they might lose them.
In the dark of the woods, Nancy faced him. Her gun was the only thing in between them. “I'll shoot,” she threatened even as her hands grew sweaty.
Steve's mouth closed slightly, his mouth looking more human than before. “Oh, I know. Nancy Wheeler , the heartless bitch .” He said and it felt too familiar of a tone. He grinned as she flinched. “You tore my heart in two, I just want to return the favor.” He said and it was soft like he was trying to compromise.
She took a small step back as his head tilted. It felt like he was trying to figure her out. Trying to figure out where to attack. She swallowed and steadied herself. “We want to help you,” her voice came out quiet and Steve crotched slightly.
She followed the movement with the barrel and he didn't seem worried. “You're help is useless. It was useless. I still died,” he said and she flinched at the words. “Oh, Nancy, Nancy, Nancy, I thought you were smart.” He sighed and moved a little to the left as if testing out her reflexes.
She watched as Steve's eyes bled black tears and she watched as his mouth opened up. He ran at her and she knew she had to fire. But she couldn't move. Her brain was on Steve's soft touches and kind smiles. How much she had loved him and how she still does in a way. Her finger didn't move. She couldn't move. His mutated hands reached for her, to hurt her.
But before he could, someone slammed into Steve, and they tumbled to the side. She watched in shock as Lucas shoved a needle into Steve's neck. He rolled back to his feet, further from Steve, breathing heavily. Lucas's hand reached to his side, and she wasn't sure if Steve got him or if it was something else.
Steve's movements were sluggish as he tried to stand but after a moment he was back on the ground. He let out a low noise that was almost like a whine. It stole her breath away. It made her nauseous. Nancy felt tears running down her face and Lucas looked back at her. “I thought we were supposed to shoot?” He asked, his own breath ragged.
The kid moved towards her, eyes wide. “Nancy?” He asked and she tried to swallow back her emotions. To focus on the issue. Only the shriek of Eddie in the distance had her unfreezing.
She swung her gun on the strap and out of the way. “Sorry,” she whispered. Lucas nodded and they both moved to grab an arm of Steve and drug him along.
Steve's skin was cool to the touch. As if all his heat had been leaked out of him. It made him feel at death's door and made it hard for Nancy to believe he'd be okay. It almost made her miss the chaos as they broke through the underbrush. Mike, Dustin, and Will were nowhere to be seen, neither was Eddie if Nancy truly paid attention. But she focused on the blood instead.
There was a trail leading to the front door of the van and Joyce was at the door, talking to someone. Jonathan was rummaging through his supply pack, and it struck Nancy that maybe Dustin and Joyce hadn't been the only people Eddie and Steve hurt. Fear gripped her heart and her mind swirled around the missing people.
Joyce looked over and caught sight of them. Her hands were once again bloody, a line of blood falling from her own hairline as well. “Nancy,” She let out a relieved noise, and Jonathan's head shot up to look at them. “Is he-” Joyce asked and Lucas held up an empty needle. She let out a shaky breath and turned to talk to what Nancy could only assume was Dustin. Her hand disappeared from Nancy's view.
“Jon, could you get the door?” Nancy asked and Jonathan pulled something from his backpack before running over the van. He went up to the front first, handing something to Joyce before jogging back. The door opened and heat hit Nancy right in the face.
Nancy looked around, “Where's everyone?”
Jonathan's shoulders were tense as he looked over towards the woods. “After Eddie got Dustin and slashed his back, Will and Mike drew his attention away.” He says and Nancy's heart skipped a beat. However, before she could truly panic, the walkie on her side crackled to life.
“ Code Red, I- I don't know what's happening there but there's something pretending to be Robin. I- ” Everyone froze at the panic in Erica's tone.
“Erica!” A roaring voice cut off the younger girl and even as distorted as it was, Nancy recognized Robin's voice. She felt her chest squeeze, the air leaving her lungs as she realized what was happening. A bite.
“Code Red,” Erica said again before she went silent.
Her mind circled around Robin as Lucas scrambled for her walkie. But more on the choked-out last word of her. Rabies. They had talked about the bite spreading and that's what had happened. Robin was bitten and now... “Erica come in. Erica,” Lucas ordered but the radio didn't come back on.
“Rob- Robin was bitten,” she whispered and looked over at Jonathan who looked sick to his stomach. “By Steve, who the Upside Down infected.”
Lucas let out a sound a mix of a sob and a yell. “Erica come in. Whatever you do, don't trust her. She- Robin- our Robin died.” His voice came out choked and nothing came back from the radio. “whatever is there is like Eddie and Steve. You need to get somewhere safe. Call someone with the phone. Something.” He tried but it stayed dead silent. The radio didn't turn back on. Erica didn't respond.
I don't want to feel like I'm falling short. I don't want to feel like I'm on my own. I don't wanna fight (I Don't Wanna Fight - Amber Run) Chapter 10
Tags: @ellietheasexylibrarian@nburkhardt@artiststarme@flowers-that-sing@juleswashere3@indiearr@remosdeerica
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