#tw minor sexualisation
Warning in the TFRB AO3 comunity
Ok ok ok, I don't know if any other Transformers Rescue Bots fans have seen this on AO3, but I hope that someone can bring a little more info for this...
Read under the tag because TW sexualization of minors and sibling incest
Now, I want to clarify that I don't like drama, this is just a warning that I want to give to everyone! And nothing else...
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Meet @/ Euphorial_Desires (I don't know if they have any other sites or if they go by other different names on other sites)
So, what is the problem here?
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As far as I know, their first Rescue Bots fic was posted on 11/January/2023 and the most recent one is from 23 of this month and year. In total, they have 10 fics in the present day.
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Most of their fics depict the characters they're writing in some very... questionable situations. Some as teen pregnancy, sex between brothers (yes, all the brothers and sister...), kink (I really don't know what kink means 😣😟), minors like Cody and Frankie being put in sexual scenarios, and etc.
Now, I won't go into much detail mostly because I'm disgusted and I don't have the mental capacity to deal with this.
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you are never obligated to stay friends with someone who, while you were a minor, defended someone making you uncomfortable with sexual comments bc you were sixteen and technically legal, made multiple jokes about you masturbating even after you said you were uncomfortable, made you say you love him as a deal to get your friend to keep their shit, made a joke about you and your close friend's ship name (when they were uncomfortable with it), and instructed you on how to simulate sex in a video game with his friend when you were unaware of what’s going on actually. no matter what they’ve been through or what they’ve helped you with. tommy has every right to be worse actually you’re not under any obligation to be nice and fair to someone like that.
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dappersautismcreature · 5 months
im watching the ccforever situation closely, if you want to take a look on twitter be careful tws for grooming and sexual comments about minors,
{he's not acting great about the whole thing apparently being very nonchalant and waving it off (some of these tweets were from 8ish years ago)(with the way he is acting about them i do not believe he is fully guilty about his actions)} < edit for this passage ive seen the translations of the stream where he talks about it, to me, in english, he still seems defensive and not as serious as he should be but who am i to judge.
again huge tws for this situation, dont feel guilty, dont react just yet, find out info for urself, take a moment, think.
im not making any statements yet but im going to be pausing any forever content and not engaging. hearts go out to my mutuals who love his rp and his characters. do not go around harassing anyone who still posts abt the character. be kind.
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antiendofuzzies · 3 months
Can people not sexualize my littlespace? Please? I know I'm sexual when I'm older, but when I'm small, I'm so tiny. So smol. Do not lewd the spider loli please...
-🍓🕷 from 🧋sys
im sorry people sexualize you when you're little, you don't deserve that and I hope they stop :(
((Sorry I don't have much to say about this advice wise))
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suguella · 6 months
y’all out here writing smut for minors??? yeah, time to log out.
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toddreblogslotf · 1 year
someone took my aus and gave me no credit then talked abt little boys having kinks
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thattheater-kid · 29 days
Any other autistic people kinda feel like you have to oversexualize yourself in order to be taken seriously as a person? Like you feel like you need to show that you’re not a child, you’re almost an adult and you want to be treated like it, and the only way you can think to do that is to wear revealing clothes?
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titanelite22 · 1 year
TW (Mentions of the sexualising of minors. If that makes you uncomfortable, do not proceed any further)
Now, I saw an Instagram reel tlaking about how people age up characters who are minors to make sexualised fanart of them (JUST aging up characters is fine). Now, you can see that this is wrong, however, you had some people in the comments like "they're animated characters! Who cares? Y'all find faults with everything"
There is a lot wrong with it, and let me put it this way: you found a character, who is a minor, attractive and you decided to age them up into adults so that you could find them attractive, and not have people look at you weirdly.
You can see how wrong that is, can't you? Whether these are animated characters or not, you find a minor attractive and you shouldn't be anywhere near kids.
I have a bone to pick with a few fandoms in regards to this but I'm gonna only name two fandoms. First fandom is the Spy x Family fandom (not everyone of course). Anya is around 5/6 and some of guys age her up to sexualise her?? And no one finds that weird? Doing aged up fanart of her is fine, but NOT when you sexualise her.
2nd one is the South Park fandom (once again, not all of you). Why tf do I see do many sexualised fanarts of the south park students aged up when they're 9-10??? That is fucking gross and the fact that people are defending this is nasty.
Aged up character fanarts are fine, but NOT when you're using this as a justification to sexualise a minor! 😄 Hope this helps the weirdos out there.
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gecko-onthewall · 2 years
genuinely considering blocking the bayverse tag
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it’s so clear that anyone who’s a fan of those fucking creeps doesn’t have a relative in the streaming industry bc like. if someone said that shit to my little brother when he was 16 live I would literally beat them to death it’s creepy and nonce behaviour especially considering HOW FUCKING MANY underage content creators are victims of sexual trauma like even in the mcyt space I can think of Multiple and the fact an adult talked to traumatised teenagers that way is sickening I hope they all go to hell.
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grotesque-illusion · 2 months
a rant about booktok
TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of s/a, sexualisation of minors
booktok is genuinely fucking disgusting lmao
more so the people that romanticise borderline s/a, toxic relationships, stockholm syndrome, etc.
but it's not only that that irks me. it's the fact that they continuously bring children into their stuff. first it was simping for a minor just cuz he rode a motorcycle, now its joking about how you'll get kids to read a hard-core bdsm/smut book with elements of kidnapping n s/a in it just cuz the cover looks child friendly
"we aren't addicted to porn!" if you can't read a book that isn't filled with sexual content then yes, you do. a porn addiction doesn't only indicate watching porn, it means reading it, drawing it, writing it. I'd know. I had a porn addiction that was in the form of reading smutfics. to this day i have to hold myself back from going back to it even if it's been literal years now
i couldn't read fanfics that didn't have sexual stuff in them, I couldn't read the beginning of the story if it had the plot before the smut, I'd often look for hard-core bdsm later on. it is a porn addiction. n no, you can't cover yourself up by saying "men do worse" when you do the exact same things
it's a problem when men romanticise s/a, but when booktok girlies do it? no its fine!
it's a problem when men sexualise minors, but not when you do it?
it's a problem when men have more sadistic kinks, but not when you do?
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ineffectualdemon · 11 months
I feel like there is confusion over what is alleged and what is confirmed in the Colleen Ballinger situation
Especially if you haven't been down this rabbit hole for weeks now so I'll explain for those who want to know what the hell is going on
Now my bias is that I believe the victims but I am not a court of law so when I say alleged I do not mean I don't believe them just that it isn't as hard evidence
So I'm going to break it up into what we know is fact, either because confessed to doing it or we have video evidence, and whar is alleged because we only have the victims word or screenshots which we know can be faked
TW: grooming and sexualisation of children and mentions of implied CSA (of a fictional character for that last one but still)
What is fact:
Video Evidence:
Spreading a 16 year olds legs as wide as she could on stage while the teenager was wearing a short dress and therefore exposing her body in a way that made the victim very uncomfortable
Putting snacks down the front of her trousers and then getting young boys to reach into the trousers
And ongoing "bit" about how "Miranda's" (her character) uncle molests her. Like not innuendo its really overt and not okay. Especially for a child audience which she knows she has
A really uncomfortable and weird joke about teen girls and "leaking"
Calling girls on stage to talk about how they are "porn"
A really weird video of her inserting a tampon in her mouth
Lots of racist shit that was or currently is up on her channels
Animal cruelty - not just the dog story. There are a lot of videos of her being horrible to her cats
Offering to send her underwear to a 13 year old Adam even when she acknowledges the parents would be upset
Stuff she confessed to in her "apology" videos:
Talking to her underage fans in group chats
Oversharing in those group chats
Getting ideas from Adam (a minor at the time) for her channels
Sending a 13 year old her underwear like WHAT THE FUCK! Her "defense" is he asked for it! She offered and he took her up on it because he was a huge fan! And he was fucking 13!
(Again- I believe the victims. Their stories are too similar and their screenshots corroborate each other. I'm just saying alleged because screenshots are not the best evidence by themselves in a court of law. I am not a court of law so I can say I believe the victims)
The exact content of the group chats including sexual content sent mostly to and about Adam
Whether or not she sent Trisha Paytas' 18+ content to others without Trisha's knowledge or consent to make fun of Trisha
Including to someone who was a minor at the time
How much work she was getting Adam to do for her
The conversation her brother had with an underage fan
Her best friend Kory abusing Johnny and her allowing it
Her behind the scenes treatment of the lady who worked on her netflix show and her general racism irl
Her mocking and bullying her own fans
Her encouragement and insistence that they keep the chats private and and a secret from the victims parents
That's what we know at the moment
I think even with what we have of the hard evidence this woman should be kept away from kids but that's my opinion
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thattheater-kid · 3 months
💒 anon here again. To answer your question, no. I don't think that is normal :( I'm sorry.
Thank you. That’s, unfortunately, what I thought. I just didn’t know if maybe I was the one being weird, cause I might be. The other thing with her is the hypocrisy of commenting on other girls “wearing nothing” or “putting out” while telling me to wear something “sexy” or “mature”. I just really don’t like it.
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thatrandommatildafan · 4 months
(TW: mentions of pedophilia, mentions of rape and abuse in pornography)
I've seen way too many people on tiktok complaining that teenagers are making thirst edits of Walker Scobell and talking about how "the fact that they're his age is not an excuse" and I wanna talk about it.
I've never been very comfortable with celebrity thirst edits as a whole, because even though i enjoy them, it always feels weird, especially if they haven't shown to consent to it at all, and the fact that everyone acts as if being sexualised is a normal part of being a celebrity, which it shouldn't be, especially to the point where it's making people feel very uncomfortable, and even where "fans" start harassing other celebrities because of jealousy, or anything else to be honest.
But guess what.
They're kids.
They don't know what consequences their actions have (and for anyone complaining that "but they do know!" kids aren't aware their actions are bad, teenagers are aware they're bad but don't fully understand the consequences of it. There's a difference.) and most of them are just doing this for fun. If you're getting uncomfortable because you're an adult and you know the edit is of a minor, then just. scroll. And again, if you get worried about pedophiles finding the edit and saving it, please go complain to the moms who post their infant and use them for content. Pedophiles aren't going to swarm because of an edit, they're going to swarm because of the disturbing number of infants and toddlers on social media.
"But they're kids, it's weird that the're seeing him in a sexual way !" i'd rather have a 13yo edit a guy then consume hours of content where people (mostly women) get raped, trafficked and abused for the meme purpose of pleasuring bigoted men. And guess what, my guy. Teenagers experience sexual feelings, and they're going to need to take it out somehow.
Let kids create a community where they enjoy common things, maybe call out the adults in those communities, and stop condemning content that makes you uncomfortable when you can simply just skip it.
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TW: Sexualization of (fictional) Minors/CSA mentions
Mod: Batch post 3 for these, so the people who want to avoid the topic can do so 💜
1. "It’s still just as gross as the real thing " This line, this line alone made you honestly the biggest asshole and I hope you're fucking ashamed. I hope you grow the fuck up and look in the mirror and see what a fucking dumbass you were saying this with 100% confidence. I've not been active reading this blog for some months, but seeing this line.
This one fucking line. I want you to tell me, with full fucking confidence that you genuinely believe, that a fucking dumb ass shitty as fuck doll, a fucking piece of plastic, and bobbleheaded waste of space, and overly expensive toy being portrayed in a gross and sexualised fucking manner, is in any fucking way comparable to a real life, breathing, living, growing child being betrayed by the people who should care for them. A child that has thoughts, experiences pain and suffering. A literal human being that can be traumatized and violated, a child you can fucking betray and destroy completely and utterly.
I want you to fucking come here, and tell me that you actually think this is in any fucking way comparable. I want you to tell me this, and I want you to do it off-fucking-anon, because saying shit like this, fucking put your face to that statement.
What the fuck is wrong with people like you? You can hate that shit, find it fucking tasteless and gross. But you're not going to fucking use real victims, to feel morally superior and peddle your stupid fucking arguments.
NO THIS SHIT IS NOT COMPARABLE. No matter how "close it looks", it will never be comparable, because one of these has a real life fucking victim, while the other is a heap of plastic you can throw in the trash.
2. As someone who’s been exploited and abused as a child by men, I find it disgusting that no one recognizes how art IS self expression. So when people sexualize underage individuals you are giving them gratification. So yes it makes someone a deviant. People watch CP , and since it’s illegal they try and use art to get around it. And we say that’s ok? That does feed their desires, which can fuel them to act on it. If their brain believes it’s a real child, it’s just as bad as the real thing. I’m disgusted people think this is ok to do. That pedos are valid to make their dreams a reality through art and dolls. Dolls ARE art. Dolls ARE self expression. How someone styles their dolls DOES say a lot about them. If you truly understood how these individuals work, you would understand how harmful it is. Speaking as a victim and a sex worker who does encounter these types of men.
3. honestly ()bsequi()us, as a victim of the things you keep harping on about, i'm in the camp of the people who understand that fictional exploration of dark topics does not equate to condoning those subjects, and i furthermore really wish you would stop being so morally aggrandizing to people about it. if you don't agree, that's your erroneous hill to die on, but heckling people the way you do is only making you seem more unreasonable.
4. There's only one person, maybe two, that are screaming and shaming everyone else for thinking pedo-bait is gross. And I am not surprised to see who the most vocal one is.
5. "I'm saying this as a survivor" bro there's survivors on both sides lol. getting rid of csa is kinda hard if you didn't notice, let us try and fix our first world rich kid problems until then ok? personally I don't want to see ppl who on top of being pedos, enjoy fondling plastic in their public Instagram accounts
6. When people say they don't care if a "child" doll gets sexualized, they're not saying they defend pedophilia. They're saying you're a tool for comparing the struggles and suffering of real, human victims to a literal fucking doll. No it is not "just as bad", it's nowhere close, and frankly it's insulting and gross that you think they're even comparable.
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so funny to see people like “oh uwu poor dweamy tommy was mean to him” like. i don’t give a shit considering the shit he said to tommy when he was a minor. actually i think tommy should get to be way meaner. i think anyone who was sexualised as a teenager by a grown ass adult should be given a gun. that shit fucks you up for life and i know bc it happened to me and i'm still struggling with hypersexuality.
(this isn’t even all of it btw, dream and george were “joking” about having oral sex with tommy like literal minutes after he joined the dsmp and also dream went on a weird tangent about tommy being technically old enough to fuck on one of his mcc streams, this was fucking constant for several months and i know that bc i watched the fucking streams and internalised that it must be okay that adults would send me porn at tommy's age and younger bc they were making such a joke out of sexualising him)
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