#truly one of the greatest musical performers alive
thelaurenshippen · 16 days
in honor of the wicked trailer, I'm dropping this here in case anyone's never seen it before. cynthia erivo, queen
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Bruce Springsteen (1949-) solo; leader of the E Street Band Songs: "Born to Run," "Blinded by the Light" Defeated Opponents: Lindsey Buckingham, Rick Danko, Otis Redding, Cat Stevens/Yusuf Islam, Syd Barrett, Billy Preston, David Bowie Propaganda: "Nobody has ever looked hotter than the Boss in the video for 'Dancing in the Dark' except maybe Bruce in the video for 'I'm On Fire'" "Bruce from the 70's to HIS 70's...enough said" "BRUUUUUCE! (Yes, I am from New Jersey.) But really 70s-Stone Pony-Asbury Park Springsteen is truly a sight to behold."
Prince (1958-2016) solo, leader of The Revolution Songs: "I Wanna Be Your Lover," "For You" Defeated Opponents: Donovan, Miles Davis, Marvin Gaye, David Byrne, Al Green, Clarence Clemons, Jimi Hendrix Propaganda: "His music sounds like no one else's. He was able to make a guitar sound magically different to how guitars are supposed to sound. And his voice. He could go from squeaky, almost childish sounding, to a soulful, balladic powerhouse performance all while making it look easy. He was one of the greatest singular performers and musicians ever. And he was a short king to boot." "Most photos of Prince don't really do him justice because, like Jimi Hendrix, he was at his hottest when he played guitar, and to me that's something you have to actually hear to understand. Also he had a great, super energetic stage presence, which is also extremely sexy and hard to convey in pictures alone. What I'm trying to say is that everyone should just watch his Superbowl halftime performance and I dare you to tell me that he wasn't the sexiest man alive that night." "Prince was the only guy who could show up at your party, in frills, and steal your girlfriend. Then steal her clothes, then steal someone else's girl in your girlfriends clothes."
Visual Propaganda for Bruce Springsteen:
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Visual Propaganda for Prince:
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littlekingbergara · 1 month
Anyway no more about the situation what are your favorite albums of all time
super appreciate the plural bc i could nottt choose one. how about like ten. these are NOT in any order i just love them so much. also limiting myself to one per artist for your sake.
britney spears's ...baby one more time goddamn i LOVE this album. her voice is soo beautiful and the sound is the perfect late 90s/early 2000s bubblegum pop vibe mixed with some of the most heartfelt songs youve ever heard. gorgeous gorgeous record.
chappell roan's the rise and fall of a midwest princess... obviously. i really truly feel like this album will go down as one of the Greatest pop records in history and it's so deserved ALONG WITH chappell as one of the most iconic performers. like she Literally has everything. party bops and crazy heartbreaking ballads and it translates SO well to a live show. my next record purchase as soon as i can decide between the deluxe or regular and im leaning heavyyyy toward the deluxe.
the regrettes' further joy. i had this on repeat when it came out!!! no skips it's so boppy and fun and thoughtful dreamy... i love it. would give anything to hear it live again but my signed vinyl will have to do. this album is like the music version of this emoji 💖 im so serious.
the cab's symphony soldier. have you ever... listened to this album. for one it's beautiful and two it's SUCH a fun vibe you can't not sing and dance and have so much fun. also yes i'm a spn fan ok move on.
waterparks' fandom. uhh relevant djfhdjdh. but for real it's such a stark and strong commentary on what fandom Is and parasocial relationships and how it feels to be trapped in a box because your fanbase won't let you grow as an artist and what it is to be so accessible to the public to the point where you have no control over yourself or your image. i love her deeply she tickles my brain so nicely and makes me think.
fletcher's you ruined new york city for me. it's an ep ok maybe i'm cheating but she tells the story of a whole album. i listened to this when i got dumped in nyc 🤪 so dramatic lmao. but really it's such a vulnerable breakup album that does so much in five songs. mostly make me sad.
5sos's youngblood. yeah i'm here have you LISTENED to this album??? the SOUNDS on that thing!!! it's like just the right amount of poppy and grungy and mature like... they really did something there.
harry styles debut ... controversial? honestly my favorite harry album changes prob every other week but something about his self titled is really doing it for me right now. it's an incredible body of work that introduces us to Harry Styles himself outside of one direction. i'm begging for a rockier album in the future from him bc the tastes of it we get on this record show he would just nail it.
paramore's after laughter. i swear this album made me feel alive in a way i didn't know i could feel. it's such a departure from their past work but it's still so genuine and true and you can't tell whether you're happy or sad or both or neither it's just everything to a bitch like me who can't confront her emotions dead on. and so so pretty.
carly rae jepsen's emotion.. right? how could it not be. pop perfection and that's all there is to it. the first record i bought before i even had a turntable.
extremely honorable mention to 5sos's the feeling of falling upwards. i didnt officially include it bc it's a live album but i love it so much it's so beautiful.
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thestoryden · 2 years
Heyyyy can I get one where the reader plays guitar but isn't really good at it so she's embarrassed about playing around eddie because he's so good?
Eddie x Musician!Fem!Reader
Warnings: Kissing, Embarrassment, Fluff
Word Count: 663
A/N: okay as someone one who played an instrument for years i love, love, love fic ideas that involve people bonding over music. there are some truly cute moment i have had in practice rooms that make this one of my favorite tropes. so let's get into the fic.
Masterlist/Requests: Open
Music Lesson
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Your face heats up as you look at the book on the music stand and down at your fingers on the fret board. You try to position them correctly, but it feels wrong. Your hand begins to cramp as you try position again, incorrectly. You drop your hands. 
“I can’t Eddie.” You huff, “No, matter how I try it never comes out right.” 
Eddie puts a hand on shoulder and you turn to face him.
“Don’t stress about it.” He says calmly.
Your skin pricks at his touch, and your body begins to heat up. You try to focus on the task at hand, but it is impossible. You had seen Eddie perform at shows, and the way he came alive on stage. Sitting in this somber practice room with what felt like the world’s greatest guitarist is eating you alive.
“Face it,” You cry, “I am not going to get this in time for the Spring Showcase.” 
“Don’t say that, let's go over the intro again.” Eddie soothes.” 
“Face it, Eddie,” You assert, “I am no good.” 
It feels true when you say it though. This was your third lesson with Eddie, and your confidence had crumbled. The first two lessons were smooth sailing, but then you felt a twist in your stomach whenever you saw him. You would peek around corners if you heard his voice down the hall, and then when you saw him your heart would begin to flutter. You were destroyed when you had seen Chrissy and him walking down the corridor, and your friend leaned over and mentioned she had heard they were an item now. So, now you sat in the practice room with him feeling embarrassed you had even crushed on him. On top of that it made his well practiced technique less guiding and more intimidating.   
“Look, I am serious, you shouldn’t say that about yourself.” He insists.
“Okay, I get it, I shouldn't be hard on myself like that.” You comply.  
“Good,” he says his tone is a bit more demanding now, “Play through the intro.”  
He taps his finger at the top of the sheet of music. You respond by tapping your foot to get a holding on the tempo, and then you work your way through the intro. You surprise yourself when your fingers follow the directives you give them, and the intro comes out plainly. You rest your guitar on your lap. 
“I did it.” You breathe in disbelief. 
“I told you, you could do it.” He laughs. 
“I am just kinda in my head about something today, is all.” You mumble. 
He looks you over. His eyes work their way over your face. He takes in each feature, chin, cheeks, mouth, nose, eyes, and brows. Eddie enjoys the way each knit together to complete your profile.He wets his lips and looks back to your eyes. 
“What about?” He asks in a cool tone. 
You interlace your fingers and sigh loudly, “You.” 
“Oh?” He remarks. 
You begin to ramble, “It is just everything about you. Your hair, your eyes, your talent. Every time I think of you my head spins, because you are just so amazing. So, now every time I go to pick up my guitar to practice I just think of you, and I am just left reeling, I can not get you out of my head. And, I know that, that is an issue, because you giving me lessons and your with Chrissy-” 
His lips meet yours with a smooth movement. It is a bit of a mess. His top lip brushes against the skin right above your mouth as he tries to find his orientation. His curls usher his scent into every breath you take. For a moment everything is upside down as your stomach flips and bursts with butterflies. He pulls back and exhales. 
“So, do you think you can focus on the lesson now?,” He asks, “I promise I will make it worth your while.”
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mrbigpepperoninipples · 4 months
I’ve been wondering why angel dust signed the deal with Valentino. I know everyone knows the answer, “he was tricked by Val.” Which is true, 100%, but I would like to dive deeper.
We should first understand what Angel might’ve wanted at that moment when he signed the contract with Val.
We know Angel was alive during the 1900s and 1930s, in this time period nearly everyone and their mother were homophobic. Angel definitely didn’t have any sexual freedom, not just that, his father, Heroine(Think that’s his name idk it something along those lines) is described as homophobic and doesn’t support angels lifestyle or work. Angel also might resent Heroine because he probably forced Angel to work in his mafia, even though Angel seems fine with murder, he definitely saw his friends and family get assassinated because he was affiliated in his dads mafia.
Angel also probably wasn’t aloud to do certain things while he was alive. Because he was in the mafia, and related to one of the members, Angel might have wanted to participate in the pansy craze(excuse me if this is an improper term for this. It is the only name I got for this activity) which happened between 1920-1933 where queer folks would preform at stages and hold some of the worlds greatest drag in history. We know Viv conformed Angel loves to wear drag. We know he was in the mafia which means he most likely lived in New York, and this event went on at New Yorks Greenwich village, and Times Square, both places are in New York. But due to his father being homophobic and his relation to the mafia he knew it would be unsafe if he went to a big event like that, he might get the other members in more danger than they already are, and his father would be embarrassed, ashamed, and livid at Angel if he ever set foot in a place like that.
So from this information, I believe it’s safe to say angel had/has daddy issues.
In the music video, Addict, we find out Angel died from an overdose, most likely from the drug he named himself after. Also, during the show Angel is shown to have his drug addiction still present in his afterlife. Valentino most certainly used this to his advantage to try and convince Angel to give him his soul.
Another thing Val could’ve used to convince Angel is his dream to be an actor. Many times during the show Angel describes himself as an actor, which is still true but, ya know. Of course Angel wasn’t alive to witness TV shows, but he was alive to witness radio shows and plays. It seems he has always had an interest in the arts. He loves drag, he loves to call himself an actor, and in older videos on Vivzies channel,which I don’t know this is still cannon or not, Angel seems to like doing stand up. After he died in the 30s and witness sinners bring television to hell his dream of performing I believe increased dramatically. Angel might’ve thought, now he has the chance to engage in the arts.
Might seem like a stretch but it is conformed that Val is artistically talented, he could’ve used this as a way to manipulate Angel. Imagine wanting to find a way to properly express yourself after living your entire life suppressing your wants, and a handsome stranger talks about it with you, talks about how in his life he felt the same way, how both of you are so similar. You finally feel like someone relates to your emotions, a fellow queer man also gifted in the arts who tells you he had spent his entire life hiding who he truly is. You might call this man your ally, maybe even someone you admire.
I also want to discuss the time period where he died to when he met Val. I estimate this time to late 1930s to mid 1960s. My guess is that his father passed years before he overdosed( I do believe my previous statements still stand that if his father wasn’t in the way it was society and the mafia who prevented angel from expressing himself ) during the time Heroin passed to when Angel overdosed he was able to recreate his own mafia in hell. So when Angel died he already had a job in the family mafia along with his brother. Angel hated this. Sure he was in hell, so unlimited drugs, and if he died he could respond unless it’s angelic weapons of course, but it was like he was alive all over again. He still had to work under his father, he still had to hide his sexuality, he still had to be careful of his every move cause his fathers goons were always there, and if he didn’t he would be shunned from the family. Which doesn’t sound so bad but he had nowhere else to go, without protection from hell and the extermination, he would die and worse, he still would never be able to fully express himself. Angel felt he would never be able to escape the world his dad exposed him to, he’d never be able to find a place he could truly be free.
Taking all of this in consideration his daddy issues, drug addiction, his want to perform, and his desire for freedom. Val had a perfect plan to snatch Angels soul.
Here’s how I think Val manipulated Angel
First he must’ve met angel at a club somewhere, or because we know Valentino is involved in gangs he might’ve had ties with Angel gang for drug trafficking. From there he was able to found out Angels hopes, insecurities, and un resolved issues. Most relationships with manipulators start good, they will praise you, reward you, and seemingly full all your wants.
How Val did this was he told Angel he was also a queer man who loved the arts and he might’ve asked Angel to show off his acting skills, when Angel did Val praised him, give Angel the support and encouragement he desperately craved.
Val, I believe, at the moment was getting to be a famous and powerful overlord, Valentino might have just signed a deal with Vox making it possible he could publicly broadcast his movies. Fun fact in some places in the 60s there was movie theaters that only showed adult content, Val could’ve been inspired by this produce these kind of movie theaters. And since this is hell those tickets were(and probably still) selling like hotcakes. So at this time Valentino had the opportunity, in angels eyes, be his ticket to freedom.
Valentino had the opportunity to make Angel a star by giving him big roles in his adult films causing Angel Dust to be well known. He could give him sexual freedom and an opportunity to present his feminine side, Angel could be an openly gay drag queen. And he could be all of this without worrying what his father will do to him. Val could give him protection from Heroin, and I don’t think Heroin is stupid, he knows if he tried to stand up against a powerful overlord like Val who has connections to other gangs could start a war against Heroin and Valentinos gang, Heroin knows better than to mess with someone like that. Val gave him the promise of unlimited access to drugs as long as he stays with him. Angel might have also fell in love with Val. I know it’s hard to imagine anyone could fall with such a cold, evil man, but we must remember Val is a master manipulator. He played with Angel, made him think he was the only one that understood his pain, the only thing that could make him forget everything,. Angel did sign a heart next to his name on the contract so I don’t think it’s far fetched to say Angel was in love with Valentino at the start of their relationship.
This is what I think led Angel to sign away his soul to Val. This might change in the future, and I’m certain there is many grammar and spelling mistakes and information I left out, but I’m tired so yeah. The end.
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surprisebitch · 2 years
Florence + the Machine's Dance Fever tour is hands down one of the best nights of my lifeee!! she sang the entire album and her greatest hits and even a song she refused to perform for like 10 years.. fed so well 🥹😩 they're truly one of my all time fave artists. im so glad to live in a time where she and her band are alive and making music
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dontf8arthereaper · 2 years
11:02 P.M.
Alone in the auditorium surrounded by only a bright shinning the boy mato on above the stage revealing that the boy is wearing such a beautiful white dress, jewelry and black high heels and his hair is longer and more black as night but the talisman accessory remains on his forehead now behind him another light shines above this time onto the man now playing the song of tragedy and redemption as the voices echoing in the void of the auditorium echoes singing along with the boy. He was confused but smile as he know what must be done the show must go on as lady subconscious begins to let out his singing voice.
( " This is my word
This is my lie! " )
( " This is my light!
This is my crime! " )
" It was just like rain on the warm summer day
What should I describe it, heartfelt? beautiful? "
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" “See you around” Whenever you said, I felt sad it was ridiculous Everything is gone I don’t know why I’m just alone.... "
And so it began all of the lights shine around the boy revealing Abysscore with his whole flock of orchestra familiars playing all their hearts out with their instruments along with the boy. He danced and maniacally twirling and moving his conductor baton around to increase the raw power of the song that is being played as Mato now moves his hips knowing it' s truly Showtime!
" It was like a
fleeting dream!
Forgive me!
Yes I hurt you!
but I can see!
but I can see!
Oh This is the crime?!
This is the crime?!
No way to know!
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As he danced and sing his heart out under his feet, his shadows began taking shape telling stories of telling the story of lady subconscious, from a murderer, redeemed as a hero along the lines of blood, sweat and tears of despair. Sadness and happiness all around as the voices echoed throughout this auditorium.
( " This is my word
This is my lie! ")
(" This is my light!
This is my crime! " )
" It was just like wind on the cool summer night What should I describe it, heartfelt? beautiful?
“It’ll be OK” Whenever you said
I was relieved to hear that! "
" Call my name!
I hurt you!
but I can see!
but I can see!
Oh! This is the crime?
This is the crime?
No way to go!
LET ME OUT ! ! ! "
" This is my crime
It won’t be long
We don’t have to cry-ai
Just because
My story has done
Never ever read over again
I wanna let you go
Keep yourself alive
I won’t be flying
We don’t have to try-ai
Just because
Your story hasn’t done
AGAIN ! ! ! "
The song continues to amp it up on itself each time the music and the boy sing kept on going, violins, trumpets, pianos now go faster as Abysscore continued danced and twirl through the rhythm of the song as the voice of an audience roared with cheer and delight encouraging Mato praising both he and the boy' s performance. He waved his conductor baton a bit more as the echoing voices appeared again for one last time.
(" This is my word!
This is my lie! " )
(" This is my light!
This is my crime! " )
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Suddenly the music' s power came to a big hault as only the violin and the boy's singing voice remained but it did not stop him from singing, this is going to be the greatest of all finales!
" “It’ll be OK”
Whenever you said
I was relieved
to hear that
Everything is gone
I don’t know why
I’m just alone
I know
it’s good enough.... "
" Call my name
no, I hurt you
but I can see
but I can see
Oh this is the crime?
This is the crime?
No way to go!
let me out.... "
And now? The big finale has begun! All the power of the song have return bigger than ever lights shinning back onto the stage as well as the entire Orchestra group and him return into the scene for one last time as he delivered this heart throbbing saga the final blow.
" This is my crime
It won’t be long
We don’t have to cry-ai
Just because
My story has done
Never ever read
over again
I wanna let you go
Keep yourself
I won’t be flying
We don’t have
to try-ai
Just because
Your story hasn’t done
AGAIN ! ! ! "
As the finale have finished the audience in the auditorium roared with cheer and now celebrating with Mato as flowers tossed all over the stage while screaming, clapping as well as whistling echoed through out the emptiness of the auditorium. This is the song Abysscore has been looking for and this is his greatest moment in the time of his life, the greatest performance of all time is now achieved all thanks to Mato' s beautiful voice as he put his heart and soul as best as he could. The boy bowed light into the stage as the orchestra group vanished along with the lights now turning off.
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De-Evolution Is Real: The Restored Films of DEVO with Gerald Casale and Mark Mothersbaugh at The Museum of Modern Art
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Full gallery available on my website here.
On Saturday, January 27, 2024, The Museum of Modern Art screened restored videos from the Akron, OH band known as DEVO as a part of their “To Save and Project: The 20th MoMA International Festival of Film Preservation” series. The restoration and screening coincided with the 50th anniversary of the formation of the band.
I first discovered DEVO many years after the group was founded. They had a hit song with a single, “Whip It,” that was released the year I was born. The song would play on the radio and when I was older, I finally saw the video on MTV (or VH1) and was struck by the video. It made me laugh and I decided to check out more. I ended up purchasing a two CD compilation released in 1990: one disc was their Greatest Hits and the second disc was titled Greatest Misses. Their sense of humor was right up my alley. So was their weirdness and politics. In college, I enrolled in a class at Fordham University called “Popular Music As a Form of Communication.” One day, my professor, Anahid Kassabian, played DEVO’s cover of “(I Can’t Get Me No) Satisfaction” for the class and asked if anyone knew who the band was. I immediately knew but hesitated to answer. I looked around when I saw no other hands raised, I then put mine in the air and gave the answer, she smiled and seemed relieved that at least one young person knew the group’s music. Both of these aforementioned songs had their videos restored by Peter Conheim who was in conversation with Mark Mothersbaugh and Gerald Casale at MoMA last night.
Before the restored videos were screened, MoMA curator Josh Siegel talked about his connection with the band before introducing ex-Negativland member Conheim who worked on the restoration of these videos. The earlier ones that were shot on film were restored from the negative, but the later videos that were shot and edited on video were more difficult to upgrade, and some are still in progress. The item in the program that I was most excited to see was the live footage of the band’s first performance in New York City at Max’s Kansas City in 1977. They were introduced to the stage by David Bowie and wore extremely short shorts in this performance. It was definitely of those things that I truly wish I was alive to witness in person. When “Freedom of Choice” was shown, I realized that it was the second time in one day I saw a man on a leash (photos of the first instance are to come hopefully tomorrow). I also saw someone get spanked earlier in the day, just like in one of DEVO’s videos, too.
After the videos were shown on the large screen of Theater 1, Conheim was joined by Mothersbaugh and Casale who spoke candidly about their band. Casale appreciated that the audience laughed when a baby was thrown in the air. We also clapped excitedly after each video was shown. Casale admitted that the record executive character in a couple of their videos was based on an amalgam of people and the things he said were direct quotes. One of the questions from the audience was regarding Mothersbaugh’s commercial work and he revealed that he did a Hawaiian Punch commercial and added in a subversive message of “sugar is bad for you.”
DEVO were just at Sundance Festival for their documentary and hopefully that film, plus these restored videos become available commercially for fans to see at some point in the future. Images from the Q&A session appear in the above gallery, and many thanks to Peter Conheim for his efforts in restoring DEVO’s videos and for Gerald and Mark for taking the time to make an appearance at MoMA last night.
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shilil · 8 months
Disney live band singapore
Disney Live Bands in Singapore: Where Magic Meets Music
Singapore is a city known for its enchanting blend of cultures and experiences. It's a place where modernity meets tradition, and where the old and the new coexist in perfect harmony. Among the myriad of entertainment options, there's a musical journey that's truly magical—Disney live bands in Singapore.
The Disney Enchantment in the Lion City
Disney has a timeless appeal that transcends generations. From beloved characters to unforgettable melodies, Disney's magic captures the hearts of both the young and the young at heart. In Singapore, this enchanting world comes alive through Disney live bands, bringing the melodies of your favorite Disney classics to life.
Here's what makes Disney live bands in Singapore truly special:
1. Melodies That Stir the Soul
Disney's music has a unique ability to evoke emotions and transport you to different worlds. Hearing these cherished songs performed live by talented musicians adds a layer of enchantment. Whether it's "A Whole New World" from Aladdin or "Let It Go" from Frozen, these melodies resonate with the audience in a profound way.
2. Beloved Characters Step onto the Stage
Disney live bands often incorporate live character appearances or visuals from the films. Imagine the joy of seeing your favorite Disney heroes and villains on stage or screen. It's an immersive experience that makes you feel like your part of the enchanting story.
3. All-Age Appeal
One of Disney's greatest strengths is its universal appeal. These live band performances cater to audiences of all ages, making them a perfect family-friendly outing. It's an opportunity for parents to share their childhood memories with their kids, creating special moments that will be cherished for years to come.
4. Nostalgia and Timeless Charm
For adults, Disney live bands offer a delightful dose of nostalgia. It's a chance to relive the magic of their youth and share it with a new generation. The timeless charm of Disney is a bridge that connects the past, present, and future.
5. Immersive Storytelling
Disney live bands go beyond the music. They bring the enchanting stories to life with engaging narratives and theatrical elements. It's a complete sensory experience that draws you into the magical world of Disney.
Where to Experience Disney Live Bands in Singapore
Singapore offers various avenues to immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Disney:
Live Shows at Resorts World Sentosa: Resorts World Sentosa frequently hosts live Disney shows, where beloved characters and enchanting tunes come to life on stage.
Disney in Concert: These events feature live orchestras performing Disney's memorable scores. The combination of music and visuals creates an unforgettable experience that will leave you in awe.
Themed Events and Parties: Keep an eye out for special Disney-themed events, parties, and performances happening in the city. These often coincide with movie releases and festive seasons, offering a chance to celebrate the magic of Disney in a unique way.
Disney Movie Screenings with Live Music: Enjoy Disney classics on the big screen with live bands providing the soundtrack. It's a cinematic experience like no other.
ShiLi & Adi is seen at all kinds of stages, from corporate galas, luxury weddings, F1 Singapore Grand Prix for 4 consecutive years and appearing on Indonesia's popular TV stations such as Kompas TV, Net TV and Jawapos, their musical chemistry on stage will liven up any occasion.
For enquiries and press contact, please reach us at:
WhatsApp us at: https://wa.link/shiliandadi
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Disney live bands in Singapore offer an enchanting experience that transcends age and brings families and friends together to relive the magic of Disney. Whether you're a fan of Disney's classic tales or a newcomer to this magical realm, a Disney live band performance in Singapore is a journey you won't want to miss. It's a chance to experience the wonder and enchantment of Disney like never before, creating memories that will last a lifetime. So, make sure to catch a Disney live band performance when you're in the Lion City and let the magic of Disney sweep you off your feet!
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besser-entertainment · 8 months
Dancing Queens and Kings: The Best ABBA Tribute Band Show
In the world of music, there are few bands as universally beloved and iconic as ABBA. The Swedish sensation brought a fusion of pop and disco to the world, and their music has continued to enchant audiences across generations. But what if you could experience the magic of ABBA live, even when they're not on tour? Enter the Best ABBA Tribute Band Show, a musical extravaganza that keeps the timeless legacy of this legendary group alive and kicking.
A Tribute Beyond Compare
When ABBA's glittering costumes and catchy tunes graced the world's stage for the last time, fans were left yearning for more. The infectious joy and irresistible melodies of "Dancing Queen," "Mamma Mia," and "Waterloo" seemed irreplaceable. That's when the Best ABBA Tribute Band Show stepped into the limelight.
This tribute band doesn't just honor ABBA's music; they bring it to life in an unparalleled way. From the harmonious vocals to the flamboyant costumes and choreography, the Best ABBA Tribute Band Show transports its audience back to the heyday of disco and pop. It's more than just a tribute; it's a time machine to the heart of the 1970s.
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ABBA's Timeless Classics Rekindled
The Best ABBA Tribute Band Show takes on the formidable task of rekindling the spirit of ABBA's timeless classics with a passion that's contagious. Close your eyes during their performance of "Fernando," and you'll believe that Agnetha and Anni-Frid have been resurrected. Their rendition of "SOS" captures the heartfelt emotions of the original, while "Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!" unleashes a whirlwind of energy that would make Benny and Bjorn proud.
One of the remarkable aspects of the Best ABBA Tribute Band Show is their unwavering commitment to authenticity. Every detail, from the glittering costumes to the meticulous choreography, is a tribute to the original ABBA. It's not just about the music; it's about recreating the entire ABBA experience. This dedication turns every performance into a dazzling spectacle that leaves audiences breathless.
A Voyage Through the Golden Era
With every show, the Best ABBA Tribute Band Show invites the audience to embark on a journey through the golden era of pop and disco, reviving the magic of ABBA. The songs are more than just musical numbers; they are portals to a time when disco balls reigned supreme, and dance floors were packed with enthusiastic fans.
This tribute show doesn't just pay homage to the ABBA discography; it pays homage to the joy and effervescence that ABBA's music exudes. When they perform "Take a Chance on Me," you can feel the exuberance and optimism that the original band conveyed. And when "Knowing Me, Knowing You" starts playing, it's impossible not to sing along, just as you would at an original ABBA concert.
In a world where live music is a cherished treasure, the Best ABBA Tribute Band Show stands as a glittering testament to nostalgia and celebration. Their performances are a homage to the enduring power of ABBA's music, proving that the magic of their songs never truly fades away. So, if you're yearning for a taste of ABBA's enchantment, don't miss the chance to experience the Best ABBA Tribute Band Show. They aren't just a tribute; they are a living testament to the timeless brilliance of one of the greatest bands in pop music history.
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thebandcampdiaries · 1 year
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DVA has announced a new, soulful release: "Love Lies"
DVA is a singer-songwriter passionate about merging Pop and R&B. These two genres have always had a lot in common, as both focus on catchy melodies and emotional lyrics, not to mention the strong emphasis on rhythm and vocal performance. 
With her most recent studio work, "Love Lies," DVA is showing the world that she is able to combine smooth and soulful tones with modern production aesthetics that are broadly appealing.
A true pop star in the making, DVA has created a song that's uplifting yet soothing and hauntingly beautiful. "Love Lies" kicks off with an iconic electric guitar pattern, which is slightly overdriven yet not aggressive. It adds a cinematic twist to the mix, adding depth and scope to the sound of this release. The instrumental has a fresh, contemporary touch. The beat is indeed a unique blend of hip-hop and emo, with a heavy focus on huge 808 bass tones and ethereal soundscapes that crown the artist's voice beautifully. DVA's introspective lyrics and melodic hooks work so well with this release's romantic, nostalgic tone. "Love Lies" is characterized by a dreamy, atmospheric approach to production. The overall sound works well with DVA's emotive vocal delivery. 
Despite the personal subject matter of "Love Lies," the track also feels very easy to relate to. It lets the audience take a glimpse at a sense of hope and optimism, showing that things might eventually get better, even if the pain might seem too much to bear when the people we trust betray our love. 
Overall, "Love Lies" is an incredibly powerful and resonant piece of music that feels expressive and introspective yet broadly appealing.
Ultimately, "Love Lies" is a very honest outlook on the complicated nature of relationships. Love can be the most beautiful thing in the world, but it can also be crushing when things take a wrong turn. DVA reminds us that not everything is as it seems and that love can sometimes deceive us in ways we never thought possible. Still, love is a force that can make us feel alive and bring us closer to the people we care about most, so "Love Lies" offers a light at the end of the tunnel: never give up! Ultimately, DVA is the kind of artist who continues to use her music to explore themes of love, heartbreak, and self-empowerment, bringing a different perspective to her audience. 
Besides the meaning, the song is also excellent on a purely technical basis. The production quality is spot-on, and the mix is balanced and dynamic. Every element, from the guitars to the synth to the drum patterns, sit where it should, allowing the vocals to shine. One of the things that make "Love Lies" so distinctive is also how DVA blends new-school sounds with "golden age" aesthetics in such a perfect way. Her vocal style is reminiscent of some of the greatest singers in music, while the instrumental and production choices definitely give her sound a more refreshing, up-to-date twist that makes DVA stand out even in the contemporary pop and R&B music scenes. This combination of old and new is truly well-executed, giving the artist so much edge and credibility.
DVA has a voice that is both powerful and soothing. Through her spontaneity and lyrical artistry, she is able to convey a broad range of emotions. Every note is important, and there isn't a single moment of music that isn't endowed with personal feelings and soulfulness. DVA's most recent studio single, "Love Lies," shows that the artist's range is truly incredible. She has a clear and bright tone that can reach the highest of highs and still maintain a rich depth and balance. When listening to "Love Lies," listeners will immediately be able to connect with the passion and soul in DVA's voice.
This release is highly recommended to people who enjoy classic singers such as Whitney Houston, Nina Simone, and Aretha Franklin, only to mention a few. However, even fans of artists such as Rihanna and Alicia Keys should give "Love Lies" by DVA a proper shot!
Find out more and listen:
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Character Ideas Day 11: Zealot Barbarian
A lifelong nomad in an ancient forest, you love and cherish both the land and your connection to the nature god. You were never fully a holy caster, but you always considered the deity a friend, all throughout your time wandering the forests. When you woke up one morning though, you see fire above you and ash below you, a group of artificers wandering through and blazing down the ancient home. Terrified and enraged, you lash out at them and kill them, feeling a surge of power from your friend course through you. Now, they assure you that you are a valuable asset of theirs, and that you should take the rage of nature far beyond its current bounds. For their sake, you’re more than happy to. 
The child of world famous bards, your ambitions seemed set from the moment you were born. You’d be the next big thing, a new massive performer and idol the world over, and when you were a teenager, your parents shipped you off to a bardic conservatory to learn how to do just that. You started out promising, learning just how to play in a new and exciting way. But about a year into your studies, you hit an infuriating plateau. Nothing worked, nothing got better, your art stagnated in a way that made you simply want to quit, or even rage. Every time it happened, you tossed an angry word at the effigy of the god of music, increasing in their creativity every time. Somehow, your greatest strings of progress seemed to happen when you were enraged, and you could almost swear the statue was smiling at you. You know your skill set is strange, but you’re progressing regardless, and now, many are excited to see what exactly you have in store.
A low level worker at a temple for the god of death, you have heard truly vile remarks being thrown in the direction of undeads. You don’t see the problem, going out of your way to help them with their transition back to life regardless of the ire it earns you at work. Eventually, you commune with the god and ask if they really think that way, if you really should stop. They are instantly offended, and imbue their rage at the idea into you, instructing you to destroy the temple from the inside out. You’re reluctant, but you do, and now you’re on the run with only a single divine figure, and many, many undead, on your side. 
As a barely willing sacrifice to the god of pain and suffering, you were trained to take as many hits as possible, but never let your pain end by death. You are talented, beyond capable in the field, but you are never helped by the people who trained you, instead being revered for being in pain. A few short days ago, you mounted an escape, and are now searching for healing, your power be damned. When you find a healing caster though, you find your powers are perfectly intact, you gain a rage anew, and set out to hurt the group that made you needlessly suffer. 
You were the child of a royal taken by a dragon when you were young, held captive in a tower for many years. It kept you alive to continue feeding on adventurers, and you don’t terribly mind your new situation. In fact, you’re even talking to the dragon god, exchanging small talk to keep you busy. Eventually, you got bored of sitting and waiting, and asked the dragon god what to do. Elated, they teach you basic combat and provide you with plenty of power to help your captor turned roommate get some good food. This latest party is just... Damned hard to kill. Fine, you’ll go off with them, if for nothing else than to figure out what exactly they’re doing.
You are a well paid and well funded assassin who recently began working for a divine figure of destruction, tasked with taking apart a person’s life slowly and carefully through whatever means necessary. People look for a motive, a tragedy in your past to explain the pain you inflict. There is none, no motive, no reason. Honestly, you’re just having a grand old time.
During the chaos running away from a dragon attack, you were blinded by looking too hard and the breath cascading down from the gaping maw. Despertare to get out alive, you call out to the god of perseverance and light, begging them to give you strength. They answer, filling you with wild power and causing you to be an accidental symbol of town hope. Now, you travel to find others who need you, still not fully understanding the “bursts of adrenaline” you’re being provided.
You are the parent of a child with terrible night terrors, usually ending with screaming or crawling into your bed to sleep. Sick of seeing your child hurting, you approach the god of nightmares in a rage, asking what you can do to stop it. To your horror it offers you a deal. You can take on the powers of nightmares, which allow you untold strength in exchange for dark and violent hallucinations, and the god will leave your child alone forever. You take the deal without question, and soon enough, find yourself a completely different person, even if your child is free.
You are a slapstick comedian in a well loved troupe, finding a new way to get your ass kicked on stage for profit every week. Soon, you’ve grown a massive following that, to your shock, includes the trickster god. They rave about your performance when you meet, and offer you a way to improve your routine. They can give you a way to die more fully than before, making you practically unkillable when you enter what they call a “performance state.” You didn’t exactly sign up for full blown rages, but you actually find it incredibly fun. And what the hell, joining a party sounds fun too.
At first, you were petrified to meet the community of your Orcish partner. But, when you arrived in their encampment, everyone seemed to love you, giving you gifts and holy symbols and insisting you meet their war god. Desperate not to make a bad impression, you agree, and find out something shocking. You are the first Barbarian to visit this area, and the god quickly offers their help, almost in awe of you. When you agree, you take to the power quickly, but the renown much more slowly, nervous to become so important to your partner’s community so fast. Lots of people are now pushing for a proposal, and the two of you stepped away to talk about it. You’re not opposed, this is just a lot. Maybe some traveling will make you feel better.
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peternelthorpe · 1 year
Easy Guitar Lesson - The True Secrets
New Post has been published on https://wr1tepress.com/easy-guitar-lesson-the-true-secrets/
Easy Guitar Lesson - The True Secrets
Everybody who has continually heard of song earlier has dreamt of someday performing an instrument on their own. The guitar is perhaps the largely all the rage instrument which folks wish to be taught. The guitar is used to participate in a broad variety of song for the reason that of its wonderful sound and its amazing tunes versatility. It can moreover remain single of the majority sought after musical instruments. All it will take to ascertain are a small number of resources of easy guitar lessons and the passion to practice thoroughly.
Not everybody has the occasion or else money to exhaust on the traditional way to discover this instrument by departing to a music tutor and undergoing normal lessons. You can uncover a batch of resources for easy guitar lesson obtainable on the internet. They might be alive read within the convenience of your residence and theyre a lot cheaper than standard instruction. Getting the appropriate one can remain a little tricky since youll uncover hundreds and perhaps thousands of this instruction accessible.
There are exactly hundreds of informations on the internet which will help to teach you.
On a quantity of the greatest ways of practicing, and places to get a hold easy guitar lesson.
The internet society is a tremendous source intended for dig up a great amount of complimentary lesson.
So why not take benefit and get a hold on your own various lessons on learning how to use the guitar.
What is so overwhelming on the subject of learning to use the guitar is that you merely truly to need to fully understand three or four chords at the start to set out to perform a quantity of your favorite songs. A percentage of the songs which I have printed were formed using no more than three to four chords.
The hardest part of studying how to perform the guitar is most likely at the start. You might learn the chords to be alive little difficult to control and your fingers will be in pain from holding down the strings. You be supposed to be able to learn your harmonize and render the chords much more controllable if you provide it a tiny bit of moment and exercise. Your fingers will as well acquire the basic robustness and dexterity necessary concerning guitar performing.
I do strongly suggest with the purpose of you obtain a first-rate quality instruction to start your easy guitar lesson. If you possess associates that cooperate you can exercise with them and hone your abilities. Once you cooperate with your friends, it is a much more enjoyable moment.
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ggbanana · 2 years
Letter to eminem joe budden lyrics
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#Letter to eminem joe budden lyrics full#
Put a brick inside that Xerox, when I print ‘em a page. Hey throw em in the back, jack hi, dig ‘em a grave. Joe Budden was chief among them, although, his record right after, Kamikaze, was received far more positively. Yelawolf Put these muthaf-ckas in a box and I send ‘em away. As it was previously reported, when Eminem released Revival, much of the hip-hop world criticized him and the new songs. The rapper joked that he's 40-years-old old now, and there's no reason for him to be dwelling on the past. It's clear Joe is much older and wiser these days, a fact he, himself, has recognized. More importantly, the rapper added, he's not rapping anymore so yelling at Eminem and Paul Rosenberg wouldn't be that entertaining for him either. The former rapper went on to say that there are more important issues happening in the world, and it's best to stay level-headed and continue focusing on what's important. Budden went on to say that nobody cares about the beef anymore either, including Eminem, him, and Slaughterhouse.Īccording to Budden, he and Eminem are focused on different things in their lives right now. Wobz14 on Top 14 Most Anticipated Hip Ho…įollow bakin' fresh! on WordPress.Joe joked that he was getting ready to come in the room and scream at "Paul Rosenberg" for leaking the track, but that's not the best way to go about it, he argued. Jamesrevelsthecompos… on New Music: Hopsin – Mr.… Theeso Panther on New Music: Curren$y & Fred… New Music: Kirk Knight – Good Knight ft Joey Bada$$, Flatbush Zombies & Dizzy Wright.New Music: MED, Blu & Madlib – Knock Knock ft MF DOOM.
#Letter to eminem joe budden lyrics full#
Eminem truly is a rap God and this 6 and a half minutes proves that he is the greatest rapper alive! truly amazing!Ĭheck the full CXVPHER below and be sure to watch from start to finish, I guarantee it will be the best thing you hear all year. Every line that Em spits is unbelievable, his flow in next level (especially the last 30 seconds holy fucking shit!) and his wordplay is just unheard of. Finally we are left with six and a half minutes of pure epicness from the one and only Eminem aka Slim Shady aka Marshall fucking Mathers. Royce shows that he’s a class above most with his packed metaphors and killer flow proving that he is one of the best out there at the moment. Ol head said reality is fake an fakes the new real Nuttin but. Verse 1: Joe Budden Mic check, mic check, mic check, mic check Mic check, 1, 2, 1, 2. Joell Ortiz throws in a polished performance however  it’s not long enough for him to shine and have a proper effect. Baby few dudes aint worthy like me You know I keep somethin pretty by me. I just can’t get into him, his voice, what he says I’m just not feeling it and I will never understand what Em sees in him but hey that’s just my opinion. Now Yelawolf has never been a favourite of mine and I don’t think his verse does much to change that. Joe Budden’s up next with a much slower flow however he definitely doesn’t disappoint with a solid performance spitting real shit. Crooked I kicks things off with a rapid flow, spitting straight fire which completely dominates the next 2 minutes. In preparation for the release of SHADY XV Eminem, Slaughterhouse and Yelawolf have turned the heat up by dropping some of the craziest bars I think anyone has ever heard. So it seems like it’s nothing but love in the Shady Records fam! Check out Slaughtermouse below and cop All Love Lost on October 16. If you’re loving this track than make sure you head over to iTunes and pre-order the album as you will receive Slaughtermouse as an instant download. The track is produced by none other than araabMUZIK who provides a chilled and somewhat spiritual beat which fits perfectly with Budden’s deep lyrics. Slaughtermouse will feature on Budden’s upcoming album All Love Lost which is scheduled for an October 16 release. He also gives praise to Royce and expresses how much joy it gave him to see him and Em get back together with Bad Meets Evil saying ‘When Bad Met Evil, nigga who was happier than me?/ You woulda thought it was my album and I was on that shit’. Throughout the track Budden spits some emotional bars comparing his life to Em’s and asking the Rap God for some advice. Royce even took to twitter to confront the fellow slaughterhouse member saying ‘I heard you dissed me and em on your album… you sure you want that problem?. Well either there was never such a track or Budden has thrown it in the trash because his latest track titled Slaughtermouse is an open letter giving nothing but praise to his Shady Records boss Eminem. It was only last month we were hearing rumours that Joe Budden was about to go in on Royce and Em with a diss on his upcoming album.
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awesomeforever · 2 years
Get local news, offers & more... On Saturday, July 23rd, I had the pleasure of seeing a truly first-rate production, a phenomenal performance of one of the greatest musicals ever written! Musicals at Richter, in Danbury, continues with their legacy of providing audiences what we yearn for in live theater, the right shows with the right cast. Rodgers and Hammerstein's THE SOUND OF MUSIC was the perfect show to see outdoors on this lovely July night. Under the excellent direction of Jessica Smith, musical direction of Adam Snyder, and choreography of Lindsay Miller, this stellar cast truly made the hills come alive, on this new stage featuring a stunning set designed by John McMahon, complete with moveable pieces. The cast members radiate positive energy from the stage, truly entertaining the audience, and having fun playing their roles! For those not familiar with the storyline, it is set in 1938 Austria. Maria has not yet taken her vows as a nun, and as a result of her restlessness is asked to take a temporary leave and work for widowed Captain Von Trapp, caring for his seven children, ages sixteen and under. Maria brings music and singing into the lives of the children, children who come to really like her, as she does to them. Maria soon develops romantic feelings towards Captain Von Trapp, feelings that if reciprocated and developed into a marriage would prevent Maria from becoming a nun. This potential love conflict is exacerbated by the fact that Captain Von Trapp is in a courtship with another woman, the Baroness. Meanwhile, as the Nazi regime infiltrates Austria and insists that Austrians join them in acting, thinking, feeling, and speaking like a Nazi, while waving the Nazi flag, the Nazis set their sights on demanding that Captain Von Trapp joins their navy. Captain Von Trapp, being a loyal Austrian who respects Austria as Austria, not as being under Nazi infiltration, wants no part of the Nazi agenda, but is he free to be himself and act upon his own beliefs and convictions without jeopardizing his life and the lives of his children? Come to the show to find out! I tremendously enjoyed the familiar musical numbers, such as "The Sound of Music," "Do-Re-Mi," "Maria," "So Long, Farewell," "Sixteen Going on Seventeen," "The Lonely Goatherd," "Edelweiss," "Climb Every Mountain," and my favorite from this musical, "My Favorite Things." The excellent singing of this cast is enhanced by a talented live band.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined')ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'broadwayworld_com-under_first_paragraph','ezslot_1',160,'0','0']);if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined')__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-broadwayworld_com-under_first_paragraph-0'); Emily Walsh stars as Maria, dazzling the audience with her amazing singing voice and powerful acting that draws the audience in, connecting with this central protagonist. Rob Mayette, as Captain Von Trapp, has an excellent voice and stage presence and truly commands the role when on stage. Rob Mayette and Emily Walsh play off each other very well creating a feeling of authenticity to their dynamics with each other, and with the children and other cast members. Their strong performances epitomize what these roles are and how they are meant to be played to maximize the greatness of the show! Claire Simard brings quality to the challenging role of the Baroness, showing that with the right actress, this deliberately dislikeable antagonist can still have pizzazz. Christopher Hetherington brings authenticity to Max Detweiler, a rather shady character with dubious motives. The seven children are magnificently portrayed by cast members who gel together so well that it is easy for the audience to forget that these performers are not real life siblings. Jillian Flynn leads the siblings as Liesl, the highly likeable eldest (sixteen going on seventeen.) The other siblings include Austin Etzbach as Friedrich, Gabby Messina as Louisa, Jack Rand as Kurt, Allyson Snyder as Brigitta, Kelly Inconstanti as Marta and Charlotte Harrington as Gretl.
All seven cast members bring quality and distinction to their specific characters, making their roles count, both as individuals and as a collective group! Each of these Von Trapp children has a unique personality while each of these cast members brings that personality out. They also harmonize well, and dance with precise synchronicity. The coordination they display with each other makes their musical numbers extremely impressive to watch, on many levels. Priscilla Squiers shines is the role of Mother Abbess, with soprano vocals that are perfect for all her solos. Cathy Cavender, Stacey Snyder, and Daisy Stott enhance the production in their respective roles of Sister Margaretta, Sister Berthe, and Sister Sophia. Vincent Fontenelli is convincing as Liesl's love interest Rolf. Elizabeth Czarsty and Robert Fontenelli also bring life to their roles as the housekeeper Frau Schmidt, and Franz, the Butler, respectively. Ensemble roles enhance this show, as well. Like the leads, the ensemble performers also appear to be having fun on stage, greatly enjoying being part of this phenomenal production. These cast members include Jacquelynn Matchen, Paul Matchen, Rachelle Matchen, Tyler Wolfson, Rachel Volpe, Dolly Conner, Melisa Garcia, Beth McGuire, Amanda Thomas, April Smith, Molly Tarnowski, and Renėe Browne. They make their roles count. Beyond the romantic love story between Captain Von Trapp and Maria, I feel that this show sends extremely positive messages that are just as relevant in modern America, as they were in 1938 Austria. In this show, those who put their trust in God and His love are portrayed as the good people, as they should be. Those who boldly take a stand for the righteous truth that they believe in and refuse to be corrupted or manipulated are portrayed as heroes and positive role models, which they are. Conversely, hostile regimes that infiltrate countries' governments and oppressively try to destroy national identities by controlling what the citizens can legally do, say, think, or even feel are portrayed as the villains, as they should be portrayed. Furthermore, those who conform to the demands of those hostile government regimes are viewed as sell-outs, traitors, and cowards, as they are. The boundaries are clear between right and wrong, between good and evil, and between courage and cowardice. The former things are extolled while the latter things are rebuked. Musicals at Richter follows the positive example set by this show in that they have chosen a beloved classic with positive messages, and have recruited a truly talented cast and crew to make this show thrive with excellence! It is so refreshing to see a theater company that has stuck true to themselves, true to their patrons, and true to what makes for excellent live entertainment. I highly recommend THE SOUND OF MUSIC which is scheduled to continue to run through August 6th. For times and tickets, please go to Tickets. Review: ONCE ON THIS ISLAND at The Summer Theatre Of New Canaan I WROTE THAT! Debuts This Fall At The Palace Theater's Poli Club The 5th Dimension Takes the Stage At The Ridgefield Playhouse, August 5 The High Kings Come to The Ridgefield Playhouse, July 30 Hot stories CONTEST: Win A Pair of VIP Tickets to see Sarah Brightman in Las Vegas!Cirque Du Soleil Returns To Hartford With CORTEOLong Wharf Theatre Appoints Rachel Alderman as Associate Artistic DirectorEugene O'Neill Theater Center Welcomes Arts Writers For Annual National Critics Instituteif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined')ez_ad_units.push([[160,600],'broadwayworld_com-sidebar_floating_1','ezslot_2',101,'0','0']);if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined')__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-broadwayworld_com-sidebar_floating_1-0'); CONTEST: Win A Pair of VIP Tickets to see Sarah Brightman in Las Vegas! Cirque Du Soleil Returns To Hartford With CORTEO Long Wharf Theatre Appoints Rachel Alderman as Associate Artistic Director Eugene O'Neill Theater Center Welcomes Arts Writers For Annual National Critics Institute
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shutterbug2012 · 3 years
Louis Tomlinson: A Study in Vocals
(Part 1/?)
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28th September 2021
Right off the bat, I’m going to let you know that this is a really long post which has not been kept under the cut. The tags ‘ #s28op ‘ and ‘ #m.masterpost ‘ have been used so feel free to filter them out. This is an aggregate of posts from over the years that have talked extensively about Louis’ vocal abilities. I’m sure there are more analyses out there which have slipped past me (more on that in the end notes); as of now this post is stable enough on its own. This is also a Louis appreciation post :) Enjoy!
A vocal profile 
A video from 2014 that talks about his vocal range
On head and chest voices 
“Don’t tell me his voice sounds like shit until you can do what he does on a stage to thousands of fans night after night.” 
A unique sound without which every 1D song would be monotonous
Vocal coach reacts to Louis’ voice (and appreciates it *pretends to be shocked*)
Louis’ vocals on Four - a song by song critique
YouTuber reacts to a Little Things live performance
Singing really low notes live
Not a vocal analysis but a very important pop punk post
Changing octaves in BTY
“He doesn’t even seem bothered to hit really high notes without switching into his head voice.” (thread created pre-Walls era) 
The highest note he has sung in each song off of Walls (and some 1D bangers too)
How his voice has improved over the years (post written pre-November livestream)
Copy of a Copy of a Copy - parallels with Fight Club and a musical analysis
Helene Horlyck, vocal coach and life guide, on the AFH Festival
Why Louis Tomlinson’s voice is one of the greatest things to happen to anyone ever
This post just because this is what all the anons sound like these days:
“louis: doesn’t have a bland, generic, boring voice like the majority of artists these days
some of y’all: uhhh this means his voice is BAD” via (x)
And to those anons I say this.
Holy shit (I’ll always be bitter about the fact that he didn’t have more solos)
Speaking of solos, here’s some compilations: 
All of his solos in UAN
You will not regret listening to this (Stereo Hearts cover)
The cause of my demise, if we’re being honest. This is his solo in Truly Madly Deeply.
Look at him smiling and giggling and HITTING THEM NOTES (Moments)
Covering Valerie. Iconic.
Last First Kiss at iHeartRadio
Harmonizing with Liam before singing Infinity in the Live Lounge
Use Somebody solo from their cover at the iTunes Festival
Over Again, live on tour
A slight note change in Night Changes that he carries off flawlessly
His solo in Night Changes, live in concert (OTRA 2015) (link to vine)
I mean… the No Control chorus (by himself)
Another No Control clip
Nailing his solo in No Control, live in Brussels (OTRA 2015) 
I’ll never get tired of linking No Control videos (OTRA Indianapolis)
Alive, live in Adelaide (2015) (link to vine)
DFWYB Zouis duet, OTRA Osaka (link to vine)
Singing Zayn’s part in DFWYB, OTRA Jakarta 
Fireproof solo, OTRA Winnipeg
Louis in Better Than Words, OTRA Osaka (link to vine)
Drag Me Down, then and now
Listen to this note change in COACOAC during the festival  
Practicing scales with Helene, from the Away From Home documentary
He carried that band on his back (some highlights)
“This whole ‘Louis is the weakest one vocally’ is just a myth with little substance because his voice is absolutely pivotal to their overall sound.”
See what I mean. (SOML acapella)
Watch this performance of WMYB
Little Black Dress, with and without Louis
Rock Me, with and without Louis
THAT voice break in Better Than Words (live in concert, OTRA 2015)
The last chorus of Olivia
“Our guy Louis Tomlinson shines on Made In The A.M.”
This post, basically
This one too
And this, because it’s true 
“He’s the link that holds One Direction together.”
It was always Louis
“Tomlinson’s reedy tenor is in especially fine form on ‘No Control’, punching out the chorus like the vocal equivalent of a pelvic thrust.” (x)
“Your voice makes One Direction sound so amazing” (here’s the original vine)
Always a fan favorite 
This is just me appreciating fans appreciating him 
Did I say he’s a fan favorite
A fan recorded the safety video from a July 2014 1D concert :)
On why Louis was quiet at bootcamp
“I feel much more confident. I’m very, very happy now.” 
This technically should be in the video clips section but just listen to those screams. 
“And he doesn’t even have a hard time singing it.”
“Raw, raw talent.”
“That’s on being a successful live performer.”
I agree, Ricky
“It was a moment of honesty and solidarity, and it was incredible.” - some thoughts on 1D covering FourFiveSeconds in the Live Lounge
Speaking of, here’s his solo from the cover
Reactions to BTY 
Everyone loves Louis.
Let’s cry together shall we?
XFactor edition of Louis appreciation
Another royal version of this series
Your fav is definitely going to let you down. Not Louis tho xx 
There you go. If you find any post that you think will fit this series (because I definitely plan on making more of these), send them my way! Either via my ask box, a DM, or directly to the Louis Projects tumblr ( @louisprojects ). Thank you so much @berlinini​ for beta-ing this and @28louistomlinson​ for making this last minute video compilation of Louis and Helene from the documentary that makes me want to bawl every time.
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