#toxic family role
family-trauma · 11 months
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Oddly enough I can associate with multiple of those roles mentioned above. As a child and an adult now, I can associate between the lost child and the scapegoat roles. I have always wondered what my identity really was. Closely following everything my parents wanted, assuming that following the formula they gave I felt that I would be accepted and loved. But ofcourse that really never happened. All that did was make me lose myself. I feel like I don't know who I am anymore or what I want. Living for a long time to please my family members, in search of validation and belonging, has actually left me more lost than anything else. Life is confusing.
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seagull-scribbles · 1 year
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what if they where T4T?! What then?
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lollytea · 9 months
The Blight family are so interesting IN THEORY. In execution they are....😬
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chirpsythismorning · 10 months
I wonder how sad the millie stans who hate noah must be every time he's seen with millie after being cancelled by them for the 78th time
They are so dedicated I will give them that! Like I truly believe that even when he's in her wedding they're gonna be cropping him out of the pictures and telling themselves that he blackmailed her to be there 😭
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reineyday · 10 months
thinking about how steve was homophobic and misogynistic in s1 but they gave him a chance to be faced with a demogorgon when people needed help and he stepped up. everyone lauds him for that, and he's become a fan favourite. yet when billy, finally in his right mind after being possessed the whole season, gets the opportunity and chooses to do the same--stepping up to take a killing blow for el--people dont offer him the same grace? why. :(
the biggest (reasonable) argument is always 'billy dying was not a redemption' and it's not, you're right. steve stepping in to whack a demogorgon with jonathan's nail bat wasnt a redemption either; his redemption came with him apologizing to them both, and then working to show nancy that he's a better person as they deal with the fallout of s1, and being gracious about jonathan's presence in nancy's life. he got the chance to show he's changed and managed to redeem himself because he lived, and billy unfortunately didnt. but you cant deny that his final moments proved that the potential for him to change is there, and that makes a difference.
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muninnhuginn · 9 months
li tianxi blaming herself for her parents not divorcing and because they don't things escalate past boiling point. blaming herself in the first place for the tensions between them because she has needs and not everyone is willing to try and meet her with them. li tianxi choosing to look away and not say what she sees anymore so this won't repeat. but in the process just ending up enabling tianchen as he spirals down and down.
li tianchen blaming himself because he wanted to fix things for his mum and do what she couldn't but instead he gets her dead. and tianchen just wants to protect tianxi like he failed to protect his mum but he doesn't try to actually *understand* her. so instead his efforts eventually drive her away because there's only so much she's willing to take. she didn't want to be 'protected' like this.
they've both lost their parents and tianxi doesn't want anyone to suffer as she has whilst tianchen wants everyone else to suffer as he has. everyone except tianxi.
wanting to protect someone but not giving them the agency in the decision. in whether they even want to be 'protected' in this way.
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le-panda-chocovore · 1 year
Abusers never think they're the bad person, they will make you feel like you are. Don't ever feel guilty because they refuse to acknowledge their wrongs.
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homemakinghippie · 2 months
Soft Scrub
I use this all over the house. I have a glass top stove and this is gentle enough to scrub that as well as strong enough for using in toilets and bathtubs/showers.
Soft Scrub Cleaner:
1 cup Baking Soda
1/2 cup Castile Soap
1 tablespoon Isopropyl Alcohol
15 drops Essential Oil (optional, if you use scented castile soap you may not find this necessary)
Mix into paste and store in glass jar, use anywhere you need scrubbing power.
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thepoisonroom · 3 months
was listening to an advice podcast and a letter writer opened by saying she realized a few years ago that ALL her friendships were Toxic and ended ALL of them and now she wants a "chosen family like the lgbtq community has" my eyebrows shot UP
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these are all different characters from four separate media sources. something really interesting about this poll is learning how many bad mom characters are just called a variation on 'mother,' something something the role that binds you and defines you and that you enact violence through and that is all that's known about you...
there are version for dads too, like father from fma, but he might be the only one I can think of
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lightdancer1 · 1 month
See the further irony is:
That in using 'Mall Goth Sauron' as the take on Dark Willow over 'misogynist has character randomly killed for LULZ' it also allows for greater accountability on the one hand and for Season 7 to thematically focus on repairing all this damage in the midst of facing an enemy of shadows reliant on lies to further itself. The only way to break the Druj is the absolute Truth in a very Zoroastrian sense. Characters don't get to neatly skip past accountability for their actions, and this would spiral over into further later seasons with the essential reality that in an otherwise lower-level setting this one random girl from California is a Dark Phoenix-tier reality warper and the most powerful person on the planet, or the universe.
And the questions of how that power could and should be employed on the one hand and that Willow is essentially a Doctor Strange type who beats up Gods and Eldritch Abominations for her regular line of work where her counterparts deal with the more 'street level' crises would in turn be the logical conclusion of where the show ends. She doesn't do as much physical fighting for the same reason that Stephen Strange never uses magic to go punch the Hulk in the face, her narrative role is ultimately that of Sorceress Supreme of Earth, with literally nobody in an ancient established war anticipating that this one random ginger from California was and is the new Sorceress Supreme and that if they had had such awareness the realities are that this power would and could have taken worse forms.
Unfortunately for the world, the reality too is that it is a shy computer geek who has a not at all subtle dark side and the usual teenage anxieties and insecurities given the equivalent of being able to reliably actually do things other people might dream of but can never do.
But again as long as Dawn Summers being a good thing is a narrative convention that's established memory magic is a poor choice to show the corrupting effects of reality-warping. It's a case of 'yes as established in canon all of this is true for that one season but then they decided to retcon it, so the fans are not obligated to care about it any more than the canon does about this itself.'
#willow rosenberg#tara maclay#dawn summers#you will never convince me as long as Dawn Summers is a plot device that 'memory magic unforgivable' is anything but bad writing#it was the choice used but there are other equally toxic things that could have been done instead#the basic theme of 'very powerful person decides things for another in an abusive fashion' works just as well without it#Tara's growth arc in refusing to tolerate abuse even from the person who brought her out of her shell can stand perfectly fine#it works even better with a budding Sauron than abruptly deciding 'wholesale memory rewrites good retail unforgivable.'#killing Tara off also denies her any sense of closure or ability to get that closure with the person who does this#the entire element here with the way things went down is bad writing from Point A to point Z#and it's also easily forgotten but Tara wasn't in fact intended to be Willow's love interest#she was replacement Willow for sympathy points#her entire arc as such became Willow X Tara but it was a choice from actor chemistry#So in giving Tara a role besides 'Willow's Girlfriend' it arguably does better by her character#tara x willow#btvs#and yes yes the 'scale changes things' argument is true but only to a point#it's really no different to introduce Dawn than what Willow did#if the retail is wrong so is the wholesale and the decisions to make this that point of no return is an avoidable mistake#plus honestly imagine a Season 7 Tara going 'sweetie no' and a Season 7 Willow dealing with those consequences in real time#equally one can have Tara's cold turkey approach stick exactly as it was#and serve as her role in the time bomb because she's a product of an abusive family and not an infallible moral guide#she rightly sees the problem and at least tries to address it when nobody else did#but unfortunately her solution was pouring gasoline on the fire and then vacating the range where the fire would burn#still further between that and Willow being human enough to resent being told to take that pain and do it going it alone#there'd be plenty of reasons for a surviving Tara and Willow to spend season 7 broken up as is#Tara would not at all be wrong to be wary and not want to touch reformed Sauron with a 400 foot pole#Willow equally would resent someone whose bad advice helped create the problem and who evades any recognition thereof#good old fashioned drama with entirely human motives
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nerdie-faerie · 1 year
Finn Mikaelson is a substitute eldest daughter
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bubtans · 11 months
before i put my "stomping my foot over yaoi and misogyny" days behind me i will say that it is extremely funny watching people try to found family-beam blade and kafka while also insisting on the canon-ness of a BL fest between him and a dude who isn't actually his ex but an entirely different person
y'all became so afraid of looking basic by acknowledging the nature of a man's relationship with a woman in his life that u somehow got to calling her a family member in the midst of her expressing explicit attraction to him and u don't think that's weird bc ur being progressive and calling her a lesbian! #feminism!
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lemonhemlock · 1 year
What r ur thoughts of helemond and the theory that Aemond fathered her children
i stumbled on this twitter thread a while ago and it pretty much sums up my thoughts on the matter (i do think we are getting alys as a character though)
i do agree that it would add a layer of dramatic irony and increase the ~DrAmA~
there are also the famous leaks, as the reddit user below explains (thread here)
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ultimately speaking, i can't say if the show-runners have their hearts set on confirming this theory. they could just drop it or leave it ambiguous, but i do think they introduced enough elements to make us question, should they decide to go down this path.
that being said, i don't agree with most greens who say that aemond wouldn't ever father bastards. i talked about this more here and in my aemond/alys tag. my reading of aemond is that of a person repressed and burdened by his sense of duty, struggling with aegon's unworthiness, craving his brother's kinghood and toying at the edges of rebelling & claiming it for himself. i just find it interesting as a narrative choice. who knows how they decide to develop these relationships, maybe they'll retcon everything and start from scratch. but, as it stands now, i don't think it's OOC.
from a practical point of view, aegon, helaena & aemond are all siblings. balon/alyssa, jaehaerys/alysanne & aegon i/rhaenys were all siblings. they're so inbred already that it would be nigh impossible to look at those children and say with certainty who is the father. that doesn't preclude both aegon & aemond being devastated after blood & cheese, regardless of their parentage.
at the end of the day, the story can work both with and without helaemond, i guess it's just down to individual preference and i'm into this idea of a family collapsing in on itself, cannibalizing itself and blurring the boundaries between social roles.
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cypr1anlatew00d · 11 months
I feel like both gender reveals and sex traffiking paranoia (via truecrime) are things that can be directly mapped to increasing as queer/trans visibility increases as well... when parental authority over children's presentation and roles wanes + cis white femininity loses its crown jewel status of desireability and worthiness of protection, crises need to be created to shore up their self-esteem basically; you ARE correct and normal to announce and enforce your will in increasingly ridiculous ways, you ARE so desirable the world warps around you
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homemakinghippie · 2 months
Produce Wash
Washing your produce before you eat it is so important. I know it's an extra step we'd rather just skip, but there can be so much crap on your fruit and vegetables due to how many people have handled them before you bought them. I use either baking soda or vinegar to wash mine (do not mix them or you'll just have salt water!). Both of them have been shown to reduce pesticide residue on produce.
Using Vinegar:
I usually do this for small things like berries and grapes because when combined with storing in a glass jar I find my berries lasting at least two weeks with no mold.
1 cup Vinegar
4 cups Filtered Water
Let produce soak for about 10 minutes.
Using Baking Soda:
This is what I do the most because it's right in my kitchen cupboard and I keep my vinegar in my laundry closet since I use it to replace fabric softener lol.
1 teaspoon Baking Soda
2 cups Filtered Water
Let produce soak for about 10 minutes.
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