#touch of satan
mst3kgifs · 9 months
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After the movie, remember to pick up some CARNATION® ICE CREAM.
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Rose: do you actually get paid? Do they give you money?
The Ood: The Beast and his armies shall rise from the pit to make war against God :)
Rose: weird thing to call your union leader but fuck yeah man power to the people
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uh oh
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rphantom1 · 1 year
This post might be kind of deranged of me, but I needed to get this off my chest.
Smut Writers!
I will NOT accept you all writing the brothers as doms in Nightbringer! There's no way I will be participating in such flawed writing!
(Yes, I will. I love you guys dearly <3.)
They fell from the Celestial Realm a year ago have been on house arrest for the entire time.
I'm very sorry, but there's just no way any of them are putting it down like that. Logically, there's no way they have felt the warmth of a woman/man/non-binary in that time.
And yes, that means Asmo.
And, ESPECIALLY Lucifer.
Edit: I (finally) fixed my mistake and wrote it it was a year since they fell. Thanks to everyone who pointed it out.💜
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The Masque of The Red Death (1964)//dir. Roger Corman
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0n1omi · 7 months
Satan’s voice is so deep and I keep forgetting 😭 Everytime I hear it it gives me whiplash
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sygzie · 9 months
bc the impossible planet/satan pit take place on the precipice of a black hole.. the episodes about just how close ten and rose are to giving in.. about his coming to terms with the fact that despite all his fronts the only thing he needs is not the tardis or the universe it’s rose.. about how their whole story has been their orbit around each other somehow resisting the gravity.. until the planet falls in (while they survive. though they were not supposed to. bc rose saved them)………. do you see the fucking vision
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obeymepolls · 3 months
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shokujin-art · 6 months
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Fuck this game
You have to ALSO pay to get the unit in the pass.
I'm done with this game.
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1-siracha · 7 months
obey me as conversations in my swim team
satan: solomon, why are you so warm? you feel like a whole toaster
asmo: *touches solomon's chest* oh shitt, he is!!
solomon: yeah its because i peed myself
asmo and satan: 😨
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mst3kgifs · 10 months
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Huh. Girls usually run a lot farther away from me.
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dear-departed · 2 years
Brothers with touch starved MC
This kind of turned into "MC adores touch but also here's what they do to fluster MC sometimes" but eh, I hope you enjoy it regardless. Honestly love the way Asmo's portion came out. :)
Warnings: mention of lesson 16, but mostly just pure fluff
Word count: 2.5K
Lucifer ♥ 
At first, he didn’t think anything was askew. He’s not a super physical guy, not usually clinging to you at the hip. But he started to notice how his casual touches would make you shiver a little and lean into him. 
So, he started to experiment, those casual and delicate moments became more frequent. Him brushing his hand against your arm or your thigh, running his hands through your hair whenever he patted you atop your head. 
The way you would lean in closer made his heart feel warm, it made his chest feel... full? Was that the right word? 
Things began to progress further, those passive moments turned into hugs, pecks on the forehead, him holding your hand.  
“My dear, if you are craving my touch, you can always just ask. You’re aware of that, right?” He’ll whisper in your ear, his hand slowly traveling from your shoulder and down your spine before gently cupping your waist. 
Physical touch becomes a lot more frequent between you and him once he realizes how much you need it. And if he’s being honest, he’s quite flattered. To think that his hands, gloved or not, could make you react in such a way. 
If either of you are having a bad day and you don’t have anything to do, he’ll sit you down on the sofa in his room and have you lean on him while he carefully runs his hands through your hair, then down through your back, applying a little extra pressure to areas where he can feel tension. 
He does expect compensation. Please play with his hair, rub the base of his horns while he’s in his demon form or give him a nice, firm hug when he’s stressed. 
He feels himself unwind right there when you do either of those things, like the tension of the day is being released, like you’re the only one who can do it correctly. 
Mammon ♥ 
Bro same 
Obviously, he gets a lot more flustered than Lucifer does whenever he touches you, even if it’s in a regular place. 
One day you had a fever and he put his hand on your forehead to check your temperature, only to feel you subconsciously leaning into his palm. 
And he thought you looked pretty red from your fever; he should’ve seen his own face after you did that. 
That’s around the time he noticed how similar you guys really were, it was kind of a constant battle of “we both want to touch each other and cuddle but neither of us are ballsy enough to make a move”. 
One night, the House of Lamentation had a movie night, specifically, a horror movie night. And we all know how much the second eldest loves horror movies.  
He only noticed around halfway through the movie, but he had his arms wrapped tightly around your waist, he’s kind of surprised that you weren’t gasping for air. 
“Sorry for squeezin’ ya so tight.” He’ll say as he loosens his grip, but doesn’t let go. Maybe it’s the adrenaline coursing through his veins, but this is the one moment when he wouldn’t hurriedly let go of you and act like it was all a mistake. 
It all goes uphill (?) from there 
He figures, if you didn’t say anything during the movie, then maybe you’re fine with it? Hopefully. 
He’ll hold your hand and look over to watch your expression, failing to realize how you lace your fingers with his, or how you lean in just a little closer, just close enough so that he can smell you, the familiar scent of the shampoo you always use. Close enough he can feel your warmth, and that’s enough to draw him in to the point of no return. 
MC, he’s your new cuddle buddy, you should be thankful, The Great Mammon is the best cuddle buddy you can have, y’know! 
Leviathan ♥ 
He honestly thinks you’re playing games with him when he first notices how you always lean in whenever he touches you, how your hugs linger a little longer than what’s ‘normal’. 
It all started when you both were waiting at the local game store for a new figurine that was supposed to drop today. Another demon started flirting with you, or maybe they weren’t, maybe they were just having a normal conversation, but it all felt the same to him. That familiar bubble of anger and envy. He should be the one talking to you like that, you should be smiling and conversing with him... what was the point of coming with him if you didn’t talk to him? 
Without thinking about his next move, he just hugged you from behind, one arm over your shoulder and connecting with his other arm, which was hooked around your waist. He didn’t say anything. I mean, don’t get me wrong, he was about to, but the way you tilted your head back to look at him and just backed up further into his chest was so... enthralling. 
“I-I’m sorry MC! I know you probably don’t want a gross shut-in clinging onto you like that, I didn’t mean to be creepy I was really just jealous and I wanted your attention but-” 
He looks up from the ground to meet your gaze, his face red with shame as he covers his mouth with his sleeve. To his shock, he sees you just... standing there, a light smile gracing your features as you stare at him, figurine in hand. 
He watches in a trance as you set down the figurine and hug him, clinging tightly to his torso. 
“Error 404, words not found” 
He’s a stammering mess for a few seconds “why would you- What braincell is making you think it’s a good idea to hug me of all people?! What did I do to deserve this?! MC! W-wait, don’t pull away-” 
It’s very common now for you two to sit on the floor together while playing video games. Something about when he’s seated between your legs while you’re propped up against the bath tub is so nice, your gentle fingers running through his hair and massaging his scalp.  
He likes doing the same to you as well, but he has a habit of asking “is this good?” “is this alright? Am I doing okay?” every three seconds. 
Satan ♥ 
He thinks he recalls Asmo saying something about touch starved people before, but other than that, he doesn’t have much experience with people who crave physical touch as much as you do. 
He first realized your odd habits and needs when he was reading in his room, you enjoying a cup of tea as you read a different book beside him, one of the dozens he’s recommended you read. 
He’s no stranger to intrusive thoughts, but usually his intrusive thoughts consist of “that person is chewing too loudly, punch them” or “what if you dumped this on Lucifer’s head?” But he finds himself staring at you intently, his book set to the side, his page number saved by a bookmark. 
He narrows his eyes... should he really do this? What if you hate it? Only one way to find out, he supposes. 
He’s not one to be impulsive, but something in his love-fogged brain makes him devoid of any second thoughts as he outstretches his arm out, slowly, as if he’d startle you if you noticed him before. 
He places his hand atop your head, making rather... intense eye contact with you as he scoots a little closer. “This is okay, right?” 
Upon seeing your enthusiastic nod, he’s more than pleased, he’ll play with your hair all day long if you let him. 
He enjoys seeing you shiver when he uses his hands to massage your scalp, or the goosebumps that appear on your skin when he gingerly traces his fingers from the backs of your knuckles and to your shoulders. 
He loves to hear your verbal reactions to his touch, any little relieved sighs that you make, he gobbles them right up with enough haste that he could give the Avatar of Greed a run for his money. 
That being said, he also likes your praise and confirmation when he asks you if he’s doing a good job. It makes him feel all warm and fuzzy inside when he’s reminded that you feel like you can be comfortable and relaxed around him 
It’s quite common for him to prop himself up against the window by his bed, with you tucked safely between his arms as he reads over your shoulder. 
Asmodeus ♥ 
He just smelled the “touch starved” radiating off of you 
Honey, he knows. He knows just by looking at you, as soon as you tumbled into the Devildom, he knew you would be so much fun to have around! 
He acts like he isn’t aware at first, he only points it out one night when you both got wine/demonus drunk. He cupped your cheek ever-so-gently in his hand and just took his time admiring your features, the way your eyes reflected his own fact. 
You closed your eyes and pushed your cheek onto his hand a little more, sighing in content. 
He whispered soft words of appraisal to you as he allowed his hand to slide down to your cradle the side of your neck, his thumb resting on the apex of where your jaw and neck connected, feeling your pulse speed up beneath his touch. 
His other hand made its way down your body, delicately resting on your hip. 
Yeah, no. He’s not letting you out of his sight anymore. 
From here on out, you’re going to be dragged off to his room almost daily to help him with some obscure thing.  
“Can I do your eyeliner, MC?” “MC let me put this lotion on you!” “Hey, MC! We both need our beauty sleep, let’s sleep together tonight!”  
He’ll also invite you on so many spa trips. 
All of this isn’t even accounting for when he’s just in the same general area as you. 
It feels like there’s always his chin resting on your head, his arms always snaking around your waist and pulling you a little closer while you’re mid-conversation with somebody else. 
He absolutely can’t get enough of how you melt into his touch, it’s like you’re putty in his hands! Which, let’s be honest, who wouldn’t be like that? But you’re different! 
It’s your choice if you want to or not, but he also asks you to take a bath with him a lot. I mean, his bathtub is huge! MC, it would be a shame if you didn’t come with him! 
He also likes experimenting with your hair. Even if you two are just having a lazy day inside the house, he’ll still do your hair super nice. Not only does he want to bring out how gorgeous you are, but an excuse to brush your hair and touch you more? Yes please! 
Beelzebub ♥ 
It takes him a while to even notice how desperate for his touch you really are. 
And even after he notices the little things, he doesn’t really care, he doesn’t point it out, he just starts being more physical with you. 
He started noticing when you two were at an amusement park, trying to get through a large crowd. He isn’t an easy guy to misplace in a crowd, but a human in a crowd of demons certainly is easy to lose, so he grabbed your hand. 
He noticed the way you squeezed his hand a little tighter than normal, and how on the ferris wheel, when he wrapped his arm around you, you leaned in and scooted closer, doing the same to him and hugging him. 
There was just something about your hold on him that made you seem... desperate, never wanting to let go, just wanting to hold him tight forever. And boy oh boy, we he all for it. 
“MC. I like hugging you.” He states, gently stroking your back as the two of you looked out at the Devildom. 
From then on, it’s like he always has contact with you. If he’s not picking you up and carrying you like a flour sack, he’s following behind you like a big puppy, a puppy nobody wants to mess with.  
He’ll also start randomly offering you snacks. “MC, do you want a bite of this?” He’s not afraid to hand feed you, either. 
This also means more cuddles than before. Just be careful, because sometimes he forgets how strong he is so he’ll pull you into a hug and won’t let go until he realizes you’re literally wheezing. “Sorry, MC...”  
He likes it when you lay on his chest, where he has his arms lazily draped over your waist. He would really appreciate it if you played with his hair. 
He now has a habit of carrying you everywhere. Slung over his shoulder, clinging onto his back, under his arm, etc. He’s really not picky as long as he gets to be close to you. 
Belphegor ♥ 
Oh, he caught on really fast. 
After the incident of... lesson 16, he’s of course very cuddly, being the Avatar of Sloth and all that. 
He notices how at ease you feel when he’s bundled up underneath a pile of blankets and a mountain of pillows with you, his limbs entangled with your own as you both sleep peacefully. 
He is going to have so much fun with this. 
He loves teasing you about it, taking note on how much you actually crave his touch. 
Sometimes he’ll take his middle finger and gently run it down from where your neck meets your skull down to your tailbone. He watches as goosebumps appear on your skin, letting him know that he did exactly what he was hoping for. 
He’ll run his hands from your chin to your skull and cup your head before gently pulling you into his chest, he adores the way you melt right into him whenever he does stuff like that. It makes him feel... wanted, it makes him feel like he really has a place in your life, especially after what he did. 
His arms are always around your waist, either that or he’s leaning against you and resting his arms on your shoulders, sleepily muttering in your ear, some half-awake nonsense.  
If there’s somebody you want to be around while being touch starved, it’s probably Belphegor. If there was a such thing as “touch full” you might actually achieve that with him; whatever it even is.  
He’ll place his hands on your hips and whisper into your ear during breakfast. “I put salt in Lucifer’s coffee... just wait...” And then proceed to fall asleep on his plate right after he sits down. 
He's always down to hold your hand. 
Also, there’s no escaping him when he decides it’s time for a nap, not only is it impossible to escape the tangle of blankets, but he also has a tight grip. Not tight to the point you’re struggling to breathe, but just firm enough to feel like... a very heavy weighted blanket. Or like a compression sock, but for your whole body.  
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satans-knitwear · 1 year
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I forgot what i was supposed to be doing 🙄
✨My links✨
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wikitpowers · 2 months
okay but like i'm actually HYPED to see lucifer like i hope he's as big of an asshole as he is in my head
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thetomboyeffect · 2 years
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Best of Show, Patty Vincent, 2022.
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winepresswrath · 11 months
Aziraphale literally invented situationships, work wives, and guys who are all over you until they realize they've started to cross the line of plausible deniability they made up in their own heads and start frantically backpedaling but Crowley took credit for it & probably got some kind of commendation so who is winning?
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