#top choices for hamster bedding
allperfectpets · 1 year
The best bedding for hamsters: Choosing the Best Options for Your Pet!
Choosing the Ideal Sheet Material for Hamsters: Investigating Top Decisions to Spoil Your Fuzzy Buddy!
Hamsters, those wonderful and small animals that give pleasure to our lives, merit only the greatest possible level of solace and care. With regards to giving them a comfortable habitation, picking the ideal sheet material is of vital significance. In addition to the fact that it adds to their general prosperity, however, it likewise guarantees a cozy climate that emulates their normal territory. In this article, we will leave on an excursion to find the best choices for hamster bedding, permitting you to spoil your darling fuzzy companion.
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rebelfell · 1 month
cold dry stone
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gator tillman x fem!reader
Revenge is a dish best served immediately and relentlessly.
cw: hate-fucking/revenge sex, references to infidelity. pretty much just blatant bullying of Gator ‘cos it’s actually sooo fun to be mean to him?? hand job, bareback piv sex, finishing inside (consensually, despite the dialogue)
What’s the opposite of a breeding kink?
18+, MDNI 3.5k
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Gator’s party was too fucking loud.
You weren’t even inside yet and you already regretted coming here. A veritable horde of trucks and cars and more than a few cruisers littered the gravel drive and lawn, parked haphazardly over the dying grass with no rhyme or reason.
The walls of the house practically shook from the bass of the music playing inside and the drunken revelry could be heard clear across the fields.
The elder Tillman was away for the week—off taking care of some vague and surely nefarious business—and now his pissant son was throwing a kegger while daddy was away, carrying on with his dumbass friends like a fucking adolescent despite his ripe age of nearly 30.
You wouldn’t have shown up in a million years if not under such extenuating circumstances.
The back of your neck still burned at the memory of catching your so-called fiancée naked in bed with someone who was very much not you.
The ensuing fight left you in a kind of fugue state— speeding recklessly along deserted highways, knuckles throbbing as you gripped the steering wheel with one thing on your mind: revenge.
There was no shortage of people Drew hated in this shitty little town you had both grown up in. And any one of them would have sufficed for your purposes. But you didn’t just want to get back at him. You had to destroy him. You had to humiliate him the same way he had humiliated you.
And no one said “humiliation” quite like Gator.
You spotted him as soon as you walked in the door—all 5’11 of his stupid frame leaning against the stone mantle; sunglasses sitting on the back of his head; arms bulging in that same black polo he loved to wear under his Sherrif’s vest; the tips of his fingers brushing those two slits shaved into his hairline he thought made him look so tough; sucking down a hit from that lime green excuse for a phallic symbol he never put down.
He was talking to some girl. A pretty little thing in a pretty little dress looking up at him all demure and coy with fluttering lashes and puckered lips. She was the exact type he always went for—all pliant and willing, taken in by the veneer of status and power afforded to him both by his badge and being the son of the most powerful man in town.
Tough break, hon. Maybe some other time.
Thumb and middle finger pinched together, you pushed them between your lips and blew.
Your shrill whistle rang out over the din, silencing the party save Gator’s godawful choice of music. Every pair of eyes in the room was on you now, including the round hazel ones you were after.
Good. The more people Drew heard this story from, the better.
“Let’s go, Tillman,” you barked.
With two fingers motioning in a succinct come here, you beckoned him forward and jerked your head in the direction of the staircase, heading up them before he’d even started to follow.
You made your way down the narrow hall, cracking open doors as you went in search of Gator’s room, shocked you couldn’t smell your way to whatever dirty hamster cage he slept in. Behind you, the clomp of his boots alerted you to his presence as he reached the top of the stairs.
“You can’t just whistle at me like a dog. I’m a fuckin’ deputy—”
The family pictures in their gaudy frames rattled as you pushed him against the wall, your forearm planted in the center of his broad chest. Your face assaulted his, neck stretching to kiss him, tongue pushing past his teeth into his mouth—the sting of bourbon tempered by the sickly-sweet taste of his Mountain Dew mixer and…something with a synthetic smokey flavor.
Was he just eating jerky? Seriously?
His hand came up to try and grip the back of your neck, but you slapped it away with your free arm as your other drove a bit harder into his pecks.
He whined into your mouth, a choked-up simpering sound that made your heartbeat pulse between your legs. You pulled back to look at him, eyes flickering over his face, his lips spit-slick and swollen, his chin bobbing like a chicken’s head as he tried to chase your mouth, eyes round and pleading. Desperate and messy. Perfect.
He flinched as you ruffled his over-gelled hair, snatching his sunglasses off the back of his head and tossing them away, letting them clatter on the wooden floor as they fell.
“It’s the middle of the night, you idiot,” you sniped. “Now where’s your room?”
Jaw clenched, mouth forming into a hard, thin line as he bit back what he wished he could say, he made a loud sucking sound with his tongue behind his teeth. He pushed open the door to his room and you yanked him inside, closing it back by shoving him up against it on the other side.
It was a sty, no surprise there.
Dirty clothes scattered across the floor, mixing with (clean?) ones spilling out of hampers. Empty pop and beer cans dotted every available surface, alongside bottles of e-juice that sat in sticky rings made by their own drippings.
Half-dressed girls cut out of skin mags were pasted up on the walls along with some wrinkled posters of movies and bands you liked a little less just because he enjoyed them. He really was just a teenager frozen in time, wasn’t he?
You tsked at him as you looked around, your voice ripe with judgment. “Think you oughta move out of daddy’s house one of these days?”
Gator’s eyes hardened. “He likes having me close by when we’ve got business to attend to.”
He’s clearly irked, getting that look in his eyes like when you would mock and goad and tease during recess in grade school, and challenge him to races he never, ever won.
Most everyone knew there was no love lost between you and Gator. You had always been a little extra mean to him growing up, probably as a retaliation for all the knowing glances and nudges and so-called “jokes” people liked to make about you two getting married someday.
If he hadn’t turned into such an insufferable ass along the way, maybe you would have.
The old Gator, the soft and gentle boy who was so desperate for kindness and love and approval and encouragement he’d never gotten enough of, was nothing more than an ever-fading memory now—snuffed out by Roy’s influence and all his hyper-masculine, abusive, racist, cultish bullshit.
You might even miss him if you thought there was a chance that side of him still existed. But every day that possibility seemed less and less likely.
He jammed a hand into his cargo pants pocket to retrieve his vape, probably trying to recover some vestige of his dignity; or to pretend like he hadn’t been totally at your mercy since your whistle.
Mid-pull, you snatched the lime green machine out of his hand and stuffed it down the front of your dress so it rested between your cleavage.
He started to whinge in protest, only for you to cut him off with a harsh kiss, punctuated with a punishing bite to his bottom lip.
“You’ll get it back if you make me come,” you burred, fingers now making fast work of his belt.
Once it had been pulled through the loops and tossed to the side, your fingers curled around the waistband of his pants and you hauled him over to the bed. The ancient metal frame creaked in protest as he landed on it with a bounce, his legs spreading wide and eyes flashing with need.
He would never admit to this, but he loved how strong you were—the way your arms rippled when you threw him around, the latent strength built up by a lifetime of farm chores. If he had it in him to struggle or fight back a little, it might not be so easy for you. But he never did.
“Get undressed,” you said as you stepped out of your shoes, gaze as bored as your tone.
Muttering something unintelligible under his breath, he clumsily started stripping off his polo, toeing off his boots, and tugging down his pants and the briefs he wore underneath.
They pooled around his ankles and he leaned back on his elbows to kick them away, smugness now polluting his face. He smirked up at you, eyes flitting between yours and his substantial length that flopped across his thigh, as though waiting for your awed reaction.
He was an impressive specimen, as much as it pained you to admit. But you sure as shit weren’t going to give him the satisfaction of confirming it.
You tilted your head, studying it quietly.
“I remembered it being bigger.” You shrugged as Gator’s face fell. “I guess it’ll do.”
His cocky smirk disappeared, now looking all sour and deflated as he went to pull his white singlet over his head. You placed a hand on his chest, pushing him back to lay flat.
“Leave it,” you told him, tugging the hem back down. You much preferred the way his muscles bulged out of the too-small tank more than you liked the sight of his bare chest.
He licked his lips and nodded, jaw going slack as he watched you drop to your knees, the spread of his legs widening to accommodate you as you knelt on the floor between them. A shudder ran through him as your hand wrapped tight around his length and you let your tongue loll out of your mouth, the pool of saliva you’d collected there dribbling out all over his cock.
The tip of your tongue just barely grazed his slit that was already leaking and he moaned deeply at the feeling, knowing it was as close as he’d ever get to you sucking him off.
Your hand curled around him and began to move in a slow, even stroke. It was perfunctory. Totally emotionless. Gator couldn’t stay hard unless he got jerked off a little first—probably some kind of performance anxiety holdover from puberty.
Truth be told, you didn’t mind it so much.
You sort of liked watching him fall apart from nothing but your fist and spit. Making his brow scrunch and his mouth slacken, seeing him throw his head back and the muscles in his thick neck strain as he huffed and gasped out his labored breaths, cheeks puffing as he panted.
“Wh-where’s your ring?” he asked, his voice already weak and pitiful as he propped himself up on his elbows to get a better view of the work your hand was doing.
“Bottom of the lake,” you said shortly, giving him a steady glare over your pumping fist.
“That why you’re here, then?” he grunted. “Cos you two had a fight?”
“Not a fight,” you corrected, hacking another glob of spit on his cock. “We’re done. Found him in bed with some floozy from the Family Fare.”
Gator scoffed. “S’that it?”
“Yes, that’s it,” you snapped back. “That not a good enough reason for you?”
“Just seems kinda harsh s’all. It’s not like you and I haven’t been—ah-ah-ahhh!”
Your stroking ceased abruptly, a mean glint in your eye as you closed both fists around him and started to twist—not unlike the burns you used to give his arm on the playground.
“That’s different,” you seethed through gritted teeth. “We didn’t get caught.”
Gator whimpered at the harshness of your touch, his abdomen flexing under thin white cotton as he squirmed. “Sorry, sorry, sorry,” he stammered. “You’re right, you’re right.”
“Damn fucking right I’m right,” you grumbled, releasing your hold on him.
With a couple of strained gasps, Gator struggled to regain his breath as you got to your feet and began to drag your panties down your legs.
He was hard as a rock now—no surprise there.
He pushed himself up to lay on the bed, his toes already curling over as you climbed on top of him. You straddled him at the waist, knees bracketing his hips as you lifted your dress.
His eyes strained in the dark for just a glimpse of you, watching hungrily as you bunched your skirt in one hand and made a few cursory swipes across your clit with your other.
“Suck,” you instructed as you brought your fingers to his lips, request redundant as he was already eagerly taking all three into his mouth.
He mewled around them, licking sloppily at the wetness there, the tang of your arousal covering his tongue. Bullying him always got you riled up in a way you never fully understood.
Fingers now thoroughly coated in a mix of your slick and his spit, you reached down to align him with your entrance. His cock twitched excitedly in your hand as you rubbed his head through your folds, and he made a sniveling sort of noise as you began to lower down onto him.
His hands came up and he reached for your chest only to be slapped away as you sank further, your body stretching to take him in until he was seated fully in your heat. The slow and deliberate grind of your hips had him squirming under you already, whimpering at the sensation as your walls squeezed around his shaft.
Letting your head tip back and your eyes flutter until they closed, you lost yourself in the rhythm you set rocking back and forth on his cock.
Tentatively he reached out again, this time aiming for your hips, and you surprised the both of you when you let his hands settle there to hold you.
He was nearly silent, emitting only a few soft grunts and quiet huffs of pleasure as you rode him at this punishingly slow pace. He could be such a fucking jackrabbit sometimes, it was like pulling teeth getting him to bend to your will and go at your preferred speed.
But he was behaving surprisingly well this time.
For a moment, it didn’t even feel like you were fucking someone you hated. It was as if Gator wasn’t the one under you at all. At least not the Gator you’d despised for most of your life, but a good Gator. A Gator who listened to you and cared about you and did whatever he could to—
“That’s right, you love that dick, don’t ya?”
The sound of his voice effectively shattered the illusion you’d built in your mind, and you felt your eyes narrow as they snapped open, reality rushing back in. Below you, Gator was totally unphased, lips still quirked and his brow raised as if expecting praise. Idiot.
“Feel’s good, eh?” he asked.
“It did,” you hissed at him. “Until you opened that stupid mouth.”
“I don’t know,” he shrugged with a knowing smile as his fingers tightened briefly on your hips. “I think you like my stupid mouth sometimes.”
Well…he’s got you there.
And the thought, unfortunately, has a wave of arousal crashing through your body that Gator can now feel gushing around his cock.
You slid forward roughly in retaliation, rolling your whole body against his as you started to fuck him harder. The motion and shift change made Gator suddenly buck up from underneath you, sending a jolt through your core. You glanced down at his face, all scrunched up like he was in pain, biting down on his bottom lip to hold himself together, even though you knew it was taking everything he had not to blow now.
“Don’t you dare come in me, Gator,” you warned, the grind of your hips still speeding up. “You keep your dirty fucking seed to yourself, you hear me?”
His long fingers squeezed harder at your waist, digging into your flesh like he was trying to bruise you through the thin material of your dress.
He started pushing you down to meet his thrusts as he in turn fucked up into you. Sweat beaded on the ridge of his strong brow, his rosy lips parting in a gasping moan. He threw his head back, the muscles in his neck flexing under freckled skin.
If he wasn’t such a tool, he might be handsome.
The lewd sound of slapping flesh filled the room as you worked up to a bounce to meet his thrusts. You leaned forward to brace yourself on his chest, a low moan escaping as you gripped the material of his white tank in your fists. He smirked at you, that insufferable smugness returning when he heard the sound you tried to hide and failed.
“Don’t you fucking smirk at me,” you sneered. “You think I want your melon-headed spawn? Think this town actually needs more of your godforsaken DNA in it?”
With a mean sneer of his own to match yours, he planted his feet on the bed and gave himself the leverage he needed to slam upwards inside you. The unforgiving punch and drag of his cock along your walls made you keen and grasp more desperately at his shirt, threatening to rip it apart.
“Whas the matter, hon?” he asked, his smile all teeth. “S’not me making you feel so good, is it? Can’t be—cos I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing? Right?”
He punctuates each word with an especially deep thrust and you hate how close he’s got you now.
You push back against him, returning each thrust with a squeeze of your walls. Everything else falls away as he strokes that spot inside you hate him for reaching. Especially now, as you’re going to come and you know he can tell.
With a guttural groan and making the ugliest face he’s pulled yet, Gator’s spend spilled out of him. The warmth of it flooded your whole body—never more grateful for the IUD you made that special trip out of state to get placed. Your body was still radiating from your own orgasm, all that tension and rigidness in you loosening at last like spaghetti finally starting to cook.
“Fuck, Gate…”
A languid sigh tumbled past your lips and your body slumped forward, limp and exhausted. You were closer to him now, hands still on his chest to keep yourself up, not quite laying against him, but close enough so he could slide his large hands up and down your back in a soothing rub.
“Oh, c’mon now, tough stuff,” he teased from beneath you. “Don’ tell me yer goin’ soft on me?”
“Only one goin’ soft is you,” you snapped, arms trembling as you pushed yourself up so his dick could slip out and flop over, slick and spent.
His hand came up and caught your face as you started to move off him, stilling you as he cradled your jaw in his wide grasp and a calloused thumb brushed across your soft cheek. And even though you knew he couldn’t, it almost felt as though he could see the faint remnants of tears that spilled there—the ones you despised yourself for letting fall; the ones you’d scrubbed from your face until your skin was raw and dry; the ones that made you feel so weak.
You withdrew from him, swatting his hand away as you climbed off him and the bed, ignoring the way his head had started to lift to kiss you.
Silently, he watched you gather yourself to leave.
The straps of your dress hung loose around your shoulders and you made no attempt to straighten the crooked bust or to fix your smeared mascara.
You picked up your shoes, but you let them dangle at your side, planning to stop at the front door downstairs to put them on—smiling out at the party, letting everyone get a good, long look. A big you-sized middle finger to Drew.
“Wait a minute—” Gator said suddenly, his voice hoarse and strained.
You paused at the words and glanced back at him over your shoulder. He sat up further, the heaving in his chest having started to slow, his eyes shiny in the harsh blue light of his computer monitor.
He gulped, inhaling a shaky breath as you arched your brow at him.
“Vape?” he asked, his gaze flitting to your chest.
A reluctant smile tugged at the corner of your mouth as you sauntered back over towards the bed. You leaned forward on your fists, his lumpy mattress sinking under them as he scooted closer and you kissed him. Sweet and soft this time.
Far nicer than he deserved.
He breathed into it, sucking you down as desperately as he did those strawberry-kiwi flavored hits, his hand coming up to finally, finally palm the breast you’d refused to let him touch.
So distracted by the kiss, he didn’t notice you slipping the lime green device from the front of your dress. You pulled back from his face, grinning at him now all sly and catlike.
And flung it straight out his open window.
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tiredfox64 · 9 days
Since my identity as an anon have been exposed for that fic I did request,,,,
Can you make Pipsqueak pt. 2,,,,
*looks at u with my big eyes*
(I need to know the stupid shenanigans,,,,)
(Sorry got gay)
Little Bitty Pretty One
Yip notes: in my best Italian accent Don't say I neva did anything for ya. You are in debt to me.
Pairing: Bi-Han x Gn reader
Warnings ‼️: Haha you still small!
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It seems when you need Liu Kang the most he is not there to answer. He could at least leave a message.
Well, you’re still small, unfortunately. Or maybe you like this situation. You’ve been stuck this way for two days now. Just as Bi-Han thought, you are incapable of doing many things. You’ve been depending on him for everything. You truly had no choice but to obey your grandmaster. Cause when you are the size of a Norway rat but lack the abilities of one your survivability is at a low possibility. So do him a favor and act good.
Bi-Han tries his best not to wake you up in the morning. He’s been keeping you in his room so he can keep an eye on you and prevent you from getting hurt. He has to tiptoe around or else he will wake you up. Little does he know you’ve been waking up when he does because he always groans when he wakes up. What a loudmouth. You stir in your makeshift bed made of soft cloth material and a sponge before pretending to still be asleep. He doesn’t know that you like to peek at him when he is getting ready for the day. He doesn’t sleep with a shirt on…need I say more? It’s enjoyable to watch him tie his hair into a bun, he looks so pretty. But you can’t watch him change fully he puts a bowl over you to prevent you from seeing. No worries there are holes at the top to allow you to breathe. Alright, now he will wake you up.
He pokes your back viciously but not enough to possibly break your spine. You smack his finger which does nothing, go figures. Then he scolds you lightly for hitting your grandmaster. Again, he can’t yell or else he will risk bursting your eardrums.
Breakfast time! What do you want? Trick question, you have no choice. Whatever Bi-Han gives you is what you get. He purposely leaves some of the food big to make it seem like you are a rat nibbling on it. As he eats his breakfast he’ll occasionally look to his side to see you nibbling on a slice of carrot, your teeth leaving little marks. Now you’re whining, saying you need much more than that.
“You are acting very greedy. Have I not done enough for you already?” Bi-Han asked but you know he is being petty. When is he not.
Fine, he gave you a proper meal. Though the slice of cucumber he provided was still too big for you so you had to munch on it for a bit. He found it entertaining to see you stuff my cheeks full of food like a hamster. You did look silly that way. Especially with that glare you gave him.
Time for practice! Not for you, you’re too tiny for that. You’re gonna be staying in the palm of Bi-Han’s hand where he will proceed to pet your back with his finger. He starts from the top of your head before sliding down to your lower back. For some reason, you immediately relax when he does that. You fight a little because you know he likes finding people’s weak spots and exploiting them. But you stood little chance since even when you were big you still couldn’t fight him off. So you are forced to partake in this wonderful torment where he slowly watches you melt in his hands.
Bi-Han was so distracted by tormenting you he forgot to give orders to the rest of his clan. They waited with confused expressions. Kuai Liang had to tap on his brother to get his attention, only to be glared at by him as he quickly cupped you in his hands. He thought someone was trying to snatch you away from him. He can’t have that happening.
“What do you want, Kuai Liang?” he asked in annoyance.
Kuai Liang craned his neck in the direction of the clan to show that they were waiting. Bi-Han groaned as usual and gave them an order. Something mundane because he couldn’t care less in that moment. He was more preoccupied with you which you were trying to squeeze out of his hands again because you didn’t appreciate him leaving you in darkness.
Your little hands were trying to scratch their way between his fingers before he realized what you were doing. He uncapped his hands and you looked up at him like he just committed the ultimate betrayal.
“Don’t give me that face.”
He had you sit on his hand while looking out to the clan so you could watch them. His pointer finger and thumb were constantly squishing your face or rubbing below your chin. At this point anything he is doing to you is subconscious. He doesn’t know that he is doing it but it feels right to do, like twirling a pen while writing. It is necessary to squish something so small and fragile. You’re not having it. You’re out of here! Plan your escape!
You started walking on his arm, occasionally having to grab onto his arm guards to prevent yourself from plummeting to the ground. He sees your efforts and he does not like it. He tried to grab you but you kept swerving out of the way. Soon enough you were at his clothes and used them as a way to get down. You heard him saying words such as ‘stop’, ‘no’, and the occasional ‘obey your grandmaster’. You’re your own person, you can handle yourself! You can survive without your grandmaster’s assistance.
Never mind there was a giant golden orb weaver on the ground. It’s a female unfortunately so it’s humongous. You are not ready to handle that.
He froze the weaver in a matter of seconds before shattering it into millions of pieces. You were hugging his boot with your eyes closed, wondering if he demolished the arachnid. He picked you up by your uniform and you screamed thinking it was the spider before realizing it was Bi-Han.
“Will you listen to me now?” he asked with his usual grumpy tone.
“Yes, grandmaster.” You replied with your head lowered.
You obeyed him for the rest of the time, thank the elder gods. I would say that it made everything easier but you were still left being poked, petted, and squished by Bi-Han. At least when dinner time rolled around you were able to breathe. You got to munch on a nice, fat dumpling. Took a while before you got to the filling but it was so worth it when you did. That dinner could have knocked you out immediately after. You almost did but you were startled when Bi-Han picked you up and brought you to his office.
Escape plan part two!
Forget it, he already knew what you were planning. You tried to run around on his deck but he quickly pulled you back before placing you at one end of a hand towel. In one fell swoop he rolled you up like sushi. There, now you will stay in one place.
“Hey! You can’t do this! I’m a human being!” You yelled in a shrilled voice.
“A human being who drank a potion when I told you not to.” He got you there.
You could be angry all you want but you did get yourself into this mess. So just lay there and take your medicine.
You were forced to lay there silently as Bi-Han worked for about half an hour before the door opened. Finally, Liu Kang is here to help you. But for some reason, Bi-Han didn’t seem to be thrilled about this.
“I have been informed that there was a little incident,” Pun intended, “Let me assist in making things righ—oh.”
Liu Kang saw you wrapped in the hand towel with your eyebrows furrowed in anger. He gave a questioning look towards Bi-Han but at the same time, he could understand if your grandmaster had a hard time keeping you under control. Liu Kang had to hold himself back from chuckling as he reached towards you. He was going to unravel you to help get you back to normal but Bi-Han snatched you away. It nearly gave you whiplash.
“Bi-Han, I need them to get them back to normal.” Liu Kang informed him but Bi-Han walked out of the room with you in hand.
You were shouting at him and asking what he was doing and saying that this was what he wanted. You may think this whole situation was a hassle for Bi-Han. You would be slightly wrong. He finds this situation very entertaining and even, though he would never admit, adorable. It’s like having his own personal pet. A pet that has to depend on him because they don’t have any animal-like skills.
He will have you return back to normal one of these days. But this day won’t be it. Liu Kang was trying to get an answer from him but he wouldn’t say a word. He walked right into his bedroom, made a wall of ice to prevent anyone from getting in, and sat right on his bed.
He unraveled you before carefully placing you in your makeshift bed. He didn’t want you asking any more questions so he started to pet your back again. It’s too easy. With the food in your belly, the tight wrap from the towel, and the feeling of Bi-Han petting and rubbing your back you were out like a light. You were even drooling a little.
Bi-Han hasn’t felt this much joy from something in a long, long time. He wasn’t even allowed to have a pet when he was young. So let him enjoy this for a little longer then he will bring you back to normal.
But when you are back to normal you better not drink another strange potion he swears to the elder gods!
Now he can get ready for bed. He needs to mentally prepare himself for the next day. Who knows what you could do then.
Are you peeking at him taking his shirt off again? Turn your head! Damn rodent…
Yap notes: Last time I wrote for you that spine-eating goofball payed me a visit. He better not come around again just cause I did this for you. Also I hope you are feeling better I saw that you said you were sick get some Vic’s vaporub, ginger ale, and an egg to cleanse yourself. Adiós!
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whumpinthepot · 9 months
Hamster Interactive Story
Chapter 9. Eyes
Prev - Masterlist
Content: CYOA format, poll options, Female cast, being spied on, hidden cameras, overstimulation/ overwhelmed, fear, pet trope, giant/tiny, cages, dubious handling/ dressing, doll house play, selective mutism, poor vision, (let me know if I missed any?)
Pov: Hamster, then switched to Ashley for the poll.
Poll winners: Take her to bed with you to sleep, and set up a nanny cam.
Ashley takes you into another room to look for something, and you can feel her reaching around in a drawer with her spare arm. She’s pressing you against her chest in a protective hold, and for a second you feel safer from the tiny man. She finds the little black box, and carries it beside you. Close enough that you can make out the incognito lens on it. You have no idea what it is, and brush off the confusion with the fact that you simply do not care about what she’s doing. She places it on top of the fridge, and fiddles on her phone for what feels like forever.
Finally she spouts a small, “Aha, got it set up!!” Then takes you to the bathroom to do her nightly routine. She tries to put you down again and when you cling to her finger she tuts, “Hon, I’m right here. Don't worry, I'm not leaving you. I can’t keep holding you, you have to let go.” Her voice is soft, and you have no choice but to trust her. 
You let go and feel a cushioning underneath you. The walls of your enclosure are made out of wicker. You’re in a picnic basket. Alone. Your breathing quickens until you hear Ashley’s voice still close to you with running water in the background. 
Eventually Ashley lifts up the whole basket and takes you to her bed. “Don’t worry my girl, I’m right here. Did a mouse try to get into your cage or something? Or was it just a bug that scared you? Are you scared of falling again…?” 
You shake your head slightly, and Ashley gets understandably more concerned. As she should be! She assures you again that you are safe and that the basket is to keep you even more safe so she doesn’t crush you or have you fall off the bed. 
All the reassurance seeps into your skin and finally your nerves calm enough to drift off into a restless sleep. 
The next day Ashley dresses you up into a frilly lolita dress with fabrics that fall over one shoulder to cover your cast. “We’re going to get you a gift today, Love,” she says while pushing you into your carrier travel case. It straps around her shoulder, and she takes you into town in it. The case is transparent but you can only see blurs of light, and hear the overwhelming sounds of busy city life. People can definitely see you however, and you’re complimented on how cute you are over a million times by strangers. 
Ashley goes into an office of sorts, and takes you out to hold you, showing you off to another person. The two talk for a long time about glasses, fittings, and other things you drown out from the conversation. Until finally you’re being placed on the counter to do a few vision tests. After that Ashley pulls a pair of goggle type glasses over your eyes, and you close them while she adjusts it around your head. She takes a picture of you for her blog as soon as you open your eyes, and holds the phone out to you.
You can see it… You can see clearly. You can see everything! It’s like magic! 
You can see the screen, the picture of yourself looking bewildered with your new glasses. You can see Ashley’s blog for once with all of the photos of you on it. Without hesitating you push your whole hand against her screen to make the pictures scroll quickly, seeing all of the model work you have done for her over the past few months. You’re beautiful… It causes your cheeks to flush and you smile for the first time in days. Giddiness rises in your chest. 
“That's you!” Ashley chimes and pockets her phone. “My sweet angel, we’ll have to thank your fans later for helping me out. Maybe a cute photoshoot with your new glasses-“ She rattles on while she plucks you off the counter. Now that you can see her, you notice the star shaped stickers on her face, along with scabbed up blemishes that aren’t covered. When she talks her front teeth show, and her eyelashes are longer than your arm, you’re sure of it. You gaze at her face for as long as you can before being placed back into the carrier. 
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The ride home is too overwhelming with your new vision, plus the sounds, and jolts of the carrier bouncing off Ashley’s hip, so you close your eyes tightly until you get back home to be let out. You’ve almost forgotten about that scary boy, and go into your cage without a fuss. A yawn escapes you as you look down at the fluff surrounding you. It looks soft, and comfortable. Perfect to curl up in now. 
You startle when Ashley gasps, and to your surprise you can actually see her from across the room for once. She’s staring at her phone in disbelief. On the screen is an image of the dark haired boy who threatened you before. 
He’s been found out… He’s really going to kill you now. 
And what should you do with Hamster for the next few days?
Tag list: @frogkingdom @verkja @whumpsday @octopus-reactivated @marvel-gt @rsitb-second-account @fallen-grace-smd @winged-wolf-s-collection-of-arts @kyp-the-spacekiwi @dramat1ques @ilasknives @hollowgast1 @whither-wander-whump @redd956 @zobodahobo @alittlewhump @blackrosesandwhump @angst-after-dark @sandygarnelle @copperyote @kim-poce @mayisreallygay @smoll-stace @demondamage @vickytokio @sunshiline-writes @whump-in-the-closet @coyotehusk
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scolbert22 · 1 year
Tutor's Pet
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@brandedx2 requested "BRAWNY FOOTBALL PLAYER IN A HAMSTER CAGE PLEASE" (Talk about microfiction lol)
Grant was a little apprehensive about being the new tutor for the football team, but Coach Anthony had hardly given him a choice in the matter. Them short, sandy haired otter was kind of a pushover, and the older man had sensed weakness in him. Long story short, there he was, knocking Tank's door.
Travis "Tank" O'Neil was a 6'5, 310 pound offensive lineman. He had a fiery copper mohawk, with a heavy brow and beard to match. He was the terror of the English department, as he was both barely literate, and mean as hell. He'd sent more than one tutor to the ER. The towering behemoth was wearing his green and white jersey and a pair of jeans when he opened the door roughly, his eyeline high above Grant's head. He looked down, regarding his next punching bag.
Grant Conners was about 5'6, he had wide blue eyes hidden behind large glasses, and a sandy goatee. in his college sweater, khakis, and high tops painted the picture of a meek bookworm.
"You the one who's gonna keep me from failing?" Tank grunted down at him in his rumbling voice.
"Uh...w-well I am certainly going to do my best!" Grant chirped up with an optimism he did not feel.
Tank laughed cruelly. "Well you better do more than try, little man. 'less you want me to rearrange that pretty little face." he reached down with one of his baseball mitt hands and pinched the little guy's cheek. Grant cringed in pain.
As he followed his charge in, Grant noticed that he was drinking from a plastic bottle of green liquid. It seemed to glow in the light. He noticed that the outside of the bottle was covered in some Cyrillic language, but he couldn't be sure what.
He sat down on a rickety chair across from Tank's bed, where the giant took his seat with a manly grunt. Pulling Jane Eyre out of his bag, He tried to make some pleasant conversation to ease his way in.
"Oh what are you drinking?" He smiled brightly.
"It's some shit I found on the body building forums, supposed to make me swole as fuck." He grunted before downing the last of it. "Shit's not FDA approved but I can already feel it giving me more energy- BWWWARRRP" The ginger goliath belched loudly in his tutor's face.
"Oh! Uh, alright!" Not sure what to say, he pushed forward. "Well, Coach says that you're struggling in your English lit class. Are you struggling with the archaic language? Or is it more the themes of the novel?"
"I don't struggle with anything runt. I'm a champion." Tank growled. "The problem is that it's boring as shit, Who cares about this lame bitch wandering around a stupid old house?" The giant burped again, even longer this time. Grant turned away, trying to hid his disgust. As he did, he noticed a wire cage with a large water bottle hanging from it.
"Oh do you have a hamster?" He tried valiantly to change the subject.
"Had one. Then it bit me." Tank smirked, looking toward the open window. Grant gulped.
"Ah! I see! Well, back to Jane Eyre-" He started, but he was cut off by another explosive belch. He regarded the gassy lineman across from him. Were his clothes looking a little....looser?
"Travis, are you feeling okay?"" he asked.
"My name is BRAAAAAAWWWWP Tank you fuckin cumstain. And I've BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWP never felt better." Tank did his est to menace his tutor, but the uncontrollable burping undermined it somewhat. Additionally, Grant was sure now that Tank was getting smaller. They were nearly eye-level now, and Grant had an experiment he wanted to try.
He reached forward, quick as a flash, and placed his hand on the center of Tank's musclegut. He pressed firmly.
"What the fuck are you doing you little- BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWP!" Tank roared, and belched helplessly against the pressure his would-be victim applied to his solid tummy. He shrank more rapidly now, his feet dangling from the side of the bed. He leapt up in an attempt to tower over Grant, shouting "Quit it dickhead!" This posturing backfired immediately.
The dwindling ginger realized that the top of his head barely reached Grant's chin. His jeans slid to the floor, leaving him in his oversized jersey and his lucky jockstrap.
Grant's eyes lit up. "Well, what's this?" He laughed, peeling the jersey off his pasty, freckled body and tossing it to the floor. He grabbed both sides of the jock and lifted him up like he was in a bungie swing. "How's the weather down there?"
Tanks legs kicked helplessly as he bounced in his dingy jock. "Stop it dude, please!" His voice was higher now, and a twinge of fear had replaced the cocky aggression.
Grant laughed in reply, poking his gut merrily. "Boop!" He declared in a sing song voice.
Tank replied with a belch that rose a few octaves as his size dwindled from "underdeveloped freshman" to "chunky housecat". He dangled helplessly, looking like he was about to cry.
"Please man, I'm beggin' you!" He whimpered, sniffling.
"You know, my friend Michael begged too, when you pushed him downstairs and broke his leg." Grant growled, slapping his belly pink.
The ricochet of burps that followed caused him shrink
He finally settled at about 6 inches tall.
Finally, he felt less bloated.
the former giant curled up in the musky pouch of his own jock, whimpering and blubbering pathetically.
Grant laughed, carrying him over to the vacant hamster cage.
"Don't worry little fella! I'm a much better pet owner than you!" He dumped the naked jock into the enclosure, tossing the jock on top of his discarded clothes. "Now run on that wheel until I say stop, or I'll give you the hamster treatment."
The red faced little man didn't need telling twice. He got up to his feet immediately, panting and whimpering in fear. His squeaky little voice breathlessly shouting "Yes Sir"s and "Please don't hurt me!"s.
Grant kicked back in the giant's old bed. He was just about to finish out the rest of their tutoring session watching his new little pet when there was a stern knock at the door.
Frantically, Grant leapt to his feet. He grabbed the jersey off the floor and draped it over his jock cage, kicking the rest of his clothes under the bed. In his haste, he caught his toe on the minifridge door, knocking it open and biting his finger to prevent from crying out. He hobbled quietly toward the door.
Glancing through the peephole, he saw Coach Anthony. The greying muscle bear was in his track jacket and short shorts, checking his watch impatiently with his cold, silvery eyes.
"Tank, you better not be pulverizing another one of those little geeks, or its 20 laps for you!" the gruff man shouted through the door.
Glancing around in panic, Grant's eyes settled on the minifridge he'd kicked open. It was full to the brim with bottles of that strange black market drink. A grin spread across his face. He opened the door.
"Hello Coach! Travis is in the bathroom, but he's really taking to the material!"
Coach looked unconvinced. "Really?" he snorted. "I've never seen Tank take to anything that didn't involve tackling a freshman."
"Well, I don't want to brag but I really think that he's turned over a brand new leaf! Why don't you stay a minute and see? Can I get you something to drink?"
Coach considered for a moment. "Ah why the hell not! Why don't you toss me one of them Gatorades in the fridge? Tank's a big boy, but he won't miss one."
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maygirlsposts · 4 months
4,14,24,37,39 and 40 for Piper and Leo!
@scarareg Thank you so much for your ask!
leo x piper is kinda my self-indulgent secret ship heh, it's nice to talk about it sometimes hgjfkl;
4. Their favorite show to watch together?
I think they would love watching stupid movies (romcoms or unnecessarily sentimental and cheesy) together not bc they like them but so that they could make fun of the lines/scenes together like best friends do (bc ofc they are best friends first, lovers later). leo mimicking them in his stupid way, and piper giggling and rofling about like a buffalo the way she can't before others. they are the kinda couple who would enjoy everything they watch together.
but their ultimate fav, repeat to 10000x movie list till they have memorized every line is HTTYD, cuz yeah, leo-hiccup, toothless-festus, and ig piper is a lot like astrid? AND DRAgons!!! so yeah their go-to, top-of-head movie when they are lazy to try something new
(the only thing they never watch is tristan mclean movies lmao)
14. Who falls asleep during a movie?
Neither, but on hectic days when they are super tired, both of them catch the sleep bug and fall asleep.
if Leo is first to wake up to find the movie is over, he'd pick up piper and carry her to their bed, taking care she doesn't wake up (watching her sleep is secretly his fav thing, yk cuz of piper's cute way of sleeping: "inhaling through the nose, exhaling with a little puff through the mouth" and "her hair looked like it had become a nest for a friendly hamster")
on the other hand, if piper is first to wake, she'd prob simply arrange some pillows for their necks and go back to sleep, snuggling into him bc no chance she is getting cold lol
which brings me to the next choice!
24. Sleeping/cuddling positions? (Big spoon, little spoon, etc.)?
ggfhjk i love this question specifically for this ship cuz Piper is 100% the little spoon!
iirc (forgive me my knowledge of HoO is getting rusty! seriously, it's time for a full reread T_T) both piper and leo are the same height, right? maybe as adults, leo gets a late growth spurt of a couple of inches over her (which is annoying cuz leo is finally taller but secretly she likes it, cuz perfect for a side snuggle)
even otherwise, piper is always, subconsciously snuggling into his side cuz he is so hot warm. even if he hasn't used his fire, there is always some residual warmth in him all the time, which she has got used to searching out for. say, if leo gets up in the middle of the night to drink some water/got a brand new design idea in his head he just has to jot down NOW,,, by the time he returns to bed, piper is completely rolled up in his side of the bed, searching for him in her sleep (he loves this habit of hers! it also probs makes him feel better about his fire too)
iirc, his mom's warehouse caught fire in the middle of winter, right?? ig he'd slowly come to like winters better, bc of piper snuggling more into him during winters agfhjk
and iirc, he likes to sleep with a hug pillow, right? his old hug pillow has been replaced by piper!
39. Do they get along with the other's family? If not, how do they deal with the other's family?
on leo's side, hephaestus will be very suspicious of the daughter of aphrodite (cuz of his own experience with her) but talking to piper, he will be slightly mollified abt her… yet, his advice for Leo always will be to trust his machines more than the human specimen of his girlfriend (ofc leo won't take it seriously)
//toa spoilers/// now josephine and hemithea are his foster mothers i am sure piper would get along with them super well as well <3
on piper's side, leo has already met Tristan in Lost Hero and knows him as piper's friend, so he'd be pretty much chill with what pipes does and who she dates,, he might try to give Leo The Talk as his duty as her father, but Piper would kick her dad out before that ever happens (Leo just being the awkward bean like during the whole helicopter ride in TLH lol)
oth, leo would be mildly (understated) scared of Aphrodite. if they ever meet her (by chance) he'd keep fidgeting and tapping 'i love you' on his jeans till piper clasps his hand and taps back 'it's okay' but i think aphrodite won't be as scary as leo imagines in his head; she'd probs find him amusing and intrigued that her daughter actually prefers leo over jason.
40. Who is the skilled shopper for holidays? Who always waits 'til the last minute to get all of their gifts? (Which one gets stressed out easily)?
piper! she won't--but she would use her charmspeak to bargain for the best prices in those overly expensive, money grabbing malls, something that leo always finds terrifyingly awesome lmao,, piper gets excited for holiday shopping and stuff whereas leo tags along obediently (and use his magic toolbelt to stove away the shopping bags lol)
leo always forgets all of the important days because of his adhd (extreme even by demigod standards) and piper, having known him for long, understands this and never gets mad or anything but he'd always feel guilty about this and makes up for it in a completely random surprise gift he handdesigns for her. Of course, piper loves his stupid (affectionately) and most times, completely non-functional (cuz Leo himself doesn't know what they do loool but they are always weirdly complicated) gifts so much! like say a music box that goes moo! but bake out fresh cookies lmao
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Isn't it like, past midnight for you right now? Go to bed!!!
Anyway, German Shorthaired Pointers are really cool dogs! They're a pointing breed (hence "pointers") so as hunting dogs go they're fairly stable. Their job is to seek out prey (quail mostly) and point it out to the hunter. They do not flush the quail like a Beagle or a Coonhound might flush out a rabbit. They just find and alert the hunter to where the quarry is. Super cool work. Lots of fun to watch.
That being said GSPs are pretty stable for being a hunting breed. They're super energetic, friendly, and just happy dogs. But they're a doing breed. If they don't have something to do they either find something to do (chewing walls, furniture, etc) or they become nervous wrecks. I've never met one that didn't end up being found perched on top of the fridge at some point in their lives.
Not intending to call you out or anything but you remind me of that. You're fun, you have the energy of fifty hamsters (seriously how!? I'm so exhausted all of the time) and you are the picture of happiness and joy in the small things of life. But I see the little moments when you don't have something to focus on and your energy shifts. You get ansty and a little nervy. You need somewhere to put your energy. You need to be doing. That's not a bad thing of course. It's just you. It's a by product of all that boundless energy and joy you have bubbling up in you.
So yeah, you remind me of a GSP. They're my second choice for pointing breed. Super cool dogs. My favorite color are the liver roan.
…it was midnight when I got this ask. And I. Stayed up. Two more hours. Before going to bed *lowers head shamefully*
Dude I love it when you talk about something you’re passionate about oh my goodness-
“I've never met one that didn't end up being found perched on top of the fridge at some point in their lives.” Oh dear XD
Though actually, I quite like sitting up on counters! And I also have a loft bed… hehe
Awwww, the liver roan is so cute!!
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flowers-n-felines · 2 years
HEART, KISS, HAMSTER, and HONEY for your choice of f/o?? :3 — @dark-magical-ships <3
❤️ - What did the confession look like between you two? Who initiated it? Where did it take place?
Ok, so it was a kind of uninteresting confession, but Sunday and Diavolo tried to confess at the same time. It was a sort of partly cloudy spring day, and Sunday was trying to unlock the book store he ran. As he did, Diavolo kinda snuck up on him which about scared the guy half to death as Sunday is particular about physical contact.. And Diavolo's not very warm since his skin is basically dried clay/porcelain. Sunday hurried him into the shop as Diavolo isn't really........... Suited for the public. He's basically a giant animate doll at the time due to Sunday still trying to continue the phase of making his body and soul fully whole. He was essentially inhabiting a vessel and Sunday was preparing to get his body to be flesh and blood but it took a lot of research into the DEEP parts of his shop's storage to find the right books. Diavolo was trying to confess and Sunday once he was calmed down had planned to try to tell Diavolo his own feelings as well when he got home later. Lol.
💋 - What love language does your F/O have? What about you? And how do y’all express it to each other?
Dia isn't super physical, he talks more than touches. Fond of petnames and affection through indirect means like sharing a bite of his meal, or writing a nice note and sliding it into Sunday's lunchbox... Or doing some house chores like cleaning the bedding and letting Sunday find out later as a nice surprise. The times he's physical is cuddling in bed, or brief kisses on top of Sunday's (or mine basically) head. He tries to always offer it to get Sunday's consent since he knows physical contact is...... Mmmmm. Bad.
My love language is satire, probably? I like to show my affection through being a smartass and trying to share with others. I don't show my hair around others unless I truly trust them as I have a deeply personal reason that makes it where I feel unsafe and exposed if I don't have my hair covered. (This is a mostly non-religious reason. I wear tichels or hats fyi /lh) I also like to bake for my loved ones for the smallest reasons. I love cooking and baking and others to enjoy my food and eating it. If I want to have physical touch I like to lay my head on other's lap or snuggle.
🐹 - Do you and your F/O have a pet? If not, what pet would you like to have with them, or why wouldn’t you want a pet at all?
YES. Diavolo and Sunday have a flock of pigeons and Diavolo's favorite is named "His Vernal Highness Cheerio Amadeus Puff N' Fluff, Keeper of the Cereal Catacombs, Heir to the Fruit Hoops hoard, Champion of Cocoa City, and Secret Seeker of Yore." Cheery, for short. It's a Hyacinth pigeon!
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The other pigeons are Tippler breeds and some standard Homers. Sunday named them all and they are named Cici von Fluffbutt Sugar Sugar Dave Bernese Sesame And last but not least, Toaster Oven
🍯 - What flavors or scents do you associate with your F/O? Or, what flavors/scents would they associate with you?
Crisp apples, warm bread and butter, and watermelon juice. But also the smell of the Earth, and the sea, as if he'd never left Sardinia.
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hamsterpetcaretips · 6 months
Top 10 Best Hamster Toys in 2023 – Top Picks & Reviews
Our list of the best hamster toys will keep your hamster busy for hours while you are away. These toys keep them moving and healthy by encouraging them to run, dig, chew, and do other things. But keep in mind a few safety tips when choosing a toy for your hamster, since they are sensitive and have poor eyesight and long teeth. 
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You should shop for food, bedding, and a cage before bringing home a new hamster. In the same way that dogs and cats benefit from playtime with toys, your hamster will be happy with their own.
This section will give you information on the top ten hamster toys on the market today. In this article, we will discuss the ins and outs of hamster toy selection, including the advantages of various options and what to think about before making a purchase. To make sure your furry friend is healthy and happy, the toys should be natural, non-toxic, fun, and stimulating. Check out our list “top 10 toys for hamsters” to learn more!
1. Best Overall: Hendryx Nature’s Hideaway Ball Hamster Toy
The Prevue is handwoven from all-natural grass to ensure that it is safe for your pet to use. The ball-shaped item has gaps in which your hamster can satisfy its natural instinct to hide and burrow.
Even the smell is designed to pique your pet’s interest. The unit creates a lovely, all-natural smell that hamsters adore. Finally, the diameter is roughly 9″, making it suitable for larger creatures such as ferrets and guinea pigs.
The main difficulty is that it will not endure long. Because it’s effectively just a dried-up ball of grass, a few exploratory bites will render it unusable in the long run, and replacing it numerous times will be costly.
Overall, we believe this is the best hamster toy available.ProsCons
All-natural grass
With cracks for hiding and digging
Gives off a natural smell that hamsters like.
Break down quickly
2. Ware Manufacturing 3292 Fun Tunnel Toy
The Ware excitement Tunnel toy provides your pet with 30″ of flexible excitement. The tubing’s flexibility allows you to easily twist it into creative designs to keep your pet’s imagination occupied, and the aperture of the tunnel is large enough to make cleaning easy.
When you’re finished, the tunnel folds up easily and can be stowed fast and easily. To improve its usability, the unit is composed of stain-resistant plastic.
Unfortunately, the plastic does not hold up well to chewing, so make sure your hamster’s teeth are not idle.ProsCons
Size 30
Easy folding design makes tunnel convenient to store
Easily wipes clean
Fabric that doesn’t show stains
Can’t take a beating in the mouth
3. Niteangel Tunnel Exploring Hamster Toy – Premium Choice
The Niteangel is a wooden maze created to mimic the underground experience that rats would naturally seek out in the wild. It has two points of entrance and six interior areas to keep your pet entertained for extended periods of time.
The inside compartments vary in size, further resembling a wild rodent’s nest. Hamsters may prefer the variation because it allows them to compartmentalize their space, using certain rooms for sleeping, others for eating, and so on.
The dimensions are substantial at 12.4″x 8″, and the material is composed of long-lasting wood. This is one of the most costly toys on the market right now, but your hamster will enjoy it if you decide to splurge.ProsCons
Gives the feeling of being in the wild
Solid wood design
Six different rooms
4. Kaytee Hamster Exercise Ball Toy
The Kaytee is a 5″ diameter exercise ball that is reasonably priced. It works in a straightforward manner. Place your hamster in the ball, close the door, and enjoy watching them roll about! It’s a fun spin on the exercise wheel that also serves as a terrific spot to keep your pet when it’s time to clean their cage.
The main issue is that cleaning the ball can be extremely tough. The entrance is large enough to allow your hamster to enter and exit, but it is too small for a human hand. Naturally, this means that the interior of the toy will quickly become filthy.ProsCons
5″ width
Excellent place to keep your pet
Good for getting fit
Not easy to clean
5. Kaytee Hamster Chew Toy – The Best Buy
The Kaytee is a more economical option for individuals in need. Three carrot-shaped chew toys are included in our finest hamster toy for the money package. These are the best hamster chew toys. Each unit is made of softwood and has a variety of textures that will keep your hamster entertained for quite some time.
Unfortunately, several consumers have expressed severe reservations about the design. The biggest concern is that several of the toys have visible glue on the outside. Not every toy has this feature, but those that do may be dangerous to use.ProsCons
Different surfaces
Some flats are built very poorly.
6. Niteangel Chew Toys for Hamsters
The Niteangel is a low-cost 6-pack of hamster chew toys. The designs are diverse, with a variety of textures to keep your pet interested, and the ingredients are all natural. Firewood, apple sticks, willow sticks, and seagrass sticks are among the components.
The materials are specially developed to keep your hamster’s teeth clean and at the proper length. The most common complaint was one of apathy. Many people stated that their hamsters were simply not interested in the toys. Of course, every animal is unique, and your experience may differ!ProsCons
Pure and simple
Others claim to be uninterested
7. Prevue Hendryx Nature’s Hideaway Hamster Tunnel Toy
The Prevue Hendryx is a low-cost hideaway toy made of natural, handwoven grass. It has several distinct holes that your hamster may climb through to satisfy its need for hiding and burrowing.
Unfortunately, we discovered that the tunnel’s substance is quite harsh. It is possible that your hamster will feel uncomfortable inside. It also does not tolerate excessive chewing well, implying that it will not stay long.ProsCons
Competitive Rates
Raw, organic stuff
Extremely coarse material
Not particularly bite-resistant.
8. Kathson Hamster Nest Toy
The Kathson Hamster Nest Toy rounds out the list. This low-cost two-piece set includes a play bridge and a seesaw for your hamster’s cage. The components are composed of wood and have been brightly painted to brighten up your pet’s environment. Materials can be safely chewed, ensuring that the unit lasts for a long period.
We did identify some issues. For one thing, the wood itself is quite brittle and may not endure very long. It’s also really tough to assemble. Some consumers say theirs broke throughout the construction process.ProsCons
Stylish appearance
Easily broken
Not easy to assemble
During assembly, some users have reported experiencing unit failures.
9. Kaytee Nut Knot Nibbler
The Kaytee Medium Nut Knot Nibbler is an attractive chew toy that won’t harm your small pet’s teeth. Your pet can spend hours of enjoyable time trying to free the wooden ball stuck within. The 100% natural wood grain is colored with non-toxic vegetable dyes.
The bright colors and fun design of the toy make it a favorite of the hamster, who enjoys playing with it and chewing on it. It’s constructed entirely of natural wood, making it not only completely hamster-safe but also excellent for your pet’s dental health. It’s reasonably priced and convenient, however not all hamster species can use it.ProsCons
Toy for safe chewing
Yummy dessert in the middle of it all
Fosters a healthy mouth and smile
100% Natural
Colorful design
Not suited for all hamster breeds
10. Kaytee Silent Spinner Wheel For Pet Hamsters (Regular 6.5 Inch)
It has been tested against traditional wheel spinners, and we found that rusted metal hamster wheels squeak and creak and are probably one of the most annoying things on the world.
Rodents are active at night and sleep during the day.
When you’re trying to sleep, the LAST thing you want to hear is a noisy wheel, especially if you work long hours during the day.
We compared the Kaytee Silent Spinner to our regular metal wheels to see if we could hear a difference, and boy, could we hear a difference!
It has a technology called ball bearings that makes it a very quiet workout wheel. When your pet runs it, you won’t hear a thing. The moving surface is made of high-quality plastic, which is safe for the pet’s feet.
Two things make the Kaytee silent spinner work:
It can be left as a wheel that stands on its own.
It can be put right on top of any wire cage.
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Bedding Options For Small Pets
Due to safety issues on some pet bedding, there has been a boom in alternative bedding materials. Aspen is an excellent choice from wood shavings. Also, there's been an increasing demand for litter and pellet products, used both as bedding and litter. Overall, the best bedding choice depends on its purpose and the type of pet you keep. For instance, harder pellets work best as a ferret/rabbit's litter. Meanwhile, softer litters are great as smaller animals' bedding— for hamsters, perhaps.
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You may also use pelleted products as substrate/bedding for rodents, with a softer liner on top. Other alternatives materials include:
 ●Paper pellets
●Absorbent lining that lets wet parts get scooped out easily (also called fluff)
●Organic materials (maple/cherry wood, aspen, wood pulp, and grain by-products)
●Soft paper strips (but aren't too absorbent)
 Alfalfa pellets are also great alternatives due to their low cost and absorbency, and there are still numerous options that aren't as risky as wood shavings.
If your pet is showing any signs of illness, make an appointment with your vet clinic Boulder, CO.
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woodenhamsterhouses · 2 years
Hamster Cage
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wooden hamster houses
There is no a shortage of selection when it comes to a gerbil's homes. An individual may develop a veritable town for your gerbil along with various combinations of hutches, conduits, channels, add on bundles as well as any choices associated with additional capabilities, that are also compelling for you personally because it is normally interesting watching that gerbil. Conversely through the size, your own gerbil can certainly reside in an effortless cable crate or sometimes in an old aquarium you had.
wooden hamster houses
Each decanter or glass as well as plastic material perch tanks may be used for the reason that gerbil homes. Nasty gerbil hutches are typically lighter in weight and consequently better to clean up compared to your glass, however scuff much easier.
Each a glass and plastic material striped bass tanks possess the benefit from staying draft-proof; consequently , particles and bed sheets stay inside of (and never throughout the terrain! ). They're all to easy to thoroughly clean. Nevertheless, cheap and glass species of fish tanks highlight heat ranges to allow them to come to be very warm and perhaps alarmingly so around sunlight. Additionally , unless you give a engineered covers that can take add-ons, regular clip-on water containers fail to operate (even though they may be modified by using stick-on Velcro patches). Perch tanks aren't suitable for a clip-on training wheel, even though a complimentary standing wheel might replaced. You have to do not forget- a free standing table will require up a lot more room inside your gerbil's house than the usual clip-on wheel.
If you choose to employ an aquarium container as your own gerbil's house, a person include this safely subsequently he can't break free as well as in order to preserve away your own other home domestic pets. Line fine mesh protects or ventilated cheap covers created especially with regard to these types of arguments tend to be accessible. Never make use of a solid cover up, or moisture build-up or condensation may well shape within the real aquarium tank, warm may end up being captured and there's no the necessary oxygen circulation/ventilation - which often can make your own gerbil ill.
Typically gerbil cages possess a plastic-type material bottom having a business, snap-on cable most effective, however , you may also uncover hutches having a tough plastic material bottom in addition to a snap-on, ventilated magnificent plastic material the top. Hutches can be found in a number of shapes and sizes and often have got physical exertion hamster wheels. Some wire topped variants tend to be a couple of degrees or even more large. Despite the fact these types of hutches may be basic in comparison with buildings that's much more complicated along with pipes combined with channels, they're affordable and you will improve these with the addition of several gerbil home furniture in addition to playthings. Furthermore, air flow through these hutches is preferable to within an aquarium tank tank which is quicker to connect drinking water keepers and add-ons as compared with within an aquarium reservoir.
Gerbil hutches commonly possess some kind of "home" where the gerbil might cover. In case your gerbil's crate does not have your dream house, you will find plastic material, hardwood or even porcelain residences accessible. You may even benefit from some thing made from greeting card board like a compartment or even bathroom tissues roll.
A few hutches are made like a wide variety of plastic material pipes. Gerbil hutches along with plumbing could be harder to scrub compared to conventional gerbil crate. You have to aside from that make sure that the actual starting up channels is going to be massive enough for the gerbil to feed as soon as he's completely constructed as well as your gerbil may try eating this plastic material, which could result in injuries or even flee.
Obvious, plastic material tank-like homes created for mice along with other little these animals supply several choices. Built to consider numerous add-ons for example channels, piping, rewriters, tree stores, slides, steps, penthouses as well as atmosphere podiums, these types of obvious condo rentals give a diverse environments by which your own gerbil may physical exercise in addition to enjoy. This kind of house the majority of tightly brands the actual canal natural environment by which rodents take up residence, however it could be downright costly and much more hard so that you can thoroughly clean compared to standard gerbil crate.
Your own personal gerbil's house has to be big enough to deliver sufficient space to get their physical exercise take, bedroom, meals securing to region and bathroom region, along with room remaining so that they can scamper around. You must supply the biggest setting feasible.
The front door should shut strongly so that your gerbil is unable to press them spacious as well as get away. Your doorways ought to get into to the outside as opposed to back to the inside. You might be a fish tank developing a wire-mesh or even nasty cover, ensure that very high matches comfortably over the attributes which the true gerbil can't push away. Your own hamster cage should never maintain well-defined ends and even damaged wires which could trigger injuries. As soon as crate is actually naff, make certain there will not be any uncovered walls by which the actual gerbil might gnaw make getaway.
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coolanabrendalove · 2 years
The benefits of choosing an online pet store
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There seems to be a new online pet store every day. That is because it is much easier to buy pet toys online. People started treating their pets like little humans that need special attention. For this reason, in any professional pet warehouse you can find everything you need – from treasures designed for your fish tank to clothes for your dog.
When choosing a pet, the place you live is very important. If you have an apartment, bunnies might be the perfect choice for you. They are clean, quiet and need little space. However, you need to let them run free from time to time and trim their nails (so your floor doesn’t get scratched).
For dog lovers – the best choice would be a pug. Did you know they were part of the Chinese Royalty?
The benefits of an online pet store        
The number of pet stores is increasing every day. Nowadays, pets are treated like humans: they are being clothed, groomed and served delicious treats. But the most popular of all the stores are online ones. The best product for your dog is only one click away! Going to Petshopdirect saves an awful amount of money, time and energy.  The first advantage of online shopping is that you can choose the perfect toy or food, by reading the reviews. Also, you can spend more time with your pet and save gas money (which is very important nowadays, if you own a car).
Convenience is the most important thing, especially when it comes to buying dog food. For older people, carrying those heavy bags can be extremely difficult. Do you know what amount of food your dog needs each month? If yes, you can sign up for a subscription to receive a recurring delivery. Trying to compare the various dog brands at a retail store can be time-consuming.
You can’t compare two brands at a physical pet warehouse. However, in an online pet store, you can do it easily. All you have to do is browse through the products. One of the best advantages is that you can check out and pay whenever you feel like it. You don’t have to wait in line! Any shipping charges are automatically applied.
Pet warehouse: top reasons to get a bunny
Rabbits are very clean animals. They “wash” themselves, just like felines do, but you can help them a little bit: brush their fur a few times a week (although, longer fur needs brushing every day). With some litter training, they can learn to use the litter box. All you have to do is give them clean bedding in the corner of the cage. That way, you mark the “toilet”.
If cared for properly, indoor bunnies can live 12+ years. This is an advantage in the eyes of small pet lovers. You might already know that hamsters, guinea pigs or other small pets don’t live as long. However, rabbits live longer indoors than they do outside. The reason is simple: they’re not being attacked by predators or infected with certain diseases from the soil or other injuries.
Rabbits are very quiet
Do you want to have a pet, but don’t want to disturb your neighbors? A rabbit is the best choice for you! It makes little to no noise and doesn’t disturb you at night. Also, bunnies don’t need to be walked or occupy too much space. However, just like humans, they need exercise. Let them run free for a couple of hours outside the cage.
Any bunny owner knows that, with time, bunnies will get to know you very well. Also, they can be trained to come on command, and may even follow you around if you two are close and you’ve gained their trust.
How do you take care of them?
Vegetables should be a part of your rabbit’s diet. This way, your beloved furry friend is going to get all the vitamins and minerals it needs. However, some plants are poisonous, and you should be careful not to buy them!
Pet carriers are essential for any trip to the vet. To make your pet more comfortable, you should consider laying down a towel at the bottom of the carrier. When buying pet supplies for bunnies, be sure to check our products.
To keep them healthy and avoid scratching the floors, you must trim your rabbit’s claws periodically. You can find clippers fit for any inexperienced owners in any online pet store, and they are available in a variety of sizes.
Pugs are ideal for small apartments
People are fascinated with the wrinkly faces of pugs! … Even the Chinese royalty, who aimed to “write” the Chinese character for “prince” on the dog’s forehead. Leaving aside their cuteness, they are loyal companions.
Nowadays, humans show their love for those adorable puppies by including them in popular movies and television shows. If loved and cared for, they can live up to 15 years.  Since they were bred for companionship, pugs love their owners, too! They want to be with you all the time and get very sad when you leave.
So how do you care for a pug? First of all, you must brush them daily, in order to keep them clean and soft. After bathing, you have to dry them completely. You should bath them monthly, but in between remember to clean their wrinkles using baby wipes and cotton pads.
In conclusion, if you decide to get a bunny, you should take care of them the right way. Other pets, such as hamsters and guinea pigs are also fit for small apartments. If you want to get a dog, you should choose a pug! They are so cute and only need cleaning once every month. Even Queen Victoria loved them: they were the first members of the Kennel Club.
Your pet will never ask for more than your attention and a special place in your heart. With some professional help, you can always find the perfect item or companion in a pet warehouse or by visiting an online pet store.
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lyricalporcupine · 2 years
“ this couch is tiny. there's no way we'll both fit in there. “ “ you'll be fine. come on, we'll have no choice but to cuddle all night. “ for beauyasha of course! hope u have a great day :)
Thank you for being patient! Hope you enjoy it :) I did tweak the prompt a bit. The wording just seemed weird to me BUT the feelings are still there Modern au, pre relationship
The party at Jester and Beau’s was great, but eventually wound down. Those who could drive home did, and those who couldn’t were driven home. All but Fjord and Yasha. And because Beau and Jester shared a bedroom to save money on their apartment, Beau graciously gave up her bed so Jester and Fjord could be alone.
It had nothing to do with Yasha crashing on their couch. Nope. Not at all.
Yasha was already stretched out on the couch and half asleep when Beau came out of the bathroom from having changed into her bed clothes, a tank top and gym shorts. She stood beside the couch with her hands on her hips and gave Yasha a playfully reproachful glare.
“What if I wanted the couch?” Beau grouched.
Yasha must have heard the smile in her voice because her own lips turned up slightly. “Should have claimed it first then.”
Beau huffed. “Wasn’t aware I needed to claim my couch in my apartment,” she countered. “But I am a kind person and I’m willing to share the couch with you.”
Yasha chuffed and peeked one bleary eye open to look up at Beau. “Your couch is tiny,” she said. “We can’t both fit on here.”
“First of all, through Ioun, all things are possible, so jot that down,” Beau snarked. When Yasha smiled up at her, Beau allowed her own smile to spread across her face. “Secondly, I am not sleeping on the cold ass floor. So I guess we’re gonna just have to make due and cuddle all night.” She ended her argument with a shrug and Yasha chuffed again.
Having already been given a blanket before Beau changed clothes, Yasha raised up a corner in invitation. “Well, come on then. We don’t want you to get cold after all.”
The hamster in Beau’s brain stopped turning its wheel. It was no secret among their friends that Beau had a huge crush on Yasha. Possibly even actual feelings for her. But Yasha was a hard woman to pin down, in more ways than one, and often overlooked Beau’s advances. But once in a while, Yasha would say or do something that gave Beau hope that maybe, just maybe, she wasn’t as oblivious to Beau’s advances as she seemed to be.
Like now.
With Beau staring at her, mouth hung open and gaping like a fish, Yasha reached up and gently took hold of Beau’s wrist and tugged her down onto the couch, down on top of Yasha.
Beau tripped on her feet as she was tugged down and landed on top of Yasha a little harder than intended. Other than a soft grunt, Yasha didn’t protest. Instead, she pulled the blanket up over the both of them and wrapped her arm about Beau’s shoulders.
Beau nuzzled close to Yasha’s neck with a small, soft smile. “Alexa, shut off the lights.”
The lights dimmed in the living room and cast the duo into darkness. They both began to fidget a bit, trying to get their bodies to align into a comfortable position for them both. It didn’t take long, and soon both women were comfortable enough to bunker down for the night.
And Beau soon found herself lulled to sleep as Yasha’s fingers gently combed back through her hair.
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kiwi-tai · 2 years
Listen, I LOVE your tis the damn season fic 😍 pleaseeee would you write an exile based fic for like noahxmc or Marisolxmc or honestly even more garyxmc?? I will name my firstborn after you if you do (jk no kids for me,,, but maybe like a cat or hamster)
wait anon your on to something here!!! this is big brain stuff! Kiwi is a cute name for a cat or hamster 👀 
to work with the plot I made this pre love island I hope you don’t mind also took some liberties with the mc thing, like it can still be mc but i used you so second person point of view, but its good promise at least i think so i really hope you like it <3
pairing: Noah x MC
summary: Noah lost you, no let you go—ok more like he made you go. But that didn’t mean he felt any good about it, especially not when he sees you with someone new.
note: Noah is a dick, is it my projected thoughts on how his route goes? idk, Noah just gives me the type to second guess his relationships and fuck them up so here is this fic 🤗 there are some lines that oof i get chills i love them its short, but honestly too powerful i had to stop (yeah im hyping myself up on this one i feel like i really did something here) anon idk if you wanted cute stuff but if you did this is such an angsty song im sorry if so. Also I posted this on my Ao3 too.
Ao3 Link
The champagne was being passed around, but Noah was itching for something a little stronger. The incessant chatter that filled the room irked him, he was too used to the calm quiet that filled the library where he spent most days. Even when he was off, school was still in session so he couldn’t spend time with his siblings and he spent most of his free days alone in his apartment reading or watering his plants. By choice, some would remind him, but he tried not to think of that despite how hard this night is setting out to be. He tried not to think of you.
Twinkling lights hung over head, the best man was clinking a fork to the top of his glass of bubbly. He sat alone in a sea of family and friends that were not his at the wedding of one of his close friends that he had happened to meet with you. Who he reminds himself he has to stop thinking about, but it's easy when he can busy himself with filing or logging information at work and especially hard when your perfume lingers in the air because you’re sat two tables away. Two tables away, a distance of probably twelve feet, but in reality it felt more like there was an endless ocean of murky violent water in between the two of you.
Noah’s world was once blended with yours so perfect and seamlessly—or so he likes to think. It is always so much easier to remember the memories in the glittering haze of nostalgia where everything feels fuzzy and warm. But maybe it had been. Maybe things were perfect and how they should have stayed. With your clothes in half his closet, your toothbrush in his bathroom, your notes littering the fridge and edge of the front door. Those were all gone now, except the notes, he always kept those. He still hasn't managed to throw them out; the brightly colored post-its still sit in a box under his bed with the pictures in frames that used to sit on the mantel. His sister had begged him to put them away, you’ll feel much better, she told him. 
But the man had found his worst enemy these days to be his mind, cruel and treacherous twisting up all his thoughts and anything he’d come by to fill him with reminders and images of you. He didn’t need the photographs when he closed his eyes, there was your smile. There was an old woman on the bus wearing a sage jacket, your favorite color. The little kids kept wanting him to read The Little Prince, there was your voice along with his reading the tale and making little voices as you went. Everything was you. Worst of all it's his mind that got him to where he is now. It filled up that ocean, added the sharks and sharp waves, threw in a kraken just for the heck of it. 
Who was Noah if not his own worst enemy. 
He really did hate himself for letting you go, making you go, he should say, but he doesn’t because you're the one who packed your bags, who picked up your things and scraped his apartment and his life clean of you. Until this wedding that neither of you could escape. The clash of two worlds, that had once been one. He just didn’t expect this. That person by your side. Their arm around your chair and their hand rubbing your shoulder. He felt sick, he hated it. He hated the sight of you with someone else. It was like some twisted nightmare. 
No, it felt like a movie he had seen before. He was never one for movies, but you loved the cinema and would drag him to every film you wanted to see. At first Noah thought he would struggle to stomach them. He didn't have a problem with sitting still for the two hours and some stories weren’t bad, he just missed the literary prose that came with novels. The eloquent words that would flow from a page that he never felt the dialogue of a movie could replicate. But he quickly found the beauty of the reflected projector light on your face, the twinkle in your eye as you watched. The flow of emotion these films caused you. He relished the sight of every laugh, tear, and jump as he got to see the beauty of these stories in you. 
This scene, however, was not from one of the movies he enjoyed. He liked the adventure films, even the rare sci-fi. He enjoyed the light heartedness that came with romantic comedies. He loathed the dramas. The deep shocking stories that would weld tears in the eyes of the theater goers. The raw moments like these where silence, even if it was only the one he created around him, echoed and prickled his skin as if it were a thousand needles. 
The groomsman and bridesmaid end their speeches as the band starts to play a song for the wedding couple. He should be watching his friend and their partner share their first dance, but the person you are with whispers something in your ear and you laugh. It was a sound he had been craving to hear since you had been gone, but the sound cuts at his heart and as you whispered back to them it only poured salt to the bleeding wound. It makes him angry seeing you like that, it was as if your world hadn’t shattered the way his did with you gone. As if this moment was easy.  Did your heart not break like his? Had you not spent nights crying as you read over poems and scribbled notes on the margins of books? Did it not pain you to walk the aisles and see someone that looked like him? To turn everywhere and see him in the faces of strangers, hear his voice in the sound of music, feel him in the wrinkle of bed sheets?
He is swallowed up in the rising ocean tide overtaken by the current and too far gone to notice anything but you and them. His fist clenched, making his fingernails dig into his palms. Noah would give anything to go back to a few months before. His mind, the instigator, fills his head with memories now. Every time he made you laugh louder than you were now. Every pretty little moment: the lingering kisses, the grocery shopping, the stolen touches, the times you spent with his family, all the times he fell deeper in love with you. 
It made him see red, a fury he wasn’t used to feeling, of maybe he didn’t want to admit he felt too often, as jealousy bubbled in his blood. He needed a drink. Noah bee lines to the bar to order himself a rum and coke, making sure to tell the bartender to keep the soda to a minimum. He could get through this night; he just had to calm down. He hated anger. The way it clung to him like wet clothes after getting caught in the rain— or after diving into the ocean head first in your best suit at your friend's wedding. 
He’s too caught up in it all to notice you till you order a drink beside him. Now you're so close he can smell the hints of lavender. It almost does the job of bringing him down from his clouded jealousy, but the look on your face as you turn to him resolves him to spite instead. 
“What is your problem, Noah?”
“I beg your pardon”. He’s better than he expects at feigning nonchalantness, it’s his pride, he thinks, if he can just get you to feel as bad as he does, maybe he might feel a little better.
“Don’t— I would very much appreciate it if you would stop glaring at me and date.”
“I can't look around the room?”
“You were staring.”
“Must have just been lost in thought,” he shrugs and he hears you mumbling to yourself. It’s your tell, it's how he knows he's accomplished his mission, you’re just as angry as he is now.
You fake a smile and thank the bartender as they lay down your drink on the bar. After taking a sip you sigh, but he spots the crinkle in your nose, still angry, “Look, this room is big enough for one of us to be on one side, the other on the other and then no one has a problem.”
Simple enough, but could he do that? He thinks he might just so he doesn’t ruin this wedding for his friend, but this sick twisted part of him doesn’t care. He hasn’t seen you in so long and though he wishes it were on nicer terms, if a screaming match is all he can get from you he’ll take it and hate himself later. “It's that simple, huh?”
“Oh my god,” you shake your head.
Noah leans over motioning to his chest, voice rising to a plea, “I’m sitting here with my fucking heart ripped out of my chest and you’re—” galavanting off with your date he would have finished but you’re quick to stop him.
“Oh, i'm sorry, Noah is me trying to move on after you— you broke up with me offending you?” You quirk your head at him and scoff, “Your heart ripped out of your chest,” it's a bitter laugh that leaves your lips now, not like the joyful one he had heard moments before and he kicks himself because he's dug this hole. Six feet deep in the ground, but god does he not want to lie in it. 
“Don’t give me your high and mighty crap right now,” you continue, “How do you think I feel? For me to pour out every fucking inch of my heart to you and for you to doubt that?” Your voice cracks and the tears start to form in your eyes, but you’ve learned to get the anger out first before they start to roll, “I moved out of my apartment when my lease was up. I got an offer for a job in Manchester— a real fucking good one, but you didn’t know that. No, cause I didnt even give it a second thought? Why when I loved my life in Romford? I loved the life I was building with you and I turned it down.”
You poke at his chest and the tears fall now, “No, Noah, you don’t get to sit there and be angry with me. You fucked this up.” 
He wants to reach out and hold you, you're so close now he could if he wanted to, but he doesn’t, knowing you’d just hate him further. He thinks of all the ways he could beg, cry with you, scream that he loves you. But as much as this felt like a scene from a movie, it wasn’t. He lost you way back in the end of the first act and there was no love confessed reunions to this film. Not like the romantic comedies. He was not the leading man. Some dark-haired suave Mr. Darcy type who’d get looked past for all his shitty fucking behavior because he’s here crying and telling you he loves you. 
No, this was one of those films that ends in tragedy. 
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Hot stuff pt. 1|2 [Sirius Black x Reader] - Challenge
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Title: Hot stuff pt. 1|2 -> Hot stuff pt. 2|2 - Here! Pairing: Sirius Black x Female!Reader, James Potter x Lily Evans, Marlene McKinnon x Dorcas Meadowes Word count: 6k Published: 16 July 2021 Author: Heloise Daphne Brightmore Notes: College/University!AU Warnings: Swearing, alcohol, intoxication, groping in a club, mention of anxiety Summary: University is causing you a great deal of stress, you are couped up in your room, having your own cave. That is until your friends decide they have had enough and drag you away from your studies for a night out. But when your eyes meet a familiar face, one that you thought you would never see again, you find yourself once again captured by him, the reasonable part of your brain betraying you. Challenge: [x] [x] This is part of @iliveiloveiwrite 's writing challenge
Song inspiration: Hot stuff by Donna Summer and Kygo
Bingo: [x] This is part of my Make me feel Bingo Card by @girl-next-door-writes​​
Square filled: Bed sharing (in pt.2)
Harry Potter Characters Masterlist | Masterlists
Make me feel Bingo Masterlist
If you enjoy my stories, please consider donating and supporting me on Ko-fi. Of course, it’s completely your choice, I will continue updating for free anyway :) Thank you <3
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University has been exhausting. Your studies took up all your time, exams up on exams, unfinished assignments and a bunch of colourful sticky notes decorating your room. You felt like you were digging yourself deeper in your books, but your brain didn't even try to process the information anymore.
Anxiety hit you hard, even after you finished an assignment, your brain screamed to start the next one, however your body wanted nothing but to sleep for eternity. When you finally headed to bed, tucked yourself in, covering your body with the fluffy duvet and shut your eyes, sleep just didn't come.
As if your brain finally processed all that happened since the day you were born, random thoughts appeared in your head. Did you save your essay, have you submitted the right document, where did your favourite trousers go, who invented kettles and why is the sky blue? Your eyes popped open, darkness hugging you, sleep laughing in your face.
Your friends got tired of your ghost like existence and they didn't back down when they decided to attempt to get you out of this hamster wheel.
"Get your ass out of that bed," Marlene, your friend and flatmate barged into your room without knocking. You gowned at the sight of her as you continued to stare at the blank Word document open on your laptop, which was seated on top of the blanket that you covered yourself with. You ignored her presence, trying to at least type one paragraph, unsuccessfully.
"Come on, you can't be cooped up in this room forever," Lily, your other flatmate joined Marlene with a softer, less demanding tone.
"Look, this assignment is due in a month. I have to get this done," you tried to convince them that you were productive. Marlene walked over to you and took your laptop from your lap with a sceptical look as she stared at your empty screen.
"How long have you been working on this?" She asked, her brows raised high, knowing full well the answer to her question.
"Not long," you replied innocently, which earned you a deep sigh from Marlene, one that made you rethink your answer. "Maybe a couple of hours," you rolled your eyes in response.
"You have been working on a blank page for hours? That's what I call productivity," she scoffed.
"I'm trying, okay? I just can't seem to write down a single word," you whined as you pulled your cover over your head, attempting to hide away from your friends and all your problems.
"Of course, you can't. You need to get out, you need to get some fresh air, a new environment. You need to get out of this little cave that you built up," Lily responded this time.
"But I have to finish it," you peeked out of the cover, looking at your friends with pleading eyes.
"And you will, but not today. You are stressing over it like the deadline is tomorrow. Get your ass out of that stinky bed and get ready," Marlene took over with a firm tone.
"It's not stinky," you scoffed in disbelief.
"When did you last change it?" She asked with a suspicious gaze.
"I– 3 weeks ago? I think," you smiled innocently.
"Get out, now!" She grimaced as she pulled the blanket off you and started pushing you off the bed.
"Aright, alright," you replied, your hands right in front of you, giving up resistance. "So, what's the plan?" You asked as you headed to the bathroom and acknowledged that you didn't just need to have a shower and wash your hair, you really needed a good shave because you have let yourself go more than you thought you did.
"We are going clubbing!" Marlene replied enthusiastically.
"Wait what?" Your head snapped towards her direction, your eyes wide in surprise. "I thought we would get some food and maybe chat a bit. I don't want to get drunk, I don't want guys rubbing up on me and I certainly don't want to hear their dumb pick-up lines hoping for a quick shag," you whined in disappointment.
"Honestly, at this point, you just need to get laid," Marlene snickered, which earned an elbow in her ribs from Lily.
"We are not saying that you have to get with a guy, we are simply saying that you should get out, drink a little, dance a little and have fun. If you don't want to go with a guy, it's perfectly fine, but you need to loosen up," Lily seemed more convincing than Marlene and whilst you didn't really feel like partying, you knew your social life has been non-existent and the last party you attended was months and months ago.
You heaved a deep sigh, before you decided. "Fine, I guess I do need to get out there a bit," Marlene and Lily ran up to you, both squeezing you in a loving hug, before ushering you towards the bathroom.
"You stink," Marlene grimaced as she stepped back and nudged you towards the shower, earning a loud groan from you.
It did take you a while to get ready. By the time you finished in the bathroom, the mirror was invisible from the thin layer of fog your hot shower created and you could barely see till the tip of your nose. As soon as you left the room, Lily rushed inside, before Marlene took her sweet time in there.
Clothes covered the carpet and almost each and every furniture as you tried to find what to wear. You had an outfit in mind, but in reality, none of your clothes seemed to fit what you wanted to wear. Marlene and Lily got ready rather quickly. Clothes, make up, hair, all done whilst you were sitting on the edge of your bad in your tracksuit.
"What are you doing?" Marlene walked into your room with a grimace.
"I have nothing to wear," you shrugged nonchalantly. You weren't really worked up about it, it's not like the whole party was your idea to begin with. Marlene just rolled her eyes and started looking around the clothes you threw on the floor, before she headed to the wardrobe to search for something that suited you, but also looked nice enough for a night out.
Luckily Marlene picked out a nice black dress for you. It fitted your body shape perfectly and it looked and felt comfortable. She also picked a white leather jacket and a pair of ankle boots. You often found yourself uncomfortable in anything other than trainers, but you liked what you saw in the mirror. You felt pretty. Make up didn't take long as you weren't keen on wearing too much and you let your hair down, not wanting to bother with a whole work of art sitting on the top of your head.
When all three of you were ready to leave, you called a cab and headed to a rather new club, one that you have never heard of before. The ride was quite quick, within 15 minutes you were at the club, a long queue full of people going just around the corner.
"This will take ages," you whined as you got out of the vehicle, the warm spring night hitting your skin, your jacket seeming just a bit too much for the weather. You took the clothing off and folded it over the tiny bag that hung on your shoulder.
"Or not," Marlene chuckled as she headed to the entrance, making you frown. As you got closer you recognised Dorcas standing in the door, right beside a buffed-up security guy. Marlene hurried her steps and threw herself into Dorcas' arms, kissing her as if they haven't seen each other for days, when in reality Dorcas slept over in your flat the night before.
"I need alcohol for this. I can't handle lovey-dovey couples without being intoxicated," you scoffed, making Lily giggle. You loved Marlene and Dorcas, they were a sweet couple, but deep down you were jealous, and you wished someone would love you as much as they loved each other. Of course, it wasn't a toxic jealousy, you loved how happy they were, but you were slightly bitter about your own love life.
"Come on, what are you waiting for?" Marlene asked as she waved you and Lily to go over to them. Both of you greeted Dorcas with a hug, before you headed inside, following the loved-up couple in front of you.
The music blasted loudly from the speakers, the club was dark, colourful flashing lights providing you with just enough visibility to see the people that stood close by. You groaned at the packed space, trying to squeeze yourself through the sea of people to reach a table that Dorcas reserved for you. Advantages of being friends with someone who manages the club, apparently
You put down your jacket on the back of the black leather seat and took Lily's hand, dragging her to the bar, needing the bitter taste of alcohol in your system. Of course, alcohol wasn't the only reason for your leave, you didn't want to watch Marlene and Dorcas' make-out session, feeling a tad envious.
As you stood at the bar, waiting to be served, a man appeared beside Lily, his messy black hair standing up in all kinds of directions as if the boy just woke up from a nap. He smiled at Lily, his white teeth shining bright even in the dark club. Without a second thought Lily and the boy found themselves in a conversation, leaving you on your own.
You already regretted leaving your cosy little cave, your warm blanket and soft bed. You already knew how the party would play out. Marlene would disappear with Dorcas, Lily would go with this stranger, who called himself James as you overheard and you would be standing there, alone, like a miserable train wreck.
Lily offered you a smile as you ordered your drinks, triple for you, single for her, before she turned back and continued flirting with the boy. He ran his hand through his already messy hair, adjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose, his smile becoming cheekier as Lily seemed more invested in the conversation. You heaved a deep sigh as you placed the drink in front of Lily, who seemed to be ignoring your presence. Rolling your eyes, you paid for the drinks and left the girl behind.
You flopped down at your table, groaning at the sight of Marlene and Dorcas' intimate moment and sank into the leather seat as you slurped on your drink with a straw, the bitter alcohol burning your throat. You watched people grinding up against each other to the rhythm of the beat, bodies attached to each other as if they were moulded together.
"Can you look less like you want to murder someone and more like you actually want to be here?" Marlene asked as she let go of Dorcas.
"Nah," you replied in a sulking tone.
"Come on, have some fun," Marlene whined in a child-like manner. You offered her a phony smile, that just reassured her how badly you didn't want to be there. "Fine, let's dance," she groaned and dragged you to the dance floor.
You gave her a sceptical look as she started dancing under the flashing lights. Her body moved to the rhythm of the song as if she was in complete sync with the beat. Although you didn't feel like dancing, you couldn't stop your hips from moving along the song, Marlene's vibe rubbing off on you. You drank the last bit of your drink, the alcohol sliding down your throat easier than before as you closed your eyes and enjoyed the beat.
You felt free, finally all your anxiety leaving you, even if just for a mere moment. You let go of yourself, moving to the rhythm, hips swaying from left to right, hands in the air as you enjoyed the music blasting loudly in the club.
Marlene took the empty glass from you as your eyes opened involuntarily. She smiled proudly as she headed back to the table to put your glass down and walk back to you. You danced together, the music completely taking over you, your head finally empty. It was just you and a moment of freedom.
Soon Lily joined you with the stranger you left her with, and a wide smile spread across her lips. She danced with her back to James, his hands holding her hips as he whispered something into her ears. Lily turned around, facing the boy, trying to listen as he said something to her and tilted his head to the side. Lily nodded and watched as the boy left her with you and Marlene.
"That was quick," you snickered, trying to shout louder than the music, before you bit down on your bottom lip, realising how mean that sounded. Lily gave you an annoyed look, but soon it changed back to her happy expression.
"He went to get his friend," she shrugged nonchalantly.
"Yay, one more horny boy," you snorted which earned you a pinch on your arm from Marlene.
"Stop being so negative. Here, drink this," she said as she gave you a glass filled with something that resembled an orange juice, but you were certain Marlene would not be drinking non-alcoholic beverages in a club.
"Are you trying to get me drunk?" You questioned her intentions.
She nodded diligently, not even trying to cover up her motives. "I can't stand you when you are so negative."
"Fine, but you will be taking me home when I'm crawling on the floor," you huffed.
"Or I let a hot guy deal with you," she snickered playfully.
"That's disgusting," you hissed as you finished the glass' content in a swift movement.
"Woah, you'll get so pissed," Marlene laughed loudly as you felt the drink burn your stomach from the inside.
"You wanted me to have fun," you shrugged and for a second you surprised even yourself. But then it was too late to think about your actions though, you already downed the drink. Your head felt slightly dizzy, but the sudden urge to start dancing made you move. The music was just perfect, you felt like you were dancing on clouds as you moved your body, the lights flashing behind your closed eyelids.
"Pre-drinks next time," Lily shouted as she giggled loudly.
You couldn't stop yourself from smiling at the enthusiastic little ball of happiness, nor could you stop smiling just into the air. The alcohol made you feel relaxed and even though you were not one to drink often, you had to accept that it was a good thing on occasions and under surveillance from trusted friends.
James arrived back to Lily, his arms sneaking around her waist, making her giggle. Lily turned around in his arms, dancing with him to the rhythm as he whispered something to her once again. Lily looked behind the boy, as if she was searching for someone. You followed her eyes, getting curious about what was going on.
Your eyes stopped on a boy seated at the bar with a glass in his hand. His long dark locks were tucked behind one ear, the other side falling into his handsome face. You couldn't possibly tell his eyes' colour, but they seemed as light as the sky. He was looking around the club, his eyes studying every inch of the space. His elegant jaw line and parted lips attracted your attention, your eyes focused on the way he downed the last part of his drink, before he removed an escaped drop of liquid from the corner of his lip with the tip of his thumb. His eyes stopped on James finally, offering him a small grin as they seemed to communicate with their eyes, an invisible connection between the two.
You tried to look away, but the odd familiarity of the boy and the sudden realisation felt like a kick in the gut. He looked rugged and rough, but it wasn't his handsome look that forced your eyes to stay on him, but the identity of the person. Sirius Black. His leather jacket casually hung on his shoulders just like the day he offered it to you to warm you up. His white t-shirt was tucked into his black ripped jeans as he tapped his black boots on the floor to the rhythm of the beat, casually enjoying himself as always.
The air stuck in your lungs as his eyes turned to you, a stunned expression across his face, lips parting in surprise as he looked you up and down, staring at you shamelessly. All sorts of thoughts appeared in your head. Were your clothes okay, did your hair look alright, was something stuck in your teeth? You suddenly felt anxious, you suddenly felt like you wanted to look good for him. He was always on your mind, you never forgot about him and now that he was only a few steps away, his mere presence made you feel like you were suffocating.
His eyes stared into yours and however you tried to look away, your body disappointed you. You were frozen as you watched his lips slowly curving into a small smile before it grew into a confident smirk. You scolded yourself for staring so obviously, but it has been a year since you last had the chance to see him, and his smile was just as addictive when you first met him.
You could feel your heart pump heavily under your ribcage, your blood rushing up to your face, your ears closing the loud music out. At that moment you could only concentrate on him. He was a textbook badboy, he always has been, one that you knew you should have stayed away from. But your heart, your eyes, your body all disappointed you and overpowered your mainly logical brain. However hard you tried to force your brain to remember all those nights filled with tears streaming down your cheeks, thrashing around in your bed, attempting to forget his mere existence, now that he was only a couple of feet away, your brain could only remember all the good memories you harboured so dearly. His gentle touches, his deep voice whispering in your ears, his arms sneaking around your waist pulling you against his chest, resting his chin in the crook of your neck, it all came back at once, betraying the logical part of your mind.
Suddenly you felt hotter than before, your palms started sweating, your lips dried out from your uneven breathing. He was looking at you, only you, as if no one else was in the packed club. The handsome grin he offered you made your tummy feel funny for a second. He changed, he seemed more mature, more grown-up, but he was still that confident, cocky boy you met for the first time.
To your surprise you smiled back, the alcohol fighting hard against your will to remain blank. All those painful memories seemed trivial as he smiled at you. You wanted to scold yourself for acting so foolish, but regardless of how painful it was when you parted ways, he always made sure to remind you of how amazing you were in his eyes, how he could barely keep his hands off you, how a simple smile of yours made him feel at ease in the midst of chaos that his life consisted of. You awkwardly shook your head and turned away, trying to compose yourself. Focusing your attention on Marlene, she grinned at you playfully, wiggling her eyebrows, knowing who you were staring at.
"Good choice. I approve," she chuckled making you snort as a laugh escaped your lips and a wide smile spread across your face. Marlene couldn't have known your story, she wasn't in your life when you met the boy.
"Shut up, Mar," you scolded her, but the alcohol didn't let you feel angry. It was as if you were on this happy ride that just kept going up and never wanted to fall. You wanted to be mad at yourself for staring at Sirius so shamelessly, you wanted to be mad at your friend for making fun of you, but you were in a really good mood, finally feeling free as the alcohol rushed through your veins. You didn't want to ruin it for yourself.
Trying to ignore his intense gaze, you placed your focus on the music, dancing to the beat with Marlene as James and Lily kept whispering beside you, before Lily shouted something to you and left with the boy. You watched her back, trying to follow her with your eyes, but soon she disappeared. You looked at Marlene for some advice, but she just shook her head, casually shrugged and continued dancing. And so did you. You just hoped Lily knew what she was doing. Regardless of the slight worry in the pit of your stomach, you decided to just enjoy yourself on the dance floor whilst your favourite songs played as if the DJ knew the music you needed to hear to get you in just the perfect mindset.
But then Marlene tapped you on the shoulder, leaning closer to your ears. "Let me go get Dorcas, I will be back in a sec," she said, leaning back to see you nod. You didn't necessarily want to be left alone, but you couldn't have run after your friends all the time even if they were fine with it. So, you agreed and watched as Marlene battled her way out of the crowd.
You decided to put all your worries aside and continued dancing. You wanted to feel good, you wanted to enjoy yourself. As your hips swayed to the beat, you felt someone's presence behind you and two hands sneaking around your hips. You started slightly panicking, feeling uncomfortable. Turning your head to your left, looking over your shoulder, you met two dark eyes you have not seen before and a stranger whose breath contained more alcohol than you have ever consumed.
"Can you please not?" You spoke up firmly, trying to pry his hands off your body.
"Come on, let's have fun," his speech was slurred, his breath fanning your face, making you grimace.
"I don't want to," you replied as you pushed him away and started looking around, searching for any of your friends. Lily and James were nowhere to be found and as you could catch a glimpse of your table, Marlene and Dorcas were gone too.
"Don't be a bitch. I'll show you a night you'll never forget," he breathed in your face as his arms found their way around your hips once again. You scrunched your nose at the amount of alcohol you inhaled from his breath. You understood that convincing the guy would not work, he was clearly too intoxicated to even process your words.
As you struggled to remove his hands from yourself, you looked around to search for a familiar face. When you looked over your shoulder, you caught sight of Sirius sitting at the bar with his back to the dance floor. Luckily the stranger in front of you was too drunk to even stand properly so you got out of his hold and rushed past him, stopping straight next to Sirius.
"Hi," you greeted him, a tad out of breath. He frowned as he looked at you, clearly not expecting your company, especially not in a distressed form, but he nodded as a greeting. For a second you forgot your eyes on him, admiring his handsome features, but as you looked behind your back, the same drunk guy was closing in on you, trying to stumble over to the bar. "I need to ask for a favour," you stated.
"Yeah? Not the kind of reunion I expected after our last meeting," he replied, clearly confused by you.
"I know, neither do I. But I'm in a bit of trouble," you attempted to explain it quickly as you looked over your shoulder and saw the stranger stumbling over to you. "Could you please pretend to be my boyfriend?" You asked with an expectant expression.
"What?" He asked incredulously, shock sitting across his face, before it turned into a half-smile. "Definitely not the kind of conversation I was expecting from you," he frowned, half taking you seriously, half feeling as if he was being pranked.
"Please?" You pleaded as you got hold of his biceps, trying to convince him. He looked down at your hands squeezing his arm, before he looked back up, his eyes watching the desperate expression across your face.
"Hello, beautiful," you heard as the man appeared, his words slurred. You turned around and looked at him, pulling a face as you realised you were on your own in this situation. It's certainly not the encounter you expected to have with Sirius, but you didn't really have much of a choice at that moment.
"Can you please leave me alone?" You asked the man, staggering in front of you, but you were sure he didn't understand you. He was way too drunk to care.
"Come on now, we are going to have so much fun," he groaned, thrusting his hips forward, imitating what he wanted to do to you. You grimaced at the man's behaviour, trying to forget he ever existed, but then he caught your wrist, squeezing it painfully tight.
Before you could have said anything, Sirius grabbed the man's wrist, tightening his grip on it, his veins popping out as he locked his fingers around the man's lower arm. "I think you should leave." Sirius replied in a calm and composed manner.
"I'm trying," the other guy hissed angrily. "You are kind of in the way," he spit aggressively.
"I meant, you should leave alone," Sirius stood up, stepping between you and the man, but your wrist was still stuck in his hold. The man looked at Sirius, before his eyes wandered to you then back to Sirius.
"It's none of your business," he growled aggressively as if he was trying to intimidate Sirius. But he didn't budge. He stood between the two of you, waiting for the man's reaction.
"Or is it?" Sirius asked in a warning tone. The drunk man seemed to be debating his options, before he finally let go of your wrist. You quickly pulled it back, massaging the skin, that was surely going to be bruised.
"Whatever," he said as he grimaced and begrudgingly left you with Sirius and started searching for possibly another target.
"Thank you," you spoke, looking at Sirius' back, grateful for his help. He turned around with a gentle smile across his face and nodded in response.
"Are you okay?" He asked, taking your wrist gently into his hand, trying to inspect it in the dark lights, his touch sending a shiver through your spine. Although it was difficult to see, a small, but visible dark red mark ran around your wrist.
"It's fine," you replied as you pulled your arm back, getting hold of it with your other hand.
"Do you need a drink?" He asked as he sat back in his seat and pointed at the other one beside him, offering you the chair.
"Maybe I do need one," you sighed as you took the high-chair beside him whilst he ordered two drinks that you have not heard of before. "Sorry that I attacked you out of the blue, but everyone disappeared."
"You don't need to explain yourself. It's perfectly fine," he smiled softly. "Are you sure, you are okay?" He asked as he ran his eyes up and down on you, inspecting you for injuries. Or so you thought. He wasn't necessarily checking if you had any other wounds, he knew he got involved just in time. He was just looking for an excuse to stare at you, but then you couldn't be sure.
However, after the 5th time he ran his eyes over you, you loudly cleared your throat and tried to establish eye contact. "I think you would have found an injury by now if there was any," you giggled to yourself as he turned his head away, trying to look at anyone, but you. If you didn't know better, you would have guessed he was beetroot red and slightly embarrassed, but you knew it wasn't easy to make him blush.
"I was just making sure," he tried to save the situation as he downed his drink, whilst yours still have not been touched. A slightly awkward silence fell between you regardless of the music blasting in full volume before he finally spoke up. "It's good to see you though," he added, scratching the back of his neck, avoiding your gaze.
"It's been a while," you replied with a small smile, not knowing how to react. "How have you been?" You tried to initiate a small talk.
"Oh, so is that how it's going to be?" Sirius shook his head as a cheeky smile started spreading across his face. "I'm not used to you starting casual conversations."
"I guess I've changed," you laughed softly.
"You certainly have. In a good way," he replied as he kept his gaze on you. You couldn't really pinpoint what it was, but it felt like his eyes could read you, as if they pulled you into his addictive aura and you couldn't look away, just like the first time you met him. Back then a glance of his was enough for you to fall on your knees for him, but it's been a while since then and you have indeed changed.
Although there was still a gentle force pulling you towards him, a word, a look, a touch, you wanted it all, craving it as though you were an addict. Memories of him hinting small, reassuring kisses on your neck, arms sneaking around your hips from behind, legs entangled in his bed were all vivid in your mind. You felt your lips getting dry as you recalled some of your time spent together. Shooing away the memories, you quickly downed your drink, the alcohol burning through your throat and stomach. Sirius' eyes widened at your actions, but he didn't have the time to dispute it.
"Where were you?" You heard Marlene's worried voice. You turned around to answer, but before you could have, she grabbed your arm and started dragging you to the dance floor.
"Marlene, I don't really feel like dancing," you tried to shout over the music, but Marlene couldn't hear a word, nor did she seem like she cared. She seemed to be in a rather intoxicated state, one where you knew she needed water, nothing else.
Her hands were above her head, her eyes closed as she moved with the music, jumping up and down. You looked around, trying to find a solution as you stood awkwardly in the middle of the dancefloor. Luckily Lily arrived just in time with James behind her, her lipstick smudged on her face, making you raise a brow as you pointed at your lips. Without words she understood and quickly started removing it with a tissue from her bag.
James was holding two glasses of water, one of which Lily took from him and gave to Marlene who chugged it down within seconds.
After the inconvenient situation you went through and the awkward meeting you had with Sirius, you just wanted to go home and rest. On the other hand though, you didn't want to ruin your friends' mood. You tried to find a way to get out of the situation, when you felt two hands on the side of your hips. You froze in your spot. The hands didn't move, nor did you feel the person grinding up on you. You were stunned for a second, frozen in your spot. Looking at Marlene with two wide eyes and a scared expression across your face, you tried to ask for help, but her cheeky grin revealed the identity of the boy.
You turned your head around to meet those grey irises that saved you not long ago. He smiled at you softly as he tilted his head as if waiting for confirmation that it was okay to dance with you. He didn't say anything, nor did you, but you still communicated without words just like before. The chemistry was still just as strong between the two of you as it was when you first met and even if you tried to deny it, it was pointless. You silently nodded at his request as he started guiding your hips to the rhythm of the music, leaning your back against his chest, his face buried in your neck.
It felt right to dance with him. You could have second guessed yourself, trying to think logically, but you couldn't lie to yourself. You enjoyed being back in his arms once again. His hands were safely on your hips, not trying to wander anywhere else, his eyes seemed more sober than yours as you looked up at him and his smile was genuinely sweet as if he was trying to reassure you that you were safe in his arms.
He didn't try to touch you inappropriately, he didn't try to grind against you, he knew what you needed even after such a long time. He never forgot how to hold you, how to touch you, how to make you feel secure. You turned around in his arms and locked your hands behind his neck, earning a confident grin from him, the corner of his eyes crinkling as his smile grew.
His cologne hit your nose, inhaling his intoxicating scent, the same perfume he used before. His whole presence could have swallowed you and you would have given in without a second thought. It wasn't logical, the alcohol certainly made you more open, but if anyone, it was always him who could easily get you to let your guard down.
His eyes captured yours, his gaze wandering down to your lips more frequently than it would have been appropriate. You could still clearly remember the feel of his lips against yours, his fingers running under your shirt, his touch making you shiver in anticipation. You felt your skin getting hotter, your face flushed from his proximity as you moved in sync with his body. His fingers drew random patterns on your back, his touch soothing against your skin under your dress.
You were never one to crave men in any cases, but he made you feel like you were the only one he needed, the only one in his eyes and that's what made you fall for him back then as well. Still, the reasonable part of your brain didn't want to acknowledge the past. It craved the present. Sirius leaned down to you, placing his face in the curve of your neck, his growing stubble tickling your skin. Your breathing has become uneven, your heart raced at a dangerous pace. His mere presence was addictive enough to make you forget about all your rational thoughts.
"You are still gorgeous," he whispered into your ear, his lips brushing your earlobe, making your cheeks burn furiously.
"You are just saying that because you are drunk," you chuckled as you tried to concentrate on your dangerously beating heart. You felt your own pulse pumping hard under your skin, your body feeling hot in his embrace.
"I'm completely sober. I have not had any alcohol today," he smirked into your neck.
You leaned back to be able to look into his eyes, a deep frown sitting across your forehead. "Wait, what?"
"My drink was alcohol-free, I haven't drunk anything," he shook his head. "And I meant it, you are stunning, hot stuff," he chuckled playfully, earning a quiet laughter from you, his eyes staring straight into yours as his words left his lips. Those plump lips you found yourself staring at, unashamed. "Do you want to get out of here?" He asked with hopeful eyes, but as the question left his lips, you found yourself debating your choices. Should you leave with him and open up all those wounds, should you hurt yourself again, this time intentionally? You just didn't know the answer and his closeness didn't help you think reasonably.
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nikethestatue · 3 years
Depth of Your Eyes
Extreme Fluff.
Domestic fluff. Babies!
Elriel Month - Day 24
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“Why do you hate me?” lamented the feared and exalted Shadowsinger of the Night Court.
Feared and admired, worshipped for his immense Illyrian power, for his stealth and strength, he, the great and mysterious spy master, the male who made enemies tremble and flee, and females swoon, failed utterly and completely at this one task—having his chunky newborn son open his eyes for him.
When his son was born, the first thing that shocked everyone—parents and healer and midwife—was his very impressive size. How the delicate, slender, elegant Elain even managed to bear him—without much difficulty too—was a mystery.
But the Cauldron loved Elain and strove to make Elain happy. It gave Elain an almost painless labour, though it was lengthy and uncomfortable nevertheless, and while Azriel was out of his mind with worry and trepidation, not knowing whether the baby’s wings would cause damage or even more serious issues, Elain was serene and happy.
The nightmare that was Nyx’s birth was still fresh in Aziel’s mind—the blood, the gore, Nyx’s tiny lifeless body in Mor’s arms, and Feyre, with a horrific gaping slash across her abdomen, bleeding out, Death hovering just above her. Therefore, Azriel dreaded Elain’s labour. For ten months he was a wreck. He was too happy, too elated, too content, too joyful in his life, and there bound to be repercussions for all that bliss.
The baby was conceived momentarily. “Let’s make a baby,” Azriel proposed a little drunkenly to the giggling and smiling Elain. They were enjoying a glorious sunset on the sea, in a tiny town with whitewashed buildings and blue roofs, in the Summer Court. It was far from Adriata, far from visitors and everyone else and they indulged in endless white sand beaches, fresh seafood and lots of local wine, swimming in the azure waters of the sea and enough lovemaking to leave them both sore and hoarse. “Now?” Elain kissed him. He shrugged, “why not now?”
And it happened—‘now’. When they returned from their holiday, she found out that she was expecting their baby.
Azriel couldn’t lie, but he was feeling rather smug.
“What the fuck kind of seed you got, brother?” muttered Cassian. “You just knocked her up in a day?”
Azriel only shrugged innocently.
As if this was to be expected. Of course he’d impregnate her in a day! But it wasn’t at all what he thought would happen—he thought that as with all Fae, this would be a lengthy process full of false starts, crushed hopes and nerves. But the Cauldron loved Elain and wanted to make her happy.
Now, he was holding his chunky son in his arms. Calm and peaceful, the baby took after his parents in temperament. He was mellow and not fussy, docile and good-natured. His appetite was monstrous though. He ate and ate and ate. At his already great size, Azriel muttered ‘you are going to be Cassian’s size by the time you are three’. And because he ate so much, he was rather plump, to put it kindly, which meant that his hamster-like cheeks obscured his eyes. At three weeks, their baby mostly slept and ate, so periods of play and interaction were minimal—hence, Azriel’s failure to actually see the colour of his son’s eyes.
Elain claimed that the eyes were hazel. Nesta insisted that they were ‘Archeron’ eyes. Cassian’s assessment was ‘I think brown. Like dirt’. Amren went with ‘I don’t know, I didn’t look closely’. Yet they all claimed that they’d seen his eyes.
Azriel was seated on top of the covers in their bed, propped against the cushioned headboard. His wing curled around Elain, who was sleeping next to him, pressed to his side, her arm thrown over his stomach. Their son, sturdy and large, almost the size of Azriel’s forearm now, was sucking noisily, eating like he hasn’t been fed in a week. He was fed less than three hours ago.
The bottle—a new invention from Dawn—wasn’t widely used just yet, but Azriel loved it. At first, Elain was reluctant to utilize it, preferring to breastfeed at all times, but then…well, then she came to accept how convenient this bottle invention was. Especially because Azriel was a nocturnal creature and had no issues with staying up or waking in the middle of the night. And with their gluttonous son demanding food all the time, she was still able to function and rest and sleep, since he didn’t really care which way he was getting his food, as long as he was getting it.
Azriel was looking down at the delicious bundle in his arms, and thought that his baby would end up looking very much like him, if he wasn’t so chubby. Right now, he was all round and soft and filled with folds that others wanted to bite and pinch.
Cassian, in fact, did bite his nephew’s little fat wrist, and Elain caught them, warning that Cassian wouldn’t be allowed to feed him if it happened again. “but it didn’t even hurt!” he defended himself feebly. “Just a little nibble…He is such a fatty!”
“No. Biting.” ordered Elain. “Or you’ll be off bottle duty!”
That was a serious threat that Cassian took to heart, because he absolutely adored feeding the baby with the bottle. He and Nesta were enthralled with him, quietly arguing and fighting about whose turn it was to feed him next. Elain and Azriel frequently overheard ‘you did it last time!” “no, but he likes me more…” “gods above, he does not like you more! He clearly prefers me!” “he was crying with you!” “yes, that’s because you made him cry!”
“We only have two choices,” said Azriel with a sigh, watching Cassian coo and babble to the baby one day, rocking him and singing him all kinds of bawdy Illyrian songs. “We either forbid them entry into the house,” at that, Elain frowned. “Or, we just let them be and simply assume that our son’s first word will be ‘fuck’.”
Adhering to the Illyrian tradition of not naming a child until he was one month old, the baby remained nameless. Well, Elain and Azriel knew what he would be called, but speculation ran rampant.
Elain had officially asked Cassian and Nesta to be the baby’s Guardians, a very important and respected position in the Illyrian society. It would fall on Cassian to start teaching his nephew how to fly—and when Elain formally requested for him to become the Guardian, Cassian shyly teared up.
“Yes, Petal, of course,” he nodded nervously, with aching sincerity, “it would be an honour. Are you sure?” Cassian still worried, “are you sure you don’t want to ask Rhys?”
Elain embraced the General gently and lovingly, and whispered, “I’ve never been more sure of anything, Cass. Only you. I’d only trust him with you and Nesta.”
It was Elain’s right as the mother to select the Guardians for her child, so while Azriel suspected who her choice would be, he waited for the official announcement along with everyone else. Eventually, the Guardian would present their son with his first sword, and begin teaching him to fight.
“Well, I want my baby to have the best,” said Elain, kissing Nesta’s flushed cheek. “Who is better than the Commander General of the Night Court armies and the Valkyrie herself? Will you two do us the honour of accepting him into your Guardianship?”
“Yes!” both of them almost yelled their acceptance.
Now, Nesta and Cassian was preparing something grandiose for the Naming Ceremony.
But first things first.
“Hey lovie, why don’t you look at me?” murmured Azriel, rocking his son gently against his chest. At first, the baby leapt towards his nipple, received nothing from it and gave an angry squeak of disappointment.
“Sorry, my friend, at this point, I think you should already know where the good stuff comes from,” said Azriel, as he offered the bottle. “I know, I know, not the same, but close enough. Believe me, I tried it straight from the delicious source and I agree, it is much better,”
“Stop being gross,” moaned Elain, and slapped his stomach.
He laughed.
“I am not being gross. Just honest. If I can suck on your titties,”
“Oh, gods, yes, I know. You’d rather suck on my titties than a bottle. I’ve heard this before,”
“And I stand by my opinion. So does my son. He has good taste. Now, go back to sleep.”
Elain ran a sleepy hand over the edge of his wing and turned around, pressing her lush ass into his thigh.
He drew his knuckles over her cheek and she reached for his fingers with her lips, kissing them, before tumbling back into her slumber.
Gods, he loved her.
The baby didn’t like all this jostling around him, and grabbed Azriel’s hand with his stubby fat fingers, steadying him and the bottle.
“Sorry,” Azriel murmured and looked down, stroking his baby’s soft brown curl that jutted out proudly on top of his head. “Mama is such a beauty…we can’t forget her either, even with you. I love you both very much.”
The baby nodded sagely, as if agreeing with his father. Yes, indeed, his mother was gorgeous and beautiful and very nice, and required his father’s attention. It was very understandable.
But this male, this father of his—he liked him very much as well. He was very kind and he fed him and changed him, and sang songs with him, and played with him, and…well, he loved him.
Azriel was smiling softly to himself, watching the baby, and then, suddenly, his son opened his eyes and grinned at him. Grinned a huge toothless smile—his very first one. He never smiled for anyone before, but this was it.
This was for his father.
This male, who’s waited for him for a long, long time, hoping against hope that one night, he’d have him in his arms and receive this huge, satisfied smile, which was meant only for him. An undeniable, glorious reward for centuries of suffering and sadness. He grabbed his father’s scarred finger in his fist and blinked at him with the depth of his Archeron eyes.
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