#top!calum masterlist
Top!Calum Masterlist
Bass and Drums (ao3) - boomercal Calum/Ashton, Michael/Crystal, Sierra/Luke E, 70k
Summary: [Sequel to The Bass Player]
Calum and Ashton just went public with their relationship, but they might have left a few things out, like how long they've been together and how it happened. But that's beside the point; Calum's trying to navigate social media, being allowed to hold his boyfriend's hand and the blurry lines between friendship and something more.
Birthday Cake (ao3) - im_just_a_sucker_for_bromance Luke/Calum E, 2k
Summary: Birfffday Cake
It’s Luke’s birthday and Calum decides to make it special.
Endlessly (ao3) - pxnkspace Luke/Calum M, 3k
Summary: Calum and Luke have been together for almost five years now and Calum just wants to show Luke that he is the right guy for him.
for you are not beside but within me (ao3) - elysianhood Luke/Calum E, 11k
Summary: Calum pulled Luke up with his blonde locks by his right hand and wrapped his left tightly around his throat, restricting his airway, and leaned in close to the teary blue eyes, hissing threateningly, ‘You never – ever – speak to me like that ever again, you filthy slut. Ever. You don’t fucking tell me what to do. You’re just a fucktoy, remember? A dirty, fucking whore. That’s all you’ll ever be.’
or; Luke was a bad boy and Calum isn’t happy.
Grabby Hands (ao3) - antisocialhood Calum/Ashton, Michael/Luke/Ashton N/R, 7k
Summary: Ashton likes wearing big sweaters, curling up with his daddy and sucking him off while they watch TV, and sometimes Calum likes to treat his princess to something special.
I Only Wanna Talk (ao3) - dafeedil Michael/Calum E, 16k
Summary: He thinks it should feel wrong, kissing Calum here in the dark, when the thousand dollars he paid to have this is sitting neatly in its envelope just feet away. But it doesn’t feel wrong, not at all. In fact, it feels unnatural not to be kissing Calum.
Or, more simply, Michael falls in love with a prostitute.
I’ve Seen My Neighbor Naked (ao3) - orphan_account Luke/Calum, Michael/Luke, Luke/Ashton E, 18k
Summary: Luke is a porn star. Michael runs across two videos of him with Ashton and Calum two really famous porn stars. When said boy moves into the house next door will feels come out?
I Wanna Make You Feel Good (ao3) - boomercal Calum/Ashton E, 3k
Summary: Calum and Ashton just go together and they're trying to figure out where they stand and are learning things about one another. Some of those things make Calum horny.
like a prayer (for which no words exist) (ao3) - satellitesunset (awkwardcaterpillar) OT4 E, 2k
Summary: It's overwhelming, being kissed, grazed, and revered in a manner not unlike worshipping like he's something divine and holy, someone worth praising and devoting to, he's both the saint and sinner, the painting and temple being venerated.
- or ashton-centric ot4 gang bang
Looking In Your Eyes And They’re Burning Fire (ao3) - fourdrunksluts Luke/Calum E, 8k
Summary: Luke doesn’t think he’s very good at sex, so Calum helps him practice, and maybe learns a few things along the way.
Midnight Memories (ao3) - im_just_a_sucker_for_bromance michael/calum E, 3k
Summary: It was Calum’s birthday and Michael wanted to be the first one to wish him. He also decided to wish him in a different way. In a different way meant in a way that Calum would not expecting. To carry his plan out, he got a few stuffs of his own that he was impatient to try.
No Equipment Required (ao3) - onlypanda Luke/Calum E, 3k
Summary: “We still gotta get a workout in,” Calum huffs.
“I’m pretty sure this will count,” Luke shoots back.
Taking Turns (ao3) - sonofneverland Calum/Ashton M, 1k
Summary: Boyfriend's Ashton and Calum try switching things up in the bedroom.
This Night, This High (ao3) - valiantnerd (arareads) Calum/Ashton E, 5k
Summary: He could stay in this moment forever. With nothing but the chill evening breeze coaxing the smoke away and the vast silence that only he breaks with every breath. Minutes go by, slow and thick, and he sinks into them like a warm bath.
Here, in the cabins, the rush can’t reach him.
Or, Calum and Ashton make the most of the nights at the cabin.
you drape your wrists over the steering wheel (ao3) - spaces Luke/Calum M, 2k
Summary: the one where calum and luke have sex. in a car.
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tinyglitterrose · 2 years
Ash is on the floor
boyxboy, 18+
Top Luke, Bottom Ashton
Warnings: SMUT
basically an Ashton centered foursome.
"Why are we doing this again?", Calum asked, rolling his eyes.
"Because we're bored and we got nothing to do"
"That's the same thing, Mike", Ashton said.
"Whatever", Michael grinned, "Who wants to go first?"
Luke eagerly raised his hand.
"Luke, you're not supposed to want to start, you have to try to be the last", Ashton shook his head at his younger bandmate.
"I know, I know, but I'm excited that we're playing something"
Calum pulled a card from the stack.
"Alright, question for Luke: Who invented the lightbulb and what year?"
"How the fuck am I supposed to know that?"
Calum and Ashton shrugged the same moment that Michael shrieked: "You have to strip now!"
So Luke had to be the first one to take an item of clothing off. The band didn't think of it as weird, they had seen each other naked a lot of times before and it was simply the easiest way to determine who was the looser of this game. Well, they could have made a list but they were too lazy to look for a paper and a pen so stripping it was.
"What is a sinus curve?", Calum read and immediately groaned, "That's so unfair, your mom is a math teacher"
Because it was Luke's turn again and his mom had told asked him this exact question often enough that he was actually able to give the correct answer.
Thankfully, there were also some easy questions in this game, like what is 3 times 4 or name three fruits and vegetables. It was easy. Or it should be, but Ashton kept failing his questions.
"Man, come on, three animals that live underwater", Michael repeated the question.
"I - uh...fish?", Ashton was trying his best to think of three animals, three damn animals. But how could he think of animals when all his bandmates were sitting shirtless across from him. Luke had grown some chest hair that Ashton wanted to nuzzle his face in, Calum's abs were...he just wanted to lick them all over and Mike's soft tummy made him want to grab and touch. Ashton was not okay.
"What kind of fish?"
"Umm...like...like, uh, small fish and...wales"
"Wales, okay, small fish, no, Ash, come on, where's your brain?", Luke laughed. They were all laughing at him.
But Ashton's brain was on standby, all that was in his mind was 'abs, chest, naked guys'.
"...two, one.", Calum finished the countdown, "Alright, sorry mate, you gotta draw a blank"
Ashton blinked. And only then did he realize that he had failed so often now that he was only sitting here in his boxers. Michael was in his boxers, too, but he still had both his socks on. Ashton, on the other hand, had only his boxers left.
"Uh, well, I think we can stop playing, I obviously lost", he tried to laugh it off, but his bandmates were not having it and started protesting.
"No, you lost, you have to go with the rules", Calum said.
"I can still win, Ash, don't ruin this for me", Luke said.
"Your dick is not that impressive, mate", Michael said and grinned widely.
So Ashton had no choice. His face felt hot when he clumsily shoved his boxers off without standing up and simultaniously trying to hide his junk from the prying eyes of his friends.
Great, now he was sitting stark naked in front of his friends that happened to turn him on. At least he didn't have to play anymore.
But the others kept playing and they kept losing articles of clothing.
Ashton slowly slid his legs up to his body, to better hide the boner that he was slowly but surely getting from this. This was not good, so not good.
"Didn't you say something about winning?", Michael's joyful voice brought him back to the game.
It was directed at Luke who was grumbling to himself, standing up and suddenly shoving his underwear down his legs.
Ashton's eyes bulged out of his head for a second, before he remembered that he had to act like he was totally cool. And obviously he had seen Luke's dick before, but it still caught him off guard. And it was not good for his own dick.
Luke wasn't even ashamed. He sat back down, legs spread, hands placed on the floor behind him so that he was slightly leaning back and could comfortably watch Calum and Michael continue to play the game.
Ashton kept stealing small glances at the blonde's penis, just because it was so displayed. He was practically forced to look.
"You alright there?", Luke asked quietly, while Mike and Calum were arguing whether a potato counted as a vegetable or not.
Ashton looked up from his own feet to meet Luke's blue eyes. One of his eyebrows were raised in question.
"You sure?", Luke asked again, when Ashton hastily nodded, "You look a bit uncomfortable there"
Ashton blushed, pulling his legs even more towards his body and shrugged, unable to say anything because he would only have been able to stutter. He could not talk to a naked Luke that was still very much showing off his dick.
Luke didn't question him any further, but he kept looking at Ashton as if checking to see what was wrong.
The drummer really hoped that Luke didn't notice his staring at his other bandmembers chests or the way he silently gasped when he saw Calum's biceps bulge from ripping a card from Michael's hands.
"I win!", Michael shouted exitedly all of a sudden, which was really not so suddenly, but Ashton had barely been paying attention to the game. He jumped from the shout and let his legs slip for a second, before quickly pulling them up again.
But he had fucked up.
"Are you hard?", Luke asked bluntly and immediately he had the attention of three australians.
Play it cool, just play if off, Ashton thought to himself, as if he was not panicking right now.
"No? What the fuck, Luke?", he tried to sound arrogant and even rolled his eyes at the blonde, but the other man wasn't having it.
"No, no, you're hard, I saw that", then he giggled, "You have a boner, Ashy, I saw it"
Ashton shook his head violently, but Calum interrupted him before he could object again: "Do you really?"
"No, of course not"
"Then put your legs down", Michael ordered.
"Pff, no, I'm not letting you guys look at my dick, just so you can realize that Luke's being stupid"
"If you have nothing to hide, do it", Calum joined in. Shit. He needed to get out of this, he couldn't let them see that Luke was absolutely right.
"Yeah, show us your penis, Ash!", Luke grinned brightly.
"Shut up", they all groaned in response, but kept nagging Ashton.
"You're being really suspicious", Calum said, trying to hide a wide grin. Ashton was still trying to come up with a response in his mind, when suddenly his knees were gripped and forcefully pushed down with one harsh move.
"Mike!", Ashton shouted angrily, "You could've just broken my legs!"
But he received no answer.
The drummer's hands flew to cover up his erect dick to try to shield it from his bandmate's wide staring eyes, but surprisingly it was Luke who caught his left hand and held it in the air to prevent him from doing so. Calum quickly did the same with his right hand and before Ashton could even think of pulling his legs back up, the grip of Michael's hands on his ankles tightened.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
His best friends were all wordlessly staring at his exposed boner that he got because of them and Ashton just wanted to cry. Screw that, he was already crying, tears started to silently trickle down his cheeks.
He felt so humiliated. Was this the moment that he would get kicked out of the band? They would tell him how absolutely disgusting he was and then nakedly push him out the house and he would bang on the door but no one would let him back in and then his stuff would be thrown out of one of the windows and they'd shout at him to never come back -
"Ash", it was Luke's soft voice that brought him back.
The blonde's face turned to a pained expression when his friend turned to him, looking up with wide, glassy, terrified and shameful eyes.
"Don't cry", Luke mumbled helplessly, "Please"
Ashton averted his eyes to where Luke's hand was holding his wrist to the floor and sniffled.
"I'm sorry", he cried quietly, "I'm sorry -"
"Don't be, Ash, look at Luke, hm?", Calum nodded encouragingly towards Luke's bare crotch. Was this a trick and when he looked they'd say he was disgusting for looking at his best friend's dick while his own was hard? But he couldn't not obey with Calum's soft eyes looking at him like that. With these warm dark brown chocolates.
"Luke!", he spluttered and looked up into the bright blue eyes once he had followed Calum's request.
Luke grinned lopsidely and shrugged.
"Y'know I'm gay, can't help it when a pretty boy is naked and hard right in front of me", he didn't seem embarrassed at all. Not even while admitting that seeing Ashton hard had made him hard as well. Ashton had - the drummer gulped, stealing another glance at what was apparently his fault.
"You - I made you-"
"You don't realize how fucking hot you are, do you?", Luke was still grinning like that. Like it was normal to chat to each other about being hot, while they were both sitting on the floor naked and with their erections out.
Ashton didn't say anything back. He was jut staring dumbly at his best friend.
Luke shook his head slightly, then his hand reached towards Ashton and before said boy could even fathom what was about to happen, the blonde's hand wrapped itself around Ashton's member and began to stroke it slowly.
Ashton's mouth fell open to release a gasp and then a choked off whimper when Luke squeezed his fingers around the tip, causing a few drops of precum to dribble from it.
Ashton's face was redder than the tip of his dick and he closed his eyes, not wanting to have to look at any of his friends, while one of them was jerking him off.
"I want his mouth", Calum mumbled all of a sudden and then Ashton was pressed to the floor, forced to lie down with Luke still touching his dick.
He opened his eyes, the hazel orbs immediately going wide when he saw Calum crawl up to his head with no underwear on and also hard. He was going to look away again and close his eyes once more but to Ashton's utter shock, the maori boy climbed right onto his chest, one leg on either side of him. His dick was hanging right into Ashton's face, the boy going cross eyed as he looked at it, his mouth dropping open as wide as his eyes.
"Can you", Calum seemed to hesitate, carefully stroking a loose curl out of the drummer's face, "um, suck it for me?"
Ashton blinked at him wordlessly for a few seconds, hardly noticing the groan Michael let out from somewhere behind Calum. Luke's thumb flicked over his slit and caused him to moan quietly and he decided okay he was going to do this.
With unsurely flickering eyes, switching between Calum's face and his dick, he slowly opened his mouth wider, lifting his head a little towards it.
Calum understood and bent forward so that Ashton laid his head back on the floor and let the back of his head be softly craddled by one of Calum's hands, the other wrapping itself around his dick and slowly feeding the pink swollen tip to the drummer.
"Shit", Calum whispered at the wet feeling of a mouth enveloping his dick. He let Ashton adjust to the strange feeling for a few moments, before he got his hips closer to his face, Ashton ending up with half of his friends' length in his mouth.
"Fuck, he looks so-", Michael stopped the words to groan and Ashton hadn't even noticed him crawling up next to him, now naked just like everyone else. He looked up at him with big glassy eyes, his mouth full of dick and Michael couldn't help but groan again.
"Fucking shit, you look - so hot, Ash, you don't even know", he rambled, starting to stroke himself and simultaniously wrapping the other hand around Luke who was right next to him.
The youngest's fingers tightened around Ashton in response, which then caused Ashton to suck in his breath, lips closing tightly around Calum's dick and Calum groaned. Long and loud and with a "goddamn, do that again".
So Ashton did. He had no idea how to give a blowjob, but he just tried out what he thought he was supposed to do and what girls had done to him before and it seemed to work.
At some point, when he was sure Michael and Luke were about to start kissing, Calum started to move his hips back and forth, using Ashton's mouth and Ashton let him.
He let his eyes slip shut, a few tears slipping past his eyelashes at the action and released a sound that was meant to tell Calum he could keep going. Whether the bassist understood that or not, he did it anyway.
"Shit, that's so- yea", he groaned, hips picking up force and starting to slowly but deeply fuck into the other boys' mouth.
Michael and Luke stopped their actions to watch, Ashton only noticing that because of the hand around his dick suddenly disappearing. And maybe Michael's vocalization of how hot he looked with 'his throat stuffed full of cock'.
He blinked his eyes open again, meeting Luke's that were staring right back at him, Michael's focused on his lips and Calum's dick instead.
Luke reached out and wiped another tear from his cheek, his hand then continuing to go into his hair and softly massaging his scalp.
"You're doing so good, Ash", he mumbled reassuringly, "so good, look so pretty like this"
Ashton tried to nod, but choked on Calum and Luke giggled slightly, while the other two moaned loudly. Ashton loved how fond and caring Luke was being with him.
"I kinda want his ass, guys", Michael mumbled, at the same time reaching out and grabbing a handful of one of Ashton's pecks to squeeze.
Ashton let out a whimper, lips tightening around Calum and no one, not even Calum himself, was prepared when he seized up and started jolting and suddenly coming down Ashton's throat.
"Oh my - sorry, sorry", Calum scrambled off the other boy when he began choking and coughing heavily, him and Luke cradling his head and lifting it up slightly to help Ashton sort his breath out again. A bit of spit was dribbling down the corners of Ashton's mouth and Luke wiped it away with his thumb when Ashton was just heavily breathing, his flushed chest rising and falling rapidly, big teary eyes looking up at Calum.
"That...salty", he said and Calum laughed.
The only one not seeming bothered by his friend choking on his other friend's cum was Michael.
Ashton had forgotten about the boy, too focused on not dying from being too stupid to swallow. His presence was burned back into his mind, though, when there were hands gripping his thighs and slung over shoulders and then his butt was lifted a few inches into the air.
Ashton squeaked unmanly and thudded back down to the floor with his upper body, reflexively gripping for Luke's and Calum's thighs on either side of him to hold on to something.
Hands were groping at his ass, grabbing at the flesh of it and Ashton could only stare down at the colored hair of Michael's head and gasp when his cheeks were pulled apart harshly and he felt a blow of air right on his most sensitive area.
He blushed furiously, looking to Luke as if seeking help but not knowing what he wanted help for. The youngest one noticed the eyes on him and bent down to kiss his nose sweetly.
"Relax, Ash", he mumbled to him, hand sliding on to his chest and fingers stroking over one of his nipples softly, "Mike's just gonna eat your cute little ass"
Ashton's mouth dropped open at the contrast of Luke's sweet actions to his filthy words. The other boy just grinned back at him, knowing exactly what effect his words had on the drummer and pinching the nipple under his fingers.
Ashton's head hit the floor with a thud when he felt the first wet stripe over his hole.
He could feel Michael's face inbetween his spread cheeks, his slight scruff rubbing against them and his wet tongue continuously running itself over his sensitive rim. It licked fat stripes through his whole crack, up to where his balls where which he kissed softly, then back down and then he circled the hole with his tongue.
It was like Michael was a panther on a hunt and Ashton's ass was his prey and he was circling around it until he would jump to catch it. And he did.
"Aaaaah", Ashton gasped, when Michael pushed the pointed tip of his tongue into him.
Ashton threw his head from side to side, squirming and trashing under the guitarists' hold. He had never been eaten out by anyone, never had someone else touch him there at all and the feeling of a tongue repeatedly thrusting into him, slicking him up, was overwhelming.
His back arched off the floor with a loud whine when he felt one of Michael's fingers suddenly pushing at his entrance. His tongue was now licking around his rim again, leaving the opening free for the finger to push in.
Ashton's legs twitched where they were still hanging off Mike's shoulders when he pushed the finger all the way in in one slow motion.
"He hasn't even found your prostate yet, baby" Calum said next to Ashton, amused but amazed at the same time. His hand came up to softly stroke over his chest that was starting to get sweaty.
Soon, two more fingers were pushing into him, and finally Michael pressed them up to press against his prostate.
"Mmmh - I - aaaah", he gasped, face pressing into Luke's hand that put itself on the side of his face.
Michael started thrusting them in and out of the drummer, pressing up against his prostate with every thrust in and Ashton's chest started lifting off the floor as if he was spasming with the rhytmic thrusts.
"It's okay, Ash, you're okay", Luke mumbled next to him, smiling sweetly when Ashton opener his teary eyes to look at him. His mouth was open against Luke's hand, gasping into it, unable to close it.
His hand stroked over his cheek for a few more moments, then he couldn't seem to handle just watching anymore and grumbled: "I think that's enough Mike, I want him now"
Ashton turned to look up at him with wide eyes, mouth still agape as he watched him crawl away to get into Michael's place between his legs.
Michael took Luke's previous position, getting comfortable kneeling, then wrapping a hand around his dick to slowly stroke it.
A slick sound came from Ashton's right side and when he turned his face to Calum, he saw the maori one stroking precum down his own dick, making it glisten all over.
All the while, Luke had gotten a condom from somehwere and lube and now he was putting the items on his dick.
So many dicks. And all hard just for the drummer laying spread out on the floor. Ashton looked around at them all, eyes wide with wonder, confusion, he was unable to grasp what was going on, but also so turned on. They all wanted him. Just like he wanted them.
"You ready, Ash?", Luke asked carefully, massaging one of his wide thighs to let him know everything was okay.
Ashton gulped, then, after taking a shaky breath, nodded his head. Not a second later, he let it hit the floor again, the feeling of the warm and slick tip nudging at his opened hole overwhelming him. And it wasn't just any dick, it was Luke's. One of his best friends.
And his other two best friends were both masturbating not even a feet away from him. If Michael were to come right now, it would probably stripe Ashton's chest and shoulder.
And Ashton kind of wanted that. But there was no time to keep thinking about it, because a dick was breaching his hole and slowly pushing in. Luke's hands grabbed onto Ashton's thighs, lifting them to wrap them around his waist and Ashton gasped, actually forgetting how to breathe for a second, when it made Luke be able to push in deeper.
He bent down to kiss the drummer's nose once again, knowing Ashton needed the reassurance, time to calm down and the knowledge that Luke wouldn't suddenly start mindlessly pounding into him.
It caused said boy to smile lightly, dimples appearing in his cheeks, and Luke's one dimple in one of his cheeks then appearing as well as he smiled back. It was impossible to not smile back at this boy.
"God, how can you look so innocent when you're full of dick, Ash?", Michael went and ruined the moment.
"Right?", Calum added, one hand wrapped around his dick now, too.
While Ashton was distracted for a moment, Luke used that to slowly pull out and back in. Ashton's mouth dropped open for the fourth or maybe it was the fifth time tonight.
It didn't last long. Luke was stuttering after two minutes of thrusting, almost drowning out Ashton's constant whines and moans with his own sounds and the way Ashton's thighs clenched around Luke's waist showed that he was getting pretty close, too.
Michael was furiously rubbing his hand up and down his leaking dick, Calum was taking his time but he couldn't hide his gasps.
What made Luke and Calum fall over the edge at almost exactly the same time was Michael.
Michael screwing his eyes shut, hand speeding up further, dick starting to twitch and then he was cumming on the floor. Mostly.
Two thin white streaks hit Ashton across the face, striping his cheek. The drummer let out the most high pitched sound of the night, almost a squeak and perhaps it was because he hadn't been expecting that.
"Fuck", Calum groaned at seeing Ashton not only be fucked on the floor, while two more people were masturbating right next to him but also freaking getting the cum shot on his face. It was so dirty, but too hot to handle.
Luke seemed to think the same, stumbling over his moans, senseless words, a few "Ash"s mixed in, and he was cumming, too.
Ashton's back arched as he felt the dick inside him twitch, he didn't know that he would be able to feel that but he did, he felt how Luke was spurting into the condom and due to Calum's groan he was simultaniously watching the maori boy cum all over his hand.
And all for him. He had just made three boys come, his three best friends.
He loved it.
His body seemed to agree - Ashton wasn't able to connect his brain with his body anymore or maybe he just forgot how to think - as it started spasming, hole clenching and unclenching around Luke who was still gently thrusting inside him, wanting to make Ashton cum with his dick.
"Lu - aaah! I - hmm aaaaah", he gasped, then he was shooting out strings of cum himself. He felt hands gently grabbing his shoulders, wrapping around his waist and onto his thighs halfways through it, making him feel grounded as he lived out his orgasm.
His eyes were heavy, closing by themselves when his penis stopped twitching, having wrung out all the cum that he had.
"We should..."
"Alright, guys,..."
He only heard half their murmured sentences, not even caring that he was still lying completely naked and covered in cum on the floor.
He also didn't open them when he felt himself being lifted up, he only hid his face in the warm chest in a weak attempt of hiding from his friends again, but being too tired to really be embarrassed now.
When he opened them again a few minutes later, he found himself in Michael's king sized bed, all three of his bandmates snuggled around him, building a big cuddling mess.
Calum was already snoring and Mike's eyes were closed, too. Luke's blue ones, though, blinked at him when he turned to look to his left. A lazy but comforting, once again reassuring smile was on his face and Ashton relaxed fully into the mess of arms around him, falling asleep naked but not the least bit scared or embarrassed about it.
yaaaaay, finally finished this one! i've been writing on this for almost a month and i'm sick rn but i really wanted to finish it today!
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eitaababe · 1 year
— chapter 3. shut up.
series masterlist. | previous / next
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next class ! — written portion below.
you walked into class the next day, hesitant to walk in. you peeked your head in awkwardly to see if ao'nung was there as kiri only quietly laughed at your antics, walking past you to her seat.
your eyes scanned the room and you breathed a sigh of relief when you didn't spot the boy, and you were about to walk in when you froze at the sound of an unfamiliar voice.
"hope you didn't forget about our deal, because i spent like seven bucks on your coffee."
shutting your eyes tightly and opening, and silently praying to eywa that this was a dream, you turned around, being met with his bright blue orbs.
"ah, how could i ever forget? i was promised free coffee." you played along, hoping he'd miss the way your cheeks turned pink at the sight of him.
eywa, he was even more attractive standing in front of you.
"well then, i hope your willing to keep your side of the deal." he smiled, handing your coffee to you before walking into the class, pulling out the seat beside his dramatically for you to sit in.
you rolled your eyes at his dramatic gesture and sat in the seat, trying hard to not let your face turn anymore red.
you pulled out your computer, your leg bouncing beneath the desk. ao'nung noticed this and smirked, his hand gently resting on top of your thigh, making you jump.
"calm down sweetheart, you're shaking in your seat," he smugly stated, making you softly groan into your hands. "i won't bite you, i promise. unless you're into that kinda thing. which is a bit weird, i guess, but to each their own."
"oh just shut up."
eywa decided to grace you just now, because before ao'nung could embarrass you once more the professor had arrived, and soon went into his lecture for the day.
"saved by the bell." ao'nung grinned, retracting his hand and finally focusing up.
you were in for a long class.
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— ao'nung asked neteyam for y/n's coffee order, that's why neteyam was reluctant to get her another one
— before y/n had an 8am class neteyam and her would spend mornings at her dorm and eat breakfast
— ao'nung pestered y/n throughout the whole lecture, and half the girls in class got jealous and hate her
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a/n — ok i gotta know what team are you guys on / also i tried adding read more but tumblr hates me rn so sorry 😭
taglist / closed. @n7ytiri @ilovejakesullysdick @possysblog @love-chx @stars4deku @evphology @afro-hispwriter @ydsm-29 @tsireyasgf @goldeneywa @doulcha @krazy-kattzz @fucksnow @squid4 @blairrrrrr @neteyamforlife @dreamtogether2000 @444lyra @ambria @cawi00 @calums-betch @burntoutraven @powowowy @fadingpalacebonkpsychic @elegantkidfansoul @kolsmikaelson @mirikusashes @yukichan67 @goodiesinthecloset21 @netemoon @littlethingsinlife @coconut-dreamz @infamouslyclumsy @anm3mi @jjkclub @throwitbacktae @whoreforpomegranates @lolzies11 @ellasully @neteyamlvr11 @il0veheartz @liyahsocorro @nao-cchi @avatarlover21 @marcswife21 @drugs-for-memes @zendayaswrld101 @grierpilots @misscaller06 @erenjaegerwifee @lightskinloak @mommyneytiri @solaceinwritings @inluvwithneteyam @halibanana
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little-worm-grant · 4 months
Moonboys: Top Notch Banter
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Marc Spector & Steven Grant
404 words / Masterlist.
If you like what you see, leave a like or reblog and follow me ♥
Summary: Steven's all fired up and trying to explain British things to Marc. All of this is complete nonsense and none of it should be taken seriously.
Notes: Inspired by this post. Was funny to me it ended up being 404 words.
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Marc was ready to pull his hair out. Staring forlornly back towards the reflection where his counterpart had been driving him crazy for the better part of a day.
They’d argued earlier and Steven decided there was no peace to be had. He chose violence, though nothing like Marc or Jake’s. Talking to himself mostly. Rambling, rambling, rambling. All in the constant vicinity of Marc. Making it near impossible to concentrate. If he couldn’t beat it. He tried joining it.
“But what does cheeky Nando's mean?? It has to have a meaning.”
Maybe he shouldn’t have asked. He was verging on losing his own sanity.
“Mate it’s hard to explain.” Steven started with a disappointed sigh. “It’s just like one day you’ll just be with your mates having a look in JD.”
“… right.” Marc answered. Finding none of it right. He really was trying to follow along. Steven continued on with little breath between his strung-together words of gibberish.
“And you might fancy curry club at the ‘Spoons but your lad Calum, who’s an absolute ledge and the Archbishop of Banterbury will be like, ‘Brevs, let’s have a cheeky Nando's instead.’ And you’ll think ‘Top. Let’s smash it.’”
Hand rubbing over his face to comprehend this level of fuckery. Marc stared for the longest time.
“What are you saying?? You’re not even British? Have you picked this up off the internet?”
“Oi! You wot. Don’t say that. I’ll have you.” Steven pointed his finger up threateningly. “I’ll clap your ears together, I swear on me mum.”
Marc inhaled longingly for a moment of peace. Head tilting back to stare at the ceiling. It was either he put up with this for another hour or say what he’d been meaning to say.
“Alright. Fine. I really can’t listen to you anymore. I’m sorry I ate the last Oreo.”
“Too right! I knew it was you! Knobhead. What’re you like?”
“Did you even know half the shit you were talking about?”
“Course! JD’s a shop you have a gander in. And everyone knows ‘Spoons. Solid place if you fancy a pint in the beer garden. Even if it tastes like piss.”
And still, somehow, none of it was okay for Marc.
“Gotta love a cheeky Nando’s when the occasion calls for it. Just don’t invite any ledges or Archbishops of Banterbury unless you wanna get wankered.”
“Steven. I’m begging you, please. Forget I ever asked.”
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cal-puddies · 2 years
Open My Mind for Ya // Calum Hood
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notes: This all stems from the photo drop Cal did that contained the picture in the upper left, enough said.
Big shouts to my otter half @kindahoping4forever for cheerleading this one.
Warnings: Boyfriend!Calum, Kink exploration in an established relationship including: spitting, exhibitionism, dom like behavior, dirty talk, and rough sex
Word Count: 7194
Cass Masterlist // Ko-Fis linked in bio
Reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated!
It’s always quiet in the comedown. Your head rests on your boyfriend's bare chest. His fingers draw shapes on your bare back while yours trace over the tattoos on his arm. He sweeps the hair off the back of your neck and gently traces the hickey he left there. Your skin is always too clean when he gets home from tour, so he likes to mark you. 
“What’s on your mind, darlin’?” He whispers. 
You turn your head to look at him. “Just thinking.” 
His hand trails down your back and slips under the covers to grab your ass. “About?”
You chew your lip for a minute, deciding whether or not to spill. Cal slides his hand up to your waist; your lack of answer makes him nervous and you can tell. You finally sit up and pull your knees up to your chest, facing him. His hand slides to your mid thigh and he holds on tight, waiting for you to find your words. “So… you remember when we first got together, how we were very… exploratory when it came to sex?” 
“Yeah… that seemed like something you needed… and we both enjoyed,” he responds casually. After a beat, the subject matter sinking in, his face quickly twists up and concern starts to take hold of both his expression and voice. “Wait… Baby, are you… are you saying…” 
You quickly cut him off, “No!” You reassure with a chuckle, “I’m not saying that. Pretty sure we wouldn’t have had to change the sheets just now if that was the issue.” 
He gives a nervous laugh. “Ok, fair point.” 
You continue, “I guess I was just thinking and got curious why we stopped being that way… And wondering if it was maybe something we can start again?” 
He thinks for a moment about what he wants to say. “I think we just got comfortable, baby,” he shrugs. “We figured out how we like to tease and how to make each other cum and we just stopped trying things after that… But I’m always open to exploring with you. You only have to ask.” 
You smile softly at him, relieved. “I just wasn’t sure…”
Cal senses your hesitation and grabs you, pulling you on top of him. “Short of some of the more extreme shit, there’s nothing you could want that I wouldn’t want to do for you. Please understand that.” 
You make yourself comfortable, laying your head on his chest, snuggling into him as you tangle your legs together. He pulls the blanket up to just below your shoulders and wraps his arms around you. You lay quietly for a while before letting out a little giggle. “So what’s off the table then, Cal?” 
He snorts, thinking about it for a moment. “I’ll let you know if it comes up.” 
The conversation was so brief and simple and yet opened you and Cal up to all sorts of new experiences, you’re sorry you didn’t have the courage to bring it up sooner. Calum took the lead during the first month of your experimentation and the encounters all seemed to have a recurring theme. From sneaking in a quickie in Ashton’s bathroom during taco night to making each other cum without tipping off anyone else in the car to having sex on the couch by your pool to Cal successfully going down on you at a restaurant - if you could potentially get caught doing it, Cal seemed to be into it. 
After a while, you and Cal are fresh out of the shower when he snakes his arms around your waist and starts kisses on your neck, up to the spot just below your ear that drives you wild. He rocks the both of you back and forth, shifting his weight from one foot to the other.
“Circling back…” He begins, waiting for you to meet his eyes in the mirror. “I feel like since we started being more open about exploring, everything has been things I’ve been interested in… and I’m sure you must have had something in mind when you brought it up?” He rests his chin on your shoulder, looking at you expectantly.
Your eyes flutter away from his and you answer too quickly. “I’ve enjoyed what we’ve tried so far.”
“Well, I know that,” he teases, nipping your skin. “But I need to know what it is you want so I can make sure your needs are being met as well.” 
“My needs are definitely being met, love,” you insist.
Calum turns you around and sets you on the counter, his hands resting on either side of you. He presses his lips to yours in a series of soft kisses. “Ok, so your needs are being met but what about your wants? It’s not like you to bring something like this up without a particular reason.” He watches as your ears go red. “What is it, darling? If we were naked in bed, you’d have no problem telling me what you want from me,” he points out. 
You sigh, thinking about how to word what you want to say. You reach up and run your fingers through his drying curls. “I guess this just feels different because I don’t want you to think I’m unsatisfied with what we do.”
He kisses your forehead. “I know, baby, I don’t think that. Trust me, your body tells me otherwise.” 
“Yeah…” You nod to yourself, deciding to be brave. “I guess… I want you to get rough with me. Like… I know you already do sometimes but you kind of back off from it and then course correct and get super loving instead.” 
Cal nods, listening. “Well, I don’t want to actually hurt you and I feel like I don’t really know the limit, we’ve never truly explored that.” 
“So what if we take that fear out of it and use either a safe word or color system or something?” You watch his face and he doesn’t seem to be uncomfortable, so you continue. “You know I love a disdainful Daddy moment,” you whisper teasingly, hiking your legs up to wrap around his waist. 
Cal presses against you, kissing you hard. “I think we could have fun,” he murmurs. “We’ll need to talk more about boundaries but thank you for telling me what you want, baby.” 
Over the next couple days, Cal asks your opinion on a multitude of things: biting, scratching, hair pulling, manhandling, restraints. Where and how hard he can grab you? Would you like to be tossed around? Exactly how rough should he be with you? Each time you give him an answer, you see him mentally file the info away, adding it to what he already knows to be true for your likes and boundaries. 
Armed with his revised instructions from you, he decides to start trying some things the next few times you’re in bed together. He watches carefully to see how you respond to him pulling your hair back while he’s giving it from behind, how it affects you when he wraps his hand around your throat while you’re riding him. And though he backs off a little sooner than you’d prefer, he even feels comfortable forcing you down further on his cock while you’re blowing him. He notes how much louder you are, how much harder you seem to cum during these encounters and he realizes he has more questions for you.
“Baby?” He asks quietly, while you're cuddling in bed, naked, one night. You hum, to let him know you're awake. “Have we covered everything? Is there something else you want that I haven’t asked about?” 
You’re quiet, thinking what to say and he takes your silence as hesitation so he prods further.
“Like… I guess I’m a little unsure of the tone I should be striking here? You mentioned I always back off and get too loving… and then that porn we were watching earlier… he was super degrading to her… is that something you want?” He almost seems nervous to ask; at the end of the day, Calum’s a sweet boy and he’s having trouble wrapping his mind around actually hurting you, physically or otherwise, even if that’s something you desire. 
You press a kiss to his chest, touched at his concern. “Don’t worry, bubba, I don’t need you to call me your ‘filthy little slut’ or anything like that,” you smile. “But… I dunno, Cal… there is like… one thing that could probably be seen as degrading… but…” 
He squeezes your shoulder reassuringly. “Darlin’, I can’t give it to you if I don’t know what it is.”
“Well, I’ve mentioned it to other people before and it didn’t go over great,” you admit with a shrug. Cal rubs your back, trying to encourage you. “Like, ok… I guess… spit…” You trail off, almost shyly, letting it hang there a moment. 
Calum seems unphased, just curious to know more. “Like you want me to spit on you? On like? Your face? Or… in your mouth? On your pussy? To be honest, I have done that before and you did actually really seem to like it.” 
“Have you?” You ask, turning your face toward him. 
“Yeah… those moans still live in my brain… I just wasn’t sure if it was because you were in the moment because we had a super loved up day, or you like… liked it.” 
“Wait… was that…?”
“When I took you home to meet my family, yeah.” 
“Yeah, we were pretty loved up on that trip,” you grin, remembering. You wait a beat before letting yourself blurt, “I mean... face isn’t something I think I’d be into but… we swap spit all the time so… I don’t really see a difference between that and you like… spitting in my mouth during a hot moment.”
He smirks, rubbing his hand up and down your back. “I’ll keep that in mind, darlin’,” he promises, gently pulling you up for a soft kiss. 
A week or so later, you’re relaxing by the pool, enjoying your day off. It’s been a quiet afternoon, spent mostly alone; Calum was already out of bed and in his office working when you woke up and while you were in the pool, he waved to you from the house and called out that he’d was going to run errands and to text him if you needed anything. You thought it was unusual he didn’t invite you to come along but shrugged it off, assuming he didn’t want to interrupt your much needed day of relaxation.
Which is why you’re so puzzled when he calls you a few hours later and asks if you’re getting ready for dinner. A dinner that was never mentioned to you until now. 
You’re super confused, Cal is usually much more courteous, even when he wants to surprise you, because he knows how stressed rushing makes you. You hurry and jump in the shower; your boyfriend comes in a few minutes later and helps himself to the shower as well, hurriedly doing his business and pecking you on the lips before hopping out without a word. If you weren’t annoyed before, you definitely were now. 
You wrap up and exit the shower, entering the bedroom to find Cal shirtless in his dress slacks, examining a few shirts laying on the bed.
“What’s the vibe?” You ask, tone short. 
Cal looks at you out of the corner of his eye. “Dressy,” he answers in a tone that’s either distracted or edgy, you’re not sure which.
You shake your head and walk into the closet, immediately noticing things have been moved around. When you open the drawer you expect to pull your underwear out of, it’s now housing all the socks he bought on tour. 
“Calum! The fuck is my underwear?” 
“Relax, baby… I moved some things around to give you more space,” he explains, coming in and resting a hand on your hip as he pulls open a different drawer. He picks up the matching set on top, one of his favorites, a royal blue lace bralette and matching panties. “Wear this one, please?” He says, pressing his lips just below your ear. 
You stare at the side of his face and he seems unphased by your attention, walking over to the other side of the closet to start thumbing through your dresses. You aren’t used to Calum caring so much about what you wear and you start sensing that something’s up.
He grabs a black dress with thin straps and ruching up the sides; it hits you mid thigh but Cal particularly likes the way it accentuates your ass. He reaches up to your shoe rack and selects a pair of strappy, studded Louboutin heels and you momentarily forget you’re annoyed with him because his back flexes in an oh so delicious way. 
He moves back toward the door and grabs his belt, the one he knows makes you absolutely feral for him. You can’t help but focus on his fingers moving across the leather, threading it through the loops of his black pants. You watch his hands pull the belt taut to begin fastening the buckle and your mind begins to wander, recalling the last time you saw him do that, when the belt was around your wrists instead of his waist. You don’t realize you’re biting your lip until it begins to sting. 
He turns his head just enough to wink at you as you stand there grasping your underwear and towel. “You got a half hour before we need to leave, love.” 
You pass through quickly to the en suite, putting on the underwear he picked out and then quickly working on your hair and make up. Cal is in and out of the bathroom, setting accessories on the counter for both you and himself, including jewelry and his favorite of your perfumes. You lean in to the mirror to do your lashes and lips and he smacks your ass. 
“Ow, Calum,” you whine, grabbing your stinging ass cheek. 
He kneels behind you and pulls your hand away from the red mark, leaving a loud kiss on your skin. “Aww, sorry, baby,” he murmurs, squeezing both cheeks affectionately. 
He stands back up and settles at the counter next to you, reaching for his jewelry. You reach for your setting spray but your eyes flutter over to his reflection at the sound of him sharply hissing. You see him flinch at the coolness of his chain necklace touching his bare skin still warm from the shower and his plight is instantly relatable: you can’t count the times you’ve reacted in the same way when the chain dangles from his neck as he hovers over you in bed, grazing your sweaty skin. The contrast is always surprising yet delicious.
He slowly glides his rings on his long, slender fingers; they click together as he moves and you can practically feel them pressing into your skin, tightly wrapping around your wrists, gripping your throat.
Cal evaluates his reflection, pausing long enough for you to think the torturous show is over but then he reaches for the silver bracelet he wears on his wrist. The veins in his hands flex as he maneuvers to fasten the chain and once it’s done, he shakes his hand out, testing to make sure it’s secure. The action conjures up the image of how that bracelet slides and sways on his wrist when he’s vigorously working his cock, standing over you while you’re on your knees, eagerly awaiting to taste your reward, feel it hot on your skin.
He clears his throat, snapping you out of your vividly lustful daydream. He smiles and gives you a quick cheek kiss as he exits the bathroom. He finds you frozen in place when he returns a few moments later, button down shirt selected and on but still invitingly unbuttoned. He holds up your dress and shoes, silently asking if you want help with them. You cautiously nod and he patiently waits as you slip into the dress; you turn your back to him and he gently pulls the zipper for you, chuckling as you shiver at the warmth of his breath on your neck. You shudder again as he drapes a necklace across you, fingertips grazing your skin as he works the clasp. Before you can react, he’s dropping to his knees to help you into your heels, kissing on your calves as his nimble fingers delicately buckle the shoes. 
“Damn, baby,” he murmurs, as he stands to his feet, eyes moving up and down your body. “Looking so good.” 
“Thanks,” you manage to murmur, “I mean you should appreciate it, it’s basically your work.” 
“I may have picked the pieces but it’s your bod that’s making them work.” He reaches for your hand and pulls it to his lips, kissing your knuckles. “I’m gonna go grab us jackets.” He declares, pulling you in for a quick kiss. 
He softly caresses your thigh the entire ride to the restaurant, his fingers climbing higher and higher up your hemline as you reach your destination and you start to wonder if that’s a preview of what the night has in store. You’ve gotten dressed up for several date nights recently that have left you both satisfied with a public orgasm, Cal exploring that side of himself has been a thrill for you both. So it’s not a surprise the second you’re seated, Cal’s hand is back under the hem of your dress. 
He orders drinks for the two of you and when the waitress walks away, he leans in for a brief kiss, lips slotting together easily. He nuzzles his nose against yours before he pulls away. “You look so good, baby. Very kind of you to indulge me.” 
“You’ve got a good eye, baby, I know you like all these pieces separately, not sure why we haven’t put them together before.” 
He smiles, swipes the hair off your shoulder, and kisses on your neck, his lips drag across your skin up to your ear. “Got a goal in mind for you,” he whispers, fingertips dragging up and down the inside of your thigh. 
“Mmkay…?” You murmur back, eyes darting around the restaurant. 
“Look at me,” he says, and the second your eyes meet his, you can already guess what the request might be. His eyes are even darker than normal, lust filled, staring you down like he could eat you up right at this table. He grips your thigh tightly, leans in close, whispering, “Wanna cum in your mouth before dinner is on the table.” 
Your teeth sink into your bottom lip. “So… you want a blow job or you just wanna finish in my mouth?” You ask for clarity. 
“Just finish, baby, wanna look at you, talk to you while you get me there,” he rasps, pressing his lips to yours. “Wanna hear you ask for my cum.” 
His eyes look over your shoulder and he smiles as the waitress sets your drinks in front of you. He asks for a couple more minutes to look at the menu and you nonchalantly drop your hand to his lap, running your nails against his thigh while you decide on food. 
“You’re gonna have to try harder than that,” he teases, fingers pressing against your pussy. 
“Just waiting till we order,” you shrug, cupping his cock. 
When the waitress comes back, you’re thankful that Cal orders an appetizer before dinner, buying you a little extra time. Based on his grin, he thinks you’ll need it.
When the waitress walks away, you turn towards Cal, sliding your hand up to undo his zipper. 
“No patience, baby?” He grins, shaking his head. 
“Well, handsome, you gave me a goal but didn’t lay out consequences or rewards for meeting it, so I just wanna play it safe.” You tease your fingertips from the base of his cock to the head and back down and you already feel him stiffening up under your touch. 
“Oh, you know exactly what you get for being a good girl,” he replies, voice deep as he swipes his fingers through your folds. “As for consequences… well, I think you remember what happened last time.” He leans in for a kiss, as a way to shield the quiet moan from his lips. 
You whimper because you do remember. How quickly his belt came out of his belt loops once the two of you arrived home, how easy it was for him to bend you over the closest surface, rip your panties off and deliver several hard smacks with the leather. The delicious torture would’ve been worth it on its own but he was also incredibly sweet about it afterwards, making sure it didn’t go too far and you felt well cared for. 
You pull your hand up briefly to discreetly spit in your palm, working your hand over to slick him up. As you run your thumb over his slit, he has to stifle a groan and you smile to yourself. 
Cal’s fingers on your clit start to match your pace on his cock, and you can tell how much he’s enjoying your skilled hand. He watches you, amused for a little while, seeing how much you enjoy what you’re doing, feeling it pool between your thighs, feeling his own precum bead at his tip. 
He moves in closer and lets a little moan out in your ear. “Baby, I think someone’s onto you, that breathy little thing you do is louder than normal,” he teases. 
You follow his eye line and it does seem someone keeps looking over at the two of you, but it could be any number of reasons. 
You work to make it seem less noticeable, what you’re doing under the table, and you're thankful for the long table cloths at this restaurant so no one is getting a full on free show, although the possibility of being noticed was always part of the thrill of this. 
You watch Cal lose his cool a little bit: biting his lip, covering his mouth with his free hand, before reaching to take a sip of his drink, glass shaking. You watch his neck as he swallows. “Baby, think you’re just about out of time,” he tsks, breathily.
“Please, I like to think I know what I’m doing,” you laugh naughtily, twisting your hand around the base of his cock, leaving your thumb hooked around his cock while you squeeze his balls. 
He groans in your ear and grabs your jaw to pull you into a kiss as his fingers work your pussy in a way only he knows how. “God… look at you,” he murmurs. “Working so hard to get your man off in public, knowing you get to taste my cum before dinner. Your lip is so red and swollen from the way you’re biting it, cheeks pink from the orgasm I’m stroking your pussy for. You feel it in your stomach don’t you? You love this, the possibility of getting caught.” He sucks in a sharp breath and you know what’s coming. 
You use your free hand to pull out your phone, fake check it for messages and then pretend to drop it on the ground, giving yourself a reason to bend down and finish him off. 
“You ready to cum for me?” You whisper, looking at his pink cheeks. 
He lets out a puff of air and nods at you. “About damn time.”
You lean down to put your mouth on his cock and as you wrap your lips around the head, he gently pushes you down further to take more of his cock in your mouth. You massage his balls and hollow out your cheeks as you pull back up, flicking your tongue over his slit a couple times and then he’s cumming, filling your mouth. You moan around his cock, continuing to slide your hand around it, milking his cum out, swallowing to make sure you can take it all.
Cal’s grinning wide at you when you come back up; his eyes crinkle as he watches you swallow and then pulls you into a kiss. The plates land on the table while he’s tasting himself on your tongue. “So good, baby… a very good girl.” He smiles at you. 
He lets go and turns back toward the table to dig in, his hand that had just been in your panties teasing you, pulled away, with no indication of when or how he’ll be finishing you. 
You stare at the side of his face and he does a great job of completely ignoring your unspoken inquiry. He takes a bite of his food and glances over at you. “You want a bite, baby? This is so good.”
You side eye him throughout your meal, waiting for the teasing to continue, some sort of plan to be unveiled but besides his hand occasionally stroking your thigh, he’s acting like it’s just a normal dinner date. When dessert comes, you let out a loud sigh.
“Need something, baby?” He looks over at you, giving you the look he does when you’re being dramatic. 
“Uh… well, I got you off before dinner, just like you wanted, so I’m wondering when the favor is gonna be returned,” you huff incredulously. 
“Oh… little lady… Was it not clear? You’re not cumming any time soon.” 
You scoff and stare at him. “Excuse me? I did what you asked…” 
He cuts you off. “Yes, baby, and you did great. But now I just need you to be patient and wait. It’ll be worth it, promise.” He leans in for a chaste kiss on the lips before digging into the piece of cake you're splitting. 
You sigh, crossing your arms and sitting back against the seat. You get the look from Calum but he otherwise ignores your mood shift. You pout your way through the rest of your time at the restaurant and though you let him wrap his hand around yours on the walk out to the car, you resume your annoyed posture once he closes the door and you put your seatbelt on. 
He gets in and when you loudly sigh again, he reaches over and grabs the back of your neck, a gentle but firm warning. “Baby, I’d maybe rethink that bratty attitude.” 
Which only frustrates you more, of course. Cal’s a giver, it’s not in his nature to deny you, especially after a public session, but here he is. You sulk the whole way home and Cal’s sure to let you know it’s not going unnoticed. His last warning about it is accompanied by a knee squeeze that you briefly hope will lead to something but then he completely removes his hand from your body, leaving you in stunned silence once again. 
Once you’re home, you don’t even wait for Cal to open your door, you just fling it open and stomp inside the house. You’re enough ahead of him that you have time to make it to the bedroom before you even hear the front door close. 
Cal calls for you, but you don’t respond, busying yourself with the orgasm you earned and he didn’t give you. 
When he graces the doorway, your teeth are sunk into your bottom lip, dress pulled up around your hips, heels dug into the mattress with your legs spread and hand in your panties, fingers slowly circling your clit. 
“Baby?” You hear him coo. “What’re you doing?” 
“You refused to make me cum so I figured if I might as well do it myself.” 
“That’s a… choice you’re making.” He smirks. “Baby girl couldn’t be patient and wait for me to give her an orgasm, had to rush inside, stuff her hand in her panties and do it herself? Think you might come to regret that.”
You suck in a sharp breath. “But at least I’ll have finally cum,” you snark.
He’s across the room in a second, his jacket thrown next to you on the bed. He makes eye contact with you, making sure you watch as he undoes the top couple buttons of his shirt, rolls his sleeves up to his elbows. He pushes the hair out of his eyes and then runs his hands up your thighs, grabbing your panties and quickly pulling them down your legs. “Might as well commit to it, then.”
His hands rest on your knees and his eyes flick between your face and what your fingers are doing between your thighs. 
“Push 'em in,” he demands.
“I’m sorry,” you pant, pausing to let out a moan. “You lost your opportunity to participate in my orgasm when you wouldn’t give me one.”
Cal smirks and shakes his head. “Baby, what did I tell you in the car? Stop being a brat. You want to get off, you go right ahead, but understand there are consequences for your actions.”
Your body shudders at both his tone and the look in his eye. You decide to follow his instructions and push two fingers in. Cal uses a ring clad hand to smack your thigh. “Calum!” You whimper. 
“That’s good, baby, use your other hand to rub your clit, small circles. Just like I would.” 
He lets you work, waiting for you to get close, something he can easily tell just by the way you breathe. “Eyes on me,” he commands. Your eyes pop open at the tone and you have to watch as he slowly undoes his belt buckle, gently pulling it through the loops, his long fingers sliding over the smooth leather. He folds it in half and carefully drags it up your thigh. “C’mon darlin’, you wanted to make yourself cum and I’m getting tired of waiting on you.” 
Suddenly, it clicks in your brain: his attitude, how demanding he’s being, the fact that you know he plans to use that belt on you in at least one way… he’s attempting to give you what you asked for and he’s showing no signs of breaking character like he usually does.
You take your time, really enjoying your building climax, working your fingers perfectly. Your head turns so you can bite the bed spread as you cum, your breathing indicating how hard it is. Cal watches with disdain as you relax, looking completely satisfied. 
He gives you a look that soaks you again in an instant. He leans over you. “So you think you can do it better than me?” 
“Just showing you I can do it for myself.” 
He stands and pulls at his lip, shaking his head in disbelief. “Get naked, leave the heels on.” 
His tone says not to test him so you quickly push yourself up to strip the dress and bralette off. He takes your hand and pulls you forward a bit, he trails his fingers and the belt across your skin, raising goosebumps as he goes, across your stomach and down the backs of your thighs, across your ass and over your nipples. 
He grabs your jaw for a rough kiss, bites your lip and then turns you around, shoving you face first over the bed. His hand smooths over your ass first, but even still, you don’t expect the spank with his belt right across your ass. He delivers two more that land across your thighs. 
You whimper and you can almost feel his hesitation until he speaks. “What’s your color, baby?” His voice is confident and strong as it leaves his mouth. 
“Green, green, green, so fucking green, Cal. Never been more green in my life.” It almost sounds like begging, even in your own ears.
You quickly lose count after four more spanks but you don’t mind, the sting will live with you for days and at this point you’re craving it. 
“So pretty and red, baby,” he murmurs, using his ring clad hands to squeeze your ass. Your body tenses, the rings are cool and against the sting, it hurts in the best way. “Now, let’s get you in a more agreeable position, yeah?” You don’t answer because you know it’s rhetorical. You whimper as he grabs your hair close to your scalp and pulls you to the floor, on your knees. “Hands” is all he says and you offer them right up. 
Cal wraps the belt around your wrists, securing them together. He taps your hands and you try to pull them apart, showing him they are solidly held together by the leather. His hands cup your neck, thumbs caressing your jaw. “Your mouth is so good, baby, think I wanna feel it around my cock again. Wanna be my good girl?” 
Your teeth sink into your bottom lip as you nod. “Yes, Daddy.”
You watch his jaw flex as he makes a big show of undressing himself, acutely aware of the way you’re hungrily watching his fingers work over his buttons, the way you lick your lips as even more of his body is revealed to you.
Your eyes become fixated on the way his underwear strains against his hard cock and you wait with eager anticipation for him to peel them off. You know the tip will be red and leaking, and you’re aching to see it. 
Without even thinking, you lean forward, mouthing over the fabric, feeling the warmth radiate from his cock, tasting the salty spot the precum has left. 
He sighs, but it’s not pleasurable, it’s… disappointment? 
“Just when I thought you were starting to behave.” His tone drips with disdain as he pushes your forehead back so you’re upright. He pulls his cock out with one hand, the other gently rubbing your neck and you get an idea of what to prepare yourself for. He strokes himself a couple times, before pushing his underwear down and stepping toward you.
He taps his cock on your cheek a couple times, then drags the tip over your lips, leaving a trail of salty precum. You hold back from licking your lips, even though you desperately want to. He pulls his cock up, runs the underside over your lips until his balls are at your mouth. “Suck,” he instructs. You quickly open your mouth to comply. “Isn’t it more fun when we play together?” He asks tauntingly.
With your mouth full, you agree, moaning around his balls. He pulls away and looks at you expectantly. “Yes, Daddy,” you sigh. 
His lips part in a soft but audible moan. He pushes the hair off your face and grabs his cock again, placing the tip back at your lips. “You ready for this?” He watches as you nod and open your mouth. He lets you slick him up, watching as you take more and more of him into your mouth, trying to prepare yourself. He pushes you back, letting his cock fall out of your mouth. “Don’t think you’re quite getting there, baby… open up.” 
You look up at him, confused as to what you did wrong and when you see the look on his face, you open your mouth as requested. He gives you an intense stare for a beat before leaning down to spit into your open mouth. Your eyes widen and your chest heaves with excitement; a low growl escapes his throat as he watches you react to your fantasy being fulfilled. 
“That what you wanted?” He asks sternly, though his eyes betray him and you can see his desperate need to please you lurking behind them.
“Yes, Daddy, yes,” you babble, heart pounding in your eyes. “Thank you, Daddy.”
You know the thrill is showing on your face, you feel it coursing through your veins, pooling between your thighs. He shoves you back to your knees and pushes his cock past your lips, grabbing your head to set his own quick pace. 
He only slows when he finally works himself into your throat, moaning out loud while you try to moan around his cock too. He holds you all the way on his cock for several long seconds, until he can feel the tears from your eyes on his own skin. He pulls his cock all the way out and cups your chin, bending to meet you at eye level. “Good girl.” 
He pulls you up by the belt around your wrists, only to shove you face down over the side of the bed. He grabs your ass in his hand, squeezing tight. “Baby girl,” he sighs, wrapping his hand around his cock and smacking it across your ass cheeks before spitting between them, the saliva running down your skin making it that much easier for him to rut his cock against your ass. “Been waiting to be in your sweet cunt all night. Didn’t realize how tough you’d make it, how sidetracked I’d have to get.” 
He finally stops fucking around and slicks his tip through your folds. He sinks into your pussy with a deep moan, bottoming out easily, eliciting a loud moan from you. He slowly pulls out and drives his hips back in, producing a loud smack as your bodies meet. You hear his breathing become labored as he picks up the pace. 
“Fuck… Daddy… feels so good,” you moan. 
He instantly responds, grabbing your hair to pull you up against his body. He growls in your ear as you arch against him, his cock hitting deeper. His hand wraps around your neck and he gently rubs it, grunting in your ear. “So fucking hot watching you suck my cock, eat my cum at dinner, always such a naughty little thing for me,” he praises, letting you go and pushing you back down, chest on the bed. 
He continues driving his hips, grunting, growling at you, his hands going to work on your already sore ass. You still still feel his rings digging into your skin as he grabs handfuls of your ass, feel the way they almost bite as he starts moving your body to meet him.
“Oh… fuck.” It’s a gravelly moan from the back of his throat. His hands grip your ass tightly as he slows, his cum spilling into you. He pushes all the way in and leans over your body, his chest pressing into your back as he sweeps the hair off the back of your neck, pressing soft kisses on the skin he’s uncovered. He leaves sloppy open mouth kisses down your spine, slowly pulling out as he goes. 
He grabs your hip and easily flips you onto your back. You bring your hands down and he quickly unfastens the belt, tossing it to the side. He leans in for a kiss, passionate and slow. “Color?” He murmurs in your ear. 
“Still green,” you say softly, pushing his hair out of his eyes. He kisses the tip of your nose and then he’s on the floor, on his knees between your thighs. 
He pushes them further apart, making quick work of the mess his cum has made on your thighs, nipping and leaving hickeys as he goes. He pulls your thighs over his shoulders and wraps his arms around them, quickly licking into you with no other warning. Your fingers are instantly in his hair, moans spilling out left and right. “Oh fuck, Daddy,” you moan, desperately pulling him closer to you. He gently nibbles your clit, enjoying your sounds the way he always does. 
When you feel yourself get close, you let out a breathy “Cal, Daddy, please… wanna cum.” 
He pulls his head back a little and slides his tongue up and down your clit, “Good girl for asking… but I’m not ready for you to cum yet.” You groan as his thumb replaces his tongue on your clit and he goes back to kissing and sucking on your thighs, nibbling your skin. 
He can tell you’re getting too close so he pulls his thumb away as well. His hands set to work caressing your body, feeling over your curves while his mouth continues pressing kisses along your thighs. You whimper out his hame a few times, arch your body into his touch as his hands work up and down your sides and stomach, cupping your breasts, toying with your nipples. You press your hands over his, coaxing him into squeezing harder, feeling more. 
“Baby, please…” you moan. “Just wanna cum for you.”
“I’m not sure you’re ready yet,” he teases. “You were a brat for quite a while tonight.” 
“I know… I’m sorry, Daddy, please just let me cum,” you whine. 
“Ok, baby girl, ok.” He presses light kisses on your thighs, working back up to your pussy. His arms clasp around your thighs, lips wrapping around your clit and he holds you down as he starts to suck and lick over your clit. 
“Ahh, ahh, ahh… fuck!” You moan, pulling his hair, digging your nails into the back of his neck as you finally cum. 
He licks into you, cleaning you up as you come down. You pull him up when you can’t take anymore, pressing your mouth to his, licking past his lips. 
The kisses are noisy and needy, but slowly turn into something caring and reassuring, from both sides. You lock your legs around his waist, keeping him as close to you as possible. You kiss for a while longer and then he’s gently pushing away to undo the heels still on your feet, taking just as much care as he takes them off as when he helped you put them on. 
“I know this was all a little out of your comfort zone so I really appreciate you and all the effort you put into tonight,” you say softly. 
Cal tosses your shoes aside, kissing each of your feet before laying down next to you. He pulls your body to his so he can wrap you in your favorite blanket and him. “It doesn’t always have to be about me, though, baby. You deserve to have everything you want, love. I’m glad you enjoyed yourself, I’m glad I was able to deliver on something you wanted.” He kisses your forehead before pulling back to study your face as he asks, “How’s your ass feelin’? I really did a number on you.”
You grin, the dull ache a satisfying reminder of the experience you just had. “It’s gonna be a rough couple days but definitely worth it.”
“I’ve got lotion for it, too. Figure we can shower once we catch our breath and then I can fix you right up,” he murmurs, lips attaching to your forehead once more. “Did I forget anything? Anything you’d change?” 
“My love, it was perfect, from dinner to the bedroom antics to the belt to the spit… once I put it all together… holy fuck, Calum, I don’t know if I’ve ever been so excited.” 
“Bet you thought I was just being moody,” he chuckles, pushing your hair off your face, threading his fingers through. “I’d do anything to make you happy,” he hums, slotting your lips together. 
You deepen the kiss and pull him tighter. “If I didn’t know before, I definitely do now, love. Thank you.” 
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thursday’s for the boys.
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masterlist. | capture the moment collection. | want to be added to my taglist?
warnings: dad!Calum. some naughty comments, but mostly just fluffiest of fluffy fluff.
word count: 1103
author’s note: just a quick dad!Calum blurb because I saw this pictures and I just had to.  ❤️
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“I really hate leaving you two like this, but I–”
“But you have a job and you’re needed in the office. Don’t worry, I get it,” Calum smiled at you, fingers lightly running through your hair before cupping your cheek. “You just told me for the tenth time or so.”
“I’m not used to this,” you confessed with a sigh, resting your forehead against his collarbone and Cal wrapped his arms around your waist, kissing the top of your head. “I like pre-planned meetings and appointments so I know how to schedule our time so it doesn’t ruin your plans, and–”
“You’re spiralling,” Calum stated shortly, making you stop your rambling. “Don’t worry about us. I told the guys I’m needed here, and Ashton wanted to come over ASAP.”
“He just wants to steal Kai for himself,” you scoffed, a smile already pulling at your lips.
“He thinks babies are soft and cute.”
“Well, he should try and make his own,” you pursed your lips, making Cal lean down to kiss you shortly.
“Nah, too much responsibility,” he chuckled, both of you having a laugh over your friend.
A delightful babble rang through the air, at which you and Cal turned to look at your son sitting on the floor, tiny hands petting Duke’s head, the dog giving Calum a not-so-happy look and demanding him with a tiny woof sound to please get him out of this situation, preferably right now.
“You’re so dramatic,” Cal chuckled at the dog before bending down to pick the little boy up, holding him in his arms. “Come on, Bubba, Duke’s grumpy. But Dada is here to stay with you today.”
“Momma?” Kai looked between you and Calum, brown eyes big and curious, and more than anything you wanted to stay home and be with them.
“Momma needs to go to work,” you stepped closer to them, softly caressing his chubby cheek. “But I’m coming home as soon as I can, and until then Dada will keep you entertained. And maybe Uncle Ash will stop by too.”
“Be careful what you say,” your boyfriend mumbled with a stifled laugh, adjusting Kai in his arms and leaning close to press his lips against the top of his head. “Say bye to Mommy?”
“Bye,” he waved his hand at you, still a little unsure as he was only just starting to learn the words and their meanings, slowly understanding the actions they paired with.
“Kiss Kai?” you offered your cheek to your son who quickly leaned over and pressed his lips against it, giving you a big wet kiss. “Thank you, baby!”
“Kiss Kai,” he repeated your words, something he recently learned, while sucking on his thumb.
You yourself pressed a kiss on his cheek in return before turning to Calum, lips meeting and sharing a kiss. Cal curled his arm around your waist to pull you close, hand caressing your waist, trying to slip under your shirt.
“Maybe once I’m home…” you softly bit into his bottom lip, giving him a cheeky smile. “Text me how the day’s going?”
“Don’t worry, we’ll be fine,” he promised, bumping his forehead against yours. “Dad mode: activated.”
You’ve tried not to worry, you really did. You’ve also tried to focus on the meeting that was currently taking place, the one why you needed to ask Cal to stay at home with Kai, but everything seemed futile. Truth was that since Kai was born there were only a few days that you spent apart from your little boy, and you might have developed a slight co-dependency when it came to him. Not that anyone would have blamed you, after all, you were his Mom.
Maybe you were just anxious for some reason – you knew Calum is well capable of taking care of your son, he’s been there every step of the way since he found out you were pregnant. Maybe you were just scared you’re missing out on something; Kai was growing up so fast, already learning words and you wanted to hear every new one from him. It was perfectly normal wanting to experience all these new milestones together with Cal – they were far more important than whatever your co-worker was rambling about.
You’ve tried, you really did, but in the end you needed to pick up your phone, and hid it in your lap as you sent a quick message to Calum, wanting to know what they were doing, and if Ashton really did show up to spend some time with his godson.
Y/N: Hey, how’s everything going?
A few minutes passed before your phone buzzed in your hand, a new text message popping up on your screen.
Calum: all good in the Hood 👌
Calum: sorry I had to
A series of laughing emojis followed, and you needed to roll your eyes at your boyfriend. He was definitely in one of his cheeky moods, it was clear from the morning as well, but that didn’t mean your nerves were soothed. You needed proof that both him and Kai were doing okay without you, even though your conscience told you not to worry about them.
Y/N: But are you sure you’re okay?
Calum: Couldnt be better
A second later a picture appeared on your screen, and it took everything in you not to start tearing up while looking at it. Calum was lying in your shared bed, his phone pointed at the mirror to take a picture of him and Kai. Kai, who was peacefully sleeping, cuddled against his Dad’s back, chubby cheek resting against Calum’s broad shoulder. There was so much love and calmness radiating from the picture that suddenly you felt silly for worrying this much about them.
Calum: Cant move. Might stay here forever
Y/N: He also knows that Daddy is the best kind of pillow ❤️
Calum: we miss Mommy though. Hurry up and come home to us ❤️
Y/N: Gonna cozy up to you soon! Save a spot for me?
Calum: bet your sweet ass I will 😘
You sent him back a kissy face emoji as well, saving the picture of your boys and setting it as your new wallpaper. You also made a promise to yourself to ask Calum to have some more father-son days with Kai – it was definitely the best part of your day when he ended up sending you the cutest pictures of the two of them on their many different adventures.
And if you got to tag along to their Thursdays which soon were reserved for the two of them, well, that was definitely the best kind of bonus.
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@mymindwide​ @fuckyeah5sostakemehome​ @suchalonelysunflower​ @talkfastromance4​ @ashtonsunflower​ @in-superbloom​  @wiiildflowerrr​  @lovelywordsblog​ @heyitskelseaj​ @whentherosesbl00m​
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lovesosweeet · 5 months
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part 1
a calum hood songfic
Tillie Beckett isn’t known for sticking around, and maybe that’s why touring had come so naturally to her, even as an amateur when she first began as an opener for 5 Seconds of Summer a few years ago… hopping from city to city, bed to bed, hookup to hookup. She broke hearts and left messes behind. And she didn’t care about it all, too wrapped up in whatever whirlwind she found herself in next.
The habits became religion as she propelled to stardom. Her music — angsty, energetic, unapologetic, and unpolished — took the charts by storm following her self-titled album’s debut. Her words were raw and honest, and they resonated with her audience, with upbeat and electric sounds that even the grouchiest and grumpiest of listeners couldn’t help but nod along to. It was the perfect mix of relatable and catchy, and that’s what made her the perfect opener for 5SOS.
Ashton had found Tillie’s videos on Instagram, where she often teased her emotional and early versions of songs she was writing. Her raspy voice caught his attention quickly, and he became a follower very early on, before she’d gone viral… which, she has done several times now. When 5SOS was prepping their latest tour, he threw Tillie’s name out as his top choice as an opener, and the rest of the band quickly supported it after they watched her cover of their very own, very old song “Lost Boy” and put a fresh spin on it. It was a song that the band themselves had honestly forgotten about that she gave an entirely new life. They were hooked and called her just hours after Ashton’s initial suggestion to offer her the spot.
Her friendship with the Australian quartet was forged in what, at the time, seemed to be an unbreakable bond. She was invited to dinner at Luke’s house to review the plans, the money, and all the other logistics of the tour, but the nitty gritty was long forgotten as the five of them stayed up until the sun rose the next day, just talking, jamming, drinking, and smoking the stars out of the sky.
She and Calum weren’t instant friends, at least, not the way she was with Michael. Tillie and Michael had bonded instantly over being gamers with an affinity for ever changing hair colors. He could also dress in her wardrobe and no one would’ve been able to guess that they weren’t his clothes, that is, if her clothes were big enough to fit the 6-foot-something Australian giant, since she was a mere 5 feet tall.
But, her friendship with Michael isn’t what landed her on the cover of tabloids.
No, the pictures of hers and Calum’s necks covered in matching bruises were what landed on the homepages of gossip websites. The videos of her and Calum whispering in what they thought were private corners of dive bars spread like wildfire amongst their somewhat overlapping fan bases. Them stumbling down the cobblestoned sidewalks of Montreal, hand in hand, for an impromptu “bachelor party” for Michael littered their tagged photos on Instagram for weeks.
It was a pair nobody expected but nobody questioned. It wasn’t predictable but it made sense.
At least, it did to Calum.
part 2
my masterlist! :)
A/N: hi i’m actually quite stoked about this one?!?!! sorry to anyone who wanted a self insert i personally feel more comfy in the OC x RP world and that technically won my poll! feels easier to separate as fiction/“characters” :)
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writersdare · 1 year
Main Masterlist ♡ 5SOS, SKZ, BTS
Last update: 20.01.2024
Requests are temporary closed | Prompt List 1 - 2 | Taglist | Votes | Check the Angst Ending
♡ – readers' favourite; ♥︎ – the most popular work on the blog
Full K-POP Masterlist
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Stray Kids the most recent In the Hands of Two | Bang Chan 방찬
the most popular ♡ Boyfriend Material (boyfriend!Stray Kids; texts) Korean Quest (Bang Chan; drabble) ♥︎
BTS the most recent You Did Everything Right (best friend!BTS; texts)
Full 5SOS Masterlist
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the most recent Let Me Love You (Luke Hemmings) Ghost of You (Calum Hood)
top 3 ♡ Hold Me Tight (Luke Hemmings) Keep It Quiet (Ashton Irwin) Password Is Your Birthday (Calum Hood) ♥︎
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– photos are obv not mine and belong to the rightful owner –
© writersdare | all rights reserved
All stories are original and written by me. Do not copy, trace and post anywhere without permission and credit. The stories are fictional, they do not correspond to reality and written just for fun ♡
155 notes · View notes
kindahoping4forever · 2 years
There's Just No Getting Through Without You // Ashton Irwin
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There's not much excuse explanation for this one tbh - I saw the crochet hat/beard/tank selfie and not only did I (obviously) lose it but this entire narrative inexplicably spun itself in my mind and I wrote a good chunk of this fic in one sitting (secretly because I was actually supposed to be finishing up the edits on the collab series Cass and I were about to be posting 😌🤫). More than ever, thanks to @cal-puddies for indulging my breakdown. 💙
Warnings: Boyfriend on tour!Ash. Slight angst (no conflict, just emo feels) that is happily resolved. Backstage comfort sex including female receiving oral and unprotected sex in an established relationship. It's a soft one, friends.
Word Count: 5050
Masterlist // Ko-Fi linked above
Reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated!
Ashton grumbles to himself as he flops down onto the dressing room couch. He loves being on tour - traveling the world, meeting people and playing music are some of his greatest passions and greatest pleasures - but days like today still have the ability to make part of him wish he had taken on a simpler vocation. 
He’s not sure what city they’re currently in but he is sure he never wants to visit again because the experience has been such a nightmare. The band stayed at a hotel in the last city because the ride to the next one was only supposed to take a few hours. It was a literal rude awakening when their tour manager banged on each of their doors at 4am to announce there were new road closures on the route and everyone now had one hour to load onto the bus before they had to leave to make up the time.
Unfortunately, leaving early made little difference as the detours impacted traffic throughout the city, meaning they were still late to the radio station they were stopping by to promote the gig, which meant they were also late to the venue, one of Ashton’s least favorite things to be. They would’ve been late to soundcheck as well but fortunately? Unfortunately? Perspective is relative at this point but the fact of the matter is they are currently unable to soundcheck because now inclement weather is of concern at this outdoor venue and the promoters are asking for the show to be pushed back at least an hour, maybe two, in hopes that the worst of it passes. It’s not like it matters, anyways - the trucks with their equipment got caught in traffic as well and the crew just began unloading.
Topping the list of Ash’s complaints, the worst part of his day, hands down, was saying goodbye to you. You’d spent the past week and a half on the road with him and he knew you’d be leaving this morning but that didn’t make it any easier. Not to mention that because of the change in schedule, he’d had to leave you much earlier than originally planned. He expected to have one last breakfast with you, maybe a shower, some sort of properly improper goodbye. Not you, bleary-eyed and disoriented, having to run around the hotel room to help him find his phone charger before he left you with a rushed kiss at the door while Calum texted empty threats about the bus departing without him.
He hopes you’re having a good day, that you aren’t too nervous on your flight. He knows you hate it and he hopes he’s made it clear how much he appreciates you enduring to come see him, that he’s proud of you for overcoming that anxiety. His fingers twitch, instinctively wanting to send a quick text to tell you all that but he stops himself, lacing his fingers together across his chest to keep from reaching for the phone. He knows if he messages you, you’ll keep talking to each other until he gets called to stage and he wants you to rest, focus on staying calm while you’re in the air. He hopes you were able to get back to sleep after he left this morning. He hopes you’re napping now. Actually, that wouldn’t be a bad idea for himself either.
He makes himself more comfortable, shrugging off the button down shirt he had over his tank, adjusting the pillow behind him, kicking off his shoes. He checks the volume on his phone - when the show was delayed, everyone else went to the hotel while he opted to stay at the venue, partly out of obligation and partly because he just wanted to be alone - and finally, he tugs his hat down over his eyes and takes a deep, cleansing breath. He’s usually not one for using sleep to escape, he believes in facing the present head on, living viscerally and in the moment. He tells himself he’s going to sleep for practical reasons, that it’s already been a long day and he needs to recharge for the show. But if he’s honest, he’s taking a nap because he knows you’ll be waiting for him in his dreams. Having you with him always makes things better and even if it’s just for a little while, he’ll take that in any form he can get it right now. 
The backstage corridor echoes with the sound of your long, tired exhale. You’re exhausted, you’re frustrated but at least you’re here. The tour manager said Ash was resting in the back dressing room, the one with the extra trunks of clothes, the ice bath, the catch all for the auxiliary supplies the band doesn’t want crowding their main space. You held back a wince when you heard he was back there, you know that means he’s having a bad day and doesn’t want to be bothered. 
You take another deep breath as you make your way down to the opposite end of the hall. You’d run into Luke when you stopped by the hotel just now and he gave a brief summary of the shitshow they’d been through since you parted ways earlier that morning. You hope Ash is okay, that he’s being kind to himself. Nothing that happened today was his fault but you know him well enough to know that isn’t enough to keep himself out of the line of fire when he’s ruminating on the day’s events. And you know he’s ruminating.
So many things have gone wrong today, you half expect the dressing room to be locked when you reach it but the handle on the door easily jiggles when you try it. You knock quietly and after a few beats of silence, you give another series of taps as you crack the door open to take a peek. You’re instantly met with the sound of snoring and you feel both endearment and relief at the discovery. At least he’s resting, at least if he’s asleep then he’s not stressed.
Trying to minimize your chance of disturbing him, you slip your shoes off and leave your backpack by the door. You tiptoe into the room slowly, walking around to the front of the couch, and stop dead in your tracks as your boyfriend comes into view. You never knew people actually swooned in real life but you feel yourself go weak in the knees when you see him lying on his side, bare feet tucked together in between the seat cushion and the back of the couch, bulky arms hugged tightly around himself, making his large frame look downright small. 
His bright orange crochet hat peeks out from where his face is buried in the back of the couch. serving as a makeshift eye mask, its floppy bill stretched down to obscure half his face; you smile at the memory of him immediately spotting it in the pile of fan gifts from the previous show, how he excitedly pulled it on while he read the note from its creator and followed them on Twitter. Surely the scenario you’re currently observing was not its intended use but kudos to him for being innovative.
You’ve done your best not to wake him thus far but the urge to curl up with him is too strong to ignore and you ease yourself onto the couch behind him. You tuck one arm under your head and drape the other gently across his chest, flattening yourself against his back. Lying with him is an instant comfort - breathing in his scent, feeling the warmth of his body, the chemical satisfaction of your skin on his, even if it’s just what your tank tops will allow. 
You indulge one more impulse and press a kiss to his bare shoulder, making sure your lips hit a particular pair of freckles. You feel him begin to stir and you freeze but your caution quickly turns to heartache when he breathes out a soft sigh that resembles your name, as if feeling your affection wasn’t unexpected, despite your departure. You watch the surprise set in when he instinctively grabs your hand resting on his chest and his head cocks to the side, as he realizes where he fell asleep and that he should be alone.
“...Baby?” Ashton whispers curiously, lifting his hat and peering over his shoulder to find your patient expression. His eyes widen at the discovery and he turns onto his other side to face you, still holding your hand. “Baby, why… wha… How are you real?”
You chuckle softly, squeezing his fingers. “They started delaying flights because of the weather and I was quick enough to hop on one here before the storm came this way. Figured if I was gonna be stuck somewhere, I’d rather have it be with you.”
A variety of emotions cross his face and he ultimately lands on concern. “Aww, sweetheart, I’m sorry… are you going to be OK with work and everything?”
“I’ve been texting my boss but like… it’s weather, there’s not anything that can be done, you know?” You rub his arm, wanting to curb any misplaced guilt he might have brewing.
“Yeah…” He trails off, going quiet for a minute before touching your face, looking like he needed additional confirmation you’re really in front of him. “Well, I’m sorry your plans got ruined but I’m very grateful you’re here.”
He leans in, placing possibly the softest kiss you’ve ever felt on your lips. “Me too, babe.” You say quietly, lifting his hat off so you can brush his hair back. “I dropped my stuff off at the hotel and Luke told me a little bit about how the day’s been. Sounded frustrating, I’m sorry.”
“Ugggghhhhhh,” he grumbles, running his hands over his face. “Baby, you can’t even imagine…”
Ash launches into the unabridged version of his tale of woe, complete with impressions of various management, event hosts and band members. You giggle, ooh and aww at all the appropriate intervals and you can tell that sharing his experience with you is giving him the catharsis he needed. By story’s end, he’s moved onto his back and pulled you onto his chest. One hand strokes gently through your hair, the other rests on your hip, undemanding but keeping you close. His voice, tired but warm, has gotten noticeably quieter since he took you into his arms and as you lay with him, you can feel his body relaxing against yours, the stress of the day fading as he melts into you.
The more relaxed he is, the less he has to rant about and soon, the quiet whir of the air conditioner is the only noise that fills the room. You run your fingers up and down the long chain from his pendant necklace, appreciating that the rise and fall of his chest seems to be getting deeper, that he’s continuing to calm down. 
He kisses your forehead, smiling against it as he murmurs, “When you got here, I was dreaming about you.”
“Oh?” You prop yourself up to look at him, smiling sweetly.
“Yeah… we were in bed --”
Your smile turns to a smirk and you raise your eyebrows suggestively.
“No, not like that… well… I don’t know, maybe,” he giggles, pinching your ass. “Nothing was really happening, we were just touching and talking like this.”
“But in bed?”
“Mmm hmm.”
“There were sheets but my brain is pretty fond of you naked so my guess would be yes.”
You snuggle in tighter to him, pressing a kiss to his collarbone. “Sounds like a nice dream.”
Ashton cradles your jaw, thumb stroking affectionately over your cheek. “I hated that I had to leave without saying goodbye this morning,” he admits.
“Well… you did say the word goodbye to me,” you point out with a grin, trying to lighten his mood.
He smirks and continues your implication. “Yeah, but my mouth usually puts in a little more work than that, doesn’t it?”
You giggle wickedly as he slides his hands in your back pockets to push you up his body and into a playful kiss. You scratch your nails along his beard, longing to hear the noise he always makes when you do; he delivers, deepening the kiss as he groans, one of his hands moving from your pocket to slip up the back of your shirt. His fingertips are still raw and cracked from drumming the night before but it’s Ash so you love it and you shiver at the rough designs they trace on your skin.
His bottom lip between your teeth, you pull away and coyly ask, “How would you have wanted the morning to go if we’d had more time?”
He matches your teasing tone, answering, “Oh, I had lots of ideas.”
You peck along his jaw and when you reach his ear, you whisper, “Gimme your Top 3 then.” 
“Hmm… definitely would’ve slept in. Then maybe a nice stroll to that cafe we found across from the hotel? Pancakes and coffee.”
“Mmm, that sounds lovely,” you coo, nipping at his ear, tugging gently on the gold hoop he wears, earning a murmur of acknowledgement. “Number one?”
“Oh, my number one choice definitely would’ve been spending as much time as I could with my face buried between your legs.”
The casual way he delivered that statement is as surprising as it is hot and he lets out a low chuckle at the way your breath catches. Desire obvious in your voice, you egg him on with a simple, “Oh?”
Ash shrugs, trying to feign nonchalance but unable to keep a self-satisfied grin from spreading across his face. “At least long enough for you to feel the scratch of my beard on your thighs all the way home.” He brings you into a heated kiss and you moan, feeling his tongue dance with yours and imagining it moving like that on your pussy. “Long enough to taste you on my beard for the rest of the day.”
“Jesus, Ash,” you groan, pressing your hips against his. He parts your legs with one of his, providing just enough pressure to get you whining into his mouth as you make out. He kisses you slowly but with purpose, his hands and lips focused on all the ways he knows make you feel most loved and wanted by him. By the time his hands have moved down to grip your ass, slowly rocking you on his thigh, you feel irredeemably needy for him.
“So happy you’re here, love,” he murmurs against your lips. “So glad I get some more time with you… appreciating you… loving on you.” He punctuates each of these declarations with a kiss and a soft squeeze of your hips, pressing you onto his leg.
“Nowhere else I’d rather be, babe,” you say honestly, breathlessly, rolling your hips, openly looking for friction now.
His lips curl into a mischievous smile. “There’s someplace I’d rather you be though,” he responds, bringing a hand up to stroke his beard. “Climb up here. Let me drown in you, baby.”
It’s not the filthiest thing he’s ever said to you but the sincerity in his eyes makes his request unbearably hot, you can tell he’s craving your taste in this moment. You get up off the couch, whimpering at how instantly chilly you feel without his body heat against you, and hastily kick off your pants and underwear. You climb back up, sitting on his chest, waiting for him to be ready.
He settles back against the pillow, running his hands over your now bare thighs before narrowing his eyes in thought. “How would you feel about losing this?” He asks, tugging at your oversized tour tee. Your hands reach for the hem while your eyes momentarily flit in the direction of the door, unsure if you locked it. He notices your hesitance and reassures you, “There’s no one here, baby, and anyone who is knows to leave me be.”
Your desire to feel him on you outweighs any concerns you have and you peel your top off, tossing your bra aside as well. Your decision is immediately rewarded with Ashton’s warm touch tracing up your sides before landing on your breasts, his large hands kneading them appreciatively. “Was mainly concerned for your sake,” you tease, placing your hands over his and squeezing. “Getting girls naked backstage? Thought you were all grown out of that phase by now.”
He giggles at your jab, tweaking your nipples in retaliation. “Appreciate you lookin’ out for me, love,” he jokes. “That mean you’re planning on keeping quiet too?”
You bite your lip, watching him eye you smugly as hand drifts between your legs. “Of course, I would never embarrass us like that,” you say, barely able to keep a straight face, thinking of the hotel noise complaint you received the first night of your visit. 
He smirks, dragging his fingers through your wetness before drawing slow, feather light circles on your clit. You, of course, let out a low moan at the much anticipated contact. “Bold of you to assume I’m not proud of how I make my girl feel so fuckin’ good she can’t help but scream.”
His fingers increase their pressure and you moan again before leaning down to capture his lips in a charged kiss. “Mouth’s doing a lot of talking but not much else,” you sass, rolling your hips on his hand.
He grins, giving a quick slap to your bottom. “Anytime, baby,” he laughs, bringing a hand up to frame his mouth. “Your throne awaits.”
The both of you giggle as you move up to hover over his face. You look down and feel your heart begin to race, seeing the love drunk way he’s staring up at your body, licking his lips, caressing your thighs. “So fuckin’ beautiful,” he rasps. “So wet, so perfect, so ready for me… always so happy to eat this pussy, baby, so grateful I get another chance before you leave.”
You sigh his name as you lower yourself, gasping as your body makes contact with his mouth. He grips your thighs, pressing teasing open mouth kisses up and down your folds, making sure no area of your pussy feels unappreciated, while strategically stopping short of paying any attention to your clit. You impatiently wiggle around, trying to direct his movements by tangling your hands in his curls, trying to force some kind of stimulation but he’s too familiar with all your tricks and too stubborn to let you employ them.
“Ash,” you start, fingers pulling in his hair.
Muffled giggles sound out from underneath you. “Love, I’ve just started, you can’t be that impatient,” he laughs. He nips at your inner thighs and you feel him smile against your skin as you react to the feel of his beard. “Gimme a chance, let me work my magic.”
“Magic, eh?”
He scoffs, accepting your unspoken challenge. He makes his way up and down your center again, this time slowly dragging his tongue, making sure to trace every intricate detail of you. When he reaches your clit, he makes up for ignoring it before, lapping short but stiff strokes before wrapping his lips around it, providing loud, firm suction with complementary flourishes of his tongue circling you.
“Oh god, Ash,” you whine. He murmurs something in response and the vibrations of his voice against you add extra stimulation. You jump at the feeling of his tongue switching to a rapid fluttering motion and his grip on you tightens. You let him hold you, grateful for the support - he’s making you feel so good you’re not quite sure what to do with yourself and your hands indecisively alternate between your tits, your thighs and his hair.
Ash’s hands come around to your ass, squeezing as he pushes you up to check in. “Baby… first it wasn’t enough and now it’s too much?” He asks, tone half-curious, half-teasing. 
You take a deep breath, shrugging. “Not too much, just really really good.”
His touch roams your body, moving from your ass to rub at your thighs to cup your tits. He asks with a twinkle in his eye, “You want me to stop?”
“Don’t you fucking dare,” you laugh, playfully yanking his hair.
He chuckles, pressing a kiss to the inside of each of your thighs. “Think you should ride my face, love,” he suggests, suddenly licking a fat stripe up your pussy, enjoying the way your body jerks in reaction. “Your thighs are barely red, baby, it’s time to put in work.”
You grin and joke, “How else am I gonna remember you and this encounter without marks on my body?”
He giggles, positioning you back over his mouth. “Exthacthly," he says, speech impaired by the way he exaggeratedly has his tongue flattened and hanging out of his mouth, somehow making it look even wider than it already is.
You laugh at his goofiness but it gives way to a low hiss when he sucks your clit back between his lips. You begin working your hips, trying to match the rhythm he’s already using. The two of you communicate through grunts and murmurs, working together to find a pace that makes you breathless. 
“Mmm… Ash…” You pant, pulling gently at his curls. He relaxes his tongue and the change in pressure makes you gasp. You groan quietly as you grind against him, leaning into the way he’s sloppily kissing your pussy. “Feels so good… you make me feel so good. Always do.”
A pleasantly painful burn warms your thighs, the result of both beard friction and muscle exertion as you continue to ride his face, the promise of your climax stirring within you. He grabs your ass, massaging your cheeks as you speed up to chase it. The more frantic your movements become, the tighter he grasps you and you cry out at the realization he’s leaving marks there too.
“Ash… babe… God, I’m… fuck, Ash, fuck,” you ramble, your orgasm suddenly threatening to wash over you. He keeps it consistent, letting the sensation build and build until he feels your legs tense around his head. You whine and huff through the waves of pleasure, Ash’s grip the only thing keeping you steady as your hips slow and your body goes slack.
“I’ve got you, sweetheart, I’ve got you,” he soothes, gently rubbing over your skin until you’re ready for him to help you down. He lays you on his chest again, wrapping his arms around your naked body, wanting to keep you warm. “Taste so good, rode my face so well… sound so beautiful cumming for me, love. Thank you.” 
You weakly push yourself up, in search of a kiss. You groan at the taste of yourself on his tongue and again when you pull back to see his lips swollen and beard glistening as a result of your activities. “You’re good at that,” you say simply, brain too frazzled to think of a better way of putting it. He chuckles at your compliment, laughs becoming louder when you start to snuggle but stop to tug at his tank top and frown. “Why is this still here?”
He heeds your complaint, raising his arms to discard the offending clothing. He tries to pull you back into his arms but you continue to pout, eyes darting to glare at his jeans before looking up at him again. He snorts, pops the button and starts to shimmy them off. “If you wanted me naked, baby, could’ve just said so.”
“How do you not know by now that’s always implied?” You tease, finally curling up on him, lips immediately pressing to his chest, hand immediately wrapping around the bulge in his boxers.
“You’re right, baby, that’s my bad,” he laughs, running his hands up and down all your bare skin he can reach. He coaxes you into a slow kiss which easily becomes a lazy make out, the two of you unhurriedly touching each other. Your fingers dip inside his waistband and he pecks your lips, insisting, “I’m fine, sweetheart, you don’t have to.”
You nip at his neck and reply, “Don’t have to but want to.” You squeeze his cock, using the precum already formed at the tip to ease the slow strokes you begin on his length. He exhales deeply, eyes fluttering as your thumb rubs that spot just under the head like he loves. “How can I make you feel good, babe? Anything you want.”
“Mmm…” Ashton sighs. He closes his eyes and catches his lip between his teeth as you spoil him with affection: one hand twisting on his shaft, the other tracing an intricate design around his nipple. Your mouth marks a bright red spot onto the dip of his shoulder, careful to follow along his tan lines so it’ll stay covered on stage. “Think I wanna feel you around me.”
“I can do that,” you murmur, kissing up his jaw to his lips. You can tell he’s about to try to turn you over and you shake your head as you tug down his boxers. “Nah, just relax, babe. It’s my turn.”
You swing your leg over to straddle him and pull his cock away from his stomach, ducking down to lick over the drops of precum that have stuck to his tummy; he moans at the contact and you moan back, loving the way you can feel his breath shudder under your tongue.
Holding his gaze, you reach between your legs and run his length through your folds, coating him in your arousal. He realizes he’d been holding his breath and he puffs it out loudly, hands rubbing over your thighs in an attempt to ground himself. You press the head of his cock against your entrance, slowly pushing him inside as the two of you groan in unison. 
Ash’s fingers dig into your hips as you sink down on him with remarkable restraint, inch by inch, torturously slow. You finally allow him to bottom out and your head lulls back as you squeeze your eyes shut and lick your lips, relishing the feeling of him filling you up. His hands travel up your body to grab your breasts, massaging them firmly. 
“You alright, love?” He asks, slightly concerned you remain unmoving.
You nod as you lean in to give him a hungry kiss. “After this morning went the way it did, thought I wouldn’t feel you like this for a while,” you explain, stroking his beard, smiling into another kiss. “Just enjoying it.”
He wraps his arms around you, holding you tight against him while he remains buried in you. “Good, baby, me too.” You begin rocking your hips at a leisurely pace, letting him slide in and out while you continue to press kisses to his mouth. His hands travel down to your ass, squeezing your cheeks as he helps you grind on his cock. He sighs dreamily, “Fuck, I love you.”
“Love you too, babe,” you breathe, nipping at his jaw before righting yourself, running your fingers along his chest hair, massaging his pecs as you start more of a bouncing rhythm. You chuckle watching the large pendant he’s wearing dance across his chest as you move on his body. He tries to bring a hand between you to work your clit but you intercept it, interlacing your fingers and kissing his knuckles. “Wanna focus on you… I’ll go again later at the hotel.” 
He moans, maybe it’s from the way you’re rotating your hips, maybe it’s from the knowledge that this doesn’t have to be the last time he has you before you leave, that your goodbye can last all day long, maybe into tomorrow if you’re lucky and the weather doesn’t clear up. Whatever the cause, you recognize the tone and know he’s getting close. You pick up the pace and his hands return to your tits, eager to hold them while you ride.
You lean back, bracing your hands on his thighs, arching your back and giving him quite the show as you work your bodies faster. Ashton now has a clear view of his cock disappearing inside you and as he becomes hypnotized watching you take him over and over, he lets out a low hum that becomes more and more whiny as it goes on.
“I know… Want you to… Wanna feel…”
A series of whimpers escape his throat and then with a final grunt, he throws his head back, mouth hanging open in a silent cry. You feel his thighs tense under your touch and his hands desperately tighten around your breasts as his cock begins pulsing inside you. You coo soft praise and encouragement as he cums, caressing his chest, watching him closely for the signal that he needs you to stop moving.
He meets your eyes again, grinning as his hand trails over your stomach. “You sure, love?” He asks, fingers ready to continue their journey down.
You smile softly, insisting, “Just want a cuddle, to be honest.”
“Oh fuck yeah, sweetheart, me too,” he agrees, flexibly reaching behind himself for the tissue box on the end table.
You giggle at his enthusiasm and he smiles dopily as he cleans you up and lays back down so you can relax into his open arms. You snuggle into his side, laughing, “Guess you’re gonna have to think of some new goodbye sex ideas now.”
“OK well first of all, that wasn’t the goodbye sex. Trust me, you’d know if it were goodbye sex,” Ash protests boastfully, giggling as he squeezes your ass. “And second, as long as we’re naked, no thinking about saying goodbye or leaving or not being together in any way will be permitted, thanks.”
“My bad.”
“Them’s the rules.”
You poke the tattoo on his rib, teasing, “How can we have goodbye sex if we’re not allowed to think about goodbyes when we’re naked?”
He snorts, struggling to keep his serious expression. “Them’s the rules.”
You shake your head and peck at his chest. “Well, maybe we’ll luck out and that storm warning will be extended and I’ll get stuck again.”
He holds you tighter and sighs. “Here’s to hoping for another bad day.”
355 notes · View notes
33-81 · 9 months
Moodboard Masterlist
dad calum
beefy ashton
mafia boss calum
calum in a skirt
dad harry
Italy with harry
desi wedding
soft boi harry
baker harry
rockstar harry
early seasons spencer
golf tom
oscar piastri wag
pool day with maxie
dark blue
baby blue
red pt1
red pt2
calum Elle interview
ashton Elle interview
michael elle interview
luke elle interview
calum in a tank top
idk how to explain this
blond calum
ashton in a green shirt that made me wanna die
smoking is bad
dad w2s
28 notes · View notes
Sweet Dreams--Part 6
Calum and you have dance around reality for a few months now. But after Calum leaves and returns from a trip, the reality has to be confronted. 
Weeks are passing and maybe more is blooming between you and Calum than might meet the eye.
Prince!Calum x Reader Insert.
CW: Smut across the series. Mentions of parental neglect, and alcohol abuse across the series as well.
Series Masterlist
My Complete Masterlist
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The collar’s stiff, not stiff enough that it’ll just stay flat, but stiff enough that it won’t flatten from the half curl it’s in. You don’t have much else to dig out. It’s this shirt or what seemingly feels like having to accept defeat--skip the interview, continue on this dead end journey. And maybe it only feels a little exhausting because you spend your days buried deep in applications--uploading resumes, retyping them, editing cover letters, adding the same information on the PDF you just uploaded into the HTML application that you’re clicking through. Your name, email, last known dates of employment and location, your schooling. You’re stuck on a wheel, a carrot dangling in your face and always just inches from actually getting your teeth on it. 
This is your fifth interview in three weeks, but the track record you’re building is already speaking deeply for itself. Three of the four interviews have wound up being stark rejections. The last one was sweet, noting that your skill and caliber are impressive, but given the two year stint out of the cutthroat business they felt that you might be too much of a liability. So much that being a chef to royalty seems to get you. But you understand. The restaurant business is lethal. It is knife to throat at all times, no shut eye, always looking over your shoulder with a handful of salt at the ready. You have been out of that realm for quite some time. You still had plenty of time to look, but the frustration clouds all your judgment. You just know you need a job. 
As you fight with the collar, you consider if it would be such a bad idea to look into becoming a private chef in the interim until you found something else, until you had a handle on what you’re actually looking for outside of desperation. There had to be someone right enough, much too lazy to do their own cooking to hire you on. And it would give you some of your life back. But you don’t settle for that idea just yet. You don’t give in just yet. You still have this interview in front of you and the collar that won’t fucking cooperate. 
“C’mon!” Your voice booms more than you intend. 
“You really ought to have a steamer,” Calum laughs. His voice is small through the speakers of your phone. You turn to face the phone now, realizing that you probably shouldn’t blow your top over a fucking collar. Calum he motions for you to turn. 
You oblige, shuffling in a circle as you speak, “Buy me one and then I will have one.”
“Is that not classified as knight in shining armor bullshit? Or is that just your being frustrated?” Calum questions. It comes with a laugh, but you know the true meaning. 
“It’s me being frustrated at this fucking job hunt. Is it a no on the shirt?”
“The shirt is fine, baby. You got a dryer in that establishment that I’ve only ever gotten to see on a phone screen?”
You nod at the question, fingers moving to the top buttons of the shirt to undo them. “We both know why you haven’t. I need to be in the new job before I flaunt you to my roommates.”
“Miranda did say that Josie was looking a little suspicious.” 
Josie’s the quietest of the roommates, excluding you. She can’t even humanely capture a fly without the tears brimming in her eyes. Fortunately for her, when the insects do run amuck, you’re usually swift to handle them when you spot them or to call the leasing office to have them schedule a spray. She’s knocked on your door twice for her help with a bug and you’ve never been able to turn her away. 
“About this dryer?” you ask, pulling your arms out of the sleeves. 
“Yes, yes, sorry to Josie. She’s probably a nice woman. But mist that shirt. Don’t soak it. You just want it damp. Then put it on a low cycle for like 15 minutes max. You’ll have to hang the shirt up immediately after taking it out of the dryer though. Think you can handle that?”
“I think so.” 
The interview is scheduled for late in the afternoon. You knew it would be rough for you, meaning you’d get little sleep potentially. But you had to do what needed to be done. So you’d only get up only after a quick nap to get ready. Calum promised to be free to help you prepare and the moment you texted him about being awake, he called. The last twenty minutes you’d been on the phone you’d huffed at the limits of your closest. There were only so many shirts you had to wear for the interview and the last thing you wanted to do was show up in a shirt that you couldn’t be sure if it was clean or not. So you were left to this one, a collar as disobedient as ever. 
“You’re going to land something, baby. It’s going to be okay,” Calum offers. 
“I appreciate it.” You know he means well but it doesn’t necessarily erase all the nerves. Time is the guillotine as it is. You’ve only got so much time to land on your feet before time takes your head. You try to tell yourself, when you lay down for sleep, not to listen to the tick of the clock. 
With your t-shirt slipped back over your torso, you gather your phone off your dresser. “How are sessions?” You keep your voice soft as you ask the question. Calum’s no good as a punching bag. He’s not the person you’re angry with. Though, you don’t know if it’s a person you’re truly angry with anymore anyway.  
“Long,” Calum returns. 
“Any swingers?” you ask. You know it’s really not your business but there is a part of you that is curious. It felt like a slippery slope. As much as Calum wanted to play the game right, as much as Calum wanted to be the good guy, the game he’d been placed into was rigged. It always would be. It would just take Calum a little bit longer to see that, to understand just how much it was an old game with deep roots. He could play it the right way, but he’d have to be okay with a lot of failure. You wonder if Calum’s ever used to failing at anything. Not that you think he’s been handed everything in his life. But you know the wall for him was shorter. He had more people under him, more people to keep the ladder safe and still for him. 
“A couple,” he answers. “It’s…slow, as I’m sure you know. So fucking slow.”
“People on the news say another vote is coming up next week?”
“There is. I don’t think we have the numbers. Not yet.”
There’s something in how Calum keeps his responses short that sets the hairs on the back of your neck up into the air. “What’s wrong?” You don’t want it to come out accusatory. You know that there may not be something wrong, but your gut tells you otherwise. And you’ve got no reason not to listen to it. 
Calum’s exhale is harsh, head dropping back on his shoulders. You watch the expanse of his neck for a moment, how he swallows before bringing his face back into the frame. “It’s not working. It’s just not fucking working,” he huffs. “Playing this fucking straight is killing people. We just got the unemployment numbers. They’ve skyrocketed. When I talk to people about how this happened, I interview CEO’s or get statements from them and they say no one wants to work. So I go to the streets and I hear people are looking for jobs, they’re desperate for it. But not so much that they’ll be exploited. Nine, ten hour shifts with no breaks, no pay increases, buildings that aren’t up to code in the slightest, or just barely passing inspection. And I’m sure there’s some not so great people at the manager helm, but like profit margins are blowing the fucking roof but the employeess can’t afford medication. The people in the cabinet don’t care enough because their checks are still cash. Their coffee still comes out steaming and hot like it’s supposed to. They can still go to the dentist to make sure they don’t get a cavity or fill it without a blink. People are dying and no one wants to get off their asses. And I’m doing this the way it should be done. And the world--.”
Calum’s monologue comes to a crashing halt. His eyes are wild and unfocused. You can see the frustration turning the tips of his ears red. You can see it pushing at his chest. “And the world keeps fucking spinning,” he whispers to conclude the thought that stopped him. 
“The last I heard Galileo had proven the earth orbited the sun, not Cabinet.” It’s a joke. One that you hope breaks Calum out of his daze. It seems to work--but only a little as his lips quirk into a grin. 
“It’s a shame no one’s told the Cabinet that,” Calum teases. 
“You did once. I don’t think that fire’s gone totally. Not if you don’t go it alone. I’m not a mathematician. I don’t know how many you need, who you need of course.”
“We just need enough,” Calum replies. “You deserve better than complacency.”
“Me?” The two of you are talking about thousands of people, hundreds of thousands. But the two of you are not talking about you--singular. Yet Calum is.
It’s only a nod you get and behind the silence the clock on your wall ticks and tocks. You catch the seconds like falling snowflakes--one by one--as you watch Calum’s face settle. He doesn’t seem to want to answer the question but after the quiet gets too long, you press again. “Calum, what do you mean that I deserve better than complacency?”
“You deserve better. Perhaps, you deserve havoc.” 
“Done to, or doing?” you ask. 
“Never done to,” Calum returns quickly. “You don’t deserve any more havoc in your life, but maybe you deserve to bear witness to something done by someone else.” You told Calum that--to wreak havoc until he could get seats turned over. You don’t even really know what it was supposed to mean. You’d hope it would’ve just been comforting enough to help him get through the door and back into the room. You don’t think you would’ve said it if it meant what it does now to Calum. 
“What if there’s no stick or shovel?” you ask. If Calum’s going to get into the deep end, if he’s going to wade through the tall grass, you don’t want him to do so blindly. You don’t want him to do without recognizing that he might become the very thing he was scared of. 
“At least we’ll both know I tried my best then, right?”
You nod. But you remember--how Calum worried about if he didn’t play this game right and got into the mud then he would consider himself as having failed. “And we’ll both know you weren’t a failure, right?”
Calum nods in return. “I think I’d be more of a failure if I didn’t do something.”
“Are you sure you want to do this?” You don’t know what this is actually referring to. You don’t know what Calum’s got planned but you do know that look in his eyes--a laser focus. You’re sure that if you were to see his jaw, there would be a small tick to you, the final testament to his resolve. “No bullshit. No bravado. Is this what you actually want to do?” you ask. 
“Have I ever done something I didn’t want?” 
You remember though. You remember how Calum spoke softly about his childhood, how he was allowed the space to be a child, let abandon fall by the wasteside. He always knew where he was going. His path was predetermined by fates outside of his control, his path paved in ways that do not allow for yearning. “Have you ever wanted? Not placed, not disciplined, not assumed. Have you ever actually wanted for something? Do you want this? You can build a house with integrity. It will stand.”
You think Calum’s going to blow you off, the camera shakes for just a moment and you’re praying to the heavens he doesn’t undermine your question. But his face stays. He leans in. “But it’s too damn slow. Besides, this isn’t about my morals anymore, baby. This is about what needs to happen. Those emergency funds need to go out. Legislation needs to change. Asses need a fire under them, more now than ever.”
There’s no turning this tide. Like waves follow the moon, Calum’s being pulled by something. It’s invisible to you right now and you know you can’t press on. Your alarm to remind you about the interview in another hour rings out. You swipe it away to snooze it, knowing you’ve only got nine more minutes before the alarm comes back around. But you can hear the crashing of the waves. You hear what Calum is saying: I need to do it this way.
 “I’ll pick up spare matches.”
“I hear there’s a two for one special,” Calum laughs. “Now I think I heard your alarm. Go on. I’ll call again when you get to the interview. You’ve got a shirt that needs a flat collar.”
A knock sounds from Calum’s end of the call that interrupts your response. “Yes?” Calum calls out. 
“You’re late!” you faintly catch and think it’s Miranda. 
“Shit,” he whispers and then focuses back to you. “Best of luck, baby. Don’t forget to call when you get there! Love you.”
He smiles at you one last time and then the screen goes black. You’re left standing there, phone held up to your face and your reflection staring back at you. Shock’s never looked more like a painting, your mouth agape but not quite in the oval of the scream, as you catch sight of your face in the black screen of your phone. 
“There’s no way he means that right now,” you whisper to yourself. 
You’d always thought the guillotine would drop when you couldn’t find a job and the notices came for all your possessions, and you were left with nothing. You’d yet to consider the guillotine to fall over a phone call, over two words. 
Love you. 
Your alarm sounds again. Right, you’ve got the interview. You’ve got a shirt and collar to get sorted. 
Love you. 
You scramble to get the shirt damp and into the dryer. Thinking the guillotine was losing and handling change is a childish thought. The guillotine is really a fear of what’s been brewing. You can no longer say that you hope or want for Calum. You can no longer say that you watch with curiosity. 
You pray, and fret, and hope with care, with love. You worry because you know the thing you want. You know the thing you’ll fight for now isn’t just selfish anymore. It’s mutual. It’s mutual and all it took was two words: love you. Perhaps, you will find two boxes of matches. 
The building in front of you reminds you of your days with Mrs. Shirley--it looks industrial with the gray walls, like you’re stepping back in time. Though all your missing is Mrs. Shirley maroon pickup truck and the radio. This parking lot is quite full though instead of empty. A shopping cart or two are left behind on the sidewalks. You can hear the twinkle of dog tags. But the building’s mural looks fresh. Like it might’ve just been painted up there. Not what you expect from the restaurant, after reviewing the ratings, but something about it feels comforting.
Your fingers hover over the phone icon. If you call him, are you even going to address what he said? Are you going to light the beacon or let the words carry on like an undercurrent? You can’t not call though. 
“Hi, baby,” Calum answers. You can hear the smile in his voice. 
“Made it to the restaurant,” you return. 
“What’s the first impression so far?”
You shrug, looking out around you from the shelter of your car. “Still assessing. But promising, I hope.”
“We’ll take hope. You’ve got your copies of your resume, right?”
You turn to look at the blue folder on the seat next to you. “I do.”
“At least three questions to ask the interviewer, right?”
“Always,” you laugh. “It’s not my first rodeo, cowboy.”
“No, you’re an experienced rider. Just gotta make sure though.” Calum’s laughter follows his sentence. 
“I appreciate your concern.”
Softly, oh so softly, does Calum’s voice fall and filters through the line. “I think I’ve got a good feeling about this one. Need anything before you head inside? Pep talk? Going over your questions?”
You shake your head no again, knowing he can’t see. Calum’s had a good feeling about the last two interviews. The last one he was sort of spot on until the rejection came. But maybe things were moving in the right direction. 
“No, I’m good. Just wanted to call like promised,” you eventually settle on. Though in the back of your brain you can see still the echoing of Calum’s earlier statement. Would you return it? Should you? What if Calum doesn’t mean it the way you would? 
“Hmm, I do appreciate the call.”
Is Calum going to bring it up? Would he call attention to his own actions? Were you putting too much weight behind the words? 
As the silence stretches on for a second, then two. The time on your radio clicks over. You still have to get inside. Calum’s words are soft--accented in a way you don’t think you’ve heard them spoken before. But a warmth settles over your chest. 
“Good luck,” Calum whispers. 
“I hope your good feeling is good for one more time.”
“It will be. I put in a good word with the ancestors.”
You snort at the joke. “Thanks.”
That’s all there is--you hang up after your goodbyes. The clock on your radio ticks over another minute. The phone feels like lead in your hands and you want to call Calum back. You want to ask him what he meant when he said Love you but you’ve got to go. You grab your folder and push against the door handle of the car. 
At the front of the building, you watch through the glass front windows at the people smiling. Servers drop off plates, patrons focus in on the food in front of them. The place looks inviting. You are intrigued to see more of the inside, see what the inner workings hold for you. So, you press forward. The hostess greets you with a bright smile. “Just one today?”
You shake your head. “I’m actually here for an interview.” You pass along your name and she nods. 
“Just one moment. I’ll be right back.”
From the foyer, you take note of the aroma--it’s earthy but the fringes of it feel heavy. “Here for the interview?” The voice is thick and soft. 
You turn to find an older woman, maybe in her fifties or so. Her skin is dark, nearly matching the black t-shirt she’s adorning. “Yes, that would be me,” you return, pushing up from the plush bench. 
She grins, taking your hand to shake. “C’mon then. I believe you spoke with the assistant manager, Glenn, previously.”
“Yes, I did.”
“I’m Turner. Let’s head back.”
“Nice to meet you, Turner.” You follow behind her through the crowds. You’re careful of course with the servers coming through. The kitchen is alive--you can hear the orders coming through, a string of laughter following behind it though. You’re much more used to shouts of frustration. The kitchen is no place for thin skin, but it intrigues that even on a busy afternoon there’s laughter. 
Before you even realize it, you’re in the back office, settling into the computer chair across from Turner. She pulls a pen out of the bun. “When we saw Vista on your resume, we were quite impressed. I will admit, very few come from fine dining down to us. We’re still pretty young in the game.”
“Well, I don’t think it’s a downgrade, that’s for certain,” you counter. Not after what you’ve seen just so far. Of course, things can and will change once you start. You know that it won’t be rainbows all the time at the job. Yet, you feel a calling in your heart that this might be the right place for you to go at the end of it all. 
“Well, thank you,” she laughs. “I understand this might be a personal question, but if I can, what are you looking for in your next place of work? Were you missing something at your previous jobs?”
That’s the question of the hour. You weren’t missing anything at your current job. It had what you wanted. But matters of the heart with royalty have a complicated path. “I left fine dining because of life situations demanding it. The thing I’m looking for in my next job is not just a place to cook, but a place to grow. I’ve learned a lot in school and use it daily, but I also think there’s only so much you can learn in a textbook. You learn a lot more when you work with a variety of techniques and cuisines.” 
Turner nods. “I see. So you’re looking for a place that has a bit of a challenge for that healthy growth?”
“I think that would be the best way to put it, yes.”
“Your references speak extremely highly of you. I believe Ms. Janet was nearly in tears on the phone with us. It’s a good sign to us at the least. I am interested in hearing a bit more about times where you feel like you learned more outside of your technical training.”
“Of course.” You dive into the time you spent with Mrs. Shirley and what you learned--inside of the world of culinary arts and outside of it. For the entirety of the interview you and Turner trade questions and expectations about the role. The restaurant opens 11 to 8 every day except Sundays, that’s 12-6. Once a month the restaurant connects with a local shelter to house a potluck and provides meals for those in need. You learn that there is talk of expanding the franchise into a non-profit, but the pipeline to get employees who’ve been with the company into the non-profit is the highest priority of course while also including experts to ensure the longevity. 
As the conversation continues you learn about the expectation of the daily operations. You’d be expected to work in the kitchen and unfortunately due to being slightly short staffed, you might have to handle some serving duties. They’d want someone who could man the bar as it could provide a bit more flexibility with other staffing structures. But should you be hired on, they’d pay for the training and licenses when it comes to the bar and mixing drinks. While the staffing concerns raise a small alarm in your head, you know the potential that you’d be called in on your days off would be extremely high, you are a little intrigued to have some normalcy back by having more conventional working hours. It would be nice to grab your siblings for dinner, have dates with Calum at a reasonable time. 
There are efforts to work with other venues and opportunities in the community--seafood festivals, catering corporate picnics and holiday parties. But management does try to balance the demand as best as possible according to Turner. It feels like a lot of cookie jars on the table, but the priority first is always the restaurant. When you ask about the kind of demands on a slow day as compared to that of a higher volume day, specifically in how food is prepared and what the shipments look like, Turner gives you a laugh. 
“I don’t know why I expected anything else from a seasoned vet.” But Turner goes on to explain how the kitchen is prepped and what kind of support to expect. 
You grin. “I’ve been burned in some hot fires before. Experience is the best kind of teacher. But thank you for taking the time to answer that.”
“Of course,” Turner returns. “Training, as you probably already know, is a bit more like that trial by fire. You’ll work with some of our seasoned chefs and they’ll work with you through the menu. Expect this to take you a few weeks to get comfortable with and we’ll take it slow if you need. From what I can see, you’ve been out of this particular game for a couple years and we’d hate to see you get burned again.”
You nod, a bit of your heart releasing from the clutches. Maybe your time away won’t be so much of a detriment here than other places. They’re still growing. They can afford a few more luxuries that other restaurants may not be able to spend. “Thank you.”
By the time you conclude the interview, you’re praying that you actually land this job-not for desperation, but because you think this might be the kind of place that would give you a feeling of peace. There’s care in this place and you don’t want to be left out of that. You settle into the driver seat and immediately pull up Calum’s name. It’s been an hour, much longer than you anticipated for the interview and you know he’s worried. 
The call doesn’t get answered immediately, but you let it ring and ring.  “I’m sorry I missed your call. Please leave your name and number and a brief message and I’ll return your call,” Calum’s voicemail echoes into the bowels of your car. 
“Sorry I missed you,” you start, “Finished the interview now. And I think, well, no, no, I know I want this job. The manager seems really nice and it’s--it’s such a nice place. I want this job more than anything now and I know. I know I said before I’d take whatever, but Forest is actually the kind of place I want to work for. Have the ancestors gotten back to you yet? Hope you’re doing okay though. Call me back when you can. Love you.”
There--it feels a bit cowardice to leave it in a voicemail, but you don’t want to lose this courage either. So you leave it, on a recorded line, where you can’t take it back. But at the very least, it’s out there now. 
Calum’s phone shakes from his pocket. He feels it against his thigh and his immediate reaction is to reach for it, make sure it’s not you calling him back before ignoring the call. But Miranda’s throwing another file his way and he reaches out to catch it. The call will ultimately have to wait. “A heads up would be nice,” Calum huffs. 
“Keep up,” she laughs. 
“Son, you don’t have to do this though,” his father warns. “I can take this angle. I can talk to her.”
“Everyone knows we talk shop, Pops.”
“You’ve--you’ve just always said you wanted a clean game.”
Calum shakes his head, looking up to his father. “It’s not a game, though, Dad. I keep treating this like it’s a match. It’s not a game. It’s never been one. Everyone else thinks it is. But we can’t pretend like it's just a game anymore, where there’s no stakes. There are real consequences for what we do and don’t do. There’s real life in the balance of what we do.”
“But what you’re asking for,” his father warns. “We can’t take this back.”
Calum shrugs. “Well, perhaps, they should’ve been thinking about re-election the entire time.”
  Miranda has the spare keys though it’s not technically her job. Calum cracks open the file and peers up at the ledger in front of him. It’s a tally of the most recent votes--who voted for what. The goal isn’t to have dirt and blackmail. The goal is to have a firm line, a recounting of every choice and consequence that’s come because of it. 
“People are looky quite cushy from my vantage point,” Calum notes. His phone vibrates again against his leg. He’d shockingly forgotten about the call. 
“And you’re sure you can do this before the voting on Thursday,” his dad questions. 
They’ll need the official tally before the end of the week and Thursday was the latest day they could go. Should the bill get passed, it’ll go into effect the middle of the following week. The treasury and department of taxation is just waiting on standby and has been for weeks to start getting payments to roll out. 
“Pops,” Calum laughs, pulling his phone out from his pocket. “I wrote 12 page papers in college the night before they were due. A week is just perfect. I just need you lifting heavy in session, doing most of the talking if you can.”
His father nods. “Of course, I can, son. Of course, I can.”
Miranda settles a ring with two keys onto the table. “You’ll need those. And a lot of coffee. And maybe a miracle.”
“Thank you for your vote of confidence, Miranda,” Calum laughs. 
“And if I can say, which of course I can, I’m about damn ready for someone to actually get something done around here. My back is killing me,” she teases. There’s no worry on her part about the presence of Calum’s father. She’s always had the fearless streak. 
There’s a pass of laughter and Calum turns to see a missed call from you. He notices there’s a voicemail too. Bringing the phone up to his ear, he listens to your voice, “Sorry I missed you,” you start over the recorded message, “Finished the interview now. And I think, well, no, no, I know I want this job. The manager seems really nice and it’s--it’s such a nice place. I want this job more than anything now and I know. I know I said before I’d take whatever, but Forest’s is actually the kind of place I want to work for. Have the ancestors gotten back to you yet? Hope you’re doing okay though. Call me back when you can. Love you.”
Calum’s heart pounds against his ribs. His own breath catches, he can feel the struggle to regulate his breath. Love you, rattles in his brain. Love you. He was hoping you hadn’t caught that. Calum prayed he could somehow pretend that he hadn’t let those words slip. He’d gone on about the rest of his day and you hadn’t said a word. You hadn’t texted him about it. It hadn’t even come up in the brief call you two had before the interview. Calum thought he was in the clear. He’d hoped he was in the clear. 
But clear isn’t standing in front of Calum. Not anymore.
It’s the clattering of his phone against the table that brings Calum back to reality. 
“You okay, son?” His father’s voice is slow, but clear. Calum’s not listening though. He scrambles to pick up his phone and push up out of the seat he’s in. It sends him clattering into the chair a couple feet from the door as he tries to get his phone right side up in his hands. “Calum, please. What’s the matter?”
Calum shuts the heavy wooden doors behind him--though it’s really gravity that does most of the work and Calum just holds the knob with enough pressure to keep it from slamming. The phone rings, even before it’s at his ear, and his ribs ache with the pounding of his heart. 
He was supposed to be in the clear. 
“Hi, can you give me like two seconds?” You don’t wait for an answer, voice sounding a bit further away than before. “Hi, can I get 20 on pump 4 please?”
A voice returns to your question with a response. “You could go thirty and see me less.”
“And what’s the fun in that?” you laugh and as the sound gets closer, Calum is sure his heart will leap up his throat and out of his chest. “I’m back.”
“So?” Calum starts. How should he ask it? Should it even be a question at all? But before any other words come, you’re responding. 
Calum wants it to mean what he thinks it does--an answer to his unspoken question. His throat jumps as he opens his mouth and the shakes take over the first attempt at his words. He clears his throat to try again. “I got your voicemail.”
“I presume the ancestors have spoken then.”
Calum laughs--short and all an exhale. “They had to put me on hold. But I-I listened to the whole voicemail.”
The noises of a busy street--cars going past, horns honking, a voice floating in from somewhere behind you--take over the silence for a moment before you respond, “Good.”
“You’re going to make me say it aren’t you?” Calum questions. There’s no way you’d just let Good fall from your lips and not mean more. 
“You already did. I said it second.”
There--there it was,  the yolk oozing from the cracked shell. “You didn’t have to if you weren’t ready. Doesn’t it all feel a bit too soon?”
“You’re honey and I am molasses. Just seconds apart really.”
You say it so easily, like even if Calum is faster than you, even if these things come up sooner you know you’re not far behind. “I didn’t mean to rush you though. I don’t want to say it slipped out. Though that’s what it feels like. Like why wouldn’t I say I love you?”
“Well, why wouldn’t you?”
Your question. doesn’t feel like a challenge. It doesn’t feel like some way for Calum to get out of the hole he feels like he might be teetering on the edge. Maybe it’s meant for Calum to say whatever it is that he needs to say. Calum will take it though, take the leap if you’re going to let him. 
Calum inhales deeply and lets the words fall in his exhale, “That’s the thing. I have no reason why I wouldn’t say it. Because I do. I love you.” He feels no need to qualify that statement, make it mean less or mean something different. There’s no need for that. 
“I wish I could see your face,” Calum confesses. It would make this less awkward maybe. It might ease some of the fear in his chest as he waits. 
“Do you know the painting, The Scream?” you ask. 
“Yeah, yeah, I know the painting,” Calum answers, picturing the figure, hands pressed to the side of their face and mouth gaping open in an oval. 
“That’s my face,” you laugh. 
Calum snorts at the mental image--the shock on your face. He saw it earlier before he hung up on the video call. There was just the briefest moment where Calum was sure he’d messed up and he waited by his phone. He waited for your text, your call, but it never came. 
“It’s scary to admit that you love someone. You know it all the same. I’m scared. And I know it all the same. That I love you.”
“And what makes you scared? Hmm? What’s so scary about it?” He really hadn’t meant to push this sooner than you were ready. But the can had already been opened. There was nothing that could take this back now. 
Your sigh crackles through the line before your response does, “I don’t take saying that lightly. It’s easier to show it. It’s easier to never let it come to the surface. Much, much easier just to let it go unsaid.”
“If it helps, I’ve always seen it. I’ve always known.”
“You’ve always known?” The question falls with a teasing lilt and Calum exhales his laughter alongside you. 
“And if I say, yes, what about it?” Calum teases in return. He’s not truly sure if he’s always known. But he’s had a hunched. Calum could've guessed it, but the sound of your confirmation winds him. 
You continue on though around Calum’s earlier tease. “When you said love you earlier, I wasn’t sure if I should’ve responded or should’ve said anything in return. Then trying to make it on time for the interview took priority. And I didn’t think I’d address it. Not again for a little bit at least. Well, you know the rest. I left that voicemail.”
“Did it slip out? Did you feel like you had to say it?” The fear comes back. He’s not going to be happy if you feel pressured. 
“No, I knew if I didn’t say it then I knew I’d keep finding excuses. A calculated risk, I’d dare to say.”
“You live at your own pace though, baby.”
“I know. And I do. And I did when I left that voicemail. No regrets. I promise.”
It’s final. Calum knows by the tone of your voice, so he nods. You can’t see it. But he nods regardless and drops his head into the wood of the door. “But the interview went well?”
“I think so. I hope I get the job. They’re understaffed. Manager admitted it and I know that means I’m getting in over my head. They’re going to be calling for me to cover shifts. They also want to cross train for the bar. It’s not a perfect job by any means. But it’s something I want. It could give me a leg back into the kitchen, get my sea legs again and get some additional certifications under my wing. Could be a really good stepping stone and I think right now that’s what I need.”
“Extra shifts before the holidays wouldn’t be so bad,” Calum figures. Summer is starting to wind down. The crisp fall winds show up in the early hours of the morning. It won’t be long before the holidays descend. “You now have to compete with giant unicorns.”
“Oh I absolutely do not,” you snort. “You have to compete with them though. Teagan already knows that’s not how it works with me.”
“Well, I hope you get it, baby. Would you be working days again? I assume so, but I could be wrong.”
“Yeah, I’d be working days. I mean, the days are still late. Restaurants open to 8PM most of the week. But I’d get home at a reasonable time. I’d get days off where I don’t spend most of them sleeping. It’s not perfect, but it is better in some rights.”
“Did they say when they’d get back to you?” Calum pushes up off the door. One hand he slips into the pocket of his dress pants as his shoes click against the floors. His walk is short, only a couple feet to the sides until he hits the wall.
“Monday, next week.”
“Do you work here that Tuesday?”
“Yes, I do.”
“Can I take you out to dinner before your shift?” He’d want to phrase it more like a gentle demand, but your schedule is a bit more delicate than his. He’s not sure if it would work out or not. 
“I’d love to get dinner. What would be the occasion?”
“A date. It’ll be a celebration.”
“Calum,” you start. “You say that like you’re sure I’m going to get the job.”
He laughs. “I am sure. The ancestors just got back to me.”
The doors creak open and Calum catches the start of his father’s head out of the space between the crack in the door. “You okay?” his father asks. 
“Yeah, yeah, I’m okay. I’ll be back in. Give me another few minutes,” Calum returns, pulling the speaker away from his mouth just a little. 
“Is everything alright?” you ask. “Was that David?”
His father nods and heads back into the room. Calum brings the phone back closer to his mouth. “Yeah. Everything’s okay. I-I might’ve spooked just a little listening to your voicemail earlier. It’s all okay though. But Tuesday. Dinner before your shift. Say, 6:30?”
“Did you have a heart attack listening to my voicemail?” The laughter is clear in your voice. 
“No, not quite that. I was just working on something and I missed your initial call. Gave Dad a little bit of a fright when I was shocked. But it’s nothing major. No injuries I’m happy to report. Are you okay to meet here and then I’ll drive us to dinner? I could also pick you up but I don’t know how you’d feel about that.”
“I’ll meet you there. I appreciate the offer and we’ll get there. But I didn’t mean to interrupt your work though.”
Calum groans, spinning to face the wall. His forehead hits the warm softly. Yes, yes, work. The tallies. He does need to go through those ledgers. He needs to look at the immediate fall outs of all major votes. He needs that before the votes. He’s got to focus. And Calum can. He knows he can. But he does want to see you too. Ease any worries that you might have and keep your mind off checking your emails or phone for words from Forests.
“Yes, yes, I do. I’d rather talk to you, but it’s important too.”
“What if I swung by for a little bit? I’ve got those two boxes of matches.”
A hum falls over his throat. “That would be nice. To see you.”
“I need to swing by my place and then I’ll be right over. It’ll buy you at least forty minutes.”
“Make it an even hour? I hate to beg. But I can do a lot more damage in an hour while my dad’s still here than once he clocks out for the evening.”
“I think I can find something else to do for the extra twenty minutes. See you then?”
“Oh, don’t make it sound like a question. See you in an hour.”
The call ends, and Calum pushes up from the wall. He’s got an hour. The doors are heavy, creaking just a little as Calum pulls on them. When Calum steps back through, he rolls up the sleeves. He’s gotta make every second count if he’s going to spend some time with you. “Was that who I think it was?” his father asks. 
“Yes, Pops. It was. They know you’re still owed a game of golf.”
“Oh, I’m not worried about that. Did they say how the job hunt is going? It’s rough out there.”
“The interview today went well. Hoping they land it. But before you call it a day in an hour can I still borrow you?”
His father nods. “Of course. How far back are we going?”
“Last five years I’d reckon,” Calum answers. He needs enough substance just to start. If it’s not enough, he can go back even further. But he has to start somewhere at least. 
“And are we looking at any specific kinds of referendums and legislations? Or just anything?”
“I think at this point--grab a notebook and jot down whatever sticks out to you. I’ll go back through your ledgers later if it’s not enough.”
A packet of sticky notes falls onto the pile of their table. “Mark any pages that are interesting with sticky notes. It’ll make your life easier,” Miranda states. “Work smarter, not harder.”
Calum grins over to Miranda. “Knew I liked you.” 
Calum’s not sure how quickly the hour passes. There’s a blur of cursive ink and blue, yellow, and pink stickies. But Calum knows the hour is done when his father sighs. “Think that’s all I’ve got for today,” his father says, hands on knees. It’s the preamble to his push up and off the couch. Calum can’t fault it. There’s a lot of work to be done and it’s his idea. But Calum is grateful to have the extra hands for the time being. 
“Thanks for the help so far,” Calum returns. 
“Of course, son, of course.” 
No sooner than his father cracking open the door Calum’s phone rings. Your name lights up his screen and those ledgers and notes can wait for a later time. “Up on the third floor,” Calum offers in his answer to your call. He’s slipping pages back into order, shutting ledgers. “But I can meet you at the elevators if you head up.” 
“Eager beaver,” you tease. “I’ll see you there.” 
Calum feels the buzz of his skin with excitement. His ribs know just how your chest will press into his and for that, he’s grateful. His lips know the press of yours, how you’ll sigh just a little into the kiss. It comes from somewhere in your throat and sounds like relief. Though Calum will admit that occasionally, he’s not sure if it was your noise or his. It doesn’t matter enough for Calum to piece it apart when the elevator dings and peels open to reveal you. A tiny wave and smile as you step out. 
Calum wastes no time to gather you up, pressing a kiss to your forehead before gently guiding in for a kiss. It’s Calum who sighs first into this kiss. The noise vibrating in his throat, rattling the sound into more of a hum. “Missed you,” he whispers against your lips. 
“Don’t have to anymore,” you return, resting your forehead against his. 
“How’s Santa doing?” Teagan asks as she slips into the backseat. You snort at the question but watch from the open car door as she buckles up. It’s clear as her eyes fall onto yours you know who she’s really referring to. 
“He’s good,” you nod. 
“I have a new Christmas list actually,” Charlie pipes in from the passenger side back seat. 
Your brows raise. “Do you now? It’s a good thing I told him we’ll need to confirm with you if anything changed. We’ll give you some more time to check it over before we seal the deal.”
Charlie’s nod is final and with both of them settled into the car, you shut the door. From the living room windows, you can see your mother watching--her hands on her hips. She watches and you can’t shake the feeling that it’s more than just a motherly gaze. She wasn’t there when you opened the door. Melvin did--Teagan and Charlie at his heels. But you know she’s always watching. Diana’s always in the wings. 
You settle into the driver seat and shut the door, watching her stare. Time will tell what’s up her sleeve--if there’s anything at all too of course. You’re not so blinded by the tug of your stomach to not consider you might be making this all up anyway. From the cup holder, your phone shakes. Once. You watch it, finger frozen as your heart starts to race. You told Turner that afternoons and evenings were the best times to reach you. 
The phone doesn’t buzz anymore. Not a phone call. Your chest deflates a little and the worry begins to bubble. When were you going to get this call back about the job? As you pick up the phone, you notice Calum’s name across the screen. Have you heard…the rest is cut off by the preview screen. Maybe there’s actually more but your eyes don’t see it all. You place the phone back down, slip the seatbelt over your chest, and meet Diana’s eyes again. A hawkish gaze from the windows in the bright afternoon. 
“Where are we going?” Charlie asks. 
You lock eyes with him in the rearview mirror. “Where do you want to go?”
“Ice cream!” he shouts. 
“Teag?” you question, sliding your eyes to her.  
She grins. “Absolutely.”
It might ruin their dinner, but you don’t worry about that. You don’t need to worry about that. “Then ice cream it is,” you answer. 
It’s an easy drive, even as your phone buzzes again a few minutes later with the text from Calum. Charlie and Teagan sing along to the radio--as you always give them control over it when they’re with you. They’re off key, laughing as they flub lyrics. The worry that was bubbling settles. You hear your own laughter around theirs. They’re just kids and they’re doing what kids should do. They should belt lyrics at the top of their lungs and get them wrong. They should laugh. They should make your eardrums rattle. 
When you pull into the lot of the ice cream shop, you watch them. They’re still singing, bodies wiggling in a way that reminds of what dancing almost looks like. With the sun behind them, illuminating their figures, they look like everything you’ve could’ve wanted. When you wished and hoped better for them, this is what it looks like. Though their life is probably far from perfect, though they’ll question why you and your parents aren’t close, they’ll never have to bear first account witnesses to that same kind of pain. 
Three songs play--Charlie and Teagan dancing in the seat, singing to their hearts content before Teagan pauses. “Are we there yet?”
“Yeah,” you nod. “We’re here.”
“Excellent! Can I get a vanilla chocolate swirl?”
“Of course,” you return, pushing out of the car to help them out. Teagan files out first and then Charlie behind her. The backdoors don’t open from the inside thanks to the child safety locks you’ve set to be on so you always fetch them out. They each take one of your hands to cross the parking lot and once at the door, you let them in in front of you. The ice cream shop is cold. The air nips at your skin and you know it’s necessary to keep the sugar confection solid. Somehow the chill shocks you each time though and you follow behind Charlie and Teagan as they peer up into the window in front of the ice cream. 
“What are you thinking, Charlie?” You ask, placing one hand on each of their shoulders. 
“I don’t know. Cotton candy looks really good. But I always get it. And then there’s the rainbow sherbet. Which is also delicious.”
You can hear the true agony in Charlie’s voice, watching as his head flicks back and forth between the two options. 
“You said you might want to try the Strawberry one, right, Charlie?” Teagan asks. 
“Oh that’s right!” he replies, turning to her. “Oh, so many choices.”
You pick up movement from the top of your periphery, causing you to look up. The bright yellow apron catches your eye first. Tentatively, the worker approaches, a tiny smile on their face. You’d hazard a guess it’s a teen working over the summer into the budding fall, but they don’t seem bothered as Charlie and Teagan converse amongst themselves. “Would you like a sample?” they ask, eyes trained in on Charlie. “Sounds like you’re juggling a lot of decisions.”
“Oh, a sample? Yes please.” 
“Of course. Let’s start with strawberry, first.” 
Charlie takes the spoon from you as you take it from the top of the counter. He daps it to his tongue, lips smacking just a little as he lets the flavor coat his tongue. One by one, Charlie tries all three of the flavors. He holds all three of the tiny spoons as he glances back through the glass. You almost ask Charlie if he’s made up his mind, but he speaks before you can. “Can I get the strawberry in a bowl please?” 
The worker nods. “Of course.” Their eyes cut up to you and you prompt Charlie. 
“What size do you want?” you ask. 
“Oh, hmm, just a small please,” Charlie returns. 
“Okay, one small strawberry. And what about you?” the worker asks Teagan. 
“Small bowl of vanilla chocolate swirl please,” she answers with ease. 
“Coming right up. Anything for you?”
You almost miss that the question is directed at you, but raise your eyes to catch the worker. “No, I’m good. Thank you.” They nod, but the gaze lingers for just a minute. You watch too. Is the gaze in recognition? But it only lasts a moment or two until they turn down to the register and punch in for the bowls. 
It could just be paranoia. Maybe that worker doesn’t recognize you for what you think they might. Maybe you’ve come in here before. But there’s something in your stomach that you can’t shake. You knew the world was watching in a way--photos would pop up no matter what. The thing you’re still trying to conceptualize is just how much other people outside of your circle now know your face. You hope though that this won’t impact your siblings. You don’t want it to be weird for them when you go out. 
Charlie carries both bowls while Teagan settles into her seat. You stand, watching for a moment before you’re satisfied that both are comfy in their respect spots. “How’s camp going?” They’re in the final week, but they seem to still be clinging to a youth like hope that summer will hang on forever. 
Around their spoonfuls of ice cream, you catch things like, fun, and we made crafts! But it’s all a little muffled with the melting confection they hold in their mouths. You can only smile and nod, “Good.”
“Mom said that you hate them,” Charlie confesses in a pause on his next spoonful. “Why do you hate them?”
You’re not sure if you want to correct Charlie on the term hate or if you want to let it stand as is. You’re not shocked Diana might be saying like that. You did hate them. You think you might always harbor a small chip on your shoulder because of what they did. You’ve got more things to worry about now though than what your parents did and didn’t do in your childhood. No amount of yearning would fix the past. 
“Do Mom and Dad tuck you into bed at night?” you ask instead. 
“We get two stories each,” Teagan answers with a nod. 
“They’ve always got breakfast ready in the morning and you always get a packed lunch and when you come home there’s dinner on the table too, right?” you ask. 
Charlie answers this time in the affirmative. 
“Then I’m glad you two have it,” you return to his answer. “I’m glad you two have that with Mom and Dad.” You can’t say it. Even though it would all be true, you can’t tell them that you didn’t. You can’t get your lips to curl or your tongue to lift to say that they didn’t do that for you. They don’t need that. 
You can see it on Teagan’s face. The way the wheels are turning and turning. “Did you?” she asks. “You did, right?”
“Your ice cream’s gonna melt, Teag,” you encourage softly. They’re much too young to have any image of their parents shattered. 
“But they did all that stuff for you, right? They had to have,” she counters. 
You’re not going to beg. You’re not going to plead with Teagan to let it go. If you’re honest, you can’t tell if it’s to spare them or yourself. It may be a bit of both. You want to hold that answer on your tongue and to the roof of your mouth for a little bit longer. 
“Your ice cream,” you nod over in the direction of her bowl. 
It’s just her name. All two syllables that fall from your chest but it’s firm. She bows her head into the bowl and shovels a spoon in with a pout. 
“If they didn’t, then we’ll just need to talk to them. That’s really bad for them not to do,” Charlie comments. “Honestly, downright mean,” he adds on, pointing the spoon out in your direction. 
“Two bedtime stories is quite the deal,” you state, brows rising to emphasize your awe. 
“I’m sorry,” Charlie returns. “I heard Mom and Dad talking. Sounds like maybe I didn’t have the whole story.”
This will be the way. There’s a story and they only have half of it. You don’t want to pull out the cliché adage that they’ll get it when they’re older. All that will do is stir the pot more and more. But Charlie sees it. There’s a lot more to what happened besides what he’d managed to hear. 
“Apology accepted,” you nod. 
“Can I get some money to get a drink?” Teagan asks. Her voice is soft but tilts her head like she always does. 
“Oh, I can go get it,” you offer, but she shakes her head. The lower lip rolls over her chin. It’s a losing battle. You fish out your wallet and hand her a ten. It’s the smallest bill you have that will more than cover the drink, after using up your fives on their ice cream. “Just a drink,” you warn as Teagan takes the bill. 
She nods and pushes away from the table. The shop is quiet. You know it won’t be for too much longer, but you can watch from your seat as Teagan slides up to the counter. Your phone buzzes once from the table. You know you haven’t texted Calum back, but he is aware that you’re picking up your siblings today as well. But then it buzzes again. You have half a mind to ask why the worker is scooping at one of the tubs below the counter but your phone’s buzzing a third time. 
You snap to your phone, lifting it with just enough time to read the digits on lighting up your screen. Forest the ID reads. There’s very little air in your lungs as you unlock the device to answer and greet with your name. Turner’s voice greets you on the other side. She sounds pleased, “Hi, there!” she greets you. 
“Hi, Turner. How are you?” 
You barely catch her voice over the rush of your own heart, the thundering against your ribs. You flick your gaze up and see Teagan standing at the checkout, scrambling to get change back into your pocket as a bowl is handed to her. 
Turner’s voice floats for a moment around your ears. Why was Teagan reaching out for a bowl when she promised a drink? “...because I would like to extend an offer for you to join our team here at Forest. I am quite impressed with your skill, and though your background is varied I think the mindset you have about food and working fits well into the environment we are trying to establish here. I will send an email of course with the specifics for you to look over and give you two days to look it all over. Salary is as we discussed.”
Half your mind clicks--the wheels turning to get Teagan’s attention come to a screeching halt. “You’re offering me the job?”
Turner laughs. “Yes, I am. I am extremely excited to offer you the job. I understand that given the demands we are asking for a lot. Our hope is that soon we can get staff numbers up and rely on less cross training. But if you’re okay with what we can offer now and this kind of asks for the time being, it is my sincere hope and word to give that we will do what we can to meet our promises. We’re a community. We rely on our staff in ways that we cannot always comprehend, but we certainly don’t want to abuse that. The service world is lethal and demanding all on its own.”
Your bones go liquid. You fall back into the chair and exhale. The ceiling is a gray spackle on white, almost reminiscent of a doctor’s office. But you gaze up at the tiles and you can feel your chest drop, the tension melting a little off your shoulders. No job will ever be perfect. You know there’s no such thing. Yet, this is the kind of news you need. This is a silver lining in an otherwise  You don’t want to say yes immediately, though you know you’ll be taking the job no matter what. “I am incredibly grateful for the offer though. I’ll-I’ll read over the email you’re sending and will get back to you.”
“I look forward to your call back.” 
You get out your goodbyes and when you bring your head back to center, Teagan’s slipping back into her seat. In front of you is a bowl of cookies’n’cream ice cream. You can see the chunks of cookies protruding out just a little from the vanilla base. 
“You okay?” Charlie asks. 
You nod. “Yeah, yeah, I’m okay. Good news actually,” you offer. 
“Oh!” he responds, perking up in his seat. His excitement paints his face in a smile. “What’s happening?”
“Getting a new job,” you answer. They don’t need to know the specifics as to why. Not that it seems to matter to them in the slightest though. Charlie cheers in the ice cream shop, arms thrusted into the air with his delight. Teagan claps from her seat. You notice now too that the change is also next to your bowl. 
“What’s this all about, Teag?” you ask, waving around to the bowl. 
“For earlier,” she answers. “And now too for celebration.”
“You don’t-you don’t have to make up for anything you know. That’s not your responsibility.” You’re praying she doesn’t feel like it is. Your only response is a shrug, before she turns back to her own treat. Perhaps, it’s the little victories. Perhaps, it’s the little gestures. But you can’t bring yourself to fuss. She didn’t have to do it, and did it anyway. Maybe she already knows she doesn’t need to do it. It’s not her fault what was done or not done. But she treats it like it is still her duty to express sympathy, to see what wasn’t done and still do something. 
You take the spoon and scope out a bite. “Thank you, Teag,” you state before finishing the bite. 
“You’re welcome.”
Charlie plops down next to you, panting. After the ice cream, they asked if they could go to the park and you obliged. While they played amongst themselves and with the other kids that were also there, you took it with ease to settle down on the open bench to watch them hustle across monkey bars and down slides. “What’s your new job?” he asks. 
You crack open the water bottle--acquired prior to your full departure from the ice cream shop--and hand it over to him. He takes it and chugs down a quarter of it. “I’ll be working in a restaurant, some cooking like I do now but also bartending and serving.”
“And…what do you do right now?”
“Private chef in a way. Handle mostly breakfast for the royal family and help cater some events.”
“And you don’t like that anymore?” he asks, breath still heavy. 
“It’s not that I don’t like it anymore. There’s just other things I want right now and need to change jobs to have them.” It’s vague, but also still true. 
Charlie takes the answer with a nod, hands you back the water bottle and heads back to play. You watch Teagan slip down the metal slide before she books it back around to climb back to the line for the slide. You take the moment, as the breeze nips over your skin, to pull out your phone. Calum’s text still sits, unanswered, from an hour ago. He hasn’t followed up with anything else. You’re not sure if he’s gotten sidetracked with his own agenda, but you open the thread and call. 
You know you still need to read through the email Turner sent. The red notification haunts your home screen, but you can’t read it just yet. You don’t want to get too distracted that you lose sight of Charlie and Teagan on this playground. It’s a rich neighborhood, even you know that. But that doesn’t mean you want that alone to satiate you. The ringing echoes in your ears as you listen for the line to connect or for Calum’s voicemail to start. 
“Hi, baby,” Calum answers. 
“Hi, love.” It’s the first time you’ve ever used a nickname with Calum. You know he’s caught it too when he coughs from the other end of the line. “You can’t die on me,” you tease. 
“But-you-love, as in you called me love?” he coughs out. 
“I got the call,” you answer, cheeks lifting with a smile. Charlie slips, but catches himself in a slide on the mulch of the playground. You sit up straighter and he looks at you before throwing a thumbs up. You throw one out in return and settle back down as he dusts himself off and takes off again. Diana won’t be pleased about the stains, but you hope she’s not the one answering the door later. 
“Like got the call in a good way or got the call in a bad way? And you still need to clarify on what little pet name. I haven’t forgotten about that.”
“They offered me the job. In about two weeks or so, I won’t technically be on your payroll. I figured I could afford now to indulge.”
“Congrats, baby! I’m so proud of you. Told you we’d be celebrating over dinner tomorrow.”
Teagan slides over to you next, taking the unopened bottle from your lap. “Who’s that on the phone?” she grins, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. You grimace a little at the action, but you don’t have anything else to offer to her. 
“Santa,” you answer with a wink. “I’m spreading the holiday cheer early.”
“About the job?” she asks. You nod in return and her grin blinds you. “Tell him I said hi, yeah?”
“Tell Teagan I said hi to her as well,” Calum states, clearly hearing the exchange between the two of you. 
“He says hi back,” you relay. She hands back her water bottle to you and you take it, holding it between your knees as you get the cap back on right. 
“I’m not interrupting, am I?” Calum asks. Teagan’s run echoes as she takes off towards the seesaws. 
“I did call you, you know.” It leaves your throat in a laugh as you pull the sharpie from your pocket to mark Teagan’s bottle with a T on the plastic cap. You mark Charlie’s with a C. It’s with passing gratitude that you thank the heavens you had one in your car before you got out at the park and considered bringing it with you. 
“I wasn’t sure if you called and then something happened.”
“No, we’re at the park right now before I take ‘em back home. Teagan came up for some water before taking off again. You’d think that their summer camp wasn’t fulfilling enough, but it might’ve been the ice cream too.”
Calum’s tuft of laughter brushes through the speakers. “The ice cream might’ve done it. But you got the job, and I’m so incredibly proud of you for that.”
“Thanks. I appreciate that.”
“You’re still free for dinner tomorrow, right?”
“Yes, still free for dinner tomorrow. Thank you, again.”
“No, you don’t have to thank me. But I appreciate that.”
“Speaking of dinner, will I need to dress up at all?”
“No, not at all,” Calum answers easily. “Though, I will warn now it’s a place I’ve been known to visit, so I can’t say with certainty that there won’t be any press of course.”
“You’ll tell me if anything necessary comes up. I appreciate the warning.”
His voice is soft as he speaks. Like he might be attempt to soothe a panicked animal, or like he might actually be melting. But Calum’s voice is so soft. “I gave you a promise and I intended to keep it.”
From the background, you catch whirring--a sharp sound and it pierces your ears. Beyond it, you think you hear something like a drill, but you’re not sure. The metallic sounds and gears all blend into a cacophonous sound. It takes a minute before the noise fades to something quieter in the background. “What are you doing?” you laugh. “I wouldn’t think of you to be doing some handy work at this hour? Have sessions gotten boring?”
Calum laughs. “Long weekend actually. But I’m probably more of a hindrance than a help. Some repairs, is all really. One of the guys got sick today and I volunteered to help.”
“Would it be inappropriate to ask what you’re wearing right now and if it’s sweaty?” you ask, conjuring an image of Calum in blue jeans and long sleeved t-shirt clinging to his chest with a clear dark V from his own sweat. 
The laughter Calum barks is loud, and sounds deep from his chest. It makes your chest feel warm to hear the amusement laced in his voice. “You are not subtle at all.”
“I am not.”
“You’ll just have to see for yourself.”
“I refuse to cut into Teagan and Charlie’s time with me, but I hope to catch you the next time you’re a hindrance of manual labor.” 
There’s a small stretch of silence before Calum’s voice floats through the phone again. You almost speak again to make sure he’s okay but his answer cuts your voice short. “I’m sure you will catch me next time.”
Your phone shakes in your hands. “Your investigation going well?”
“It’s going. I think I’ll have to pivot a little on what I’m researching, lean into poll projections from constituents. Give them a firm reminder that when seats go up for elections I will be taking into account the public’s voice as well. I’ve got some help on that too, which is good. Have Charlie and Teagan coughed up those Christmas lists yet?”
“Oh, hit them where it hurts certainly. They’ve been given instructions to make final adjustments. We’ll get the list here during the first weeks of school.”
“That is starting up again here soon. God, feels like forever again for us.”
You snort, watching Charlie and Teagan approaching you. “It was forever again for us. Give me a second, sorry.” 
“No, I don’t mind.” 
You crack open both their bottles. “You two doing okay?” you ask the pair. They nod. “Let me check that leg that you fell on Charlie, is that alright?”
“Sure,” he returns, helping get the pant leg out of the way. It’s a little red, but no broken skin and thankfully no tears in the pants. It’s just a stain and when you press gingerly into it, Charlie doesn’t flinch. 
“I’ll be needing to get you both back home within the next thirty minutes. How do you want to spend it?” You know dinner time is a strict deadline and you’re not keen on breaking it. 
“Ten more minutes to play and then we cool down for ten?” Teagan questions, looking up to Charlie. He nods in agreement as he works down his gulps. 
“And if you want to call it quits before then, I’ll be right here,” you offer to them. Teagan hands you her bottle, still with a quarter of the water left and Charlie heads towards the bins to toss his empty bottle. 
“I don’t want to take a monopoly if you’ve only got half an hour left with them. I’ll always be a phone call away,” Calum states after you let him know you’re back to continue the conversation. 
“It’s awfully boring on the bench,” you laugh. 
“You know, hearing you with your siblings is nice. The way you care for them.”
You’re not sure how to respond. You’re not sure why your body warms at the confession. “Thanks.”
From the background of Calum’s line, you catch his name being called out. “Can I call you back, baby?”
“Absolutely,” you answer. “Go be a hindrance.”
Calum snorts. “I shall. Love you.”
You feel the shake in your throat, the jump into your jaw takes your breath. You’ve said it already. Granted it was to his voicemail, but you know what you feel. “Love you,” you whisper. It tastes different on your tongue in this kind of situation, when you’re saying it directly to Calum. But now that it’s out there. Now that you’ve gotten used to the weigh after uttering it once, even if softly, you realize how light the words are around the curl of your tongue. It tastes sweet. “Love you,” you repeat steadier, a bit louder. 
“Yeah, I think I could get used to the sound of that. Talk to you later.”
“Later,” you agree and the line goes quiet. 
You turn our attention back to the children. Charlie’s helping a kid on the monkeybars and Teagan’s seemingly made friends with a group of girls who are running in circles. You’re not sure what the objective of the game is. But as long as they’re both safe and accounted for, that’s all that matters. 
When you check your phone again to make sure the call’s fully disconnected, you notice a text from Calum. A selfie loads up on the screen, from his chest up with the sun hitting his face directly that he nearly has to squint. But from what you can tell he is in a gray henley, the few buttons on the shirt undone. Just out of frame you think you catch what might the sleeves of the shirt pushed up on his forearms. But you can’t quite see his whole arm to make a judgment on that aspect. The light gray material is dark in the chest, a deep V shape no doubt a result from whatever work he’s been doing. Tell me if this is what you were imagining, Calum writes underneath. 
Your fingers are drafting a response before you can think it all the way through, It is. Only thing missing is your ass in tight work blue jeans. You doubt you’ll get a response soon. That doesn’t matter though. Not as you scroll you back to the picture and the curls are clearly pressed down and damp from the sweat too. His face is a tad pink, lips pouty but relaxed. The pose is natural, given how quickly he must’ve snapped it. You take the corner of the phone between your teeth gently. This man will be the death of you--you can feel the desire stirring in your abdomen, how much you want to kiss his nose that’s so prominent in the photo and also trail your tongue down his chest. 
Also fuck you for actually sending this photo, you add to your previous reply. But also, fuck me.  
“Literally the devil, that’s who that man is,” you mutter to yourself and put your phone face down on your lap. You need to focus, as boring as it is just a little to watch your siblings run around the playground. 
A few minutes later your phone buzzes. The ass is quite secure don’t you worry, Calum replies but no other photo comes through. You snort at the response. 
Your fingers are hovering over the keys to respond when from your periphery you see a figure approach. They seem unsure of their approach, stopping for a moment. You think they’ll turn tail, but the hesitation is only for that brief moment. They continue their approach to you. Once they’re a little closer, you look up. The face looks vaguely familiar, behind the wire frames the eyes look deep and concerned. “I’m so sorry to bother you, baby. Are-are you kin to Melvin and Diana?”
The question shocks you. You didn’t think anyone would recognize you here. Not with how long you’ve been gone. Not with how little you interacted with the neighbors that were adults. The kids you knew a bit better. You answer the older woman though, regardless of any suspicion, “I-I am.”
The woman whispers your name, shock lacing the word. You rear back a little and drop your gaze back to the kids, not wanting to drop your guard about them either. Charlie’s walking over to Teagan’s group. When you look back up to the woman, she’s smiling at you. “You look so grown up. And of course you are, the last I saw you, you were up to my knees.”
You still can’t place the woman’s face. She seems to catch the confusion and settles on the other end of the bench. There’s a middle portion between you and her though, a safe distance between the two of you. “I’m sorry to spring up on you,” she offers. 
You nod and glance back up to the kids. Charlie and Teagan are closing in, laughing through their pants. You keep an eye on their approach, knowing the last thing you want is to get too distracted that you lose sight of them. Teagan and Charlie look winded but happy as they close the distance. 
You turn back to the woman. She laughs. “I know I'm interrupting your day. I’m Mrs. Davis.”
“Hi, Mrs. Davis,” Charlie calls out as they get closer. You reach out for them, wanting them close to you. Teagan takes the last of her water and drinks it down. 
“Hi, Charlie. Hi, Teagan,” the woman returns to them. She turns to you. “I’m two houses down. You, uh, you loved my apple pie.”
You gaze deeper into the woman’s face. The eyes  still don’t register fully. You know it’s a face you know, but you don’t know why the name and face can’t clicking. But apple pie. You do know a Mrs. Davis who made apple pie. The Mrs. Davis you knew had three moles on the side of her left eye. And you’re not sure why that’s seemingly the only detail you remember, but when you look for the moles you spot them. Like a triangle on the side of her left eye. But now that you can place the face with the apple pie, a warm cinnamon smell that makes your mouth water even at the thought, the pieces click. The kitchen window opens, the breeze, the frog statues in her window and the chicken on her kitchen towel. “Davis, with the frogs in the windows?” you ask. 
The woman laughs with a nod. “Yes, yes, those old wooden frogs are still hanging in there.”
“Oh god, I’m so sorry. I didn’t-hi,” you laugh. 
“No, no, you were hardly Teagan’s age I think the last time we spoke. It’s okay. You doing okay?”
You nod at the question. “Yes ma’am, I am.”
“Good, good.” She reaches out to pat your knee. “Diana’s been talking about you a lot recently. I saw you come in earlier with these two rascals and I’ve got my grandbabies for the evening,” she states, motioning back to the playground. “They’re up in the castle,” she laughs. 
You spot three bodies in there. You don’t know her grandchildren, or how many she has. But  you’re inclined to believe her when she says it. You know she’s older than your parents too. Mrs. Davis had been graying just a little when you were around, but now sports a good blend of gray hairs amongst her dark strands.  
Mrs. Davis continues on, “I wasn’t sure it was you but something in my spirit said it was. And I don’t know. Had to say hi, I guess. You just, you look really good. Happy, I reckon,” she muses. 
If you had to take a full stock of your life, you’d say that you were happier now than before. As boring and as tedious as parts of your life still were, there were things that you could say you were happy to have now that weren’t there before. So you nod at Mrs. Davis words before agreeing, “I am happy.”
“Good, that’s good to hear.”
“But you said that my mom was talking about me?” The question leaves you quicker than you’d like. You really should speak directly to your mother, but you can’t help the feeling from earlier, how much your skin crawled at the way she lingered during the pick up. Could this give you a heads up? 
“Oh, it’s probably not my place to say. She’s just been mentioning you more. Seems like she just misses you, is all.”
You don’t know how much Mrs. Davis knows. You don’t know what your parents have told their friends about you--if they’ve mentioned you at all to anyone new. But Mrs. Davis would watch you occasionally when your parents asked. You always walked to her house when you had to go, bag bumping on your back. 
You nod at Mrs. Davis’ words, noticing the way Mrs. Davis looks away, choosing words carefully. Maybe Mrs. Davis is telling you the truth, that your mother’s just expressed a desire to reconnect. Maybe there’s more, but you don’t think she’ll give you much more than that. Teagan and Charlie are a little restless in your grasps and you turn to find them worse for wear with their play. They’re faces are flush. 
“I should probably get them back and cleaned up before dinner,” you state, using this now as a segway for your exit. “I hope your grandkids enjoy your baking as much as I did. I’ll need that recipe one of these days.”
Mrs. Davis smiles. “Oh, they do. They do. Take care of yourself out there, ya hear?”
“Yes ma’am, I do. Good to see you again.”
It’s a swift exit as you take a hand each from Teagan and Charlie. The three of you make your way back to the car and just before you cross over to pavement, you look back at Mrs. Davis. One of the grandchildren has approached now, face contorted a little into a cry. Mrs. Davis takes the injured limb gingerly and you hope that it’s nothing more than a scratch. It doesn’t seem to rattle the older woman. She’s already reaching down for something and you can’t watch for longer. Your feet are hitting the pavement of the parking lot. You’ve got to get the doors unlocked, help them climb in and get buckled in. You can’t watch Mrs. Davis, but you feel her. Lingering behind you like a whisper.  Diana’s been talking about you a lot recently. 
The drive to drop Charlie and Teagan off is short. They’re quieter in the back than when you first picked them up. They still chat amongst themselves--Teagan asks about the new job. You give her the name of the restaurant with ease. Charlie asks Teagan if she would choose to be a bowl of macaroni and cheese or a bowl of mashed potatoes if she had to be food. It seems out of nowhere, but you discover that night is most likely a mashed potato night at home for them which prompts Charlie’s question. 
“I’d have to go cheese. It tastes better,” Teagan answers. 
“But then you’re orange!” Charlie hollers. “You want to be orange?”
“What’s wrong with orange? It’s a pretty color.”
“Mashed potatoes are better,” Charlie returns. 
“Just because you want to be mashed potatoes doesn’t mean I have to be,” Teagan iterates. 
“I mean, no, you don’t. But macaroni? It’s also burnt on the top,” Charlie offers. 
“That’s the best part. Potatoes are too soft.”
“The softness is the best part!”
You’ve let the car idle for long enough, at the front of the house for the last five minutes or so. So now, when the car settles, turned off, they look forward. You watch them from the rearview mirror. “Looks like you two might have to agree to disagree.”
“Agree to disagree?” Charlie questions. 
“It’s what happens when you and someone else don’t agree on the same thing and probably won’t agree on it. Like, you can’t change Teagan’s mind and she can’t change yours. So you say, you’re right to choose potatoes while I’m also right to choose macaroni and you know that you’re not choosing the same thing. You just go, we don’t agree and it’s okay.”
“Agree to disagree?” Teagan asks Charlie. 
Charlie nods. “Agree to disagree.”
You watch the front curtains. They don’t billow or peel back to reveal anyone. It’s just a yellowish light that you catch. There’s no reason to delay the inevitable. So you peel yourself out of the car and help them out of the back. At the door, you knock, using the decorative hammer and take a step back behind the two kids. The trio of you only wait for a moment before it creeks open. 
“Woof,” Melvin grins, taking in the sight of both kids. “You’ll need to hurry to the bathrooms upstairs to avoid ‘the talk’,” he laughs. 
“Hi, Dad!” Charlie and Teagan echo, embracing his lower half. 
“I’d ask what happened, but I don’t think I need that many details,” he teases. 
Charlie and Teagan turn to you, embracing you individually. You know you’re going to smell like the sweat they’ve worked up. You know you’ll smell like outside for hours until you shower. But you hug them both deeply. “Love you Teag. Love you, Charlie boy,” you whisper to them. 
“Love you too,” they offer to you and then slip inside. You watch them head directly up the steps with no fuss about the instruction given to them earlier. Perhaps, they already know all to well the threat of the talk looming should they get caught dirty by their mother. 
“Sorry for the extra work,” you offer. “Charlie took a spill at the park but no broken skin.”
“Don’t worry. They’re kids.  Thanks for taking them today and getting them back with the extra time to clean ‘em up before dinner.”
“Yeah, of course.” It’s a nod that you give, and a nod that’s returned. You never took more than the first step on the porch. 
You think that’s all it’s going to be, that Melvin will take the kids and clean them up and they’ll carry with them the secret of ice cream before the park. 
“Oh, darling, wait,” you catch from behind you. You don’t suspect it’s directed to you, so you take the step down until your name echoes. When you spin, you turn directly to face Diana. She’s at the top of the porch, door open wide behind her like she might’ve been ready to chase you down.  Seems like she misses you, is all. 
“Yes?” you reply. 
“Why don’t you come in and stay for dinner?”
“I’m not comfortable with that.” You don’t need to explain why you’re not. You don’t need to say more than that. You’ve already made it clear to them what you are comfortable doing. She already knows. You know you can’t voice it like that. You know you can’t point fingers or blame anyone. 
Diana takes a step closer, feet shuffling closer to the first step down. “Charles and Teagan talk all the time about wanting to have a family dinner together.”
“I’d appreciate more notice than this,” you return. “Next time you’d like to extend the invitation, please ask in advance.” You don’t think you’d turn the idea down if you had plenty of notice, if you had some sort of hand in the planning and it weren’t at the house. Public, you think maybe you could handle a public meeting. But definitely not at the last minute and not in that house. And you know you can’t say anything definitive lest it be taken as agreement. You have to be careful here. 
It doesn’t seem to be the right answer though. “What do I have to do? Please just tell me. My own child is a stranger in my life. I have to find out updates about your life through Teagan and Charles. I learn things about you in tabloids. Just tell me what I have to do. I’m sorry. I know your father and I did you wrong. We know that. But you can’t shut us out like this. Please.”
It would be easy to bite back, to say that they were total strangers to you too. But you can hear the shake in her voice. She’s clutching the railing. You always knew your parents were human. You’d gathered that long before now. But now you can see it--a wobbly and naked vulnerability in her stature. She is and always will be a human being before anything else. You feel the divide-- how much you want to yearn for this, tell her that all you need is an apology. But there’s the larger side-the side that wonders if she’s begging for herself or out of sincerity. 
You don’t even know how to respond for a moment to the speech. Do you feed the hope? Do you stay firm on your boundary that you speak with them only on behalf of interacting with Charlie and Teagan? Do you tell your mother that if she means anything that this is a conversation maybe better had at a later time? It’s not fair of course for you to cave into agreeing out of pressure rather than your own true will. 
Like your silence stings, Diana sighs. “Fine, fine!” she huffs, turns on the ball of her foot and heads straight for the door. The door’s slam rattles the frame. 
It almost makes you laugh. How if she’d given a moment longer you think you could’ve told her something closer to the truth, something that wouldn’t dig you into a grave and wouldn’t give her false hope. Perhaps this is the answer to the question you couldn’t ask anyway. Maybe it’s Diana pushing only for her own gain. And maybe it’s true hurt, the rejection that she can’t handle. 
Yet none of that negates where you are--on the walkway of their house with hot tears brimming on your eyelids. You couldn’t even be given a change to answer. You know you cannot move on anyone else’s time table. You cannot move faster than you’re ready. You can’t move if you are never ready in this realm with your parents. 
As you settle back into the driver seat, you can feel the anxiety bubbling. You don’t know Diana for who she is now, after Charlie and Teagan, after the therapy and recovering journey. You only know her for who she was before. And everything in your gut tells you that this is before Diana. This is a hurt woman who can and will lash out no matter the consequences. 
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Hold on to You (c.h)
Pairing: Calum Hood x Fem! Reader
Requested? By my darling @hoodhoran
Summary: Based on the song "New Years Day" by Taylor Swift, a glimpse of what happens after the party
Warnings: Fluff. Some grammar errors (English is not my first language I'm sorry)
Author's Note: A small blurb for all of you, I really hope you like it. Remember that REBLOGS are super important and so are COMMENTS AND INTERACTIONS remember to always SUPPORT YOUR WRITERS. Hope you like it and Happy reading
My masterlist // taglsit on bio
The sun was coming up, he could tell by the clear, pink, and baby blue lines that started to paint the sky. A new hello to a new year, and he couldn’t help but smile, excited for what’s to come.
He killed his cigarette on the ashtray, letting out the smoke from his lungs and into the cold, breezy air, and watched it disappear into the dawn. The tiredness of the night before, the party Luke hosted took most of his energy. He was definitely not twenty-one anymore. But that was okay, he wouldn’t want to go back to the past anyway. He wouldn’t want to change anything that led him to where he is right now: standing on the balcony as he welcomed a new year.
A couple of knocks on the door woke him up from his daze, making him turn around to the sound and smile at what he found.
You were standing there, leaning against the doorframe with his coat in hand. Your short, black velvety dress was covered in glitter thanks to the number of decorations the hosts put into making this a great NYE party. Your high heels shoes were dangling from your fingers under the coat, leaving your feet covered in some old ugg boots that they kindly lent you a few hours ago.
Your eyes were sleepy, he could tell by just one look. But the smile on your face was so fond and filled with love that he couldn’t help but to take out his phone and snap a picture of you. Promising himself he would make it his new phone background in the morning.
“I look like a mess,” You giggled when you noticed what he did.
“You look gorgeous” He retorted, walking up to you.
He opened his arms and you immediately found your place between them, head falling on his chest to listen to his heartbeats.
“You’re warm” You mumbled, burying yourself into his embrace.
“Here,” He said, grabbing his coat from you and putting it over your shoulders “Now you can be warm, too”
You smiled as you stood on your tiptoes, placing a small, lingering kiss on his lips.
“I love you, Cal”
“I love you more,” He said, cupping your cheeks and kissing you again “Ready to go?”
A nod on your part solidified your decision. He put his arm around your waist and brought you closer to him, kissing the top of your head as you made your way downstairs.
The party was already coming to an end. Ashton was standing in the kitchen talking with people Calum is sure he met the night before, he raised a glass as if to say bye to them. You giggled and waved at him while Calum shot him the middle finger just because. Luke was sprawled on his couch cuddling next to his girl, sound asleep as their guests left their house without making a sound to not wake them up. You knew Michael had left not so long ago, claiming it was time for him and his girl to go as well since they had plans in the morning.
Glitter was covering the floors; red solo cups piled neatly on the dining room table; empty bottles of champagne could be mistaken as decorations all over the house. The playlist Michael made was now calm, mellow music as an acoustic rendition of Auld Lang Syne played through the speakers, and Calum couldn’t help but hum along as you got to the door.
“Looks like everyone had a good time” You murmured, leaning against him as you waited for your Uber home.
“I know for sure I did,” He smiled “I’ve been waiting for that midnight kiss all year long”
You laughed and hid your face in his neck, humming as you got pulled in by the smell of his cologne and cigarettes, something you’d never thought you could ever find a liking to until you found him.
“Uber’s here, babe,” Calum said, running his hand up and down over your arms to keep you warm.
He guided the two of you to the car, thanking the driver for picking you up and clarifying his address with him. You leaned your head on his shoulder and started playing with his hand, tracing the marks with your fingertips. Soon, he kisses you on the temple and cups your hand in his, squeezing it lightly as you giggled.
“God, I love the sound of your laugh,” He confessed, looking at you with sparkling eyes.
“Are you kidding? I sound like a dying walrus”
“It’s the most beautiful sound in the world, love”
You laughed again “The guys were right, you are a weird one, Mr. Hood”
“And so that would someday make you the weird Mrs. Hood?”
“Maybe,” You smiled, looking up at him “Ask me again in a year”
When you reached your place, Calum paid the driver with a generous tip for being the first day of the year. He helped you get out of the car and carried your shoes at the tip of his fingers.
At the door, you were soon greeted by Duke who was still wearing that awful Christmas sweater you bought him as a gift. Calum leaned down to pick him up and you kissed his little head before heading to the kitchen where you refilled his water and food tray as Cal let him out to go to the bathroom.
He came to the kitchen after a while, hugging you from the back and placing a soft kiss on your cheek.
“Shall we?” He said and you nodded, following him to your room.
There, the two of you continued with your nighttime routine. You took off your shoes and Calum helped you with the zipper of your dress. He took off his shirt and joined you in the bathroom. You brushed your teeth together and you wiped off your make-up as he started with his skincare routine, something you adopted from him and followed every step as well. Soon, pajamas were on and you slipped into bed. Calum opened his arms and you accommodated yourself against his chest, breathing calmly as your heartbeats beat in sync.
“I love being here with you,” He confessed “Just us”
“We really are turning into that old married couple, huh?”
“That’s my favorite part of it. It’s always a new memory with you, even if we have a normal day. Knowing I’ll wake up with you is the best feeling ever”
“Then let’s hope for a new year filled with mornings together” You smiled, kissing him one last time “Happy New Year, Calum”
“Happy New Year, baby”
He stayed awake till you fell asleep, watching you doze off to your dream. And he just couldn’t help it. He was absolutely in love with you, completely and utterly gone. He knew it was time, all of the signs were there and it was his turn to act on them, this time he was more confident than ever.
Calum looked over at his closet and smiled, already thinking of that little blue velvet box hidden between his socks and the smile on your face when you hopefully say “Yes”
* *
tags: @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @mystic-232 @talksoprettyjjx @theshyspy @hoodharlow @littledrummeraussie @bubblegum183 @irwin-fletcher-ash @wiiildflowerrr @in-a-world-of-fandoms @another-lonely-heart @aabc5sauce @in-superbloom @sadcupofcoffee @personalmuyverypersonal @vtte @as-hs-blog @himbohood @sofiaaraee @irwindoll @weasleytwinscumslut @fairytrice @colourfulcal @nibin0912 @hfkait @savagejane1 @youneedtocalumdown @ashtonsunflower @nicebasscalum @calumspupils @secretsicanthideanymore @alltimesos @wontlastimokwiththat @cncoangelss @whywontyoulovemecami @theimpossiblehologramtree @perriexed @abiancajg @rewmuslupin @icelily13 @bookthingz @fckingpernico @multistann @averageantichrist @a-darneddarling @plaidshirtyears @ihavenoideawhattodowithyou @bittersweetb4by @aria-grace-scott @thestarsandtheircoffee @bvbygxrl @luisa180206 @xxxlaura @iamdayanaz @flyingburrito123 @drugerlime
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Married Lashton Masterlist
By The Sound of a Drum (ao3) - DeanAndHisBeautyQueen G, 2k
Summary: This one shot is about Lashton - Luke and Ashton are married and are about to have a baby! There good friends Michael and Calum decides that they would like to take Luke out for a bit of fun before the babe is here and while he is out Ashton goes into labor!
Come Back When You Can (ao3) - fivesecondsofmae T, 1k
Summary: Luke and Ashton left the Shadowhunter world as soon as they could so they could get married and start a family and have a normal family life, but when Luke gets a call from the Sydney Institute, announcing they have information about his deceased parents, he decides to go and found out what he can about his history, leaving behind his husband and their daughter. What will happen when Luke is reunited with his parabatai and Ashton is left with his, to care for their child? Can their relationship survive even when the Shadowhunter world collapses in on them once again?
Convivencia (ao3) - antisocialhood M, 4k (WIP)
Summary: Or, Ashton and Luke find themselves twisted up in a fake marriage for a cheaper college tuition, and somehow, feelings come about.
Domesticated Erotica: Luke’s Hobby (ao3) - twinkylukey E, 1k
Summary: Basically, Luke likes those hetero erotic romance novels and Ashton thinks it’s cute
Good Days Start With Coffee and You (ao3) - lgbtlukas, MyMy G, 2k
Summary: Calum wonders if Michael is as invested in this relationship as he is, but he doesn't know that Michael is one step ahead of him.
Home Is Wherever I'm With You (ao3) - fivesecondsofmae M, 2k
Summary: Luke and Ashton Irwin-Hemmings live in suburban London with their 3 children. Fluff for now about the cutest couple in existence. Lashton.
I'll Give You The Best Years (ao3) - FayeHunter T, 4k
Summary: Luke and Ashton have their backyard wedding
no control (ao3) - lukevegas N/R, 625
Summary: so evryones cute and married and ashton doesn't know when to shut his mouth
Off-Screen (ao3) - allsassnoclass (brightblackholes)
Summary: Now that classes are being taught from home due to the pandemic, students are getting a glimpse into Professor Irwin's home life, especially when his mysterious husband keeps interrupting class.
Tastycake (ao3) - plushyluke E, 2k
Summary: “i was not an ‘it girl’!” he sat up to straddle ashton.
as ashton took in the tall blonde figure with the poutiest lips and the brightest blue eyes, he almost laughed out loud at the assumption. he placed the forgotten prom queen tiara on top of luke’s head and tutted.
“you were the cheerleading captain, an a-student, blonde, and a little mean. i think it is safe for me to say I was intimidated by all of your…assets.”
or luke is looking through old memories, and ashton needs to remind him that he'll always be the 'it girl' in his eyes
The Panty-Dropper (ao3) - Honeyedlashton E, 5k
Summary: Ashton’s discovered an old recipe from Luke’s recipe box, and decided to cash in on an anniversary prize.
the situation is like a mountain that's been weighing on my conscience - @sup3rbloom (haveufoundwhaturlookingfor) T, 2k
Summary: Luke is closeted and nobody outside of the band, and close family, knows that he has a secret husband. During promo for Youngblood, Luke suffers a panic attack when the interviewer asks a personal question. Cue, Ashton to the rescue and comfort.
What A Wonderful World This Would Be (ao3) - badtales G, 784
Summary: "May I have this dance?" He asked formally and handed a hand out for Ashton to hold. Ashton smiled so brightly Luke couldn't help but think he was looking at the sun and if Ashton was the sun, Luke was the moon, lighting up when Ashton was shining on him.
"You may," Ashton giggled and placed his hand gently in Luke's allowing the younger boy to lead the dance.
aka. married Lashton sharing a moment
you tell me you're tipsy, i tell you you're pretty (ao3) - orphan_account E, 13k
Summary: He heads off towards the bathroom, trying to avoid the inevitable conversation, when he notices something glinting off of Ashton’s left hand. He steps forward, picking up Ashton’s left hand and staring at the ring on the boy’s finger and felt himself stiffen. “Ash, why is there a wedding ring on your hand?”
Ashton’s eyes bulged out of his head and the moment he caught sight of the ring and he tore his hand out of Luke’s, staring at his hand as if it was on fire. “What the fuck,” he whispers to himself before looking over at Luke, murder in his eyes. “What the fuck did you do!?” he demands, as if Luke had something to do with the entire thing. As far as he knows though, he had nothing to do with this entire situation.
Or maybe he did, but he was hoping he didn’t.
or, Luke and Ashton wake up married during a weekend in Vegas
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eitaababe · 1 year
— chapter 16. found out.
a/n — ooh boy
series masterlist. | previous / next
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written portion below. —
it wasn't long after you sent the text that ao'nung showed up at your door, confusion clearly written across his face. his hair was messy, red pajama bottoms still worn, an old baseball tee covering his top.
you ignored his disheveled (and really attractive) appearance, remembering why you invited him over. you didn't bother inviting him inside, pissed at the idea that he would keep neteyam's apology from you. "who was at the door that night?"
ao'nung's eyes widened for a split second, before quickly recovering. "it wasn't any-"
"don't fucking lie to me!" you snapped, catching him off guard again. "tell me the truth, ao'nung."
he gulped, refusing to meet your eye. "neteyam was there," he paused, and for a moment you thought he wouldn't say anything else before he met your gaze, dropping his shoulders and rubbing a hand over his face. "he was there to apologize to you."
"why would you lie?" you sighed, exasperated, leaning against the doorway with your arms crossed.
"i don't really know, honestly," ao'nung admitted, his breath hitching for a moment. "i was jealous, i guess."
"you were jealous?" you questioned condescendingly, the boy cowering underneath your gaze. "you were jealous, so you figured you would just try and ruin a friendship between me and a guy i've known since i was 12?"
"he said those things about me, don't forget that!"
"i'm not taking that away from you!" you roared back, anger only rising when he raised his voice at you. "i get you're mad too, eywa, you have a right to be. he said shit about you, granted he chose to believe the wrong person, but he said it nevertheless. but you and me both know he did it out of caution for me, and i defended you anyways. i ignored him for over a week, only to find out just now he was trying to apologize this whole time just because you decided to keep it from me."
he was only quiet throughout your whole lecture, knowing you were right. ao'nung could've gave less of a shit about neteyam saying things about him, he just hated how close the two of you were, especially knowing how you felt about neteyam. he opened his mouth, knowing he was only digging a deeper hole for himself that he definitely wouldn't be able to drag himself out of, but you deserved nothing but the truth at this point. "i'm sorry, i'm so sorry y/n. it's just- i was being irrational. i know how you felt about him, so i kept it from you hoping you'd just move on-"
"do you realize how fucking dumb that sounds?" you cut him off, steam practically blowing out of your ears. "feelings or not for neteyam, he's still my best friend. you don't get to decide shit for me," you argued, standing straight up now. "just get out of here ao'nung, before you make things worse."
you didn't give him a chance to reply before shutting the door on him.
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— tsireya heard what happened and is fully ready to kick her brother's ass
— kiri knew something was wrong, it wasn't like neteyam to go that long without apologizing
— neteyam fell out of his bed when y/n texted him
taglist #1 / closed ! @n7ytiri @ilovejakesullysdick @possysblog @love-chx @stars4deku @evphology @afro-hispwriter @ydsm-29 @tsireyasgf @goldeneywa @doulcha @krazy-kattzz @fucksnow @squid4 @blairrrrrr @neteyamforlife @dreamtogether2000 @444lyra @ambria @cawi00 @calums-betch @powowowy @fadingpalacebonkpsychic @elegantkidfansoul @kolsmikaelson @mirikusashes @yukichan67 @goodiesinthecloset21 @netemoon @teyums @littlethingsinlife @coconut-dreamz @anm3mi @jjkclub @il0veheartz @liyahsocorro @drugs-for-memes @zendayaswrld101 @grierpilots @misscaller06 @lightskinloak @mommyneytiri @inluvwithneteyam @halibanana @iheartamajiki @ipoopedmypants47 @neigesprincess @lookiiheh @ghostjoohoney @ronalsgirl
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ouatx5sos · 1 year
Luke Hemmings || secret relationship
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Pairing: Luke x Fem!reader
Summary: you and Luke have been in a secret relationship for 4 months until he accidentally reveals your secret during an interview.
Warnings: none
“There was one time on tour Y/N got lost, it was the funniest thing” Luke laughed along with the boys, the whole interview was about their latest tour but the blonde struggled to talk about anything but you. The pair had been dating for 4 months, it was more of a secret relationship; not even the boys found out.
“We love having her join, Luke seems at his happiest when she’s around, you should see how moody he is when she’s not around!” Calum spoke up making all the others laugh and the embarrassed love smitten boy blush.
“Well it’s not my fault she’s so amazing; when you’re in love with someone who makes your heart race or someone who just makes you so happy and loved! Over the past 4 months I don’t think I’ve ever smiled so much- I just love her so much” my mouth dropped and the others including the interviewers eyes widened.
My phone started buzzing like crazy, my Twitter was going insane everyone tweeting about the interview that decided to be live today, of all days! “Uh Luke, you’re forgetting this is live” Michael awkwardly coughed.
Laughs erupted the room and Luke’s cheeks couldn’t be anymore red. “Well” he coughed. “I guess that’s out- uh yeah, Y/N and I have been dating and I’m surprised no one figured it out.” He shrugged making eye contact with me.
Once the interview was over they said their goodbyes and ran over to me pulling me into his arms. “I’m sorry about love; I know you weren’t ready yet” luke pouted kissing the top of my head.
“They would’ve found out eventually” I shrugged leaning up to kiss him. “At least it was you and not me” I teased.
“Great!” Ashton exclaimed with a disgusted look on his face. “Now we’ve got to endure the gross relationship and lovey dovey shit” he physically cringed and I rolled my eyes.
“You love it really-after all you’re the one who tried to set us up”
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cal-puddies · 2 years
Think of You Later in my Empty Room// Calum Hood
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Hello friends! It's been an absolute dream getting to co-write with Crystal again - it's been far too long! There's not much to intro here - as we mentioned, this series originated with us daydreaming about lighting up and getting down with our guys and for Cal, a lazy day at home seemed so natural, and its me so we made it a lil emo for ya.
I hope you checked out @kindahoping4forever's blog for Hit of Dopamine, Higher Than I've Ever Been, which is the Ash installment, and you'll want to go back and check out the verifiably unhinged Luke part tomorrow.
Warnings: Boyfriend!Cal, angsty!girlfriend worried about missing him when he leaves again. significant use of weed, high sex, oral sex, anal play, cum play, dirty talk containing strong language
Word Count: 6260
I Hope You Think Of Me High Series Masterlist
Crystal Masterlist // Cass Masterlist // Ko-Fis linked in our bios
Reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated!
It’s a lazy afternoon in bed, in the middle of a lazy day in the midst of a lazy week. Calum’s fingers tangle in your hair as you lay in his lap and you giggle softly as you look up at him, eyes warning him to be careful but also asking him not to stop touching you.
You hum contentedly to the softly playing playlist in the background, feeling your boyfriend’s eyes fixate on you as you stretch out in one of his favorite t-shirts. Your gaze happens upon his packed luggage by the door, a silent reminder of the topic you’ve both been trying to ignore, and you try not to let your face fall but judging by the sigh he lets out, he definitely noticed.
“We can talk about it if you want,” he offers.
“I don’t want,” you say stubbornly. “Anything outside of this room, outside of this bed doesn’t exist to me right now.”
He chuckles, smoothing his hand over the top of your head. “Baby… it’s only gonna be a couple of weeks. And then you’ll be on the road with me.” 
You pout, “You just got home.” 
“I know, love. And we’ve had a great week together, haven’t we?” You stay quiet, not ready to concede your point, so he continues. “We both knew the schedule when the tour got planned, a week to recharge between legs… knew it wasn’t gonna be easy.”
You sigh, “Cal, I can understand it and accept it and still be sad about it. I’ve just now gotten used to you being here again… I like having you here to talk to, to share things with… just to get a hug when I need one…” 
“I miss those things when I’m away, too,” he reminds you, pulling your hands to his lips so he can kiss your wrists. He grins brightly, trying to cheer you up. “But it’s only a couple weeks until you get that time off and you can join me… I’m very glad your passport finally came.” 
You can’t help but reach up to caress his raised cheeks. “Yeah… I’m looking forward to it. Really,” you admit, smiling back at him. “So much to do before then, though. Gotta get all my stuff together, all the stuff you’re definitely gonna forget to pack and want me to bring out with me.” You giggle at your own joke and giggle even louder at his pouty reaction to it.
“I know you’re teasing me but we should actually start seeing what all you wanna bring so we know whether or not we need to buy you a bigger suitcase,” he points out.
“So the rest of the week is gonna be busy is what you’re saying.”
“Yes, which is why we’re doing this today,” he says matter of factly, grabbing the bong off the bedside table, gesturing for you to pass him the lighter you’ve been fidgeting with. You toss it to him and sit up against the headboard next to him, watching lovingly as he repacks the bowl from your morning smoke session. 
Ever the gentleman, Calum offers it to you first, paying close attention as you position yourself over the mouthpiece, waiting for your cue to light the bowl. You end up taking a pretty good hit and he grins at you as he clears the chamber for himself. You watch his nimble fingers wrap around the bong, gracefully lighting up and tucking the lighter into his palm as he removes the slide, inhaling a large hit and dramatically throwing his head back to blow it out.
You bite your lip, watching him reset for a second hit; his eyes are on you, watching you watch him, noticing your eye line is mostly on his fingers. He inhales and then pulls you in, first to shotgun the hit to you and then to slot your lips together for a kiss after you blow out the smoke. He offers you the bong and when you decline, he uses it once more himself before setting it back on the nightstand.
“C’mere,” he murmurs, patting his thigh. You climb up to straddle him, wrapping your arms around him, nuzzling your face into his neck. You let out a soft sigh as his hands rub up and down your bare thighs, eventually nudging your shirt up over your hips so he can give your ass a tight squeeze. He raises his eyebrows, surprised. “Forgot you’re not wearing panties,” he chuckles. 
You smirk and kiss his neck. “What’s the point? You’re just gonna take ‘em off me anyway.” 
“I like you naked… I like being naked with you too, is that so wrong?” 
“Nah… you know I like our naked bods pressed together too.” 
He shrugs. “They don’t even need to be pressed together… I just prefer ya naked.” He tugs the back of your shirt and you lean back, lifting your arms up so he can pull it off. His fingers trail over your skin as he removes your top and you shiver. “Love the way your body responds to my touch… spent weeks getting off to the thought of touching you again.” He drags his fingers across the tops of your breasts, along your collarbone, down your side and across your tummy as he whispers. Your body lets him know how much you love it by raising goosebumps over your skin and your nipples hardening. 
You thread your fingers into Cal’s hair as he leans in to kiss on your neck, his stubble prickling your skin. He leans you back to allow himself more access to your body and he immediately takes advantage by wrapping his lips around one of your nipples. He rolls the other between his fingers and palms your breast, and switches, lavishing his tongue over the other side. 
You gently scratch at his scalp and he looks up at you, sleepy, red eyes telling you how high he is. He grins before putting his attention back on your tits, sucking marks onto them before pressing a gentle kiss to each one and then kissing back up your neck. He engages you in a slow, sensual make out. His hands feel like they’re everywhere at once, all over your body while yours travel into his boxer to squeeze his ass. He eagerly shimmies them off, sitting up on his knees to toss them aside. “You’re so gorgeous, baby, never get tired of looking at you,” he coos, intertwining your fingers. 
“Me? Look at you, bubba,” you sigh, looking him up and down, realizing how hard he is. 
He takes your hand in his and moves them both toward his body, cupping his cock with his and your hand. “This is all you baby, you do this. Every damn time,” he explains. You bite your lip, keeping eye contact with him as he moves your hands, swiping his fingertips through your folds. “And I love that I do this to you,” he murmurs, holding up his wet fingers. He sticks them in his mouth and your chilled out brain is still processing that image when he starts moving much quicker than he has all day. 
He grabs the super soft blanket from the foot of the bed and quickly shakes it out as he lays next to you again. You both watch, stoned minds fascinated, as the material balloons and flutters back down to cover your bodies, “Your favorite,” he mumbles sweetly, kissing your forehead before turning onto his side so he can drape his arm across your stomach and pull you in close against his chest. 
The two of you snuggle together, alternating between whispering sweet nothings to each other and dozing off. Naturally, things eventually evolve into another sweet make out session and you can’t get enough of the slow, unrushed indulgence.
Cal enjoys touching you as much as you enjoy him touching you, which makes everything so much better. He softly moans, appreciating your body’s reactions to him, just like he mentioned. You lean in as he presses gentle kisses to your neck and sigh his name. 
“Need you, sweet girl,” he rasps in your ear. 
You rub your fingertips against his stubble and nod. “Yeah… need you too, handsome.” 
He smooths his hand down your side, pushing his thigh between yours, moving his hand from your hip to your pussy to help him guide his cock in. Your breath hitches in your throat and your jaw falls slack. On a good day, he’s a tight fit, but when you’re high, you feel it extra. “Fuck,” you whimper as he sinks all the way in.
Concern colors his voice as he groans, “You alright, darlin’?” You nod, squeezing your eyes shut, breathing through the stretch. You turn your head towards him, looking for a kiss and his tongue is quickly in your mouth, trying to soothe you. He’s ready to reach for lube when you finally relax into him. “That’s good, baby,” he praises you. 
Calum stays unmoving, buried in you, giving you more time to adjust and himself more time to strategize. If he thrusts into you, he knows it’ll feel too good and he’ll have trouble keeping things at a slow pace, which is not only the vibe of the day but something you clearly need. But if you move against him, he knows he’ll cum almost instantly and neither of you will get to enjoy the experience. You’ve been high with him enough times to recognize his dilemma and you offer a simple solution. “Just lay here with me, bubba,” you suggest. You add with a dreamy sigh, “Feel so good inside me.” Your eyelids are heavy as you turn to look at him, nipping at his nose before parting your lips for a kiss. He happily obliges and the two of you are soon caught up in an endless loop of soft open mouth kisses with curious tongues, while your fingers dance across each other’s skin, your bodies still intimately connected. 
Your boyfriend is fully entranced with you and he wants more. One hand caresses your thigh while the other gently cups your tits, softly teasing your nipples. He groans softly into your mouth when his fingertips move over to your clit, gently at first. He feels how turned on you are and decides to add a little more pressure,and you moan quietly. 
“You’re so wet, little darlin’.”
“How am I not supposed to be?” 
He grins as you arch your back into him. “You know I love you this way… open, wet… love you high because everything feels so good to you and with you.” 
“Caaaaal… oh… like that… please?” 
“F’course darlin’.” He keeps sliding his fingers up and down your clit, varying it with circles every so often. You gasp at the sensations he’s given and your breath shift makes your pussy throb around him. “Ohhh…” Cal moans with you. “Mmm… baby, I think this is working for both of us.” 
“It’s definitely working for me,” you pant, moving against him. 
“You really like when I do this,” he mutters, sliding his fingers across your clit. “Your cunt squeezes so good…” 
You moan at the action and his words, clawing at his arm with one hand, your other covering his at your tits. He lets you intertwine your fingers there and he holds you while he nibbles your neck and sucks your earlobe, all his cock still fills you, his hand working between your legs. He could not be more all over you than he is right now and you’re feeling completely overwhelmed by his attention. 
His name spills from your lips over and over, he is the only thing you really know or care to know in this moment. You start pulling at his arm, trying to get him to stop rubbing your clit, even though you can’t put the words together. You turn your head toward him, softly whining, “Please, Cal… feels so good… don’t wanna cum yet.” 
He slows his fingers down, speaking softly to you. “Ok, sweet girl, I can be patient if you can.” He holds his wet fingers to your mouth and you clean them, licking and sucking at them. “Sweet, sweet girl,” he murmurs, smiling at you. He wraps his arms around you possessively and the two of you lay cuddled. 
You take a deep breath, closing your eyes to immerse yourself in all of your senses. Unsurprisingly, they’re being dominated by the love and comfort you find in Cal. You take in his scent, which is always calming to you. His even breathing in your ear, his little loving whispers, his soft lips against your neck. You run your fingertips over his arms, softly humming in response to his presence. Everything seems to be moving slowly in your hazy, lovestruck mind so you’re not sure how long the two of you have been laying here but you wish it could go on forever. 
 “Calum… bubba,” you sigh quietly. “I love you… I love you and I love being full of you…”
He gently thrusts his hips in response, whispering in your ear, “And I love filling you, darlin’… And I love you. My best girl.” 
You reach one hand back and thread your fingers in his hair. “Think I’m ready to cum for you, handsome.” 
Calum uses one hand to pull you into a kiss, the other finding its way back to your clit. You immediately arch against him and he takes the opportunity to cover your face, neck and shoulder with wet kisses, groaning into your skin as he goes. Overwhelming you again. 
The orgasm shouldn’t be a surprise but it feels like it comes on suddenly and it’s incredibly intense. You whimper and whine as you tighten around him and he’s sensitive enough from the weed that it makes him cum too. “Oh my god, Cal,” you breathe as you feel his cum spilling into you. Your nails dig in anywhere you can reach and you bite his arm where it holds you across your shoulders. 
“That’s my sweet girl,” he huffs. “Always so good to me, shoulda known you’d make me cum like that.” He gently nibbles along your jaw. 
“So good, love,” you murmur, turning into him for a kiss. 
You lay wrapped up in each other for a while but you both get a little restless as the high starts to wear off. “Should get you cleaned up darlin,” he remarks. You clench around him as he pulls out and you close your eyes, giggling at the loud groan he lets out at how good it feels. You expect to feel the bed shift from him getting up to head to the bathroom but it never does and you turn over to see what he’s up to.
You find him digging through the bedside table, finally pulling out a baggie of pre-rolled joints. He lights one and takes one, two puffs before passing it to you. He watches you finish a hit before he’s pushing your thighs apart and settling between them. He leans back up for a quick kiss and to grab the joint from you, taking another hit before placing it back between your lips.
“I love seeing you like this… open… messy, my cum dripping out of you,” he groans. His fingertips slide through your folds and he licks the mess of his release off of them. You moan and put one arm behind you to prop you up so you can enjoy the show. You love when he gets like this. His tongue slicks through your folds, immediately teasing your entrance. “I never get tired of the way we taste together.”
You use one hand to lift the joint to and from your lips, the other stays threaded into Cal’s hair as you watch him noisily eat his cum out of you. After a certain point it’s obvious he’s moved beyond the task of cleaning you and he’s now just enjoying your body. He moans into you, nips at your thighs, holding them tight to leave marks, sucking hickeys as he goes. He sucks a particularly large one onto your hip while his thumb rubs your clit and you hear the pop when he pulls off. You blow out a smoke ring as you feel the stirrings of another potential orgasm and you wonder what you ever did to get this lucky.
Calum uses his head to gesture toward you as one hand is occupied kneading your ass, and the other is still playing with your clit. “Can I get that last hit, baby?” You take the cigarette from your own lips and stick it between his. Looking down at Cal, plump lips glistening, red and swollen from eating you out, killing a joint while still between your legs - you’re confident it’s the most erotic thing you’ve ever seen. You offer him the ashtray from the bedside table and he coolly tosses the finished joint in it before blowing his smoke at your pussy. “You ready to cum for me again?” 
“Jesus, Cal… make me cum for you.” 
His lips quickly wrap back around your clit and your fingers make a mess of his hair as he holds onto you tightly. His tongue makes quick, precise work of your clit and your reinvigorated high has you feeling overwhelmed once again. All of your senses are screaming Cal and only Cal. 
He pulls your thighs over his shoulders, intertwining your fingers as he decides to start working his tongue inside you, instead of just playing with your clit. 
“Holy fuck… Cal… please please please.” You whimper, panting out his name over and over.
“That’s my girl,” he hums, grinning against you. He works his tongue back in, as deep as he can and you buck your hips against his face. He teases, “Needy, darlin’?” 
You chant his name, hips meeting every flick of his tongue. He’s both amused and turned on based on the giggles and groans he’s filling you with. He starts humming and ultimately that’s what sets you off. You swear you’ve never moaned louder in your life as you crash over the edge, hips grinding wildly against his face. Cal withdraws his tongue but slowly licks over your clit, bringing you down in a slow way. He lets go of your hands and grabs your hip, rubbing his thumb there reassuringly. You reach out, searching for his other hand, but it quickly registers that he’s using it to slowly stroke his cock. 
He notices you’ve gone uncharacteristically silent as he quickly licks and cleans your second orgasm and when he pulls back to look up at you, he finds you with your face buried in your hands.
“What’s goin’ on, sweet girl?” He asks softly, gently pulling your wrists so you’ll uncover your face. 
You stare at him, pink chubby cheeks all pink and sweaty, plump lips all red and swollen, a sweet look of concern coloring his expression. “Just… overwhelmed, I think,” you admit.
He settles in next to you, leaning down to peck your lips. “Wanna talk about it?” 
You tuck a hand in his curls, smiling at him wistfully. “I’m not sure there’s much to talk about, Cal… I just feel so much for you… all this love and the emotion…” You trail off, trying to gather your thoughts, figure out how to articulate the lump in your throat. “Having all of your attention these past couple days… it’s just been so wonderful. You’re so wonderful. Make me feel so safe and loved. Known. And I think… I need to try and figure out how to comprehend… like… that’s all going away in a couple of days. I don’t know if you know, Cal… but I had a really tough time these past couple months without you. And now we’re going right back into that. You weren’t home long enough.” 
Calum takes a long, deep breath, holding your gaze. You can tell he feels bad that you’re hurting and that it makes him feel even worse that he’s the cause and there’s nothing he can do about it. Fighting the frown that threatens to cloud his features, he gives you a soft smile and starts pressing kisses to your face. “I agree with you, love… I wish I was able to be here longer too. Feel like we were just getting back in the swing of things and now I have to go away again,” he shrugs. He squeezes your hand reassuringly. “But I promise you, ‘all of this’ isn’t going away baby. We’re gonna be back together again before you know it. And you know I’m always just a phone call or a FaceTime away. Even when we’re apart, I’m always there for you and you’re always there for me. That part doesn’t change.” 
You nod, chewing your lip. You almost feel embarrassed at your outburst. It’s not like you didn’t know things would be like this when you started dating him. “I know, bubba… I didn’t mean to make it seem like you’re abandoning me or anything. I know you’d do anything for me, no matter where you are. I’m sorry.”
He does a double take, looking at you incredulously. “Sorry? Sorry for what?”
“I don’t want to make you feel bad about leaving. I want you to go on tour, I want you and the band to be successful enough so that you have to leave like this. You’re just doing what you love and I want that for you.”
He sighs, lifting your hand to his lips. “Baby, I also love you. And you’re just feeling your feelings. And all the feelings you just shared with me are completely valid. This is a lot to process. It’s a hard transition from being together all the time to not getting to see each other, especially since this is new for us.” 
You give him a sad smile. “Are you about to tell me it gets easier?”
Calum rubs over your arm, grinning. “Oh, definitely not, darlin’, this part’s always gonna be torture,” he chuckles. “We’ll get better about dealing with it, though, I think. ‘Specially if we keep talking about it like this.”
You squeeze his hand on your arm. “Yeah, that’s true.”
“Thank you for being honest. Know it’s hard with me sometimes. But I’m glad you told me how you felt.” 
You run your hand through his curls and lean in, needing to feel his lips on yours. He pulls you closer and you feel his still semi hard cock brush your stomach. You stay engaged in the kiss but let your hand wander down his body, wrapping around his length. He hums in response to your touch but after a few strokes, he reaches down to stop you. 
“I’m OK, sweet girl. Let’s get up and get some food, maybe some sunshine,” he insists, moving your hand away from his body and interlacing your fingers. Your face must display your confusion because he chuckles as he kisses your knuckles before pushing up off the bed and crossing the room to the dresser. He smiles warmly as he tosses you a clean t-shirt and pulls out a pair of shorts for himself. “You’ve given me so much this week, darlin’, think it’s OK if we say you owe me one.”
You follow Cal into the kitchen where he sets to work making a couple sandwiches and cutting up some fruit; you make yourself useful by pouring two tall glasses of ice water and grabbing the lighter, pipe and weed jar off the kitchen counter to take outside. The two of you set everything up on the table in the shade and just as you’re about to take your seat, you feel his hands around your waist, pulling you into his lap. You relax against him while the two of you eat and you can tell he’s doing his best to comfort you in light of the conversation you just had. His arm rests across your lap, he presses soft kisses to your jaw and cheek, his hands shower you in affection, never leaving your skin. 
“Sweet girl?” He murmurs into your ear after the meal is over. You cock your head to indicate you’re paying attention and he brings the jar of weed around to your line of vision, shaking it. “You wanna smoke this with me? Should be a little bit more of a mellow vibe than what we had earlier.”
Mellow definitely sounds good to you right now, so you nod and turn to so you can watch his hands work, carefully packing the bowl. You bite your lip and squeeze your thighs together, enjoying the show. You still feel a bit overwhelmed from earlier but after witnessing how thoughtful and attentive he was in navigating your emotions, how willing he was to talk things out with you, you’ve felt the sadness dissipating and instead be replaced by a need to be close to him, to show him your appreciation.
Calum must be feeling similarly because midway through his task, he turns and quickly draws you into a hungry kiss before nuzzling his nose to yours. “What a perfect way to close out such a lovely day with my girl,” he murmurs, running his hand up your thigh. 
You brush his hair back, letting your hand fall to his neck and then chest. You play innocent, though you know exactly what rubbing your thumb over his nipple will do. You watch as his eyes close and his lips part, letting out a soft moan. “You’re so good to me, Cal,” you coo, leaning in to kiss his neck, sucking a mark onto his collarbone. He would typically stop you but it feels too good and he loves you too much right now for him to care.
The pipe lays forgotten on the table as your kisses trail lower, allowing your tongue to poke out and tease his other nipple. His hand comes down to hold the back of your neck as you tease him and you groan against his skin when you feel his cock twitch in his shorts. His fingertips run up your thighs, bunching your t-shirt at your hips as his touch continues the journey up your stomach and ribs, then gently over your breasts and nipples and back again. 
After a few more minutes of this, he gently nibbles your earlobe and tugs at the hem of your shirt. “Can I take this off?” 
You lean into his ear to whisper, “Can I ask for something in return?”
“Anything.” He says earnestly, tongue sliding over your lips before kissing them.
You look into his eyes. “Fill me?” You ask, reaching down to squeeze the tent forming in his shorts. 
He lifts his hips with you still on him, kicking his shorts off and giving himself a few pumps to get fully hard. His fingers run up your thighs, ready to pull off your underwear but he laughs heartily when he realizes there’s nothing there.
“Still no panties?”
“Still no point,” you smirk, turning back around in his lap and lowering yourself down on his cock.
Cal hastily discards your shirt, burying his face in your bare shoulders as you continue to sink down on him. You let out a breathy sigh, wiggling your hips to get him bottomed out and your efforts are met with a low growl from him. 
You gently turn his head toward you, giving him a heated kiss, finishing off by sucking his bottom lip. As you turn and press your back into his chest, his hands come around to cup your tits and he plays with your nipples, “I love the way you feel in me,” you sigh.
“I love the way you feel around me, baby. Tight, warm, wet… absolute perfect fit.”
You use his thighs for leverage as you push yourself up until just his tip is at your entrance and then you sink down as slow as you can possibly manage, intending to feel every vein and ridge of his cock. He pulls you back into a sloppy kiss and he’s practically shaking from the sensations you’re giving him. 
“You OK, handsome?” You ask, teasing lilt in your voice. 
“Do that again.”
You repeat your actions and he chokes on his moan. He settles his hands on your hips and though you expect him to try to get you to move faster, his grip just squeezes your skin as he sits back and lets you control the pace, groaning as he watches you take him over and over again.
“That’s it, baby… just like that,” he praises, head lulling back, closing his eyes to appreciate your slow work.
Your brow furrows in concentration as you move over him, thighs burning from going so slow but it feels so fucking good and he sounds so fucking good, you know the memory will be worth the pain later. You feel him lean in to cup your tits, giving them a nice squeeze before he turns your face towards his again, slotting your lips together. 
His hand starts to drift between your legs but you bat it away, groaning, “Cal… let me do this, baby, let me make us feel good.”
He curses under his breath but obliges, leaning back to let you move freely. He goes quiet and you smirk to yourself, knowing he’s probably become hypnotized watching your ass jiggle and bounce as you ride him. You speed up just a little, trying to give him a bit more of a show, and sure enough you hear his breathing get heavier and feel a hand stroke down your skin, making a home for itself on the small of your back, wanting to touch you but also not wanting to obscure his view.
“Goddamn, darlin’...” He breathes, voice raspy and ragged. “Look so fuckin’ good riding me… don’t know why we don’t do it like this more often.”
You toss him a teasing look over your shoulder. “Because you’re a sweet boy who loves to kiss and look into your lover’s eyes… also the combo of staring at my ass and watching your cock disappear usually makes you cum pretty quick.”
Cal laughs loudly, “If you were seeing what I’m seeing, you’d be a lot closer to losing control too, baby.”
He groans loudly as you slow down again, rolling your hips extra slow so he can get a good look at your body engulfing him. “Well, next time we’ll have to make arrangements for that,” you tease, biting your lip as the possibilities run through your mind.
“Lotta things we’ll have to get to next time,” he teases back, letting his hand slide from your back to between your cheeks, fingers grazing your rim. He chuckles darkly at the way your body instinctively responds, how you fall forward, your back arching, your ass making itself more accessible to him. He loves that your body is asking him to continue but he wants to hear you say it so he plays dumb and asks, “Oh?”
“Yeah… please” is all you can manage but it’s all the prompting he needs. He sucks his thumb into his mouth and the wet noises of him coating it in spit, the loud pop when he releases it causing you to shiver in anticipation. You raise your hips, stilling your movements, holding your breath as you feel his hands on your backside again. He squeezes and massages your cheeks before spreading them and pressing his thumb against your hole. “Yesssss… Caaaal,” you sigh, overcome by the contrast of the dull pressure of his finger pushing inside you while his other four offer feather light reassurance just above the intrusion.
He groans as he prods further, getting lost in your breathy reactions and the bliss of watching your body accept even more of him. “Come on, little darlin’,” he rasps, squeezing your hip with his free hand. “Gonna keep movin’ for me?"
You whimper as you resume riding him, doing your best to set a new and effective pace even though you’re feeling completely overwhelmed by the knowledge Calum is filling both of your holes. His noises blend with yours, the two of you moaning together, you reacting to the deliciously full feeling he’s giving you, Cal doing his best to keep in control despite the fact that your ass looks unreal taking everything he’s giving you, that he’s feeling friction from his thumb on his cock and it’s bringing him closer to the edge than he’s ready for.
“Fuck, darlin’... can’t tell you how this looks… feels… gonna be thinkin’ about this every fuckin’ night when I’m gone,” he pants, a sense of relief washing over him when he hears the tone of your whines and recognizes that you’re about to finish as well. “So good… so fucking good, baby.” 
You speed up, grabbing your tits, grinding down, chasing your orgasm, undecided whether focusing on the stimulation in your ass or your pussy is going to get you there fastest. Your body makes that call for you, deciding that Cal’s soft groans of encouragement are more than enough reason for you to cum. Your legs shake and you cry his name as your walls pulse around him, your third orgasm of the afternoon hitting you harder than you expected. 
Calum thrusts gently up into you, happy to give you recovery time if you need it but also more than ready to follow you over the edge. You feel his hips start to stutter and you know you only have a limited amount of time to direct him. You quickly jut your backside out as much as you can and look behind you to tell him, “Cum on my ass, Cal… give us both something to think about while you’re gone.”
Another strained “Fuck” and a groan of your name are all he has time to respond with because your request has him immediately pulling out and pressing his cock to your cheeks without a second to spare. He struggles to keep his eyes open to take in the sight of his cum spilling onto your ass but as you moan at the feeling of his warmth coating your skin, he has to screw his eyes shut and vocalize with you. He gives himself a squeeze, milking out the last few drops before letting out an exhausted sigh and falling back against the chair.
He reaches over to the table, blindly searching for the napkins from lunch, finally finding them and quickly cleaning your messy skin. He squeezes your ass, massaging it more as he leans forward and presses kisses along your spine before wrapping his arms around your ribs so he can pull you back against him. He presses his face against your neck, still trying to catch his breath. 
“You OK, bubba?” You chuckle, squeezing your arms on his. 
“You’re too good to me,” he murmurs against your neck, inhaling deeply and pressing a few soft kisses to the back of your neck and shoulders.
“I just give what I get, love.” 
The two of you sit quietly, naked and relaxing against each other, basking in the sun and the bond you’re feeling. You can tell your boyfriend is starting to doze off and you know if he goes, you’ll end up nodding off as well. “Let’s go back to bed, bubba,” you suggest. “That soft blanket and mellow weed are calling our names.”
You whine as you stand and stretch, hurting in all the best ways. Calum watches your every move and if you couldn’t feel his eyes on you, when you turn to look at him, the loved up grin on his face gives him away. You grab the pipe while he swipes up the discarded clothes and you wrap your arms around his middle as you walk back inside. 
Back in the bedroom, you settle in against the headboard once more. You lean your head on Cal’s shoulder as he lights the pipe, smoke billowing around you. His suitcase is still by the door, staring you down, but it doesn’t seem quite as confrontational as it did a few hours ago. 
"I'm gonna miss you," you say plainly. You peck his shoulder as you take the pipe from him. "I think I can be OK with that, though."
"Oh yeah?" He squeezes your thigh, lighting the bowl for you. He jokes, "What changed your mind, all the sex or all the drugs?"
You giggle, elbowing him as you blow your smoke out. "I just think days like today will make all the ones we have to spend apart a little bit easier… gives us something to remember, something to look forward to."
"That's true, that's a good point," Calum agrees, setting the pipe on the table and pulling you into an embrace. "Wouldn't be special if these days happened all the time."
"Yeah…" You agree wistfully. "Still gonna have one of these days when I come visit you though, right?"
Cal nods emphatically. "Baby, you're flying in on a day off and I'll tell you something right now, very first thing, the panties are coming off and not going back on for at least that entire day," he declares with a naughty grin.
You relax against him, missing him already but taking comfort in making plans and sharing jokes. "See, bubba, you're learning," you tease. "What would be the point?"
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