#though just because that's how leon was *trained* doesn't mean that that's who he *is*
sapphire-weapon · 2 months
Sort of as a follow-up thought to this post...
I really can't wait for that Operation Javier project -- whether it's a full game or a DLC or whatever it is -- to come out and give us a closer look at what Leon's life was like between RE2make and RE4make. Because I think something that really gets missed in the fandom (likely due to the ridiculous misinformation listed on the wiki that then gets passed around the fandom like fact) is that Leon wasn't trained by the government to kill bioweapons. Leon was trained by the government to kill people. Ashley just got ridiculously lucky that the agent who was sent to retrieve her also happened to have experience fighting against bioweapons due to having been in Raccoon City.
It's subtle, but there's evidence for this in RE4make itself. It's actually baked into Leon's character arc.
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At the Hunter's Lodge, Leon's trained response to encountering a person on the ground during a mission is to reach for his gun. He even starts taking it out of the holster. It isn't until the hunter appears to not be a threat that he puts it back down and tries to talk to him.
But when the hunter does become a threat, Leon doesn't hesitate in killing him. And not only does he not hesitate to kill him, but he even pulls out his gun and doublechecks that the man is really dead.
This happens before anyone knows that there's bioweapons at play. As far as Leon knows, in this moment, he just killed an old man in his home. Just an old man.
His subsequent conversation with Hunnigan is structured as such that the US's intel on the ground is only that Ashley is being held in this village. The statement "Something's happened to the people here" is tacked on as an afterthought, as something unexpected. Leon suspects that there's biological warfare involved after seeing the hunter come after him chittering and with a broken neck, but he doesn't get the chance to voice that to Hunnigan and ask for more information before he's interrupted and has to cut the conversation short.
Later, this happens:
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Prior to Mendez mutating into his boss form, Leon didn't actually suspect that he was infected with las plagas. He was opening fire on and trying to kill a man who he thought, much like the hunter, was just a man. Because that's his job.
The line "I'll do my job" is particularly interesting, because most people think of Leon's "job" in this game as rescuing Ashley -- but that's not how Leon himself seems to see it. His mission objective is to rescue Ashley, but his job -- at least, in the context in which he says it -- is to kill people.
We also know that Leon was part of Operation Javier. This is never stated explicitly, but Krauser tells us this without telling us:
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Krauser had a revelation in the jungle, and Leon was there with him in that jungle two years ago.
So, what was Operation Javier?
Well, we don't really know yet. I'm sure that it did involve bioweapons somehow -- Capcom wouldn't be making it into a separate title release if it didn't -- but that wasn't the original conceit for it set out by the US government in-universe.
This was the official mission statement for Operation Javier:
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Eradicating drug cartels.
Which means going after people. Not BOWs.
And Leon being sent on this mission alongside Krauser and his unit didn't seem to raise any eyebrows or key anyone into the possibility that there could be BOWs involved. They all seemed to have been taken by surprise -- especially Krauser, which shouldn't have happened as Leon's trainer if Krauser knew that the purpose of Leon's training was BOW combat.
This also isn't the first mission that Leon was sent on alongside Krauser and his men. He says as much in the intro with the plural use of "missions" attached to his training.
So... Leon is a killer. He was specifically trained to kill people for the US government. He just happens to also be adept at fighting against BOWs thanks to his experience in Raccoon City. And what's chilling is that, during the intro, he also expresses a strange sort of gratitude for his combat training because it "kept [his] mind off things."
That's how broken Leon is going into RE4make. The kind-hearted guy who just wanted to protect people in RE2make spends the next six years following Raccoon City being turned into a hitman and murdering people for the federal government, and his response to that is "thank you."
That's why Ashley's contribution to his character arc is so important. At a certain point during RE4make, he stops fighting against the villagers and starts fighting for Ashley. She shakes him out of that killer's mindset and reminds him that, once upon a time, he was a boy named Leon Kennedy who wanted to save the world.
And the culmination of this is Leon's realization that both of these parts of him can coexist. He can use his intense combat training and killer instinct to protect people -- just like he protected Ashley. But he's not so naive anymore (like he was in RE2make) to think that he can protect and save everyone. And he was forced to accept, through his training and through killing Krauser, that sometimes some people need to be sacrificed in order for other people to be saved.
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mychoombatheroomba · 5 months
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Between the Bones (Leon x GN! Reader) - Chapter 6
You were fairly sure that, when one has a bad dream, they shouldn't look for comfort in a knife fight. Even so, it doesn't stop you.
(Cross-posted from Ao3)
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TW: flashbacks/nightmares, ptsd, angst, terrible coping mechanisms
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The song, as far as you were concerned, was stupid. Nonsense. Even so, you were smiling as it played. You weren’t alone in that. The faces around you were smiling, too. Laughing, eyes bright with joy. Even in army fatigues, those smiles managed to make them all look young. Carefree. 
You all huddled together around the radio, talking about how you wished the woman singing would just tell the audience what she “really, really wanted” in fewer words. Every person complained about the song, saying that you should all be listening to real music. Even so, no one made a move to change the station. Instead, they let the song play on, forgetting for a moment where and who they were. You watched from outside your own body, an unknown observer to a memory that didn’t feel like your own. 
No, whoever’s memory this was, they didn’t know to cherish this insignificant little moment. They didn’t know not to roll their eyes when David started dancing to the song, or to laugh harder at Sasha’s appalled expression when he did. 
They didn’t know that they would remember those names for all the wrong reasons. Too many more that you would never, ever forget, even if the world had. Names that were not given the places of honor that they deserved, but instead were slapped on some rock in a field, their bodies not even allowed to be placed beneath the headstones. 
You remembered them, just as you remembered the name on the spare tag that hung around your neck. 
That name meant everything to you, once. It had been your home and haven, your guidance when your world was reduced to ashes. 
And now, it was a reminder that nothing was safe. Nothing and no one. 
“Sergeant.” His voice called to you, and you turned. 
You would know that face anywhere, even with the tarnish of rot on it like it was now. Eyes that had been wise and warm were now empty, his skin paled by death. His fatigues were covered in blood, and his mouth hung open in a silent scream. Part of his head was missing from where you’d shot him. Where you’d killed him. 
“Captain . . .” you breathed. 
The music was gone. The voices of your friends, your brothers in arms, were gone. In their place, there were moans and snarls. More figures appeared from the dark, all wearing the twisted faces of people you’d lived with, trained with. Fought beside. Shared laughs and stories with. 
Calling their names did nothing, because they weren’t them anymore. You could only run, and run you did. Until the walls around you seemed to melt away into the black of night. Snow and ice crunched under your boots, and you were so busy looking behind you at the corpses trailing you, that you didn’t see the figure in front of you. 
You didn’t see the knife until it was buried to the hilt in your side. 
Eyes wide, you looked into the darkness, not believing what was happening to you, even though you’d lived and re-lived it a hundred times. You still couldn’t fathom it as the knife was torn free, taking chunks of flesh with it. When it slid back into your belly, you crumpled to the cold ground. It kept going until you were lying face up, staring at the snow falling over you. 
When you were gone, would you become like the rest? Would your broken body carry on for a while, looking for someone to sink your teeth into? Would you lose yourself completely? 
Let me die, you hoped. Prayed. Let me die and stay dead. 
You knew it wouldn’t mean anything. You knew it as the knife disappeared, and teeth took its place. So, you could only scream as they descended on you, their hands and teeth setting to work. Tearing into you, ripping you apart-
It hadn’t ended that way. That was the only way you’d known it was a dream. The only reason you’d been able to pull yourself out of it in time was because those corpses wearing the faces of your friends hadn’t pulled you limb from limb. The knife and its wielder hadn’t come from the shadows. You should have seen it coming a mile away. There were so many things that you should have done, and your mind loved to remind you of them. 
You survived. However much your dreams liked to make you imagine otherwise. However much, sometimes, in the back of your mind, there was a whispering that you shouldn’t have. 
Your hand found its way to the dog tags that hung at your chest, and you squeezed all three so tightly in your grip that the names likely made impressions on your palm. Your name, and a name that you hadn’t spoken aloud since that day in the snow, since you were forced to turn a gun on its owner. 
You couldn’t read the name ‘Simon Reynolds’ in the dark, but you knew it was there. It weighed on you heavily, like it always did. Like you needed it to. 
“Fuck,” you breathed, trying to calm your racing mind and heart. Then, after a moment, you let yourself fall back into your bed. Wouldn't find any sleep there, so you just repeated the mantra you’d clung to since you’d woken up in the hospital, your belly full of stitches and your life forever changed. 
Never again. 
Leon had become well-acquainted with the sinking feeling that something was wrong. He’d experienced it when he’d driven towards Raccoon City not too long ago, and since then, it had become something he learned to recognize and pay attention to. 
He felt a lesser version of that feeling when, on the way to his morning drills, he saw you across the camp. 
You were talking to Krauser, the Major’s arms crossed over his chest. Leon couldn’t see your face, not with your back to him. Krauser, though, looked pensive. He nodded once, saying something Leon was too far away to hear, and then walked past you. That feeling of dread came to Leon when he saw the smirk that Krauser wore. 
Leon didn’t have the opportunity to talk to you about that or about the conversation from the night before. Not before he and his squad filed into formation, each of them readying themselves for whatever was to come. Leon thought, for a moment, that you had been messing with him, because you weren’t there waiting for them. That worry was replaced by something worse when Krauser stepped up to the group. 
“Got something special for you today,” he began. “A preview of what you’re all in for.” He was smiling wide when you approached, and you weren’t alone. Leon recognized your squad falling into formation alongside his own.  
What the hell was going on? 
“Sergeant,” Krauser called, and you stepped forward. Any of the mirth that had lit up your eyes last night was gone, but so was the strength he usually saw in you. You looked resigned to your fate, whatever was about to happen. Like you were bracing for a storm that you knew was going to overtake you. You didn’t spare him any glances, and Leon had to wrestle down the urge to ask you if you were alright. Now wasn’t the time. Not as Krauser tossed you a practice knife and ordered your first opponent to step forward. It was one of Leon’s squad, but as Krauser went down the line with each one of your victories, Leon knew that it wouldn’t be long before you were faced down with someone at your own skill level. 
You knew it, too. You weren’t taking any risks - each of your movements meant to conserve as much energy as you could manage. Now that you were armed, the fights went faster - you could afford to be more aggressive. It saved you some time, but Leon’s squad had been improving and you had double the people to fight through. Twenty opponents, and the more difficult ones were going last. 
Leon wanted to say he had faith in you, but the way you looked before you’d started . . . 
He almost didn’t see it, he was so busy watching you fight. Still, Krauser’s red beret was difficult to miss. It pulled Leon’s focus, the recruit watching as his commanding officer strode over to the line of soldiers standing at attention while you fought. You’d made it through your first two opponents when Krauser placed his hand on the shoulder of a tall, intense looking man at the end of the line. One of your squad mates - Alejandro, if Leon remembered correctly. 
The Major’s mouth moved, and Leon stiffened as Alejandro broke from formation, stalking towards the fight that was happening in front of him. 
He didn’t realize that Krauser had handed him a practice blade until it was arcing towards you. 
Your eyes went wide, realizing you had another threat to deal with in the middle of blocking a swing. Leon’s squad mate, a shorter young man named Shinoda, looked just as confused as you. He backed away as Alejandro attacked, mercifully giving you the time you needed to put up a defense. You countered before stepping away, looking between the two men you’d been faced with. 
“You’re not going to be fighting just one opponent out there,” Krauser said, walking behind the two squads as he went on. “And you won’t always know the enemy is coming until they’re right on top of you. But you’ll also have the opportunity to work together, even if it ends up being with soldiers you’re unfamiliar with. So, Shinoda, Garza-” Leon couldn’t look behind him to see the Major’s face, but he just knew by the sound of his voice that he was smiling. “Make our Sergeant here work for a win, why don’t you?” 
This wasn’t fair. By the surprise still plastered over your face, you hadn’t been expecting to be tag-teamed. Whatever you’d been bracing yourself for at the beginning, Krauser had circumvented. It made Leon angry on your behalf, but that emotion took a back seat to his desire for you to win. You were a damn good fighter - one of the best Leon had ever seen. Even so, he knew from experience that once more than one opponent was added to the mix, everything changed. Your head was on a swivel, trying to keep track of the two of them as they circled you. Alejandro went around, moving to flank you, to trap you between his knife and Shinoda’s. 
The two cadets looked first to each other, and then to you. Then, with an understanding between them, they attacked. 
Leon felt his heart skip a beat as Shinoda slashed at you, going for your knife arm. He wasn’t as fast as you were, and he didn’t manage to avoid the counter cut you gave him across his own arm - a move that would have cut deep into his triceps. 
You’d decommissioned his good arm, but the moment you’d done it, there was another knife coming down at you.
Alejandro was taller than you, letting him comfortably bring his knife down towards your shoulder in a reverse grip. Your own arm flashed up so fast Leon almost missed the block and bind you managed to execute, just in time. What he saw with perfect clarity, however, was the fist that Alejandro raised to follow through. He saw it swing towards you, and his breath caught in his throat when he watched it connect with your nose in full force. 
You yelped, the force of the blow and your own feet scrambling sending you back, away from your opponents. Your free hand covered your mouth and nose, and when you pulled it away to examine it, Leon saw red. 
There were some sharp breaths taken in, a few murmurs, but no one said anything in protest to the hit. And Krauser? Leon turned to look at the Major, only to find him watching the fight, unbothered. “At attention, Rookie,” he barked, when he felt Leon’s eyes on him. “You might even learn something.” 
Leon remembered that first day he’d met you, when you’d struck him with that backfist. Krauser hadn’t stopped you, then, and Leon knew that he wasn’t going to stop this now. 
“Bruises are the best teachers.” 
By the time Leon looked back at you, your attackers had already moved again, taking advantage of the opening the punch had created. The onslaught that followed was brutal, and you were forced further and further back as you tried to defend. He saw your fear just as much as he saw your focus, and all he could think of was your words last night, and what they implied you’d been through. 
“. . . I was making the same mistakes . . .”
This was wrong. Even if he understood why it was happening, Leon could only think that it was wrong. 
But then, wrong or not, you weren’t asking them to stop. You didn’t even look to Krauser as the two men you were fighting lunged for you. You just bared your teeth, raised your blade, and fought back. 
When you had an opening, you went for Shinoda. It was the smart move, he was slower than Alejandro. Less experienced. If you could get him off the board, it might give you a moment to focus on the bigger threat. It worked, too. Circling the shorter man as he struck out, you managed to get him between you and Alejandro, just for a moment. Then, in a few quick moves, you were dragging your blade across his gut before kicking him towards his impromptu ally. 
And before you even got the chance to advance on Alejandro, Krauser moved and another soldier from your squad was sent forward. 
It was a training exercise. A brutal one, yes, but he knew that you would walk away from this, no matter how hurt you’d be. Krauser wasn’t looking to kill you. 
It was just a training exercise. 
That didn’t make it bother him any less. Standing there, watching as you avoided knives by just a heartbeat, or take punches and kicks that you weren’t fast enough to dodge . . . it felt like there was something in him, clawing its way through his stomach, demanding that he move. That he do something. 
You groaned as you took a knee to the stomach, just narrowly countering the overhead stab that followed. Twisting out of the hold and slashing wildly, you put some distance between yourself and your attackers. The guard that you put up after was half-formed, and you spat out some of the blood that had made its way past your lips. You were going to keep going, even if it was a losing battle. 
And he wasn’t going to just sit by and do nothing. 
You were in pain, and this was wrong. That was all it boiled down to. 
Krauser would kick the shit out of him if he interfered. If any one of them disobeyed an order, there would be consequences. 
In that moment, though, as Leon watched you get taken to the ground, he realized that he didn’t really care. 
You were going to lose. 
You’d known that going in, but seeing two knives coming at you after the dreams you had . . . you were unfocused. Unraveling. You'd needed this to ground you, even if it really fucking hurt. You tasted copper and it, combined with the strikes your gut had taken, made you feel like you were going to be sick. 
Not a dignified ending to things, but there were very few ways to lose with dignity, in your experience. Best you could do was go down swinging and do better next time.  
Alejandro blocked a strike from you, and his leg moved just a little too fast, hooking behind your own and pulling it out from under you. You hit the ground hard, the back of your head smacking into the dirt with a pain that felt like background noise. All your focus, once your eyes opened, was on the shadow passing over you and the knife it brought with it. You got your guard up just in time, and Alejandro’s knife stopped just short of your neck. He stopped your own knife just in time, too, and the two of you struggled for no more than half a second before a second shape came into view. 
This was it, then. At least you could say you put up a decent fight-
You looked over just in time to see a boot connect with the back of your other opponent’s knee, forcing her down. 
“Kennedy!” Krauser barked, just as someone took the knife from the woman’s hand and slashed its dulled blade across her throat. “Back in formation!” 
The recruit in question wasn’t listening, and you watched him rush towards you, his newly acquired knife aimed at Alejandro’s side. 
Oh, Leon. You absolute dumbass, you could only think as the soldier on top of you realized he was about to have more company than he planned on. Alejandro wasn’t the sort to let anyone get the drop on him, and he ducked away, rolling off to your side and freeing you from his hold. 
Once he was gone, you realized just how dazed you were as a hand was offered to you. It took you a second to process who it belonged to, but then you saw that hair above you, and you sighed. 
“What the fuck are you doing?” you asked, letting Leon help you up. Your head hurt, and so did your ribs, but his grip on you was steady and more reassuring than it had any right to be. Even so, him rushing to your side, disobeying orders . . . it made you feel a lot of things, and you didn’t have the time to put names to them all. “Get back in line,” you hissed, but it was too late. 
“Are you deaf, Kennedy?” Krauser asked, and you wished he sounded more angry and less amused. “Or are you intentionally disobeying an order?” 
Leon swallowed, but that was the only sign he gave that he was nervous. As he met Krauser’s stare, you realized just how brave this boy was. Brave or stupid. “‘You won't always know an enemy is coming until they’re on top of you,’ right?” He threw the Major's own words back in his face, and even you winced. 
Krauser’s eyes flashed, and then, God help you both, he smiled. “You want to play the hero, Rookie? Fine. Soto, Andersen.” You recognized both as people in your squad. Valeria was the owner of the first name, and she stepped forward with a glinting smile. Andersen. . . well, he was quiet, just like you. He was there to get the job done. He followed orders, and whatever Krauser wanted done now, he would do it with haste.  “You’re with Garza. Beat some sense into Kennedy.” 
You were surrounded, Alejandro on one side, Valeria and Andersen on the other. You were slow, tired and in more pain than you wanted to admit. Leon was fine, but he struggled against you. These soldiers were easily at your level. 
Things weren’t looking good, but you raised your knife anyway. 
It would be a good learning experience, once the hurt faded a bit. 
“You take Alejandro,” you said to Leon, stepping between him and the two fresh challengers. “I’ve got these two.” 
Leon nodded, moving into a guard and covering your back just as you covered his. He didn’t look fazed at all. It was the first time you’d ever seen him so sure of himself. You didn’t let yourself linger on that thought for long, not with the two knives in front of you coming ever closer. 
But you weren’t alone. How long had it been since you hadn’t been alone? 
“What’d you do to get him to like you so much?” Valeria laughed, spinning the knife in her hand with practiced ease. She looked past your shoulder at Leon, but you commanded her attention back to you when you sliced at her, missing her leg but making her retreat all the same. 
It was a fair question. It felt like all you’d done for Leon Kennedy was kick his ass six ways to Sunday, and maybe give him the occasional apology for doing it. You couldn’t fathom why he was willing to jump into a fight for you. Still, all evidence pointed to the fact that Leon did, for some reason, enjoy your company. Even if it was so often delivered at the end of a knife. Whatever the case, you’d come to like him, too, as dangerous as that was. 
He was going to catch hell for this. Least you could do was make it as easy for him as possible. 
So, when Valeria asked that concerning and puzzling question, you just exhaled hard through your nostrils, a spray of partially dried blood heralding your answer. “Shut up and fight.” 
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nekrosdolly · 6 months
some bf leon headcanons!!
i imagine reader to be early 20's and leon to be canon age in re4, so 27. hardly an age gap. im projecting a little in this one guys sorry...
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cw; aging, mentions of aging, body image issues, scars, low-key depressed leon, nightmares and ptsd, alcoholism if you squint, these were not written to be happy lolll sorry guys! hope y'all like as always!
petnames (reader received); honey
boyfriend leon, whose nightmares wake him up nightly. if they're bad enough, they render him unable to speak. he stays awake to drink enough to get him tired again, and falls asleep. during the nights you stay over, he cuddles up to you and tries his best to take deep, slow breaths like you once instructed him to. within moments, he's okay. then he can talk to you about it.
boyfriend leon, who pretends like his insecurities are non-existent when he's with you but when he looks in the mirror, all he sees is a shell of his former self. a weapon. alone with his thoughts, he traces over every scar he's ever gotten- from the bullet wound from annette birkin's gun on his left shoulder to the thick scar from krauser's blade on his cheek. in his mind, they're ugly. horrible reminders of the past that stick around and haunt him. on top of that, it's not like he doesn't have normal insecurities too.
boyfriend leon, who hates the way he's gotten worry lines on his forehead and if you squint hard enough, crinkles from his furrowed brows. hates the way his hair is turning brown with his age, how his eyes seem so dull. his rage, as deep as it's buried, burns hotter than the sun. he's gained muscle and thus weight, which means he's acquired stretch marks. the first time he notices the stretch marks on his hips, his heart drops. he doesn't let you see him without clothes on for days.
boyfriend leon, who as he gets higher in age, starts covering himself up more. once he hits his thirties, he already feels the effects of old age and he swears he can see it in his physique despite his rigorous training. he starts sleeping with pajamas on instead of just his boxers. you find it funny how he thinks you haven't noticed.
boyfriend leon, who would rather spend the whole day with his face buried in your chest than go out because his days off are few and far between, and you're the only one who makes him feel comforted.
boyfriend leon, who needs you more than you need him. sure, he becomes less dependent as the two of you grow older together, but it's still there. there's not a line he wouldn't cross for you. he could get lost in you for eternity and never get bored.
boyfriend leon, who always reassures you when you need it and even when you don't. he loves making you feel loved and safe, the way you make him. he adores holding your hands, your hips, and waist. your love handles are his favorite things on your body- his hands fit so nicely on them, how could he not be obsessed?
boyfriend leon, who's always tired. the moment you let him lie down on you, he's half-asleep and clingy. his face buried in the nape of your neck, his hands grasping the side seams of your shirt so he can ground himself. he takes a deep inhale, a soft groan escaping him upon exhale. "y'smell good, honey," he murmurs, his voice tired and low. you chuckle softly and rub his upper back.
boyfriend leon, who melts when you stroke his hair. your touch incites a feeling he hasn't had since he was a teenager. a strong electric pulse in his heart followed by a soothing warmth. your hands on his arms, his abdomen, his legs- anywhere. you can get what you want from him just by rubbing his arm and batting your eyelashes, be it monetary or otherwise. it's fair, though, because he does the same to you, only he begs and kisses your face.
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deadbydangit · 11 months
Various surviors and killers with a yandere! survior S/o (if you're comfortable ofc)?
Like if S/o was in love with a killer, they'd sabotage their teammates to help them, and watch them very sneakily all trial. If S/o was in love with another survior, then they were willinging beat a killer with a toolbox or something and take hits for just that survivor, even when they don't need it. You can add or remove any of this though!
This with Ghostface, Joey, Leon and Jake? Thank you in advance ! <3
Okay. I can do that. I have very little experience with Yandere characters, so please excuse me if it isn't great. Please enjoy.
With a survivor Yandere Reader.
Ghostface, Legion (Joey), Leon, Jake
That's hot.
Like, damn.
That whole brutality thing you got going on?
Super attractive.
He's always wanted a Yandere s/o.
And he knows what Yandere is.
Every time you sabotage someone else for him, his heart flutters.
"Did you just knock him out with a flashlight for me?"
"Aww. Babe!"
He'll give you lots of kisses and hugs.
He does worry though.
You may be good at faking and hiding your affection for him.
But if another survivor caught wind of you helping him?
Oh God!
He appreciates your help so much.
But, if at any point, it's getting suspicious or dangerous, he'll ask you to lay off for a bit.
He values your safety.
Don't be offended.
Danny just loves you so much that he can't bear the thought of someone hurting you.
What if he wasn't there to protect you?
He'll verbally tell you that.
Once all suspicion is cleared, by all means, go ahead and resume.
You're so creative.
His trial kills average has gotten so much better.
You're his darling little Yandere.
Legion (Joey)
Joey isn't as into the brutality as Danny is.
But the help is appreciated.
He doesn't love it.
But he won't tell you to stop.
If you're enjoying yourself, who is he to tell you what to do.
If you target certain survivors that are in Joey's hot list, he'll be extra grateful.
"So it's David because he's an asshole, Jane because she hit me with a locker door, Ace because I know he stole some of our beer, and Dwight because he's a nerd."
"Oh also, if you happen to cross that Nightmare dick in another trial, maybe beat him up a bit too. He's gross."
And if any of the other survivors have issues with it?
Well, have fun being chased by all four Legion members.
An enemy to one Legion member is an enemy to all of them.
He might make an appeal to the Entity.
Possibly get you on the killer side.
He thinks you'd have more fun with them there.
Leon S Kennedy
That was a good hit.
Also, terrifying.
He's highly trained and can take care of himself.
Having someone else to help isn't exactly a bad thing though.
He appreciates the help.
And he adores how much you care about him.
But please do not take hits for him all the time.
And, oh God don't challenge the Shape to a fight.
He's constantly worried about you.
It's not that he doesn't trust you.
But he has a lot more experience with monsters compared to you.
So he's going to give you some basic self defense techniques.
That way he can at least feel a little better if he can't make it to help you out in time.
He'll patch every wound up after
Leon will even kiss the bruise.
Every single time he'll tell you to be more careful.
He wouldn't know what to do if you were seriously hurt and it was because of him.
He's already lost enough people in his life.
He can't lose you too.
But as long as he keeps patting your head and praising your bravery, you'll keep it up.
Jake Park
Look at you go.
Except he hates it.
Let him deal with the killers.
He has more fun taunting them.
But, Jake will let you have your fun.
He assumes you're challenging them and giving them shit for the same reason he does.
To see the killers get all huffy and pissed.
Hey! They hurt him.
Why should he try to play nice?
"Did you just hit the Nurse in the head with your medkit?"
Wide eyed for a second.
"Why didn't I think of that?"
A super tight hug.
Now Jake is copying you.
And killers are now either going to avoid the two of you entirely.
Or be on your asses like pissed off bulls.
Jake sees your cruel nature as a game to piss the killers off.
He doesn't realize that you do it for him, your beloved.
And, maybe it's easier to keep it a secret.
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bluemindscapes · 10 months
aaaaand how about some 😵 Unexplained fainting for Leon - 🔪
Here you go @leonisdumbasallhell, sorry it took me so long but I hope you still like my drabbles and thank you for sending the prompts! Never did something like this before and I really had a blast writing something shorter for once.
(Also a little content warning beforehand, so if anyone doesn't want to get spoilered just skip the brackets - but this drabble kinda deals with eating disorders/ weight loss, so if anyone's sensitive to that subject I'd recommend you skip the fic.)
Resident Evil Drabble Unexplained Fainting
Leon had licked his lips fifteen times in the past ten minutes and yet Chris still thought chapstick would do him better because they looked as dried out as they had ten minutes ago. Not that Chris was supposed to have any elaborate thoughts on Leon’s lips in the first place, not when they were both adjusting their posture for another round of hand to hand practice.
“Again.” He waved Leon forward, hands held in front of his face, ready to duck.
He was fast and agile, depending on good technique more than brute strength, which was exactly why Chris was struggling as hard as he did. It wasn’t like the BSAA didn’t train them on martial arts, it just didn’t happen to be Chris’ main focus and he had to admit that he'd gotten rusty over the years. 
But that was why he'd convinced Leon to sparr with him in the first place, so he wouldn’t get his ass handed to him by someone who was more eager to pull the trigger on him, than Leon had been in China. The other had agreed reluctantly, obviously tired out by whatever mission the DSO had thrown him into and Chris was loath to occupy more of his free time too. Though secretly he hoped, this way, he could eventually convince him to ditch his shit employer.
All his musing of what may be someday, had Chris distracted enough for Leon to land a mean punch to the ribs. It was merely a jab, and yet it had Chris curled over and vulnerable enough for Leon to flip him on his back with a few practiced movements, kneeling above him and pinning him to the gym mat.
“Get your head in the game, or I’ll stop pulling my punches.” Leon laughed like he wasn’t panting with exhaustion.
To top it all off, the bastard had the audacity to flick his hair to the side, as if he barely felt the sweat dripping from his chin and darkening the expanding stain on his shirt which, to be fair, didn’t help to not keep Chris blessedly distracted.
“Don’t flatter yourself, if I wanted to you’d have tapped out an hour ago.” Chris teased, as Leon swung one leg back over his knees to push himself to standing.
Chris sat up as well, watching Leon rake one hand through his blonde hair, exposing the dark roots that were growing back in.
“If I don’t do it, no one will.” 
He caught the spark in Leon’s eyes as he said it, a playful smile flashing on his face before it was gone again. Then he offered his hand for Chris to take, drawing him up in one swift motion. The feeling of Leon’s cold fingertips in his burning hot palm, made Chris stop for a second, glancing down at their joint hands in confusion.
“Damn, you’re cold.” He exclaimed with surprise. 
The hand was gone from his grip in an instant, shoved inside the pocket of the sweatpants Leon was wearing, like he was self-conscious about it. 
“Guess it takes more than your mediocre hand to hand to get me all hot and bothered.” He shrugged, casually ignoring the rush of blood muddying Chris’ face into an unhealthy shade of red, before turning his back on him and strolling over to the bench, where their water bottles stood. 
Chris followed suit, shaking his head at the lunatic idea that Leon could be into him, instead of just too quick-witted for his own good. Chris took a swig of his water, not feeling particularly thirsty yet. Contrary to Leon’s claims, the other at least seemed like he was exhausted, Chris himself had called for a break once over the course of the afternoon they spent in the BSAA gym, while Leon had interrupted their sparring every half an hour, just to compulsively sip at his water bottle and pace over the linoleum floor, rolling his wrists back and forth. If Chris didn’t know better, he’d have said, Leon was nervous, the whole behaviour feeling just slightly enough out of character to peak Chris' instincts.
Chris screwed the cap back on, setting the bottle next to him on the bench, watching Leon pace, like he couldn’t stand to be still. His clothes hung loosely on him, the arms of the shirt swaying with the motion of walking and Chris wondered when Leon had become so thin. Even his face seemed sharper than before, his cheeks hollowed out and dark shadows beneath his eyes.
“Should we call it for today? I think I’ve had enough humiliation for now.” Chris grinned, getting up himself and stretching his arms above his head. 
Leon turned his head towards him, like he hadn’t quite understood what he’d said, his fingers fiddling with his own water bottle, as if he hadn't decided yet, if he was still thirsty. 
“Are you sure? We’ve only been here for a few hours.” 
The low neckline of his shirt exposed his collarbone, standing out like the edge of a knife and a pang of worry and guilt shot through Chris’ abdomen. When had he last seen Leon eat? Chris struggled to remember, last time the other had asked him to join him for dinner, Chris had had to decline. 
“It’s fine, I think I’ll need some time to practice anyway.” He smiled, rapping his knuckles against Leon’s shoulder, as he passed him. The other’s hand automatically wandered to the spot he had touched, skimming his fingers over it – like it ached – before dropping it back to his hip. Leon licked his lips for the sixteenth time.
“Aren’t you starving? It feels like my stomach is eating itself.” Chris joked, when Leon didn’t answer, following him on silent feet, his steps ever light where Chris’ were heavy. 
“I could eat something, do you want to have dinner together?” His words sounded measured, as if Leon had to hold back from coming off as too eager.
In the meantime they had reached the locker rooms, where they’d left their street clothes. Chris was already peeling the tight shirt off his sticky skin, when he searched for a towel to bring into the shower with him. 
“If you have the time for it. I owe you dinner anyway.” Chris answered nonchalantly, while he dug out the shower gel from the bottom of his duffle bag.
“Yeah, sure.” Leon breathed out, before taking another sip from his bottle. 
Chris noted how his hand shook a little, making the water inside quiver and bubble. He bit his lip guiltily, wondering if he had gone too hard on Leon, or if he missed some cue that he’d had enough for the day. He knew how proud and stubborn he could be about things like that and usually Chris kept an eye out exactly because of Leon’s tendency to overexert himself, but this time he seemed to have tripped up. 
“Don’t you want to shower?” 
Chris glanced at the sportswear still on him, wet and probably uncomfortable, now that they were cooling off. Leon shrunk under his gaze, like he’d rather be invisible, looking to the side past where Chris stood with his bare chest and towel slung around his shoulders.
“I’ll shower when I’m home.” He mumbled.
“Do you hate our showers this much, or is the great Leon Kennedy suddenly growing shy?” Chris quipped, already pulling his socks off and resigning himself to quickly wash himself down while Leon waited. He didn’t know how the DSO handled things, but after his time in the air force and later at the BSAA, Chris had been quick to lose his inhibitions, when it came to communal showers. No use holding on to a false sense of shame, when everyone in there was as desperate to just get clean as he was.
“I’m not shy, I just-” Chris could see the gears in his head turning, brows pinched tight, while he tried to come up with a suitable excuse, before he decided to put him out of his misery.
“I was joking, give me five minutes and we can go get dinner.” 
Chris turned back to his duffle, throwing his socks inside. Next to him Leon was still shuffling around, arms crossed and head downcast. For all his quips and flirts, he’d fallen silent fast this time. He looked back up to him, worry simmering in his gut, something didn’t feel right but Chris couldn’t put his finger on it.
“Do you want to get changed, or…?” He trailed off, glancing between the unopened bag on the bench next to his own and Leon, who was very pointedly not looking at him. 
His clothes sagged on him, hanging from his hips and shoulders and obscuring the figure beneath. Chris didn’t remember if Leon had always worn casual clothes like this, or if it was a new quirk of his. They did look strange on him either way, too big in all the wrong places and yet too short at the ankles.
“I’m on it, go shower already.” He waved him off. 
Bending down to undo the zipper, Leon’s hands shook, though Chris didn’t think Leon would appreciate if he mentioned it. So he turned to sort through his spare clothing instead. The moment he had averted his eyes, Leon hiccuped like he’d been startled by something, one hand snapping forward to grip the bench’s backrest. 
Chris examined him for a second, as Leon straightened himself back up, all colour draining from his face.
“Everything alright?” He asked, laying one hand on Leon’s shoulder.
There was still muscle broadening his shoulders. taut and strong but beneath that, Chris felt nothing but skin and bone. It sent a wave of shock through his system, that he fought not to let show, as Leon swayed on the spot.
“Leon, you don’t look so good.” He exclaimed, alarmed by the sight of his glazed over eyes.
His inhale shuddered on the way in, his tongue darting out to wet his lips again. Then, before Chris could say anything else, Leon’s icy fingers brushed his biceps, slipping on his bare skin, as his eyes rolled upwards and he crumpled on the spot. 
Chris stepped forward, catching Leon beneath his arms and easing him downwards, the other boneless in his arms. Chris had expected the heavy weight of someone packed with muscle and used to fighting things thrice their size. He had expected to hold the man who’d pointed a gun at his face in China, a solid force that rivaled his own. But instead Leon was nearly lightweight, the sharp edges of his bones digging into Chris, as he put him down gently.
This was not normal, not by a long shot.
Chris held two fingers against his pulse point, feeling for the fluttering heartbeat at his neck and wondered how all of this had gone unnoticed. Whether it was by accident, or on purpose aside, he would’ve thought the DSO did regular health screenings to avoid stuff like this happening, especially on the job. Leon was lucky they’d just been sparring and he wasn’t being chased down by the latest mutant freak.
Chris pulled his duffle from the bench to place Leon’s feet on it, before pulling his shirt back on, foregoing his showering plans in favour of finding out what was wrong with Leon. He watched his breathing closely, noting how his ribcage stood out, while his stomach curved inward. This was malnourishment at best and starvation at worst, Chris couldn’t believe it, how did nobody notice?! How did he not pick up on it? The ever persistent question remained, what had happened? It couldn’t be intentional, right?!
In the end, Leon wasn’t out for too long, his eyelids fluttering, before he squinted against the artificial lights from above. Leon trembled slightly, the chill of the floor soaking into his bones, as he tried to orient himself. 
Chris was a shadow in the corner of his eye, black spots still flooding his vision while he tried to blink them away, though Chris' voice was clear in his droning ears. 
“Do you want to sit up?”
The question was hesitant, Chris scared to make Leon faint again, though he also couldn’t stand how uncomfortable the other looked, goosebumps down his arms and blinking lazily.
Leon nodded mutely, his nails scratching on the tiles, while he tried to get them beneath him to push himself up. Chris touched him gently, guiding his back to lean against the nearest wall. His heart hammered in his chest, even though Leon being conscious should’ve eased his anxiety. But how could he know what to do now, how to get Leon talking without him shutting down completely.
“How are you feeling?” It was a start, maybe if Leon could be honest, he could ask more daring questions later. 
He licked his lips again and Chris took it as a sign to hand him some of his water, Leon’s own bottle already empty. They didn’t exchange any more words for a while, just sitting on the floor in silence. 
Then:”I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
Chris wasn’t sure if Leon ran out of thought or breath first, regardless he shook his head, dismissing the apology.
“Don’t worry about it.” He paused, warily. “But Leon, when did you last eat?”
“Just this morning.”
Lie. His intuition replied, without Chris even having to track the obvious tells Leon exhibited whenever he came up with an excuse on the spot. His eyes had flitted to Chris’ left, while he had pushed the black earring in his lobe back and forth, it’d been a nervous habit of his, ever since they’d met, though it almost never saw the light of day. Except for when Leon was flying by the seat of his pants, trapped in a social situation he didn’t want to be in.
“I must be coming down with something, it’d probably be better if I went back to my hotel.” Leon spoke timidly, which did not agree with Chris at all.
He’d rather have him lie and bark at him, instead of ducking his head like this, using avoidance to cope. When Leon began pulling himself up at the bench to his right, Chris tenderly pushed him back down, keeping his palm placed on his shoulder before he began speaking again. 
“I really don’t care if I catch the flu from you, let’s just skip the showers and get some food first.” 
Leon’s eyes swam with uncertainty, like he couldn’t believe the words he was hearing, or maybe like he didn’t know if he wanted what Chris was proposing. Either way, Chris wasn’t about to send him off alone like this. 
When Leon proceeded to stare at him with tired blue eyes, he decided to break the tension and get up first, before offering his hand for Leon to take. He pulled him up slowly, holding on to him, even after he was standing again, waiting for another dizzy spell to send Leon stumbling.
“I’m fine Chris, you know I always bounce right back.” Leon had the audacity to smile at him when he said it, brushing aside his arms like they hadn’t kept him from crashing right into the floor less than five minutes ago. 
“I know.”
That was what worried him so much on top of everything else. What would it take for Leon to pull the brakes? And how bad did it have to get for the people around him to stop pushing him to his limits? Chris feared rock bottom for Leon would always end at six feet deep, if no one kept him from digging.
But first food. He could still turn this around, if only he could get him to eat.
“Let’s get going, I know a place you’d like.”
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lipglossanon · 8 months
need to share this thought because i am 🥴😵‍💫 losing my absolute mind over this ...
dark stepdad leon+ krauser.. leon disciplining you with krauser. like you were being a naughty little brat? well you don't get his cock breeding your pussy tonight, instead, krauser is going to rape your cute ass. no matter how much you beg and apologize while krauser is pounding into you (doggy style so that leon can watch your crying face and bouncing tits 🤭), leon is just gonna watch and tell you that this is what whores get when they can't behave. (also the thought of him putting nipple clamps on you and pulling on them !!) and leon being sooo mean and asking why your pussy is dripping if youre not enjoying this, and you must be acting out on purpose so he would punish you (maybe you are shhhh)
krauser doesn't mind this at all, he gets to degrade an adorable little girl who's crying for her daddy's cock?? he was already on board as soon as he heard he could put his fat cock in her needy hole. and he's definitely rough with you, though he's not allowed to do any permanent damage and leon is always watching his every move like a hawk, so he's a little limited. but he does like pulling you by the hair and choking you, especially because his hand is so big compared to you
also follow up thought, leon plugging your ass after krauser fills you up with his cum and making you sit through a family dinner 🤭 if you behave, maybe he'll give you a reward for finally acting like a good girl for him
💭 anon
💭 anon!! 👋 👋
AGSJVL not you jumping on the Leon x reader x Krauser train too 🤭
I love it! They’d both be so mean and degrading 😩 talking about you and not to you as Krauser stuffs your ass 😵‍💫
“Tight little hole just sucking me in. Who knew you had such a slutty daughter?”
“Should see her when I’m reaming that cute little pussy, got’er squirting she likes it so much.”
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bropunzeling · 11 months
🐀 + relief
Leon tries not to panic. Not when she books a flight, accepting the red-eye with two stops because it will still get her to Florida faster than the one leaving tomorrow morning. Not in the airport, sitting in one of the uncomfortable chairs that seem to litter every airport in North America, with no room to stretch out and sleep. Not on the first flight, or the next, or the next, watching as many action movies and terrible TV shows as she can stand because it means she's thinking about the awful CGI effects instead of--
She's not panicking. She's going to be calm. Holding it together. She's not allowed to panic yet.
Getting into the Uber and watching the streets pass through the back window, Leon yawns, then digs her nails into her thigh, just above her knee. She's not allowed to sleep yet, either.
There's a few unfamiliar cars in front of Matthew's house when she gets out. Makes sense; his parents are here, siblings too, and she bets they don't all want to do the same things. She drags herself and her carry-on past the rental cars and up to the front door. Knocks a few times.
The person who opens the door is familiar mostly through photos, and the occasional FaceTime. Taryn squints at her, like Leon's a mirage instead of an actual person. "Leon?" she says very slowly.
"Hi," Leon says. In the minute it took to get out of the Uber and to the front door, she's tipped from sticky-slow tiredness to jittery exhaustion. Her leg is shaking under her. "Can I come in and see him?"
Taryn's squint gets more pronounced. "Did -- I didn't know you were coming."
"I texted," Leon says. Matthew, this morning -- last night? -- she doesn't remember. It happened, though. This wasn't the plan -- the plan was to meet up later in the summer once the playoffs were over, spend some time together before Brady's wedding and training ate up all the available hours, and, never said but still true, to let Leon get over her own frustration with how her season ended before she said something she regretted.
But then Matthew took a bad hit, and sounded completely out of it when she finally got through to him. The plan changed.
"Okay," Taryn says. She's still blocking the door.
"Look, I -- I need to see him," Leon says. Her voice is getting higher, words crackling and snapping. Panicking. She clenches her fist so hard her nails bite her palm. "Can I come in?"
Taryn's face does -- something. No idea what. Leon's never actually met her, after all. But she takes a step to the side.
As soon as she's in, Leon dumps her bag in the hall and makes a beeline for Matthew's bedroom. On her way there, she hears voices -- one of them is definitely Brady's -- and passes a woman who has to be Matthew's mom in the hall. Chantal says something -- hi? Might be hi. Leon says something back, she doesn't know what, hopefully it sounded polite. Polite-ish. She kind of doesn't care, though she probably should. She needs to get past her. It's five steps to the bedroom. Three. One.
Matthew's room is dark, shades most of the way drawn. She walks quietly as she can to the bed, tries not to stumble on the rug. There's a chair next to the bed that might have been dragged in from the living room. She sits down heavily and lets herself look.
Matthew's asleep. He looks like shit. Big bags under his eyes, hair unwashed, face paler than she's ever seen it -- but he's here, right in front of her, and his chest is rising and falling, and he's asleep, and she knows that he's fucked up, but at least now she can see that for herself.
Matthew's left hand is resting on the side of the bed. Leon grabs it, squeezes it. Probably too hard. Her heart is pounding hard in her throat. It might be the adrenaline crash finally hitting, or perhaps the exhaustion catching up with her, or just --
He's here. He's here, and she can touch him, feel his fingers between her own, the beat of his pulse when she moves her thumb down against his wrist. She can lean forward, brace her elbows on her knees, and hold his hand to her mouth, and feel her heart unclench in her chest with bittersweet relief.
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akesdraws-blog · 1 year
🏔️Immovable Mountain🏔️
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Warnings: A little long, spelling mistakes and heartbreak
🌧️ 🌧️ 🌧️ 🌧️ 🌧️ 🌧️ 🌧️ 🌧️ 🌧️ 🌧️ 🌧️ 🌧️
"Fast as the wind, silent as the forest, rough and devastating as fire, motionless as a mountain.
Reference is made to chapter seven of "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu.
I heard that little piece of literature a long time ago, it seemed a bit confusing at first, but that changed when I met them.
I was friends with Abril, we started out as work colleagues who soon became closer, and one day she introduced me to those unusual friends, even though she knew that the word "normal" was not in Abril's vocabulary, so I It wasn't that unexpected, but of course it took me by surprise.
But as I slowly became familiar with each of the turtles the more I adored them, especially him.
The leader of his team, I don't even know how it happened, but when I saw him it just took my breath away, those beautiful blue eyes, his discipline for everything, and gosh, the times I could see him train left me with my head in the clouds.
And I think maybe it was a little obvious with my attraction to Leonardo, because his brothers kept pestering me with little jokes, although it didn't bother me at all, but it did make my face change color.
And I always believed that love is not a game to just watch, so I took a risk.
I knew I couldn't just tell him, I had my own well-structured plan... Although I might have had a little help from his brothers.
-Operation make the leader fall in love without fear, take action-
-Seriously? Is that the name?-
- Ó abbreviated O.M.L.F.L.W.F.-
-Brother, I don't even know how to pronounce that-
It gave me encouragement to know that his brothers agreed with him trying to win Leo's heart, I even asked his teacher and father Splinter for his blessing, because I know how important he is to Leo.
S. -It doesn't bother me that such a good young woman wants to be with my son, you have my blessing-
Y/N. -Really?! Thank you very much Mr. Splinter!-
S. -However, I must warn you that Leonardo can be someone very difficult and nothing is guaranteed... he is like an immovable mountain-
Y/N. -I know, but I'm willing to try to take that "Immovable Mountain"-
S. -Then I wish you luck-
And with Splinter's blessing it could begin.
Step one: -Warm Greetings and a special nickname-
Every day that he went to visit them at the lair, Leonardo was always the first one he greeted, he almost always found him meditating on that pedestal, so sometimes the greetings were accompanied by a surprise hug from behind the enormous shell, although it was not surprising that for him leader was not an act of surprise, because he could hear my footsteps perfectly.
First attempt:
-Good morning Le!-
-My name is Leonardo-
Second try:
-Hello Leon!-
-It's Leonardo-
Third try:
-Hello Angry Baby!-
-I passed the infant stage a long time ago for you to call me that-
Fourth Tried:
-Good morning Kanmi!-
-Do you know what it means?-
-Of course!-
-Then don't say it again-
And so the first step failed, but I didn't want to give up yet.
Step Two: -Special Gifts-
Then there were some special gifts, I knew some of Leo's tastes, and in others his brothers helped me.
The first attempt was a book of Japanese poems, Leo had one that was already a bit worn, and although it took me too long to find the same author, I finally succeeded, getting it in a Japanese antiques store.
-Hello Leo! I have something special for you- I speak excitedly to take the book out of the backpack
-"The bird and the flower"- read the title without having any expression on his face
-You don't like it? I know it's not a new edition- before continuing to talk, you just saw how he returned to his meditation, closing his eyes -I understand, you can't interrupt the meditation... I'll leave it here- you finished speaking to let him the book aside.
°First attempt: Failed°
The Second Attempt was a type of Jasmin tea and dried cinnamon leaves, you had investigated that the combination of both resulted in a pleasant infusion that allowed you to have a restful sleep, in addition to which you had asked donnie for help to make sure it was not harmful for the turtles, and for your luck it was not.
-I'm in the middle of something Y / N, what do you need?-Leonardo spoke while he paused his reading of that old book
-Did you hear me?- you asked and you only saw how he nodded his head -Well, I know you like tea, so I brought you one that will help you sleep well- you finished speaking to take out a glass jar that contained the herbs from the tea.
-He will help us after the patrol- he finished saying to go back to his reading -You can leave it on the kitchen table- he said the last thing while he turned the page.
Y/N. -Oh, yes, of course... Everyone will like it for sure- you said the last thing, a little disconcerted to leave the jar in the kitchen.
°Second Attempt: Failed°
The Third Attempt was a scented candle, it was a suggestion from the boys, and I wasn't looking for a specific one, I was looking for one that Leo liked and I found it, a candle with the scent of green tea, and the boys told me that they would also look for one smelling like melon, I had no idea why that specific smell, and honestly I was a little scared this time, I mean, it's normal after your previous attempts failed colossally.
-Hi Leo!- You spoke loudly but you couldn't see him anywhere
-I'm sorry Y/N, the boys left unexpectedly at the police station- April spoke from the sofa while eating a couple of peas with wasabi -Have you brought anything else for Leo?- I ask mischievously
-I understand, duty is duty- upon hearing that question you blushed, you were too obvious with your intentions -Something like that, can you give it to him this time?- you asked taking out the pair of candles and giving them to the redhead
-Seriously? I mean, there's no problem but... You don't want to wait for it?-I ask while he took the candles and smelled them lightly with a smile
-I must get home earlier, you know how the streets are later and the heroes are not on duty- you said amused to say goodbye with a smile as you left
-Melon, it smells like her- she said with a smile
°Third Attempt: ??°
Honestly on the third try you didn't want a total rejection like the last few times, you just texted the guys to tell them you were home, you got a reply from everyone except Leo, just those horrible “seen” moths.
You were considering abandoning the plan, if it weren't for the boys, the brothers always helped you keep your spirits up, you had become a very close friend to them like April, and something told you that the boys wanted you as a future sister-in-law
-We still have two more steps, remember?-
-Yes, it cannot fail-
-Do you still want to do it?-
-Well... A warrior doesn't give up without a fight, right?-
-That's how it is spoken!-
After Steps One and Two failed, we were now going to Step Three “Attentions”.
The next one wasn't that difficult, since it was something you started doing in the beginning, something simple like cleaning the bonsai shelf a bit, aka "Leo's babies", you cleaned the remains of candle wax that were on the shelf, pedestal where he always meditated, and now you were going to the dojo, although there wasn't much to do since Leo always kept it impeccable.
-Not the floors, neither were the weapons, was there ever a pinch of dust here?- You stared at the dojo trying to find something to clean and after getting closer to the weapons to see them, noticing that the leather on the handle was quite worn - Could you help me with this-
It only took you 5 minutes to go to the store to buy new straps, and you started with Raph's which was a maroon red leather, then you went through Mikey's nunchucks in which you used an orange leather with some small prints of smiley faces, then it was Donnie's that was the least worn since he often used the modified one that he always carried, and finally Leo's katanas, you could see how these were the most worn, you could tell how much I train with them, you came to think how many times he stayed up late to perfect his technique, until it was perfect, you began to remove the worn leather from one of the katanas to put the new leather on it electric blue like the color of his eyes.
-I hope he likes it- you murmured with a smile to take the other katana and be able to start removing the leather carefully
-What do you think you're doing?! - I shout loudly as he entered the dojo
You admitted that seeing Leo suddenly enter the dojo surprised you a lot, and even more so because you saw him agitated, it seemed that he had finished fighting with destroyer again.
But before I could ask if he was alright, he rushed over to take the katana from you.
-Who told you that you could take my things?-He kept his weapon behind him
-I sent them a message to see if they agreed, what's the problem?- you just got up while dropping the excess leather
-And did you see that I answered?- I ask with a serious tone
-Well... No, but I thought - you just started backing up instinctively
-Well, stop believing, a ninja's weapon is sacred and only the bearer of it can manipulate it!-He raised his voice while advancing at the same time that you backed down
-I just wanted to do something special for you- you had no idea why you felt that way, it was as if you were being intimidated by a huge predator
As you backed away and Leonardo got closer, you didn't notice that it was as if he was leading you to the exit until you only saw the entrance to one side of you, you didn't imagine one day feeling that way when facing Leo like that.
-I appreciate the attention you have, but I only put up with it for my brothers, I know they like you- I rubbed his forehead annoyed while he backed up a bit as if thinking
-I love them too, and I'm grateful to them, but everything I do has been for you- you couldn't keep quiet anymore, if you had to be direct you would be
-Well, I don't want anything from you!-I speak loudly when he turned to see you and hit the side of your head with force
You could hear how the blow on the wall resounded like a cold echo throughout the dojo, your body trembled from that cold and cruel look with which the leader saw you, there was not a single hint of those compassionate eyes and full of tenderness from those who fell madly in love, now you saw eyes that simply generated fear.
-Oh... I understand... I'm so sorry for the misunderstanding- you only forced a smile
-What's wrong? Is everything okay?- the redhead quickly entered the dojo to see them both
-We heard the blow from the living room, what's wrong?- the black-haired man came behind -or is it just me, or can the tension be seen right now?- I speak a little funny to try to alleviate the moment
-I think I'm not feeling well... Can you take me home?- you spoke to see April who understood immediately
A. -Casey, can you take her to your car?- he asked the black-haired man, who just nodded as he took you out of the place -Leo... I know his patrol was very tense this time, but you don't have to take it out on everyone- it was the only thing the redhead said to leave
Casey and April took you home, they both knew something was wrong with you but you still insist that everything was fine, but they could see through that bitter smile you had on your face, but despite everything and with a lot of insistence just you managed to get April to go home, and Casey stayed to take care of you, you gave her some sheets since it didn't look like she was going to leave soon, while you told her that you would go to sleep a little earlier and you locked yourself in your room.
-Y/N, are you okay?-
-Why did you leave like that? You didn't even greet us! 😭-
-Shut up mikey, April told us that you felt bad, how do you feel flea?-
-Do you need me to contact a doctor near your location?-
-I'm fine guys, I'll get some sleep, thanks for worrying-chat.
Seeing the boys' concern made me feel a little good, but I didn't like lying to them, when I turned off the phone I couldn't take it anymore, tears started to come out of my eyes and that smile that I tried so hard to maintain broke like a smile mask falling to pieces, he could only remember that look from the leader.
-Hey little girl, are you okay?- He spoke from the other side of the door -I heard you whimpering, your apartment gets very quiet and it was impossible to hear you-
-Don't worry... I'm fine- you tried to speak as normal as possible
-Can you say it again... Without your voice shaking?- the serious but friendly voice of the black-haired man was heard
-I... I'm fine... I... I'm not fine- you couldn't control yourself anymore and you fell into tears
After a while Casey was in your room, sitting next to you patting you gently on the back while you were lying on your bed, you had already told him what had happened, the fact that he had listened to you left you calmer.
-Don't feel bad... I mean, they scared me too the first time I met them- I was trying to cheer you up
-It's not that- you tightened the sheet -It's just... I've never seen that look in Leo and it scares me to think that I'm the cause for him to have that look- once again the tears threatened to come out
-he was just stressed and suddenly exploded- he began to wish that it was April who had stayed instead of him
-I made it explode- you muttered as you buried your face in the pillow.
After what happened, you were absent from the lair for a while, you never thought that one day you would appreciate the overload of work that your boss gave you, it kept you busy and it was the perfect excuse, but you missed your favorite turtles a lot.
A few weeks passed without her going to see them, until once she finished all the work and being dragged by April, she was back in the sewers.
-Guys! Guess who I brought?- Abril spoke loudly to get everyone's attention
-Baby Angel!- Mikey yelled to quickly hug you while she lifted you up in the air -Don't abandon us again!- He whimpered while rubbing her cheek on your head
-Okay, okay... I won't go away for so long- you thought Mikey's attitude was adorable and then you saw Raph and Donnie -I already saw them! Where's my hug?- you spoke to them while you extended your arms
You soon had the three turtles hugging you, standing in the middle of a huge pile of shells, as April left them to go say hello to Splinter.
-Are you okay?- I ask in a low murmur
-Yes, I am- you answered in a similar murmur
-Calm down, with the last step you will surely make it- Mikey spoke excitedly but he only saw how you shook your head
-What's wrong? We only have one thing left to try- Raph intervened as he looked at her
-I understood some things, and it's best to stop with this- you snuggled into the arms of the three huge turtles -Maybe I'm not their sister-in-law... But what about a sister? I can still bother them like this- you spoke to show them a big smile
-Oh yes! I always wanted a sister!-
-You would be the least of all-
-That's obvious, she is a flea is perfect as the younger sister-
-Of course, I'll be the biggest huge baby Red!-
Soon they started a small fight, you were only able to free yourself when you proposed a night of video games, while they were getting ready you were able to go say hello to Splinter, and although you thanked him for the previous blessing, you also informed him that you would stop trying to be something else with Leo, although the idea Having a new daughter didn't bother him either, you were able to leave the dojo to go with the rest.
But as you walked you saw Leonardo on that pedestal, meditating as always, still taking your breath away but you were ready to accept it, ready to accept something that wasn't going to happen.
-Good morning Leonardo- was the only thing you said to pass by his side
-Baby Angel, hurry up! - Mikey shouted from the living room
-Yes, hurry up for your defeat!-Raph spoke loudly while he had one of the controls in his hand
-Give me the control to make Baby Red swallow his words!- you spoke with a smile to go with the rest
Love is not a bystander game, you must learn to take the first step to try, but you must also learn to stop when necessary, otherwise you could damage your own heart later.
🌧️ 🌧️ 🌧️ 🌧️ 🌧️ 🌧️ 🌧️ 🌧️ 🌧️ 🌧️ 🌧️
These days have not been the happiest so to speak.
Have you seen the Pixar movie "Inside Out"?
It is as if now in my head who is in control is "Sadness"
So I needed to get this out of my mind, and you can't imagine how much I've cried imagining each scene while writing it.
🌧️ 🌧️ 🌧️ 🌧️ 🌧️ 🌧️ 🌧️ 🌧️ 🌧️ 🌧️ 🌧️ 🌧️
I was debating a lot on whether to add the tags or not, since this was more of a vent, but I liked the result.
Maybe later I'll do the version from Leo's perspective.
@post-apocalyptic-daydream . @turtle-babe83 . @turtlesmakemehappy . @dilucsflame33 . @thelaundrybitch . @scholastic-dragon . @leosgirl82 . @tmnt-tychou . @mackbunny . @happymoonangel .
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tblsomedoodles · 2 years
I saw the thingy about Raph going with Angie and my instant thought was: What if Raph was the one who got sent back.
I'm not sure how exactly this would happen, I'd assume all four brothers have some form of mystic portaling abilities since it's not exactly something originally in Canon!Mikey's arsenal, but I feel like it'd most likely happen during whatever incident created Savage-mode.
Raph is alone, and panicking, and his ninpo is sent to far into gear and he ends up in 03. This def would change some things because not only are Rise kids REALLY dependent on their big brother, 03 isn't getting innocent 3yo baby Orange, they're getting 5yo big brother Raph.
+ This would force Leo (as the older twin, for the sake of it) into the older brother position which would end up making Rise!Leo a lot more like his other counterparts.
+ + The mental image of like, 13yo Raph who just hit his growth spurt towering over his pops is an incredible thought.
i think it's been brought up before (but very, very briefly) so i'm definitely here for going more indepth about it! : )
The way i usually think pure mystic powers to work is that they aren't just static skills they can do. Like, if they put enough time and effort, they can learn other ways to use it. (it's just very difficult, takes a lot of effort, and Mikey has been the only one to try. I mean, if it was a static skill, he shouldn't have been able to make any sort of portal in the movie. Its just that they're young and haven't had much training in mystic arts.) With that being said! That would mean, if the other boys were despirate enough, they could open portals as well. A young, separated Raph would be no exception.
So yeah, Raphie would find this still very scared and weary five year old (who most certainly bites him b/c he's in an unfamiliar place, without his siblings, and he most certainly doesn't know this new turtle reaching out towards him. he could very well be in a baby version of savage-mode as well. Either way he's definitely biting Raphie. probably several times lol)
but eventually the hissing and biting calm down, Raphie is able to get the child to trust him enough to pick him up. They spend time looking for his family (Particularly his brothers since he seems very adiment on finding them) but with no luck he brings him back to the lair.
Growing up Raph would definitely still be the sweetest kid (though still willing to bite if necessary lol) and Raphie would fight anyone that tried to change that. i think he would still have problems being left alone. I mean, his brothers left him alone once and he never saw them again, who's to say that can't happen here?
but yeah, Raph hitting that growth spurt and suddenly towering over Raphie would both proud and disappointed. like on one hand, he must be doing something right, this kid is huge! on the other, he can't pick him up anymore.
on the other side of the portal, it would definitely be a little different. I think they would still be pretty clingy to one another, like with the regular Adopted AU, not wanting anyone to be out of sight for very long. And yeah, Leon would probably have to step up to take care of his siblings. B/c Splinter kind of just stopped doing it after Raph left, Donnie can't/won't, and Mikey's the baby. He would definitely be a little closer to a standard Leo, but i could see him retaining his jokester personality even if he is a little more serious most of the time.
Thanks! This was cool! : )
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sleepy-achilles · 1 year
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Let's go. How many can we fit.
The Family of Destruction- John
The family sat at the dinner table eating when cassie speaks up. "Do you know your mommy?" She suddenly asks. John freezes and shawn looks up. "I didnt mean any harm, its just we are making mother day gifts in school and well..I know Johnny has a mommy and well we don't." Cassie quickly explains. Taker looks at John. "I..I um never really met her" John whispers. Leon glances at his brother. "What do you mean?" Cassie asks. "Well she gave birth to me. So obviously I've met but..I don't know what she looks like..or what she sounds like.." John explains. Leon looks at shawn.
"Johnny's mommy is..was a very beautiful woman who went to the same school as me." Shawn speaks up. Taker glances at him. He knows John knows but he doesn't know if John want them knowing. "Was?" Cassie asks. "Well just like John.. I haven't seen her in a long long time. I last saw her when I was what? 16, 17?" Shawn huffs leaning back. Leon tilts his head. "And well..we weren't a thing, it was more a one night sorta thing to prove something and well. I'm glad I did it and failed at proving because I got John out of it" Shawn explains. "What happened? Why didn't John's mommy stick around?" Cassie asks. Shawn looks at John. "My mom's parents didn't want her being a young mother and it to ruin her life chances. She had schools and opportunities so..so..they said either papa takes me or I go into a home." John explains quietly.
Cassie frowns. "Papa chose me and well, papas dad took that as an excuse to kick us out." John mutters. "What a Meanie!" Cassie gasps. "We were better off without them" John shrugs. Shawn frowns and looks down. "Im better off without her." John whispers before standing from the table and leaving, taking his plate with him. 'Do you stop his mother from contacting?' Leon signs. "No..I've tried reaching out to her. Her name is Cait Darwin. Her married name. She has two kids and is a doctor. The last time we talked she only wanted to know how wrestling was going, she didn't care to hear about the child she abandoned." Shawn answers. "Does Johnny miss his mommy?" Cassie asks. "He didn't know her very well baby. But he's like you and Leon, he misses the maternal factor that comes from a mother but not the mother itself." Taker explains.
Cassie nods. "I don't need her. I have Stephanie and chyna. Even goldust. I'm happy with my dad's and my siblings. My uncles and aunties and grandparents. I don't need the family who don't want me." John sudden speaks from the doorway. They glance at him. "Im not angry about what they did to me. I didn't have to suffer through it. I'm angry that they did that to papa. That he had to suffer. Papa made sure I never suffered a second." John explains. Shawn rubs his jaw, glancing at taker. "Im going to bed. Goodnight." John dismisses himself before leaving. "Did..did I do bad?" Cassie asks quietly. "No baby..you just gave John the opportunity to finally speak his peace." Taker states.
Leon looks towards the stairs. 'Why don't you make a brother gift instead of a mother's gift? For John?' Leon signs. Cassie looks at him with wide eyes. "Yes! Perfect!" Cassie smiles. Taker can't help but smile at the kids ad he squeezes shawns hand. It all works out in the end.
John was a special boy. As in from the day he was born, he was in the world of wrestling. It was the wwe straight away, it was Jose training gym. Then it was awa. It only really started to impact him as his Papa entered the wwe.
He always loved being on the road, he got to goto so many cities and countries, it was amazing. He also got to meet so many great people, like his uncle Kevin and uncle Scott. And he loved watching his favourite wrestlers live.
He didn't enjoy it all though. He had to see the behind the scenes of it all. The way wrestlers were nice to him and then pieces of shit to his father. As he got older it annoyed him more and more. Especially as he started to see through his father's well constructed mask. And that hurt him, really bad. Especially with his father's eventual fate that would take him from the business for five years.
But it wasn't always so negative. John learned a lot from the business. He was then gifted a new father and a baby brother. A baby brother that would experience a similar life to him. He'd be on the road when needed. The difference is, unlike John, Leon would experience school he wouldn't need to be home schooled. He would get to actually be apart of a storyline and not wait till the day he's officially signed. And John was happy for him, sure. But it gave him insight into Leon's mask a lot sooner than others.
John was starting his own training, roughly shawns age when he did when baby cassie came along. It did make life on the road more fun, getting special phone calls from his siblings. Even if only one of them spoke.
John was actually working a indie show when Leon's accident happened. Another negative of the road life. Not being in the same country when something happens. John couldn't leave but he was on a flight the next day, rushing home to be with his brother. Stuck in a cycle of wondering if he's dead or alive. His brother wasn't the undertaker after all. Spoiler. He was alive. And more bad tempered then ever.
John was finally back in the wwe and it was perfect. He was with his family always. And they meant he could bully his baby brother. It also meant he was there for it all.
If you were to ask John, what was life like on the road? He tell you the truth. He loved it, every moment of it, the negatives and the positives. He adored the lessons it taught him and the realities it showed him.
John was confused. Scared.
"Papa?" John whispers from behind shawns shaking legs. "This isnt the end Shawn...we just need to do this" Kevin whispers. "No! No! It isn't fair!" Shawn yells, tears streaming down his face. "Kev? Scotty?" John asks louder, moving from Shawn. Both men stop and look at the boy. "Why's papa upset? What's going on?" John asks. "Hey buddy" Kevin smiles. "Me and kev are going to another wrestling business..our contracts up here." Scott explains. "Oh..does that mean goodbye?" John asks. "No. Of course not. We will visit you every chance we get and you? You can watch us on TV any time you want" Kevin explains. "Oh..so whys papa sad?" John asks.
Scott and Kevin look at shawn who's turned away. "Because..well papa doesn't like being alone. Papa gets scared when people leave, but papa will understand that we are still here. We will always be here for him. No matter what" Kevin explains carefully. Shawn looks at him. "Papa isn't alone silly. He has me. He always will." John smiles. "Of course." Scott nods. Shawn clears his throat. "Me..me and John were going to grab food. Would you like to join us?" Shawn asks. "Of course." Kevin nods. "Yes!" John cheers.
"This is crazy" John whispers. Leon just glances at him. The young boy has yet to find words. "Youve done crazier." Shawn hums as he stirs Leon's food. "Im fighting the American badass. My stepfather. My dad. My baby brothers dad. I'm fighting my idol, the undertaker." John states. "Just aim for his legs. Bastard can't do much if he can't use them" Shawn tells him. "No, Pa you don't get it. I'm fighting my step dad" John states moving closer. Shawn smiles. "I know, and you'll probably do it years to come aswell. It's the business. You'll probably fued with me if I ever go back to wrestling." Shawn admits.
John pauses and looks at Leon. "You can bet a lot of money on the fact if Lee becomes a wrestler you'll probably end up fighting him too." Shawn chuckles. "Lee would be a good wrestler" Taker yawns as he walks in. He looks at John. "You excited?" "Nervous is the word I'd use" Shawn comments. "Youve got nothing to be nervous about kid, your a michaels!, It'll just like our sparring sessions just infront of a crowd." Taker states clapping his shoulder. "Yeah..it is."
John smiles at the older man. Years have passed between their first feud and now. "You nervous boy?" Taker asks adjusting his hat. "Not at all. Just a walk in the park at this rate." John smirks. Taker smiles and squeezes his shoulder. "Just like I say. You've got nothing to be nervous about. You-" "im a michaels." John smiles. "Im also the Undertakers kid. Makes me a real tough son of a bitch" John adds before walking out onto the stage. Taker can't stop the smile growing on his face.
"Yeah..yeah you are..and don't you forget it."
I said I was gonna do this tomorrow.
I lied.
I don't remember writing any of this.
I'm like super tired.
So. Imma check it in the morning if some comments saying its shit.
So if this is gone next time you check it, it means I've edited it.
If its not.
Hi. I'm sleepy achilles and I like to write when I'm really exhausted. It's kinda in the name.
Enjoy :)
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wyvernwriterarchive · 2 months
Major Characters in my W.I.Ps as Tarot Cards (P1?)
Dalgari, Thrones of Legend
Explanation of their arc and why I picked the card. May include mine or spoilers.
Enid: The Chariot
Enid is filled with the courage and determination to keep moving forward, for a better world, that her mother wishes to see for the world. She will not passively sit down and wait for things to get better and doesn't allow any of the other party members to wollow in sadness for too long.
Though they sometimes struggle internally to believe they are capable of living up to their ancestors, Enid knows they cannot stop and let obstacles stop them.
Taurn's story is all about his strength. His physical strength allows him to protect his friends, and he takes extreme pride in it. Though because of his heart condition, he often believes this isn't enough for him to be strong, and often hides his weaknes
In order to become the hero he want to be, he must also improve his mental emotional strength, choosing to become more vulnerable and open, as this will allow him to be free of his mental shackles, and possibly fre others too.
A just, honorable knight of high status and nobility, Leon considers himself an arbiter of the law. Though his ideals are not as just as he believes they are. As they are continously challenged, they begin to think about how unfair their society is.
When he realizes how unjust his society is, he wishes to change it, and becomes more honest with himself. His noble birth has been shielding him from the truth of the world for long enough, and now he is ready to face it and reshape it.
Sophia: The Tower
Sophia was safe and felt comfortable with her life. But with her mother's disappearance and the time of her coronation coming really soon, Sophia feels as if she is falling into a fate where she dooms her country.
She desperately tries to search for her mother; to rebuild the tower as quickly as possible. But eventually she will have to admit that it just isn't possible, and that she will have to be ready to leave it behind and walk towards a better future.
Angeline:The High Priestess
Angeline is convinced that she is just as weak as her family had been telling her. And yet, she believes she must use her life to help others, often ignoring her own needs and belittling herself.
When she begins to grow and learn about her strengths and the world, she realizes that she does have the right to stand strong and be proud. She decides never to let herself be misguided by those who mean to belitte her, even if they are loved ones.
Noah:The Hermit
Noah's thirst for knowledge and wisdom has gone on for a very long time. He's always wanted to share the things he's learned with others, but he is often unable. Sometimes he is ignored and shooed off. Other times he simply doesn't get the chance.
His knowledge is invaluable to the Gilded Guardians, and he knows that he can not simply sit back and hide away. He must reflect on his knowledge, but he also needs to show it, and become a competent leader and tutor.
Wulf: The Hanged Man
Wulf, while charismatic and skilled enough to lead a band of mercs and rebels, is nowhere near ready to run a country. He often worries how he will be able to run the land he spent so long trying to liberate.
With the help of his friends, he realizes that he must take the time to learn, and even if it is difficult, he can't simply do nothing. He must act, and act with wisdom.
Shahriyar: The Magician
In order to prevent a disaster for his country, Shahriyar does whatever he can to act and face the trials of a deadly night. He's been training his skills to help protect his brother.
Willing to learn and do anything if it means achieving his goals, he oftentimes let's his ambition and willingness to do awful things get the best of him, dulling his empathy. Shahriyar will need to learn to temper his will, and still use his resources wisely.
Leilana: The Sun
Despite all of the tragedy she has faced, Leilana always seems to carry herself with a positive, almost childish attitude. She wants to make those around her feel safe and happy.
As things grow dire and negative, she will do whatever it takes to keep the peace and keep everyone positive. But it is unclear at first whether or not she is truly doing as well as she says or believes she is. She may need some assistance as well.
Amethyst: Death
After the death of her brother, Amethyst has grown distant. Hateful, even. She doesn't trust anyone except those truly close to her, and even then, not by much.
In order for her to heal, trust others, and defend her ideals and home, she needs to let go of her grief and anger and move forward. It will not be easy, especially with her enemies still alive and well, but it is necessary.
Wyla: The Star
Not much is known about the Ollphéist of her lands. And in turn, Wyla does not know much about them, other than her history. But in hopes of growing and help her country, she decided to explore the mainland.
There are many dangers she and the world faces. But she can't shy away or lose faith. She follows the Gilded Guardians with hope in her heart and bravely faces off against those who try to oppress her people.
Viria: Temperance
Viria has taken in eleven young, powerful people, and is nurturing them to be the best they can be in order to protect their world. It is a very heavy burden. Even heavier considering new threats arise every day.
The duchess must keep balanced if she hopes to achieve her goals, but she also needs to realize that she does not need to go through this alone. Just as the descendants rely on her patience and love, she can rely on them to keep her focused and balanced.
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traumamade · 1 year
Todd gently shook his head with a shrug. "Hey, it's okay. I mean, as I said, it's... all bits. I know there was probably more important things there, and my home that was a town away but- I don't remember much other than that night. And even then its blurry, coming back in chunks sometimes."
It seems he noticed tension in Leon, something had made the man uncomfortable. The subject of conversation. And it flipped something in the man. Tying the coat now around his waist by the sleeves. "H-Hey! hey, I'm sorry, man, I didn't mean to make you comfortable or anything-" Todd wasn't anything special. Not trained, not an official, nothing. Just an average man, that had an unexpected turn out. And here he was wanting to comfort Leon in whatever anxiousness he had, both hands lifted and offered out, but not touching him. Yes, he could see it, the guilt there. A knowledge was there in those blue eyes. Todd did not pry, just comfort. "-Take a deep breath, slowly. Let it out easy." The same thing Leon had told him over the phone, almost.
And now is where he paused, with a hum. Brow furrowed. Right, he had questions to answer. "You're worried I'm gonna be like one of them. But even after all these years, no. I've not had any sort of cravings like that- other than for more salads and fresh produce or something. But that's because of living the way I have been... But I don't feel as hungry these days, can go a while without a meal. I can keep walking far, I can see in the dark real good. And I'm physically stronger, like, a lot. I also run cooler... I got used to the chill though, but I do miss warmth."
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Take a deep breath. Slowly and let it out easy.
Funny how it's Leon who's getting comforted this time around. He has long since let go and his fingers curl into the palms of his hands before he relaxes and takes the deep breath before slowly exhaling.
"I'm alright." As alright as someone like him could be anyway.
"No. If you were like them, you would have turned years ago. I just wanted to make sure this virus wasn't causing any unwanted side effects." So if he doesn't crave flesh, then that's good.
"Hm. Must be some kind of mutation I haven't seen before. You seem fine all things considered but....your blood being poisonous to others doesn't sound too good. Is it just through your blood getting in something else's blood stream or is touching your blood dangerous too?"
0 notes
sage-nebula · 2 years
In honor of today being Charizard Day (6/6), let's take a moment to discuss the best Charizard in the anime—Alan's Charizard, Lizardon.
— Lizardon's nature is Adamant, and though there's no way for anyone in-universe to know this, he has perfect IVs and EVs.
— Perhaps ironically, his egg was dumped in a Lumiose trashcan by an irresponsible breeder who got the shiny they wanted and didn't want to deal with the extra. Alan, age 9, found the egg and brought it home.
— Lizardon hatched on Alan's 10th birthday after careful incubation. And yes, this means he's only 5 years old in canon.
— Although he has an Adamant nature (like his trainer tbh), he is also VERY sweet, affectionate, and friendly. He's always happy to meet new friends and, though he is tough as claws in battle, will be like "me and the bestie 🥰" with the opponent he just finished bodying immediately after the battle.
— To that end he doesn't really hold grudges, but he DOES have grudges against Lysandre and Lysandre's pokémon (especially Pyroar and Gyarados).
— As a dragon, he has a hoard. His hoard is Charizard merch because it makes him so excited to see stuff that looks like him. Alan always buys it for him because he loves seeing Lizardon happy.
— His name has been Lizardon ever since he was a charmander.
— Lizardon loves training and battling as much as Alan does. On top of sharing the same drive to protect others (including Alan himself, because Alan is Lizardon's boy and Lizardon doesn't want to see him hurt!), it's just fun to him and he loves working with Alan to figure out new strategies and tactics.
— Lizardon evolved into Charizard when Alan slipped off a cliff trying to retrieve a mega stone for Lysandre and Lizardon needed wings to save him.
— When Lizardon first hatched, Professor Sycamore's Garchomp, Gabrielle, picked him up and held him in the air to show him to all the other pokémon, Lion King style. Alan has a picture of this framed on his desk.
— Lizardon doesn't like scary movies! He would rather set the TV on fire than watch one, and trust, he has before.
— He's very close to Gabrielle, who is like a big sister or dragon mom to him. Alan is his favorite human in the world, but Gabby is his favorite pokémon in the world.
— Lizardon goes flying (with Alan of course) at *least* twice per day: once in the morning, and once in the evening. Often there are afternoon flights too, though.
— Sometimes Lizardon and Alan wrestle and it always ends with Lizardon pinning Alan to the floor and drenching him in kisses.
— Lizardon likes spicy and seafood and consequently always has fishy breath.
— Lizardon gets along well with Leon's Charizard, Zar-Zar. Zar-Zar is stronger than Lizardon, but Lizardon is faster than Zar-Zar.
— Lizardon and Hari-san have commisserated over how much work it is to keep their humans safe, between Alan's hero complex-induced recklessness and Manon's clumsiness. It's a full time job!
— Regardless of what's being shown in Journeys, post-canon Lizardon wears a gold half-sun pendant around his neck that holds his Charizardite X. This pendant fits together with a silver half-moon pendant that Alan wears (+ Key Stone) to form a perfect circle. These were gifts from Professor Sycamore.
— He would never admit it, but Lizardon does get a little lowkey jealous of Alan's other pokémon sometimes. He was here first, ok??
— Lizardon is allergic to eels and cannot eat them lest he get horrible tummy aches.
— Sometimes Lizardon gets a hold of Alan's PokéNav+ and tries to send text messages. They are always gibberish because his claws are too big for the keyboard :(
— When they're camping outside, Alan usually sleeps under Lizardon's wing. This is equally comforting to both of them.
— Lizardon loves to be petted and get scritches and cuddles from Alan. He also likes to return the favor by grabbing Alan up in a hug. Sometimes he gets so excited he forgets his strength and Alan ends up with bruised ribs, but that's okay. Alan is never mad at him for that.
— You know this gif?
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This is Lizardon if someone tried to talk bad about Alan in his presence. It would probably end in very loud roaring.
— He generally doesn't care for cars or other vehicles but he LOVES Leon's Charizard jeep.
— Lizardon likes to draw. His drawings are never quite decipherable to people, but when he draws on paper Alan puts them all on the fridge anyway.
— Lizardon sometimes does art collabs with Manon, where she colors in his line work. These collabs also go on the fridge.
— Lizardon and Alan perfectly understand each other and can and do have conversations, sometimes even without words.
— Above all, Lizardom can and has bodied legendary pokémon before (50% Zygarde), but for all his determination to be the strongest to protect others, he's still a sweet and friendly boy who looks forward to spending every new day with his human by his side. 💙🖤🧡
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Any thoughts on birthdays in Camelot?
I have thoughts about everything!! All the time!!! It's exhausting!!!
I realised after writing this that I wrote a lot, so here’s a cut.
Arthur's birthday always comes with a huge celebration which he LOVED as a child and a young teenager, but the moment he hit 15/16 ish and started realising how fake court is, how everyone who's nice to him is just sucking up to The King and how all of this is basically another way for Uther to train him in politics, he began ducking out as early as he could get away with.
As long as he doesn’t leave too early, Uther never notices. He's too busy socialising and trying to find someone Arthur can marry. Arthur has never seen the excitement in presents either, everything his father ever got him has been practical and boring or even borderline upsetting (thinking along the lines of "you're a disappointment in this way, so here, have this aid that can help you in whatever you're failing in"). And everything the nobles/visitors/courtiers got him were, once again, ways to suck up and pissing contests, nothing Arthur actually wants or would be interesting in. The only people to ever get him anything with thought behind it are the older knights, the ones in their 30s, 40s, older, who are in good standing with The King but aren't expected to get him anything, so can get away with buying him books and instruments and things to go in his rooms.
When Merlin comes around it gets better, because the servant understands that Arthur hates the party and just wants to be alone (probably because of his Mother's death. As he gets older, Arthur realises more and more that his Mother's death is probably also the reason that Uther makes his birthday celebration so clinical and professional). Also because with Merlin, comes Arthur's emotional maturity (he allows himself to like... feel stuff), meaning he makes friends!! Leon!! Later down the line it's Lancelot!! And Gwaine!! And Elyan!!! And Percival!!! So Arthur has people he doesn't want to hide from. He's King, so he has to have some sort of public celebration, but he still ducks out early to spend the evening with the gang, all of whom get him gifts that are super thoughtful and lovely and personal.
Anyway I feel like this is meant to be about everyone and it's just about Arthur so far, so moving on.
Merlin... doesn't really celebrate his birthday?? His birthday back home means a short lay in and maybe, if he's lucky, a little extra food at dinner time. So when he gets to Camelot, like 4 years pass before he even thinks about his birthday again and it's only because someone, probably Gaius or Lancelot, actually asks him when it is. They all insist on celebrating, which Merlin is really touched by, though he still doesn't really see the point. The knights bully Arthur into giving him the day off, but he still ends up on the training field, lounging about with food that Gwen got him and laughing at the knights when they accidentally trip over.
The Knights all celebrate each others’ birthdays in small ways. Small gifts, sometimes they'll get to the armoury to find their stuff has already been cleaned/organised, things like that. Merlin and Gwen sneak them their favourite foods and Arthur will try to persuade whoever is in charge of patrol rotas to give them a day or two off (though not always successfully).
Gwen is always treated the best on her birthday, without a doubt. Her brother (and father, when he was around) save up for ages to get her nice things and treat her, and Morgana always goes way overboard. Even Arthur has wished her a Happy Birthday for as long as he's known her (and he now has to accept that he likely won't see Merlin all day because he'll be running around doing things for Gwen).
Everyone gets Gaius stuff. Gwaine once gifted him a bit of stick/metal/whatever that Gaius pulled from his gut, saving his life. He got it a nice mount and everything, and as much as Gaius rolled his eyes and scoffed, it's straight up one of his favourite things. Merlin always gets him obscure medical books or equipment or special rare herb seeds. Everyone treasures the guy, they'd all be dead a billion times over if it weren't for him and they've all (bar Gwen, Morgana, and Leon, because they're not disasters) accidentally called him dad at some point, so they want to celebrate his life when they can.
In General, it's like you expect I imagine. The poorer you are, the less you even really consider birthdays at all. When you're a peasant, birthdays come with an hour longer in bed and an extra mouthful of food, and that's if you're LUCKY. If you work in the castle, the other servants try and let you take first pick of the food at meal times, and if you're really well liked, someone might do some of your chores for you. Other than that, birthdays are used as markers to count years and nothing more.
If you're RICH.... parties, banquets, presents, a whole week of celebrations. Posh ponces.
But yeah!!! Not entirely sure if that's what you were after, but there!! :D
Keep 'em coming!!
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thatgoblin · 3 years
Chris Redfield and Leon Kennedy x Rookie Reader Headcannons
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At first you were in awe of your lead. THE Leon S. Kennedy was showing you the ropes and helping train you for the job you'd dreamed of. Hero worship was common in this line of work, but you did your best to keep it to a minimum. You didn't want to embarrass yourself after all.
In place of that hero worship came this insatiable need to make Leon proud. Whether it was memorizing and nailing every written exam or physical test, you wanted to earn his praise.
You worked hard, harder than almost everyone it seemed. Leon never saw you slacking and saw how serious you were about the job. Protecting people was what you had always wanted to do with your life.
So when the grades came back that you weren't doing so hot, you were mortified. How could you let this happen? You didn't slack off, you studied everything you could get your hands on, hell you watched instructional videos on YouTube before bed! But you still weren't making a passing grade.
You thought you would be okay with the physical part, but no matter how hard you trained, no matter the extra hours you put in, you just couldn't seem to get what everyone else did. The moves were simple, why couldn't you just grasp them?
The only thing you thought you had going for you was the firing range, but even that was less than acceptable. Every time you tried to do something the pressure got to you and you messed up. You were so busy trying to make sure you didn't fail Leon that you were failing yourself.
It was when you were called into your commanding officer's office to speak about your grades that you were sure you were done. You were given two weeks that were used for break to study and practice and retest. But you'd already had nearly four months and the best you could do was subpar.
You were in your room, packing your bags because you knew you were going to be kicked out of the program when Leon showed up.
"Hey, Kid, you leaving for break?" He asked as he leaned against the door frame of your dorm.
"Uh. . . No," you said, hanging your head in shame. "I'm flunking out. Figured that it would just be easier to pack my bag now than wait later till I was officially asked to leave."
"What? How are you flunking?" Leon asked, straightening up. "I watch you every day and you're one of the hardest working cadets I've seen."
"Hard work doesn't mean much when you can't apply it correctly," you said. "I can't get the fighting technique right, the written exams are all a bust, and I can't even shoot a gun right. I don't deserve to be here."
"Have you asked for help or for someone to tutor you? That's what I'm here for, you know," he said, moving into the room to sit on the bed next to you.
You stared at the floor as you took a deep breath, feeling all the insecurities come rushing through to the surface.
"I didn't want to disappoint you," you said. "I mean, I wanted to do it all myself without help. I wanted to make you proud that you were my lead. If I was always asking for help, what good does that do? It shows that I can't do something on my own and need my hand held like some baby."
Leon sighed as he folded his hands together between his knees.
"I get it. I do. Wanting to make your leader proud and show how good you are, but we're a team here. No one is by themselves. You're only so good as your team is and if you're not doing well then that's a reflection on us," he said.
"Oh god, are you guys getting in trouble because of me?" You asked, looking at him horrified that you were possibly making things hard for your team.
"No, no, I mean. . . We're a team for a reason. You have to lean on us and trust us so when we need to, we can lean on you and trust you. If you need help studying or practicing outside of classes, I'll help you. That's why I'm here. It can be hard to ask for help in any situation cause it means you're admitting to a weakness, but that's okay. That's how we get stronger as individuals and as a team," Leon said.
You nod with a sigh. "I have two weeks to get better before I officially am asked to leave. I don't know if I can do it on my own," you said. "Can you help me?"
"Of course. I've got your back, Kid," Leon said, giving you a soft smile.
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The B.S.A.A. was not for rookies, but they needed recruits so here you were. They provided training on weapons, protocol, how to work the gear, basically everything. Because they wanted everyone to be a well oiled machine out in the field, they made sure if you couldn't cut it that you didn't make it out of training. It was life and death and while they needed the hands, they weren't sending people out to die.
The trainers rotated to take classes of trainees. You were lucky enough to get the legendary Chris Redfield for your class leader. He would be teaching everything and making sure that everyone was ready. You had heard of him before, knowing that he was a weathered agent and could almost do anything was daunting.
Which was probably why you tried to avoid him at all costs in one on one situations. He wasn't mean or an ass, but he was intimidating. His stature and history were more than enough to show he knew exactly what he was talking about. You didn't want to feel stupid or embarrass yourself, so you kept him at a distance as you worked almost on your own.
Sure there were classes and work that you were trained in, but just the fear of being the weak link in front of others was hindering you. All of your tests and physical training was mediocre at best. Sure there were people that weren't going to cut it obviously, but you were much closer to their end of the spectrum than the other end that was running circles around you.
It wasn't that you couldn't do it. You could, but sometimes you froze up because your hands did something your mind didn't want to do or nerves made you stutter and stumble over your words. Everyone in the class at least had a background in the military or the police force or FBI or CIA or some other group that was similar to this.
You on the other hand did not. You came from a more technical background rather than a physical one. While you were miles ahead on the written tests, the physical ones were going to kill your career.
So when the notice went out that you were on the chopping block to be let go unless you could prove you were capable of being in the field, you weren't surprised.
Half of you wanted to keep trying, but the other half was telling you to pack up and go. You weren't unique or special, so why bother to continue to try?
It was when you were were working with one of the large guns by the shooting range, that Chris approached you. Before then, you two hadn't said a word to each other outside of the classes or even directly to each other.
So when his large frame took a seat across from you, folding his hands on the table after setting a file next to him, watching you with the gun, you weren't sure what to think.
"Hi," you said, freezing as you looked from the gun to him.
"Y/N, right?" He asked. You nodded as you set the pieces of gun on the table. "Why are you here?"
Oh Jesus, no. Why now? Why here?
"Uh," you said, blinking rapidly as your brain tried to come up with an answer. "Because I wanna help people."
"That's usually the answer I get," he said, sitting back to let his hands drop into his lap. "That or 'to kill bio weapons.' That's also a popular one."
"Yeah?" You said, unsure of what he was getting at.
"But I don't think it's why you're here," Chris said. "Because I think you don't know why you're here." Opening the file, you could see it was all information about you. Your background, schooling, family, credit score, even online usernames. They had everything. "When I was looking through the potential trainee's info, you struck me as odd. It's not exactly an every day thing that we get people who are more tech inclined rather than have a police or military background, but it happens. Usually they wash out though and end up in our research department."
"But I don't want to be in the research department," you said, frowning. Was he going to push you over to that section of the organization? You didn't want to be there though, otherwise you would have applied there.
"Every time I talk to someone and they have the chance to go to research after speaking to them about it, they take it," Chris said. "They figured out they can't cut doing the ground work so they move to a different field, but not you. I see you everyday in training, working your ass off to keep up with everyone and you almost make it. Not quite, but almost. Almost isn't going to cut it out on a mission."
"I know, I just. . . I'm working on it," you said, trying not to sound hateful or rude as your hands started to move on autopilot, putting your gun back together. "I'm really trying and I just can't get over this stupid hump that's holding me back."
"What's that? What's holding you back?" Chris asked.
"Me. I'm holding myself back," you said with a sigh. "I second guess everything because everyone around me has the experience that I don't, but I know I can do it. I just choke when it's time to act."
"I know you have some experience that they don't," Chris said. You nodded, understanding what he was talking about.
"I was a kid when it happened, I could barely call it working experience," you said, pushing the empty magazine into the gun.
"It was for Sherry Birkin," Chris said. "Raccoon City for a 9 year old isn't something to sniff at. From what the reports said, you were by yourself for three days before you made it out."
"Yeah," you said, nodding as you moved to the handgun next, disassembling it easily. "Hid in my apartment till I saw military trucks driving by then ran out."
"You lost your whole family to what we're training you to fight," Chris said, keeping his eyes on your hands as your fingers moved without faltering as you put the gun back together. "You were a kid when that happened. I say it still counts for experience that no one else really has. You know what you're doing with the infected and you know what it's like in the aftermath. We need people who know what it's like so that we can stop it from happening again."
"So what do you propose?" You asked, looking up as you finished putting the handgun back together. "After school training? Tutoring? Or do you want me to be counselor for survivors or shove me off to R and D?"
Chris chuckled as he closed the folder to look up at your face.
"I'm not gonna cut you," he said. "You know what you're doing and you're right. You're hang up is yourself. I'm gonna work with you to get over it. It's probably one the easiest things to work through really."
"You mean I can stay?" You asked, relaxing back into the chair, not even realizing you had grown so tense.
"Yeah. I just watched you take those weapons apart and put them back together in record time without even pausing," he said, pointing to the guns in front of you. "I want to work with you, Y/N. This isn't going to be an easy fight, but I really believe you have what it takes to be a good B.S.A.A. agent."
"Thank you, Sir," you said, smiling softly. "I appreciate that."
"You're welcome. We'll start some one on one combat training tomorrow before class. You're going to be working double what the others are, but it'll be for the best in the long run," he said.
"Whatever it takes, I'll do what I need to," you said.
"Glad to here it. Now, while we're here in the shooting range, let's test your aim."
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svgarpills · 3 years
Can you please write some Hop and Leon angst? Nothing in particular I just am thirsty for the angst :)
hop my baby. my squinkle. i'm going to put u through so much pain rn <3.
Ships: Platonic! Hop and Leon
Characters: Hop, Leon, mentions of Bede & the protagonist
Warnings: N/A
Notes: I love them so much, very cute siblings <3
Summary: It's hard to feel like you're a good trainer when your older brother is the undefeated Champion and you can't win a simple battle.
*Set some vague time after Hop loses to Bede, but before the protagonist becomes Champion.
Hop stares down at the Pokeball in his hand with a blank expression. He's lost battles before, but those were just friendly battles against his childhood friend. He thought he would have improved by now, but with Bede standing across from him, a smug expression on his face, he's starting to doubt that. "What a pathetic display. How can someone so weak even be related to the Champion?" Hop bites down on his bottom lip, unable to lock eyes with the other challenger.
Bede turns on his heel and walks away as Hop clutches the Pokeball in his hand, his grip tight enough that his knuckles turn white. He's a disgrace to Leon's name. His brother has spent so long training him, and he can't even win a single battle against his rivals. This cuts deeper than losing to his friend whenever they meet up. Bede offers no encouragement, leaves him with nothing but a deep feeling of failure.
His eyes sting and, with a sharp inhale, he presses the heel of his hand to his eyelid. He can't cry right now, it'll make him feel even more pathetic. He stands in the middle of the route for a few minutes, trying to keep his emotions under control, and then starts walking. He relies on his instincts to carry him through the route, swerving around the Pokemon who wander out of the patches of grass. He's not in the mood to catch anything right now, no Pokemon wants a trainer as pathetic as him.
He doesn't want to talk to anyone. Not Bede, or Marnie, or anyone else. He wants to be alone, drowning in self-hatred and guilt. If he's a weak trainer, then people won't take Leon as seriously. And if people don't take Leon seriously, then Galar will be seen as a joke too! He can't ruin his home just because he's a horrible excuse for a Gym Challenger. The thought makes his stomach churn, nausea crawling up his throat before he swallows it back down. He wants to keep a little bit of dignity.
He makes it down a route or two before he's interrupted "Hop!" A loud, excited voice call out. He looks up as Leon makes his way over, his mouth curved into a wide grin. The Champion either got lost again, or he's wandering around and looking at the Pokemon in the area. Hop forces himself to smile in an attempt to match his brother's energy, but it clearly doesn't work. Leon notices the slight furrow of his brow and the uncomfortable look in his eyes and places a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, is everything okay?"
The sincerity in his voice makes something snap, because Hop stares at him for about five seconds before bursting into tears. Leon startles at the sudden outburst and pulls him closer. "I'm sorry," he chokes out, "I'm sorry, Lee, I ruined everything! I'm a horrible trainer!" He manages to say between sobs. He hates being seen like this, but he can't seem to stop the tears now that they've started.
"Hey, hey, Hop. You're not a horrible trainer," Leon soothes, rubbing large circles on the boy's back. "You're a great trainer, I've watched you grow for years. You've learned so much, kid." Hop sniffles and wipes the tears from his cheeks. They're slowing down now, but he can tell he's not completely done. "You alright?" He does a gesture between a nod and a shrug, since he's not quite sure. "That's okay. Can you tell me what happened, though?" He takes a moment to even out his breathing.
"...I had a battle with Bede, and I lost," he starts. "I mean, usually it wouldn't be a big deal, I lose to my other rival all the time, but this time I..." he closes his eyes again. "He said that I'm pathetic, and that he doesn't know how someone as weak as me can be related to someone like you." He looks up and sees Leon's jaw clenched tight, a sharp look in his eyes. He knows the anger is directed at Bede, but he still doesn't want to see it. "What if he's right, Lee? If i'm not a good trainer, then nobody will take you seriously and I'll ruin everything!" He exclaims after a beat of silence.
Leon pats his shoulder again. "Hey, Hop, look at me?" Hesitantly, the boy looks up and meets his gaze. "Listen, Bede had no right to say that to you, okay? Losing a battle doesn't make you pathetic. I mean, I lost plenty of them before I became Champion!" He adds. Hop raises his eyebrow slightly at that. "Yeah, I've never lost a battle as Champion, but I lost a few times before that. I had trouble against the previous water type leader, and Raihan beat me once or twice," he chuckles. "But I learned from those losses, and didn't let them discourage me or slow me down."
"...So I'm not a bad trainer?" Leon nods and Hop smiles softly, more genuine than before. "Thanks, Leon...I'm glad you're my brother." He leans further into their hug as Leon pats him on the head.
"I'm glad you're my brother too, Hop."
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