#and leon remembers who he actually is over the course of the game because of his bond with ashley
sapphire-weapon · 2 months
Sort of as a follow-up thought to this post...
I really can't wait for that Operation Javier project -- whether it's a full game or a DLC or whatever it is -- to come out and give us a closer look at what Leon's life was like between RE2make and RE4make. Because I think something that really gets missed in the fandom (likely due to the ridiculous misinformation listed on the wiki that then gets passed around the fandom like fact) is that Leon wasn't trained by the government to kill bioweapons. Leon was trained by the government to kill people. Ashley just got ridiculously lucky that the agent who was sent to retrieve her also happened to have experience fighting against bioweapons due to having been in Raccoon City.
It's subtle, but there's evidence for this in RE4make itself. It's actually baked into Leon's character arc.
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At the Hunter's Lodge, Leon's trained response to encountering a person on the ground during a mission is to reach for his gun. He even starts taking it out of the holster. It isn't until the hunter appears to not be a threat that he puts it back down and tries to talk to him.
But when the hunter does become a threat, Leon doesn't hesitate in killing him. And not only does he not hesitate to kill him, but he even pulls out his gun and doublechecks that the man is really dead.
This happens before anyone knows that there's bioweapons at play. As far as Leon knows, in this moment, he just killed an old man in his home. Just an old man.
His subsequent conversation with Hunnigan is structured as such that the US's intel on the ground is only that Ashley is being held in this village. The statement "Something's happened to the people here" is tacked on as an afterthought, as something unexpected. Leon suspects that there's biological warfare involved after seeing the hunter come after him chittering and with a broken neck, but he doesn't get the chance to voice that to Hunnigan and ask for more information before he's interrupted and has to cut the conversation short.
Later, this happens:
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Prior to Mendez mutating into his boss form, Leon didn't actually suspect that he was infected with las plagas. He was opening fire on and trying to kill a man who he thought, much like the hunter, was just a man. Because that's his job.
The line "I'll do my job" is particularly interesting, because most people think of Leon's "job" in this game as rescuing Ashley -- but that's not how Leon himself seems to see it. His mission objective is to rescue Ashley, but his job -- at least, in the context in which he says it -- is to kill people.
We also know that Leon was part of Operation Javier. This is never stated explicitly, but Krauser tells us this without telling us:
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Krauser had a revelation in the jungle, and Leon was there with him in that jungle two years ago.
So, what was Operation Javier?
Well, we don't really know yet. I'm sure that it did involve bioweapons somehow -- Capcom wouldn't be making it into a separate title release if it didn't -- but that wasn't the original conceit for it set out by the US government in-universe.
This was the official mission statement for Operation Javier:
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Eradicating drug cartels.
Which means going after people. Not BOWs.
And Leon being sent on this mission alongside Krauser and his unit didn't seem to raise any eyebrows or key anyone into the possibility that there could be BOWs involved. They all seemed to have been taken by surprise -- especially Krauser, which shouldn't have happened as Leon's trainer if Krauser knew that the purpose of Leon's training was BOW combat.
This also isn't the first mission that Leon was sent on alongside Krauser and his men. He says as much in the intro with the plural use of "missions" attached to his training.
So... Leon is a killer. He was specifically trained to kill people for the US government. He just happens to also be adept at fighting against BOWs thanks to his experience in Raccoon City. And what's chilling is that, during the intro, he also expresses a strange sort of gratitude for his combat training because it "kept [his] mind off things."
That's how broken Leon is going into RE4make. The kind-hearted guy who just wanted to protect people in RE2make spends the next six years following Raccoon City being turned into a hitman and murdering people for the federal government, and his response to that is "thank you."
That's why Ashley's contribution to his character arc is so important. At a certain point during RE4make, he stops fighting against the villagers and starts fighting for Ashley. She shakes him out of that killer's mindset and reminds him that, once upon a time, he was a boy named Leon Kennedy who wanted to save the world.
And the culmination of this is Leon's realization that both of these parts of him can coexist. He can use his intense combat training and killer instinct to protect people -- just like he protected Ashley. But he's not so naive anymore (like he was in RE2make) to think that he can protect and save everyone. And he was forced to accept, through his training and through killing Krauser, that sometimes some people need to be sacrificed in order for other people to be saved.
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bloedewir · 5 months
It's not like I'm into vampires stuff or something.. but I actually am, so I can't stop thinking about Cazador and his spawns.
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I forgot to take a clean screenshot so he's halfway to dying whoops (;_:)
Look so much hidden potential here. Slaughtering of whole Szarr family; vampire game of thrones and their fighting over power; Lady Incognita, Cazador's niece, turned into a vampire yet preserving her own will so it means she wasn't a spawn but a true vampire; Cazador being cunning and smart enough to rule coven over 200 years; Donnella Szarr (vampire mommy) turned Vellioth (probably he killed her to became a patriarch) and then he turned Donnella's son (Cazador).. such drama, eh?
Good discussion material. But I'm here for spawns because it's kinda frustrating not to know their order.
Aurelia (Tiefling, female)
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I think, she was the first. Aurelia is the only tiefling and it make sense, because ascending ritual demands runes to be written in infernal language. If you want to start collecting thousands of souls, you need to be sure you going to scarve right words on victims flesh.
Astarion (High Elf, male) and Violet (High (?) Elf, female)
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Two elves, male and female. At the same time or just about. Astarion said he was "one of the first", so not the first one. Most likely, second? I suppose he doesn't remember because first few years after turning into a spawn must have been rough and quite shitty (so as the 200 years that came after). Also I've a guess Cazador decided to "alternate" male and female spawns.
Yousen (Gnome, male)
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Astarion has a problem with gnomes I don't quite understand but it seems like Violet has the same problem too. In Cazador's palace player can find her diary. Of all spawns she only mentioned "whining runt" Yousen and garlic she left in his bed to "gave him a nasty rash". I guess Violet choose him for her bitch game because there's nobody else to choose between at time. Comparing to eldest spawn and another elf Yousen is an easy target.
Dalyria (High (?) Elf, female) and Pale Petras (Human, male)
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Dalyria is a former Physician General to the Parliament of Baldur's Gate. She has memories of past (mortal) life, didn't lost her skills and tried to experimenting with Victoria's blood. So she isn't one of elder spawns because didn't abandon hope to find cure yet.
Petras said he's 100 years old and he's a human so I guess it's a "spawn" age.
Leon (Human, male)
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Obviously the latest because he has a living daughter of ~10 years old or so. It seems Cazador finally figured out how to make "obedient" spawns. It took 7 tries but he found a perfect recipe: just find those who can be easily manipulated by threatening theirs loved ones.
just a guesses, of course
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bropunzeling · 7 months
jess bropunzelling i would die if i got a director's cut/alternate pov of leon's response to matthew accidentally popping the question post coutal. how is she chewing on this!!! are her flight or fight instincts kicking in!!! what makes her suddenly decide actually today works best but tomorrow is also fine!
Just think about it.
Leon stares down the exercise bike, then grimly hops on and starts pedaling. Despite how hard she's pushing herself, she can't not remember what Matthew said last weekend, the way he had broken the comfortable silence that had settled between them.
Just think about it.
Over the past few years, Leon has prided herself on not getting too mad at Matthew. Okay, on the ice is one thing. He practically expects it. And of course they fight -- but it's mostly teasing. Who has the better hometown. Where to go during their limited time together. Winning and losing at video games, or horse, or the stupid challenges they set for themselves throughout the season around points streaks. It's not about big stuff. When it comes to big stuff, they've been good. Talking through things. Noticing shit before it can grow into something poisonous, that brings out the worst in them both.
Right now, though, she's pretty mad.
She can't believe he fucking sprung that on her. Talking about -- and it was ten in the goddamn morning, and she was naked and her thighs were still damp and she was getting cold, the way she always does after sex, and all of the sudden he's talking about -- about marrying her.
Leon pedals harder, until the lactic acid starts burning in her quads. Then she ups the resistance.
Things have been good, is the thing. Or at least, she thought they were. Her parents like Matthew, and her sister does too. His parents like her, or at least his mom does -- she can never quite get a read on whether Big Walt actually likes her, and his advice is incredibly annoying, but Matthew doesn't seem worried, so she won't worry either. Taryn thinks she's cool, which is both flattering and kind of a trip. Even Brady's warmed up to her, and Brady nearly concussed her the year before last.
Everything has felt steady. Like Leon's finally found her sea legs. Like she's finally figured out how to manage playing as hard as she can, finding her place among her boys, and also having Matthew, too. Calling him when she's tired on the road. Spending her days off at his place when they did their swing through Florida. Planning out their bye weeks. She's navigated Christmas shopping, and more than one actual, proper date, in a restaurant with cloth napkins and everything, and she even told her grandmother -- or at least, after her mother told her grandmother first.
This summer especially she's felt like they've found a rhythm, gotten in sync. It's been comfortable. It's been easy.
And now Matthew wants to change it.
Now that Leon's legs are screaming at her, she hops off the bike and grabs a towel to wipe off the sweat. Only once she's taken care of the worst of it does she stagger off to the women's locker room and into the showers.
She wasn't lying to Matthew when she said she never thought about marriage. At sixteen, she figured she'd play until she was 35 -- 40, if she was healthy and lucky -- and then after that -- well. After that, everything else could happen. A partner. Children. Maybe moving back to Germany; maybe staying around in Canada. It was always hazy. Nothing was as clear as the scrape of skates, the noise of the crowd, the way the Cup would feel in her hands.
Now, though, she has to think about it. If nothing else, because she basically told Matthew she would.
What would it even look like, though?
As she scrubs off the sweat and grabs some shampoo from the dispenser, Leon tries to think it through. Immediately, memories from Brady's wedding last summer come to mind: the seemingly endless number of aunts and uncles and cousins who kept sucking her into conversation; all the noise that seemed to start at noon and end at midnight; the matching dresses and the speeches and the enormous cake and the dance party and the way she didn't even see Matthew until he snuck out to make out with her for ten minutes in the middle of dinner. When she tries to picture herself in Emma's place, smiling in a white dress as hundreds of people she barely knows come up to congratulate her, she wants to peel herself out of her own skin.
So. Definitely not that.
As she towels off and roots around for her street clothes in her locker, Leon tries to be logical. She knows that's not necessarily what Matthew meant. Marriage isn't a wedding, even if the thought of another enormous Tkachuk bash with her at the center of it makes her want to walk out into the wilderness and not come back. When he'd talked about it, he'd talked about permanency. About knowing she'd be there for the rest of his life.
It's more than a little frightening.
If she's honest with herself, that's the real reason she's so angry: she's fucking scared. Scared to want to tie themselves together, when it feels like they've only just figured out what being together means. Scared to choose someone -- choose Matthew -- and know that she can't take that choice back.
Scared that maybe now Matthew will realize who he thinks he wants to be with forever actually is. Someone who can't always control their temper. Who will always think about pushing him away. Even though she's trying, even though she doesn't want to be that person anymore, she knows that version of herself is still there, that it won't ever leave.
What if this time, Matthew figures out that she's too difficult to want?
Now that she's changed, Leon heads back out to the rink. Matthew and Brady are still there, horsing around. And Leon's still pretty mad -- she might always be mad; there might always be that small kernel of rage and frustration burning in the pit of her stomach for so many reasons, impossible to stamp out -- but when Matthew notices she's there and starts making his way towards her, face cracking into a wide open grin, she can feel that mix of affection and annoyance and the overwhelming desire to drag Matthew closer, to not let him out of her sight. Like a magnetic pull, impossible to ignore.
Leon may never be sure when what she felt for Matthew changed from irritation and attraction into this, this sense of love that's simultaneously comfortable and totally overwhelming. It doesn't matter. The point is that she feels it. That she wants to feel it. That she wants to care this much about somebody else, and know that they care the same amount in return.
Once Matthew's close enough, Leon grabs his jacket and drags him in; kisses him. Pulls back. "Go shower. You stink."
Matthew grins at her, eyes curving, grin somewhere between shit-stirring and soft. "Uh-huh," he says, before he sneaks another kiss.
"Shower," Leon repeats, shoving him away, before turning around to ask if Brady is getting lunch with him.
She still isn't sure that she wants that big Tkachuk wedding. Still isn't sure how to reconcile the way she imagined her life at 16 with what Matthew is asking her to consider now. Still isn't sure that this time Matthew won't finally figure out exactly the kind of person Leon is, how she's always going to be, and decide that it isn't worth it in the end.
But she is sure that she wants to have this. This intense, horrible and wonderful pressure in her chest and warmth in her limbs and sense of rightness when she and Matthew are in the same room. She doesn't want to give that up. Not now, not ever.
So. Maybe marriage is something worth thinking about.
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beevean · 8 months
You know what the Belmont's treatment reminds me of?
Samus in Other M
That game wanted so bad to depict Samus as someone with depth, someone who has feelings and enotions and trauma and can cry etc. But the end result had her do jack all in the actual story and for her to be denigrated by other characters who were shown to be more competent.
Except that with Sakamoto I can believe that he genuinely wanted to do Samus justice but went overboard with the weakness aspect because he had his head way too far up his own head
While with NFCV you cannot tell me that the writers don't know that the Belmonts (or others) being treated as sad tragic little meow meows who get treated like shit and need to be rescued/corrected often. These guys are on social media, they are literally part of the fandom and take part in discourse occasionally, so I can't believe they aren't doing this on purpose. Maybe Deats himself doesn't wish for this effect but someone must because it's far too consistent and convenient
... forgive me for what I'm about to say.
Samus in OM is atrocious and we all know that, right? Yes, she has those small cool moments in cutscenes as a token of respect for her skills, but overall she's weak, she's ineffectual, she won't stop praising a man who by all means acts cold and spiteful towards her, she's pretty much forbidden to do anything of substance in the plot, we see this gratuitous sequence of her writhing on the floor in pain after being shot that is nearly fetishistic...
... but the characters respect her.
Well, Adam doesn't, or at the very least, he doesn't respect her as she deserves. But the others? They know who Samus Motherfucking Aran is. Anthony is very friendly towards her. The scientists trusts her. Is it enough? Of course not. But somehow, some fucking how, Trevor and from what I've seen Ricther slip even lower than that level, because they're insulted and laughed at left and right, by their own friends most of all.
I genuinely felt sorry for Trevor who was pushed aside in his own story in favor of Fanservice Central Alucard and Muh Deepness Isaac, and when he was on screen the story beat us over the head that he's a washed up alcoholic who swears left and right and yeah he lost his family but they were weirdos anyway. Richter has a more pleasant personality from what I've seen, but apparently Annette steals the show as expected, the same person who looks down on him and gets away with calling him "useless as fuck", and he doesn't really do anything of substance either.
Oh, and what about Juste? Oh yeah I ain't forgotten about him. Juste, who became yet another Trevor, another jaded bastard after the loss of his family, who can't use his magic anymore, who is a prick to Richter who is a prick to him in return, who can't even help him unlock his magic - no, the memory of Annette does it.
Oh, and do you remember how Dracula recognized Trevor as a Belmont because he threw ineffectual punches at him? How he recognized the power of the Morning Star... who didn't even scratch him? How this sends the implication that the Belmonts kept fighting Dracula... and lost to him? The complete reversal of the games, where the only Belmont who didn't manage to kill Dracula at first was Christopher and anyway he tried again some time later?
Leon so far is the Belmont that came out of it the most unscathed, and even he was reduced to the level of "random crusader who decided to fight Dracula for shit and giggles"
So no. There is an undeniable pattern here. Deats can hide behind the excuses he wants, but again: whoever thought that promoting the show by using Annette's line was a good idea... well, they had to draw that conclusion from somewhere.
also fuck you nocturne for pushing me to say one (1) decent thing about om that other piece of shit game. goddamnit
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fateinthestars · 5 months
You know what? It's been ages since I did a review/ramble post for the SCM special stories hasn't it?
Hmm but what to cover right now... how about... oh I know! I already covered the other first anniversary set ('Your First Anniversary: A Special Date for Two' ) so let's round that off with the other first anniversary set:
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'Your First Anniversary: The Gift of Love'
This contains stories for: Leon, Scorpio, Teorus, Dui, Huedhaut, Ichthys, Karno, and Zyglavis.
Spoilers (for this special story and their main paths) under cut.
You know I was just wondering about why it was an eight and four split but it suddenly twigged: the first anniversary for this lot is all the same because even though their routes are in the second prologue lot both Zyglavis and Karno have a pretty clear presence through the earlier routes that the others do not.
Anyway, that aside let's get to actually talking about these shall we?
Leon is as disinterested about this kind of thing as always but his words here are just so romantic and sweet.
Unlike the other Gods Scorpio actually seems to realise that it's been nearly a year since he met MC, which I guess makes sense as he is the one that was originally human. Not that he actually wants to celebrate it.
Actually, possibly what I like about this is Dui & Ichthys fetching MC cos they're worried about how ill Scorpio is in this and know they can't stay. Also Dui remembered how MC helped Scorpio before when the Earth's atmosphere had got to him so had done what she had before to try and help. It shows how close Punishments really are.
The way Teo answers MC seems to imply that he as well actually at least knew it was a year since they met but it's not until MC explains more that he understands why humans would want to celebrate such things. Unlike Leon and Scorpio though he decides that he absolutely must make this one of the best days ever.
This is actually a really sweet one of his, especially his reaction when MC comments on his ability to freeze time.
Oh Dui, sweet Dui, straight on board with the human customs as soon as they've been explained. And I really mean straight on board - summoning a load stuff the second MC finishes explaining the kind of things humans usually do to celebrate.
But my absolute favourite thing to come out of this one is Dui deciding that his birthday should be this day and why that is. It's just such a nice touch for his storyline.
Oh goodness me... pffft. Hue, please. MC really should know better than to just ask 'Do you know what today is?' an entire year after first meeting Huedhaut because, well...
There are a lot of things the day could be and Hue knows them all because he is just that well read. Or maybe he's making them up to tease MC, I honestly can't tell for sure. (See this is why I called him a nightmare earlier lol).
Anyway when MC eventually tells him (and she at least doesn't think it's teasing for once), Hue's reaction is just glorious. "That's why you're upset." Oh dammit Hue!
The conclusion of this though is really really sweet though, even if yet again MC briefly worries about her past life.
Hue's gentle, thoughtful, kind, and romantic... the trouble is you've got to peel away all that sarcasm and snark first. Did I say trouble? I'm not sure that's the right word... because Hue is wonderful.
Owwww. My heart. Of course Ikky immediately goes along with celebrating cos he'd do it anytime if it meant spending time with MC and the reminiscing over events is nice but then it turns to how he used to be mortal and... yeah... I think Ichthys suddenly really understands why this celebration is important to MC.
I really don't have anything much to say about this. Karno's giving off those slightly odd vibes again (I mean it's portrayed in game as a joke but the line about wanting to be the first one to meet her has a weird context when you know about how he was the one who granted young MC's wishes). I do think it's a nice touch that he's the one that specifically uses the word anniversary though, even though it's only kinda that for them.
Oh now this... this is wonderful. Zig knows that human custom is to celebrate but doesn't know what exactly that entails.
What MC decides they should do together is just great. This is another side to Zyglavis and I am totally here for it. Even a brief chink in his armour thanks to struggling with a utensil, though only for a fleeting moment.
As for Zig's surprise gift for MC? He really is a total romantic softy at heart isn't he? 🥰
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chloedoesart · 1 year
what got you simping so hard for the conductor in the first place.
This reads like you asking me if I am insane, so let me just clear one thing up before we begin: yes. I am.
cracks knuckles okay anon, you asked for it. You get the whole story. I'm not holding back.
It all started when a dear friend of mine began playing this little indie game called A Hat in Time—you may have heard of it—and posting a lot of content from it in our discord server. One of the characters stood out to me, and I quickly learned upon asking her who he was that this character checked all of my boxes.
And by that I mean boxes for kinning, not simping. That comes later.
Even before I knew of AHiT's existence, I was on my way to working in the film industry. One of my goals in my career is to create a western on par with the classic Sergio Leone films. I grew up riding horses and traveling in the wilderness, so westerns are naturally close to my heart.
On top of that, I have been associated with knives, fire, and my general chaotic nature for many years. Birds of prey have been my favourite animals since I was very young, and I grew up in love with trains of all types (Thomas, ridable miniature railways, the Polar Express, etc.). Someone even told me that they thought I was Scottish before they'd heard my voice.
My point is, Conductor was immediately on my blorbo list. Of course this grumpy Scottish bird movie director with a huge knife and a chaotic alignment was going to be my favourite character! How could he not?? I actually ended up buying AHiT for the DBS chapter just because I was so excited to have a film studio represented in a video game.
Little did I know I would fall for this guy in a different way barely a month later.
I've always had a big ego—cough cough like someone cough you get my point—so it's no surprise that I'd fall in love with one of my kins, aka someone that's just like me. However, what I wasn't expecting was for it to happen so fast and so much. I rarely simp for characters, and when I do, it usually takes me a while to get to that point.
I remember the very first time I got a lil flustered and had that terrible thought of "oh no, do I simp for this guy?" with Conductor. My friend and I had made a little kinnie AU with our sonas as the Hat characters we kinned, and she at one point drew my Conductor sona (which eventually evolved into my current bird sona) with canon Conductor doing a funny Team Rocket pose, for fun! Right?
Wrong. Because what she'd unintentionally done was drawn Conductor and I holding hands. And when I saw that, I thought about how I want to hold his hand and oh gods wait do I like him???
And it was all downhill from there.
It didn't take me long to accept my fate and start pondering all of the ways I liked his character in a new light. My friend's constant support only sped things along, really. What's funny about me is that I sort of grow attracted to a character's traits and personality first, and only months later find the actual physical attraction. I think that has a name, but I don't really like labeling my orientation or fitting myself into a box.
I hope that very long story helped kind of lay the foundation for what my simping has become today, AKA nearly two and a half years of self-insert nonsense and a nearly 433,800 word roleplay.
Maybe you're still wondering why I like him, to which I must respond, so many reasons. That's a whole separate post worth of material. I love his fearlessness, his passion, his tough yet deeply caring nature. I love his detail-oriented brain and his over-confidence in himself. I love how he tries so hard to win, every year, just to maintain his place on top. He values himself and his creations, and I admire that. I want to nerd out with him about movies and trains while we sharpen our knives and drink whiskey. I love how he's old fashioned, like me. And so much more.
If you're curious as to how I think our relationship would line up, I did do this shipping meme last year that is still fairly accurate and fills in a lot more of the details. Really, it all comes down to two nerdy chaotic people who have large knives and way too much confidence.
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spidertalia · 1 year
You mentioned in one of your posts that you make state ocs.
Would you like to tell me a bit about them? Once I tried to learn all the states, but I always forget, maybe some thoughts will help me remember :D
of course !! i actually have eighteen of them made already, but i do wanna preface saying i'm making them purely for fun- i'll dig properly into the full history of each at some point, but i just want to imagine them as people today. i've also asked some friends/family who live in some of the states for their opinions, and then use stereotypes and culture of the states for the others.
it'd be a bit too much to cover all of them in a single post, so i'll just cover my favorites.
first off is of course my home state, florida. he's a indigenous hispanic man with some black features as well (since the state has a large hispanic and black population- most of my state personifications represent the race makeup of said state). his human name is Félix Avilés-de Leon. I forget exactly who his first name comes from (they're a historical figure in St. Augustine, but i can't find them again) but his surnames are ofc from the founder of St. Augustine and that legendary ol' explorer Ponce de Leon.
Florida's essentially a copy of aph America in personality, minus the hero obsession. he's loud, excitable, wild and energetic. he's incredibly adventurous with food and will eat pretty much anything. he's also completely unafraid of most animals- he'll pick up a 250 pound alligator snapping turtle with his bare hands like it's a baby, and he'll gush over it too. he speaks english and spanish fluently, along with several indigenous languages. he has a pet alligator named flagler. he likes pirates, roller coasters and hot weather, and is extremely weak to the cold.
also, i base their ages off of first settlement (it's my canon and I get to decide how i make it  😤 ) which would make florida the oldest state, since St. Augustine was founded in 1565.
then there's massachusetts, who i made with help from a friend who lives in the state. his name's william revere, but he goes by bill. he's white with medium length brown hair that he often ties into a low ponytail, and he has an ahoge like alfred, but his represents Martha's Vineyard. he has glasses but prefers to wear contacts. he's super into hockey (even having a rivalry with canada over it) and also fights with new york a lot. he will also fight/argue with england every time they're together. he enjoys objectively bad movies and non-shooter video games, and owns a boston terrier. he also has a boston accent. ironically, considering his hockey rivalry with canada, he's also a big maple syrup fanatic.
then there's california, who i've gotten advice on from two different friends. she's a trans woman and indigenous hispanic- and she's actually siblings with a few states and mexico. mainly, she's the youngest triplet to arizona and texas. she and texas, of course, fight all the time over anything and everything. her human name is currently clara mendoza-vicario, though the surname may change.
california is a HUGE fan of films and movies. she has a massive film collection of over 50,000 films, and she's a passionate fan of the filmmaking process in general. she likes almost every single movie she's ever seen, and she will get into heated arguments with england over movies. she, new york and massachusetts have their own little movie club just to watch movies. her favorite type of movie are ones that had a lot of passion and creativity behind them- for example, films like the batman, into the spiderverse and puss in boots: the last wish. the more genuine passion behind a movie, the more she'll love it, no matter how objectively bad it is.
she's also incredibly economically smart. if the state of california was its own country, its economy would be fourth in the entire world, only behind china, japan and germany. she actually intimidates a few of the nations because of this. however, she's a genuinely friendly person, known for her sunny attitude. outside of movies, she loves music and the outdoors. she's just as good as florida at dealing with wild animals, she's just quieter about it.
the next state i made with two friends from there, and that's ohio. oddly enough, i don't have as much on him, but his name's Chris de La Salle and he has a heated rivalry with michigan. he's a calm, easy going guy who likes adventure, scouting, fishing and rollercoasters.
and with the help of one of my half sisters, i also made wisconsin. ironically, wisconsin is the drunkest state even though she's physically 20- no one knows how she gets her endless supply of alcohol and they've stopped trying to stop her. her human name is Carrie La Baye, and she has dirty blonde hair, violet blue eyes and a curl to boot. she was initially a french colony, so it surprises the others that she's the complete opposite of france- she's outdoorsy, a bit of a redneck, and almost always covered in dirt. she owns a number of ATVs and she loves cheese, beer, bratwurst, fish frys and hunting. she's pretty much unaffected by the cold. she also dislikes spicy food, and is probably one of the weakest to spices.
she's proud, confident, stubborn and non-emotional. she likes to help people and is very family oriented. she's not related to minnesota but is kind of an older sister figure to her. wisconsin and minnesota very much act like siblings- they're very similar in interests, bicker a lot, and get excited together. however they both hate to be mistaken as siblings.
and the last state i'll mention for now is new york ! he was a bit tricky to make considering NYC makes up a lot of the perception of the state, but i tried looking into the culture of upstate new york as well.
new york is an afro-latino man named Theodore Douglass, but he goes by theo (teddy is reserved for only very close friends). he speaks the most fluent languages of any state (english, spanish, cantonese, mandarin, russian, yiddish, haitian, italian, bengali, french, arabic, korean, hebrew, japanese and tagalog, along with a number of indigenous languages. he speaks some polish, hindi, german and greek). he's almost always fighting with new jersey and/or massachusetts. he's incredibly used to the cold, and is also a very efficient and skilled worker, though he doesn't like working. he thoroughly enjoys the arts- music, theater, dance, film, painting, drawing, sculpture- you name it, he loves it. he's surprisingly kinda friends with romano- the two have a mutual respect of each other, considering new york was very eager to learn all about italian culture and food, and was very welcoming to romano in general.
new york is a remarkably intelligent man with a bit of a superiority complex; he's proud and confident, like many of the states, and he's a very fast, diligent worker. he usually only cares about sports when up against his personal rivals, and he doesn't hold back with criticism. and similar to the vibes of nyc, he's surprisingly unbothered and very difficult to surprise.
once again, these are all made purely for fun and all off stereotypes, culture and vibes. i will say i've currently designed florida, california, ohio, maryland, arizona, massachusetts, new york. wisconsin, minnesota, illinois, new mexico, alaska, oregon, north carolina, south carolina, georgia, tennessee and alabama. if you do wanna hear about any of the others, let me know !! i love talking about them ^^
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togamicrying · 2 years
honey you e got a big storm coming
35, 39, 47, 48, 51, 56, 83 hee hee
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35. A character who should’ve got more character development?
like. sooooo many of them lol. can i say the entire cast of v3? because honest to god that's my answer -- even my faves in v3 leave Something to be desired
beyond that, i actually think that thh and gbd do a really good job of stretching characters to their maximum narrative utility before killing them off, and i do feel like in both games the most narratively flexible ones are the ones who live. i think if i had to say anyone from those games it'd probably be leon or sayaka just because the way the free time events work in trigger happy havoc work mean they get like three events and then they die and you never get to know more lmfaoo (but even then i still don't think their characters are Lacking in the way that the v3 cast is for me. sorry for being a v3 hater lol)
39. Smartest murder plan?
komaeda's, obviously LMFAO. god every time i replay sdr2 chapter 5 im struck by it all over again. like they literally had to guess!! even with nanami revealing herself! even then! they still had to be like well. hope his luck actually worked out! king popped off and the entire trial is SO good for advancing the plot and tying off hinata's dynamics with BOTH komaeda and nanami! the moment of sickening clarity when hinata realizes that he DOES understand how komaeda's brain works, and knows what his intentions really were? nanami and hinata's final goodbye? uuuugh sdr2 chapter 5 i love youuuuu.
rest under the cut bc Long.
47. A headcanon you have about a character?
*pushes two million unfinished drafts of Togami Headcanons to the side* i am going to talk about komaru. i think she's a butch lesbian and every time she's depicted as feminine in fanart my soul dies a little even though butch komaru exists solely in my head. i also think she's really sporty, but i've talked about that elsewhere hehe.
ok i'll talk about togami a little bit. it's 100% projection but i think he's agender. not in a way where he like. actively thinks about it -- even at Full Self-Actualization i'm not sure if i ever see him actually realizing it and actively thinking about himself in that way -- but i just dont think he as any particular connection to being a *man* outside of how it plays into his attraction to other men/his family's expectations of producing heirs. like he just kind of is how he is and doesn't feel compelled to make any particular effort to present as masculine. i could make a joke here about his gender just being Togami, but genuinely i do think that rings true. he's not a boy or a girl but a secret third thing (byakuya togami™️) does this make sense. like. to anyone (<- projecting and insane) whatever. i think he would look nice in a floor length skirt.
48. Favourite OST?
i... usually play the games on silent :X legit i know like 3 songs including mr monokumas lesson. just tried to remember what beautiful days sounded like and the wii sports theme is what my brain supplied (<- embarrassed)
i WILL say that i think drv3 has the best opening track of any of the games. its so jazzy and fun hehe
51. Character you thought you were gonna dislike but loved in the end?
mmm. hard to say, honestly? it's been so many years since i formed first impressions of the thh and gbd casts that i kind of dont even remember what i first thought of them? i have a lot of v3 characters who i thought i would like and wound up feeling kind of ehh about, but that's not the question lol
i think, Big Terrible Writing Choice aside, i was really surprised by how much i wound up actually *liking* korekiyo? like okay OBVIOUSLY they took his character in a terrible direction but before that when he's just like, a weird little freak? that ruled lol
in terms of characters that i've had full turnarounds in opinion over the course of 2012-2022? i remember not particularly liking/caring about kirigiri, sayaka, fukawa, souda, or gundam when i first read the playthroughs of their games, and now they're some of my favorites hehe. but that's less about me going *into* the games thinking i wouldnt like them -- because in both cases i went in completely blind -- and more about them growing on me like a fungus over successive playthroughs lol
56. Best free time events?
ok. take this with a grain of salt because i'm stalled out in my sdr2 replay rn so i haven't redone the free time events for that game in awhile/haven't done any v3 ftes besides maki's and ouma's because im a hater.
i think kirigiri has really good fte's. i love that she gets a little sillay in them and how subtle her progression from "why are you talking to me" to "i care deeply about you" is. i also really appreciate how the game cutting her off as an option for free time at certain points serves to make that progression feel really natural with the game's actual plot. love you miss kirigiri.
mondo's are really great as well, he's such a fun guy to interact with and him talking about wanting to be a carpenter and loving his stupid tiny dog and being too nervous to ask girls out all add such levity to his character and make it SO sad when he dies. like damn that biker gang leader trapped in a murder game really is just like. some guy in high school :-( i also loved that they brought him wanting to be a carpenter back in dr:s! made my heart soar uuuuugh i love you mondo, sorry i never ever talk about you
komaeda gets an honorable mention for his botched love confession. buddy you did So Bad.
83. Least favourite chapter?
[staring myself down in the mirror] i will not hate on v3 this time i will not hate on v3 this time i will not hate on--
chapter 4 of v3 was soooo boring guys. i hated the virtual world and idk if it was just me but the controls for it were just. nightmarish. whatever lets talk about the games i do like.
i also agree with @ovidiomedes about thh's c3 kind of dragging. it's one of my favorite trials, but the actual chapter is. really slow lol. i think part of that is due to the anticipation of chapters 4-6 which are some of my all time favorites across all three games, but i think it has larger narrative problems that contribute to that dragging feeling ://
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protokirby · 2 years
A fun dream I had last night :D
Basically, there was this huge crossover with characters from many different things. I was with them taking a tour in this very odd, very tall science facitity type of place. Everything was mostly normal climbing up the floors. A little spooky at times, but a lot of the spookiness was Danny Phantom pulling small pranks. Eventually, a monkey from Monkey Quest grabs Ryuki pokemon and yeets him over the safety rails to a part of a beam thing between the current floor and the lower floor where he gets very bloody WHILE I WAS TALKING TO HIM. He rolled a bit upon landing causing blood to shoot out. Luckily, Ryuki is alive. The suspicious monkey goes ahead with a few other people. I don't remember who the few other people were of if they were from anything. Ryuki is able to climb back up even with this huge gaping cut across his chest. He assures me he's ok and we continue having our chat while I wrap him in bandages. Gordie pokemon joins up with us. He's in my friend group, but had wandered off to the gift shop to get some plushies for me. He knows I have a plushie collection so that was sweet. He asks Ryuki what the heck happened to him and I explained the situation with the Monkey Quest monkey. We all just came to the conclusion that the monkey's just salty about his game being shut down. (I miss Monkey Quest by the way). So anyway, the tour continues as normal.
The entire tour group is wary of the monkey. I had even briefly teleported to grab a couple of swords from the car. I had teleportation powers in this dream but just couldn't teleport more than twice an hour. (It was Ryuki's car by the way. He drove me and Gordie to this fun little friend outing). Though only one of the swords was real. It wouldn't be easy to sneak two real swords into anywhere but it was to sneak one real sword in. The other sword was wooden but it got wet from the rain so I bent it in the shape of a banana and painted it like one too. I brought it along to attract attention so the real sword wouldn't be noticed. Ryuki and Gordie were impressed by the wooden banana sword and my smart idea to use that as a way to help keep the real sword hidden. Apparently, the "me" of this dream world had a tendency of doing this sort of thing and my silliness had come in handy on multiple occasions. I'm silly irl of course, but this is a different level. There was another tour group on the same floor, which was unusual because usually the groups had timing enough that they would all be on a different floor than the rest. The tour guides started asking each other about it. Turns out, the monkey was involved in the hold up. (shocker \j) Leon and Hop pokemon were in this other group. And Ulrich Code Lyoko. They were also some of my friends so me, Ryuki and Gordie went to ask them what happened and also to tell them about our experience with the monkey after Hop asked about why Ryuki's chest is wrapped up. Oh by the way, the tour groups were big. Not just three at one. The monkey was in the group I was in actually. The group of friends, now Leon, Hop and Ulrich included go see what the monkey did at the front of the group. Lo and behold. The monkey had murdered wow wow wubbzy.
The two tour guides finished their discussion and came to the conclusion for the groups to travel together for the sake of safety. So we traveled. Later, everyone was crossing a bridge. But the monkey was on the other side, unbeknownst to everyone. I wasn't on the bridge with everyone else. I was with Zak Saturday (The Secret Saturdays) chatting because I saw him looking at an exhibit with his family. He wasn't in one of the tour groups. I was also friends with him in this dream world. I miss being in the dream already. So many friends. Anyway, I was heading back to where the group was but the monkey cut the bridge. Megaman X was there too, who's also a friend of mine. Another friend, Raika Megaman Battle Network quickly tied the end of the bridge back but then the monkey's henchman threw him onto the bridge and then wrapped the bridge in a net so there was no escape for any of them. Though they didn't re-cut the bridge because there was a SIR robot from Invader Zim stopping them. Like GIR but not malfunctioning or crazy. Me and Zak Saturday witness this. He gives me a nod and hands me his weapon/grappling hook thing called "The Claw". His parents aren't too concerned by this so I guess they know me enough to trust me too. I nod back and use it to get to the other side. The monkey had grabbed Ryuki out of the net, apparently was angry that he survived. The monkey took Ryuki to one of the science exhibits and locked him up. This exhibit in particular was one of a burning building. Although it had that odd sort of plastic-y fabric stuff with the holes in it often used in things like birthday gift package cushioning. Three separate colors of the stuff (red, orange, yellow) attached to a small fake tower to look like a burning building. This triggers my specific type of pyrophobia, which causes panic at the subject of buildings on fire and had the tour got to it without all the crisis, Ryuki and Gordie would have had to be actively comforting me throughout it. But I was not about to let my fear get in my way of saving my friends.
I take out the real sword and point it at the monkey and I demanded that the monkey stop all of this or I would take drastic measures and killing is not something I like doing. (I lowkey get sad every time I kill a bug- I can't kill a monkey) The monkey sees the wooden sword shaped like a banana that I had beside me and makes a trade offer. If I give it the wooden banana, it stops being violent. It works for me so I accept. The monkey lets Ryuki go. Ryuki hugs me and we walk back to the bridge with Ryuki still hugging me as we walk. The monkey was behind us. It told the henchmen to unwrap the bridge. They did and people started walking out. Gordie, Leon, Hop, Ulrich, and several other of my friends congratulated me for my bravery and both of the tour guides told me that they wouldn't fine me for bringing a sword in here because of how grateful they were but to not bring a sword in here ever again. But surprise, surprise. The monkey was not through. This little freak was coming to try and shove me off the edge but then Buford from Phineas and Ferb shoved the monkey off instead as well as one of the monkey's henchmen. Then laughed and called the monkey stupid. Got another hug from Ryuki but then the other henchman shoved me off the edge for real. At the angle I was falling, there would not have been anything to break my fall like Ryuki had. As I'm falling I see Ryuki holding his arm off the edge dramatically with his face full of tears while Gordie is in rage mode bashing the henchman's head over the wall repeatedly (which was mildly amusing amidst the chaos). I woke up shortly after and I'm assuming it was smacking the ground that did it. Though I felt like I was waking up as I was falling so dream-me could have teleported instead maybe. Hopefully that so my friends in the dream aren't sad.
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fleurywiththesave · 2 months
Mattdrai #21
21. this is a very long hug now sort of hug
It took a little creative maneuvering for Leon to avoid going out after the game, but he’s not about to waste any of his limited time with Matthew on people he sees every day. He makes a mental note to thank Hyms later for getting everyone to back off. Leon strongly suspects that he knows more than he lets on, but that’s a bridge to cross another time.
When he gets home, the lights are already on — Matthew must have beaten him there and used the key Leon gave him over the summer. The thought of it makes him pretty warm and fuzzy. Sure enough, Matthew is sliding into the foyer and burrowing into Leon’s arms as soon as he walks through the door.
“Whoa, hey,” Leon says, holding him tightly. “Good to see you too.”
“Shut up,” Matthew mumbles into his shoulder. “You know you missed me.”
“That’s no secret.”
Usually when they’re working on borrowed time, they bypass everything else in favor of getting to the bedroom as quickly as possible, but tonight Matthew’s not pulling away. Leon rubs a hand up and down his back and waits.
“Something to eat?” he finally asks. He feels Matthew nod, so he leads him into the kitchen and makes him drink water while he warms up some meal plan food. Matthew didn’t actually say anything about being thirsty, but it can’t hurt whatever’s up, right? When the food is ready, they eat in silence until Leon can’t take it any longer.
“Want to tell me what’s going on?” he asks. Matthew frowns and sets down his fork.
“Oh come on, I was doing such a good job!”
“Maybe to someone who doesn’t know you,” Leon answers. That gets him a small smile. “Talk.”
Matthew sighs. It sounds…sad.
“Brady and Emma are having a baby.”
Leon doesn’t know how to respond to that. “Yeah,” he finally settles on. “You called me after they told you, remember?”
“—And I’m jealous,” Matthew finishes.
“And I don’t want to be, but I am. I’m trying not to let them notice, because that’s not fair, and I didn’t want to tell you because that’s not fair either, but I guess finally getting to see you again just. Stirred it all up.”
Leon’s heart aches.
“I’m not trying to put anything on you,” he continues, words spilling out like he needs to rush or he won’t be able to say it. “We don’t have to talk about it. We never have to talk about it again. Actually, why don’t we go upstairs? We should go upstairs right now.”
“Matthew.” That gets him to shut up, at least. Matthew clenches his jaw and waits, looking anxious and apologetic.
“Matty,” Leon says carefully, “you know that not right now doesn’t mean not ever, right?”
“…Really?” The defeated look on Matthew’s face has been replaced by something cautiously hopeful. Leon tugs on his hand and he obligingly moves to stand in front of Leon’s chair.
“I mean, this is a hell of a way to talk about for the first time, but yeah, of course I want that. I know it’s shitty right now to be so far apart for so long, but that’s not going to last forever.” Leon lets his hands rest on Matthew’s hips and looks up at him. The expression on his face is downright sweet.
“I didn’t know you were thinking about any of that,” he says.
“You really do just like me for my looks, huh,” Leon deadpans. Matthew laughs and pulls him up for another hug. This one feels considerably less desperate.
“Hey. Still want to go upstairs?” Leon asks, nuzzling the side of Matthew’s face. Matthew turns his head and kisses him.
“Race you.”
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sapphire-weapon · 2 months
>open Twitter >open DMs to send a message to a buddy I haven't spoken to in a while >there's a shitton of messages that I never got notifications for that I just straight-up missed over the course of A YEAR >goddamn it Twitter >this is all Elon Musk's fault >anyway >one of them is from the Project Umbrella guys >remember the big stupid bitchfight I got into with them last year >oh Jesus what the fuck did they want back then that I missed >open DM >HE'S DEFENDING THE RE ARCHIVES >NO FUCKING WAY LOL
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And that's NOT what happens in Leon's RE3 epilogue. THIS is Leon's RE3 epilogue:
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Oh but wait!
There's more!
This guy then tries to go on to defend the "Adam Benford kidnapped Leon" argument. Let's see how well his argument holds up.
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So let's check his facts. Let's do a search for Jun Takeuchi.
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Interesting. So Takeuchi became an executive around 2017. RE6 came out in 2012. So Takeuchi wasn't an executive at the time RE6 was written or released.
In fact
looking at this
Takeuchi didn't work on Resident Evil 6 at all. So... if he didn't work on RE6, then that would make anything he writes about it... fanfiction... wouldn't it? Otherwise, what gives him word of god for RE6's story? The fact that he was employed at the company at the time? Does this mean that any random environmental artist has word of god over the story? Do the Monster Hunter guys have word of god over RE6, too?
And what about Tsukasa Takenaka? Well, he's not even a big enough name to have a Wikipedia page to begin with. In fact, looking him up, it seems like he had a minor hand in writing RE5, produced Revelations 1, and worked on RE: The Mercenaries 3D.
Okay, well what about this dude's other claims?
Adam Benford was director of the CIA in 2002 (according ONLY TO that airsoft ad written by the guy who did not work on RE6; this is NOT stated in RE6 itself), and his position in 1998 is unknown -- implying that he was not actually the director of the CIA in 1998. But Leon was kidnapped in 1998 by the CIA. So if he wasn't the director... then I guess he wasn't behind the kidnapping, was he?
Our friend from Project Umbrella then goes on to make a bunch of other claims right in a row, so let's go down them one by one.
>"Leon and Adam working together for a decade is only an approximation" Okay, but if you're approximating, the number would be closer to 15, not 10. Benford died in 2011. 2011 - 1998 = 13. So the rounded number would be 15.
>it's okay if RE6 gets the date wrong because supplementary material gets it wrong >implying that the game does not have more people working on it to ensure accuracy than random supplemental material. You're telling me that no one on the team of hundreds that worked on this game remembered that Raccoon City happened in 1998?
>RE6 is off by a year re: Chris killing Wesker
Is that true?
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No, actually. That's not true at all. RE6 says it happened in 2009. And, wouldn't you know it. RE5 takes place in 2009.
So, what do you think, Mr. Project Umbrella?
Is that enough research that I've done for you?
Maybe the next time you want to go into a woman's DMs to mansplain at her and call her hysterical, you might want to get your fucking facts right first, you self-important misogynistic piece of human fucking garbage.
In conclusion.
and talk down to women, apparently
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a-tale-of-legends · 5 months
One thing that really annoyed me about the anime was the fact Charizard kept getting new gimmicks like not one but TWO megas in gen 6, a ride taxi in gen 7 and a gmax in gen 8...and yet they never used Ash's Charizard specifically to demonstrate them. like why keep introducing so many random characters with Charizards of their own as opposed the one Charizard who everyone is most attached to thanks to his compelling backstory and character development?
Because sometimes it ain't about Ash's Charizard lol. Charizard has already done a lot for Ash in the anime if I remember correctly, way before these gimmicks were introduced. While Ash having mega evolution in the gen 6 anime would have been dope, but the fact of the matter is that it wasn't about Charizard. It was about Greninja and his bond with Ash. Simple as that. And yes Greninja doesn't exactly mega evolve, but Ash Greninja is a mega evolution equivalent, essentially. And thus, the anime ends up focusing on that and the struggles with that.
In my eyes, Ash not using all the Charizard gimmicks was ultimately to make room for his newer pokemon and giving them time to shine. If Ash's Charizard kept coming back for every single gimmick that it was clearly not meant to be showcased with, it'll get real tiring. Real fast. It would make the writers seem like they're just trying to build up height with Ash's Charizard over and over and over again, when the poor thing already did its thing. It is essentially in retirement until Ash needs it again. And by that point, Ash would have gotten his own arsenal of pokemon to use.
The big caveat to all of this is something you mentioned anon: There's just. So. Many. God. Damn. Charizard trainers. So many. As someone who used to hate Charizard ( I don't anymore lol) That shit is annoying. Especially when they're ultimately just there to show a gimmick. Alian? Okay sure, he's our gateway into mega evolution, so I guess it's fine. Charizard X is probably the most popular mega ( design wise) so sure, make a character around that. Kiawe? Very odd choice. He never had one in the games, but okay???? Someone in the main group had to show the Charizard Ride pokemon. I guess. Leon? I'm actually not upset by this since I like game! Leon and just wish the Galar stuff in the anime was just well written ( and the entirety of journeys tbh), but at this point, I can 100% understand it feeling like Charizard is getting too much and too many random trainers are getting it. Also Friede has a Charizard and I don't know why. I mean I guess it's big enough for him to fly on. Like I'm not against it,but damn. Anyway, Ash isn't in that anime so let's move on. It's 100% understandable that one would feel like it would be just better if Ash's Charizard had these things, but again the problem ( at least in my eyes, DO NOT take this as fact) is that Ash has other pokemon to explore gimmicks with. Greninja with it's weird mega but not mega form, then later Lucario as an actual mega. Ash's Pikachu was honestly the biggest highlight of him using Z-moves, but so was using his other pokemon with Z-moves if I remember correctly. And Gengar being the main dynamax pokemon was so cool to see too. So yeah, they ( the writers I guess) didn't need to bring in Charizard when they had other pokemon to fill that role. Again, it ain't about Ash's Charizard. But again, the price to pay is Charizard trainers popping up. Way more than one would like.
Of course, this is all just my opinion! And I hope I didn't come off as invalidating your frustrations anon( and sorry if I did!) I'll be honest, I'm actually not. Super into the anime as I was a kid. I keep up with like. Blog posts and stuff. What I'm saying is that you can always take my stuff with a grain of salt. Or ignore it completely lol. But as always, thanks for the ask!
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elena-fishr · 1 year
Hi! Have you finished RE4R yet? And if you have, what did you think?
Hey anon I just want to thank you for always talking RE with me :,) <3 it does make my day better when I see an ask
in short, I did enjoy it and am still enjoying it! More in-depth and spoiler ramblings below the cut
I did finish it over the weekend and I really like it! They cut that bastard U-3 out and not a single tear was shed over it lmao
the game is gorgeous, the puzzles were actually fun imo, they’re simple but I enjoyed doing them lol, level design ✨ flawless ✨
I have small issues with it tho, like Leon’s movement in gameplay and how they scuffed my man Ramon Salazar. In the OG he was such a presence in all his wacky glory and in the remake I hardly remembered him after I was done, he’s one of my favorites from the OG 4 so it did bum me out that I don’t even have a memorable line that sticks out from him in the remake
Overall, it’s really fun and that’s all that matters! Now I’m enjoying getting money so I can buy and upgrade every weapon :D (which reminds me of RE5 btw)
The typewriter storage in re4r serves as a base inventory like in 5 so you can keep and improve ALL weapons available, it’s such a nice upgrade from OG 4 I just wish it was even more like 5 so we could store ammo and herbs and resources
And I have to talk about how much RE5 I see in RE4r because there’s so much! The fact that they extended AI companions, especially Luis where he can set you up for melees and vice versa with him, it screams re5 and I loved when he and Leon bantered mid combat and he would tell you when he had a guy ready to melee down
Ashley isn’t so much involved in combat but in cutscenes she’s so adamant about being a team with Leon, that’s such a re5 move honestly capcom lol sheva says the same thing to Chris to bring them together when Chris is trying to tell her about his personal stake in the mission
Of course the exploration in the boat and CHICKEN ISLAND!! Like that’s a level ripped right out of re5 lol It’s way more optional in re4r but it’s still there and you can find a weapon on an abandoned boat (red 9 pistol) in re5 you can find an rpg on an abandoned boat
The final cutscene with Ada and Wesker gave me such weird feelings!!! Like I was excited to see wesker but the voice bro…. I don’t enjoy his voice (I didn’t like Ada’s either. I think Leon and Luis had the best voice acting) I saw a picture showing Wesker’s computer screen which had the progenitor flower garden in the cave and excella and CHRIS REDFIELD (in his winter gear from revelations) so there was nothing new but it was still so cool to see and whether the next remake is code Veronica or Re5 I think it’s very likely it’s one of those two and either way I win 😈
I also want to say how much I LOVED the Krauser subplot, my only complaint about it is I wish there was more! His fights and the arc between him and Leon were so so so good it kills me
I got the feeling that krauser was more than just an asshole, he’s an asshole who cared, he couldn’t let go of his past, his fallen men. He wanted power and revenge and he cared so much about every man he ever trained, especially Leon. His end was so fitting and I know he was proud of Leon and that gave him peace before his end
Krauser is a bad guy, but he’s a bad guy I like 😆
If you played the game did you enjoy it? Did you like the newer interpretations of all the characters? Are you looking forward to mercenaries? :)
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Resident Evil Village - Game of the Year
The titular village is the best setting for the series since Resident Evil 4. In the wake of his interactions with the Baker family, drama occurs to Ethan Winters yet again. This critique doesn't go into the spoiler area, but Ethan shortly appears in the neighborhood, which is seemingly absorbed in the ages. Ethan is truthfully a more fleshed-out and three-dimensional hero in The Village. In addition, I can't remember the last time Ethan even had dialogue lines within Resident Evil 7. If Ethan had the dialogue, it was sporadic and unremarkable. The first half hour of Village delves deeper into Ethan as a character than Resident Evil 7 did in its entire runtime. We observe his struggles in communicating with his spouse regarding the happenings they experienced in the previous game. We witness Ethan forming bonds with villagers and yelling profanities at even the most formidable opponents.
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The Village is actually an expansive place for Ethan to wander around rather than Baker Ranch. Unlike Resident Evil 7, but similar to Leon Kennedy in Resident Evil 4, Ethan will get his own hands on a precision rifle that does come in handy to help him in the long-range overall experience this bigger environment provides. Despite the rise in importance, Resident Evil Village maintains a meticulous focus on the smallest details in its various settings. What originally shows up as an abandoned collection of homes is soon revealed as alternative routes, obscure secrets, hidden gifts, and an invitation to get off the beaten track and explore. Much like Metroidvania, There's plenty of backtracking to be found anytime you discover brand-new ways to allow users to enter previously inaccessible places.
Because she's been the center of the social network over the past several weeks, Lady Dimitrescu results in an interesting foe. Ethan encounters the original of the four lords, and it is a Mr. X-style opponent who pursues Ethan while he investigates Castle Dimitrescu. My only feedback in admiration of her character is that it was not enough of her. My guess is that Capcom did not anticipate that she would end up being the online obsession she has been. If they had gotten her, I believe she'd have been more prominent in the video game. Unfortunately, she and the Dimitrescu palace are just two of the four lords and their unique residences. The fundamental small town functions as a hub, and it's the Dimitrescu citadel, as well as the other three homes, each of which has a distinct accent and mood. There's, of course, the return of Chris Redfield through the image; nevertheless, the mystery of his own actions is generally figured alfresco by collecting collectibles and the video game's final chapter.
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The best way to describe it is that the village is an amusement park while these houses provide thrilling rides. But there isn't a single thing that is funny regarding the Beneviento home. It truly is certainly amongst the most terrifying scenes in any horror game that I've played. Considering that I've carried out the video game on my own, I'm eager to see some of my favorite streamers go through this part. The majority of these are generally small enough to be in their own right, but large enough to keep hidden secrets and treasures that are waiting to be found. Every house adopts a unique manner of horror or the inspiration comes from various Resident Evil gaming titles. Personally, I'm in favor of this style of thinking. The four homes in The Village—Dmitrescu, Beneviento, Mareau, and Heisenberg—are actually distinctive, not just as distinct characters and breeds of monsters, but in addition to their homes. They aren't as distinct as the classic luxury in the Dimitrescu citadel versus the slimy, decrepit mines that Mareau lives in.
My current relaxation time lasted over 12 hours, relating to the standard difficulty. It seemed like an incredibly good and well-paced ride through the village. The tale has surprises and includes an emotional and personal component that builds on the story that Resident Evil 7 commenced with Ethan Winters and the well-developed Baker group. Similarly, Resident Evil Village will keep you captivated by the roles and follow the storyline through to its conclusion. The puzzles are similar to those we saw in Resident Evil 2, with several new and fresh ideas also. In general, they're not overly challenging. Furthermore, I just got to refer to a guideline once. Similar to other Resident Evil games, The Village gives an abundance of good reasons to play through it several times. Conflicts and trophies, such as, for example, knives-only runs, or finishing the game in less than three hours, provide a great amount of challenge. Additionally, there is the return of the staple Mercenaries mode that can be even more valuable.
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Professional Soldiers is only available as a bonus offer in game mode after completing the game at least once. Fans of the entire series will recall it as the Mercenaries mode from Resident Evil 4. Mercenaries put the player up against timed waves of incoming enemies in stages which increase in difficulty. The rank of the players is determined according to the quality of their overall performance. Time boosters and power-ups are really distributed throughout the field to add an aspect of strategy. Power-ups are a variety of things, from damage boosters to velocity boosters. As it is, there are eight levels in four usable destinations, but it really is possible that this number could be increased in future DLC.
I really participated in this review on my way through the PS5 model of Resident Evil Village. The game has unique features that give credit to DualSense along with 3D sound support. Resident Evil Village utilizes the DualSense controller's adaptive stimulation. This needs enthusiasts to apply a varying quantity of torque based on the weapon they're using. For fps, this enhances the feeling of immersion since each weapon comes with a distinct weight. For instance, a heavy shotgun will require more power than a lighter pistol, and you can feel it with DualSense. Three-dimensional acoustics enhance the sense of being in the scene. The sounds an adversary produces are more detailed and fill the actual space in an environment that is 3D. That adds an extra quantity of cognizance that increases the stress. This is a much more complex component than the DualSense support, but it will provide a rich and immersive audio experience.
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Because of the SSD tech via the next-gen video game consoles, load occasions are generally blisteringly quick in Resident Evil Village. A cold boot using the PS5's special task cards ensures that players can change from the dashboard and into the game in just minutes. It naturally makes dying less difficult There'll be an abundance of passing away, particularly on higher difficulties. Resident Evil Village has a 4K Ultra-HD screen resolution at 60 frames per second and ray-tracing. The result is an outstanding visual experience that truly brings the gorgeous artwork to life. Even with ray tracing on in the game, I have not noticed any motion dropping below 60FPS in intense scenes. The 4K quality supplies crisp and crystal clear graphics that really do demonstrate how the console games have advanced from the previous generation. The marriage of sharp artwork as well as a stunning style of art made me switch to photo mode on numerous occasions. After seeing the way the game runs on PS 4, Capcom's RE Engine has done excellent work on outdated electronics.
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sonianvmd · 3 years
thh characters with a crush on you
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warnings: none, maybe some swearing but otherwise nothing major
oH and mentions of murder and death but this is danganronpa so im going to assume u expected as much
a/n: so we kickin this blog off with a bang, writing for LITERALLY THE ENTIRE TRIGGER HAPPY HAVOC CAST LMFAOAOAOAO (excluding hifumi, yasuhiro, and the two despairs doe bc i’ve already made that clear)
also some character’s sections are shorter than others im sorry i just couldnt think of as many bullet points for them *tiktok cry emoji*
spoilers under the cut!!
★ 彡 ★ ミ ★ 彡 ★ ミ ★
makoto naegi
when he realizes he likes you, he doesn’t necessarily panic or anything, but he does get nervous
nervous around you, that is
y’all saw how he was with sayaka
if he says anything that might sound intimate then he’ll immediately rephrase it or reassure he didn’t mean anything by it
he really only does have good intentions but his wording just kinda flops sometimes
he appreciates how you listen to him and value what he says
you don't make him feel dumb or inferior compared to a bunch of ultimates with actual talents
he’ll muster up the courage to tell you eventually
let’s hope his luck comes through 😁
byakuya togami
now when THIS man realizes he likes you, he a bitch nigga bout it 😐
he can't believe he fell for a common plebeian such as you
but it was hard not to
the way you preferred to get to the point
the way you were aware of your situation and didn't sugarcoat how you felt about it, although you certainly were nicer with it than him
he's ruthless
you knew your priorities and spent no time trying to use your resources
he noticed how much you had in common; in you, he saw himself
and we all know how this mf feels about himself 😐
he’ll be quick to defend you in class trials
he won’t realize he’s doing it but he just subconsciously protects you
but just because he doesn't notice it, don't mean the rest of the class brushes past it as well
yeah they on his ass LMFAOO
kyoko kirigiri
kyoko is very good at keeping her composure so she won’t be very obvious
she’ll probably just hang around you more
she’ll also defend you in class trials, calmly
“oh, it couldn’t have been [name]. i remember seeing them in their dorm around the time the murder took place.”
hifumi probably finna say some dumb shit like “aye what was you doin in their dorm doe” but anyways
she finds you respectable
if you have anything to contribute, she’ll let you take the floor
when she tells you, she’s very composed, but also very indirect LMFAO
she’s not too sure on how to express her interest in you but maybe she’ll go about it like “well, [name], now we’ve made it here, would you like to step back into the world with me?” or somethin else along those lines idk
take her hand
toko fukawa
y’all know her whole “master togami” shtick
yeah so 😁😁😁😁
no but fr, toko ofc still has her borderline stalkerish 🧍🏾‍♀️ tendencies
she’ll often find herself staring at you, either in the library or in the morning meetings everyday at breakfast
but she isn’t as straight forward as she is with byakuya
i actually think she’d be mad shy and non confrontational
the whole thing she kept up with him ? yeah, never again
if you approach her first then she’ll be able to get a few words out but for most of the conversation, she’ll just nervously play with her braids
you’ll most likely put two and two together
unless ur a makoto kinnie bc then you’ll have to wait till someone else puts it in place for u but anyways
if you decide to approach her about it, you’ll kinda be backing her into a corner bc she’s just bad at deflecting things lmao
she’ll eventually confess (begrudgingly but hey i mean its better than nothing)
expect much stuttering and a gesture like giving you a small gift
and not to be that writer that uses japanese terms in english writing but toko seems like a tsundere but not really if that makes sense?? so she’d probably shove it in your hands and if you try to say something then she’ll just try to play it off as not a big deal lol
calls u a baka 😍😍
aoi asahina
i know y’all all see how she is with sakura
aoi is the kind of person who’d like to spend time with their crush rather than shy away from them
she values you and your friendship very much
bring her donuts
just trust me bring her donuts
she doesn’t really realize she’s into you like that for a while but believe me, she is, the whole time
and yeah i think she’d be nervous to tell you bc that’s just natural but ultimately she’d be cool about it
uh oh looks like we goin for a swim
sakura ogami
similar to kyoko, she’s very calm
despite her big and bad appearance, she really is a sweet girl
she cares for you and your well-being very much
will indeed go on x games mode for you
the way she tells you is very sincere and well spoken
kith her
im sorry this is like the shortest one i couldn’t think of much for her 😔😔
leon kuwata
flirtatious ass mf
and he’s lightskin
so this just cannot go well
y’all know that bit where it’s like the guy yawns and stretches his arms up and then wraps one around your shoulder
yeah that’s literally him LMFAOO
he’s very confident
he was fairly well known with the ladies at his old school so you know he’s rhockin wit it ‼️
you feel.. different than usual ??
those girls were just lil flings n dates bc he was nice enough to accept their confessions and it boosted his ego anyway so it was a win win
but you
he was genuinely interested in you since he had saw you the first time
he didn’t just acknowledge your appearance
he learnt about your personality and your hobbies and what you liked and such, and he really cared and wanted to hear you talk about it all
he felt the need to really make an effort to show you how much he respected and had affections for you
he doesn't tell you in a grand way
probably just asks you out to a movie or somethin
he's chillin
mondo owada
you know
for being the biggest, baddest, most respected biker gang leader
or just for being in a biker gang period
mondo’s a huge softie lol
yeah he gets violent but he’s a sweet guy who cares about and is loyal to his friends
so mfs need to be nice to you
or they gettin whooped
when he decides it’s time to tell you how he feels, he thinks over his words and he’s all confident there’s no way you’d reject him but then he sees you in the halls and goes 🧍🏾 LMFAOOO
he’ll push through but it’s like he’ll walk up to you and look away from you because he refuses eye contact and just go
“so y/n, would you wanna.. tch.. come to a drive-in movie with me or somethin’?... dumbass.”
real smooth mondo i think you got em good job
please tease him LMFAOO it’d be so funny
he’d probably yell but you can tell he’s not mad so you just keep going with it
but once you’re done tormenting him, you do agree to the movie, don’t worry 🙏🏾
also mondo would call his s/o doll
that is all
chihiro fujisaki
my fav dude in a dress <3
chihiro would be quite shy, but that’s just how he is tbh so no surprise there
he’s very kind so he’d check up on you often just to see how you are
he cares about you v much
the way he confesses is one that consists of a red face as he offers you a box of candy or something similar
and he’d feel honored that you reciprocate his feelings
he’d be very scared to tell you his secret but once he does, he’s delighted to hear it doesn’t make any difference to you
he doesn’t know how he got so lucky with you
not only because woooo they like me back but also because you like him despite,, well everything about him LMFAOO
sweet lil boy
i’d feel like he’d talk about you to alter ego a lot
and when u meet the program for the first time, he’s like “oh! you must be [name]! master’s told me all about you :)”
sobbing i miss him
kiyotaka ishimaru
okay here’s the thing
if taka were to like someone
i can’t tell whether he’d be more strict because he doesn’t want them to get in trouble (and also so it would hopefully divert any suspicion that he DOES like you since he treats you the same as everyone else, only more)
or if he’d hold back more because he favors them LMFAOO
so imma write a lil bit for both
in the case that he was even stricter:
he’d prefer to be around you because he believes the best way he can make sure you stay out of trouble is to make sure you don’t get into any in the first place
of course it’s impossible to monitor you every second of every day but he does his best to make sure you’re doing well
if he sees you do anything out of line, he’s shutting that shit down IMMEDIATELY
but in the case he let up:
he’d still lecture you but noticeably less than the other students
if your feet were resting on top of a desk, he’d ask you to move them and then leave you alone rather than yell at you and forcibly move them himself
if you notice his behavior towards you in comparison to the other students do not tease him about it he will go as red as his eyes /hj
either way he’s confessing to you with a polite but exaggerated bow while holding out a well thought out letter with both hands
sayaka maizono
she will tell you
idk why but i feel like she’d be straight up lol
she’d make sure she’s sincere
she is the ultimate pop idol and all so she wants to make sure you know that she really does like you and isn’t playing a sick joke on you or anything
ok bc
while i do think she’d tell you
i’d feel like she’d be a little indirect just to see how you feel
like she’d give you a free ticket to one of her upcoming concerts with a kind smile
and naturally, you're like :o
and of course you come to support her
and seeing you smile at her from the crowd and cheer her on was the encouragement she needed to push her to ask you out
for real this time
she asks if you wanna come to a concert with her and ur like “oh yeah i love ur shows!!” bc ur dumb and then she’s like “no i mean.. for another artist” and eventually it hits you that she’s asking you out and ur like “oH YEAH YEAH SURE THAT SOUNDS GREAT YEAH OK” LMFAOO
i really hope that this is good LMFAOO this is my first time writing for dr so 😃👍🏾
fun fact i finished toko’s section first and taka’s last 😁😁
and i’d like to thank @mius-imagination @bloodygir n the rest of the discord for helping me figure some of these characters out *simultaneously whips and nae naes*
bye ive been working on this for like weeks this took forever
edit: here’s a deleted section bc i kept blanking for this character 😍
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kkusuka · 3 years
What about a insecure reader about her and Ushijima's relationship since he doesn't seem all to interested in having her around unless it's for volleyball purposes. So when she starts to drift away from him he's super confused, suddenly Tendou becomes more comfortable to sleep on at movie nights, and Reon seems to know everything you used to tell Ushijima. And he struggles internally because he doesn't know what to do. And the last straw was when you walked in holding Goshiki's hand and he walked over pushing the 1st year away with a worried/pained/anxious face shaking his head saying no because he doesn't to no what else to say but he knows it's not right.
relationship: ushijima wakatoshi x reader, slight oikawa tootu x reader 
words: 1.5k 
synopsis: Ushijima can’t bare to lose you. 
cw: insecurity
a/n: i havent written something like this in a while and i really missed it! 
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Ushijima Wakatoshi was not emotionless.
Simple, but not emotionless.
It was something that had to be constantly reminded before people began to truly believe he didn’t feel anything. He’s had his many licks with emotion, as anyone else would. The joy of finding the one thing he truly loved doing; volleyball. The confusion when his mother began reprimanding him for using his left hand. The overwhelming helplessness when his father walked out the door.
Butterflies when you smiled at him in the hallway, the heat in his cheeks when he saw you in the stands at one of his games. The shake in his hands when he met you at the gates and told you his feelings, very detailed in facts.
Ushijima Wakatoshi was clearly not emotionless.
So why was it he seemed so indifferent to you?
You knew he had to feel something for you, people don't empty their entire heart just because they felt like it, at least you hoped. Of course, as much as he denied, you knew that you would be on par if not second to volleyball. In a sick way; you were fine with it as long as he came back to you and let you share some of his burdens, you were happy.
But as of recently, it seemed that he couldn’t even do that.
Gone were the nights he would fall into your arms outside the gym doors because he’s been practicing for five hours straight. The walks in the park when neither of you could sleep, ones that ended in his arms on the couch watching some random food network show.
So now, as you leone the couch, void of the warmth you so desperately crave; you can't help but wonder if it was only you who felt the distance between you.
Your door unlocked- just as you thought it would. Your boyfriend slipping through the door, eyes immediately finding your body draped over the end of the sofa. He could still see the dinner you had made, glazing over the dirty dishes, proof he was hours behind when he said he’d be here.
“Tosh? Is there any way we can spend more time together? It feels like it’s been forever since we’ve done something.”
“No. Nationals is arriving soon, I cannot do anything about my schedule. We are spending time together right now.”
If Ushijima was not emotionless; how was it so easy for him to dismiss you?
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Did you and Tendou always have a Wednesday movie night?
Ushijima raked his mind for the last time he’d seen this; the last time he was in his dorm on a weeknight. He knew you and the redhead were good friends, close since the first year of high school. He remembered something about a sleepover before you had begun dating and the occasional dinner at some fast-food restaurant.
He understood both your and his love for anime, and the movies alongside. But if he hadn’t known any better, he would assume that it was to two of you dating, not yourself and him.
Clearing his throat, you both glanced from your spot, huddled on the couch, inviting him to sit beside you. It was nice, though he knew nothing about what was happening on screen, something about demons and a little girl along with a boy with boar head overtop his.
The second the credits rolled, you and Tendou engaged in a conversation that he couldn’t even begin to understand. Somehow ending in another plan to go out the next night for a store opening that will have a manga that you both like.
Finally, as Tendou left, you noticed how silent your boyfriend had been since getting there.
“Would you like to come with us, Toshi?” Would he? The ice in his eyes held the answer far before he spoke.
“No. I will be practicing.”
The statement seemed like nothing. A simple retort you’ve heard so many times you could predict what he was going to say before he did. The phrase forced the memories of laying alone on the couch and sitting at restaurants staring at the clock for what felt like-- and really was-- hours a night.
You could count o one hand how many dates that he’s been early too, or even stayed the whole time. That’s even when he accepted your invitation.
Your friend had warned you that you would feel like this, abandoned and thrown to the side. ‘Why do you stay?  Clearly, he isn’t treating you right, o find someone who will!’
“Just for a little? We haven’t been out for a while.” you plea, noticing how he was ready to walk away.it felt like ages since you’ve had an actual conversation.
“Y/n, don’t start right now. I am tired, and I have already told you that I am busy. Quite pestering.” pestering? Is that what you meant to him, were you a bother?
Tendou had always reminded you that Wakatoshi wasn’t good at feelings. He didn’t know how to put what he felt into words. You accepted that, you understood that emotions can be harder on some people.
But now, it wasn’t just feeling an word, it was actions. It was the missed dates he never apologized for, the charging past you after practice that he stayed overtime for. It was him turning his back on you before you could respond.
As you turn your eyes catch one of the photos you have taped to your wall, a selfie you and him took during a trip to Harajuku in May. You bought matching bracelets both with small flower charms on each, ‘a symbol of eternal love’, yeah right.
‘If you’re the only one putting in effort, it’s not a relationship, it’s desperation’
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Ushijima Wakaothish may not have emotions, but he surely had one.
Green and far too ugly to acknowledge.
He may not understand the butterflies when you smile or the warms when your hand locks with his, but he knows exactly what the burning in his veins is. The furrow in his brown and deeper frown than normal, he’s jealous, extremely at that.
A fact that anyone who looked at the man could see, his aura radiated exactly what he was feeling, a true sight to behold.
His mind was muddled, what right did Oikawa have to even share the same breath as you, never mind put a hand on you. His mind ran through all of the things he could possibly do right there, he could punch the brown-eye playboy, but then he would be in trouble.
He could make a big scene and yell at him, or he could do nothing, just watch as the Seijoh playing steals your attention. Suddenly he’s thrown into memory, Reon and you chatting at the lunch table. Like you’d been friends for years, the smile that was supposed to only be meant for him plastered on your face.
Then it was Goshiki and his blistered hands that you so dutifully wrapped for him, holding his hand so tenderly that Wakatoshi wondered if it felt like when you held hands with him.
Then to Tendou, your pro-claimed cuddle buddy.
Would it even be worth it to stop Oikawa? Has he already lost you to someone else?
He couldn’t let that happen, not when he still had a chance to keep you.
You were violently ripped from whatever stupid pick-up line Oikawa was spouting by two hands on your hips. Your entire body was pulled into a hard chest as the same two arms cradle you to his.
“Don’t talk to what’s mine, Oikawa”
You’ve never heard him sound so angry, he practically snarled at the setter, turning the both of you and walking down the hallway to the ext before the brown-haired man ould even retort.
“Toshi are you-”
“Please don't leave me.” Another emotion you’ve never seen from the man, fear.
He was acred, losing you was the end of the world for him. What was he supposed to do if you aren’t there for him? Who will he look at in the crowd to keep him going during the fifth set? There is simply no one that can give him the rush you can.
“I know I’ve been bad, and I’m so so sorry. I can make up for the dates and we can go to the manga store and to dinner whenever you want. We can watch movies after practice and cuddle whenever! Just please don’t leave me for Oikawa!” he pleaded, taking your hands to his, holding you so tightly and yet like you were glass.
“Wakatoshi, I’m not leaving you. Please calm down, I’m not going anywhere.” You move your hands to cup his face, finally taking notice of the tears looming in his eyes.
And you smiled. The smile just for him, taking his head onto your shoulder, slightly rocking back and forth. His hands rubbing along the length of your back.
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“I won’t let you.”
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tags: @bakugos-cumsock @rinsangel
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