#those gifs FOUND their target audience (ME)
whateverisbeautiful · 5 months
♥️ Ranking Richonne
#30: This Is It (S7E12)
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Their smiles in this 7.12 scene will forever warm my heart. 🥹 And after seeing the palpable yearning Rick and Michonne have for each other in each of these TOWL trailers, you just know that it’s moments like the one on this rooftop that they both long to return to. (Side note: when they said TOWL would be an epic love story they were not playing around 🔥 every teaser and trailer is showing why this is the most epic husband and wife and this is some crazy love for real. 😍)
Now y'all know Richonne's honeymoon episode 'Say Yes' is gonna make multiple appearances on this Top 30 list. Starting with this lovely moment right here where our power couple is so visibly enamored with each other...
(And y’all, at first I really thought I was gonna make these posts a lil paragraph each, but then I saw a post that said, “I’m my target audience on Tumblr,” and I was like - you know what that person is right lol. And I love me some detailed Richonne insights, both to nestle in and read and to write, so instead of short and sweet, these posts are about to be my signature-length and sweet. Cuz truly I can’t help but go all out when it comes to reveling in Richonne)
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Lemme start by saying we are so fortunate to have Andy and Danai as the captains of this ship and that this extraordinary TV relationship is in the hands of two extraordinary actors. The way they give their all to these characters and always speak so beautifully about Rick and Michonne’s relationship is just a blessing. 🙌🏾
I remember Andy saying that he likes to think “I love you” is communicated every time Rick looks at Michonne, and it really really is. And this moment in 'Say Yes' is a prime example. The way they look at each other throughout this scene was a loud and clear “I love you” from them both, and I absolutely love to see it. 
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Ok so refresher - because the universe was like Richonne deserves to keep winning on this honeymoon, they climb on that roof and find a boatload of guns at a carnival. And I love that they let Rick and Michonne’s run take place at such a date-like environment.
And I am smiling uncontrollably seeing the two of them smile when they realize this is it. They’re so beautiful and their joy brings me joy. It’s great seeing that they’re in such a good mood after being so down in 7A, and I adore every glance and synchronized smile they share. 
I love Rick saying, “I think this is it” and Michonne smiling as she agrees. This line is pretty accurate to their relationship too. This relationship is it. This is the one for them. I mean, Andy said it himself - Rick found the greatest love story of his life in finding Michonne.
Rick asks, “Think we can?” which is also cute cuz he def knows they can. As was shown in the 7.10 ep 'New Best Friends,' Rick thoroughly enjoys the fact that he and his woman are such a power couple and there’s nothing they can’t do. (and the CRM finna learn there's nothing this husband and wife can't do together real soon 💁🏽‍♀️)
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When Rick asks if she thinks they can, Michonne is like let me find the coolest way possible to say 'yes we can' when she gets a determined look on her face and shoots those cans from a far distance. It’s nice cuz when she went out practicing her shot in 7.04 it was a very frustrating experience for her, but now with her man by her side and fighting the fight with him, she’s having a far more fun and successful time. And this would be how two of the baddest in the land have a carnival date. 😋
I love how happy Rick seems to be here to see Michonne in her element. He knew she had been practicing out there alone, and now he gets to see that of course his boss of a wife has got good at it. And their smiles and laughs. Food for the soul.  
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You can just feel Rick taking in every moment he has with her and cherishing it. His adoration for this woman is so visible. And as we know, at this point, Rick had come to terms with the fact that he may not make it out of this Saviors war and that they’d lose people. So seeing him be so present in this moment with Michonne like they were the only two in the world, is all the more heartfelt cuz he’s trying to enjoy this moment like it’s his last. Cuz realistically, it could be.
And if his days really are numbered, then spending quality time enwrapped in Michonne's love and smiles is a major part of how Rick wants to enjoy what valuable life he has left.
Michonne is so glowy and happy in this scene too. 🥰  This is the face of a woman whose heart is being cared for by a good man who will be by her side through anything. Her adoration and fulfillment with her man are so fully on display, and she's so deserving of this kind of love and happiness. Also it’s sweet how Rick has this impressed look at her as she knocks down those cans.
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And truly what makes this a top 30 scene for me is their reactions after she says that. Because Michonne gives Rick the most sincere sweet smile that is just so clear she loves him. And then the lingering way Rick looks at her 😍…based on that look it just feels like my man Rick was a bit overcome with his love for her. 🥹
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It was most definitely a moment of Rick thinking, 'How’d I get so lucky finding you?' And I love that Rick can never hide his feelings for her. This is a man who is so deeply in love with his wife. And how he quietly soaks up this happy moment with her melts my entire heart. You can genuinely see that this moment in time with his true love is one Rick treasures and wants to hold onto for as long as he can.
And I just so respect that with his character so aware that life can be cut short, he’s really presently basking in each moment with her. Time with Michonne and their family is what Rick most wants. And it's refreshing to see them both be so fully present in their Richonne bubble and enjoying what they've always wanted in this scene.
The scene ends with them falling through the roof, but then after a moment of silence, you hear them laughing yet again. I love it. Nothing was bursting that Richonne bubble.
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Andy and Danai understand the assignment every time when it comes to depicting Richonne’s relationship. And I love that they knew in an ep where they get to just have all this alone time, they would be so smiley and on cloud nine. And this was one of the moments that beautifully portrayed that. 
Joy wasn't often depicted on this show, but whenever Rick and Michonne got alone time together it was joy’s time to shine. They know they can get through anything together so they’re able to just take a moment and enjoy each other and laugh and smile and that is a rare and wonderful thing only the two of them could give each other in this way.
So if you were to ask me what true love is, I’d show you Richonne scenes like these and just have three words - This. Is. It. 😌
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montcumbry-gaytor · 1 year
Heya! Do you mind doing soldier x reader x reaper? The plot can be whatever you want.
Also your writings awesome! Keep up the good work
Reaper x Reader x Soldier smut
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A/N : I am so sorry for taking absolutely forever to write, it takes me a while to even find inspo to write and then to write in general, ntm I was very busy recently 🙏 again I'm very sorry and hope this comes to your liking
CW : Commanders x Private, Threesome, Good boy, Hinting at overstimulation, Double Penetration.
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Getting into Overwatch was not easy, To you at least, but others in your field said it was for you, bitterness in their voices.
You had to get used to field work quickly with Overwatch, Not only the stress of it all, but caring for everyone on the team.
And also being called 'rookie' By Commander Morrison and Commander Reyes.
Behind their backs, you would roll your eyes at the name, knowing full well it would stick until you had done something notable, that or had been around more than the few months you had.
Nonetheless, You found friends, Rather— they found you, Lena specifically, Quick to greet you once you were recruited and quicker to get to know you, being a valuable asset on the field she was on a lot of missions.
Needless to say, you got along well, and she was the first person outside of your immediate family to know that you were into men.
Those men being your commanders.
( And oh how she teased you )
"I can see why you'd like Jack, A smooth American criminal but, Reyes? He's so grouchy all the time!"
She said, a sinister grin on her peachy lips.
"Keep it down- You make me regret ever telling you."
"Telling her what, Rookie?"
Soldiers voice slyly hummed out from behind you, when you whipped around to look at him, Reyes was close behind him, Peering down at you with a fierce gaze.
"N-Nothing important, Commander."
You jumbled out, Nervously smiling at them both.
"Yea! It was just a bit of playful banter!"
Lena chimed in, her accent carrying her words, your heart nearly leaping out of your chest as Reyes let out a small "Hmph." Behind you.
"Anyways- What was it you needed, Commanders?"
You asked, eyeing them in hopes you didn't do anything wrong, the hairs on the back of your neck standing up.
"You're due for training, Rookie, Figured you'd learn from your Commanders than anyone else."
Your peers eyed down on you, Reyes' eyebrows furrowed, Intensifying his gaze, though you could swear his lips twitch upward into a smirk for just a second.
"Yes Commanders." You said, your hand flattening and meeting your forehead, Morrison's light chuckle causing your face to flush.
"Meet us in Ten, Got it Rookie?"
Reyes boomed, Prompting you to nod in acknowledgement.
And with that your Commanders filed out of the area, Whipping around to eye Lena, Who had a smug grin plastered to her lips.
"Got a date with the Commanders, Aye?"
You gasped, hands slamming down on the table, Face flushing deeply as she giggled.
"Welp, You better get ready, Pretty yourself up! Bye Y/N!"
She said, Blinking away in a matter of seconds, leaving you to your embarrassment, cursing her in your mind, you stood, rushing to your quarters to get into sparring clothes,
The black snugly fit turtleneck with sleeves that hugged the middle of your forearm slipped over your body, following behind was a grey pair of sweatpants, and your shoes, Jogging out of your quarters as the door shut and locked behind you, Thanks to ATHENA.
You reached the training room in a matter of minutes, As you entered, Your commanders had already been sparring with each other, teetering on who would win as they easily swayed each others attempts.
'I hope it's not them being really hot but their sparring looks really....intimate?'
You thought, eyeing their sweaty bodies counter eachother, Morrison being the first to notice your presence in the room, tapping on Reyes' shoulder to tap out.
"Rookie! Right on time, As I would hope of our new soldier."
Morrison said, walking over to you, Slipping a hand around your shoulders and hooking around your forearm, guiding you to the training mats.
"You'll be sparring Reyes today, Understand?"
"Yes, Commander."
"Good, He won't go easy on you, Remember what we've worked on."
Jack said, winking in your direction as he patted your shoulder, sending you to the mats with Reyes, Who stared expectantly, Arms crossing into themselves.
"This should be fun- You ready, Rookie?"
"Fuck no."
You muttered, Morrison's Light laugh making your ears burn, you felt his eyes burrow into you as you readied yourself.
By the command of Morrison, the sparring began, Reyes jumping to action, Clocking close to your head, Huffing as you blocked it, his opposite hand gripping your wrist and spinning around, the motion making you lightheaded.
He pinned you in a Headlock, Being careful not to choke you, You took action to bend down, your left hand snaking around Reyes' right leg, In swift motion, you bent near backwards, Reyes' Back slamming to the mats with a 'oof' Feeling confidence flutter In your chest as he loudly tapped the mat.
"Nicely done Rookie."
Morrison chuckled, Clapping his hands before kneeling down the grab Reyes off the ground.
"Believe you deserve a reward for your good work."
Morrison's voice hummed close to your ear, your face flushing, you couldn't deny the shiver ran down your spine.
"I-I don't think that's necessary, commander."
You stammered, throwing your hands up in defense, your body stilling as Reyes pressed into your back, breath ghosting your ear.
"You're not as quiet as you think, Private."
He hummed, fingers grazing over the hem of your pants, slipping around to the strings, pulling them tight into your hips, making you gasp.
"I don't understand, Commander-"
"—Glad to know I'm a Ten in your eyes, Rookie."
Morrison hushed you, pressing his hips against yours, His erection prominent through his pants.
"Commanders- I- I dont—"
"Quiet now, Rookie, Don't speak unless spoken to."
Reyes huffed, nuzzling into the crook of your neck, leaving light kisses in his wake, His fingers slipping to caress the smooth skin under your boxers.
"Y-Yes Commander."
You muttered, hands shaking as Morrison's calloused fingers slipped between yours, kissing your knuckles with his coral lips.
"You want your reward, Don't you?"
Morrison asked though you could tell what he was trying to say, it made your heart flutter, though you'd never admit it.
"Yes, Commander."
"Jack is fine, Rookie."
"Y-Yes Jack."
You're breathing hitched as Reyes sly hands slipped to palm your length, running his thumb along the veins.
"Ha—ah.. R-Reyes.."
You whined, Stilling has he halted his movements.
"You call me Sir, Private, I'm not as friendly."
"Yes! Yes sir- Please just.. touch me again."
You whimpered, trying desperately to keep your hips still.
"You look cute at the mercy of your superiors, rookie."
Jack hummed, grasping the hem of your shirt and lifting it up over your chest, teasing with your blushed nipples, The pad of his thumb stroking over the nub, His mouth coming to bite and suck on the unoccupied bud.
Precum dribbled from your tip and onto Reyes' hand as he stroked your cock, pace speeding up as you rapidly approached your climax.
"Plea—ase~ fuck! Ha-ah.. "
"Did I give you permission to cum, Private?"
Reyes said, his Gruff voice vibrating in his chest, you could feel it in your back.
"Please- please let me cum— I'll be good."
You stammered, Grasping on Jack's shoulders for stability, cock twitching desperately as Reyes thumb rubbed at your slit.
"Cum for me."
He whispered, and like it was on command, your body shuddered, cum spilling out like a fountain, Face flushing as Jack traveled down to lick your cock clean, Your dick twitching in overstimulation as he did so.
"You were good, but- you haven't had your real reward yet."
Reyes said, licking his fingers clean, using his free hand to grasp the back of your neck and guide you into a kiss, you could taste yourself on his tongue.
When he pulled away, a string of saliva followed, leaving you breathless and panting, you all quickly adjusted as Jack laid down on the mat, Reyes guilding you to sit on his thighs.
"I'm gonna need to make sure you can fit us both, Don't need an injured rookie."
Jack explained, stroking your flushed face, A gentle smile curved his lips as you nodded, still dazed from your high, though your glazed eyes cleared quickly, cold, slick digits slipping into you, though it felt like very little, the chill shocked you.
"That was easy, Tell me, Private, Do you fuck yourself thinking of us?"
Reyes hummed out, curving his fingers into that bundle of nerves, prompting a thin gasp from your lips, shivering as his deep lips pressed on your ass and lower back.
"Answer, Rookie, You wouldn't want to keep Gabe waiting."
You meekly answered, averting your gaze from Jack, head hanging as Reyes mercilessly fucked his fingers into you.
"Careful, Rookie, Stay focused."
Jack said, Cupping your face and forcing you to meet his eyes, though you could see the strain in his eyes as he struggled to keep his composure.
"Please- I'm ready just.. just fuck me- please, sir."
You pleaded, helplessly leaning into Jack's touch, Chest heaving as your body shook with anticipation.
"Jack, Wanna do the honors?"
Reyes said, peeking over your shoulder, leaving a small bite where he had been, Jack nodded, Pushing down his trousers and briefs, His cock slipping out, head grazing just below his bellybutton.
"I'll try not to hurt you."
Jack said, kissing your cheek and leaving your heart spiraling, slowly guiding your hips over his, using his opposite hand to position his cock to slip into you, sighing as you slipped down him with little effort.
"Shit... You feel amazing Rookie."
The little clarity he gave you was interrupted by rough hands gripping you by your waist, wasting no time pushing his thick cock into you, thinning your breaths as you felt your body push limits you didn't know you had.
Tears welled in your eyes as you adjusted to the stretch, Embarrassing you and prompting you to hide your face, keeping yourself up by one shaky arm as you wiped your tear stricken face.
"I know it hurts, it'll all feel good soon I promise." Jack said, petting the top of your head, though you could feel Reyes rut into you every now and then, impatient.
"I'm fine, Please, I can't wait."
You panted, breath hitching as Reyes wasted no time fucking into you by your words, prompting lewd moans to slip from you kiss plumped lips.
"Y-Yes- just like that~ thank you Sir- ah.."
You moaned, your back arched as Reyes pulled your back against his chest, bouncing your hips over Jacks while pounding into you mercilessly, cock easily rutting against your prostate.
"You're being so good for us, Private, Do you feel like a good boy?"
Reyes hummed into your ear, his voice rumbling in his chest accompanied by his low groans, one hand on your hip and the other hugging your thigh, teasing the idea of touching you.
"Yes! Im a good boy, I am~ I swear~"
You mewled, drool spilling out of your mouth as it hung open, your hazy eyes flitting to Jack, who bit the back of his hand, eyebrows furrowed as his pale blue eyes focused on your shaking body.
"Such a good boy for your commanders, Carino."
Reyes said, stroking your twitching length, your body becoming like a furnace as precum spilt out of your head, your climax edging it's time.
"I'm gonna cum~ ah.. please- I wanna cum- I wanna cum please~"
You whined, your words failing you as Reyes and Jack fucked you, their cocks rubbing against eachother inside you, both edging near their end aswell.
"C'mon Carino, Cum for your commanders."
Reyes whispered into your ear, biting your earlobe like a tease, pumping your length and riding you out your orgasm, both Reyes and Jack soon following, pulling out of you, Reyes cumming on your back as Jack came on yours and his lower abdomen, leaving a mess in your wake.
"Fuck-" you said, your legs shuddering as you tried to stand from the collective spillage, failing as you dropped back to the comfortable mats.
"Our good boy can't walk because of us, Jack, Isn't that cute?"
Reyes said slyly, leaving kisses over his hickey's.
"You did good rookie, Let's get you cleaned up though."
Jack said, slipping out of the pile of limbs to help you up and guide you to the showers connected to the training room, Reyes following suit.
This was going to be a rough night.
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My Commentary on Rob and Rich Reviewing (4x14) Sex and Violence
I was listening to the latest Supernatural Then and Now Podcast (The Siren Episode) and I had to stop it after the Rob and Rich review to write down my thoughts because it annoyed me so much.
The guys both thought the episode was okay, but a bunch of things “bumped” for them. This is fine, and everyone is entitled to their own opinion about an episode, but some of the things that “bumped” for them “bump” for me.
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My thoughts under the cut …
Bump # 1 - The Siren turning out to be a man
So, both Rs had an issue with the siren being a man since the lore showed them as women, and I think, because in real mythology they are women. Though they conceded that the a male siren could be a thing too, it seemed to really bother them that the siren ended up not being about a sexual connection with the brothers (though Rich saw the flask sharing scene as flirtatious … because no guys have ever shared a flask, including, Dean and Bobby).
I’m sorry, but the siren targeting the brothers, and using a version of an ideal brother to get to Dean isn’t a plot hole or a “stretch” or something, it’s an interesting choice and it’s exactly the point of the episode. While many men are vulnerable to a pretty woman who is into them, Dean just wants Sam. He wants his relationship with Sam to be better. In particular, he’s so worried about Sam and insecure in their bond that he wants a Sam who likes what he likes but, more importantly, one who listens to him and doesn’t hide things from him. And I know I’ve written about this before on a previous post, but Dean doesn’t NEED the siren to be a hot girl; he can find one of those easily. He needs a Sam he can trust. That’s the whole point. The show is drawing the comparison between sexual intimacy/romantic companionship (usually one of the most desired things in literature/media) to the brothers relationship to show how much brotherhood matters to Dean in particular (in this case).
The way the male siren actor portrays its interest in the brothers, to me, is very much like it’s intrigued and excited that it found a high even better than the sexual desire that it usually feeds off of. When the siren feels how desperate Dean is for the bond with Sam to be fixed, it finds him more interesting than it’s usual target. Dean’s longing for Sam (not sexual) is even stronger than the sexual desire or romantic companionship that the siren usually feeds off of, so much so that the siren changes its entire MO to go after the brothers.
Bump # 2 - The Doctor sleeping with Sam (when she isn’t the siren) is weird
So, the Rs disagreed on the “bumpiness” of this one. Rob thought it was weird that the doctor would just decide to sleep with Sam (at work), while it didn’t bother Rich because … Jared Padalecki. Sound argument (in this case), Rich.
Still, the doctor is a little unusual, and her behaviour is clearly intended to be a misdirect, but the show does a good enough job of suggesting she had a bad breakup (or worse) and is now just sort of living in the moment, so her behaviour doesn’t bother me. Also, Sam is hot.
What is stranger than the doctor’s behaviour, for the audience who knows him, is Sam having sex with her I that moment. Not only that, but Sam is very chill when she’s hitting on him, where in the past, Sam has often been a little shy or awkward with women that he’s been attracted to or interested in. So no, this is not Sam’s usual MO to sleep with the doctor, especially when we know he and Ruby are or were also sleeping together. Sam is not acting entirely like his usual self. And he hasn’t been acting entirely like himself for a while now.
Bump # 3 - The Siren telling the boys to fight each other and saying the winner can “be with” him
I don’t know why they had an issue with this. The siren literally explains that it loves the rush of having people willing to do anything for it, even kill people they love. What the siren tells the brothers doesn’t matter because it’s not like it’s really planning to have a relationship with the brother who wins the fight. And the boys are already infected at this point, so it’s just giving them incentive to fight. It’s not sticky about the sexual-ness of people’s need for the siren, it’s about the desperation they have to be with it (in whatever way).
Bump #4 - Sam dismissing the Doctor after sleeping with her.
The guys were both bothered by Sam not bothering to say goodbye to the doctor, and they mentioned that it seemed sort of old-school (womanizing?). Rob said that Sam dismissing her was more like something Dean would do than Sam. I know that I already said this, but this is the whole point. Sam hasn’t been acting like his old self. This isn’t an accidental writing mistake, where the writer accidentally wrote Sam more like Dean. Sam is different now.
It also isn’t like Sam to call Dean weak, or ridicule him for being messed up from his experience in hell. Season 2 Sam would never, and Season 3 Sam wouldn’t either. Season 4 Sam has changed from the trauma of losing Dean, drinking demon blood, and having Ruby in his ear.
Also, to play devils advocate on myself, Sam has actually left towns before without saying goodbye to the girl he had a connection with, maybe not after sleeping with her, but it’s not wholly out of character for him to leave without saying goodbye (I’m not criticizing him for this). Also, I really don’t think that doctor was looking for anything more from Sam beyond hooking up in her office, so this doesn’t bother me much.
Final thoughts
Anyway, I’m not arguing that everyone has to love every episode, or even like all the ones that I do. I’m not even arguing that people need to like Sex and Violence because it really can be a little uncomfortable, and there is a bit of a sexual undercurrent to it all, even though that’s not the sirens intention with the brother. That’s also not exactly new on Supernatural. However, it’s weird to me that so many of the things that “bumped” for Rob and Rich seem to me like very deliberate choices by the writers, not careless mistakes or pointlessly out of character. This episode reveals a lot about where Sam and Dean are at this point in the season, both individually and in their relationship.
Granted, I have the benefit of watching the episode and knowing where it’s all leading, but this is what sort of bothers me about hearing people discuss the show who are doing it for a purpose and are probably only half-invested in the story. They miss things that seem like they should be really clear. Also, it’s funny when they find things uncomfortably sexual in relation to Sam and Dean (they didn’t outright say that, but I think it was implied in what they said) and act like it’s a surprise or out of place. Again, this isn’t new. They obviously listened to too many hellers if they didn’t realize that Sam and Dean are weirdly close at times or that the show makes some pretty blatant parallels between them and couples or makes quasi-incestuous connections between Sam and Dean.
I have nothing else to add here. This was mostly just a rant, but feel free to add your two cents if you made it this far.
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netherworldpost · 1 year
Hi! I followed you for a long time with alot of "jeez someday I hope that can be me some day" fervor and now I am starting my own small goth shop. Do you have any tips on reaching the alternative audience? or tips on general about running a shop I'm nervous.
1a. Protect your cash flow
This is to say constantly question "does this shiny envelope packaging pack in make people love my shop more or is it a money drain?" This is not a simple answer.
It is an answer you'll ask yourself all the time.
The answer is going to shift. Fun unboxing videos? Great for social media posts. Great to get attention. Great fun. Expensive to produce. Worth it? Constantly check.
I really want to stress this: I am not saying "do not do it" -- I am saying "do what makes sense."
In the business-to-business world (you're a business, other businesses are going to sell to you), one of the most effective/common sales tactics is "take this thing you do and make it fun."
Your product is fun.
Your product is quality.
Your packaging etc.'s primary task is to get your product to your customer efficiently (easy to read address labels) and safely (stuff does not break).
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1b. Protect your cash flow part two
Evil Supply Co. was the original shop. It experimented with everything -- color changing cereal spoons (launched), temporary tattoos (launched), umbrellas (did not launch), plates and bowls and towels and toothbrushes and shower curtains (did not launch). So much more.
It was primarily a stationery company.
The experimenting was incredibly fun, I regret nothing, and it cost me giant truck loads of cash. That's why Netherworld Post is focusing far more tightly.
2. Can't meet budget? Reduce scope.
When you're talking to designers or web hosts or whatever, and they say "We want $$$" and you say "I have $," reduce your scope down. This fits into the above, you're noticing a theme maybe.
This is a business. It has to make money to continue, it has to make profit to pay you to continue, it has to compensate you for your time to continue.
It is a hobby.
And it doesn't have to do any of those things, it just has to scratch that itch that made you pursue it. It can still sell stuff, it can be a shop, it can be open when you want and closed when you want.
There is no moral, ethical, social value difference between a business and a hobby.
Do what fits into your goals, and if your goals shift, change your shop to accommodate.
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3. Have fun
Your biggest competitor by a factor of 1:100 is other shops:folks posting your work without attribution or links.
You've seen the videos where someone is saying "Oh you're so pretty, you're so cute? No, YOU are so pretty, YOU are so cute." That's small business life.
There is enough for us all. Just have fun.
4a. Reaching people
Post stuff. Works in progress, memes, rambles, whatever makes you "you". Pepper in shop links and email sign up links occasionally.
Just be you.
If you don't know who you are, well, that's what you should post.
There is this idea that there is a "brand" that you have to build, and you're going to get (if you aren't getting them already) a million targeted ads to help you build this brand.
"I sell stuff. It has a price range of $X. It is high quality! Or it is cheap quality and priced accordingly! It can be found at xyz dot com. It will get to you in Z days/weeks." = 99% of branding.
The other 1% is "when you think of me, you think of X." Such as, when you think of Netherworld Post, you think of atty's antics and Fang's amused exasperation and Halloween and spooky things and mail and ghosts and mermaids, etc.
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4b. Decide your social media bandwith and stick to it
There are ten billion social networks.
It's common to feel like you have to be on them all 24/7. Attempting to reach this is going to burn you out and use up limited resources, it is far more effective to have an email list (this is independent of all networks) + the networks you, as a person, enjoy using and focusing there.
See #3 above. Fits here too.
5. Keep going when things are hard or convert this into a hobby You're making this shop for a reason.
That reason is more important than money, otherwise you wouldn't be doing it.
Building a shop is infinitely harder than playing video games and reading books and watching movies and dancing -- every hour you are working on your shop is an hour you're not playing video games about dancing books.
If you say "this sucks," convert it to a hobby. See #2.
The reason I'm building Netherworld Post instead of doing other business things that would make much more money is because I love it. It feeds a part of me. It makes me more "me" to run this shop than to not run this shop.
The minute that changes, I'm converting it to a hobby. Keep the door open when I want to play, close the door it when I'm tired, re-open after I rest.
If you want more money in your life, get a second job.
If you want money doing THIS -- take every problem as it lunges at your heart, take that tender in your black painted talons, look at the problem carefully, then tear it apart until you have the answers.
You are going to be doing this constantly.
It should be part of the fun.
If it's not, make this a hobby.
There is no inherent value in having it as a business.
The value is this project is it should make you more you.
Every single problem you are going to face -- every single question you are going to ask -- every single opportunity, every issue -- listen to me, everything -- has at LEAST one industry built on solving it.
Not company. Industry.
Keep going until you find someone or something that fixes it for your budget and scope.
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6. You do not work for other people
You mention you've been around for awhile following me, so maybe you've seen my...
...occasional ...lack... of delicacy...
...when dealing with people who have a confusion about who is running this blog (them vs. me)
People are going to say "you should lower your prices, you should post more X, you should post less Y, you shouldn't post about Z person/ business/ entity/ thing because of Reasons."
Critiques and criticism can be valid.
They are not directives that need be followed.
There are consequences for not following them (people may leave).
There are consequences for following them when you disagree with them (your shop may feel less like your shop and more like someone else's).
This is not license to be a jerk.
It means that this is your shop and it has to make you more "you" and if it doesn't then it isn't your shop it is a pain in the ass job that pays you far less than you should be paid.
It's like dating as the most confident person in the world.
"This is who I am. Am I compatible with you? IF SO we will drink root beer and dance badly to old cartoons and dress up in silly costumes and be absurd. IF NOT then I wish you well, and the instant you are gone, I will never think of you again."
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I ask no one to change who they are when they follow my blog or read my rambles or shop in my stores.
I do not change who I am for the people who follow my blog or read my rambles or shop in my stores.
You must adopt this attitude too.
Or it's not your shop.
It belongs to people you don't know who make you uncomfortable.
Which is the exact description of the world's worst paying job or second job. Which is the exact opposite of why you are building your shop.
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roadkillremi · 1 year
Randy Meeks x Ghostface!Fem!Reader and TOXIC!Poly!Ghostface x Ghostface!Fem!Reader
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Part 1. Part 2. MasterList (4 on MasterList)
Warning : Language, Mentions Killing, Mentions Death, Mentions Sex, Under Age drinking. Toxic relationship (If I missed anything let me know please!)
I do NOT support killing and toxic relationships. if you or a loved one is in one please seek help ASAP!
Summary : Being childhood friends with Billy Loomis wasn't always easy. As you got older he demanded revenge and that you helped him. (He may have manipulated you along the way). After helping kill Sydney's mother you refused to help anymore. Billy and Stu forced you to stay due to blackmail causing you to be in a toxic secret relationship.
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Randy held your hand as you walked outside. Billy was standing by Stu glaring at anyone who looked at him wrong. Tatum and Sydney were still by their lockers waiting for Billy to leave.
"Hey!" Stu called out, Randy jumped back bit.
"What the hell do those two want?" Randy mumbled. You shrugged, "No fucking clue.".
Stu ran up to you two, "Hey, heard you two finally did it!". He laughed, "Didn't think Randy boy could pull it off!". You rolled your eyes, "Randy let's go..".
"Remember my place! Around 7!" Stu called out as you two walked away. Randy tossed his keys in his hand.
"Gonna go to work with me?" He asked as he unlocked the car.
"Yeah, Safer in numbers remember?" You slid into the passenger seat. You watched everyone disperse, Randy's sister walked with one of her friends. Sydney and Tatum were talking to Stu, probably about tonight. Billy disappeared, you looked at Randy as he drove out the parking space.
"What movie are we watching tonight?"
"I'm thinking.. Halloween" he smiled. You groaned, "You only watch it for the tits!".
"That's not the only reason why! Besides it's the perfect movie for tonight! With the stalker killer on the loose!"
You looked at him in disbelief, "Why not Prom night?". He took a deep breath, "because you made me watch it 100 times-"
"18 times" you corrected.
"Jamie Lee Curtis is in Halloween!" He defended.
"She's in Prom Night!"
You sunk into your chair, "But I wanna watch Prom Night.". He chuckled at you're posture, you were like a toddler having a melt down. Curled up and pouty, but you only did it cause it was his weakness. He sighed, "Fine, after the party.".
"Yes!" You sat up normally as he parked the car. You walked inside with Randy, the place was packed.
"Go make that money, honey" you kissed his cheek before looking through the movies. Randy smiled putting his name tage on. Once you found Halloween and Prom Night you went to the counter.
"this all?" Randys co-worker asked blandly.
He sighed scanning them, you waited patiently glancing around the store. Billy and Stu made eye contact with you. You quickly looked away paying for the rentals walking over to Randy.
"I got the movies, can I put them in your car?" You ask putting your head on his shoulder from behind.
"Yeah, here" he reached in his pocket pulling out his keys.
"Then why'd the cops release him, Smart guy?"
"The police are always off track with this shit! If they'd watch Prom Night, they'd save time! There's a formula to it! A very simple formula! Everyone's a suspect!... But Billy.. there's something off about him." Randy started to speak lowly, you turned around starting to walk away.
"You're telling me you think it's Billy?" Stu said pretty loudly. You froze and watched the conversation.
"Why would he kill his girlfriend?!" Stu interrupted
"There's always some bullshit reason to kill your girlfriend. That's the beauty of it all, Simplicity! Besides if it gets to complicated you lose your target audience."
"Excuse me?"
Randy whipped around to look at you, "Not that I would kill you."
"Uh-huh. Imma go out these in the car now." You walked away hearing Stu laughing.
You placed the movies in the car quickly to not be alone to long. You noticed Stu and Randy having a heated conversation. You tried to walk over before Billy grabbed your arm.
"I'm sorry for pulling your arm earlier.." you looked at your arm. There was soft discolor but nothing serious.
"It's whatever. Billy.."
"I don't wanna kill anyone.." you said softly. He looked around the store, "you won't have to, just sit there and be quiet." He gently touched your cheek before you swept it away. You went over to Randy and Stu, Billy following close behind you.
"Billy, Randy here thinks you're the killer." Stu smiled. You grabbed Randy's forearm trying to take him away. Stu gently pushed you aside, Billy stepped closer to him.
"If you were the only suspect in a senseless bloodbath - would you be in the horror section?" Randy tried to save himself.
"A lot of people like horror. Anyone could be the suspect" Billy stepped even closer.
"You're right, Billy! Anyone could be the suspect! Hell, I should be a number rone suspect!" You rolled your eyes grabbing Randy's arm pulling him away.
"Randy don't let them get in your head." He grabbed another pile of movies to restock.
"I'm not. It's just Fuckface and his guard dog."
You leaned against the shelf he was restocking, "we don't have to go.". He glanced at you, "I know you mentioned that a few hundred times."
You rolled your eyes fighting the urge to correct him. You sighed, "They're dipshits.". He stood Infront of you, "Yeah but I have something they don't."
"Yeah?" You smiled. He grabbed your hips giving you a kiss.
"You." He smiled going back to restocking shelves.
You could feel Billy and Stu's eyes piercing you. You sighed, if only that was the truth.
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You and Randy arrived at Stus house a bit early. Stu greeted you both by wrapping his arms around your neck.
"Make yourselves at home! The party's gonna be wicked!" Stu went into the kitchen. Randy flopped on the couch placing the movies on the coffee table. You stood behind the couch gently messing with his hair.
"Can you get me a beer please?" Randy looked up to see you.
"Yeah, gonna start the movie?" You put your head beside his. He kissed your cheek, "Yeah.". You smiled and gave him a small kiss before heading to the garage.
Stu was restock beers in the fridge, he looked towards the door smiling at you. You headed towards the fridge, "Randy wanted a beer..". You took one, Stu lightly placed his hands in his on your hip. You stepped back, "I've missed you.." he whispered.
"I haven't missed you." You turned around to walk back upstairs. Stu grabbed your hips, "Come on..".
"No, Stu. I don't wanna kill people!" You whispered loudly. Stu held your hips tighter you struggle against him.
"Please." He sounded whiny yet demanding. You glared at him, "I want nothing to with you. I am happy with Randy.". Stus grip loosened, "Is it true?".
"What true?"
"You two finally had sex."
Stu raised his eyebrow, "and you enjoyed it?!". You rolled your eyes, "Yes!". Stu smiled, "Yeah right. Lemme show you how a real man does it.". A wide smile was plastered on his face as he whispered. You pushed him back, "No.".
"What are you gonna do when they're all dead and it's just the three of us? Won't have Randy around.."
"I would rather die." You pushed him back further walking up the stairs. Some other kids from school arrived, you handed Randy the bottle.
"Thanks, baby" You smiled at him sinking down on the couch next to him. Halloween already started and he was the only one invested in it. You leaned against him, he kissed your forehead before going back to watch the movie. It got louder as more people began to show up. Thankfully Randy made you watch it so much you knew the words.
You sat up to get a good look at him, "I'm gonna get some popcorn, save my seat?".
"Of course."
You fought your way through the kitchen, you got popcorn out of the pantry and put it in the microwave.
"Really know your place around?"
You looked behind you, it was some guy in your math class. He was what Randy called the 'Stone Head comedic relief'. You nodded, "Yeah, me and Stu known each other for a while.". The guy nodded downing his beer. You sighed getting the popcorn bowl, "How come I never see you around much?".
"Uh, I'm usually with Randy, the movie nerd.". You waited for the microwave to ding, you tapped your nail on the counter. You were hoping the guy would move on and try to talk to someone else. But he was standing there, "how about we leave this party?". The microwave finally finished you took out the bag and poured it in the bowl.
"I'm pretty sure my boyfriend won't appreciate that." You grabbed the bowl and started walked away. The living room was more crowded, Randy was chatting it up with some girl from his science class. He's mentioned her, he told you how she sometimes says things that are too bold. She gently slipped her fingers across his forehead as to wipe something. He moved back a bit at the suddenness. You marched over placing popcorn on the coffee table. Randy looked at you and shrugged signaling the girls presents. You plopped down in Randy's lap, due to not having a proper seat.
"Hey, do you need a beer? Seem tense." Randy mumbled.
"No, I'm good.." you tried to relax in his lap. His arms tightened around your waist. His head leaned against your arm to watch the movie. Stu would sometimes pass by watching you. When he did for the 5th time you grabbed the back of Randy's neck kissing him. Randy gave in melting against you softly moaning when you tugged him.
"Sorry was that too much?"
"No, it was perfect." Randy smiled giving you another kiss. Sydney and Tatum showed up, you waved at them from the couch. Billy stumbled in not too long after them, going upstairs with Sydney. Your heart dropped into your stomach. Tatum was gone and Stu was doing god knows what. Nothing seemed strange until Curfew. Some people left a couple stayed, Tatum seemed to still be gone. You worried and looked at Stu for a sign, he just smiled.
Tatum is gone.
You stood up, "Imma go to the bathroom." You gave Randy a small kiss before leaving. You locked yourself in the bathroom holding back tears but a couple leaked through.
You did this
She didn't deserve to die
She was nothing but nice to you
You took shaky breathes looking down at the sink. You wiped your tears trying to contain it all. You needed to backlash their plan.
Sydney's dad.
He's in the closet.
When Randy's too drunk and Stu pretends to kill Billy you'll let him out and send him to get help. You can call Dewey, he came in earlier.
A Weapon. You need a knife for protection, you can hide one under the couch. You took a deep breath walking back to the living room. Randy reclined on the arm rest, he smiled when he saw you. He patted his thigh signalling you to sit. You sat in-between his legs and leaned back.
"Everything okay?"
You attempted to relax in his arms, "Yeah, I'm great.".
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ay0nha · 1 year
The Sweet Refrain of Temptation | Remus Lupin
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SUMMARY:  Remus meant no harm and unwillingly became the target to place your frustrations. Yet, just like the other Marauders, Remus had an undeniable charm that he knew how to use to his advantage. Due to him, your original penance was cut to something manageable, but something tied to his company. 
PAIRING: Remus Lupin x f!reader
WARNINGS: nothing really, canon-typical things, semi enemies to lovers, slytherins, some yelling, detention-ish scenario, I seriously have a whole fic idea that is just ugh, Remus being a little awkward but so warm, etc.
A/N: This came out of nowhere. I just had to get this out of my system. Many thanks to @queerdeadwizards, the entire first section is from their beautiful brain which inspired me to write this fic (find it here)! and thank you @kalllistos​ for everything always. Enjoy.
"I understand your anger, Remus." Dumbledore sounded condescending; almost as if he really understood what Remus felt like, his heart thrumming against his chest, and a feeling of faint nausea as he looked into those eyes that he had known for so long. "However, and I am sure you will understand, because you're a very smart man, it is as follows: There is nothing we can do."
Remus felt his body heat with anger, "Can you not do anything?" He tried to contain his feelings as he continued, "Or do you not want to do anything?"
"I cannot, unfortunately," The older man said, remorse lacking from his response as his gaze went to his hand. "Trying would be in vain, my boy. And, had I tried, had we tried, you know, with that name..."
"Bullshit!" Remus shouted, slamming his hands on the antique table, its hinges groaning over the unexpected pressure. His anger spilled out at his feet, burning him, consuming him.
Dumbledore had been taken aback by Remus's outburst; He glared at him, and his eyes were of a calm that he had never seen before.
"Sit down."
"You're not telling me what to do," Remus hissed under his breath. "Pardon me, but you have to be one of the most uninterested people I have ever had the displeasure to meet. She's been on your side, and you won't even-
"Remus, listen to me." Dumbledore's voice was strained, and his eyes had darkened. "There is nothing we can do."
"You haven't even tried!" Remus let out a laugh, ugly and bitter and filled with her, still. He wished he could just forget. He never would, though. You had been his own secret, his only love. He could never forget that. "You haven't even fucking tried! You know what? I'm—I'm tired of this. I'm tired of you."
"Remus, you have to realize," Dumbledore said, his voice sharp before his former student had the chance to escape his warning, "...That your actions will have consequences!"
Something inside Remus had snapped as he continued his way to the door, slamming it tightly behind him. With everything he had in him, never again would he repeat the same mistake.
“Mmmm what a heart for such a powerful name, I see…I see…hmmm….” The hat on your head made your palms sweat. Eyes were on you with unwavering expectation. Those before you were sorted so quickly and yet felt like you were in front of an audience for an eternity. You needed to be Slytherin.Your future relied on it, even at your young age, you understood that plainly. “Slytherin, eh?...Are you sure?”
You thought there would be relief in joining the notorious house, secured even. Yet, years had passed and you were growing weary of waiting for the feeling to settle in. Therefore, you did the only thing you knew to do; carve a rudimentary space for yourself that people never dared challenge. It was far too easy to scare your peers into submission, the real challenge was found with the professors.
They noted your potential, as they did with all the bright students. But they never failed to turn a blind eye to your lack of belonging. And they never seemed to understand your preferred solitude.
“Mister Lupin!” Professor McGonagall’s shrill voice broke your concentration. You were moments away from the final beetle, meaning your freedom from transfiguration was fleeting. “Do perk up! I suggest you start helping your partner before I threaten points.”
As her wand tapped harshly against the wood to pair with her words, Remus jolted awake. The beetle had made its way to him, hoping the unassuming boy would provide it safety. Yet, just as quickly—well, clumsily—Remus shook his wand with an ill-practiced manner.
“Don’t—” You warned him, but the damage was already in motion. Instead of a brilliant jet of light came from his wand, exploding into a vivid burst of red light, an ugly yellow color shot out and missed entirely.
What received the unfortunate incantation was your notebook, the white pages fluttered away as newly born moths. Your peers around let out gasps that quickly turned to laughter while anger bloomed in your chest.
Transfiguration was a finicky thing only because it was the one thing within the magical world that felt more like a science. Holding your wrist steadily, repeating practiced words, and seeing accurate results caused a pride that made you soar. Yet now, everything you knew about it flew away.
“I–I…I’m so sorry—” Remus struggled to form something coherent when he met your glare. Without a hint of sympathy, you squashed the remaining beetle under your palm, your anger welcoming the repercussions McGonagall would have for you.
In hindsight the action felt out of character, Remus meant no harm and unwillingly became the target to place your frustrations. Yet, just like the other Marauders, Remus had an undeniable charm that he knew how to use to his advantage. Due to him, your original penance was cut to something manageable, but something tied to his company.
Carrying his guilt on his face, Remus looked like a kicked puppy. He was quick to find a solution, though; a charm to replicate his notebook to pass along to you. You filtered through the pages, having tangible evidence of what a good student he was. It seemed like an innate ability of his to pick things up so simply, that all you could do was curse it.
“And this must be him?” The portrait looked down its oiled nose at the stumbling boy behind you. “A Gryffindor, no less.”
“Remus–” Coming from your lips, his name sounded flat. To him, you held a consistent disappointment with his presence. Yet, he missed how mortified you were to be caught talking about him. “What do you want?”
“You weren’t in the library, I figured…” He answered, tucking away parchment into his inner pocket. Then, he paused due to the scoff coming from behind the ornate frame. “...If I’m interrupting, we can always…”
Remus’ politeness made your skin crawl. The time working together proved his kindness was genuine rather than performative. Trying to match it was in vain because any attempt you gave it felt more sardonic than anything.
“I’ll be at the library tonight.” You intentionally kept your answer vague. At some point you’d be there as Madam Pince was employed by McGonagall to keep an eye on you and your collective progress.
“That won’t be a problem will it? I do believe it’s almost time.” The portrait spoke knowingly. It always looked to stir trouble. Successfully doing so, Remus folded into himself while you eyed him with suspicion. “You think I don’t see you disappear into the night when it comes time? Hmm?”
“Enough.” You hissed, stopping the conversation from furthering. If you couldn’t call upon politeness, you could offer your protection. Looking at Remus, you left no room for arguing. You wanted to be done, so you agreed, “The library, tonight.”
Remus gave an appreciative, tight-lipped smile. The expression was becoming a habit and you saw it again later that night when he found you tucked away in the library. You didn’t notice him at first, far too engrossed with people watching than the work in front of you. But when you caught his eye, just hidden behind stacks of books and other students, there was that smile again.
“Sit.” You instructed him. The work was near completion, all you needed was for him to scribble throughout the paper like he’d done the work as well.
“I see my notes have been helping…” Remus nodded to the open book as his greeting. You were enamored with it, catching his mannerisms even within his writing. “Although—” He spun the book toward him, “M’not sure how much David Bowie can help us with transfiguration…”
The notes that you were determined to memorize were the lists that weren’t meant to be there. They were like forgotten grocery lists of scribbling notes-to-self not meant to be shared with you. So, you felt the need to defend yourself for lingering so long on what Remus found noteworthy.
But he laughed it off as his mistake, “I should have gone through this before I gave you this.”
“I had to ask Sir Aloysius who he was…” You were surprised by your own admission. The homework was becoming drawn out and you were set to do it on your own. Yet when trying to determine the theorist names, you struggled. “...said with a name like that, must be a wizard insane.”
“You and the portrait—Sir Aloysius—talk often?” Remus’ eyebrows cinched together at his clumsiness. Small talk was never easy, but with you it felt impossible. He wished he told you more about the iconic rockstar you seemed interested in.
Remus wasn’t nearly as awkward as you made him out to be. He was smart, clever. Those around you admired him for his subtle wit, but you struggled to elicit that from him, only being met with hesitance. The reasoning being Sirius’ connection to you. It was hard to call him family despite being raised beside him, but every external perspective, Remus included, considered you thus.
“He speaks in riddles,” You commented off handedly. “Don’t take it personally, everything is a game to him.”
“Not many people actually talk to the portraits.”
Your eyes flickered to his to decide if he was teasing you, though, all you noted was honesty. He was impressed; that there was a side of you that proved rumors otherwise.
“I’d rather…keep that between us.” Your lips threatened to turn downward. But when Remus began to smile, you matched it best you could.
“Of course.”
It was late into the night, but you found most comfort in the time. There were less students roaming the halls and things were quiet. But as with time passing steadily, the harder it became to fight off the shared exhaustion. Remus tried to hide it, as he did in class. His head would sway first, then bob. The grip on his pencil became slack, while the graphite became softer against the paper. He avoided your eye, embarrassed by the lack of self-control as hours passed.
There was something endearing about it, the way Remus fought sleep. However, even in his current state, he was unusually perceptive. He saw how you not only grew languid but also stretching the shared time.
“You know, David Bowie could rival that of the theorists.” Remus hummed pushing his book closed. “Some people even think he’s from a different world entirely.”
The sentence before you still seemed scrambled. You’d read it over and over again, but nothing seemed to stick. Remus’ words pulled you away entirely. Looking to him, you noted how heavy his eyelids grew and how the conversation was the only hindrance between him and sleep.
“Isn’t he a wizard?”
Sometimes you felt like you were from a different world despite belonging to the same one your entire life. There was comfort in the thought that another wizard could share the sentiment.
You hid your flinch at the word. The word wasn’t inherently combative, but it cast a shadow on the conversation. Your commons’ password haunted you just the same. Pure-blood. The concept followed you, reminded you of something you were forced into.  For some, muggles were from another world. For you, they were the exceptionally isolated unknown.
“...he makes music.” Remus commented, his warm demeanor seeming always present. He had an uncanny ability to read the mind and the discomfort that laid within yours.  “It’s quite good...I’m sure we could find some used records around, the Junk Shop, maybe... ”
You heard him trail off, leaving you room to accept his invitation. The longer you held onto your answer, the harder it became for Remus to fight off a yawn. The action reminded you of your position, what caused you to sit so uncomfortably under the burning gaze of Madam Pince when you touched the books. Shaking your head with reservation, you brushed Remus off, eyes averted from his questioning gaze and fingers trailing the book once again.
“Get some rest.” You knew of his condition, but you’d never admit it unless Remus told you directly. This was your form of politeness; never direct or prevalent, but always omniscient. “I’ll wake you when I’m done.”
The work was completed, had been for awhile, but you kept your nose buried in the books, ones that spoke on lycanthropy. The stigma around it was sickening, but the information was helpful to understand the companion across from you.
You weren’t sure what to do with the information. You could swallow it whole, pretend like you’d never read it. Or you could open the next book, looking for remedies for the scars littered across Remus’ face. You hadn’t minded them as much as he had, his self-consciousness carried in his shoulders. For you, it paired well with his house, representing his bravery and nerve to face it time and time again.
You had caught yourself. You were staring. Blinking hard, you dismissed it as exhaustion. The dreams of the night before were slowly shifting into nightmares. That wouldn’t have scared you away, but what unnerved you the most was how accurately the dreams transcribed the curve of Remus’ nose.
The dream was the same that very night. It started off forgettable, a fantasy-like world that could be misconstrued for a fairy tale. But the fog in your mind started to swirl. The colors became deeper, more like shadows that soon transformed into familiar figures. Remus and Dumbledore.
They were older, but perfectly recognizable. The perspective of the dream varied as the night did. This was the first time you felt like you too were present in the room, not just a hovering presence. They spoke of you as though you weren’t there. Remus defending you against the unsympathetic Headmaster with an anger you hadn’t known he possessed.
You were wary to call it a premonition, but before you could do anything—as sleep typically constituted— there was a flash of light. Once translucent, the light revealed connected hands; your own and a hand that held scars patterned similarly to the boy who sat across you merely hours ago. They were conjoined by a thin tongue of brilliant flame that wound its way around your hands like a red-hot wire.
An unbreakable vow.
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gartenofbanny · 1 year
Why Background Humans should point out I.M.P.
Today I'm going to be discussing why I believe the humans that aren't notable characters in Helluva Boss should be able to point out I.M.P and why it doesn't make sense to me that they don't. Anywho let's get started.
Throughout Helluva Boss, Blitzo, Millie, Moxxie, and sometimes Loona travel to possibly many locations on Earth throughout the first and possibly the second season of the series to kill certain people. However, throughout said series, the humans in the background barely recognize the demons for what they are, demons. I've discussed this a couple of times in my past questions as to why humans are pretty dumb in Helluva Boss and as to how come they never really recognize I.M.P. In order to prevent the demons from being found out they're usually identified by other creatures, for example, Moxxie being called a Possum in Spring Broken by one of the drunk adults. Yeah, it's hah hah funny, but compared to certain humans they don't identify the demons as animals or any other creature that's on Earth. They identify the Imps and a Hellhound as demons, nothing more nothing less.
People compare this situation to Invader Zim and I'm gonna compare how Invader Zim handles it differently and somehow handles it better than Helluva Boss.
Invader Zim Comparison
People compare Helluva Boss to Invader Zim mainly the "Humans are oblivious to the MC's true appearance and race". I'm gonna discuss why Invader Zim's works and why Helluva Boss doesn't really work most of the time.
First off, Zim has a human disguise and he's in this disguise most of the time whenever he's outside his own home. His appearance damn near matches that of the appearance of humans (mainly due to the same art style) with the only difference between him and them being that Zim has green skin. This can pretty much be easily dismissed as a unique skin color or rare disease.
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Second off, Zim doesn't look like a typical alien at least not how humans view aliens. When we think of Aliens..we usually think of how movies or other forms of media portray aliens, we don't truly know what an alien looks like. Zim looks more like a giant bug creature than an actual alien if I'm being honest.
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Third off, Invader Zim mainly takes place in one setting and Zim in his human disguise is playing as a child. So adults would most likely ignore him and children wouldn't be aware of what Zim is because they are children. The only child that's aware that Zim is an Alien is Dib and he's obsessed with paranormal stuff. However people dismiss Dib as insane which is pretty understandable.
Blitzo, Moxxie, and Millie only wore human disguises or any other type of disguise once, which was in C.H.E.R.U.B and Blitzo was the only one who wore a disguise in Seeing Stars. Aside from those two episodes they never wore any form of disguise ever again, exposing themselves for the world to see nonstop.
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Blitzo, Moxxie, and Millie look like demons. They have red skin, pointy tails, and curved horns, and are small or tall in height. While humans probably wouldn't know what exact demon they are, they should be aware that Blitzo, Moxxie, and Millie are demons because that's how demons mainly look and are portrayed in media.
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And lastly, I.M.P travels to many locations likely all around Earth. They need to travel to certain places so that they can kill who their clients want them to kill. So there should be at least one person aside from the person they are killing who should be able to recognize what I.M.P are.
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It's weird that the cartoon made for kids handled this aspect better and has more logic behind it than the cartoon that's targeted for a mature audience. But I'm well aware that kids watch Helluva Boss too.
Plot Convenience
The main reason why certain humans in Helluva Boss recognize I.M.P. is that it drives the plot forward. If the DHORKS Organization wasn't aware of what I.M.P is then there wouldn't be Truth Seekers and if Martha and her family weren't aware of what Blitzo, Moxxie, and Millie were then Murder Family would be really short.
But this raises problems within the series. It's telling me that the DHORKS Organization were suspicious of what Moxxie, Millie, Blitzo, and Loona are but literally most of the residents of LA that encountered them were not. Hell an entire group of people mistook Blitzo for some famous sitcom actor even though he just had the attire, the hair, and the big ass ears. Yeah, they have a similar body type, but the red and white skin, off-colored eyes, pointy demonic tails, and horns that are literally out in the open. How in the world did nobody notice any of those features?
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An entire beach full of young adults somehow couldn't identify what Moxxie, Millie, and Blitzo were, the numerous bodies in trash bags behind them, or the fact that they were killing out in the open. But somehow they were able to identify the giant fucking mutated Kaiju Fish and run away in fear. That doesn't make much sense to me.
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Cannibalistic Serial Killers are aware of what Moxxie, Millie, and Blitzo are. They don't know their exact race probably, but they know that they're demons regardless likely due to the fact that they're Satanists.
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People dismiss this by saying "Oh they're in LA, they think they're in costumes and stuff" or "Humans are just dumb like that". Yeah, they're decent reasons, but when certain human characters recognize them quickly after encountering or even looking at them, how come the background characters do not?
Anyway, thank you all for reading and I hope you all have a great day!
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
hi! i’ve been reading your analysis/theory posts and i love them all! i had a question about your will being twelve theory, i definitely see how he could be, the only thing i don’t really get is how he would be at the lab and have a life outside the lab? like mike said the first day of kindergarten will was on the swings by himself and they’ve been best friends ever since, and joyce talked about the crayons for his eigth birthday and how his friends all got him star wars toys, so we know he was friends with at least mike and lucas (i think dustin came in the 4th grade so it’s possible he was also friends with will at this point) and possibly other kids when he was younger, so how would he be able to have this whole life outside the lab while also being a kid at the lab?
Hey! I’m so glad you love reading them!! And also apologizes for taking so long to reply!
I don’t think, based on any fandom-wide consensus of the events on the show, as of now, that I'd be able to provide a definitive answer?
Like there has to be pieces missing, which have been left out for a reason, and those are the details that I think will be necessary to fully transcribe to this theory. Until then, there's too much missing for even me to believe it fully.
However, if twelvegate is real, or at least close to what’s going down, then even despite the entire audience missing it, I do think there are probably hints in the details connecting Will to Hawkins Lab, that were either missed or not pinpointed properly, which may or may not hold some answers.
I do have a of couple theories about where some pieces of the twelvegate puzzle might be hiding in earlier seasons. Although, I think beyond pointing them out and talking about them, it will only lead us to more questions!
TBH, most of this post will just be me trying to come up with some possibilities. While I don't fully believe all the observations I've came across are leading in every direction I speculate them to be, I do think the answers for the ending have to be in the show. There are only so many options to work with here... And so, whatever. I'm going for it.
To start things off, a wise man once said:
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I always wondered if this could be a hint to the audience that the answers to some major questions are hidden in some sort of papers we've seen/heard of throughout the show? Newspapers, documents, drawings perhaps?
This then reminded me of the newspaper clipping(s) they showed at the end of s1 related to Will's disappearance:
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Hawkins Lab Blocks Inquiry (left)
Coroner Arrested For Falsifying Autopsy (middle bottom)
More Heads Roll in Ongoing State Trooper Scandal (right)
The Boy Who Came Back To Life (middle)
The former missing child Will Byers has been found after a week of searching. He is presently in stable condition in Hawkins General Hospital. Byers' mother, Joyce Byers, alleges Will was the subject of a secret government program run by the Hawkins National Laboratory. The allegation comes amidst a massive investigation into the hidden organization and its elaborate experimentations in perusal of mind control. — The abuse detailed in the first report includes prolonged physical duress and psychological interrogation. This [gove]rnment sanctioned torture has [prov]oked outrage amongst the American . . . In a statement issued yesterday . . . Ives mentioned her "disgust" . . . the organization saying, "our own [Ame]rican people are being treated like . . . we should be directing our . . . to the real target, the Soviets, not . . . own daughters and sons." Under legal . . . Brenner has issued no comment on . . .
An article by that same title resurfaces in s2. However, it seems to have changed some of the details about what happened, in an update of sorts.
The Boy Who Came Back To Life (s2)
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"In a recent statement, the state coroner's office has admitted to misidentifying the body recovered from the Sattler Quarry as twelve year old Will Byers. Will Byers had gone missing two days prior, inspiring the town of Hawkins to form a search party in the hopes of finding him. When a boy's body was recovered from Sattler Quarry, the case seemed solved. Six days later local police, lead by Chief Jim Hopper, found Byers alive in an abandoned cave a few miles outside of Hawkins."
Obviously, the update of this article had to do with the State coming in and covering things up.
I've read up on it, but all I can find from the ga's consensus back then, is there was some confusion over the fact that the article went from being about Will and his disappearance being connected to Hawkins lab and experimentation and mind control, only to switch in the next paragraph to Terry Ives report on Jane's abduction. A lot of people speculated that it was probably just a copy paste error, where like the Duffers were too lazy to put something relevant there, and so they slapped on a random paragraph and called it a day?
Now, to be real with you, even if the Duffers themselves said this was the case, that it was just an error on their part, I would not believe them...? Because rewatching that shot, you can tell it's important? Like what else is the point of it, if not to hint at something? And then why have it return in the following season (literally one episode later?), with an update, that clearly covers up most of the details, if there's no deeper reason behind it?
One thing from the s1 version that has me side eyeing is, 'our daughters and sons' (Willel s1 crumbs?).
I also find it interesting that they refer to the quarry as Sattler Quarry, twice? It doesn't seem that important on the surface, but from what I remember Sattler Quarry was really sort of sus in terms of what they were up to and the way they were talked about, in connection to Hawkins Lab and them scrambling to cover up Will's disappearance by planting a fake body there? Idk it just feels weird...
Which brings me to this next small detail I haven't heard anyone talk about before, but I have a feeling it could be part of this, or perhaps part of something that is still yet to be revealed.
The night they find Will's body, Karen and Ted are watching the news. We hear the reporter talking about Will's body being found at the quarry. Though the audio is loud enough to hear at the beginning, the newscast shifts to quiet background noice as Mike's parents begin talking.
White text is easy to hear/red text is a little difficult to hear:
"Byers' body was found in the water of this quarry by state police earlier this evening. He was discovered by state trooper David O'Bannon, just after dark. The state police are mounting an investigation to determine Byers' cause of death. But an initial inquiry... *few indistinct words* suggests that foul play was involved. Will Byers was a 7th grader at Hawkins Middle School. He was reported missing on Monday morning by his mother. Now, Byers isn't the first person to drown in Sattlers Quarry, if you'll recall, only 7 years ago--"
Now, I have tried and tried, but even still now, I cannot discern what was said after "But an initial inquiry...", because Ted interrupts and it muddles up his words with the reporter's, to the point where I can't discern it well enough. I think I hear the word media somewhere in there?
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As far as I know, no one has talked about this, at least not enough for it to even be mentioned on the Stranger Things Wiki timeline.
I legit checked the timeline while making this post, hoping to find it, and hopefully anything else that might have occurred that year.
TW: byler
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Okay. Cool. It appears, according to Wiki at least, nothing substantial happened in the year 1976, other than the fact that it was the year Mike and Will met on the swings in kindergarten. I assume that would've been in August/September of 1976? Then this drowning at Sattlers Quarry would've been on Nov. 7th, 1976, a few months later (and 7 years before Will's 'vanishing')?
I always thought it was interesting that they said kindergarten specifically. Like kindergarten? That's such a cliche in and of itself. But what if that was the point? To make it something we heard and then just went with, but in reality they're giving us a hint? (Will and Mike would've been five years old in 1976).
I do think that the mention of something happening, exactly 7 years prior, to the day...? Like that's really odd? Not only is it connected to Will because it's the day he went missing, but also... 'it was a seven'?
Though, I feel like if it had to do with Will specifically, they would have included that (which reminds me, if anyone can transcribe that indiscernible part of the newscast, LMK!)? Also if it was another child even, wouldn't they have mentioned that too? That seems like it would be an important detail?
But then the scene cuts off right there. Like the second the word 'ago' leaves the reporter's mouth, we're suddenly in Mike's basement (interesting...). And so, apparently they were willing to mention this anniversary like event, with the infamous number seven, only to cut it short without any further context for what actually happened 7 years prior?
I guess I would have to rewatch and pay attention to see if there are any other hints that could somehow relate to this occurrence that happened in 1976, but since like I said, no one's really talked about it (correct me if i'm wrong pls!), there isn't anywhere for me to really go from here in regards to that.
But it does make me wonder if this was one of the easter eggs David talked about being all the way back in s1, because like? I just really don't see a reason for it be there at all unless there was a reason?
Specifically in combination with Twelvegate it interests me because, Sattler Quarry was the place that Hawkins lab decided to put Will's fake body (why did they need to go all out in the first place in Will's case??).? Is it possible they were doing something there 7 years ago, related to the lab?
Like this does make me wonder about the whole Will created the upside down theory? I've read some crazy theories over the years about how a lot of what occurs with the supernatural happenings going on in Hawkins, aligns with Will and his emotions at times? For example, there's quite a few times Will sensed the mindflayer before/after something occurred, often related to Mike, and then we'd see Will touching his neck. But it wasn't always like that from what it seemed, and so I never really thought anything of it.
And then s4 happened, and this theory has sort of slowed down after it was 'confirmed' Henry got banished to the upside down by El after the massacre at Hawkins Lab, presumably encountering the mindflayer, before Will?
However, in combination with twelvegate and everything, what if Henry getting banished there also had to do with Will? Because I mean technically speaking, if Will is Twelve, that would mean he was right there in the rainbow room with El that day, only like a few feet away...
What if they were doing wonder-twin shit? Will creation powers combining with El's destruction powers?
It's still unknown why Henry would target Will in the first place, like could it be because it was all Will's creation to begin with?
This also reminded me of the constant imagery of Twelve playing with the red tower in the rainbow room. We see this repeatedly, like a lot. We even see El hung up a drawing of said tower in her room at the lab... Twelve building that red tower reminds me of Flayed Billy's 'we've been building it!'...
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TBH I had no idea what the red tower in s4 could possibly mean up to this point. But in the context of Will being Twelve with creation powers, it makes a whole lot more sense. (Is the upside down stuck on the day Will entered it, because the creator showed up and now it's just stuck on create mode? LOL... Wait, but actually???).
I think the only way it would work, is if Will was a unique case, which obviously he would have to be if he created the upside down? Though I'm not so sure I think that Hawkins Lab knows this? Or maybe they do?
TBH I think it's a lot more likely Will has been able to predict some things, for example, Owens keeps talking about how this has been a long time coming, they've been preparing for this. And that took me back to s2 when Will was at Hawkins Lab talking about a storm...? Could that have been Will sensing what was still to come? And was Owens taking notes? Because in the past he had been able to predict some things based on what he saw/how he captures what he sees in his drawings?
I mean Owens was literally rewatching Will's tapes. And there are moments with him that just feel like there's something deeper going on there that we're missing. Quite frankly a lot of the scenes with Will at Hawkins Lab are missing answers, so that in and of itself is, very weird to brush off.
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Eery to say the least.
These scenes also remind me of the onlookers El was met with when she arrived at Nina:
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I've said recently that Owens and Brenner give off good cop/bad cop vibes, and I still feel that way. However, what I think at this point is that Owens is more focused on the 'cause' aka the US military having the upper-hand against the Soviets aka what he could get out of this monetarily/reputation wise, as like a patriot/war criminal. This would also parallel quite nicely with Paul Reiser's character in Aliens, which is a movie that's heavily inspired ST since the beginning.
Yeah, Owens would rather not hurt people if he doesn't have to, especially if he's not even getting any results out of it. But even still, I think Owens would choose to exploit anyone if it meant getting the results that he is expected to be getting, in the position that he is in.
In contrast to Owens, what Brenner gets out of it appears to be some weird father/daughter bond, manifested from raising El in the lab, which was also manifested by Brenner's weird familial bond with Henry as well.
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Notice how Owens refers to Brenner as Martin, like, twice...? He even refers to them as an us? These dudes are colleagues, they are equals. The only difference is Brenner has this weird familial lens guiding his actions, whereas Owens actions are all keeping the goals for their cause in mind. And what even is their cause exactly?
We basically get Owens revealing that Brenner convinced him this was the ONLY way they could do this. Which means there were arguably other options, though this was the plan they went with because Brenner insisted it would work, and now they're having to stick to it.
El was a unique case compared to all the other kids presumably, who were brought there at some point in their childhood. From what I recall, Kali (008) for example, was discovered in London, then abducted and brought to Hawkins lab at a young age, but not infancy. Even in her case, she managed to escape Hawkins Lab before the massacre. And so, it's not like every scenario has to look identical El's in order for it to work, though in Will's case, it would definitely need to be explained in a way that fits with what they've told us so far. Which I agree, would be hard to do.
My guess as of now, is that they came across Will's powers via him being able to predict things with his drawings (rainbowshipgate), and that might have inspired part of Hawkins Labs efforts in the year 79. That scene with Ten and Brenner drawing felt very much like this was their first time doing this, and so it must have been a recent disovery at the time?... Hawkins lab wasn't always like that, even when El was a kid growing up there, like SUPER young, it was a little bit different than the numbers 1-19, shaved head, nightgown 24/7 vibes. That version of Hawkins lab required them gradually getting to that point over the last decade, making discoveries as they went. As far as I could tell, they used to be kind of accepting of letting families in there back in the day, because they came off as more lenient in those times, before they cracked down and started being a lot more secretive, resorting to covering things up almost entirely.
Although I think it's likely they're unaware Will made the upside down itself (if he even did), they know something... There's something about this scene with Brenner and Owens in particular, that's just so downright suspicious, to the point where I don't understand why it's not talked about more.
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This scene is from 4x07, right after Owens bitched Brenner out for not getting them any results. And so, what is being alluded to here, is that EVERYTHING we saw in 4x07, essentially what was presumably being presented to us as the real truth, after 6 episodes of us watching everything from El's confused POV, isn't even the whole truth???
Also, notice the tapes. Brenner takes the tape labeled with the day of the massacre, Sept 8th, 1979. However, the shot makes a point to show him almost hesitating. We see like 4 tapes from the month of August, and like 7 tapes already for the month of September, with no more tapes to follow after the 8th (obvs bc the massacre). Apparently it was a busy September. What I find weird is that there were two tapes for the day before the massacre, Sept. 7th, 1979.? There's nothing else I find too suspicious about this shot, besides that, and so I am curious about what this could possibly mean.
"How much time did you skip?"
Why not let the audience see what was skipped? It's almost like whatever they skipped over would be a major spoiler to us? And combined with everything else, I would not be surprised if whatever they didn't let us see had something to do with Twelve aka Will...
I understand your doubt with this theory, because I too struggle with figuring out how exactly it would overlap with our understanding of the story and the presumed timeline that's been presented to us thus far.
However, again, I think that there has to be small details in the story, which are essential to un-cracking this, even despite what the overarching narrative has been leading us to believe and assume up to this point. I also think it requires us being misinformed about some things, because otherwise it would be too easy to figure everything out. I mean look at us rn? They don't want people getting too close to the truth and so they need those barriers in the way stopping people from getting to close to the surprise. They literally depend on us assuming they are stupid to achieve all of this.
And even still, the Duffer's themselves have said that the final season will circle back to s1 to answer things that were never answered, along with David saying there's easter eggs from s1 that will make the ending wonderful, and Noah himself saying the show started with Will and will end with Will... And so, there's gotta be something here.
And honestly, upon some casual rewatching since coming across twelvegate, I've noticed a lot of details that connect Will to Hawkins Lab...
One in particular, is the fact that it's established within the first 5 minutes of the series, that Will lives near Hawkins Lab:
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So there are arguably places for this theory to build off of, which already exist in the show...
One explanation in particular that I've seen a lot of fans use as a possibility to explain all of this, is Lonnie.
In s1 he showed up after Will's body was recovered, and he made a remark about how Sattler Quarry had no warning signs around it, and that they should be held accountable. Joyce grew suspicious of his behavior and went through his stuff, discovering that Lonnie only came to sue Sattler to receive a big sum of money.
And so within the context of the show, right off the bat, they are saying that not only did Lonnie make homophobic remarks about Will, treat Joyce like she was crazy, but he also apparently only came back after Will was dead, so that he could get a bunch of money out of it...?
There's been theories about this for years, but this could fit into Will, and now even Henry potentially, being brought to the lab, on the front that it would be treatment for conversion therapy.
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The parallels between Will and Henry could be entirely related to the upside down/powers, but I just think the wording of those parallels between them, being tied mostly to Will's queer-coding, makes me very skeptical there's nothing more to it?
And like I said, Hawkins Lab was looking for any excuse to not only find kids with natural powers, but to also exploit anyone that posed as an opportunity to them.
Terry Ives for example, wasn't one of the numbered kids in Hawkins Lab, but she was still involved with others who literally volunteered there, and were put on experimental drugs (also another way Lonnie could have been involved with the Lab), which led to El being abducted with the guise that she died during a miscarriage.
People forget that mind control is Hawkins Labs' specialty. And that they used it for more than just studies and experimentation...
The lab did everything they could to cover up what's happened over the years, when it came to El and Terry especially from what we saw. And so, why wouldn't this apply to other kids?
I remember in s2 when Brenner got replaced, Owens said the everyone involved with the lab previously, was gone, with him insisting he was one of the good ones, practically begging Joyce (and Hopper) to trust him... And yet not even a few episodes later he was telling Jonathan and Nancy that he would stop at nothing to keep the truth from spreading... Nothing.
Which then brings us to the most complex of it all. Memories.
I think that it's possible that memory stealing could be a thing that spans multiple characters, and with an organization that specializes in mind control, with us literally seeing that play with Terry Ives in earlier seasons, and also with El's repressed memories in s4 (with the lab having tapes to bring back those memories), I'm gonna presume it's not out of the realm of possibility that there's more to all of this.
Not saying that it's going to be memory stealing in the most generic way possible. Same with the whole time travel debacle. I don't think how we understand these concepts, based on what we've seen in other media, is going to apply exactly in every shape/form for ST. I think it's going to be a lot more complex and have to fit somehow into our understanding of things in this universe already. Do I think it will be easy? No. But the Duffers have surprised me before so I do think that they are capable of doing it again.
And even still, I only feel comfortable speculating about this, in the cases of the kids and the parents, aka Terry and El, Will (Jonathan?) and Joyce, Hopper and Sarah...
And that's about where my theory starts to get kind of stupid.
If you remember, there was a theory way back in s2, that El, Will and Sarah could have all possibly been connected to Hawkins lab. And it's because they all 3 had similar stuffed animals.
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Hopper is also shown to be at Hawkins lab in his flashbacks around the time of his daughter's death in 78 (1 year before the massacre). We also get a parallel shot of this, with Sam Owens in s2 (s/out Sam Owens is evil truthers)
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BONUS: Shot of El in s4, in this same staircase in the flashbacks of the lab massacre in 79.
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Back in the day, there were theories Sarah's death could've been a cover up, and that perhaps she was targeted by the lab similar to other test subjects. It just so happened that for whatever reason, her case ended differently than the others? Or so we think...?
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Now you might be wondering, what could have possibly connected Hopper to Hawkins Lab?
This is another avenue I could totally see Hawkins Lab recruiting test subjects. I mean, it's not like it's one of the most well known tropes in comic books for a person whose encountered radiation to gain super powers or anything...
I also find it interesting that Hopper’s daughter died of cancer, after having an episode quite similar to Will's, which lead her to losing all her hair. And this happened at Hawkins lab (what we can presume based on the setting), a little bit before the labs whole weird shaved head, crayon drawing renovation..?.
In all honesty, Hopper himself has been keeping secrets. This is something that David Harbour has alluded to since s2, when there were boxes from Hoppers cabin shown, with the one El went through literally being labeled Hawkins Lab.
Not to mention, s4 finally explored and introduced to us how Vietnam affected him and his family, sort of building up this storyline, with flashbacks of Sarah, which we’ve been seeing for like season upon season now? They really like showing us these flashbacks with Sarah for some reason… and I can’t help but feel like that storyline isn’t over. So considering some of the evidence, it feels like there could be something going on there.
Not to mention, at the end of s1, we get this moment where Hopper goes in a government vehicle and what happened is only really alluded to. But why not let us see what they talked about?
It does beg to question, that if a lab managed to convince Hopper his daughter died of cancer... Anything is possible.
I also think Joyce being referred to as crazy/out of her mind by herself, Lonnie, Jonathan and like everyone in town in s1, does make me intrigued by the prospects of s2 sort of covering up whatever facts they gave to us back then, bc like.. idk. There's room there for something to have happened I guess. Like the fact that she even felt an urge to check to see what Lonnie was up to, and found out he was trying to get a bunch of money out of Will's death? Like, was history repeating?
I also love that you mentioned the crayons for Will's birthday, because I actually came across Twelvegate when I was reading about another theory, Rainbowshipgate.
If you haven't read it, RUN!
Basically what it boils down to is how the story about Will getting crayons on his eighth birthday, using those crayons to draw a rainbow spaceship, which Joyce then hung up at Melvald's, even going as far as to apparently show it to every person that came in, saying her son drew it... could have been a hint that connects Will to Hawkins Lab.
In fact, this is something several casual fans have observed and talked about on reddit since s2, comments about how ironic it was that Will drew a rainbow spaceship, when we all know there's another major significance to rainbows in the show, ie the rainbow room at Hawkins Lab...
So it's like, are these the easter eggs David was talking about, or??..
I shit you not, reading everything I could about rainbowshipgate, I got curious and decided to rewatch the Hawkins lab scenes from s4.
I was thinking like, hypothetically, if rainbowshipgate was on track in some way? Couldn't Will be a lab kid?
And so I literally went into rewatching those scenes, looking for a lab kid that could be Will-coded. And I was not disappointed. There Twelve was, giving off major Will Byers vibes, and that's when everything sort of clicked for me and I started posting about it.
Also, for those that don't know, there were theories back in the s3 era at least, where fans were already speculating that Will could be Twelve... Though those same theorists haven't returned to update their observations for s4 (meaning all their evidence predates s4 evidence).
However, what I now personally am leaning towards, is that they are connected.
Because if Will's birthday is March 22nd, then it's possible that anytime throughout that year, someone from Hawkins Lab could have stumbled into Melvald's, observed the drawing, and told other higher ups at the lab about it. Upon a little bit of digging, they discovered this kid lived right in their back fucking yard?? I would not be surprised what lengths they would go through to get that kid. Like come on man, that's too easy!
That's another thing, the Byers' home being like right next to Hawkins Lab is just weird in and of itself? So that could be an easy explanation for how Will attended the lab. It would have likely required it being a secret between Lonnie and maybe Jonathan who found out and had to stay quiet. It also could have played a role in their divorce? Who knows. I do think that they're consistent mention of Will's sexuality/queer-coding as the main topic to come up whenever they talk about Lonnie is really suspect. But that's just a theory for now.
Personally, despite all the evidence, because there is quite a lot, I'm still not entirely confident in regards to all this.
It does make me feel more intrigued by other theories though, like birthdaygate and will having powers. I am like 99% confident in those theories, and so there is this element of appeal in that I feel like stuff we've already speculated about in the fandom before, fits quite nicely into twelvegate.
What I'm honestly excited for is ST5 promotion to start rolling out. As early as production starts, we should start getting some crumbs, and it will only grow exponentially from there!
And that's when all us theorists will have more to work with. Because they'll definitely leave easter eggs and hidden messages within the major promotion they drop. And this time a lot of us will actually be paying attention!! Whatever they leave here and there could have the potential to prove/disapprove theories we've been compiling for months before all of this.
Thank you for the ask!! And sorry again for the delay!
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can-of-pringles · 24 days
Playing with Fire - Chapter 6
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Rating: Teen and up audiences
Warnings: Tiny bit of angst?
Word Count: 2k
Also Read on Ao3
Everyone on the ship was busy preparing to fight. Peter sat down and listened to his Walkman and gathered ammo. The rest of the gang suited up and grabbed their weapons.
Eliška stood in front of a window, looking at her reflection. They had provided her with a new outfit. Light red and black combat suit. Full of useful pockets too. She took a breath and tied up her wavy red hair.
She walked down one of the numerous hallways and found Rocket practicing shooting. He didn’t need it, hitting the targets in the center almost every time, but she figured he was doing it to keep busy.
She cleared her throat, trying to get his attention. He turned around, not saying anything.
“I’ve heard you’re an excellent shot.” She stated.
“That’s right,” Rocket replied. “Isn’t it obvious?” He gestured to the targets.
Eliška grabbed the gun that was slung against her back. She held it low. “I know how to shoot… but it’s been a while. I’m rusty.” She admitted.
He tilted his head slightly.
She took a breath. “I was wondering if you could give me some tips… if I could practice with you?”
Rocket considered this for a moment. “And what do I get out of it?”
“Well, I’m sure you’ll get some free laughs out of my poor shooting.” She half-joked.
He scoffed, fighting a grin. “Alright, princess. Let’s see how you do.”
“Don’t call me that.” She rolled her eyes.
“But it’s so fitting!” Rocket teased.
Eliška scoffed.
He pondered for a minute. Looking at her hair and suit. “Well, given your… fiery look and temper, I might have to call you… firefly.”
She felt an uncomfortable feeling in her chest. Her heart pounded. Eliška gritted her teeth and swallowed, looking down at the floor. “No, not that.”
“Oh, come on! First, you say I can’t call you princess, and now I can’t call you firefly? What’s wrong with firefly? It’s not even insulting!” Rocket argued.
“Don’t call me firefly!” She snapped.
Flames erupted out of her palms for a split second. Realizing what had happened, she looked down at her hands, gasping and quickly putting them out. She winced and her hands throbbed. Rocket stared at her, wide-eyed and speechless.
“I should go, this was a mistake,” she said and attempted to leave in a hurry.
He ran to block her, pointing at her hands. “Hey! You don’t just get to bail and not explain that fiasco! What the hell was that?!”
Eliška bit her lip. She felt her heart pounding. “I…”
“Are you some sort of spy from Ronan?” He growled.
“What? No! I didn’t even know who he was until hours ago!” She held her hands up in defense.
“Put those down.” He commanded.
Realizing he was referring to her hands, she looked at them, sighing and lowering them in shame. She tried to ignore the stinging in her throat. She fidgeted with her gloves. At least they were fireproof.
“Now, tell me what is going on,” Rocket insisted.
Eliška sighed and sat down on a crate nearby, placing her gun beside her. Rocket stood and watched her, still keeping his paws on his weapon. She glanced down at her hands and pulled the gloves up for a moment to look at her palms. They were already starting to quickly scab up, but they still ached.
She blinked and swallowed, trying to keep her composure. “Do you know why I was sold to The Collector?”
“How would I possibly know that?” He scoffed.
She mildly glared at him. “It was rhetorical.”
He stayed silent, huffing to himself.
“Some scientists sold me to The Collector after their attempts at giving me powers didn’t work out right… He used to call me ‘Firefly’ because of the fire…” She explained. “There… now you know.”
Rocket stayed silent, thinking it over. “So… those gloves aren’t just for decoration, then?”
She frowned. “Well… they make me feel safe. Like I have the Embering under control. They don't stop the flames, but they're fireproof.”
“Should I have some water on me, then?” He asked. “That little outburst caused some flame…”
Eliška sighed. “I’m sorry, I usually have it under better control… I guess the nickname mention got to me. But if the water would make you feel safer, sure. Never touch my hands. I don’t want to hurt anyone.”
“The water thing was a joke… mostly.” He admitted. “But, noted.”
He walked away, focused back on the targets. Eliška took a sigh in relief, thankful he quickly moved on from her problem. She stood up, grabbing her gun.
“Come on, Hašek, let’s shoot at some targets. You can blow off some steam that way,” he said.
A small smile shown on her face at the use of her last name instead.
In one of the main areas of the ship, the gang and Ravagers discussed the plan. Gamora walked toward the holograms in the middle of the room, going over everything.
“The Stone reacts to anything organic. The bigger the target, the bigger the power surge,” she explained.
“All Ronan’s got to do is touch the Stone to the planet’s surface and zap! All plants, animals, Nova Corps,” Peter added.
“Everything will die.”
“So Ronan does not make the surface,” he continued. “Rocket will lead a team to blow a hole in The Dark Aster’s starboard hull.” He gestured to the hologram. “Then, our craft and Yondu’s will enter.”
“Won’t there be hundreds of Sakaaran soldiers inside?” Kraglin asked.
“I think of Sakaaran as paper people,” Drax said.
Kraglin smiled and enthusiastically punched Drax’s arm. Drax glared and Kraglin looked away awkwardly.
“Once they know we’re on board, Ronan will isolate himself behind impenetrable security doors on deck. Which I can disable by dismantling the power source,” Gamora spoke.
“We’ll make it to the flight deck, and I’ll use the Hadron Enforcer to kill Ronan,” Peter interjected.
“Once Ronan is dead, we will retrieve the Stone. Use these devices to contain it.” She concluded.
One of the Ravagers handed out multiple small spheres, and they accepted them.
“If you touch it, it will kill you.” Gamora warned.
“I’ll contact one of the Nova officers who arrested us. Hopefully, they’ll believe we’re there to help,” Peter said.
“There’s one more thing we need to complete the plan. That guy’s eye.” Rocket spoke up, pointing at one of the Ravagers with a prosthetic tech eye.
“No! No, we don’t. No, we don’t need that guy’s eye.” Peter interrupted.
The Ravager looked around nervously.
“No, seriously, I need it! It’s important to me.” He tried to refrain from laughing, covering his mouth with his paw.
Eliška sighed and facepalmed.
“Ronan’s fleet has been spotted, and will arrive in T-minus fifteen minutes.” The automated voice of the ship alerted.
Peter walked through the room, going with the others to help. He turned around when he felt a touch on his shoulder.
“Remember, boy. At the end of all this, I get the Stone. You cross me, we kill you all.” Yondu meant it.
A sliver of upset showed on Peter's face, but he nodded, turning away to join the rest of the gang.
They all walked down the main hallway, lining up and prepared to go. Yondu piloted the ship and cheered his crew on. The ship’s hatch opened slowly, out flying a bunch of smaller Ravager ships with Rocket piloting one and the rest of the gang piloting another. Eliška sat in the other seat next to Rocket’s. There to help if he needed it.
“This is a terrible plan.” Gamora focused on steering.
“Hey, you’re the one who said you wanted to die among friends.” Peter pointed out.
She looked over at him.
Right on time, Ronan’s ship was heading toward Xandar. He sat on his throne.
Nebula walked toward him, delivering news. “A fleet approaches. They appear to be Ravagers.”
The two bigger ships of the Ravagers flew toward Ronan’s, firing blasts of energy. They struck the window. Nebula watched in surprise as the energy blasts grew bigger.
“Cover it down. Submerge!” Yondu shouted commands.
The ship being piloted by Peter and Gamora flew down under the huge orange force and all the other ships followed.
“Rocket, hurry!” Peter exclaimed.
Rocket flew ahead with two other ships. The orange force suddenly disappeared, now revealing where all the Ravagers were.
“All pilots, dive! They’re beneath us!” Nebula alerted the soldiers.
The ships flew higher and started shooting. Hundreds of small ships flew out of the entrances of Ronan’s ship. Peter tried navigating and dodging them.
Nebula walked quickly as she shouted commands. “Forward thrust, now!”
The power of Ronan’s ship grew stronger, but that didn’t stop the Ravager’s ships from continuing to fire at them. Finally, they manage to blast a hole through.
“Quill! Yondu! Now!” Rocket shouted.
Peter dodged the enemy ships and explosions and Yondu copied as best he could. A ship unexpectedly hit him, causing him to plummet.
“Aw, hell! I’m going down, Quill!” Yondu yelled. The alarms blared, and his ship spun out of control, quickly heading toward the ground. “No more games with me, boy! I’ll see you at the end of this!”
Peter focused on listening to his message before looking up and narrowly avoiding an explosion. Unfortunately, the ship got hit on one side.
“There’s too many of them, Rocket! We’ll never make it up there!” Gamora exclaimed.
Eliška anxiously kept her hands in her lap, fidgeting with her gloves. Rocket had gone over some of the buttons and controls with her before they had taken off. She was ready to step in if needed.
Explosions littered the air. Another ship turned up, helping them take out more enemy ships. Drax and Peter looked up in awe. 
“Peter Quill. This is Denarian Saal of the Nova Corps. For the record, I advised against trusting you here.”
“They got my message!”
“Prove me wrong,” he responded.
Peter revved the engine of the ship, causing it to speed up. They headed straight for the hole in Ronan’s ship, slightly crash landing.
“Yes!” Drax laughed victoriously.
Gamora and Peter gave him a weird look before focusing on the mission again. Soldiers were shooting at them as they flew past. Peter turned the ship harshly. He drifted and shot at the soldiers. They ran away as he shot. Drax raised his hands, cheering and laughing.
“Yes!” He cheered.
Peter and Gamora breathed hard, processing the rough landing. They shared a look.
“We’re just like Kevin Bacon,” she said.
“The starboard kern has been breached!” Nebula panicked, turning to look at Ronan and hurrying toward him. “We have been boarded.”
“Continue our approach,” he said.
“But the Nova Corps have engaged.”
“None of that will matter once we reach the surface.” He sounded unbothered.
She turned back toward the soldiers and guards. “Seal security doors! Now!” She followed after them.
Ronan sat back down on his throne.
Rocket continued fighting, shooting at them and causing them to explode. Eliška pressed buttons to shoot when he instructed her to. He steered the ship, twisting and dodging their attacks. She held on, trying to get used to all the turns. Rocket looked up, noticing the sky growing darker. She squinted, trying to get a better look. Above them was Ronan’s ship.
“Oh, man...” He winced.
“Ježíšikriste…” Eliška muttered under her breath.
As everyone continued to fight, the Nova Corps ships flew towards The Dark Aster. They connected through an energy link and used the power to create a huge barrier to stop it.
Peter and the rest carefully walked out of their ship, trying to see through the darkness of Ronan’s ship.
“I can barely see,” Drax commented.
Groot reached his hand out and used his powers to shine a light. They watched as the glowing spores floated above them, staring in awe.
“When did you learn to do that?” Drax asked.
“Pretty sure the answer is ‘I am Groot’,” Peter replied.
“The flight deck is three hundred meters this way,” Gamora said, leading the way.
They walked in a second of silence before Drax spoke again. “I want you all to know that I am grateful for your acceptance after my blunders. It is pleasing to once again have… friends. You, Quill, are my friend.”
“This dumb tree, he is my friend,” he continued.
 “Mmm.” Groot slightly tilted his head in acknowledgment.
“And this green whore, she, too—”
Gamora stopped walking and turned to look at him, shouting. “Oh, you must stop!” She focused her attention back in front of her when she heard Nebula.
Nebula dropped down in front of them. “Gamora, look at what you have done. You have always been weak.” She held her weapons. “You stupid, traitorous—”
She was cut off by a blast to the chest, getting launched back from the impact. Drax lowered his gun and Gamora looked at him, shocked.
“Nobody talks to my friends like that.” He declared.
“Head to the flight deck. I’ll shut down the power to the security doors,” she said.
She walked forward while the others went left.
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alright, so i made this playlist with the target audience of Specifically Me, but if anyone else loves both ofmd and the killers as much as i do, may i present:
Ed x Stede, as told by The Killers
15 songs, 59 minutes in total.
(also on youtube, if you don't use spotify or aren't able to listen in order, which i highly recommend)
i wanted to challenge myself to tell the story of their relationship (throughout s1 + a bit of hopeful speculation) using only songs by the band that's been rotting my brain for the past year, and i think i was able to do it surprisingly cohesively.
a brief explanation and lyric highlight for each choice can be found under the cut.
(all lyrics are taken from genius, in case some don't match what you hear or don't match what spotify says)
1. boy
this could really be read as either a stede childhood song or an ed childhood song. both? both is good.
these streets / weren't meant to house / jet-fueled engine dreams
2. When You Were Young
hoo boy, if there was ever a song about ed having religious trauma.
he doesn't look a thing like jesus / but he talks like a gentleman / like you imagined when you were young
3. I Can't Stay
sorry to go straight from one of their best songs to one of their... not best songs. but yes, stede leaving mary.
in the dark, for a while now / i can't stay, very far / i can't stay much longer / riding my decision home
4. The Man
the man, the myth, the legend, Blackbeard™, with a head made of smoke and all that.
i got skin in the game / i got a household name / i got news for you baby, you're looking at the man
5. Flesh And Bone
except, oops, he's actually a person, too. and his relationship with his near-mythical persona is a complicated one.
what are you afraid of? / and what are you made of? / flesh and bone / and i'm running out of time
6. Tidal Wave
they're falling in love, your honor.
you say this life has given you nothing / you got another thing coming
7. Andy, You're A Star
uh oh, ed's prioritizing love and happiness over his career and his fame! izzy sure isn't happy about that.
in a car with a girl / promise me she's not your world / 'cause andy, you're a star
8. Mr. Brightside
yeah, i'm sorry, i know this song is overplayed, but i had to. here comes calico jack, my beloved dumpster fire, to separate our boys.
jealousy / turning saints into the sea / swimming through sick lullabies / choking on your alibis
9. Neon Tiger
ah, here they come, that good ol' english navy looking for stede.
run neon tiger, there's a price on your head / they'll hunt you down and gut you / i'll never let 'em touch you
10. Leave The Bourbon On The Shelf
ed's time away from stede is pretty dang miserable. and for this song's eerie ending, picture his smile right before he pushes lucius overboard.
before you say goodbye / leave the bourbon on the shelf / and i'll drink it by myself / and i love you endlessly
11. Everything Will Be Alright
stede, my sweet optimistic boy, you have no idea what you're returning to.
and you don't need to compromise / i'm dreaming 'bout those dreamy eyes / i never knew, i never knew / but it's alright
12. The Rising Tide
angry! ed! breakup! song!
before life and the dream collide / 'cause the truth's gonna come and cut me open wide / and you can't escape the rising of the tide
13. Have All The Songs Been Written?
stede's apology.
i just need one more to get through to you / i can't take back what i've done wrong / i just need one more
14. All These Things That I've Done
ed coming to terms with his past, his present, and his future.
these changes ain't changing me / the cold-hearted boy i used to be
15. Bones
they've reunited for good, and now they fuck. (seriously, the following are probably my favorite lines but they don't nearly do justice to how horny this song is.)
there's someone calling / an angel whispers my name / but the message relayed is the same: / "wait 'til tomorow, you'll be fine"
if you've read this far, thank you so much for indulging this intersection of my two biggest brainrots of 2022. for making it to the end, i'll reward you with the opportunity to Behold the kiss again:
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allthefujoshiunite · 1 year
Have you watched Buddy Daddies? If you have do you like it?
Random ask....Do you think anime like Free, Sk8, Jeweler Richard and Yuri on Ice are queerbaiting or at least have semi canon couples? I mean I love those anime series and my fav otps are from those series, but what do you think?
P.s Love your latest meta, it really made my day and when I read them, I also found answers to my internal questions my self...Thanks for sharing them...( I'm not the anon who asked that)...
Hello! Today's great coincidence that made me chuckle into my morning tea was getting asked about my opinion on queerbaiting by two different people, 1-hour apart 🤣 Thanks a lot, both of you! I'll put my two cents down about queerbaiting discourse in anime and I know it's silly to mention but just to be sure, these are all opinions, and my opinions only. 
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Before I start rambling about gays, no I haven't seen Buddy Daddies yet. I've been very excited about it ever since I've seen the PV but as you may know, I decided to review every first episode of the Winter 2023 season so I'm pretty much swamped... I'm saving Buddy Daddies to savor it! If you wait a bit, you'll be reading my first impressions of it soon. 
So. Okay. Queerbait. First of all, definitions because for the love of BL gods, people have been throwing words around without knowing what they mean. 
According to this interesting book that's been sitting on my TBR pile, Queerbating and Fandom: Teasing Fans Through Homoerotic Possibilities, the definition of queerbaiting is as follows: 
Queerbaiting describes an industry tactic where “those officially associated with a media text court viewers interested in LGBT narratives... without the text ever definitely confirming the nonheterosexuality of the relevant characters.” For this reason, the term is seen as exploitative, and when fans use it to describe a series, its marketing, or the actions of producers, they are engaging in a “form of queer activism.”
There are other terms coined by the scholars such as "covert courting" (i.e. targeting gay consumers using subtle elements not intended to be picked up by heterosexual audiences) etc. but in my opinion, these terms are built upon the presupposition that there is a queer audience to bait into consuming your media. And I'm not sure whether there's a group of audience that is acknowledged as queer in the minds of producers and/or creators in Japan. 
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What they want to tap into according to yours truly, however, is FujoMoney. No, it's not a new currency, although now I kind of wish it was. There's an interesting video on it that delves deeper into the topic but in short, they are after the buying and creating potential of shippers. Creating fan content is, in itself, a grey area legally but it's overlooked because the franchise profits from it immensely. A similar practice, if you're or have been into K-pop at some point, is the fansites. Normally, they shouldn't be allowed to make merchandise off of the artists and gain profit from it. However, they attend concerts out of their own pockets, take these photographs using their own cameras, and contribute greatly to the group or the individual artist's popularity. Tl;dr: it's free real estate for the companies. 
So I guess the term we're looking for is fujobait, rather than queerbait. What the higher-ups want to attract are shippers who are buyers and/or fancreators. Look at any sports anime and you'll see. There have been multiple times when I got into a series because I've seen a shippy fanart or a video edit of a character. And to be honest, if I was more fortunate economically, they'd be making that kind of monetary profit through merch off of me as well. xD
While queerbait and fujobait might seem like they mean the same thing, they eventually are not because the former capitalizes on real-life stigmatized identity while the latter relies on a consumer's practice of queering the content at hand. I'm personally not as interested in putting the label of "right" or "wrong" on these terms, so I'll leave it at this for now. 
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Moving on to the series you mentioned, they can't all be put into the same box, but can be divided into two groups where Free and Sk8 rely more on fanservice and the intricacies of the relationships are left to the shippers' imaginations while Jeweler Richard and Yuuri!!! on ICE are entirely different. Especially, Yuuri!!! on ICE because there's no room left for discussion or different readings that Yuuri and Victor are a couple. They literally get married, and the only reason some people still to this day question whether they are canon or not is because of eurocentrism/racism. I come across reels of real-life women taking a ring out and putting it on the ring finger of another woman with people cheering in the background and no one is asking to see their marriage registration in the comments. On the contrary, they congratulate them! The exact same scene is there in animated form, so why do we even question its validity? 
In the case of Jeweler Richard, sadly light novels aren't my thing. I have only seen the anime and have read the first volume of the manga. However, I've read an extensive blog post on the light novels comparing them to the anime adaptation. From the blog post, their relationship is evident even though to an anime-only it might come off as implied. I personally didn't think it was implied even in the anime, but if anyone else did, we have our answers in the source material. 
All of this then begs the question: does having things spelled out on screen matter? If yes, to what extent it matters? I mentioned in the previous meta post that the consumers of Asian media are already lucky when it comes to the existence and variety of such content. I'm personally someone who's in favor of having media to consume at hand instead of waiting for the Perfect Representation. I don't even want representation, because what is representation anyway for a non-monolithic community with a deep, rich history? I want portrayal, and while having things openly said is cathartic and something I want to have, I won't discredit the works I enjoy and find meaning in just for the sake of it. Especially content that come from countries with heavy censorship or a high possibility of GP backlash.
Plus, while I'm not in any Chinese BL or BL-adjacent work fandoms, I watched dramas here or there and have a lot of mutuals who are actively in the fandoms of certain series, so through osmosis, I learn a couple of things as well. I've seen people talking about the cultural significance of certain choices in these works that someone who's not well-versed in the codes of the Chinese culture won't be able to pick up, i.e. characters wearing red can be an insinuation on marriage because red is a color worn in weddings. Or there's no way I would pick up that Chinese BL dramas are dubbed over just so they can pass censorship. Would it be better if China were to be supportive of LGBTQA+? 100%. Should people there push for the content they'd like to see or portrayals that they see themselves in? Without a doubt. Should it mean that they should get nothing until they get exactly what they want? A hard no. There must be still works that portray such relationships even if they are implied because I see this attempt as getting a foot in the door. 
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To sum everything up: what I want is to enjoy what I read/watch and share it with others while trying to keep a critical eye on as much as I can. My background is in STEM and I'm not formally educated in humanities anyway. What I try to do is to read and discuss questions I have in mind, and writing helps me order and expand my thoughts. I find value in trying to keep an open mind instead of gatekeeping and micro-analyzing every little thing, or at least, I try not to let them take the fun out of it. To quote the great Maggie Nelson's The Argonauts:
I am not interested in hermeneutics, or erotics, or metaphorics, of my anus. I am interested in ass-fucking.
Easily one of the best books I've read in 2022. Pure brilliance.
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phoenix-manga · 2 years
Assuming that Fraena can get a portal back to her world.... Casual Geographic x Monster Hunter with Fraena with Carter or Rook as the camera men. I'm talking about those hardcore Wildlife Cameramen that camp out in nature for months just to get a shot of some animal. Actually the more I think about it, this could be more like Crocodile Hunter? Maybe?
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If Casual Geographic is more video showing pictures while explaining everything in a dead tone that adds to the hilarity.
We could say that Fraena is more hands on like Steve Irwin, she's got more emotion in her tone as she is doing the wrangling while explaining.
Also a portal to the world of Monster Hunter would be the worst yet the most thrilling idea because this reminds me of Prehistoric Park if anyone remembers that show.
A guy bringing back dinosaurs from the past into a sanctuary and all that except Fraena has two students and a staff member follow her to her world to document creatures beyond their understanding.
But this can also be like a mix with Ragegamingvideos explanation to each monster. I watch that guy and he is hilarious.
Of course their normal phones won't cut it, Ignihyde offers their services and made a new model of camera not found anywhere, small enough to fit in the pocket but has several functions and built-in lenses to get that 4K quality.
Plus it will not break easily.
The video man is Cater and Rook and they do most of the filming while they ask Fraena some questions regarding said monster. Vargas is the back up in case it gets dangerous for the boys but he's like a kid at a candy store as Fraena gets hands on in confronting a dangerous creature.
Cater/Rook: What is that weird creature? What does it do? How do you kill it?
Let's say we start with something relatively rookie level like a Great Jagras.
Fraena: *Fixing weapons and traps* That large lizard is a Jagras, a relatively easy target for rookie hunters but don't think you're safe. Let your guard down and that thing will swallow you whole.
Jagras: *Eats an Aptonoth whole*
Cater: ugh! *Vomiting*
Rook: Amazing!
Fraena: Stay here and don't leave the bushes, I'm tasked to help out hunt this thing that's bothering the locals so if you wanna tape it then do so at a distance. *Goes to confront the Jagras*
Vargas: *looking all amazed* I wanna fight it too... but I gotta watch these kids.
Bringing back that video to NRC would require a projector because many would forget to go to class just to witness Fraena take down the big iguana monster.
This reminds me of the time the teacher just let us watch a documentary instead of a lecture
This becomes a new thing among the staff, if they don't feel like teaching, they just pop in the documentary video and sip some coffee.
The videos won't escalate to handling the more dangerous monsters like the high rank ones or G rank. But if they really want to, Ignihyde has to come up with a body cam or a drone that would follow Fraena and avoid any incoming danger.
I can see it becoming like some sort of anime scene though. The NRC students watching from the safety of the school with their breaths in their throats as Fraena and her Palamute tag team to take down the monster.
I guess we can put in that that view from the Monster hunter games would be the drone that Ignihyde sent over and they were watching the whole thing unfold.
Overall, compared to @draftingteacups Casual Geographic with Pokemon with plenty of sarcasm yet a tone of seriousness. Soni would be fine in getting near the Pokemon and ocassionally show the "What would happen if you mess with this" though it was all in good fun.
Like, Pokemon can be safe if you treat them right.
That's not the case for Monster Hunter.
Fraena's Monster Hunter Documenatries would be mostly first part is to prepare and talking about what kind of monster she's facing leaving the audience to anticipate what they are facing.
Second halg of the documentary is her facing the monster and they are blown away by the appearance because the descriptions do it no justice.
Or unless she has to fight a Gypceros then they won't be amazed, more like "WTF"
Maybe I'll make a short drabble out of this with different monsters.
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Hello Barok,
I saw that ask that was sent your way... Uh, to explain, what was sent to you was a modern joke we call a 'meme'. That one in particular is used to joke about public figures who pretend they are not a certain negative trait (Racist/homophobic, for example) when they clearly are. It is... Unfortunately quite common in modern times, at least on the internet. Some will find it funny, others will not.
Now this next part I will admit, I will struggle to word properly as there is actually a few things I want to say, but I'll keep it brief; I am in no place to forgive you for your past transgressions. I am not Japanese and even if I was, you clearly targeted certain people such as Ryuunosuke, they are the only ones who can choose to forgive you or not. And what do you know? Those same people are happy to call you a friend, or mess around with you daily. I think that says a lot about your progress! If you don't believe me, then ask them yourselves.
I understand what the person sent to you was something you found tasteless and I'll be honest, I did to (Although I do tend to laugh at those memes, because as stated before, it is an unfortunately common scenario these days), but remember that you have made genuine progress and to be proud of that! And to add to that... Did you know that you're one of the most popular characters from the games IN Japan specifically? The Japanese audience really took a liking to you! I think in the last popularity poll, you were 3rd place? I think that speaks volumes itself. Take this latter information as you will
I apologise for the length of this, I wanted to say a lot and even now I'm trying to shorten this! But I hope that modern meme doesn't bother you too much Barok; if those you hurt in the past know you're improving and are actively choosing to be your friend and be in your life, then I think that speaks more than a lil edited image
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Hm. I appreciate the explanation. And thank you. Though perhaps I should not have taken it so personally.
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I... am glad they are able to call me a friend. That is all I can ask for, beyond forgiveness, and I do not expect anyone to offer that.
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tillywhim · 2 years
Well, at least one thing has been cleared up thanks to the release of the first episode of Stereotypes Archetypes with Meghan. The identity of the racist royal. Drumroll please...
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It's only Ms Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex herself! Let's see how her bargain basket Ken doll spins this one for her. I'm thinking it will be something along the lines of “she can’t possibly be racist, she's a WOC” or, even more cringe “she isn't racist, she has a black mother”. Yet surely using your black mother to further your agenda sorry I meant ambition is a little bit racist anyway? No?
The same Meghan Markle who until relatively recently did everything she could to erase her Black heritage. You know, the one whose CV identifies her as a caucasian supermodel?
Yep. That Meghan Markle took 2 years to produce a nearly hour-long podcast of nothing but codswallop, twatwaffle and the usual Me Me Me Me Me we have come to know and despair of from her.
The first guest was Serena Williams. Like her, love her or loathe her, you have to give Serena credit for being a hard-working, talented, mega-successful woman. She is a laudable archetype. I think most people would have enjoyed listening to her story. Sadly, it was not to be.
Serena told the story of her daughter Olympia falling out of her high chair and breaking her wrist. She described the agonizing feeling of mum guilt but of still getting up the next day to go and play in a tennis match. Meghan not to be outdone proceeds to tell the tale that never was of how Archie very nearly died in a fire. Only he didn't because a) he wasn't in the room where the fire supposedly broke out and b) someone smelled smoke and extinguished it straight away.
Hyperbole thy name is Meghan Markle. Ok Tilly but what's racist about all of this? Well, I'm glad you asked. I'm sure you've all seen the photos of the British High Commission residence they were staying in by now. This is what she described as a “housing project”, I'm not saying her target audience is the USA but I'm not not saying that either. The term housing project has a very distinct connotation in the US, she chose those words carefully. Why not say they were staying in a secure, gated community? She lives in one now in Montecito so what's the problem? Because it doesn't come across as negative.
She claimed there were no smoke alarms. Really? In a building that size with a thatched roof. Umm, ok Meghan. Whatever. The racist icing on the cake though? When she was telling Serena that instead of putting Archie down for his nap, the Nanny had taken him downstairs with her, she said “she was from Zimbabwe you know”. I'm sorry, what? What has that got to do with anything? She then went on to describe the sling the Nanny used to carry Archie on her back as a “mud cloth”.
So, all in all, proof positive that Meghan is a racist royal. I wonder if that's what Harry found so attractive at first flush?
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pokemenlovingmen · 1 year
glad I found this blog! (^^)<3
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This blog has pulled a WAY bigger audience than I was ready for. WAY BIGGER. I really thought I’d end up with a super small target audience but it seems like I’ve attracted all the touch-starved gay guys around the Pokemon fandom. Which is amazing and I’m so flattered this many people are here to see my writing!!
I’m happy you can find a place to enjoy some nice, non sexual and gender affirming content for Pokeguys! And I’m honored to be that place! I may seem a little scattered (and I am, I was not expecting this massive response to my blog) but I wanna emphasize how truly, genuinely grateful I am for y’all. I’m not good at communicating those sort of things but it’s really important. As someone who is greyro and really likes the IDEA of relationships this is a great outlet for me and all the support and people enjoying the stuff I make related to that outlet is mind blowing. I’m really, genuinely so flattered.
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shutupsummer · 1 year
8/8 "Man Up" Addressing Toxic Masculinity
As part of my final assignment I had to create my own contribution to digital activism by coming up with an intervention for a social change I would like to make. When first approaching the assignment I wanted to look at something that personally affected me; something I already knew a lot about and was passionate about fixing.On reflection this didn't seem like the best path to take because I had too many ideas and a limited amount of time. So I got to talking with a few of my male friends down the pub, nothing of much importance until the phrase "Man Up" was thrown across the table as an insult. From this I started to think about the negative implications of this insult and how it could be impacting the mental health of young men.
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My aim for the assignment became to raise awareness around toxic masculinity, how it affects men and those around them. In the early stages of my planning I researched a lot of academic articles on toxic masculinity, with the majority of the coming from a negative space I wanted to take my research and turn it into something positive. By conducting interviews with several male friends and family members, I was able to collect a wide range of data that helped me to construct an intervention that would catch the attention of my target audience and actually make a difference for the person reading it.
I looked into a number of feminist studies when starting my research, just to get an understanding of where society stood on the matter of toxic masculinity. Initially studying hegemonic masculinity I looked into where it stemmed from, what caused it and its effect in current society. Alongside this I looked into Judith Butler's Gender Trouble to grasp a more philosophical understanding of the subject, allowing me to grasp which kind of approach to take with communicating the issues of Toxic Masculinity to my target audience.
I decided to create something visual for my intervention that I could post on social media and pin up around campus, so taking this idea and wanting to get a bit creative I made two posters:
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Using a more feminine design I hoped to catch the attention of not just a male audience but a female audience. Activism isn't just about communicating with the one suffering, but raising awareness around the issue, making it more commonly known to those who may not see it as an ongoing issue. Especially in our current society where a lot of feminist activists are quick to hate on men, I found it important to raise the issue of what they may be going through as well, and that doesn't make me an anti-feminist.
Butler, J. (1990) Gender Trouble. Routeledge, New York
Davis, A. (2021) What is toxic Masculinity and how does it Effect men? Available at: https://patient.info/news-and-features/what-is-toxic-masculinity-and-how-does-it-affect-men (Accessed: 17.12.22)
Messerchmidt, J.W. (2018) Hegemonic Masculinity: Formulation Reformulation and Amplification. Rowman & Littlefield, Maryland.
Kvalem, S. and Brinkmann, S. (1996) Interviews: Learning the craft of Qualitative Researching Interviewing. Sage Publications
Sherif, M. and Hovland, C. (1980) Social Judgement: Assimilation and Contrast Effects in Communication and Attitude Change. Westport, Greenwood.
Sheppard, S. (2022) The Dangerous Effects of Toxic Masculinity. Available at: https://www.verywellmind.com/the-dangerous-mental-health-effects-of-toxic-masculinity-5073957 (Accessed: 17.12.22)
Why Toxic Masculinity Exponentially Affects Mens' health and How to Change it (2021) Available at: https://www.choicehousecolorado.com/why-toxic-masculinity-exponentially-affects-mens-health-how-to-change-it/ (Accessed: 18.12.22)
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