#tho if we want to be fair and they were just going to keep Aizawa in one spot that whole conversation/tussle
decarbry · 2 years
about rock lock and manual taking the hit— potentially it was an attempt to show the skill difference between them and deku? we've seen before that deku has an inclination for strategy/tactical thinking... so maybe this was meant to highlight his reaction time and quick thinking. it's worth noting that though aizawa realizes what's happening, he can't get out of the way in time, either. (arguably he could have just shifted his leg out of the way)
also likely, though, is that rock lock and manual are side characters and they wanted aizawa + deku to have that moment in the spotlight more 😭
I MEAN. you're right. and I'm glad they have these moments, hopefully my previous post didn't suggest that I’m actually upset about it because I'm terrible and I LOVE when my favorite characters are in these horrible situations
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ghost-ghost-baby · 3 years
We're Just Friends! (Omega!bakugo x alpha!reader x omega!Izuku) pt. 5/5
pt 1 / pt 2/ pt 3/pt 4
omegaverse lore
lore: Once an Alpha reaches 21 they get their first rut, they’d either already have their mates or the rut will act as a push for them to get together and bond.
summary:  Reader and Katsuki have been friends for years, and everyone expects them to get together, until reader rescues an omega that lives in their building, and things get a touch more... complicated
a/n: FINALLY WE DID IT!!! SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG BUT ITS 4K WORDS!!!! ENJOY!!! general nsfw hcs will b posted at some point, gonna make a diff taglist for it tho so lemme know if u wanna b on it. Warnings: omegaverse, swearing, untraditional omegaverse roles, gets a bit spicy towards the end 
“Okay, so, we’re inviting Kirishima, Sero, Jirou, she’ll wanna bring her mate Yamomo, and Yamomo will wanna bring her bestie Shoto, of course.” you had no idea what Denki and Mina were going on about, you and Izuku were waiting in the park while Katsuki finished up an exam, and the pair had cornered you with plans for your party. Izuku had been extra clingy, he’d held your hand all the way to school, and then inched his seat closer to yours in class so he could keep touching you in any way possible, and now he was practically in your lap, arms possessively wrapped around your waist and his head on your shoulder. 
“Uh, okay, I wanna invite Shinso too, I know he’s Mr. Aizawas kid but he’s really nice, oh and Tokoyami, he might wanna bring Tsuyu-“ You were distracted, not that your friends noticed, by Izuku’s arms tightening around your waist, and you only realised he let out a growl because you felt it vibrate from his chest and into his throat. Your friends were still rambling, completely ignoring you and your mate, so you turned to Izuku with a questioning look. 
“You okay?”
“I don’t like the way Shinso looks at you, why are you inviting him?” Izuku pouted, and you shook your head, reaching up to ruffle his hair. 
“Don’t be silly, now Izuku. I’m with you and Katsuki, I’m only inviting him so he can make more friends!” Your answer soothed your mate, although barely, he’d just have to stick to you like glue for the entire party. 
“Let’s go, c’mon.” Katsuki pulled Deku up by the back of his shirt, ignoring the omegas cry of protest to offer you a hand, gripping it tighter than usual and pulling you up, wrapping his arm around your waist as soon as you were standing, Izuku grumbling as he made his way to your other side. 
“Wow Bakubro- the exam was that bad, huh?” Denki’s question was only met with a growl from Katsuki, and you shushed him before you turned back to your friends. 
“Sorry guys but you heard the man! Text me if you need any help with the party but I already told you what I want!” You waved, Denki and Mina waving back from their place on the grass, and you heard them giggle as Katsuki pulled you away, the omegas scent much stronger than usual. 
You headed right for the shower when you got home, only stopping to grab a towel, with your mates hot on your heels.
“What’re- what’re you guys doing-?” You were about to start stripping when you noticed them standing in the door, Katsuki with a frown and his arms crossed, Izuku hanging off him with an expression you could only describe as eager. 
“You weren’t planning on leaving us, were you?” Izuku pouted, and for a moment you were too shocked to speak. 
“I’m just- I’m just having a shower?” You frowned at the pair, and Katsuki let out a growl at your response. 
“Why do you have to leave us for it though, we could shower together-“
“Katsuki! Absolutely not! The shower’s barely big enough for one person, no way the three of us are squeezing in there!” You shook your head, crossing your arms over your chest and staring down your mates. Katsuki was glowering at you, which you were used to, however, you were not used to Izuku’s puppy dog eyes, you never stood a chance against that. 
“Fucking fine- you can stay in the bathroom, but if you so much as touch the shower curtain I’m locking myself in my room and not coming out until tomorrow, got it?” 
“Yes alpha! Thank you!” Izuku flung himself at you, Katsuki joining less than a second later, at least they weren’t fucking growling at each other anymore. 
“I forgot clean clothes, would one of you be okay getting me some? I’ll leave the door unlocked for you.” You almost fell when they pulled away, you didn’t realise how much you’d been leaning on them, and Izuku was answering without hesitation. 
“I’ll grab you some of mine!” He pressed a quick kiss to your lips before he headed off, and Katsuki couldn’t help but let out a growl, quickly following Izuku’s kiss before he went after the other omega. 
“Like hell they’re just wearing your clothes!”
The solution was Katsuki’s hoodie, and a pair of Izuku’s shorts, brought to the bathroom in record time, and both omegas looked so proud of themselves for compromising you got distracted showering them in praise and kisses for a good five minutes. Your actual shower was uneventful, although the conversation with your mates made it fly by, and you still made them turn around when you got out to dry off and get changed. Then you were being bombarded with kisses from your mates, and coos of how cute you looked in their clothes had you blushing. Then they’d ushered you to the kitchen, and Katsuki wrapped your arms around him before he started cooking, even nodding at Izuku for him to join, although he ordered the other omega to get him ingredients. Izuku didn’t seem to mind though, and he pressed kisses to your cheeks and lips every chance he got, even daring to press a few daring kisses to Katsuki’s cheek, which merely got a huff instead of the growl it would have in the past. 
“You’ve been awfully good today, Kacchan.” You’d taken to calling Katsuki by the nickname, which still got a growl when you used it, but he was so cute when he got grumpy. He couldn’t help but let out a purr at the praise, it rumbled up through his chest and even Katsuki was shocked by how loud it was, he looked like a started cat, and you and Izuku couldn’t help but laugh, something you both got yelled at for. 
“Okay guys, I’m gonna turn in for the night.” You yawned, trying to get up but being stopped by Izuku’s arm around your waist. Your movement woke Katsuki up from the doze he’d fallen into after dinner, and his red eyes were sleepily blinking up at you from where his head rested on your lap. 
“Zuku? You okay…?” You shot your mate a questioning look, and Izuku bit his lower lip as he thought. 
“Yeah, shitty Deku, they wanna go to bed, so do I.” Katsuki was finally coherent, although he made no move to get up. 
“I wanna scent you first.” 
“Huh- you scented me right after dinner-?” You were confused, and Izuku’s request had Katsuki bolting up and wide awake. 
“Yeah but- I don’t know- y-your scent it’s- it’s stronger than- than normal and-and mine just keeps wearing off and- I don’t like it when you don’t- when you don’t smell like me.” Izuku was a blushing mess by the time he finished speaking, he always got that way when scenting came up, and you leant forward to kiss him before you spoke. 
“You can scent me as much as you want, but can you do it in bed?” Your question had Izuku’s face going even redder, and the omega was too flustered to speak, which had Katsuki cackling. 
“You broke him, Y/n! Apparently scenting in bed is too scandalous for sweet little Deku.” He grinned at Izuku before turning to you, “However, I have no problem scenting you in bed, he’s right about your scent overpowering ours lately.” Katsuki finally sat up, stretching more than he needed to in order to wack Izuku over the head. 
“It’s not- not too scandalous-! Y/n, tell Kacchan to stop being mean!” Izuku whined, cuddling close to your side to rest his head on your shoulder and glaring at your other mate. 
“Oi! Don’t bring them into this!” Katsuki growled, and Izuku only smirked, maintaining eye contact with the blonde as he leant forward to bite your neck, hard enough it had you yelping and Katsuki snarling as he pulled you to him. 
“Hey- guys- what happened to- oh…” You trailed off when Katsuki started kissing from your collar up to your jaw, the blonde smirking at Izuku when you melted against him. 
“That’s so not fair-!” Izuku followed, crawling forward until he was basically on your lap and you were trapped between the two of them, with their scents almost overwhelming you. “Y/n, look at me!” You didn’t even realise you’d closed your eyes until Izuku was whining and grabbing your face, green eyes darting to Katsuki still mouthing at your neck before he leant forward and forced his lips to yours, your eyes once again fluttering closed as you reached up to wrap your arms around Izuku’s neck. His lips were always so soft, and he kissed you like you were the only thing keeping him sane. You were brought back to the present when Katsuki bit down right above your scent gland, the pain and the placement clearing your head enough that you could push Izuku off and stagger to your feet, wiping your mouth as you tried to regain control of your breathing. 
“B-Bed, guys-“ your head was still foggy, and you shook it to try and clear the haze. It worked, partially, but once it was gone you were so, so tired, you were ready to collapse. 
“Look what you did Kacchan- you ruined all the fun.” Izuku pouted, but he was rushing to your side without hesitation, wrapping your arm around him so you had someone to lean on, Katsuki only huffing and joining the two of you a moment later, shoving himself under your arm on your free side. 
“If both of you shut the fuck up and take me to bed I’ll still let you scent me, but don’t push it.” You growled before Katsuki could say anything, and both omegas shut right up at your words, bowing their heads as they practically carried you to your room.
You hit the bed with a relieved sigh, already closing your eyes before Katsuki cleared his throat, and you opened one eye to look at him, a moment passing before you realised why both your mates were just standing there staring at you. 
“Oh, right, sorry!” You pushed yourself back up, automatically baring your neck and almost giving your mates an aneurism at the sight of you. Katsuki all but jumped on you in his eagerness, quickly smothering your startled noises with a kiss before he rubbed his wrist on his own neck and then rubbed his wrist over almost every inch of you, until you were completely covered in the smell of caramel. 
“Don’t hog them!” Izuku was next to you just as Katsuki finished, and he shoved Katsuki out of the way so he could proceed to scent you too, although he chose to rub his scent gland directly over yours first, and you almost pulled back with a yelp from how intense it was. You somehow held it together until Izuku was satisfied that his and Katsuki’s scents were even, although the omega took over ten minutes, thankfully for most of it he was doing the same as Katsuki, but your eyes were still drooping closed by the end, and you would have fallen back if Katsuki hadn’t moved behind you to help prop you up, his arms wrapped low around your waist. 
“Are you almost done, Deku? They’re practically asleep in my lap.” You could hear the smirk in his voice even if you couldn’t see him, and Izuku only huffed in response, although his eyes softened when you offered him a sleepy half smile. You looked so sweet, eyes lidded and face flushed, was this what you’d look like when- 
“Oi! I asked you a question.” Katsuki leant forward to shove Izuku, and  that snapped the omega out of his… more unsavoury thoughts. 
“Sorry Kacchan! Y/n’s just so cute when they’re all soft and pliable like this, I got distracted!” Izuku grinned, quickly leaning forward to kiss you before Katsuki could yell, and you did your best to kiss your mate back despite your half asleep state. You didn’t want to pull away, but Katsuki didn’t have an issue breaking the two of you up, something you were thankful for, in that moment at least. 
“Enough getting distracted, they need sleep.” The blonde manoeuvred you so you were laying down facing him, and Izuku let out a huff as he followed suit, mumbling something about how Kacchan always ruined his fun. You shushed both of them before Katsuki could reply, tugging the blonde closer for a kiss to stop him grumbling, then you were grabbing Izuku’s hands, pressing your head to Katsuki’s chest, and finally falling asleep. 
You woke up covered in sweat, the hoodie you’d worn to bed now feeling like it was suffocating you combined with the heat your mates gave off, and you gently slipped out of bed, throwing the hoodie off and letting out a sigh of relief when you were just in a tank top. You still had twenty minutes before you needed to get up, and you turned to wake your mates, only to slap a hand over your mouth to stop yourself squeaking. Neither of them had woken up despite you moving, but Izuku must have moved closer to Katsuki in his sleep, and the two of them were cuddling, with Izuku’s head nestled against Katsuki’s chest. You quickly grabbed your phone, making sure it was on silent mode, before you proceeded to take a rather excessive amount of pictures of your mates. Then, still being as quiet as you could, you made your way out of the room and into the kitchen. You made yourself a coffee and a bowl of cereal, taking a seat at the counter before you opened your messages, quickly finding the group chat with Mina and Denki, and sending through one of the pictures. The response was instant, Mina going into all caps to scream about how cute it was, and Denki sent through a spam of keyboard smashes, also in all caps. You kept chatting to them while you finished your breakfast, but a yell from your room had you texting them goodbye and putting your phone down. Any minute now. 
“Get the fuck away from me, Deku!” 
“I was asleep, Kacchan, it wasn’t my fault! You’re the one that did this to me!”
“I thought you were Y/n, stop following me!” 
“I’m not following you, I’m trying to find-“ 
“Y/n! Kacchan is being mean again!” Your mates turned the corner into the kitchen, Izuku sprinting to your side, and your eyes widened at the mark on his neck. 
“Damn, what happened?” Izuku wrapped his arms around your waist, whining until you bared your neck for him so he could rub his cheek over your scent gland. 
“I was just sleeping, alpha! And then Kacchan bit me!” Izuku whined against your neck, and you cooed as you reached up to play with his hair, calmly brushing through the curls and turning your gaze to Katsuki with raised eyebrows. At least the blonde looked sheepish, and he reached up to scratch the back of his neck before he answered you. 
“You’re usually the one in front of me, how the fuck was I supposed to know it was shitty Deku. When did you even leave, huh? You’re meant to wake me up.” Katsuki growled, and you sighed and shook your head, he really couldn’t take the blame for anything, huh? Still, you gestured for him to join the hug, which he happily did, and you pressed a kiss to his forehead. 
“I know you were expecting me, Katsuki, but you really uh- gave Izuku a shock, can you apologise? For me?” You cooed, only getting a growl in response, so you pulled away with a sigh, Izuku whining in protest at the loss of contact. 
“Fine. Sorry for biting you, Deku, even though it was your fault for cuddling me.” The blonde growled, but you weren’t going to get any better, and Izuku seemed happy enough,  by the way he was hugging Katsuki. 
“See, there we go! Izuku and I gotta get ready for class now!” Your words had both of them turning to you with a growl, and you could only look at them in confusion. 
“We’re not going to class today, Y/n.” Izuku pulled away from Katsuki to look at you, and you were cut off before you could ask why. 
“Yeah, your birthday’s tomorrow and you fucking reek, no way you’re leaving the apartment.” Katsuki crossed his arms over his chest, and you grabbed your phone with a rather dramatic sigh. 
“Fine, guess I’m stuck here with you idiots.”
You’d gotten yelled at for that remark, and Katsuki was still sulking when he pulled away to go and shower, Izuku tugging you to the couch the second Katsuki was out of view. 
“You still wanna scent me? We’re not leaving the house-“ Izuku kissed you to cut you off, and all thoughts went out the window as you kissed him back, letting him lay you down on the couch and pin you under him with his weight. Your head tilted back when Izuku pulled away to kiss down your jaw and neck, your hands automatically tangling in his hair to tug him closer, and Izuku let out a whine that had your scent going haywire. He kept going down, peppering kisses and sucking marks over your collarbone before he moved to your chest, and you briefly wondered where he was going with this, but then Izuku was lifting your shirt up for better access. He stayed at your chest for a few more minutes before he continued, pressing kisses to your ribs and stomach, and your heart was in your throat as he reached your hip, but then the omega just, stopped, resting his head on your hip and just gazing at you from between your thighs. 
“You’re so pretty when you’re all hot and bothered like this, alpha! Are you disappointed that I stopped?” Izuku chirped, pressing a kiss to your inner thigh, and you were quickly grabbing a pillow to cover your rapidly growing blush, while Izuku just looked at you and giggled. 
“Kacchan! Pass that shirt to me when you’re done!” Izuku was seated on the bed, casually scenting anything Katsuki had scented and thrown his way, as if this was the most normal occurrence ever. And it almost was, except for the fact you were stuck in the middle of the bed, getting growled at if you so much as shifted your position. They wanted to ‘build the nest around you’ apparently, which was something you’d never heard of, but you weren’t going to argue with your birthday a mere day away, Katsuki and Izuku had been… on edge lately. 
“Arms please!” Izuku’s chirp broke you out of your thoughts, and you hesitantly held out your arms, although you got the message when Izuku leaned back against you, and you were wrapping your arms around him and resting your head on his shoulder without a second thought. A shirt was hitting you in the face seconds later, and you yelped at the impact, throwing the shirt right back at Katsuki. 
“What was that for!” He snarled, throwing the shirt back at you and huffing when Izuku caught it, although both of your moods improved when he let out a happy hum and proceeded to scent the material before gently folding it and placing it on the bed. You couldn’t resist sticking your tongue out at Katsuki from where you were stuck behind Izuku and the blonde only grumbled as he got back to grabbing bedding from the cupboard you had especially for when he nested. He was… more subdued, than normal. He didn’t growl when Izuku kissed him, and you’d actually caught them cuddling on the couch when you came back from the shower. The lack of bickering was a breath of fresh air, and you couldn’t resist pulling Katsuki in for a kiss when he came to dump more material on the bed. He let out a grunt when you tugged him down, the blonde almost falling on the bed, his arms going either side of of Izuku, who took the opportunity to kiss whatever part of Katsuki’s neck he could. You were the one that had to push him away, and Katsuki growled at you when he lost contact, which caused you to flick his forehead and click your tongue, but Katsuki just pouted and got back to scenting the fabric. See what you meant? You’d be worried if his scent wasn’t so… content. 
Movement next to you woke you up, and Katsuki came into focus above you as you blinked away the sleep. 
“Good, you’re awake.” The blonde nuzzled into your neck and you tilted your head to the side for him, sleep still heavily clouding your mind so you couldn’t made sense of anything. 
“Why am- why am I awake…?” You mumbled, too tired to stop yourself letting out a little moan when Katsuki pressed a kiss to your neck, and you felt him smirk against your skin. 
“Your rut’s started, dumbass.” 
“Mmmm? I don’t feel… any different… just kinda hot…. You smell really, really good, Katsuki…” Your hands went to his hips, and Katsuki let out an exasperated sigh, resting his forehead on the pillow next to you before he answered. 
“God you’re so fucking stupid, that’s my heat, idiot, it woke me up. Deku’s started too but he’s still asleep, so I thought I’d wake you up now, I want to get something straight, okay alpha?” He went back to kissing your neck between words, and you only hummed in response, nodding as your eyes fluttered closed. 
“Good, now listen, okay? I was here first, I want to fuck you first, and I want to mark you first too, okay alpha?” His teeth grazed your skin and you whined, your fingers digging into the blondes hips, and you let out a whimper when he bit down, almost breaking the skin.
“Of course, Katsuki- you’ve been so good of course you can…” 
“Say it, I wanna hear you say it, alpha.” Katsuki pulled back, bracing his arms and caging you in so you couldn’t look anywhere but his face, and a blush spread over yours in response. 
“You can- you can fuck me first, Katsuki-“ you barely finished the sentence before he was kissing you, nipping your bottom lip before he pulled off, his breathing heavier than it was before. 
“Good, now, I guess we better wake shitty Deku up.”
The throbbing from both sides of your neck woke you up this time, and you groaned as you tried to move your neck, slowly coming around to your surroundings. You were on your back, with Katsuki’s head on your chest and Izuku’s on your stomach. When you finally sat up slightly, (you didn’t want to wake them) pride flashed through you at the site of the fresh bonding marks, and you couldn’t stop yourself letting out a happy purr.  Unfortunately, your back was killing you- so you gently shimmied out of bed, pulling the blankets back over the sleeping pair before you turned to the cupboard to get yourself a shirt. Fuck, your neck was still killing you, maybe icing it would help? You couldn’t help the pained hiss that escaped you when you pulled the shirt over your head, still knocking the bites despite your best efforts to be gentle. 
“Y/n…? What the fuck are you doing?” Katsuki rubbed his eyes as he sat up, his abrupt movement waking Izuku, who let out a huff at his sleep being interrupted. 
“Neck hurts, I was gonna try and ice it.” You looked at yourself in the mirror, no wonder you were in so much pain- 
Your neck and shoulders were littered with bites and hickies, some of them rivalling the bonding bites with how deep they were, you probably needed to do more than ice it. 
“Oh, right, Deku got carried away.” The blonde let out a groan as he stretched, and when you turned back to them you weren’t surprised to see Izuku pouting.
“You got just as carried away, Kacchan! Don’t try to blame it all on me!” Izuku hopped out of bed despite his half asleep state, shuffling to your side and pressing a quick kiss to your lips before he cuddled under your arms, possessively wrapping his arms around your waist.
“Tch, whatever Deku, just take them to the kitchen to get some ice, I’ll check to see if we have witch hazel or arnica to help with the healing.”
taglist:  @pasteldaze @hopeless-ro-simptic @ntngann @somerandominternetgirl-blog @ianem005 @lalaluvzen @antisocial-minnie @rogueofbullshit @hakunamatatayqueen @so-uncute @therealwalmartjesus @unlightedfool @all-the-kings-reblogs @cth-l @dudedontjudeme122 @lushpluto @ley-lani59 @seven-seventeen-blog-blog @firecet @invisiblemolly @wayward-bumblebee @glasswolff @graceorchid24 @letskidaddle @duskjelly @oddwvrlds @leslielikesmusic-blog-blog @akirahyoshi @tamakiwithcrab @xnorthstar3x @mitchiesdungeon
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iguessilovebakugou · 3 years
Stranger ||  Bakugou x Reader ||  { Anon Request }  ||  Stalking
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TW:  Cursing ||  Stalking || Threats of violence  ||  Implied desire for Non-Con (not from Bakugou tho) Word Count:  5.5K
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It started after the Sport Festival.  
A DM that had been sent to your private social media account - a friend from your old school named Honoka. You hadn’t spoken to her since starting UA - and the moment you saw the notification, you felt guilty that this was how she had to reach out to you.  She had been so proud of you when you got accepted, she almost started crying, hugging you tightly and telling you as much.  She asked you to keep in contact in High School.  You had promised her you would.
You had been so busy, it was hard keeping promises.
Honoka: Hey!  I saw you on the TV - you were amazing!  I can’t believe they wouldn’t let you pass onto the finals.  Good thing though - you would have gone against that asshole.
Honoka:  Not that you couldn’t have handled it!
It should have tipped you off that one of the quieter kids of school would have used such language, but it didn’t.  It had been a few months since starting high school and people have changed faster.  You didn’t think much about it aside from replying before your train pulled into the station.  You might miss your stop and be late to school.  
You were always punctual and refused to have something as stupid as that go against your record.  
You waited until you were off the train, standing on the steps before sending a quick message. 
Thanks!  It was really terrifying.  But I lost fair and square.  Besides, I wasn’t the only one who didn’t make it to the finals.  So I guess it’s okay. :) 
You decided not to humor her comment about Bakugou.  While it drew a hot, angry tie around your neck, part of you understood.  Honoka wasn’t alone in thinking he was...less than pleasant.  It had been a point of contention, something that bothered you both that day and since.  People were just wrong about him.  She didn’t know him like Class 1-A did.  A few short clips from some televised sports festival didn’t do him nearly the justice he was deserved.
You didn’t have enough time to put your phone back in your jacket pocket when it buzzed again. 
Honoka: Still.
Honoka: You were so strong.  We all think they should have made an exception for you.
Honoka: We should meet up sometime.  Gtg! Text me after school to set up a time!
You wanted to question it but you didn’t.  
You really should have questioned it.  
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King Explosion Murder was a perfectly good name.
Miss Midnight just doesn’t understand art.
The conversation had been going on for a hour.  It was the longest that you and Bakugou had texted.  You had moved from a group text to your own private thread.  He didn’t text you like normal boys did - no pictures, no emojis, no stupid memes he had found.  It was...conversation, one that hadn’t been as hard to keep going as you thought.  you tried to distract yourself with school work while he replied, but found it hard not to keep your attention on your screen as the text bubble flashed.  
Bakugou:  It was better than “Deku”.
Well Deku was less violent
Honoka: You still up?
You stopped.  Honoka?  Why on earth was she texting you...oh shit.  You groaned, rubbing your eyes and kicking yourself for forgetting to text her back like she had asked.  You had been so wrapped up texting Bakugou since getting home that it just completely slipped your mind.  Though, to be fair, most things slipped your mind around him.
You opened your chat with her, trying to figure out how to apologize without seeming like too much of an asshole.
Hey, yeah, sorry.
I started talking to one of my classmates and totally forgot.  
My bad, dood. 
Once again, she replied quickly. 
Honoka: Who were you talking to?
There was a small part of you that wanted to ask her why it was her business, but you bit your tongue.  She probably didn’t mean anything by it and some residual bitterness from her comment this morning was probably lingering.  You took a deep breath. 
We workshopped hero names today.  His got shot down by our teacher.  
It was so sad. 🤣🤣🤣
Honoka:  Why are you talking to him?
It wasn’t a question, not really.  It was a statement.  Like you talking to Bakugou was taboo, you could practically hear her grasping her pearls.  You shouldn’t have had to explain to her why you were talking anyone, let alone him, and it bothered you that she felt she was owed that right. That she even dare ask the question. Your brow furrowed as you sat up in bed.  
What do you mean?
Honoka:  Why are you talking to him?  He seems like an dick
Honoka:  And isn’t good for you. 
Honoka:  You need to focus on being the best hero you can be.
Honoka:  He seems like he would only drag you down. 
Rage filled your stomach.  Your hands were shaking as you tried to figure out what the fuck was going on.  She had never acted this way before...right?  She had always been so nice and meek and unassuming and... 
You were confused, finding yourself chewing on your lip as you tried to make sense of what the hell you were seeing.
He’s my friend.  I really like him.
Look, he’s not as mean as he appears on TV.  He’s actually a really good guy.  And he’s really smart and he’s going to be a better hero than even me some day.
So I would appreciate it if you didn’t talk about him like that.
The chat bubble popped up.  Then disappeared.  Then popped up.  And disappeared again.
It’s funny - you had never felt so threatened by someone not answering.  But as the bubble flashed for a final time, something told you that you had fucked up. 
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Honoka was always quiet, yes, but she was also amazingly sweet.  She cried when you were little kids at the ending scene in All Dog’s Go to Heaven, always scrounged up change to donate to someone on the street looking for food, and volunteered every weekend to help with the younger students struggling in studies.  She hadn’t been born with a mean bone in her body.  
But by the end of the week, you were certain the person messaging you wasn’t the same Honoka you knew.  She had changed - and not for the better.  Not in the slightest.  She was growing more insistent that you talk to her - every night.  And if you didn’t?  
The calls were incessant.  One after the other until you finally had to shut your ringer off.  And the voicemails - she never spoke.  Just let it sit for a moment before hanging up.  And you were grateful for it - you didn’t want to talk to her.  Every chance she got, she showered you with praise and adoration while slinging hate at all your friends in 1-A.  But no one got it like Bakugou did.
Honoka:  Stop talking to him.
It’s not any of your damn business who I’m talking to.
Honoka:  If you don’t stop talking to him, I’ll tell him what a whore you were in Middle School.
The water of your bath was scalding, but that didn’t stop you from shaking.  Why was she doing this to you?  Why was she so adamant about making your life miserable?  This wasn’t Honoka - not even in the slightest.  
I’m blocking you.  Leave me alone.
Don’t talk to me anymore.
No matter what, he was pure evil to Honoka.  He was disgusting, arrogant, rude, a monster, a villain hiding in sheep's clothing and would do nothing but drag you down.  He would hurt you, she said.  
Honoka:  Go ahead.  I’ll just make other accounts.
She was as good as her word.  At least that hadn’t changed.
Your classmates were starting to take notice.  After the first few accounts were blocked, she started using a calling app to randomly call you - only to hang up the moment you answered.  Sometimes it was once a night, supplemented with texts about what a no good, lying whore you were.  About how you were just some slut who’s opening you legs for the first guy who gave you any attention. 
Honoka:  Fucking skank.
Honoka:  You’re so fucking worthless.  
Honoka:  You fucking him?  Is that it?  Is that why you want to defend him so bad?
Honoka:  He’s probably fucking every other girl in your class.
Other times, the calls were every hour on the hour.  It had gotten so bad, that you started sleeping in later and later.
You raced through the empty halls, trying to will time to back up.  You had slept in, missing your first train.  When you got on the second one, you fell back asleep until the stop after yours.  The only thing you could do was get off and just run to school as fast as you could.  Class had started 20 minutes ago.  This had never happened before - in your whole life.  You were always meticulous about getting to class early.
You were a good student.  A good person.  You were.  
“Well, look who decided to join us.”  Mr. Aizawa didn’t even bother to hide the annoyance in his voice.  It made it all the more terrible
You wanted to cry.  You felt the eyes of everyone in your class fall on you.  It made your skin squirm, your stomach flip.  You wanted to turn around and just...run home.  To crawl into your bed and... 
You bowed low, your head almost hitting the floor.  “I’m so sorry I’m late, sir!  It won’t happen again!”
“Be sure that it doesn’t.”  His glare hardened.  “We’ll talk after class about your punishment.”
Punishment.  Shit.  You couldn’t speak, resigning to solemnly nodding as you making the walk of shame to your seat, collapsing down.  You had to take a minute, to steady your breath.  To try and collect yourself.  At least at school, you had an excuse not to answer her texts.  To ignore her and pretend like she wasn’t out there being fucking crazy.  School was safe.  School was free from it all.
Almost by habit, you turned and looked over at Bakugou.  A small part of you was praying that he was looking at you.  That his glare would ground you in a way only it knew how.  But when your eyes met...the only thing you felt was misery.  
You fucking him?  Is that it?  
Your heart raced, panic flooded your nerves, and all you wanted to do was run.  Get away from everyone and just...just go to sleep.  You just wanted to sleep.  But Honoka wasn’t allowing that.  You couldn’t stop thinking about half of the things she said while the other half had been resting heavily in your stomach, making you sick.  She was stealing everything from you.
You’re a fucking slut opening her legs for the first guy who gives you attention.  And of course it had to be that fucking dog.
No...no you couldn’t look at him for too long, afraid that he would know.  Terrorized as you were, you couldn’t run the risk of him finding out.  Because...what if she messaged him first?  What if she told him all of her lies and...what if he believed her?
No.  No, that couldn’t happen.
You pulled away from his stare, folding in on yourself.  Just get out your books.  Focus on class and get out your books.  Your phone dinged and your blood ran cold.  You dreaded even looking at it, but as you tugged out your notebook,  the piece of plastic fell, resting against the back of your bag.  It was as if some higher power was damning you to be always aware of the vitriol Honoka was spewing in your direction.  The lock screen shone bright: 21 missed texts, 44 missed calls.  But the most recent message sent horror down your spine.
Honoka:  Naughty girl, sleeping in late for school.  
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You slipped out of the lunch room and made your way down the hall.  You were going to put an end to this - once and for all.  You didn’t know what game Honoka was playing at, but whatever it was, you were fucking done.  She was starting to seep into every facet of your life and it was ending now.  Right then, in that hallway.  
When you got a safe distance away from the double doors, to ensure no one could hear you when you started screaming, you searched through your contacts for her number.  When you finally found it however...
God, just looking at her name made you sick.  The fact her contact picture was of you and her, eating ice cream at a beach, grinning and giving the camera a peace sign, posing as only 12 year old girls knew how, it drove a knife into your chest, twisting it even deeper the longer you stared at it.  She was making your life a living hell.  It wasn’t right, it didn’t make any fucking sense.  Why was she doing this to you?  Did you do something to her?  Were you cruel in your last interaction?  Did you make a joke that went so poorly that she decided the only way to get back at you was to ruin your entire life?  To push you so close to the edge that...
She going out of her way to make your life a living hell and for what?  
Well, no better time like the present to find out.
Your thumb slammed down on the dial button.  Each ring was like nails on chalk board.
Her voice was even worse.
She said your name so surprised, before crying it out in joy.  “Oh my god, it’s been so long!”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?”
Honoka went silent on the other end of the phone.  “Uh...are you okay?”
“You’ve been harassing me since the festival and you’re just going to act like-”
“The thousands of texts!?  The millions of calls!?”
She didn’t answer.  You couldn’t help the grin that spread over your face.  You fucking got her.  You caught her in her bullshit lie and she didn’t have anything to say for it.  You hated to admit it, but part of you was excited to hear how she was going to explain it way.  How she was going to break down and finally you could tell her off and it was going to stop and you could get a good night’s sleep and maybe your mom could make your favorite curry and you would be able to eat it and not throw it up later and -
“I haven’t been texting you.”
Well...you couldn’t have said you were expecting that.  You stopped, staring at your feet.  “I...what?”
“I...haven’t been calling you.  Or texting you.”  She said, her voice - that ever familiar voice - filled with worry.
...of course she would be worried.  She was always so fucking nice. 
“Yes you have!!”  You shouted, gritting your teeth.
She said your name, so softly and so calmly, “No.  I haven’t.  I promise you, I haven’t.  Are you okay?  Is everything alright?”
The phone vibrated in your fingers and the screen lit up once more.  Another unknown number was calling you.  You didn’t hesitate and for the first time since this all began you answered the her-him-they-it. 
“What!?”  You screamed, pressing the phone to your ear.  You strained to hear, to try and find out who was doing this to you.  “What do you want!?  Why are you doing this to me!?  Leave me alone!!!”
The dial tone felt like a death sentence.
The hallway shrunk and expanded, growing larger and darker - like the mouth of the beast, it was going to swallow you whole.  You pressed your phone to your forehead, slumped to the floor and realized...you were crying.  No, not just crying.  You were sobbing, each one wracking your body and shaking your bones.  Shit...shit, shit, shit.  You just wanted to go back to the way things were.  You wanted it to stop, wanted whoever was doing this to leave you alone and - 
Your phone buzzed again.  Another message.  
Another sob rocked your body, but you found the strength to turn it back into view.
Your fingers trembled so hard you almost dropped the phone.  You didn’t want to look at whatever it was.  Whoever was doing to you was fucking sick, was deranged and psychotic and out of their mind and...you had to do something about it.  Maybe you could tell a teacher?  But what could they do about it?  Up security?  Just for you?  No, it was entirely out of the question.  You couldn’t go to the police - since who ever this was hadn’t physically done anything to harm you.  
You were on your own.
You opened the message.
It was your house.  The sun was setting.  Then another.  This one was early in the morning.  Then another.  And another.  Another another another another another another another another another different angles, different times of day...but all focused on one spot. 
Your bedroom.  Sometimes it was empty, but other times you were in shot.  Sometimes working on homework, sometimes sitting with your cat on the window sill, other times pulling your shirt above your head, reaching behind your back for your bra and...
UNKOWN NUMBER :  Stop ignoring me.
Your phone clattered to the floor as you gripped your hair, trying to steady your breathing.  In two three fours, Out two three fours.  In two three fours, Out two three-
The scream was involuntary, as was backing against the lockers so hard that you slammed your head against them.  Bakugou recoiled, staring at you, his eyes wide with surprise.  It didn’t last long, quickly overtaken by gritted teeth and snarls.  “The hell is your-”
He must have noticed the tears, the absolute panic on your face.  The silence fell over the two of you, the echo of your scream now long gone.  You wished you were.  You couldn’t look at him, couldn’t face the shame of what was happening.  How could you explain it. 
“You alright?”  
You pulled your legs up to you chest, hugging them tightly.  “No,” You replied.
Bakugou was never one for consolations.  So you were almost surprised when all he made his way over to where you were sitting and sat down beside you.  You flinched, only a little, but it didn’t seem to bother him none.  He shoved his hands in his pockets, but didn’t say a word, his bright red eyes focused out the window across from you.  You...were grateful.  For the first time in almost two weeks, you didn’t feel entirely vulnerable.  Like everything was crumbling down around you.  And in this small moment of peace, you felt horribly exhausted.  Your mind ached, your body was sore, your eyes were so red and...and...
You rested against his shoulder and he didn’t make a move to stop you.  It was like Bakugou was putting himself between you and...whoever was stalking you.  
Stalking you.  You had a stalker.  
You sniffled, wiping the tears from your eyes.  “I’m sorry.”  You offered.
“For what?”  He barked.
“For crying.”
He didn’t answer for a moment, “Tch.  Yeah, well...maybe suck it the hell up.  Whatever it is, it’s not a big deal.”
Not a big...you turned to look at him, eyes narrowing.  “Not a big deal...?”  
He looked at you, a bored and disgruntled expression on his face.  “Yeah.”
“It’s kind of a big fucking deal.”
“Oh yeah?  Well then what the hell is it?”
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“Whoa, it’s that kid who just won the Sports Festival!”
“Oh, wow!  He’s so much scarier in person!”
“Do you think he would be mad if I asked for an autograph?”
“Yeah! Look at his mug - he’s obviously pissed off about something!”
Bakugou had stayed late, even through your detention, to walk you home.  It was nearly dark now as you walked side by side down your street.  The sun was struggling to peak over the row of houses and a purple ink had settled over the top of the sky.  
It was taking everything in you not to apologize...again.  He didn’t need to be dragged into your mess.  But...shit, it wasn’t like you weren’t ecstatic that he offered to walk you home back in the hallway.  He was a terrifying presence, unstoppable.  As he stalked down the road towards your house, a scowl on his face as his eyes peered around every corner, it hit you that you felt safer now than you had the past few weeks.  
“Hey.”  You picked up the pace, making sure to stay close.  “Thank you again.  I just-”
“Ugh, stop thanking me!”  He glared at you.
“I’m just-”  You sighed and gripped your bag straps.  “I...I don’t see the point of you walking me home.  Not...that I don’t appreciate it, I just...won’t that make him mad?”
Bakugou scoffed.  “That’s the point, you idiot.”
Sometimes, you thought you almost understood him.  But then he blew up Rome and screamed at you to start over tomorrow morning.  You stared at him in confusion though ultimately decided you didn’t have the energy to argue.  You were just...thankful that he was here.
“This is me.”  Your house was a small thing, nestled on the corner and surrounded by a garden that was meticulously maintained by your mom while you were at school and your father was at work.  Sometimes the pictures had her in the shot, busy at work.  Your lips thinned as you stared up at the second story window,  Your white curtains lay still and your cat stared down at you, like she knew something was wrong.  Like she knew...that things were amiss. 
Well...Bakugou came all this way and the guy didn’t have the guts to show himself.  As you had figured, you had completely wasted his time.  It wasn’t like he was going to move in just to be your watchful protector.  You didn’t want to think that maybe he was just patiently waiting until you were alone but...
“Do you want to come in for something to drink.  It’s the least I could...”  
Bakugou wasn’t looking at you.  His attention was focused entirely over your shoulder.  You blinked, taken aback by the cold, dead glare on his face.  The way his eyes seemed to burn with...rage?  Unbridled anger?  Nothing seemed to do whatever it was justice.  “You’ve been following us since the train station!”  He yelled out.  “Why don’t you stop being a fucking coward and come out of hiding!!”
…someone...had been following you?
You could see the reflection of someone in his eyes.  With a shaking breath, you turned to look at who he was talking to.
You weren’t sure what you expected.  But throughout the day, you had come up with an image in your mind of what your stalker had looked like.  He would be the perfect embodiment of the horror you had suffered though, that was for certain.  A Cheshire grin, wild unkempt hair, vacant, glossy eyes, maybe a knife or something - anything to solidify himself as the monster who had been making your life miserable.  But...he wasn’t.  As you got a good look at him, you realized that he looked relatively...normal.  And for some reason, that thought alone made you sick.  
He was about your age - maybe a bit older - in a school uniform you didn’t recognize.  His hair was dark, pulled back and pushed behind his ears.  His chin was dusted with facial hair and his eyes were darting between you and Bakugou.  He had been standing by the cross walk and tried to pretend to be shocked that Bakugou was even addressing him. 
“Excuse me?”
“Don’t pull that bull with me.”  Bakugou stepped around you, making his way towards him. “I saw you get off the train with us.  You made every turn we did.  Always stayed one step behind where you thought we couldn’t see you.”
The kid only got a word out before Bakugou gripped him by his shirt and slammed him up against the wall of the neighboring house.  “Please!” The kid yelled.  “I don’t know what you’re talking about!”
“Bakugou!”  Your legs finally remembered they could move.  You bolted over to where he was standing, looking between the two of them.  “Bakugou maybe it isn’t him!  Maybe he-”
“Show us your phone then if you don’t have anything to hide!”  He lifted him up and slammed him back against the bricks.
“I don’t have to show you anything, you fucking lunatic!”
You don’t think you had ever seen him on this street.  You don’t think you had seen him ever but-
“HEY!”  The boy tried to stop Bakugou from reaching into his pocket.  But it was no use.
You caught it was ease, “Try the day of the sports festival for the password.”  Was all he said.
This was fucking insane.  What if this kid wasn’t the stalker?  What if he was just some random guy who was meeting a friend.  You looked back and forth between the two of them - Bakugou, hair wild and death in his eyes, and this guy who looked down at him with fear and...
You swiped up, entering the date as instructed.
It unlocked.
And you were met with a pretty lain layout.  Some photo editing apps, Youtube, a few games, and...
Texting and Calling apps.  Your blood ran cold as you opened the first one up.  Texts apon texts, all to the same unlisted number.  Your unlisted number.  You went to the photo gallery and there they were.  The pictures of your house.  Some of them were zoomed in and cropped to only show you.  You wanted to be sick.  You wanted to-
“I can explain!”  
“What the fuck,” You breathed, scrolling through the pictures.  Not just of your house, but of you - walking home from school, of hanging out with your friends, of you shopping.  And that’s when you saw the edited versions.
Fuck.  Oh Shit Fuck. 
“I was only trying to help you!!”  He cried, scratching at Bakugou’s wrist, making his skin bleed.  “I only want what’s best for us!”
“I think I’m going to be sick.”  You covered your mouth, trying to think of what to do next.  Should you call the police?  Your parents!?  What do you do now?
His eyes fell on Bakugou, practically snarling.  “I knew he would do something like this!!  I knew he would try to make me look like some psycho, but I’m not.  I know how he would treat you!  He’s a rabid fucking dog, a mongrel!  I couldn’t let him treat you the same way!  I couldn’t!  I’m just trying to protect you!  But you wouldn’t fucking listen!!  So I thought if maybe you and I could talk you would understand!  You would see what I’m-”
Your body tensed as the smell of burnt stone and ash filled the air.  You looked up and half expected his head to be blown clean off.  But it was still attached, only now he looked terrified as he stared down at Bakugou.  You followed his gaze, saw the look of pure, unadulterated rage.  His hand had connected to the wall beside the man’s head, smoke dancing up and around them.  And he was shaking.  Oh, god, how hard Bakugou was shaking.
He spoke low, deep in his chest.  “Listen close, you freak.  You’re going to leave her alone from this point forward - you got that?  If I find out you’re even thinking about her, I’ll kill you myself!!”
The world fell silent.  No one said a word until.  Your stalker was crying now, shaking as he nodded, quickly, mumbling apology after apology.  You couldn’t find the words to say, but your heart.  God, your heart was beating so hard in your chest as you stared at Bakugou.  He...he was...
The window in the house behind you slid open.  An older man leaned out the window, his wife nervously peering over his shoulder.  The looked to the source of the commotion before standing up straight, fumbling as the smoke continued to rise from the spot Bakugou...well...destroyed.  “Hey!!  If you don’t get off my property, I’m calling the cops!”
...the police.  
The police.
Oh god, you had his phone.  You could prove he had been stalking you!!!  You perked up, smiling for the first time in weeks, “Yes!  Yes, please, call the police!”
The man stared at you, confusion on his face. “....what?”
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The weight of the situation only grew heavier when the police searched the contents of the guy’s backpack. 
Rope.  A knife.  Some cloth.  A box of condoms.  And a jar of a clear, sickly sweet smelling liquid.  You heard one of the officers say what it was, though you were sure you weren’t supposed to hear.�� But you did, and so did your parents.  Your mom nearly broke down for the third time that evening as your father swore under his breath.  
Homemade chloroform.
His name was Eito Moto - a second year at another High School near your home.  You would find out later that the stalking had started long before the Sports Festival - ever since he started working at the coffee shop you and your mom would go to every Sunday for breakfast.  Your neighbors, the ones who actually called the police, had seen him hanging around sometimes but didn’t think much off it.  
They thought he had just been a fan.  
They decided not to press charges against Bakugou for putting a hole in their fence.  “Given the circumstances,”  The man said, “I think I would have done the same thing.”
You had to go to the police station to file a report and request a restraining order.  It took well into the morning hours, where you mainly spent your time talking to different police officers, retelling the same story, going over evidence, assuring them you didn’t know this guy so you had no clue why he thought you two had been dating for months.  
They sent Bakugou home, your parents offering him their thanks and promises they would find a better, proper way to think him for essentially saving your life.  
By the time you fell into a crumpled heap on your bed, it was 2 in the morning.  It had been so long since you felt...okay.  Your stalker was in police custody for now, you could at least rest easy tonight.  You gripped your pillows, tugging them up and over your head to block out what meager light filtered in through the hallway.  No more late night calls.  No more insistent texts telling you what a no good whore you were.  You were okay.  
Everything was going to be okay. 
...oh no.  Oh no.  Oh no.
You peeked out from under your pillow, trying to calm your racing heart.  It couldn’t be him, you thought.  He was in jail, so they wouldn’t let him call you - right?  They wouldn’t let him do that, even if they did give him one call.  With shaking fingers, you reached out and plucked your phone from your end table.
Bakugou is calling!
Oh....oh thank god.
You couldn’t press accept fast enough.  You sighed, resting back against your pillows.  “Hey.”
“Is that bastard in jail?”
A laugh, a good honest laugh.  “Yeah.  Yeah, he’s in jail.  Dad and mom are gonna to talk to a lawyer tomorrow about our options.”
“Did you get a restraining order?”
You nodded.  “Yeah.  That’s what took so long and why we have to go to court.  They gave me an emergency one so...”  You blew out a puff of air, watching as a lock of your hair jumped up and fell back into place.  “At least there’s that.”
“You should have talked to me about this sooner.”  It was softer than you anticipated, less of a bite than he normally had.
You knew you should have.  You should have told someone but...it felt so...pointless?  Like it wouldn’t have mattered.  But, you had to give credit where credit was due.  “I wish I would have.”
He didn’t respond.  You had expected he would have started yelling at you, about hiding it from everyone.  Chastised you for being so stupid and letting it go on for as long as it had.  But no, he stayed quiet.  You could imagine him laying in bed, staring up at his ceiling, and wondered what he was thinking about.  What he wanted to say.  
You rolled over onto your side.  “Hey, Bakugou?”
“Thank you.”
There was a long pause before he let out a soft noise.
“Don’t be stupid.  I was only doing what I had to do.”
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Stalkers are fucking scary, yah know.  I had to listen to some voicemails left by stalkers to get the vibe down right - and I still don’t think Eito sounded perfect but hey.  At least one blessing in that:  I’ve never been stalked.  
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stardustryewriting · 3 years
A Learning Process (1)
AO3 Link: here
Synopsis: Bakugou isn’t exactly in touch with all of his feelings. Kirishima usually doesn’t mind. At least not, until Bakugou starts to get weird around him. 
Part 2 3 4 5
Observational Learning
Contrary to popular belief, Bakugou didn’t mind his class all that much. He had called them ‘extras’ a lot, when school had begun, but that was mostly because he was really bad at remembering people’s names. All in all, they were a decent bunch, some of them really strong, some of them aiming really high and all of them very determined. He could appreciate that, at least.
What he couldn’t appreciate, however, was their tendency to get involved in all kinds of gossip. Or, to be more exact, how loud they tended to be, when they found a particularly interesting piece of gossip. Getting mixed up in other people’s business was their thing. But being obnoxiously loud about it and basically screaming their findings to each other in the classroom, got him involved too. And he hated being involved in anybody’s business.
People told him - quite often actually - he eluded an aura that made him unapproachable. That he always seems like he was going to snap and scream at someone. That really, people only asked him for help, when every other possible choice was eliminated prior.  Which was mostly bullshit, of course. Kirishima asked for his help all the time, without ever being scared of him. And he only really snapped when people got on his nerves for too long. Or when Deku was involved, which was the same thing really. Deku just got on his nerves a lot faster than other people. Still his ‘aura of unapproachable’ kept him from being involved in most of his classmates shenanigans.
Most, being the key word.
No matter how much he scowled, how much he glared or how annoyed the undertone in his voice got when he told them that ‘No, he did not care at all. He doesn’t give a rats ass about it.’ , none of this helped against Kirishima’s sunshine declaration of ‘They are finally, officially together’. Because, of course Kirishima doesn’t care about Bakugou’s obvious bad mood and his blatant disinterest on the topic. He never did. It was one of the main reasons why they were as good friends as they were. It was also annoying Bakugou to no end, at that moment.
“And who cares?”, he grunted, throwing his shoes up on the table and looking out of the window to drive to point home. And really, it spoke for the general mood in the class right now, that Iida didn’t even try to reprimand him for that. Usually this would be the start of an argument on being proper and respectful. An argument that both Kirishima and Deku would try to keep on the down low, by trying to mediate between the two. But right now, Iida’s attention was all taken by trying to calm the ruckus and getting everyone to sit down, before Aizawa would come in to start homeroom. For once, Bakugou could agree with Iida, even if he would never say it out loud. They were too damn noisy.
“You can’t be serious!”, Kirishima exclaimed and even without looking, Bakugou could tell that there was a big smile on his lips, “Todoroki and Midoriya danced around their feelings forever. This is a big development!”
“It’s two dudes kissing! No need to make a spectacle out of it!”, he retorted, shooting Kirishima a look which he hoped conveyed just how done he was with this. Ever since these two had shown up holding hands that morning, it was the only thing on everyone's mind. And after Todoroki had stated, in a very blunt way that only Todoroki could do, that yes they kissed, the whole class just exploded with euphoria. As if it was their personal accomplishment. Which it wasn’t, Bakugou wouldn’t even call it much of an accomplishment at all. It would have happened eventually, anyways.
“Well it was a long time coming!”, Kirishima argued back like it was his personal mission to make Bakugou see just how important this was, “You could at least be happy for your friends.”
“They’re not my friends!”, Bakugou argued instantly, before Kirishima got some other weird ideas in his head. Hell would be frozen over, before he called Deku his friend. He was just about to tell that to the dumbass next to him, when the classroom door opened, revealing Aizawa.
The man looked way too tired and done for a Tuesday morning, but today Bakugou resonated with that on a deeply personal level. He too wished that this entire week was over already, in hopes the waves of euphoria from the ‘news’ will have died down by next week. Realistically, he knew the chances were slim. He refused to think about that. Aizawa somehow managed to get all of the class to their seats and be quiet with just one look, so really Bakugou was mostly grateful for him that morning.
That gratefulness lasted exactly two minutes, before Aizawa announced another field-trip-turned-training-exercise. At least he had a month to mentally prepare himself for that.
That fact that he would need to prepare for that field more than just mentally, didn’t hit him until lunch break. And to be fair, he wasn’t really thinking about it then, either. He was actually just about to take a bite out of the Onigiri from his bento (that he had made himself and no, he wouldn’t make one for anyone else, no matter how much they begged), when Kirishima interrupted his peace yet again.
Bakugou couldn’t say he liked that tendency.
“Shit guys, does anyone have bug spray?”, he asked, mouth full with his sandwich, which honestly irked Bakugou even more than the question itself. Had no one ever taught this guy basic table manners? The answer was apparently no, no one ever bothered. Or maybe it just was a thing in their group, because both Kaminari and Sero also had their mouths full, when they exclaimed that no, there was no bug spray to have between them. Which was a stupid thing to be that aggrevated about.
“What do you need bug spray for anyway?”, Bakugou mumbled, after swallowing and he could already feel himself getting annoyed. What a stupid discussion to have over lunch, really.
“The training camp?”, Kaminari stated, his voice getting higher at the end, even though it clearly wasn’t phrased as a question, “I can’t have the mosquitos eat me up again. I swear, I’m just too damn cute.”
“Questionable”, Jirou said, wholly unimpressed by Kaminari getting mad at her and instead just opting to continue eating quietly. When she even got to their table, Bakugou had no idea.
“He is not completely wrong tho”, Kirishima said and Bakugou could see Kaminari in the background puffing out his chest and raising his chin, proudly. As if the idiot had any justification for being proud. He just stated a simple fact. “We do need bug spray for the mosquitos.” Kaminari visibly deflated at that. Bakugou, on the other hand, could feel his anger rising. Did that idiot really think Kirishima would agree that he was cute?
“Just go shopping then”, he said, just wanting to end this damn discussion. It wasn’t even useful, with the answer lying so obviously within reach. They all just liked to make a big fuss out of nothing. Exactly like that same morning.
“Can’t”, came a chorus of answers from all around their table with various excuses. Jirou had study sessions with Yaoyorozu. Kaminari booked the training hall, surprising everyone. Bakugou didn’t really care.
“I have time. Want me to get something for you guys?”, Kirishima volunteered starting what was possibly the worst verbal onslaught happening that day. Which said something, considering the ruckus these idiots had made that morning. Kirishima dealt with it very patiently tho, writing down who needed what. Which proved that Kirishima was way more organised than Bakugou would have given him credit for.
“Do you have anything planned this afternoon?”, Kirishima asked, with a strange undertone to his voice, that Bakugou couldn’t quite place. He could however think of where this question was headed. And he was quick to shut it down.
“I’m not going shopping with you!”
“Aw, c’mon man. This’ll be fun”, Kirishima argued, shooting Bakugou his best open-mouthed smile, presenting all of his teeth. If he thought that would sway Bakugou’s decision, he would need to think again. No way would Bakugou cave that easily.
“Find someone else.” And then to signal that this talk was really, completely over, Bakugou took another bite of his food. Kirishima just winked at him, unbothered by Bakugou being the way he is and instead turned around in his chair to face the table behind them. Oh no.
“Hey, Midoriya”, he shouted, which was unnecessary, because Deku was two arm lengths away at best, “where did you buy that super good bug spray again? You know the one you had for the last training camp.”
“That was Uraraka’s. She bought it at the mall. I don’t know the name of the shop, but I can show it to you. Are you free this afternoon?”, Deku answered, ever the helpful idiot that he was. Well, at least Kirishima found his shopping buddy. And Bakugou could be at peace.
“Sure am, thanks. Meet in front of the store at 3:30? I’ll bring Bakugou.”
No, he sure as hell wouldn’t. Bakugou was quick to voice that.
The question ‘How the hell did I get talked into this?’ went through Bakugou’s mind approximately a thousand times, between leaving the dorms and arriving at the shopping center. Which was impressive, because the way had only taken them fifteen minutes.
Fifteen minutes that Kirishima had filled with bright chatter, either blissfully oblivious to Bakugou’s mood or willingly ignoring it. He would regret this for sure. Bakugou would make him regret it. Later. For now, he was content to just listen to Kirishima chatter about anything and everything that came to his mind. It wasn’t the best use of his time, but it wasn’t the worst either. Not that he would ever admit that.
And so, while Kirishima’s chatter became a pleasant buzz in the back of his mind and Bakugou was starting to think about what he would need for their next training camp, he felt himself being more calm than he had been the entire day. Which wasn’t hard, not with the day he had, but it was still nice.
It was promptly taken from him.
Crossing the last traffic light separating them from the shopping center, where Deku was already waiting for them, he saw something. Something that made him want to turn around and go home again. To hell with Kirishima not wanting to go alone, that was no reason why he should subject himself to what will essentially be an afternoon of torture. There was no way Bakugou would just accept this like it was nothing.
Deku brought his fucking boyfriend.
“Midoriya, Todoroki”, Kirishima shouted happily, being way more enthusiastic than he had any right to. He sped up, holding up one of his arms to wave at them, which Deku promptly returned just as enthusiastic. Todoroki gave a way more timid wave and Bakugou decided he wouldn’t bother at all. No need to fake friendliness. Or that he wanted to be there.
“Kirishima, It’s good to see you”, Deku greeted, as if they hadn’t just spent hours at school together and Bakugou felt like punching something again. Why did he always feel to need to use those overly polite yet completely unnecessary phrases? Why couldn’t the idiot just be normal.
“We just saw them at school”, Todoroki pointed out and Bakugou would have nodded to agree with him, but he had his pride. No way he was going to openly agree with Deku’s boyfriend on anything. Even if it was criticizing Deku. So while Deku explained to his socially stunted boyfriend what a polite phrase was, which somehow developed into a discussion about whether or not those were time wasting ( Yes, they are, Bakugou wanted to shout, but that would be admitting to listening in on their conversations.), Bakugou started one last try to get away from all of this before it became even more of a waste of time.
“Hey Kirishima”, he addressed the boy, who looked at Deku and Todoroki with something close to a fond smile, “have fun third-wheeling on their date. I’m going home.” And with that he turned his back, hoping to get out before Kirishima could make an argument against it. A futile hope, really.
“No, come on, Bakugou”, Kirishima said in a voice that sounded an awful lot like begging, so much so, that it made Bakugou stop midstep, “I didn’t know he would bring Todoroki. Please don’t leave me alone, I don’t wanna be a third wheel.”
“And how am I supposed to help that?”
“Simple”, Kirishima, who walked around so he could face him again, smiled at him like he was the fucking sun himself, “You stay here with me, so I don’t feel left out all the time.”
“And why would I do that?”, Bakugou inquired, feeling how he got closer and closer to yelling out his frustrations. It was Kirishima’s stupid idea to go shopping with Deku, so Kirishima should be the one dealing with all of the consequences. By himself. He had no right to involve Bakugou in this.
“Because we’re friends?”, Kirishima argued, but Bakugou could tell by the way he winced at himself, that he wasn’t convinced by his own argument. He shouldn’t be. Since when did friendship mean having to subject himself to the drama that Kirishima essentially brought over himself. Old Bakugou would have laughed at him and went on his way.
But old Bakugou wasn’t really hero material. Old Bakugou also wasn’t Kirishima’s friend.
“Fine”, Bakugou grunted and Kirishima’s lit up immediately, “but you owe me.”
“Sure.” Kirishima smiled easily leading him back to where Deku and Todoroki were waiting for them, obviously finished with whatever they were doing. At least Deku had the decency to look ashamed and apologize for getting off-track (wasting their time, if you asked Bakugou). Kirishima waved the apology away and they finally got started shopping. Bakugou couldn’t shake the feeling that this was gonna be a long afternoon.
He was right, of course.
Todoroki and Deku continued to flirt incessantly. Bakugou had a burning pain in his eyes from rolling them too much and a new record in fake-gagging. Kirishima always reprimanded him for the last one. The idiots in question seemed painfully oblivious to their flirting, which made it that much more irritating. They promised they would stop everytime and then they just continued. Bakugou was about ready to scream the entire mall down.
Kirishima took it all way too lightly, in his opinion. He smiled at them gleefully and he even had the audacity to defend them, when Bakugou complained. Don’t you think it’s nice to be that in love? No, he didn’t. It’s annoying to be that in love as Kirishima put it. Could you even be in love after not even 24 hours of dating? Fat fucking chance.
“Get me some food, before I blast this entire mall down”, Bakugou grunted out, eying Kirishima dangerously. He wouldn’t actually do it, but if a threat got him some distraction, he wasn’t above using it.
“Sure thing”, Kirishima agreed, asking for preferences, before he went off. Deku accompanied him - not without making heart-eyes at Todoroki and only reluctantly letting go of his hand - and Bakugou didn’t even fight the urge to roll his eyes. Damn nerd being dramatic. Todoroki shot a knowing smile his way that only angered him more.
“What are you smirking about?”, Bakugou asked, very clearly hearing the annoyed undertone in his voice that failed to deter Todoroki. Like it always did.
“I don’t know. I just like the double date.”
“THE WHAT?”, Bakugou screamed, turning several heads towards them, none of which he cared about. What did the half-n-half-bastard just call this? He was sure he must have misheard. That, or Deku’s boyfriend had a very urgent death wish. One that Bakugou wouldn’t mind granting him, right now.
“Double date. Isn’t that what you call it, when two couples spend time with each other?” He had a death wish, Bakugou determined. There was no way he was really that dense. Out of the corner of his eyes, he could see Deku and Kirishima running towards them. They better be there fast, or there would be a real fight between him and that bastard.
“This is not a double date”, he gritted out, looking at Todoroki, daring him to disagree. Unfortunately, Kirishima was there faster than he expected, Deku on his heels. This was a disaster waiting to happen.
“Guys, what’s wrong, you’re making a scene”, Kirishima whisper-shouted when he arrived looking between them, as if he could get the answer from that. Instead of answering Kirishima - or focusing on his boyfriend like he had the entire goddamn afternoon - Todoroki decided to continue his chat with Bakugou.
"It feels like a double date to me", Todoroki said, ever the blunt one and Bakugou felt himself slowly losing it. Actually, not so slowly.
“What?”, Kirishima questioned, clearly caught off-guard.
“Shoto!”, Deku exclaimed at the same time, cheeks red and trying to get his boyfriend to pay attention to him again. Probably to dissolve the tension building between him and Bakugou. Bakugou for his part was ready to fight the bastard seriously.
“That’s not it at all! Bakugou and I aren’t dating”, Kirishima hurried to explain, putting himself between Bakugou and Todoroki while doing it, “We’re just friends. Nothing more to it.”
And that struck something deep within Bakugou. Something unpleasant, that he already hated, despite experiencing it for the first time. It was weird, nothing out of the ordinary happened - despite Todoroki’s absurd claim of course. Still he could feel his insides twisting, like someone plunged a knife in his gut. Instinctively he looked down to check, but saw nothing but his shirt. Weird.
He heard Deku and Kirishima try to explain the situation to Todoroki, but it was off. As if they were far away, instead of standing right in front of him. He caught a glance of Kirishima awkwardly rubbing his neck, while talking, Bakugou could see his mouth move, but he couldn’t make out the words. Like something was covering his ears. Kirishima smiled and his stomach twisted again.
He felt like he was getting sick.
“I’m out”, he said, not bothering whether or not they could hear him and then he swiftly moved. He needed air, to clear his head. And he needed to investigate their weird feeling in his stomach. That apparently correlated with Kirishima. Which could mean a lot of things.
It could mean anything, he tried to tell himself, while he made his way outside as fast as possible without his explosions accelerating him. He didn’t have the clear head to use them for that purpose right now.
It could mean anything, he told himself, when he heard Kirishima calling after him, a concerned undertone in his voice, that made Bakugou want to turn around. He wanted to snap, that he could take care of himself. He wanted to bathe in the knowledge that Kirishima cared for him.
It could mean anything, he insisted, when he finally made it outside and his feet automatically dragged him to the station. He took a deep breath, that helped exactly zero percent in the quest to clear his head and then he fiddled with his phone. He desperately needed the distraction.  
It could mean anything , he reminded himself later that night, after Kirishima had dropped off his forgotten shopping bags and asked if he felt alright. Bakugou told a half-lie about an upset stomach and Kirishima offered to make tea. Which he declined, because he could take care of himself, thank you very much.
Kirishima had brought up some tea anyways, paired with some bread because it was safer not to risk upsetting his stomach anymore. Then he told Bakugou to just knock on his wall if he needed anything else, like the considerate idiot he was. He gave him a big smile before he left, one which twisted Bakugou’s stomach again, but it was also accompanied by a squeezing feeling in his chest this time. And Bakugou wasn’t an idiot, he knew these signs, when he saw them.
It could mean you have a crush, a traitorous voice in his mind whispered. Bakugou hated himself, for how much he actually considered the possibility.
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donquixotehomura · 3 years
Endeavor x Reader All Is Fair In Love And War
This fic includes a hell of a bad writing shit show so sorry for the bad writing that you have to go through, I can't stand my own writing lmao, Endeavor is kinda OOC I think.. Idk, I get stupidly poetic at some points and I have weird wordings for some things, Hella long and boring, This is a fucking K-Drama
Bruh like I had about a month to write this but I procrastinated till the last day having only a starter with 2.5K words and wrote the rest in one day, a total of 11K... Bruuuuh if anybody reads this I'm sorry for your time and the cancer.
TW: yandere themes, blood, gore, descriptive violence, toxic relationships, heartbreak, death, offensive language, cursing, just a lot of bad triggering stuff, mentions of suicide, name calling.
This is during the Endeavor redemption Arc about two weeks before Endeavor VS HighEnd/Hood after that Manga spoilers start.. If you get to that point tho, you're close to the end congrats you made it.
Reader is an independent person with a strong personality, she's  strong willed and arrogant, you can say she's a more mature Bakugou with common sense lmao
This Will Contain Manga Spoilers
You yawned in boredom trying to stay awake, your eyes briefly glancing at the person who's currently speaking to all the pro heroes sitting in the room, hero commission meetings weren't only boring, they were also a waste of time you could've been patrolling and stopping villains saving civilians, but no you had to go to a different city for the meeting 'didn't these old hags and geezers hear of online meetings? We could've saved a lot of time if we didn't have to come here, what is this the 21st century?' you thought as your eyes drifted towards him, the guy who easily made your cold heart beat erratically.
Endeavor sat there not showing any emotion other than his normal intimidating expression his presence was impossible to ignore with his aura and signature flames, you could tell he didn't want to be here either but he did his hero work dutifully, your eyes trailed over his strong arms that were crossed over his chest, what made it even harder to look away was the fact that he was wearing a suit which is a rare occasion but the meeting was formal, the fabric strained to stay intact, you felt that of he flexed or took too deep of a breath the fabric would just tear apart and the buttons would go flying off, you kinda wished this would happen as you let your thoughts wonder.
How it'd feel to have those hands caress your body, to hold you tightly as he lifts you up supporting your weight, how his musculare arms would be wrapped around you as you ran your hands all over his musculare chest, you let your thoughts wonder as your eyes drank him in basically undressing him, you craved him, everything about him, not just his body, his mind, his soul, his heart, his love, you internally sighed, it's not like you both had any chance of that anyway, you snapped out of your trance feeling someone's eyes on you, looking up you realized it was Endeavor himself who was staring at you, you knew you were caught red handed and there was no getting out of it so you went with it and just smirked at him, sending a small wave.
You weren't a shy or meek person at all, you don't easily back down and your arrogance often put you in bad situations, like this one right now were your having a staring competition with Endeavor, a few silent words being sent between you both including him telling you to stop eyeing him up and focus on the meeting and you refusing and questioning why he's staring at you, your silent conversation would have went on if Aizawa didn't nudge you telling you to focus hey gave him a glare "don't tell me what to do" you growled and he just ignored you, looking back at Endeavor he was focused on the meeting again.
You sighed and put your attention back on the speaker but your attention wasn't at him, you started thinking about Endeavor and yourself, your memories together, even tho that was a distant memory.
You panted running as fast as you could, the sun was blazing down on you with no mercy, you were sweaty and tired after an hour of this 'dammit dammit this is bad this is such a pain in the ass' "(y/n)! It's over you know!" you heard him call out behind you and started willing your body to run faster, you were almost there, just gotta- your eyes widened as he ran past you at an inhuman speed at this point "dammit! Oi get back here!" you yelled after him as he ran past the line and stopped, he stood there arms crossed staring at you triumphantly as you passed the line and put your hands on your knees panting, you looked up at him and stood up straight, he was panting and sweating as well, him having more stamina than you definitely proved to be useful in this situation "I win" he said smugly and you weakly glared at him half heartedly "damn you, how the hell do you have so much energy after all this training? It's so fucking hot!" he chuckled "I'm used to the heat little vixen" he smirked and you huffed "right right, so what should we do now?the rest of the class is still way in the back" you said straightening up as he smirked helping you and lead you to the benches "let's wait for them here it'll take them along time before they catch up to us" "true, we are the strongest in the class after all"
(character introduction by Mic)
Todoroki Enji Quirk:Hell Flame, he can create fire out of nothing and manipulate it to his will, it's useful in long ranged to short ranged attacks, while it's a very versatile quirk it has some dangerous drawbacks such as hyperthermia and burning the user. (we know the details ya'll.. Hehe... We're all Endeavor bitches here.... At least I know I am)
(L/N) (Y/N) Quirk:Demon Queen, she can transform into demon like creatures fully or partially (think Mirajane from FT... Even she has nothing to do with me coming up with this quirk) the demon form boosts her durability, strength and speed, she can also create shadow like substance that comes from her skin (this one is heavily influenced by venom yet I had the idea for a longer time and it worked in a different way), while the demon form is close ranged and strong in combat the shadow is long ranged and more versatile and can be used for sneak attacks, it is however weak against fire types which makes for a very interesting combat against Todoroki Enji.... Oi Shut it!.... Oh yeah she is also very hostile!... OI!, she also has phschokinesis and Telepathy
(I tried leaving the quirk blank as I hate it when authors apecify the quirk but I had to when I needed certain abilities for some parts... Sorry guys)
Enji chuckled "indeed" he sighed and looked at you as you threw aside your gym jacket remaining in your sports bra and gulped down some cold refreshing water "damn, sensei is really making us go through hell and back recently" you said stretching "well we're in UA after all, they're teaching us everything important" Enji said as he followed your every move, glancing at him you smirked "like what you see Enji?" he blushed slightly and got closer to you "so? What if I do? Can't I admire my beautiful girlfriend?" he said pulling you into his chest, while you both were sweaty it didn't matter to you, you smiled at him and pecked his lips (you're kinda tall ok, I assume he was shorter than this in high school) "oh I don't mind at all, as long as I get to admire my handsome boyfriend in return" exchanging a few kisses both of you were even more breathless now, just as it was getting more heated the idiots (your classmates) started arriving at the finish line, annoyed, both of you parted and glared at your classmates, while they were non the wiser as to why they were being glared at by the two most terrifying and powerful students in all three years of UA classes, they were deeply terrified and avoided you both in favor of keeping their lives.
"aright class that's it for today, as always Todoroki and (L/N) are ahead while-" you didn't really listen to the teacher talk and looked at Enji "so where should we go tonight? I wanna have some us time before the exams, we'll both be busy, especially that our agency has weird ass timings for summoning us" you said sighing "well there's a festival and it'll start tonight, maybe we can go I know you like those things, even tho they're filled with people" he said, you hummed thoughtfully then smirked at him "you mean I'll get to see you in a Yukata? I'm definitely in" he grumbled and sighed "yeah yeah, very funny, I don't get what you like about me in Yukatas anyway I look ridiculous" you chuckled "actually I love seeing you in a yukata you look very hot in them" he glared at you unamused "very funny (Y/N) very funny, you do know you'll have to wear a kimono as well right" he smirled as your expression turned into a mortified one "hell no" "its tradition my dear you'll have to wear it" you sighed hanging your head down, as the teacher dismissed the class "fine" you grumbled annoyed making him laugh in amusment " so cute I'll see you at the gates"  he said and walked towards the boys showers "OI who are you calling cute pyro? I'll kill you!" you yelled after him and he only chuckled in amusment at your outburst "I swear to God that jerk has a death wish" you grumbled heading into the girl's showers, meanwhile the entire class stood there watching the same thing that happens everyday that they should be used to it by now but every time they all gawk at your interactions like people would at a very unnatural show at the circus "guys... What kinda relationship do these two have? Are they supposed to be lovers?" one guy asked bewildered "I mean... I think? They're both demons all the time so I think this is demon love?" said one of the girls "this is so odd... They interact like they want to rip each other's throat out" said another girl "I'm too tired for this man, let's just go change and leave, I'd like to go to my very easily understandable life at home for toady" said one guy and everyone else agreed as the crowd left.
They have the right to think that your relationship is wrong and very odd, after all neither of you would show their true self in front of them, your affection and love is saved for behind closed doors, both of you are too proud and care about your tough image to show affection infornt of others.
These were the good times, neither of you knew what was coming your way, and how it'd shatter your relationship
That night both of you showered and showered and got dressed as you were doing your makeup you felt arms wrap around you "hey there" you said looking at your boyfriend in the reflection of the mirror "hey my love" he said making you blush and he chuckled at you "you done yet?" "nope, still have to do my hair" you said while putting on your eyeshadow, he humed and grabbed your brush and started styling your hair "hey... What are you-" you went to object by he stopped you "helping, I'll do your hair while you do your makeup, we'll be done faster" he said and you sighed "fine, just don't make me mess up" he hummed not answering and continued styling your hair, somehow you both worked in harmony and easily.
A little after you put the last touches on your makeup he was done putting up your hair and put a golden hair pin in it, one that you haven't seen before, you looked at your hair and at the pin fascinated by it "wow, this is... Really beautiful" you stood from your chair and turned around looking at him with a smile as he blushed lightly "I saw it and thought of you so I got it" he avoided looking at you in the eye you went up to him and kissed him gently "thanks love, I love it" he smiled pulling you in a hug, as you helped him with his Obi (the belt) he looked at you with such admiring look "what?" you asked feeling nervous from the staring "nothing, nothing at all just watching my hell queen" he smirked at you and you hid your face embarrassed 'damn him, knowing how to fluster me' "sh.. Shut up" he laughed pulling you to his chest as you both stared at each other's eyes exchanged a few kisses (your lipstick has sealing agent OK? OK).
A couple minutes later you parted, putting the last few touches you grabbed your stuff, phones, keys, wallets and went to the festival, throwing comments at each other like always, arriving at the festival you looked around watching all the stalls and couples and friends going around, it was too crowded which was a pain in the ass for the both of you, but you decided to ignore them and went around, gokmg around, trying foods, sweets and playing games, you getting extremely pissed at some people here and there, a lady in particular who was sticking her nose in your business "you know for a lady, you sure do have a filthy mouth" Enji said smirking "shut it ashes! She pissed me off" you said still angry "I don't mind, you're cute when you're angry my vixen" he said smirking making you blush and narrow your eyes at him "Todoroki Enji if you fear for your life you better stop fucking calling me cute" you said glaring at him, he put his hand on your head patting it slightly "there there, don't be like that I was just joking" you pushed his hand away and huffed, "you're on thin ice Endeavor" you said "is that so (H/N)? Well I better be careful then" he said pulling you to him, he was really warm "yeah you better" you said calming down and getting lost in his eyes as he leaned down kissing you.
Both of you slipped away to an abandoned side of the festival to.. Uhh... Stargaze yeah that... Nah ya'll did the horizontal tango.. Except it was vertical, as he held you up, your back on a tree for support. (I suck at writing smut.. Go to the festival smut Enji fic, I don't remember what the exact name was but the content is, you and Endeavor are dating, go to the festival, then hookup on a tree cause you ain't wearing panties, you aren't wearing them here either)
The festival went well You both had fun and teased each other competing over who's best at winning games and ended up going home with a lot of prizes.
Good memories are the best you can always look back at them and smile, but if you've lost the person you made the memories with, then they just become a painful slow poison that flows through you, slowly killing you.
It was during your work studies as third years when it started, you both went to the same agency, while the pro you went to was the top, he wasn't exactly a good person, extremely misogynistic bastard, who's ego is too fragile to admit a woman can be strong, which is why he despised you, like a snake he kept poisoning your boyfriend, filling his head with what he knew would get to him, tricking him into thinking you're using him, that he's getting weak cause he depends on you to have his back while fighting, like a devil on his shoulder he keeps telling him more and more lies, he made sure his plans are effective by firing you from his agency so now, student you had to find herself another agency, every agency in the same area accepted you by looking at your records, yet once they saw the name you were denied, you didn't understand why and remained without an agency for weeks which was bad for a third year, you found out that it was because of him he either bribed or scared all the so called pros from taking you, till one who didn't give a shit about him accepted you, the problem was, that you were four cities apart from Enji, which put the long distance strain on your already strained relationship.
It was a sunny day, unlike the cliché it was dark and stormy and raining, you both met after a long time apart, and while your convo started calmly, it quickly escalated to a full blown fight.
"YOU LEFT ME! YOU DECIDED TO GET AS FAR AWAY FROM ME AS YOU CAN! FOUR CITIES? WHAT THE NEARBY CITIES RAN OUT OF HEROES?" an infuriated Enji yelled at you, with the distance and how grueling the work was, you two didn't have anytime to meet at all, "Enji calm down for fucks sake! Allow me to explain I didn't have the time-" he interrupted you furiously "didn't have the time? What you're done using me? After everything! After everything that happened, how I trusted you, how I confided in you, how I always fucking ran to you when I needed someone! You don't even call anymore either! Not even a phone call, What you're bored of me now? You found someone else? Of course you did! You can't keep your legs closed you slut" you slapped him hard your hand hurt but it didn't matter, your heart hurt worse.
If only he listened, he'd have known it wasn't your choice to go so far.
"how dare you! How dare you accuse me of cheating you asshole! I'm always loyal to you because for some fucking reason I'm in love with you! You think I didn't try to be around you more? You think I didn't deprive myself of sleep for days just to take extra shifts and have the time to come back here for you? How can you claim to love me if you won't trust me? Did you forget what we went through together? How I always stood by your side nomatter what? You're a selfish greedy bastard who's only capable of loving himself!" you yelled angrily at him.
If only you knew, if only you knew, that this isn't his thoughts that this isn't his opinion.
Both of you not backing down both of you boiling with rage that's going to burn down your relationship like his beautiful quirk, that you loved so much and thought fit him so much, with his attitude and how he's always going forward like an out of control fire, he always seemed like a God of the sun to you, now his quirk was making him into Hades himself, king of hell and death, the one who shall drag you to hell to torment you for your sin of loving him.
"you're so fucking bold pretending to be a Saint! You're a manipulative bitch, You think you can just walk all over me woman? You're beneath me! There's no reason for me to stay with someone like you, who's going to set me back I don't love you this was all a mistake! An illusion I've lived in for so long" your anger disintegrated morphing into heartbreak and sadness, you two fought a lot, and while calling you a cheater and a slut hurt, you still had your love, you would forgive him like you always did, and likewise he'd forgive you like he always did nomatter how bad you both went against each other yes it was toxic, but both of you were broken, and this is how you functioned... But saying he doesn't love you is what actually broke you, what cemented this argument as the worst of your relationship, the end of it.
He seemed to realize what he said albeit too late, still arrogant you refused to cry in front of him "I hate you! We're over Todoroki! I wish I never knew you! I despise the day we met! I curse the day we became friends, you can go to hell!" and still arrogant Todoroki didn't try to take back what he said, and refused to show his hurt over you saying how you hated him and his existence, how this brought back some unwanted memories." great! Then We're over! Thank God" he yelled and marched past you.
Both of you broken, both of you saying things you shouldn't have said 'please comeback! I love you! I forgive you' you internally cried clutching your heart.
'just turn around, fucking turn around, go back to her she's your safety, go back to your angel.. You stubborn arrogant bastard!' Enji scolded himself, looking back he saw you walking away, head hung low, he knew he hurt you, as he willed his body to follow you, reaching out a hand he almost called out for you 'she makes you weak' he heard the pros voice in his head 'she's going to drag you down' 'she's using you' and although he knew non of this was true, he didn't call out for her, he turned around and continued walking, having the same internal fight with himself.
'comeback to me please! My sun!' turning around you looked at his retreating figure willing to calm out for him, yet to stubborn and too hurt to let word out, seeing him still walking away with such anger and intensity in his posture and such determination, determination to what? 'to get away from me? He's that eager?' your tears fell as the pain inside you grew, turning around you ran away, away from him, away from his pain, from his burning love that always felt welcoming now feeling scorching hot like it'll burn you to ashes.
Five seconds
Five seconds, was the difference between them, if he looked at her retreating form for five more seconds he'd have seen her turn around with a broken and longing, loving look.
Five seconds, if she's looked at him five seconds earlier she'd have seen him with his hand outstretched for her
Five Seconds
After hours of walking around aimlessly they decided to go home, well Enji did (Y/N) went to her friend's apartment which she had the key to, Enji sighed seeing the empty apartment they both shared, their home together, after going about their day like zombies doing their homeworks, training, studying like they're on some sort of auto pilot, they went to bed, alone for the first time in years, it really downed on them then, it's over, their home was gone, they both broke down, home was with their significant other, home was were they felt the love between the two of them, as they both cried alone, showing their hurt and weakness.
After hours of crying and begging for the other to come back, they both stared at the ceiling sending a curse to the heavens that broke them, that decided they didn't suffer enough in the past but had to suffer more, as Todoroki Enji looked at the small velvet box he was clutching onto, he opened it looking at the beautiful (gem) ring that he planned to give to her.. Well if she said yes of course "which you would have, wouldn't you my vixen", meanwhile said woman was curled in her bed unable to shed anymore tears, clutching her stomach she let out a dry chuckle that turned into a sob "it's OK my little angel, I love you, I'll always be here for you, sorry daddy won't be around, he's not a bad father I swear, I'm the bad mother, he... He doesn't even know you exist.. I'm sorry I know... He would have loved you"
Untold secrets, surprises that'd have brought laughs and tears of joy, brought pain onto two poor unfortunate souls that night.
You sighed remembering these memories brought a heaviness on your chest, your refused to think about it anymore, otherwise you'd cry, now that would be hard to explain, why would the demon queen hero cry at a.... 'wait what are they talking about?' you thought focusing on them "while there's a massive increase in crime after the events of Kamino ward a couple of months ago in a lot of these areas there's a considerable drop in crime in these areas, we think it's due to the hero agencys there, as the zones are where the Endeavor, (H/N), Hawks, Edgeshot Miruko and lot more agencies and work areas are" 'ah right, crime stats, we're at that stage means next stage is... A word by the mentioned heroes... Great I wanna go back to kicking villain ass already, I have such high status cause I was doing my work not sitting in meetings.. This shit is useless, and seriously? You think? Of course it's because All Might retired AND was revealed to be a skeleton.. Haha... OK it's not funny... Nah it is... Speaking of which... I'm assuming Endeavor is pissed from becoming the top by default... Damn I hate becoming Two by default... Well damn... Would you look at that... Were where we promised No.1 Hero Endeavor, No.2 Hero (H/N)... Things didn't go as planned.. But we got there haha... FUCK! '.
You directed your eyes back at Endeavor, it hurt, really hurt, hearing on the news that he have been married, you really thought you could reconsile, yet he was avoiding you like the plague, like he hated your very existence, at first you decided to let him calm down and get his thoughts together, then you got busy with your child, after about a year his avoidance to you sky rocketed, he went from not looking your way for more than a couple seconds to totally ditch the room you are in the second you walked in, you pushed the thoughts to the back of your head and focused back on the speaker, and it was time for the heroes to speak, so Endeavor went first, speaking about efficiency and tactics and sidekicks, yadda yadda 'damn I forgot... He could be so boring sometimes... He's lucky I love listening to his voice anyway' you smiled slightly, not exactly listening to what he's saying more like listening to him, next was Hawks a new kid basically which wasn't here either 'heh kid can't even get to a meeting-oh dear I didn't just-... Fuck.... Damn kid is good tho he rose to the top real quick, good for him, if he keeps that up he'll pass All might himself... Now wouldn't that be cruel to Endeavor... And to me... That's gotta suck.. A kid surpassimg me? Heh yeah right' focusing now on other things to distract yourself from your memories you made a mental note to try harder somehow, maybe take on new districts, you were next, after making a comment about how you don't really like making speeches you went on and gave a small (kinda) speech, (can't think of anything) arrogantly expressing how good you are and how it'll just get better, you threw a few comments about being efficient and throwing shade on the other speakers while smirking at Endeavor who glared at you.
"damn I am glad this is all over, I was starting to get a headache" he sighed walking out "it wasn't like you were focused (H/N)" you heard from behind you, turning around you came eye to eye with Endeavor, well chest even tho you were wearing heels and already tall, he towered over you (bruh like I'm 6'1... He ain't that much taller than me lol.. He intimidating tho) "well hello to you too Endeavor, what makes you so sure I wasn't focused?" you said crossing your arms, his eyes did a quick scan of you, you wore (idk choose what you want just make it formal, I hate when authors tell me what to wear lmao...) while you did the same to him" well you were too busy checking me out " he said crossing his arms as well, both of you not backing down 'as always' both of you thought.
"I wasn't checking you out, I was just looking" "for what exactly?" he narrowed his eyes "I don't know, to see if you're still in one piece, especially after all the madness that is Hosu and Kamino, that was kinda a bad situation while I was there in Kamino I wasn't in Hosu, All For One is a nightmare but Stain.... Its said he froze everyone with his blood lust" you smirked "well I handled it" he said growling "yeah I fucking saw that" you said "so.... How's it going? Other than the Hosu thing what did you do recently? And Kamino of course" you asked, he looked at you for a second as if thinking you're not serious about asking him but he sighed seeing you're serious "well, Shoto came to my agency for the internship, the school allowed first years to do them because of recent events" "right the USJ attack" you said.
"I heard through a trusted source that him and the green haired kid and the Iida kid are the ones who beat stain actually, right?" you said looking at him "how did you-" he was shocked then sighed "yeah, they did but because they didn't have their hero license they would have been expelled so it had to be covered up someone had to take the credit, and it happened to be me, I hate taking fake credit" he said annoyed "yeah, I know you always wanted to be the best by your own standards" you said and he looked at you with a soft expression, 'you always know me so well huh, can't believe some bastards actually think I took the credit because I wanted the fake glory' he thought while admiring you 'even after all these years' he sighed, you felt his gaze on you, as you fell into silence, trying to avoid the awkwardness you changed the subject "by the way Shoto doesn't seem like the type of kid to break the rules like that, and wasnt he supposed to be with you?" you asked and he hummed "the other two went there first then the Midoriya kid texted Shoto his location, he just left me on the street and ran there" he said shaking his head, you laughed slightly and nodded "yeah he seems close with that kid, especially with the sports festival fight" you said then suppressed a laugh "what?" he narrowed his eyes at you "nothing you're just kinda.... Funny.... SHOOTOOO" you said trying to copy him but breaking into laughter before that "OI... That's not suppossed to be funny" he grumbled "whatever you say" you said taking your breath.
You looked at him expecting him to be at least annoyed by your antics, yet he had a soft relaxed expression, you smiled at him "what?" you asked softly "nothing, it's just... It's been a while since I had a good conversation with someone" you smiled "really?, well good to know I'm up to your standards" you said, you two chatted for a while after that as you walked around the streets.
Endeavor couldn't help but crave you, your heart, your Love, your body, he wanted it all back, "and then that vigilante kid jumped into my fire to get the woman that was controlling the bees, I can't believe these vigilantes" he continued with the story you nodding "well it is reckless and out of the law to be a vigilante so I'll have to agree with you" you said as you both walked around, both of you having your hero suits with you, well... He just activated his quirk burning the suit to reveal his hero one underneath, now that shocked you for a second, while you (idk however you guys wanna do it, my OC has a pretty small suit... Kinda revealing lol.. So it doesn't take much space.. Can be carried anywhere... She also had it under her clothes.... Its kinda like League of Legends Jinx.. Kinda not totally).
You both attracted a lot of attention, and as always he just ignored them, you'd just wave at a random person, not out of accepting their over excited idiocy, but because you enjoyed watching them fall to the ground from how they're over reacting 'hehe.. Vixen' you thought, as he was telling you another story a bank alarm went off, both of you rushing there to stop the burglary but as you got there the thieves were all on the ground passed out, you both blinked in confusion, with your reaction time you should have gotten here fast "And next time think twice before breaking the law, because you'll find me in your way everytime, and it'll be over before you know it" yelled the hero that stopped them, flames engulfed her in a similar fashion to Enji's, her hair being on fire as well, her hero suit seeming to be the same as him except hers has the top half like a top showing her entire middle and arms, it worked in favor of showing her toned abs and biceps, while it'd have been inconvenient in the cold for anybody else, her flames eliminated that possibility " Fourth Rank Hell Queen Hero Inferno" Endeavor said looking at her "oh?.. ENDEAVOR SAN what brings you to my district? Oh and (H/N) too what a surprise.... wait what're you two doing together?" she asked jumping and landing infront of you two, standing at a height identical to Endeavor himself "pleasure to finally meet you, flame hero I gotta say you're my role model, we have the same quirks you see? You inspired me to become a hero" while you stared at both of them.
Endeavor heard what he always heard from his fans yet that girl wasn't being a fan girl, she spoke with bride and arrogance, she really meant her words yet she was professional and wasn't being an ass kiss like others, he took her outstretched hand shaking it "glad to hear it, more importantly glad to have a fan who can actually speak and use her brain" he said and she chuckled and smirked "damn must be my lucky day, getting such an acknowledgement, anyway what're you doing around here? You're kinda far from your agency, are you on a mission of some sort? Need a guide?" she asked "did neither of you really turn off your falmes on your hands?" you mumbled, both of them seeming to hear you they looked at you "flame heroes" said Inferno "(H/N) you're aware I'm fire proof right?" "right" you said wondering how she made him agree with her so fast.
"anyway... Why the hell didn't you attend the meeting?" you turned to her and asked her, she sighed "I was busy, every crook in the city lost their damn minds today" you said "it's mandatory to attend Inferno you could have left them to your sidekicks" she sighed "jeez Okaasan chill, I couldn't leave, my sidekicks are taking care of some things, there's just that much chaos around" she crossed her arms "right right still-" "besides if I went I would have just had to sit there while you ogled at Endeavor anyway" "OI! ZIP IT KID!" you yelled then glanced at Endeavor who gave you an amused look "wasn't staring huh?" he smirked "don't listen to her" "oh so you did~" she teased "NO!" "yes she did" "oooohhh damn" "shut up, and you need to catch up on what was said in the meeting" "you can brief me later woman"  she sighed "ne Endeavor San you were there as well right?" Endeavor looked at her " I was" "great maybe you can brief me too, ne tell me, not that I'm complaining but you don't talk to people that much, yet you're holding such along conversation with me, why's that?" Endeavor seemed surprised himself "me and your mother knew each other a while back we were just talking and then ran into you" he answered and she nodded Satisfied "wait... Mother... You knew Endeavor and didn't tell me? You could have let me meet him years ago!" she said " well we didn't talk for a while.. A few years that is" and as the conversation went on you guys stepped away from the scene, a totally different thought going through Endeavor's head and a similar yet different thought going through yours 'Okaasan? She's her daughter huh...so... Back then... '
A couple weeks after the fight they graduated high school and both of them focused on thier careers, she never came back to their apartment, they both had worked part time jobs and full time in summer since middle school and saved up, getting a good head start to their rent and the bills they'd have to pay, they'd have to work during UA and it'll be hard but they'll manage, as long as they get away from those hell holes, the ones they were raised in, wouldn't even call it home... It was hell, and they both escaped it into this haven they shared, well.. Not anymore.
As time went on, and as he realized how stupid his mentor is, it is true he depends on her on the battle field alot, but she depends on him too, they're both the power couple of the hero world Endeavor and (H/N) with how similar/opposing/complimentary their quirks are, they can deal with any situation with speed and efficiency no one else is capable of, he realized how he was a Fool for listening to his mentor, with a determined mind he left the agency after the day was over, walking in the cold weather, wasn't any trouble to him with his quirk, yet it brought a smile to his face thinking about her and how she loved (or hated if that's your preference) the winter, and the snow flakes, how even if she isn't cold (or cold) she'd still hold on to him wrapping her arm around his waist as he wrapped his around her shoulders, he smiled at the memories of them together, 'damn... We have a memory associated with everything' he sighed.
Buying her favorite flowers, a gift that he knew she'd like, at least he hoped she would with how mad she'd be at him, and a speech of apology that he prepared and embarrassimgly practiced, and the ring 'just in case' he thought 'just in case it all goes well, and I spontaneously propose I have the ring' he smiled, he really didn't mind if he'd have to beg for forgiveness, he acknowledged that he instigated the fight and escalated it while she was on the defensive, while he didn't let her even talk, he loved his Persephone and he'd throw away his ego for her.
Arriving at her house he sighed, it's been over a year, it shouldn't have taken me so long he thought, as he sighed going up the small steps and raising his hand to knock, he saw something that made him freeze on the spot, like his blazing quirk was replaced with ice, through the window by the door, he saw his beloved, as beautiful as ever with a child in her arms, an infant, a very small one at that, she smiled at the baby in her arms as she cooed softly for it, he couldn't see them clearly but there was someone sitting on the other side of the couch, 'no... That's not it, she's just babysitting or holding the baby for one of her stupid friends' he thought trying to convince himself that it's not true, as his thoughts raced he was interrupted by the cries of the child, he watched them again as she pulled the child closer to her chest giving it her nipple as it started feeding and stopped crying, it hurt hurt like having every bone in his body broken, hurt like he overheated himself 10 times over, hurt like acid running through his veins, with all the pain and heartbreak all common sense escaped him, that the child may be his, it looks like it's a couple months old, he failed to notice that the shadow of the unknown third party is her annoying cheerful friend who for some reason have always been at their home, she didn't even chatter with them she would just stay there with them. (best friends be like... Your home is my home too ha).
Turning around he walked down the steps, his fury so intense that his quirk burned uncontrollably disintegrating the gifts he brought for her, except a single red rose that he had added to the flowers collection ironically due to a comment about his hair from her, the red rose had Slight burns on it and it laid on top of snow covered in ashes.
Five Seconds
Five seconds, If you looked at the window by the door five seconds earlier you'd have seen him.
Noticing a sudden brightness that disappeared outside your friend looked at you questioningly, the light seemed to grab your little girl's attention as she stopped crying becoming fuzzy as she twisted around in your arms reaching her hands up curling her hands in a graby motion, you shushed her as your friend went to check.
Walking outside (F/N) saw the rose and the ashes she realized what might happened, and as she contemplated it she realized that if (Y/N) finds this she'll be broken again, she'll go after him and he won't even let her explain, they'll fight again and he'll abandon her again, seeing her broken for the first time was painful enough, she sighed picking up the rose and tucking it away in her jacket creating a wind draft that blew the ash covered snow away "what is it?" came your voice from being her "is something out there?" you asked looking at her "no... Its nothing" she said closing the door.
Shrugging you went back to calming down your baby "you look so much like your daddy, my sweet little burning flame, my Kouen" you sang to her softly putting her to sleep, she had her dad's hair and eyes, she was stubborn even as a baby, she was born prematurely and heavily underweight, which is why she looks so small for a 6 months old, the doctors told you she might not make it but as you spoke to her daily in the incubator, telling her to fight and live, she kept fighting and you managed to return home with your baby, your reminder of your lover, such an amazing thing you two created, oh how you wished she met her dad, how you wished to see him carry her "you are looking for him aren't you? You're wondering where daddy is, God you'd have been such a daddy's girl" you cried as you talked to her.
If only... If only he rang the bell that day, if only your friend told you what she found then maybe, maybe it'd have gone differently.
By now you had walked to Inferno's agency and went to her office (look ya'll gonna be having some conversations that don't belong in the streets OK? OK)
"So Okaasan?" he asked "hm? Oh right, (H/N) is my mother, what didn't tell him you got a kid... Damn that's cold" "hush "Endeavor San did she tell you about me?" "she didn't" he said looking at you "it didn't come up" you said, "oh OK then... if that's the case allow me to reintroduce myself, the Hell Queen Hero Inferno, daughter of the Demon Hero (H/N), no clue who my dad is tho, never met the guy" she said shrugging, "Inferno, that's enough" Endeavor seemed intrigued "you never met your father?" "nah never, mom says it's complicated" she shrugged, both of them looking at you "what?.. What do you want? I'm not opening this subject again Kou" "Kou?" Endeavor looked at her "ugh dammit woman! The Name's Kouen or Kou-Kun, Kou sounds too soft and childish" she crossed her arms "Kouen, enough" "Kouen? Like flames or prominence" Endeavor asked "hm? Oh yeah like that she wouldn't tell why she named me that either, gotta have to do with my flame quirk" she said emphasizing on it by manipulating her flames, turning it off as well.
"see? I do have hair I just choose to keep it on fire" Endeavor stared at her, now without her flames he can see her more clearly, the red short hair on her head, not a shade different from his own, her sapphire eyes that had the same shine to them, her facial features while feminine yet harsh, resembled his own way too much, the confident posture, the way she talks, somehow.. Somehow his same attitude, "interesting... so if you don't mind me asking how old are you?" he said "oh I'm 28 mom had me at 18.. Kinda irresponsible don't you think?" "irresponsible indeed" he said and she nodded turning her flames back on " yeah, she said she knew my quirk since I was born, good thing she went after my fire quirk not Demon Quirk, as you might know I have a hybrid quirk, her Demon and Flame, would have been weird" she said (Her quirk is a perfect mix, she has the perfect hybrid quirk) "agreed, so (Y/N) care to join the conversation?" Endeavor said looking at you who was standing there silently, you sighed "yeah, going the fire way was the right call" "you guys are on first name? Damn what'd I miss?" she asked "Kouen dear... Care to go over there for a sec? I need to talk to Endeavor about something" you said using your authoritive voice, even tho it was rarely effective "why? What do you wanna talk to him about all of a sudden that's a secret?" "Kouen please.. Now" you asked again "Inferno, care to give us a moment, I have something to ask her too" Endeavor said and she looked at him and sighed "sure thing, I'll be over there, just yell for me when you're done" with that she walked away.
Endeavor looked at you questioningly crossing his arms "so you have a daughter, a flame quirk daughter who's 28?"
You looked at him quietly, guilt and anxiety filling you " yes.... I do" you sighed "and she doesn't have a father, never met him and you never told her who he is" "I didn't want her to go chase him, in case he didn't want her, I didn't know... What he wanted" you sighed looking down, taking a deep breath you looked up at him, instead of anger or anything of the sort you saw patience, and hope "is she..." he asked, not dating to complete the question in fear of disappointment in case if the universe is just that cruel to him "she's your daughter" you said "I was pregnant, that day.... I was going to tell you... But then we had that fight and I just... " you took a deep breath "I didn't know what to do, whether to tell you or not, not like you'd listen to me anyway, you started avoiding me after that" he sighed "I did, God... I can't believe that I... Missed Twenty Eight years of my daughter's life.. Yet again... It was my fault" he said looking to the ground "Enji no... It was both of our fault, we should have listened to each other, we've always been so.... Aggressive and hot headed, we dug our own graves basically I should have told you maybe... "  "I knew" he interrupted you.
"what?" you looked at him, he hung his head down, taking a deep breath he looked at you, regret and pain in his eyes "I went to your house, over year after it all ended, I nearly knocked but then...then I saw you, sitting there with someone next to you, sitting there with an infant in your arms you looked so happy and content, with some other guy, with his child, Cobra's (your work studies Pro) words ringing in my ears, that you're not loyal to me, that you used me and didn't love me."he said looking at you" even... I even went to you that day cursing him and his teachings, his false ideals, cursing what he did to us, you know I found out he fired you? He told me that you quite" he  said "God you're such an idiot you know that?" you sighed then looked at him "I know" he said looking at you "wow he even admits it" you smirked.
"That day... When you saw another guy with me... You didn't really see them right?" you asked he looked at you confused shaking his head "thought so, well that was (F/N) she was staying over to help me take care of your very fuzzy stubborn ass daughter, damn she's stubborn as hell as you can see" "I should have checked, I should have known, I KNEW that you're loyal to me, just I should have asked you" he said, his flames all going out "man you really deserve a slap for all this, or a punch" you sighed shaking your head "you're right, I do, you can go ahead I was a terrible boyfriend, an even worse father to her, and to my other children he said taking a deep breath closing his eyes and opening them again.
"later, not in front of your daughter.. Now why don't you go introduce yourself?" he looked at you shocked "what? You're not mad at me? At all?" "No, I'm not..we've already spent so long mad at each other, look where it got us, let's just throw away all the anger and just... Live, and you're not off the hook yet... your next mission is to go to your daughter and tell her you're her dad, to be fair I do have a lot of the blame, when she was a child she connected the dots, how we were in the same year and how she's basically a copy of you, and the quirk.. God... She didn't even ask she straight up Said 'Endeavor is my dad' and I spent the entire day proving her wrong... So it's not only on you and damn is that kid smart"  you said crossing your arms sighing.
he looked at you in shock "so she knows?" "pretty sure she does, she's just pretending to have bought my lie" "right" looking behind him he looked at her, she was standing at the other end of her office looking at you both intently, waiting for this 'talk' to be over, Endeavor signaled her to come over and she walked to you guys "sooo... That looked deep... This isn't a business talk at all... Looked personal" Kouen said she stood in front of you "no it isn't" you said "Enji?" "more first name basis? Wow" she said looking at him "Inferno... So I don't even know how to say this, and I'm terrible in these things but... Look Me and your mother used to date in high school, we broke up, due to my mistake and.... I'm your father I know I haven't been there for you at all, I don't have the right to ask you to forgive me but I'll try.. I'll try to be the father you imagined me to be a hero that you're proud of- huh" not letting him even finish she hugged him "I've always been proud of you, that's the first thing I told you when we met dammit" she said holding on to him tightly, "you didn't know, when I met you today I knew it's my chance to reveal who I am to you, that's why I told you all that ya know? I ain't that chatty with people" Endeavor stood there not knowing what to do for a second he was shocked, but slowly he wrapped his arms around her, pulling you close as well the three of you stood there just holding each other.
The heavens are done punishing him, the heavens are done punishing you, apparently now... Now you can be together, even if it's a bit complicated.
Kouen met Shoto and apparently they both bonded, in some weird way, Natsou and Fuyumi as well "well we lived in the same house as him yet we didn't see him so there isn't a difference between us at all" Natsou scoffed "Natsou that's not appropriate! Come on" Fuyumi said "it's OK, Fuyu don't worry about it" Kouen said "he's stating his opinion" they all talked for a while before Kouen had to excuse herself "sorry guys I have to go, I have a meeting with Hawks and Dad in Kyushu, you guys are going to your mom right? Want me to drop you off?" she asked "no it's OK we got it" Natsou said "You don't wanna be late for meeting up with Hawks right Ne-chan?" Fuyumi teased making the older girl go red "O...Oi shut it... I'm going to meet dad not that fried chicken" he flames turning on Fuyumi giggled as Natsou wiggled his eyebrows "ah huh right right, more like a hot fried chicken" Natsou said "JUST GO ALREADY YOU TWO" she yelled making them laugh at her while she marched away from them using her flames she propelled herself forward flying to Kyushu (ya know like FIRESTORM in Flash and Legends).
The attack goes the same with addition to Inferno helping in slowing down high-end when Endeavor was temporarily down, put getting tossed onto buildings as well, and her helping with the flying up cause she's fire proof unlike Hawk's feathers, she separates right before he turns hood into a mini sun, in her fall she notices Dabi in the distance, yet when She lands she ig ores it to make sure dad is fine first, cries tears of joy when he's standing, goes to him and is ready to smack a hoe whne Dabi shows, he isn't fazed until Miruko shows up like what happened in the Manga.
A couple weeks after, Endeavor leaves the hospital, While Kouen didn't have the same injuries as him she got a pretty bad hit which endangered her life, the heavens decided to be merciful again and let her live and walk out there with HIM "you know, mom is going to kill us right?" Kouen said, Endeavor shook his head "that's what I'm dreading" he sighed making her laugh at him as they both went home, Endeavor still lived at his house but he'd come to their house from time to time, now he went their cause (Y/N) said she'll take care of her two heroes "after she kicks their asses she means" Endeavor muttered as they reached the house, as they got in (Y/N) told them to rest, not five seconds later they both had to dodge the chancla (lmao) "dammit woman!" they both said simultaneously "nuh uh, you two don't get to sync on me! And you two don't get to get THAT injured on me" smacking both their heads hard she returned to making the food as they complained about her hitting injured people.
You sighed making them their dinner, normal homemade ramen for Enji, a death penalty of spicy ramen to Kouen, you smiled softly hearing them talking about how she's too rough on two injured heroes in the line of duty, sighing your thoughts drifted to his other kids and his wife, yes you knew their story, yes you knew what happened but you couldn't help but feel you're stealing him from his wife somehow, like you're the bad person, but yet again what happened to you two wasn't fair, the cruelty of the universe stole him from you so you shall steal him back, you're fighting a war, a war with destiny, and you shall win, it's fair right? Yeah it is, you grinned its all fair when it comes to love "it's all fair in love and war my love~".
After dinner was served you guys just rested all day, with them both asking you for stuff "I swear to God you two sound like whining 5 year Olds" you said getting them another thing, five minutes later they were about to ask you something "next one who asks for something ridiculous I'll break another bone of yours!" you threatened shutting them both.
"love you" both of them said and smirked at you
"fine what do you want?" dammit.
The window opened as the mysterious figure climbed in through with ease, looking at the peacefully sleeping woman, with hatred, she looked so beautiful, so perfect, so disgusting!
The figure grabbed the woman with ease covering her mouth, as she struggled she couldn't break free, she couldn't move, they were so strong, everybody peacefully asleep, unaware of the horror that's happening, looking at her attacker her eyes widened, she was in shock, her attacker smirked, the white haired woman tried to scream but she couldn't, the gloved hand that covered her mouth wouldn't let up "hello Rei-San" said the (h/c) woman with a sickeningly sweet smile, "you might be wondering why am I here... Well... Let's just say this... After so many years... I've been reunited with the love of my life and I won't let anybody get in my way... You are an obstacle, unfortunately for you... I'll have to get rid of you" you sang as you knocked over the base that held the beautiful withering flower "what a shame.... You were also doing so great... But you had a sudden psyche break.... And you decided to... End it all... End the pain" you sang sweetly, using your quirk to control her, her struggling stopped as she got up quietly, tearing down object after object, throwing around such precious letters that she had, pulling her hair, scratching her self, she looked down grabbing the broken shards of glass, she looked at you with hopeful puppy eyes, too sweet innocent, with such fear behind them, begging you to let her go, you nodded go ahead and she smiled "yes Master" she said in a sweet obedient voice, looking back down her hands, she brought the glass to her wrists and started cutting, cut after cut after cut till her arm was covered in cuts, then her other arm as tears slipped passed her fearful yet giddy eyes, her white clothes were covered in beautiful crimson color, her legs were next, looking at you again "come on baby.. Don't be afraid, it'll feel good I promise~" she smiled again, grabbing the pen from the floor she held it tightly in her hand making a string fist, pushing it full force she stabbed her eye, pulling it out she looked at you "master" "it's OK baby go ahead~" you smiled in approval, with a grin she aimed the pen again "thank you Master" she said in her cute obedient voice sending the pen through her other eye, pulling it out she dropped it to the floor "Master?" "I'm here. My sweet pet.... Now sit there like a God dog" "Hai" "dogs don't talk.. Hmm... Oh I know... We can just.." Raising her hand with the glass she stuck her tongue out, pushing the piece of glass through she cut through it till it was off, vocal cords next, somehow knowing where to cut exactly, reaching the glass she started cutting through them, choking on her blood and beading out, she sat there obediently, as blood and tears fell from her eyes, "good girl... Now.. Die" she sat there for a couple more seconds then dropped dead, drowned in her blood and having bled out, as the crimson surrounded her, you almost felt jealous " don't worry my little puppy, you can keep (F/N) company in hell hehehe~"
Going out the window like you came in, leaving no trace at all of your existence you smiled as you looked at the moon "my beloved is mine now... And mine alone"
You were sitting in the living room watching the news, this being your day off, you looked up at Enji and smiled "hey my love, come join me" he smiled at you, drying his hair having just came out of the shower, he only had pants on, as you admired his strong muscles he sat next to you, giving you a sweet kiss unlike the passionate ones you usually shared "you looked at him and smiled "what? You seem to be in a very good mood today did something happen?" "it's nothing" Enji answered looking away "I just... I'm happy... I got you back my Persephone" he said making you giggle "my beloved Hades, I'll always come back for you" cuddling closer together you decided to find a movie or something to watch.
You both just sat there, watching movies, and messing around... Doing some adult Tango, you were both just relaxing when Enji's phone rang, you both ignored it for a while but then he looked at it due to the persistence of the caller, looking at it he saw Shoto's number he answered "SHOOTOOOO" you put your hand on your mouth to cover your laugh "what is it?" "come to mom's hospital quick" came Shoto's panicked voice "what?.. Why what's going on?" "I don't know, I came to visit her but they won't let me in, there are police cars around, they're saying I shouldn't go in there" "OK... Calm down... I'm on my way" hanging up he got up to get dressed, you looked at Enji "what is it?" "I don't know, Shoto called from the hospital there's something wrong" he said sighing "SHOTO'S AT THE HOSPITAL? Is he hurt? Is one of kids? Was it another villain attack?" you panicked, he smiled, God he loved how you worried about these little kids it made his heart flutter, then shook his head "no they're OK, they're at Rei's hospital, he said they won't let him in and there's police cars around" you looked at him shocked "shit... Is Rei OK?" you asked "I don't know that's what I'll have to figure out" he then looked at you weird "wait... Did you just ask if Rei is OK? And with such concern?" you huffed "we're actually friends just so you know" you crossed your arms "is that so"he said watching you get dressed" yes, we talk a lot.. I go there when I have time... I'm coming with, I wanna make sure Rei is alright" "alright then hurry up" you glared at him as you quickly got dressed "well excuse me my suit isn't as easy as yours" soon you both left for the hospital, one unaware of what awaits at their destination, the other playing her act very well.
Arriving at the hospital the three kids were standing there anxiously as the fourth was trying to calm them down "guys, come on it may just be because of the recent villain attacks and all that" Kouen tried calming them down, the second you two walked in they all ran up to you "Oyaji make them tell us what's going on in here?" Shoto started immediately " I got this, calm down, where is the person in charge here?" walking up to Rei's doctor after spotting him "what's going on here?" he asked him "what's with the police and preventing the kids from going in?" the Doctor looked at them with a sad and devastated look, "sir, there was.... Something happened yesterday, during the night, we're not sure what may have triggered her but-" the Doctor was evading, getting impatient Natsou stormed past the guards taking them by surprise unable to stop him, like a domino effect, he was immediately followed by his siblings, and Enji and you, reaching the room first taking a look inside " Okasa- huh?" he froze, a look of terror in his eyes, "Natsou what's wrong?" Shoto reaching him second he looked inside and like his brother he froze, Kouen was next seeing the scene before her she was shocked, snapping out of her trance just in time to pull Fuyumi's fave into her chest to stop her from seeing, but she got a glimpse, and it was enough to throw her into tears "w... Wait.. What.. What was that? O... Okasan?..what" as Kouen hid her sister's face both you and Enji stared in shock at the scene before you, the scene seemed to be out of a horror movie, a nightmare the the silence was deafening, till a scream of pain erupted from Natsou, followed by Shoto, and Fuyumi, your tears just falling silently "Rei... What the hell" you looked at the doctor grabbing him by the collar "what the hell happened here!" you glared at him, it wasn't a question, it was a a demand for and answer "she... She did that" he fearfully admitted "what?" "the hell are you talking about?" as he now got attacked by the questions of everybody each yelling and screaming and demanding answers "I don't know... We found her like that in the morning, she seemed to have some sort of psyche attack, it's undetectable, it happens to a lot of people from different ages, and lives and jobs, she destroyed everything around her then did this" he fearfully let out "destroyed everything? That must have made a lot of noise, why did nobody check on her?" Endeavor asked glaring at him "I don't know, I wasn't here at night" "then who was" Inferno asked glaring at him "I don't know.. I don't know" "there isn't a single drop of blood in some of the scattered things, the ones further away from her, the destruction was done before she bled, meaning if you Checked the commotion you'd have caught her before she did anything" Inferno stated, while that increased the chaos, it wouldn't change anything, she's gone.
At the funeral, a lot of tears were shed, a lot of pain and anguish, a lot of perfect acting, a lot of comfort for the hurting friend, that lost her new friend, a lot of comfort from her beloved.
If only, if only on that day (F/N) told you what she found, then Rei would have lived, then these kids would have been yours, if only she spoke, then she wouldn't have been in hell with Rei.
"(Y/N)... Come on stop..." your friend struggled, "then tell me, what're you hiding" you said, holding her tightly "I'm not hiding anything" she said struggling to get away, your quirk was way more superior to her air manipulation, she could only manipulate small portions, while your demon quirk did a lot, "yes you are" you said, using your quirk you put her in a trance, "confess" "It was my fault the dog got out, I left the door open" "dumb bitch, Kouen will kill you" "yeah, but I'm more scared of you, you'll kill me of you find out" you narrowed your eyes at her "if I find out what?" "that I didn't tell you... About Todoroki" you looked at her now curious and angry "what about him? (F/N)" fear filled her eyes "that he he came here" "WHAT?" you see in shock "the hell did you do? Why did you never tell me?" "because he left, he saw you with Kouen, he saw you with the baby, I think he thought it isn't his and that you moved on so he left, when I went out to check that flare of light, I found ashes, all over the snow, I found a single half burned red rose, so I hid it it, I hid it all, I knew you'll run after him, I knew you'll fight and that he'll break your heart again I couldn't" she said crying, you looked at her with anger and hate "so he came here! Before he moved on, before he married and you didn't tell me, that's why he started avoiding me so much, he thinks I moved on from him, now he's married, and has two kids, my chance is gone.. Because of YOU" you yelled in anger releasing your control "please I was just trying to help-" "silence!.... 7 years! 7 years I could have had him! 7 years we would have lived together! And for more years to come! You're a fucking whore! What were you jealous of me? For having a lover? While nobody even looked at you?" you yelled "that isn't it! I was just" "just what? Worried about me? I've always fought with him, that's how we always have been, you tried using your brain, that's the problem (F/N) you're a stupid bitch who ruined everything!" your friend cried "I just tried to help" she got up to leave but froze, your control on her again "now where do you think you're going?" you looked at her smiling maniacally "we're not done here"... 5 months.... 5 months you tortured her, 5 months for the 7 years she took away from you, you would have went longer, but she was too weak, and died.
If only
If only, you didn't try to play the hero, General studies trash 'if only you trusted my strength and told me what happened... Then we wouldn't have gone through that'
Everybody went home that day, depressed, questioning what happened to her all of a sudden, the havens are really cruel huh... They had to take such a delicate loving woman in such a cruel way, as each one of them ran to their lovers for comfort, one woman was in no need of comfort, for she was a demon in human disques.
This is after the Endeavor hero agency arc, after the Ending attack.
Man you felt tired, it's like you were frozen but it was quit the opposite, you layed on the ground coughing as blue flames surrounded you "how sad... Hero" you heard the teasing voice of Dabi "you really are weak.... Don't deserve your rank at all" he said pinning you down sitting on top of you to prevent your movements, "look at you.. So pathetic" "if you're gonna kill me then do it already, a hundred other heroes will take my place, and bring you down" you grunted and coughed out blood, Dabi looked at you shocked for a second then laughed maniacally "man that is good... That is good (H/N) they usually, beg for their lives by now.. But no actually, I'm not doing this to stop the heroes.. I'm doing this to hurt him" he grinned you looked at him shocked "what?" "well killing you will hurt Endeavor badly, I'd have gone after the one that looks like him but it's harder to fight fire with fire I have other plans for her anyway I need her alive for them.... oh? Don't tell me you don't know? Well I'll explain to you, before you die you have the right to know anyway.... " ya'll insert his reveal and the message that was broadcasted by the hacker guy it's too long to type and this is too long already.
" so... As you can see here... Dear beloved woman of my father killing you will hurt him, and her, her flames of revenge will burn bright, as she tries to kill her mother's killer, would she have the heart to kill her dear brother? Would dear dad let her? Would he stop her? Or would he join her? Would his perfect creation Shoto take his brother's side? Or would he take the side of a half sister he just knew and a father that he despises, what about Natsou... And Fuyumi too... Oh and Okasan you know it's wormg to try and steal a married man? Well I'm not one to judge...hahaha.. A lot of possibilities here, too sad you won't live to see them" as he spoke he started burning, stronger and stronger, by the time he was done it was excruciating, "you're... wrong" you coughed "huh?" "you're wrong Touya" you smiled at him, a maniacal smile rivaling his own, paralyzing him... "What the hell is wrong with that woman? She's insane" "you made a big mistake Touya~" you sang his name, he froze 'the hell?' "what the hell are you talking about? Why aren't you screaming in pain? Why aren't you dying!" "hahaha hahaha the thing is... You just threatened my darling, and I just..... Can't let you live to do any of that haha haha" you laughed pushed him off, fear crawled up his back, paralyzing him, as you walked closer to him, the flames burning your flesh you just grinned at him "wh... What are you!" "me?... I'm the demon dero my dear... What exactly did you think demon hero meant?" he leaned down towards him "those who fought me, and were worthy, got to see it, my other form" you laughed looking at the scared Dabi "don't worry it's not that baad~ my beloved Enji saw it before, he said it's not scary" you grinned as your form shifted, into a much taller creature, it was covered in shadows, eyes glowing red, sharp massive teeth glowing "demons are made of fire Touya~ we don't burn in fire, we strive in it, we crave it!"
Dabi stared at the demon in fear as the demon reached its claws for him, just before he was grabbed, a portal opened suclimg him in, the demon screamed in anger, losing its Prey, its OK.. However... It'll get its chance again someday.
After All
All Is Fair In Love And War
"...... After All Touya is such a beautiful name~" Dabi or Touya sang as he danced on top of Machia "come dance with your son in hell Endeavor"
"... I really enjoyed what I did to Hawks actually... It was very satisfying"
Meanwhile the broadcast explained everything, including the illegitimate child of Endeavor, and the scandal with Endeavor and (H/N)
As Enji just froze, and Shoto fought, Kouen was torn between her revenge and her brother, her family... They wouldn't want her to kill Touya.
As the battle progressed she made up her mind, she'll get revenge, for Her lover, he hurt Hawks, he destroyed his quirk, he tarnished his image, he nearly killed him, he put him in pain and suffering.
It wasn't fair, what happened to him, but she'll fix it. She'll kill Dabi for him.
After All
All Is Fair In Love And War.
(I don't specify a gem as you can choose your fave as I prefer rubies due to their intense red color... With a black band instead of silver.. Introducimg my dream ring lmao... Also in Japan proposals aren't the same as in US and other similar countries but this was a more obvious way of showing the events)
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luccislegs · 4 years
The goddess of writing for polyamory can we please be blessed with All Might/Reader/Aizawa where reader and Aizawa still have their hero jobs so they often go on patrol together, but one night they come home to find All Might feeling down because he’s no longer able to do heroics anymore? The two of them decide to do something to cheer him up and make it up to him, it can be fluff or nsfw! I’m lof u :sadcat:
@jinxxyminxxy here you are even tho i know this mostly for me, and i appreciate it 🥺 i was on a really soft, insecure, needed comfort all might kick when i wrote these so fite me if u don’t like it 😤 i was gonna try and do smut but i just,,,wasn’t feelin’ it idk. this is also 2k words oops
You and Aizawa both know that it’s hard on Toshi, watching the two of you carry on with your hero duties while he’s stuck at school teaching or at home watching the news for any hint of you. No matter how many times you’ve told him that you like having him home at night, ready with a meal after a long day, he still feels like a burden.
Or that’s what he tells you, anyway. You’re both sure it’s true, but you know deep down that it’s more than that. There are feelings of insecurity, self loathing, and worthlessness stewing below there, but All Might won’t spill them no matter how gently you coax. So the best you and Aizawa can do is support him where you can, reminding him that you’re there for him.
On that particular night, you and Aizawa are out far later than normal. Having had no time to even shoot Toshinori a quick text letting you know you would be late, the two of you completely forget amidst the chaos and destruction the villain is causing. By the time everything is over, it’s 3 hours past when your patrol was supposed to be over and the two of you are bone tired.
Ignoring the swarming news helicopters, reporters, and adoring fans and rescued victims wanting to thank you for saving them, the two of you duck away, letting other heroes take the spotlight so that you can rush home. Now that the adrenaline has worn off, you’re both in hurry to get back to Toshi, to reassure him you’re alright and also maybe get something to eat.
It was probably the not knowing, or maybe it was just his norm when you and Aizawa aren’t home, but when the two of you stumble into the house, Toshi is slumped over the table with his head in his hands. Judging by the ragged breathing and the unkempt, tussled spots in his hair, something was wrong.
“Toshi, what is it?” you ask, rushing to his side. Aizawa follows at a slower pace, settling down on his other side and threading his fingers through All Might’s disheveled blond locks.
Toshi freezes as he realizes he’s been caught. It was something he was ashamed of, the jealousy he feels that the two of you can carry on as if nothing is wrong-- which is an unfair thought. He knows you worry for him, knows he’s being irrational, and it’s one of the reasons he hides his feelings. He doesn’t want to drag either of you down with him.
“W-Welcome home,” he murmurs, pulling his hands from his face. Taking either of yours in his, he forces a smile to his face. “How was your patrol? You’re running awfully late.”
You share a worried, critical look with Shouta, who’s giving you his own before nodding sharply. “We’re sorry we couldn’t let you know. I don’t know if you’ve seen the news, but things got very out of hand tonight.”
Aizawa picked up where you left off, squeezing Toshi’s thin fingers in his. “But don’t try to distract us. This has been going on far too long. You need to talk to us.”
You wince at his blunt, straightforward statement. He wasn’t known for his tactfulness (unless it was directed at kids, and even then...) but you wished just this once he could be a bit softer. But you were there, as ever, to pick up his slack. “Honey, you can’t keep doing this to yourself. We’re a team and we’re here for you. Talk to us, please.”
Toshi sighed then, slipping his hands from yours. They folded in his lap and he stared at his knees for several long moments. He was grateful that you were home, and deep down there was relief that his hand was being forced. There was one fear that was greater than all the others, and that was his fear of losing the two of you. Whether you realized it or not, you and Aizawa were his anchors, the only thing keeping him from drowning in his own self-pity. 
But that didn’t make it any easier on him, finding the words to explain how he felt. It was years of stewing and pushing these feelings down, only letting himself fall victim to them when he knew he was alone. Putting them into words wasn’t something he’d ever really considered doing.
“It’s got to do with us being heroes still, doesn’t it, Toshi?” Aizawa asked at last. He was always the most perceptive of the three of you, and both you and Toshi were grateful for it now. 
It gave him a place to start, and he nodded. “W-Well, sort of. It’s-- You know how I felt about retiring. It was necessary but…”
“But you didn’t want to. We know, Toshi,” you said. You wanted to reassure him, but felt like it wasn’t the right time. Right now, he just needed prompting to vent. Reassurance would only cause him to shut down.
“Right. I don’t like just sitting at home while the two of you go out on dangerous patrols. It makes me feel so worthless.” The last part was murmured, and you could hear the shame in his voice. “I know that isn’t fair to the two of you, so I didn’t say anything.”
You shifted, situating yourself as comfortably as you could besides him, with his knees tucked under the table and your hero costume digging and chafing after wearing it for so long. Covering the hand you were already holding with your other one, you leaned forward, pressing your forehead to his cheek.
On his other side, Aizawa sighed, giving Toshi a fond, exasperated look. “You fool. You aren’t worthless just because you can’t do this anymore. You did it for damn near thirty years. Probably more, given how stubborn you are.”
You nodded, the motion awkward against his cheek, and Toshi leaned into you a little. “You gave everyone so much. A Symbol of Peace. Years of peace and security. Your health, almost your life. Toshi, how could you be worthless?”
Before either men could react, you had thrown yourself at Toshi, knocking him into Aizawa, who was just quick enough to brace himself for the impact. You giggled from atop them at Toshi’s stunned look and Aizawa’s half-hearted scowl. While you were nuzzling into Toshi’s neck, you felt Aizawa’s arms come around the two of you, though he could only reach so far.
“I know you say that but how...how could you like me-- like this?” Toshi asked, staring blankly up at the ceiling. This was another deep rooted insecurity that he had been avoiding. Most of the time the thoughts were drowned out by your constant presences and actions, reassuring him that you weren’t there for show. But then the two of you would kiss him goodbye and head off together, leaving him alone at home and they would rear their ugly heads. And when neither of you had bothered to let him know you would be home late...
His fingers were threaded between Aizawa’s on your sides, squeezing so tight that Aizawa was sure he would lose feeling in them shortly. But he squeezed back nonetheless, telling him he wasn’t going anywhere. “Like what? Like a man who’s given his all for a country? Like a man who’s literally given his health for millions of strangers who don’t even know what he’s done? Like what, All Might?”
Toshi flinched at Aizawa’s use of his hero name. It was like there was a disconnect there now. He was still All Might, but he no longer felt like he deserved to be All Might. “Like a walking skeleton ready to keel over at any moment.”
Neither of you missed the slight tensing and quick relax in his body, and you sat up, pulling Toshi with you. For as strong as Aizawa was, you knew it couldn’t be comfortable with 200+ pounds of weight laying on him.
Aizawa situated Toshi between his legs, resting his head on the older man’s shoulder while you straddled his legs, cupping his face in your hands. “Well first off, you’re our skeleton, and don’t you forget it.”
That got a chuckle out of both of them, Aizawa covering his face with his hand in exasperation. “You’re ridiculous, _____.”
Sticking your tongue out at him, you continued. “Second, Aizawa said it already. You are someone who’s given everything for everyone. We couldn’t be more proud to be with you, to call you ours. Lastly and most importantly--”
“You are All Might. You *earned* that title and you shouldn’t let anyone take it from you--”
“Least of all yourself, Toshi. You shouldn’t sell yourself so short. You worked so hard to build your name and your reputation--”
“And the fact that you think you don’t deserve it now is insulting to everything you’ve done in his name.”
In the silence that followed, you could have heard a pin drop. From the deep shadows of his eyes, tears began to fall. You wiped them away as quickly as you could, and when Aizawa realized what was going on, he pressed his lips to Toshi’s neck, squeezing his middle tighter.
“We aren’t going anywhere, Toshinori. I hope you don’t forget that again,” Aizawa drawled against his skin. He could feel the prominent scar underneath his partner’s shirt, a symbol of pain and all that Toshi had fought for, given up, and lost over the last several years. His hand slid up, pushing Toshi’s shirt up and ran his fingers over the twisted flesh, causing him to jump.
“We couldn’t be happier. Maybe you can’t support us from the field, but do you know how much it means to us to come home to you? It’s like a breath of fresh air after a patrol, seeing your face. Even if he won’t admit it, we both feel as much. We love you, Toshi. Please don’t forget that,” you murmured, pressing a tender kiss to his lips.
Aizawa followed your sentiment, trailing languid kisses up the side of Toshi’s neck, ending just beneath his ear. “And if we have to, we will show you just how much we mean it, won’t we, _____?”
The smirk you gave Toshi was devilish and almost criminal. “Is that what you need? Do we need to show you how much you mean to us, All Might?”
Aizawa could feel him gulp under his lips, his fingers tightening on your thighs as he struggled to come to terms with this new arousal and his still jumbled feelings. At last, he sighed, giving you a soft kiss and laying his hand across Aizawa’s, the one still covering his scar like he was protecting it.
“Not tonight. Tonight I think I just want...to watch movies. Is that okay?” he asked, giving you a tired smile. His eyes fluttered closed as your lips covered his, jumping at the slight nip on his neck from Aizawa.
“Whatever you want, sunshine. Let us get changed out of these costumes, okay?” you said, standing up and helping your partners to their feet. You knew Aizawa’s costume was a lot more comfortable than yours, but even he had his limits. 
“I’ll heat up dinner again,” Toshi said, half-stumbling towards the kitchen. The two of you smiled, laughing under your breaths at how easily the man was flustered by your affections. 
In the bedroom, as you got undressed, you had a dawning realization. Half-clothed, you pulled Aizawa to you, enjoying the feel of his warm skin on yours. He was surprised by the intense kiss you bestowed him, letting his hands settle on your hips. Pulling back, you gave him a serious look. “You know I love you too, right?” 
Aizawa laughed, looking a little concerned. “Yes, kitten. And I love you. Is everything alright?”
You shrugged, drawing small patterns on his chest. “Yeah, everything’s fine. I just felt like saying it.”
In a moment, you were crushed to his chest, his fingers wound in your hair and his breath raspy in your ear, and you knew he understood your sentiment. The door creaked open mid-hug, and Toshi watched the display with a shy, hopeful look. Laughing at his timid behavior, which you figured wasn’t ever going to change, you both opened your arm to him, ending up in a smushed, awkward threeway hug.
He towered over both of you, hiding his face in the top of Aizawa’s head, who in turn was resting his on top of yours. Your head was directly over his heart, listening to it stutter at a fast and uneven pace, and you felt a flood of adoration all over again for the two men. 
They were yours and you would never let them forget it and the warmth in their gazes when you pulled away told you all you needed to know about how they felt.
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Gift - Zawavember 2019
Day 24 of @zawavember ! One more to go and I will have this challenge through! There’s still the Halloween and Christmas challenge though, so keep curious for those two (; Did you know that in Bavaria doesn’t celebrate Christmas on the 25th but on the 24th? We also think an angel called the “Christkindl” brings present, crazy huh. I think we have it from Austria, not sure tho.
Characters: Aizawa Shouta, Reader Genre: Fluff
"Can you pass the carrots?" you asked sweetly, Shouta halting his action and browsing over the vegetables laid out on his side. With searching fingers and a thoughtful hum, he picked out the orange from beneath all the green, handing it over his own cutting board to you, putting them right where you needed them. "Thanks," you chuckled.
There was some sort of serenity in the air that you couldn't quite pinpoint. Maybe it was because he was home for Christmas, maybe the fact he was standing in the kitchen with you and preparing the dinner together. He was quick, yet cautiously slicing up vegetables, not even close to your handiness, but he did a decent job of what you told him to do.
Not many words stood between you two, the TV in the close-by living room running some merry Christmas-program in the background. You had decided against watching the news, knowing there would always be reports of villain attacks. Just for this one, special-occasion-Christmas, you did not want to hear it. You just wanted some quality time with your hard-to-get-a-grip on boyfriend, like you had imagined it years before already.
And so did he.
Cutting vegetables wasn't art, at least, not to Shouta. But it also gave his mind a break from the usual logical ruses, to just think about - even if it was stupid - if bell peppers really tasted differently when the colors varied. A small nip at the different colored stripes he had on his board made him figure that out quickly, giving him a sense of accomplishment.
A little bit, he felt bad for not holding up a conversation for you. All day long, he wondered about a million things, like: Had you eaten already? How's your work? Was there something you wanted as a gift? Could he bring anything from the convenience store?
But now, that he was standing right next to you, all these questions seemed to take a pass on his mind, leaving him empty-headed and unable to do any small talk. However, he was glad when he noticed that you didn't need the conversation either as you started to hum along to some American Christmas song on the TV. And he let out a sigh, feeling some more of his usual tension fall off with the knowledge that you were content as it was.
The hums quickly shifted to singing the notes out loud, until you caught up to the refrain, piecing the words together and singing them along. Maybe other people wouldn't have put you on a stage and - lo and behold - you yourself probably wouldn't have wanted to become a singer either, but that didn't mean you couldn't sing well. Out of fairness, Shouta had to admit he might not have been a good critic either. Still, from what he could hear, you hit your notes fairly well, and your body shook a little to the beat, bumping into his hips at an especially high note.
Starting to giggle, it quickly turned into a laugh before you muttered, "Sorry, sorry," in between the chuckles. Patting his arm softly, you went back to your carrots while also picking up the next song's lyrics slowly but surely. Shouta couldn't help but have a small smile graze over his lips now too, not minding your butt-bump at all, yet, being caught in your good mood.
He waited for you to finish up a carrot before he reciprocates the favor, bumping his hip into your side, too, and causing you to giggle even more. "That's not fair! You didn't apologize!" you complained, but the smile gave it away that it wasn't something you minded at all. "Oh, yes, sorry," he grinned, leaning forward to kiss you.
However, before it even came to intimacy, you felt the wetness and taste of carrots against your lips, getting a piece of it shoved right against your waiting lips. "Rude," you mumbled - a little disappointed - and bit the piece right out of his hands. By now, he couldn't help but laugh too, shaking his head.
"Sorry, sorry," he chuckled, imitating your apology before while you puckered your lips expectantly. Stretching into his direction, you waited for him to act, even though Shouta took his sweet time cutting up half of a bell pepper before finally leaning in. Settling back into your position, you sighed, satisfied, getting back to your carrots.
"That's fun," you noted, and he rose an eyebrow instead of questioning it directly. "Cooking together," you kept on explaining, and he nodded, humming in agreement. So much, he had to agree with you. Not because you two got to cook together, or joke around.
Just because it was the greatest gift for him this Christmas, too, to be with you on that evening.
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cats-n-lightning · 5 years
If you're taking headcannon requests, can we get some Shinkami soulmate AU headcannons, where once Kaminari realizes his soulmate is Shinsou, he's like "Am I bi?"
you… YOU sir are a visionary. 100% use of galaxy grain here and i love this. 
dude thought he was straight his whole life right? he always flirted with girls, tried talking to them as much as he could, slip plentiful compliments in there, dated a few even though they werent his soulmate
then came the 1A/1B training exercise and the universe completely flipped the table on him
it was a shock for the both of them at first but they had to get through the exercise first because if they let this get in the way everyone would be pissed. mostly aizawa but they still didnt want to lose.
they probably didnt get the chance to talk a bit after that, not knowing how to contact each other outside of lunch and the few walk bys they have in the halls. as well as the initial shock that came to both of them.
shinsou probably didnt even think he’d have a soulmate and kami, of course, thought he was straight and was just waiting for the day he’d finally run into his lovely female soulmate. doesnt mean shinsou was less lovely tho.
kaminari probably talked abt it to his friends first chance he got despite the fact they all had a shit ton of homework tHIS WAS AN EMERGENCY YOU HAVE NO FUCKING CHOICE
mina: ooh tea 👀?kami: THE HOTTEST
so kami talks abt it, how his soulmate is a guy and its shinsou and this might mean hes bi and he doesnt know how to feel about it
ofcourse his friends are supportive and are like “take your time!” “im sure he’ll understand if youre still confused” “its okay dude being bi is totally rad” and all that because sexuality is hella confusing and hard to take in upon discovering (i mean, it was for me).
honestly i bet he cries because he wasnt really told or like, confirmed? that this was okay. hes seen his fair share of homophobia in his tme tho it never really sat good with him because its awful.
kaminari probably avoids shinsou like the plague and his friends are like “dude just go talk to him you can figure it out together”
theres also parts where hes just stunned abt what he hasnt noticed before about shinsou. his hair looks so soft, what does he do to make his skin so clear?, those eyebags make him scary but like really fucking cool badass scary and his those arms.. toned after months of practice. dont forget that nice triangle back (ik im a sucker for them too).
either shinsou suffers in silence about the whole thing, keeping it to himself and thinking about what this means for him and how this might go if either of them were to make a move. or he goes to monoma because i bet monoma wont leave him the fuck alone after the training.
monoma’s all excited and about to tell people but shinsou is like dONT U FUCKING DARE. monoma’s an asshole but not that much of an asshole right? maybe.
but monoma encourages to talk to him whenever possible (even tho he does mention the fact that kaminari is avoiding him)
he should tho bc its gonna end up worse wondering and pondering than acting on it. they barely had any kind of relationship before then so what does he have to lose?
shinsou’s still anxious about it but monoma probably ends up shoving him into kaminari and shinsou decides to bring it up and they talk it out
theyre honest with each other because this is a big thing
they end up with a lets see how things go and decide on a study date or something to start out small and not all romantic because they barely even know each other. i mean thats what dates are for but theyre both babies so let them take everything slow and easy
honestly this could make a really nice fic, i already have an outline i suppose so like!! if someone wants to go at it then like. please. lmao. thank you for sending me this this was really fun to type out and figure out a story along the way!! and sorry for taking so long to get to this. i hope you have a wonderful day!
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stardustryewriting · 3 years
A Learning Process (5)
AO3: here
Part 1 2 3 4
Solitary Learning
The first thing on Bakugou’s agenda should be to find out if Kirishima even liked guys. And since he didn’t have an agenda, he wouldn’t bother to find out. Even if did catch some stupid, warm, fuzzy, cozy feelings, that didn’t mean he would indulge them. They were only in the way, in his way, to become the number one hero. And he didn’t need any more path blockers.
And even if he thought about indulging them - which he didn’t, never, not even for a split second - that wouldn’t mean it led him to anything. Because the one thing no one could guarantee was if Kirishima even liked guys like that.
Bakugou had been friends with Kirishima since the sports festival, when that stupid, optimistic, sunshine-smile idiot insisted on forming a team with him, and Kirishima never said anything about liking anyone. Maybe he, like Bakugou himself, was determined to not get sidetracked by something as trivial as feelings. Or maybe, none of the girls were interesting to him. Or maybe, even if he was into guys, he was into another type of guys.
The possibilities were near endless. Bakugou decided not to dwell on it. 
So, he did the logical thing and avoided Kirishima at all costs. Not because he didn’t know how to deal with his feelings (he didn’t, but that wasn’t the point), but because every time he saw Kirishima, the idiot was trying to get him to talk about what bothers him. And that was the one thing Bakugou was currently trying to forget. 
He wasn’t even really avoiding Kirishima, he was just avoiding being alone with Kirishima, because as soon as at least one other friend of theirs was present, Kirishima suddenly didn’t have an urge to talk about feelings anymore. So Bakugou had been more social in the past week, than he ever had been in his life. 
Unfortunately, it led him to where he was now. Which was the common room, on a Friday night, sitting around the TV with what Kaminari had called the Bakusquad. He immediately took the name back, when Bakugou glared daggers at him, but the others had heard, so the damage was done. Also, since when was Jirou a part of their squad? (Bakugou would deny to his dying day, that there was a ‘squad’). 
Even worse, Mina had picked out the movie, because apparently it was her turn - and he couldn’t help but silently agree with Kaminari and Sero that there never had been ‘turns’ - so they were stuck watching some romance movie. Which proved that life was just a joke at his expense, really. Also, Mina ignored most of the movie in favor of making ‘girls talk’ (read: talking about boys) with Jirou, which didn’t even really work because Jirou was a lesbian. 
The only thing keeping Bakugou from running away was the certainty that Kirishima would be on his heels. And then, he’d have to talk.
“If Aizawa were our age, I’d go for it”, Mina said, completely unprompted to an entirely disinterested Jirou and Bakugou was about to tell her how much he doesn’t care, but Kirishima was faster. Bakugou almost suffered a heart attack.
“Yeah, me too.”
That was a whole lot of information Bakugou had to unpack. So much information, in fact, that he completely forgot to snap at Mina for starting that conversation. Me too? What did he mean Me too? Did he find a guy objectively attractive? Would he have phrased it like that, if it were objective? Who even found Aizawa of all people attractive?
He felt his head swimming, the gears turning and his thoughts going into overdrive. No matter how you looked at it, Kirishima just admitted to liking guys. He just turned Bakugou’s entire assessment about his feelings not mattering on its head by saying three simple words. Yeah, me too never felt like such a slap to his face. He loathed how easy it was to catch him off-guard these days. 
“Dude what?”, Kaminari exclaimed, sounding like he was caught off guard, too. To be fair, he probably was. Bakugou certainly wasn’t expecting any of them to come out of the closet that night and neither were the others, if their shocked expressions and silent stares at Kirishima were anything to go by.
“Yeah”, Kirishima said, raising one hand to the back of his head and started rubbing, a gesture Bakugou knew meant he was nervous, “I always liked guys. I was a bit nervous to tell you, but since Midoriya and Todoroki came out and all of you took it so well, I guess it doesn’t matter. So yeah, I’m gay.”
“Congrats”, Jirou said, without a moment's hesitation and then raised her glass as if she wanted to toast. That broke the ice quite well, as both Mina and Kaminari also quickly assured Kirishima that being gay changed nothing but Mina’s plans of shipping. Which wasn’t anything of value.
“Great bro, just don’t hit on me”, Sero joked, obviously surprised and at a loss for words. Not as much as Bakugou tho.
“He’s gay, not desperate”, Jirou shot back immediately, before Kirishima even had the chance to open his mouth. If Bakugou were in a better state of mind, he would have officially accepted her as part of his non-existent squad, just for that comment. But he wasn’t.  
Because Kirishima was gay. He liked guys. Suddenly what could happen if Bakugou revealed his feelings wasn’t so hypothetical anymore. He could stand a chance at having something real with Kirishima. Something that would feel warm, and safe and welcoming, if he were to believe Todoroki. He could hold hands, and kiss Kirishima. They could share a bed, so Kirishima would be the last one he saw at night and the first one he saw in the morning. Scary thought.
Scary, because Bakugou could feel it growing on him. Like some tumor he never asked for, and that his body mistook for something pleasant instead of something to cut off. Extra dead weight, that could get very dangerous, very quickly. He needed to get rid of it. Get rid of it soon. 
Before it became his undoing.
“Bakugou?” Kaminari called from his side, but it sounded like a question. Only then did Bakugou realize that he spaced out, and he was the only one who hasn’t yet said anything about Kirishima’s recent reveal. Because he was too busy thinking about it, which none of the idiots was allowed to find out. 
“Yeah, congrats”, he mumbled absentmindedly, trying to figure out the fastest way to get out of this situation. He didn’t trust himself staying there any longer than needed. “Gotta go, this whole thing is stupid.”
Definitely not the smartest thing he could have said, not by a landslide. He saw hurt flicker across Kirishima’s eyes for barely a second and he felt himself internally cringing, at his absolute inability to choose words wisely. He stopped himself from physically cringing and hoped he hadn’t done irreparable damage.
“Yeah, this kind of movie isn't your thing”, Kirishima said distractedly and Bakugou quickly agreed if only to save face. Better blame the movie than let them think he was rushing away because he was uncomfortable with gay people. Or worse, let them find out what really was so uncomfortable about Kirishima’s specific coming out. 
So he walked away, after Kirishima offered him an out. And if he walked a bit faster than usual, that was no one’s business.
“That was weird”, Kaminari commented after Bakugou’s too swift retreat. Kirishima brushed him off, not wanting to talk about it. He never stood a chance anyway, so it shouldn’t matter what Bakugou thought of him being gay. He purposefully ignored the look Jirou was sending him, in favor of concentrating on the movie. Even though it was a bad movie. 
“Yeah”, Jirou agreed loudly, possibly to force a reaction out of Kirishima, “I thought we got rid of the last homophobe when Mineta was expelled.” Kirishima knew for a fact that Jirou prolonged her coming out until after Mineta was gone. He couldn’t help being relieved himself.
“He isn’t homophobic. He probably just needs time to process”, he heard himself defending Bakugou, though his heart wasn’t in it. Maybe that was his actual problem with spending time with Midoriya and Todoroki. Maybe Bakugou knew about Midoriya’s preferred gender long before any of them did, and that was his reason for his violent behaviour.
Kirishima hated the thought, but it was a possibility. 
“Process what? There isn’t anything to process. He’s making a big deal out of nothing”, Jirou protested immediately and Mina agreed with her via a firm nod. Kirishima didn’t know how long he could still defend Bakugou. He wasn’t even sure there was something to defend anymore. 
“Cut him some slack! His best friend coming out so unexpectedly might have caught him off guard. We all know how much he hates that”, Kaminari joined in and Jirou grumbled in disgruntled agreement. Normal conversation rules barely applied to Bakugou, even under normal circumstances. 
Still, when the ruckus calmed down somewhat and Kirishima was alone with his thoughts again - movie fading into a background noise no matter how much he tried to concentrate on it - he couldn’t help but think. What if he really ruined his friendship with Bakugou by coming out? What if Bakugou did hate the thought of him with another guy?
He shot Bakugou a text before he could think better of it. He really wished he would have thought about it before. 
hey i hope my confession hasn’t changed anything  you know, you’re not disgusted or anything
He wanted to hit himself. How stupid could he possibly be? Who sent that kind of text to someone who just fled the scene? An idiot, only an idiot could do something like that. Kirishima put the phone face-down under his thigh on the couch and deliberately ignored it, even when it vibrated two times. No one even said it was Bakugou’s answer, but Kirishima wouldn’t look at it. 
Because if Bakugou confirmed that, yes, in fact he was disgusted by Kirishima, he wouldn’t know what he’d do. Probably break down right there, on a couch in the middle of the common room, surrounded by his friends. He refused to stoop that low. 
So, after the movie was over, he made a show of not hurrying to his room. Instead he helped clear away their snacks, cleaned the dishes they were served in and even listened to Kaminari’s dumb take on the ending. Only after all this did he excuse himself, to make his way upstairs. He tip-toed past Bakugou’s room, to not upset him any further, should his response actually be negative.
In his room, he took his time changing into his pyjamas and sorting his clothes of the day into the dirty clothes pile or onto the chair, if they were good for one more day. Then, he decided, he would get out his homework for the next week and sort it into a pile in a way that the most urgent ones were the first ones he would grab the next morning. He intentionally ignored his sweaty palms and his steadily louder beating heart throughout it all. 
Only when there was nothing else to do - and he double-checked that there was nothing else he could possibly do - did he get his phone from his nightstand. He saw his hands shaking more than he felt them and in any other situation, he would have laughed. Who got this worked up over a text? But currently he felt more like throwing up than laughing, so he didn’t. 
Of course not. Do I look like Mineta to you Shitty Hair? It was unexpected is all
Kirishima couldn’t help the light feeling washing over him. Like a weight dropping off his shoulders. He did actually laugh a little at that. So what if he still didn’t stand a chance with Bakugou? At least he wasn’t hated.
Bakugou was looking over the city, which was far below him at this point. He took a deep breath of the fresh mountain air and closed his eyes for a second to bask in the early spring sun. He heard the ground scrunch beneath his feet with every little movement he made. What a satisfying sound. It was barely lunch, but he was already near the top and it made a sense of accomplishment wash over him. 
Mountain climbing has always been his best stress relief. 
Even now, it proved worthy of the time he spent arguing with All Might about a last minute permission slip to go out that morning. All Might was just too curious for his own good. But Bakugou got his permission and he’d wasted no time in getting out of the school and onto the first bus driving in the right direction. 
He missed mountain climbing. There was no better way to clear your head and get your shit in order than climbing the highest mountain in vicinity and worrying about nothing but arriving on the top. The top, where he could scream about his problems from the top of his lungs and no one would hear him. Finally a good way to get rid of his pent-up aggression. Reaching the top was also like a mini-training session, which was never a bad thing. 
It was also the perfect way to think about stuff, without being interrupted. ‘Stuff’ was of course referring to his feelings for Kirishima. Feelings, which might just amount to anything, now that Bakugou knew Kirishima liked guys. He tried not to linger on that for too long. Even if Kirishima liked guys, and Bakugou did fit his description of a manly guy, there was still a problem.
He wasn’t the kind of guy you wanted to introduce to your parents. He was loud and explosive - both figuratively and literally. He had a too thin patience and virtually no people skills. Those were the reasons he had failed his provisional licence exam, the first time around. All in all, Bakugou wasn’t the kind of guy someone would proudly call their boyfriend. Or anything beyond that, really. He wasn’t even sure people proudly called him a friend.
He never cared before, he shouldn’t care now. Except he did. And he didn’t. Because thinking about whether or not Kirishima would call him his boyfriend, proudly or not, was obsolete anyways. He would never even let it get that far. 
If Kirishima actually returned his feelings - and that was the unlikely version - he still wouldn’t do anything, because there wasn’t a point in doing anything. If it went well and they started dating, Kirishima would stop at Bakugou’s boundaries for physical touch. Or at his absolute inability to voice anything but anger in the feelings departement. Or at the fact that apparently it takes two business weeks for Bakugou to figure out what the weird feeling in his chest is. Eventually, Bakugou’s shortcomings would be the death of any potential relationship he could have with Kirishima.
On the other hand, if his feelings weren’t returned - which was more likely, considering his previous reasons not to date him - the only thing he would accomplish by confessing would be absolutely wrecking one of the best friendships he’s had in years. He wasn’t about to do that. So it was doing nothing and waiting out his feelings. They couldn’t last forever, could they?
Bakugou hated the waiting out tactic. He wasn’t patient enough for it, not by a mile. But Aizawa always told him to work on his weaknesses and he was nothing, if not a good student. Not necessarily in the traditional sense, but still. He was third place in the mid-term exams and always high-ranking - if not first - in the hero exams. Which he wouldn’t be, if he couldn’t apply criticism to his training routine. He would just view this as a big training exercise. He could do that. 
When he finally reached the top, he let his back-pack fall to the ground. He took a second to gather his thoughts and refocus on the main reason he went there. Screaming out his anger and frustration until nothing was left. Then he walked to the edge slowly, looking over what lay beneath him once again. 
It wasn’t a very big mountain, so he could still see the city and everything else fairly well. Still, he was sure no one would hear him, because he was alone and sound didn’t travel that well into the city. Even if it did, U.A. lay at the completely opposite side that he was currently facing. Bakugou took a deep breath, gathered his thoughts and then screamed out what had been plaguing him for two weeks:
“Stupid fucking hair, stupid fucking smile! Stupid Shitty Hair worrying about me, like a damn saint. IDIOT always staring at me and being so fucking considerate and saying stuff so flirtingly. I FUCKING HATE LIKING MY BEST FRIEND!”
He felt lighter somehow. He let himself fall flat on his back after he was done, staring up at the sky like he hadn’t in a while. The position of the sun let him assume it was around lunch time and a quick glance at his phone confirmed that. It also showed him a missed call from Kirishima, undoubtedly to ask if he felt alright. 
He got up, screamed some more unintelligible things at the void and ignored the call. Then, he went to his backpack and took out the lunch he made himself. 
Kirishima didn’t even try to resist the urge to check his phone again. He had taken the entire night to work up the courage to finally confront Bakugou about all of his weird behaviour, only for his plans to be blown off again. When he had eventually encouraged himself enough to go knock at Bakugou’s door that morning, determined not to leave until he got his answers, he got nothing instead. 
Nothing but freezing feet, because he stood in front of that door for a while, thinking that Bakugou willingly ignored him. If Midoriya hadn’t come by to tell him that Bakugou got permission from All Might to go out, he’d probably still stand there. Like the idiot he was.
So, he tried calling and reached deaf ears. He only called once to not appear too desperate. He didn’t want Bakugou to think he was dependent on him or something along those lines. He figured Bakugou would call back, eventually, at least to yell at him to not annoy him, when he deliberately wanted to spend time on his own. He got nothing instead. 
No call, no text, no sign that Bakugou still wanted something to do with him. 
“You’re looking awfully down”, Kaminari said, sliding in the chair next to him, propping his head on one hand and his hand on the table to look at him, “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing big”, Kirishima sighed, truthfully, because Bakugou wasn’t ignoring him for the first time. It wasn’t even really a rare occurrence. Bakugou wasn’t a people-person, not by a long shot, he usually prefered his quiet and spending time away from people. He actually sought out alone-time, like Kirishima sought out time to spend with other people. They were polar opposites in that regard.
Normally, it didn’t bother Kirishima. He found it weird at first, but Todoroki - who shared Bakugou’s fondness of alone-time - tried to explain once that it was like the battery of a phone. His ability to be around people charged when he was alone and it depleted when he spent time with people. Once it was fully depleted it would need to charge again. Kirishima never got confirmation, but he always assumed it worked similarly for Bakugou. But usually, Bakugou wasn’t mad at him, when he kept away.
“Bakugou’s gone out without telling anybody”, Kaminari guessed, even though it wasn’t phrased as a question and Kirishima could only nod in response. Kaminari raised one of his eyebrows at him, but whatever he wanted to say was rudely interrupted by Jirou, who yelled over the back of the couch. 
“Fuck him!” She was immediately chided by Iida for her choice of words, but Mina enthusiastically agreed with her anyway. Iida tried to make a compromise - they could be mad at Bakugou, but they should still use appropriate language - and Yaoyorozu backed him. Jirou agreed that her choice of words was harsh after that - Kaminari waggled his eyebrows at Kirishima and he couldn’t help but snicker, because of course Jirou would agree with Yaoyorozu. Still, Mina was onto him now.   
“Is it about Bakugou?”, she inquired in a sickly-sweet voice, that made Kaminari fake-gag. He got a slap on the back of his head for that, at which Jirou chuckled in the background. Good to know she was still paying attention. As was probably everyone else in the common room, Kirishima was aware. This could end bad. 
“Not really, I just wanted to know whether he was okay. But he seems to be”, ignoring me was the way this sentence would end, if he were realistic and honest, “distracted.” Which wasn’t a lie, not really, because if Bakugou wanted to ignore him, he would distract himself. He still felt slightly bad about saying it like that. 
“Is there something we can do about that?”, Mina asked, now sounding like she honestly wanted to help him. That was worse, way worse, because Kirishima wasn’t even a hundred percent honest with her. 
“Fuck him?”, Kaminari suggested playfully, big idiotic-smile across his face, waggling his eyebrows first at Kirishima, suggestively and then at Jirou mockingly. Kirishima tried not to choke on his spit, while trying to come up with a good comeback. Jirou flipped him the bird behind Yaoyorozu’s head. Iida saw it anyway and turned it into a completely new lecture. A very loud lecture. At least the others couldn’t overhear them easily anymore.
“I was thinking about comfort ice-cream!”, Mina declared and Kirishima had never been happier about a change of topics before, “With strawberries and chocolate sauce.”
With that she marched right into the kitchen, closely followed by Kaminari, who wouldn’t say no to ice-cream, even if he were laying on his deathbed. Kirishima had half the mind to go with them, but he trusted Mina with making big ice-cream bowls for all of them. Instead he checked his phone again. He didn’t count how often he’d been doing it, ever since he first called, but the result remained the same. No new messages from Bakugou.
Mina and Kaminari came back a few minutes later with delicious looking ice-cream bowls in hand and deep in a discussion about whether the Avengers or the Justice League would win a fight. Kirishima took the ice-cream gratefully and joined effortlessly into the discussion, making a case for Tony Stark’s superior intellect, which Kaminari immediately countered (“Superman is literally ‘Out of this World’, no way some brain cells counter that.”). The discussion went on for longer than it had any right to, but it served its purpose. While arguing passionately in favor of Iron Man, he forgot to check his phone.  
In hindsight, ignoring the call might have not been the best thing he could have done. Bakugou knew this, the moment he stepped through the front door, because Jirou - who was braiding Yaoyorozu’s hair on the common room couch, for some reason - immediately regarded him with a stink eye. So, she still thought he was homophobic, which was great. (Not really.)
Yaoyorozu, at least, was more civil and instead of sending him weird looks, that he couldn’t properly interpret anyways, she just informed him that Kirishima had been looking for him. Something Bakugou already knew, by virtue of the still unanswered call his phone showed him everytime he checked the time that day. But he didn’t feel like arguing, so he just went past them, to the elevator to get to his room. 
Bakugou felt all of his irritation - that he spent the majority of the day working off - rushing back, when the elevator doors opened and he came face to face with Kirishima. Someone must have been playing a joke at his expense. Kirishima, for his part, looked as surprised as Bakugou was about their encounter, so at least he hadn’t been stalking him. It was only a small consolation. 
As soon as Bakugou side-stepped to let Kirishima out, the other shook his head firmly and Bakugou knew, there was no way out of this. Kirishima finally had him cornered. He played briefly with the thought of getting off at another level and acting like he wanted something from one of their classmates, but he knew it was futile. The only two he was certain weren’t in the common room right that moment were Deku and Todoroki. He certainly wasn’t about to interrupt Deku and Todoroki. 
“I think we should talk”, Kirishima said, seriously, after Bakugou had stepped in and the elevator doors had closed. Smart, he knew very well Bakugou wouldn’t have taken the elevator with him, if he had said so before. It really added to feeling trapped, too. He wouldn’t tell Kirishima that.
“You think?”, Bakugou questioned, deciding that since avoidance was out of question - Kirishima smartly made sure of that - he would power through instead. How long could he play dumb, before Kirishima became frustrated with him? He was willing to find out. 
“Yes, I think”, Kirishima replied firmly, straightening his back, while he was watching the numbers tick by. They were almost at their level, Bakugou knew, because he too watched the numbers, to avoid having to look at Kirishima for just a moment longer. It was futile, he knew, eventually they would arrive and then he’d have to justify himself, for all of his weird behaviour. He tried not to think about it too much.
When they arrived too soon, Kirishima made sure Bakugou got out of the elevator first and then he was hot on his heels, until Bakugou opened his door and let Kirishima in. They fell back into their old pattern, Bakugou sitting on his back and Kirishima in his desk chair, idly swinging himself from side to side with one foot. Bakugou felt the deja-vu and he’d bask in it, except last time they were in his room like that, it didn’t end well.
He doubted it would work out better this time. 
Kirishima hummed, looking around Bakugou’s room, over the All Might poster that had been hanging on his walls since the day he moved in. He remembered how Kirishima had teased him for them, briefly, before admitting to having a secret Crimson Riot poster in his dorm, when Bakugou became irritated with him. He briefly wondered if Kirishima remembered that day, too, whenever he looked at Bakugou’s posters. It was an easier time. 
“You know”, Kirishima said, slowly and quietly, like he didn’t want to disturb their current peace, “I always thought it was cool that you strived so high. Wanting to be like All Might is something, really. You remember how embarrassed you’d been when I first saw that?” He pointed at the very same poster Bakugou had been thinking about, a vague smile on his lips, like it wasn’t sure it belonged there. 
“You almost raised hell”, Kirishima continued, without offering Bakugou a chance to answer, “But when I told you, your secret was safe with me, you trusted me. Just like when I offered you my hand to escape Kamino or when I checked your back for injuries after rough training sessions. You’ve always trusted me.”
He lowered his head, silence heavy in the air and Bakugou was convinced there was something else. He could feel it lingering in the air between them, he saw it in the way his chair speed up, because Kirishima put more pressure on the leg that was swinging him. Something big was coming and it agitated Kirishima. It agitated Bakugou, too, but he wouldn’t show it. He refused. 
“Why don’t you trust me anymore?”, Kirishima breathed, barely loud enough for Bakugou to hear, in a terrible broken voice, that was nothing like Kirishima. That wasn’t the loud, happy, sunshine-smile guy he fell in love with. That was after the sports festival Kirishima, who feared his quirk wasn’t flashy enough and that he wasn’t good enough. That wasn’t the unwavering, unbreakable best friend that Bakugou respected. And it was his fault.
“I do trust you”, he argued, ignoring his pride, while admitting what he’d never thought he needed to admit. But he’d be damned if Kirishima was falling apart because of him. 
“No, you don’t”, Kirishima shot back, a sniffing sound accompanying his statement, but he still didn’t look at Bakugou. 
“Yes, I do”, he replied firmly, not knowing what else to say. Not, without giving too much away.
“If you did”, Kirishima declared, head snapping up and Bakugou could see his red-rimmed eyes, “You would tell me what’s bothering you!”
“Nothing bothers me”, he snapped, not even regretting his tone, when Kirishima’s expression visibly hardened, “I’m just fine!”
“I know for a fact that you’re not ‘fine’”, Kirishima argued, heavy tone in his voice but refusing to budge. Bakugou hated how hard-headed his best friend could be sometimes. And people thought Bakugou was the stubborn one out of the two. Kirishima was just as bad. 
“You know ‘for a fact’”, Bakugou mocked, seeing Kirishima deflate at his statement, but still not stopping. He wasn’t even sure he could go back anymore. 
Kirishima sagged into himself again, the hardened look on his face vanished as fast as it had appeared and he just looked tired. In a way that let Bakugou know he had been thinking about something too heavily for too long. Bakugou would have wondered if he had that same look on his face, if he was any more rational. Unfortunately, he wasn’t. 
“You know shit about me!”, he declared, hoping to solve this matter once and for all, but Kirishima had other plans. Which obviously included a change of tactics.
"Do you ever want to talk about your feelings, Bakugou?", Kirishima inquired gently, as if he feared scaring Bakugou away. Bakugou couldn’t help but feel belittled. Him, being scared away by some words. Kirishima must have been delusional. (There was a voice inside his head, that was, in fact, scared by the sudden change of topics, but his pride and his anger roared louder.)
“Well, I think you should”, Kirishima said, not budging from his position and Bakugou noted duly, that he stopped swinging some time ago. He paid it no mind. Instead he tried to argue again, but Kirishima was faster. 
“You fleeing from the mall, the talk with Todoroki, your almost clash with Monoma and then fleeing again when I came out yesterday”, Kirishima listed, effortlessly and Bakugou started to feel like Kirishima had thought this conversation out before, “They are all related, aren’t they?”
“And if they were”, Bakugou said even though he felt more like he was admitting something, because he really didn’t see a way out, “it still wouldn’t be your business.” 
“You’re right. Technically it’s not”, Kirishima agreed easily, voice still so damn quiet and heavy with something unspoken, that Bakugou just couldn’t point out. It irritated him almost as much as the rest of the conversation did. “But I feel like it’s related to me.”
That was the most efficient thing to shut Bakugou up in a while. Even his brain provided no more words or thoughts for him, it was just empty. A state of mind, which he failed to achieve for days brought forth by one sentence from Kirishima. He’d laugh at the irony, but he wasn’t sure he had that capacity right now. He wasn’t sure he had any capacity for anything. 
“What makes you think that?”, he mumbled, still feeling like he was out of his body and out of the conversation.
“You’re looking at me like”, Kirishima hesitated, probably to look for the right word and Bakugou realised somewhere in the corner of his mind that this might be the end. He felt strangely calm for that. “Like you’re disgusted. What did I do? Just tell me what I did, please!”
The pleading tone in Kirishima’s voice almost broke his heart, he felt disgusted with himself for letting it get that far. All because of some stupid feelings that ultimately wouldn’t even amount to anything.
“Nothing has changed!”, he argued, weakly, his brain still rebooting and he really hoped it wouldn’t take much longer. He didn’t know how much more of this conversation he could get through on auto-pilot. He didn’t even know how dependable his auto-pilot was. 
“Yes it has, and you know it.”
"Well, you STUPID FUCKING ASSHOLE! maybe I don't wanna be your damn friend!", he exploded, because obviously his brain couldn’t reboot fast enough and his anger decided to take over. Kirishima looked like Bakugou had actually physically hit him. Was there a worse way to phrase that particular sentiment? Bakugou highly doubted it. 
Slowly, carefully, as if he feared upsetting Bakugou anymore, Kirishima cradled his hand against his chest, eyes still blown wide and his mouth stood open, without anything coming out. Bakugou didn’t even have to concentrate to see the tears forming in Kirishima’s eyes. He distantly felt pressure burning behind his own as well.
“You don’t mean that”, Kirishima whispered, but it sounded like a plea and Bakugou wished he could take it back, but his brain was still out of order and his anger still reigned. 
“Yes, I meant that”, he barked back, voice more aggressive than he ever remembered it being, despite feeling numb. He saw a few tears slip down Kirishima’s cheeks and for the first time since his brain went out, he heard something other than his anger giving orders in his head. He wanted, so desperately, to wipe away that tear and hold Kirishima close.
“Well”, Kirishima breathed, tonelessly, before Bakugou had properly finished his last thought, “That’s an answer.”
He didn’t run. He got up slowly, moved past Bakugou’s furniture and to his door with care, but purpose and didn’t say another word, didn’t even look at him, until he was about to close the door. While standing in his doorway, Kirishima gave him one last look, so devoid of emotion apart from the tear trays on his cheeks, that Bakugou felt like crying. Maybe he was, he wasn’t sure. Kirishima closed the door slowly, it only made a low sound, when it fell shut, but it still echoed loudly and Bakugou’s mind. 
A few minutes later, when his brain had finally started working again, the only thought it provided for him was: Well, you might as well have told him. Now it’s all shit anyways.
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