#this was very long ... took me a while to write!! phew!!!!
bruhstation · 7 months
Random question for Casa Tidmouth prequel What's the love story between ten cents and zip?
you’re in for a ride. welcome to another installment of senja v. b. heterocaine’s “doomed queer couple” series
before I start this incredibly long love story between two of bigg city harbour’s most struggling youth, it’s probably necessary to read about ten cents’ and zip’s relationships with their respective captains (here and here) because their influences are integral in shaping their relationship. you have? now let’s go!
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ten cents and zip first met two weeks before the events of sunshine (episode 1). ten cents has been working for the star fleet for at least three months now. he was still brash, impatient, and immoveable by anyone besides captain star and hercules. it was also zip’s first day at work. besides being trained (more like impatiently taught) by zorran about how to work at the harbor and the culture of interacting with his z-stacks coworkers, zip didn’t know what to expect of the star fleet. captain zero did tell him that they’re folks not to be friendly with, so zip stuck to that. whoever captain zero hated, zip will also hate.
so there zip was, with his newly christened tugboat. as soon as ten cents and his coworkers spotted the z-stacks’ number 5, ten cents was not pleased. at all. four z-stacks was nasty enough, so another one? ten cents hadn’t even talked to him or know anything about his personality and he’s already developed a dislike towards the new z-stack.
zip’s mouth was out of control. he was saying some of the meanest (yet emptiest) things because he quickly picked up on zug’s habits as well as letting himself get dragged everywhere by him. ten cents also didn’t like zip. whenever zip shoots an accusation or makes fun of ten cents, ten cents shoots back a response in retaliation, resulting in zip always shrinking and retreating. in ten cents’ eyes, zip is just another cunning z-stacks in the making. his naivety and capability to ONLY parrot what was said to him were frustrating. so what if he’s just a spineless newbie? what became of zip wasn’t any of ten cents’ problem. to ten cents, zip was trouble. to zip, ten cents was an enemy.
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still at the start of the story and things are already muddy. ten cents was incredibly stubborn and impatient, already assuming the worst and letting his personal dislike for the z-stacks cloud his judgement. zip, despite his inability to be a genuinely malicious person, has exhibited signs of him possibly following the cloudy path of captain zero. their dislike towards one another were further amplified by their respective captains’ influences.
then they met each other outside of work for the first time. it was a particularly slow day, so zip was told to buy groceries by captain zero (designated z-stacks errand boy). he then stumbled upon ten cents who was sitting on a bench near the bridge cafe and doing crosswords on the morning newspaper. ten cents was avoiding captain star’s presence for the day so he can have some time alone. zip looked at him, curious, but was driven away by an angry ten cents. stammering on his excuses, he quickly ran away.
their second, third, and so-on encounter wasn’t any better. ten cents grew out of shouting at zip and just shot glares at him. there’s even a moment where ten cents directly asked zip what his deal was, to which he replied that he’s just wondering what ten cents was up to.
ten cents: and how is that any of your business, eh? wanna snitch on me? zip: oh, a man c-can’t even be wary of what his enemy’s up to anymore?
ten cents just pursed his lips at that and went away. any anger or assumption of villainy that he had towards the newest z-stack dissipated. what a weirdo, he thought.
eventually, ten cents realized just how bad zip was at maintaining his “devious and scheming” front and that he’s most likely a young man who got mixed with the wrong crowd. his annoyance turned into… fondness? amusement? anyways. the next week, ten cents could feel zip’s stare at him from the shop’s window, so he eventually got zip to come to him by calling him over to the bench (“you ever do anything besides running errands for captain zero?”). there’s still tension in the air and ten cents wasn’t even sure that he’s making the right choice by calling zip over, but they bonded over the hard crossword puzzles. they shared quips and banters, though they both notice the lack of malice whenever they make fun of one another.
there’s an unspoken understanding that their respective captains won’t be happy to see them together, so they bid farewell after a while. ten cents and zip felt something odd. one felt fun being around the other. they also began to be more amicable at work instead of showing hostility, much to the confusion of their peers (and displeased eye rolls from zug and zak). they met outside of work again and ten cents noticed a pattern on the time zip usually went out and how he’d always go out at least twice a week.
they gradually warm up to each other and start hanging out more and more. it gradually went from coincidental to planned. ten cents enjoyed zip’s interest in the things he enjoy, while zip enjoys having ten cents around and talking with him about things not related to work, mainly because there’s nobody in the z-stacks that’s his age. just teenagers being teenagers.
ten cents learned that zip likes reading children’s books and aesop fables. some of his favorites are pinnochio and the country mouse and town mouse story. he also began to like doing word puzzles like crosswords and word searches and was still learning how to read and write. zip learned that ten cents likes drinking coke, playing card games like blackjack, and exploring/learning new places and things “like folks with money”.
ten cents promised that he’ll teach zip anything that he wanted to know. how to let loose a little bit. he taught zip how to attract pigeons at the dock. he taught zip how to open a can of cola with his teeth, how to (incorrectly) use random objects they found near abandoned schools, how to float on the water, how to sneak into cinemas, how to dance, how it feels to have a friend, and so on. ten cents just wants to show zip what living is really like despite being stuck under his captain’s tutelage himself, and he didn’t know exactly why.
they understand that they share a lot of similarities. the one clash they have was about their captains. ten cents dislikes captain star’s way of running things and generally has a really complicated way of viewing him, while zip, who has rose tinted glasses equipped for captain zero, didn’t understand why he dislikes captain star. every child are obligated to love their guardians. that’s just how things are. those are what zip thought. this didn’t sit well with ten cents who was actively seeking freedom for himself without captain star at his ear all the time.
unfortunately their respective captains weren’t exactly very fond of them being buddy-buddy with each other. captain star believes that ten cents is getting more out of hand, while captain zero dismisses zip’s feelings for ten cents as naive and foolish. not to mention how their captains are divorced from each other. that’s definitely affecting what they taught about love to ten cents and zip.
captain star @ ten cents: I’m trying to put you in the correct path, but here you are, fraternizing with someone from the z-stacks. I want you to be happy, but what have you been doing? captain zero @ zip: what you have for him is MERE teenage infatuation. if there are other people in your place, he would befriend them instead. that’s not TRUE camaraderie, boy.
ten cents didn’t take into account what captain star said. he knew that he’s dead set on wanting to hang out with zip more. besides, despite being a bit wary, some of his friends were supportive of him, especially sunshine and hercules (who also slips in money so ten cents can take zip out). hercules even took ten cents and zip on car rides. sunshine and hercules were no snitch.
zip, however, was still influenced by captain zero and believed that anything good he has will eventually go away. all of these gave their friendship a lot of ups and downs, not to mention how they disagreed on a lot of things as much as they agreed with. zip’s loyalty to captain zero still outweighed his friendship with ten cents even though they’re getting closer.
zip had mentioned several times how much he adore and love captain zero like one does to their father, yet all ten cents know about the z-stacks captain through zip was how slimy and morally questionable he is. zip was so happy when he recounted the times he went shooting birds and handling rabid dogs with captain zero, when captain zero taught him how to handle guns and how he “””affectionately””” called zip “boy”, when he watched his z-stacks folks fight a bunch of drunk thugs, and so on. ten cents also learned that zip’s name was given to him by the z-stacks, not by his parents or anything. why were all of zip’s stories so… odd? yet zip said it all casually as if… he didn’t understand the weight of those sentences he’s said.
ten cents: heheh. what’s so good about living with captain zero, anyways? zip: wouldn’t you like to know! I get three meals a day and have a place to sleep. I also get money for my hard work. oh, I’m practically living the life! ten cents: ten cents: hey, that’s… uh. that’s the bare minimum, zip. zip: huh? oh, alright. ten cents: zip: zip: so, um, wanna go cool down by the beach? ten cents: sure, zip.
which is why ten cents was horrified to hear zip easily say “people end up miserable at the end of their relationships.” during one of their hangouts. ten cents’ habit of lashing out when he’s frustrated was starting to boil, but he got ahold of himself and just nodded to what zip said, incredibly disappointed. he did know something more sinister was at play here. the remainder of the hangout was awkward, so they went their respective ways and didn’t hang out for a week, though they still greeted each other at work.
they then found themselves missing each other. ten cents still spends time with his best friend sunshine, but sunshine already knows everything there is about ten cents. zip got bored and fidgety with his significantly older coworkers because all they talked about were barges and contracts (sans zorran and zebedee who had shown some semblance of worry for him). captain zero became more paranoid and demanding of everyone, especially zip whom he needed yet barely cared for. zip thought hanging out with ten cents was fun. it felt good and natural. this was a friendship that was not influenced by the state of their respective companies’ rivalry. zip wanted more from what he has with ten cents.
zip believes that ten cents was purposefully avoiding him. he confronted ten cents and asked why they weren’t seeing each other as much lately, afraid of not being friends with ten cents anymore. ten cents told him that they’ll always be friends. friends have their disagreements. so they talked. ten cents told zip that he should be more careful in taking into consideration the things captain zero had taught zip (he knew he had to use words that zip can both understand and not get offended at) and he didn’t want zip to get himself into danger trouble. zip nodded. he told ten cents that he’s beginning to question captain zero a lot, being uncomfortable because zip realized that the z-stacks might not like him as much as he liked them, and felt like he didn’t belong in the z-stacks… but zip brushed them all off as him being a stupid boy. after he’s done, ten cents pulled zip into a hug slowly, as if he doesn’t want to shock him, as if he’s telling him that he’s not stupid and that he’s wrong about a lot of things. zip was still confused, but he knew full well that the hug felt nice. he liked the hug. their relationship seemingly took an ascending hill from that point.
ten cents didn’t want to ruin the friendship they have because he treated zip as a ray of hope of living like a “normal” young man, while zip was still hauled by captain zero’s belief that he’s destined to be miserable if he pursues this relationship. it didn’t help that zip knows he’s in love with ten cents but didn’t know how to process it because nobody taught him what a healthy relationship is like (then zorran came into view, having warmed up and bettered himself throughout the course of fortezza bigg city).
on one of their hangouts, in a field a bit far from bigg city port, zip blurted out that he loves ten cents in a romantic way. he’d always feel genuinely safe and happy whenever he’s around the star fleet youth, saying that he wants ten cents to keep teaching him fun things and always be with him. ten cents, though initially surprised at the absolute courage zip had at saying something so bold, quickly reciprocated. they had a feeling that they’ve been in love with each other for a while. zip wanted ten cents to teach him how to be a good partner in a relationship but ten cents said that they can learn together. they can take it slow. they don’t have to do the things people in relationships do when the both of them aren’t ready yet. ten cents admitted that the things that he had taught to zip were also things he had little experience prior. zip laughed, and once again, they shared a hug.
this time, it was zip teaching ten cents and bringing him to places. their relationship had little change compared to their friendship except that they’re more touchy feely with each other – ten cents putting his hand on zip’s shoulder, zip resting his head on ten cents’, hugging, hand holding, all that – considering that they’re now dating. they eventually kissed when zip asked ten cents to kiss him, although awkwardly and shyly (uncharacteristically so from ten cents’ side), but felt good, it felt right. 
they kept their relationship mostly a secret because they know not everyone will be happy with it. sunshine fully understands, both because he has ten cents’ full trust and knows what it’s like to be in a relationship with someone that not many people liked (that is bigg city port’s harbinger of bad luck). hercules too. he believes in their decision but still made sure the two boys weren’t doing anything stupid. zebedee and zorran were more lax with their youngest coworker dating someone from the star fleet. zebedee didn’t pry too much on zip’s business but he did ask from time to time how ten cents was doing. zorran, on the other hand, was more fussy – wanting the best for zip and to stop him from spiraling down like he did, but he knew that a certain someone has his eyes on them. captain zero would NOT be happy. they mostly try to keep zak and zug from snitching to captain zero… which would later produce a domino effect on the z-stacks’ security.
ten cents and zip’s relationship didn’t always go smoothly. they love each other – it’s just that the environment they’re in aren’t exactly in favor of the relationship they want. captain star still keeping the star fleet in the dark about his past, zip slowly losing faith in captain zero and purposefully not allowed to know that captain zero has criminal relations and the z-stacks are in cahoots with him, johnny cuba with his blackmail, the police growing more wary about the criminal activities infesting bigg city port, the possibility of captain zero having to run away if his cover gets blown, ten cents knowing full well that zip is going to be caught in the crossfire if captain star decides to take action yet not knowing how to say it to zip properly…. and the fact that they’re in the great depression. just all around not a great time 
(there’s a plot point in fortezza bigg city where captain zero’s past relations caught up to him and zip eventually had to pay a visit to the star fleet in their office building, but it’s WAY too long and hard and tragic to explain. this is a long story. thanks for being patient)
at the end of the story, both ten cents and zip have changed significantly. ten cents is more mellowed and patient – willing to understand people who are not exactly as “right” as he is. zip is no longer the naive, easily influenced young man that idolized and looked up to captain zero. despite what captain star had put upon him, ten cents wished he was better. despite what captain zero had done to him, zip still loved captain zero. 
but it’s alright. they know they have someone that knows what they went through. 
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(there’s also a couple of fics I’m writing right now related to zipcents. one involves them and school, while the other is heavily zip-centric)
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silvermarley · 1 year
You ask and you shall receive, dear anon! (Sorry if this isn’t quite up to par)
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Muzan x Milf!Reader
(this is part two of “Encounter”)
Warnings: fluff, kinda softie Muzan, eventual smut, pwp, pussy slap (1), fingering, unprotected sex, creampie, cervix fucking, degrading (lemme know if there’s anything I missed!)
A/N: phew, I’m finally able to make this. I hope I didn’t keep you guys waiting for too long!
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Muzan had quickly taken a liking to you. It was all the more reason to keep you within reach.
No demon typically gets this close to the Demon King himself. But you, you’re a special one.
Not only were you beautiful, but you were strong. It enticed Muzan like no other.
You would bring him his chemistry tools and occasionally just have talks with him.
He was a very alluring man.
It wasn’t long before his interest turned into.. love.
Love, you see, was a foreign thing to him. He pretended to love in the past, but this was genuine. To the point where he wanted you to skip the “Muzan-sama”, and just call him Muzan.
The feelings weren’t one sided. You felt your heart skip a beat every time he called for you.
Even your kid took a liking to him. He would allow C/N to watch him work. Somehow, your kid wasn’t afraid of him or his presence from the very beginning.
You would often think about how happy you are to see that your kid has a new father figure in their life.
There was one thing that has been on his mind. Muzan couldn’t wait any longer to officially claim you as his.
It was another day, the same as the others before it. He called you to him, and you answered his call without question, telling C/N that you would be right back.
You stood in front of him, while he sat at his desk.
“Y/N. I have a very important matter to discuss with you.” He started.
He moved from his desk and walked to you.
“I’ve thought about this for quite a long time. But, I finally understand. I want you to become the queen, or rather, I want you to be mine.”
A blush creeped it’s way to your face as you processed his words. His cold hand went to your cheek, to express that he was genuine.
“Are you sure? I mean, I’m no more significant than an average demon..” you ramble.
“Nonsense. My words are true. I mean every part of it, my dear Y/N.”
You go silent, face flushed as you looked up into his crimson eyes.
He can see that you still don’t completely believe him. So he takes the opportunity to connect your lips with his.
His hand that was on your cheek was now moving to the back of your neck, and the other went to your waist.
You didn’t hesitate to kiss back, with all the built up feelings you had for him. He smirked into the kiss at the enthusiasm.
After a little while, he pulled away.
“Do you believe me now? I want you to rule with me. Be my bride.. be mine forever.”
You nod, eyes watering a bit. “I would love to.”
He smiled at you. It’s the first time you’ve seen him smile so softly. The only other times you’ve seen his smile, is in a more sinister context.
From that day on, you were known as “Y/N-sama” or “Lady Y/N” by all demons, including the Uppermoons.
You were given the upmost respect by them, especially Akaza and Kokushibo.
It was perfect. Well, almost.
Muzan wanted to make you his for all of eternity. And while you are his lover, there was still something he had to do.
As much as he wanted that, he wanted you to need him just as much.
The day started with teasing touches and eventually lead to dirty talk in the night when your kid was asleep.
He somehow knew just how to make your heart flutter and your thighs rub together. It was getting almost unbearable, the heat between your legs.
You finally decided you needed him to solve the issue he caused.
So, you asked Nakime to send you to his room. As you expected, you found him experimenting and writing his findings down.
A small smirk tugged at his lips at your presence. Perfect.
“Hm, need anything?” He asked, fully knowing the effect he had on you.
You couldn’t answer, instead your body moved for you. You went to him and straddled his lap.
“Oh?” He hummed. “Needy are we?”
You nodded, embarrassed.
“Use your words.”
“Yes.. please. I need you.” You squirmed.
He groaned at the friction and slapped your ass to stop you. That only added your enjoyment, much to his pleasure.
Muzan had stopped what he was doing. After all, he’s finally getting what he wants. Work can wait.
Without warning, he stood up, making you instinctively wrap your legs around his waist.
“Couldn’t even wait for me to finish my work, how pathetic.”
He set you on the bed and crawled on top of you. In a flash, his lips are on yours.
His sharp teeth bit your bottom lip, drawing blood. He lapped at it, before his tongue danced with your own, making you taste it as well.
He broke the kiss to rid you of your shirt. His eyes were drawn to your bra.
“Red, hm? You just wanted me to see this didn’t you?”
His smirk grew bigger as he unclamped it and threw it to the side, marking you from your neck to your chest.
“Pretty fucking tits..” he groaned as he bit and sucked at your nipples.
Hearing your soft moans made him want to ruin you even more. While his lips were latched onto your chest, his hands went to pull off your pants.
He wondered if you had a matching set of lingerie, if you wore this in hopes he would be taking it off you just like he planned.
You didn’t know what to do with your hands, so you began to tug at his clothing.
He let go of your nipple with a pop. “So desperate.. be patient darling.”
He completed his task of taking off your pants. You were wearing all red. His favorite color.
“I bet you were thinking of all the ways I’m going to make you scream for me..” he said, noticing a wet patch on your panties. He hummed in satisfaction.
You looked so good in them, but he was getting rather impatient himself.
His sharp claws ripped them off in an instant. You were going to protest, but before you can he spoke, “I’ll buy you plenty more. I wouldn’t want to miss the sight of you all dolled up for me on another occasion.”
The sight of your glistening pussy made his cock jump in his pants. And it was all his.
“Already made such a mess.. who knew you could be this much of a slut?” He grinned, just as he undid his vest and shirt.
Your eyes scanned over his muscular body. You started to squirm again.
He slapped your pussy. “Stay still.”
You stilled yourself without question, though it was difficult. His fingers then rubbed at your clit, making you gasp.
“Stop teasing.. I need it, please..” you whine.
“Need what?”
“Your fingers..”
As if on command, he inserted a finger into your dripping hole. Your arched your back at the jolt of pleasure that shot through you.
He thrusted his finger in fast, making you squeal for him. Moments later, he added another finger. He loved the lewd noises coming from you.
Your hands grasped on the bedsheets. His fingers reached places yours couldn’t.
“So fucked out.. and with only my fingers.” He cooed teasingly.
You could only writhe and moan in pleasure, with the only thought in your mind being that you want to cum so badly.
Without warning, your orgasm hit you hard. A large grin spread on his pale face.
After coming down from your high, you finally noticed why Muzan was smirking so mischievously. You squirted.
“Fucking hell.. you’re gonna do that on my cock.” He groaned.
You are still catching your breath when he flips you over on your knees. Behind you, your heard the sounds of shuffling and a belt being undone.
Then, you feel him hovering over your figure. “Gonna take my cock like the whore you are, huh?”
“Yes!- just please..” you beg.
“I wanna hear you say it.”
At first, you were embarrassed to. But, he didn’t like that. So he slaps your ass harshly. “Say it or you won’t get anything.” He warns, as if his cock wasn’t aching to ruin you.
“Please fuck me.. I want it so ba-“ you were cut off by the feeling of him thrusting all the way into you, which knocked the breath out of you with the amount of force.
“See? All you needed to do was ask.” He chuckled darkly.
He was nice enough to give you a few seconds to adjust. But his patience ran out. He began fucking you at a increasingly fast rate.
The pain that hit you at the beginning soon turned into extreme pleasure. He was hitting all the right places to make you cry out.
You started to get loud, and when you noticed, you shoved your face into the pillow.
“Don’t fucking hide from me. I want to hear it. I want to hear how well I’m ruining your cunt.” He took your hair, and made into a makeshift ponytail to pull you up.
This made you arch more, making him go deeper. You could feel it kissing your cervix as he continued to fuck you at a nearly demonic pace.
It felt euphoric. You already felt that familiar knot in your stomach.
“I want you to make a mess on my cock. Can you do that, my slutty girl?” He asked, even though it wasn’t really a question it was a command.
“Mhm! I will!” You managed to say, despite the only things coming out of your mouth after that being incoherent.
He somehow knew every spot that would make you scream.
After a few more thrusts, you came, making a white ring form on the base of his cock. He seemed to enjoy that very much, as more spurts come out when he continues to rut into you.
“A-Ah wait! Too sensitive!” You squeal.
His hands go to your hips, nails digging into the flesh.
Your writhed in overstimulation. It was all too much, though you weren’t sure if you wanted him to stop or keep going.
“Give me one more.” After all that, he still wanted more? You couldn’t help but give into his demand.
He let go of your hair, but moved the hand that was previously holding it to your neck. You could feel his well-built chest on your back.
You clench on him at the pleasure you got from him restricting some of your oxygen. Hearing his grunting and groaning definitely made you feel things as well.
“Oh? You like that? What a whore you are..” He growled in your ear.
Muzan could feel himself nearing his end, though he never slowed his pace. He knew you were close too, considering how much your pussy was squeezing him.
He let go of your neck, to which your upper body dropped back on the bed. He continued his brutal assault on your cunt, making you get closer. Then you felt it again.
He thought of cumming on your back, but you felt too amazing for him to stop. So, he kept going until you both came together. You could feel his hot cum full you up and then slowly trickle out of you when he eventually pulled out.
You two take a moment to catch your breath as you collapse completely. He sits for a second beside you.
You grab at his arm to join you in laying down. He picked you up suddenly.
“Come on, let’s get cleaned up.”
He brings you to a bathroom and turns the water for the bath.
You guys spend the time in there in peace, just holding each other. It was a time where nothing had to be said.
The best few weeks went by as normal. This particular day, Muzan is doing his usual routine, with you joining him this time to help. C/N wasn’t awake yet, so you had some time to be in each other presence.
Then, he had called Kokushibo for a mission.
“Yes, Lord Muzan?” Kokushibo asked politely, kneeling before you two. “Ah, and hello Lady Y/N.”
Muzan would tell him the coordinates of where he needed to go. Kokushibo nods, before hesitating to leave.
He then points to you, or rather your stomach. “Oh and, congratulations, Lady Y/N and Lord Muzan.”
You and him share a look of confusion. But then you realize. He can see in the Transparent World..
“I’m.. pregnant?” You ask.
“Indeed. I hope all goes well for you. I shall take my leave then.” Kokushibo nods to Nakime, to which she sends him back.
You were caught a bit off guard, but you were happy nonetheless.
“Hm, I’m quite happy with this outcome.” Muzan states.
You hug him excitedly. He returned the hug and pulls you into a sweet kiss.
“I love you.” He says for the first time.
“I love you too, darling.” You smiled ear to ear.
I hope you guys enjoyed this!! So sorry it took forever 😭
Taglist: @im-togas-knife @booplsnoot @wicked-binch @x3nako @zonaasworld @kaianawr
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bitterpotionn · 9 months
Johnny Slaughter - Dirt Road
Phew, okay my first ever x reader...ever! I've been so obsessed with Johnny that I had to add my own take on his character. Bear with me, I normally don't do this type of writing. However, I hope to continue to improve. Any feedback or constructive criticism is welcome!
This idea randomly popped into my head and I'm not even sure how to characterize it. A night with Johnny pulled over on the side of an old country road. I experimented with a more hesitant, nervous reader. Again, this is all new to me.
Warnings- Dub-con, unsafe sex, semi-public sex, Johnny's mean, nervous/unsure reader, cunnilingus, focuses more on the reader's inner thoughts, unhealthy dynamics, light slapping, a lot of neck grabbing, Johnny is a litterbug, smoking, name-calling
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Red, orange, and yellow streaked across the sky as the sun set deep into the flat horizon. The dirt road he drove down kicked up dust that swirled in circles, disappearing behind them just as quickly.
She laid her head against the seatbelt dispenser, looking out of the rolled-down window. His old white truck hummed as they drove farther and farther out of town. She counted each passing house, fantasizing about the lives of the people who lived in them. What did they do? How many people live there? Do they have kids? What-
"Darlin'" a deep voice cut through her hazy thoughts.
She turned her head to the man driving the old white truck. His right hand was gripping the steering wheel with a bit too much force, while his left lay loosely on top of the stick shift. He was smirking, like usual. He reminded her of a wolf like he could eat her up at any second.
"Are you alright?" his accent thick, the words lazily slipped from his lips.
"Yeah…I was just thinking" she said, turning back to the open window. Allowing the cool wind to hit her face.
He frowned once she looked away, rolling his eyes a bit. His left hand moved from the shift to her thigh, giving it a firm squeeze.
She didn't look at him after that, getting lost again in her wishful thinking. Counting each house one by one by one.
She gasped slightly opening her eyes, the sky was dark and she could hear the crickets and frogs chirping. She must have fallen asleep. They were stopped on the side of the road. She could only see vast fields that stopped at the dark tree line. The only light was from the moon and the dull headlights of the truck.
She turned toward the driver's seat. He was out of the car, leaning against the closed driver-side door.
"Johnny…" she said quietly. She knew he couldn't hear her, she almost didn't want him to. But nonetheless, she opened the passenger side door and walked around the truck to stand next to him. He was smoking a cigarette, Marlboro Reds, his favorite.
"What are you doin? Why'd we stop?" she asked looking up at him. He was so tall, that sometimes she felt like she had to crane her neck just to look into his eyes.
He looked down at her and smirked. "Just stopped for a smoke. Got tired of drivin'" he said, grabbing her waist to pull her into his side. He blew the smoke in her direction.
Coughing, she nuzzled into his side, shielding her face from the smoke. She always hated the smell of cigarettes. Recently, though, they were almost a comforting smell. It clung to her clothes, hair, skin, a small reminder of him.
He leaned against his truck, his head tilted up towards the sky. He stared at the stars, expressionless.
"So…how far are we from your family's house?" she asked, breaking the steady silence, craning her head up to look at his face. She held the hand that was gripping her waist, rubbing small circles into his rough skin.
He hesitated. Something he never does, she even took notice. After a long pause, he grunted. "I dunno, maybe another day's drive?"
She didn't pry after that, she didn't want to make him upset. His family was seemingly a very touchy subject, despite him bringing up the idea of taking her there to meet them.
After a while, he threw the butt of his cigarette on the ground stepping on it. He looked down at her, she was still nestled into his side, her eyes now closed.
He chuckled a bit and grabbed her waist leaning her against the driver's side door. Her eyes flew open. "Now hun, I don't think it's fair I'm drivin' all this way and you get to sleep" He hummed out, leaving a trail of kisses down her neck.
"H-hey! I offered to drive you said no" she pouted, wrapping her arms around his waist, pulling him closer to her.
"I can't trust you driving my truck." He scoffed looking down at her. He moved his finger under her chin, pushing it up so she was staring directly at him. "You're just a dumb little girl huh?" He chuckled. A wolf smirk adorned his lips. His words were always laced with degradation. Like he got off on hurting her feelings.
She gave him a pout and stared at him. She was always starstruck at his sharp features. So classically handsome. He reminded her of James Dean. She loved watching those old movies with her dad back home. What was her dad up to? She made a mental note to call him once they arrived at Johnny's home.
He must have noticed her drifting off, he gave her cheek a rough pat. "Focus darlin', I'm not done with you just yet." His hand drifted under her white tank top, his hands stopped just below her breasts.
"Jo-Johnny…" she stuttered out, shivering from his cold hands. "N-not here… It's dark. What if someone sees…" her voice was laced with nervousness.
He scoffed and pulled his hands away. "You're no fun. C'mon…we can go back in the truck, no one will see I promise" He opened the door and lifted her into the truck, so she was sitting with her legs dangling off the seat, facing the outside. His hands were on either side of her, caging her in. She was now looking down at him.
She bit down on her lip slightly, nervous playing with her hands in her lap. She looked into the darkness behind him. Nothing but a cornfield.
He scoffed a bit and played with the buttons of her shorts. "How bout this…" he stopped, smirking up at her before he continued "I'll be a gentleman and help you out first huh?" his calloused hands yanked down her shorts, his arms hooking underneath her knees pulling her closer to him.
She gasped a bit and grabbed onto his shoulders for support. Her eyes were blown wide, and she frantically looked around, worried about someone seeing her in such a vulnerable position.
He grins widely at her nervous state. "You're too cute" he said mockingly as he leaned down, kissing the inside of her thighs. His hand traveled up to her soaking cunt. He gave it a firm slap before looking up at her face.
Her eyes screwed shut as she began breathing heavily. She felt a warm pulsing in her lower belly. "Now look at that…" Johnny gave a low whistle looking at her wet cunt. "Soakin' wet and I barely even touched you" his words were harsh and mocking. He gave her a long lick up her weeping slit.
She gasped, her back arching into him. "F-fuck…m-more…" she whined out, her hands finding their way into his thick hair. His eyes narrowed and he looked up at her pulling away. He grabbed her neck and glared at her, first warning. "Is that any way to ask me, hun?" He smirked at her "Beg nicely, slut"
"J-Johnny please…" her words trailed off, her eyes tearing up in embarrassment, She felt his grip tighten around her neck. "Please! Please…I'll be good!" He hummed slightly, seemingly satisfied with her half-attempt at begging. He began licking and sucking on her swollen clit. Keeping her steady by gripping her thighs.
She cried out as his tongue traveled into her. Her eyes shifted down to him, his face buried in between her thighs, his eyes shut as he worked her. He was eating her with such force. He hummed a bit as he plunged his tongue deeper into her, creating a vibration that made her shake.
He looked up at her, her eyes were shut again. He reached a hand up and grabbed her throat, all while his face was buried in her cunt. Her eyes shot open. She noticed his glare and her breathing hitched. Second warning. "Eyes on me" he said, his voice muffled.
His frantic sucking and licking continued once her eyes were fully locked on him. He reached his hand down and slipped two fingers into her. He curled them up into her rapidly. She felt a blazing sensation in her lower stomach, and her legs began to shake at the sudden entrance. "I…I'm gonna cum!" she moaned out loudly and flew a hand over her mouth in an attempt to quiet her moans. He let out a muffled chuckle as he felt her come undone in his mouth.
He slowly pulled back. His mouth and chin glistened from her arousal. She stared at him and let out a breathy laugh, her eyes hazy and unfocused. He looked so handsome like that. He stared back at her and grabbed her neck, pulling her in for a rough kiss. She could taste herself on his tongue.
He broke the kiss and gripped her chin "What do you say darlin'" His smirk was wide. "Thank you" she breathed out, laying back, trying to catch her breath.
Johnny grabbed her waist and set her back into the passenger seat. He climbed into the truck and shut the door. She panted and laid against the window staring up at the stars. Her mind felt misty.
Johnny stared at her and rubbed the bulge in his tight jeans. He hardly ever worried about just her pleasure. He always needed something in return. He grabbed her thigh "Aren't you forgettin' something doll?" he said leaning back, his hand fiddling with his belt, trying to undo it. She stared out the window, ignoring him. She couldn't look away from the millions of stars lighting up the night sky.
He scoffed a bit and grabbed her neck, yanking her towards him, into his lap. "I'm gettin' tired of you not listenin' to me" he growled out pulling out his throbbing cock, final warning. He set her in his lap and glared at her. She gasped, staring at him, her eyes wide with fear. "I'm…I'm sorry-"
"Show me that you're sorry" he stroked himself a couple of times before easing her down on his cock. Her eyes widened at the feeling of him filling her so suddenly. He didn't let her adjust, he just began thrusting up into her, while gripping her neck. Keeping her in place.
She held onto his shoulders, her head kept hitting the top of the truck as he thrust into her. She whined out and tried to move her head into the crook of his neck but he stopped her. "Nooo you're gonna look at me while I fuck you, slut" he snapped pushing her head back.
Her head hit the roof, over and over again. Each thrust burned. She stared at him, his eyes were so dark, she could barely even see him due to the darkness of the surrounding country road. She knew he was smirking, getting off on her discomfort. She was lucky he even decided to pleasure her first, she should be grateful, right?
“Fuckkk” he groaned out lowly as he continued his brutal thrusts into her. “You’re my good girl huh?” His hands traveled to her face, pulling her down to kiss him roughly. She whined a bit at this but kissed him back anyway. The stretch of his cock was becoming too much to bear. She prayed he would finish soon.
She found herself focusing on the scar that ran down his face, subtle but there. It was a way she feigned eye contact with him, she found that keeping unbreaking eye contact with him was almost impossible. His thrusts became jagged and sloppy. A small moan escaped his lips that he quickly covered with a loud chuckle. “I’m gonna fill you up real good darlin’”
Despite the intense burning, she felt herself coming close to the edge as well. She was able to sneak down a hand to rub her clit, Johnny was too worried about himself to stimulate her like that. “Please…please…” she begged, tears streaming down her face. She didn’t know if she was begging to finish or for him to stop.
With a loud groan, Johnny thrust back up into her one more time, releasing his hot load deep inside her sore cunt. She let out a loud moan as she came undone as well, shivering at the feeling of him filling her up. She collapsed into his chest, the top of her head aching.
He let out a laugh before setting her beside him, he cleaned himself off with some napkins from the glove department, tossing them carelessly out the window.
She shook as she looked out the window again, looking up at the stars again. 1…2…3… she counted, trying to distract herself from the sickly feeling of his cum dripping out of her. Without another word from him, she felt the soft rumble of the truck as he started it back up. Continuing, farther and farther out of town.
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xjoonchildx · 6 months
Yeah I totally agree as to how writers are leaving. I agree. Why are they leaving you think?
me figuring out how much trouble i wanna get in tonight
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okay, listen. i have thoughts. i have observations. and i’m going to share some of them with you.
in my experience, most writers have been leaving for one of these three reasons:
1. engagement (rather, the lack thereof)
yeah, yeah i know, writers post about this a lot but here’s why: it’s true. readers on this site, for whatever reason, don’t interact with fics as much as they used to. even some fics that get a lot of likes may only have one or two comments, maybe a couple of reblogs with no feedback.
for what it’s worth, i’ve always felt that for the size of my blog (and how flipping long it takes me to post something) i get wonderful reader feedback and engagement. but i see so many writers struggling out in these tumblr streets, posting really great work that gets very little feedback and it’s discouraging for them. i get it.
i will also be transparent and say that as a writer who biases a “less popular member” it kills me when amazing stories about him (and other “less popular members”) just fall flat.
one of the best hobi stories i ever read had 20 notes when i found it by accident. twenty. it had been posted for some time. in my mind, that was a crime—that story was an absolute masterpiece and it had 20 notes (!). i sent it to every person i knew short of my mama because i was offended that people hadn’t recognized its brilliance. sadly, that writer left tumblr and took her masterpiece with her which brings me to my next point:
2. drama and writer-on-writer crime
phew y’all, there’s just so much of it. i don’t know what it is about tumblr that makes some people lose their absolute minds but they sure damned do. i’ve been here for a minute and i have seen it all.
writers mounting anonymous hate campaigns against one another (this happens a lot). writers mounting anonymous hate campaigns against people they pretended were friends (this one happens a lot a lot). writers sending themselves a boatload of hate anons to get sympathy and attention on the dash (this one happens a lot a lot a lot).
popular writers going out of their way to befriend up-and-coming writers only to then turn around and start nasty whisper campaigns about them when the up-and-coming writer’s blogs and stories eclipse their own in popularity.
insecurity is a hell of a drug.
there are some writers who get on here and they’re cool and they stay cool and they enjoy success and guess what? they’re cool about it.
and then there are the writers who get a few thousand followers and a bunch of notes and delude themselves into thinking they’re real-life celebrities. to those writers i would say: pick the fanciest restaurant in your city, call to make a reservation on a friday night and if they don’t have a slot make sure you let them know you’re really big on tumblr. let me know how that works out for you, okay?
it sounds stupid and it is stupid but this happens on this site all the time. what makes me sad is that it drives people away. they take their personalities and stories and contributions to this insane little space we have here with them, which sucks. the author of that amazing hobi fic? deactivated her account over tumblr drama.
so if you have a blog here and you are so wrapped up in jealousy and insecurity that you feel the need to harass someone off the site (including “friends”), log off and seek help.
3. life (adulting, sigh)
this is the boring one, but it still tracks. this community blew up when covid hit and we all had a lot more time to muse about what kim namjoon would look like in his underwear. but so many people had to get back to the grind after a while, and that meant less time for tumblr and for writing in general (wait is this entire one about me oops)
when i started tumblr i wasn’t working full time. then covid hit. so i had a long stretch where i could dedicate a lot of time to writing and posting. and YES i was still slow, so go ahead and throw that tomato lmao but STILL. it really does impact the number of stories going up and some people who joined during the pandemic just don’t have the time to go back to this like they had before.
so yeah, that’s what i’ve personally seen and experienced on this site. the good news is that for every nasty, insecure writer on this site there are dozens of great people telling great stories. i’m going to stick around for them and i hope you do, too 💕
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anton-luvr · 7 months
can you write best friend!wonbin asking fem!reader on a date after holding his feelings for some times? thanks and congrats for 400! 🎉
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⚝ bestfriend!wonbin x fem!reader | fluff | friends 2 lovers au ⚝ note ; phew i havent posted a fic in a while,, sorry if it isn't good :( also thank u for waiting anon!! hope u like this!!! and thank u hehe
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An envelope certainly wasn't the gift you were expecting from your best friend.
Nevertheless, you tried to hide your disappointment with a forced smile.
"What is it? A letter?"
Wonbin tuts at this, his long hair falling over his pretty eyes when he shakes his head.
"Just open it," he says softly, smiling. "Trust me."
You listen to the boy, tearing at the end to reveal a colorful piece of card paper.
'To the place where we first met, music loud while we drank out of cups that were red.' it read, and you can't help but laugh at his attempt at poetry.
"That's a very creative way to describe Shotaro's parties." you tease, chuckling as he scoffs and leads you to his car.
"Hey, it took me a really long time to think of that," he protested, opening the passenger door for you. "And congrats! You got the first clue correct."
You realize what this was all about as he starts to drive towards Shotaro's house, gasping in surprise.
"Is this a scavenger hunt?" you asked excitedly, waving the colorful card.
Wonbin nods, grinning at your reaction.
Anticipation and curiosity for what he had in store for you builds up in your chest as he pulls up to Shotaro's driveway, and you hop off the car to look for the next clue immediately - which was pretty easy, because Wonbin was terrible at hiding things.
"Found it!" you sang out cheerily, picking up the second brown envelope out of the bushes.
"To the place where Zuckerberg works, laughing over our food and our burps." it read, and your eyes light up at the mention of the CEO.
"The restaurant down the street!" you guessed enthusiastically.
It was one of your favorite places to eat at with Wonbin, the waiter there who looked exactly like Mark Zuckerberg always making the both of you giggle.
It took less than ten minutes to get to the restaurant, and you could see the third brown envelope before Wonbin even put the car into park.
After taking it down from the advertising posters, you tore it open.
"To the place where no one else could bother us, with stars and cold autumn gusts."
You smile at this, already knowing the place.
It was the park, a comforting refuge for the both of you to talk about anything and everything.
From teary, midnight conversations about personal struggles and worries to delirious conversations about stupid jokes and silly memes after classes, it was always your go-to place to take a breather from the hectic mess of life.
So the park was exactly where you went next, and unbeknownst to you, Wonbin was sweating bullets.
With each step you took closer to the park, the faster his heart raced.
He had been planning this for weeks, practicing and rewriting poetry for his clue cards and making sure everything was something you liked - including the surprise later on.
"Where's the next envelope?" you ask, snapping him out of his nervous trance.
Wonbin coughs, putting on a calm demeanour.
"I don't know," he lies, shrugging with a mischievous smile. "Maybe it's by the lake, maybe it's by the bridge, or maybe it's by the playground. It's up to you to find out."
You jokingly huff at this, tugging him after you by the arm as you ran towards the bridge.
It was where the both of you always stood by while talking, gazing at the stars at night and watching the reflection of the moon over the shimmering lake.
"You know, this game is too easy." you boasted as you made your way over. "I could guess these places almost immediately."
But your boast doesn't last long when you notice a trail of flower petals on the ground, voice dying down as you followed each one up to the bridge.
The wood creaked underneath your feet as you reached the centre of the bridge, just to find...
There was no envelope, no gift, no box - nothing.
"'Bin, where's the next envelope?" you asked, turning around in confusion.
And when you do just so, everything fades away into silence.
"Happy birthday!" he beams, suddenly holding a huge bouquet of your favorite flowers from god-knows-where.
Your jaw falls open and closes shut just to fall open again, at a complete loss of words.
But you didn't have to worry much longer about what to say next, because Wonbin beats you to it.
"I've been wanting to ask you this for a really long time, so here goes nothing." he stutters, face reddening as he took a quick deep breath.
"Y/N, I'm in love with you." he admits slowly and bashfully, his shining eyes gazing right into yours.
"I'm in love with the way you smile, the way you laugh, the way you talk. The way you're always so loving to the people around you, the way you always see the good in life. I'm in love with you when we're drunk at three in the morning and you're throwing up in my bathroom, and I'm in love with you when we're driving down the highway with the windows down and music at full blast. I'm in love with you now, and I always will be."
Your heart hammers in your chest as he gets closer to you, so close that his golden star necklace was dangling right in front of your face.
"Will you give me a chance and go out with me?"
His words echo through your blank mind, but you already knew your answer.
There was no one else in the world who understood you the way Wonbin did, and you had always waited for a day like this - a day where the both of you could start calling each other mine.
"Yes," you giggled, gently taking the flowers out of his hands. "I'll definitely go out with you."
Wonbin lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding, relief and joy washing over him.
"Thank you." he says softly, slipping his hands into yours and squeezing them.
"No, thank you." you repeat, smiling as you wrap your arms around him. "This is the best thing I could ever ask for."
He's used to hugging you, but this one felt different.
He could feel the love radiating off of your body, your hearts racing against each other's.
"You're the best thing I could ever ask for." he whispers.
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© anton-luvr, 2023.
taglist: @wonbons @mxlly143 @keehobaldboy @shawyle @yenart @lycheecheeseyogurt (drop an ask to be tagged! + tags in bold couldn't be tagged)
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rotdistressxox · 2 months
im currently brainrotting over agito as you can see..can you write how you think he would meet reader and how their relationship would develop into romance with him? like actually i sat at work for like 15 minutes trying to think how but i actually cannot cook anything up.
(Also I'm seeing the ghost stuff and I'm interested...gonna have to do research for dis one☝️)
sorry if i keep sending you silly asks😞
—🪡 anon
JOIN US WE HAVE SEXY POPES WHO DOUBLE AS FRONTMEN AND FREAKY GHOULS. Listen to them, I highly recommend listening to the meliora and prequelle album before delving any deeper. Watch some YouTube videos abt the lore. PLUS THEY HAVE LITTLE EPISODES <3
Time for some more Cakemaster 9000
Phew, this took a while
Kanoh Agito: How does he fall for you?
• Like what I mentioned in one of the headcanons, you work for Katahara. While Agito doesn't directly work for him apart from beint his representative fighter, he's technically his family AND The Fang.
• However, you two hardly see eachother when on the job. BUT-
• You two visit the same coffee shop. He loves his morning Latte, and you love (insert your favorite Cafe drink here)
• When you first started working, you were surprised to see the Kanoh Agito at a small coffee shop.
• He usually greets and addresses you formally, not interested in any small talk.
• "Sheesh, what a stick in the mud" It's not that he was trying to be rude, but he did come off a little condescending when he greeted you. (He has tone issues)
• One day you woke up late and didn't have time to stop and get your usual.
• He notices your absence. "They can't be sick, they showed no signs of it two days ago"
• Long story short, he picks up your order and goes looking for you. Once he finds you, he stiffly hands it to you. "You were late I presume. I picked this up for you"
• Everyone in the room was shocked. The cold hearted Fang buying someone a drink? You smiled warmly and looked into his eyes "Thank you, this was very kind of you"
• His breathing hitched, and he felt speechless. Was he....flustered? "Don't let it happen again, you work for the Chairman afterall"
• You obviously didn't let it happen again....buuuttt it was super sweet how he seemed to care about you enough to get you something.
• To return the favor, you arrived earlier and got him his Latte. Listen, he was speechless before, now he was in shock. He didn't show it though. In his lifetime no one had ever bought him anything or returned a favor. There was a first time for everything.
• You saw through his attempt to hide the baffled expression on his face. It was kinda- cute.
• "Why have you done this?" "Why not? I'm just repaying you" "I-" "Shush, just take the drink, it's burning my hand"
• He has to get there before you now to ensure that he sees you. He's a bit friendlier with the greetings, too. Don't expect a smile though, just a softer glance in your direction.
• When he was around you, he didn't feel like he needed to be The Fang of Metsudo. You didn't hold him to any higher standard when you chatted, you didn't bother holding back a few curses. He felt as if his soul was on Earth instead of hanging in the balance.
• On one of your off days, the two of you get coffee and sit down for once. Finally having a slower paced discussion. It lasted a few hours, you did most of the talking while he had a response to almost anything. There was a lot he didn't know about pop culture.
• Coffee dates became your thing, even though it wasn't technically a date. More like two friends hanging out. Discussions got into deeper topics like pasts and whatnot.
• Agito decided that he could trust you, so he opened up about the Human Gu Ritual. He didn't know what trauma was, so you explained to him that his feelings and memories about that time in his life would be very traumatic.
• "I'm glad you could tell me that, but are you okay? If I had something like that on my chest I'd cry" "I'm quite alright, I'm not fazed in the slightest but I had no idea the caliber of the topic. I hope I didn't ruin the conversation"
• You tapped your cheek and sighed. "Have you ever been hugged before?" Agito thought for a second. The embracing gesture? The only physical contact he's hand was a pat on the shoulder or when he's fighting.
• "No, I don't think I have" "Well today's your lucky day, bring it in"
• He froze as you wrapped your arms around his waist, pulling him into you. His heartbeat raced as he thought of what to do. "Just tell me if you don't like it" you squeezed him gently. He awkwardly put his hand behind your back and rested it there.
• You let go after a few seconds, but he didn't want you to. "How was it?" You smiled.
• "I'm not sure" He smoothed out his suit, trying to relax himself after what just happened.
• A few days passed and you haven't seen him anywhere. He wasn't at work or at the coffee shop. You start to worry. Did you drive him away? Was the hug too much? Oh god was he dead?
• All the while Agito was keeping an eye on you from afar. Not letting you see him, but he could see you. He felt very fragile after that day, he almost felt ashamed. He wasn't good at managing his emotions. And what happened moved him in a way that frightened him.
• He summons the courage to talk to Katahara Metsudo about how he felt. He was the only parental figure he had in a sense.
• "You are a grown man. Is this really a difficult concept to grasp?" Katahara looked out the window of his office. "I'm inexperienced, these feelings are foreign to me"
• 'He's not referring to himself as we and us anymore, this must be serious' Katahara turned around. "To put it simply" he laughed "Tell (Reader) everything you told me"
• "I have a strong regard for you" Agito came clean. You know how I said there was a first time for everything? Well he had a hint of red on his cheeks. This beast of a man, blushing? Utterly adorable
• "So you're saying you love me?" That's the word. Love. He nodded. "Well. Say it then. There's nothing holding you back"
• He pauses for a moment, he's not exactly fond of eye contact. But this was for (Reader)
• "I love you"
• You wrap your arms around his waist again. "That's all I needed to hear"
• His lips curled into a smile as he looked down at you. You parted from the hug and tilted your head to the side. "Wanna go out to a restaurant sometime?"
• "Are you asking me out on...what is it that they call it...a date?" "Yes" you stated bluntly. Beating around the bush or teasing wouldn't get far in this situation.
• "We can talk about plans later, I have important matters to attend to" he look your hand and grazed his lips on you knuckles. Planting a small kiss on it.
• "Now where did you learn that?" "It's a romantic gesture they do on television" you bite your lip from calling him a dork.
• "I'll meet with you later about this date. Until we see eachother again" He leaves, and you're alone again.
• Man, you're already falling for him. It's not like you'd hate dating him. But you didn't want to be head over heels just yet. You looked at your knuckles and sighed "Ah what the hell, being love isn't that bad"
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hangmanssunnies · 2 years
Ask Me Anything, I'll Give You Everything
Summary: Every morning, you wake up and wonder if today will be the day? The day the love of your life breaks up with you. The only probable solution you can come up with is to force the issue. It seems like a simple plan; after all, Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw has never made it a secret that he doesn't like brats.
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Pairings: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Fem! Reader
Fandom: Top Gun: Maverick 
Word count: 10k (phew, I'm sorry.)
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, Bradley is a consent king, BDSM dynamics, P in V, Aftercare, talking about feelings, Healthy Relationships, Communication, Daddy Kink but only a tiny bit, gratuitous use of pet names
Authors Note: No use of Y/N. Will I ever be able to write normal smut? Absolutely not. I have been working on this for weeks. I love Bradbrad so much y'all. I hope you enjoy this! My inbox is always open if you want to let me know your thoughts. Reblogs with your thoughts and tags are always appreciated as well! I love reading through them. Also, can we please talk about Miles’ hands in this gif ( am losing my mind)?
When you started dating Bradley Bradshaw, you knew he would be gone a lot. He had made that clear early on, so you could never claim it was a surprise. Bradley was also very aware of the realities of what his absences were like for you. It was because of that, that when he was home, he lived by a simple practice; he had to make sure that your relationship was perfect. He had (wanted) to make everything so amazing you would be able to get through whatever next stint you had to go without him present. 
You were perfectly independent when he was gone. However, when you got to be with him and were together, it was like you could finally relax. You could mention something in passing, and Bradley would ensure it gets done. Even better, more often than not, you didn't have to mention anything. Bradley took the initiative; he would just do things you needed without you saying anything, anticipating your needs.  
It was the little things with him. He broke open the crab shells and pulled out the meat for you when the legs were delivered to the table. Your favorite snack would start to run low, and it would be replaced the next time you checked. You couldn't remember the last time you went to Ulta; the bathroom's necessities, lotion, soaps, and moisturizer were always stocked. Bradley would bring home surprise flowers and make you dinner for no reason other than he wanted to. Love letters would show up in your mailbox or under your pillow. None of it was something you had to ask for. 
Bradley was romantic, funny, heartfelt, and genuine, indeed the best man you had ever met. However, something felt different in the last few weeks since he had been home. Bradley still went through all the motions, but you felt something off. It sometimes felt like he was just going through a routine, like there weren't the right emotions behind the actions anymore. 
Even with sex, something didn't feel quite right. While Bradley still made sure that you would always find satisfactory endings, he didn't hold you as long. The way he touched you just didn't feel the same or right. It worked under your skin and into the box of insecurities you kept in your chest. It was an insecurity that ran itself rampant. 
You were not a brat. You simply didn't label yourself that way when it came to your relationship. However, that was mostly because you had never needed to be a brat in your relationship before. You did what you were told, you were a good girl, and it was natural. It was easy because Bradley had always taken care of you. Rooster liked to take care of you. And you not wanting to brat was always fine and dandy because Bradley didn't like brats. That being said, you hadn't been feeling very taken care of lately.
It wasn't that you needed, or really wanted, Bradley to be perfect, but you did want to be taken care of. You had become so worked up about it that you were sensitive to every little thing Bradley did, analyzing it in your head. You had halfway convinced yourself that Bradley was staying with you out of obligation and that he was just waiting for the right time to break it off with you. 
Tonight you are at the bar with some of your friends. Bradley wraps an arm around your waist. It was a natural movement, something he has done hundreds of times. However, you slowly shift until his hand falls off your waistline. He didn't notice at first until a song or two passed. Then there is that weight again. You clench your teeth, trying to not let any frustration show on your face. 
You firmly grip Bradley's wrist, feeling his arm muscles flex tighter under your fingers. The touch makes him angle his head down to look at you. 
"Baby?" He poses it as a soft question, but it just irks you more. How dare he call you any pet names right now? His fingers dug just the slightest bit into your skin. 
"Don't touch me," you mutter angrily, pulling harder on Bradley's hand. His face is so full of hurt and confusion enough that you almost feel bad for your actions. His arm immediately moves away, and he even went as far as taking a step away from you. 
You could tell he was reeling. Your eyes watch as he makes an excuse to the group, none the wiser of the moment that just passed between you. He goes to the bar and waits next to it. Your eyes drift to him occasionally. You catch him taking a tequila shot, something somewhat out of character for him. He liked to stick to old fashions and beers. And his eyes still haven't strayed from you. 
Even as he made his way back to y'all's group from the bar. Bradley's sunglasses once again covering his eyes, like it was the middle of the day on the beach, even though it was the middle of the night in a bar. You feel the weight of his gaze, though, constantly straying to you. 
Two hours later, everyone makes their way out of the bar, calling their various Uber's and rides home. 
Neither of you had drunk much tonight, and after his shot, the only thing you saw Brad drink was water while you sipped a seltzer. You find the Bronco's keys in your purse and start to make your way towards the driver's side. However, Bradley beats you there, leaning against the door. Brad opens his palm, facing up, looking at you expectantly. 
"I'll drive home," you tell him, closing your hands tighter around the keys. 
"No, I'm going to be driving home," He says, not moving in the slightest, still waiting for his keys. 
You clench your jaw in annoyance and narrow your eyes. "I didn't do any shots tonight. So, I will drive home." 
"I did one shot, had two beers, not even IPAs, and then only drank water. You had several hard seltzers and no water or food. We both know I have a higher tolerance for alcohol, baby," He explains to you. He isn't condescending about it either, just stating it all like facts. One of his eyebrows raised high at your attitude.
"I'm driving," you say again, a harder edge in your voice. 
Bradley stands up to his full height until he is glaring down at you, "I will be driving home, or we are taking an Uber. Your pick, princess." 
You are so tempted to pull out your phone and order an Uber for the both of you. However, after staring into Bradley's eyes and seeing their absolute clarity, you relent, dropping the key in his waiting palm.  
You start walking to the car's passenger side, and Bradley shadows you there. He never touches you, but you can feel his warmth radiating off of him, inches from yourself. He opens the door for you and holds out a hand, offering to help you into the Bronco. 
You ignore his offered hand, pulling yourself up into the seat by yourself. Not even looking at Bradley as he pulls your seat belt and hands it to you to buckle up. He didn't move from his spot until he heard the click of the belt. He waits for the kiss you usually press to his lips or cheek after getting in the car. He must have noticed that it wasn't coming because he was closing the door a few moments later and making his way back to the driver's side.  
You watch Bradley walk in front of the hood of the car. He pulls his hand through that sandy brown hair so it is all askew. You don't shift your gaze from looking forward when he rounds the edge of the hood. You are tempted to look, though, when he takes an abnormally long time before he opens the door and slides into the driver's seat.  
The silence in the cab is reverberating between you. Bradley reaches to adjust the volume on the radio at the exact moment you do. Your hands almost brush, but he quickly jerks his hand back before it touches yours. It seems he is taking your words to heart about not touching you. 
"Are you feeling okay, princess?" His deep voice asks you. 
And there is the obvious answer, that you are not okay. That everything in you is screaming a little bit. How you feel like Bradley is days away from leaving you, not just to fly his planes. That he doesn't love you anymore, that you are too much work to take care of, that he will ask you to leave. 
And it must be taxing. It must be a lot of work for someone like him to have to take care of you, with all of his own problems. Shouldn't you step up and take better care of him so that he doesn't ask you to go? Take care of him by driving home from the bar or not bothering him with your problems when you are burning for some of his attention. But you feel like you are on thin ice already. Telling him you aren't okay is too high of a risk when it could just push him further away from you. 
"I'm fine."
His fingers drum against the steering wheel at your response. You take a moment to study his side profile. Bradley is visibly agitated. He has a look of concentration on his face like a complex problem is laid out before him. 
"Since when do you lie to me?" Bradley asks you. 
"I'm not lying to you! I'm fine."
"Okay, then hold my hand." He pronounces the words slowly and clearly, before presenting his right hand. His thick, calloused fingers are spread slightly, waiting. 
"No." You snap your eyes away from him and his hand, back to the road in front of you. 
"Hold my hand," Bradley repeats, his voice dropping even lower. It's a tone you know; this isn't a request but a demand. 
"You can't make me," You stubbornly say back to him. 
Bradley audibly gasps. You haven't ever dared challenge him like that before. 
"You aren't being a very good girl right now, princess." 
"Maybe I'm not. Maybe you don't deserve a good girl right now." The words fall out of your mouth before you know what you're saying. 
"I don't like brats, baby," 
"Oh, good to know you don't like me," you say, heart clenching in your chest. It was a sort of a setup, but right now, it seemed like an undeniable reality that Bradley didn't like you anymore. 
"Don't you dare put words in my mouth like that," Bradley's voice has a thinly veiled fury that you have never heard before. It causes gooseflesh to erupt along your skin. 
"That is what you said!" Part of you stinging. What you really wanted from him right now was reassurances. Instead, you feel the only option is to keep pushing the point. 
"So you are being a brat on purpose." He muses. The anger is a little less present in his voice but still there.  
"Why?" He asks you when you don't say anything. You cross your arms over your chest and chew on your lip, bouncing your leg. 
"I asked you a question." He reminds you. Then he rephrases the question for you. "Why are you being a bad girl, princess?" 
"You don't deserve a good girl," you remind him as if there is an important distinction. 
"I see," he says slowly. "And why don't I deserve a good girl?"
The words you want to say die on your tongue about how he hasn't been taking care of you. That you feel like maybe you aren't enough for him. That if you were enough, he would take care of you like he used to. It's some fragile emotion in you, one you don't entirely know how to voice. 
The why plagues you. You suddenly realize that Bradley does deserve a good girl. You just can't be that person. This isn't even a him problem. It's a you problem that you are trying to make him fix. It isn't his responsibility to fix, though. 
"You do deserve a good girl Bradley. That someone just isn't me," you finally say. 
"What the fuck does that mean?" The anger is back again. 
"I think it's pretty self-explanatory."
"Well, it's not. So, how about you spell it out for me?"
If you try to explain anything to him right now, you will burst into tears, so you bite your tongue instead. Silently begging for the drive and this conversation to end. You are only a few blocks away from your home. 
You hear Bradley take a deep, measured breath and your eyes snap to him again. Even in the dark of the cab, you can see the light flush up his neck and face that he gets when he is angry, making his scars stand out more prominently. 
You are unbuckling your seat belt before Rooster fully parks the car in the driveway. 
"Do not get out of this car until we finish this conversation," Bradley warns you in that same low voice. 
You are not listening, though, and isn't that the whole point of being a brat? The door is popped open seconds after his warning. You make a mad dash towards the front door. 
You hear the Bronco's door slamming and Bradley growling out your name behind you. 
You have only just passed the entryway threshold when he catches up with you. His frame seems extra tall and intimidating when he looms over you like this. 
"So you don't want to have a conversation, and you don't want to listen. Is that right, princess?"
He still respects your wish to not be touched, but his hands are on either side of your head. He has you caged against the entry hallway. Nowhere is his body brushing yours, but the heat radiating off him almost feels like he is. The smell of his cologne wafts around you. You are so surrounded by him that it's hard for you to remember that he asked another question. Finally, you shake your head slowly.
"If you keep acting like a brat and don't use your words, I'm going to treat you like a brat." Bradley is telling you this as a warning. His words light something in you, though, and you push roughly against his chest, trying to get him away from you. 
"I'm not in the mood, Bradley." You growl out. You duck under one of his arms, needing space to think and breath.
"You don't get to not be in the mood," Bradley growls back. That has you rounding back at him, fury filling you.
"I don't get to say no?" You ask. Your voice is equally as upset as his. He seems to calm down a bit at your words. You watch him take a deep breath, following the motions of his inhale and a heavy audible sigh on the exhale. 
"Of course, you can. I am not a fan of how you are twisting my words tonight. I meant it as. You don't get to say no to talking to me." His eyes don't stray from yours, and you see the concern in their depths. 
"I deserve to know why you are not fine, and you are acting like a brat." 
There was the phrasing again, deserve. It rubbed you all the wrong ways, and you set your stance, bringing yourself up to your full height, glaring into Bradley's eyes. 
"If you don't want me, and can't handle me as a brat, maybe you just aren't cut out to be my Dom, Brad."
What was that TikTok sound that was popular for a while? Something about how people who can raise a single eyebrow are automatically brat tamers. The moment you saw the eyebrow raise Bradley is giving you. You knew you were fucked. 
"You have two choices: go to our room and lock the door, and I will see you in the morning. Or you better be naked and on our bed by the time I make my way to our room, princess. If I find you any other way, you will be in more trouble than you already are."
He grabs the purse that dropped to the ground without you even noticing. Then Bradley hangs it on the proper hook before he digs in his pocket, pulling out his keys and wallet. He glances at you and once again raises that eyebrow. 
"You want to go to bed willingly before I make you." You are speed walking through the house to the master bedroom moments later. 
You strip mostly naked before perching on the edge of the bed, waiting for him. Only leaving on your panties. 
Bradley takes his sweet time getting to you. You hear him walking throughout the house: in the laundry room, swapping loads of laundry, and briefly in the kitchen, the fridge opening and closing. 
When he finally gets to the bedroom, he doesn’t even acknowledge you at first. You lift your eyes, watching him set a tumbler of water on your side of the bed. Then making his way to his side and putting down his own water bottle he liked to take to bed. 
You quickly lower your eyes when you see him glance towards where you are sitting. Bradley is standing in front of you a second later.  
“Are you going to let me touch you now, baby?” He asks you playfully, teasingly. 
You think about it for a moment, and you are surprised that he is patiently waiting for your answer. Finally, you nod slowly. Bradley’s hand lifts your chin, so you look up at him. His touch is surprisingly gentle and light. 
“Use your words. I have heard this mouth throw around all kinds of things tonight. I think you can manage a yes or no.” He squeezes your chin in between his fingers, then just slightly. 
“Yes.” You whisper.
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, you can touch me.”
His hand slips lower and wraps around your throat. It’s a loose hold but serves as an anchor point. Your breath catches when he gives your throat the tiniest squeeze. More a twitch of his hand than anything else. 
With his hand directing you, he pushes you back until you are arching and angled to still hold eye contact. He holds you there for a long moment, his eyes tracing your face, then lower to take in your whole body. 
He lets go of your neck, and without his steady hand, you find yourself falling back on the bed. Brad doesn’t make any move after that. He just stares down at you, taking you in. 
“What am I going to do with you, princess?” He finally asks you in that rough voice. 
“I think you need a reminder of why you should be a good girl for me. And why you don’t want to be a brat.” His fingers ghosted over your thighs in a slow motion. Then, when they reach your hip, they drag back down to your knees again. 
“But,” he continues on, dragging out the word. “You are just so damn pretty almost makes me want to forgive you.” When his hands reach your hips for the second time, he grips them and flips you over. 
You gasp in surprise at the action with your face and belly pressed into the bed. You try to lift yourself further up, but one of Bradley’s hands is pressing down on your back. 
“Brats get punished, baby. Is that what you want from me? To punish you?” He asks you. You slowly shake your head no into the mattress but don’t say anything otherwise.
Bradley tsks at you, and in the same breath, the hand that wasn’t holding you down smacks your ass. It isn’t the hardest Bradley has ever spanked you, but it was hard for the first one. It makes your skin instantly sting, and your whole body jolts forward.  
You flex your legs that are still hanging off the side of the bed, trying to find purchase on the ground. 
One of the many beautiful things about Bradley Bradshaw was that he could manhandle you any which way as if you were no more than a rag doll. It is something you never really had the experience of with any partner before him. Bradley repositions you so you are sprawled in his lap over his thighs. 
He is still fully dressed from the bar. Your knees are pressed into the ground, and your ass is on display. 
He gently rubs where he has already smacked you. You stare down at the ground in front of you, examining the grain in the hardwood floor. Bradley’s hand comes down and smacks your ass again. You groan in response. 
“How are you doing, baby?” He asks you, rubbing soothing circles again. His hand feels cool against the skin that is already inflamed. 
You continue refusing to answer him though, preferring to take whatever punishment he will give you in silence. Bradley’s hand comes down hard a moment later, the slap it makes against your skin echoing in the room. 
“Not talking to me is not an option. I thought we already established that,” Rooster growls out. 
You receive retribution with another spank when you keep your mouth closed tight. You can’t help but let out the barest of whimpers after that one. 
“What was that, baby?” He asks you, his tone soft again.  
“How many?” You whisper. You half expect another spank at the action and tense your body waiting for the impact. Instead, Bradly stays steady, rubbing your cheeks. His other hand comes forward to push your hair behind your ear, so he has a better view of your face.
“How many do you think you deserve, princess?” 
“I don’t know,” you tell him.
He hums, looking down the bridge of his nose at you while deliberating. 
“How many have you had already?” he asks. 
Hesitantly, you raise your hand and show him four fingers. You immediately receive another spank. This time lower on your cheek cresting the back top of your thighs. It is significantly softer than the other ones you have received tonight.  
“This is your last warning, baby. I won’t ask you to use your words again.” 
You take a few shallow breaths, trying to even out your body that is going haywire. 
“I’m sorry,” you whisper. Bradley nods his head, approving your words. 
“How many are you at, baby?”
“Five,” you supply, still unable to get out more than a whisper. 
“And how many do you think you deserve? How many does my little brat need to learn her place?”
“I don’t know.”
Bradley sighs at your response like he has some great burden. 
“That’s not up to bratty princesses to decide, is it?”
“No, Sir,” you whimper back. 
“No,” he agrees. “That’s for me to decide. I get to decide because I’m in charge.” He punctuates the sentence with a spank.
“I am your Dom, Princess.” Spank. 
“If you want to be a brat or a baby, then I am your Daddy,” He gives you another spank, so hard this time that you jolt forward, sighing an odd mix between a whimper and hiss. 
“But any way you want to look at it, any way you behave. You are mine.” Spank. 
“Do you understand?” Bradley asks you slowly. His hand that is pressed into the center of your back drifts down lower, tracing soothing circles. 
“Yes. I understand.” 
“Good,” he whispers and spanks you again. 
You do whimper this time, loudly. You let one of your hands grip the edge of the Hawaiian shirt Rooster is still is wearing, working it in-between your fingers. 
“How many was that?”
“Ten,” you tell him shakily. 
“Five more.” He says then. 
“Five?” You gasp, clutching the fabric in your hands tighter. You turn to look at him, abandoning the floor in front of you. 
“Yes, because I told you to be naked. And you still have these lacy little panties on. Don’t you?”
“I’m sorry, Sir. I forgot them.”
“No, you are smarter than to forget something like that. Aren’t you, baby?” He coos the question to you. “You were choosing to be bratty.”
Rooster's eyes are more black than any other color with how wide his pupils are blown. That flush of anger, more lust than anything now, staining his skin. His eyes meet yours, and his tongue darts to wet his lips, dragging a little on his mustache. You break eye contact with him and stare at the floor again, ready to accept the punishment. 
“I want you to count them.” He tells you 
Smack, your ass stings again, but it’s mainly from the flesh already being abused. “Eleven.”
Smack. It is intentional, you know; these blows are significantly less painful than the previous ones.
“Twelve,” you choke out. 
Thirteen and fourteen come in rapid succession. You almost aren’t able to get the numbers out in-between. 
“Only one more princess, you are taking it so well. Can you do one more?” He asks you. 
“Yes,” you confirm. 
When Bradley smacks your ass for the final time, you gasp and clench your thighs together. 
He leaves you there for a moment to calm down, but it’s not long until he pulls you back up and stares at your face, searching. 
“You took that like a very good girl,” he praises you. 
He leans forward, ready to ghost his lips over yours. However, you are still too raw and in your head. So, you turn your face just enough to the side that Bradley’s lips catch the edge of your mouth instead. 
He pulls back from you and narrows his eyes. You only blink back, your tongue darting out to lick your lips. He leans in to kiss you again, and you once again turn away. A rumble of displeasure falls from his chest at your actions. 
“You still haven’t learned your lesson, baby?” Bradley questions you. 
Bradley pushes you down onto your knees, then. He starts to shrug off his Hawaiian over shirt, but you risk raising from your knees to stop him. 
You lean into his space and ghost your lips over the edge of one of his ears. Even with you standing and him sitting on the edge of the bed, he feels so tall. Your hands trace over his arms and down his chest slightly to catch the shirt’s open edge and push it back off his shoulders.
Maybe there were ways you could take care of Bradley, too, at least in the bedroom. 
You drag your hands down his chest to start lifting his wife beater, and you briefly let your nails run along his abs and shoulders. As soon as it pulls free, you throw it away from the bed, vaguely in the direction of the laundry hamper. 
Bradley is watching you with wide eyes, his mouth just slightly ajar. You graze your lower lip with your teeth, feasting on the sight of him shirtless. 
“So handsome,” you utter. You are rewarded for the compliment with the small pleased smile that splits his face. 
It inspires you to lean forward, kissing the scar on his chin, then the ones on his neck. Lower you nibble in random places and trace the lines of his chest with your tongue. 
“Do not tease me,” he growls at you. 
So, you shift back on your heels for him. Then audibly whining as your still raw skin makes contact with your calves. You bounce forward, so you are more upright, the weight more on your knees than on your ass and calves.
Bradley unbuckles his pants, and you help pull them down his legs. Your hands get lost along the way again, tracing his muscular thighs. You circle his knee caps slowly before shoving the jeans and boxers out of the way. Tracing back up his calves to pull off the graphic socks with little roosters and planes on them, a gift from his last birthday.
And there is Bradley’s hard cock; he is the perfect size. You simply admire him for a moment as he situates himself on the edge of the bed again.
“Maybe your mouth will want to do more talking once I fuck it.” Bradley muses out loud. He is cupping your jaw, lifting your eyes to look at him instead of his cock.
His thick thumb presses to your lips, and you open your mouth for it. Sucking on it, your tongue tracing the pad of the digit.
Bradley groans and withdraws his thumb. You don’t let it go easily, though, sucking harder as he tries to retreat and just barely grazing it with your teeth. He cups the side of your head to steady you then.
You lean forward, kitty licking the tip of his dick. Lapping it a few times, you are tempted to continue on the teasing path. As you start to consider it, though, Bradley’s hand is heavy on the back of your head, pressing you forward the tiniest bit. It reminds you that this was supposed to be a punishment.
You open your mouth more, taking him into your mouth.
Bradley groans and you wrap one hand tight around his ankle, grounding yourself. Your other hand settles on his thigh. He lets you start at your own pace, slowly sliding more of him into your mouth. You build a rhythm, relaxing your throat. When he reaches the back of your throat, you start to pull back, but Bradley lightly bucks his hips forward as you do.
You can’t help but gag slightly since you aren’t prepared for it. You instinctually try and draw back and are stopped. Bradley’s hand threads into your hair, giving it a tug. That makes a moan vibrate in your throat. Your moan reverberates right through him, ringing up his spine until it’s echoed out of his own mouth.
He holds you there in place, mouth full, not moving and not letting you move either. So you wait, anticipation sitting in your stomach. He is heavy and hot in your mouth as you wait.
You lift your eyes to meet his. Bradley’s eyes are molten, and his jaw is set. When your gazes meet, and he raises that same eyebrow again. As he smirks down at you, he shifts his hips in a small movement. The thrusts get longer until he is fucking into your mouth.
He keeps up until he has a steady rhythm. Your jaw starts to ache slightly, and not for the first time, you curse Bradley’s stamina and sex drive. Of course, there were many explanations for it: being a pilot, his diet, being a sex god, genetics, how often he fucks you, just because he was Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw. Whatever the explanation, it doesn’t matter as he abuses your mouth.
You finally start to see signs that tell you he is close. The way his thighs start to quiver a little more than normal. How he is just a little too far gone to have consistency in how hard he is pulling your hair; almost slack for one thrust, and then your roots are stinging a thrust or two later.
You trace the hand you have on his thigh, gliding it over his fine leg hair until you’re cupping his balls.
“Fuck,” he hisses into the air, and you flash your eyes upward again to try and glance at his face. His eyes are squeezed closed, and a bead of sweat is sliding down his neck.
You gently start to massage his balls and squeeze your hand still wrapped around his ankle tightly. Dirty praise falls from his mouth.
“My little bratty slut.” He tells you, hitting the back of your throat and drawing back again.
“Are you going to be good? Can you take it all?” Bradley asks you, his voice low and ragged, broken up slightly by panting.
You moan in your throat and squeeze his ankle tight in a way of telling him yes. When he next hits the back of your throat, he pushes further, drawing you down to the base of his dick. Then, moaning loudly, he cums down your throat. You swallow it down in gulps, well acquainted with the taste.
“So good, princess.” He tells you, pulling out of your mouth. You open and close your jaw a few times before resting your head on Bradley’s thigh. His fingers pull through your hair, working through the knots he finds and massaging your scalp.
“So good,” you repeat back to him, turning your head enough to mouth a soft kiss against his leg and close your eyes for a minute.
“How are you doing, princess?” He asks, checking in with you. You hum contently at first while you decide.
“I’m wet.” You decide to tell him.
“Show me how wet, princess,” He responds. His hands grip your arms, helping pull you up into the bed, and getting you situated in the middle.
You reach out and adjust the pillows to your liking before leaning back against them. Bradley opens your legs and traces his thumb across the seam of your panties. You roll your hips forward into his thumb when he starts tracing your clit. Then he pulls them off you, exposing your pussy to him.
He brings your panties up to his nose, inhaling deeply, before throwing them over his shoulder. The sight makes you moan and clench around nothing. Bradley leans forward, and you finally allow him to kiss you.
His lips move slowly against yours. His tongue licks into your mouth, tasting himself there. You wrap one of your legs against Bradley’s hip, trying to urge him close to you. However, he reaches to the side of the bed and starts rummaging.
You break the kiss to see what he is reaching for. When his hand emerges with a vibrator. He pressed it in between your thighs. You jerk, The toy feeling cold against your heated skin.
He leaves it there while drawing you into another kiss. Bradley’s teeth sink into your lower lip, making you inhale through your nose sharply. He clicks the power button, and the vibrator comes alive on the lowest setting.
The room fills with the sound of muffled buzzing, kissing, and the breaths you manage to steal. While you sloppily make out, Bradley doesn’t move or adjust the vibrator once.
Giving you a hard kiss Bradley pulls away, trailing kisses down your neck. He sucks hard on your collarbone, biting it to solidify the hickey. His mustache only tickles a little bit going down your chest, where he latches onto one of your nipples.
He moves the vibrator so that it is pressed against your clit. You sigh at the stimulation and grip the sheets on either side of you in each hand. Next, Bradley moves to your other nipple, nibbling at it.
He eventually pulls away from you, leaning back, turning up the vibrator to a higher setting, and working it against you. “Fuck, you’re so wet,” Bradley says, eyes trained on the motion of the toy.
"Please, Brad," you beg him, grinding your hips into the toy. 
"Brad?" He pulls the toy away from you, and you groan at the loss. 
"Sir," you correct yourself. Bradley rewards you by allowing the vibrator to touch you again but doesn't put any pressure on it. Heat is burning at your core, and you feel raw want for him seeping out of yourself. You toss your head back in frustration with him. 
"Sir, please," you beg again, but don't get results this time. 
"Sir," you pant out when Bradley's hand holds your hips still, forcing you to just endure his teasing. 
"I need you, Daddy," You say next, and that does inspire something in him. He smirks and squeezes your hips.
"Pretty words, princess. Tell Daddy what you need."
And fuck, what didn't you need from Bradley Bradshaw? You need everything from him. You need his cock inside you. You need his body sweaty and sticky against yours. You need to have bruises in the shape of his mouth and fingers tomorrow. You need him to fuck your brains out. You need him to hold you and love you. You need him to make you his. 
You whine, not sure how to put it into words. Bradley always knew what you wanted and needed from him, so now that he wanted you to say it, you weren't sure what to actually ask for. 
"Fuck me," you tell him. Bradley pushes the vibrator into you then, and you clench around the intrusion. He slowly starts pumping it into you, but it isn't enough. 
"Like this?" He sweetly asks you. 
The vibrations from the toy radiate through your cunt, making you cry out. Bradley makes sure to angle it just right, and when your moans get a little too much, he starts to pull it out of you. Then repeating the maddening process over again. Finally, you dig your nails into the forearm holding the vibrator. 
"No, please. You know what I need." You tell him, sticking out your lip and meeting his eyes with your own, giving him a pleading look. 
"That's right," he nods to your words. "I do know what you need, baby. You need me to pound the brat out of your pussy too," he declares. 
He pulls the toy out of you, turning it off and setting it to the side. He lines you up with his cock. Bradley pushes into you slowly, then not stopping the motion until you are stretched around him, groins pressing flush together. 
He splays his hand wide across on your lower belly, pressing down, which makes you clench around him. You drop a knee to the side and wrap the other leg around his waist. Bradley uses the additional room you provide him to push himself deeper into you. 
"You are so tight," he moans. He angles his thumb so that it presses against your clit. Bradley swirls it in a slow circle while pulling his cock out of you at almost the same pace. You feel like you might lose your mind at this rate. 
"You fill me up so good," you groan out. 
"You like it when I touch you, baby?" He asks you.
"Yes," you pant out in quick response. You hope it will get him to touch you more. Bradley doesn't disappoint. He starts to mouth at your skin and speeds up his rhythm. 
"Don't forget it," Bradley tells you, following the statement with a hard bite. 
He fucks you harder until you are both dripping with sweat. Your hips are canting up, meeting his every thrust. You feel the muscles in your legs and abdomen quivering right on the edge, waiting to come. 
Then, the blunt edge of his nail catches your clit where he is rubbing you. The gentle scrape is enough to send you creeping over the edge and coming. You spasm around Bradley, gasping, a moan catching and breaking in the back of your throat.  
He keeps fucking you but slows down to short deep thrusts until you are less blissed out. You focus your gaze on him, admiring the concentration set in his features. The heavy weight of his body pressing into yours. 
You smash your mouth against Bradley's. You thread a hand into his short curls pulling him as close to you as you can. His thumb retreats from touching your clit, but he is still balls deep in you. 
The kissing starts to get dirtier. His tongue teasing yours, dominating your mouth. You are still sensitive from your orgasm and actually, pull your hips back from his so he isn't pressed so deeply in you. Bradley follows your lead and pulls even further out, so just the head of his dick is inside you. 
When your mouths separate for breath, you pant into his mouth, only centimeters apart. You flick your tongue out, licking your bottom lip and letting it graze against the texture of his mustache and plush upper lip. Moans spill from his throat, making you feel a little proud of what you have accomplished. 
You feel the burn inside you growing again, already so much closer after the last orgasm. Bradley's cock remains shallow, thrusting into you at a leisurely pace like he is in no hurry to do anything else. 
"I thought you were going to fuck me with your fat cock, Sir," you whine to him. His rhythm stutters, and he comes to a grinding halt in you. Bradley's eyes snap open. He is clearly shocked to hear your little taunt. 
He pulls out of you entirely, making you whimper at the loss. He flips you on your belly again, pulling your hips up to meet his. He slides back into you in a long hard stroke. Bradley presses you firmly into the bed, the side of your face smashing into the pillows. 
"Take it then," Bradley says, not relenting for even a moment to speak the words. At this angle, the head of his cock repeatedly hits your cervix. It punches the breath out of you each time.
Your legs are shaking, and you rut against him. You are desperate with the build up of your second orgasm, but it feels too far out of reach. You whine and resist the hold of his hand, pinning you down. That prompts him to push you harder into the mattress. 
"Just like that, princess," He moans loudly for you, his pace faltering just slightly, letting you know he is close. You are close too. You feel like you are on fire. Your skin feels like it's attached to you too tight. 
"Need more, need you," you beg him. Bradley listens. He doesn't go faster, but he thrusts into you harder. Each snap of his hips brings you closer to ecstasy. Wrapping his hand around your throat, he pulls you back against his chest. 
Bradley is the only thing you can process now. How his chest feels with its quick rise and falls against your back. How his large hand grips your throat, a steady, reassuring hold. How hot his breath is against your ear in short puffs and grunts. The way his hips grind into yours with a slight twist every time he bottoms out. How his other hand grips your waist hard, fingertips pressed into you, making indented flesh, like you might slip away from him. 
"How's that, princess?" He asks. 
"So good, you're so good." You chant for him as much as you can with your oxygen restricted. Desperate for something to grip, you dig your nails into the side of his thigh. 
Bradley groans, lowering his head where he bites into your shoulder. The tinge of pain and how he snaps his hips is all it takes. You are falling over the edge again. The tension wound tight in your core, flooding out of you and into your body.
Bradley spills into you a few thrusts later. Your body still shaking and your walls still occasionally fluttering around him in you. He rolls his hips into you a few more times and relaxes the tight hold he had on your hips and neck. He is praising you and pressing soft open mouth kisses anywhere he can reach. 
He gently pulls out of you. It's an immediately empty feeling that your body wasn't prepared for after spending so much time stuffed full of him. You collapse forward into the mattress again with jelly legs. You are exhausted. 
Bradley gives you water that he brought earlier. He presses yet another gentle kiss to your forehead before getting up from the bed. You hear him mutter something, but your brain is too fried to process it. 
The moment Bradley is out of the room, though, you start to panic. The emotions rise from deep in your chest and feel like they are going to strangle you, making it hard to breathe. 
You take a few shaky breaths before all of it bubbles to a boil, and tears stream down your face. Then, it only takes a few more breaths before they become full on sobs wracking your whole body. 
You wrap your arms around yourself and hiccup, trying desperately to stop the tears and the emotions flooding your system, but nothing seems to be working. 
You had only been crying a minute or two before Bradley was back in the doorway. Seeing the state you are in, he rushes over to your side, tossing the pajamas, towels, and sheets he had stacked in his arms to the side. 
"Baby, what's wrong?" He asks you. His voice is steady and slow, still raw from moaning your name. Bradley does so well in situations like this; he always keeps a level head. A source of steadiness and care. You briefly start to consider if that's one of the reasons he is such a fantastic pilot. 
Bradley repeats the question to you, and you flinch. Not a small flinch but a whole body flinch, expecting another spank to be delivered. It doesn't come; there is only Bradley, slowly rubbing your arms in an up and down motion trying to soothe you. He is making small shushing noises. 
You shift closer to him. Wrapping your arms around his neck and cling to him tight. You were almost in a fetal position with your legs pressed close to your chest. Bradley was quick on the uptake. He shifts, so he is leaning back against y'all's headboard. 
His arms wrap around your naked body, holding you close to his chest. 
"Tighter, please," you finally managed to request. Your fingers dig just a little bit into the skin of his neck. Bradley instantly flexes his arms, squeezing you a little tighter and a little closer to him. 
"Take your breaths with me, baby." You hear him mutter, but you can't do it. The sobs wracking your body are still too much. 
At least this time, you don't flinch waiting for punishment when you can't follow directions. Bradley starts to rock you back and forth, still making soothing noises, reminding you to breathe or following his own deep breaths. 
"I can't," you finally manage to gasp out between sobs. One of Bradley's arms unwraps from you to cradle your head, his thumb tracing smooth lines over your jaw and occasionally sweeping down your neck. 
"I got you, princess," he says, and you know it's true. 
You adjust your grip on him so that your arms wrap around his narrow waist, and you press your face almost harshly into the juncture of his shoulder and neck. You just breathe him in then, finally feeling some of the panic that had a vice grip on your throat release. The heavy feeling in your chest eases, allowing you to take deeper breaths. 
After too much effort, you can finally match his breathing. The moment you start to praise fills your ears from the deep rumble in his chest. 
"That's it, baby. You are so good for me." You process what he is saying, and the tears streaming down your face subside until they are only occasional, not constant. 
"Bradley," you whisper, mouthing the words into his neck more than anything else. 
"Yes, baby? What do you need?"
"Do you love me?"
"Of course," his answer is instantaneous, without doubt, or hesitancy. 
"Am I not good to you?" You ask him, closing your eyes and pressing your face into his neck again, unwilling to see any kind of reaction he might have to your words. 
"You are good to me, princess," he reassures you, but you feel the muscles in his arms tense where he is holding you.  
"Is this because I called you a brat?" He asks. 
"I didn't mean to be a brat." You defend yourself slightly. You release one of the arms holding him to you desperately and instead bring it closer so that you can trace the scars littering his neck and chest within reach for you. 
"I know you didn't mean to be a brat."
"I know you don't like brats."
"I don't," he agrees. "But I love you, so it's okay." 
More tears leak out of your eyes hearing him say that, and you have to suck in another ragged deep breath so you don't sob again. 
"If you love me, and I'm good to you. Then why don't you like taking care of me anymore?" You finally manage to push out. The motive behind all your actions and your insecurities is laid out in-between you. 
The words sit there in the tiny space you've left between you. They taste like when you forget to brush your teeth after going out drinking, sitting sour heavy in your mouth. You cringe at how they almost sound like an accusation against Bradley, against the most amazing man you have ever met. You instantly want to take them back, wishing you had kept them inside, put them into the lock box, and left them there. 
It's Bradley's breath that catches this time. You hear it as much as you feel it under you. His muscles freeze under and around you. You wait. Wait for his exhale. Wait for his muscles to relax, for him to unwind, and reassurances and excuses to follow. 
You are waiting too long. Bradley is completely frozen. You resist his hold on you, only willing and able to move away far enough from his grasp to scan his face. He is looking forward towards the far wall of your room. His eyes dart back and forth rapidly like he is reading a document. 
"Bradley?" His name inspires a reaction, which is somewhat of a comfort. He sucks in a few rapid breaths. His gaze flashes down to meet yours, and you are briefly consumed by the depths of it before he looks away back to the far wall. 
Bradley slowly relaxes, except for his arms around you. He crushes you close to his chest, not tighter than when you started crying, but nearly. 
"I haven't been taking care of you?" He finally asks you. It's a detached, distant tone of voice that you don't recognize from Bradley. 
You can't say anything now. You already regret the words and don't want to dig into them further. If you could rewind and go back to just a few minutes ago before you said them, you would. Bradley waits; he doesn't push you for an answer and doesn't punish you for not giving him one this time. He doesn't let go of you either. 
You decide to lie to him and shove your raw feelings into a box. You prepare to tell him how, of course, you've felt taken care of. You didn't know what you were even saying. They were just more bratty words, but he beats you to the punch. 
"You're right. I don't deserve a good girl like you."
"You do. You are amazing, Bradley."
"Please don't lie to me, princess." He gruffly tells you. Your heart clenches hard in your chest.
"It's not a lie." You stroke the side of his neck, trying to provide comfort. "You are the best man I've ever met."
He scoffs hearing that. "Not if I haven't been taking care of you. Then I hardly even deserve to be called a man at all." 
"I'm a grown woman. I don't need a man to take care of me. My hormones are probably just out of wack. That's where all this came from. Can we chalk it up to that and leave it?" 
"I know you are perfectly capable of taking care of yourself. You have to do it every time I leave. But you shouldn't have to when I am here. Plus, I'm not just any man."
"Please, Bradley. I promise it doesn't matter."
"Of course, it matters! How you feel will always matter to me." 
You sigh into his neck. The emotions in you pull so tight you know that if this conversation continues, you will likely break into tears again. 
"What do you need to hear for this to be better?"
"I need what I always need. I need honesty and the truth."
"You won't let me take it back, will you?" 
"No. I need you to tell me how you feel."
"I feel like you don't enjoy taking care of me anymore." You start, repeating what you already had said. You wait for him to say something, but he stays quietly listening, so you continue. 
"I feel like you are days away from breaking up with me. Sometimes, I feel like you would rather be anywhere but dealing with me. I feel like I'm a chore. I feel like I won't be your girlfriend by the time you next ship off. It feels like you are just waiting for the right moment, doing what you must until it's the right time or convenient to end it." 
You pause to take a deep breath. Waiting for him to say something now. 
"Fuck," Bradley sighs the word. It is under his breath, and you hear it only because you are cuddled so close to him. "That couldn't be further from the truth for me, baby. But you are right about something. I have no intention for you to be my girlfriend by the time I have to go again. I'm hoping you will be much more than that."
You have never felt your heart plummet and then rise again within such a short span of time. You are consumed with the need to see his face. You struggle against Bradley's arms holding you, wiggling until he lets you go. You climb out of his embrace and lie down on your side, motioning for him to do the same. Bradley lowers himself down on the bed until he is lying parallel to you. 
You pull him closer until various parts of you are still brushing, but you can stare at his face now. You reach up, cupping his cheek, and stare into his eyes like they hold the answers to the universe. You briefly consider that maybe they do. 
"I need examples," Bradley utters as his arm slings across your waist. 
"It's stupid, Bradley. My own made up insecurities over tiny things that aren't real." 
"It's not stupid. I want to know. We can only put these insecurities to rest if we acknowledge them. And, so, I can make sure I'm not hurting you. I would never intentionally hurt you," Bradley says with conviction. 
You sigh and trace the scar on his chin for a long moment trying to think of examples. "Last week, you didn't kiss me when you got home from the store. And sometimes you talk about our house like, it's just a temporary place, not our home."
"Baby, this is just a temporary place. I could get restationed any day."
"It's not about the actual house Bradley. It's about me. I know you'll get restationed at some point, or we will finally buy our own place. But when you talk about it like that, I sometimes feel like I'm not your home." The final sentence comes out in a broken whisper. 
Bradley's hand that is on your hip digs into the flesh hard. It makes you whine a little bit, more from the surprise of the grip than anything else. 
"You are the only thing I have to come home to. I don't care if we live here, in the back of the Bronco, or in a cardboard box. It wouldn't matter to me. You are my home, baby. I ain't got no one else." He searches your eyes like he is looking for something when he says those words. But, he must eventually find it because the edge of his lip quirks up he relaxes his hand again.
"I'll work on that," he promises you. "And I'll try not to forget any more kisses. If I do, I want you to stop me, no matter what's going on, and ask me if I forgot something. If you ever want kisses, baby, I am always more than happy to oblige."
You take him up on the offer right then and there, leaning forward and sealing your lips against his. It's a slow and tender kiss. The kind that you only have when someone knows you entirely. When Bradley pulls away, he leaves his forehead pressed against yours. 
"What are some other things?" He whispers the question. 
"You let me go to my last doctor's appointment alone," you say, trying to scrounge your mind for more random examples. 
"I'm sorry. I didn't think you would want me to be at your gynecologist appointment."
"You just didn't even offer. It's not like anyone in the world is more acquainted with my vagina than you and me." You laugh even saying the words, the heavy feeling in your chest finally subsiding. Bradley joins you, letting out a few chuckles. You hadn't actually wanted him to come to the appointment, but it was more about the point of him wanting to go. 
"I'll be at the next one," he promises you. 
"I don't actually want you to go," you start to tell him, but he cuts you off. 
"No takes backs, princess. If I am here, I will be at the appointment. Your birth control and uterine health are very important to me." You laugh at him shaking your head at his silliness. 
"What else?" Bradley asks you again. 
"I don't have anything else I can think of right now," you tell him honestly. 
"And when you think of some. What are you going to do?"
"I'll let you know," you say, but it's not in a convincing tone. 
"Thank you. That's all I ever want, is for you to talk to me. I can't help or fix things if I don't know what's wrong."
"You are just so perfect. The thought of bothering you to ask for more... it feels selfish."
"It's not selfish," he reassures you kindly. "I would do anything for you. I want to do everything for you." 
"I love you, Bradley," you tell him, kissing and pulling him close to your body. He kisses you back, his devotion for you bleeding into every movement of his mouth and how his hand starts to caress your side. 
You try to hold him to you when he pulls away this time. But he just tsks his tongue at you, giving you a goofy smile. 
"I need to change the sheets. You need to pee. And we should probably shower."
He moves to lift you up in his arms, but you squirm, pouting until he drops you back on the bed. 
"Princess, I thought we were done with being bratty." He groans out, but there is no real bite in his words, especially not with how he is smiling at you. 
"I think I might like being bratty sometimes." You tease him, spreading your sore body out for him like an invite. 
He scoops you into his arms again, ignoring your wiggles, walking towards the bathroom. "That's okay, princess. I like spanking you to teach you a lesson."
You hide your grin in his neck until he sets you down gently on the bathroom counter. Bradley starts the shower so it can warm up. Then he heads back to the bedroom to change the sheets, but not before giving you a pointed look. 
He is already back in your bedroom when you call after him, your voice still feeling a little horse. "Lieutenant Bradshaw?" 
"Yes, Ma'am?" He calls back. 
"Aren't you forgetting something?" 
He literally sprints back into the bathroom, which makes you giggle. Rooster comes to a little sliding stop on one of the floor mats in front of you. One of his large hands cups the back of your head and the other holds your cheek. You part your mouth in anticipation, but he kisses your forehead first. Then each one of your eyes and nose. 
"My love," he sighs the words, giving you a wide grin before finally kissing your mouth. 
The phrase bounces around your head a few times before making its way into your chest and settling warmly there, starting to blossom. You were his, and he was yours. Sometimes things can just be simple like that. 
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ariespellz · 2 years
hand holding hcs !!
ft. genshin guys + gn!reader
includes: ayato, gorou, venti, kazuha, heizou, tighnari, dainsleif.
one, two, three.
cw: fluff, established relationship, some parts might be longer than others, alcohol mentions in venti's, a bit suggestive in venti's if you squint, i can't write tighnari to save my life, spoilers in dain's (?) and mostly very full of speculation:')
A/N: THIS TOOK SO LONG.. BUT HERE IT IS LOL. i might not be doing anything this long w this many characters ever again :')) maybe the third part as the last and thats it lol. ANYWAY SORRY!!! I HAD THE WORST WRITERS BLOCK EVERR AND I BEGAN CLASS AGAIN :((
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either the king of hand holding or the worst one on the list.
choose your fighter.
his hands are SOOO soft. he hasn't picked up a single sword without gloves since was like, five.
or anything, for that matter
also slender, bony and long fingers?? really pretty nails??
phew rich kids i swear
as stated before, he can be super sweet and intimate, intertwining your fingers with care
or he'll practically drag you by your wrist. not even in a mean way just,,
he probably has no idea what he's doing. he has no reference on what to do or on how to behave aside from the cheesy romance novels ayaka likes to read.
no parents or parent-like figures in his life, and (i assume) barely any physical affection with his sister, as much as they love each other.
that's why he craves it in some way. probably
PDA is not for him. at all.
he's a very private person who dislikes public appearances
so holding hands while walking around the city would happen every once in a blue moon.
it's cool if you're alone
more than cool, in fact
he likes it a lot. when he has free time he takes you in quiet dates throughout inazuma's nature
in those moments he sometimes moves your hand to his lips and kisses the knuckles <33
it's so gentle and sweet, and sometimes he'll whisper praises too
"you're so precious, my love."
UGHH blushing and giggling and kicking my feet in the air rn
and oh god poor thoma. they guy is always the one to find you two.
"my lord, an officer is waiting to..." he trails off after seeing you in his lap while he worked on paperwork, his free hand stroking yours. you giddily wave to him as a greeting, and he returns the gesture with a nod and a friendly smile of his own. "...right. i'll tell him to come back later. sorry for the interruption!"
you two are lucky he's so used to it.
unfortunately, he's not always the one who catches you.
if your footsteps are soft and your ears are open, you can hear some of the maids gossip about you two.
"oh, they're so lovely! did you hear the rumours?" "about the picnic? yeah! mei told me they were cuddling! can you picture that?" "yeah! lord kamisato's totally smitten!"
it always makes you smile.
as inexperienced as he was when it came to physical affection, he was the first one to hold your hand.
ayaka had told him that "it would give you butterflies".
you BET she was right like-
a fish out of the water is the closest comparison of how your heart was pounding
although inexperienced, ayato is a natural-born romantic. he's sitting in front of you in some expensive restaurant, candles and roses and a private room (just for you two of you, just like he likes it). he's as nervous as you, if not more. this is your first official date!
remembering what ayaka said, his right hand approached yours, in a slightly shy way. "may i?" he murmurs, brushing his digits over yours.
"sure!" you answer, voice meek and an octave higher than usual.
he finds your enthusiasm funny
in a good way
in conclusion, he's not as slick as he'd like to be lol
half the estate has seen you two. the other half is patiently waiting their turn.
over time, he gets more used to it. no more dragging you, no more grasp that's barely there, just,, a normal hold.
a sweet one tho<3
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physical touch is not his love language
but he doesn't dislike it!! he'll do it if you're into it!!
he's really soft about it and you can see his tail wagging happily hehshdhdhsjsj<3
he's a very assertive man and a good (but somehow strict?) general, so his subordinates never get used to see you two interact ESPECIALLY when it comes to affection
gorou: *has your hand in his*
troops passing by: *😲*
you change him i'm telling you
he's pretty good at separating his work and personal life, so expect the affection to be more common in private
hand holding is not his forte nor his preferred way of showing physical affection, but he'll still get flustered from it
"the supplies are to be sent to the sangonomiya shrine. that is our main objective right now." he says, voice stern. his body, however, betrays him once you reach out to grab his hand. his ears flop immediately and his tail swings rapidly from side to side, cheeks starting to turn pink. you can't help but giggle when his eyes flicker between you and his subordinates, full of nerves.
"we saw nothing, sir," one of them says, clearly biting back a smile. "your orders will be followed immediately." he bows and leaves hurriedly.
they still talk about that to this day.
his hands are average size. not super tiny, but definitely smaller than ayato's or dainsleif's (side note: just noticed this applies to every guy in this post except those two and pantalone lmao).
his palms are a bit rough and he has some scratches here and there, but he makes sure his nails are clean and decent.
hald holding with him (ironically enough) isn't that common
you were the one to do it for the first time.
you guys weren't even dating (yet) and you were pinning hard
so after bribing some of his underlings with cookies, you managed to get them to do part of his work (and also get him to relax for an afternoon)
((with you, or course.))
(((the soldiers knew their boss had been crusing on you for centuries, so it was a win-win situation for them)))
sitting on a cliff, watching the scenery. beautiful pastel tones mixed with the pink hue of the sky in the sunset. he was next to you, eyes set on the horizon somehow looking unfocused. the golden light adorned his beautiful features, and you wanted nothing more than to embrace him and never let go.
you knew, however, that you had to be careful. you could've chosen the safest option and shut your mouth, like you always did. but no, not today.
with that in mind, you slowly place you palm in his hand. his ears immediatelly perk up as he looks at you, not bothering to pull away.
"i like you. a lot. and, uh, i'm just happy i can be here with you." you cough out in the spur of the moment. his eyes widen like coins and his tail straightens. he chokes a bit with his words, coming up with nothing to say.
it was a it awkward, really. you had your eyes fixed in the place your skin touched with his, refusing to adress his burning stare. regret filled your gut, and you tried to pull away, ready to stand up and go home to cry under the covers.
but a hand grasping your wrist stops you.
he looks like a deer in headlights, eyes gleaming and face redder than ever.
five words come out of his mouth, faster than any others he has ever muttered:
"are you free on sunday?"
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ah, venti...
he'd use handcuffs to chain you two together if he could.
he is very much a PDA guy. has no shame.
worth it tho because his hands are illegally soft. like cotton.
and his fingers are slender and delicate.
oh and there was no special "first time holding hands!!! exciting!!!!" moment
because guess who got touchy right after figuring his feelings out?
you guessed it! him!!
he snaked an arm around your waist, holding you close, and intertwined your fingers with his. it would have been romantic (and kinda hot, even) if it wasn't for the fact that the poor, poor honorary knight had to physically separate him from you so he would go home already.
"oh, love, one has never seen such beauty. never in thousands of years has a flowery field or a sunset in the ocean compared to your endless eyes." he recites close to your neck, hot breath fanning on your skin making a shiver run down your spine. aside from the fact that you have literally no idea what he means by thousands of years, his lidded orbs boring into yours don't help. "i would become a sailor if it meant that i could spend my life navigating in the ocean of your eyes. would you let me drown in them?"
"i don't get paid enough for this." the blonde mutters, secretly envying the fact that paimon was already sleeping.
"me neither." you say in return with an awkward laugh, wishing that the darkness covered your blush.
he gets a bit poetic after a couple of bottles, what can i say.
diluc always stares at you when you have to go pick him up from the tavern
you swear that's pity flooding his usually soulless eyes
you have the anemo archon wrapped around your finger
quite the accomplishment, if you were to ask me
he's all over you. especially (but not exclusively) when he's tipsy, or (god forbid) drunk.
oh yeah baby
he gets on top of some table, requests the lights to be dimmed, and pulls out his lyre
and starts to sing the cheesiest song you have ever heard
(even the ever-so-cold sister rosaria smiles at the spectacle full of amusement)
"oooooh, babe, i want nothing but youuuu!" kaeya sings the chorus with slurred words and broken laughs (ironic, considering he's usually the sad drunk) as the others clap along. some guys have gotten up and started dancing.
"do something!" you plead charles, but he just laughs even louder at your desperation. you frown and bite your lips so you don't start doing the same. "for fucks sake, venti! get off there, its three in the morning!"
"why do you have to be so cruuuuel???" he sings in a cry, full of emotion. dropping to his knees in a dramatic way, he tugs at your arm to pull you closer. and right then and there, he stops singing abruptly. "i love you. i love you so, so much." his eyes water and your breath hitches. suddenly serious, his flushed cheeks have your heart doing flips. "you're gorgeous, (y/n). i wish you'd let me stare at you all day. you're the only thing i think about. i want to tell you- no. i need to tell you-"
at that moment, the door slammed open.
"you again?" diluc groaned. everything went silent except for kaeya, who greeted him excitedly, making his way to him in big stomps. noticing this, the redhead sighs tiredly. "show's over, everyone. we're closing for the night."
the drunkards groaned the first time this happened, but because of it repeating every month, they've gotten used to it.
the guy has the patience of a saint, you note.
"let's go home, then," you always say with a kiss to his cheek "you tone-deaf bard."
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out of context but this guy invented chivalry
no i will not give any further explanations
he'll hold your hand like he gets paid for it. so enthused about it.
unlike the three messed up people (lovingly) above, this one does the thumb rubbing thing!! (hooray i guess)
his hands are probably rough considering he uses a katana without gloves/is literally a wanderer. but. i can't picture it. let a woman dream.
just imagine it aaaaa
he stares at you in pure disbelief EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU ASK
and when you tell him that he blushes aahhzhsgzwkshjsjs
still! he's very shy about it (oddly enough) so he will only do it if you've been together for more than, let's say, 6 months?? maybe??
he'll slowly unwraps the cloth, cheeks slightly flushed (as always). it's constant, really; he doesn't falter but he doesn't speed up.
that is, until he comes to a stop. right above the mark.
"kazu," you call. he looks at you through his lashes, full of... embarrassment? "you don't have to if you don't feel like it. but... that's not the case, is it?"
he looks so out of character, gulping and avoiding your gaze. he breathes and tries to say something, but he stops himself and stares at his lap.
"look at me, love." you request, placing your palm on his cheek. "you don't need to hide yourself. you're beautiful."
he stammers a compliment and looks away, clearly flustered by the affection
how cute
those times are when you get to see him timid
no one will believe you, but he's the clingy one
hands on your shoulders, on your hips, waist, face, thighs, and most importantly, on your hands.
the first time you held hands, he was the one initiating the contact
you weren't dating, or even close
that was the day you started crushing on him
wether you were a fellow pirate in the crux fleet or just some person travelling with them on one (1) time makes no difference
the storm unravelling in front of you could terrify anyone
you were, of course, no exception
captain beidou's loud voice, commanding the last preparations before seeking shelter
the loud crackling of thunder, and the constant crash of the waves
the raindrops which fell like knives, making a sound similar to bullets when they hit the wooden floor
the footsteps, your heartbeat, the ropes being pulled
it was just too much
breath quickening, you tried to calm down. teardrops were beginning to form on your eyes but you didn't allow yourself to cry.
it'd be downright embarrassing, considering that everyone else seemed to be taking the situation with cold precision
and oh, fuck, your hands and legs were trembling like jelly
you heard beidou yell something in your direction, and next thing you knew, someone was pulling you inside to the hold.
"it's okay. you're safe now." kazuha's gentle voice lulls you. he's gently grasping your hands in his, rubbing comforting patterns in your skin. you curl up, fingers tightening as the ship rocks violently. you silently thank him when he doesn't pull away or swats you off, opting to huddle closer to you instead. his warmth makes your muscles relax slightly, and he chuckles lightly at it. "feeling better already? i'm glad."
you had never really talked to kazuha, as he often refrained from taking place in the numerous drinking competitions the fleet celebrated on sundays.
(let's just say, that changed in the future)
crimson orbs meet yours when you choose to face the man, and suddenly your face has turned into their rival in a fictional challenge.
you thank him again and straighten up, coming back to your senses. you instantly miss his body heat, but you say nothing.
he does not, however, seem to have any intentions of letting your hand go.
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oh dear god
you're in for a ride
you see, he can be the perfect boyfriend
but he can be a little shit too
it depends on how much he'd like to tease you
if he feels like being an asshole, he'll conjoin your hands and swing them exaggeratedly while skipping and maybe even singing a little tune
he makes sure this is in public (unless it's crossing your boundaries), so he can embarrass you a bit
(if you, however, start replicating him, he'll make it progressively more obnoxious until one of you gives up)
((make it be him. please. place your entire body against his arm and bat your eyelashes at him like you're fucking minnie mouse or something. he's officially losing this one.))
"my dear! my everything!" he exclaimed, snaking your hips with one arm and conjoining your hands with the other. he presses kisses on your fingers, green eyes gleaming with mischief, and he finds it hard to fight back a cackle. this would've been funny, cute, ir even romantic, if it wasn't for the bewildered looks of his coworkers.
one dude actually yelled at him to at least do that in his office. once you were there, you questioned his triumphant expression
"ah, there was this boring case they wanted me to solve..." he snickered. "now they won't come into my office and pester me. i guess some other guy will do it."
fucking bastard (adoringly)
his fingers are long and slim, and his knuckles are rough
he literally throws punches as self-defense. no sword, no bow, just his fists.
by this, i imply that at least his knuckles and reverse of his fingers could exfoliate your skin better than any soap.
his palms are softer (not too big of an accomplishment. a three-day-beard could achieve that, too), and rather cold
heizou's preferred form of physical affection isn't hand holding, actually, so he's not too big on it
he makes an exception for the situation mentioned above AND if you're feeling nervous or stressed.
in the second case, he'll be more subtle. he can read you like a book, so he'll save you of any unwanted attention by softly caressing your palm and fingertips.
"it's okay" he whispers. "do you want to get out of here?"
and if you say yes, he'll excuse the both of you and get you some dango milk
he'll have your pinkies intertwined and walk side by side with you. no jokes or teasing remarks.
(he also manages to have the same exact pace as you. sometimes it's a bit hypnotizing to watch.)
oh and btw, you were the one holding his hand the first time
he knew you were smitten
he knew what you wanted
but he still said "hmm let's see what they do"
smirking at you your whole first date like "oooh you wanna kiss me so bad"
and while accompanying you back home, he's waiting patiently for you to make a move.
and of course he notices. he sees the way your hand shifts closer to his, only to pull away a second later. he sees from the corner of his eye the way your chest rises and falls progressively faster. and oh, archons! you're doing it!
you're lifting your hand up, and it's getting closer, and nearer, and omg it's right next to his--
"go on," he says in a teasing manner, breaking the silence. he wears an shit-eating grin as if it was his best suit "you can do it. i don't bite."
you swallow. you consider kicking him and running off, but you had genuinely enjoyed your afternoon and that'd be a waste. so, hesitantly, you did as you had planned.
his hand was warm, and there was no further chat until you arrived.
you were at the doorstep, saying your goodbyes.
"keep going, yeah?" he giggles right before leaving. "i'm expecting a kiss next time!"
it's up to determine wether he got it or not.
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you're a forest ranger too
so you two conveniently go on patrol together
who could've guessed?
even before you dated. consider that as his form of courting.
but but! the moment you two are official tho!!
he'll hold your hand constantly <3
its perfect because he's NOT a pda person. so he has his three favourite things together.
privacy, the forest, and you:)
expect collei to look beyond awkward whenever she catches you two having the slightest moment of physical affection in front of her
she loves you two and is very supportive !! she just does NOT know what to do with herself.
and by this i mean Very Obviously putting your intertwined hands over the table as you have dinner with cyno and collei
cyno: *🤨*
collei: *small politely and nod yall*
"...what clothes do clouds wear?" cyno reads from his (terrifying) book as you swallow your bite out of your pita pocket. he then proceeds to look straight at tighnari, who is currently two seconds away from jumping out of the window. "thunderwear."
the situation was so weird you couldn't help giggling a bit, covering your face with your free hand. at your side, tighnari's grip became a bit tighter. "unbelievable" he grits his teeth. and at that, you laugh harder.
you teased him for that dumb "jealous" episode for WEEKS. my man wanted to disappear from the face of teyvat.
on another note. his gloves.
they look so squishy idk how to say this.
the pads?? are like a jelly-esque material?? maybe slime condensant or whatever its called
(as he should)
most likely the best hands in genshin together with albedo and maybe scaramouche?? nah scratch that pantalone must have the best manicure in the world
back on point. his nails are kinda pointy (he is a fox so it is to be expected) so DO NOT ask him to scratch your back. he'll say no anyway but beware.
it'll be more painful than satisfying. does not fully count if you're a masochist.
anyways. he enjoys physical touch wayyy more than he'd like to admit.
hand holding isn't enough he wants you to pet his ears and spoon him (partner privilege what can i say)
tighnari's generally stern disposition was a challenge during the "chase" phase of the relationship. for the both of you.
on the one hand, there were your compliments and your not-so-secret intention to win him over.
on the other hand, he blatantly refused to flirt back, but still managed to flirt back.
you know the difference?
like, never once in a million years would he see his crush and say "you look amazing, darling. are you free tonight?" and wink.
BUT he will say "that shade of green is nice." and oh so conveniently need your help writing some stuff down.
("paperwork. nothing too interesting" he'll say when questioned. "mind your business" is what he means.)
you learn to pick up on it. and he learns to be more bold.
you let him hold your hand the first time.
he's not that fond of physical touch, and you didn't want to cross his boundaries, so you let him take those steps.
it was a warm summer night in sumeru. the kind of warm in which the breeze is pleasant and no jacket is needed.
you were stargazing and pointing out constellations together,
and he just. went for it.
"hold my hand" he said without looking at you. it wasn't that much of a statement, because the softness in his tone made it sound like a suggestion.
a smile appears on your face while your insides tickle, and you feel a bit ridiculous for being so excited over something so simple. "as you wish" you teasingly say, taking hold of his hand.
the lack of light makes it hard to read his expression, or see if he's blushing.
a thousand questions race in your head, mixed with worries and things you'd like to say
all of them dissipate when he interlaces your fingers.
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well first of all
he's very,,,
by which i mean you are his moon and stars
he'll BATHE YOU in affection.
he wouldn't even entertain the idea of dating someone he doesn't trust completely and/or hasn't been with him for a long time
you make him soft lol,,,, use that info however you want
he does the thumb rubbing thing!!! a king fr
ah and he's not taking off his gloves. because of the curse, his skin is probably a bit unsettling to see?
so is yours, considering you share his condition.
he isn't that into physical touch, though. and even less into pda.
so there's three situations in which he holds your hand:
while walking around alone, when you're nervous or scared, and in the intimacy of your home
it's on the quiet days around teyvat that he doesn't wanna let go
it's standing before the enemy, which haunts you two like prey, that he reminds you he would never let go
and it's while sleeping, huddled together, that he holds you close to him and intertwines your fingers<3
like i sad, no pda.
he might make an exception if it's the traveller with you, but uhh not really...???
hes so awkward about it too like-- it can get funny sometimes.
like one time he held you by the waist when you visited stormterror's lair and paimon just commented on it
had he been not so stoic he might have jumped away from you like his instincts yelled
and she didn't even say anything weird. maybe something like "you look good together!" or "huh?! you like him?!"
she adores you so she's very much Confused™ by your taste
give her time she'll get over it
but you get it, really. the picture of dainsleif she has could never compare to yours.
you still remember, all those centuries ago, when you took a leap of faith and pulled him to the dancefloor.
well, not exactly a dancefloor, but more of a 𝒹𝒶𝓃𝒸𝓮𝒻𝓁ℴℴ𝓻 ???
yeah like . elegant.
he was the dainsleif, and you were just. you
i mean babe ur great and all but hes like the strongest (and hottest lets be honest) guy in khaenri'ah. good luck!!
some friends encouraged you. this was a big celebration!! the eclipse dynasty and its descendants rarely ever organized parties. not in their home, at least.
so after months of watching the twilight sword from afar, you finally had a chance (although slim) of approaching him
so you got ready (best clothes, best accesories, and a lengthy skincare session) and when some animated music started to play, it was your chance
"you got this!" your friends said. "yeah, you look stunning! he's saying yes for sure!"
he's talking with some colleagues and the rush of adrenaline slowly leaves you,
but oh no! it's too late. you've made eye contact and he's two meters away from you.
"breathe, calm down" you tell yourself. your steps become wobbly but the resolution doesn't leave your features.
dainsleif looks surprised when you stop in front of him, and the guy he was chatting with (who you recognize as halfdan, one of his most loyal underlings) elbows him with a smile before excusing himself in a teasing tone
"may i help you?" he asks. oh god, his voice always makes your insides tickle. you open and close your mouth before pursuing your lips and speaking in a more... assured tone.
"yes. i was wondering if you'd like to... to dance with me?" you chuckle nervously as dain gapes at you, clearly shocked. "i mean! you probably have better things to do and... you are probably very uncomfortable right now. uh, sorry! i'll just leave-"
"i'd love to" he interrupts with a small smile. "also, you look very beautiful today, (y/n)."
"oh." you beam, holding his wrist gently. "thanks. you, uh, you always look beautiful." as you guide him among the other couples, you swear you can hear some knights cheering.
and the rest is history :')
side note: forgot to mention you were freaking out because "OH MY GOD HE KNOWS MY NAME?? HE KNOWS OF ME EXISTING???? AND HE. SAID. YES??????"
however, with dain, life's not sunshine and rainbows.
he trusts you, of course, and he loves you even more
but he still refuses to ask for comfort. no matter how many times you make him understand your feelings for him, he just doesn't seem to understand a word.
sometimes you face his walls and are struck by a sudden wave of disappointment.
it's not like you want to know every thought and emotion that crosses him, but communication can be hard sometimes.
like when he had jumped into the abyss without a care in the world.
you are angry, of course. you had been sick with worry, crying and pacing and lucky in the few nights you had been able to sleep.
he had (conveniently) reappeared next to the traveler, inside the chasm (or at least that was what he told you). from that point on, the story became more twisted.
but his voice was so groggy as he told you, and his eyes were peering at you with so much tiredness, you couldn't help taking his hands in yours and resting his body against you.
"i'm sorry." he repeated over and over, becoming more desperate each time. lacking the strength to even straighten his back, he barely mustered the energy to slightly squeeze your hands.
"let's rest for a while, yes? i'm just happy that you're back."
he's so grateful for everything you do :(
being with him would be living in a hurt/(no?) comfort fic 24/7 actually lol i kinda wanna cry
being with him takes effort, resilience, and overall, it's hard
though as he links your fingers and his eyes fill with sheer devotion and adoration, you think it's all worth it :')
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yuikomorii · 1 year
Happy Birthday to the BEST BOY!!🥳🏀❤️
// You have the ability to accomplish everything you set your mind to, and we all know you’re the apple of Yui’s eye. Thank you for never giving up on others and for making Yui the happiest girl alive while letting her feel like a normal teenager! (*^ワ^*)
Love you, Ayato! 🫶🏻
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Since you guys asked for a new scenario, I decided to deliver it uwu. I’m still not very confident in my writing skills and I’m aware some parts sound really cheesy but I truly hope you will enjoy it! 💖
~Ayato’s Birthday short story~
Yui: Phew… it’s finally done!
( It took me three fails to make his cake but thankfully I finished it on time! )
Uuh… It was supposed to look better though but maybe the good result lays in the taste?
— Yui tries it —
Just like I thought, the taste didn’t deceive me! I tried my best not to make it too sweet, therefore I truly hope Ayato-kun will like it.
Speaking of Ayato-kun, I wonder if he woke up. It might sound a bit childish but I really want to be the first to congratulate him~!
— Place shifts to Ayato’s room —
Yui: Eh? The door is open…? Could it be that he’s awak—…! He left?
???: Nfu, what’s with the long face? Did you and Ayato-kun have a fight~?
Yui: L-Laito-kun! Gosh, don’t just whisper in my ear like that!
Laito: Why not~? Is it because it arouses you? As expected from you, Bitch-chan, you really grow into that nick—
Yui: E-Enough…!
Look, Laito-kun… do you happen to know where exactly Ayato-kun went?
Laito: And what if I do?
Yui: Well… in that case, where is he?
Laito: Bold of you to assume I’d tell you. You’re always so naive~
Yui: Eh? That’s…—
( Of course this guy wouldn’t help me! I can’t believe I really thought asking him would be a good idea… )
Laito: Nfu, I know that face, Bitch-chan, you were judging me in your thoughts, weren’t you? How rude~
Yui: W-Wait, you got the wrong idea! I just—
Laito: And I was merely trying to do you a favor, but I suppose you don’t appreciate such things from any man, am I right?
Yui: I don’t really get what you mean…
Laito: Well…~ all I’m going to say is that if you tried using your head a little, then maybe you would be able to guess where Ayato-kun is.
Yui: Hmm…
( Now that I think about it, the weather is beautiful today, neither too hot nor too cold. As far as I recall, this is Ayato-kun’s ideal type of weather for playing basketball. In that case… could he really be outdoors? )
Ah, I might actually know the place!
Laito: See? Making use of those brain cells once in a blue moon wasn't all that difficult, was it? Now hurry up or else you won’t be the first one to wish your precious boyfriend a “happy birthday” ~
Yui: …!
( Did he eavesdrop on me today!? )
( G-Geez… It’s a bit embarrassing knowing that he listened to such things. Despite this, he truly managed to be helpful in some way. )
Y-Yeah, I’ll leave right now. By the way… thank you, Laito-kun.
— Yui walks away —
Laito: ( Nfu, I wonder if she really guessed that place right. Too bad that desperate face didn’t last any longer, otherwise I might have truly taken advantage of it.~ )
— Place shifts outside the mansion —
Yui: Hoh— that’s a bit heavy!
( I tried to fit everything for his birthday in this basket but it weighs more than I expected! )
( Uuh… I really hope Ayato-kun is around here. )
???: Tsk, damn it!
Yui: That voice—! Ayato-kun!
Ayato: Huh? Yui?
— Yui jumps into his arms —
Yui: Happy Birthday, Ayato-kun…!
Ayato: Hah? Ah… Yeah…
So you remembered it, huh?
Yui: Obviously, there’s no way I would forget such an important day!
Ayato: It wouldn't have made a difference anyway. Birthdays have never been a reason to celebrate for vampires; they are just like any other day. Basically, we couldn’t care less.
Yui: Well… that might be so, however I do care about it. It’s true that humans and vampires have distinct points of view and mindsets, but this still won’t stop me from considering this day special. After all, that’s when Ayato-kun was born and I’m grateful for that, as a result I want to celebrate your birth.
Ayato: …
Yui: ( He suddenly went silent… Ah, did I really exaggerate with that confession? )
Ayato: Yui…
Yui: …!
( He’s smiling so brightly! )
( I would have never thought those words to make Ayato-kun so happy but seeing him like that… my heart can’t help but fill up with so much joy too…! )
Ayato: Geez, I’m supposed to be indifferent about my birthday but look at me grinning like a fool due to a Chichinashi such as yourself. Now you better take responsibility or else—
Yui: ( He says it in such a threatening way but that blushy face proves exactly the opposite, fufu. )
Ayato: Oi, what’s up with that basket?
Yui: ( Oh, right! )
I got something for you!
Ayato: Heh, only for me?
Yui: Yup!
( Although, I truly hope nothing got crushed. )
— Yui opens the basket and serves cake —
Yui: I know it doesn’t look perfect but I’m confident the taste is on your liking. I remembered that you aren’t too fond of very sweet food, therefore I tried avoiding adding marzipan and focus more on the fruits instead. Do you… like it?
Ayato: Haa… there’s no need for those useless explanations. You made that whole cake for me, so yeah, isn’t it obvious that I’d like it?
Yui: Ayato-kun…
— Ayato tastes it —
Ayato: Mm… as expected, it’s good! To be honest, Takoyaki would have been a far superior choice, but I can't deny that the cake Chichinashi made is also quite tasty.
Yui: Fufu, I knew exactly that you were going to say that, so I prepared this for you!
— Yui serves him Takoyaki —
Ayato: Hah!? Are you a magician or somethin’?
Yui: N-not at all! I just know Ayato-kun loves Takoyaki so much that he would eat them everyday, hence they couldn’t miss out on his birthday, right?
Ayato: You…
— Ayato pins her down —
Yui: Eh—?
Ayato: Bet you weren’t prepared for this, were you?
Yui: ( Is he going to suck my blood? )
— Ayato kisses her —
Yui: Nn…!
Ayato: Now I am the one catching you off guard. How does that feel, eh?
Yui: Good…
Ayato: Oh? What happened to “Ayato-kun, that’s so embarrassing!” ?
Yui: I-I mean… it is a bit yet I can’t deny that Ayato-kun’s gentle kisses are the best.
Ayato: Tsk… Why not so cute and honest all the time? Is it ‘cause of my birthday or what now?
Yui: I just felt like it…
( He’s just getting cuter and cuter! )
By the way… there’s one more thing I have to give you.
— Yui starts searching —
Ayato: A photo frame?
Yui: That’s so. I asked the school photographer to take this photo exactly when you scored and brought victory to your team. The happiness you felt in that moment… that’s something I always wish for you to experience.
— Ayato slightly blushes —
Yui: I also tried to decorate the frame myself based on what you like the most b-but if it’s too childish, then I will try to——
( He’s hugging me! )
Ayato: “What you like the most” she said, but how come I don’t see her there too then?
Yui: T-That’s—!
( Was that an indirect confession!? )
Ayato: Pfft… haha, that’s exactly the reaction I expected!
Love you, idiot. You really are the best~!
— Ayato stands up and starts walking away —
Yui: W-Wah—! Hey, d-don’t make fun of me like that!
Ayato: Can’t hear you~! If you wanna tell me something, catch me then!
Yui: You meanie!
— Yui stands up and starts running after him—
Yui: ( I can’t help but feel like a child once again when playing with him like that. It’s such a nostalgic feeling that somehow feels so distant... )
( As we run around the mansion, Ayato-kun is showing me his genuine smile… that’s the face that makes me fall more and more for him each and every day. )
( I love you Ayato-kun, thank you for being born. )
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karniss-bg3 · 8 months
With all the talks about Kar'niss as a bard, I was wondering if you could write something with Tav and Kar'niss dancing together? (though I guess given how tall Kar'niss is, it might be difficult)
The air was thick with the aroma of burning wood from the nearby campfire. A blanket of stars spanned across the sky, twinkling from a far off distance. Tav had broken away from the group for some quiet time, wandering toward a nearby stream so they could bask in the crisp night air. Once they settled on the shore near the forest line they pulled out their violin from it’s case. They took time to tune the instrument, desiring a moment to play a pleasant tune for their pleasure. Tav sensed eyes on him from the nearby treeline, their head turning to see the familiar silhouette of a drider lingering between two trees.
“You’re welcome to join me if you’d like. I’m not opposed to the company,” Tav said.
Kar’niss froze once he realized he had been spotted, his hands clasped together to rub them in a nervous fashion. He emerged from the underbrush and wandered over to where Tav was seated, maintaining a small measure of distance.
“What are they doing?” Kar’niss asked, peering over their shoulder at the violin.
“Taking a moment while we have it. I haven’t had the chance to play for a bit, now seemed like a good time. Do you play any instruments?”
Kar’niss’ brows knit, mulling the question over. “We...used to. Don’t anymore.”
“Oh?” Tav perked up, interest piqued. “What instrument?”
“Violin, flute at times. Long time ago, doesn’t matter now.” Kar’niss waved a hand dismissively, turning his face away from Tav.
“Well, would you like to with me? A duet sounds fun. We have an extra violin in camp.”
Kar’niss scoffed and reared his head back as if insulted. “We cannot play anymore. We would ruin your music with our screeching.” Tav chuckled while pushing themselves up to stand. “I doubt that. Just give it a try. If you hate it then you aren’t obligated to continue. Please?” Tav leaned forward and boldly bat their eyelashes at the hesitant drider.
His cheeks puffed out with indignation. “Are they mocking us?”
“No, not at all. I’d just like to try something with you, that’s all.”
He growled under his breath, tapping a single leg against the ground while considering the proposal. “...Fine. One song only. If the instrument breaks it is not my problem.”
“Wonderful! I’d not worry much about the violin honestly. I think Astarion stole it from some merchant or another, won’t be much of a loss if it snaps. I’ll be back!”
Kar’niss watched Tav scurry back to camp to retrieve the item. He crossed his arms tight against his chest, his pedipalps trembled in place, betraying his anxiety for the performance soon to come. He’d not have to wait long. Tav had been swift in their retrieval of the instrument, they ran up to Kar’niss and held it up for him to take.
“Phew, there you go,” Tav panted, wiping a bit of sweat from their brow.
He lifted the violin and bowstring into his clawed hands, looking over each piece as if he’d been reunited with an old friend. It felt strange in his grasp and the jagged nature of his fingertips made either item a challenge to grip. Tav stood back and let him become adjusted to them, watching as he plucked a few strings to test their muted chords in succession. His nose wrinkled with some concern.
“What is it you wish to play?” Kar’niss asked.
“Have you heard of the waltz of the feywilds? It’s a bit complicated but it is one of my favorite songs.”
Kar’niss squinted and mulled over the request, his tongue darting out to swipe over his lips. “We are not certain. The title sounds familiar, it has been too long since I have played it.”
“Tell you what. I’ll start playing solo and if you catch the rhythm feel free to jump in as you wish. How does that sound?”
He hummed and nodded. “Very well.”
Tav tucked the butt of the violin under their chin and rested the bow over the strings, straightening their posture. Kar’niss mirrored this, relearning the proper stance. It was a bit awkward as his chin now had an extra layer molded over top via the hardened chitin but he managed to adjust well enough. Tav positioned their fingers over the proper strings on the violin neck and began to play, a gentle melody rising from the instrument into the night air.
Kar’niss closed his eyes as Tav began to play, opting to focus with his pointed ears rather than his sight. He listened to the first notes of the song and honed in on it, digging deep into the recesses of his memory in search of something he’s heard before. It took him a moment but he soon willed himself to play the first note, sliding into Tav’s solo to turn it into a duet. At first he struggled, his fingers larger than he was accustomed to which made hitting the right strings a struggle. He’d strike off key or hold a note for longer than it was meant to be but Tav didn’t seem to mind.
“You’re doing great, keep going,” Tav insisted.
He exhaled his nerves and stuck with it even if he felt the urge to drop the violin and walk away. Steadily, he became accustomed to the added bulk of his chin and fingers, shifting the instrument in such a way that it worked for him rather than against. Once he did so the notes flowed smoother, in line with Tav’s own contribution. This made Tav smile, their body bobbing up and down on their knees once the music started to hit their core.
Their playing continued, gradually picking up pace into an uplifting harmony. Even for as stiff as Kar’niss could be he felt the draw of the music seep into his skin, pulling him back to a different time in his life. As his comfort levels grew his confidence in manipulating the instrument to his will increased, playing with a bit more passion than at the start. Despite his best efforts he found himself swaying from side to side in time with the beat, his long legs curled while rocking his large body like a pendulum. Tav took notice, unable to wipe the growing grin from their face. They chose to join him by shuffling their feet on the grass below, stepping from side to side to match Kar’niss’ rhythm.
He tipped his head to the side slightly at the sight of the display, deciding to up the ante a notch. He lowered his front half toward the ground, extending his pedipalps to drum against the dirt when he felt added percussion was needed for the melody. Tav unleashed joyful laughter due to Kar’niss’ improvised antics, finding them clever. They stepped forward and began to dance around the drider while he tapped at the ground, spinning and skipping around his impressive abdomen, soon returning to his front. All the while the two continued to play, their song growing in intensity as they progressed.
Kar’niss had become lost in the duet, the faintest of smiles threatening to stretch his mouth. The ballad increased in pace and came to a high pitched mid point, the pair putting their all into assaulting the strings with determined ferocity. Kar’niss closed all of his eyes and tipped his head back, matching Tav tit for tat. Once the mid point had passed they would side step to and fro while facing one another, Tav spinning around in place and Kar’niss following suit. Albeit his turn was slower thanks to his extra girth, but he still managed to do so with grace. Tav stepped toward their partner and Kar’niss stepped in to meet them before both walked back to restore distance between them. His legs stamped at the ground in sync with the anthem, his torso bending into the violin as he leaned into the more fast paced tone. His rounded abdomen swayed and rocked concurrently with his legs, putting his entire body in motion.
Both continued to prance from one side to the next in unison with one another, turning around in place at proper intervals, lowering their bodies into a crouch then springing upright. The smile Kar’niss had fought came out victorious, fully visible on his expression. It was a toothy grin that was both endearing and haunting at the same time. Despite his impressive size Tav wasn’t intimidated with his dance partner, rather savoring his enjoyment knowing how rare such a treat was for him.
The pair were reaching the crescendo of their song, the very apex building in urgency between the pair of them. As the final elongated note was shared between them, Kar’niss lifted his body upward while he held the high pitched sound, pushing until he was balancing on his back four feet. The other four extended outward alongside his pedipalps, opening wide as if he were in a defensive stance and yet that was far from the case. He tipped his torso back until his hair fell from his shoulders and dangled freely in the air, Tav watching the display in awe of his beauty in that moment.
The lengthy note was dropped, the final chords played afterward in rapid succession to end off the song with a flourish. Both Tav and Kar’niss played the final refrain in a quick strike and once finished they dropped into a low bow in front of one another. Their arms extended outward, bow string and violin clutched in either hand jutting from their grasp. They held the lowered position for a moment to catch their breath, Tav the first to lift their head to find they were eye level with Kar’niss; A rare thing indeed. Their gazes met, the drider offering the smallest of smiles in Tav’s direction, his hair a mess across his face.
“You did it,” Tav whispered.
Before Kar’niss could respond the pair heard the sound of clapping nearby. Tav stood with a jolt, looking behind them to see others at camp had gathered around. Wyll in particular seemed enthused by the performance.
“Well done, well done!” Wyll called out.
“Got an encore in you??” Karlach shouted.
Tav smiled sheepishly at the pair and shook their head. “I doubt it, but glad you enjoyed it.”
Kar’niss made a face at the unexpected audience. He dropped the bow and violin, backing away as he felt a tingle in his cheeks.
“Kar’niss, are you alright?” Tav asked.
The drider growled ever so slightly and then turned, quickly scuttling away from Tav and the others. He fled back into the underbrush of the forest and disappeared from sight, having none of it.
“Ah shit, did we scare him off?” Karlach asked.
“We’re sorry Tav, we didn’t think it’d be a bother.” Wyll added.
Tav exhaled and wandered over to retrieve the discarded instrument, looking it over with some fondness.
“No, nothing to be sorry for. I think he is a bit more shy than he lets on. Give him time, he’ll return when he’s ready.”
Kar’niss wandered back into the forest and climbed into the tree he picked to call home for the night, complete with scattered webbing throughout the area. He’d settle on a thick branch, his arms crossed as he worked through his temporary embarrassment. Part of him was still in disbelief that he’d done that at all, that he still could. The feeling of an instrument in his hands felt better than he dared admit aloud. Once he started to calm down he turned his gaze to the stars, a sight he often favored while alone. The tips of his pedipalps began to gently tap at the branch below, one, two, one, two. He bobbed his head from side to side and before he knew it he was humming the song they had just played. He continued to do so while training his eyes on the sky, his wobbled smile making a return.
For now at least.
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sunshinebingo · 4 months
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This took me an embarrassingly long time to write but I finally did it. This fic is a gift to @headcanonheadcase who was one of the first writers that made me fall in love with fanfiction. And is also the one who opened my eyes to the wonders of Gwyn/Ithan. @headcanonheadcase dear, what you do for this fandom (and all the others you write for) is incredible. You are amazing!!
Pairing: Gwyneth Berdara/Ithan Holstrom Synopsis: Ithan remembers the important events in his relationship with his red wolf, Gwyn, from how it started to where they are now. A recollection of little moments that they shared together. Word Count: 5.7k Warning: A tiny bit of smut
Important A/N: I started writing this waaay before hofas was released so this fic does not follow any canon event past HoSaB. It's not a 'hofas canon-divergence', it's just me posting a crackship fanfic after having it in my drafts for half a year.
Read on Ao3 or proceed below the cut for a snippet
Day 8
“I’m Gwyneth. Gwyn. It’s very nice to meet you,” she shook the hand that he had extended to her after introducing himself. Ithan thanked all the Gods above that he had not gaped at her again like a fool. He had been bracing himself for a conversation with her since he caught a glimpse of her bright hair as she was entering the Prime’s office.
“So, you are new here?” he asked as though he had not already secretly asked everyone at the Den for information about her. He had learned that Gwyneth had just arrived in Lunathion with the intention of settling here. Her grandparents were apparently related to the Prime himself. What had struck Ithan the most had been learning that she was a lone wolf, just like he had been before, even if he was now the only wolf in his pack consisting of an angel, some Fae, a mer, a deer shifter and even a dragon and some fire sprites.
“I am. I live near the Old Square, a few blocks away from the White Raven.”
“Really?” he replied a bit too excitedly before clearing his voice and continuing more calmly. “I mean, I live near the Old Square too.”
The smile that spread on her face could have rivaled the sun ahead. “That’s great. Um… maybe we’ll cross path someday. I mean…” she rambled. Was she nervous too? Ithan thought.
“Not that we aren’t already crossing paths at the Den already,” she added with a laugh while indicating the building behind them.
Ithan noticed the way that she was twisting a strand of hair between her fingers and how she could not stand still. She was nervous too. Somehow, that made him a little less tense.
He has admitted to Gwyn, months and months later, that their encounter on that day had not been accidental at all. He had confessed that he might have forsaken more urgent matters to wait until she would leave the Prime’s office. The tongue-lashing he had gotten from his roommates for being late for what they had planned later that day had been totally worth it.
Day 10
“Hello there,” a melodious voice drawled behind him. Ithan turned on the stool he was sitting on at the bar of the White Raven to find Gwyn smiling at him.
If he was not already seated, his first look at her would have made him fall on his ass. Gwyn was glowing in a green velvet dress that clung to her and accentuated all the dips and curves of her body. The makeup she had dusted on her eyelids sparkled beneath the flashing lights of the club, making it impossible not to look at her eyes.
“You look…” damn him and his habit of being speechless in her presence. “You are…” he tried and failed again.
Gwyn erupted in laughter at his flustered state. “I think I will take that as a compliment,” she said as she sat on the empty stool beside him.
“Sorry,” Ithan shook his head, “You are stunning.” Phew. See? That wasn’t so hard to say, he thought.
Gwyn’s cheeks started to flush and Ithan was momentarily mesmerised by the way it made her freckles stand out. “Thank you. And you are very handsome as well.”
Ithan was certain that the heat spreading across his face was close to turning him as red as her hair. Gwyn ordered three drinks and turned back to him.
‘’They’re not all for me,’’ she explained when she noticed his raised eyebrows. She pointed at a blond Fae and a brunette angel on the dance floor. ‘’I came with my sisters.’’
His face must have given away his puzzlement concerning her odd family because Gwyn snorted then proceeded to tell him about her chosen sisters.
A drink was placed in front of him. But instead of making his way towards his table where his own found family was, Ithan stayed at the bar, chatting with Gwyn over the loud music. Either her sisters had forgotten about their drinks, or they did not want to cut their conversation short because, as they talked and talked, Gwyn ended up drinking all three cocktails she had ordered while Ithan kept ordering more for himself. He only took note of the time when he turned around at some point and found that all those he had come with were already gone.
That night, Ithan had talked more than he ever had with anyone else in his entire life. He remembers vividly how she had been the only thing on his mind when he was staring at his ceiling before he fell asleep in the early morning. He had a crush on Gwyn. One that went from little to massive in a matter of one training session with the Aux.
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visarcana · 4 months
In celebration of the miserable realization that I haven't updated in more than a year
I was thinking of how this happened and if I REALLY have done so little on the fic. A lot is going on but that shouldn't be my excuse; I had difficult years before. So what was I doing for the past year?
I published the Folken oneshot here and here (phew, there's at least something).
I do have SOME version of ch 17 ready that I have continually worked on, it's just that it doesn't feel up to my standards. What is worse, I cannot figure out what comes after. I have the CONCEPT and major scenes but the plotholes could sink the whole thing if I'm not careful. I hoped to have this figured out before publishing the next chapter, I usually had, in similar situations before. I wonder if I should just risk it and just go ahead.
I have some scenes that do not exactly fit into the fic at this point BUT I WANT to have them. What do? Force them in there somehow (I did that in the past already)? Create a separate "fic" for them? I feel like such an inexperienced writer when things like this and the previous one slow me down while others can produce chapter after chapter much more regularly.
I did A LOT of translation last year, and it was the hard kind, the novel translation. You kinda have to employ your skills there as a writer, too, besides dedicating buttload of time and patience. Maybe I tired myself out and hit the limits of my creative energy? It certainly feels like it at times. This is something that took me by surprise, in the past, the translation fueled rather than impeded my writing.
I did have some very engaging fic talks with a few of the readers and friends, I'm really thankful for that. They were obviously about the stuff I had already posted but I guess it doesn't hurt to think on the past things again, quite often, an inspiration hits from that. Not to mention motivation, it's incredibly motivational to have someone care about your story, I don't think I even need to say that. I even was lucky to lay my eyes on some fanart for the fic and although I can't say I contributed there such a treat ALWAYS deserves gratitude and mention <3
The questions also helped me understand where my writing is unclear or where it may get confusing. Besides the answers, I had to even look up some photo references and even did some pencil sketches. Although they are not great, it's the only thing that I've drawn in long months.
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So, in case someone else wondered about the same things, and since I have some of these answers typed out already (with some of them quite elaborate as usual), I will post the "questions" below.
If there is any interest in any of the answers, I will publish them here. I wouldn't want to spam you otherwise, I mean, I get that it's the new chapter people would want to read, if anything. I can't make any other promises but I'll keep working on that as well. Anyway, an update of this blog was long overdue, so I did at least that.
What are “sliders”, “lum”, “Telandir” etc.? Basically, worldbuilding Q/A.
What does Van mean exactly when he says “There are four of you, and you will come down with me peacefully. Or there will be less… if you think you can outrun me.”
Is it “Cyro” or “Cyrien”? How old is he? How does he feel when Hitomi intercepts on him on the way to the command tent and what does his apologetic shrug at the end mean?
What is Hitomi wearing and why does no one pay much attention to her until she speaks up at the war council? Why do the soldiers call her “Private Sweetling”?
How does Van feel about the whole situation with the captives? Are Hitomi’s concerns substantial?
What really happened and what are the physical actions (and reactions) of the characters during the argument taking place in Van’s tent?
What is the meaning of Van and Folken’s conversation about Hitomi, when Folken says his brother “disappoints” him?
What is the meaning of Folken’s “what if I told you I’m done being useful”? What does Van’s reaction to that mean?
Why does Allen see younger himself in Van and what are his regrets?
What does Hitomi mean when she says “everything is shattered”? -- PREVIOUS CHAPTERS
Why does Hitomi so easily accept that Gaea was real after all, when she had been thinking it was a dream for several years?
Why is Hitomi so formal with Millerna at the start? Why is she starting from zero with some of the relationships like Millerna and Van?
Why do people call Hitomi “seeress” in VA?
Are Hitomi’s abilities gone? Why can Van dowse and can anyone do it?
Why does Dornkirk want to separate Van and Hitomi? What is the connection between Lenz’s tasks and the ch15 forest scenes?
Why was there not a scene revealing the reactions of the characters back on Earth to Hitomi’s disappearance?
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fuzizeze · 6 months
It occurred to me that counting the height (not all but many--) of EaH characters is a brilliant fucking idea
IT ALL TOOK A HELL OF A LOT OF TIME because there were a lot of problems with
In general, I initially started counting by the pantry in which Stiesel was locked up, I DIDN'T HAVE A SCREENSHOT LEFT, SORRY, but in short----
I found the approximate height of the ceilings in Germany (2.5 meters) and then I tried to figure out from the fucking doorway where, like, uh, the line on which the characters stand???
In short, I tried to find where these 2.5 meters start from
As a result, the first ones I counted were Edna and Stiesel, and then I counted others by simply substituting Edna's height to them (naturally so that they had normal proportions)
Then there were troubles with Hulgor because he actually hunches over. I tried to straighten it out, it turned out the way it did.----
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A funny moment by the way, Hulgor (while he hunches) and Toby are the same height if you compare them with Edna, BUT IN THE GAME ITSELF, TOBY IS LOWER NEXT TO HULGOR FOR SOME REASON, I MEAN-----
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Another problem was with Droggelbecher, because in the original game he has a very small sprite 'cause he stands in the distance, in the remaster they fixed it and made him a normal sprite, BUT HIS SEEMED TOO HIGH TO ME
So I divided the difference between his sprites in orig and remaster by 2 (idk why by 2, probably because there are 2 variants of his height----) and added to the original
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Again, it turned out how it turned out
I missed a bunch of other characters and didn't even try to do them, because I just didn't want to
Well, seriously, who needs the growth of a controller and a barman
And others could not be done due to the fact that they have inconvenient sprites for counting, I mean Peter, Blase, Adrian, well, put those whom you remember
Aaaaaaannnnddd wweeeeeeeeell probably that's it??? I do not pretend to be canonical at all AND I HONESTLY AM NOT SURE THAT I COUNTED EVERYONE CORRECTLY, BUT WHAT IS THERE IS
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sneezemonster15 · 2 years
Hey, thank you so much for answering my previous ask. I love reading your blog and what you have to say. Also I forgot to mention the person who thinks Sasuke fucked Karin also talked about what you said on your blog with someone else, https://dushman-e-jaan.tumblr.com/post/663748673413464064/i-saw-a-post-where-anyone-who-says-that-sasuke-and I'm pretty sure that's your post bc I read it. They're basically making fun of the whole thing and again slapping the "brothers" label onto practically everything you said 😭 What are your thoughts on this?
Woah, yeah, that is my post. I wrote it a long time ago, I had no clue that they got this triggered by it, that they went through it line by line, as a response to me, replying to every statement I made in second person and didn’t even tag me. If it weren’t for your ask, I would never have found out about it. Well, I am going to take it as a compliment, whether they like it or not. Lol. 
I don’t generally write my content to defend my takes, I give all the reasoning and cite evidence within my posts, and if someone has a problem with it, I generally reply to them in the comment box. But since this aforementioned post seems like it has gone some way into the anti SNS fandom, and because I wasn’t even aware of it, I will address some of these issues. 
Okay. Gear up, this is going to be long.
First things first. They are offended because they don’t agree with my statement :
“Well, at least you are being consistent. Because people who think Sasuke and Naruto are brothers are the same people who think Sakura and Hinata are feminist role models.”  
And they want to make it clear that there are other fans who don’t think highly of Sakura and Hinata, but still consider Sasuke and Naruto brothers. Well, I will give them that. I am aware there are additional fans who consider them brothers, CASE IN POINT. My bad. 
Honestly, there’s a lot of stuff here, that just doesn’t require my response. Like my mention of Tarkovsky. It was used as a figure of speech by which I wanted to say that decoding Sasuke and Naruto’s romance wasn’t rocket science, it’s a straight statement, I don’t know why they gotta twist it. I think the mention of Tarkovsky threw them off, because they feel that only they have the authority to talk about more brainy things. Lol. So I am going to sidestep all the fountains of their insecurities and come to the point. 
Okay so, they insist that Sasuke and Naruto are spiritual brothers, mainly because their chakras are reincarnation of Indra and Ashura’s chakras who happen to be biological brothers. And they take great offence to my statement that people who think of them as brothers are heteronormative and homophobic. I will come to that part later, I will address the reincarnation part first. 
I honestly thought we were past this non-sensical and juvenile non-argument of them being brothers for the aforementioned reason. These antis use such big words and cite academic papers and articles and then, flip right over to say something so counterintuitive and irrational, without even considering any alternative understanding, it hardly seems like an argument and more like intellectual masturbation. Which it is. 
Okay. This is their argument to support their stance. 
“However, this story includes chakra, Indra, Ashura and is very much tied to spirituality. Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism deal with that. Kishimoto took his inspiration from there.Hindu scriptures exhort spiritual people to lead exemplary lives, control their sexual desires and abstain from sex, just as they are expected to control all desires and practice renunciation and detachment with their minds absorbed in the contemplation of God or the Self.” 
And it doesn’t stop there, this rambling goes on and on and on…phew. I appreciate the amount of effort they have seemed to put in their arguments. Sadly, it's all as misguided as it can be, lol. 
While I agree that one can see the myriad influences of various philosophical schools of thought and spiritual belief systems in Kishimoto’s work, NONE of it proves their brother argument. Why? Because it’s all out of context. I see this a lot, the pitfalls and trappings of sticking to one’s projection in one’s favourite piece of art/literature and bending text and context to their will, with citations, whether it’s relevant or not. 
Such mental gymnastics, lol. I have seen this kind of response by student film theorists when they analyse Ozu's films. Oh why did he put that vase in the centre of the frame, what did he want to say by showing that vase? Did he mean to depict loneliness or does it indicate the effects of capitalism and consumerism in an insular, collectivist, traditional Japanese society of the times, or is it about the soul that is trapped in the material prison of flesh etc etc etc. Over analyzation. Which they apparently have accused me of, hahaha. 
Unfortunately, that’s not how storytelling works. And it definitely doesn’t work in Naruto’s case. They would do well to remember that writers are not out to con you. Any writer worth his salt uses a combination of narrative tools to tell his story. Sad thing is most fans in this fandom just don’t understand how stories are written, the specific tools that a writer uses and the narrative devices that guide and lend a certain flow and approach to the story. Kishi is just like any other writer, in that context. So when he wants to give a certain narrative or visual information to the audience, he will use these common tools to drive his point home. For example, foreshadowing. What is foreshadowing? 
Sourced from Wikipedia : 
“Foreshadowing is a literary device in which a writer gives an advance hint of what is to come later in the story. Foreshadowing often appears at the beginning of a story, or a chapter, and it helps the reader develop expectations about the upcoming events. A writer may implement foreshadowing in many different ways.”
And do we see this foreshadowing in Kishi’s plot? You bet, :).
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And this is Chapter 3. Lol.
If Kishi wanted to depict Naruto and Sasuke as brothers, he would not have made them kiss. Even if accidentally. This scene, right at the start of the manga, indicates the very romantic nature of their relationship. I wonder why these stans don’t find it suspicious that even though this kiss is supposed to be accidental, both Naruto and Sasuke think of this kiss as a precious memory, not as a joke, but something significant, something that contributed to develop their dynamic in the manga. I have seen hundreds and hundreds of films in my life, but I have never seen anywhere where two likely brothers were made to kiss like this, for the sake of developing their dynamic. Only in romantic relationships. 
Let me state it out in as clear words as possible. - In a macro sense, the overarching narrative of this manga includes a clear intention by the author to push the characters of Naruto and Sasuke to give an appropriate name to their relationship, continuously harping on defining and redefining their relationship with plot points strategically appointed to affect their dynamic that further propels the central narrative of the story.
Simply put, Kishi forcefully insists on weaving this story in a way that forces the protagonist to think and rethink the meaning of what he feels for Sasuke, as instigated by Sasuke himself, who every time they meet, insists Naruto answer his question as to why Narutio is so hell bent upon following him, why does he care so much so that he is ready to leave his training and the people he loves behind, just to bring Sasuke back. And everytime Naruto even breathes the word ‘friends’ or ‘brothers’, Sasuke’s either annoyed or surprised or displeased, never satisfied, never convinced. The satisfaction comes at the end of the manga, in chapter 698, when Naruto finally gives some explanation as to what he means by it. Shippuden didn’t end with the war arc, it ended with Sasuke and Naruto’s reconciliation. It didn’t end on the note of an ideological conflict and its eventual resolution, it ended on the note where Sasuke asked Naruto :  But what does being friends mean to you?
And Naruto said with a clear sense that he understands what Sasuke is asking of him and so after thinking for a very pregnant pause, says : Even if you were to ask me that, I don’t think I would have an answer. But when I see you carrying your burden, it hurts me, so much so that I just can’t take it. 
You really don’t need a PhD to see the nuanced significance of this text.
Point is, this going back and forth trying to define their relationship is not an isolated incident, it basically makes the backbone of the story. Which is why the aforementioned dialogues make sense, as they form the conclusion of this story.  If they were brothers, why would this element exist?
Everything in the story serves to contribute to the central narrative and for the sake of character development of its main players. 
That Kishi saw a need to even discuss why they were not friends, and that they were not brothers, but that Naruto feels immense hurt at seeing Sasuke hurt, is indicative enough that Kishi was definitely not trying to portray them as brothers. That these stans consider them brothers, when this art made by Kishimoto himself exists, is proof enough that they are highly indulgent of their self projections.
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They are so motivated, for their own projections, to ignore the nuanced characterization of Naruto’s closeted gay self, or Sasuke’s oft pointed disinterest in women, that their understanding comes off as extremely lacking.
Ask yourself, why would Kishi even write these nuances in the way of visual imagery and strategic scenes where Naruto is made to react so strongly to even mild and unintentioned homoerotic moments? Why would Naruto be written to overcompensate to cover these moments up with something distinctly heterosexual? Why would Kishi even put so much effort in writing these characters this way if Kishi only wanted to portray them as brothers? What would even be the point of it?
Every single chapter goes through multilayered scrutiny by editors after it’s written, which means anything that is unnecessary or extraneous to the narrative is taken out. It’s supposed to be concise, and yet have the desired effect on the readers. Why keep those texts or panels that don’t serve the story? Instead, why do these elements serve to develop the characters? They obviously mean something, don't they? They are there for a reason, and anyone who has seen the portrayal of homosexuality in media will instantly recognise it. Those who haven’t can at least wonder why and venture to find out instead of giving their relationship names that are incongruent with their actual dynamic. 
No other brotherly dynamic in the manga itself is even close to Naruto and Sasuke’s. Honestly, I have seen so much Japanese media outside of manga and anime in the last year, and I didn't see two men or boys depicted as brothers who make kissy faces at each other, or stand side by side looking like they are giving each other hand jobs and orgasming, or where one man’s mouth is deliberately drawn over another man’s crotch. To say that this indicates they were depicted as brothers, is not only counterintuitive, but downright ridiculous and plain stupid. It’s some real heavy duty denial. 
If Kishimoto meant for them to be brothers because their chakras were reincarnation of Ashura and Indra, he would have made some character say it out loud in some context. Like I said, writers are not out there to con you. They will make sure that their intent is clearly shown to the audience, through text, subtext and visual language. And everything about Naruto and Sasuke, everything that contributes to their dynamic, whether it be dialogues, orchestrated situations, plot points, visual imagery, some of which exudes sexual tension, in no way indicates a platonic relationship. Those who have the presence of mind to pick it, will pick it, those who don’t would spout non-sense like our antis here. Lol.
Kishimoto knows how to use foreshadowing. Case in point.
He gives us an advance hint of what’s to come, and the narrative takes its twists and turns, being developed with this thread in mind, and then the arc ends with a conclusion of the underlying idea foreshadowed earlier with the hint. NONE of this is accidental. It’s all part of writing, it’s a literary tool, a narrative device. Hell, it isn’t a coincidence that Kishimoto keeps repeating this element over and over and over again, where Naruto goes through a whole range of situations and emotional upheavals in order to understand his feelings for Sasuke. First, he wonders if Sasuke is like a brother, or a friend, or more. Kishi can’t say it explicitly, but honestly, he doesn’t need to. These antis look for all sorts of reasoning and proof OUTSIDE the manga. If they were a little more honest with themselves, they would see that one really doesn’t need to do that, all the pertinent information that one needs to decode the nature of their relationship is inside the manga, in panels, visual imagery, dialogues, narrative development and notes.
Like I always say : First rule of deduction : Work with what you have. Facts, use what’s is available to you in the source material. 
It is absolutely valid to look for outside source if you see a solid and legitimate reason to, which is congruent with the source material, like in the case of Chikamatsu. It’s already established clearly that Kishimoto is his fan, he has put a lot of effort to pay tribute to him in his own manga, he makes sure that this element is clearly present in the context and text, and the editors have talked about it in the notes. And ALL of that makes it a legit link, for one to connect it with Shinjuu. 
The antis talk of irrelevant sources such as Jainism and Hinduism and whatnot, lol, it honestly looks like a super desperate attempt to twist and deform and bend the narrative to their interpretation where they conveniently ignore all the relevant panels where Naruto clearly says that him and Sasuke aren’t really brothers to Hagoromo, where Sasuke makes it a point to say to Sai that he only has one brother, clearly implying that he doesn’t consider Naruto a brother. All these extra interpretations that antis force upon the narrative is a result of their own projection. It's as simple as that.
If Sasuke was satisfied with the explanation that they were brothers, why would he keep asking Naruto the same question again and again? Doesn’t that indicate that he isn’t satisfied with Naruto’s understanding of it? And he is only convinced of it at the very end, when Naruto is bleeding out, about to die, when he finally, with much visible reticence, admits that he doesn’t know how to explain it?
Think about it, if they were just brothers, why would there be this hesitation? Being brothers is not a controversial thing, it’s not a taboo thing, it’s not abnormal, opposite in fact, given how much the characters of this story are shaped by their familial bonds. Instead of thinking of the most obvious things, these antis round up obscure and entirely irrelevant articles to sound smart and intellectual, as if that’s gonna make a difference. How is this extraneous intellectual regurgitation gonna help your case if your basic premise is wrong? That’s not how dialectics work. Lol. 
Then they said this.:  “(Considering Ino to be a closeted queer who only went for Sasuke to gain Sakura’s affections would be another one of these hilarious mishaps.)”
I honestly don’t know who they are referring to, because I have never said or implied anything even close to it. Maybe they are just assuming things. It’s not the only time they assume things. They also think I am some Western Man with my capitalistic and consumerist takes on Naruto. hahahaha. 
Damn, I can't help but notice that whenever someone disagrees with them, they instantly label them as Western. Well, they are wrong on both counts, because neither am I western, nor a man. In fact, my socio-cultural understanding of the world is pretty close to Japan’s. I would also like to mention that my community practises the same religion that happens to be the official religion of Japan. But of course, I have never needed to flex on that, because it’s just not needed. The information that I got from the manga itself, plus my own experience of media is enough for me to make my points. I am able to qualify my content with the evidence found INSIDE the manga, and if I see clearly delineated references to outside material in it, I point them out. Like I have done here. 
Honestly, it’s as simple as that. No need to twist your head at a 180 degrees to prove your point, if you are trying that hard, it becomes clear you have no legit leg to stand on and you are making shit up, just to validate your headcanon.
Don’t act against intuition, don’t act against text and visual language, don’t act against what is both explicitly and implicitly given in the manga because that is the opposite of examining something objectively. But well, people do worse to keep sticking to their denial.
Anyway, this foreshadowing can be seen in the first arc, where the central theme is ‘protecting one’s precious person’ and how one can unlock special hidden strengths when one is motivated to protect the person most dear to them. This element is foreshadowed in the relationship between Zabuza and Haku and through twists and turns, is finally concluded at the end of the arc, where Sasuke almost dies to protect Naruto and both unlock special powers for each other. Not rocket science. Kishi is a generous author that way, he wants this reader to know what he is saying and what he means by it, and so he will supply enough textual and visual information to make sense of the overarching story and themes. To simply ignore that for one’s head canons is a gross injustice to the story and the artist. If you have to ignore what he is saying explicitly or drawing explicitly, why even bother to engage with this manga? lol. What a waste.
It is not a complicated thing at all, in fact, it would have become a lot easier for Kishimoto to write this story if he could just have explicitly written them as brothers, a lot of effort would have been spared, no? And it would have all been believable, because it makes total sense that Naruto would want to save and protect his brother. The story would not change at all. Then why the hammer like insistence on having this whole brother or friend or comrade dialectic? Why? You know why? 
Because they are NOT brothers. 
Next, they said this : The problem with a lot of western readers is that they discard any and all relationships, familial and platonic, in favor of their romantic obsessions and delusions of “freedom” in a capitalistic society,................... ... the widespread consumption of amorous rituals constitutes the core of contemporary romantic love, reinvigorating capitalism and lovers alike.” 
And this goes on and on….I am not going to put the entire thing here, it’s basically unnecessary blathering and intellectual masturbation. 
Snickers, Delusions of freedom in a capitalistic society. Bwahaha. Where is this even coming from? Entirely irrelevant. Reminds me of my younger self when I would deliberately attach esoteric sounding citations to my papers to impress the professor and would still get a B. Lol.
I have written enough on the subject of the importance of familial bonds which shape the characters in this manga, so they are definitely wrong on that count. But well, they think they are the authority on Japanese media, what can I say? Sidestepping what’s actually in the manga and supplementing your argument with entirely disproportionate and irrelevant pointers only indicates that they are floundering. When you have no legit foundation for your argument, this happens. Lmao. I am no stranger to it, thankfully I got over it in my teens.
Then they claimed this : (Remember, Kishimoto comes from a very small village and is from a different generation altogether; so the odds of him penning anything even close to the “sexual categorizations” of the post-modern western sexual-domains are less than the second coming of Christ.)
Hahahahahaaha, I know you can’t tell, but I am literally wheezing here. 
These stans literally talk like Kishimoto is a hundred year old man. Like…the lack of reason and logic in this statement is so apparent, I am surprised that they thought it would be worthwhile to make this comment. Lol. Sexual categorizations of the post-modern western sexual-domains??? What crap!!! Hahahah. Just say you are a straight homophobic woman who wants Sasuke’s dick and go! 
So what if Kishi comes from a small village and a different generation? Does that mean he doesn’t know what homosexuality means? He doesn’t know sexual categorizations of the post-modern western sexual domains? What a bunch of hooey, lol. These stans talk of homosexuality like it’s some kind of western propaganda. Go ahead, tell me it’s not homophobic, heh. PoSt mODerN WEsteRn SexUal DomaiNs. Lololol.
Truth is, pre Meiji era, Japan was perhaps the most progressive of all cultures when it came to sexual categorizations. Here, this post is educational. Funny how these stans call SNS western and then do the same thing that most western fans do, who know absolutely nothing about history of sexuality in Japan. Here, they should maybe learn about it before sounding this ignorant, the video is pretty self-explanatory. 
Edo period Japanese culture accepted homosexuality as the purest form of love that could exist between two samurais. Young men were allowed and even encouraged to have young male lovers, and after a certain age, they were expected to get married to women. A lot of men chose not to. And even though it was frowned upon,  it wasn't a punishable offence.
Hell, one doesn’t even have to go there, check out Edo and Meiji period art, you will find lots of peculiar, very creative art with homosexuality as its subject. I would put those pictures here, but it would make this post x-rated, lol. The sexual imagery is off the charts, like Japan’s imagination is mind-boggling, like woah. They might be a small country but the scope of their imagination is huge. With the advent of Meiji era, that changed, as homosexuality became illegal, but this art was still produced underground.  
Hell, a lot of the most celebrated artists in Modern Japan have created art about homosexuality. Film makers such as Nagisa Oshima, Takashi Miike (Shinjuku Triad’s Society, Big Bang Love, Juvenile A), Toshio Matsumoto (A funeral Parade of Roses), Akira Ogata (Boy’s Choir, a film about two orphaned boys who study at the same institution, and eventually fall in love with each other), have made excellent cinema on the subject matter. And these aren’t your run of the mill commercial yaoi creators, these are serious film makers whose films have done their rounds in national and international film festivals, earning awards and accolades from critics and audience alike. 
The film, ‘Funeral Parade of Roses’ is a story about a young, gay, cross dressing boy who is in love with his father, a modern day adaptation of Oedipus Rex, only flipped. And this film was released in the 60’s. A product of the Japanese new wave cinema, it is considered to have influenced Stanley Kubrick’s ‘A Clockwork Orange’. It was considered quite a controversial film for its time in the west. It took over forty years for ‘Hereditary’ fame film maker Ari Aster to make a film on the subject, ‘The strange thing about the Johnsons’ in 2011, and the audience was shocked to their core with it. Japan was doing this shit in the 60’s. Lol. Oshima belonged to a small region in the southern Okayama prefecture called Tamano, founded in the 40’s. So? Kishi also belongs from the Okayama prefecture. What, people from small villages remain ignorant throughout their lives? They can't learn? They can’t be exposed to stuff? 
Oshima was a pioneer of Japanese New Wave cinema, going forward to become one of the most celebrated film makers in the world, with a beautifully distinct voice. He made films on themes of homosexuality, and his stories were inspired by real life events in Japan. He made Gohatto, a Jidaigeki film (which basically translates to Japanese period drama, usually set in the Edo period) which is about Samurais lusting after a bishonen boy, training at the Shinsengumi, organization of Samurais. People of Japan are more than familiar with the tales of Shinsengumi, they grew up with it. He made ‘Merry Christmas, Mr Lawrence’, which also features homosexual themes, starring David Bowie btw.
Kishimoto wasn’t even born or was of legal age when some of these films were released. Japan was experimenting in the fields of cinema and various subject matters, including unsimulated sex in a legit film.
They think he wouldn’t be aware of these films, Kishimoto who happens to be a film buff himself? Honestly, how insular do these stans think the Japanese are? 
These people talk like the Japanese are some dumb, ignorant group of people, who don’t know shit about what’s going on in the world. Honey, that’s you, not them. Kishi is a well read, well exposed, well rounded writer. 
Like yes, Japan was quite insular at some point of time, but after the second world war, they were forced by the allied nations to open up their borders. And the influence of western elements and themes can be seen in their art. In fact, western influence had already taken roots since Meiji era. The men even had to cut their hair for it. Even kabuki wasn't left alone. And it's not like this is some well kept secret. Kishimoto’s manga is definitely very much Japanese, but it has a cross cultural appeal as well. I don’t think one is doing their due diligence when one simply ignores that factor.
Okay. Let’s talk of Kishimoto’s influences. 
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These are a few excerpts from Kishimoto’s interviews, the Western influence is pretty clear. Does this look like some dude who doesn’t know what he is talking about? Does this look like someone who is inert and insular and ignorant?
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Look how inspired Kishimoto is by Akira and its mangaka, Katsuhiro Otomo.
For those who don’t know, Akira was the anime that opened up the western markets for Japanese animation and manga. The film was made for the express purpose for Japan to open the western markets for her products, show off their goods to the world, that this is what they can do, and as it turned out, it was better than anything western audiences had ever experienced in terms of animation and storytelling at that point of time.
Cartoons were earlier considered to be for kids, the common perception was that animated media was supposed to be infantile, catering to a certain target audience. Akira changed that perception. The legacy of Akira is humongous. It opened up doors for other animes and mangas such as Dragonball Z, Ghost in the shell, Naruto even. This was the time in late 80’s when Japan was experiencing an overall good economy for the first time in 20th century, their financial shares were soaring. This was the time when corporations had opened up in Japan, and anyone who was ready to become a salary man could take advantage of the financial benefits resulting in significant disposable incomes. So people had more to spend on entertainment, and so production companies were chasing talented mangakas left and right to adapt their work into anime. Japan was so committed to this great enterprise of Akira, they formed a committee to finance the very high budget that a commensurate and successful rendering of the manga’s adaptation would require. The committee consisted of Kodansha, Mainichi Broadcasting System, Bandai, Hakuhodo, Toho, LaserDisc Corporation and Sumitomo Corporation (if you can’t tell, these are big, huge corporations) who all forwarded money and promotion towards the film, and appointed the mangaka himself to direct the film, because who else would be able to tell this story better when so much was at stake?
Otomo worked his ass off, drawing hundreds of storyboards to condense the 120 chapter long manga into one film. And he did it, and what a film it is. Like wow, I was blown away. Akira, being a cyberpunk manga, also has that cross cultural appeal, even though its major themes are still very much Japanese, but if you look closely, this film tells a story the entire world can benefit from.
Kishimoto is inspired by American film makers such as Michael Bay, Quentin Tarantino. He talks of Takeshi Kitano, lovingly known in Japan as Beat Takeshi, a very popular figure in the west, who also was a regular in Oshima’s films, having played major roles in his gay films. These stans think Kishimoto, a cinephile himself, isn’t aware of these films? Bullshit. Lol. A lot of mangakas want their work to be recognized by the entire world, especially in the west. It speaks of their global success, why would they want to just keep to their native audience? 
Truth is, otaku culture evolved in a very specific way. The second world war, especially after Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed, drastically affected the ethical and emotional landscape of the collective Japanese psyche. While the reverberations could be seen in their media, unfortunately, it wasn’t in the mainstream media where these effects were manifested, rather it was in alternative media, in the subcultural genres. You don’t have to take my word for it.
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Takashi Murakami, a product of Otaku culture himself, talks about this, someone that Kishimoto himself has paid a significant tribute to in his manga (Deidara’s aesthetic is super flat, which is basically a socio-politico-cultural art movement pioneered by Murakami). And I saw for myself what he was talking about. Japan is a collectivist society, there isn’t much freedom for individual expression. Japanese emperor Hirohito, who is directly held to be responsible for the Japanese contribution to second Sino-Japanese war and the second world war by many historians, was considered to be a God by the Japanese, literally. Like Kim Jong Un style. No one questioned him. But after Japan’s role in the war as the predator and subsequently a victim, it broke the Japanese in a major way. Turned them humble, repentant. This collective grief and shock and widespread devastation brought the people together, they forgot their differences for the moment, to somehow pick up the pieces and go on living their lives, with gratitude for what they had. But yes, it’s not as explicit in their mainstream media as others. I mean the amount and variety of films based on the second world war that I have seen in European and American cinema, like damn. Japanese cinema on the other hand? Pretty tame in that regard.
Takahata made ‘Grave of the Fireflies’ on this subject, a heart rending and deeply disturbing story about two orphaned siblings living during the war, is considered as one of the most effective anti war films ever made in the history of cinema, as said by Roger Ebert, the man himself. Anyone who has seen the film will know it is an anti war film. But when Takahata was interviewed about it, he denied it. He said he didn’t make an anti war film, he wouldn’t even talk about it and later, stopped giving interviews about it altogether. Never underestimate the censorship of the Japanese administration. Oshima, a staunch modernist himself, a huge critic of Akira Kurosawa’s old world values and humanism, equally critical of the right wing and extreme left wing politics of Japan, made heavily political films, broke up with the studio system that launched his career, because of how left leaning, political and individualistic his voice was. His films were often banned or taken off screens, he was subjected to numerous court cases. But he persevered and even a stroke couldn’t stop him. But that’s Oshima. Oshimas are a rare breed. 
So what couldn’t be seen in the mainstream media, you saw them in alternate or subaltern media. Akira is a direct testimonial to this. Akira is a story about a bunch of orphaned kids living in a dystopian world, that has been devastated by a bomb blast, past which Tokyo, now Neo Tokyo, is submerged in corruption and civil wars. The administration uses children as weapons to protect their own borders, but is eventually destroyed by these same children, when they couldn’t handle their powers. The reverberations of the post war atrocities can be viscerally felt in the themes of this manga, prompting a myriad of ethical implications and queries, questioning one’s understanding of a nation, of responsibility towards one’s people, love, hate, revenge borne of that hate, power, megalomania, philosophical implications of technology and the destruction borne of it, conflicts between different ideologies and so on and so forth but it’s resolve is quite familiar.
The resolve is about love, redemption, atonement and peace. That wars happen because there is love and hence there is hate, it's the people that make wars happen and it’s the people that pick up the pieces and go on living. That one can be hopeful even in adversities. No one is singularly condemned, no one is singularly held to blame even though it’s not difficult to see that things could have been handled better. But it’s not as black and white as that. It’s complex. World is complex.
But what we do see is that Tetsuo, an orphan who lives on the streets, who loses himself in the quest for power, fuelled by his need to be acknowledged, finally gives up on destroying everything when his lover Kaori dies protecting him, and at the urges of his best friend Kaneda, Tetsuo finally sees light, for the sake of his love for Kaori and Kaneda, and so he repents before dying. That all his passions come to nought when he loses the one thing he held dear to him, love for his friend and girlfriend, the only people that made him feel like he mattered. 
Similar themes can be seen in another manga Kishi is influenced by. Ruruoni Kenshin, basically a romance manga in shounen, written by Nobuhiro Watsuki. Battosai, the political assassin, falls in love with Tomoe, a spy, basically two people from opposing ideologies. Tomoe sacrifices herself for Battosai, even after Battosai has discovered her true identity. The manga  is structured with themes of ideological conflicts of love, revenge, love for one’s nation and adherence to one’s philosophy/belief systems, as it's set in the time period of transition between the Edo and Meiji era, but the resolution is similar. That love trumps all, that true love is greater than all the constructs made by humans. 
Is there any wonder we see similar themes in Naruto? Kishi uses similar effects and themes for his world building in Naruto and Shippuden. A dystopian society where children are barbarically used as weapons, where gross injustices happen, but people go on living. This world imagined by Kishimoto is a reflection of the real world, richly dramatised with similar themes of love and conflicts and ideological differences and war and devastation and revenge and human ethos and peace and atonement. Similar resolve? I would say so.
And I won’t even dismiss that Sasuke’s character is definitely left leaning. Sasuke is partially based on Sasuke by Sanpei Shirato, a popularly known leftist voice in the manga industry. It’s pretty clear for anyone with half a brain to see that Sasuke is anti-establishment, and for good reasons too. The collectivist, utilitarian, highly corrupt system of the shinobi world leads to utter devastation and genocide of his entire clan overnight directly under the noses of the citizens and leaders of Konoha, and whose body parts are then commodified in the name of protection of the same nation that was built around the philosophy of ‘Will of Fire’, which was supposed to protect them but instead who slaughtered them in their sleep.
Sasuke’s interests and need for justice stands in sharp contrast with the ways of the shinobi world, and where no one could understand him, Naruto finally does. He is the only one who tries. He is the only one who is capable, who is made to be capable by the way of the narrative where Kishimoto develops his character accordingly. Naruto is naive and simple minded to start with, but he is written to learn and evolve and understand different points of view. To learn from people’s tragedies and losses and grief and motivations. He is exposed to the way of this world through anti hero archetypes such as Nagato and Obito and Zabuza, where after Naruto, through his own inherent moral and humanistic code, begins to understand a world that is founded on love turned hate, which further paves the way for revenge, but is determined to put a stop to it. By proving his love for Sasuke, and Sasuke accepts his love. Sure, had it not been for Sasuke, he would have let it continue or have simply died with Sasuke before he could witness a better world.  But my point is, similar resolve : Love trumps all, peace, redemption and atonement. 
This is not to say that I approve of the ending, I do not. I hate it. Firstly, if the theme of Naruto and Shippuden was already established and concluded as 'love trumps all else including the socio politico cultural structures and institutions made by humans ', then why the hell were they made to marry women when they are clearly gay? And secondly but equally importantly, Sasuke should have gotten his dues, he deserved it, so did Neji and Naruto. The truth of the Uchiha massacre should have been revealed, and Konoha should have taken accountability and repented, these are after all, some major themes in the manga. Kishi broke all sorts of storytelling rules at the end and I am mad as hell at him for that. But unfortunately, I didn’t write this story and couldn’t have had if I tried. Doesn’t mean I will look for things in it that aren’t there. Kishimoto is not a communist or a right winger. He is Japanese. Both extremist interpretations of manga are misguided. Tobirama was a bigot that plotted against the Uchihas, Hiruzen was a complacent failure of a leader who let things happen in his regime that by no means indicates good leadership, Uchiha clan was discriminated against. But Kishi could not have made Sasuke reach his goals, not if Naruto, the protagonist, was supposed to be of any consequence, which essentially makes Naruto hold a moderate position. I also don’t like the fact that the ending and consequently Boruto, diluted Sasuke’s belief systems and very justified goals, I wish they could have modified it to a conclusive ending where him and Naruto could have worked towards changing the status quo, but I don’t think it would have materialised, Shonen Jump is strict about these things, namely pedagogic values appropriate for a certain target group. 
The conflicting ideologies definitely serve to make this manga drama and intrigue rich, but let’s not go overboard and look for things that aren’t there, which is what these stans seem to do. There’s no use in chasing shadows. 
Then they said this : “He (Miura) actually does talk a little about the sexual tensions between Guts and Griffith! Must’ve been one of the parts I was having a hard time putting into decent English. Basically Miura says that he doesn’t really agree with how people read sexual tensions into the Guts-Griffith relation, because men can have passionate feelings about each other without it being like that……..Yet none of this is meant to be “romantic love”. There’s passion here, intensity, obsession, but it isn’t sexual. ”
Truth is whether it be western or Asian media, the concept of misinterpreting homosexuality as brotherhood is quite well explored in global media. Don’t believe me? Here. All facts, no frills. 
One doesn’t even have to go very far, just look at Clamp, and you would be lucky if you were able to find more than five heterosexual characters in their entire range of mangas, lol. And honestly, their example of Berserk actually works in my favor and not theirs? GriffGuts is a valid gay ship. But of course, if they can reject SNS, it’s likely they would reject GriffGuts. Kishimoto and Miura, no matter what they say in their interviews, why is that more important than the story itself? Not like Kishimoto sounds all that confident in his interviews either, when he talks of them being more brothers than blood brothers.
I have not looked very deeply into Berserk, so I would like to invite veteran blogger @maoam to shed some light, one of the very few bloggers that I find with one of the most balanced and informed takes on Naruto and other relevant mangas.
Going ahead, let’s see what Miura says of boys.
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Really Miura? Now what is this 'tingling' feeling?
What does this remind me of?
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Lol. Now this isn’t the most accurate translation. This is the accurate translation, I am not sure of the source, I got this screengrab a long time ago, but I know for a fact it is legit.
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Btw, the 'kyun' sound effect used here is used in Hentai to denote sexual arousal, lol.
Tell me what kind of brothers feel these feelings for each other? I have seen numerous Japanese films whether it be family dramas, Jidaigeki films, Japanese LGBTQ+ films, and I have never seen brothers behaving with each other like this once. Not once. What spiritual brothers? Lol. Why go against reason, intuition, narrative, visual imagery and cultural context to prove something using irrelevant sources? 
Like I thought we were past this Brother argument, it’s the 21st century, there are more discussions on homosexuality, the subject of homosexuality has gained more exposure and a lot of talented and individualistic creators have explored this subject. So why is Naruto fandom this backward and narrow minded??
I find it hard to believe that despite Kishi’s subtle but not really, and repetitious ministrations on the issues surrounding a stigmatized subject such as homosexuality, is that invisible. All you need is an open minded approach, that is all. You do that and the manga will unfurl itself so you will be able to see things that you so conveniently ignored before to satisfy your headcanons. Is it that unfair of a request?
Do these fans think they know everything about everything? They couldn’t have missed something? Something as glaring and apparent as SNS? Before they claim that they are some omniscient, all-knowing being, maybe watch some LGBTQ+ media, and compare notes? Analyse tropes? Give themselves some credit, that they have done their due diligence before spouting things they obviously do not understand? Or is that too much to ask for?
Maybe they have learnt everything in the world that is to be learnt and there’s just no free space in that highly evolved noggin of theirs. 
Maybe we are all just stupid fans who don’t know what we are talking of, even if we give the most objectively valid reasoning and evidence found inside the manga. Maybe they know best, maybe that’s why they think Sasuke slept with Karin, even when he shows no interest in her apart from maybe once or twice protecting her as his teammate, something he also does with ALL his other teammates? And generally, gets really annoyed and uncomfortable with Karin’s over the top sexual proposals, and then doesn’t think twice about getting rid of her when she is used as a bait to have him captured. Hmmm, I see their logic. They must really be the all knowing omniscient being, the Arahat, the wise one, the one who finally achieved Nirvana, proper enlightenment and all huh? Damn I feel so small. (A tear rolls down my downy cheek as my bosom trembles in humiliation). LOL.
Interestingly, the way Miura talks of boys, that they give them a ‘tingling’ feeling, makes me think. Keep in mind, Miura never married, there is no evidence of him having had a girlfriend. But let’s not speculate, even if it sounds fishy. 
Understanding homosexuality in a conservative society is crucial in order to understand the SNS dynamic. There’s no doubt that Kishi wrote Naruto as a closeted homosexual and Sasuke as a homosexual boy. If one denies this, I can’t even take them seriously. 
But it reminds me of an anecdote my gay friend told me. He is a national award winning filmmaker, an intellectual in his own right, and works a lot with the trans community in my country. A conservative, ultra religious, non-western country. As a young man in his twenties, when he had just come out, he would date men who would simply not identify as gay. He would sleep with them, and do what do people sexually attracted to each other do. But sleeping willingly with a man and accepting the gay identity are two different things. Where my friend understood these nuances even then, as having come from a conservative society himself, he would not force them to come out. These men would never even acknowledge that being attracted to men and not women makes them gay, it was not even a part of their understanding. Rather, they would think of it as something that ‘certain’ men do. Doesn’t mean it’s weird or uncommon, even though they knew straight men did not do this. But they would simply not go there. They would just chalk it up to something temporary, something that they needed to do before they got married to women they didn’t feel anything for, because that’s how it’s done. It’s not like they weren’t aware of the gay dialectic, my friend would talk to them about it, but they would simply not acquiesce, the denial was so strong. Till date, these men don’t admit to it, now they are married and have children. But still look for sexual relationships with men outside of it. 
Which brings me to my next anecdote, told to me by another friend of mine. He is a stylist, absolutely flamboyant and openly, proudly gay. Very adventurous and experiment loving. He told me that in his experience, the best carnal fun he had was with Muslim men. And that most men who approached him for sex were Muslim men. (This is not an attack or criticism of the religion or community, it’s just something my friend told me). He would be approached by these men who would have the most voracious of appetites and tastes, and my friend went with it because he preferred to suck circumcised dicks, lol. Quite a lot of them were married, but my friend didn’t discriminate. He told me the same thing, these men would never identify as gay, not even during intimate moments, nope. Accepting your sexual identity is a more than a matter of sex. People in conservative societies face a lot of challenges and obstructions before even coming to certain realizations about themselves, it’s not that easy. In many ways, my country is even more conservative than Japan. Homosexuality is quite a taboo, hell, I didn’t even know the concept myself till I was well into my teens, and even then, I was only told the most stereotypical of things. I also grew up in a small town. It was later, when I went to the city to study, when I came into contact with people from all walks of life, nationalities, tastes, and sexual orientations, that was when I understood them as people, and not categories and labels. And now I have a friend who works as a dominatrix for a living and I still learn a lot. 
I refuse to judge people on the most basic and stereotypical of preconceived notions. 
The reason why I consider these fans to be homophobic…. Honestly, what gives them so much confidence to consider Sasuke and Naruto as brothers despite everything that is in the manga? Everything, from characterisation to plotting to the overarching themes to visual imagery to cultural context to text indicates their very romantic relationship, not platonic. Naruto admires the way Sasuke looks physically more than once and effectively calls him hot in Gaiden, what kind of guy thinks of his brother in those terms? 
These stans are so pressed to label them brothers without even looking at gay media, or gay narratives, without even paying attention to nuances in the manga, or Japanese historical context or their own gay media, appropriating everything for the sake of their projection, dismissing or ignoring loads and loads of text and panels and characterisation, why? Why can’t they at least entertain the idea for once and reread the manga with that approach? You can’t be so sure of your projection, c’mon, you know it’s counterintuitive, it just simply doesn’t gel with what’s in the manga. So why this extended stubborn denial? Give me proof that reincarnated chakras make two people brothers. Where does it say in the manga? Show me. I can show you everything that I claim, it’s all inside the manga. Where’s yours? So just because it satisfies your ego, it’s a valid take? Why are you this sure of your takes? Given you have gotten multiple things wrong? Like objectively wrong. 
Look, I understand denial is a strong factor, when we don’t want to see things we don’t like, our minds act like blinders. It would restrict your vision and make you see only what you want to see. And what a sad way that is to live, what a waste of time. I don’t believe in living that way, not in my media and not in my real life. But this obstinate refusal to accept SNS as romantic, is nothing but one’s desire to not accept Naruto or Sasuke as homosexual because you think it’s icky? Undesirable? Unattractive? Different from shounen norms? And because you want them to be straight so you can self insert? Whatever the reason, as long as you ignore real evidence and real proof, I will see you not only as heteronormative but also homophobic, you don’t gotta be overt, your underlying beliefs reek of prejudice and bias, especially when you haven’t done your due diligence, something that you mandatorily should have done in order to analyse this story. Doesn’t take a PhD degree to see that. 
Like Denis Diderot said - We swallow greedily any lie that flatters us. But we sip only little by little at a truth we find bitter. 
My advice to them? Give yourself a break. Give yourself enough credit that you are open minded enough to entertain an alternative understanding, even if just for the moment if nothing else, and see where that takes you. Watch more media, watch gay media, talk to people, listen to their stories, try and understand their point of views, read more, compare notes, learn more. And ask if you don’t know. There’s no shame in admitting you might not know something. Because you obviously don’t. 
I am always of the mind of learning more and more, and I know I have strong opinions, but give me reason and logic and evidence, and you can bet I will listen, and even acquiesce to you, if I find it satisfactory. Because that’s how things should be, if we can’t grow and learn from what life teaches us, what’s the point? We all have a lot to learn, don’t we? 
Anyway, there’s some more shit that they claim which is essentially written in a similar vein, more or less, albeit in the same condescending tone. Lol. 
But I am done for the day, I am tired. So imma stop, this is me. 
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The Dream - Chapter Fifteen.
Oh bloody blimey, besties! I should have had this with you about five hours ago, lmao! I was to preoccupied with S5 dropping, I totally forgot! I hope you enjoy it, this was a chapter I loved writing for several reasons... especially nudging them together in the spice department ;) Huge thanks to all my regular givers of that all-important engagement, you’re lovely. Mwah! 
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Warnings - 18+ content throughout, minors DNI!
The scenery that took them from the built up area of Provo and out towards Keri’s home was stunning, Angel thought, all tree lined roads that were still snow-capped, although like she’d told him during their time apart, there’d been no real deluges since the huge downfall that had left them stuck in at Frankie and Jaime’s apartment the previous Saturday.  
The small crescent Keri lived upon, only a five-minute walk from the foot of the mountains consisted of just seven houses, all chalet style, lots of darkly stained wood with long driveways, Keri pulling into the one with the bright yellow mailbox out front, parking up next to a Toyota Crown, Angel pointing at the dark grey vehicle. “She’s still here. Fuck.”
“Come on, it’ll be fine,” she reassured him, hopping out of the car, Angel making that same small noise of dread in the back of his throat he had while at the airport. He usually didn’t give a shit what people thought of him, as was the case with her friend Aaron and his disproval, but with her mom, it did matter to him more.  
Entering the house, he looked around at the décor, lots of pale jewel tones, heavy wood and thick rugs. It was cosy, rustic chic, very befitting of the location, shrugging his jacket off and hanging it up before kicking off his boots, not able to resist giving Keri’s butt a little stroke as she bent to unzip her boots. She turned with a grin, kissing him and walking through the lounge, turning right into the large, pale sage kitchen, Meryl looking up from where she’d been rooting in her bag with a small smile.
“Well,” she began, walking over and extending her hand, looking him up and down, “never let it be said that my daughter doesn't pick the good-looking ones. Hello Angel, I'm Meryl.” Civility, phew. Keri’s insides breathed a little sigh of relief.  
He leaned to kiss her cheek as they shook hands, his hammering heart slowing a little to have been greeted with reasonable warmth. He had wondered. “Nice to meet you, and I hope you don't hate me too much either.”  
Her eyebrows fluttered a touch. “That remains to be seen when I actually get to sit and talk to you properly! Anyway, I gotta dash. See you both later.” Kissing Keri on the cheek, she hauled her bag over her arm and left, leaving Angel to breathe a sigh of somewhat relief.
“Well, she didn’t take one look and tell me to fuck off, so there’s that, I guess,” he laughed, Keri encircling his waist in a hug as he yawned. “Would you mind if I went up and got a little sleep? Since you have your friends coming anyway, it keeps me out of your hair.”
“Not at all, come on.” He followed her up the stairs, Keri showing him the spare room before taking him to hers. “You can sleep in my room for now. What mom can’t see, she can’t get mad over. I like the idea of you being up here in my bed anyway.”  
He began taking his clothes off, stripping down to his boxers before climbing beneath the covers, the raw cotton linen soft and comfy against his skin. “How long do we have until your girls arrive?”  
She looked at her watch, sitting down on the edge of the bed. “About an hour.” A squeal left her mouth when he immediately sat up, yanking her down by his side, wrapping her in his arms.
“Stay here until then, even though I probably will be asleep in five minutes, I like having you next to me when I am.” He kissed her cheek, Keri running her hand up and down the bulk of his arm, feeling his lips press a few kisses against her neck.
“Deal. Want me to save you some breakfast?”  
“No thanks, baby. I’m good, I ate two footlong subs before I got on the plane.”  
“God, that’d send me into hibernation!” she exclaimed, Angel laughing, kissing the side of her neck again. She lay there with him, continuing the lazy stroking of his arm, realising that after less than two minutes, he’d drifted off. “Five minutes, my ass, sleepy man.”  Untangling herself, she got up off the bed, leaving him somewhat reluctantly to go and make preparations for breakfast.
Her clumsiness very much extended to her cooking endeavours, Keri deciding to play it safe and make a tray bake, throwing in bacon, cut up sausages, tomatoes and mushrooms into a large crock dish ready to put into the oven and then crack a few eggs over halfway through cooking. The result? A one dish bake of loveliness that she likely wouldn’t ruin, to be served with toast and a big pot of coffee.  
She had just successfully cracked the eggs into it and closed the oven once more when the doorbell chimed at just gone 8am, rushing to let her friends in, Rachel hopping up and down.
“Move! I need to pee!”
“Go upstairs,” Keri advised quickly, steering her towards the stairs. “The downstairs isn’t flushing.”  
“Oh fuck, I’m gonna wet myself!” she continued, Keri and Frankie greeting one another with a hug and kiss as Rachel stormed the stairs.  
“I swear, she has a bladder the size of an egg cup,” the latter joked. “Oh, before I forget! Jaime said can she have the top you borrowed back, please?”
“Yeah, sorry I did mean to bring it with me to college in the week. I’ll go get it now, coffee is done so go help yourself.” She was just coming back out of her bedroom as Rachel exited the bathroom, peering over her shoulder, an elegantly groomed eyebrow rising significantly higher than the other.  
“So, you’re seriously telling me, you’re making a man as good looking as he is, with a chest like that, wait for sex?”  
Keri gave her arm a soft thump. “Don’t be a perv!”
“Oh, honey!” She exclaimed softly as Keri closed her bedroom door quietly. “If I were you, I would have cancelled with us this morning and been quite happily in there, sitting right on his face.”  
A little flicker of fire licked her insides, Keri remembering doing just that to him in a dream once. “Hmm,” she began as they descended the stairs. “I might give him a little something before he leaves again. I might not.”
“Nothing wrong with a little bit of something, a little tease,” Rachel giggled, giving her shoulders a soft squeeze.  
“Who’s teasing? You mean Keri and her big ole’ wedge of man upstairs?” Frankie called as they entered the kitchen. “Still not uncrossing your legs for the poor fella then, K?”  
“That remains to be seen,” she spoke sweetly, moving to the toaster and placing the bread in.  
Frankie snorted into her coffee mug. “Beets, just give up the P! How long has it been since you got laid?”  
Her mouth twisted into an uncomfortable grimace. “Three months.”
“Oh, oh three months, she says, three months, she throws out like it’s nothing,” Frankie spoke, her voice full of comic dismissiveness. “Get up those stairs and have a ride on him, go on. We can wait, can’t we?”
Rachel nodded rapidly. “We can.”
“Quit it!” they were advised, Keri feeling her cheeks reddening. “You two are awful.”
Rachel cocked her head, taking a seat next to Frankie. “I’ll take that.”
“Yeah, me too.” Her grin finally made Keri crack as she placed the dish down on the place mats upon the island, laughing as she began to serve up the breakfast, Frankie helping by getting up to go and butter the toast.  
They enjoyed their food, chattering away as they ate and then cleared up the mess, Keri picking up her camera and taking a few beautifully candid shots of them both, turning to show them along the way.  
“Oh, look at that one!” Frankie gushed, viewing the close up of Rachel smiling the way the light caught the green tones in her eyes, the vibrancy of her red hair even more luminous, the subject herself loving it just as much.
“Yeah, that looks amazing.”  
All three of them nearly died of fright at the sudden appearance of Angel, three shocked squeaks making him rumble with laughter, Frankie smacking him in the abs with an almighty slap against his bare skin.  
“Dickhead!” she cried, Angel wrapping her in a hug, kissing the top of her head, greeting Rachel too, who grinned hugely at being squished against the very chest she’d so admired, Angel then moving to Keri, wrapping his arms around her shoulders as he stood behind her.
“Thought you were sleeping?” she asked, looking up at him.  
“Turns out two hours is all I needed. Besides, can I be blamed for there being three gorgeous women in the house and me not coming to hang out with them?”  
“Charmer,” Frankie snorted. “You gotta dial it back, or Rachel will be sliding off her fucking stool.”  
“Oh yeah?” he asked, eyes fixing on Rachel, mortified by her friend. “Like what you see, huh, Rach?”  
“Keri is a lucky girl, that’s all I’m saying,” she spoke, side eyeing a very proud looking Frankie, who just kept right on going.
“She isn’t that lucky! We’ve been told, Angel, that she’s being all coy where giving up the P is concerned.” Keri’s lips tightened, glad Angel was behind her so he couldn’t see the look on her face, her eyes widening in a ‘don’t you dare!’ stare of death. “You’d probably get further with a nun.”  
Immediately, he boomed with laughter, but not solely in response to the joke. “I did, one time.”  
“What?” Frankie shouted. “You tried to fuck a nun?”
“Didn’t try.” Leaning forward, he reached for a shiny, red apple from the fruit bowl. “Did fuck her, mamas.”  
Keri’s mouth dropped open, turning to look at him as he bit into the apple, the others wearing the exact same faces of shock. “You defiled one of god’s wives?”
He shrugged, winking. “She liked it.”  
Immediately, Frankie reached across the island, throwing her fist forward. “Bump it, bro. That’s the best score I’ve ever heard in my life!” He obliged, laughing.  
“Unholy come-union,” Rachel added, Angel bellowing with laughter.  
“Yeah, pretty much.” Keri was still stuck in shock, Angel reaching beneath her chin with his thumb and shutting her gaping mouth. “What?”
“I bet he’s got way naughtier stories in his arsenal,” Frankie added, her eyes alight. She loved hearing about other people’s wild shenanigans.  
“Oh, I do, but I don’t wanna mortify Keri. We’ll have some bro time, I’ll tell you then,” he vouched with a nod. Once again, Keri’s head swivelled comically to look at him.  
“Ahem, I’m not made of glass,” she muttered, poking him under his chin.
“Fine,” he spoke through a mouthful of apple. “Frances, proceed.”
Her question was immediate, like it had been burning the tip of her tongue. “Most forbidden fuck you’ve ever had, apart from the nun?”  
“That wasn’t forbidden. She was running away from her convent, I gave her a ride, took her home and she gave me one. Simple,” he began, Rachel screaming with laughter above the giggles of her friends. “Nah, the worst one was when I banged the wife of a rival club’s president.”
Frankie grinned. “I’m sensing there’s an ‘and’, here.”  
“And I might’ve filmed it.”
“Might’ve sent it to him.”  
“Might’ve instigated a small war.”  
“Might’ve got kicked right in the crotch by our club president for not being able to keep my dick under control.”  
Keri was folded in half, her laughter making her sides hurt. “You are so bad!”
“I am,” he confessed. “Well, I was. I’ve calmed down a little now, though.” Bishop’s boot meeting his cock at a hundred miles an hour had checked him adequately, even though eventually, he’d found Angel’s antics pretty funny.  
Frankie could barely breathe for laughing. “He’s an animal, I love him!” she cried, wiping her tears of laughter, Angel grinning, looking thoroughly pleased with himself. Keri stood and composed herself, basking in the affection of him, the humour of his stories, and the glow that her friends seemed to think he was just as amazing as she did. He’d settled right into her world, like a jigsaw piece that was always meant to click into place there.
A while later, after her friends had left and her jigsaw piece had decided he wanted to go back to bed for a while, she stood in the kitchen putting away plates after the dishwasher had finished its cycle, thinking on the things he’d told them.  
She knew Angel was an incredibly sexual person, it was something that radiated from him in shades, but she’d be lying if she said that she didn’t feel a little intimidated over the fact that his sexual experience eclipsed hers in shades. She wasn’t a virginal princess, she very much had a wild side that liked to reveal itself when she felt secure enough to do so, but it did nag at her a tiny bit. Was he really okay with waiting, truly? Was she overthinking things?  
“Nothing wrong with a little bit of something, a little tease.” Rachel’s words returned to her there. Maybe, it might be just the thing to make her relax, take a little power herself, redress the balance. He’d asked her not to be a cock tease, but hell, he might enjoy her being playful with him?  
The anticipation of pleasure was, after all, a very considerable pleasure in itself.
“Oh, giving me a little strip, huh?” Angel asked after she’d joined him in her bedroom, removing her sock and jeans, her undies and top remaining.  
“Only a very brief one.” Lifting the covers, she climbed in beside him, cuddling up against him. “Since I won’t have this later, I’m getting it now.”
“What, teasing me with those gorgeous legs?”
Sticking one out from under the covers, she examined it with a soft hum. “Yeah, they’re not bad, are they?”  
“I’m sure they’ll be even better when they’re wrapped around me.”  
The coyness of her smile gave way to something truly devilish, Angel feeling arousal stir low within him. “I remember you saying you wanted to watch that Vikings show when we spoke in the week. Shall we, since we have no plans to go out until tomorrow?”
“Yeah, can do.” he replied casually, Keri exiting the comforter once more, crawling to the end of the bed to begin hunting for her TV remote. Oh, god. She knew what she was doing, the sight of her ass in a small pair of black undies making that little stirring suddenly whirl much more ferociously for him. “You need to stop with that shit.”
Looking back over her shoulder, her eyes wide an innocent, it took Angel all he had not to launch himself at her. “I’ve no idea what you mean, big guy. I’m just looking for the remote.”
Like fuck, she had no idea. “Ahh, got it!” Shuffling back, she switched the TV on, getting comfortable beside him again. She could feel his eyes fixed upon her, turning to kiss his chest. “What?”
He sucked a breath over his teeth. “The fucking audacity. Presenting me with the very thing I’d fucking eat from front to back, given half the damned chance, shit!” Again, she was in hysterics, Angel just looking mildly pained.  
“That thorough, huh?” she winked, kissing him when he growled in frustration, turning her over and pinning her beneath his weight.
“What’s that I said about not being a cock tease?” He arched an eyebrow at her, Keri biting her lip, deliberately brushing his sides with her thighs. “Oh, baby girl. If you play me, I'll fucking play back, and you won't like it one bit.”
Her lips tilted into a grin. “Is that how it is, hmm?”
“Yeah,” he confirmed, kissing her chest, taking her wrists and pushing them down above her head, holding her there pinned easily with one hand encircling both. “That’s how it is.”
“So, you have me pinned, what's next?” she asked, a smirk tilting her pretty mouth. He didn't answer her in words, leaning to her, offering slow, lazy kisses, tickling her lips with his tongue before it slid against hers, his free hand beginning to trail up and down her side. It was barely anything at all, actions wise, but already, she felt heat beginning to glow through her depths, their kisses becoming heavier, Angel moving between her legs a little closer, pressing his rigid cock against her apex.  
“This is next, if you really, really want it,” he began, her thighs tensing at his waist. “Or maybe this.” He flickered his tongue speedily at the side of her throat, his hand moving down, a finger dipping to trail beneath the elastic of her underwear. “Up to you, pretty girl, whether I dick you down slow, or lick you quickly.”  
He looked down upon her again, her chest flushed pink, her lips parted as she panted softly, her pupils fully blown, leaning to her, kissing her with filthy heat. “And I know whatever you choose, I have you so damned worked up right now, it’d only take about ten seconds before you came, either all over my dick, or my tongue. So, which one do you want?”  
“I... I...” she gasped, arching against him, feeling heavy from the ache of lust between her legs. “I don’t know.” Another kiss, and she was on fire, Angel moving his mouth to her neck once more, his cock pushing against her harder.
“Well, y’all got plenty of time to make up your mind, because you ain’t getting either any time soon.” Releasing his grasp, he turned onto his back, winking at her stunned face. “I told you not to play me.”
“Oh, I’m going to get you back so bad for that.”  
Lifting his chin with narrowed eyes, his mouth broadened into a grin. “Bring it.”  
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gunkreads · 4 months
Phew. Finished The Tyrant Baru Cormorant; now finally caught up on Masquerade. Took me fuckin' long enough.
For a summary of my thoughts, I'd like you to imagine a wee little squeal of sadomasochistic glee sounding from my chair every page or two, slowly building in to a combination of wails and shrieks, no less sadomasochistic or gleeful than the squeals that preceded them.
Seth Dickinson writes the type of story that I want put into the IV bags in the hospital when I finally get hit by a car hard enough to send me into a proper coma. I love being forced to cry. I love having to close the book over my thumb because I can't bear to read another word , then having to open it right back up because what's the point of this character suffering like that if I don't see them through to the end?
Dickinson writes the type of story that makes me not give a dribble of a shit whether it gets finished properly. There's a divide of public opinion that seems to believe a story that may never be finished is worth less than one that is or will be. I do not care if Baru 4 is ever released. I want it very badly, but if this is the last I ever hear of this story, that's fine. It's done enough. I'll admit I feel this way about a lot of stories, but I think it's worth mentioning here because this really is a story that's complete enough within itself to stand on its own at any of its climaxes.
Spoilers below the cut.
Bad out of the way first: there was a very obvious issue with the split between Monster and Tyrant; I later found that they were originally one book and really wish they would've either 1: stayed that way or 2: been split around 100-150 pages into Tyrant, some time during the Kyprananoke climax. So that's one very minor bad thing.
Second bad thing was... not so much "bad" as a slightly off-putting thing I've noticed and theory I've been working on. Depending on your level of cynicism about publishing, you'd describe it as either "authors breaking out of their shell" or "editors/publishers easing up on the reins". Around the second or third books of several series I've read, the author's voice begins to shine through a lot more potently. I don't wanna dive too deep into my background on this theory, but that definitely happens in Tyrant. You start to see Dickinson use slightly more modern twists of language, have characters crack a few more out-of-tone jokes, and other small things like that. It's nothing particularly intrusive, but it did bring me a bit out of the story.
One thing that probably turns some people off the series, especially toward the middle of Monster, is the way it presents economics as a kind of absolute power over the world. I'd agree that it's a somewhat limiting authorial choice in some ways--as much as you can call "falling short of portraying the full spectrum of society" limiting--but I, personally, adored the way Dickinson used Baru's single-minded belief in economics as the sole solution to the world's problems as a foreground for all the other philosophies he presented. What's the difference between economics and trim? Plenty, but less than you think, so he puts Baru--the world's best-ish economist--and Tau-indi--the world's best good person--in a room together a bunch and makes them ask each other every question except "What's the difference between economics and trim?"
This is one of my favorite things in storytelling: to answer a question by painting a silhouette of different answers around it. Answer every question except the one you're asking and the reader will see it clearly enough to answer for themselves. Dickinson does it really, really fucking well.
Also yeah. Tau-indi Bosoka. What a great character. Operates on a truly higher level of insanity than any other character in the series while still keeping their feet so firmly on the ground you're amazed they can pick them up to walk.
Another thing I really adore, and this is a smaller one, is demonstrating conclusions to the reader via the actual physical medium of a book, not just the words. There's one place toward the end of Tyrant where this happens: the reveal that Aminata is Kindalana's daughter, where they jump-cut from "Kindalana has a daughter with Farrier!" to "Hey, where's Aminata?" (or something, can't recall the exact scene) on the very next page. The two scenes take place far out of earshot of each other, but they're juxtaposed like conjoined twins to the reader. This is the type of thing that can either pass straight over your head or hit you like a cement truck, with very little in between. It's my personal stance that this counts as an outright textual statement, not just implication, but that's a whole other haterific can o' worms I'll leave unpoured for now.
There are a couple things to be said about the Cancrioth, but I think the one that's most important to me is that they never lost their mystical properties. They never stopped being properly arcane. I really liked that. It's very easy to write a revealed secret as a thing that becomes mundane; the Cancrioth couldn't have ever been that way because they're an immortal cult. Not everyone there is an onkos, so all the non-onkos aboard need to believe in the magic. For them all to believe, the magic has to be pretty rad!
Sorry, I wrote this whole post just for that joke. Anyway.
In another way, the Cancrioth did start to bore me toward the end. I was kind of sick of their shit, for lack of a more complete thought. I had the same difficulty deciphering the Brain's motives as Barhu did and... honestly, it got a little bit tiring. Changing the trajectory of an immovable object is obviously a very hard thing to do, and it obviously takes a very long time, but man is it kind of exhausting to read it play out in real-time.
Tain Shir is great. She speaks for herself (lol) as an element of the narrative. Good shit, no notes. There's actually nothing to be said here besides saying "Hey, Seth, your character rocks ass." She fills a trope I enjoy a lot: flesh made force-of-nature.
Aminata is an excellently insane character. I like how her perspective gave so much weight to the relative worldliness of other characters. She doesn't know dick about shit the whole time and it makes it much clearer to the reader how much everyone else should know. Also she's just... fantastically nuts.
Kyprananoke as a whole Fucking Thing was a little oddly drawn-out. Chekov's Tsunami was a little too heavy-handed for me. Not the tsunami itself, but its introduction--there's no way to introduce something like that without forcing the reader to lean back and go "Well, this place is fucked. What's next?" It kind of mangled the pacing of that whole sequence for me. I think that's more an issue with my own preferences as a reader, though, because all in all it's just another way to structure a release of tension.
I was pleasantly surprised at Dickinson's handling of gender issues. I'm not going to tell you whether he does a good or bad job; I'm going to tell you he does a thorough job. He paints a very interesting picture of the history of gender relations in various societies, how those have clashed over time, and their impacts on main characters. Aminata has probably the simplest relationship with gender and sex of them all, but she's also the character with the narrowest range of information about the world. I think your mileage will vary greatly here and it'll depend a lot on your existing stances on gender politics.
All in all, this is already one of my favorite series. I think rereading it would kill me and I think I'll eventually do it anyway.
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