#this was so nice to write over breakfast ty for the ask
thespacelizard · 1 year
currently on my period and making my cravings of comfort your problem
talk a little more about shen and rizeth's domestic life . what do each of them like after a hard day (talking it out, physical affection, warm food/tea ect)? what are their little ways of showing love?
sending commiserations and a swift end to suffering.
ahhh domesticity my beloved!! <3
if Shen's had a rough day, one of the things that's common is to come home, deposit himself at Rizeth's feet where he's reading on the couch and get his hair stroked for a while until whatever's bothered him comes out in an extended rant. Rizeth finds 'grumpy submissive kneeling' extremely adorable.
Rizeth is bad™ at leaving work at work. He appreciates a distraction; some tea, small pieces of physical affection - not jumping straight into huge comforts like making out or sex, just small, like. grounding? touches. Shen eventually learns that shoulder massage is a very good way to relax his Master (and also get some very interesting noises :p)
god. the little things of their relationship ruin me, constantly. knowing each other's schedules. Rizeth knowing how to make Shen's tea, and making it perfect every time, because that's how he likes it, so obviously it has to be right. Rizeth doing Shen's braids - and, eventually, at some point, him letting Shen braid his hair. getting dressed in the mornings and handing each other things. always kissing each other goodbye, even if one of them is still asleep when the other is leaving.
(also Rizeth making sure Ashenivir actually sleeps. that boy has a tendency to stay up too late, working or reading. he'll carry him to bed if he has to, and sleepy!Ashenivir gets adorably clingy sometimes)
Ashenivir knowing that Rizeth isn't really comfortable with a lot of public affection, and finding subtle ways to show it - squeezing his hand, touching his arm, tucking loose hair back, 'chaste' hand kisses that, to them, sometimes feel like foreplay.
But also, Rizeth allowing himself to become more comfortable with public affection, for the joy of kissing Ashenivir where other people can see, because he knows how much that means to him. He'll take a little discomfort if it means seeing Ashenivir smile.
they are, by the way, completely the kind of couple who can have entire conversations with a few looks and eyebrow twitches, and it drives other people insane but like. they don't care. they're disgustingly in love when they get there.
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luveline · 10 months
i NEED anything with glasses reid or munch reid i’m literally frothing at the mouth 🙏
ty for ur request :D fem!reader
"Emily," you say weakly. "What is that?" 
Emily looks up from her desk, clearly desperate for a distraction, the lip of her coffee mug against painted lips. "What's what?" 
"That." You point. You feel sick to your stomach. "That right there." 
"Oh," Emily says happily. "You finally noticed. Yeah, Spence forgot to renew his contact prescription. He has to wear glasses for two weeks." 
Spencer stands by the photocopier with a perturbed frown, clicking a button, then another. His brow is furrowed and his hair is falling into his eyes. He has the stupidest, dorkiest, prettiest face, and practically every expression he makes has you weak in the knees.
"That long?" you ask. 
Derek looks up in concern at your pained tone, following the line of your eyes. When he realises what it is that's hurt you so, he skirts around the desk to shake your shoulder. "You could always tell him how you feel. I'm sure he'd keep the lenses forever if he knew you liked them." 
"I don't like them," you say. You sound faraway to your own ears. You hate them. They're gonna be your demise. 
Spencer runs a fingertip across the photocopier's screen, in his own world as the machine finally begins to chug out whatever it is he'd been wanting a duplicate of. The frames of his glasses sit snug on his nose. You can tell from even this distance that the lenses make his eyes look a tiny bit smaller. You could probably point out a misplaced freckle if he asked you to.
"Don't be cruel, he looks cute," Emily teases. 
Spencer collects his papers, shuffling them into a straight line as he makes his way back to the bullpen. You pretend to take interest in Emily's things. She sips her coffee too nonchalantly. Derek doesn't even bother pretending. 
"What?" Spencer asks, swift to spot your suspicious behaviours. "Is it the glasses?" 
You wince. "Of course not. You look… you look really nice, Spence." 
"You know he used to wear 'em every day?" Derek asks.
You would've died. "Before I joined?" 
"For a few years," Spencer says, looking you over. "You're unhappy. Is something wrong?" 
He looks to Derek and Emily for confirmation. Emily stutters for an answer while Derek laughs in the background, "She– you know. She just– She missed breakfast!" 
Spencer pushes his glasses up his nose by the leg and drops his copies onto the desk. "I have dried apricot in my bag. Two seconds." 
He bends over his chair to retrieve his bag from under the desk. Your eyes blow wide at his position, the sudden demonstration of well-fitted pants. Derek's laugh echoes up to the eaves. 
"And he has that twenty four seven," Emily says against the rim of her coffee. 
You scrunch your eyes closed and tilt your head back. After a few seconds, a hand touches your elbow gently, a hesitance that comes with only one member of the BAU. "You okay?" Spencer asks. 
"I'm okay. Headache," you lie. 
Spencer presses the apricot into your hands. "Maybe you should see an optician. You know they can tell if you have a brain tumour from one photo of your sclera?" He smiles morbidly, his glasses slipping down his nose. "They measure the size of your optic disk. It takes less than a minute. I can give you the name of my doctor, if you want. She's nice. Not as nice as you." 
Your throat is so dry you can't form words to answer him. He doesn't judge your rigid nodding. 
"I'll write down the number for you. And, Y/N?" 
"Yeah?" you choke out. 
"You look really nice today, too." 
Emily has to kick you in the leg to bring you back to earth. Stupid Spencer. Stupid lovely glasses. 
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lv4ces · 9 days
day in the life w/ Emily?
listenin' to lovers rock
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– warnings : a lil suggestive but nothing explicit
– summary : day in the life with you and emily
a/n : this was so fun to write ty anon for the req. this def turned out longer than expected so i hope you enjoy it <33
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Waking up with Emily Engstler was possibly one of the best things that could ever happen to you. You woke up to being tangled in between her long limbs and her peacefully asleep.
You had work off today and Emily had practice, but she said you could come and join her which made you grin so hard you thought your cheeks were gonna go numb.
You glanced over at the time and realized you two should've been up and moving a while ago.
"Emily." You said, untangling yourself and shaking her
The con to dating Emily was that she slept like a rock. Absolutely nothing woke this woman up. You kept shaking her and she just laid there and snored.
"Emily! Get up!" You grabbed the pillow off your side of the bed and smacked her over the chest with it, that woke her up.
She jolted up and looked so confused. Her reaction made you bust out laughing.
"The fuck was that for, ma?" She asked sleepily.
"Look at the time, my love."
Her eyes widened when she realized the time and jumped out of bed. "Fuck! It's so late!" She shuffled around your guys' room, trying to get ready.
You tried your hardest to hold back your laughter as you got up and went to go make coffee for the both of you.
Once you reached the kitchen you started the coffee and made eggs for Emily. After plating up her breakfast and setting it on the table with her coffee, Emily came out fully ready in her practice gear.
"Oh you are such a trad wife." She laughed as she sat down and started eating.
"Oh shut up or I won't make you lunch." You threatened as you made her sandwich.
She did a 'zip it and lock it' motion to her mouth, making you giggle. After you made her lunch you packed it up and went to go get ready yourself.
You changed into a cute outfit and did your hair and makeup and went back out to the dining area. Emily came up to you and wrapped her arms around you.
"You look pretty baby.." Emily murmured against your lips as she leaned in for a kiss. Her hands made their way down to your ass, groping them gently.
You pushed her away before it got too heated, "You have practice, my love."
She sighed dramatically and grabbed her bag. You two walked out to the car hand in hand. She opened your door and helped you get in then rounded the car to get into the driver side.
As you two drove to the training facility her hand made its way to your knee, rubbing it gently. She was so whipped for you.
You two arrived at the training facility and she went to the locker room while you found a seat in the stands. Training went by fairly quickly, you loved watching her do what she loved.
"Okay! Lunch break!" Thibault yelled. All the women dispersed on the court, going to enjoy their lunches with each other. Emily made her way to where you were sitting, carrying the batman lunch box.
"Really, batman?" She asked, gesturing at the case. You giggled and motioned for her to sit down.
"Its cute!" You argued. She rolled her eyes sarcastically and opened up the box to retrieve her meal. She shared bites of the food with you til it was all gone and she had to return to practice. You gave her a quick peck on the lips along with a,
"Good luck!"
The rest of practice went smoothly and you two drove home together.
"Are we eating in tonight or?" You asked curiously, washing up some dishes.
"I was actually planning on taking you out." Emily grinned. Your face lit up which made Emily smile even more. It was the little things that made you so happy, like when she would open the car door for you or surprise you with a dinner date.
You two got ready for your night out and Emily drove you two there.
It was a nice steakhouse she took you guys too. "This is beautiful baby, thank you"
"Anything for you." She smiled.
You two ate your dinner and talked for a good hour or two before you two finally made it home.
Once you closed the front door you went up and kissed her.
"I love you."
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jeneseoquoi · 11 months
nct 127 | hyung line + fluff
♡ random fluff with our favorite ilichil hyungs ♡
(note: i was listening to 'eleven' by khalid when writing these so they were originally gonna be like time stamp scenarios, but then it just turned into random fluff for jn, ty, dy, and yt. so basically ignore the random time stamp in taeil's lmao. also, i was going to do all nine members until i hit a block therefore it's only hyung line for now. if you guys want a part two for the rest of the members, let me know! oh and i'm notorious for switching tenses in my fic writing so if that bothers you, this here is your warning lmao.)
taeil: the sunlight bleeding through the light colored curtains, taeil’s soft hums as he moved about the kitchen and the subtle warmth from the bacon frying on the stove made for such a peaceful morning. you glanced at the clock as you pulled the eggs out of the fridge, carrying them over to the stove; 11:31 am. taeil wasn’t normally this eager to get out of bed at this time, but when he heard your stomach growl for the fourth time that morning, he just couldn’t go back to sleep. not when his love was practically starving.
“what are you smiling about?” taeil questioned, breaking you out of your short daze.
“nothing.” you giggled causing him to cock an eyebrow. “this is just nice. the two of us, cooking breakfast together in our own apartment. nowhere to be but here, with each other.” you sighed happily. taeil couldn’t help but laugh at your sudden tenderness.
“you’re so sentimental honey,” he walked over to you, pecking your cheek, “but you’re right.” he wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his head on your shoulder. his fingers played with the diamond on your left finger, sighing in contentment.
“there’s no place i’d rather be than here at home with you.” 
johnny: you sipped the last of your wine as you put the finishing touches on the canvas in front of you.
“okay! ready when you are.” you smiled as you admired the masterpiece you created.
“it’s about time.” johnny retorted sarcastically. “okay, on three. one, two, three.”
you both picked up your canvases, turning them to face each other before busting out laughing.
as your guys’ laughter died down, you spoke up “it’s safe to say that maybe we shouldn’t have had two whole bottles of wine BEFORE starting the paintings.”
he laughed loudly, “nah, that makes this so much better honestly. these belong in the louvre.”
you giggled, absentmindedly reaching for your glass, but stopped shortly as you remembered the last drops you finished just moments ago.
“looks like you’re empty. should I pop open the next bottle?” he asks, gesturing toward the empty glass in your hand.
you shake your head. you’d only been on a couple of dates with johnny so far, but he made you so comfortable. he was easy to talk to and get along with plus he made you laugh. not to mention he was undeniably attractive sat across from you with his bare face, loosened up black black button up, and an unmistakable lusty, hazy look in his eyes. it was no wonder how you eventually made your way to his side of the coffee table, and into his lap. as if instinctual, he wrapped his arms around you, settling them on your lower back.
“ready to call it a night? should i get you a taxi?” he questioned, trying to analyze your face.
you shook your head, “nope. as a matter of fact,” your voice barely above a whisper, looking between his eyes and lips, before leaning in, “i have something better we can do.”
a sly remark threatened to leave his lips, but before it had time, he leant forward meeting you the rest of the way. 
taeyong: the elevator began to descend as you pressed the floor number for your boyfriend’s studio. stepping out as the elevator dinged, you made your way down the hallway, two coffees in hand. not long after knocking, the door to the studio flew open, revealing a smiling face.
“you’re here!” he exclaimed.
“i’m here! and i brought coffee.” you smiled back at him, carefully shaking the cups in your hand. he grabs them from you, leaning in to give you a peck as a greeting & thank you all in one.
“come in, i was just in a writing block and you’re the perfect inspiration i needed.” you could feel warmth rise in your chest from his sweet words. he pulls a chair next to his, patting the seat for you to sit, and you happily do.
“tell me what you think of this.” he plays the track he’s been working on, and you bop your head along to the beat until a familiar humming captures your attention. “wait, tae…is that me???”
a flush comes to his cheeks as he stops the track.
“maybe. do you remember where it’s from?” you try your best to recall, but it just doesn’t come to you. slightly amused by your stumped look, he gives you the answer.
“it’s from a few weeks ago when i was having trouble sleeping. you stayed up with me all night, and at some point you started humming. something about it was so soothing, that i was able to finally fall asleep to it. and it’s been stuck in my head since.” your face softens as he recounts the memory.
“so i thought, why not make it a song that i can listen to forever.”
you feel a burst of butterflies release in your stomach and before you can help it, you find yourself blurting out the words you’ve been wanting to say to him for a while.
“i love you taeyong.” he reached forward, clasping your hands in his and let out an excited giggle, “i love you too.” 
yuta: you sighed deeply, throwing back what felt like your fourteenth shot of the night. you came to this new years eve party in hopes of getting to spend some quality time with and hopefully confessing to your crush, but since you guys arrived he’s been preoccupied with all his friends. i mean what did you expect, he did invite you to their annual lonely hearts nye bash, but you couldn’t help the part of you that hoped he invited you to make each other’s hearts less lonely. you shook your head, pouring yet another shot from the liquor bottle in hopes of drowning your thoughts. that was until you heard a familiar sound.
“alright it’s about a minute to midnight…” you heard the host of the ball drop say on the tv.
you jumped off the counter with a loud sigh, a sense of urgency suddenly taking over you. it was now or never. you threw back the shot and marched out of the kitchen in search of yuta. he wasn’t hard to find with his dark orange hair and sparkly party hat standing out in the small in crowd of his friends. you called his name, walking straight over to where he was standing in front of the TV with a shot glass.
“hey! where’ve you been? i thought you left.”
you shook your head, “yuta listen, I have something to tell you.”
“TWELVE, ELEVEN…” his friends started counting down.
“right now? can it wait?” he gave you a confused look.
it’s now or never. you shook your head, and tapped fully into your liquid courage.
“yuta, i like you. and i came here tonight because i want to be your new year’s kiss.” he looked like a deer caught in headlights at your sudden confession, but before his brain could even formulate a response he was interrupted by the shouts of his friends.
without another thought, he cupped both of his hands around your face, pressing his lips softly to yours. it was only a couple of seconds, but it was the best ones of the new year so far.
doyoung:  it was early. too early almost, considering the amount of times you’d woken up through the night to tend to the new addition in your little family. it’d only been about two weeks since doyoung and you had brought home your new child, and it was safe to say the adjustment was proving to be more draining than you guys imagined. due to this, things around the house had started to pile up, quick. so it was a little surprising when you rolled over to the other side of the bed and felt…emptiness. the space was cold, meaning your partner hadn’t been occupying it for a while. you sat up, stretching your arms above your head before venturing out from under the warmth of the covers in search of him. on your way toward the kitchen, you stopped by your child’s room, barely inching the door open to see them fast asleep. you walked into the kitchen immediately spotting doyoung at the sink. a smile crept on your face as you watched him wash & rinse the dishes in his pink gloves. quietly making your way over to him, you wrapped your arms around his torso, startling him. he tsk’d, turning off the water and removing his gloves, before turning to face you.
“nooooo. why are you up?” he whined, making you scrunch your face at him.
“am I interrupting something?” you ask with a giggle.
“of course not, but…” he sighs, “i wanted to get the house cleaned up a bit before you woke up. i know you’ve been so tired lately, so i just wanted to take one more thing off your plate.”
a rush of warmness radiates over your body causing you to lean toward him for a kiss, which he happily accepts.
“you’re so good to me” you whisper against his lips before he pulls away. “i know. but you deserve it.”
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mymelodymia · 7 months
Hey hun ty for writing my request with the bullying one I love it bby I got another one for you I promise this one's better and pure fluff 💗 so basically our Mikey man works to mf hard he has a younger sister(sorry I like the sister and big brother relationships there cute asf) like 7-8 surprises mike from work she makes him dinner, makes him a cute little bath, to the best ability an 7-8 your old can do lmaoo and idk maybe saves up some of her allowance and gets Mike something super nice and he's not sure how and is probably like "Baby where did you get this??" I don't fucking know but super fluffy and adorable. Ily hun ty! ✌🏽💜
aww, thank you sm for saying that and requesting again!
Best baby sister // Mike Schmidt x young!sister!reader
**not a ship**
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Summary: just fluffy big brother Mike 🥰
Warnings: none :']
Age: 7-8
A/N: "mikey man" very funny 🤭
You sat up in your small bed, you hopped up to say good morning to Mike. He was the only person in the world that mattered to you.
You walked into the kitchen and was greeted with the smell of bacon, you wrapped your small arms around him. He looked down at you, having not noticed you were there before.
He patted you on the back and returned to cooking. "Hi mike" you giggled, "morning y/n/n. How'd you sleep?" He asked you.
"Good" you answered, "good." He responded
"Thats what I just said" he chuckled at your comment, you were very sassy, of course.
"But i gotta go to work soon, okay?" He said strictly, pointing the spatula at you.
"Uuoohh, but why?" You complained "because, we need money right?" You groaned in response, you ate your breakfast with max instead. (Rude)
there was one hour until Mike got home, you were playing with your dolls when you got the idea.
he works too hard, so you thought to treat him with a little something, you made him a very nutritious meal (microwaved mac n' cheese) and drew him a warm bath, overflowing with bubbles.
You also made a small fort in the living room, facing the tv. When you heard Mike's car pull in the driveway you ran out to him. You opened his door for him, and led him inside by your side.
You ran into the kitchen, passing the living room, Mike saw your fort and pointed at it. "Whats that?" He asked, but was quickly pulled away by you.
"Youre not allowed to see that yet." You said as you dragged him into the kitchen and sat him down. He chuckled as you sat across from him, a fork and knife in both hands, smiling from ear to ear.
You both ate your meals and you led him to the bathroom. He looked down at you, and kneeled down to hug you.
You shut the door and waited in the living room. He eventually emerged from the hall in a comfy sweater and soft pants.
He climed into the fort after you signaled for him too come in. He lied down on his stomach beside you, you both continued to watch cartoons for a while.
You rested your head on his shoulder, he wrapped his arms around you tight.
He pecked you a few times before taking one of the many blankets in the fort and putting it over both of you.
You snuggled into his chest, his warmth comforting you as you listened to his heartbeat, you fell asleep soon after.
The next morning after he left, you went out with max to surprise him, you had been saving up for months to buy him this. You handed the cashier tons of quarters to pay.
You folded it neatly and set it in a small gift bag. When he got home you gave it to him immediately, shoving it in his face.
He took it out carefully as max left to go home. He gasped as he read it. "Do you like it?" You asked as he kept staring at the hoodie that also had the words 'best big bro' on it.
"Do i like it? Of course i do! I like everything you give me!" He said picking you up. "But, how'd you get it baby?"
"Ive been saving up on my allowance! And searching the streets for some loose change" you said in a raspy voice, making a funny face as well.
He put it on and you both ordered a pizza, and you gave the delivery man the last quarter you had as a tip.
You ate three pieces before you complained about being to full. You fell asleep in Mikes lap while he was playing with your hair. He picked you up and tucked you into bed. Placing a kiss to your forehead.
He went to sleep smiling, still wearing the hoodie, of course he wouldn't tell you that he worked at the shop you bought it from and saw you get it for him but, he was still over the moon nonetheless.
@white-wolf-buckaroo //
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heartsfourdazai · 7 months
Hii! I hope you are well! Could i request dazai with a reader who has their birthday and decides spend it with dazai? Id like soemthing really fluffy if possible😭.
spending your birthday with him
warnings: lowercase writing
meanings: f/c: favorite color
a/n: hii<3 ty for the request!! sorry if this may seem short, it's been in my drafts for quite sometime now. gender neutral reader<3
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you quietly tiptoed toward dazai's sleeping figure on your shared bedroom in the small apartment you both moved into a couple months after starting to date.
you were still in your pajama's. bright f/c shorts and a white, oversized tank-top dazai once thought was his. you covered your mouth, trying to cover the giggles that dared to escape.
you gently placed yourself on top of the sheets of the bed, hovering over dazai's body. your knees placed on each side of his body.
you leaned down and kissed his nose gently, "daaazaai~" you sung out quietly at first, attempting to gently stir him awake and aware of his surroundings.
"mmhm.." he moaned, turning his body further away from you, "waaake up~" you kissed his nose again, now grabbing onto his arms softly, not wanting to hurt him.
"it's time to waaake up~" you sang again, kissing his face gently over'n over again.
with a grumble he grabbed your arms and your hands gently rubbed his cheeks, "mornin' 'donna~" he kissed your hand, rubbing your hand with his.
you giggled softly, leaning down to kiss his lips.
"guess what today is?"
he though for a moment, "our day off?" he smiled, and you chuckled. "yes, but do you know why we have a day off?" you asked once again, suddenly a loud laugh escaped your lips as dazai tosses you gently off of him and picks you up, linking his arms under your knees and held your upper body up to rest on his head.
"how could i possibly forget! i already have our entire day planned out-" he started, setting you down on your feet but still held you around your wasit, leaning down to kiss your kiss passionaly. "-starting with an amazing breakfast, followed by a nice, warm bath together. after that, we can go to that amusment park you've been begging to go to. you like the sound of that?"
your eyes sparkled, jumping up and down in his arms and rushed out of the room. "lets make pancakes! ooh, and we can add strawberries, and maple syrup, AND whipped cream!!" you rushed out of the room with your boyfriend who quickly followed behind. "you acually remembered about the park!" you were surprised, thinking he would forget about it days after you mentioned.
"if it's something you desire, how could i possibly forget? i am premitted to give you the most amazing birthday you can ever imagine."
you were so excited to start of this day with your one and only<3
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jusalle · 1 year
☆ Jude Bellingham ☆
•Merry Christmas Darling•
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You woke up to the sound of your alarm.
"Jude love, can you turn that off for me please?" You softly
You didn't get a response
"Darling?" You said confused
You turned to the right side of the bed, where your boyfriend is supposed to be at.
Supringly his side was empty for some odd reason.
You were worried what happend to Jude so you decided to get up. You look at your nightstand and see an envelope.
You openen it and it's a red sheet of paper with writing on it.
Goodmorning honey, you might be confused but don't worry. I have a suprise for you, but I made breakfast for you, so go to the kitchen and enjoy your meal first then go to the living room then you'll see your suprise darling. Love you!
As you read the note, your heart melted. You loved when Jude made little notes for you.
You got up and got dressed and went to the kitchen for the meal Jude prepared for you.
Even though you didn't even want to eat breakfast because you wanted to know what the suprise was.
You sat down and began eating the delicious meal.
But what shocked you was that it was good. Especially when Jude dosnt know how to cook well.
Last time he made breakfast...well that didn't go well.
After you finished your dish you place your plate in the sink and began walking towards the living room.
Once you saw Jude you completely stopped.
Jude had a red bow on his head and an adorable puppy with a red bow on its head too.
It was the most cutest thing you've seen yet.
"Jude darling this is adorable, but who's puppy is this" you said happily as you pet the puppy
"What do you mean Honey?" Jude laughed confusingly
"Darling, well who's dog is this?" You lookup at your lover
"Ours darling" Jude said with a wide smile.
You completely freeze as you try to process those words.
"Darling, are you messing with me or is this actually-"
"Honey, the puppy is ours, I got her this morning and I got her for you Darling" Jude said kissing your forehead
"Thank you Darling, this is a nice gift" you say softly
"Do you want to hold her love?" Jude says as he sees the excitement in your eyes.
He hands the puppy over and she lays in your arms
Jude just looks at you, observing you, you looked so beautiful.
After awhile you and Jude play around with the new puppy, you guys let it roam around as you guys lay on the couch.
"Darling I didn't get you anything for Christmas" you said sadly whispering into Jude ear
"Love, I don't need a present from you. You already a good Christmas present for me. All I ask is for you to be with me" Jude happily says
He brings you in a gentle kiss as he bites your lip a bit as you whimper in pleasure, then he breaks the kiss.
" Darling the whimpering is for later, you know" he whispers lowly in your ear
"That's going to be your second present" Jude winks
Once he says that you basically turn red. Jude always knew how to make you flustered.
"Merry Christmas Darling" he whispers into your ear
I know this was a short one but I thought it was short and sweet so I hope you guys enjoy and Happy early Christmas! Also ty for all the support I've been getting!❤🤍
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lotus-flowerz · 2 years
Idk how to write these, uhhh Diluc x reader fluff. Making breakfast together and dancing around the kitchen.
next to you
no tws- just fluff!
a/n- EVERYONE SAY HELLO TO SATURN!! this is my best friend (irl) and he may start writing on here too! so ty for this request saturn ilysm mwah (also everyone wish him a happy birthday pls his bday plans got cancelled and hes sad)
diluc x gn!reader
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You awoke from your restful sleep to the sound of birds chirping and sunlight filtering in through the windows, illuminating your bedroom. Beside you, your husband, Diluc, was still fast asleep.
The sunlight highlighted his pretty features so nicely and you couldn't help but feel so lucky that you had gotten to marry the man of your dreams.
Not beint able to resist, you began to pepper his face in little kisses in hopes of him waking up. He let out a tiny snort, which made you giggle.
"Good morning, love"
No response came from the red haired man for a few seconds. You figured he was still asleep, when two strong arms grabbed you and pulled you on top of him. You laughed and laid your head on his chest. He kissed the top of your head and smiled into your hair.
"Good morning." he rasped out, sleep still evident in his voice.
"Did you sleep well?" you asked
"As long as I'm next to you, I could sleep well if a rock was my pillow."
You laughed and his heart melted. The sound of your laugh filled his every desire and your smile lit up the entire room.
"Are you hungry?" he asked
"Ravenous." you laughed
"Me too. Waffles?"
"You know me so well."
"Alright. Upsy daisy." he said, hoisting you over his shoulders
"DILUC!!" you cried out, kicking your feet.
He laughed and carried you downstairs, putting you down once you reached the kitchen. You pulled the waffle mix out of the pantry and Diluc placed all of the cooking utensils you'd need on the table.
He grabbed two aprons and motioned for you to turn around. He put the apron over your head and tied it neatly in a bow on the small of your back. He ran his hands down your hips and kissed the top of your head, then moved to tie his own apron and put his hair up.
"Okay! It says two cups of waffle mix, two eggs, half a cup of milk, and a third a cup of vegetable oil."
Diluc began to measure the oil while you put the two cups of waffle mix in the bowl. A cloud of waffle powder came up from the bowl, dusting your entire face lightly. You let out a small cough and used your hands to fan away the cloud.
Diluc watched you with nothing but love in his eyes. You were so adorable, especially when you were making a mess while cooking.
Diluc helped you add the rest of the stuff into the bowl, and you grabbed a spoon.
"Hey, Diluc, watch my performance!" you said triumphantly, positioning the spoon as a microphone. You began to sing a song Venti usually performed in the tavern- one you knew Diluc was sick of.
He groaned and took the spoon from you, placing it behind him on the table. He shut you up by grabbing your waist and pulling you in for a long and passionate kiss.
"Mmh, I love you, but if I hear that song one more time I'm kicking you out."
You giggled and pulled him in to kiss you again. He smiled against your lips and tightened his hold on your waist. You broke the kiss and picked up the spoon again, hitting him lightly on the head with it.
"Hey! Just stir the waffles, will you?" he laughed.
"Yeah, yeah. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed..."
He smiled and shook his head, heating up the waffle maker.
"Diluc! Can we add chocolate chips?? Pleaseee?" you asked
"Of course we can, love." he smiled.
You added the chocolate chips in eagerly, and passed the batter to Diluc, who was always in charge of manning the waffle maker.
You looked at him with adoration and admiration as he focused on making the waffles look pretty.
You sighed dreamily, and Diluc looked up. He melted at your expression.
"If you keep looking at me like that, I might just have to turn off the waffle maker and kiss you silly. Do you really want to miss out on these delicious waffles?"
"Tough choice... but you're sweeter than any waffle I could ever have." you said, kissing him on the cheek.
He laughed and used one hand to pull you into his side, while he used one hand to man the waffle maker. He kissed you gently, holding you close. His scent was sweet, and you used both hands to cup his jaw.
You pulled away breathless.
"You're such a dork." he laughed.
"And you aren't?"
He sighed, smiling lightly.
"Got me there."
"I love you, Diluc."
"I love you too, Y/n."
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fritz-federleicht · 1 year
hi i hope you’re having a good day! i was wondering if you could do joey & jim hcs for a gf with autism??? if you could that would be great ty! <33
Joey & Jim with a girlfriend who has autism/ headcanons
Notes: it was a bit of a challenge to write something about autism. I did my best. Hope you like it
- Joey asked you out on a date, you actually don't like to do unusual things but agreed to it
- You had a really nice afternoon. You went to a little café. Nobody bothered you. Joey was not recognized
- Until now. You are walking hand in hand back to Joey's car when two men turn to you
- You don't notice because you are trying to concentrate on something else between the crowds. Joey squeezes your hand to give you reassurance
- He talks to you. You don't pay much attention to him. To get your attention, he circles his thumb over your hand. You look up and realize that he is talking to you
-,,Hey honey. I think there are going to be a lot of people around us. We'll be at the car in a minute."
- You are slightly overwhelmed, so you just nod
- you notice how a crowd forms around you and they start shouting for your boyfriend
- you wince. You hate loud sudden noises. Joey lets go of your hand and holds it over your ears
- you quietly hear Joey yelling something. It's quiet for a moment and he looks at the crowd.
- He takes his hands off your ears and clasps your hand. It is quieter
- You walk to the car. The people around you still make you nervous but at least it's not so loud anymore
- Joey opens the car door for you. You get in. Joey turns to the fans and thanks them for being quieter
- He goes to the driver's side, gets in and sits down
- He leans over to you, puts his hand on your cheek and kisses you on the forehead ,,Are you okay Y/N? You were so brave."
- You nod and smile at Joey as you drive off
- Jim tries to change your daily routine as little as possible. He wants you to feel as comfortable as possible
- That's why he gets up with you every day when you wake up. It is very early, but he has adjusted his sleep rhythm to yours
- After you get up you eat breakfast. Since you often don't want to eat, Jim sits with you at the table until you have eaten at least a little
- Jim bought a cat especially for you. So when he is on tour you are not too alone
- to prepare for the next tour Jim has to practice the new songs on his guitar. Meanwhile you sit at a table and paint a new picture. You are very talented in painting and always get orders. So you earn money on the side. You love to listen to Jim play while you paint
- When you first went to Jim's house and saw all the guitars he owned, you were immediately excited and wanted to know everything about them. That continues to this day. Again and again you ask him questions about it
- When Jim buys a new guitar, you are so enthusiastic about it that one could think you were the guitarist. Jim is happy about it every time. He can always talk to you about his hobby.
- When you decide to order pizza in the evening, Jim often has to decide for you which pizza to take. You can't decide for yourself, so you give him the task of finding the right one for you. You have ordered pizza many times. Also, you always try a piece of his pizza. In the process, you kept telling him which ones you liked and which ones you didn't. So Jim orders your favorite pizza
- When you go to bed late at night you often have problems falling asleep. Whenever that happens, Jim pulls you onto his chest and wraps his arms around you. Then he starts telling you some crazy story that happened on tour
- after a short time you fall asleep in his arms
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alastgoodnight · 2 months
A few days had passed since Naomi received the strange letter. It almost seemed like a strange once-off event, until a second envelope was found. This time, the blocky writing was addressed to her, written as neatly as possible. There was a stamp in the top-right corner depicting a vivid, albeit slightly cartoonish, butterfly. The envelope felt bulkier than before. Not only was there the letter, there was also a heavier paper folded to fit in the envelope.
"Dear Miss Naomi,
It is very nice to meet you. Thank you for finding my letter and sending one back. It was very exciting to get a letter that was new. I like your drawing. I've put your letter on my corkboard so I can say 'good morning' and 'good night' to you, just like I do all my Neighbors.
It must be very exciting to live in a library. My friend Frank has a lot of books, and he is very clever. I'd bet you're very clever too if you have to take care of the books and your library. Was it sad to be alone for so long? It must be lonely to not be able to go anywhere. That's why I try to include Home in something every day. It likes to feel part of the Neighborhood.
Do Willa and Rags help you fix the library? Will they help you paint it?
I like fairy tales too. I thought about what was my favourite, so I asked my friend Sally. She's a star and an actor and has written lots of stories. She reminded me of the story of 'Jack and the Beanstalk'. I wish I could meet a giant. I'd like to be their friend. I wouldn't be scared of how big it is. Everyone is taller than me, ha ha ha.
Sally told me to tell you that she knows you can't come visit, but you need to know about her shows. We drew a picture of her version of the story called 'Sally and the Beanstalk'."
(Sure enough, the second folded picture was of a brightly coloured, star-headed figure standing beside the base of a beanstalk that grew off the page.)
"I also like stories about friendships. I think everyone should have a friend. Wouldn't that be the most? I'm glad you have friends with you, Miss Naomi. It makes every day a happy one to know you can spend it with people that you like.
The letter arrives in the evening, after a day's work cleaning the patio and moving planter boxes around. Naomi finds it just as she emerges from the walk-in closet, tying the bow on her sailor-collar pyjamas, and smiles to herself.
She opens it the next morning over breakfast, and is careful not to get any fried egg yolk on it as she eats. It takes her some time to formulate her answer - and those planter boxes aren't quite how she likes them - so she doesn't sit down to answer until that afternoon, and even then, it takes a while to collect her thoughts.
So it won't be until about three days pass that her letter to Wally appears in what must be a very confused Eddie's mail bag. For now, she takes her time:
"Dear Wally, Thank you for your response! It was also very nice to get a surprise letter. I don't have a cork board yet, so I'm keeping it on my desk until I get one. I don't think "exciting" is the word I'd use, but it's quite pleasant here. Lullaby Lane is a very quiet road, so I have plenty of peace and quiet when Willa and Rags are resting or busy."
She stops and ponders the question that comes next, and hums to herself.
"Hey, Library, were you lonely before I got here?" A long, slow breeze blows outside the window, and she hums.
"I asked the Library if it was lonely before I got here. It can't talk with words, but it uses its doors and floorboards and the wind to communicate with me. I think its answer was yes, but these days it seems quite playful. It had Dust Bunnies (they're very small), but nobody else came or went for... I don't know how long, actually." Willa helps me with the library, but Rags mostly keeps me company. He's a very silly monster from under my bed, and likes to run around in the tall grass outside and play hide-and-seek. I'll draw a picture of him and Willa on the back today."
She smiles at the description of Jack and the Beanstalk, and is charmed by the sight of the artwork.
"Speaking of drawings, thank you for the artwork! I bet your friend Sally is very talented. When you get the time, please tell her I said thanks for sharing her vision. I've never acted, but I do like to read stories aloud. Maybe one day I could narrate one of hers? That's probably a long time from now, though."
And the last part. She smiles.
...She does have friends now, doesn't she? Fancy that.
"I agree, Wally, having friends every day would be the most. I'm very lucky to have met all of them, and I seem to meet more every day! This library may have been lonely once, but I don't think that will be a problem again for a very long time. It sounds like you have many friends, too! You've mentioned Eddie and Home, and now Frank and Sally. Is your neighborhood very big? Once again, thank you for writing me. Sincerely, Miss Naomi.
Once again it's sealed and addressed in a blue envelope, but this one is sealed with a goldfish sticker and a matching stamp. She drops it in the slot on the letterbox, and smiles when she doesn't hear it fall.
It's on its way.
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smellydano · 2 years
i’m literally down on my knees begging just anything romantic sfw with jay literally anything soft and sweet and sappy please and thank you i love your work🙏🙏
AHH yes i feel like i write more nsft content for jay because of that Fucking Suit but he is the sweetest man ever i need to write more ,, i hope this lives up to your expectations !! :3
good morning || jay (okja)
jay (okja) x gn!reader fluff
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warnings: none! just fluff and cringe writing
synopsis: jay makes you breakfast in bed
word count: 530
you eyes fluttered open to the sound of someone in the kitchen, you knew it was jay. you glance over to jay’s side of the bed, empty, as it has been for the past couple weeks.
jay has been all over the place with the ALF, usually his trips aren’t too long but this trip was two missions back to back. you were always very supportive of jay and his dedicated involvement with the group, but you will admit it’s been hard on you.
you grabbed his pillow, wrapping your arms around it. it smelled of him, which made you smile. you slowly start to drift back to sleep until you hear the bedroom door close. you turn over to see jay walking in with a tray filled with pancakes, hash browns and orange juice. you slowly sat yourself up, watching him shut the door with his sock covered foot.
“good morning, love.” he smiled, placing the tray down in front of you on your lap. you ran your fingers through your hair, giving your head an itch. he pressed a quick kiss on your forehead, rubbing your shoulder softly.
“i made you breakfast in bed.” you smiled as he walked over to his side of the bed, the mattress sinking with his body weight. the tray had a dainty little flower you were growing outside in a little mason jar as a vase. you instantly felt the prick of tears in your eyes. you sniffled quietly, not wanting to draw his attention, but it was too late.
“is everything okay, darling?” he looked over at you with a concerned look on his face, gently placing his hand on your shoulder.
“yes, honey. it’s-it’s just very sweet. i just missed you so much, jay.” you stuck out your bottom lip in a pout, leaning over to him. he placed his hand on the side of your head, pulling your head over for a kiss on the forehead.
you wiped away the few stray tears that rolled down your face, a smile growing on your face as he ruffled your hair. he grabbed the remote from his bedside table and turned on something to play in background. you picked up the fork he set on the tray and cut off a piece of the pancakes he made, bringing the fork over to him.
“want some?” you asked, fork circling in an airplane motion.
“i already had some, but i’ll take a bite.” he smiled and opened his mouth, you placed the fork in as he pulled the piece off. you giggled as you cut off another piece, tasting them for yourself
“you’re such a good cook, babe.”
“thank you, darling. you know, it was nice not sleeping alone. makes me realize just how much i love you when we’re apart.”
you blushed, he still made you blush and gave you butterflies after all these years. “i know, it sucks. but you’re doing good work, jay. it makes me realize how much i love you!” you chuckled, resting your hand on his thigh.
he flashed a smile, kissing you gently then laid back against the headboard, resuming your relaxing morning in bed.
AHHH i love jay so much
ty for reading!! likes/reblogs are always appreciated :3 🖤🍄🧚🏻
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luveline · 3 months
hiiiiiiiii jade! <3
would you be willing to write a fic about girl dad!spencer x bombshell!reader? i can only imagine what an adorable riot their daughter would be!!!
ty for requesting!! mom!reader
Spencer always thought you were too beautiful for him. Too funny, too brave, too confident. For years he feared he’d never be anyone you could love; he was the opposite of all your best parts, he talked too much about the wrong things, he went red whenever you so much as looked at him, and he couldn’t flirt back, not for anything. 
But it’s been a very long time since he felt that way. What good is a father who doesn’t believe in being yourself? Amanda deserved to be loved from the moment she drew breath, and he shouldn’t have been any different. 
Now, though, he’s wondering if he shouldn’t be so accepting of all her whims. “I am not wearing that, daddy,” she says. 
She’s just old enough to put together sentences but young enough that the individual words sound like building blocks, chunky and clumsy on her little mouth. Her lips are yours, her smiles and frowns one hundred percent you. (Though you argue with him often that the quizzical pout she does is all his.)
“What do you mean, angel?” he asks, bent over her sock drawer looking for a matching pair. 
“This is pink, and this is purple.” She points. 
“Yes, and you like pink and purple!” 
“I like pink… and I like purple,” she says. 
“But not together?” he asks knowingly. “You want them at different times, is that it?” 
She runs for his legs, hugging them tightly. “Thank you.” 
“You’re so much like your mommy it’s scary,” he whispers playfully, leaning down to pat her small back. “Okay, angel. I’ll find you a different dress to wear. Or maybe the dungarees!”
She lifts her chin up to smile at him. “Y’okay.” 
“Spencer, Amy!” you call, voice carrying from the kitchen. “Are you guys ready? We have to go soon and you haven’t even eaten!” 
Spencer used to sit at his desk daydreaming about you. He’d drink five cups of tea a day to get to walk past you for the kitchenette, hoping you’d be making a coffee, that you’d flirt with him over corporate rewarded donuts. Now you’re making him breakfast as he persuades your daughter into jelly shoes because she wants tall shoes like mommy. They compromise —Any will wear the wrong shoes if Spencer agrees to carry her to the kitchen table. 
“Sorry,” Spencer says as he pushes open the door into the kitchen. He's trying to be the best dad he can be all the time, but he doesn’t have a knack for the mornings like you do. “We won’t be late.” 
“That depends on how agreeable my lovely girl is feeling today.” You pick up the pink plastic plate you’ve filled with eggs, toast, and a mix of washed berries. “What do you think, Amy? Looks nummy?”
“Chocolate chip?” she asks, eyes already widening. 
“It’s breakfast, honey,” you say, scooping her out of Spencer’s arm to carry her to the table. “Chocolate chips are for dinner.” 
“If you promise to be really super duper good at Uncle Derek’s, then yes, you can have some chocolate chips,” you say, tucking her chair in, and kissing her chubby cheek. “You want me to make you milk or juice, mm?”
Spencer spots the two plates you’ve made up for you and him on the counter and quickly brings them to the table, sliding yours in front of you with a long-pronged fork, his hand on your shoulder to keep you in your seat. “I’ll get it,” he says, ducking down to kiss you on the side of the mouth. 
You turn to Amy. “See that, sweetheart? See how nice and kind your daddy is to me? He’s soooo nice. This is why we love him so much, and we appreciate him so much.” 
Amy nods emphatically, blueberries tumbling off of her plastic fork. “So much,” she echoes, her voice like melting sugar. 
He has a weird moment by the fridge where he has to grip the handle. “You know I used to dream about making you a cup of coffee in the mornings?” he asks. 
“Spencer, come over here and kiss me again, please,” you say, sympathetic and fond.
“Me too!” Amy says through fruit. “Me first.” 
“Oh, gosh, this is one of the hardest decisions of my life,” he says, sweeping in to dot your cheeks with kisses, hers then yours, three apiece.
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seancefemme · 2 years
I am seriously obssessed with your fratt fanarts, it makes me wonder... do you care to share your fratt fic recs?
aw ty!
as for fic recs....well you see i have too many beloved mutuals i refuse to embarrass myself in front of…..but here’s a couple of my favs that I remember under the cut :)
Heed the tags on the actual fics pls <3
Just Because You Can by serpentinefiend (one of my absolute favourites, Karen recruits the Defenders + Frank to find Matt after Midland Circle, but what she doesn’t know is that Frank and Matt were slowly becoming close just before, the tension is SO good, I LOVElovelove how Frank is written in this fic, frank has a dog :(((( also love how Jess and Frank’s interactions are written, chapters alternate between before Midland Circle and after :((( SO sad, made me cry a couple times ngl, *slaps frank* you would not believe the amount of emotional trauma we can put this guy through)
protect what I found by allofuswithwings (matt takes a grenade for Frank so Frank has to play nurse for a couple weeks out in a cabin in the woods)
one bad day by a_platypus  (season 3 rewrite now featuring frank castle, also featuring an angry at god and everyone season 3 matt, LOVE this one cause of the shenanigans…matt and frank wrestling/destroying the Liebermans kitchen in the middle of the night, matt having to be the getaway driver (no frank I CANNOT drive ‘well would you rather shoot at the people after us huh???’) matt happily eating breakfast while sarah and frank look in horror at the front page photo of the punisher and daredevil making out)
like a crateful of grenades by luulapants (fake-dating, I’m not familiar with the avengers at all but matt and frank are so funny in this one and the miscommunication is so good, Matt’s like whatever ill just tell the avengers im dating the punisher so they leave me alone….SHIT why is he so good at this, and Frank’s like I got the stupid fuckin nice apartment and bed for YOU, featuring matt telling frank that elektra pegged him <3)
only fools by sk8erboi_npc (Matt takes a half-dead Frank back to his apartment instead of handing him over to the police after the graveyard scene….oh and then Frank goes to the gala with Matt instead ;) 
murdock wins by tulikettu (uhhh matt owns a boxing gym and frank’s a boxer AU, idk i like it when people write frank as an awkward and earnest gentleman…and matt as a whore :))
buzz by tulikettu (matt gives frank a haircut, nothing more :)))))
the good side of you by jayyxx (oh look its another fic where matt gets seriously injured and frank takes care of him <3)
muscle memory by roipecheur (in desperation matt kills someone to save frank and himself….problem is that when he wakes up he doesn’t remember. Frank tries to keep the truth from him as long as possible)
double vision by roipecheur (matt and frank meet their au selves, nothing irritates them more than someone who knows them too well,,,and those someones are well…somewhat healthier versions of themselves)
twenty questions by roipecheur (frank gets kidnapped so leo and zach track down dd to help save him, featuring all my fav side characters; elektra, curtis, and the liebermans :)
the heart that bleeds for the unworthy + the unworthy by thesecretdetectivecollection (oh look another graveyard scene rewrite my beloved, a panicked matt tries to drag a half-dead and delirious Frank to the church and then to his apartment and then their slow burn goes on from there, the dialogue and matt’s internal monologue are written really well imo)
Bang. Bang. by wobuzhidao322 (alternate meeting, the punisher bleeding out on some blind lawyers roof lol)
i have never once in my life been asked for fic recs so idk the etiquette but yeah…here’s some i think about a lot
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aohendo · 1 year
Prince for Hire Deleted Scenes, part Seven
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Amount Deleted: several chapters and chapter bits, although this part was 1,070.
Reason for Deleting: main plot has lost focus due to too many sub/sideplots and not enough time
Way to fix it?: choose the main plots which emphasize in some way the theme and weed out the rest; if pacing is tight enough after draft two I can attempt to work back in some of these sideplots. The goal is to kill Prince Thaav at the end of the first third, which means Kaar Kulok's scenes have to be greatly cut :( On the upside, given how well Prince has set itself up as a trilogy, if I get around to writing the sequels, he's gonna come back in a big way.
Excerpt Length: 1,070
Context: Draft One, Kiris has stolen a talisman off Prince Duvutriok Vuun, only discovering later that it is a human eye. This next morning, he is figuring out what to do with it, and while on his way to breakfast he runs into Kaar Kulok.
Taglist (ask to be added/removed): @whimsyqueen, @cactusmotif, @on-noon, @houndsofcorduff, @shrunkupthejams.
Was Kiris proud of himself for fending off any conversation from Aris, or any of his guards the next morning?
              A little.
              Was he proud that he’d done so by snatching Duvutriok’s human body part talisman and sprinting out the door as soon as Eskarez had pulled his tunic over his head and long before they’d had a chance to fix his hair, finished tying everything off, or even straightened his tunics properly?
              Not as much.
              Kiris shoved Duvutriok’s cube into his pocket and tried to pretend it was just some spare change as he frantically tugged down his overtunic. He tied it off the way he’d noticed Eskarez favored, then fixed the knot in his belt so it wasn’t hanging so sloppily, then did his best to comb through his hair and give it some sense of order.
              “Short morning?”
              Kiris did his best not to jump, and mostly failed.
              The purse of Kaar’s lips may have been a smile; on anyone else, it would have been nothing. But his eyes were dark in humor, his posture strong and head half again over Kiris’, the shining silver of his tunic making him ethereal.
              He has a very nice nose, Kiris thought, forgetting his hands and everything else.
              And I have an eye in my pocket. Kiris jerked his hands from his scalp, wincing as he pulled through several tangles, and considered the hours he had left to live. He could count them on both hands. It was time, therefore, to figure out how to hand this competition to Kaar.
              “How fond are you of Bakivio?” Kiris asked.
              Were he anyone else, no matter how powerful their lineage, the non-sequitur would have faltered them. But this was Prince Kaar Kulok the Edifier, and he kept company and made sense of the rambles of Temple Scholars. “The only bond we share is in Affiliation.”
              Kiris nodded, playing with his lips and desperately not thinking of how he had an eye (a human, human eye) in his pocket, and inevitably only thinking of it more. “And Duvutriok?”
              “Tasteless, but useful.” He gestured towards the hallway to the dining chamber, and they resumed walking. “I had not realized you and Prince Vuun were so close as to warrant given names.”
              “No. I call him that because it pisses him off.”
              “You… purposefully anger a prince known for collecting the body parts of his competitors?”
              Kiris nodded. “He isn’t special, though. Anyone I disagree with, really. Same treatment. I did Nelovskevouk in fairly well last night.”
              “Nelovskevouk?” Kaar repeated. His hands twitched towards his belt, but he set them aside before he could fiddle. It wasn’t the sort of nervous tick Kiris was expecting of him. “Yphant, he is Prince of Dargoulvga. He has the most allies of anyone here. Why would you do that?”
              “Differences of philosophy.” He shrugged and sidestepped a bowing servant. “Besides, it isn’t as if he will kill me.”
              “He very well may.”
              “No,” Kiris said. “I mean, he might try, but ni Musyr should have me dead by this time tomorrow.”
              “You’ve—” he stopped. He actually stopped, and Kiris walked several paces beyond him before he realized. Kaar, both hands, smoothed his hair behind his ears, the black strands almost free-floating in the faint breeze of the hallway. “How have you managed to anger ni Musyr and Nelovskevouk both, when this Competition has begun so recently that truce has not yet expired?”
              “I am an endless wellspring of talent.” Kiris went to tuck his hands into his pockets, promptly remembered that he still had an eyeball in there, and swallowed away his disgust. “The function of a Vakon prince is to challenge the land-locked princes. I would have been the Plateau’s most selfish Vakon had I not achieved some measure of competency within that function.”
              A group of servants passed them by, bowing again. When Kiris glanced out the carving-adorned window—so elaborate to almost be equivalent to the Plateau’s stained glass—the sun sat on the edge of the horizon, bending the shadows of the courtyard before it. They still had several minutes before they would be on time, and therefore, late.
              “You no longer suffer the indignity of Vakon,” Kaar said, slowly.
              Kiris shook his head, staring up at the prince. “There was never any indignity.”
              “Nevertheless, if you continue competing as Vakon rather than as Strauv, Cym will be unable to stand for you. Cym cannot afford to make enemies of Msvoulga and Dargoulvga both.”
              “You will not be made enemies of them.”
              “Any alliance with you shall prove your enemies my own.”
              “No,” Kiris said. “If you wish for me to speak as a land-locked prince, then hear me: Strauv does not share its messes, nor does it inherit them from others. My allies and enemies are my own; it will be my purpose in this competition to keep them as such.” This time, it was he who led them down the hall. “That includes you.”
              “One prince is nothing in this Competition. Certainly not when a Nelovskevouk competes.”
              Another set of servants, another set of bows, another set of intricately carved shadows from the morning sunlight. Kiris smiled, because he could fully appreciate the irony of his next words: “Trust me.”
              Kaar raised a thick black eyebrow, the arch finely carved and the motion pointedly slow. The sunlight caught his eyes and made them nearly the same color as Kiris’ soul when he accidentally looked. It made Kaar's face free of blemishes and the silver threads of his tunic, genuine silver, sparkle.
              “How should I trust you?” he asked, lowly. The depth thrilled up Kiris’ spine. “As comrades in title?”
              “Nothing so crass.”
              “Friends in Affiliation?”
              “An unstable connection without the Soils.”
              Kaar hummed. “Then you see my dilemma.”
              “Trust me,” Kiris repeated, equally quiet. “As student of Toor, to student of Toor. I will handle Nelovskevouk and ni Musyr; and, as a show of good faith, Bakivio.”
              Those plush red lips, now a faint smile, now so tempting. “And how do you intend to do that, Second Prince of Strauv?”
              Kiris smiled, even as his thoughts drifted to his pocket. Even as he longed to hurl it out the nearest window. Even as he wished he could ignore this breakfast in favor of sleeping away in his bed. He smiled, because Kaar did. “You’ll see.”
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winter-doggo · 1 month
🌿and ☁️ for the writer ask game
Oooo ty for sending one in :D I'll put answers under the cut
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
It's got a surprisingly long and personal history i don't want to get into, but here's some of the things that went into its current iteration :]
I like the season
I like dogs
Doggo was a term used most a little over 5 years ago, not so much now, and more like a slang term. A lot of people will know what it means, but not a lot of people will be using it in usernames. Considering a lot of sites call for unique usernames, having something memorable and simple and unlikely to already be taken is nice.
It also means I don't have to worry about numbers, which I don't like putting in usernames lol
I just think it's neat
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
It's tricky stuff! Here's some of the stuff I usually try. Obviously since this is tailored to me, results for others might vary (and there's always the chance you've seen something like them already). but given it's similar to other advice I've seen maybe me passing it on can help ^^
Create something fresh for yourself, without even considering whether anyone will see it. As much or as little as you like. I find once other people enter the equation, it changes how I look at something forever. Just let stuff come out of your brain without worrying about how it will look to anyone else, if possible. If you can manage this, then at least it can help keep the rust off, keep you making things, and if you're lucky it might get the ball rolling! :D
(^ A couple chapters of A Cup Of Tea spawned just from this, for reference.)
Obviously, that would require things to come out of my brain, and sometimes that isn't happening. Sometimes I can get it to work by changing my standard for ideas. If you think you could write about a character mundanely eating breakfast, and might even enjoy it, but worry it doesn't have substance? Shush, write it anyway. If you want to draw someone faceplanting on the floor in the lowest quality possible, you can do that. What you're making doesn't need to matter as much if you're struggling to make at all.
Change the environnment you're creating in. Move to a different place, write/draw on something else. I've spent a long time just writing on my phone whenever the mood strikes me, but recently, I've started typing things up on the computer - document on the left, a relevant fanart on the right to help get the gears turning (and give myself something to look at other than the words once they are). Occasionally, I try creating on my phone, only to find my brain yearns for the computer, or vice versa. Write on paper, even, if you're feeling up to it.
Create something a little different from usual. If I spend too long writing/drawing the exact same thing, or within a small pool of characters, I'll drive myself up the wall. Zack and Sephiroth are everything to me but I can't do them forever. If you feel like you could try something with different characters or canons, or even style of writing, try it every so often and it might refresh your drive for what you were doing before.
For fanworks, mostly - try experiencing some canon again. Ideas might spark from anything in there, or even just having a refresher. (I'm scatterbrained enough that I lose my sense for it writing-wise within weeks lmao, I could benefit from doing this more often)
Thanks again, hopefully this was interesting for you!
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chaseadrian · 2 years
"i wish you would write a fic where" ADRIAN JIST FUCKING DESTROYS MY HEART, i love this man and that he is so beautiful, but is rare the times where i see Adrián being mean or rejecting Reader.
SO like a fic where we are in some kind of unspoken relationship where reader sees it like a romantic relationship But Adrian is just like pure no and doesn't sees us that way or in any other way I DON'T KNOW BUT I WANNA CRY.
Have a Nice day and i hope You are doing good 💞
Love is an Emerald
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(PART TWO | PART THREE) Rating: General Word Count: 1.7k+ Summary: You and Adrian are just friends. Okay, you’re friends who hook up sometimes. And stay over with each other most nights. But you’re not dating. Except, when Adrian shows up to work with a hickey you realize you actually maybe...want to? A/N: I’ll probably write a part 2 to this once I have the time! It’s minorly edited, I wrote it in the car on my phone lmao so sorry for any mistakes!!
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You didn’t know he was fucking other people.
It wasn’t like you were dating; there’d been no discussion about exclusivity or labels. The word “boyfriend” didn’t quite fit him in your mind. But, he’d been the only one in your life. The only one in your bed, and you kinda thought it was the same for him. He’d slid into the boyfriend role without effort, letting you stay the night when it was too late, emptying out a couple drawers for you at his place, making you breakfast at yours.
The first time it happened was after a mission, adrenaline pumping and scrapes coating your body. You stung everywhere, and the cold moisture of Adrian’s lips on the cut across your cheek was a blistering pain that you wanted more of.
So, you got it.
And then it happened again and again until there was no longer a line between friends and lovers. You’d never liked that term—felt too old world romance—but it was the closest descriptor you had.
Because he wasn’t a boyfriend.
Still, when he walked into HQ with a hickey that you certainly didn’t give him, a shield of confusion flocked over your body.
“Holy shit, Adrian got tail!” Chris pointed at Adrian, cracking up as he looked around to make sure the rest of the team took notice. Legend has it that in some dictionaries, the word ‘Subtlety’ is just defined as, “Not Christopher Smith.”
Adrian slid into a seat, “No, I got laid. Saved someone last night who really liked my costume.” He said, with a smile.
John walked in from the back room, plopping down at his desk and looking between the two of you, “I thought you and Y/N were hooking up.” He settled his gaze on his laptop screen, but you caught him darting over to see your reaction.
“Well, yeah, but we’re friends!” His voice was unwavering, staring at you with an earnest grin on his face.
Economos stared at you, awaiting confirmation. Even Leota and Harcourt, uninvested in the conversation until now, made a point to look at you.
“Yeah, yeah, no, like, we are. It’s just like. Tension relief, yknow?” You tripped over your words, spitting out a glaringly embarrassing agreement that everyone but Adrian and Chris picked up on. Chris had even perked up when Economos first asked the question, so you were pretty sure Adrian hadn’t even told him.
Granted, you weren’t quick to gush with Leota and Harcourt about jumping into bed with a fellow teammate, but this was Adrian. The man couldn’t keep himself from sharing what he’d had for breakfast that morning. It was hard not to retreat into a state of insecurity knowing that he hadn’t told his supposed best friend that you were...something.
The room stood in silence for several moments after you’d spoken. Your eyes darted around the room to your teammates, Chris nodding at Adrian and throwing him a thumbs up, Economos typing away at his computer, Leota & Harcourt returning to the dossier they were reading. You and Adrian sat there on standby. He was a field agent, everyone knew that. They told him what he needed to do, who he needed to kill, and he did it.
You were markedly more involved in the full process of these missions, so every passing moment you didn’t budge only deepened the embarrassment you felt. Made it all the more obvious that there was a problem. You needed to move, to participate, to do something.
Sure, you could go over to the girls and read up on your latest targets.
Or, you could go to the bathroom and cry.
Despite your strongest efforts, you wound up in front of the mirror holding your breath as you sobbed. Lungs burning, cheeks boiling red, it felt like your teeth would crack with how hard you were grinding them together to keep from making noise. You felt like a fucking idiot, seriously, crying over Adrian of all people.
It was just—everything about your relationship read as, well, a relationship. You thought that was what you were sliding into with Adrian. Never one to talk about things, you were used to getting what you wanted through action. So when Adrian learned how you took your coffee, and memorized your phone number, and waited for you before he watched new shows, you kinda thought you had him.
Not quite a boyfriend, but not someone who was entertaining other people.
Yes, okay, it was an unfair assumption, you knew that. But it didn’t make it hurt any less.
Adrian was cute, he was funny, a competent fighter, and surprisingly good in bed. Without acknowledging it, you’d harbored a sort of pride thinking that he was all yours.
“Ow, shit!” You looked down to see that you’d been gripping the sink so hard the corner of a fingernail had folded over onto itself. It was a dull pain that radiated through your middle finger, and you felt even more frustration course through your body, smacking the porcelain sink in retaliation with a disappointing wallop. It stung, and you didn’t feel like any less of an idiot.
You ripped the folded nail off with your teeth, and your finger retaliated by bleeding all over your hand.
Turning on the faucet, you rinsed your hand and soaked your face with tap cold water, scrubbing paper towels over your skin to try and rid your face of any signs you’d been crying. Your eyelashes were still clumped together, but everyone outside heard the faucet, for all they knew you just needed to wash your face.
When you walked back out into the main room, it was just Chris and Economos sitting there. Chris was flipping a pencil between his fingers while John was doing actual work.
“Where’d everyone go?” You asked, walking over to sit on the piano bench.
Chris spoke without looking up, “Grabbing some grub. Hey what’s up with you and Vigilante?”
Economos looked up from his laptop, not yet interjecting but certainly staying engaged.
You leaned back against the piano, trying to rest your elbows behind you only to bang them on the keys. Could this morning get any more fucking awkward? You were quick to close the lid and then put your arms down, catching Chris’ disapproving look and the smirk Economos was trying to hide.
“Nothing’s up. We fool around.”
Chris cocked his head at you, squinting his eyes.
“Bullshit. I fooled around with Adrian before—“
Don’t remind me. You thought.
“—and I still threw bombs at him in the woods and high fived him when he hooked up with other chicks. But I’m pretty sure you were just crying in that bathroom. So what’s the deal?”
You shot a look over to Economos, who was no help. He just stared at you and pushed his glasses up his nose.
It was of no use trying to act cool anymore. Every moment at HQ that day had been colored by your complete lack of composure. You were a fucking government agent. You’d stared down the barrel of a gun, saved the world a handful of times, but you couldn’t sell a lie about your feelings for Adrian? Feelings you didn’t even know were a thing until you saw that hickey.
The words just spewed from your lips.
“I—I don’t know! We were just hooking up but now I have a toothbrush at his place and he bought a Lord of the Rings pillowcase to sleep on at my place and I guess I thought we were both only sleeping with each other but apparently not and I didn’t think it would bother me this much but it does and I think everyone but him knows so now you all probably think I’m an idiot or something.” You paused, “And yeah I was crying in the bathroom and I broke my nail on the sink and it actually hurts like hell so, Chris, you can preemptively shut the fuck up.”
Chris stood up, walking over to Harcourt’s desk to rifle through the drawers and pull out a bandaid. He sat down on the bench and opened the bandage, wrapping it around your finger once you held it out for him.
John’s dry voice startled you both, “You know Adrian is like head over heels for you, right?”
You and Chris both looked over at him, eyes peering up from behind the computer screen.
He sighed, shaking his head and closing the laptop, “Am I the only one that’s noticed? He doesn’t shut up about how great you are in the field—”
You opened your mouth to interject but he bulldozed past you before you could protest.
“No, not the same way he does for Chris. It’s markedly more.”
Chris scoffed, “Doesn’t matter, I don’t need his validation.”
That made you crack a smile.
“Whatever. It actually makes me question your ability to do this job if you couldn’t tell that he’s the world’s most lovesick psychopath.”
Chris pointed a finger at John, “Not the most. Harley Quinn jumped into a vat of acid for the Joker. And that dude uses dildos shaped like guns because he looks like a Ken doll down there after an encounter with Catwoman.”
“Shut the fuck up, Chris.”
You and Economos spoke in unison, and Chris raised his hands in defense.
“I’m just trying to help. But Economos is probably right, I did think it was odd that Adrian had a drawer full of women’s clothing. I figured he was just into that.”
Looking between Chris and John, you smiled at them both, “Thanks, guys.”
“Sure.” John opened his laptop back up and resumed typing.
Chris gave you a pat on the back, “Hey, I made a vow for peace, and that includes in the bedroom.” He winked at you and got up to walk into the back room. The sound of the TV came soon after.
You pulled out your phone and dialed Adrian’s number before your thoughts could cloud what John and Chris had just said.
“Yellow.” His voice was chipper, and you heard pop music blaring in the background fade until it wasn’t audible.
“Hey I gotta talk to you when you get back.” You bounced your leg, picking at the bandage on your finger.
“What abouts?” He asked.
“I’ll just—I’ll tell you when you get here. Talk to you soon. Bye Adrian.”
“Okay, buh-bye!”
You hung up and shook out your hands, nerves shooting through your body.
Economos spoke again without looking up, “If your nerves are that shot after a minute phone call, I’m definitely questioning how you perform so well in the field.”
You rolled your eyes.
All there was to do now was wait.
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