#this turned into a heels hc lol
worldsunlikemyown · 6 months
ancients heights headcanons?
In order of tallest to shortest:
Fallon (6'2" — ridiculously tall so his thigh-length hair is even more intimidating)
Vespera (5'11" — can wear heels but only does so to intimidate, and is honestly more intimidating if she doesn't)
Fintan (5'9" — yes he's two inches shorter than Vespera but that's just an excuse for Fintan in heels and tall hairdos)
Luzia (5'8" — also a lover of heels but it would be a safety hazard to wear ones that would put her on a height with Fallon)
Bronte (5'5" — short king and has never worn a shoe with a heel taller than half an inch <3 (lol he's still taller than me))
Bonus Fallon's wife (5'10" and she never wears heels, just like her husband)
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blinkpen · 1 month
i made a semi-facetious joke about kabru dungeon meshi but then it turned into a long ramble oops
kabru is so weirded out by laios' inscrutable vibes and lack of interest in other people (including kabru which he totally doesn't take personally or anything) that he immediately descends into paranoia and assumes malevolence
what i'm saying is laios is autistic rep, this we know, but kabru is also autistic rep, for equally traumatized autistic people who think their hard-learned mastery of people pleasing, social scripts and masking translates into unilateral skill at reading people of all types and assuming they are right on the money about it every time (**despite obvious cases of this not being true) and now call themselves Dark Empaths and have that one person who didn't wrong them but also didn't notice them or immediately become their friend and so said Empath is waiting desperately for another, actually valid reason to call them out and claim this weirdo was evil all along and be 'dealt with' and feel reassuring closure over not being able to connect with what is now clearly proven to be just an obvious error of a human, whatever that even means,
and tragically not grappling with the irony of this being the exact fate they've merely defensively trained their way out of facing at the hands of others
i say this as someone who likes kabru and think he and laios should kiss btw i just wanted to see how many people read all that and Flinched, happy tuesday
**something something:
Worthy Contrast i think, between A) kabru assuming average joe adventurers laios and falin are sinister people hiding something... after seeing their honest generosity be pretty blatantly taken advantage of, without them ever catching on or at least never causing a fuss, and kabru assuming laios could only ever be corrupted by the forces of the dungeon because laios doesn't care enough about people or what people think, which must mean he doesn't value human life enough to not do evil things one day
B) kabru having misguided trust for the town's literal crime lord, who he knows is a crime lord, entirely bc of how friendly the guy is and how clean and orderly he runs things (because it's functionally pragmatic to not be as evil as possible about it) and oohh they're so well acquainted! kabru knows he's a ultimately a good dude who'd do the right thing and care about the community whose seedy underbelly he oversees, and look at him, he even looks like santa claus...! after all the cordial interactions they've had, surely "leave money on the table to prevent a calamity that could leave hundreds dead" is a favor he won't mind kabru asking of him at all!
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kabru said he wanted to see a mask fall,
he got exactly that
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klmp11s · 25 days
the first with a male!Yuu who became extremely popular in the NRC, like many students want to be friends with him, he is respected as if he were a dorm leader and he even has groups of fans among the students.
Fuck, they all turned out to have a different number of words, it upset me a little, although three posts in a day is normal😭(English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes)
Summary: First year students with extremely popular!yuu Characters: Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, Jack Howl, Epel Felmier, Sebek Zigvolt Warning: male!reader, ooc(?), hcs, friends to lovers(I'm ready to fight for it), slight jealousy(Асе), Mentions Valentine's Daу, incorrect interpretation of the word (Deuce), veiled declarations of love, kiss(Epel), light possessiveness (Epel)
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Ace Trappola
Lol he is literally the founder of your fan club/j I mean that he understands perfectly why so many people want to communicate with you. Like, have you seen yourself? You're one of the most interesting people he's ever met. He is also very glad that other students communicate with you respectfully. Seriously, I think he cared even more than you did. But I also think he was kind of not too keen on the prospect of you getting closer to someone more than him. You won't leave your beloved friend, right? Like, he didn’t like situations at all when, while talking with you, some students unknown to him came and simply took all your attention. Like, hey, you're not THEIR friend, you're HIS. And he would absolutely shamelessly try to take all your attention for himself. Hell, he'd seriously be willing to just take you away from them if he had to. Yes, you can stand up for yourself, but just give him the opportunity to do it for you. STICKY. He is literally physically attached to you. His hand is on your back, shoulder, head, holds your elbow, or he leans his whole body on you. You may not notice, but he is completely shamelessly smiling (dude is ready to stick his tongue out at them) at other students who come up to talk to you. Like, yeah, he's your BEST FRIEND, YES, if they have any questions, let them talk to HIM first. 🙄 He literally didn't notice any "romantic" feelings for you until it was pointed out to him that he was acting like a peacock-guard-dog around you. I swear the realization hits him hard and hard on Valentine's Day. Like, he sits on the bed in your room and looks at the MOUNTAIN of letters, gifts, toys, sweets that were given to you. Seriously, he's sure that if you hadn't left campus so quickly, this mountain would have been even bigger. Of course, such attention is nice, but it’s not at all what you expected. You grab a few boxes of sweets and sit down next to your friend. Your thoughts are filled with only ideas of where and to whom you can give it all, while you watch Ace reach for one of the letters. A pink envelope falls to the floor as he reads out loud a letter from one of the students. “yuu, I swear, you are the first and most unforgettable person I have met. You turned my worldview upside down and I am more than grateful to you for that. Not long ago, I realized that my feelings for you have long been beyond friendship, and I really would like to let you know about it. You are an amazing person and I am truly head over heels in love with you. It has never happened that a simple person aroused so many emotions in me, but I am glad that you became this person. I'd really like to talk to you about this and maybe even ask you out on a datе-" Ace stands up abruptly, crumpling the letter and throwing it into the trash. Yes, you are popular and quite sociable, but a date? Only through his corpse. He falls onto your bed and closes his eyes. A comfortable silence covers your two figures until he asks you a question. “Will you agree?” He covers his eyes with his hand while the other reaches for the package of chocolate lying next to him. “I’ll agree to what?” You watch as he removes his hand from his face and his eyes begin to drill a hole into your face. “ Аgree to a date, genius. With one of… them." He rolls his eyes and rolls over onto his stomach. "Not sure. A couple of them are pretty cute, but they're not my type, you know? Obviously, it's worth talking to them, but I don't think anything more than friendship will work out with any of them. Not interested." You lie down opposite Ace and see the gears in his head begin to work. “Who is your type? If none of your fans, then who? I'm supposed to be your best friend, but you never talked about it, it's not fair." Maybe if you name a specific person, it will be much easier for him to sort out his feelings for you. Like, you only need to be on guard with one person, and not with a thousand different students. It may even be easier to understand what you see in this person.
“Hmm, I see. We really never talked about it. What about the type, I think… Someone who plays some kind of sport, is charismatic and funny enough, protective and a little blind to not seeing all the hints I've ever made - You look at his face and see complete confusion. Okay, maybe you need to be even more obvious. - also, quite silly, first year at Heartslabyul and my best friend. I think this description fits." A couple of seconds and you see his eyes widen. He gets into a sitting position and just looks at you with his mouth open. He tries to catch his eye on something, and looks at the group photo of your first-year group when he slowly begins to open his mouth. "If you call Deuce now, I swear, Ace, I'll strangle you." He looks at you, dumbfounded, and you see his face turn red as he tries to crack a grin. Brushing his bangs away from his face, you gently kiss his forehead, then lightly slap him. Okay, now he obviously understands what you're talking about. Well, now he can be sure that you will choose him, right?
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Deuce Spade
He is so good, he is very glad that you are respected and many people want to help you often! He's a little wary, but that's only because he doesn't want any of these students to have malicious intentions. He had definitely saved you a few times from a group of students you didn't really want to talk to. “Sorry, but it’s time for Yuu and I, bye.” And he simply led you by the hand away from these people. Despite this, you even heard some rumors about you and your best friend a couple of times. This is to be expected isn't it? But you decide to simply not pay enough attention to these nonsense. You literally never noticed anything strange in your friendship with him, so why do it now because of some rumors? But believe me, if he hears any of this gossip, he won’t care who exactly started it. He won't let some students spoil the reputation of his best friend. (I think he didn’t fully understand the nature of this gossip, but he didn’t delve into it) He also saw very often when some students gave you letters/any other gifts. It's none of his business, but he's still interested. He's also happy to hear about how you spent the day with some new friends of yours. He's your best friend anyway, so why would he worry about someone he doesn't even know? On Valentine's Day, he didn't expect that an ordinary walk around campus with you would turn into some kind of fan meeting. He wanted to spend time with you and then go to your dorm and have a sleepover together, so why have some students been blocking your entry for half an hour? At some point, he just grabs your shoulders from behind and tells other people, “He's engaged. Isn't it time for you all to get away from him?” After which he takes you away from them and you can finally exhale. Already in your dorm and getting ready for bed, he finally decided to check his phone. The only thing he didn't take into account was that other first years would start tearing up his personal messages. Having opened one of the dialogues and read half of the messages, he realized that he had made a small mistake. Now these same people who confessed their eternal love to you a couple of hours ago are talking right and left that you are engaged to HIM. Perhaps it was a big mistake to use a word with a similar but not direct meaning. He wouldn't have started to worry if he hadn't realized that now you were involved in this too. Now he won't sleep. Do you already know? He turns to you and sees that you are also already going to bed. Seeing how you are almost falling asleep trying to ask him if everything is okay, something is happening to him. He'll talk to you about it tomorrow, yes. Okay, no, he's not ready for this at all. How do you tell someone that you are now rumored to be engaged to your best friend? Moreover, in the morning most of his acquaintances and even his third-year students texted him about this. He should DEFINITELY talk to you about this. When you walk back into your room after showering, you are greeted by your tense friend. Looking at each other, you break the silence. “..Deuce? Something happened?" you sit down next to him, trying to towel dry your hair. "Sorry. I… didn’t want this to happen.” he hands you the phone and you read a couple of messages from Cater. Deuce expects a strong reaction from you, maybe even that you raise your voice at him, but all you do is a short grunt and you continue to dry your hair again. Fine. What? “Yuu, is everything okay? Aren’t you mad or something?” he turns off the phone screen and watches your reaction. "Mmm? Oh yeah, it's okay.” You react completely differently than he thought. Why? “Don’t make that face, seriously, it’s okay. If these people don’t come near me and don’t interfere with us spending time in a place, I could well be engaged to you. Of course, if you feel comfortable" You get up and continue with your weekend routine while your friend seems to be having an existential crisis.
You literally just said that you wouldn't mind being engaged to him. Wow, like… cool. He feels his cheeks begin to burn. “If it’s okay for the two of us, then I agree.” He hears you laugh quietly and, passing by him, ruffle his hair. He, now like your beloved, is ready to help in any of your adventures if it means that he can spend more time with you.
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Jack Howl
He's glad that you are respected, that's good. But he doesn’t understand why all these people need to get into your personal space. He even stopped counting how many times he had to pull you away from particularly annoying people who do not have the concept of a “comfort zone.” The number of times he rolled his eyes while another student confessed his sympathy for you has long exceeded one hundred. To be honest, he's not even sure what they're hoping for. Like, they talked to you for half a day, didn’t they? He is of the opinion that actions are needed instead of words and he has told you this more than once. Let all these exclamations of admiration turn into real help, then it will be possible to listen to what exactly these people are saying. He definitely had to take you away from these people. Like “we have to go” and he would just gently grab you by the shoulders and lead you away from the students. Valentine's Day becomes more unbearable. You decided to spend your time with each other, but before you even reached your dorm, you were invaded by several students. Okay, maybe I shouldn't even go out today. You look at your friend and try to get silent help while some unknown student continues his declaration of love. Jack blinks a couple of times and simply nods back at you. He carefully reaches out his hand to you and lifts you into his arms. The now silent group of students watch as the two of you simply walk past them, heading towards the mirror. Already in your dorm, he raised this question. “why don’t you just leave if you don’t want to spend time with them?” he looks into your face and for a second realization comes. “..although there are people who do not accept no at all, I understand.” He follows your figure with his eyes as he sorts out the gifts he has received during this half-day. “When you’re close, they fall behind a lot faster. Maybe you should help me more often like today?” He feels his tail begin to twirl from side to side. “I don’t remember becoming your guard.” Even so, it wouldn't be bad. Your friend is safe and spending time with you, isn't that better than what's been happening lately? A light laugh comes from your side and he turns his gaze to your face. “Well, today you certainly became my knight. Don’t you want to save me from unpleasant people more often? In return.. – You straighten up and look from your friend to the mountain of almost sorted gifts. – In return, you can get all this, and of course me and my safety.” You start laughing as you see how fast Jack's tail is moving. Maybe this isn't a bad deal after all? You take the box of chocolates and sit next to him. “I won’t have to do all the work for you, okay?” His scowl meets your mischievous one as you rise in your seat and place a short kiss on his ear. “Of course, my knight. So what did we want to do before that?” Okay, your popularity MAY be bringing some very good things, but he definitely won't tell you that.
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Epel Felmier
PROPERTY SKEPTIC These people want to be friends with a pro best friend? Okay, but fan clubs, crowds of people.. You remind him of Vil. Every time he wants to spend time with you alone, not in your dorm, there will always be at least one person who thinks that he would be useful on your walk with HIM. The "look don't touch" rule becomes the rule “communicate, but not close.” You know, that judgmental side eye? Yes, that's him. Epel doesn't even hide the subtitles from his face, seriously. Every time someone comes up to you to meet/talk, he looks like this: 🙄🤨🧐🫤 Yes, okay, he knows that his best friend is cool, and now let these people leave and not waste oxygen. Okay, jokes aside - he is glad that you are respected and loved, the main thing is that these people do not cross the line of what is permitted. Valentine's Day makes this even worse. Perhaps running away from your dorm to spend time with you in peace and quiet wasn't the best idea. More precisely, the idea is very good, but its implementation is terrible. Epel completely forgot that if you are popular, attention to you will increase one and a half times on Valentine's Day. Therefore, he has been waiting for twenty minutes for the next student who stopped you in the corridor to leave you behind. Epel understands that it’s Valentine’s Day, romance, etc., but doesn’t the person see that you’re in a hurry now? Very often Epel wishes he were much taller, but in such situations this desire becomes very loud in his head. If he were, for example, like Jack, then he could calmly lead you away from these people, but due to his appearance and short stature, the students do not even take him seriously. The only thing he wants now is to take you away from here and finally take a break from all these annoying people. If he could, he would have already drilled two holes in this student's head. Okay, maybe his patience is running out. He comes up to your side and reaches out his hand to your face when he hears your interlocutor shut up for a couple of seconds. Very good. Turning your face towards him, he presses his lips chastely to yours as his gaze focuses on the silhouette across from you. A risky idea, but it should work, right? Moving away from you, he takes your elbow and finally looks at you. "anything else? Or can we finally go?” Without waiting for an answer, he pulls you further away from the other man as he stares at the backs of the two of you, dumbfounded. He'll definitely explain himself to you for his actions, but as long as he's pulling you by your hand, he doesn't really think it was a bad idea.
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Sebek Zigvolt
You are not as popular as Malleus 🙄/j To be honest, he doesn't really care. Are you treated with respect? Okay, that's right. He doesn’t care much about the rest as long as no one bothers you. Very often, when you spend time with him, almost no one approaches you. No, they are not afraid of him, they just know HOW noisy your best friend can be, so they decide to talk to you alone. Which doesn't happen often. Do you have a fan club? Cool, but it's not as big as Malleus's. /j I repeat, as long as nothing threatens you and no one crosses your boundaries, he is completely calm about your popularity among students. Although I'm more than sure that during any declarations of love, he stands behind you and looks at what is happening over your shoulder, lol Valentine's Day is passing… strange? Like, yes, you're used to other people's attention, but now you just wanted to relax with your friend, and not listen to another tirade about love and admiration for you. You definitely feel how he begins to straighten your tie while some friend of yours tells you about his feelings, stuttering over his words at that moment. Like, yes, love, whatever, but you should at least look neat, right? As soon as he puts you down, his gaze moves to the other person's face. “Are you finished?”. You are definitely grateful to your friend when you finally walk into your dorm with him. Now, you need to decide where to put all these gifts. Your friends may eat the sweets, but what about letters and other gifts? You take a couple of letters, print them out, and sit down next to your friend. Compliments, praises, and invitations to dates sound the same, no matter what kind of letter you take. When you finish reading another letter, you hand it to your friend before throwing away the other envelopes. His eyes run over the sweet lines of his next confession and he speaks out loud in a calm voice. “I don’t think any of them took writing lessons. A true knight will not use the same word to describe your appearance, character and behavior. At the very least it hurts your ears.” He hands you this letter and leans back on the sofa. You have to become popular with more talented people, you know? “Are you saying that you would have written much better? I would look at it." You see him frown and roll his eyes. “Obviously I could have written it a lot better. Knowing your good sides, I would calmly emphasize them in my declaration of love.” He hears you laugh and continues your game. “Will you write one for me, Sebek? I would be flattered" He snorts, his voice loud and proud throughout the room. “Of course you would be flattered. You will receive it, and you will understand how bad the ones that were given to you before are, human.” Maybe, after all, your popularity is useful and not so much of a hindrance?
The characters do not belong to me, they belong to their rightful owners, please do not edit, translate, repost my works on other platforms, also without my permission and @
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Hi thank u for opening asks! Can I request headcanons for the male companions (and or gortash Raphael and the emperor) having a mute s/o either because they can’t talk or they’re very shy
A/N: Here ya go! Managed to get everyone to stay mostly in character. Please be warned there are hints of nsfw for each character, although nothing graphic in nature. And that the entries for Gortash and Raphael describe abusive relationships, so heed the trigger warnings below. 
🔇 Mute!Reader HC x BG3 Males: 🔇
TW: Domestic Abuse & Vaguely NSFW Content
(Abuse and Manipulation for the Gortash & Raphael ones. Also allusions to sex throughout each entry.)
He’s suspicious of you at first. Even more so that you don’t talk. But if you prove you’re  not a threat in other ways, he doesn’t actually mind it all that much. He talks to you about the same. A good amount of what he says is either posturing or complaining- and that doesn't change just because you can’t talk back. If anything, he complains even more, knowing you wont tell him to shove off like the others. He greatly enjoys how dramatic he gets to be around you. He’ll lean against a city wall and dramatically lay the back of his hand over his face: ‘I tell you Darling, it’s like these people don’t notice me at all!’ You blink at his outburst, your expression unchanged, clearly unamused. 
Still says lots of witty comments under his breath, and subtly looks over at you to see if you’ve smirked or blushed in response. Gets really good at reading all the little reactions you make. He makes a mental catalog of every half smirk, every eye twitch, every shoulder shrug, so that he knows how you feel about something he or another has said.
Appreciates the fact that you’re unlikely to repeat anything he says to you, which makes him feel all the safer confiding in you about his condition and his past, knowing you can’t go sounding the alarm. 
Ends up going on tangents or rants about the others while you just sit there and kind of grimace, empathetically. He knows it can get annoying to just have to listen, but he’s extremely grateful for the outlet. Cazador certainly never cared what he was feeling. Nor did any of his ‘siblings’. But with you, he can bitch about his day only to turn around and find you still there, listening intently. 
Becomes a lot touchier. Like a lot. He switches from checking to verbal confirmation to physical confirmation. Takes your hand, or pulls you close, squeezes your shoulder- those sorts of things. 
Personally takes it as a challenge to see how loud he can get you to be when you’re intimate together ;) 
Doesn’t notice immediately lol. He’s too busy being overjoyed at the fact you don’t interrupt his long winded, pun-filled speeches to even consider it’s due to a disability or something similar on your part. He just thinks you’re the most wonderful listener. And of course, this makes him fall head over heels for you lol.
Once he does get it, he just sort of goes, ‘Oh.’ And lets that sit in the air. (He’s a bit awkward around you for a while, unsure of how to apologize, so you’d probably need to approach him and make your forgiveness known.) 
Once that misunderstanding is over, he immediately becomes occupied with finding spells to help you talk. If that’s something you want, you appreciate the effort, and let him know you’re in no rush. If that’s something you’re not interested in, you tell him as much. He’s a little disappointed and taken off guard. He explains he’s always used magic to solve his problems. You raise your brow and give him a look that says ‘And that’s been working well for you, has it?’ He relents after that. 
The two of you get really good at reading each other’s faces. And Gale takes it upon himself to talk less as well, even though you explain he doesn’t have to. He insists, saying he wants to understand what your life is like. He lasts like two days lol. 
Becomes mostly competent at understanding what you’re saying either via sign or body language, but occasionally Tera has to translate for you. Thank the gods for tressyms.
Is momentarily taken aback, embarrassed by his concern he was being rude to you before, assuming you could talk to him but were choosing not to. Apologizes, profusely, for the misunderstanding on his part. 
Learns to communicate with you through other means, be it writing, or by whatever the Faerun equivalent of sign language is. He’s not the best at it, but he tries really hard to learn. Picks up basic phrases like greetings, and moods. Does request that you slow down if you’re fluent, to give his brain time to catch up. 
Doesn’t let anyone in the group make petty or passive aggressive comments while giving them a look or chewing them out. He’s very serious about it. The next time Astarion says something off the cuff, Wyll responds with, ‘Well, Astarion, I’d assume you of all people would be used to it being quiet. Having only the other rats of Baldurs Gate as friends for years.’ He’ll go for the jugular- he doesn't give af! No one gets to make you feel bad about it.
Considers going to Shadowheart or Halsin, or even Gale and asking them if there’s something they can do to help you/your condition, but that’s only with your blessing of course. He wants to help you, but doesn’t want to overstep. 
Comes to appreciate how honest you are in your other reactions- your eyes and your body language. Wyll is used to being deceived- by demons, humans, and the like- so he thinks it’s so special he can read you like a book. Whether you’re strolling through Baldur’s Gate, or enjoying your marital bed, it matters greatly to him how you truly feel and think. He’s glad he’s able to share your truth with him. 
Catches on fairly quickly, although he doesn’t bring it up to you directly. He figures you will bring it up when you are ready to discuss it, and in the meantime, he would not want to pry. Listens intently when you tell him by checking in with your facial expression as he reads your writing. 
Tries to find ways to help you with what you can do. Suggests maybe enchanting a feather pen and scroll or some chalk and a small board to write out what you’re thinking so others can understand how it is you feel in real time. He offers his druid magic to do whatever you need. Hell, he even considers mentoring you to see if you feel nature’s calling. If you were a druid, perhaps you could develop a relationship with an animal companion, say a bird, or an awakened rat, or a giant eagle and get them to speak for you. 
Similar to Wyll, Halsin will try to learn sign language if that’s something you speak. However he isn’t the most adept at it. He’s very used to spellcasting, which requires at least one free hand, often his dominant hand. So he tries learning sign with his nondominant hand, but that makes it all the more difficult. He knows the alphabet, but that’s about it. You will have to slowly spell out your sentences word by word in order for him to get the gist. 
Makes sure you’re either safely hidden away at camp, or stay within his sight during a battle. He knows you cannot cry out for help, so he wants to make sure he can keep an eye on you throughout any conflict. 
Loves just being close to you. Swears he can hear the intention of your heart when the two of you are so close. He wants to assure you, your difference doesn’t make him love you any less. If anything, he is impressed with how much you continue to adapt to and overcome. He’ll say, ‘You need not speak for me to know your voice, my heart. One look in your eyes, and I know, it is an internal melody so beautiful, all of nature could not compare.’ He’ll place soft touches to your skin and face, and check your reaction before progressing any further. He thinks being intimate with you is the best way to express your emotions as a couple. After all, sex is the most ancient language of all.
He doesn’t get it until Boo points it out to him lol. And even after being told, he still forgets from time to time. 
Minsc loves to talk. Well brag. And boast. And speak in the third-person. So he’s not thrown off by you having to refer to yourself with body language or with possessive pronouns in Common writings. 
He will ask you lots of questions, all throughout the day. Some are obvious and others are seemingly random, and difficult to explain with your words limited to being written down as fast as you can before Minsc’s mind wanders and changes the subject. It’s a workout for your wrists honestly. 
He will loudly announce that you’re mute every time you meet new people. ‘This is (Y/N), my dear love, she cannot speak. So (Y/N) will write her answers for Boo. And Boo will tell me. Then Minsc may tell you.’ You keep trying to tell him, the system doesn’t need Boo and him to interpret for you, especially if you’re already recording your answers in Common for others to read. 
He will never let you apologize for not being able to speak. He refuses to see it as a problem. ‘Minsc speaks loud enough for both of us, no?’ He thinks you’re the most wonderful person around. He could have his pick of the crop, and yet he chose you. Trust him, you’re the person he wants to be with more than anything. 
Actually kind of prefers lovers who don’t talk back, lol. He’s a very insecure man when it comes to his character. He’s cunning and wise, but clawed his way out of hell (quite literally) and the self-critical voice in his head never silences. So he’s oddly comforted that you can’t demean his temperament. 
He won’t try to fix it, nor will he allow you to try and change it in any sort of way. He doesn’t want you to go babbling on about his plans or how he is behind closed doors. That information cannot be getting out. So no, you will not be allowed any magic or spells to help you communicate. 
He will open up to you on occasion in private. The longer you’re together, the more safe he feels like confiding in you. If you feign sympathy, or if you are in fact sympathetic to his backstory, he’ll feel something akin to love for you. It’s not quite love. It’s much more logical, more calculating and pragmatic than that. But it’s about as close as you’d get with him. 
Likes how you have little to no choice other than to stay at his side and listen to him intently. He loves watching all your little apprehensive reactions when beckons you closer and pulls you into his lap. How your pulse races, how your breath quickens, he knows how his proximity makes you feel, even if you can’t open your mouth to speak the words. Besides, he’s very sure your mouth will be good for, let’s just say, other things. 
He will allow you to write him little notes here and there, but only in his office, and only when no one else is around. He’s rather paranoid that way. But he’s also rather pleased how it means you must keep seeking him out during his working hours. He’s under no false impression that he's the kindest lover. But you can’t leave him. You need him. He’s the only one who’s allowed to understand you. And he intends to keep it that way. 
Like Gortash, Raphael feels a sort of sick satisfaction over the fact you can’t talk back to him. But then on the other hand, he feels a sort of sick disappointment that he can’t torture you into making all those sweet pathetic noises for him. So it’s 50/50 with him. 
He will consider giving you a voice via deviant magic if it means he can hear you beg. It drives him absolutely wild, and he refuses to go completely without it. Takes said voice away if you venture too far into brat territory, or you directly insult him. It’s a privilege for you to even look upon him, how dare you use the gift he gave you against him?
Has Harleep babysit you when he isn’t there. You can’t exactly call for help, and Raphael’s house isn’t safe for you to be wandering about unsupervised. 
Enjoys the look of pure frustration on your face when you try learning to write in Infernal, only to fail miserably. He thinks you’re adorable all revved up. He will read the notes you write in Common, he just doesn’t always respond to them. Despite his refusal to acknowledge most of them, you can tell he understands them, based on how large that vein on his forehead gets lol.
He will let you choose whether or not to have a voice during certain moments of pleasure; well, mostly pleasure. He loves the little gasps and moans you make, it fuels his lust for you even more. Then again, he doesn’t need to hear the sweet cries of your pretty voice to know whether he’s on the right track. ‘I can sense your heartbeat, little mouse,’ he'll whisper to you. Your body reveals to Raphael all there is to know, whether you want it to or not. 
The Emperor: 
It literally doesn’t matter. Dude’s telepathic lol. 
Wishes you’d become an illithid so you’d be telepathic too. Almost doesn’t take no for an answer on that one. 
Ultimately ends up relishing in the fact he alone can understand you- your wants, your needs, your dreams, and hopes. It makes him feel all the more powerful. 
Will give you the play-by-play about the Nether Brain and the Chosen Three because he’s been dying to tell someone, and he knows you can’t go running in the streets telling everyone and ruining his hopes of manipulation. Mainly because you don’t talk but also because he’s not letting you leave his realm lol, no way in hell. 
If you really don’t feel at home here, ‘You could always,’ he’ll suggest coyly, ‘Become one of us.’ You don’t even have to shake your head to tell him ‘no’. Your facial expression does all the talking for that one. 
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wcbblife · 1 month
Paige as a girl/boy mom HCs!
a/n: So, keep in mind that some of these could be switched. Like this is just me exponentially running my mouth. I actually might do another part. Enjoy!
Boy mom:
Paige would absolutely be too excited for her son to be strong and old enough so that she can play with him. You constantly have to remind her to be patient and to at least wait until he can walk lol.
She would 100% put a basketball in his hands the second he has his first steps. I actually think she would even do it while he is still using his baby walker. Once he actually makes a basket, she’ll run laps around the house screaming because she enjoys the belly laughs her son makes.
She would read him stories and get too involved. Especially if they’re comics. She’ll be shouting out the sound effects and you have to walk into them bursting into fits of giggles. They both would have matching pouts once you tell her that he’s past his bedtime. (Btw she's definitely the fun mom)
Video games. That’s it. Although you two had a conversation about getting him into video games later in life, as soon as he set his eyes on Paige playing, he had been so adamant about playing that you both gave in.
She buys him a new set of clothes literally every other day. “Babe, just imagine him in this. He’ll look like a little gentleman.” Like it's crazy how much clothes he would have.
She definitely takes him to her practices sometimes and even teaches him as soon as he shows any type of interest in basketball. (This reminds me...Paige would never push her kids into one particular sport BUT she would push them into an active lifestyle so trust she will always be doing something with them.)
Him and KK would be besties btw. Even when he used to babble out incoherent words, I can just imagine how chaotic KK would be with a baby boy and Paige would 100% not make anything better. “Bababa.” Your baby blows a raspberry. “You heard him!” KK shouts, turning to him, “Damn little man, I couldn't have said it better myself.” “KK, language.” You deadpan.
Once he’s out of that fragile baby faze and into that toddler stage, I get the feeling she’ll definitely fling him around (safely ofc). Like she’ll pick him up and just throw him to the couch or on to his bed, loving the sound of his laughs.
Beach days go crazy with them two. Literally two kids. Sandcastles, water fights, beach volleyball. I get a feeling they go home completely covered in sand and Paige carries him back to the car while he’s too sleepy to open his eyes.
She’s just so fun. Always in an adventure with him especially if it’s really active. Like camping, surfing, hiking …etc.
Horror/Space movie nights with a pillow fort and popcorn.
Whenever she does anything fun with her teammates or travels for her games, her first thoughts are about you and him and how much fun you guys could have. Def keeps a bucket list of places for you guys to visit
You’ve definitely found her sound asleep in his bed with him curled up to her side. It happened when you ask her to put him to sleep after practice but she’s way too tired herself to get up and out of his room.
You think she secretly enjoys playing with his toys more than he does lol. Like you’ve definitely found her playing with them while he's long gone.
She could not cook for shit in the early days of your relationship but as time went on, she learned just to be able to cook for you guys. I actually envision her as a grill dad lol. She’ll definitely wake up early in the morning, step out into the cold weather and cook you guys some breakfast.
"If they punch you, punch them back harder." Mom.
Paige strikes me as a mother that would particularly show an abundant amount of love for her boy. She recognizes that, just like girls, boys need reassurance and love.
You constantly find them breaking into fits of laughter and giggle alone. It's the cutest thing ever.
Girl mom:
Paige is absolutely smitten and head over heels even before the baby girl is born. She’ll lay her head softly on your stomach and talk for hours to her.
Once she’s born though it’s a whole other side of Paige. She’s usually clumsy, but you never see her be so cautious like when she’s holding the girl. Literally sloth pace once she has her in her arms. Honestly kinda funny.
She’d be way too excited and paint everything pink and have everything ready for her MONTHS before she’s born. Before she was born, you'd catch her just looking or sitting around the room all alone.
Geeks about small girl clothes. Especially dresses and little sandals. You have to constantly deal with her sending you a bunch of pictures of clothes whenever she goes shopping with messages like “We’ll have a little princess walking around in our house soon.” or “I can’t wait to put this on her babe.”
Paige will 100% let her daughter put on makeup on her and it doesn’t matter how bad she looks; she’ll walk out with it on in public if her daughter asked her. Just imagine her sitting in a chair that’s wayyy too little for her, hunched over as your daughter tries her very best to apply some of that cheap kids makeup. omg.
Puppy eyes work on her almost too easily. And it’s hilarious.
“Hey…What did I tell you about candy at this hour?” Puppy eyes “Hmmmmm. Fine. But don’t tell your mother. And this is the last one!” Or… “I’m too tired honey…” Puppy eyes “Fine, let’s go.”
She does her signature hairstyle on her daughter’s hair, and it makes you laugh because she turns into a miniature version of Paige. Talking about a miniature Paige...trust that her daughter would literally copy her mother's sass.
Same with the makeup, Paige would let her daughter paint her nails. She always gets made fun of in her practices, but she couldn't care less. Strangely I think she would actually like going through her game pictures and seeing the chipped and uneven colors all over her nails because it was her baby girl who did them.
Protective as hell I’m afraid. Like she will not hesitate to smack the shit out of someone or scream at them if they're being weird or disrespectful or mean etc.
Matching fits. I think she would love to either match fits or color with her daughter (and son too dont get me wrong). Especially when showing up to games and they’re photographed together.
Watching princess movies with her is Paige’s favorite downtime activity. After a tough match or practice she absolutely loves getting home to her angel and just lounge around on the sofa while watching “The Princess and the Frog.” Especially when they either both fall asleep, or her daughter falls asleep and she carries her back to her room.
You’ve definitely found her sleeping on the floor next to the crib in the early days.
Paige in a rocking chair with her daughter sleeping on her. >>>>
Instagram feed would be full of her daughter's pics without her face. Even if fans know what she looks like she still likes to do it.
Paige would find it strangely soothing to play with her daughter's hair or even fiddle with her tiny little fingers absentmindedly.
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silliest-heartaches · 8 months
Ohh my god DRINKKK!! Dude I love them sooo muchhh. I just love imagining them being head over heels for each other yet constantly denying their feelings, because of how they view themselves, yet still finding comfort and solace with each other. They are so. YES. PERFECT. AUGH.
And I love how you use they/them for Ink and she/her for Dream!!
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GOD YEAH I LIKE THEM SO INCREDIBLY MUCH... tbh the main reason i started liking them was bc i was thinking abt them and how doomed yuri coded they were and. The worms Wormed in from there,,,,
I actually use he/they and she/they for ink and dream respectively but!!!!!! I love all hcs and interpretations of them for REAL. nonbinary people who are gay as fuck for real,, very inherrently queer ship regardless of how u see either of them i think...heart seeing them as t4t transmasc and transfem forever personally though so thats what i see em as hehe,, also in my head theyre both aroacespec (though the specifc kind varies from au to au though i do consistently see ink as ace and dream as demiaro :>>)
Im not sure how long these will be so...hcs under the cut lol
- okay well while in my mind while error is technically the First Entity ink sees that isnt just a normal entity, dream is like their First. Friend. you know. Like when error first saw him he was screaming and crying for the hills bc it was also his first time seeing another outcode so. that reaction BUT with dream she was more filled with gentle confusion... this is a bit after she unstoned in the apple incident but still was new to au hopping and naive to most danger so they became friends!!! Questionably so.
-to elaborate, when they first meet dream is still stuck on the ideals of toxic positivity and pushing through hardship no matter what... i think this is something they eventually grow out of and dream will eventually learn to see the need for balance eventually but one of their first disputes happens when ink is running low on ink and most of whats left are the Negative Emotions within him alongside the especially strong panic that he usually feels when they get like this... dream would try to comfort him and try to say that itll work out in the end no matter what and that they just need to push through and that itll be okay like normal comforting words because dream is an empath and can sense feelings right,,i feel like its comforting in some cases but when things get Really Bad and especially when the main reserves of feelings that ink has are Negative, they heavily override his normal sense of self and i imagine they get a lot more. Snappy.... theres also the additional hc thingy of ink also really overexaggerating his feelings and overplaying them a lot for the sake of trying to feel more intensely (doesnt work, just drains him faster and will never truly feel natural to him...personally think that ink feels a lot of disconnect from his feelings) which could be considerably offputting to dream (though before adding swap to the group she thought it wass normal because she had only seen the fake pretend nice joy of the village influenced by her aura and not Genuine Feelings)
I think eventually through the years they would learn a lot from eachother...like with ink learning to be more naturally charismatic and dream learning to see past toxic positivity and have his perception on emotions change for the better (ie in learning that having different emotions are okay, so long as there is a balance)
id do alot more hcs but tbh what it boils down to is: toxic codependent yuri. intensely up and down relationship where theres an insane amount of love and attachment but also a lack of self from the both of them because they are only able to see themselves as a Thing to the other. Also exes who turned out to be besties. Thry got together and broke up wayyy before blue (they casually tell him stories about it and for the parts that he does know about he is horrified for.) Oh and they share hobbies and do parallel play alot. dream is more music oriented and can play the cello and flute. ink can play the ukelele but hes more familiar with drawing and painting duh. Also they have a garden. they love growing flowers but their favourites are sunflowers. Also have writing sessions together. Also may/may not also have beautiful princess disorder. (The both of them)
im so sorry this is so incoherrent but erm. yeah im very normal abt them (half of this stuff comes from oc projection the other half is like. Mental illness while in the shower tbh)
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thefallennightmare · 17 days
I need something angsty for HC Tuesday.
like Noah and the reader broke up because one of them fucked up (your choice) and when they see each other they hookup, but the reader thinks Noah's gonna leave her again because he got what he wanted but nope. Noah tells her that they will work through their problems and that he will never let her go again.
Sparked in my mind like 5 min ago😭 I know you can do it justice❤❤
Love you tina❤
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@thescarlettvvitch @mitchhbitch @missduffsblog @hayleylatour @sleepyomens @loeytuan98 @artificialbreezy @marvelousmal @bngurngheart @lma1986 @dsireland86 @wild-child-7747 @calleyx13 @illmakeyousaywow @jaded-and-hollow-souls @exitwoundsx @shayzillaaaa @lookwhatitcost @badomensls @princesspeach-00 @burning-outx @shadowseve @collective-heartbreak @klutzy-kay24 @sorrowsofsilence @sweetlittlekitsune @shilohrosechicken @itsafullmoon @toospooktocute @niicoleleigh @thatchickwiththecamera @hoe-for-daddywise @whenthesummerdies @cookiesupplier @concreteemo @thisbicc @sammyjoeee @pathion @flowery-mess
GIRL, I LOVE ANGST SO GOD DAMN MUCH. But sorry if it's not angsty enough lol maybe down the road I can explore more into this.
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"I'll see you guys later!" You called to your group of friends you left behind at the restaurant.
You'd spend the day with them and now that it was getting late, you wanted nothing more than to go home and lounge in bed.
Your brain had been filled with so many different things that you didn't realize you walked into a body until it was too late.
Gazing up, you went to apologize when you noticed who those pair of almond eyes belonged too.
"No-Noah?" You stuttered while taking a large step away from your ex boyfriend.
His hair was much shorter than when you dated him but that faint smile was still the same.
It had been almost six months since you saw him last but he still took your breath away.
It was your fault the two of you broke up because, you were scared that Noah would forget you when Bad Omens rose to stardom.
He promised you that he never would but you didn't want to risk your heart getting broken so you left him.
But in the end, your heart was still broken because you missed him so much.
You wanted to reach out, ask him to forgive you and take you back, but as you watched Bad Omens grow into stardom, you didn't want to be a bother.
"Hey angel," he smiled while stuffing his hands in his pockets. "You look good."
You blinked as your heart rate picked up at hearing his nickname for you.
"You're back? I thought Bad Omens was touring for another week."
He raised a brow at that with a chuckle. "Paying attention, huh?"
When you didn't say anything, he continued. "I was sick the last few days so we canceled tour early."
"Oh," you shuffled on your feet.
The silence was starting to tug hard on your broken heart that had yet to mend so you quickly turned on your heels, ready to go back home.
"Can I walk you home?"
Noah's question made you falter for a moment and you knew that you should decline because the repercussions of what could happen after would only make things worse.
"Sure," the word flew out of your mouth before it registered.
The voice in your head was so wrong.
The walk home turned into an invite up to catch up which turned into the both of you tied together in between your sheets.
Now you lay staring at the large tattoo on his back with your breath caught in your throat, wondering if he was going to leave.
"If you're going to leave, can you do it now before I think too far ahead?" Your voice came out broken.
Noah, who was falling asleep, turned around and rubbed away the sleep from his eyes.
"Angel," he cupped your cheek, "I'm not going anywhere. I'm not a big believer in fate but I think there was a reason why I ran into you tonight. Now that I have you again, I'm not letting you go again."
"You're not?" Your bottom lip wobbled and he kissed it.
"I'm staying here as long as you let me," he admitted.
You wrapped an arm around him, breathing in that familiar scent of him.
"I'm not letting you go again."
Slowly as he laid next to you in bed, your broken heart began to mend.
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cakenpiewhyohmy · 8 months
So I slept on it, and I really think Tav is Halsins fated one.
So not going into super specifics but in dnd lore, elves typically do sleep around l, go through multiple relationships etc UNTIL they find their fated mate.
Man’s there’s so much evidence (either intentionally or unintentionally) that Tav is. You could literally do absolutely nothing besides saving him, (sometimes not even that) and his grove and man’s is head over heels for you.
In all his dialogue while he’s waiting in camp he’s flirting with you almost every chance he gets and makes it clear that he wants you.
But if it’s just a fling or casual sex, why wait?
Well I think it’s because Tav is is soulmate essentially so he’s actually so in love with them that they consume his thoughts constantly. BUT he has a lot of guilt and Trauma that he’s burdened with and he feels like he can’t even think of being happy with them until he’s righted what he feels is his biggest failure. And after it’s defeated he even has a line where he says something like “I’m yours” before trying to correct himself and saying he’s yours in battle etc. (I could literally picture him blushing at his slip up)
We don’t really get anything till act three because with the shadow curse lifted he feels free to try and follow his heart (which is now with Tav) but is a little nervous to do so. Like hes been with tons of people before Tav is the first one that hes actually in love and feels connected to (soulmates) and hes trying to pace himself. Unfortunately the world is literally at stake so he doesn’t have the luxury of time
So what does he do? Blurt out a really bad confession and then gets so giddy he wildshapes.
Like that whole scene has him so out of breath you can practically see his excitement and nervs. (He even says he feared that it was too soon)
And about the whole poly thing, for one I do think he’s mildly traumatized, a free love hippy Druid , and someone who genuinely is poly and maybe a swinger lol.
However I also think he has no intentions of seeing anyone else. Like Tav is it for him. There’s multiple lines of dialogue suggesting so, he says “you are all I want” but encourages you to share your heart with others even though you already have his (man’s even calls you “my heart” I-) I think this could be interpreted a couple different ways and proly has multiple meanings.
But if we’re running with the soulmate idea then it’s because he’s both scared and traumatized by losing almost everyone he’s loved in his life, and also afraid of being rejected outright. Like he would rather have a part of you than none at all.
Because elves that do lose their fated ones typically don’t last long without them.
The only issue is the devs did him dirty with his ending….which again can be added for angst in this HC cause why not.
-he’s secretly hoping tav chases after him (my fav so far) he doesn’t feel like he is enough and he’s so ill suited for city life that he feels he would make Tav miserable and he would be miserable and that’s the last thing he wants. Especially since the big bad is over now. He feels like he doesn’t have much use to them anymore and fears being truly discarded.
- he feels a sense of obligation towards helping others and fear of screwing up the one genuine connection he has with his soulmate like (he feels) he has with all other things he has in his life. Losing thaniel, killing the turned Archdruid, failing his grobe etc. he fears it so much he’d rather run away than have that become a reality.
-and if they’re with someone else? Even more reason to leave. I feel like they treated him like a side piece when it came to his poly romance with Astarion or Shadowheart (especially since shadowheart and him didn’t really get along lol) and this coupled with his feelings of guilt and inadequacies? Yeah man’s said quit while ur ahead.
-the same way Astarion needs reassurance, I think Halsin does too. Reassurance that he IS enough for them, wether that’s in a poly relationship or in a solo one (I still think hes a swinger but I digress).
Man even has a line when asking him about himself where he says that people look at him and think that his feelings can’t be hurt.
Long story short, Halsin has been in love with Tav since they freed him, but Is Going Through It too and doesn’t know how to cope.
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s-4pphics · 1 year
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a lil meanmechanic!ellie and snobbybitch!reader hc list bc i’m clinically ill and my dark thoughts always win i was gonna write a lil fic but i got tired lol long day 
but hopefully thisll suffice for now😚idk how many imma make for them but the sex gon go crazy
wc;cw: 930 real short n sweet, slutty rude annoying rich!oc, i’m not kidding she’s a bad person, more monologues when will it end, oc is horny and a top letting y’all know rn, imma make this toxic🤭
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your shiny brand new pink bentley just stopped working! what the fuck! 
after your dad gifted you your third new car, he instructed you to pull up to the swarovski store and pick up your sparkly limited edition lavender tinted lux chrono watch…. and this happens!
how the fuck were you going to get your new watch without transportation?!
you pulled your phone outta your chanel bag and googled car stopped help…
call a tow truck?!
don’t people just buy new cars when they stop working?! 
you dialed the first number suggested online 
“YELLO!” a friendly gruff voice came through the phone
“ummm, hi, my car stopped working— “
“okay, great! where’s your car located?”
“it’s uh.. near this mall complex.” 
“…okay. i mean…. i mean what’s the address?”
…. you don’t fucking know, you’re stranded!
after spending the next ten minutes asking strangers where the hell you were, you irritatingly whined the address to the man on the phone
why does nothing go your way?!
“okay great! we’ll be there in about an hour to get it!” 
an hour?!
but your swarovski watch—!
“…yeah, whatever.” you said, hanging up.
this is fucking stupid!
after an hour of angrily pouting in your front seat, you saw a red truck pull up behind you in your rearview 
fucking finally!
you got out your new baby and saw—
oh, fuck
oh fuck!
your brain was sending off red alarms!
behind the man, there was a girl in overalls and a wife-beater, dirty sneakers(yuck!), and a bandana on to keep her sweaty hair outta her face
and your mood immediately got better! 
she’s sexy she’s sexy she’s sexy she’s sexy—
“um, hi! ‘m joel! you called for a tow?” 
oh yeah
“y-yup! that’s me! my cars over there,” you pointed in some random direction as you stared at the girl 
“….okay, uh, we’ll get that loaded and we’ll head over to the repair shop!”
“uh huh,” you were so dazed as you watched her biceps ripple as she got some paperwork outta the car 
“….right!” and he walked away
she’s coming over oh god she’s coming over!
“hey. this your car?”
you looked at her name tag 
hm…wanna fuck?—
“cool. just need you to sign here. we’ll do the diagnosis when we get to the shop—“
you didn’t even care about what the fuck she was saying
you wanna eat her out so bad and buy her whatever she wants 
you work so hard, baby, lemme take the stress away! 
“…are you gonna sign…or?”
you were too busy looking at her freckled face and scarred eyebrows to notice she was holding a clipboard out to you 
how about you sign these damn wedding papers! 
“it’s cool…yeah, just sign at the bottom.” 
she pointed at the dotted line with her calloused finger and you almost sucked it into your mouth! 
turn her out turn her out!
she finally met your eyes 
you wanted her clit in your mouth—!
“um… you can hop in the truck and we’ll head over, it’s like.. 20 minutes—“
“great! let’s go!”
ride my face!
when you arrived at the dealership, you got…. uncomfortable. 
why was it so loud and… grungy looking?
the nice man that answered the phone—joel— guided you into the garage and ushered you to sit on…. dirty chairs and you wanted god to strike you down now
“we’re gonna take a look at your car! it’s in pretty good condition so it shouldn’t be long!” joel screamed at you from the garage exit
you sat and nodded and 
you looked so outta place in here 
pastel colors, shimmery necklace and bracelets, heels!
you stood out like a sore thumb!
rusted, eggshell walls, dimly lit, dusty floor
you wanna leave so bad what the fuck—
sike you wanna stay ellie’s so fucking fine—
“your car battery’s connection is loose, we’re gonna replace it—“
“today's my birthday!”
you were biting your lip and looking at her with glossy lust filled eyes and you wanted your head between her thighs—
“….’scuse me?”
“it’s my birthday!”
“happy….. happy birthday?” 
“thank you!” now lemme give you head—
“uh huh….. so, the replacement battery is gonna be $60, i can ring you up right now so you're not waiting when your car’s charged.”
you followed her to the desk and….
her fucking back and her shoulders and her ass—
her back her back! you wanna scratch it and make her scream!—
“cash or card?”
“card. my black card!” she needa know you’ll buy her everything—
“….right. go ‘head and swipe.”
you wanna swipe your tongue on her pussy!
but you swiped your card 
and you also reached in your chanel and grabbed a couple hundreds out
“here you go! for your troubles!” 
“you fixed my baby! you should get a huge tip! like a really…. really fat one!
lemme give you this tip!
she must’ve noticed your tone, nastily sweet like honey, because her eyes widened before she let out a shocked scoff
you have her you have her—
“are you kidding me right now?” 
“i’m askin’ if you’re fucking serious? we don’t accept charity.” and she got up
and she looked mad
what the hell?
“w-what! no, it’s not like that— “
“yeah, whatever, your car will be ready in 20. you can take your money and get the hell out.” 
and she stormed off with a slam of the back door. 
oh my god?
you want her even more now! 
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xxliliana-screamsxx · 11 months
(Author note: I'm feeling a lil sad n lonely so I'ma make something fluffy 🥹 I'm one sad MF I swear 😭💀) also these headcanons only include Larry and sal, I would include Ashley but I suck at writing F/F relationship HCs😭 quite shocking coming from the pansexual gal ik. Plz don't hate me if these HCs are choppy I can't write worth shit plus it's 1 in the morning and I'm tired as hell but I don't wanna disappoint you all 🥲 ANYWAYS ENJOY ❣️
(headcanon description: This is more of how they would react to you being distant from them and insecure about yourself)
Sal Fisher🎭
He's used to your normal bubbly personality and kind heart but he noticed something different..
He won't stop asking what's wrong bc he's afraid that he may be the cause of your distance (same 🥲)
Ofc since you're not talking to him he'll give random gifts left n right to apologize for whatever he did even if he didn't do anything to you🥹
Eventually when you tell him why you're being distant he immediately comforts you and does everything in his own power to make you feel better ❤️
He was a tad bit upset that you didn't tell him what was wrong sooner but he can't stay upset when it comes to you 💕
Though you may think you're ugly and imperfect he thinks otherwise
"I don't understand, how could you love someone like me? You said while looking in the mirror observing your body. "What do you mean? What's not to love about you". "Well for one, my thighs are too big, I have a belly pudge, and my acne scars are ugly" you say in disgust of yourself. "Hey, no matter what, I will always love you and besides who cares about your belly pudge? The bigger the woman the more woman to love ❤️"
He absolutely adores you and shows it whether it's through gifts or physical contact 💕
If you have Belly chub Oh my lord he's head over heels and will make sure you know it 🥰
He will love you til all those insecurities and negative thoughts are gone❤️
(if you ever came across those memes that say "fuck it, wrap me in a blanket, feed me cake and tell me I'm pretty" he'd most definitely do exactly that😚)
Larry Johnson 🚬
This man almost IMMEDIATELY catches on with your distance between you and him
He'll sit you down and talk to you and ask what's wrong and when you reply he'll hug you and hold on to you like you're gonna turn to dust if he doesn't lol
He understands your insecurities and will do everything he can to help you get into a better mindset 💕
He doesn't like seeing you upset so ofc the constant love and affection is a normal routine for him, he'll do anything to keep you happy 🥹❤️(I'm sobbing rn)
As much as you hate your body, he loves it. And I don't mean in a sexual way but more of a loving way ya know?
He hates seeing you cry, he'll hold you and for hours maybe even days if he has to, just to get you smiling again 💕
(ya know those long ass love letters you see on TikTok, he'd take the time out of his day to make you one of those❤️)
I'm truly sorry to whoever requested this 😭 I forgot their @ but hopefully they see it 😭🙏 also sorry for the crappy writing 😞
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ghastlyfilters · 2 months
could i have some stu x fem!reader going camping hcs? like it’s him, reader, the rest of the group just going camping and having a good time :))
𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬!! :>
pairing: implied stu macher x fem!reader
i cannot express how much i fucking think about this group. there will be plenty of the ‘gang’ content coming soon!! picturing them doing the stupidest shit together is just, AH.
anyways anon, thank you for your request that made me so ridiculously happy lol (ENJOY!!)
warnings: harsh language, randy thinking he’s literally gordon ramsey
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• Boy oh boy, summertime had finally came around once again. Giving you all a pretty good idea of what was coming soon..
• Okay, okay.. this hadn’t originally been apart any of your guys’ plans, but all of your parents were stubborn and wanted you to spend more time together.
• And apparently camping was just the right way to do so? Whatever. It’s not like any of you were ever going to win if you tried to protest on going each year. You lot VS a ton of parents? Fuck. It would never work.
• The agreed arrangement had been Stu, Billy, Randy, Sidney, Tatum and yourself to all go camping for atleast one week during summer break.
• Of course Billy was always the one trying to creep his way out of this shitty plan. It had been going on for so many years that the rest of y’all stopped trying at this point. But Billy? Oh, he was pretty damn adamant on faking whatever dumbass illness he could think of.
• You all made bets on who he would call that year, trying to convince that person on how very ‘poorly’ he was doing.
“I can’t go. I have a cold.”
“It’s July..”
• His dad ended up dragging him out of the house and right into the van Stu’s parents bought him specifically for this occasion.
• After checking you guys had everything packed and ready to go, you were off into the hills!
• It was an interesting road trip to say the least, hours of Randy complaining he had to take a piss, plus Billy whining about how he didn’t wanna be here.. yeah.. an ideal three hours, huh? Jesus.
• The minute you guys arrive, Randy instantly runs over to a tree a little further away from you guys and pulls down his pants, urinating onto the land.
• Tatum always tends to start an argument and tells him how fucking disgusting he is, but he insists that she shuts her mouth and waits until it’s HER turn to be forced to have her bodily functions take over.
“Yeah, yeah, it’s all fun and games until you have to take a dump in the bushes!!”
“AS IF!” Tatum squealed.
“Cut the bullshit, Alicia. You know it’s gonna happen sooner or later.” Billy chimed in.
• You insist on everyone taking a little walk through the woods, just to get familiar with the area once again.
• The rest of the gang agree and head on out with you, embracing the peaceful surrounding.
• You, Billy and Stu slowly walk side by side as the other three are already way ahead of you, arguing over the dumbest shit once again.
• Randy and Tatum always argued non fucking stop everytime you all went camping. Sidney would just awkwardly tag along, trying to change the subject to literally anything else..
• The three ask for permission to go back to camp, seeing as Tatum had made the poor choice of wearing her cute little white boots, though unfortunately they had heels.
• This just meant more peace and quiet for yourself, Billy and Stu. You’d see your other friends later, of course. But a tad bit of extra time with your boyfriend and another one of your closest friends wasn’t going to hurt.
• You guys returned for sun down, as spending all night in the goddamn woods of all places would be rather idiotic of you.
• Each and every one of your stomach’s began to growl, so Stu finally decided to whip out the grill!
• He had packed some hotdogs and burgers, ready to be cooked as soon as possible. Randy also brought along some snacks of course because you know, it’s Randy lmao.
• Another argument breaks out, but this time it’s between both Randy and Stu. Supposedly, Stu was in charge of bringing topping and sauces for the hotdogs. (Of course he had to forget it..)
“Aw, fuck this!” Randy said with a mouthful of food, throwing the remaining piece of his hotdog at a nearby tree.
“NOOOO!” Stu yelped. “What the fuck, man! You ruined a perfectly good hotdog!!”
“Sorry but who the fuck puts pickles on a hotdog?”
You pinched the bridge of your nose, seemed like Randy was having his Gordon Ramsey moment.
• After drunk Randy’s constant complaining and Stu almost losing it over the fact you guys decided you’d make s’mores tomorrow instead of the present night, it didn’t take long until everyone decided to crash for the night. You all had proper tents built up, despite what y’all went through to get them that way..
“No, no, you’re gonna do it wrong. You see, you gotta make sure you’ve put the peg in the right place first.” Billy reminded Stu, trying his hardest to set up their tent. He knew his sleep was going to benefit from this of course, so that was the only reason why he began caring at this point.
“I got it!” Stu smiled, attempting to smack the peg with his mini hammer.
Billy was sure he’d be sweating bullets for days after fully setting up the camp for everyone. He truly didn’t think it would be so hard, but much to his dismay, he was proven wrong.
• Randy and Tatum flat out refused to share a tent together, so they gave Billy the hassle of making two separate tents instead. Whereas Billy and Stu had agreed on sleeping in a tent together, whilst you and Sidney were more than happy to do the exact same thing.
• The tents were rather thin, causing everyone else to hear what was going on inside each tent. Including Randy letting out the odd bit of gas here and there or him sleep talking about ‘Prom Night’ with Jamie Lee Curtis.
• As the sunlight crept its way into everyone’s tents, you all began to stir and awaken. Morning was here. And you were all going to have to get up and start the day.
• Today was rock climbing! Something that had split opinions from the majority of you. Those like yourself, Stu and Tatum found it fun, but others such as Billy, Sidney and Randy weren’t too keen on it.
“You’re all such pussies, man. It’s safe. I don’t know why the three of you complain about it every damn year.” Stu remarked, his attention on your other three friends who really couldn’t be bothered to participate in such an activity right now.
“Please. You only like it because you’re tall and fast enough to catch yourself before you fall.” Billy snorted.
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brigoesrahhh · 1 year
HI WELCOME TO TUMBLR!! can i get some hcs for malewife spot pre/post collider does NOT matter to me he's so babygirl i need him as my wife🙏🙏🙏🙏 even if he's my failwife that's okay ill love him anyways 🥰🥰🥰
ty!!<3 this is so real LOL, alright let's go 😼 
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Malewife Spot Hcs Pre & Post-Collider:
600+ words.
CW: light NSFW content (overstimulation, masturbation, teasing)
Despite being a scientist, I do not think that Jonathan can cook. Although, (being a father before… y’know) I think that he learned to bake some small things like cupcakes and cookies for his son... Now he bakes for you! 
He enjoys decorating the cupcakes the most — icing them with pink frosting and over-the-top rainbow sprinkles.
He would be the breadmaker, absolutely. He didn’t make a ton, but he never wanted you to work for too long and encouraged you to take days off when you only felt a little ill.
When you were sick, he would come into your room with your favorite drink and blankets just out of the dryer, and turn on your favorite show/movie.
He's usually nervous around you most of the time because of how happy you make him, but he's awkward and doesn't know how to express it in words. This results in a lot of gift-giving and caring for you, constantly making sure that you're happy and comfortable.
He feels so lucky to have you. Likely struggles with overthinking and needs reassurance that you love him. (Because you both already know that he’s head over heels for you.)
[NSFW] Would talk you through it, and constantly ask if you were enjoying it. It would turn him on to know he was doing you good. 
Now that Spot wasn’t able to get a job, he spent most days… how do I say… being a criminal.
You were always in the back of his mind, even when making decisions that had nothing to do with you. You are like the rational part of his brain. In his mind, he would say “What would Y/N do?” and probably do the thing he wanted to anyway.
When you were in a shop and you saw something you liked, he would know. He could sense it. He would steal the item and wait for an excuse or event to gift it to you, in an attempt to hide the fact that he had stolen it. But you always knew, and would say in response: “Spot, you’ve gotta stop-” when he would cut you off and say “But I love you!” and you would sigh in defeat.
While you were out working, he was sleeping in your (technically shared) bed, doing your laundry, cleaning your desk, doing your dishes. He would do anything in service of you if it reminded him of your presence.
Extremely clingy when you do get home after work. Because as much as he doesn’t want to admit it, he was thinking about you the whole time you were gone. 
[NSFW] Something about that damn collider made him more submissive in bed. I don’t know if he accidentally slipped into a horny dimension or sum shit, but he's down BAD for you.
[NSFW] He would absolutely wear your clothes and be obsessed with your scent. This would send him down paths in his mind he didn’t think he had, thinking about all the stuff he wanted you to do to him.
[NSFW] He would masturbate thinking about you when you weren’t home and think about you rewarding him for doing all of your chores. He secretly hoped for this and had this in mind when he was helping you out without asking.
[NSFW] He gets flustered really easily, and becomes really needy, grinding and begging included. Teasing his holes while ‘making out’ is his easiest weak spot, and he gets riled up very quickly.
[NSFW] Despite being taller than you (he's like 7ft in my mind) he’s squirming under your touch. Overstimulation drives him crazy, shaking and begging for you to stop, but he enjoys you being in control.
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spicyraeman · 3 months
Re: the shadowheart/Lae’zel/Jaheira dynamic - I’m thinking abt lae and shad being together already and poor Lae’zel, who never imagined falling in love with even one person, meets Jaheira and is immediately smitten. Cue her realizing that, as they all travel together, she’s falling in love with Jaheira too, and not knowing how to talk to Shadowheart about it bc she’s scared of losing Shad. Of course Shadowheart is perceptive as hell and has been watching her girlfriend fall head over heels for this renown warrior and frankly Shadowheart can hardly fault her, Jaheira is beautiful and powerful, who could expect not to fall for her at least a little? But Shad doesn’t push, she knows Lae’zel is new to these kinds of feelings and she doesn’t want her feeling overwhelmed. Time passes and eventually Lae’zel can’t ignore how she feels about Jaheira anymore. Maybe her and Jaheira have a Moment after a battle and they almost kiss but Jaheira gently turns Lae’zel down because she’s like I know you and Shadowheart have something special, far be it for me to be the old woman who comes between you two. Lae’zel is distraught, tries to hide it, goes to shadowheart to try to fuck her confusing thoughts away, is wildly unsuccessful and ends up nearly in tears bc she’s in love with shad and she’s in love with Jaheira and what is she supposed to do? Of course Shadowheart is so gentle and patient and asks Lae’zel if this has anything to do with Jaheira. Lae’zel is terrified but she’s honest bc she can’t stand to lie about it and Shadowheart is like I thought as much. Of course Lae’zel is like you knew? And Shadowheart is like I’m not as naive as you think I am, love. Anyways Shadowheart gives lae her blessing to pursue Jaheira, as long as she promises to keep a part of her heart free for Shadowheart. And maybe Shadowheart and Jaheira get involved also but that’s another novel for another time lol.
I love this sm, I love lae'zel getting hit by Feelings™ and freaking out while SH's poly ass is just trying to quietly let her figure it out
also I saw your other ask, every novel length relationship hc / general hc ask I get feels like a blessing from the gods never be sorry for sending them
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writermask-0807 · 3 months
bakugo katsuki x reader
A/N: omg this took way too long 😭😭 but-
for my loyal follower, nunezs-stuff!! sorry for the delay, and I hope that I've done your request justice. Also, once again, I might not have all of your oc's personality quirks, but i did try. Thank you for requesting, Hope you enjoy!
wayyy too long for some hcs, ooc bakugo, lowkey aggressive bakugo (he should be a warning himself lol), swearing (cus it's bakugo, duh), I wrote kianna using ‘you’ since it wasn’t specified. kianna's eating disorder is also included, and im not sure if i depicted it correctly, but i tried my best!! hope not to offend anyone, haha uhh that's pretty much it, ig. Oh, and this one is for bakugo only, sorry, but I'm currently working on the others- they'll be out in a while. Lmk if I missed anything else!!
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bakugo katsuki, who meets you at the entrance exams, and, initially, regards your existence with indifference, since he’s already fuming, hands sparking with flames - all he’s thinking about is the sheer audacity of that bastard deku to even think about coming here, and how he’s gonna pummel him into the ground!!
so he’s honestly taken aback by your display of strength in the exams; he hadn’t paid much attention to you, yeah, but you sure didn’t look strong from how much he knew
either way, he’s intrigued - and almost immediately regards you as a new rival, and he expresses it in the only way he knows how to
“oi ya damn nerd! you must think highly of yourself, flexing your quirk like that!”
cue you turning to him with blank eyes
you shake his hand off your shoulder, looking unimpressed, even - bored
and almost immediately you piss him off with that - that expression of yours
there’s just something about it - something about that eerie emptiness in your eyes that sets him off, but bakugo’s determined and he isn’t going to let you off the hook so easily
so the both of you form a weird kind of rivalry/friendship into the first year of u.a that he definitely won’t admit is kind of nice
because with you, even with your blunt words and sharp eyes, you stick around when so many others have left him behind
and he can’t entirely blame them, selfish as he is
and it’s hard at first, because he’s more prone to blasting you with his quirk than ever having a *cough* normal *cough* conversation with you, but you’re just as stubborn as him, if not more
and you don’t take his shit either - returning his sneers and snide remarks with leers and barbs of your own
and you’re annoying, sure, always so goddamn blunt and straightforward, constantly on his heels like some kind of damn insect he can’t get rid of, but your company is nice from time to time (though he’ll never tell that straight to your face in a thousand years)
and bakugo just doesn’t get it at first
he knows he’s not the ideal friend (are you even… ‘friends’?); he’ll say shit that hits right where it hurts, does stupid shit that he doesn’t actually really mean
but you stick around and he learns to tolerate you and despite your arguments that are really just banter at this point, you look out for him and so does he, and… that’s kind of it, he supposes
and he doesn’t know how it has evolved to this - but he quickly learns to read between your insults and find the grudging compliment, he learns to see the embarrassed red in the tips of your ears when your face remains blank
he begrudgingly learns your likes and dislikes (though not on his own will), and so whenever he visits a store, he finds his eyes catching over the things you’d like, and for some godforsaken reason, ends up buying them for you
shoves it in your arms with a furious flush on his face and some lame excuse that you probably don’t believe but have the good graces not to point out
he learns that you can cook, and that it’s surprisingly good (again, he’ll never, ever admit it)
which is in anomaly in itself, and when he finds out, demands that you cook for him, claiming that he needs to taste how ‘bad’ his rival’s cooking is
you respond to this with a fond eye roll, and inform him that it’s definitely better than his, which riles him up, but then you end up cooking for him anyway
and, on a more intimate occasion, he learns that you can’t quite stomach the food you so meticulously make, and it pisses him off
of course, he knows it’s a disorder and that it can’t tackled by his sheer brashness alone
so he takes a more ‘subtler’ approach, if you can even call it that lol
ends up doing a ton of research; he starts with the little things, a slice of fruit here, a piece of fruit there- bakugo makes sure to periodically feed you small amounts of food because he takes notice that you can never really finish big meals
piles more food on your plate when he thinks you’re not looking
threatens you with smoking hands and an angry scowl (but he’s not angry, not really) to “eat more, damnit!” claiming that “you’ll be a scrawny little bastard forever so eat before i make you!”
(but thankfully, you don’t mind half as much as you’re amused)
comes ‘round to your room with tubs of your favorite foods that he claims he ‘accidentally’ made too much of (it’s a literal feast, btw)
watches you intently to make sure you’re actually eating, and when you tell him, quite bluntly, that he looks like a creep with a weird fetish of watching ppl eat, he tells you to “fuck off!” in no less indignant terms
continues to watch you like a hawk anyway lmao
(he catches you smiling, makes a whole fuss about it, and the both of you end up brawling it out, food promptly forgotten)
and so in the midst of this grudging rivalry-that’s-actually-really-friendship, it takes bakugo a painfully, painfully long time to realize
he likes you
no, no, no- he actually, really really really likes you
and it hits him like a ton of bricks after kamino
he’d came back as haunted and withdrawn as a ghost, and he’d pushed everyone away, all angry sneers and bared teeth and growling voice
but you’d stayed
you didn’t flinch away from his fury and his hurt and his screaming anguish - you’d welcomed it with open arms, quite literally
you’d forced his thrashing body into a tight hug, clamped your arms around until he’d stopped protesting and just collapsed onto you, sobbing his heart out, a crying, shaking mess
you were uncharacteristically gentle, soothing his cries with a hand carding through his damp hair and lips pressed his temple, his forehead, his cheeks, his fluttering eyelids
and it’s there, slumped boneless in your arms, voice hoarse from screaming himself raw and eyes red and puffy, too tired for his pride to protest, that bakugo - finally, after a stupidly long time - realizes
oh shit. i’m in love.
and he’s pretty sure you know, too
and so there’s no confessions, no fireworks or the sudden coming of spring to mark the start of something wonderful (but it is wonderful); it just sort of… happens
and so nothing changes- not really
you still argue over every little thing, and he still brings food ‘round to your room and you still spend time together doing study sessions;
except nowadays whenever you reach out to tug
at his hair out of eventual annoyance whenever you fight, a stupid lovesick blush rushes to his cheeks, no matter how hard he tries to snuff it out
and you accept his dishes with a faint smile that definitely doesn’t make him swoon
and the study sessions have turned to study dates that he really just spends admiring every flutter of your lashes and the light to your eyes whenever you get an equation right; wondering at the soft round of your cheeks that crinkle with your smiling dimples (that rarely stay long enough for him to catch), and the sweet curve of your mouth that lifts, just barely, into a gentle smile
and so with you and bakugo, it’s a learning kind of love; the kind that teaches you the ups and downs of life, the kind that hurts in the best sort of way
because it’s with you that bakugo learns how to trust and be trusted
(because what else was it when he showed him all your scars and your bruises, what else was it when you bared yourself inside out for him, the good and the bad, the flaws and perfection, and he for you?)
and it’s with you that bakugo learns to love and be loved, the soft gentle kind he’d thought to be so weak before, but - well
it’s not so bad after all. is it now?
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jiminiecrickets · 8 months
How often are the seven days a week couple having sex? And where they ever caught by friends?
I'm so sad that it ended already☹️😂❤️
honestly jk could probably go several times a day, but reader has to be a cog in the capitalist machine and jk has to study >:( they're probably frequent, at least once every two weeks, but they can go more or less quite easily lol. birthdays and anniversaries definitely get a whole week. it helps jk keep his sanity during exam season or after a particularly rough day at work, so if he comes home pouty and slouchy it probably means to get the cuffs.
jk's far too respectful to ever do anything purposely in his friends' vicinity, and plus, reader's his bf, not theirs, so they aren't allowed to ogle at him :) furthest he'd go is kissing and heavy petting in a bathroom or something, but nothing where clothes come off. what if a fire alarm goes off?? he can't ruin the mood like that :(
glad you enjoyed it! i've had fun with these lil hcs, so thank you for the asks :)
nsfw drabble below just for fun. warnings for oral mention (r. receiving) and being walked in on lol
"hyung," he moans softly, pressing your hips into the bathroom sink. he grinds against your thigh, accepting your hot kisses with sighs and soft whines. "please, i need you..." "not here, and not now," you murmur between kisses, amused at his cute attempt to take control. he presses the heel of his palm into the front of your pants and you grunt softly, panting against his neck. "they must be missing the birthday boy." "i don't care, they just use it as an excuse to get drunk and make us pay for it," he groans. "let me have something i actually want – please?" his pout turns into a sultry smile, his hand creeping into your pants. "i'll let you fuck my mouth." he's daring, you'll give him that. "fuck, you know i'd like that, but here? seriously? my car's just outside. you could do a lot more to me than suck my cock there – tinted windows, ring a bell?" "but i'm hard," he nearly whimpers, hips moving faster against your thigh. you drape an arm around his shoulders, watching him grind against you like a needy puppy with a lazy grin. "please please please—" the door swings open. "oi, jungkook, you have tae's phone in your pocket? he's asking for it again." jungkook's hand flies off your crotch as if he was burned and yanks the edges of his jacket down to hide his neediness. yoongi doesn't crack under his glare, standing with a slouch in the doorway and wearing a knowing smirk. melting first under yoongi's steady gaze, jungkook digs around in your jacket – he's wearing it – and hurls it at the older man like a fastball, though he catches it with relative ease. he shakes out his hand, switching the glittery pink phone into his other hand. "good arm on you. alright, see you both outside." jungkook scowls, arms crossed and a vicious pout on his lips. you hide your snicker and he whacks your arm. you lean in. "my car hasn't moved, baby." "shut up. i'm not in the mood anymore."
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multifandoms27-blog · 2 years
Light Yagami Relationship HC's
Content: Light Yagami x gn!Reader
Warnings: Yandere themes, Light murdering your friends, break up
Notes: This turned into more than relationship HC's, but this has also been in my drafts for a while and I just wanted to get it over with lol
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You're FUNNY if you think you could actually love Light Yagami
it's me. i'm funny.
Yeah, anyway-
Pre-Kira? Mans is alright. Doesn't exactly understand some relationship stuff, like the importance of affection other than soft kisses, but wont be afraid to ask
Will also probably make sure of your boundaries once the relationship starts
Wont start out head over heels, I think Light is somewhat of a demiromantic/sexual. It'll take him a while before he's head over heels for you.
Mostly a respectful boyfriend, if not clueless when it comes to this, again. Nothing wrong with that.
Now, post-Kira Light?
oh shit
He will still make sure of your boundaries, but he will begin to push at them after a while. See what your limit really is
This may lead him to using you like how he would use Misa, the only difference being that he actually had feelings for you
Speaking of Misa, he informs you of his decision to "date" her
Honestly? You broke up with him because of it. And good on you. You deserve wayyy better than that. However...
Nobody leaves Light Yagami heartbroken. You will be the true diety of the new world alongside him! No other woman or man or person matters other than you- can't you see that?!
He'll go on a desperate rant to you in the rain a couple weeks after your breakup. It was the first time he had seen you since then.
Of course, it's going to take more than begging to get you to go back to him. So, you leave him in the rain.
If he sees you with anyone else, he's finding a way to put their name in the notebook. He can't stand the thought of someone else having you but him - no matter the gender.
Eventually he tells you that Misa knows their relationship is fake and lies that he's free to date other people. He then explains the Shinigami eye deal to you (you already knew about the Kira part) and begs once again for you to come back
You tell him you have to think about it. On the surface, he accepts that answer, but in reality he's angry that you wont take him back
But, he knows if he gets angry, that you wont go back to him. Then who would he rule with?
Eventually you decide to get back with him, but you want your relationship on the down low
"Oh, because of my public relationship with Misa? I understand. That's actually pretty sma-"
"No. It's because I don't want to be made a fool out of." You responded coldly.
"W-wait, so I can't tell...anyone?" Light stood, grabbing your shoulders.
"No. Just like I haven't told anyone about the notebook, or that you're Kira." You glanced away. It was for the best.
Ryuk laughed hard that day.
Light was convinced that you wanted to keep it a secret because you had feelings for somebody else, and he just simply couldn't have that.
Suddenly, criminals stopped dying and people you knew were dying instead
Knowing it was Light, you knew he'd only stop if you allowed him to make your relationship known.
"Light- Light please." You begged, tears falling down your face as the fourth friend died this week. "Please, stop killing them..."
"But why should I? I'm afraid they might take you from me." Light caressed your cheek.
"I'll- I'll let you make our relationship known! Just please stop killing them!" You cried.
Light grinned. "I'm glad you've come to see the error of your ways. Very well, (Y/n). I'll stop killing your little friends once I make our relationship known."
Relieved, you embraced him. His grin widened, as the rest of your friends' names were already pre-written in the notebook with times and dates. He planned to make your relationship known after. It would send a message to you to not defy him, your future husband, again. And it would send a message to everyone else to avoid you, leaving you to be his and his alone.
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