#this one was so difficult to find an image for
tinyproprodigy · 2 days
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𖤐 ִֶָ 𓂃 🧷
"Staggered to meet you"
Neito Monoma x reader (F)
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Neito Monoma swaggered into the Gym Gamma training arena, his blond hair perfectly coiffed and his U.A. uniform impeccably pressed. Flashing his trademark smirk, he scanned the crowd of students until his gaze landed on you - a relatively unremarkable member of Class 1-A.
"Well, well, if it isn't little (Y/N)," he drawled, sauntering over. "I was hoping to spar against one of the elite students today, but I suppose you'll have to do."
You narrowed your eyes as Monoma lazily twirled a lock of hair around his finger. His incessant teasing and constant attempts to rile up your class had become tiresome. But today, you were determined to wipe that smug grin off his face.
"Bring it on, Monoma," you retorted, cracking your knuckles. "Maybe you'll finally get that ego of yours knocked down a few pegs."
Monoma let out a derisive laugh. "My, my, such confidence! Though I can hardly blame you for being starstruck in my presence." He assumed a fighting stance, his eyes glinting with Challenge. "Don't worry, I'll go easy on you."
The match began, and almost immediately, Monoma's copied quirks gave him the upper hand. Bursts of fire scorched the arena floor as he unleashed a barrage of attacks. You dodged and weaved, biding your time as he continued his relentless assault.
Then, just as Monoma began to tire, you saw your opening. With a speed he didn't anticipate, you closed the distance between you, your fist connecting squarely with his chiseled jaw.
Monoma's eyes went wide with shock as he stumbled backward, tripping over his own feet and crashing to the ground in an undignified heap. The entire class erupted into raucous laughter and cheers as the great Neito Monoma found himself flat on his back, staring up at you in disbelief.
"Impossible..." he mumbled, gingerly prodding his soon-to-be-bruised jaw. "How could I, the elite Neito Monoma, be floored by someone from the inferior Class 1-A?"
You offered him a sarcastic smile and a hand up. "I guess all that ego finally caught up to you," you quipped, trying (and failing) to stifle a giggle at his ruffled appearance.
As the days passed, Monoma found his thoughts continually drifting back to that fateful sparring session. No matter how he tried to rationalize it, he couldn't shake the image of you standing over him, your (h/c) hair tousled and a triumphant grin on your face.
It was... oddly captivating.
He started noticing little things about you that he'd never paid attention to before. The way your nose scrunched up when you concentrated in class. The melodic lilt of your laugh as you joked with your friends. The confident sway of your walk as you strode down the hallway.
Monoma caught himself staring more than once, only to be met with a quizzical look or a teasing remark from his classmates. He tried to brush it off, but the truth became increasingly difficult to ignore.
Neito Monoma, the self-proclaimed "elite" who looked down on Class 1-A, had developed a massive, all-consuming crush on you.
The realization hit him like a ton of bricks one afternoon as he watched you sparring with Midoriya. You moved with a grace and power that
left him slack-jawed, and when you caught his eye and flashed him a lopsided grin, his heart did a traitorous little flip in his chest.
Monoma was officially smitten.
From that day on, his attempts to get under your skin took on a new, almost flirtatious undertone. He went out of his way to seek you out, always finding an excuse to be in your vicinity. Mundane things like watching you take notes in class or eat your lunch suddenly became fascinating displays worthy of his utmost attention.
"Eyes up here, Monoma," you'd tease whenever you caught him staring, causing his cheeks to flush a vivid shade of crimson.
His classmates mercilessly ribbed him about his not-so-subtle infatuation, but Monoma couldn't bring himself to care. He was a man on a mission - a mission to win your heart, no matter how bruised his ego became in the process.
After all, he reasoned to himself, a little humility was a small price to pay for the affection of someone as amazing as you. And if getting knocked down a peg or two was what it took, then Neito Monoma would gladly kiss the ground you walked on.
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dreaminglibrary · 23 hours
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2000 DC Direct "The Sandman" Action figure. This figure is slightly poseable, with joints being at the elbow, knees and hips. This figure also comes with a cape and an attachable Matthew the Raven, which can be attached on Morpheus's left arm.
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I apologize if the image quality of this photo isn't the best, I had a difficult time finding one that showed off Matthew being able to sit on his arm.
And the peg on mine for Matthew broke so I can't use my own photo...
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absolutebl · 3 days
Do you feel like shows that deal with idols not being allowed to date or actors having to hide queerness are a critique of that, or are they using it as a plot device because it’s a handy obstacle for love stories?
To me it reads as a critique because it seems so cruel and unfair to performers. But maybe it’s kind of a *shrug that’s the way it is* to folks actually in Thailand/Korea/Japan.
I have a similar feeling when I see unreasonable parents who expect their offspring to obey no matter what. Are the shows interrogating a cultural norm of unquestioning filial obedience or just using it as a plot point because it’s super relatable to audiences? Probably a bit of both, I guess…
Happy Pride!
Let's rehash BLs and QUEERNESS!!!
I think it depends on the point of view of the show and the perspective of the writer(s) and director(s). Those that have a queer lens are often having a dialogue with the audience on these subjects. Those that don't have any intentionality to their queerness are often using such things as performative plot devices, heart string manipulation, and for the vicarious titillation of a (mostly) straight audience.
So yeah, grey area.
I do have a bunch of stuff on this topic here (quite a bit is older before the big queer-up of the BL genre that has been happening over the last few years - see top trend of 2022) (and here's me talking about normalization in anticipation of this trend).
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k3kban · 23 hours
I had two dreams today. I didn't have any images there but i had two dialogues. It was AU where Sunday and Robin were mermaids.
The first dialogue was between Sunday and Gallagher. Sunday was at Gallagher's home and he stared at him while Gallagher was doing his household chores. Gallagher noticed that Sunday was lost in thought and asked him:
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“What are you thinking about?”
“It’s nothing” - Sunday leaned back in his chair - “People’s lives look so busy, you’re always running somewhere, doing a lot of things. Don’t you tired?”
“Of course I feel tired sometimes.” - Gallagher sat near him - “Why did you start thinking about it?”
“Perhaps it sounds strange, but I want to live like you. Of course, my life is more calm, I don’t have to pay attention to the time. I don’t have to rush. But does this make sense when I have to live completely alone? When no one can hear you except the depths of the ocean? I know, it may sound selfish, but I don’t want to go back there, I’d like to stay here.” After these words, Sunday closed his eyes and turned to the wall.
“Do you understand that you can’t move freely on land?”
“Yeah. In any case, it feels better than the emptiness that surrounded me.”
The second dialogue was between Boothill and Robin. She became human. They were sitting on the river bank and he wanted to touch her legs.
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Boothill gently ran his hand along Robin’s leg. Her pink heel was soft, like a baby’s.
“Stop it, you’re tickling me!” - she laughed and pulled her leg back.
“And how are you going to get up? There’s grass all around, it’ll tickle just as much. Will you try?”
“So let’s go.” - he offered his hands to her.
Robin took Boothill’s hands and tried to rise to her feet. It was so difficult! The feet were as unruly as possible. How do people walk on them?! The soft grass really tickled her feet. She curled her toes in such surprise.
“No, I can’t stand here!” - she exclaimed.
“And what did you want? I warned you.”
“Will it always be like this?”
Boothill chuckled. “You’ll get used to it. This is only the first time you try to stand up. We’ll find shoes for you and it will be easier. Hm… Come on, try to stand on my feet, maybe it will be more comfortable for you.”
She carefully stood on his feet. Yes, it wasn't ticklish anymore, but his feet were so cold that she even thought it was nicer on the grass. And yet, do people really have to walk like this all the time?
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foundfamilyhq · 8 months
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moonviewer · 11 months
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"I will keep going forward, no matter how hopeless it might seem."
(please do not repost my art and just leave a link to it if you'd like to share instead, thank you!)
#shining nikki#sn nikki#my art#sn#nikkiverse#i drew this for an art contest#but i really drew it because i wanted to say something with its message#and because i needed a reason to paint something to practice my art style#lol#i tried to make it so even those who don't know its context could understand...at least a little bit#i've recently been watching Naoki Saito (an illustration advice youtube channel) and i've been wanting to try out the things i learned ther#this time i wanted to try conveying a concept/message just in 1 image alone#at first it was honestly more difficult than i thought i tried it for days#but nothing worked and when i finally did get the idea that became this drawing it was because i was thinking one night of how#nikki was someone who has failed thousands and thousands of times yet she never gave up#i admired that because i was thinking of how i just keep failing in my goals that night#that was when i thought i wanted to convey that strength that nikki has#that strength that i also wished to have#and that was when the concept just flowed to me like water so easily#isnt it strange that its only when i start to feel like theres something i want to say that i finally find the idea to express it#something so obvious that i don't even realize lol#for context this image is about someone who lived in a world operated by AI where all emotions and creativity are shut down and dominated b#AIs kinda like the current AI crisis in the art community#but this someone believed in a world with vivid color#and the heart that created such an imperfect yet beautiful world before AI dominated it#thats what i wanted to express#thanks for reading if anyone bothers reading my long rants lol :)
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mountinez · 10 months
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[I am not meant for casual.] "I've always been a tifoso of Ferrari, I always loved her." [I was born for soul-crushing devotion.]
@f1blrcreatorsfest: week 3 [horror + contemporary art]
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purpleleafsyt · 9 months
Have I ever mention how much I adore Yuzu's final outfit?
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Well now I have, it's my favorite thing ever. She's so pretty in it,, aug
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stardestroyer81 · 9 months
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Yesterday, I stumbled upon the font used in Bosconian's logo by complete accident after many years of trying to find it for myself. I'm sure you can imagine what I wanted to make with it first... 💙✨⭐
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hazeism · 5 months
hi!! wanted to ask if you have any favorite books, either that you've read recently or of all time. Your prose is insane and I need to broaden my own vocabulary so if you have any book recs, fiction or nonfiction, I'd love to know :')
Hii :D ! ahaha, what a well-timed question; lately I've become the kind of guy who just really wants to talk about what people are reading, or are planning to read, and responding in kind, so thanks for giving me an opportunity to indulge that, haha. What a wicked invention the printing press was!!! (Also--thank you!! I'm glad my prose is to your taste. I'm happy !💕)
If you don't mind, I'll put a cut on this right away, because I know I'm very talkative, but let me put a TLDR above for all the novels/authors I mention here. Disclaimer also that I am kind of a dunce (I think you know this) so I like silly shit a lot of times . please be nice to me adfhbjkdg. :D
(No nonfiction also because I'm a frivolous and unworldly little sprite or something but if you want straight philosophy [which counts] come back and I'll do my Top Ten Epic Platonic Dialogues Compilation for you .)
TLDR: Read any UKLG you get your hands on, Cain by Jose Saramago, or any Saramago (though maybe not Skylight, which is not a good introduction to Saramago), very much enjoyed Sartre's The Age of Reason recently, Shadow & Claw or The Fifth Head of Cerberus by Gene Wolfe. If you feel like it, come off anon and tell me what you like, so I can give more tailored recommendations!!
Now if you're asking for favorites, like just the particular and arbitrary objects of my partiality, that stir my stupid little heart, the true answer is probably UKLG's The Farthest Shore, just because it is very special to me. I can't, of course, in good conscience, recommend the third novel of a six-novel fantasy series to someone (but of course read Le Guin, everyone should be reading Le Guin, it's dire for universal soteriology that we all read Le Guin; You'll probably get told to start with Left Hand of Darkness, and that's pretty solid. I liked The Lathe of Heaven as well. And if you read any Le Guin it doesn't hurt to pick up a copy of the Tao. I love the Tao man.)
Some friendlier recommendations, though:
José Saramago is someone I really consider peerless; There's no way to pick up a Saramago and not know who's written it. Cain is a bit drier, a bit more abrasive (almost accusatory, in that particular way you'll find in a Buddhist parable) and bleak than some other Saramagos, but it's one I like (perhaps for the trite reason that I like bucolic atmospheres and Classical antiquity as a setting) so it's the one I'll put forward.
Uhh, I've also been enjoying Sartre's Roads to Freedom lately, starting with The Age Of Reason. I'm partway through the second novel and umm... despite all the other things you could say about Sartre, lmfao, let it not be said that he is not a serious literary force. Serious is maybe the only word for it. Dire, too. I keep a commonplace book, so usually I take excerpts, but this was the first time in memory that I felt compelled to commit entire pages, ahah (I just took pictures though, fuck copying all that).
If you're itching for esoteric language, Shadow of the Torturer (as usually collected with Claw of the Conciliator in a single omnibus edition titled Shadow & Claw; the first of the give-or-take five volume Urth series) by Gene Wolfe will scratch you BLOODY. If you're particularly fussy, you might be irritated by your compulsion to Google, but I find it really makes the experience when you type in a word and the only results are "what the fuck did Gene Wolfe mean by this?" hahaha; Honestly, though, those kinds of complaints are borne from a lack of immersion, but you'll notice pretty quickly that the verbiage is a pretty crucial vehicle OF the immersion.
It may or may not become a commitment, though, if you like Urth enough to want to read through, so if you want Wolfe without the strings--though less of the exciting vocabulary, which is pretty necessarily constrained to Urth--I'd really highly recommend The Fifth Head of Cerberus (the novella OR the novel, I mean the former is volumized in the latter so just start it and if you feel like stopping then stop, haha). Mr. Terminal E is incredible but I scrape enough time out of my daily life to gush about his crazy literary density so I won't do it again here (you should ask my coworker, lmfao, who one time went "stop, hold on, hold on." because my face started getting really red while I was explaining to him some Wolfean gesture). If you read any Wolfe, and I mean ANY Wolfe, because his permatypes and his manipulations of them are endlessly interesting, feel free to come back and chat with me over it!!!
I guess I have to disclaim that my habit is mostly to pick through an author's corpus over a course of, usually, a couple years, and then sometimes I'll read things that will inform my understanding of the genre conventions or currents that the author is writing in (been enjoying Golden Age sci-fi recently)--it's not really as deliberate of a process as it sounds, but I think if you were to map my habits, that's the landscape of it. This means, though, that my reading is actually pretty narrow in scope, and I am not very well read or very knowledgeable in general (who is, in this economy) but it does mean that of the authors I do like, I can probably find the novel that'll work best for your taste.
If you want to come off anon, or I guess just leave another message, haha, (or if someone else wants to, idgaf, we're all friends here at tumblr user hazeism) describing the things you like or look for in a novel I can probably give you a more relevant recommendation. I've been dosing people up a lot lately tbh, it's like a parlor trick I've been doing; I have a conversation with someone and afterwards they'll have a PDF with a relevant Asimov story in their messages, hahaha. I can't help myself sometimes.
Come back anyway, though, if you read anything I talked about, okay? I want to hear about it 🥺
And alsooo (turning to face the audience) if anyone ever wants to put recs in my inbox (or my dms : ) slow replies though sorry I'm a hermit) I'd be happy to take 'em down. Can't guarantee I'll read them in a timely manner, or that you'll ever find out if/when I do, but it's good for me to leave my comfort zone.
#also not what you asked but a thing that i find always pertinent is the fact that synonyms are a scam#no two words ''mean'' and by mean I mean Convey Meaning Serve Function Perform Their Obligations In Continuity Or Discontinuity etc the sam#thing. if two words meant the same thing they would be the same word and even that's a bit of a trap (though i guess there is allure in the#potential scenario in which you are able to so precisely construct the surrounding matter of a sentence that you can get a word to repeat#its exact sensibility when being reused--usually when you are reusing a word you are manipulating it to throw light into an alternate facet#i think maybe it seems like i have an extensive vocabulary (i can't say if I do or not) because I trot out all manner of words in all manne#of contexts. under that pretense. or maybe I am a douchebag who wants to live in the world of forms who knows#sorry for all my me btw your first mistake though was looking at me and going Yeah I bet he has both a meaningful answer AND the ability to#convey it. like no sorry. you'll have to pick through the charnel field again. one million words curse#anonymous#ask#mine#bet you were waiting for me to tell you to read asimov well no. don't feel compelled to do that. i mean don't let me stop you (at the momen#I need them to live so I won't judge you but dhfkudh) i mean if you're currently in a place where reading is difficult (we'veall been there#then his mission of clarity makes his books sublimely digestible impossibly easy to read they're comfortable novels without being totally#unstimulating andthey can in fact be very stimulating if you give them the room to proliferate in your brain . but the thing about asimov i#the best things I find are Daneel (who is a scam and will ruin your life) and HIS PERMATYPEESS guys I love permatypes lately but it's hard#to get the texture of the Asimovian permatypes (muttering about the continuum from fisher through terens) and really luxuriate in them unle#ss you read one fucking million novels . so if you feel like doing that do it but if you don't. don't.#i've been getting so many asks lately (i mean. three. but before that another three!) and it's ruining my icy and aloof image . because i a#a motormouth. and now I'm going to stop typing!!!!!!!!!
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cerealmonster15 · 1 year
girl help I need more twst to be placed onto my dash bc going thru the tags is. Difficult 🧍
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ofc ive always had adhd, but personally what really fucked up my attention span is agar.io (and being depressed enough to play it for hours every day. people whose lives are ok dont do that shit)
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leisure · 1 year
i kinda just feel like my life is falling apart very fast lmao
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squuote · 1 year
ooo now I gotta do one for all my favs..I gotta do sophie stimboard…
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ladyseidr · 3 months
makes both michael and william car guys ( to varying extents ) -> has to research cars
#☽—— ⸢ ooc ⸥#f n a f /#.tbd.#do i LOOK like i know anything abt cars <- person whose dad was a car guy and YET#anyway yeah this is abt the fic i supposedly didn't wanna write#so yeah i guess the car william passed down to mike was a 1983 el camino because it had to be flashy (william) but not TOO flashy (mike)#and also couldn't be made in 1987 which was SHOCKINGLY difficult to find like you'd be surprised#i wanted it to be p new tho and yeah i know haha 1983 but mike didn't get it THAT year#like we can make jokes abt 1983 1985 AND 1987 let's move on (i'm kidding i'm making the jokes too)#i had a v specific image of the style of the car in my head which def narrowed down options#now i have to deal with the fact that the damn el camino had a BED and not a TRUNK#which honestly william probably loved but why am i making michael tie shit down to essentially a truck bed#also i'm going to be blunt there's no backseat makeout session now HOWEVER. i do like truck beds. car beds? whatever.#am i going to have to write the words 'car bed' in this fic. will i have to describe that this car has a bed???? fucking HELP ME#william and his stupid ass taste and also the fact that michael loves this goddamn car#michael making them go in the most inconvenient fucking vehicle VS jeremy's perfectly fine functional (less cool) car#anyway on another note when i was looking up what the interior looked like for reference#i saw one with a purple interior and laughed out loud#i PROMISE i won't do that to mike. that's just going too far.#i'm already making him strap shit to the back of a car bed i promise he doesn't have to have a purple interior OR exterior#btw yes the whole tying shit down IS going to be a joke in the fic i assure you
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mossymanor · 4 months
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Had a few setbacks but I'm still working on this bit by bit! The about page is almost done being designed - it maybe just needs some minor tweaking yet. But then it's on to figuring out how to code it with functioning tabs and everything (while knowing absolutely 0 javascript at this point) so that will take some time as well.
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