#this is so messy someone kill me😭
unicornsaures ¡ 28 days
Two-bit affectionate drunk hc btw
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larentslovechaos ¡ 2 years
does anybody know this fic I'm talking about where harry is like being brainwashed by one of his family members and then louis picks up on it or something, but it's very scary/graphic and i think it's gore-y??? but it gets super scary and is just like a hugeeee mindfuck at the end?? i read it like several years ago and i know this is quite a vague description but i'm still hoping somebody will know what i'm talking about
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portgasdwrld ¡ 7 months
★ Hickeys
ೃ⁀➷do they suck (lol) at hickeys, giver or receiver?, how? all answered down below by your beloved Tomie✨
ೃ⁀➷Psss this is a head-canon, take it lightly~
ೃ⁀➷ Suggestive, implied f!reader, NSFW language
ೃ⁀➷ monster trio + Law+ Ace
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: ̗̀➛ Luffy
He’s the type to receive them more than to give
When he realizes he has hickeys, he’s just gonna wonder how it’s even possible and if smth hit his neck during a fight💀
Probably gonna bug Chopper about it, until he brushes him off mentioning it’s nothing
Then when you’re making out and you linger on his neck, it clicks into his mind. He yells a « ooohh, It was you! » after realizing that, it surprises you and you almost bit his skin-
He’s down to try it when you explain that you want them on you too
 You want me to suck your skin a little until it bruises? A bit like when you bruise after a fight? 
« Ugh… not the same but you got the spirit? »
He’s dense, but he tried and he didn’t do as bad as you thought
: ̗̀➛ Law
LMAO?? Wouldn’t he be the type to lowkey hit you with a scientific facts that hickeys can kill you if done wrong🤓😭
Ik he would. Im so sorry😮‍💨
On another note, tbh I feel like he’s just sooo into it, when his mind is fogged by lust. He will be making out with you and damn, he’s now leaving wet kisses all over your neck. That itself, just awaken some type of possessive strike and you’re left with hickeys a bit everywhere.
Will quietly eye them when y’all are cuddling after sex. He won’t comment on it beside if you point them out.
“They look great.”
It would be the most reaction you will get out of him. He’s so hot though- intrusive thoughts but they are real 😔
He doesn’t mind at all if you leave some on him fr. Like if it’s done within the right vibe and y’all are just kicking it and you’re riding him or y’all in lotus position, he might even groan and moan a little louder and curse under his breath.
: ̗̀➛ Sanji
Oh his mouth is ALLL OVERR your body. He’s kissing, praising, leaving hickeys all over your body. On you chest, between your thighs, on you collarbone.
He’s almost in a trance while he loves your body and mark it. He’s gotta to enjoy his pretty lover and you bet he’s gonna make it known that you are his and he’s the lucky man who has you!!
He’s so sweet about it, with sweet compliments, but it’s a bit messy too. Wet patches, mumbles from his muffled lips.
He’s SOOOOO down if you wanna do it on him. He gets very excited and can’t stop smiling and touching your body.
“Yes of course I’m down! Wanna try it rn? We got time yk..”
Best boy 🤧
ೃ⁀➷ Zoro
His neck always has some hickeys from you. He thought he hated it, but he quickly got over it and finds it hot now.
He doesn’t care too much if someone stare at them, but he will throw a curse out with a deadpan expression, if someone made a snarky comment.
He also has this possessive strike, so you bet you’re gonna have some type of bruises-hickeys on your body after y’all are done. Because he doesn’t go easy on you, he will be thrusting deep into you, while silencing you with his fingers deep in your mouth. Along with that, his mouth is nibbling on you neck and all your sensitive spots.
It’s an overstimulating mess.
He smirks satisfied when he sees you marked up, moaning his name and completely lost into his touch.
ೃ⁀➷ Ace
Oh, this man here has the biggest possessive strike out of all the men here.
I touched on the subject a little on my NSFW head canon, but he definitely love giving them. He whines when you do, because he’s apparently allergic to shirts and get slightly annoyed when each of his friends on the ship makes some jokes.
He loves that everyone knows you’re his. Because he gets to have one person for him, that actually feels love toward him and someone he can trust??! That’s the life prize!
Every time he fucks you, he makes sure that hickeys are created everywhere on your body.
He will shower you with attention and cocky comments as he sucks on to your skin.
It’s his specialty😮‍💨
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ddejavvu ¡ 2 years
don't mind me i'm just thinking about how Eddie Munson would SO pretend to be someone you know if you come up to him in a store or so and whisper to him how this guy has been creeping you out for ages 'n he would take to his role so well 😭 i need to shift dimensions I need to be with this guy
i'd commit unspeakable horrors to be his girlfriend
You almost feel bad practically tackling the man from behind. All he was doing was grabbing a can of soup off of the shelf, and you made him your impromptu best friend.
He lurches forward at the contact, and turns to look at you with fire in his eyes. You're absolutely certain he's going to scold you, but he sizes you up at his eyes soften slightly. He raises one eyebrow, a silent 'what the fuck do you want?' and you ramble breathlessly.
"Please pretend you're my friend," You whisper, the squeaky wheels of the cart you're dreading the owner of coming towards you down the aisle, "He's following me and I don't know what to do."
He doesn't even blink. His face doesn't shift in the slightest, and for a quick moment you're unsure whether he heard you at all. But his arm curls around your own, and he spins you to face the soups.
"-so I was thinking chicken and stars, but R2-D2 absolutely kills as a noodle," He drawls, ringed fingers gesturing vaguely at each can that he names, "'S whatever you want, babe."
You hear your supermarket stalker's wheels squeak to a stop at the end of the aisle, and you don't dare turn to see his face. You'd prefer never to see it again, a reminder of the lewd comment he'd made in the produce section about melons.
"Star Wars," You decide, plucking the can off of the shelf and handing it to him, "Uh, thank you."
"Now we need," He squints at his list, tongue poking out of his mouth and sticking to his upper lip, "Ritz crackers, and chicken for tomorrow night."
He mimes looking for the crackers, noticing the man standing at the end of the aisle, waiting.
"Oh, sorry," He lifts the back wheels of the cart with the handle, scooting it sideways so that the man can pass, though you both know he doesn't want to, "Were we in your way? Go ahead, we're gonna be here for a while."
The man stares at you, you can feel it. But your new best friend sets a hand gently, politely on the small of your back, leading you around him and sandwiching you between the aisle and him. He holds the list out in front of you, "Babe, can you tell what that says? Can't even read my own writing," He laughs good-naturedly, "I think it says 'blueberries'?"
"Or blub errands," You try deciphering his messy scrawl, weight lifting from your shoulders as the man finally decides to move, crossing your path and bumping the wheel of your new cart as he does.
"Definitely blub errands," The boy beside you snickers, glancing at the reflective panel of the aisle beside him to watch for when the man finally turns a corner, "Some nice improv, babe."
You're not sure why he's still using the nickname, the man is out of earshot. But you're too relieved to care, physically relaxing as your shoulders slump.
"Oh my god," You let out a much bigger breath than you intend to, almost dizzying yourself, "Thank you so much. I just- he was always there and I didn't know what to do! I'm sorry I almost knocked you over," You turn sheepish, eyeing his ankle that you're fairly certain he'd twisted in the meetup, "Are you okay?"
"You're fine," He waves off your apology, rolling the ankle in question with a cheeky grin, "I'm tough."
"You look it," You eye him up and down, a silver chain dangling from his belt that's almost covered by a leather jacket, "Do you have, like, a really big tattoo of a heart with a knife through it on your arm? Bonus points if it says mom."
He laughs incredulously, shrugging the shoulder of his jacket off to prove you wrong, "Uh, no, but thanks for the idea."
You let out a laugh, something that seems impossible considering how scared you just were, but one that comes naturally. The boy you'd found seems to be the type you'd go for both in and out of a life-threatening scenario, and you're starting to wonder if you'll get this lucky with any real relationships you're in.
"Well, listen," He stuffs the list in his pocket, a scrap of the paper sticking out, "I've only got a few more things. If you want, we can check out together," He motions towards the hand-held basket you're holding, "'Cause I don't think that guy's gone. I'd offer you a ride home," He reaches a hand up to scratch aimlessly at the nape of his neck, "But I drive a van, and I think me asking you to get into it would be creepier than anything that guy did."
"It's okay!" You assure him, a light laugh escaping you at his earnestness, "I'm sure I'll be fine driving home. But seriously, thank you," You smile at him, clutching the handles of your basket tighter in an effort not to hug him, "I really appreciate this."
"Anytime, babe." There's that nickname again, paired with the grin you'd seen before, "Now come walk with me, you're helping me find the blub errands."
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loud-sturniolos ¡ 2 months
possessive!Matt x reader
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While at a party some drunk guy doesn’t seem to get the hint that you’re taken.
Drinking, possessive and jealous Matt, shy/awkward reader, pet names used by stranger(Pretty girl, baby girl) and Matt (babydoll, sweetheart, princess.), suggestive, protective Nick, not proof read!!! Kinda shit!!
Reader , Matt , stranger , Nick
A/N: Writers block is KILLING me rn. 😭
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The bright, flashing lights, along with music blasting, filled the club. You had just walked away from Matt, Chris and Nick to get yourself a refill of your drink.
As you stood next to the bar and waited for the bartender to return with your drink, you felt someone brush up behind you. Turning around, you saw a man you’d never seen before; he was about 5’5”, had dirty blonde hair, green eyes, pale skin, and looked tipsy. He stared down with a cocky smirk, “Hey, pretty girl, what’s your name?” His voice was slurred, very drunk. “Uh.. my name’s Y/N.” You replied awkwardly, all you wanted was your drink then to return back to your boyfriend and his brothers. “Pretty name for a pretty girl.” He teased, making you internally cringe. He reached his hand forward to try touch your arm, but you quickly stepped to the side, now slightly away from the bar. An annoyed look spread across the mans face. “Why are you stepping back?” He demanded, stepping up into your personal space. “I- I have a boyfriend.” You stuttered out shyly, “So? He doesn’t have to know, baby girl..” He said, sounding sickly sweet as he grabbed your wrist in a bruisingly tight grip so you couldn’t walk away.
The bartender walked over with your drink, he gave the man a confused look but walked away after handing you your drink. “I gotta go back to my boyfriend.” You said nervously, but the man tried to drag you closer.
You suddenly heard a familiar voice behind you, “She has a boyfriend.” Nick told the man sternly, reaching between you and the man to yank his hand off you. “I don’t see him.” The stranger replies smugly, but Nick ignores him and grabs your hand, pulling you away from the bar and towards Chris and Matt again.
As soon as you got back to the group, Matt’s hand grabbed the side of your neck and pulled you into him, free arm going around your waist, hand on your lower back. “What happened, babydoll? Who the hell was that?” He asked sternly, clearly pissed off, but not at you. “I don’t know,” you mumbled quietly, now feeling safe in the arms of your boyfriend, so you wrapped your arms around his waist and pressed your face into his chest, “He kept flirting with me, and was just being creepy.” Matt huffed in annoyance that another man tried to get with his girl. But, he stayed as calm as he can and rubbed your back gently, using his hand on the side of your neck to tilt your chin up, then leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to your lips. “Do you want to go home, sweetheart? Maybe go sit in the car for a bit?” He mumbled softly against your lips, smiling when you hummed in agreement. “Yeah.. we can go sit in the car for a bit, just us.” Matt smirked and pressed another quick kiss to your lips before pulling away and grabbing your hand, dragging you out the club and into the cool night air.
Matt dragged you over to his car, but instead of getting in the front seats he opens the back door and gets in, you follow and climb into the back with him before being dragged to straddle his lap, having to tilt your head down so you dont hit it on the roof of the car. He smirks and grabs the back of your neck, pulling you in for a deep kiss.
The messy makeout session leads to Matt trailing his hand up your inner thigh, before being interrupted by Matts phone buzzing in his pocket. He pulls away slightly and checks it, seeing a message from Nick that they’re coming out the club now to come home. Matt groans in annoyance, showing you the text which makes you also groan in annoyance.
You both climb out the back of the car and get into the front, you in the passenger seat and Matt in the drivers seat, just before Nick and Chris get into the car Matt grabs your thigh and squeezes it, leaning over to whisper in your ear, “We’ll continue where we left off when we’re back home, alright princess?” You blush slightly and nod, humming softly in agreement, then Chris and Nick open the back doors and get into the car.
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An idea popped up in my head, so basically, the reader is very powerful in hell, like extremely powerful she's more powerful than overlords, lucifer, and even angels in which nobody in hell nor heaven has ever seen before. She's very cold-hearted and manipulative and seductive, but she likes to play hard to get. She believes in redemption, and it is possible on others, but herself doesn't want to be redeemed. Every person in hell is scared of the reader and the raw power, but her love interests are very fascinated by the reader and their power. Can someone please write this for me please 🙏 😭 😢.
Personality: cold-hearted but nice to people she likes, has a connection with, gets easily bored by things, doesn't like when people touch her, seductive, charming, vengeful, sarcastic, confident but not cocky, very scary when pushes to the limit, quiet but observant, manipulative, intelligent, sadistic, and has power that no one has ever seen before and can take down sown anyone without touching them within a blink of an eye, a bit sadistic.
Likes: finer things in life, cats, being quiet, music,being feared, dark colors, seeing people fight and kill each other, modern technology and old/outdated technology, red wine, alone time,flirting, blood, smoking, killing people, expensive things, the rain, coffee.
Dislikes: annoying people, people with no self-respect, dumb people, being told what to do, people invading her personal space, clowns, anything messy, beer, sports, people who have no goals, light colors, sensitive people, anyone disrespecting her, lazy people, country music, fake people, people who talk to much, people with no manners, abusers.
Sexuality: Bisexual
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meanbossart ¡ 17 days
Replying to a couple of shorter questions! Sorry that I can't get to all of you lest this blog just turns into a stream of constant asks, but I read all of your messages and to be honest there are several that I'm saving to draw something for 😭 alas there are only so many hours in a day.
Thank you for all the support and interactivity as always!
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He takes fairly good care of things he considers important or useful - otherwise he's pretty messy or at least indifferent to mess. Definitely a "leaves the wet towel on the bed" guy LOL
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Okay so I was bad and not used to DnD mechanics or spells the first time I played the game, so I RARELY ever cast Speak With Animals and had very little sense of their personality during his campaign - BUT THERE WAS THIS ONE TIME WHEN I DID.
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He adores and most of all respects this intense little guy with his whole heart.
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Serious answer: he respects wild animals far too much to try and make one into a pet.
Non-serious but still true answer: He would never do that and have to deal with Astarion's incessant Drizzt Do'urden joke comparisons for the rest of his existence. That's that man's personal hell.
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He's fairly adaptable! But as far as dynamics go, he does lean bottom regardless of who he's with in bed, but this doesn't necessarily translate into always being on the receptive end of things.
If he were to be with a cisgender woman who doesn't wear a strap like its a second pair of briefs, he would be more than happy to be the pitcher the majority of the time. I think the only scenario where he would be dissatisfied is a restrictive one - he couldn't be with someone who doesn't want to enjoy his whole body in earnest, or who can't flip the roles every once in a while. Also, you have to be a little gross. He has probably caught Astarion off-guard with the things he did on a whim/suggested they do more than once. All in all, as long as whoever he's with is versatile and not a prude, they could probably make it work.
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He killed Minthara in her lair and all he got was a bear out of it. Good thing killing her was it's own reward!
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MAN... Could just be that his story is far too concrete in my brain already, but it's hard for me to see that working. They are both far too out of touch with their emotions and quiet in their demeanor for me to envision a durable romance sparking. Also, DU drow (who has no clue how old he is himself) thinks of Shadowheart as being far too young for him.
There is a mutual understanding between them that there is a barrier that neither of them is willing to let the other get past - and because that is something they both share, they won't, and they might never try. They work so well as friends because of their similarities, but in a relationship I think that would be to their detriment.
Also, I think silver-haired Shadowheart's wants and needs for her future far diverge from DU drow's chaotic lifestyle, ultimately It's probably best for them to make their own paths.
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The thing about DU drow is that he might be a bottom, but he's a very... Uh, engaged bottom. He can be as dominant with a dick in his ass as he can be submissive depending on how it jives with his partner- and he's gonna spew some nonsense either way LOL
Either way... I feel ya brother 😔🍑
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He did it himself during a dinner Gortash invited him to. At the table. With a meat knife. He was trying to prove a really stupid point/put Gortash off of him.
I have a script for this and I still need to draw it someday! 🤦‍♂️
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He doesn't think anything of it now - it's so far in the past and DU drow obviously isn't the judgemental type when it comes to sordid individuals LOL
As a person, however, Astarion likely wasn't the kind of guy that he would have gotten along with, and vice-versa. Sounds to me like he was pretty poshy and did all his misdeeds under the table - DU drow wouldn't have strong feelings about it from an ethical standpoint, but he wouldn't respect it either. Also, DU drow's is practically anarchistic in his political views - soooooo not much room there to be in love with politicians. I'm sure pre-vampirism Astarion would have less than favorable opinions about him as well so the feeling would have been mutual LOL.
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ABSOLUTELY NOT HE NEEDS BOTH EYES TO CUT THROUGH FOES he will gladly put Gale on the slab to see what happens though LMAO
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ranbitteeth ¡ 4 months
hiii i love ur art and ur fics!!🫶🏽
im desperateee for a reader rails mizu w strap fic😭😭 all the smut i see are of reader bottoming and that makes me hella dysphoric sigh
so so like reader stretching mizu out, lots of whimpering, mizu being nervous, mizu feeling full and claimed, just messy subby mizu taking big strap for the first time plssss😭😭😭😭 maybe some pussy eating foreplay idk, whatever u find best and fun to write. i just need mizu to be a subby bottom its plaguing my mind😵‍💫
A/N: Your wish is my command, dearest! Hhmmm I can never really tell if you guys want a modern/cannon compliant setting— but I find my words flowing easier for the latter. If this isn’t to your liking, I can always write another one! More modern and fluffy
Tags: Possessive!Reader, GN!Reader, Reader is besties w Madame Kaji, DomTop! Reader, Jealous! Reader, Straps, Tried to be historically accurate but one can only do so much research on ancient japanese dildos, takes place sometime before Mizu hops in the boat, Goodbye Sex, Misery.
About 3.8k word count, so I’ll highlight the beginning of the actual smut in red and a star! *
Parting Ways— To London You Go
You despised him.
The Blue Eyed Beast of Japan. The onryo. The bastard half-breed that killed the Four Fangs and cut through the Shindo Dojo. Now that was a man that deserved a dog’s death. A humiliating, painful, wretched thing— so much so that pity would spread like disease among even the most hardened of men. A white man had no business in your country. Much less some impure dog, chasing ghosts of white men who had long since fled the island paradise. You believed this yourself, once. The village gossip and fantasies of his approaching death entertained you, excited you. You’d hear of his dishonorable death one evening and you’d think —‘good riddance’.
But no one told you just how much of a darling he was.
You remembered that night to picture clear, the image of his slumped body in the snow so clear in your eyes and memory. His face was twisted into a pained grimace, eyes screwed shut beneath the colored lenses of his glasses— he reeked of blood even in the snowstorm.
Unbeknownst to your family, you brought him inside, ordered your guards to gently place his body in your quarters. The servants made no protest when they saw your insistence on saving this stranger. The wound was seeping a crimson poison onto your floor, red and hot and stinking of blood.
The two of you were alone when his eyelids fluttered open, pained grunts and whimpered muffled by his own teeth against his bottom lip. And you saw it. Blue eyes— unnatural, wrong, and positively lovely. You’ve seen oceans and ponds and skies with less of a dazzling hue. It disgusted you, initially, as the realization of who he was suddenly and violently appeared in your mind.
You hadn’t expected someone so…normal looking.
He did not have a pig’s nose or clammy, sun-abused skin. He was not a beast, giant and ugly— but a man. An injured man, you recalled once his blood stained your palm. Stained your floor, your bed and his clothes. You distantly realized your hands were moving on their own as they undid the binds of his old kimono, and there, beneath the worn, filthy fabric were binds. Not of injury, not of a warrior— but of shame.
Alone in your chambers on a cold winter night amidst the worst storm you’ve ever seen— you knew. The blue-eyed, vicious animal that had earned all of Kyoto’s scorn was in fact a woman.
You adored her.
Your home grew to be a sanctuary to her of sorts. For a being so well despised by the nation, the comforts you provided were scarce luxuries. A bed. A roof. Some semblance of protection. You cared after her like one would a feral pet, a feat which did not go unnoticed. With a blade to your neck and blood painting her hands, she demanded your silence— a vow to never break. As if you’d risk losing such a treasure to the hands of bounty hunters of white men.
The two of you danced with hate for months.
She was a silent spirit, a brewing storm on the distant horizon. At times, you’d catch her eyes on you, other times, she’d notice you doing the same. At times, you’d reach your hand forward and caress the scars on her skin. At times, she’d allow you to– going so far as to present herself.
At times, you’d make love to her. Your depravity was no secret to anyone with ears and working eyes— but your status and wealth made you untouchable. No one but your servants would hear her cries echo from your chambers, and no one but you would see her in the throes of pleasure, head tossed back, expression screwed into one of hesitant bliss and ecstasy.
Or so you thought.
She often returns to you like a dog would weeks after leaving. Loyal, endearing and silent. Whether it was out of some misplaced desire of courtesy or a genuine attachment, you did not know. You’d tell yourself you did not care, but Man would never be born without sin. Madame Kaji, the wonderful hag, would bewitch you in letters with tales of her ladies in the delights her brothel would offer. She mentioned a certain blue-eyed beast in her company in her most previous message. Her letter was pointed, concise, and utterly enraging. By its contents, you would piece together your Mizu’s night with a princess– of all wretched things. After months of silence, alone in your palace with no one but the one and off prostitutes you’d hire and the servants you paid deftly for their loyalty, and the samurai goes off to bed and abandone a lady princess of the Tokunobu clan.
Mizu would not show her face to you until spring. By then, your anger had solidified and festered into an untamable typhoon. As your servants led her to your chambers, Mizu would be standing dead-center in the eye of your storm. Something in her was different. Stronger, yet weaker. Kinder, yet crueler.
“You show your face here again?” You ask cooly, and at least she had the decency to look ashamed, removing her hat. Like this, you could see her properly. (You’d never admit to your anger cooling, but it did.) She does not harden her voice in your presence, but it is quiet, timid, shameful. Before she could open her mouth to speak, one of your servant men approach, head bowed deeply.
“[Title and Name]”, he’d say. Your eyes glance over to him, humming as you granted permission to speak.
“There is a white man inside, bound and immobilized.” He says quickly, bowing his head deeper.
“I only wished for you to be aware.”
Your cold, steely eyes turn to fix Mizu with a chilling stare. She only looks at you head on, taking the challenge. Oh…
“Leave us.” You say, but not before giving an order to boil water over a fire. The door is smoothly slid shut, and the two of you are under the illusion of solitude once more.
“I am to depart for London soon.” Mizu says bluntly, abruptly. You couldn’t have expected anything less. You give no reaction save for a short sigh and two fingers against your temple.
“I am closer to my mission than ever before. I have an informant, I have a boat, I have names.” She talks as if to explain herself, stepping closer in light footsteps, hesitant. “I may not survive through this. I only wished to say goodbye before I leave.”
For a moment, you say nothing. Your mouth is rendered useless as your mind rushes with curses. To the world, to the white men, to Japan, to Mizu, to the hellsite that was London itself. The poisonous concoction of rage and envy that had been brewing for months was bubbling and prickling beneath your skin– only now with the addition of grief.
“This would have been much more convenient in scripture,” you say, voice like hot iron. Mizu’s surprise is tangible, eyes flickering around your features, searching for answers to her questions.
“I adore letters. You know this.” You begin to say, moving from your initial position and circling the room, retrieving several items and placing them on the large expanse of your sleeping bed. You open a box, massive with weight. Inside is parchment, pounds of it. “I collect them.”
You suddenly and harshly shove the box onto the floor, a flurry of parchment and ink spilling at your feet. Mizu seems to shrink, but refuses to cower. Gingerly, you retrieve one excerpt sent just a few months ago from Madame Kaji. You hand it to Mizu, surrounding her. You wait until you are certain she understands what she is reading before you begin to speak.
“Never took you as the brothel-dwelling type.” You say, watching as those demonic, off-putting, oh-so-lovely eyes scan the characters on paper. Your eyes stick to her lips before you remind yourself why you are angry. You imagined those lips entangled with another, and your blood goes cold.
“Nothing happened between me and the princess.” Mizu says, turning to face you. The genuine confusion in her expression is almost insulting. “She meant to kill me that night. Our duel meant nothing. Madame Kaji knows nothing that is true.”
“Not every conflict between you and a stranger is a duel and Madame Kaji is a dear friend of mine.” You reply easily. The hurt in your voice was becoming clearer with each passing syllable.
“You truly believe sailing the seas will come so easy? Do you know how many men I’ve lost in my trades on those voyages? Do you even know what awaits you in London?” You begin to demand these answers, losing the control you pride yourself in as you continue to speak. As a man and a woman, Mizu was nothing but a stupid, lost soul, wandering the earth without an object to attach to. You then gently cup her face in both hands, watching in delight as she melts into your touch.
*“Do you even know how much I’ve wanted you these past months?”
Mizu cannot answer. Her hands raise over yours, fingers brushing against your warmer ones.
“I meant no harm in my absence.” She concedes, round eyes rising to meet with yours. Just like that, the room had shifted. Your eyes darken as they raked along her face and figure, recalling what lay beneath the layers upon layers of fabric she’d use to protect herself.
“You can’t imagine…” You whine, gently undoing the bandages around her neck to expose the delectable skin that lay beneath. Untouched, unseen by all but few. You bury your nose into the crook of her neck before your tongue darts out just to taste flesh and the blood that pumped beneath. Mizu sighs, noticeably relaxing into you. Her arms move to wrap around your neck in a gentle embrace, a position you’ve grown to love and grieve for.
“Gods, how I’ve missed you…” you say, assisting Mizu’s hands and hurriedly undoing her kimono before your hands run hungrily along her skin. Scars, so many more than you remember. A different rage boiled inside of you, protective and not directed to Mizu in the slightest. The two of you move in sync of tangled limbs and warm breaths against open lips. You push her onto your cot, the rage you had felt previously spilling out in the form of hunger. You attack her neck with the teeth in your mouth, suckling and biting down on her white-man skin until cherry-red marks bloom across her neck. She whimpers, coyly craning her neck and exposing herself further– presenting herself. Begging for it. Gods.
“You were away so long I’d almost forgotten what a whore you are…” you coo, undressing her wholly, spreading her legs around either side of your hips. As a surprise to no one, you noticed the particular shininess to the downy hairs on her wet cunt, groaning softly at the sight. Her smell, her taste, her color– you’d spend innumerable nights recalling these things in exquisite detail, going so far as to seek her in other women and finding not one suitable substitution. Your hunger had been building up for months, and now here she was, just as enticing as you remember her. Her teeth nibble down on her finger as she groans into the air.
“[Reader], I haven’t..” she starts, but you shush her before she can continue. Her loyalty only endeared you to her further, and you wanted to remain somewhat angry.
“I know, puppy. You already know who you belong to, don’t you?” You murmured, practically salivating at the sight of her glistening pussy. A whine catches in her throat, allowing you to see in real time her strength and tenacity fail her beneath you. The demon man was nowhere to be found here. You tamed that spirit and contained her in your chambers. You reduced it from a spirit to a man to a moaning, wanton little tart.
“Keep your legs spread and I’ll give you what you came here for.” You order swiftly, to which she nods and complies, spreading her legs further apart. You eagerly adjust your position so that you are resting on your stomach, Mizu’s thighs on either side of your head and your mouth just above her wet cunt. With only an aroused groan as a warning, your tongue descends onto her slick folds, eagerly lapping up the wetness that coated her lovely skin. It was positively obscene, the color and taste of her, the slurping sounds across the room and her whimpering cries as months of stress and anger fell away under your tongue. The poor thing couldn’t even keep her thighs from squeezing around your head, effectively trapping you against her pussy— but it was no matter. Your tongue swirled and massaged what it could reach while the tip of your nose rutted against her clit. Slowly, surely, readily— her raspy, hoarse voice bloomed into something far sweeter, and you could feel the ice around your heart melting. This was the Mizu you knew, without the clothes and glasses and false identity. This Mizu was the one you owned.
You feel her getting close, as it was always obvious with her. You felt her thighs squeezing around your head, felt them shake and tense while her hips bucked against you and her breathing grew more desperate. You feel it, she feels it— she wants it so bad she sobs into her palm. You both know better.
You pull away with a wet, obscene sound, ignoring Mizu’s frustrated groan into her fist. Your lips and chin are wet with her taste and both of your bodies are shining with sweat.
“What? Were you close?” You ask huskily, readjusting yourself so that your body hovers over hers, your fingers pushing in and out of her gushing warmth. You start with two, massaging her insides into relaxation, molding her to your desires. She impatiently pushes her hips against you, holding you in a desperate embrace. You do not hurry, you don’t even respond as you take her lips in yours, letting her taste herself coating your tongue. It was a messy, depraved display— one that made her noticeably wetter around your fingers. Her nails claw into the fabric over your body, tugging it off.
“Take yours off too…” she says in between breaths, eyes half lidded and watery with want.
“You think you can take it already?” You ask slowly, dead serious. Mizu nods, a slow and deliberate thing. Who are you to argue now?
“It’s bigger than the other one. You sure?” You ask again, making slow, hard motions against her wet clit.
“[Reader]…” she gasps, carrying a note of exasperation, her hands now trembling against you. “Please…!”
You laugh, breathless, exhilarated. Your lips gently press against her forehead, a soft ‘wait here’ and a quick trip to the corner of your bedroom later, you retrieve it.
You commissioned this piece long before you knew Mizu would return. Your very own harigata, hard as a tortoise shell, ribbed and heavy in size and weight. You expressed your desire to be able to attach it to yourself to please your lovers and so the artist complied. You held it up with one hand, allowing Mizu to gauge at the weight and size before stuffing it with warm cotton dipped in the previously boiled water at your side. Mizu hasn’t even noticed the servant come in, far too immersed in watching you align the phallus to her soaking cunt. She feels the heat through the tortoise shell and whimpers, hips trembling before she spreads her legs further apart. The head was already pushing against her hole, oh so ready to slip inside. Just as you mean to push yourself in, Mizu makes a strangled little noise and you cease in your tracks.
“Yes?” You ask, already breathless.
“It’s big…” she says, repeating the words you said earlier. You laugh, endeared.
“Yes. You want it smaller?” You ask again, but she shakes her head no.
She licks her dried lips before she swallows. “Don’t hold back.”
Unable to control yourself, you laugh, head falling beneath your shoulders and against her collarbone. Fuck.
“Tell me when you’re ready.”
You feel her nervousness in the tension of her body. As aroused as she was, it had been some time since she’s seen you. You begin with slow, shallow thrusts to get her accustomed to the feel, not going halfway until you hear her get noticeably impatient.
“Hold on, puppy. I don’t want to hurt you…” you say, but you push yourself in deeper to quiet her whimpers. The ribbed surface rutting in and out of her wet heat had its obvious effects. Her knees shake where they are around your hips and her head arches back as she moans, voice breaking. The harigata was doing everything it was designed to do and more. Mizu was falling apart so beautifully and you weren’t even fully inside.
Slower thrusts, still quick but less shallow, and she moves her arms to wrap around your neck in a tender embrace, holding your back to keep herself present. With you.
Some time passes, and you push yourself in further. You feel some natural resistance, Mizu’s breath hitching. You pause and pull away somewhat to check for her expression, finding her eyes wet with tears dripping down flushed cheeks. Her chest is rising and falling in ragged breaths as she struggles to compose herself long enough to get a sentence out.
“No! No, don’t stop. [Reader], please don’t stop,” she whines, cradling your face. You obliged and continued, though far slower than the pace you were going before. Mizu openly whimpers at this loss before she intertwines her legs around your hips by her ankles, keeping you close.
“Could that princess give you what I can?” You say suddenly, still feeling that burst of envy possess you as you rut your hips forward with a precision that only hours of fantasies and failed attempts to recreate Mizu’s body could give you. A shuddering, wanton moan later, Mizu’s hand flies over her mouth. You take that hand by her wrist and pin it to the floor, still thrusting your hips against hers with purpose and vigor. Not all the way in, not yet. “Well?” You ask. You demand.
“N-no…no she can’t…” Mizu damn near sobs, and possession coils in your gut as you push the harigata to reach new depths. Her moans are pitched and broken, you feel and see her falling apart. The poor thing felt so full, unsure what to even make of the delicious stretch your phallus provided or the hot arousal that being beneath you gave her. To some degree, she was yours, and you both knew it.
Feeling pleased with her state as she answered, you finally and gently push yourself in entirely, making her back arch and moans echo across your chambers like they did so long ago. The harigata’s other end pushes against you, makes you groan at the pressure. You look down at her whorish expression, her inky black hair spread like a halo around her head. You see her flushed skin shining with sweat, you see the tremble in her body and think about how much longer you’ll have to go without it.
“You don’t even know what you do to me…” You begin to ramble without thinking, words flowing like water from your tongue while Mizu moans beneath you.
You can’t help the way your hips begin to plow against hers, you can’t help the strength and ferocity that possesses you when you think of the distance that will be between the two of you. When you think of who she could meet and compare you to. When you think of yourself in the future, in bed, alone, aching for a body that will not be there. You cannot control the desire in your body when your hips move in a way that can only be described as primal, and she takes it all. Mizu has always taken what you give her so well, and it wasn’t long before you were both panting each other’s name against your skins, the room now hot and stuffy and reeking of sex. Her voice reaches a certain pitch, her nails claw into the silken fabric of your kimono, and you can tell she’s closer than ever.
A warm flower of pride bloomed in your chest as you realized that one day, if all went well, you could keep her for yourself. You’d no longer spend the lonely nights in your palace inviting women of the night to give you company. You’d no longer need to bear the crushing loneliness in your bed — not when Mizu’s mission would fail and she’d realize her rightful place at your side. Safe and warm. Protected. Yours.
You imagine fucking her day and night when she returns until she’s sore and trembling, unable to stand without your assistance. The mental image and the emotions it ignites inside of you make you openly and shakily moan in sync with her, and the two of you cum in each other's embrace. She’s damn near bitten through the silk of your kimono by now, drool coating the luxurious fabric. By now, she’s hardly the image of dignified, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
You pull yourself off of her with nothing but a smooth roll of your hips and a near-violent shudder from the body beneath you. By then, it had all blurred together into a hazy memory of warm candlelight, golden skin, and warm, damp towels running along Mizu’s body and freshly fetched water poured into her waiting mouth. You only remember the rest you won for yourself that night, the two of you wrapped in a tangle of limbs and half torn fabric, warm.
But you wake up cold, and you recall why she came by in the first place.
“Would it be too burdensome to stay?” You implore, voice breaking with sleep and heartache. That worn, raggedy kimono is once again wrapped around her figure, her bandages back on. Her very aura is cold and distanced, and the weight of her decision truly settles into your skin.
“We can be happy, you know.” You say, almost pleading but with far too much pride to let it show. “I am in the mountains, far from the city. No white man could find you here,” You can’t being yourself to stand. You watch as her expression morphs from one of sorrow and pity to one of distrust, distaste, and near-resentment. Whether it is directed to you or her father, you cannot be sure.
With her back to you and her voice in the tone of a man’s, she bids you goodbye.
You find that— more than anyone— you want her quest of revenge to fail.
How you despised her.
And oh, how you missed her.
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handsoffmysquirrel ¡ 13 days
"Real love"
(TW: Mentions of SA and cheating)
That's what he says....
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Yet it really doesn't feel like he loves her the way he says he does. Even after watching these two get married, it doesn't feel as authentic as it should.
Which is why I'm giving examples of his "love" for Persephone
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Starting off with the earlier examples, all Hades feels for Persephone is lust, just straight lust.
Yet two weeks after knowing her, he claims to be in love with her.
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Then there's the boundary overstepping
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Even in the earlier seasons, he oversteps her boundaries. She literally told him she didn't care about the photographer, she didn't care how people perceived her by this tabloid. Yet here he goes and pulls out the guy's eye in the name of "justice". Now tell me, would you go and hurt someone who hurt someone else you're infatuated by under the name of "justice"? Probably not (I would hope not anyways 😭). What really gets me is how he did this for Persephone, but you would have never seen him do this for Minthe despite the fact that THEY WERE DATING!!
Not only does he overstep a boundary there, but during the trial he asks Persephone about Apollo, and how he assaulted her. Persephone dodges the question as she is already completely overwhelmed by the trial, but screw that Hades just has to know!!! After a guilty feeling Persephone gives him an answer, he (almost) makes the same stupid mistake again, hurting someone who hurt her under the name of "justice". You would think after talking this issue out with her the first time he would've learned his lesson but no 💀 the mummified blueberry has to have his way. (I am in no way defending Apollo in this situation but Jesus, Hades needs to fucking chill 😭).
As mentioned earlier, Hades would never do these things for Minthe. He would have never gone and killed someone for Minthe. For someone who's his supposed girlfriend, he really does not give two shits about her. Speaking of which...
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He has cheated on Minthe multiple times with Persephone with all the flirting behind her back when they were still together. All for someone he JUST MET a little after he was supposed to propose to Minthe. He was going to make Minthe his wife and drops it all for someone he just met. I'm aware he was settling when dating Minthe, but dude, dropping a huge commitment in the name of "love at first sight" is so messy. It makes you think if he really even loves the women he's dated the way he says he does 🤦🏽‍♀️.
Hades is a selfish, sloppy, perverted man when it comes to Persephone. His "love" for her is all just lust and infatuation. He fell for her so fast, and he never stopped to think if he really loves her the way he says he does. It truly shows how messy their relationship is, and how messy he is of a lover to her.
Also PSA, falling in love fast is not a bad thing, just really think about it first, get in touch with your emotions before pulling a Hades. ✌🏽
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galamalion ¡ 22 days
Not a request per say but I’ve been thinking about Mizu and a jealous reader, like imagine reader walks in on Mizu and Akemi during the little fight at Madam Kaji’s, when Mizu pins down Akemi, like I just can’t get the interaction out of my head 😂😂😂 Mizu surprised and flustered at being caught in a kinda compromising position, Akemi annoyed and struggling beneath her, and the reader also surprised and visibly upset/jealous 😭😭😭😭😭😭 I also can’t help but picture a panicked Mizu trying to explain to reader, “it wasn’t what it looked like, she was attempting to kill me!” 😭😭😭😭😭
LOL yeah, i could see mizu being way more flustered than reader is jealous. just immediately waving her hands all embarrassed by the situation, while akemi is just looking so confused. i'd imagine that reader would hear the noises (like the prostitutes did) but think that mizu was actually fighting someone, so they'd rush to help her! ...and then find her on top of akemi, panting and with messy hair.... actually, reader isn't jealous, just turned on.
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walpu ¡ 3 months
when ur done with the main story i'd love to hear your thoughts on it! (I'm only half way done rn tho ....)
So. I've just finished the quest. Hoyo got me good ngl. Sorry if it's bit messy I'm still in shambles
Spoilers for v.21 bellow!!!
So happy Aven is alive like literally so relieved. I was so anxious about it I started worrying I won't be able to work tomorrow if something happens to him lmao.
I was very happy that the way I characterize Aven in my head played out in the game but at the same time I was low-key devastated.
It was nice to see that he can be playful and a bit silly, like when he and Ratio were solving puzzles and getting on each other's nerves. It was also nice to see that his masks slips easier and more often than I thought. Honestly everything about him is just so peak fiction like he's cunning and low-key manipulative but he's also very sentimental, he says the end justifies the meaning and says that betrayal is a tool he can use but he actually refuses to sacrifice others and says that he considers it to be a dirty game. Like he's soooooooooo
Also "future" Aventurine. Evil shadow self lmao. He was fascinating because on one hand he low-key represents Aventurine's mask. However he also represents the pent up negative emotions and thoughts he has towards himself. Which is cool because I mean who knows what hides underneath the mask better than the mask itself.
I'm happy he started his journey to self acceptance thought. Like to be honest I'm very satisfied with the way his arc was written. Hated to see him in pain but it's cool they gave him the space to be broken and vulnerable in front of the player, addressed his past and how it affects him.
Topaz was surprisingly nice when talking about him I thought she can't stand his ass. She did sound sad when talking about him "dying" so I presume she DOES care. And so does Ratio!!!!! I hope hoyo will explore Aven's relationships with them and his arc will lead to him realizing that there are people who care about him regardless of his status.
Outside of Aven's arc. I like the way Sunday was written. We didn't spend much time with him but I feel like they did the most out of it like you can see what kind of person he is. Obviously there's more to learn but still. That being said, I can't stand his ass 😭 He gave me the ick during his scene with Sparkle and after 2.1 I don't think I'll find it in myself to ever like him but we'll see, after all I was sure I won't like Aven since he works for the IPC but here we are.
And about the final twist. Yeah. Didn't see tgat coming and thanks god I didn't spoil it for myself. That being said, I don't think Gallagher would actually kill someone, so I think the angelic siblings will be fine.
Also. Aven's boss form is sexy af I was staring at him and his little slutty waist when Luocha decided to intervene with his "what is it we're waiting for? 🙄🙄🙄" Like??? Boy be quite??????
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glamrock-azbear ¡ 11 months
My ✨Ruin✨ Experience (Story Spoilers, be forwarned)
God damn Gregory, wasn’t enough to damage to animatronics you had to light the bitch ablaze too?
Ooo, HUD looking fine
Who needs a flashlight? I’ve got light up shoes!
Ah, yes, I remember breaking Chica’s ankles in this lobby…
Gregory kinda sounding sus
Okay, now super sus
Of course I’d have to go the long way around. If I were Gregory, I’d be at Roxy Raceway in half a minute (adjust crocs)
Cassie could’ve died counter: 1
Ladders are a really interesting addition… but the ability to look around concerns me
Vent… Tiny Music Man?
Cassie could’ve died counter: 2
Atrium Kitchen
This kitchen dirty af
Cassie could’ve died counter: 3
Chica there is no need—
Nevermind, she cool… for now
How’d this area get so messy? When the Pizzaplex crumbled there was nothing here
Welcome back to “Kids becoming technicians” Today’s guest: Cassie!
Two hands are better than one (Why didn’t you think of that Gregory?)
Backstage Area
Oh, hey, this looks familar… where’s Monty?
Oh sh—
Cassie could’ve died counter: 4
Found Monty BTW, me and the homies hate Monty now
Monty Golf
Lovely, 5 minutes in the Pizzaplex and not a single pizza, but I’m almost killed four times
I’m definitely down here with Monty, aren’t I?
Map Bot’s been rebranded, Map Bot will be missed 😔
I wish my virtual plushies were real
I refuse to believe an AR mask that should only let you see AR elements would allow someone to phase through objects
Must look super trippy to people observing from a different POV
“Look mom—” (Clips through wall)
Surprising the other animatronics are event still alive given it seems most charging stations have been decimated
Freddy’s probably still in Low Power Mode, unless Gregory jailbroke him
Gregory search history: How to jailbreak Freddy Fazbear
Of course the only surviving thing in all of Monty Golf would be the Monty Golf Arcade Game (I’m not telling you how long I played)
Can I take my chances with the electric door?
Something tells me a rabbit is behind all this…
So can Monty crawl through this area? I hope not, I’m not that fast
LSD jumpscare! Too bad I say “no” to drugs (takes off Vanni Mask)
Oh shit— Monty quiet af
What? I already deactivated the nodes so open up— Oh… I deactivated the Wet Floot Bot… oops
I don’t care that Monty crushed himself with a wood plank, I’m running and not looking back
The Daycare
So is Moon gonna be hunting me? Cause like none of the ending explicitly showed him being destoryed so—
Well there he is
Oh, he’s insane
And he’s Peter Pan
Can I get my free weapon now?
I’m surprised the Generators are still around
You know, if Gregory had a FazWrench, maybe he wouldn’t have to have gotten physical
So Eclipse is real? Check that off the list, now where’s Ballon Boy?
He really loves slamming them doors
One thing I’m grateful for is Moon not being a menace this time around
Ah shit— the night ticklers
Nu Uh— they give eye contact 💀
I thank the Basement for reminding me that the night ticklers are not to be trifled with
They killed Comedy Bot 😭
Vanny Cameo, she is literally getting more screentime than in SB here lol
Also damn, from another POV she was literally chasing Gregory in broad fluorescent light
Oh sh— he got m— wait it’s and Endo?
WTF happened?
Oh sh— oh it’s a giant Endo… welp, into the throat
Girl being dramatic for what
Bruh I can’t run—
Hm, so the Monty Carts still work… interesting
Confirmed, Monty is the Band’s adopted child
Bonnie passed the torch fam— HE PASSED THE TORCH—
Oh yeah… the Pizzaplex is run down…
Monty Golf Catwalks
Cassie could’ve died counter: 5
And I’m back
Another Monty fight up here and Monty finna lose more than his bottom half this time
Navigating this area reminds me of something… (Insert ToTK Fire Temple)
Proof all comic endings were drawn by Gregory
Suddenly: Portal 2
The Pizzaplex is out to get Cassie— I’m convinced
Portals don’t transfer velocity do they?
Oh my—
Don’t rush me, Gregory, I’m doing the best I can (Misses another target)
“I’m sorry little one…” (Deactivates Wet Floor Bot)
Wait, if the Monty Cart I was riding in to get here derailed, then why isn’t this one?
Basement Kitchen
R. I. P. Pizzabot, he didn’t make it to Ruin
Chica’s Bakery
Chica in a silly, goofy mood 🤭
The cupcake does not approve of the vibe
Chica, honey, you’re being a bit too silly now
Ok, someone here is shitting battery acid all over the Pizzaplex and didn’t tell me, not cool dudes…
Cassie knows the drip must stay clean
Fire has done a number on Chica’s awareness
Chica’s Feeding Frenzy!
Server Room
Okay, so, where exactly am I?
Freddy Foreshadowing
So if I could take off the mask right now, what would I see.
How’s LSD Trap gonna be all big and do nothing
Roxy’s Salon
They really said “Feel free to play our arcade games! Just not princess quest…”
Oh shit— wait, so like after Roxy antagonized Gregory in the Afton Battle, she leaves and comes here?
Legit proof that when Roxy said “You have no friends” to Gregory, she meant it
This area is actually much better than its counterpart with all the staff bots
Yeah, “Gregory” saying not to get police or adults involved is sus
Absolutely valid reason to be mad but how would Roxy know Gregory took her eyes, what did she see him do it?
Apology accepted
She’s totally gonna save me later isn’t she
Bruh, he’s a real gator now
You know, with how high I’ve seen that demon jump, I would’ve though jumping on a floating piece of debris would be nothing
Wait, so if he was in the water the whole time being a menace, then why did he die now?
Roxy Raceway
Ok but with this place in such a destroyed state, who’s to say I couldn’t just break the floor to the sinkhole?
Roxy no— I thought we were friends! 😭
Als what was that hitbox
Runaway go-kart—
Cassie could’ve died counter: 6
Bonnie Bowl
The Mystery Mix is gone 😫
So… we gonna work with Bonnie? That little show earlier feels like a sign 😏
Oop— Mini Music Man… looks like he’s gonna be here, but I mean I can step on one—
Oh… He joined a gang
And with amazing strategy I lure the gang away— and there’s still one here!
Ok fair, it’s more believable that it takes 3 to take down a child
Gasp— FredBonnie? In my Pizzaplex?!
They were sadistic for giving these robots feelings
Fazer Blast
Vanny’s hideout is wrecked
And they said “No Princess Quest!” again
What are the chances of me getting a FazerBlaster?
0 apparently…
There’s Daddy Deady
Wait— “Prototype?”
Mmm… so… yeah… that thing Freddy said about other Freddys… yeah… yikes
Ok but why tho—?
He got a present inside him
Yes, I tried to claim the present, didn’t work
Uh… wait, so he wasn’t real?
Oh lovely… the Mini Music Man’s back
Bruh, I was already out of the vent, how’d he kill me
Roxy Raceway Sinkhole
The Plushies show the future
That “Save me Cassie” sounding kinda skinwalker-y
Was there always a vent there?
Oh lord
Well to be fair, deactivating her seems to be the only real path, don’t think I can lift a forklift (I’m not forklift certified)
She probably can’t either (Roxy not looking too forklift certified either)
Ok, but, how did Roxy get pinned?
With all the destroyed locations, this area looks the least destroyed now
You know, with how weak the fence seemed, did we really need Monty’s claws?
How is the elevator back?
Holy shit, the legend— Candy Cadet!
Yep, that story checks out for potential skinwalker ending
Afton’s Lair
It be so wild to run into Afton’s corpse corpse here
Wonder if the Blob is still hanging around
Also now being in this side it’s actually strange that there’s working cameras and a flame button on the other side
So you’re telling me villainy is stronger the lower you go
Ooo— the boss fight—
Nevermind, he ded I guess
Haha! Now I’m forklift certified!
Gregory, I didn’t kill you with the Forklift did I?
Yep, definitely a skinwalker
Ooo— called it!
Also, hey, didn’t I deactivate you?
Yep, Fuck that
Ok but I’m still using the same walkie the fake was contacting me with so who’s to say there aren’t two fakes?
R. I. P. Roxy, hope you get to see Monty again
If I had my crocs in sports mode, I could total dust you
How do I know I can trust you (Goes opposite direction, find dead end) ok fair
Do I really have time for this?
So like where is Gregory contacting me from
Or even how?
Also another level to this place, what?
Oh, guess she just dead then
Oh fuck she’s fucking dead
So you’re telling me Chica and Eclipse are still alive
Y’all can’t do that— Roxy is too?
Wait, where’s Vanes/anny in all this mess?
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ddejavvu ¡ 11 months
I haven’t seen anyone write ghost!reader helping the BAU solve her own case…like knocking things over to get their attention or play eerie songs to give hints😭
For FBI specialists, these guys suck. They've spent 20 minutes looking through your bedroom, and not once have they gone through the shoes in your closet, where one is tucked carefully away with a blood-stained heel. You'd driven it into your killer's eye just before he'd stuck his own weapon into your stomach, and you'd watched him put it neatly away in its place as you bled out.
"Y'know, I think we are looking at victims of opportunity," A tall, lanky one muses, hair in messy waves down to his shoulders as his slender hands hold your journal that you're not too happy he's reading. "There's nothing in here that indicates any sort of high-risk lifestyle, or anything that connects Y/N to the other victims. I think she just had her window open, and that was enough."
"I think you're right, Reid. This doesn't exactly look 'high-risk' to me." Another speaks, the dark tone of his skin a stark contrast against the white button-up he's holding out from your closet.
"But there's still something missing," Reid hums, peering confusedly around the room, "I mean, the other victims lived miles away. So if these really are opportunity kills, this guy's driving across the country and perusing neighborhoods to kill? That's not very probable."
"No. There's something else," The bigger one agrees, kneeling by the stain of your blood against the carpet. You watch on from the corner of the room, waiting for him to tuck his fingers just beneath the edge of the bed and withdraw the token that had fallen there when your killer had flailed about in the loss of his eye.
He doesn't.
You groan with frustration, but neither of them hear it. You're tired of waiting, tired of watching, tired of hoping they crack the case. You lunge for the bed, sending a breeze against the bottom of the comforter and rippling it so that the coin is visible for a split second.
The bulky agent's eyes widen slightly at the unexplainable draft, his thick brows dipping in concern. But he's seen the shiny coin, and he lets out a tsk as he examines it.
"Morgan? What's wrong?" Reid glances over at him, "Is that-?"
"A train token," Morgan drawls, "'Guess we know how this guy's getting around."
"Where did you find that?"
"It was under the bed." Morgan recalls, "It was... weird. There was this little breeze, like- like someone moved the comforter. That's the only reason I saw it. Would've missed it otherwise."
Reid's eyebrows arch curiously, then a smirk slides over his lips, "Maybe it was a ghost."
"There's no such thing as ghosts, pretty boy." Morgan scoffs, standing up straight with the token in hand, "Let's go, we've gotta deliver the profile- ah!"
Before they can walk out the door, you grab the shoe from your closet, flinging it at Morgan's ankle in retaliation for his rather rude comment. He jumps nearly a foot in the air, looking down at your bloody heel in terror.
"That just- that just hit me! It flew out of the closet, and- no, man, I'm not doing this. Fuck- fuck this, I'm going back to the car."
"It's bloody," Reid crouches to examine the shoe, warily glancing at the closet it had flown from, "Go ahead, Morgan, I'll just be a second."
"That is why white people die in horror movies," Morgan spits, already beelining for the front door, "I don't fuck with ghosts!"
When he's gone, Reid is silent. He snaps pictures of the heel, only touching the mess after it's been sufficiently recorded. There's some obscene mush that rubs off onto his finger and he grimaces, inspecting the remains.
"It's an eye," He murmurs to himself, but you hear it from where you're crouched right beside him. He has a pretty face, Morgan wasn't lying. He peers curiously once more at the closet, and you slide yourself into his line of vision as if he can see you. It's refreshing to have someone look at you again, even if they don't know they are.
Reid stands, taking your heel with him. He digs a plastic bag out of his pocket and slides the heel inside, gloves stained the same unsettling color. He starts for the door, finished with his investigation, but he lingers just before he can exit your bedroom. You're standing just behind him, intent on walking the man out and watching him drive away.
He turns back, gaze aimed towards the closet that's no longer occupied by your supernatural throwing arm.
"Thank you," He speaks, "I believe you're real. And I hope this- uh, finishes your business here. I hope you get to rest soon."
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“You’re leaving,” the villain whispered.
“Have I ever told you about my favourite part of hooking up with you?”
The villain looked up from their coffee. I have a mission. I’ll be back in three months. The words echoed in their mind, feasting on it like a wicked parasite. Three months were endurable but that didn’t make the situation painless.
“I suppose finishing?” the villain guessed. The hero laughed and the villain realised they could get drunk on this sound. God, they felt like a fucking clown, longing for someone they weren’t supposed to have.
No one had ever made the villain feel loved. A difficult childhood, traumatising teenage years and horrible first years of being an adult made them feel worthless at best and redundant at worst.
“I mean, I like that part a lot, don’t get me wrong. Especially when you actually do let me finish.” The villain felt their cheeks burn. Sometimes they feared they were going too far but the hero seemed to enjoy to be told what to do. “But no. My favourite part is when you’re sleepy in the morning and the early sun dips your face in orange light. You always look so soft.”
“I am not soft,” the villain reminded them.
“Not always,” the hero agreed. “But despite what you want the world to believe, I’ve seen the truth and you can’t take that from me.”
“You’re leaving,” the villain said again. They looked at the hero on the opposite side of the table. Messy hair, sleepy eyes, bruised neck. There were even some older hickeys on their chest from another session a few days ago. The villain didn’t want them to disappear.
“I have no choice. It’s my job.” They sighed and took a sip of tea.
“We always have a choice.” The villain’s voice was as bitter as their thoughts. The hero would leave them. They would forget about them. They would find someone else. Three months were enough to forget.
“Oh, don’t be angry with me,” the hero said gently. “You’ll find another way to relieve stress. It’s just three months. You’ll find that I’m pretty easily replaceable when it comes to lovers.”
“I don’t want another way,” the villain said. They felt how angry they were getting. They wanted one person. Just one person on this entire earth. Of course that was too much to ask for.
The hero observed them for a while. They didn’t say anything at first but when they did, their voice was soft enough to invoke some kind of melancholy in the villain.
“Is this getting to you?”
“You wouldn’t understand it,” the villain answered. They stared at nothing in particular, angry at themselves, angry at the world, angry at destiny or whatever the fuck was controlling their way.
“I’m fairly certain I’d be the only one who’d understand,” the hero said. They’d always been good at soothing the villain. It was scary how synchronised their thoughts could be.
“Fine. This is getting to me. I can’t explain it. But I’m afraid I’ll always think of you when I look into my future spouse’s eyes in a decade or so. I’m afraid that I’ll always see a fraction of you when I’m in bed with someone else. And now you’ll leave me and I won’t be able to kill those thoughts. There won’t be any reassurance without you.”
“You know I will return, right?” The hero smiled sweetly at them, their beautiful eyes shining. “We can figure it out, I promise.”
“Then why does this feel like a goodbye for good?”
The hero leaned forward and took the villain’s hand.
“Because you’re overthinking. Everything will be alright, I promise. We’ll see each other in three months, I promise.” They squeezed their hand and the villain’s heart skipped a few beats.
However, the hero never returned. They died a day before the mission was completed.
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dontbesoweirdkira ¡ 3 months
If you don't mind yandere Vito alphabet please 🙏
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A/N: This isn’t the full Alphabet but here’s a little teaser. Doing the full Alphabet in one go is difficult but if there’s a specific one you want let me know😭😭
Warnings: toxic and abusive behavior
Requests: open 24/7
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Every single person from the mafia Trilogy is willing to get their hands dirty. This is absolutely ridiculous to even consider.
Like if Vito killed for not only his country but for some random dude named Falcone, don’t you think he’d kill for you? His precious heart. I think he’d be more brutal than the rest tho….our soldier boy definitely knows a gnarly way to take someone out.
He refuses to do this in front of you though. He doesn’t believe a pretty lady like you should ever taint your eyes with seeing him slit that dude’s throat. That’s for him to handle downtown while you stay all cozy locked away in his apartment.
Probably will beat up a guy in front of you though but first he’d tell you to close your eyes or to go get in the car.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
I don’t think Vito wants children and all that yip yap like the Salieri men want.
Marriage is on the table tho.
Ultimately he wants to play the game a little longer so he’ll have more than enough money to take you out of Empire Bay and give you a better life. He wants a beautiful home in someplace nice quiet where there’s no chance of running into another mobster.
He’s going to give you everything that he couldn’t give to his mother before her passing. You’re going to have a beautiful life, even if you don’t actually want it with him. You have no choice. Vito hand picked you to be his companion. You should be grateful
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
He definitely does get very jealous, it’s just not always easy to tell. He keeps the same resting bitch face at every occasion, so is he actually upset or is there no thought happening?
There are thoughts and it’s about which way he should dispose of the body.
I’d argue and say he gets more up in arms about you looking at someone or interacting with another man than the reverse happening. You’re attractive and he knows men look at you, doesn’t mean he’s okay with it but for you to look sends him in a spiral. Yeah it doesn’t matter that you just glanced in his general direction and you weren’t even looking at him….he’s pissed.
“Aye! What the fuck are you looking at, princess? Huh? You think he’s cute or something? Well let me tell you a cute little secret, you’ll be cleaning his blood off of my shoes tonight.”
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Not exactly? He is Vito no matter what but maybe with you his heart is worn on his sleeves a little bit more? Like he grew up around a mama's boy he undeniably has a soft spot for the women he loves. You can get away with a hell of a lot.
More than most can with him. Your snarky comments and fighting doesn’t phase him. Neither does your immature and other kinds of behavior.
He still wants to spoil and take care of you the best way he possibly can. He especially loves physical contact with you. The times when you’ve yourself worn down enough to curl into his chest are his favorite times.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
He’s actually incredibly patient with you. Vito is rather patient in general, well compared to how he could be. His emotions are usually kept well under wraps and he does fair with stressful situations. This was something learned from being in the military. When you have other men's lives on the line, you learn to keep it light.
There are sometimes where this patience wavers and it’s usually during the times when you’re being incredibly difficult.
Having another meltdown after trying to escape for the fourth time this week. This man is becoming increasingly more frustrated and he couldn’t help but to snap at you.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
Hell naw! That man don’t give a single fuck.
Why would he? He’s delusional about this entire situation, there is no rational thought happening!!!
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
The screaming and crying he expected. That’s all his sister did growing up lol. Jk.
The isolation tho,,,that would get to him. When he comes home from a long day, ideally he wants to be greeted with open arms and loving words. Not to be searching the house, only find you curled up in the closet.
This shatters his delusion for the moment and Vito absolutely hates it. Seeing you waste away in this isolation kills him. He has to literally drag you out and force you to do basic tasks. Why can’t you just love him like he loves you??? You can’t even just pretend? Why is this so hard for you?
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling?
He thinks of you like this pure little angel who could do no wrong. You’re absolutely innocent to him, even when you’re guilty.
You could spit on the mayor and he’d defend you to hell and back.
Very old fashioned in his thinking where he doesn’t believe women should do or be around certain things. He keeps his business very private, doesn’t share anything about the military unless it’s a lighthearted story, doesn’t kill or be overly violent in front of you.
He also even tries to not curse or smoke so much in front of you too but…he can’t help it.
With this said tho, Vito has limits and he will flip if you ever cross a line. He has some unspoken rules for your “relationship” and it can get rather complicated if you break them.
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iliaclwrites ¡ 2 years
Would you do one of cheerleader!reader coming to school crying bc she hit a bunny on her way there and Eddie just comforting her but also trying not to laugh 💀😭 and maybe even hellfire clowning her too if you want lmao I hit one before and I was so sad and I saw a tiktok of a girl crying bc she hit one too and I got reminded of it 😭
warnings: animal death
The boy whipped around as the blur of pink and white hurled itself into his arms. He immediately tightened his grip around you as you buried your head in his chest, clawing your hands into the collar of his jacket as you blubbered into his shirt.
"Whoa, whoa, pom poms," Eddie said, cradling your head gently. "Babygirl, what's happening? Everything okay?" He pulled away from you and his eyes widened when he saw you were crying. "Oh, Jesus, are you okay? What happened? Are you safe?"
"I-- I hit him!" you managed, swallowing thickly. Eddie blanched. "I didn't mean to! I wasn't looking where I was going! And he. Just. Into the middle of the road. And I couldn't swerve in time, and I. I killed him!"
Eddie squared his shoulders and took you by the hand, pulling you into a slightly more secluded corner. "Okay. Right. Did anyone see?"
You shook your head, sniffling.
"Okay. That's good. Did you just leave the body there?" he asked, and pressed his hands to your cheeks. "Hey, hey, pom poms. It's gonna be fine. I know people who know people. Nothing's gonna happen to you, okay? Nothing. You're gonna be safe."
You nodded, swiping at your tears. "I just left him there. I couldn't bear it. He was so small."
Eddie swore quietly. "A kid? Fuck. Okay. That's fine." He sucked his teeth noisily, and wrapped his arms around you. "It's fine, pom poms. We're gonna have to lay low a while. Although, you should probably turn yourself in. If he just ran out, then it's not your fault. A kid, pom poms. Christ, this is messy." He ran a hand through his hair and looked up at the sky. "We could always go on the run."
You glanced up at him. "Wh-- Turn myself in?" you asked, blinking at him. "What, are they endangered here, or something?"
It was Eddie's turn to stare at you in confusing. "Huh?"
"Rabbits," you clarified. "Are they endangered here?"
"No, they're pests, I thi--" He stopped. "Wait. Babe. Did you hit a fucking rabbit?"
Your eyes welled at the memory. "I didn't mean to! It just jumped out! And it was so cute, and small, and it just went. Squish. Under the wheels." You looked down at the ground. "It was awful."
"Jesus fucking Christ," Eddie said, and you snapped your head up to look at him. He was laughing, eyes wide and manic. "Pom poms, you scared the shit out of me. Just a rabbit. Just a fucking rabbit. Halle-goddamn-lujah."
You frowned. "Yes, just a rabbit," you repeated slowly. "Why, what did you think I hit?" You paused, rewinding the conversation. "Wait, holy shit, Edward. You thought I killed someone? You were going to run from the law with me?"
Eddie laughed, panicked, and slung an arm over your shoulder to steer you back to where the group were watching you all curiously. "What, me? Haha. Nope." He shook his head. "A fucking rabbit."
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