#this is my biggest blorbo factor
boxenstopp · 5 months
ok whatever hair, waist, chest, eyes. i dont care. does your man have a freaky english accent. does he even speak english. does he say weird shit without batting an eye. when he opens his mouth do you gasp and then realize you dont know what the fuck he's saying. does he-
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thehappiestgolucky · 1 year
I have the feeling that even the most badass and most uncaring of characters in your Blorbo Run would panic slightly when facing certain monsters because seriously Monster Hunter monsters are WACK-
Oh, for sure anon for sure.
I just haven’t gotten to those monsters yet in the Blorbo Run for Mei and Frye to suddenly be fazed by the existence of Zamtrios and good ol’ Khezu itself - not to mention Diablos and even Ratha himself ( :] ) nor have they had the chance to experience the majesty of the Hyperspace Tackle or pure terror of… :)
It may seem all calm now but soon the Blorbo Run characters will see the truly WHACK and genuinely scary cast of creatures Monster Hunter has. I just gotta progress to that point.
Whilst Mei and Frye have had it better seeing the more goofy ones first and being with natives, Blaidd is in a forest filled with at least creatures that may be tough but also recognisable somewhat to his world. Hornet is just keeping well away from noise and signs of more dangerous life (rip when she nearly stabs a group member who managed to catch up to her-) and Leon is - struggling in the middle of nowhere. They’ll get their “Oh shit oh FUCK” in due time
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nerdyqueerr · 11 months
Willow Month day 1: favorite character
To absolutely no one's surprise.
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Now! To be fair! Jade was a close second (the yearning, the complexities, the Strong Woman With Sword), and i do find Boorman absolutely delightful but in the end it has to be Kit. Blorbo material of all times for the following reasons:
Girls (gender neutral) Who Are Their Father gotta stick together
Jade won my heart in the fighting department (due to polearm/sword combo and general Knightliness) but Kit has some really strong and hot combat moments, particularly when she gets clever and cocky about things. She may not have brute strength or full military training but she does have an attitude and some fancy footwork!
Nothing like a bravado loving yet insecure little weirdo to pull on my heartstrings
Because lets face it as cool, confident, and cocky as Kit can be she is also my pathetic queen. From Skellin onwards shes kinda just going around covered in grime with the worlds biggest saddest eyes. And im here for it.
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^get her warm drink and forehead kissies right the fuck now
Anyways #1 blorbo factor tho is obviously her Funky Little Gender. This post is long already so i will not be writing my Kit Tanthalos Gender Thesis but listen to me. Listen to me. Kit hates dresses. And social expectations of ladylike behavior. And all she wants is to be brave and loved and not be a princess!!!!
Done screaming now. Butch icon Prince Kit Tanthalos my beloved
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handwrittenhello · 1 year
PLLM Day 1 Roundup
The day is almost over, and I thought I'd address a few things before the next round begins!
1. Most importantly, PLEASE make sure you're not voting just based on who your blorbo is. There are a billion ways we could find out tumblr's favorite character; this poll is trying to find out who the POOREST LITTLE MEOW MEOW is. Keep factors like sliminess, amount of war crimes committed, and piteousness in mind when voting!
2. It's all fun and games lamenting your personal meow meow of choice not being included, but please don't take inclusion or exclusion of any characters seriously. If you want to make your own bracket, go ahead! We could all meet new meow meows :)
3. BE CIVIL. Keep your threats lighthearted ("I'll tie your shoelaces to the train tracks unless you vote for Harrow", etc.) and your anger in check. This is a silly fun poll. Corollary to that, I've already had to post one warning to an anon who came into my inbox. If you think it's funny to clown and be rude in there when we don't know each other, you're getting blocked. This is your heads up.
4. Time for fun stuff :) Below are some stats and highlights I caught when scrolling through your tags. Under a cut to not flood your dash, and please message me if you want yours removed for any reason.
#1 Underdog: Jiang Cheng (The Untamed)
Fiercest Competition: Jesse Pinkman (Breaking Bad) vs. Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb)
Closest Match: Jonathan Sims (The Magnus Archives) vs. Catra (She-Ra)
Biggest Sweep: Howl Jenkins (Howl's Moving Castle) vs. Daemon Targaryen (House of the Dragon)
Funniest Comments*: Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars) vs. Lestat de Lioncourt (Interview with the Vampire)
*to ME
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laceratedlamiaceae · 10 months
Izzy and Trust
I want to talk about Izzy and trust because I was talking about it with my therapist and projecting onto my blorbos helps me process because I think there's a lot to say about it.
As I have regrettably been made aware recently, trust is essential for forming meaningful connections with other people; why would anyone want to be vulnerable with someone they don't trust not to exploit that vulnerability? And, as I have even more regrettably been made aware recently, having close, meaningful relationships with other people is unfortunately very important for one's mental and emotional well-being.
Izzy is surrounded by pirates and pirates are, generally speaking, not trustworthy. It's safe to assume that he's learned, whether through harsh experience or observation, that he can't trust people (with the exception of Ed--more on that later), and he was right. Our Flag Means Death is set in a comedic world, but the show itself states that pirate culture is "a culture of abuse," along with whatever else Stede says in the first episode. In the environment Izzy has lived in, trust and vulnerability are dangerous and can only lead to harm, and he's been right to avoid them so forcefully.
As a brief aside, the reason Ed is able to so easily open up to Stede is because he isn't making himself very vulnerable by doing so--he's the biggest, baddest pirate on the seas and Stede is just some guy who doesn't know what he's doing, so he isn't risking much by trusting Stede not to use his feelings against him, and Stede would be an idiot to try--Ed could easily destroy him, even if we as the audience know he wouldn't. Izzy, on the other hand, doesn't have that same reputation to protect him.
Trust comes from a sense of belonging (at least, that's what my therapist tells me). Izzy very obviously does not belong on the revenge, so he never has a chance to develop trust in the crew. This isn't an immutable fact--Fang, coming from the same crew as Izzy, is welcomed by the crew of the Revenge (Lucius in particular) and is able to open up fairly quickly, but Izzy doesn't get the same reception.
Izzy may have belonged on Blackbeard's crew to some extent, but even aside from the fact that it was a crew that actively pushed the idea that vulnerability was to be avoided ("the love of a pet makes a man weak," for example), as first mate he was alienated from the others by virtue of being their superior. It's easier to trust an equal than to trust your manager, and belonging to a workplace is different than belonging to a friend group.
Izzy does trust Ed; he's able to openly voice his feelings, even if they are usually ignored, and he believes that Ed will follow through on his promise to kill Stede long after it's become clear to the audience that he won't. This trust comes from Izzy feeling like he belongs with Ed; most of what he does throughout the season is to ensure that he can continue to be with him.
As of the end of season one, Ed violated that trust in an extreme way by entering Izzy's room while he was asleep (the most blatantly vulnerable it's possible for someone to be) and, well, you know what happened next. We briefly get to see Izzy trying to pretend like everything is alright, but it's unclear how long he'll be able to keep up that shallow facade. In season two, Izzy will likely be even more isolated and unable to trust than ever.
One other factor I feel is worth mentioning is that being neurodivergent or mentally ill makes it very difficult for a person to feel like they belong anywhere. Obviously it's impossible to diagnose Izzy with anything for certain, considering that he's a fictional character, but there has been a lot of meta already written analyzing his character from this perspective and it isn't difficult to imagine him with something like autism or anxiety.
I, personally, have anxiety and I see a lot of myself in Izzy. I've always felt like an outsider, even around fellow queer people who I would think I should get along with. Even when I do manage to get marginally close to someone, I'm always on the alert for them to leave or turn on me for doing or saying the wrong thing, and I always make sure to never give them too much of myself so I don't get too hurt. I bring all this up to say that I see all of that in Izzy as well, and I can't fault him for it.
All it takes is a few bad experiences for someone to withdraw like that, and it's hard to stop once you've started. If you've learned to feel like trusting people inevitably leads to betrayal, even if you know that logically that isn't true, why would you ever risk it again? But if you don't take that risk, you can't ever unlearn that belief, and so you just stay withdrawn forever.
What Izzy needs is to find a place he belongs--a place with people he can relate to, where he feels safe and included. Then he can begin the gradual process of learning to trust people, and maybe eventually he can open up and make friends. I'd imagine that if this were to happen, given the fact that Izzy is a secondary character and this show has a pretty short runtime, that it'll happen with the crew of the Revenge.
This is where I would explain how I see that happening, but to be honest I don't. I can only imagine it happening with a new group of people (ideally ones who haven't tried to kill him) who are more like him in terms of personality and aesthetics--more "traditional" pirates, by the standards of the show. Who knows, maybe his role will be expanded, maybe it'll happen offscreen, or maybe the writers will manage to pull it off with the crew of the revenge.
Or maybe Izzy will never learn to trust people and he'll just get worse and then die, but I'm going to choose to ignore that possibility.
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longdeadking · 5 months
dashboard simulator
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👯 crows-on-a-log
guys im literally undergoing a crisis right now can anyone hear me
#my dad goin craaaaazy #he stole the lightbulbs out of my ezbake oven for the fifth time :( #vent post #delete later
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☠️ williamaftonshugepersonality 🔁
😶‍🌫️ boypenis Follow
😃 blogname-here
did yall see the new episode......... glopp sploinky was sooooooooooooo
#im normal about him! #<- blatant lies #media liveblog
(24 notes)
😼 discourse-haver Follow
i just dont see why we have to portray every male character in Media as female....... cant we just leave them male, as the creators intended? lol
🪴 rational-thinker
what world do you live in that people are being forced to hc male characters as female????
😼 discourse-haver Follow
youd understand if you were a fandom elder like me.......
🪴 rational-thinker
your blog is a month old
(104 notes)
😚 trustedmutual 🔁
👙 cup-size-tournament Follow
glopp sploinky propaganda:
he's literally just a cisgender man with 5 minutes of screentime
Woman McAwesome propaganda:
she has a canonical rack, she's a lead character, she's super buff and could crush you, she has an interesting arc and her emotional narrative factors into the main plot in impactful ways
#vote glopp sploinky!!!! #GLOPP SPLOINKY SWEEEEEP!!!!! #thats my husband! fuck woman mcawesome lol
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🖌 supercoolartist 🔁
🖌 supercoolartist
made a little doodle <3
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if you dont reblog my art ill kill you btw <3
#self rb for the morning crowd #glopp sploinky x blorbo C #gloc fanart
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Based on your Likes!
😈 guy-you-have-blocked Follow
hey anyone want to hear the worst take of all time as shown through a low-effort meme that i stole from reddit?
(127,363 notes)
😚 trustedmutual 🔁
💝 fandomroyalty Follow
i would let woman mcawesome step on my face
💝 fandomroyalty Follow 🔁
10k woman mcawesome hornyposting
#happy woman mcawesome hornyposting wednesday
(11,560 notes)
#long post #dashboard simulator
13,498 notes
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🍊 the-real-onceler
all im saying is that homestuck is actually a modern epic poem a la gilgamesh the oddesey the journey to the west etc. essay below the cut if you want me to cite my sources
Read More
#onceler essays #i literally wrote my thesis on this
1,045 notes
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🤡 puns-are-for-losers
goncharov ebby deepy glup shitto blorbo old man yaoi vanilla extract post simulators tournaments tumblr live homestuck 2 barbenheimer. we didnt start the fire
656,099 notes
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🦋 axels-random-blog 🔁
🌹 girluterus Follow
what if weevils had tumblr
👤 burrowing-for-goodies-deactivated-2024
guyssss i just found the juiciest tomato to chow down on.... hmu for my location in the garden
150 insectoid notes
🐛 evil-weevil
attention garden dwellers!! do not eat the fresh produce in the southwest corner of the garden!! the humans just sprayed insecticide on them, so if you eat them you will die!!!!
🪲 carapace-is-popping
wtf this is blatant misinfo..... my buddy @burrowing-for-goodies just ate some tomatoes from the southwest corner and hes fine. youre just hoarding bro its so obvious
12k insectoid notes
🪲 carapace-is-popping
hey ummm has anybody seen @burrowing-for-goodies recently? hes not responding to dms. im going to go look for him
🍃 random-bugg
op is your friend ok? what happened?
🪲 carapace-is-popping
4,506 insectoid notes
🔴 girluterus
what was that
10,041 notes
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🔮 the-wizard-hatter
she fireball on my small enclosed space til i TPK
9,156 notes
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💀 longdeadking
do you guys think post simulators have gone too far
1 note
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fishshit · 1 year
i truly think the "a good show makes you crawl on the floor, cry and suffer" mentality tumblr (2010-2016) created is STILL affecting our perception on what is a blorbo or not.
so first of all, let's look at the urban dictionary definition of blorbo:
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NOWHERE on this page is saying a blorbo should be:
you should have a love-hate relationship with them
i'm definitely NOT saying that a blorbo shouldn't be all those things, but these are not necessary for a character to be a blorbo. [Miette (from real life) is a perfect example of this. she's our beloved blorbo and yet she's strong, a genius and non-toxic.]
now, i know most of yall know why i'm writing this. we all are aware of the active warzone tumblr has got going on. now to get to my point,
i know voltron fandom went apeshit over ships, created langst tags and stuff. (tbh i've learned all of these recently) but let's sit and think why. i've mentioned in one of my posts or rbs that the only thing i vividly remember about voltron is the queerbaiting and i know for a fact that queerbaiting was one of the biggest factors of these... actions. now when we look at yoi, we see a rather more peaceful fandom. is it because the show had a weaker chokehold on its fans? absolutely not.
i can assure you if yoi queerbaited us the way voltron did, there would be a chaos. and i'm not saying it in the way fans going crazy is funny or shit, no. i'm saying this as in real life chaos, like fans would threaten the creators or create their own reality. they WOULD remake yoi. there aren't any ship wars because victuuri (victor nikiforov x yuuri katsuki) is the ultimate ship, like there aren't any other possible options. nearly every single fan fell straight for victuuri. now think about how many fans are there and how many of them ships victuuri like they're praying to god itself. victuuri made me cry for DAYS, the plottwist was absolutely brilliant and no, none of these emotions were negative but god knows no show on earth made me feel the way yoi did. i'm not saying yoi is the best show ever or it's flawless. we all know our shows (blorbos are from) are generally not the best medias ever. but the way me and so many other fans bonded with this show, these 2 characters (or maybe 3, i don't like yurio that much) and that ship is indescribable. after watching yoi, i've realised that your favourite show doesn't necessarly need to make you feel like you've been stabbed in the chest bazillion times and suffer. no, it also can make you feel like you're on the verge of exploding with the white and shining happiness and love. i'm also pretty sure that's what most of the yoi fans feel, and also sure that no other show would make me feel the same way i felt while watching yoi.
yuuri katsuki, the man who made me feel all those things along with his husband victor nikiforov, is:
a canon bi king who had a crush on probably the prettiest girl in his childhood town and then got engaged to his lifelong idol (also probably the prettiest man in figure skating and,, the world)
anxious disaster (like, it's canon that he has anxiety and he was quite relatable and important for the fans with anxiety) who manages to say the MOST ridiculous stuff and yet tries his best to communicate with people about his needs and weaknesses
world's one of the best skater yet he's unaware how much of an pride he is for his country, fans and family and how good he is. STILL breaks his idols (literal legend of the figure skating) score
made irl queer people cry over him and figure skaters fall for him
my point is, just because a character doesn't go through hell or make you feel like shit doesn't mean that he isn't a blorbo. you still can think that lance is more of a blorbo, good for you! but i really don't think we need fantasy to feel good.
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spaciebabie · 1 year
Tell me a headcannon about your blorbos that youve wanted to talk about but nobody has given you the chance to yet
springtrap is afraid of water and by extension, the rain (my focus is really on the rain portion of it). idk the concept is just really interesting ta me. the second a drop of rain water hits him this scary sly bastard absolutely breaks down and starts panicking. it cant really do anything anymore, the springlocks already activated 3 decades ago, but its the phantom of the experience of dying that haunts him. the rain is a reminder of his biggest defeat. ive wanted to make some art of this but havent gotten around ta it yet.
i havent been hyperfixated on chara undertale in years but i hced that the reason you start off w/a LV of 1 in undertale was b/c chara already had 1 LV when frisk and chara's soul merged while frisk had zero. obviously 1+0=1 lmao. and its not b/c i think they're a genocidal maniac, but b/c they killed in self defense (which was one of the factors that made them run away and was mostly and accident). and humans being more powerful than monsters means you gain LV a lot easier.
kris deltarune practices laughing evilly in the mirror and makes evil faces at themselves. the murderous look they give you is practiced b/c they're a fucking autistic dork (based on smthn i do irl)
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crystallinestars · 5 days
Hello again!
I do remember talking about shipping as activism a while back, though it's important to keep in mind I'm not from the USA, nor from any English speaking country, I just spend an egregious amount of time in English speaking communities haha
But yeah, I've noticed this trend where some subsections of the fandom will get super attached to their HCs / interpretations and actively preach about it like it's their god-given duty to make sure as many unfortunate souls become the next victims of their "rightful" wrath, basically becoming the blorbo police in a way. I do feel like this could be called activism: there's a lot of focus on identity and a thirst for representation in media so they latch onto the closest thing available (fandom) and engage in discourse. Maybe because many people feel powerless to make any meaningful change 'IRL'?
I was thinking about that (again) the other day and I found a few reasons why this 'activism' always bewilders me, especially with games like HSR or Genshin
1) I feel like there's a CRUCIAL difference to make between "this game / character or whatever is a source of comfort for me as a person with x identity" and "this game is actively and obviously trying to give us representation and you're a fool and probably a x-phobe not to see it". Call this "semantics" all you want, Words mean Things (wowzers), and it's just basic courtesy to communicate intent clearly, instead of always parroting the same 3 tiktok one-liners to sound witty. There's also a difference between headcanons, interpretation, subtext, etc.
2) We've already talked about this but for the love of god can we please please please stop arbitrarily categorizing behaviours, clothes, ways of speaking and so on as "OBVIOUSLY ROMANTIC IN NATURE" or whatever? I'm begging on my hands and knees, this is a very slippery slope. I understand making silly little jokes but past a certain point it's unclear whether or not people are serious about this.
3) This one is a bit different and not exactly limited to this subject but recently I've found myself getting slightly irritated whenever there are analyses / metas without sources, especially when said analyses aim at proving a point using specfic information. Blame it on the uni student in me who's had to write way too many stupid essays, but whenever I see claims like "x flower or whatever symbolises x thing in x culture, therefore it's proof that x thing in x media is x", even if the analysis is interesting, I always want to ask the person where they found that information, so I could educate myself on the subject. Maybe I'm a bit too pessimistic on this but part of me always feels like the person deliberately cherry-picked what suited their interpetation, especially if they later say things like "look it up yourself". Idk,I'd just like to see if these analyses are the product of a genuine research or if they just heard someone on Twitter say it and ran with it.
4) Tbh I find that the way Hoyoverse goes about things is not that different from the way kpop singers are told to act to appeal to the audience. I 100% agree with you when you say that "attractiveness" is one of the most important factors as to why some characters are ppopular. And since I get the same vibes between Hoyoverse and kpop, I'd say that latching onto something like that for representation is kinda setting yourself up for failure down the line. Like, I'm sorry but if tiny crumbs mostly born in the fandom are enough to quench your thirst for representation, then the bar is truly in hell
And Aventurine. Oh Aventurine. I hope I won't sound too angry when I say this but looord was the fandom annoying these past few updates. This is linked to point 2) but I HATED every second of it whenever I saw people say things like "omg Aventurine acted sleazy / told a man his marble bust is handsome, it's obviously proof he's gay and the biggest whore in all of HSR because no straight man would say that!!!!" 😐 I don't even care if people want to HCs him as gay (by all means, do whatever you'd like) but allow to present an alternative: you know what kind of man would speak like that? Someone who's overacting the harmful stereotypes associated with his tribe as a defense mechanism of sorts against the whole world. Kind of like "you want me to be the crafty, smooth-talking and capricious Avgin? That's what I'll show you". Idk, I feel like THAT'S a much more sensible reasoning than the hormones driven screeches aforementioned.
Like seriously, is it y'all's first time reading a story like that?? Some people took one look at the character with a suspicious tattoo on his neck that SUSPICIOUSLY looks like the word "slave" and decided he was the fuckboy trope. Then 2.1 came and they had the gall to be surprised pikachu face when it was revealed that "yeah this is really a slave brand and Aventurine is Not Doing Well Mentally" (I saw posts where people said they were surprised this character wasn't as smooth and flirty and whatever as they had thought, like do you want me to applaud you for thinking with your brain for the first time in months or what??)
Anyway, I apologize for the sudden anger, I needed to get this off my chest.
Regarding translation issues, I do know a few things about translation as a whole but this ask is already getting long so maybe I'll talk about this another time 😅
In the meantime, I'm happy to see you and all the others catching a win with the lack of Kaveh in the banner! I do hope it'll continue in the same direction in the future
Also, I've talked a lot on here so maybe I should choose an emoji to sign my asks? If it's not taken could I use this one 🪻?
Hello 🪻 anon! Long time no see ☺️
Wow, you're not from an English-speaking country? With how eloquent your English is and how knowledgeable you are about Western fandom issues, you had fooled me haha.
A lot of the sexuality gatekeeping and preaching about x character being ___ sexuality or ___ -coded is a form of activism, for sure. As I said before, Americans in particular have a tendency to drag politics into every aspect of their lives, even foreign entertainment.
It's hard to say why some people act like morality police when someone disagrees with their headcanons or interpretations. Perhaps it's as you say--they feel powerless to make a change in the real world. A part of me also thinks they're virtue signaling; meaning, they show support for various causes for the sake of looking like a good person in front of others.
Regarding your frustration with the lack of a reliable source in analysis posts, I would say you're right to be wary of how factual the posts actually are. People generally make such posts to give their headcanons more weight. Basically, trying to prove their headcanons are right/correct. Cherry-picking is to be expected of such posts. I'm sure there are some well-researched, factual posts presenting a good analysis, but I find that those are mainly present in lore discussions. Maybe I'm being too negative, but I honestly don't expect anything good from fandom anymore. I am too jaded.
Your 4th point though lmao. The bar truly is in hell 😂 I get that there isn't a lot of representation in media, much less good rep, but Mihoyo's games aren't it, man... there are better sources of rep that this.
THE AVENTURINE BIT! I feel you on that so much!!!! LORD.
Mischaracterization in the name of shipping is a staple of fandom culture at this point. Your analysis of Aventurine's behaviors is spot on, but people like to view character actions and words through shipping lenses to try and find any crumb to support their headcanons. It's more fun to paint everything a character does as further support for their ship/headcanon than it is to appreciate who the character actually is.
The way Aventurine (And Childe. They massacred my boy) was quickly reduced to a flirty fuckboy hurts me to this day. After 2.0 story quest, people quickly came to the conclusion he was some perverted playboy, and proceeded to treat him the way they usually treat characters under the fuckboy trope: depict him in abusive situations. I saw so much fanart of Aventurine being collared and leashed, of being beaten black and blue, yet look like he's enjoying it. He was treated like a masochistic punching bag. While I love me some art of characters being roughed up, it really didn't suit Aventurine. Especially not after we just learned he was a slave, his race was murdered, and the Avgin people are discriminated against based on harmful stereotypes. But people seemed to have missed that?
The surprise pikachu moment they had when 2.1 dropped had me sitting there like:
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Really? It was hinted at back in 2.0 that his backstory was rough, so it was no surprise he carries a lot of trauma and isn't as confident and cocky as he makes himself out to be. However, it seems like people really didn't pick up on that, or didn't understand the gravity behind it all. It felt like they and I read entirely different stories.
Idk, it's probably moments like these why Genshin has Paimon 😐
The small Kaveh win we had was worthy of celebration, but Mihoyo will never let their favorite shippers starve. They're already over-analyzing the camera panning between Haitham and Kaveh in Cyno's quest, as well as Sethos's voiceline about them. They do not rest.
Apologies for going off on a tangent again. I'm so happy there's someone else who picked up on Aventurine's trauma since the very start of the story 😭 It really felt like I was the only one. Ever since meeting him, there was something about him that made me want to hug and comfort him, but seeing all the abusive art just felt bad. It's much better now, thankfully.
Anyways, thanks for stopping by! It's always fun to read your messages since you have a lot of great insights. Hope you have a great day/evening whever you are, 🪻 Anon!
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coyoxxtl · 23 days
trying to create a more solid blorbo out of my main bg3 tav since i feel im using this playthrough to feel out the game and stuff like in-character choices isn’t the biggest factor.
all i got rn is that theyre a tiefling charlatan who has convinced multiple big bads to kill themselves but is so down bad for halsin that she can barely get a whole sentence in. i projected daddy issues onto them for flavor so when halsin tells her well done on something they almost throw up.
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unloneliest · 1 year
jam i have a question. who is eliot spencer... where is he from. what makes him ur number one blorbo and what do u understand abt him that no one else does <3
partridge thank you so much for this ask i need you to know you made my entire morning. eliot spencer is. my specialest guy my blorbo of all time i love him so so so so much. he's from the tv show leverage, which aired from 2008-2012* and isn't immune to the downfalls of that era of tv in general but that. honestly does a comparatively outstanding job to ME. it holds up and also the premise is "what if these extremely competent hot thieves ruined shitty rich people's lives and helped the people who'd been victimized by the rich people and created a found family together after all having various levels of sad backstory? and there was an ot3 made as canon as the showrunners could possibly make it in 2012?" i'm getting ahead of myself though.
*there's a sequel currently airing but i have yet to watch it & there's certain aspects about it that i refuse to accept as canon (this is a part of me being the most right about eliot)
i am putting this under the cut because. well. this got long
to start with context. having my brain rewired by supernatural and captain america: the winter soldier when i was a teenager is a huge factor in like. *waves hands vaguely* everything. when it comes to how i came to love leverage and eliot specifically. i got driven away from spn because (to simplify things) the showrunners hated the fans so bad and the characters were fighting the narrative but unable to escape it, and i loved the version of the characters that was actively being opposed by the show. and that was just plain not enjoyable for me. and marvel is marvel and continuity of emotional and interpersonal arcs doesn't matter at all to them.
and the thing is i took a sociology class in 2017 and it was making me so upset learning about white collar crime. and @canis-la-trans was like. we are watching leverage now. to remedy this. and i'd tried watching it with him before but this time around it just clicked. and the biggest part of what clicked is eliot. because listen. eliot is in somewhat of the same category as my earlier favorite characters but the thing about eliot spencer is that all of his best qualities are canon, not fanon. he redefines the category. he's incomprable. to me.
the thing about eliot spencer is he's the punchboy. he's the hitter. it's his job to get in the fights and protect the team. and he does his best to come across as grumpy, as not caring about people, does his best to fly under the radar as just another unintelligent lackey with a short temper who's particularly talented at violence.
but that's a performance. canonically that's a performance. and he has the best work/life separation of the whole team. he's not his job - he's very good at his job, and it's what he does and that is a part of him, but where some of the other characters view their job as an extension of their selfhood, eliot doesn't.
he cooks. he cooks so well that he could do that professionally. he grows all his own produce (allegedly). he's one of if not the best person on the team with kids. he loves so wholly so fast. he's the first person to call the team a we. within team dynamics he & sophie, the grifter, protect the other 2 from the worst of the team leader's dysfunction.
eliot's done bad things in the past. and he views himself completely past saving. like. from commentary on the show: he knows he's going to hell. like. his self worth is completely abysmal. i know he would die for the team. in s2e2 there's an episode where the team isn't succeeding at the con, and he takes the fall on purpose. and in a conversation about that he says "i'm not diving on a grenade. i'll be all right" but he says that so readily that i Know he's thought about it. and he would. for the team he would. for parker and hardison he would. he's in love with them. and they're in love with him too and i have to cut myself off or i'll go an entire separate rant about them!!!!
he has long hair. which he straightens. and he looks great with blood on his face. he doesn't use guns. he never throws the con for personal reasons - only ever does to protect kids. he grew up in rural oklahoma and he enlisted to get the hell out of dodge and he got in such a bad argument with his dad the night before he shipped out that he got disowned. and he can't even talk about it until nearly the end of the final season of the show. he never once mentions his mom. and i just know he got disowned for coming out, intentionally or not. he's never had an environment he could be his full self in without fear until the team.
parker, the thief of the team, is intentionally written as autistic; the hacker, hardison, is so likely written to have adhd. and eliot is autistic too, to me. it makes the level of performing masculinity to closet himself so much more insane to me. bc it's also masking. and adding that context to eliot and parker's relationship makes me unWELL.
the thing is is that eliot is a character who's hiding, who's actively doing his best to be unnoticed. and so many people who watch the show fall for the act, even if they don't fall for the whole act they fall for parts of it, and like. They Are Wrong About Him. i have an entire complex backstory thought up for eliot, because i think the only thing sadder than him missing out on the kind of connection he finds with the team is him knowing what he's missing because he had a queer best friend as a kid, & the two of them were closeted together, but he lost contact with her over the years.
the thing is that eliot spencer has SO MUCH GENDER and i know if he and parker and hardison adopted a kid eliot would be ma. never dad. and i don't think he'd even be able to start exploring that for himself until the end of the series.
the thing is eliot spencer would listen to the mountain goats. and there's a couple other people out there who are right about that and it makes me so insane 100% of the time.
and i love him and this is just a list of facts about him and the most important thing about eliot spencer to me is that. he exists in motion. trying to capture a still image or static description in words never works. but he's my wife and i love him so much. and i always will. and i'm writing a fic where i'm going to blow him up. just a little bit. for his own good. this is my "eliot made himself a mountain goats mix tape about knowing he's willing to jump on a bomb for parker and hardison & never telling them that in advance" playlist from that universe.
all of leverage is availible for free streaming on imdb tv & here are thee best leverage fanvids of all time:
& this last vid is abt the show in general, not just the ot3:
i would add all my fave eliot pics i have screenshotted but this is already so long . i still might rb and do that anyways he is Everything to me
#jam replies#boyjoan#this is 800 years long. i love eliot spencer so bad#the thing about leverage is that without even touching on eliot. this show went 'this autistic girl's special interest is stealing#& crime. why would you ever stop her from doing the stealing and crime' and they're so right for that.#parker isn't the pov character but she's the main character to me. nate is the narrator not the hero#literally though leverage has it all. fake dating. characters handcuffed together for an episode. episodes about historical crimes where#the actors play younger versions of characters from the past. murder mystery costume party where an actual murder happens that they have to#solve. baseball episode. 2 hockey episodes. eliot spencer sings and plays guitar with jo from supernatural. hardison makes their undercover#names dr. who references. there's a reference to the mcelroys. there's two episodes that tell the story of the same night 'off' from 2#different points of view.#eliot is a horsegirl.#i cannot put into words how amazing this show is it loves the fans so much & it's so clever and so good at like. being a story. and#character & emotional continuity is one of the things they value so much. i love this show so bad#my leverage special interest and mountain goats special interest are kissing with tongue#OH and the show also did. an 'i need you' moment. leverage grave danger job handclasp ca:tws handclasp spn goodbye stranger#not mind control though. but like.#okay i'm posting this now#leverage posting
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trashcanwithsprinkles · 4 months
Archon war anon- No worries about not having answers! I was just curious about that since you do really good worldbuilding! I'm writing this because I decided that Xiao's my blorbo and I'm going the route of him being actually pretty old and getting passed between many gods. With that as a motivating factor in addition to the sense of scale, I needed many gods for him to get passed between.
I ended up getting a map of Liyue and drawing boundary lines and going "Uh, there's another territory that a god holds at the start of the war". I named all of the territories, but honestly haven't gone and named most of the gods. And then I was like "The gods we know from canon are the ones who lasted the longest", so I'm having them acting as the main aggressors, and in my mind they're getting the biggest territories before they get pushed back.
I also decided that Sumeru did have more gods, but because Sumeru was entirely desert at that point they were all with wandering tribes and didn't leave any ruins behind.
I think that Cuijue slope supposedly had different architecture than the rest of Liyue? But honestly, there's so little on what's up with Cuijue slope. The Dunyu ruins supposedly had the fallen star fragment, but also they were apparently underwater until the end of the Archon War?
What you say about a China-split and reunite situation makes a ton of sense though!
One thing that I keep thinking about as I write is that even though Guizhong dies early, her presence is still pretty spread out? Like, she'd got that seat on Mt. Aocang, but she also died 1700 years before the war ended, which I feel like contributes to the split-reunite theory.
Also, yes, I have no idea what's up with Xiao's master in canon, there's just so little information. I don't remember anything about Chenyu's god being Xiao's master, but I might have just missed that?
In all honesty my thinking was that a lot of the ruins we see across Liyue are from Morax's people, but like, mostly after the war, and various things happened that made them leave the ruins? Like, Morax seems to have had control of Nantianmen when Azhdaha awoke there and did a little civilization ruining, and it was apparently Azhdaha's rampage that took out the people in Tianqiu Valley.
On a separate note, I also think that something happened recently that drastically affected the population of Liyue? Mybe the drought in Cloud Retainer's story, but there just seems to be a disproportionate amount of ruined wood houses in Liyue. And given that literally all of the mining sites seem to be closed, including the Chasm, I don't know where the miners are?
Sorry, got a bit off topic because I was having fun.
no worries! this is a wonderful ask
i'll answer under the cut bc the ask is already long by itself,,
xiao being passed around like a hot potato is so interesting actually, and it sounds like such a daunting task to write holy shit it would indeed make sense if the gods we know of lasted the longest, osial sounds like he was a pain in the ass till the very end lmao,,
dunyu ruins were indeed underwater at some point, but it's never explained why or when the water disappeared; idk about the star fragment, i probably just don't remember that tidbit. if it was in one of the books it might even be that we can't be sure if it was real to begin with sadly, though, cuijue slope does not have different architecture. i think the pillars might be what lead people to believe that? but even if you ignore the tomb's inside (which is guili architecture through and through) the little cobblestone ring around the stone slab directly in the center of the slope, outside the tomb, is also of guili design, so.
guizhong's seat in mt. aocang probably predates the war though. like i'm pretty sure there's a good chance a good chunk of the adepti who fought in the war with rex lapis n co all predate the war. either that, or they joined rex lapis halfway through, and the war never made it to mt aocang (even though i'm pretty sure it did make it to huagguang? i'd have to check). also what's funny is that i don't think we have confirmation that guizhong died 1700 yrs before the war ended. like i know we assign her death to that year bc that's the founding year of liyue harbor, but i think the jury's still out for if liyue harbor was founded immediately after she died. i'm pretty sure we have sources in-game that imply it was founded right after she passed, but there's others that imply rex lapis had to like- gather his people? from where they had scattered? after her death?? that could just be that the flood/battle/whatever it was that killed her and likely also ended the assembly (idek if we have confirmation that it was the same event LMAO) made everyone flee for their lives, and so like- rex lapis spent like a couple of weeks or months tracking everyone down to move south. but it also kinda sounds like they had scattered and had started lives already in other places? which would imply they didn't immediately move down to the harbor, and it might've even been generations between the fall of the assembly and the founding of the harbor???????? i don't know, it's all so confusing. what i was trying to get at is that guizhong could've died even earlier than 1700 yrs before the war ended, which is just fucking great. we don't know a damn thing about liyue's history, do we.
on chenyu vale's god being xiao's master- i can't say i remember very well which one is the mission where the dialogue made me think that? it was probably the main world quest with fujin and co, but it could've also been one of the branching sidequests that spawn from that. it was probably the main one though, bc i think it was fujin herself the one with the dialogue that made me go ?????? i remember it being something like- a mention of how chenyu vale's god used nightmares to attack his opponents? maybe? and that fujin and co disapproved and that's why they betrayed him?? i think??? it was something to do with dreams i'm pretty sure, and the only other god we know of that had something to do with dreams was xiao's master, so it just stood out to me as odd. it's also entirely possible that the mention of dream/nightmares wasn't even about chenyu vale's god, but of some other completely different god. idk. i can't remember rn. it could've been about guhua for all i know, wouldn't that be a shock. xiao would be xingqiu's older martial brother under that idea LMAO (p sure it wasn't about guhua tho)
the thing about tianqiu valley is that, to me, that has never looked like a settlement where people lived? like- it looks to me far more like a sort of... temple, or castle, or some big structure that's not necesarily meant for living. it's all on its own and it just doesn't look like houses of any kind? unless you want to argue that ancient liyue had appartment complexes, which- sure. not like there's anything to disprove that LMAO but regardless of if there were people living there and for some reason the village that surrounded the towers was completely wiped from the hollow, we do at least sort of know that azhdaha caused property damage there while fighting zhongli. that he brought the supposed civilization to ruins in the first place, or that he further ruined an already abandoned place – i don't think we know for certain tbh like- the way the tablet says that now those lands will no longer go back to their times of glory or whatever (right?) sounds more to me that... like- they were already not in their times of glory by the time they were destroyed, so now there is no hope for them to go back.
i do think however that all ruins throughout liyue that aren't wood-made have to be from before/during the war. they all hve the guili architecture, and the assembly fell during the war. i don't think any of the stone ruins could possibly from after the war. the way rex lapis moved everyone to the harbor makes it sound like the assembly was the last of the places to come to ruins, when it came to places inhabited by morax and guizhong's people.
you are so right and your brain is so wrinkly for that last part. the amount of mondern ruins/abandoned structures in liyue is honestly a bit shocking – all the houses to the west of mt. tianheng, mingyun village, the village in wuwang hill, the houses along the northern coast jueyun karst, some houses within jueyun karst itself, along the coasts of qiongji bay; they're fucking everywhere. that's not even mentioning the chasm, which we do have some sort of explanation as for its abandonment. i think an incident like if not the drought itself in cloud retainer's story would absolutely be a good explanation as to why liyue seems to have undergone a humanitary crisis fairly recently. wood doesn't take that long to rot and decay – those houses aren't older than a couple of centuries, not in the state most of them are and considering the wildlife of liyue. especially given a good chunk of them have thatched roofs. that shit disappears in no time!!! those are fucking recent!!
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biromantic-nerd · 1 year
one of the posts you rb today and a way older post i made with your tags, reminded me of your ocd dick grayson hc
i would love love love to hear more about it if you'd care to share <3
I do feel like somewhere buried in my posts is a post about Dick and OCD. I need need need to find it because oh man I should have written everything down instead of just thinking I'd remember. I was looking for it in my tags but I almost lost this in my drafts so I'm just posting but I will continue to look. I might have it written in my private notes if not posted, though I already checked one spot. Will tag you if/when I find it. If not, I'll just type something that makes a lot more coherent sense!
Okay honestly biggest factor was the blorbo gets the self projection award.
However! I do think there's basis for it. There were just some things that pinged my brain and went aha yeah.
A small part of it - easiest part to explain right now - was how people say Dick has eldest daughter syndrome (jokingly or serious) and it is so easy for the neutralization (or layman's terms: being in control aspect of symptoms -> if you do this, it prevents that) to be masked when someone is in a position of leadership. If something has to be done a certain way or else your brain says something terrible will happen - well Dick is already in that position of leadership and is already shouldering a vast amount of responsibility. Masking his symptoms - from others or from himself even - becomes easier.
I think specifically applying the neutralization lenses of OCD is very interesting to me with Dick Grayson. Like the hypervigiliance aspect of OCD is so so easy as well to overlook because of him 1. being trained by Batman who practically invented the word hyper-vigilant 2. his work as a hero - especially as a leadership role - that ensures his diligence where his symptoms get masked as crossed his t's and dotting his i's and just being very thorough and prepared 3. any ~ weird quirks~ are also put into a scope of comparison of all the other people he knows and, well, they all are filled with quirks and honestly a lot of neurodivergence. It's like when ADHD parents say kids with ADHD's symptoms are 'just normal' bc they don't know any different. His scope for things and what humans do is graded on a skewed curve.
If he double checks information, if he makes backup plans, if he has 'odd' rituals for 'good luck' - all these things can be seen as either being prepared or as quirks. It's so easy to overlook as not being OCD even when symptoms are actually debilitating.
But a part of what interests me is - I know the Blockbuster arc is controversial but the idea (made into reality) that Dick will bring destruction into peoples' lives just by being near them and that he thinks by engaging with them that means he's poisoning them it is so, so interesting to me. If he disengages, to him that means they're safe and vice versa because he's the element of contamination here. Kind of an extreme example but currently I can't think of what comics I was reading at the time and I haven't read any this past year - maybe year and a half?
I wrote a fic based on a Robin Dick Grayson that touched on how he neutralized soms things. A lot of neutralization based on how revealing impersonal information would reveal his identity. If he lied about minor and major details of his life, it would protect his secret identity, which would protect his actual life and the lives of those around him. Which sounds reasonable! But it's like lying about what his favorite candy is otherwise his brain is telling him he's endangering the lives of Batman, Robin, and the Teen Titans.
Now so all of the above is focused mostly on undiagnosed OCD but in the future I do hope to further branch out and maybe do a more detailed post (fic in a couple years if I'm lucky. not this year though) about a Dick knowing he has OCD and with more overlapping symptoms. Rituals that interfere with life and don't 'make sense' and can't be explained away via vigilanteism. Contamination issues. Intrusive thoughts. Oh I forgot the word for it but the one with prayer like - "If I do this in this very specific way then this will happen" the piety one it's called because it's almost like praying except very Symptomed and some people do pray and don't realize it's OCD bc they're religious
Anyways thank you for being interested!!!!! I wish I had way more coherency and I am definitely going to come back and reshape this and add on but I wanted you to know I'd seen your ask because I have such a habit of answering asks in buts and pieces and then losing it in drafts so I wanted to get this posted
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toribookworm22 · 11 months
hi, happy blorbo blursday!! tell me about the fashion style of the blorbo of your choice!! how do they dress? do they pay a lot of attention to their outfits or choose what is the comfiest/the closest in reach? do they have a favorite item of clothing that is characteristic for them, an inseparable part of their outfit?
Hey, love! Thanks for the ask!
I'm using one of my favorite darlings:
Tomas from The Animatronic Saga
Tomas is a Revlo, so his fashion options are limited. Most of his items are handmade, smuggled in, or some combination of thrifted and stolen.
And still, he has a way of keeping it classy.
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He has a biker look going on most of the time. Lots of dark colors: browns, blacks, greys, and blues. Comfort and ease are the biggest factors, so he really only rotates through a few different shirts and pairs of pants. Which is good, because that's really all he has, too.
His signature pieces are his rings though. He's gained a little collection over the years and they're mostly goofy, fun ones that Rolyn or Lulu get or find for him.
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But I know he also has sappy reasons behind all of them. Like the blade one I have below, which is what Rolyn's Revlo name is.
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anddreadful · 1 year
my female ocs are also my biggest blorbos lol! i just tend not to get as much fandom energy for characters that are not my own invention! so i can relate to that
i actually struggled to blorboify my own OCs (of any gender) for a long time, which is part of why my history of original projects is so spotty. (I am an execution person more than an ideas person, and i have a hard time firming up my ideas enough to scaffold from there.) But i also was never THAT cut out for fandom; I don't care for being a part of a collective with a bunch of people with bad takes, and particularly for canons with a long time between installments or appearances of a character, i get bored or annoyed by the twee watering down or warping of characterization by committee that tends to happen while everyone waits around for the story to continue.
D&D gives me just enough external elements to work off of that i get REALLY REALLY obsessed with the characters. you have the ownership and agency and made-for-me-ness of writing OCs paired with the frequent, exciting infusions of canon and group chat of equally invested people of a good fandom experience. I keep wanting to find something other than ttrpgs to get really into as a creative outlet, whether that's a new fandom or my own work (because D&D being good depends on SO many precarious factors and my four-year streak of total obsession has been facilitated by a HUGE amount of luck) but it's really hard to beat the way it scratches my brain, creatively.
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If I mention something too much im lying but if I don’t “make it my entire personality“ Im also not telling the truth.  sound logic.  The biggest lie I told was when I said my old rafem blog was run by a roommate because I didn’t want gender discourse on my fandom blog and it was easier to say “Im FtM” than it was to say “I was FtM at the time of the assaults so experienced them as a guy but after my last assault I changed my label to nonbinary because I didn’t feel like I could be a man with what had been done to me (which is Why I wrote so heavily about the emasculating factors of being assaulted) and then became disenchanted with the community as a whole after hearing the word TERF and hate-reading a few of their blogs before I realized they were the only ones making sense and went back to calling myself my birth sex even though i hate it and have constant dysphoria”.  Like the truth was so much more complicated in that situation and I knew the people going after me wouldn’t care even if they knew the circumstances because I made their Blorbo do something bad in a fic they could have easily ignored.  And again I don’t get comments telling me my writing is hot, I get comments telling me it is emotionally effective.  Its not SUPPOSED to be sexy, not everything that describes a sex act is meant to be arousing.  Its SUPPOSED to be upsetting and disturbing because I find creating disturbing art to be cathartic.  But my only real lie was when I was trying to do damage control after my sideblogs were connected because I knew the people attacking me wouldn’t care if they knew the truth.  Ive owned up to my lies on my own and took credit for my work long before any of you brilliant detectives ate what I was literally spoon-feeding you.  I shouldn’t have lied, but IMHO other than the Nik thing it wasn’t a lie to say I experienced sexual assault while living as a man and “dysphoric AFAB” means “Closeted transman” to half the people on this site anyway so it was more of a partial-truth than a lie to say I was FtM.  Im not going to say I didn’t lie in order to try and keep that stretching of the truth hidden but I never hurt anybody, never extorted money from anybody, never harassed anybody, never charged for my vent pieces or tried to capitalize on anything, I just panicked when my radfem blog was revealed to the communities I talked to on my fandom and mental health blogs and didn’t want to deal with the discourse.  Thats why I re-made as a single blog, no secrets, what u see is the whole picture.
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