#this is mostly colin POV
klarolijahs · 2 years
Benedict being sick and tired of Colin being clueless about his feelings for Penelope so he decided to make him jealous..by flirting with Penelope lol 😭
Thank you anon, this got my writing bunny working! Not sure if this is exactly what you were looking for but here it is.
For a long time now Colin had considered Benedict to be his favorite brother. Gregory was adorable but still too young to partake completely with his older brothers. Anthony was just too much entirely - too stern, too strict, too set in his ways of behaving more like their father than their brother. 
Benedict had been a big brother when he needed someone to bail him out of his stupid decisions and a friend when he wanted to be stupid. Benedict understood, more than anyone, that Colin felt stifled in London and the ton. When everyone despaired over his endless thirst for travel, Benedict encouraged him. When Mother hurled every suitable debutante his way, Benedict cleverly distracted her, winking at her with his boyish charm and rescuing him from a banal conversation with a girl barely out of the schoolroom. 
Currently, however, Colin was very willing to take Benedict and his boyish grin on a trip to the Mediterranean and dump him straight in the ocean. Unwittingly, Colin felt a smile creep up on him at the visual of shoving his beloved brother into the turbulent seas of the mediterranean.  
Because currently Benedict was doing something particularly annoying.
Flirting with Penelope Featherington. 
Penelope Featherington.
And so in the open when anyone could see. 
Where even her mother could see. 
Colin let out a groan as he saw a maddening gleam in Portia Featherington’s eyes as she followed Benedict and Penelope’s promenade around the lake with hawk-like precision. Colin half expected her to start distributing wedding cards before their turn was over. He wouldn’t blame her, because Benedict hadn’t ever cared about propriety but he knew to keep away from the ladies at the ton. 
And yet, there Benedict was, strolling with Penelope on his arm, standing a little too close, leaning in a bit too far and most definitely whispering something indecorous that caused her to blush prettily and then laugh the next second. Colin debated between intervening himself, forcing Anthony to interrupt them or simply picking up the rock in his line of sight and hurling it at Benedict. 
This was Penelope. 
His friend. 
His Pen. 
Benedict was old. An entire ten years older than Penelope. And yes, while that age gap wasn’t just normal but expected in couples - it was still ludicrous.
And it had to be stopped. 
Before Portia Featherington swooned at the thought of capturing a Bridgerton for one of her daughters.
Before Benedict and his stupid, blue, twinkling eyes made Penelope do something regrettable - like fall in love with the bounder. Perish the thought. 
Read the rest on AO3
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sea-owl · 2 months
Ok but I wanna talk about Portia in that trailer and the absolute pride in her voice when she's taking to Penelope.
I personally love Portia's character and how she's been a foil to Violet in that she's a loving mother, but she's also a realist about the society they live in. She's a tough love, no nonsense type of mother. She's making sure everyone survives as a top priority, if she has to be mean to get them there than so be it.
She's been at odds with Penelope the last two seasons mainly because of their different views. Portia is a realist, while Penelope still has dreams like most 17-18 year olds. Portia, in her own way, has been trying to bring Penelope back to reality.
An example of this to me is the scene where Portia finds out Penelope has been writing to Colin. The first thing she says "I declare Penelope," in a softer tone and when Penelope declares Colin her friend that tone becomes more strict. She tells Penelope, "Colin Bridgerton is no more your friend than I am the next Catherine the Great." Is it mean? Yup. But looking at it through Portia's eyes there's some truth to it. Their society doesn't allow friendships between single men and women. Colin and Penelope writing to one another without being engaged or even a proper courtship was actually very inappropriate. Portia probably does understand that there really isn't anything inappropriate in those letters and they are actually friends but she also knows no one else would see it that way. If she wanted she would have been well within her rights to go to Anthony about it and raise a fuss. She needs Penelope to see this too.
Now come season 3 in Portia's pov Penelope is finally taking the marriage mart seriously. She's got herself a suitor who is a titled lord, and Portia is proud of her. No more silly little fantasies of love. Meanwhile Penelope is probably weirded out with some other mixed feelings by this because this isn't what she is used to from her mother.
Makes me excited to see where their relationship goes. Because honestly, Penelope probably inherited the most from her mother, but she's in denial about it. It mostly comes out in Lady Whistledown, but that sharp wit and scheming mind is Portia. Penelope will actually fall into Portia's line of thinking when she's backed into a corner. When she saved both Colin and Eloise, she knew they would be hurt, and she's sorry about that, but she also knows they'll be safe. That is Portia's school of thought 101.
I've also been wanting to see how they approach the big heart to heart between the two of them. I want them to get into a screaming match that breaks down into them sincerely talking to one another. Penelope's confidence is supposed to get a boost this season, and we know she's not afraid to subtley barb at her mother. I hope they have Penelope confront Portia at some point, forcing everything out in the open.
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beansprean · 11 months
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Oh, y'all thought the fight had started already?
My Familiar’s Ghost part 51
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(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: 1a. Close up of bat Nandor from Guillermo’s POV, crushed into a wall and held there by Guillermo’s hand. One of Guillermo’s claws has pierced the membrane of his wing and Nandor is clutching at his fingers in terror, staring up with wide, panicked eyes. 1b. Reverse shot of vampire Guillermo from Nandor’s POV, holding him down with his left hand as his right rears back, claws bared in preparation to strike. He is grinning maliciously, relishing in a new kill. 1c. Wide shot from the side as there is a sudden screech of tires and crash of metal. Guillermo and Nandor freeze in place and whip their heads toward the viewer and the front windows of the Panera.
2a. Wide shot from outside, on a roadway running up a hill and parallel to the Panera. A blue hatchback car with a license plate that says ‘whoops’ and a bumper sticker that says ‘how’s my driving? 1-800-KISS-IT’ has crashed into a pole with a yellow traffic light and is smoking, front end crumpled and passenger window shattered. The pole is slowly falling sideways, towards the Panera parking lot below. 2b. Close up as the traffic light, yellow light still lit, smashes into the asphalt, cracking the green lens and ripping the blinders off the red lens. 2c. Repeat. The traffic light settles on its side, mostly intact, and flips to red. Unfocused without the blinders, red light pours freely across the ground. Nearly invisible red text behind reads “stop stop stop stop”. 2d. Repeat of 2c, Guillermo and Nandor still frozen in place but now bathed in red light. Guillermo is narrowing his eyes suspiciously at the scene outside and Nandor nervously flicks his eyes over to him, assessing.
3a. The entire Panera is now flooded in red. Shot from behind the pillar Nandor is pinned to as his leg, now human shaped again, kicks forcefully upward, sending Guillermo flying backward into the opposite wall, demolishing the sheetrock and destroying a wooden chair in the process. Debris flies everywhere. 3b. Waist up of Nandor, back in human form, as he stands himself up, his inner arm bleeding. He snarls angrily and points an accusing finger at Guillermo, saying ‘You want to fight? Fine! The truth is, I have been upset with you, too!’ 3c. Reverse shot of Guillermo struggling out of the ass-sized hole he made in the wall, fangs bared and deadly gaze focused on Nandor. Nandor continues from offscreen: ‘You get so angry when I don’t know things about you but then you don’t tell me anything!’ 3d. Close up on Guillermo’s hand closing around a broken wooden chair leg. 3e. Close up on Nandor’s hand closing around a wooden chair leg as he accuses, ‘You keep secrets!’
4a. Full body of Guillermo lifting himself from a crouch in the debris left by the wall, a long stake with a shattered pointy end clutched in his left hand. His eyes, like a predator, never leave Nandor. Nandor keeps talking: ‘You assume to know what I am thinking and how I will react to things and what I will say - well you don’t.’ 4b. Knees up of Nandor as he steps away from the crushed pillar to a more strategic place against the light, holding his own long stake point-up like a readied sword in front of him. He stares seriously at Guillermo and says, ‘You hear, but you never listen, Guillermo.’ 4c. Extreme close up on Nandor’s glaring eyes trailing a slash of red light as he makes a quick turn, shouting, ‘Well you will listen to me now!’ 4d. Full body wide shot on an orange and yellow starburst background as Guillermo, both hands on his makeshift sword, takes a backswing at Nandor. Nandor’s sword meets him in the middle as he swings it down single-handed in perfect form. Their eyes never leave the other’s; they’re both in the fight now. /end ID
Bonus ID: shot through the shattered front windshield of the crashed car to show Laszlo in the passenger seat and Colin behind the wheel, both covered in broken glass and peeking out from behind inflated airbags. Colin asks, glasses askew on his face and grinning in his usual unflappable way, ‘How was that, Lazzo?’ Laszlo smiles patiently over at Colin and asks, ‘Marvelous work, my boy! Now, what possessed you to aim for this particular traffic signal?’ Colin replies, ‘I dunno, just had a feeling. Can we go for that Escalade next? I really want to see how sensitive that pedestrian detection feature is.’ The engine continues to smoke, and there are a few wisps of familiar blue light trailing away. /end ID
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scalpho · 6 months
at the start of trw colin says "i'd kill anyone for you but okay" and then two years later him and deli split because it turns out colin actually very much does Not want to do that. and from a meta standpoint you can frame that dissonance as an interesting mark of colin evolving to fill gaps in the party in a way that zac perhaps didn't initially expect, but mostly it's just a little funny. like no wonder deli is so taken aback by colin's reaction to the events of episode 3. from his pov this is the guy who told him he'd kill anyone for him after knowing him for not even a week why the hell is he getting cold feet now
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benedictscanvas · 1 year
be still, my foolish heart [5] - jamie tartt x reader
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pairing: jamie tartt x fem!reader
word count: 3.1k
series warnings: lots of language throughout, some allusions to smut but nothing explicit, a LOT of fucking fluff mostly ngl
a/n: finally! sorry it's a couple days late, but the busy week is over and we are back at it. i really enjoyed writing this one. did a poll to find out how people feel about reader pov, so there may be a few reader pov bits coming your way soon, just so we can see whether she's smitten too... <3
series summary: when jamie gets called up to the england team for the first time, he’s terrified. enter you, all smiles and swearing, and suddenly his only fear is falling head over boots for you.
previous chapter | series masterlist
chapter five - if you got love to get done
The crowd is roaring as he walks out of the tunnel, squinting a little in the sudden wash of sunlight that hits him. The music is loud and he feels himself rising taller, pushing his shoulders back, chest forward as he realises the moment he’s having. It doesn’t matter one bit that he’s got a bib on, that he’s taking a sharp right turn and heading straight for the bench.
He’ll be subbed on at 60, he’s sure. Confident, even. The last few days in training, he’d played some of the best football he could remember playing. His phone was filled with encouraging messages that morning, from the team, from the coaches, from practically everyone that knew him. The only one he’d replied to so far was his mum, but he was looking forward to going through them properly later.
Earlier, he’d found himself disappointed not to see you at breakfast, but now here you were as he headed towards his seat on the bench, just one row behind him with a camera in your hand. You grin when you see him, and hold up your camera questioningly. He plays along as he stares off into the distance pensively, pouting and sharpening his jawline. You giggle as you take a few snaps and he's eager to sit down in front of you.
“I didn’t know you’d be here,” Jamie said, swivelling in his seat to chat to you despite the funny look from Gondo beside him, “I mean, not at the match but, y’ know…”
“Sat on the bench?” you asked and he nodded, “Yeah, I had to fight to be here, honestly. But there’s nowhere else I can get the right angles for the socials. At least, that’s what I told them.”
He grinned right back, turning even further in his seat so the two of you were face to face, but then the first notes of the national anthem started playing and you whacked his shoulder frantically as the two of you tried to stand up quickly. Even during the anthem, he risked a glance back at you and you glared at him until he turned back around, but he couldn’t keep the smile from his face as he sang.
“You’ll get me fucking fired!” you hiss from behind your hand when the two of you are able to sit back down again, “They’ve already asked me why you’ve been in so much of the content recently.”
“What did y’ say?”
“That you’re the only idiot who says yes to all my stupid ideas.”
His shoulders slump at that description, but he’s quick to bounce back when you start laughing at him. You rest a hand on your shoulder as you lean in, still keeping a hand over your mouth to stop any pesky press doing any lip reading.
“I couldn’t tell them you’re just my favourite, could I?” and he could swear his heart stops, because that almost sounds like flirting. He stares up at you, wide-eyed and helpless until you continue, “Not supposed to tell anyone I’m Richmond, remember?”
Right. Richmond. That was why he was your favourite, because he’s the only Richmond player who’s fucking here. What if Roy was here? Or Isaac, or Colin, or Bumbercatch? It suddenly occurred to him that even if he was your favourite here, you might have a very long list of Richmond players you liked more than him. The thought settles and he can feel his uneasiness in his stomach.
He doesn’t respond before he turns back around to watch kick off, just smiles at you instead and hopes that his lack of reply isn’t too rude. Your hand lets go of his shoulder after a moment or two, and he’s absolutely kicking himself but then the match starts and he can’t think about it anymore.
It’s an easy opener, even if Gareth insisted that they couldn’t become complacent. England were 2-0 up within around 10 minutes with a tap-in and a penalty from King, and from there seemed content to coast to half time with the majority of the possession. Jamie cheered for both goals wildly on the sidelines with the rest of his teammates and then jogged down into the tunnel quickly when the halftime whistle blew.
The team talk was nothing he hadn’t heard before. Gareth was hardly going to change tactics now, so once he’d got past the main parts, he turned his mind to you, just for a few minutes. He probably wasn’t your favourite player at Richmond. And it shouldn’t matter to him, he knows that, but it does. The pit in his stomach that the thought has caused just won’t go away.
He could ask you, but that would be ridiculous. Would make him seem ridiculous. This was definitely getting out of hand, because he had been so sure he could just be friends with you and be happy about it but- you were just so great. The two of you had spent the last four days in Italy practically joined at the hip. Filming and laughing and crying-while-laughing.
All the while he’d been promising himself not to think about you in any way that wasn’t friendly. All the while he’d been lying to himself. You smile at him, and he feels like he’s spinning around on a fucking hill like in that movie Roy had made him watch about a month ago.
The team is all clapping, so he snaps himself out of it and claps too as everyone files out of the room. He’s so frustrated with himself for thinking about this now - it isn’t the time. So he decides - after the match, he can think about it as much as he likes. Come up with a proper plan to rid himself of this once and for all, so you can get on as well as you do without him worrying about silly things like being your favourite Richmond player.
When he arrives back to his seat on the bench and flops down into it, he feels a delicate tap on his shoulder and turns to see you, still smiling that infuriating smile.
“Hey, you’re very tense,” you say teasingly with a light poke to his shoulder, “Whole first half without talking isn’t very Jamie Tartt of you. Something I said?”
He likes to think he can read you pretty well sometimes, and he’s positive he can see your smile falter as you ask. So he did come off rude when he turned around and stopped talking to you. Again, he’s kicking himself.
“No! No, love, ‘course not,” he tries to reassure you, “I’m just nervous, honestly. Y’ mentioned Richmond and I know that I’m…y’ know. I’m good there. Jus’ wonderin’ if I’ll be any good here.”
He wasn’t wondering. He’s been great in training and he’s fishing for compliments, he knows it. The thought makes him feel like a prick again.
“Come on. You’re joking, right?”
He doesn’t expect that particular response, especially not the thinly veiled amusement on your face.
“Uh- no? Don’t think so.”
“I’ve watched you in training. You’re feeling it, I know it. I know you a bit by now. So why are you lying?”
It was the most straightforward you’d ever been and he had no idea what to do with it. But Gareth was calling his name, and Gondo elbowed him in the ribs hard.
“You’re up, bro. Go and warm up!”
Jamie was quick to react, glancing back at you a few times but soon getting his head in the game. He pushes your conversation, your words, right to the back of his mind as he sidesteps along the side of the pitch, then moves through the exercises he usually did on autopilot.
He hadn’t even noticed it was 60 minutes through the game. At least he’d been right about one thing - he was getting subbed on.
He ran to grab his shirt as one of the assistant coaches told the fourth official that England would be making a change. You were nearby again and you grinned at him when he was close enough.
“Don’t worry about it,” you said loudly, and he knew what you were talking about, “Just go and fucking smash it, Jamie!”
He nods. Yeah, he’s gonna fucking smash it.
He tears off his bib and stands ready on the touch line, proud to be wearing Sam’s number on his back. He knows that Sam should be here in Italy playing for his country as he deserved, and it was only a small tribute, but he hoped it would make some kind of statement. King runs over to him, slaps his hands against Jamie’s and that’s it - he’s running onto the pitch with a new spring in his step.
He’s an England player. He’s done it. Lifelong dream achieved.
Around ten minutes into his debut, he sees Rife making a delicious run down the right side and he hooks his foot around the ball to send a pass forward, soaring over the heads of the defenders and landing right on Rife’s foot. He holds his breath as Rife shoots, but the net bulges soon after and now he’s got an assist too.
It’s overwhelming.
Still, Rife is running over to jump on him and he lets him, then Wire, then practically the whole team. At the bottom of the pile, Jamie spares a thought for the Jamie of a few years ago, the Jamie for whom goals were everything and assists meant nothing. How sad it would have been to miss out on this feeling of helping his team, his country, towards an emphatic win.
And it was a fucking excellent assist, too.
The last ten minutes are uneventful. Jamie knows he’s playing well and remembers your words - you’re feeling it. You’ve summed it up perfectly. His feel of the ball, his feel for his teammates and their positions, its all coming together. At the final whistle, he lets out a roar, full of all the anxious anticipation that went into this moment then takes the nearest player to him in a huge bear hug.
The coaches and rest of the team walk out onto the pitch, shaking hands and clapping each other on the back. Jamie makes a point to shake as many opposition players’ hands as he can before he moves on to celebrating with his teammates. Almost as soon as he’s ready to jog over to Rife to pick him up, however, he spots you, filming Rife on your phone.
Maybe he isn’t your favourite Richmond player. But you said he was your favourite around here and he’s going to take that and run with it.
“Y/N! Hey!”
You look round as soon as he calls and put your phone away instantly. He’s not sure you’ve even finished with Rife. Either way, you’re sprinting up to him and you’ve got him locked in the tightest of hugs before he knows it. Despite how unexpected it is, it doesn’t take him long to wind his arms around you in return because it’s the easiest thing in the world.
You pull back, positively beaming.
“That assist, Jamie! I fucking knew you were feeling it, that was insane!”
“It were pretty good, weren’t it?” he says proudly, pulling you back into his arms for one hug while he still can, grateful when you let him. He leans back this time, watching you with a quirked eyebrow, “You know me quite well, huh?”
If he didn’t know any better, he’d think you looked flustered.
“Didn’t know you were going to do that, though, did I? Magic, that was,” you’re still heaping praise on him, and there’s a part of him that wants to tell you to go on, but he doesn’t want to push it. He also doesn’t want any awkwardness between the two of you, but right now he thinks he could do anything, so he takes a chance.
“Earlier, you said I was your favourite because I’m Richmond and it jus’ felt shit,” he admits, all in a rush, “That’s not your fault, I know. I never thought about you likin’ Richmond in general before. Instead of-“
Instead of just me. Instead of just liking me, for who I am and not what team I play for. Tell me I’m your favourite Richmond player and I’ll stop being a fucking prick.
He keeps most of what he’s thinking to himself, because he feels like he’s probably already said too much. In his sessions with Doctor Sharon so far, she’s been so encouraging of his newfound honesty, both with others and with himself. She’d want him to ‘communicate his feelings’ with you, and he wasn’t sure if this was the best way of doing that, but it had happened now. He’d already said it.
You still had your hands on his arms, having pulled them back from their tight squeeze around his neck and shoulders. You were looking at him thoughtfully, and he was struck by how stupid he was when he thought he could read you earlier - you were impossible to read sometimes.
After what feels like years, you press your lips together like you’re suppressing a grin and squeeze his biceps.
“Jamie…” you begin, voice as soft as it’s ever been, despite the still deafening roar of the crowd. He’d practically forgotten he’s still stood on a football pitch, “Come on. You’re joking, right?”
Same words as earlier. His heart sinks.
“I swear, Y/N, I’m not lying this time, that’s actually why I got all mardy-”
“You have to be joking,” you repeat, interrupting him slowly, “Because you must know you’re my favourite player everywhere.”
He isn’t sure whether to sigh in pure relief or start panting for breath. You’re looking at him so softly, there’s almost shyness there. He’s never seen you shy, ever. Certainly not around anyone else.
“You’ve admitted something, so I will too. Just to be fair,” you smile easily, still holding him by the arms. He wonders if he could put his hands back on your waist, but he can’t move a muscle in case you move away from him, “I’ve never been nervous around football players. I work with them everyday, you know? And then you walk up to training that first day, and you don’t hear me when I ask my question, and I felt nervous. Stupid nervous.”
“…because you’re a Richmond fan?”
“No, Jamie,” you say, but you don’t say why you were nervous, you just fucking stare at him. His heart is begging him to lean in and kiss you silly, “Maybe it was the hair.”
You reach up to gently tug on one of the strands that falls in front of his face from his headband. He’s struggling to find his voice.
“I-” he has to cough to get his words back, “I do have good hair.”
“Great hair, even,” you smirk, and he can see you biting your lip, “The rest of you isn’t too bad either, I guess. If you’re into that kinda thing.”
Oh. Oh.
You’re flirting with him.
This is new. He’s oblivious and his processing time might be longer than others, but you’ve never blatantly flirted with him before. He’d know, because he’s been desperate for you to flirt with him for a few weeks now. Basically since he met you. Whether it’s playful or not, it’s a new development that has him floating.
This, he can do. Flirting. He’s good at this.
“And what kinda thing would that be?” he says, tilting his head and smirking right back at you. All his terror at your previous sincerity falls away and is replaced by a need to match you quip for quip. He can think about the fact that he’s your favourite player everywhere when he sits in his hotel room grinning in the mirror later.
“You know,” you rock back and forth on your heels, “The whole fit footballer thing. Abs and shit. It’s a very particular type.”
So you had looked at him at the pool party. It shouldn’t have made him so giddy. You just called him fit. He could melt into a puddle at your feet if he wasn’t so determined to make you giddy in return.
“And is it your type?”
You make a show of thinking about it in a way that shoots sparks all the way down Jamie’s spine. He’s so glad you can’t hear his heartbeat like he can, roaring in his ears.
“Dunno. I like my guys with enough hair gel to set their head alight, you know?”
A dig at his look from a few years ago. Of course you’d find a way to mention that without stopping that tone you’d taken on out of nowhere. The tone that was disarming and charming and downright hot.
“You know, I think I know a guy like that,” he said, pretending to search for someone over your head, “You don’t happen to know any mad pretty PR women I could point him to?”
The grin that took over you, bloomed across your whole face, was exactly what he’d been hoping for, finally finding the opening in the conversation to compliment you right back. You move closer to him and he feels himself let out a tiny gasp, but all you do is tuck yourself into his side, winding an arm around his waist. He lets his own wrap around your shoulders as the two of you start walking over to clap the England fans in the corner.
“I’ll keep you posted,” you say, looking up at him, all sweetness. He knows you aren’t, though, because your free hand comes to rest on his stomach as you look up at him. He feels every ab tighten under your touch despite his best efforts, “Guess we’ll just have to keep looking, hm?”
“Yeah,” he agrees, grinning down at you as he tugs you further into him, “If your mate Tiff ever joins us out here, she could be a good option for him, right?”
You push yourself away from him, and its the last thing he wanted. You walk backwards away from him for a few seconds, then shake your head at him with a smile and run to catch up with the rest of the team.
He’s left a little bit awestruck in your wake. He jumps when someone claps him on the back, then turns to see a very smug Rife.
“That bad?”
Jamie huffs out a half-laugh as his eyes go back to following you, watching you congratulate some of the coaches. There’s a little bit of jealousy in his chest even watching you talk with them, and he hates it.
“That bad,” he confirms, still staring at you from afar, “That fucking bad.”
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spartazia-blog · 3 months
The Polin fandom (over)reaction and discussion around the Marina plot always blows me away because people are so over the top about it. Like, I also didn’t love it, but I sense for incredibly different reasons.
For me, the issue is more that it doesn’t treat Colin as his own character and rather just as the plot device that exists to develop Marina and mostly Pen. Colin gets basically zero POV and *that* bugs me. It could be a great story for his development but he’s essentially forgotten. He’s betrayed by the first woman he believes himself in love with and is exposed to that truth along with everyone else in highly public and humiliating fashion. That would rattle a person’s confidence in their ability to trust their own instincts to the core! And now it’s going to happen again! He’s going to fall in love with someone who is keeping a massive and potentially life-altering secret from him. How would he not see and have to grapple with that parallel? But none of that matters to the majority of the Polin fandom.
For a lot of people, it seems to be more about the fact that Colin is supposed to “belong” to Pen and him having any interest in someone else makes him lesser. Him and how he was impacted matters way less than that it made Pen sad to watch it.
Hence why so many want Colin to have to “watch Pen with someone else like she had to do” Which completely ignores the actual story that played out with Marina and how, while I understand and empathize with her, she was not an actual LI for him?
Side note: That also kind of reflects in how the fandom casts Marina so often as the villain/punching bag but rarely is that focus on her impact on Colin. It’s almost always about Pen and how *she* felt. People care more about one unkind moment, done out of fear and desperation, of Marina towards Pen than they do about the totality of Colin.
I also think, and this is the most controversial part, that people do know deep down that how Pen handled things with LW wasn’t great but, despite complaining that no one accepts her complexity, they don’t want to grapple with her choices or actually allow her that complexity. Hence, Marina bad but also somehow Colin bad so they must suffer for causing Pen pain (however indirectly) while we must brush past the impact that LW and Pen’s choices had on Marina and will continue to have on Colin. It’s also why Colin’s pain and how he was impacted only really seems to come up when people want to make Marina look like a villain so they can argue that Pen did nothing wrong. All initial discussions about the Marina storyline centre Pen and how it made her feel.
It’s why, again, people are so ready for Colin to “suffer” and uplifting some random plot device character (I have not and will not bother to learn his name.) Because, at the end of the day, even though the person actually most hurt and impacted by Marina *and* Penelope’s choices was Colin, he committed the ultimate sin of liking someone before Pen and that matters more to most of this fandom. Because, if most of us are truly honest, Colin doesn’t matter to this fandom other than as an extension of Pen. He is her prize and not his own worthy of development and complexity character.
P. S. If you don’t believe me, spend 2 minutes perusing the Ao3 page for Polin. How many stories are about Colin truly grappling with everything vs him being ‘punished’? And how often does that ‘punishment’ feature Marina cheating on/mistreating/abusing him but still focus mostly on Pen? Spoiler: it’s a huge chunk.
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velvetcovered-brick · 12 days
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Bridgerton (TV), Bridgerton Series - Julia Quinn Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Anthony Bridgerton/Penelope Featherington, Anthony Bridgerton & Benedict Bridgerton, Anthony Bridgerton & Benedict Bridgerton & Colin Bridgerton, Benedict Bridgerton & Colin Bridgerton Characters: Anthony Bridgerton, Penelope Featherington, Benedict Bridgerton, Colin Bridgerton, Jack Featherington, mentions of Portia Featherington - Character, Mentions of Violet Bridgerton, mentions of Daphne Basset/Bridgerton, mentions of Prudence Featherington Additional Tags: DO NOT POST ANYWHERE ELSE, Rare Pair, Lady Whistledown Identity Reveal (Bridgerton), Communication, Wingman Benedict Bridgerton, chaperone benedict bridgerton, Penthony, mentions of Rapscallion the horse, Drunkenness, crisis mode anthony, True Love, sick fic if you squint, Hurt/Comfort, Mild Angst, a celebration of love, comedic relief in the form of portia featherington, no colin hate we love our boy, no kate hate she is a queen and living life to her best in this universe, pov changes when benedict is tired of their shit, Anthony Bridgerton in Love, POV Benedict Bridgerton, mostly - Freeform, Smut, Body Worship, Oral sex mentioned, Sex, Married Couple, Married Sex, Aubrey Hall (Bridgerton), canon adjacent, honestly guys if you need more tags don't bother because its not bad, i'd say its a great story even Series: Part 3 of Wake Up, Sunshine Summary:
Benedict has seen his brother at all stages in life. He's never seen him utterly besotted and drunk about it. It is indeed a novel vision. He just wishes it came with less impropriety and flirting with ruination. However, let it not be said that he isn't a supportive brother. He will indeed help him through the last of his hurdles in marrying Penelope Featherington.
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anghraine · 2 years
A more coherent part of the adaptation+Darcy post I was threatening to release from drafts purgatory:
While I think all adaptations' versions of Darcy are pretty bad at representing Austen's character, though sometimes compelling in their own right, I think the various choices made are all ways of addressing the same problem with the character as written.
It's not a problem in the novel—indeed, I'd say it's a remarkable achievement there—but I think we don't always realize how extremely ambiguous the presentation of Darcy is through the first half of the novel. It's easy to read him as basically hostile because he was when he first appeared and because Elizabeth, our smart, likable POV character, gets stuck in that perception of him for half the book. So it's only on re-reading that most audiences realize Elizabeth drastically misread his real feelings and the original interpretation of his manner is thrown into question, at the very least.
But as I said in the other post, Austen plays fair: it is entirely possible to realize that Elizabeth is mistaken about some things (esp about how he feels towards her), it is possible to realize that particularly observant characters find his expressions and behavior difficult to interpret, it's possible to notice that we are rarely told how he's speaking or smiling, and scenes typically cut off before we can be told. And it's possible to notice the many issues with Wickham's account of him.
But it's also entirely possible to read everything he says and does as Elizabeth does, and the narrative gently encourages us to do so without often committing to actual description that would guide us in those ambiguous scenes. Austen might have, for instance, described his smiles in the Netherfield scenes as contemptuous, polite, or pleasant. But she just repeats that he's smiling while drawing very little attention to the fact and rarely committing to an indication of what his smiles or presentation of dialogue are like. So it's mostly up to us to decide, with the occasional (dubious in some respects) interpretation from Elizabeth.
And we're likely to reach different conclusions on re-reading—the earlier presentation of Darcy rewards re-reading a lot, because a lot of the time, we don't even realize how much we're not being told until the letter or even the Pemberley scenes, where Elizabeth identifies the smile we saw in his earlier scenes as the same one in the painting done during his beloved father's lifetime—making, say, the "contemptuous" reading very unlikely.
Now, getting away with that level of ambiguity and obscuring that the ambiguity is happening in the first place, as Austen manages to do in the novel, is both impressive and a hell of a lot harder in visual form. Not impossible! But if we see and hear him ourselves we're less likely to form judgments shaped by Austen's tricks of narration and Elizabeth's POV, and this typically involves commitment to a particular aspect of his presentation in the novel.
And if you think about it, the four major adaptations of Darcy are essentially committing to some part of his depiction.
Laurence Olivier's Darcy is smiling, witty, and charismatic—which are a part of his personality, but skewed so far out of proportion that he's virtually unrecognizable. And there's no attempt to obscure his place in the narrative as the actual love interest (I assume because duh, it's Laurence Olivier—but it was a pretty unrewarding role for him as written).
David Rintoul's Darcy is (in)famously "robotic"—the 1980 version of him leans into the withdrawn, inexpressive, difficult to read but clearly uncomfortable version of Darcy. The smiles in the earlier part tend to be tight, a matter of form, and/or unconvincing, by contrast to the later Darcy's comportment towards the Gardiners and Elizabeth, esp after the second proposal.
Colin Firth's Darcy is, well—okay, I'm biased because of my intense dislike for the 1995 production, but I do think it's also struggling with the same issue, but responds in the opposite way as the 1980. Where the 1980 tried to replicate the ambiguity in a way that retained Darcy's tendency towards a certain severity and dignity and mostly ended up at expressionless, the 1995 transforms it into visibly intense, sexualized brooding. This is coupled with Elizabeth's perception of Darcy's hostility being much more validated than in the novel; he snaps at her, most of his textual smiles are removed, even his letter is rearranged with an eye to half-dressed angst rather than the subtle charity of the omitted "God bless you", and generally his angst and passion!!! are played up rather than down ("I shall conquer this!!" / the melodramatic pond dive and shift in focus from Elizabeth's shame to Darcy being barely dressed / Darcy being grim in London, etc).
If the 1995 version of Darcy commits to Darcy's behavior being largely how Elizabeth sees it, the 2005 drastically reverses that. Matthew Macfadyen's Darcy is also struggling with passion, but tbh he seems like he's kind of struggling with everything. He's visibly consumed with anxiety, he's obviously shy where Darcy has to explain his discomfort or experience it as a POV character in the novel, he seems sweet despite occasional classism, and at times his arc seems more about learning to relax than anything else. That is, instead of representing Darcy as more or less accurately seen by Elizabeth, it leans into emphasizing the extent of her misunderstanding, with Darcy's behavior both more sympathetic than she sees it and clearly comprehensible if she weren't so biased against him (fwiw, The Lizzie Bennet Diaries also emphasizes Elizabeth's misjudgment to a considerable extent and deals with the ambiguity by keeping him literally offstage).
The point of all this is that there is a core issue of adaptation here—the difficulty of representing subtle novelistic ambiguity while making Darcy emotionally compelling at the same time. Adapted Darcys are often given extra scenes, altered dialogue, or (where described in the novel) altered mannerisms/emotions to try and achieve this. And all lean so hard into the aspect they choose to emphasize that they tend to sacrifice most of the rest of his personality to the interpretation they're committing to, and his feelings for Elizabeth tend to be incredibly obvious to the point that it sometimes strains belief that she wouldn't see them, even with all her investment in not seeing them.
I guess the thing is that I think just stopping with "this is an issue of the different media and can't be represented on film" is boring and underestimates the potential of film as a medium. There are plenty of performances that can only be fully appreciated on re-watching or re-listening to something with a fuller knowledge of what is revealed later. And to some degree, the adapters do have to choose how much they want to incorporate Elizabeth's perception of Darcy vs the bare narrative and what they're willing to give away about him to preserve what seems most important.
These are all active choices with actual significance, IMO. They imply priorities about the production and their production's take on Darcy that are intriguing in a way that gets lost by just giving them a free pass by way of the challenge of the medium.
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daphnejane · 3 months
Well, hello there! It's been a while, and this piece in particular has been 6 months in the making. Well, I created the doc 6 months ago, but you could say it's been on the table since September of 2021, when I posted I Finally Love This Town, the keystone to my Lightning Strike series. May I present:
Bouncing Joy, Tender Heartbreak
Fandom: Bridgerton
Pairing: Colin/Penelope
Rating: M
Words: 7.6k
Tags: modern AU, mild sexual content, light angst, Colin's POV
Colin and Penelope have been growing closer, but what happens when things start looking a little too real?
Why did Colin run out on Penelope and what the hell was he doing all that time?
Colin looked up at the sound of a key turning in the lock, smiling as Penelope shuffled in the door. He closed his laptop, pushed back his chair, and waited for her to acknowledge him. He’d been editing his journals for hours; her homecoming was the perfect opportunity for a break. She dropped her bag on the table and kicked off her shoes, sighing heavily. “Everything okay?” he asked. Penelope tossed her hair back and glanced over at the dinette, finally noticing his presence. “Yes and no. Mostly a lot of small annoyances, like spilling my tea and failing to catch the lift three times in a row and getting so lost in my notes that I missed my stop on the Tube and had to double back and then getting caught in the rain without an umbrella—as if I haven’t lived in London my entire life! But nothing major, I suppose. Just glad to be home.” She unbuttoned her sweater, and he noticed the tea-colored splash across her pale blouse. “I’m going to change.” Colin reached out to gently grab her wrist on her way past the table. He tipped his chin up for a kiss; her eyes flicked toward Eloise’s door. He grinned. “It’s safe. El’s gone to spend the weekend with Phillip. Come now, I promise you’ll feel better.” Colin puckered his lips expectantly. Penelope huffed a laugh but bent down to meet him. She squealed in surprise when he drew her into his lap, and he quickly claimed her mouth once more. She threw an arm around his neck, matching his hunger—until his stomach grumbled loudly. Pen broke their kiss with a giggle. “Alright, let me get my blouse in the sink to soak, and you get the takeaway menus. I hope I can get this stain out…”
Continue reading on AO3.
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twinflamedfool · 3 months
omg!!! i love your penedict fics! do you have any more planned for the future?
i do actually! besides from my current two ones, i have another two planned! they're both post season-two aus.
the first one is going to be told mostly through letters for the first bit and transition into the 1815 season through pen's pov. it'll be about friendship, the main one being between ben and pen as he is the one who will be facilitating the reconciliation between eloise and pen, and the beginning of a friendship between pen and edwina as they'll both be traversing through murky waters for their upcoming season. however what those last two don't realize is that they've steadily fallen in love with their male pen-pals (yes there's minor fredwina in this one!!!)
the second one is much more my usual speed aka it involves incest lol. it'll be a hea for benedict/eloise/penelope with established beneloise. the whole premise of this au is that penelope has been trying to earn eloise's forgiveness and in doing so finds out about those two and decides that if benedict is who eloise wants, then penelope will make it work and enters a marriage of convenience with benedict, all the while falling out of love with colin and falling in love with eloise and eventually benedict.
technically i also have a modern au oneshot for them set in an a/b/o setting but i've yet to outline it the way i have done for the two fics above. we'll see though since i have finish my two current ones before even thinking of posting these!
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sea-owl · 1 year
Okay Bridgerton wives and their black market shop is so funny to me especially when I think of the POV of the Bridgerton brothers like they just be doing their business with Colin doing his usual "I miss my wife" spiel when his head just pops up and a shiver runs through his body and he knows, without a shadow of a doubt that Penelope has committed a felony. Again.
He tells his brothers this and they just roll their eyes and tell him not to be dramatic and Colin is insistant because, again, he knows his wife and that the others shouldn't be complacent because their wives are just as bad as his when bored!
And then they return and lo and behold, their wives are running a black market shop! Colin side eyes his brother like "I told you so!"
Colin's brain is used for two things, his wife and food. Unfortunately for Penelope, the side dedicated to her can also sense when she gets up to her illegal activities. She has to hope or plan that the food side of Colin's brain is the dominant side that day.
When Colin senses his wife committed another felony he is ready to turn around that very moment, especially since baby Georgie is still in Mama's belly. But his brothers all told him not to worry. Their wives will make sure Penelope won't do anything.
Colin does not believe any of them. Kate is an enabler and has committed her own felonies in the past. Sophie steals stuff when bored, mostly Benedict's stuff nowadays, but still. Lucy is perfect for them to mold and corrupt into their fourth member. She already married Gregory and idolizes Kate. The girl won't stand a chance against the three of them.
Colin is all out smug but also wants to bang his head against a wall when he and his brothers finally get back. Of all things, he was not expecting a black market shop.
Penelope tells him it was the baby's idea. He does not believe her for a second.
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lostdrarryfics · 1 year
Hi, I'm looking for an 8th year fic where Draco, wracked with guilt, ends up being a loner who talks to ghosts a lot (especially victims of the war). I think he interacted a lot with Colin Creevey, who had lost his memories. It was mostly from Harry's pov
We believe you’re looking for Ocean of Storms by Brief_and_Dreamy (113k, E)
Don’t forget to bookmark, leave kudos and comments!
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itwoodbeprefect · 11 months
fuck it friday (on saturday, because fuck it)
thank you @luredin for the tag!! 💖
this is a snippet from a comedy-ish ted lasso jamie pov fic, about jamie and the team taking extreme measures to confuse and annoy the press when they keep hounding colin after colin's (seemingly spontaneous??? oh dear god???) public coming out in the finale, which is an excuse for me to a) put my own mind at ease by giving colin a happy end after his one big and romantic gesture that would definitely have major consequences for his career and probably life in general, b) write fic with a lot of team-as-himbo-family fluff and many of their chaotic and bouncy conversations, c) smuggle in more slow ot3 realization probably, while jamie, roy and keeley all work together and keep thinking about Queer Stuff, and finally d) write a lot of jan maas nonsense (affectionate) (and also cackling maniacally).
the following is mostly b kickstarted by d:
Jan Maas says, in his typical no nonsense but slightly off-beat way, “Did you know that the Netherlands was the first country in the world to legalise same-sex marriage? The changed law went into effect on April 1st, 2001, which I’ve always thought was an odd choice.”
Bumbercatch nods along. “Because those planes crashed into the Twin Towers that same year?”
“No, bruv,” Isaac says, frowning deeply. Bumbercatch has already been hit over the head with Zoreaux’s sweaty shirt by this point. “Because it was April 1st, and making a lifetime commitment to someone you love is not a joke.” 
Several of the guys are nodding, and Jamie also does a little of that, while Bumbercatch gets a contrite look on his face. “Right, sorry.” 
There’s a long moment of nobody digging any further into this, so Jamie takes it upon himself to ask, “Were you trying to imply that gay marriage in Holland did 9/11?”
“I have an uncle who said that on Facebook once,” Zoreaux says. “Or maybe more than once. I unfriended him after that.”
i will tag @redgoldblue @actingcamplibrarian @littlestarsailor @stephmcx @theroseandthebeast and anyone else who reads this and feels like it (that includes you, if you want! tag me in it!) to post a little thing from any kind of wip. it can be a snippet from a fic, gifset, art, or anything else you've been working on - and zero pressure, obviously.
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catalogercas · 8 months
The struggle is real 😂
But, mostly, I have really short simple titles or the title is some kind of word play. Some are song titles. It's just the lyrics part that I usually don't do.
I wish every one of my titles was double entendre word play.
I'm going through my Ted Lasso fics that aren't for Whumptober, and now you can see my thought process on the titles, if you wanted to know:
Handle with Care: Jamie sickfic, title was a reference to Roy calling him fragile (so he needs handled with care)
Warning: Fragile;:Same fic from Roy's POV. I think it's self-explanatory from there
Offensive Tactics: Colin and Jamie come out to the team on their own terms, and Jamie offers to be the queer spokespeople so Colin doesn't have, so they're able to control the narrative, taking an offensive, rather than a defensive stance (which is interesting to me since Colin had to take a defensive stance in the actual narrative. I wrote this before La Locker Room Aux Folles aired.)
Trust Falls: Jamie falls on the pitch and he trusts Roy and Ted to be near him when he's feeling vulnerable while having a concussion
DSMB: Dyslexic!Jamie is convinced this is how BDSM is written
Going, Going, Gone: This is set at the charity gala and it's just tilted this because it's what auctioneers say at an auction.
Going Through the Motions: This one is a song title, from the musical Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode. Buffy was going through it in a state of depression, and so was Jamie.
Triangles: Roy/Keeley/Jamie, triangles are the strongest shape
In Tunica Veritas: Play on In Vino Veritas since Jamie shows up in Roy's Chelsea kit, and Roy immediately kisses him.
Fever Pitch: Jamie plays on the pitch with a fever (this one is just very literal)
Falling Up: Jamie has a concussion and, from s1 Jamie's POV, by post s3, he's really moved up in the world
Gray Hair Don't Care (Unless You're Jamie Tartt): Play on messy hair don't care
Lather, Rinse, Repeat: This fic was mostly about bathing Jamie. Again, very literal.
Somethin' Stupid: Another song title. I don't really like this title because I don't think it fits the overall theme of the fic, just what happened at the very beginning. But I hadn't come up with anything, and I heard this on the radio. And I do love this song.
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yourimagines · 7 months
nick x reader where reader hates when nick talks with girls so she decides to ignore him and give all her attention to her guy friends to make him jealous
Other women
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* English is not my first language I apologise
* Triggers: swearing, fluff
We were in a restaurant having dinner with some of our friends. The table next to us mostly filled with women started to talk to us or do I say to Nick. They are all giggly and I rolled my eyes, turning my head to the other side. Jeff my friend smiled at me. “You okay?” He whispered. I shook subtle my head. He smiles apologetic at me. He pats on his girlfriends hand and she looks over. “What’s wrong.” He nodded subtle to Nick. She nods and leans closer to me. “Let’s have fun, he probably doesn’t know they are all drooling over him.” She squeezed my hand and leans back. “So, Colin when are you going to bring a girl with you.” I laughed as Colin shoot her a glare. “When it’s time. Why?” She shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know, maybe Y/N can help you with that. She’s a matchmaker.” She wiggled her eyebrows. Jeff starts to laugh as Colin became red in the face. “I’m the best.” I said to Colin while pointing at Jeff and his girl. “You sure about that?” We all burst out laughing. “That’s rude!” I said while playfully hitting his hand. I felt Nicks hand an my thigh. I quickly looked over, he was smiling. I smiled back and turned back to the rest. “Is it rude or is it just the truth?” Jeff chuckles. “It’s rude, hundred procent rude.” Colin smiles at me. “Okay if you all so sure, match me up.” I smiled at him. “You want that?” He nods. I felt Nick squeezing my thigh but ignored him. “Okay, I want to know everything about you, then I know who will fit you.” Jeff claps in his hands. “Tell us everything Colin.” Colin laughs. “Everything?” Jeff nods. “Dude everything, pictures will help also for the hidden things.” I burst out laughing. “I have a video, is that good too?” Jeff cries out laughing. Collin laughs and I hide my face in my hands. “This is awful.” Jeff girl said while wiping away her tears. I saw nick in the corner of my eyes becoming irritated or even jealous ‘Good.’
“So, you think she will like me?” “Yep.” He nods slowly. “Okay, do your thing.” I picked my phone and started to text her about Collin. “Who is it?” Nick asked as he tried to look at my phone. “She asked when?” I looked up to see Collin. He shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know.” “Friday?” “Yeah sure.” I nodded and texted her back. “Is it F/N?” I ignored him again. “Friday at 6 at the arcade.” He nods. “Okay, can’t wait.” Jeff laughs. “He’s nervous.” Collin playfully kicks him under the table. “Shut it J.” Jeff holds his hands up in defeat. “I’m just telling the truth.” I shook my head. “You were nervous as well J.” “I’m always nervous around you guys.” He grabbed my and his girlfriend hands. I giggled as Colin made a throwing up face. “You guys make me sick.” Nick coughed and pulled his hand away from my leg, looking a bit jealous at Jeff.
I gave them all a hug and walked with Nick to our car. He had his hands in his pockets, walking a bit faster to the car. He opened my door for me. “Thank you.” I hopped in and fastened my seatbelt. He slammed the door shut and walked over do the other side. “I’m so done with the bullshit.” He got in and closed the door. “What bullshit.” He shoot me a glare. “Don’t act stupid know, ignoring me and talking weird shit.” He started the engine. “I’m sorry you’re jealous Nick, I was just having fun. Weren’t you having fun as well, with the ladies from table 8?” He slams his fist against the steering wheel. “Are you upset about that? For me talking with strangers?” “You know I don’t like it when you talk to other women, totally ignoring me and enjoying their flirty conversations.” He laughs. “They were not flirting Y/N.” I rolled my eyes at him. “They were Nick.” He shakes his head. “Unbelievable, really unbelievable this.” “Yes, that you make me feel I’m not your priority.” He stops, turning the engine off. He drops his hands from the steering wheel into his lap. He opens his door and gets out off the car. I looked at him as he talks to himself. I unlocked my seatbelt and stepped out of the car, walking over to him. “I’m not good enough for you, is that what your saying?” He was pacing around, looking frustrated with him self. “That’s not what I said.” He went with his hands through his hair. “I don’t know how to act when strangers talk to me Y/N, they all know me from the tv, they like me or they are a fan. What do you want me to do?! Acting like a idiot, not being myself.” He throws his arms up, making me flinch a bit. His whole body went cold, looking at me like a deer caught in the lights. “I… I didn’t mean it…. I only waved my arms up…. I would never….” His voice cracked at the end of his sentence. I nodded at him. “I know, I just flinched because of the sudden movement, not that I thought you would hit me Nick.” He shakes his head, his hands up to his face. “I’m sorry, I’ll bring you home.”
He dropped me off at my place and left, leaving me alone. ‘I think I really fucked it this time.’ I crashed down in my bed and started to cry from frustration. ‘Why are we both so bad in communication!’ I cried till I felt asleep.
Nick POV
I was running around the neighbourhood after I dropped Y/N off at her place. ‘Fucking idiot!’ I started to run faster. ‘You’re losing the best thing what could ever happened, throwing it all away for nothing.’ I started to run back to my place, feeling my legs getting sour from pushing myself harder and harder. I was out of breath when I walked up my front yard. ‘Maybe I should go and apologise to her, I can’t lose her.’ I jumped into my car and drove to her place.
I walked up and unlocked the front door with the spare keys I’ve got. The lights were off, completely dark inside. I grabbed my phone and turned the flashlight on. I walked up to her bedroom, a nightlight was on. She was culled up in her bed. I turned my flashlight off and walked carefully over to her bed. I kicked my shoes off and crawled in bed. She started to mumble my name. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close, placing a kiss on her head. “I’m sorry.” I started to caress her back, softly tracing up and down her spine. “Nick…” “I’m here.” I felt her hands wrapping around my waist. “I’m sorry.” “I’m sorry as well baby.” “It was mean and not true what I said, you’re treating me so good Nick, your the best.” Her voice was muffled as she was talking against my chest. “I love you baby.” I placed a kiss on the top of her head. I felt her looking up at me. Her eyes are red and puffy from crying. “I love you too Nick.” She placed a kiss on my collarbone. I smiled down at her as she cuddled up against me. “Please stay.” “I will baby, I’m not leaving you.”
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ninja-muse · 2 years
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I feel like I spent the whole of October in a reading slump. This is 30% because I overdid the fantasy in September, 30% because I wanted dark, deep books but didn’t have the focus for the lush historical stuff I usually go for when I’m in that mood, and 50% because I started my month by reading Echoes and kept spooking myself so that book alone took two weeks.
My reading tastes/needs meant that nothing in my pile of ARCs appealed except for The Curse of the Marquis de Sade, and my library failed to deliver more than one of my New Release Holds, so I actually managed to get through a decent number of books from my physical TBR, which is nice. (Except that I have to find space for them on the normal bookshelves now.)
My desire for dark books also turned into an accidental Spooktober, with three books featuring ghosts, one with witches and goblins, two true crime, and a picture book about a witch. Most of the rest of my list was picked as palate cleansers. I think this is the first time I’ve been even semi-deliberately reading to match the season? It was a neat experience but I’m not sure it’s something I’m going to be sticking with. I can see Christmas-in-December or Romance-in-February getting old fast.
The library’s back on form for me though! I pick up three books and two DVDs tomorrow, so at least the first week or two of November are planned out for me. Though I really do need to do something about the ARCs…
And now, my usual “most worth it to me” list, which only has one book I don’t really recommend and it’s not the one on the bottom*:
Highway of Tears - Jessica McDiarmid Northern BC, disappearances, murder, apathy, racism, pain. - Indigenous subjects, 🇨🇦 - warning: missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls, systemic racism
Witch Hazel - Molly Idle Hilda helps Hazel with housework. Hazel shares her memories. - warning: character death Mushroom Lullaby -  Kenneth Kraegel A cozy bedtime tale about mushrooms (and mushroom houses).
Echoes - Ellen Datlow (editor) A collection of ghost stories, mostly modern. - reasonably diverse authors and POVs - warnings: abuse of adults and children, murder, xenophobia, suicidal ideation, enclosed spaces
Confessions of the Fox - Jordy Rosenberg The adventures of Jack Sheppard, 18th-century thief and trans man, as annotated by a hapless, Marxist professor. - 🏳️‍🌈 protagonist, Indo-British and Black secondary characters, 🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters, 🏳️‍🌈 author, #ownvoices - warning: child abuse, misgendering, racism, blood
Not Good for Maidens - Tori Bovalino Lou’s grown up with secrets, but now her best friend is kidnapped (by goblins?) and the secrets are coming out. - 🏳️‍🌈 protagonists, 🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters, Black and Indo-British secondary characters, blind secondary character - warning: gore
Ghostland - Colin Dickey What ghost stories can tell us about American history and culture - warning: torture of enslaved people
Hazel's Theory of Evolution - Lisa Jenn Bigelow New school? Losing a best friend? Mom pregnant after two miscarriages? Not talking about the hard stuff’s worked well for Hazel so far. - 🏳️‍🌈 protagonist, 🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters; disabled, Japanese-American, and Black secondary characters; 🏳️‍🌈 author, #ownvoices
The London Nobody Knows - Geoffrey Fletcher A celebration of the whimsical and overlooked sights of London, in the 1960s. - warning: classism, moderately pro-Empire/colonialism, uncomfortable depictions of minorities
The Girl in the Green Silk Gown - Seanan McGuire Rose Marshall’s gotten protection from Bobby Cross, but he’s found a way around it. Now she’ll do anything to get back to normal. - 🏳️‍🌈 author
The Perfect Crimes of Marian Hayes - Cat Sebastian Rob is blackmailing Marian. Marian’s plans to escape her marriage go awry. Kidnapping each other is a completely normal and logical next step. - 🏳️‍🌈 protagonists, 🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters, 🏳️‍🌈 author, #ownvoices
The Curse of the Marquis de Sade - Joel Warner The history of 120 Days of Sodom, and a French financial scandal. Out in February 2023. - warning: mentions of sexual violence, rape, pedophilia, and murder
All the Discworld's a Stage - Terry Pratchett Stage adaptations of Feet of Clay, Unseen Academicals, and several Rincewind novels.
High Times in the Low Parliament - Kelly Robson Lana, a happy-go-lucky scribe, finds herself working for the fairy-created Parliament. If Parliament don’t get its act together soon, everyone living there drowns. - 🏳️‍🌈 cast, 🏳️‍🌈 author, #ownvoices, 🇨🇦 - warning: abuse
Currently reading:
The Penguin Complete Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle Victorian detective stories - major disabled character
 - warning: colonialism, racism


Monthly total: 14 Yearly total: 130 + 1
 Queer books: 6 Authors of colour: 0
 Books by women: 7 Canadian authors: 2 
Off the TBR shelves: 5

January February March April May June July August September
* Guess which book I don’t recommend and … don’t win a prize, because I’m cheap
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