#this is long overdue lmao
suna1suna1 · 1 year
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So I finally made a ref for Martin. This isn't how he looks in H&P, but this is more his "canon" look lol
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doodles-in-sand · 1 month
we know the drill, outta requests means self indulgence time :) shidou and kazui this time! B6 for both + different palettes
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as you can see at the top. I Need To Make Them Cry.jpeg
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funkwitz · 1 year
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Low-Altitude Maintenance 
Got a sudden urge to draw the cosmosaurs again! Characters are Utah Kritt (green) and Nycho ((orange) Opashoo's OC)
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caelanglang · 1 year
Sometimes it ends too soon
And I don't want to sleep ~
song: The Mortal Boy King by The Paper Kites
I actually struggled a lot with the details and painting this… I think this has been on my wips for over a month. Here’s a Timelapse recording of the process :3 you can see how indecisive I am with the elements and colors lol I hope I can share more process like this with y’all because y’all inspire me to grow as a creator !! Thank you for watching :))
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avoiltaire · 1 year
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wanshi/pgr - super old lightning/colours practice i did a month ago 😭
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zinzabee · 9 months
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Finally got around to drawing up Trevor & Frankie in the RotTMNT Universe, and figuring out their color palettes. Yippee!!!
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oiblackestsheep · 1 month
Letters to MBTI: ENTP
Dear ENTPs,
Man, oh, man, if I could choose to be another type, you better believe it would be you guys! It's not much of a stretch with me being an INTP, but still, your Ne-Ti combo packs quite the punch that I've always admired.
So quick to think on your feet, you come up with novel ideas like you just happened to find them in your back pocket like a lost dollar, or something. Not to mention that they aren't just nonsense ideas, most of the time, they work and make so much sense right off the bat. Sure, they might need a little tweaking to optimize them, but for flying by the seat of your pants 24/7, your unique ideas/solutions to problems never cease to amaze me with how functional they are, even in their infancy.
Not to mention that when you find your confidence, you really wear your thoughts and ideas on your sleeve for the world to see, and you're so unbothered by criticisms. If they're valid criticisms, you'll acknowledge and address them, but you don't take it personally or let it get you down, and it's such an admirable trait of yours! You can be so good at being unequivocally yourself, even if you tend to go against the grain. Sometimes especially if you go against the grain.
You're one of my favorite types to joke with, since you're almost always down the play. Anything random or zany I can think of, you can match my energy instantly and the synergy of our combined humor always leaves me feeling more uplifted than I was before.
Your tertiary Fe makes an appearance every now and then when you find little ways to show that you pay attention to your friends' wants/needs. You are considerate and care about other people more than everyone else thinks you do, partially because your reputation of being a jokester sometimes precedes you, and also partially because you seem just a little reluctant to let that side of you show too much.
I've seen you do or say something very thoughtful and sweet, but play it off as not a big deal, or like you didn't really even mean it to be emotional or mushy, and try to move on from it quickly until its forgotten by everyone. I'm not sure if it's because you're embarrassed, uncomfortable with deep feelings, or you genuinely don't recognize the emotional depth you possess, or all of that and more, but let me say this:
Your hidden sensitivity and discretion for others is a welcome facet of your personality. It balances out your witty, untouchable persona that you can sometimes assume because it shows that ultimately, underneath the jokes, the brain-storming/think-tanking, the never-ending debating and problem-solving, you do it all with a kind heart and good intentions for all the people around you.
Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing more of that side of you, but I also realize that it's not your preferred way of interacting with the world around you. If it was, then you wouldn't be an ENTP, would you?
I'd give you advice like "clean your room", or "finish the project you're working on before moving on to the next one", but I don't really think that's necessary. Your mind covers so much ground from day-to-day, that I'm sure you've already considered that stuff. You might have concluded that you could do those things, but you don't need to because you're already functioning well enough with your own methods to your madness. And you'd probably be right! I mean, hey, I'm an INTP, I can relate, you're preaching to the choir. Why fix something that isn't broken, right?
Well, from one xNTP to another, nothing might be broken, but maybe what we really need is the push to acknowledge that while we are doing fine the way we are... we haven't completely reached our maximum potential either, have we? Coming up with new ideas, and switching gears at a moments notice to solve the problems and fit the needs of the current situation is such a gift, but I think we both know that it can be a curse, too. We both can make waves, for sure, but I think we could both learn to move mountains if we made more conscious efforts to finish the things we start and not get bored of them halfway through, or get distracted by a fun, new idea.
You'll never stop thinking of new ideas! Especially in the middle of working on your current project. Write down the new idea so you don't forget it (in as much detail as you need!), then go right back to working on your current project. The new idea will still be there when you're done. You just wrote it down, after all!
Sometimes you might not get the chance to write it down, and you end up losing the new idea forever and you never remember it. And that's a bummer! But even if that does happen, who cares? You're already well underway making progress on your current awesome idea and that needs your attention now more than anything else. And also, you'll think of even more new ideas later that might just be even better than the idea you forgot about. So why waste time fretting about getting started on that next thing before it's too late? We all know you'll come up with something even better later on, anyway. :)
With love, understanding, and appreciation,
Your kindred spirit, INTP.
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recklessmoss · 9 months
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BY THE NINE...............
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bluechocowitz · 6 months
MA: For the next 5 asks, blue is a beeg woman, like the skeleton Lady in the kimono XDD
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candiliam328 · 5 months
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btw the philippines was lovely 🥺🇵🇭 was only there less than a week but i already miss it~
@feralnumberfive 💕
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imagine--if · 2 years
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♡• hi!! i'm meesha, aspiring filmmaker and novel writer... but i also love watching movies and falling in love with their characters, so here we are 😂
♡• i have a crazy imagination that i dont mind sharing with an awesome community, and so i really hope this blog can be a place you can all come to for escapism and 'imagining if' with your favourite characters
♡• this post will always be up to date so navigation's easy for you, and asks are always open, whether you just want to chat or have any questions or concerns 😊
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♡• my request status is always up to date on my blog description, and ill usually leave a little post to let you know when they're open and if there are any specifics
♡• at the moment, these are the fandoms and characters i'm willing to write for whenever my requests are open - unless ive said that they're open for a specific fandom or character for a time. if you want to recommend any series or movie you'd be interested in me writing for, let me know through my inbox or dms 💜
♡• please respect that im not comfortable with writing smut, or anything offensive or just wrong, yknow? im totally up for writing fluff, drabbles, blurbs, headcanons, songfics, all of that 🙃 sometimes i do matchups with characters from a specific fandom or an actor's characters too
♡• if i haven't mentioned a character below that's in the same film or fandom that you'd like to see me write for, don't be afraid to ask too! i could have just forgotten 😅
♡• i also write for basically any paul dano character... danonation knows what i mean 😏
Skyrim │pretty much any main character│
Marvel │Bucky Barnes│Steven Grant│Harry Osborn│
FNAF │Golden Freddies│Bonnies│Chicas│Foxies│Springtrap│Monty│Roxy│Vanny│Sun/Moon Drop│
Grishaverse │Kaz Brekker│Jesper Fahey│Inej Ghafa│General Kirigan│Matthias Helvar
DC │Gotham main characters│The Batman main characters│Suicide Squad main characters│Titans Series main characters│
Star Wars │2017-2019 main characters│original trilogy and prequel characters│The Mandalorian│Cassian Andor│Ahsoka
Once Upon A Time │Peter Pan│Hook│Henry Mills│Jefferson│
Strangers From Hell/Hell Is Other People │Seo Moon Jo│
Sweet Home │Cha Hyun Su│Lee Eun Hyuk│Pyeon Sang Wook│
Alice In Borderland │Chishiya Shuntaro│Suguru Niragi│Ryohei Arisu│Banda Sunato│
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The Batman Masterlist
Alice In Borderland Masterlist
Miscellaneous (coming soon)
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cookinguptales · 11 months
Spilled Ink, Chapter 1 WWDITS | Nandor/Guillermo | Mature | 5k words While wandering through the Vampiric Council archives, Guillermo finds a cache of old journals written by slayers. As he consumes the wisdom of slayers past (and adds a bit of his own), he comes to a startling conclusion and has to ask himself -- what was all this for, exactly? (Written pre-s4.) tags: epistolary elements, guillermo can't be turned, not s4 or s5 compliant, slayer lore, academia, soul bond, flangst, dual POV, s3 era, canon divergent, more tags to come
So I'm finally posting the fic I started writing pre-s4 back on my road trip a year and a half ago. It's pretty clearly canon divergent at this point (and was even when I wrote it, tbh) but I think it's finally time to get these thoughts out before the show josses them. lmao
This fic is deeply self-indulgent and might get updated somewhat irregularly once the new season starts, but I'll try to get it all written as quickly as I can. I learned with Smoke that posting it as I'm writing and getting feedback does help me write, so I'd say that experiment was a success -- and I'll keep doing it! The fic has about 15k written thus far and is dual POV, which is also how it'll be split up. It's not something I've experimented with much, but I think it's a good way to do this.
Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy. 💜
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seriemorder · 2 months
caught me off guard this is basically brain to keyboard no filter: what's the best yogurt (if you're a fan of it ofc) what are your secrets to keep white shoes, well, white and a random history fact from 1942 you're really passionate about just because — ready, set, go!
markie i love you more than life itself fr.
ok, so, fave yoghurt its good old greek yoghurt. dont like it particularely thick, with a drizzle of honey and i dont even need extras on it. tho i have to say i have been partial to goat yoghurt lately. its so so so so good!
my personal secret to white shoes is 1) a paste of bicarbonate and white vinegar. you slap it on rub it in and let sit until it dries and then you rub it off 2) if you wet them never let them see the sun until theyre perfectly dry and even then wait another week 3) if youre water is rich in minerals do not even bother washing them its a lost cause
as for the random history fact hehe lets gooooo. ok, starting off with my guys. the 101st airborn were in training in 1942. the division itself was deactivated as an organised reserve division and reactivated as army proper in august of that year. in the pacific the guadalcanal offensive started in august and went on until february 1943. the 100th bomb group was activated in june of 1942 but they were unmanned until october that same year and had no planes until november when they recieved just 4 b-17s fresh off the factory. which is why they didnt join the fight until the following summer. it was a whole clusterfuck until it wasnt. theres a reason theyre called the bloody hundreth. that year the siege of stalingrad also happened from july into february of 1943. easily the greatest battle of ww2 as it kept hitler from having a direct supply line to the caucasus oil fields. and lastly also later that year operation torch aka the invasion of africa by allied forces begins after a summer of losses on the continent. this just shows i have got to make myself a timeline of events cause wow i struggled with those fr. if i triple checked its between me, god, and you. im such a fake history nerd fr.
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nam-daeeun · 1 year
closed / @veritycalma | location : anywhere
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With a small groan, Dae sunk into the chair across from Vera. "No murders today, okay?" he asked, rubbing his forehead. "I've had pretty much all I can take." With the deaths of the five still hanging heavily over the town, he was doing the best he could to push forward. But it wasn't easy. "Any other topic, I beg of you."
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tootditoot · 4 months
The Plague of Time
The wind brushed the raven-black hair of Fléu as she waltzed through the meadows that was painted in rustic light brown. She hopped over the roaming insects in the meadow and carefully side stepped the twigs upon her path. Fléu would even twist and turn as if she was a ballet dancer and the land was her ballroom. Her dress that was adorned with embellishments and ornamentations depicting vines and branches graciously flew with the wind as her floppy silk hat, with a peacock feather in its rim, covered her from the rays of the harsh sun.
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When the sun would set, she would then again return to her cottage, but not after collecting and picking daisies from nature’s gardens.
“Ever so pretty and blossoming! A shame that one cannot retain their beauty once pluck from its stem!” Fléu proclaimed jovially to nobody as she stored each daisy flowers into a basket.
But alas, such days of spring and summer never last. Winter came the next morning, and so the meadows withered and hid under a thick blanket of snow. She; however, persisted: Through the lens of her bird mask, she gazed upon the fields she used to roam in the summer, now covered in snow. Fléu thought to herself: “Why of all lands from the north to the south, did the winter chose to scourge mine?”
Thinking of a way to remove the snow from her fields, she went back to the cottage and boiled water in a huge pot.
Fléu watched as bubbles of all sorts popped up in her pot. “Aha! Surely this shall drive away the winter’s icy grips from the land of mine!”
She went outside again, now dragging a huge pot of boiling water behind her. “Begone, O Winter! I offer not but an inch of mine harvest unto you!” Fléu shouted at the field of snow before throwing her boiling pot at the snow-covered field, but such a pot of boiling water was not able to melt the fields entirely. “Hmph!” Her cheeks puffed red, seeing the failure of the plan that she had devised, she went back to her cottage stomping the snow on the way in.
As she paced back and forth within the living room of her cottage, she began to ponder:
“What else is there to drive away winter but the heat of the great orb that floats upon us all?”
She glimpses outside her window and observed the sky, surely enough, the fiery orb she spoke off was hidden beneath the winter clouds much like the landscape covered beneath winter’s blanket.
“Eureka!” Fléu slammed her table. “I shall not go outside to spite winter’s arrival!” She patted herself on the back for the brilliant plan she thought off. “Now then winter! We shall see who dominates this realm!”
She sat on the chair next to the cottage’s window to witness the snow melt from her fields; just waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting… until her eye lids finally had enough of spitefully looking at the winter storm and shut itself to rest.
Not but a moment passed and she shook herself back to life. “Ah! Winter! You think I would missed a moment of your demise?! Think again!” She said as she rubbed the glass lenses on her mask, she took a glance of the window, but something was strange. She couldn’t see a speck of snow outside. How long has it been since she was asleep? Days? Months? Years? It can’t be, she only closed her eyes for a mere moment and yet, winter suddenly vanish as if it was just thin air.
Her mind was riddled at first as she gazed off into the once again blossoming meadow, but it felt somewhat strange to her that winter suddenly disappeared without a trace but she shrugged it off. Kicking down her cottage door in excitement, Fléu waltzed again to the meadow she once knew and loved, but something was different, she could not help but notice the meadow’s grass was taller and much rougher than before, but as she walked deeper within the meadow it finally hit her.
“My meadow that was sweet and luscious! Who had defiled you and laid waste upon my land?!” She looked around, half of her meadow was now turned into a wheat field and could not have been more confused. Where did this wheat field come from? When was the land plowed? Many questions rang about in her mind as she scanned her land, but none could answer her queries
Thinking what may have caused this, Fléu’s thoughts were interrupted when she spotted something in the corner of her vision. On the far end of the field, she saw two moving silhouettes heading back into a dense forest path. Fléu shouted at them: “Halt! Halt I say!” The silhouettes stood still at her call.
As Fléu tore a path in the wheat field with haste to them, the closer she got, the more it became apparent they were fellow human beings, the first of whom she saw was a man who sported an unshaven beard and wore a ragged shirt and a hay-made hat while the other was a woman who wore a hole-torn dress and a cap. Both of their faces were scribbled with curiosity and a hint of fear as Fléu stepped forward to them.
“Who art thou?” Fléu said in the poshest of voices.
The man hesitantly stood in front of his companion, puffing up his chest, he replied: “We are but humble farmers, Madame, we mean no offense to you.”
“And what of this then?” Fléu gestured to the wheat fields behind her. “Surely you must know that this wheat field that was once a meadow belonged to me, yes?”
“T-that would be ridiculous, Madame!” The woman spoke up. “This wheat fields were passed unto us through our grandfather, the only meadow we know of is two acres away!”
“Fatima! Keep your voice down.” The man took of his hay hat and bowed sincerely to Fléu, “Pardon my sister for her ill-manners, Madame, but what she tells is true. This wheat field had always been a wheat field for decades.”
Fléu adjusted her bird mask as she heard of this. She couldn’t be mistaken, just before winter had arrive, this wheat field wasn’t here before, hell, there was no wheat field to begin with, only her grassy planes and meadows, just what had happened?
“Excuse me, Madame,” The girl who her companion introduced as Fatima tilted her head at Fléu: “Not to be inquisitive, but may I ask why you wear a bird mask whose beak curls up at the end?”
Fléu chuckes at her comment. “Merely allergic to pollen, that is all. I love a flare of dramatics too.” She clears her throat. “Anyway, was it, by chance, winter yesterday?”
“Winter yesterday?” The man replied with his eye brows raised. “Winter isn’t yet to come until a few months.”
Now that is strange, in Fléu’s perspective, snow was falling heavily yesterday, but now they say that winter hasn’t come yet? She stood fazed at the siblings as she tried to make sense of it all.
“Uhm, Madame?” Fatima waved a hand in front of Fléu’s face.
“O-oh, yes?” Fléu jumped at her gesture.
“You seem aghast, would you like a cup of tea in our place? It’s not quite far up, our home is by the forest.” Fatima smiled at her and her brother nodded to Fléu.
Seeing that she could not bring back half of her meadow again, she accepted their invitation and tailed behind as she followed them into a dense forest path.
As she followed them silently, she noticed the forest path seemed to be well-maintained, she notes that they regularly brush off the fallen leaves from time to time as well as trim the bushes in the path’s edges to provide a clear way for carriages.
After several minutes later, Fléu had finally arrived to their home. Their house was made of wood and cobble with a roof made of clay tiles and a little chimney to top it all off. This was indeed what Fléu imagined when she thought of a farmer’s houses.
“Please, do come in.” Fatima opened the wooden door wide for Fléu as she gestured her to enter. She stepped in and the two followed suit.
“Do make yourself at home, I’ll prepare some herbs for the tea.” Fatima said before retreating into their home’s kitchen. 
“Pardon me, Madame, but I believed we had not made proper introductions.” Fatima’s brother spoke up from behind her. “I am Retinento.”
“Oh yes,” Fléu had almost forgotten to ask this man’s name after their encounter. “Call me Fléu, a pleasure to meet you.”
Retinento bowed. “Likewis-.”
Retinento and Fléu jumped at the thunderous barks.
“Those darn wolves.” He scorned as he walked to open the door again. “If you’ll excuse me, Madame Fléu, I must check if our chickens from the back haven’t been pried open yet.”
Fléu watched as Retinento made his way outside to do his rounds.
“Must be hard living in the edge of the forest.” Fléu thought to herself. Not after a minute, Fatima appears again holding a tray with a wooden teapot and three tea cups placed neatly next to each other.
“Hmm?” Fatima looks around. “Did my brother went off somewhere again?”
“He said he was going to check the chickens in the back”
Fatima nodded as she placed the tea set on a table. “Wolves are getting quite active in this parts for some reason, but they never really dare to step near our house, so he’ll be back in a jiffy.”
She poured a cup of tea unto each cup and offered out one to Fléu.
“Here, I’m sure you’ll love it.”
“Thanks.” Fléu grabbed hold of the cup. She could smell the scent of the fresh ingredients used even through her mask. She lifts her mask to drink. “Lavender and a hint of rosemary” Fléu noted as she drank from the cup, it was intoxicating to say the least.
“How is it?” Fatima asked, a nervous smile creeping around her face.
“Terifically refreshing!” Fléu replied as she drinks from the cup, making sure to tilt it at an angle where not a single drop would remain in it.
Fatima sighs in relief. “Thank you, we don’t often get guests around these parts, so this is the best we can offer.”
The door then swung open, revealing Retinento with his clothes somewhat muddied.
“By the grace of God, there’s more wolves than ever before!” He complained. “Lucky for us that they shy away from stepping out of the bushes. Just sling a few rocks at them and they scatter as fast as they appeared.”
“Oh dear, I do hope they do stay in there, else the daises would get trampled by their paws.” Said Fléu.
Fatima chuckles. “That would be a shame indeed.”
“Ah!” Retinento looks outside their house’s window. The sun has begun making its way to hide behind the hills once more. “I am sorry to interrupt, Madame, but it seems it will be dark soon.”
Fléu looks through the window as well. “It would seem so.” She stands up, brushing her skirt. “Well, I better get going then.”
 “Leaving so soon?” Fatima interjects.  “Can’t she stay here for a while, brother? I can prepare a haybale to rest on for tonight.”
“Oh no need, I have disturbed you long enough.” Said Fléu “But rest assured, I will be returning for another cup of your tea!”
They bid her farewell, Fléu gleefully skips back to her cottage hidden within the wheat fields. The trip back was uneventful, though there were some howling in the distance, it was not close enough to set her alarmed.
She finally arrives home. The familiar room of her cottage untouched and unmoved. The chair that she had sat on when she was waiting for the passing of winter was still there as she had left it, no cob webs nor any sign of deterioration whatsoever. “Oh!”Fléu looks around the room. “There should be a basket of daisies lying around here somewhere!”. She scours around. “A bunch of glass bottles on the shelf… a dozen books with torn pages inside a cabinet… A bundle of candles on the bed… AHA!”. Her hand reaches under her bed, the familiar texture of a whicker basket greets it. Pulling back, she is happy to find that her daises are still lush in their color and texture, as if she had just plucked it yesterday. “This would be a lovely gift for those two! We are technically neighbors since we share this wheat field that was once my meadow after all.” She thought to herself. In her enthusiasm, she spent the night arranging and rearranging the daises, all night, trying to get that perfect bouquet pattern, until her eyes could no longer keep up once again with her wild spirit.
She woke up, slump across her table, a basket of daisies that were beautifully assorted in a basket, laid in front of her. “Oh yes! The gift!” She jumped out of her sit quickly and grabbed the basket. Exiting her cottage in joyful anticipation. “Oh sweet tea! How I yearn for you again!”
In her haste, she failed to notice that the wheat fields that had surrounded the area had withered away, patches of weeds began to sprang more and more the deeper she went.
The forest path that she had walked alongside Fatima and Retinento the other day had seemingly been consumed by bushes and fallen leaves. Fléu would slow down her jog into a walk by then. “Huh” Fléu looks around, the air was seemingly different than when was here yesterday, and a single question ran through her mind: “Were the trees always this tall before?”
It would not take long for her to reach the sibling’s humble abode.
“Fatima? Retinento?” Fléu shouted as she approaches their house. The clay roof that once covered their house laid in ruin, cracked and falling apart, as the cobbled walls did as well. The chimney had fallen entirely to the side, and their door was ajar, with scratches adorning it. Only the faint glimmer of a cup remained at the front of the shambled doorsteps, with the fragrant hint of lavender and rosemary. Fléu stood there motionless as a gust of wind blew the daisies in her basket. Time had flown past like a gust of wind yet again.
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dance-world-14 · 1 year
calis black cat will be on repeattttt
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