#this is PLATONIC fellas
thetrashqueeeen · 3 months
Effie was rescued from the Capitol prison at the exact moment Haymitch vomited into a metal basin and wished for a drink. They didn’t recognise her, so they scooped her unconscious body up, assuming she was a victor they didn’t know well. She was entirely boneless and floppy in the soldiers arms, and he wasn’t careful. As he carried her back onto the aircraft, her head smacked painfully into a doorframe, rousing her as he deposited her onto a gurney. The grey metal around her made her think she was in an interrogation room. Interrogations hurt. Nobody even bothered asking her questions anymore, they just hurt her over and over. She curled into the smallest ball she could and tucked her head into the space above her knees. She spent the flight back to 13 waiting for the pain to start. Her nose had started bleeding when her head had connected with the door, and the wet, metallic taste of blood enveloped her.
When they got there, they had to wheel her into the hospital wing. Her position had relaxed slightly, her arms looped loosely around her drawn up knees as she lay on her side. She didn’t know where she was going, but she knew whatever they were doing didn’t hurt right now. When the bed stopped, doctors and nurses came in to check her over, leaning down to look into her wide, unblinking eyes. She was almost entirely catatonic as far as they could tell, and nobody knew who she was.
Prim walked into the room, looking over at the poor soul on the bed. She was emaciated and dirty, cuts and bruises all over her skin. Her hair was nothing more than a dirty matted clump on her head and she was curled into a loose ball on her side. She was completely still and Prim paused for a moment to watch the gentle expansion of her back, making sure she was breathing.
“We need to get this one down to psych” the doctor said to Prim in an offhand manner, referencing the mental facility far underground
“It looks like she needs us” Prim couldn’t help but say
“She’s completely unresponsive” the doctor replied in a clipped tone
“Have you tried talking to her?”
“I have a medical wing full of people happy to engage with treatment, I don’t have time to coddle someone into it”
Prim walked over and rested one hand on the woman’s arm, and reached the other one to the bed control. She didn’t look at her as she said she was going to raise the bed and she needed her to sit up so they could give her medical care. Effie complied with the voice that pulled a faint string in her mind. She didn’t know how long she had been in that place, but her life before had a dream-like quality now, like it never happened. She had buried her name deep inside herself when time became either her screams or someone else’s. As she sat up, she glanced at the girl with the voice and the name ‘Prim’ slotted into her head. Prim didn’t recognise her at first, startled by the sight of fresh blood dripping out of her nose and crusting onto her chin.
“She’s not crazy, she’s just scared” Prim asserted, shocked by her own boldness.
Now the woman was sat up, Prim began to do a quick primary survey to see if there was anything critical they needed to prioritise, thankful to find nothing. It was when she picked up some wet gauze to clean her bloodied face that she recognised her. Prim looked finally into the bright blue eyes on the thin, dirty face of the woman before her and immediately knew it was Effie.
“Oh my god, Effie” she said without realising, horrified at the state she was in
“Trinket?” The guard by the door grunted in question “she’s an escort?” He finished, taking a menacing step forward as he reached for his gun
Most people would have let the soldier take her, but Primrose Everdeen wasn’t most people. Effie might have called her name that fateful reaping day, but she had also fussed over her every moment since. Effie had brought toys for her cat and ribbons for her hair. She had slipped her chocolates when nobody was looking and listened enraptured to her little girl stories and dreams. Effie had encouraged her to be a healer. She wasn’t letting them anywhere near her.
“She’s on the list” she said lowly and sharply, spinning around to face him “if you’ve got a problem take it up with the mockingjay” she wasn’t sure if Katniss actually had put Effie on the list, but she hoped it wouldn’t get back to her before she could brief her.
The soldier looked at her with reproach and then left the room, presumably to search out a commander to advise. She turned back to Effie and picked her gauze back up, gently holding the bottom of her face with one hand, while she dabbed the blood off with the other. She didn’t say much as she worked, but as she finished, she kept Effie’s face cupped in her hand a moment longer than she needed to
“You’re safe here. I promise.”
The next few hours passed in a flurry of medical testing. They took X-Rays of her bones and scans of her head. She was placed on a weighing scale and measured all over and then put in another machine that decided how malnourished she was. She wondered if the scans saw the snakes that now writhed in her skull, or if the scale included the weight of her screams or not. She wondered if her own or other peoples screams were heavier. Her nose began to ache and she shivered in the thin grey hospital gown someone had manhandled her into. She felt very glad to be deposited back onto her bed and told to stay there. She hadn’t spoken a single word. It was far too soon when Prim came back in, the mean doctor from earlier trailing behind her.
“She’s got several healed fractures and her left arm has an active break in both the ulna and the radius” Prim began, shocking Effie. Her arm didn’t hurt that much at all, how could it be broken?
“She has a mild case of pneumonia from the cold, but her white count is very elevated so that’s probably not the only infection she has” Effie thought of the coughs she heard from other cells. They were so loud and hacking that she sometimes prayed they would die quickly.
“There’s evidence of several previous concussions, but the MRI showed no long term damage” she remembered the sound of her head bouncing off the floor of her cell as they threw her prone body back in after interrogations
“She’s also extremely malnourished and dehydrated and…” Prim paused slightly “we think she might have fleas or lice maybe” Effie closes her eyes with shame.
“What’s your course of treatment?” The doctor asked Prim
“Well we need to get her clean, and then we need to get her on fluids with electrolytes and broad spectrum antibiotics. Then she needs a cast on her arm and a standard refeeding ration”
“And shave that head” the doctor added, gesturing towards Effie “it’s a lice haven in there”
Effie had swallowed her words long ago. She had bitten them, chewed them and dragged them down her own throat like broken glass. She would scream like everyone else, she would scream up her ruined throat with every crack of searing pain that sizzled on her skin, but she did not talk. The first guard that had stalked up to her in her cell, that she had been stupid enough to try and convince to let her go, that covered her mouth as he did unspeakable things to her, he had been the last person to hear a word from her mouth. But this doctor, who listened without compassion to the list of ways her body failed, and then thought it ok to shave her head, made her brave. The words had tripped out of her mouth without her even realising. She heard them like they had come from someone else
“Please don’t take my hair” she startled at the sound of her own voice “I just need a comb and conditioner, I can fix it” it was like the words were a river, bubbling up inside her and flowing out without her permission “just please don’t shave my head”
She saw the doctor look at her reproachfully, a battered women with matchstick arms, one of which was broken apparently, who had only managed one stuttering sentence since she’d been here. It wasn’t looking good.
“I’ll do it” Prim said quietly, as the woman drew breath to say no “she needs a bath anyway, I might as well try. If I can’t I’ll shave it myself, I promise” she finished, her voice taking on a pleading tone.
“Fine” the doctor said with exasperation “it’s not like we have an entire wing of patients needing treatment” she muttered as she left the room, slamming the door behind her.
Prim went into the small ensuite and ran the bath as hot as she could, pouring copious amounts of carbolic soap into the water until it turned cloudy pink. Once the bath was full she went back to the main room, expecting Effie to need help. She was shocked to find her perched on the edge of the bed already, waiting for her to return. When she got close enough, Effie reached out and grabbed her hand, squeezing it tightly as she gave her a grateful look. Prim squeezed her hand back and then let go as Effie got down and began to hobble towards the door. As they stood next to the bath, Effie shakily untied her gown and dropped it. The person who had manhandled her into it had given her a soft pair of boy shorts and a sports bra first, which she now found herself thankful for. When the gown dropped away from her, Prim had to stop herself gasping. She could see every single one of Effie’s vertebrae stacked one on top of the other like marbles. Even through the dirt, her bruises were dark.
“You can keep your underwear on if you like” she said gently, noticing Effie was stock still and shaking a little “you’ll get clean either way”
Effie didn’t say anything, but climbed into the gently steaming water, the heat leeching deep into her soul. God it had been so long since she’d been warm. Prim sluiced water over her head using a plastic cup and then handed her a sponge
“While I tackle your hair, why don’t you start cleaning the dirt off. The soap is antiseptic so all your cuts will get clean”
She began to lather conditioner into the mess as best she could and then started to prise it apart with a wide toothed comb, careful not to pull too hard.
“I didn’t realise you had so much hair under those wigs all these years” she said she she began to tease some of the length out. Effie had finished washing herself a long time ago by this point and her skin was lightly pink from scrubbing.
“Most people don’t” she replied quietly, still getting used to to the sound she made when she talked. She thought her voice might be hoarse from lack of use, but it sounded just the same as before. With every pull of the comb she was quietly excavating herself from the place she’d been buried.
“When I was small, I had little golden ringlets” she said, drawing her knees up to her chest and resting her chin on top of them. Prim shifted forwards slightly to compensate for this and stayed silent, allowing her to continue “I loved them so much, I used to sit for hours and comb through them in the mirror, watching them shine. When I was… I don’t know- maybe 5? My mother took me with her to the wig shop, I was so excited because she would usually shoo me away. When we got there, she held me down as the shop assistant shaved all my beautiful golden ringlets off. I screamed and screamed, thinking it was the worst thing that could ever happen” she paused briefly, the enormity of the awfulness that had befallen her swelling up in the room “and then, when it was over, I was given a wig that was just like my own hair. I cried and asked my mother why I had to wear a wig and she told me the wig was shiner, bouncier, better than my own hair. From then on my hair was shaved by my mother once a fortnight until I moved out. When I went, I didn’t mean to let it grow, but I was so busy that it kind of got away from me. One morning, I stood at the bathroom mirror with a razor, ready to do it, and I remembered those little golden ringlets on the floor of the wig shop. I couldn’t do it after that. I pinned it under my wig cap, and then when it got even longer I learned to braid and would wind them around and around to keep them out of sight” she finished.
Prim had managed to pull out the entire mess in the back of her hair and combed the lice out in the time Effie had been speaking. Her heart felt squeezed inside her chest as she listened to her, so desperately wanting to keep her hair and always having to hide it. No wonder it was the threat of a razor that made her talk
“We’re not supposed to do this” Prim said “but let’s put some more hot water in and wash your hair properly. I can do your back too”
She lathered a lot of shampoo into Effie’s hair and massaged it around on her scalp. It had been so long since someone had touched her like this. So delicately and kindly, like she was worthy of care. As Prim worked to eradicate all the dirt from her scalp, Effie wept silently. She didn’t know what she wept for, but tears didn’t stop tracking down her face until Prim had washed the shampoo out, done a second round, combed through conditioner and scrubbed the dirt off her back.
As she stood and removed herself from the bath, Prim went and fetched some soft, grey cotton pyjamas for her. After Effie had dried herself and dressed in her pyjamas, a man came and set a firm cast around the arm that was broken. In the other hand a canula was fitted and several bags hung- she assumed the fluids, electrolytes and antibiotics that were mentioned earlier. She battled her way through a disgusting trayful of mashed turnips so her body wouldn’t reject the food and then slept for a long, long time.
She came in and out of consciousness for a while, only rousing to use the toilet or eat her rations. The doctors became worried about her. She barely touched her paltry refeeding rations, and her appetite didn’t seem to be returning at all. When she was upped to a larger meal plan, she she would only eat half and then go straight back to sleep. On the eighth day, she woke and felt a small stirring of energy inside herself, so tiny she almost missed it, but there all the same. She stepped shakily out of bed and went into the bathroom. After she’d done her business, she turned to look at herself in the mirror. She had large hollows in her cheeks, and her eyes were still slightly sunken, but she didn’t actually look too bad. She showered herself and washed her face and then changed into the day clothes that had been sitting on her bedside table for a week. Her hair had dried into thick, glossy waves the colour of milk chocolate, but she’d never had it cut or styled, so it hung heavily around her face. She braided the two front sections and then pulled them away from her face and went to sit on her bead. When the nurse arrived with her very small portion of porridge, she quietly asked if she could have some more. As the nurse left to fulfil the request, she sighed deeply with relief.
It was a month later when Haymitch eventually surfaced from rehabilitation. She wasn’t fully weight restored, and her arm still had a cast, but the antibiotics had treated her infections well, and only the worst of the scrapes and bruises were still visible- tiny patches of ghostly yellow almost faded to nothing. She saw him first, but then again her hair made her look quite different, so she could forgive him looking straight past her. She had convinced the hairdresser in thirteen to cut thick, heavy bangs straight across her forehead, and her hair had ended up falling all the way to the bottom of her ribs in the end. It was her most defining feature by far, and he’d never seen it before. She called his name and saw the recognition dawn on his face after a second.
“Nice do, princess” he had mumbled gruffly, clearly trying his best to keep the upper hand
“Thank you, Haymitch” she replied with a clipped tone.
They stared at each other for a second and then broke into laughter. He reached down to hug her and she led him over to the table Katniss, Finnick, Annie and Prim were sat at. She laughed with them as she ate, and finally felt like it might turn out ok after all.
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seawing-vibes · 2 months
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Happy [Incredibly late] Valentines Day !!! Decided to do a trio of illustrations as I’ve done in previous years of diff forms of love!! Its only 3 but heres the list:
Sundew & Willow -> Romantic Love [They’re a classic! First queer POV’s and impactful ones for me!! They’re sweet together <3]
Qibli & Ostrich -> Familial Love [they are Cousins to me!!! Adopted family who are very protective of each other]
Turtle & Peril -> Platonic Love [Their friendship is so nice to me!! I don’t ship them at all - the heart motif is just used to symbolize love!!!! Also Turtles scales are canonically “as strong as diamonds” so him & Peril can make physical contact without Turtle getting burnt lmao]
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i had to. im legally contracted.
og meme:
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heyitsrink · 11 months
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I'm on my first read through of Realm of the Elderlings and as a little personal project for myself, I'm taking a scene or small moment from each book in the series and turning it into a comic spread.
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I think I'll forever be chasing the high I felt while reading Fool's Errand for the first time. I could have chosen any number of scenes to panel but it just had to be The Reunion. Pg 99-105 changed my brain chemistry.
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He was a slender youth, but just as the lightness of his horse prompted one to think of swiftness, so did his slimness call to mind agility rather than fragility. His skin was a sun-kissed gold, as was his hair, and his features were fine. The tawny man approached silently save for the rhythmic striking of his horse's hooves. When he drew near, he reined in his beast with a touch, and sat looking on me with amber eyes. He smiled.
Something turned over in my heart.
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sirguyofdykesborn · 1 year
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in that last dance of chances
we shall know each other's minds
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tacodemuerte · 7 months
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winner of the friday da 13 th poll! shum jungle doodles! these were colored in stream on youtube! had a lot of fun with this one hehe :-) 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
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notallsandmen · 1 year
Dream really rocked up to the 1589 meeting with a damn rose, but decided against it and threw it away before entering the White Horse
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radiohead-spiderman · 3 months
My Golden Trio Headcanons (some modern some not)
Oddly good at beer pong.
One time caught the snitch in his mouth and almost died.
Is REALLY good at cooking(less headcanon and more actually canon)
Loves the rain, absolutely hates thunder.
Had American southern tea ONCE and never looked at Earl Grey the same way again (Hermione gets upset about it every time they get tea together)
Soap opera lover(he watches them with Ron)
Is really good at drawing birds specifically.
He’s good at pottery but can only make bowls and plates.
Chess lover, both magic AND muggle(that’s canon but I’m including it anyways)
When Harry tried American sweet tea for the first time, Ron got to try fried butter for the first time too, he promptly inhaled it.
He hates crabs.
He often has stare offs with Crookshanks which either end with Ron getting mauled, or Crookshanks getting locked out of the room.
Is a DIEHARD Beastie Boys fan, Hermione introduced him to them and he hasn’t looked back since.
His favorite color is the exact shade of brown that Hermione’s eyes are :)
Soap opera lover(he watches them with Harry)
Wears bright neon crocs, has worn them on dates with Hermione before, will wear them on dates with Hermione again.
Got a buzz cut one time and Hermione screamed in pure unbridled terror when she saw it(she did not speak for him for a week, he had to magically grow it back)
Bad at pottery but loves playing with the clay.
Aroace spectrum(because I love projecting onto characters and it’s canon in my eyes)
One time tried to straighten her hair and both Ron and Harry got scared when they saw it(it did not work)
Knows ALL of the Elder Scrolls lore
Has played Skyrim to completion over 19 times.(that is not an exaggeration, she’s pulled various all nighters)
HORRIFIC sleep schedule
Will not read romance, UNLESS it’s completely historically accurate.
Bad at drawing, really good at pottery oddly enough.
While she’s good at pottery, she absolutely despises the feel of wet clay, and then the feel of dry clay on her skin so she doesn’t sculpt stuff without gloves on.
Hates the texture of pasta, it has to be made in a VERY specific way for her to enjoy it.
Doesn’t like being smooched on the temple because it’s too close to her eyes and she thinks it’s unsanitary.
Had a seafood boil one time and was out like a light for a full DAY.
Tried a vegan diet for like a year but she accidentally ate a wet piece of ham in a sleep deprived delirium.
Beans on toast FIEND.
One time had a five day mental breakdown over magic and specifically quidditch brooms not following the laws of physics.
Dinosaur nerd.
Dr Strange and Reed Richards fan
Golden Trio:
They have a book club, Ron’s favorite genre is a mix between really cheesy badly written romances and westerns, Harry’s favorite genre is murder mysteries and philosophy, funnily enough, Hermione doesn’t like murder mysteries because she guesses the plot/plot twists and they’re always correct, she usually only reads non-fiction but she occasionally likes accurate science fiction and she also enjoys biographies.
Hermione once sat them down to watch a bunch of muggle movies, some Harry recognized, while Ron was just utterly entranced by the television, occasionally shaking Harry’s shoulder when something happened on screen.
While Hermione was finishing her seventh/ “eighth” year she was sent at LEAST ten letters DAILY, from both Ron and Harry.
They shared an apartment for like two years and would quiet often all sleep in the same bed.
That habit followed them into adulthood, and they occasionally sleep in the same bed.
Both Harry and Ron, along with Ginny, will flaunt Hermione being the minister, often.
Harry has forced the other two to rewatch every Star Wars movie, more than ten times.
Ron and Hermione broke up one time in their relationship and Harry was more distraught than both of them combined.
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kukkakisu · 27 days
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"I heed you, your every need My heart, my liege, mi capitán" Wanted to doodle Naava and Conductor dancing together. I have been thinking about them a lot lately. How Conductor is a leader who never bows for anyone but would do anything Naava asked without hesitation-- while Naava is a Bracken, a creature known to dislike eye contact to the point of getting aggressive, but they allow it to look at them directly to its heart's content.
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azuries · 2 years
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yes im a ponytail mike in s5 truther
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catboydogma · 3 months
a dirty business (dreaming)
wc: 1,536
notes: second entry for coday bingo! no sergeants were harmed in the writing of this fic.
“Not to worry,” Cody said evenly. “Sergeant Wake stopped crying a few meters back. We’re operating at full functionality.” His bucket wasn’t completely empty. He’d brought a pair of medics and a full squad of ARCs and ARFs, leaving Lieutenants Boil and Gregor as in situ battalion commanders. And Howl. Maybe there was a reason to worry after all. “You’re a fuckin’ terror, sir. When you get up there make sure you give the General a piece of your mind for letting his comm die out like that.”
cross-posted to ao3
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“Sitrep,” Cody demanded over comms. Boil’s end of the line fuzzed in contemplation.
“’S pissin’ rain, sir,” Boil said at last.
He’d suspected this would happen when he’d promoted Boil for his ability to think creatively under pressure and circumvent standards to play situations to his advantage. The whole lot of his Command Corps were like that. Unfortunately.
“No good trying to make it up that slope for a good look, sir. Last engagement compromised casing integrity on the rock-climbers and the rain’s got all in the engines. We’re sitting nunas ‘till the gunships get here. But—”
Boil’s brief bout of helpfulness died with the next blustery gust of wind. Sheets of rain sliced sideways across the sky for a long moment and frigid water sluiced down the neck of his bodysuit.
“—‘s pissin’ rain. Sir.”
“Astute as ever, Lt.,” Cody said evenly. Visibility was approaching a neat zero with the rain and darkness. The 212th couldn’t afford to tip their hand any more than they already had. Cody was already acting on the conclusion that their base coordinates had been compromised. If not for this damned rain they’d already be moving onward.
Unfortunately, aside from the rain and the predominantly dark rotations resulting from a far-off and geriatric star—aside from the hostile terrain and rockslides and mudslides and sinkholes and the Sith’s own bad luck—their Jedi General had gone and gotten himself stuck halfway up a cliff with a malfunctioning comm unit and a pair of his ARFs.
“The General can find his own way down,” Boil said at last. It sounded like it pained him to say. He was likely right. Still, Cody found himself glancing up at the remainder of the slope he had left, one hand braced against a piton and the other jammed into the cliffside. “We’ll never hear the end of it if half our Command died in a freak rain accident, Commander.”
Ah. The good Lieutenant was feeling helpful again. Cody tested his weight against the piton, then levered his leg up to the next foothold. The rain had made the rock slippery and loosened the grit and pebbles in its various crevices. It was frigid—nearly to freezing temperatures—and Cody’d had to turn his HUD to night vision an hour back. He was soaked to the bone and his toes felt as if they would never be dry again.
All in all, it was a hell of a good time.
“Not to worry,” Cody said evenly. “Sergeant Wake stopped crying a few meters back. We’re operating at full functionality.” His bucket wasn’t completely empty. He’d brought a pair of medics and a full squad of ARCs and ARFs, leaving Lieutenants Boil and Gregor as in situ battalion commanders. And Howl.
Maybe there was a reason to worry after all.
“You’re a fuckin’ terror, sir. When you get up there make sure you give the General a piece of your mind for letting his comm die out like that.”
“I’ll take it under advisement, Lieutenant.” Cody cut the line and grunted with exertion as he heaved himself up the last two meters, relying on the strength of his shoulders and core and digging the fingers of his gauntlets into the cliffside.
The rocky slope leveled out into a slight plateau before climbing into the sky once more. The peak was obscured by the rain and dark and even darker clouds that hung low and heavy in the sky.
What Cody had missed from the bottom of the slope was that there was the jagged mouth of a cave just before the cliff went vertical again—and within the cave, the glow of red emergency light sticks.
Cody had to drop down to one knee and duck his head to get through the opening of the cave, and then it widened right out—his HUD picked out three heat signatures, then Cody was pulling it off so the glow of the light sticks didn’t futz with his night vision.
“Ah, Commander,” Kenobi said cheerfully. His hair was plastered to his skull and his robes were sodden against his torso. He was drenched. And he looked like a drowned tooka. “Excellent timing, as always.”
“General,” Cody said, voice flat. “Lieutenants.”
Kenobi made the particular grimace he did whenever he knew Cody was cross with him, then raised a hand to hide it by stroking his mustache. “In my defense, I only just realized my comm was out of charge. I suspect a bit of rain may have found its way into the casing…”
Behind Kenobi, Waxer—helmet still on, smart trooper—slowly raised his hand and pressed his palm to the front of his visor.
“And you lot?” Cody asked sharply.
Lieutenant Clayton grimaced and held up his helmet. It had a large crack running through the front and the visor was dull and lifeless.
“Thundercrack triggered a bit of a rockslide, sir,” Waxer explained. Clayton was a trooper of few words but he was a damn good officer. “And something in the atmo up here’s got my signal on the fritz.”
As General, Kenobi’s comm would have been the most long-range—and sturdy—of the three of them. Cody made a mental note to see if he could get comms antenna onto one of the General’s spaulders.
“Not much to be done about it now,” Kenobi said decisively. He clasped Cody’s shoulder. He could only feel the pressure of it through his spaulder and bodysuit but he half-fancied he might be able to feel the chill radiating off Kenobi’s white-tipped hands. “I’m glad you decided to come up after us, or we would’ve been quite stranded for the duration of the…”
Cody snagged Kenobi’s wrist and the General’s voice trailed off. He pulled a gauntlet off his with his teeth, then the other, and jammed them both over Kenobi’s hands. Now that he had his gloves off he could feel how cold Kenobi’s hands were—and he didn’t like it one bit.
“No fancy twirling that ‘saber of yours if your hands turn into ice blocks,” Cody bit out. There was a strange roughness in his voice: he blamed the cold for his sore throat and chest. “And I’m warmed up from the climb.”
Kenobi stared at him with his mouth just slightly agape. The shine of rain on his face made him look surreal, like either he or Cody had been caught sleepwalking—dreamlike and distant. “Quite,” he said in a strange and quiet voice.
“Commander!” Wake and co. crowded into the cave—the medics shoved to the front and immediately started headshaking at Clayton’s cracked helmet and the bruise he’d gotten from whatever had cracked his visor—and the chilly tint to Kenobi’s lips and fingernails. “Found ‘em,” the Sergeant said into his helmet comm. To Boil, it was likely.
Cody stepped back. He cleared his throat. He jammed his helmet back onto his head and ignored the way Kenobi was—slowly and thoughtfully—rubbing at his wrists and the backs of his hands. “Lines secure?”
“Ready and waiting,” Wake replied with a brief salute. “Rain’s starting to die down a bit, too.”
“It’ll pass by in a little less than an hour,” Kenobi said mildly. He was still rubbing at his hands—just absently brushing the tips of his fingers back and forth over the ridges of his knuckles hidden by Cody’s gauntlets. “You couldn’t have picked a better time, gentlemen. Shall we?”
Cody felt the welling of his frustration and ire trickle away and die down with each step out of the cave and through the rain. He jammed his bucket down over his head and watched condensation fog up the visor before the temp reg kicked in. There had been a part of him—the part that had gotten him through CC training on Kamino and a ponderous chunk of the war and watching his vode die in droves—that had been calmly and coolly calculating the odds of the General’s survival. In the night. In the frigid and hostile terrain. That part of him had known that the chances of Kenobi and Clayton and Waxer getting injured—crushed in a rock- or mudslide—ambushed by hostiles—were higher than anything so benign as a comm running out of charge or being carelessly left in the pocket of a different robe. It had been calculating what Cody would need to do, had his General fallen somehow: an itemized pre-mourning checklist.
And yet.
Kenobi was a dim silhouette in the dark and rain. He kept his shoulders square and his head up as he slid back into his role as General, heedless of the rain that fell into his face. His borrowed gauntlets weren’t quite the right fit: too short in the fingers and too broad in the palm. But his hands were sure as he clasped Wake’s arm just above the rerebrace and clapped Waxer on the shoulder.
Next time he’d chew his General out for not keeping an eye on his comms like he should. Even as he rappelled back down the cliffside, Cody could only find it in himself to be grateful that there could be a next time.
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misteria247 · 8 months
Legend acting like being around Ravio is the worst thing in the entire world but as soon as someone so much as even looks at the bunny merchant wrong, he's already planning to fight em in the backwoods cuz how dare they-
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dylanmct00ny · 1 year
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sum spooky month drawings i forgor to post  HEADCANONS!!! radford, rick and kevin are best friends and they all have dynamics together as duos! radford and rick really enjoy watching movies together, radford especially loves movies, all kind of movies. kevin and radford are weebs and discuss differences between their favourite “waifus” and kevin and rick enjoy talking about how much they hate their jobs. together they are the ultimate besties :3 the other drawing is just john with his nephews cuz im so happy that theyre related its so cute!! :DD
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ai-the-broccoli · 28 days
ngl I had assumed Matt-Juan-Celeste-Adrian was the most iconic toxic dysfunctional showbiz rivalry love triangle polycule in Ace Attorney, but then Thalassa, Zak & Valant Gramarye happened and I think that kind of proved me wrong
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heiwa-the-tistic · 9 days
Finally finished it!!
Ok after some hours of work, a monster can, a lot of songs and some rendering tutorials on youtube later. I shall present to y'all the finished product of my humble obssession:
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sooo what do you guys think? it took me a good while but I overall liked alot how it ended up looking.
So here we have Vicent looking in the mirror after a minor traumatic experience (TM)👍
(And also, little sketches of him and Anthony just, being little gay fellas cause I needed it after making such a "angsty" drawing)
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they deserve the best for them.
Don't forget to check out "Cruel Melody" made by @hiding-behind-a-pencil-and-pen on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53772811
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sidemenxyn · 7 months
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Fellas podcast
Calfreezy x Y/n (afab) (reader grew up with Ethan and reader is apart of the sidemen)
Tw: mentions of drinking, language, mentions of inappropriate drugs (weed), you all being a bunch of hooligans, mentions of harassment,
Y/n is normal text, Chip is bold, Calfreezy is italic and Proddy is bold and italic
“Welcome back to the fellas podcast, hope you are comfy and ready to listen to some juicy gossip. as today me and Chip will be talking my one and only girlfriend!” Calfreezy presents.
You smiled and waved towards the many cameras in front of you “hey, guys!” Chip firstly asked “would you like a beverage? Y/n?” You smiled “eh, yeah please.” Cal asked “do you want a Stella or some gin?” You asked “you have gin? If so then yes please.” He nodded and started pouring you a drink.
Chip spoke “Y/n can you do a little introduction on yourself, for those who may not know you.” You smiled “of course, I’m Y/n, you may know me from either the sidemen or being with Cal. I’m a YouTuber and streamer.” The boys nodded. Chip announced “todays podcast we decided to shake things up a little. As we have asked some fans on your instagram account what they’d like to know about you and us.” You nodded.
Cal was handed the phone and quickly scrolled for a question. He read “ok, how did Y/n become a sidewoman?” You answered “so I grew up with Ethan, his mum and my mum also grew up together. I supported him into doing YouTube and then I met all the boys and they thought I’d be a good person to add to the group. So yeah! Grew up with behz.” Chip asked “does both mothers stay in contact?” You nodded “yeah, I mean they support each other through every step in their lives. That’s why I truly believe that if you find the right friend they can grow old with you.” The two boys nodded.
It was now Chip’s turn, he asked “this is for Y/n, what’s it like going on a lads holiday?.” You smiled already thinking about the memories “it’s amazing, sometimes I even forget I’m the only girl if it’s a sidemen holiday or just a ‘lads holiday’. Like most girls probably wouldn’t even think of being the only girl. But because I grew up with you all I’m able to say ‘fuck it’ and go on a lads holiday.” Cal chirped in “yeah, even before we dated it was as if you were ‘one of the lads’ like sometimes me and Harry would be doing drinking challenges or shot together and by the end of the night we’d all be shit faced.” You gasped “oh I have a story! From a lads holiday.” Everyone chuckled at the way you seemed to be so happy to tell your story.
“Right, so this was in Mykonos back in like 2019. So we were all out clubbing as usual, this night I wore my first like nice dress. Cause you know me I’m not the one to wear dresses casually or anything. So anyways, I was dancing and I could feel someone behind me right? So I moved out the way thinking they wanted to pass by, but the placed a hand on my hip.” “What?!” “No way” “yeah! So I looked around and saw Ethan and Tobi at the bar, so I headed over there. And the guy followed me. Cause he stood next to me by the bar. Ethan saw I was a bit annoyed and taken back so he asked ‘you alright?’ And I tilted my head towards the guy and mouthed ‘creep’. So you know Ethan he became protective.” “Oh god!” “As he should” “so he asked like ‘are you with her’ to see what he’d say and of course he said ‘yeah, she’s my girl’.” “Ew what the fuck!” “Nah that’s actually vile!”
“Yeah! Anyways, so cause you all know I don’t take shit from no one so I said ‘no I’m not, I don’t even fucking know you.’ Then he got a bit angry and Ethan said ‘mate she’s with me so if your bothering her, leave her alone’ and then I felt his hand on my waist again so I shoved his hand off and told him ‘get the fuck off of me’ and then out of no wear he slapped me in the face!” “Fuck off, he didn’t?” “Shit really?” You nodded “yeah, so you know what I did?” “What?” “Are we gonna have a girl boss moment?” You smirked and nodded “yeah, I fucking punched him in the face then kicked him in the crouch.” The boys mouths dropped to the floor, shocked by your reply. You continued “yeah, then he tried slapping my me but Ethan managed to stop it and Tobi pulled me away.” The boys were gobsmacked. “Mad right?” “Yeah!” “What happened after that?” “Me and Tobi went back to the hotel cause I don’t know why that guys hand was so heavy but it made my nose bleed. So we went back cause Tobi didn’t want to stay long as it was quite far into the night, well early morning. So we chilled at the hotel.”
After your story, Cal picked up the phone again “right! This person wants to know how Y/n and myself got together.” You smiled “Cal do you wanna tell your side?” He nodded “well, right, so basically as you know I’m close friends with Ethan so that meant I’m also close friends with Y/n. Like she came withe the package sorta deal. But we got along really well, and after moving out of the second house me and Bog offered her to move in with Harry, Lux and I. And obviously she said yes and then I grew feeling for her, in 2018 we went on our first date and then things escalated and now we are dating.” You smiled and said “yeah, so when I moved in a had down the same thing, the longer I stayed the more I grew closer to Cal and grew more feelings. Before we were even dating I’d say like a few months before dating we’d do the like kissing on the forehead and a hug. Like yeah I’d hug all the boys but these were the hugs like you’d do with your partner. We’d also like do what we’d loosely call ‘dates’ where if Harry and Lux were out I’d make him wear face masks and we’d cuddle and watch a movie type of thing.” Chip said “so what did all the boys think of it all?” You answered “honestly I’m pretty sure Harry and Lux had placed bets on who’s ask out who and what month we’d end up dating.” Chip and the boys were laughing. Cal mentioned “pretty sure Harry won too! Like only for the asking who out though.” You laughed.
Proddy asked “are you two living together now still?” You nodded and Cal spoke “yeah, it’s still Y/n, Harry and myself.” You giggled “Harry is like our non-biological child. He’s always pointing out that he’s a third wheel constantly, but he’ll deny moving out so.. yeah.” You all had a laugh.
Chip read “Do Y/n and Cal have any plans about having babies and if so how many?” You smiled “yes, just not yet.” Cal nodded “yeah, we’ve agreed either two or three. Depends on how Y/n feels.” Chip awed at the small comment. Proddy asked “what gender do you wish the children would be?” Cal spoke first “I honestly wouldn’t mind as long as they have a close bond and look out for each other. Also if I have a girl I want them to be like Y/n when their older, like they’re able to defend for themselves if needed. Like I’d like them to have someone there for them but like..” “like if they need to they can fight back or speak their mind.” “Yeah exactly.” “Yeah, I’d personally would like to to be boy, girl then boy. But I too honestly couldn’t care for gender like I grew up with what? Four brothers. That’s how I learnt to fend for myself. Bro the amount of batery I’ve been through.” You all laugh “like it was play fighting obviously but the constant need to know what I was doing. Like Eli the middle brother, constantly knocking on my door just wanting to chill or like Jack my youngest brother. He constantly wanted to go out in my car and get maccies.” “I can vouch for Y/n, her household is never quiet. Like bro when we’d go visit, or even for the holidays. Cause we were dating especially from Jack Y/n would just always got the ‘YouTube couple, omg I ship!’.” You were laughing constantly at the memories, Cal was the best with your brothers it was as if they’d known him their whole lives.
Chip had the phone in his hand and asked “when do you think Cal and Y/n will get married?” You smirked “soon I hope!” Cal smiled “yeah soon, waiting for the perfect time.” Chip said “who’s your best men and bridesmaids gonna be?” The boys looked at your first “well, obviously Faith I grew up with her she’ll probably be my maid of honour. Then it will be Talia, Y/f/n, Y/f/n and Freya.” The boys listened as you said everyone’s names then Cal spoke “I’ll, have Chip, Harry, uh Ethan, Lux.”
You asked “can I pick a question??” The boys nodded and Chip handed the phone over to you. As you scrolled one caught your eye “any drama from when you’d used to go to school? Like drama you were involved in?” you and the boys got excited to explain your stories. Chip spoke “Y/n you look like you’ve got a bunch.” You laughed “I very much do, me and Faith were the ones who knew everyone’s drama!” You added “ok what do you want to know?” Proddy asked “everything!” “I’ve heard some of them and they are wild!!” “Oh lord we are in for a good one!” You clears your throat “ok, firstly I want to say I won’t be using their real names, I’ll use fruit as their names” you chuckled “ok, so let’s say? Strawberry right, strawberry was the same age as me and we were 15 when this happened it was the thing of the year. Well she got pregnant but didn’t know who the dad was!” “No way?!?” “Omg!!”. You added “also this girl orange, well orange and I had a fight! Like full of fist fight!” “Who won?” “Me, not being full of myself but she did not stand a chance!” “Was that when you were professionally boxing?” “You did boxing?” “Yeah, I still do! Grew up on the sport.” “Trust me you don’t want to mess with her!” Chip asked “what happened after?” “Well, she tried going for another round, like this time I just knew she would try ragging on my hair cause she did it last time. So I just put her in a head lock.” “A proper head lock?” “Nah just one so she could get me as much cause I knew I’d probably get kicked out if I did do a proper head lock.”
You listen to the rest of the stories the boys told you and the listeners. After a while it was the end of the podcast, you sign off “thank you for listen to our stories and gossip, if you enjoyed make sure to follow and share. Have a good day!”
Later that day, Cal was on his computer as you laid in your shears bed. Huddled up on the bed wearing his hoodie and your favourite type of joggers aka Callum’s joggers.
You turned over facing him as he sat at his desk, you asked “how long will you be?” He turned to you “just finishing this bit and I’m done.” You smiled as he finished up whatever he seemed to be doing on the computer. Once he turn off his computer screen, he crawled into bed with you and pulled you into him. He turned the tv on as you snuggled into your loving boyfriend. Cal asked “what we watching love?” You hummed “maybe we could watch the new Brassic?” He smiled “yeah, I enjoyed that.” You commented “yeah, honestly the boys remind me of brassic besides the crime and weed.” “Yeah I get you like the personalities.” “Yeah!” So that was the plan. You two cuddled together and watched Brassic all night long. Later after you were done watching the show you both went to sleep holding each other closely.
If you’d like to see more you can follow or heart my posts if you’d like! If you’d like me to crest something you’d like me to write then ask away! I’m more than happy to make stories you guys ask me! So if you’d like ask and hopefully I can get it up quick for you guys to read! Have a good day/night! 🫶
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