#this got waaaaaaay out of hand lol
khytal · 1 year
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💥 stampede!! 💥
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mewshuuartblog · 6 months
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i been wanting to do this for months and finally motivated my lazy ass to do it lol
anyway more bio stuff under cut!
i have 3 different 'yuu's that i alternate through might have noticed that in my comics though i tend to draw sour!miu a little more just because she has a 'idgaf' attitude which makes hilarious situations.
all version of miu are ambidextrous, meaning they write with both hands. sour tends to write more with her left hand.
all three prefer to eat meat but only sourmiu and miu highly prefers meat. sweet miu will eat anything aslong as its good.
all three have the same coffin icon [as seen above] wonder wat that means lol
when asked about their home land they often say its much much hotter than the scolding sands.
Sour Miu
sour miu has a strong 'i dont give a fuck' attitude and a deathglare thatll make your blood run cold.
she dosent really care that she got teleported to twisted wonderland, so she has no true desire to find a way home.
though she appears very cold, she loves grim after spending so much time with him. she also loves lucius. whether or not this mean she likes cats is unclear.
this isnt to say she dosent likes the main cast, she just prefers grim more.
her favorite hobby is spying on kids around NRC. no one knows how she does it without getting caught. not even rook
[18+] its implied that she moonlights as a 'study partner' around campus late at night. this is because crowley dosent give her enough money to last a full month, so she finds other means to obtain money. there is also other reasons why she does this but refuses to tell, however, it seems crowley is fully aware of her 'study partner' gig and is scared/refuses to stop her????
another side hobby of hers is tormenting crowley, grim also enjoys this activity.
when asked about her age she purposefully gives wrong answers. its implied shes old, but no one knows how old she is.
has an incredible sense of smell
Sweet Miu
sweet miu is similar to sour, but is waaaaaaay nicer lol
sweet miu also moonlights as a study partner, but she actual helps students who struggle in their classes. kalim frequently meets her in the library with other students late at night. this is a side gig she does get paid for and is seen as a better alternative to azul [which he loaths]
she loves to cook and has been asked by malleus on more than one occasion to help lilia [you already know how well that went without me having to tell you]
much like sourmiu, she doesn't have a real desire to go back home.
is the only one out of the 3 miu's who actually has an age, 17.
has a huge crush on azul despite his shady business practice.
in the boardgame club, she loves games of chance, cause she sucks at strategy games and often loses to azul and idia.
miu is kinda just regular, shares similar stuff to sourmiu but acts much more normal lol.
literally fell head over hills in love with malleus at first sight.
she called malleus 'horton' up till the song and dance competition. she now calls him by his real name. [with the exception of 'mal' or 'malmal']
often has to bail ace, deuce and grim out of trouble.
in the beginning, miu did wish to go home, but as time went on she came to love her friends, malleus and grim especially, and had mixed feeling on what she wanted.
for some reason, when asked about her age she keeps forgetting what she said. its become a running gag that she cant remember her age. though this has become highly suspicious.
she loves to make her own clothes and has actually created her own wardrobe along with grims herself.
has no idea what a 'herbivore' is
is deathly afraid of vegetables
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antvnger · 3 months
Blood Brothers AU - Reindeer Games
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((LOL Anon, are you familiar with the game Mousetrap?
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Players build a cause-and-effect mousetrap and then players have to collect cheese and steal cheese from other players while avoiding the trap.
So there's a lot of things involved here: construction skills, figuring out cause and effect of how pieces work together and how to make sure your opponent gets ensnared in the trap, and lots of problem solving/think it through situations.
And when it comes to these boys, this is their prime time element here.
And when you have boys that like to tinker and add and take away and are super competitive with each other, things just might get out of hand.
Especially when they decide the gameboard is too small, and the house would be waaaaaaay more conducive to playing a challenging game of Mousetrap. Think Home Alone meets Hasbro.
Imagine good ol' Jarvis about to have a stroke when he accidentally walked into the life-size game of Mousetrap, sprung the trap, and got caught while two boys with wide eyes just stared and wondered just how much trouble they were in this time.
Hence, Mousetrap - any version of the game - was banished from the Stark home.
But as you can probably imagine, there were a lot of good benefits that help molded the boys to prepare for Avengers life and/or burglar life too, depending on which boy your discussing here.
Otherwise, the boys weren't really into board or card games. They had their fun in other ways.
Battleship is definitely a favorite though. It's their version of chess, and it's a game they can play any time, anywhere. Even if they're not in the same space.
They can and will play Battleship for a long time. You just don't know it.
Unless you happen to be in the same room with with one of them and the other walks by and mutters "hit" or "miss".
And then sometimes you'll hear a groan from another room, a lament about a cruiser being sunk while somewhere else in the vicinity, the other starts to laugh.
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rhonuscorner · 1 year
That moment when you think you’re finally fully satisfied with your canon DAI worldstate, when suddenly, LI doubts
Ugh I need to rant 😂
So I finished my Bullmance playthrough yesterday, I updated the keep and figured I’m fully ready for DAD now.
During that last scene with Solas in Trespasser yesterday I was really feeling the Solas feels again, but no. Not happening. I did his romance with Tae once years ago, I enjoyed it, but ultimately I prefer him in a good trusted friend and mentor role. I went back to Bull, who was my first choice for Tae way back on release day and figured not even Dorian could change my mind.
I’ve done a Dorianmance too and I love him, but ultimately, I prefer him as one of Tae’s closest friends as well.
And I do really love Bull, I always considered him a really good fit for Taerel (no pun intended) and he’s still one of my favorite characters... but there was this nagging feeling in the back of my mind during this playthrough that I couldn’t really put my finger on and was difficult to ignore. I knew it was related to the romance because I got the option to lock in a romance with Dorian before Bull and I agonized over it before I told myself no, stick with the plan.
It’s been almost 10 years since I first settled on Bull for Tae, and Tae’s grown so much as a character even to this day, especially recently now that I’ve started working on his story again and I always figured... if not Dorian and Solas, who else is there for Tae to romance? As in, characters that I like as well?
I was on AO3 just now and somehow I ended on the Male Lavellan/Cullen tag aaaaaaaaaaaand here we are. Doubting.
And I don’t need this right now! 🤣 I’ve done three different romances with Tae but Cullen was never a real part of that picture and neither was Blackwall. Yet I just took a moment to envision what it would be like if Cullen and Tae were close in that manner and... it actually has potential. And I dunno how I feel about that.
I never much cared for Cullen before, I didn’t dislike him, I was just... neutral about his character. But I really enjoyed him this time around, and maybe it’s because I’m older too compared to the last time I played this game (2016). I guess that makes sense.
Just the whole... Elven mage who is an important religious figure and actually converts to Andrastianism one day... plus disgruntled ex Templar who is very religious and also has massive magic related PTSD. I could really do a lot with that and my brain is trying to run away with it.
So now I am very conflicted lol. I know there’s a bi Cullen mod on nexus, I don’t know if it still works (the comments on the mod page make me question) but I kinda wanna try it out, even though I JUST finished a playthrough.
On the other hand I’m like NO. STICK WITH BULL.
On the other other hand... I could have Adoribull in my game >3>
I dunno what to dooooooooo. I NEVER for ONE second since I first played DAO waaaaaaay back when... that one day I’d be considering Cullen as an LI. What the fuck lol
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I’m gonna sleep on it and give it some more thought tomorrow but... yeah, I may actually try it out and see if I really like it or if I can really rule it out. >>;
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chiliiscereal · 3 years
Well my standards have really lowered when I comes to writing fanfiction a XD
First I didn’t want to write any at all, then I didn’t want to write for any cartoons, then I didn’t want to write for cartoon turtles... and here i am.
Here I am starting a x reader fanfiction... with the 2014/2016 version of Raph
Still a bit uncomfortable with this but I had an idea so here we go! If I like it then I’ll keep going :p
Lol what am I doing with my life XD
Too tall
Raph x tall! Fem! Reader
Summary: yes this is me self projecting. Reader is 6 foot 4 inches tall and literally every boy she meets is too insecure to date her when she’s that tall. After a while of being treated like she unbreakable and a giant she gets tired of it. Luckily there’s someone else out there who understands how she feels.
You tapped the cafe table impatiently, trying not to watch your friend and her boyfriend across from you. You attempted to look at the door instead. Maybe if you stared at it long enough then your date would show up.
“It’s okay! I’m sure he’ll show up.” She tried to console you as her boyfriend held her tiny little hand.
You looked at your own clenched hands and wished that yours could fit so perfectly in someone else’s hands. But, sadly, big hands come with height.
No boy your age ever came close to you.
It’s not that you minded.
It’s that they did.
You didn’t care that practically every boy you met barely went up to your shoulder. You wanted companionship. You didn’t need them to be a hulking giant. You needed someone who loved you.
This wasn’t Tall Girl for goodness sake.
You weren’t waiting around for some tall man to show up.
Unfortunately no guy was willing to step up to the plate.
Why might you ask?
Insecurity of course.
The last three guys that turned you down all said they weren’t comfortable with being shorter than their girlfriend. Others said they weren’t looking for a girlfriend.
Funnily enough they all ended up with girlfriends maybe a week later.
The other girls were incredibly tiny. They barely even made it to the boys shoulders. If that.
But you thought maybe this boy would be different.
He seemed like he was.
He seemed interested at least.
He SEEMED like he was excited when you asked him on a double date with your best friend and her boyfriend.
But an hour passed already and he wasn’t there.
You sat up with a bit of a huff. “It’s fine. Let’s just... let’s just enjoy dinner.”
Your friend frowned at you but decided to let it drop. She knew you hated whenever anything like this was addressed so she bit her tongue and changed the subject.
You couldn’t enjoy dinner or pay attention to anything brought up.
Oh you tried.
You gave it the old college try.
But you found your mind wandering back to the lost date way to often.
After another thirty minutes you stood up. “You know what? I’m kind of tired and I still have some homework to finish up. You two enjoy your date!” You grabbed your bag and walked out before your friend could even call you back.
You just needed some time to yourself.
Time to think.
You walked down the sidewalk slowly, half heartedly wishing that the boy would call you and give an amazing reason as to why he was two hours late.
You stopped yourself from reaching for your phone to check for a text.
No it was his loss.
Not yours.
Surely there was someone out there for you... waiting for you to come along.
Someone that wouldn’t care if you were a little taller than them.
You huffed and zipped your bag shut. Whoever they were, they definitely weren’t that boy.
“Hey girl, who you all dressed up for?” Came a voice from the alley you were about to pass.
“No time to talk.” You answered quickly and continued walking.
You weren’t about to give them the time of day. There was a tub of ice cream and a sappy romance movie waiting for you back at your apartment.
“Come on, a girl like you with legs like that? Surely you’re dressed up for somebody.” The man stepped out of the alleyway and leaned against the brick wall. “I’m thinkin’ maybe it’s me.”
Oh you wanted to turn him around and hit him with your bag.
But it wasn’t worth the risk.
“Hell no.” You stated curtly and walked by him briskly.
He snatched your wrist, effectively making your skin crawl. “Look at me when I’m talking to ya.”
He pulled you into the alley before you could stop him.
“Maybe you didn’t hear me.” You growled and tried to rip yourself away. “HELL. NO.”
“Come on, baby! Give me a chance-!” He attempted you sweet talk before he was interrupted.
You caught his hand before he could grab you anywhere inappropriate. “I have had a REALLY terrible day. I am a MINOR and if you don’t get lost RIGHT NOW then you’re gonna have some serious problems.”
He was close enough that you could smell the bitter alcohol on his breath.
He was probably a head shorter than you and had no idea what he was getting into.
“I don’t care if you’re a minor-.” He started.
Your fist smashing into his nose stopped his words.
“Like I said!” You growled as you shook the pain out of your knuckles, “I have had a really really REALLY bad day. And YOU are some little gnat just buzzing in my FACE!”
He gripped his nose with a cry, blood dripping down it like a waterfall. “YOU BROKE MY NOSE!”
“YOU PULLED ME INTO AN ALLEY AND TRIED TO TOUCH ME!” You shouted back, hitting him with your purse before he could charge at you. “YOU MADE THIS CHOICE AFTER I WARNED YOU!”
It felt good to take your rage out on somebody. And it was justified to! It wasn’t like you were just beating this man. He wasn’t letting you leave! He kept grabbing you before you could go.
Turtles pov
They crouched above the alleyway, watching the man pull you into the alleyway.
“We gotta get involved man.” The red masked one whispered. “This doesn’t look to good.”
“I told you, we only get involved if it gets really bad.” The blue one responded with an eye roll. “We can’t risk being seen!”
“It already looks really bad!”
“If she gets anymore hurt then we jump in!”
The orange masked turtle jumped into the conversation. “I don’t know, I think my money’s on the girl.”
“Mikey shut up!” The purple masked brother whispered. “This is serious!”
“So am I! Look at her! She isn’t even scared!”
“I think she at least looks a little scared.”
“Probably cause she’s trying to keep herself from beating the shit out of him!”
Raph rolled his eyes and shoved his younger brother. “It’s our job to do the protectin’ round here. Shut up and- HOLY SHIT!”
The all gasped as you reeled your hand back and knocked your fist into the creeps nose.
“Damn that looked like it hurt.” Leo observed. “Maybe she doesn’t need our help.”
“I say we stay here in case it goes south.” Raph argued, waiting for Leo to argue with him.
“Fine, but we leave when it looks like she’s safe.” Leo nodded and looked back to the fight.
Raph didn’t have time to feel proud that he’d been listened to. Mikey was inching closer to watch. “What the hell are ya doin’?” He reached forward to pull him back. “She’s gonna see ya!”
Mikey leaned over the edge anyway. “Look at her go! I told you he didn’t stand a chance!”
“Who knew using a purse was so effective?” Leo nodded. “Think she’s got it?”
“Looks like it to me!” Mikey laughed and watched with glee. “This is real entertainment.”
“Mikey you’re too close to the edge!” Raph tried to grab him but was shoved away. “You’re gonna fall-!”
With that you shoved the man into the wall. “Are you FINALLY done? Have you FINALLY learned your lesson?”
He spit out the blood from his mouth and nodded. “Fine! Please just leave me alone!”
“Good choice!” You shoved him away from you. “Go before I change my mind!”
He was gone before you could even blink.
“That’s right! Get out of here!” You shouted to him as he scurried away.
You lifted your chin triumphantly.
Maybe you hadn’t gotten that date but you sure did beat the crap out of a creep.
You dusted your hands off and snatched your purse off the ground.
“If I catch you harassing anyone else you’ll get it twice as bad!”
No answer of course.
He was long gone.
Still, it felt good to shout.
You could finally go home.
You turned back to the edge of the alleyway with a sigh of relief.
You took one step forward.
Then, the least expected thing happened.
Next thing you knew you were on the ground after something very large crashed into you.
“What the hell!” You sat up and rubbed your head. “Who just sits on a roof above an alleyway?!”
You grabbed your purse quickly and stood up, ready for another fight.
It wasn’t another creep.
And from the looks of it... it wasn’t even human.
Well, THEY weren’t even human.
You didn’t know what they were.
And shells...
The finally looked at you.
Why were they wearing masks?
What even were they?
Why were they there!?
The one in orange immediately scurried behind the one in red. “Oh shit oh shit oh shit!”
The one in red looked at you and then looked at the guy behind him. “You dragged me into this! You fix it!”
He pulled him forward.
Honestly you had no idea what to think.
There were two GIANT turtles right in front of you! And they were talking!
You gripped your purse a little tighter, waiting to see what they would do.
The one directly in front of you tried to speak only to look back at the red masked one and then back up at where they had fallen.
You looked from him to where he was looking quickly. “Are there more of you?”
He gulped quickly and attempted to hide behind the bigger turtle. “Uh... yeah?”
You took a small step to the exit. “Are you... are you gonna try to take my purse or something?”
The red one glared at you. “No! We’re just.. just here to protect the city. We ain’t monsters!”
You noticed him getting defensive immediately and nodded. “...okay then. Well, if you’re not going to rob me then I’m going to pretend I saw nothing and go on my way.”
The red one frowned.
You were acting waaaaaaay too casual.
Surely there had to be some other motive.
“Hold on a minute... you ain’t goin’ anywhere yet.”
You glared at him and held out your purse. “Are you gonna stop me?”
Mikey took a step back and Raph rolled his eyes.
“I don’t think a purse is gonna do much against someone like me.” He stated.
“I don’t even know who you are.” You stepped back again and tightened your grip. “I didn’t even know people like you existed until now.”
You looked them up and down, taking them all in.
This couldn’t be real.
It couldn’t be.
“You say anything bout this and you’re dead, got it?” He pointed around you as if aggression could make you quiet.
“Can you at least let me go home and finish my ice cream before you decide to kill me?” You backed up again.
You were so close to running away.
So close to escape.
Before you could back up any further, two more creatures dropped from the sky behind you.
You jumped and scrambled away, nearly running into the red masked turtle.
“Listen, I’m sorry about the way my brother phrased everything.” The new turtle glared at his companion. “What he meant to say is that we protect the city. We were watching that man just in case he tried anything and these two,” he glared at the first two again, “fell off the roof.”
The one next to him pushed up his glasses. “I’m surprised you haven’t passed out from fear yet. The first person we met did just that!”
Your back hit the wall and you had no where else to go. “I’m not too sure if I won’t do that.” You glanced between the four of them. “What even are you guys?”
“Turtles!” The orange one spoke up before the red one could shush him.
“Mutants as well.” The purple one joined.
“And ninjas.”
“And teenagers.”
You couldn’t help but snort. “Mutant turtle teen ninjas? I think you need to rebrand that.”
Maybe you were insane.
Here you were cracking jokes with large turtles at dinner time.
But so far they were harmless, despite their stature. According to the blue one they protect New York.
“Ya got a problem with it?” The red one grew even more tense.
You shook your head quickly. “No. Just... surprised.”
“And scared?” He added. “Scared of monsters like us?”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “I thought you just said you weren’t monsters.”
That seemed to stop him.
So you continued with a deep breath. “You’re all just... really huge. I thought I was tall but standing next to you...” you swallowed and tried not to let your nerves get to you. You turned to the blue one since he seemed to be the leader. “...can I go now? I won’t tell anyone you exist or... whatever it is you want.”
The blue one was skeptical but the purple one butted in.
“Do you have a way home? Like a friend you can call?”
You opened your purse. “Yeah I should be able to call an Uber with my...” you pulled out the broken device. “...my phone.”
Well crap.
You stuffed it back in quickly. “It’s okay I’ll just walk-!”
“I can fix it.” He offered. “Besides it’ll be an extra security measure for us if we have your contact information.” He gestured loosely to the hand you’d punched the creep with. “We could also bandage up those cuts.”
You brought up your hand and inspected the blood with surprise.
Well... when were you gonna get another opportunity like this? It’s not everyday a girl gets invited into the homes of local mutants.
Besides you really didn’t want to walk home with your phone destroyed.
The red one looked at the purple one angrily. “You wanna being ‘er back??”
“Our job is to help people, Raph.” He rolled his eyes.
“I’m with Donnie. It’s only fair since we broke her phone.” The blue one nodded.
“Well if it’s not too much trouble...”
Next thing you know you were whisked away to none other than the sewers.
Well that kind of made sense.
No one would ever really want to go down there anyway.
The purple one, whose name you learned was Donnie, had your phone in his three fingers the moment you stepped foot in their home.
“I’ll do a little fixing up, maybe an upgrade, and Raph can take a look at your hands.” He muttered as he started to disappear into a lab like room.
He was the red angry one wasn’t he.
The tallest and biggest out of them all.
He didn’t seem too happy about it either.
“Why me?” He protested. “What ‘bout Leo? Or-or Master Splinter? Heck, even Mikey!” He gestured to his orange masked brother as if to showcase how he’d be better at it.
You couldn’t help but silently agree with him.
Mikey seemed the most open on the way here. He’d talked your ear off the whole trip, asking questions about what it was like to be a human and bragging about all the people he’d saved. He’d even wanted you to play a video game with you when you got to their home. He’d been a bit overbearing but that was better than Mr. miffed muscle mountain.
“Hey you’ve broken the skin on your knuckles before. You’ve got experience in it. Just fix her hand and be done.” With that, Donnie was gone.
You shared an awkward moment of eye contact with Raph before he sighed.
“Well, I’m gonna go play my game.” Mikey dashed over to the tv. “Let me know when you two are done and we can play!” He grabbed Leo by the back of his shell and pulled him along.
You bit the inside of your cheek nervously.
It was just you two.
You and the giant turtle boy beside you.
“Aight well...” he cleared his throat. “I guess I’ll take you up to the work out room then?”
He stopped and you realized he was waiting for you to say something. You quickly tried to scrounge up a comprehensible sentence.
“Y-yeah, sounds good with me.” You followed after him quietly, holding your hand so the blood wouldn’t drip everywhere.
The room was smaller than you imagined but still... it was huge to you.
He began rummaging through a box on the table, fumbling with objects. “You can uh... you can sit down while I grab the-the stuff.” He told you quickly.
You didn’t know where to sit so you interpreted his words to mean that you should sit on the work out bench.
You watched patiently as he found the roll of gauze.
Clearly he was just as nervous as you.
You didn’t know why HE was nervous though. He was a giant turtle for goodness sake. He could snap you in half easily.
“Here lemme see that hand.” He shuffled over and reached out.
You gave your right one to him, trying to hold in your nervous shaking.
“Ain’t gonna bite ya.” He rolled his eyes.
“I know.” You commented, watching him start applying disinfectant. “Just never been in a situation like this before.”
He snorted and continued his work.
You couldn’t help but notice how small your hand looked compared to his. Ha. That was new. Usually it was you watching little pick me girls compare their hand size to their crushes. How strange it was for it to be you.
“And I thought I had big hands.” You couldn’t help but blurt out.
He kept his eyes on your hand, examining it a little more. “Ya call this big?”
“Yep.” You glanced around the room, taking in the ‘scenery’.
He snorted. “Damn tiny to me.” He pulled out the gauze and began wrapping your knuckles. “Look, I’m uh... I’m sorry ‘bout the way I handled earlier. My dumbnut brother got us exposed when ya clearly had the situation handled.”
You cringed, remembering that they’d seen you beating the creep. “Yeah I could have handled that better as well.”
He paused for a half second, as if considering his next words, and then continued. “Heard ya say you were havin’ a shit day as well.”
You weren’t exactly sure if you wanted this brought up in the middle of the weirdest experience ever but you were desperate for a smooth conversation. “Yeah, some jackass stood me up.”
He frowned and momentarily made confused eye contact with you. “Stood ya up?”
“You know, as in he said he was gonna go on a date with me and just didn’t show up.” You forced out a laugh. “But it’s fine I got ice cream at home.”
“Mmm.” He muttered. “Sounds like a douche bag.”
Well outta room! Part two will be up I had too much fun :)
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ahiddenpath · 4 years
If you could give Daisuke, Miyako, and Iori their own crests, what would they be?
This is a really tough one!  I do love that they “inherited” crests; the whole “these kids gets mentors” was so cute?  A great way to bring back the older kids in a meaningful way.  I personally think the 02 crew “had it together” in ways the original crew... kind of didn’t, lol!  But they did have a lot of benefits (ability to go home, Koushiro as an advisor, mentors, two members who already knew what was going on, etc).
I also really love the observation that Adventure emphasized individual development (finding and earning and internalizing their crest traits, evolution is triggered by understanding yourself) and 02 emphasized team development (jogress/evolution triggered by strong bonds between teammates, inheriting wisdom from the ones who came before).  So...  I guess I hate to mess with that?  But I do also see the appeal of giving them their own traits...
THIS GOT INCREDIBLY LONG, but it’s a really cool post, I think!  So please read on beneath the cut!
Honestly, I think miracles works pretty well?  I’ve heard people say that Daisuke just...  Does whatever he wants/follows his gut, and it tends to work out; ie he’s more “lucky” than “an effective leader.”  
Personally, I...  Truly admire Daisuke’s faith and optimism and just...  Just raw belief in everyone?  I have anxiety, so sometimes my brain loves to tell me that a thing I’ve done a million times with no problems will somehow explode in my face.  Can you imagine just...  Choosing to always believe, and acting like everything will be okay?  I don’t mean “sticking your head in the sand and going LALALA THIS IS FINE,” I mean taking action without hesitation, even when things are scary.
Like, yeah, maybe that’s not always valid IRL- you need to plan and be realistic and accept and reevaluate when your plan isn’t working- although I’d argue that Daisuke learned to do that over the course of the series (I remember him saying the team should rest at some point, and everyone was surprised that he didn’t want to press on, except Ken).
But I also maintain that Daisuke’s ability to believe in himself, his team, and just a general “things will be okay” is what creates success that almost seems... miraculous!
Also, I think he is suuuch a great meld of courage and friendship, because he pushes on when things are scary (courage) and is able to do so because he believes in everyone (friendship).
So, I’m thinking something like faith/confidence/trust.  And having listed some similar-ish words...
I’m going with trust.  
What incredible things you can do, when you believe in yourself, your team, and the future.
I’ve seen other people assign her the crest of “passion,” which I think is great!  
I think the thing about Miyako is that she’s, like...  Always on, always 150%, so dynamic and vibrant and just... her cup overflows with energy and... Miyako-ness.  
It’s clear to see how she relates to her “purity” side.  It took me a long time to understand what I think the crest of purity means, thanks to a lot of... ickiness around the word “pure” in western tradition, which is also why I am loathe to throw the word “innocence” into my definition.  Basically, I think the crest of purity means that Mimi and Miyako don’t dissemble/hide how they really feel.  You’re always getting their raw, honest truth.  And, because Mimi in particular is spoiled, she can come off as childish- which is where people like to throw in the word “innocent.”  
[The general selfishness of children is related to them not knowing yet that they aren’t the center of the world- psychologically; Freud would call it “being ruled by the id.”  It’s just a developmental stage, and doesn’t really indicate actual selfishness.  You know how Winnie the Pooh is a sweetheart, but can make things miserable for other people by just assuming he can help himself to everything?]
But Mimi also displays a child’s heart in terms of being kind and sweet and sensitive and wanting to help... and then swinging back towards the id at the drop of a dime, lol!
Like Mimi, Miyako is very comfortable giving her opinion and drawing attention to herself, and she doesn’t seem to be holding herself back...  But we do eventually see that things can weigh on her, and that she’s sometimes putting up a front when her energy actually isn’t at 150%.
I think the “love” part is a bit harder to pin down, but then...  The word “love” is incredibly vague, and means a million different things to different people, which is why I kind of hate discussing the crest of love!  I like to think of it as “the crest of compassion” to focus discussions; sympathetic consciousness of others' distress together with a desire to alleviate it.  
It’s kind of funny to think of Miyako with the crest of love compared to Sora.  Sora tends to show love by watching over people, being kind and supportive and brave even when she’s struggling and hiding the signs of her struggle/dismissing her own struggles, doing things for others, often without even letting people know she did anything.
In comparison, Miyako shows compassion by being present for people she loves, telling them bluntly when they need to shape up (which, frankly, a lot of Digimon characters really need.  We need waaaaaay less staring into each other’s faces and never answering concerned questions and waaaaaaay more *slap* GET IT TOGETHER!  God, ilu Miyako), and being honest and open about how much she cares for them.
So yeah, passion!  
One of my favorite Chosen, this sweet good boy that I lovelovelovelove!
So one thing about Iori is that, while I can write big honkin’ analysis of how Daisuke and Miyako show their inherited crests...  Um, I think Iori is his own thing.  Like, I don’t... super get honesty and knowledge off of him.  I mean, the honesty thing, sure.  His Grandpa taught him not to lie, we had a whole ep based on that alone.  As for knowledge, yes, he wants to know the truth and get to the bottom of things.  
But...  Neither crest ever felt like a slam dunk for him?  Even though it’s easy to see how “honesty” and “knowledge” coalesce into “a desire for truth,” which is further illustrated in his career as a (presumably upright and truth-seeking) lawyer.  Like, it’s right there in front of your face, Hidden!
The thing that, to me, stands out about Iori most is that he’s grounded and centered.  Have you seen that post recently that explains how Daisuke tried, just one time, to treat Iori like a little kid (he says, “shut up, little brat”)?  And Iori- who is about three years younger than Daisuke, and much more withdrawn- politely but firmly replies, “Please don’t talk to me like that.”  
Iori is like...  He’s like eight, my dudes!  Rolling with a bunch of eleven-ish year olds!  He’s personal friends with Miyako, a twelve year old, before Adventure 02 even opens!  And we don’t often see him being doted on and protected like Takeru and Hikari were in the same situation.
YOU WANNA KNOW WHY?  The simple answer is that he’s mature, but I wanna say that he’s grounded, the ultimate earth sign type (I think Digmon is a pretty clear metaphor).  He doesn’t get flustered or swayed.  He knows where he is, where he stands, what he must do.  On the one hand, this makes him mature beyond his years, reliable, able to stand up for himself and be an equal team mate among kids who are older than him.
The downside is that “that which cannot bend must break.”  I’m sure you’ve read a zillion metas about how Iori sees in black-and-white originally and has trouble changing his world views and learning to forgive...  But he does all of those things, maturing further into possibly just... just...  Can you even imagine him as an adult?!  HE’S TOO POWERFUL.
So, if he were an Adventure character, I’d say that his crest is integrity, and he has to go through his adventure to learn what that really means for him- to develop from stubborn, black-and-white thinking to true integrity.
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Vivienne Tang (Angst)
Anon Request #1: “since you’re so good at angst, how would vivi react to mc either dying or getting seriously injured? do your worst xo”
Anon Request #2: “vivienne after her mc dies in her arms either during a heist or after one of her old enemies attack her”
Anon Request #3: “Have you ever watched Grey’s Anatomy? If so, you probably will have seen Lexie Grey’s death and Mark Sloan talking to her as she died. Is there any way you could write a fic inspired by what he said to her, but for Vivienne/MC after MC gets fatally injured? For some reason I keep imagining everything Mark said leaving Vivienne’s mouth as she says goodbye to her MC…🌹”
Anon Request #3: “Break up headanons for viv”
Anon Request #4: “How about MC waking up after a month of coma just to find out that Vivienne has not left her side not once? Yes, give me the angst but with lots of fluff pls ✊😩”
Anon Request #5: “What if Vivienne’s MC fought cancer as a teen and she recently found out that it had come back rather aggressively? How would she tell Vivi and what would her reaction be as she got sicker and sicker? Headcanons please ~ from a teenage cancer survivor who is glad she made it through, and found this blog more helpful in dark times than you’ll ever know xx”
Anon Request #6: “What if Inez had kidnapped MC instead of Vivienne? Please tell us all about Vivienne’s reaction (I personally don’t know how calm she’d be able to remain knowing that someone so predatory has the love of her life in her clutches) and what happens when/after she saves MC. Angst to Fluff, obviously, and can either be a fic or some of your amazing headcanons 😘”
Anon Request #7: “Can any of you guys write a angsty fic where mc and vivi get separated for years and they finally find eachother after searching all those years? xoxo Anon Request #8: “I’m lowkey freaking out at the lockdowns in my country because of the Coronavirus. Is it in any way possible for you to write a fic where germaphobe Vivienne is high key panicking about it and MC has to calm her down?”
Anon Request #9: “fic/hc about vivienne walking in on mc crying on the shower floor after an argument, she’ll become so distressed by the sight that she’ll walk into the shower fully clothed just so she can hold her and tell her she loves her (bonus points if this is the first time she’s actually seen her cry/the first time she realises that mc always cries in the shower because she knows seeing her uncharacteristically sad will break vivi’s heart)…do your worst x”
Anon Request #14: “i love angst so much SO CAN YOU WRITE ABOUT VIVIENNE CRYING IN FRONT OF MC FOR THE FIRST TIME?? Break my heart please 😌✌️”
Anon Request #17: “Nadia pushes MC from the rooftop and she is very seriously injured. She spends weeks in the hospital on a ventilator despite being declared brain dead because no one can bear to let her go, her family fly to Paris and Vivienne doesn’t leave her side, but there’s no option but to switch off her life support. Vivi holds her hand as her heartbeat fades, crying and begging her to come back to her, but it’s no use. Fic or HC about this scenario please.”
Anon Request #18: “Vivienne comforting MC after a nightmare (also later MC returning the favor?)”
Anon Request #19: “f it’s possible, can I get Vivienne dying while protecting protecting MC??? Please and Thank You  =)”
Anon Request #20:“I’d like to see a story where QOT MC ends up going blind and Vivienne has to help her adapt, she believes its her fault when it isn’t.”
Anon Request #21: “this might be waaaaaaay too dark and twisty but what if the police caught up with the gilded poppy & rather than go to prison & be separated from each other they decide to ingest some of nikolai & vivienne’s poisons? Pairing for this would be Vivi x Mc if you’re up for doing your absolute worst 🥀🍷
Anon Request #22: “Can you write what happens next in that angst story of Vivenne's MC being poisoned by wine at dinner? The more angst the better.”
Anon Request #23: “It’s been a month since MC left the poppy and returned to NYC, and Vivienne has finally plucked up the courage to win back her woman. When she gets there and tracks her down she finds her dead in her apartment in a murder that’s identical down to the finest detail to Inez Serrano’s. What happens next?”
Anon Request #24: “Ahh, after reading that fic where mc faints from toxic paint, can you guys write a part two of that? If you guys have time since you probably have a dozen requests. Thanks in advance”
Anon Request #25: “Vivienne and MC break up, a couple of years later Vivi goes to New York to win her back. She spots her from across a crowded museum, hides in the shadows, and notices a wedding ring on her finger, a baby with her eyes held in her arms, and another woman on her arm. She looks happier than Vivi can ever recall her being, and that’s when she realises that “hilst MC may be the love of her life, she is not the love of MC’s. ❤️ Do your worst, make us cry, mods xo”
Anon Request #26: “May i request a hc or fic of Vivienne finding out that her girlfriend has been psychologically/emotionally abused by their parents.”
Anon Request #27: “I’m sure I’m not the only one who needs to know more about an awkward ghost’s series about MC w her own crew!!! Perhaps for an eventual finale - MC finally gets cornered and isn’t able to run. She has to confront her feelings and she decides once and for all whether she can forgive Vivienne and move on or if she just can’t.”
Anon Request #28: “Can you write QOT MC betraying Glided Poppy by selling them out to FBI and stealing everything they earned and also joining Flashpoint to work with Nadia. This broke Vivienne’s heart as she gets arrested along the crew. Make it angsty as possible lol and thanks!”
Anon Request #29: “Hi! Long time lurker, big fan of this blog. Can I request either a headcannon or a fic of Viv Tang?Basically, it goes like this, it's an AU of some sort, where Viv and the Poppy leave MC.
Anon Request #30: Can I request a Vivienne x MC, MC died giving birth to their baby😭🥺Advance Thank you for all of your hard work🤗
Anon Request #31: Hello, I loved your fics on Vivienne. So I want to request a Vivienne fic where MC is pregnant, and she with the Poppy is having dinner in a restaurant. But, she got served with spoiled food, so she got food poisoning. Make it a bit angsty and end it in fluff as possible. Thank you!!
Request #1: “oh my poor heart, could you go on, when MC finds vivienne crying on the beach 😭”
Request #2: “could there be a continuation of mc going to steal something from vivienne? like a vivienne point of view when she learned that mc was there and took something from her and maybe she swears to herself not to give up on mc (sorry my english, i'm brazilian i'm still learning)”
Request #3: May i request vivienne x mc where mc leaves vivienne after a huge fight and doesn’t come back, only to have her find mc not only living in Japan but  also finds her figure skating her heart out during after hours because mc’s best friend owns the skating rink facility. Vivienne stays and watches mc skate but when mc sees her, she ignores her because mc is tired of empty promises and dancing around everything that goes on between them. Especially their feelings. Little bit angst but fluffy ending
Combined Request #1: “Vivienne x Mc, where Mc gets injured and falls unconscious and later Vivienne taking care?“ + QOT MC gets caught up in the blast from one of Jett’s explosives, and now has severe burns acrros her face and other parts of her body along with slight deafness. Could I get a fic of Vivienne comforting her, and telling her she’s still beautiful? Thanks!
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mit3c · 4 years
think. I have a lot of thoughts about that episode and I’m not going to go into details unprompted (literally WHO wants my ducktales rants?) *raises hand*
hahah aw  i think if they were really set on making daisy a good character they should have introduced her waaaaaaay earlier into the story and in an active role within the main cast. her being into fashion sure is a goal but it has literally nothing to do with what the main characters do so she will always be very satellite to the main story and once again... she only is linked to the family/cast through donald... with the way DT is constructed + how late into the show we are,there won’t be time to flesh her out much and build meaningful bonds between her and others characters. the way I see it the writers just secured a happy end for Donald when writing Daisy. and god knows that Donald needs some happiness but it coming from something outside of his family is... depressing to watch I think. you’ve got three seasons of Donald feeling alienated from his family, and while he’s sad about it the writers do nothing but push him further away from them. You’d think the solution would be that his family, who are the main cast and are supposed to be good guys, make an effort to understand Donald and make him feel included but not only this doesn’t happen, the only solution they found for Donald is for him to find validation and comfort with someone else entirely- which would be fine if Donald’s whole conflict wasn’t about feeling cut off from his loved ones
I wrote so much about Donald’s voice already so you know what I think of it but I cringed hard at that scene where he sings to Daisy. I am very annoyed at how his voice is sometimes taken as a disability, sometimes as a joke and sometimes both at the time. It’s tone deaf, repetitive, and frankly disappointing that this is the only joke they can think of for Donald. the whole idea that he sounds “normal” to her and her only is.. I saw it coming but it’s frankly so cheap that a rando girl has an Innate Talent in understanding him when we could have had. IDK, maybe established characters whom Donald loves make the effort to try and understand him instead? Maybe That Would Matter More 
this goes beyond Daisy of course but since she’s written as an accessory for Donald it’s natural to link her to Donald’s disastrous writing 
so yeah I expect we get one or two more episodes starring Daisy where she doesn’t really get to bond much with anyone but Donald, and then she shows up later in the finale and in the epilogue she’s seen with Donald as his happy end, I might be wrong and I hope so though I still believe she is too removed from the main story to matter. though with no S4 being greenlit, I do think S3 is being written as if it were the last one, so I expect it will have an epilogue kind of end that is also open enough in the case an opportunity for S4 presents itself
some others things that bother me with that Daisy specifically is that they chose to take inspiration from Donald’s Diary and I’m not gonna go into explaining why I don’t like sexual dimorphism again but yeah. uncanny design choice
((also the fact that it’s a love/attraction at first sight kind of story... and hm. the scene where she’s locked in a small closed space with Donald and she removes her coat to reveal her sexey body and her tight fit dress and Donald is ohh ahhh .... frankly i’m not impressed lol why didn’t she remove the coat when the party started if she wanted to show it off to Emma... or why wasn’t she carrying a portfolio with her she could have shown Donald in the elevator... like it’s not the worst thing ever and i’m not saying it’s ~problematic~ even just that in terms of writing romance this isn’t very... cute....))
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fisumisu · 4 years
ALRIGHT! I’ve now seen the new Cats movie!
My first thought?
”That could’ve been a lot worse, actually.”
Even if I didn’t absolutely love it, some of the songs really brought me glimpses of the happiness and excitement I got from the original musical, and dare I say it, I would actually like to see the new movie again.
I went to see it right after watching the old version with my friend (she loved it btw!) and so, the contrast was pretty big.
My general thoughts and some shameless ranting with absolutely no order *spoilers ahead*:
- I got used to the designs of the characters quite quickly, there were some I liked more than the others but my mind numbed to it eventually. "You get used to anything, except an icicle up in your asshole", as the age old Finnish saying goes (and that's a rock fact).
- However, I did not like Jennyanydots the Bodyhorror Cat and I am pretty sure the person behind every decision regarding her might be an alien.
-Bustopher Jones lost all his dignity. In the musical he is very respected and completely fine with being a ”bounder”, yet in the movie they make a joke about him being sensitive about it. I also could’ve done without seeing cat men and women wolf down garbage.
- Apparently falling and tripping on things is still concidered to be peak humor in Hollywood.
- (maybe thanks to that) Instead of the humor coming from just their body language, they relied more on the spoken gags. Most of them are pretty meh. However, I’ll never forget the ”Is he neutered? That note was kiiinda high...” line, ’cause, whoa... wow... damn... Didn’t expect that. Lmao.
- Speaking of the Rum Tum Tugger... well, let’s just say John Partridge will probably keep the mantle of being the best Tugger forever. Derulo has a good voice but the whole design given to his character and the way they had downgraded his importance in the movie made him a tad forgettable.
- Also, Jellicle cats do not have cheerful faces, actually Jellicle cats seem rather mean.
- The ”Touch me!” Part of Memory lost most of its meaning since the importance of touch was never implied in the movie. I’m also annoyed that the directors didn’t tell the actor of Grizabella (Jennifer Hudson) to go a bit easier on her first two appearances and do the full blast crying scene at the end when she’s pleading the other cats to accept her. Her emotion was seriously amazing, but because it was too strong right from the start, she lost the wow moment she could’ve had at the end. It wasn’t her fault, Memory is supposed to be an emotional roller coaster, but she should’ve been directed better.
- I prefer Grizabella being much older looking overall, even in the musical productions, since the comparison between how the Jellicles behave towards Gus and Grizabella is quite an important point to me. If they are both older cats, it’s easier to see and the decision to send her to the Heaviside layer more justified. Yeah, Grizabella’s coat was a bit dusty and the corner of her eye a bit scarred in the movie but she was waaaaaaay too fine to think she’d need a whole new life to fix herself. Nope.
- Very important note: There definitely should've been a rule that cats with clothes should KEEP THEM ON during the entire movie. The whole deal with clothing was utterly baffling altogether. Some cats had cat sized shoes, hats, jackets and they seemed unable to decide if they should keep them on or be in their birthday suits most of the time. Plus, if some cats have clothes and others don’t, it’s just going to look odd. And hey, why is that one cat otherwise naked but wearing shoes? I don’t know man, nobody knows.
- Thankfully, Skimbleshanks the Railway cat decided he rather liked his pants and never removed them. His tap dancing number was one of the best scenes in the movie. He also had a proper excuse to wear cat shoes. Good job Skimble.
- Ian McKellen (the cat) had the kind of fur around his head I wish every cat on the movie would’ve had. I’ll never forget him saying ”Meow, meow, meow!” Or dunking his head into a bowl to lap water with his tongue. I actually got a bit teary eyed watching his number.
- I don’t feel that Taylor Swift’s Bobalurina was... well, Bombalurina. She was just some hench cat whose only purpose was to get everyone high on catnip and preach about Macavity.
- Honestly, I actually thought the whole Macavity song part was pretty neat! Hear me out (don’t scoff, lol). Yes, it was odd, but the way the dancers started moving when the golden flakes touched them was fascinating to watch. It was almost like a reference to the beginning where the cats couldn’t help but dance under the Jellicle moon and their movement showed that clearly. Storytelling, but with dance! Can you believe it!? I’m just sad that the CGI cheapened the dancers’ amazing performances during the whole movie since their movement looked odd at places thanks to the added fur. When there’s so much digitally added effects on screen, you can’t help but wonder, is this real or just animated?
- I haven’t said anything about Munkustrap, I notice. Maybe because I like complaining too much and had to get all the whining out of the way. Good news, Munk remains a good, good cat and he was definitely my favourite character, alongside with Skimble (who kept his pants on, as you might recall). Thank the Everlasting cat or the Maker for small mercies.
- Also, to people talking about Munk and Misto in this new movie, I see ya. My poor heart is quite confused since the song Mr Mistoffelees is, and will always be, to me (and many others) Tugger and Mistoffelees' song, and therefore can have that kinda romantic vibe. Since they threw Tugger out of the window, going as far as to make the two interract as little as possible, I’d rather eat my right leg than accept the romance they cooked up with Victoria and Misto. Since Munkustrap sings the first parts of Mistoffelees’ song in the movie, I can see why Munk and Misto could be seen as a new pairing.
I don’t mind if you like Victoria and Misto together, it doesn’t itch my bum what other people enjoy, so have fun! Victoria x misto is just not for me. If I had to choose who I ship in this movie, I’d probably ship Skimbleshanks with his hat. It’s a very good hat. You can’t see the CGI ears under it. Oh, did I mention Skimble's pants? They were red and he kept them on throughout the whole movie.
- (just remembered) Victoria singing Beautiful Ghosts to Grizabella immediately after Grizabella ended her second part of Memory, reminded me of that Tall Girl meme from last year. Like, “You think your life is hard?" *bursts into song*
- Macavity being so desperate about getting to the Heaviside layer was actually pretty hilarious and the whole thing about him vanishing all the other “contestants” was something new and unexpected. Didn’t really mind it. I just wish the big finale would’ve been Mistoffelees making all the vanished cats appear again.
- Judyteronomy teleporting behind everyone after Mistoffelees song made me laugh.
- Mistoffelees believing in himself at the end of the movie was pretty wholesome.
- Hey! Macavity’s fur actually looked a bit red when the light hit it from just the right angle and the stars aligned! I wonder if that was one of the features they added when they did the updates. Maybe that's why they couldn't afford to give people cat noses. Oh well.
And that’s all for now!
This is already pretty long and got kinda outta hand. Thanks if you read this whole thing! I just wanted to vent and gather my thoughts about the movie. I love to nitpick and poke at stuff. I hope I didn't come across too negative or say only things everyone and their mothers have already talked about. The movie was far from perfect but in this nice safe bubble of ours no one should feel ashamed of liking something Cats the musical related. I'm actually itching to see this again, in all its horrifying glory, because despite all its flaws and things I wish they would've done differently, it's still Cats and some of the songs and scenes absolutely, quite positively slapped.
If you, for some unthinkable reason, would like to know my thoughts on a specific scene or thing in the new Cats movie, or just anything Cats related, feel free to ask me!
Toodle pip!
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winterhereinaugust · 5 years
Unending - Chapter 3
Lol i impressed myself by finishing this chapter waaaaaaay sooner than expected. Finally getting the tiniest bit of Yunho and reader interaction so hopefully yall enjoy this chapter!
Btw, feedback is always appreciated. and if you noticed any grammatical errors, fire me a message and ill get right on it :)
word count: 3646
Prince!Yunho x Reader
 You woke up the next morning in a daze. You slowly opened your eyes to the bright shine of sunlight bouncing off the surface of the pond and directly into your face. You felt the ache in your back reach a peak so you lifted your arms to allow your back to stretch and pop in attempts to alleviate the soreness. And as you lifted your arms, you felt as the blanket on top of you slipped down onto your lap. You stared at the blanket for a moment before running your hands along it, not remembering whether you had brought yourself a blanket the night before. Come to think about it, hadn’t you sat down next to the pond? How did you end up against a tree?
“Oh look, Sleeping Beauty has awoken.”  You turn to look at Yeosang as he walks towards you holding a chunk of bread and an apple. You give him a small smile as he slides down the tree to sit next to you, placing the bread and apple in your lap. You give the apple a light wipe before taking a large bite and begin devouring the sweet fruit, not realizing how hungry you were.
“You were so tired when you got back last night that you passed out along the side of the pond without thinking. I got a little worried that that soldier had done something to you.” You glanced at him as you placed the cleaned core on the ground next to you before moving on to the piece of bread that remained. You swallowed down your first bite before speaking.
“Do you know how I ended up against the tree? And covered by a blanket? Did you come move me last night?” You went back to eating your bread as you waited for him to respond, Yeosang simply shook his head. If it wasn’t him who moved you last night, who was it? Maybe Seonghwa?
“I didn’t move you last night because I was asleep by the time you would have gotten back, I only heard about you this morning from Hongjoong because he found you next to the pond and was the one who moved you last night.”
Hongjoong? You were surprised that it was him of all people, especially after the look he gave you last night when you tried to explain yourself concerning how Mingi knew you. You knew Hongjoong was a very cautious individual, but you guess he must’ve given up on any apprehensiveness he had about you last night. But you could never be too sure with him unless he said it to you explicitly.
“Oh, okay. Well I guess I should go thank him… Thanks for the food Yeosang.” You neatly folded the blanket before you stood up and began walking towards Hongjoong’s tent, leaving Yeosang who sat quietly as he stared at the pond.
You could hear San and Wooyoung messing around before you could see them. Wooyoung’s laugh has become so distinguishable to you that you’re sure you could find him in a giant crowd. Same with San. You watched as they flew out from the bushes, rolling around on the ground like pups learning to play fight. You ignored them in favour of letting Jongho handle them as you continued on to go speak to Hongjoong.
You were coming around the large stone that was located in center of where you had all set up camp, only to hear Hongjoong and Seonghwa’s hushed voices. You strayed behind the rock so you could somewhat listen in.
“Seonghwa, you’re the closest to her out of all of us, so if she’s told you anything that could affect the Unseen, you need to let me know. If you have any information about her relationship with that soldier, you got to say something.” Hongjoong’s voice was filled with urgency, and you could tell he was simply concerned for the safety of the group, but you still did not want to share anything that you didn’t need to if you didn’t have to
“I’m telling you Joong, she hasn’t told me anything about that soldier at all. And if she had, I would have mentioned it, you know that Joong.” You watched as Seonghwa placed his hand on Hongjoong’s shoulder and gave it a firm pat to reassure him.
“I know you would, I’m just a little worried about (Y/N). She seemed a little hesitant to approach me when she got back last night so I wanted to talk to her personally. But by the time I had gotten around to finding her, she had already fallen asleep at the edge of the pond, so I moved her up by the trees.” Seonghwa nodded his head as he crossed his arms and leaned up against the stone and out of your line of vision.
You could hear him mumble something, but he must have moved away from your location so his voice wasn’t as clear as it was and was very hard to hear. You tried moving closer to where he and Hongjoong stood, but you didn’t pay much attention to where you were stepping and snapped a small branch under your foot.
Hongjoong and Seonghwa immediately twisted in the direction of the sound and watched you appear from out behind the stone; you figured there was no sense in trying to hide now that they heard someone nearby.
“Hey Hongjoong, I just wanted to come return the blanket you lent me last night and say thanks for moving me. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop on you two either… I just heard my name and was confused as to why.” Letting out a nervous chuckle, you went and handed Hongjoong’s blanket back to him then turning and giving Seonghwa a wave and a small nod; a silent thanks for him not sharing anything you told him about Mingi. He gave a nod and a smile in return, happy that you were happy. But what he didn’t know is that you had made the decision to share a little bit more about what happened last night with Hongjoong just to provide him some piece of mind.
“Hongjoong… I wanted to tell you… I didn’t lie when I said that that soldier from last night was a kid I knew from my hometown. I just didn’t mention that we both, uh, used to work for the King of Dirus.” Seonghwa stared at you with intense confusion as you outed your past to your leader. You began to rub at your right arm before feeling Seonghwa grab your wrist and direct your attention towards him.
“(Y/N), I thought you didn’t want to tell anyone about that?” Seonghwa kept his voice shushed as if Hongjoong couldn’t hear him from a few feet away. You took his hand off your wrist and into your own, giving it a light squeeze then letting go and turning back to Hongjoong.
“I used to work as the bodyguard of the prince, but after I ran away I cut all ties with the royal family. It’s just a coincidence that Mingi happened to be the one to come and check out our campsite. I promise it’s not going to cause us any trouble, so please don’t worry about it.” Hongjoong stood by silently as you spoke, his gaze shifting between you and Seonghwa, and ending on Seonghwa. You could put two and two together, connecting the dots of Hongjoong’s unhappiness that was being aimed directly at Seonghwa.
“Don’t be upset with him Joong. I made him promise me to never tell anyone about the things I told him which I just told you. If you’re going to be mad at someone, be mad at me.” You stepped in front of Seonghwa as you tried to appease Hongjoong, hoping he wasn’t too mad about you keeping this from him.
Hongjoong let out a heavy sigh and rubbed his forehead as his eyes flicked between you and the ground finally landing on you with a sad look in them.
“I’m not mad, I’m simply upset that you didn’t feel comfortable with sharing your past with me (Y/N). I’m supposed to be the leader of this group. How can I do that when I don’t know how my members are feeling if they don’t tell me in the first place?”
“Hongjoong please listen. You’re a fantastic leader, we all think so. I just wanted to let go of my past as quick as possible, and Seonghwa was able to help me do that, so I didn’t think that it was that important. I promise it’s not going to cause any problems, so can we just leave all this behind us?”
Hongjoong glanced at the both of you before and placing his hands on his hips, looking down at his feet. He finally looked back up at you after a long moment of silence and let out a heavy sign and rolling his neck to alleviate the strain that had started to build up when he began talking to Seonghwa.
“I’m going to trust you when you say that this won’t cause us anymore trouble. However, in order for me to do that, I have to trust that you’re not going to keep any relevant information like that from me in the future, right?” Hongjoong gave you a hard look while placing his hands in his pockets and leaning back against the stone. You nodded and sent Hongjoong a bright smile.
Before you went off back to your tent that never actually got used during this stop, Hongjoong informed you to start packing up since they were planning on moving out in about an hour and continuing on their trip through Dirus. So once you returned to your tent, you began collecting any spare items left scattered about and began tossing them into your bag before taking down your tent.
Everything was almost done being packed up when you suddenly noticed San rushing out of the trees and bee lining straight for you and Hongjoong who were rolling up the maps and letters left out from travel planning the night before. San was running at full speed and almost crashed into you if you hadn’t hopped out of his way in time. Once he came to a full stop, San was bent over panting while trying to usher out some rough sounding words that neither you nor Hongjoong could quite decipher.
“San, calm down, take a deep breath. What are you trying to say?” Hongjoong was rubbing San’s back as he waited for the young vampire to catch his breath. San had his hands placed on his knees, shoulder swiftly lifting up and down in time with his heavy panting. He raised his hand with just his index finger pointing up, asking for one more moment.
Once he caught his breath, San almost exploded with how fast he was talking.
“There are a whole squad of soldiers headed this way, and they do not seem all that friendly!” He pointed at the break in the treeline which he emerged from. And no sooner had he done that, the soldiers began appearing from between the trees and into the open field that was barely 10 meters away from where you were standing.
Hongjoong immediately drew his sword from the sheath he carried on his side and threw a look your way.
“Did you know about any of this?” He spun the handle of his sword in his hand as he swung lightly, trying to loosen up his wrist.
You were thankful that you had already geared up before going to help Hongjoong role the maps as you drew your own sword from the holster on your hip, directing the tip directly at the first soldier leading the squad.
“No! Mingi told me that he simply came to check us out last night and said we would be good to pass through since we hadn’t caused any actual problems! I don’t know why they’re here.” You noticed the rest of the Unseen appear at your side as you responded to Hongjoong, never once taking your eyes off the multitude of soldiers in front of you.
They began circling around all of you, forcing you into a circle as they slowly approached you, leaving no single spot weak enough to fight your way through and run. You backed up, trying to give yourself some more distance between you and the closest soldier, but you could feel yourself bump in to both Hongjoong and Seonghwa who were on either side of you. You were stuck, and you weren’t sure if you were you’d be able to fight your way out. You trusted everyone to be able to handle their fair share, but you could already tell you were far too outnumbered to even have a chance at victory.
You started to raise your sword, ready to go out in a blaze of glory, when you noticed a small break in the wall of soldiers appear. You could do nothing but watch as Mingi and Yunho walked through into the clearing between the two different parties.
This was the first time you’d seen the prince in over 3 years, and the only thing you could do was admire him.
This first thing you noticed that had changed about him was that he had somehow gotten even taller than he already was when you left. Second was that he had finally lost all the baby fat in his cheeks that you always found so adorable. He always looked somewhat boyish, but now you knew you were looking at a full grown man. The wear in his face was obvious, and you could easily tell that he didn’t get very much sleep from the darkness under his eyes, but none of that stopped him from still being as devastatingly handsome as ever.
You dragged your eyes away from Yunho’s figure in exchange for a quick glance at Mingi, who returned your look with a pressed smile and small wave from his hand placed on the hilt on his sword, which you returned.
“Okay, okay, we’re not here to attack you, Unseen, would you please put your weapons down?” your attention was once again ripped away to focus on the voice that was familiar yet oh so different. You stared at Yunho as he stepped forward from Mingi’s side as he placed his left arm across his chest and gave Hongjoong a small bow, trying to convey the squad’s friendly intentions. Even going as far as removing his own sword from its sheath and placing it on the ground at his feet.
Not a single one of the Unseen lowered their weapons, not risking any sort of possible sneak attack or trickery. But Hongjoong stepped forward and lowered his sword, but only slightly.
“And to what do we serve the honour of an audience with the prince?” The subtle sarcasm in Hongjoong’s voice was almost humorous as you watched him approach the young prince with much hesitance.
Yunho showed a small smile at the reluctance from the leader, but he knew coming to the camp, that there would of course been some resistance.
“I’m simply here to strike a deal with the Unseen. It is common knowledge that my little sister has been kidnapped by a clan of vampires known as the Necrolae. I wanted to recruit the help of the Unseen in my attempt to go and rescue her from them.” Yunho spoke as eloquently as ever, clearly he continued with taking those draining speech classes he hated so much when he was young. That was something that currently baffled you. He didn’t sound like the Yunho you remembered, he sounded like a royal.
“And why would the prince be wanting the assistance of a small group of travellers might I ask?” Seonghwa piped up as he stepped out in front of you, blocking your view of Yunho, and clearly his view of you. Silently thankful, you let go of your sword with one of your hands to take a small pinch of Seonghwa’s sleeve to hold as some comforting assurance that you were okay. From the moment Yunho appeared from between the soldiers, you could feel your heart start to hammer in your chest, and you weren’t sure if it was for a good reason or not. You clothes were starting to feel suffocating as you could feel your breathing start to pick up. It felt like you were going to explode.
“Clearly you’re unaware of your own reputation across the kingdoms. The Unseen are said to be an incredibly strong indifferent force that travels across the many kingdoms to those in need of their service.”
You could hear someone scoff from behind you, sounding somewhat like San.
”And I know, we may not seem to be the type of people you’d want to help per say, but your help wouldn’t be any sort of volunteer work. You’d be paid for your services.”
You could see Hongjoong slowly but surely lowering his sword as the conversation continued on, clearly understanding the prince’s intentions the further he explained.
“And how much would that be?”
“I can guarantee at least one hundred thousand dinars, and any further is affected by your usefulness and effectiveness in retrieving my sister.”
You heard someone behind you fumble their weapon about 5 seconds after Yunho told Hongjoong the price; clearly having took a moment to process the actual amount they were offering. You could already that this was going to turn out bad for yourself, you doubted anyone in the Unseen had ever heard of a single payment that exceeded 10 000 dinars for the entire crew. And there was no way any of them would turn this offer down.
“So what do you say? Do we have a deal?” Yunho walked up to Hongjoong and raised out his hand, offering a shake to officiate the agreement.
You watched from behind Seonghwa as Hongjoong stared at the hand presented in front of him for a moment before answering.
“Give us the day to decide and come back tomorrow morning. We’ll have an answer for you by then.” Hongjoong slid his sword back into its sheath as he spoke. And once he did, so did the rest of the Unseen. You slowly sheathed your sword, trying to not draw too much attention to yourself, but clearly that hadn’t worked since Seonghwa had moved from in front of you and back to your side, leaving you completely exposed to the eyes of the prince.
The exact prince who had his eyes intently locked on you as he listened to your leader respond back to his offer.
“Of course, take your time. But we would all prefer an answer sooner than later. Good day.” Yunho glanced back at Hongjoong to offer him a parting bow before returning his gaze to your own and offering a gentle nod in your direction before turning and returning through the wall of soldiers with Mingi in tow.
After all the soldiers had finally left, you all gathered around Hongjoong, knowing what had to be discussed.
“Yo! I didn’t even know anyone would ever want to offer us money to help save someone, let alone offer us one hundred thousand dinars! That’s like 10 000 duku berry pies! I vote we go help.” Wooyoung was visibly bouncing with excitement at the prospect of such a hefty reward. Along with San who was also clearly on board with the offer, eyes glazed over clearly thinking about the pies Wooyoung had mentioned.
But regardless of the reward, you were still going to try to convince them all that this was a bad idea.
“Why should we help the prince when he’s clearly got plenty of soldiers at his disposal? What if it’s secretly a ploy just to frame us for some sort of crime and throw us in prison for life?” You were doing your best to sound at least somewhat genuine, but it didn’t seem to be sticking.
However, Seonghwa instantly picked up on your argument and was quick to join in and support you, no matter his thinking that it might be beneficial for the Unseen to help. He knew he couldn’t just leave you to argue on your own.
“Yeah guys, I’ve got a bad feeling about this offer. Doesn’t one hundred thousand seem like a lot to offer a bunch of travelling bandits? Even if it is to save the princess?” You whipped your head around to look at Seonghwa as he spoke, noticing him give you a quick glance and a speedy wink before returning his stare back to Hongjoong.
“Regardless, the prince seemed genuine about wanting us to help save his sister. And all that money would keep us fed for months (Y/N), we can’t possibly pass this opportunity up. I’m sorry, but when they show up tomorrow, we’re going to go with them. Now all of you go reset the camp, guess we’re staying for another night” You knew when Hongjoong made up his mind about something, that there was no chance of changing it.
You placed the bag of maps back down next to Hongjoong’s bag before moving on to find a spot to temporarily set up your tent for the day. You had also decided that you were going to just lie in your tent the entire day and do nothing. You figured that this was going to be the last day of peace that you were going to have for a while, so why not enjoy it by doing absolutely nothing?
But sadly for you, your day of nothing didn’t account for San and Wooyoung wanting to do some light sparring, then Seonghwa asking you to go hunting with him for a bit.
So much for peace.
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evenonelife · 4 years
2019, Year of the Pig
A friend of mine has a tradition of writing reminisces of the year past at the beginning of the new year. I have avoided doing the same for previous years for a variety of reasons, but as one resolution I have for myself is to be more aware of my self - to be less adrift - I decided to try to puzzle through what 2019 meant to me. Forgive me if this rambles, I have always been more ordered with my external thoughts than my internal ones. And this is for myself in any case. To my friend I am shamelessly imitating, you know who you are - forgive me my indulgence. This will be lengthy - I have never been concise. 
2019 at the core was a year where some stability was returned to my life. 2016 to 2018 were the three darkest years of my life for a slew of reasons too personal to go into here and it felt at times like I would never find my way out of that depression. I really owe more than I can express to a handful of friends that gave me a desperately needed outlet of emotion that otherwise just festered while I lived alone in a strange new place. 
BUT, in late 2018 and through 2019 things did start to get better. I left my quiet apartment and moved in with three girls that I had never met before in a leap of faith to stave off the unbearable solitude that I was struggling with. I may not have made the connections that I had hoped for with those girls, we just have too little in common, but the hint of community that it gave me meant and still does mean a great deal to me. It was also around that time that I started playing DND regularly, and the creative outlet was honestly so meaningful that in the beginning there were several nights where we would end our call and I would be in tears over how much it meant to me.
I say all this to provide myself the necessary mental background to come back to 2019 and just what kind of year it was. 
Professionally - 2019 was my second full year in what was my first full-time ‘professional’ job. One somewhat related to my college degree. The greatest positive change in that role certainly was in how I through necessity came to be the authority in the office on a couple of points of business. This meant that I was invested in the outcome and not merely acting as a cog in the machine. The job certainly was not my dream job, something that I don’t really have a firm hold on anymore, but it was better and it made me feel more confident in myself and in how I dealt with those around me. 
More relevantly and recently I was contacted by someone who wanted me to work for them. Me! I was contacted, not doing the contacting! The pure shock that I felt when I got that e-mail and during the breakneck period that led to my accepting a job offer in less than a fortnight can not be overstated. Sometimes I feel that my jaw is still on the floor and I am filled with a surprisingly powerful feeling of hope. My new supervisor will be a fellow Aggie and there is a definite friendliness to the office. Also as much as I personally have distaste for Houston as a city to live in, it is undeniable so much closer to the friends that I cannot help but be excited for that future. 
Mentally -  I already alluded to it, but mentally I was in a dark, dark place that 2019 saw the gradual lifting of, that I am still working towards. I can admit to myself that when I am depressed I withdraw as a defense mechanism.  I find myself drifting through the days, one week the same as the one proceeding it. It is a fact that I have to confront that I have had very few true confidants in my life and in fact was taught that being emotionally vulnerable was just providing ammunition and as a result I find it intensely uncomfortable to reach out to others and risk. I am happy to say that during the decade of 2010-2020 in general I met several wonderful individuals who taught me this isn’t always the case but it is still something I struggle with.
This is something that I have not done as well to combat in 2019 as I would like, BUT there are some key exceptions. For one, in the last months of the year I took over the DM responsibilities for our weekly group. The responsibility of no longer being able to just show up and make funny voices means that I have to actually have a plan for the week ahead of me. Have to think of the near and not so near future, and this is KEY friends, for a reason that MATTERS to me. It isn’t something like “oh you need to do your taxes every spring” its that I know that in 6 months my friends will be invested in the story we tell together and I don’t want to let them down. That responsibility really helps. 
On a different track entirely I have begun to internalize that my future is my own to create. There is no looking back and imagining what could have been. I intend to re-focus on my hobbies and what makes ME feel fulfilled in the new year. I began to explore my creative needs again and I mean to pursue that with the freedom that an apartment to myself will bring me again.
Physically -  *OOF*. Well, 2019 BEGAN in a really good way physically. I was using the gym as a coping mechanism and going 4 or 5 times a week. I was running because it made me feel good. Ran a 5k competitively and was running 10ks in the gym in preparation to doing a race. I had aspirations of doing a Tough Mudder! But lol as things do one thing led to another and I’ve been attending no more than once or twice a week for months. And my body is reflecting that choice. In my defence it is so hard to motivate to go to the gym after work when its dark at 5pm :(. I’m hoping I can do better in Houston. An apt. Clubhouse will help. 
I also will definitely start eating better. 2019 saw waaaaaaay too much eating out. The cramped nature of our kitchen and the less than neat ways of my housemates meant that most of the time it was easier to just pick something up, or prepare things that took little space. Lots of pasts and frozen chicken and soups. But I’ll have my crockpot again and a freezer to myself and HEB for fresh veggies and Yay! Good changes ahead, unhealthy year behind. I also began flossing again in 2019 so I’m sure my Dentist will be happy about that. Oh yeah….dentist and eye doctor didn’t happen in 2019. Let’s go 2020!
Socially -  There isn’t much else to say here since my social life has been so intrinsically linked with my mental health. But I definitely have room for improvement in 2020. I never really found a community outside of work in Connecticut. I had some limited success with MeetUp and actually managed to make a couple friends. Who promptly moved away. But my DND group changed to include two new friends who I value highly. I also began to reconnect with old friends who I’ve fallen out of touch with and intend to continue doing so. I’ve had dinner with two old friends in the last week and had a lovely time. Reviving regular group chats, beginning the rebuilding of a friendship that was shattered by a change in...everything I guess, all are good things that I can see just getting better in 2020. I’m particularly excited to be able to drive to see people again. Even if it isn’t QUITE close enough to be able to just casually drop by, my college station friends will be close enough to impulse visit, or see concerts together, Ren Faire, etc. And I just have a feeling that making new friends will go better in Houston. Maybe? We will see. 
Romantically -  Not this year. The insecurity and fear of rejection don’t help let me tell you. I also have serious trouble believing myself to be someone that someone else desires or loves. My issues nobody else's right anymore. I talked to a few girls on Meetups that never led to anything. Matched some people on Tinder and Bumble but was never confident enough in the moment to go for it. Had a gay man hit on me once, that was flattering but I don’t reciprocate. Anyways, I hope for better in 2020 but I need continued mental growth first. 
So, Yah, that was longwinded and definitely drifted far from the point of being just about 2019. But I feel like I needed to say what I said for it the puzzle pieces to fit in my own head about what 2019 WAS. It was a year where life started to seem like an uphill climb again instead of falling into a pit. And it ended on a very bright note that has me optimistic for the future. I know that a year ago today I was not feeling optimistic like this. That can only be a good thing. 
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Okay it's a lot but: 1, 2, 11, 12, 13, and 19 for Lethaa and Naras? (Feel free to substitute/add any questions you'd like to answer!) 🌺💕
Yesssssss I was so excited to get this! Thanks, Mercedes! 💛
So, this got reeaaaally long and rambly. My bad. I just have a lot of thoughts about these two, and I’m excited to share. Click “keep reading” to see my response! 
(also, sorry if it formats weirdly - I copy-pasted from a word doc, and tumblr mobile doesn’t like that for some reason)
Ask me questions about creating my OCs!
 1.      What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)? 
For Lethaa, it was her name and position. For Naras, it was the descriptor “the Togruta senator’s wife” 
They popped into my head at about the same time. I created them to be throwaway characters in a short story I wrote called “Shall We Dance” (I may someday go back to it and add a few chapters. No promises). There was some dialogue between Anakin and Obi-Wan about different controversial viewpoints in the Senate, and I just needed a senator or two to mention in passing. – 
“But these are some of the most outspoken public figures in the Republic. Take Senator Lethaa Daal.” [Obi-Wan] flashed a smile in the direction of the Togruta senator and her wife as they passed. The women returned the smile and made their way arm-in-arm into the grand hall. “She has been very scornful regarding the Senate’s tendency to dedicate resources to systems that are strategic to military movements, as opposed to who needs it most.” 
It might have ended there, but I received feedback from a few different readers saying how they appreciated the mention of Senator Daal’s wife. There seemed to be an interest, so I sat on the idea of them for a while. 
 2.      Did you design them with any other characters/OCs from their universe in mind? 
Since Lethaa was fully fleshed out first, I made Naras with Lethaa in mind. I knew I wanted her to have her own objectives and life – she couldn’t continue to just be “Lethaa’s wife”. So I tried to give her a profession that was critical in its own way, which is why I went with healing, so that their “importance” (for lack of a better word) was equal to each other.
I guess Lethaa was partially created in response the frustrating politics of the galactic senators. They all make their alliances, play the game to get the upper hand, all while gaining very little ground. I wanted to make a character that found the subtly of politics maddening, and wasn’t afraid to get in someone’s face and tell them exactly why their policies or views were dumb or harmful. I wanted to make someone who could be aggressive without calling into question their moral alignment. 
And while it’s not a character, I really really wanted to design or add to a culture that doesn’t get explored much in the Star Wars universe. I took what elements I could find about Togruta culture from Wookipedia, but it was rather lacking, so I made up the rest. I already loved Togruta designs, and wanted characters that could interact within their own culture.
 3.      How did you choose their name?  (Added this because it was Relevant)
If my memory is right, Lethaa Daal’s name came from combining a few names I found on the Togruta name generator (which I HIGHLY recommend btw). I decided to keep it after I finished her design because the first name reminded me of “lethal”, and by that point I knew that was a good descriptor of her. ‘Daal’ came about because I tend to put way too many A’s in my togruta names, and I was for some reason thinking about Roald Dahl at that time, but I also found that I liked how it could be mispronounced as “doll”. I was highly amused by the idea of a “lethal doll” – woe unto anyone who looked at Lethaa and only acknowledged her for her beauty.
Naras Tyn came about because lots of my female ocs tend to have names that end in A or E (IE/I/Y, etc), and I didn’t want to do it again. I wanted a short last name, and I just liked how “Tyn” sounded – it was concise and melodic. ‘Naras’ I think also came from the name generator. I remember being bummed when I realized it sounded so similar to Barriss and Maris (already existing characters), but by that time I was attached. Her first name just sounds calming, and it just sounded right imagining Lethaa calling for her.
 11.  Did you know what the OC’s sexuality would be at the time of their creation? 
       Heck yes I did. There really wasn’t any hesitation. The thought process went: Senator –> Togruta Senator –> female Togruta Senator –> has a spouse –> a wife, cuz why not. And that was that.
 12.   What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits, etc.)? 
Lol, jk. I mean, as much fun as I have with all the colors and markings of the two, my own drawing ability is kinda limited in terms of body positions. So some things I’d love to draw (Lethaa vs. the rancor, Naras on a medical mercy mission during the Clone Wars, etc.) are taking a long time for me to sketch out. It can be frustrating, but it’s a work in progress.
       And writing is hard too. The story ideas in my head play out as nice little movies. Getting it all down on paper while conveying emotion without overloading, describing setting, and making it engaging – that’s all trickier. 
But overall, the most difficult thing is trying to figure out what exactly I’m going to do! I have other OCs I want content for, and canon characters I want to explore – and then I have to decide between drawing and writing. There’s not enough hours in the day for me to draw and write everything I want, so I have to pick and choose.
 13.   How far past the canon events that take place in their world have you extended their story, if at all? 
       Still a work in progress. I jump from one event to the next without writing it in chronological order. I’ve started their story before the start of the Clone Wars, sometime between episodes I and II. Might write some earlier snippets about their childhoods (though they didn’t meet until they were adults).
I’ve got some ideas for what they do during the Empire era (some of which was influenced by one of the Star Wars D&D games I play), but I haven’t written any of that out yet. I do know they live to see the fall of the Empire, and the emergence of the New Republic. They pass away peacefully of old age on Shili.
 19. What is your favorite fact a fun fact about your OC?
I had to change this from “favorite” to “fun” because I like everything about them and I’m still developing them. So I thought I might drop a little trivia that I haven’t managed to work into any stories or art yet.
Lethaa was on a hunting trip with her father – Barin – and a few others in her twenties. After her cousin killed their prey, Barin asked her to prepare the meat for dinner. She did her best with it but waaaaaaay overcooked it, and when Barin asked about it, she said, “I… never actually learned how to cook meat.”
Bewildered, Barin said, “But we’ve been on dozens of hunting trips! How could I have never taught you??”
And Lethaa’s just like, “I was the one to kill the prey on most of those trips.”
And Barin and the others can’t help but laugh, because according to tradition, the one who kills the prey while hunting in a group is served the first piece, but never is the one to prepare it. So it makes complete sense that she never had to cook it, because she was always served the first dish. Her cousin actually liked his meat overdone, though, so he was perfectly fine with his meal.
Also, I just came up with this so I have no idea of the context, but there is a 100% chance that there was an instance or two where Lethaa – tall Amazonian though she is – couldn’t reach something. Unable to climb to retrieve it and without a stepstool, muttering darkly, she would disconnected her prosthetic arm and used it as an extender to pull it towards her.
Naras can fall asleep anywhere. Even before she became a physician/healer, she had the uncanny ability to close her eyes and be asleep within minutes. Lying down, standing while braced against something, sitting, lounging between skyfaring silks (she’d gotten bored waiting for her Gatalentian friend to come back from the holocall he’d had to take). No nap is too short – she wakes feeling rested even if it’s only been five minutes. She wakes easily, fully alert.
 Naras sings and hums to her plants and patients. It’s not uncommon to walk into her clinic and hear her singing a folk song or a current hit. She definitely encourages sing-alongs anytime nervous children are brought in, and at night broadcasts spiritual songs important to Togruta culture over the PA system – at a very quiet volume, of course. Naras has a garden at home – a singfruit tree surrounded by flowers and bushes, some of which are not native to Shili – and the plants routinely get hummed and sung at as she tends to them. Lethaa loves waking up in the morning to hear her wife’s singing voice drifting in from an open window. 
Thank you again so much for the ask!! This was a lot of fun!Also, I really do appreciate your interest in my OCs (especially these two). It means a lot to me 🌺🌷
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Author Interview
I was tagged by the lovely @sunbeamsandmoonrays. Thanks m’dear!
I’ve been trying to get back into the swing of writing this week after taking some time away. Maybe looking back on what I’ve already written will get me motivated? Maybe? Sort of? (Or maybe I’m just going to be horrified after having to tally up how many WIPS I’m sitting on lol)
Name: Emmy
Fandoms: ASOIAF/GOT mostly...but I love a lot of things...just haven’t written for them in a while. 
Where You Post: AO3 and tumblr
Most Popular One-Shot: Marry Me in Some Old Fashioned Way which was my first attempt at writing Jon x Sansa waaaaaaay back in 2014. There’s miscommunication and RICKON so...I still stand by it.
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: I am terrible at attempting to write multi-chaps...that being said, I’ve done a few. My two oldest seem to have the most hits: Who Am I, Darling to You? and Traveling Companions.
Favorite Story You Wrote: I’ll always be proud of my Anne of Green Gables AU series and I had a LOT of fun making How Does Your Garden Grow? (I really need to write more Sansaery). I also love the series of Rickon/Shireen drabbles I did out of spite when certain unspeakable events occurred in Season 5 and I needed to cope. 
Story You Were Nervous to Post: All of them (especially the smutty ones). The fact that I manage to post anything at all is a wonder because I am very much convinced my work is trash...this is why 80% of my writing exists as drafts in my google drive, never to see the light of day lol
How You Choose Your Titles: I am terrible at titles...I usually fall back on song lyrics or puns.
Do You Outline: YES. A lot. Too much. It’s scary. There are spreadsheets. Let’s not talk about it.
Complete: 33 on AO3...more if you count drabbles and one-shots on tumblr
In Progress: 10 officially on ao3 (but I have even more WIPS that are living on my google drive...it’s getting out of hand)
Coming Soon/Not Yet Started:
- NANOWRIMO is almost upon us and I’ve decided to write fic again this year. It’s going to be a WWII AU and I am super psyched. Slow burn and mutual pining up to the wazoo!
- With the show finished, I’ve been cautiously considering writing/getting a move on with this fic I started developing all the way back in 2014. It’s basically my take on what happens after book!Jon is, you know, MURDERED. I have a really good start on it but I’m being a little chickenshit because 1) attempting a multi-chap scares me 2) i’m worried it’s complete, and total crap. Maybe I should just sit on it for another five years? lol
- Part two of my Theon/Catelyn fic is shaping up nicely. Not sure what from the books I want to keep and where I’m going to deviate for the end of it, but hoping to have it finished soon. Who knew I’d have so many feels about those two???
- I’m also seriously considering resurrecting, rewriting, and continuing my really random Robin Hood AU I did for the JxS Remix a few years back.
Do You Accept Prompts: Yes and no. I am totally open and happy to accept prompts with the caveat that they may not get filled because my muses are fickle bitches. 
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write: I’m PUMPED for Nanowrimo! I’m a sucker for a Historical AU and the bones I’ve got laid out for this one are really promising. 
Tagging: I’m not sure how much this meme has made the rounds, but if you want to do the thing DO IT (and then tag me so I can see what you’re working on and get excited!) 
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ahiddenpath · 4 years
Books that Shaped My Writing: Childhood
For a long time, I’ve been thinking of writing a post about the books that left an impact on me and shaped me as a hobbyist writer.  I’ve always wondered if I could trace elements of these books to how I think and write now, but I also...  Frankly, I’d really like to see what you guys might have to say about your own childhood reading!
Please read on below the cut.
First, I should point out that I’ve been an insatiable reader all my life.  I’m only mentioning the handful of books that I recall having a huge impact on my writing, and I’m also not going to mention Harry Potter or The Lord of the Rings, just because I assume everyone’s read them/knows about them.  I was and am a huge fan of both, though!
These aren’t necessarily my favorite childhood books, or the ones I think are the best.  They’re simply the ones that I suspect shaped how I write today.
I’ll start in rough chronological order of when I read the books, ending at about age twelve for this post.
The Fairy Rebel, Lynne Reid Banks
I read this for the first time in second grade, so roughly age...  Seven?  It’s about a couple that cannot conceive and the fairy that decides to help them, in direct breach of fairy law.  After the baby is born, the fairy queen (who is EXCEPTIONALLY evil) goes nuclear.  The rest of the story deals with the humans and the fairies struggling to survive the queen’s wrath.
This book is really a trip.  It’s got bratty and sweet fairies, cute domestic moments, a human girl touched by fey magic, a super evil queen, and lots of dark stuff.
In retrospect, there’s some stuff that I could do without.  For example, the book constantly mentions how chubby the female characters are, like...  In a really self-conscious way?  And the eventual mother is in deep depression over her infertility until the fairy helps her, which is a heavy topic for a kid.
But like...  As I said, I read constantly, but this is the only book I really remember from that far back.  It blew my second grade mind and hooked me on fantasy.  I immediately began writing stories about fairies interacting with humans.  From there, I transitioned to “animals behaving like humans” stories.  I still have them all!  They’re illustrated, too, which is fun.
I’m not sure if I picked up any writing elements beyond topic from this book, but it inspired me to write my very first full-blown stories.  Before this, I was drawing ideas in comics that are incomprehensible to me now.  
Where the Red Fern Grows, Wilson Rawls
This book is about a boy who desperately wants hunting dogs, eventually acquires a pair, and forms an incredible bond with them.  Unlike the other books on this list, I was only able to read this once.  
My mother found me inconsolably sobbing when I finished this book.  I could barely communicate why I was crying!  I tear up easily, but I’ve never cried over a work of fiction like this, before or since.  Even though I only read it once, I can remember the ending so vividly, down to sentences.
If I’m lucky, then maybe I picked up some knowledge about moving readers from this book.
Matilda, Roald Dahl
Matilda is probably the fictional character that my child self related to most.  She’s a gal who survives emotional abuse at home by reading, creating a beautiful world for her mind.  Unlike most kids in similar situations, however, Matilda was able to carry out small acts of revenge on her abusers, and even help an adult escape her abuser.  No wonder so many kids love this book!
Thematically, I absolutely solidified the idea of cultivating inner resources to deal with a stormy outer world from this book.  This continues to pop up in my writing, but it also supported me as a kid struggling at home.  God, what an important book.  And it’s Dahl, so it’s hilarious, unpredictable, and pretty dang dark.
Island of the Blue Dolphins, Scott O’Dell
The story of a Native American girl left behind when the rest of her people sailed away from their island.  She has to survive on her own, awaiting the day that another ship will arrive.
Like Matilda, it’s about surviving however you can, but it’s more physical in this story.  Although when you’re alone, there are emotional and mental elements to surviving, too.  I remember taking away a feeling of awe at the main character’s power.  And she didn’t have magic or anything like that; she was resourceful, tenacious, and smart.
That’s something I want all girls and women to see in themselves (although I certainly don’t want anyone to be marooned, lol!).  I make a point to write with this goal.
Absolutely Normal Chaos, Sharon Creech 
I was probably about ten when I read this for the first time?  I can’t begin to tell you what it did for my sense of characterization and voice.  In it, a girl is given a school assignment to keep a journal over summer break.  She develops a passion for journaling, which helps her deal with an unexpectedly tumultuous summer.
It’s a fun read with a lot of life.  I felt deeply familiar with the main character by the end of the book.
The Last Dragonlord, Dragon and Phoenix, Joanne Bertin
I read the second novel, Dragon and Phoenix, before the first.  I was about twelve, which was waaaaaaay too young for these books.  I bought it in an airport before a flight, and I chose the longest book with the coolest cover (a dragon facing off with a phoenix, of course).
Having reread these as adults, it’s clear that they’re a writer’s first two books from a technical level.  However, Bertin’s world building is so thorough and developed, and her love for her cast is so strong.  Hands down, this is where I first learned how to handle multiple close third person perspectives in a story, and to use the various characters to show the reader things that only that character could show them.  
These books are not for the faint of heart; they have every dark thing you can imagine, if I recall.  They’re also rather slow and ponderous (another thing I might have picked up here, lol!), but...  At the time, I thought they were the best books ever, and I owe a lot to them.
The Last Dragonlord is the tighter, more cohesive, less dark read.  Dragon and Phoenix is much more ambitious, but not as well executed, I’d say?  The third book, A Bard’s Oath, was frankly...  Not worth reading, but that’s another story.
And that is where I will end the early childhood section of this journey!  I’ll probably talk about books I read as a teen next, and then adulthood?  I might try to cover books on writing, also?
Please let me know what books shaped your writing as a child, I’d love to hear!
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sachi-pon · 6 years
free! dive to the future episode 11 liveblog/review thing
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hey, i’m not super late this time. XD yay for me. but actually, i’m not happy. i'm sad!!! the reason i’m sad is that this season is almost over. ugh i am so upset ;__;
my previous liveblogs:  (episode 1) (episode 2) (episode 3) (episode 4) (episode 5) (episode 6) (episode 7) (episode 8) (episode 9)  (episode 10)
loooooool both girls glanced into the tokyo crowd for just a second and immediately found their perfect guys!! XDDDD
haha the newbies are so excited to meet makoto. they're all thinking like "HEY I WANNA TOUCH HIS HAND FIRST"
it's a little sad that makoto, rei, and nagisa are together but not haru =( i just want them all to be together again!
eating a good meal is the first step toward working toward your dreams? uhhh okay
that is the most muscular lock screen ever  o////o
"muscle freak" perfect name lol.
HAHA WOW: "i tried calling you a million times, but i could never get though." "that's because i was ignoring you."
"i know everything about you" is never really a comforting thing to hear someone say.
kids these days are saying "all the rage with the youth of today? lol wtf.
why does haru look sad when he thinks about iwatobi swimmers about to compete in tomorrow's tournament??? [EDIT: later i realized, he thought he would miss it. he hadn't yet thought about trying to get rin to drive him there.]
everyone around the whole table copied nagisa's pose. that was so cute. XD
rei giving nagisa a little pep talk is the sweetest thing ever!!!! ^___^
"i like the ones who struggle as if their lives depended on it" well you seem like a nice person...
"GOU-SAN!!!!!!!!" lol calm down man!
"my brothers talk about you all the time" hahahahahaha awkward
yes, rin has cleavage. this is an indisputable, scientifically proven fact. i just wanted to point that out.
i heard "cool down" so clearly. i love the fact that japanese has so many english loanwords! =)
wait, huh? what is happening? haru and rin talking on the phone, and then rei getting something from a vending machine, and then nagisa in a hotel room wondering where rei is, and then it's suddenly the next day??? that was weird. so many abrupt scenes.
now, rin is kidnapping haru??? rin kinda has a devious look on his face lol.
haru had a TINY little smile... it was so small but was there... i think.
haru wanted to cheer on his old teammates ugh this show is so sweet that it's giving me cavities.
rin and haru didn't tell anyone they were coming? omg, perfect. they wanted to suprise everyone aaaaaah i am getting so excited i hate this show.
sousuke is here too yaaaaaaay =)
wait, what was sousuke going to say?? don't cut to another scene.
this is the third time rei has disappeared and people were wondering where he was. it happened at the beginning of the episode, then it happened with nagisa in the hotel room. now it's happening at the tournament. hmmm...
"this is a pretty stupid thing to do!!!" rin says with a big smile on his face.
lol of course haru would say that something is "free."
all the people still stuck in traffic are like "we should get up and run like those guys."
rei needed to go outside and look at the butterflies. after all, the butterfly ghost has possessed him, you know!!
asahi's not-smooth backward hop on one foot, yeah i saw that.
awwww asahi and rei were such cute kids!!!!
omg i love this background music. it's so pretty.
perfect, rei just happens to run into asahi who is the perfect person to give him the advice he needs. "don't overthink it!"
so many reigisa flashbacks, i am too emotional uggghhh AND THE MUSIC IS KILLING ME.
yes!! chappy-senpai is here!!! it's true!! XD
“RRRRRRREEEEEEEEEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” -makoto
haha now haru is yelling too. that is so unusual, but it is SO CUTE argh.
i knew rei would be awesome!!! he was feeling some stress before the race, but i think asahi really helped him.
rin cheering for ai ;___; <33333
nagisa and ai are so serious lol. but i can't take them seriously because they are both adorable. <3
rei cheering for nagisa loudly and more passionately than everyone i am dead i am dead.
aww i wanted nagisa to beat ai but i am also glad that ai won hahaha (that makes no sense, i know)
now the tournament's over... i tend to feel nervous every time there is a small amount of time left in an episode, especially when something really happy has just happened. i always feel like something bad's about to happen (even though that's not always how it goes, i still feel this way!!!)
"the whole time i was in the water, my heart was dancing." nagisa you are TOO PRECIOUS. STOP. JUST STOP. =)
sousuke is getting waaaaaaay too close to rin okay <33333
sousuke laughing is too much for my heart to handle, i don't know about you all. ;__;
"i would have regretted it more if i hadn't been here" haru awwwww. and rin talking about his bonds with his friends. it was such a wonderful thing to say!!!
the episode's over. hmm nothing bad happened like i felt. hahaha
just one more episode left!!! thank you, nagisa and rei, for narrating the previews for us. all the free! fans have appreciated it XD
so here are my thoughts: I LOVED THIS EPISODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (well okay, i usually feel that way after free! episodes, so it's not surprising that i would say that hahaha.) this was an episode about friendship. yes, it's a common theme in many anime (and other stories in general), but i still like it, and i really ike the way free! does it. throughout free! in general, in all seasons, we've seen so much friendship beautifully illustrated and shown to us. it's not just characters TALKING about friendship (although there is a lot of that), but it's characters actually expressing their friendship in various ways, for example, haru and rin skipping their training in order to go and support their friends. we are seeing how much these characters mean to each other. i keep getting such a happy feeling throughout this whole series. ^___^ i appreciate the writers, animators, voice actors, and everyone else who came together to create this show, because i obviously love watching it and there are so many special moments that are heartwarming and touching.
the reigisa montage. i just... idk. that was... i am... *bursts into tears* there was this gorgeous music, and all these cute scenes with rei and nagisa... I LOVED IT!!!!!!!! <3 my heart exploded when i watched it. (maybe i need to go to the hospital for that?) those two are very, very, very sweet, and they are always so supportive of each other. the relationship that they have together is just so solid. they obviously have two different personalities, but they fit together very well and they both know that the other person will always care for them and be there for them. ;__; waaahhh i can't emotionally handle reigisa. reigisa is too overwhelming for meeeee!!!
here's something weird though: hiyori and ikuya have barely been seen in this show since their plotline got resolved. i know there are a lot of characters so there is limited time to squeeze everyone in. so i understand. however, it still feels a bit strange. i assume they'll show up in the next episode, though.
the next episode... ugggggh. i know it's the last one of the season. (hopefully not the last one EVER!!!!) i am dreading it. yes, there's the big showdown between haru and rin that i'm excited to see, but actually, i am not too happy about the next episode. i am going to have conflicting feelings throughout the episode. i am going to be both really happy and really sad at the same time. uggggh ugggggh ugggggh (uggggh is the sound of me groaning and suffering XD)
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lbulldesigns · 6 years
Catspaw theory. INNITIATED.
(Hold on tight. This is a long ride)
So I was looking through Google Images at Game of Thrones jewellery (don't ask me why) and I came across something interesting, I found this picture of a promo (season one I think) shot of Cersei Lannister sitting on the Iron Throne holding a dagger.
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Here's a closer look, does this look familiar to anyone else?
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That's right. This is none other then the dagger of Game of Thrones fate, The Catspaw Dagger.
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The same dagger used to try and assassinate this sweet little gem.
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While he was in a coma after witnessing this toxic opt.
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Petyr "brother/uncle-zoned" Baelish states to Ned and Cat *cough* bitch *cough* (apologies to Catelyn fans, I just don't like her) that the dagger belonged to him until Tyrion "Sass Master" Lannister won of him during a Tourney, this of course leads to Cat *internal screaming* arresting” Tyrion on "suspicions” (she doesn't even suspect just outright accuses without proof) which then sparks of Tywin who goes on a rampage through the Riverlands to protect his pride (as in his reputation) which leads to countless rapes, tortures and murders at the hands of his army upon the smallfolk (non of noble birth were subjected to such extreme brutality mind you, unless you count the Red Wedding). But the thing about this whole situation is that we don't actually get any confirmation that Tyrion in fact owned the blade, Cat *screams* foolishly leaves the one piece of evidence with Littlefinger because she quotes I've known Petyr since I was a girl. He wouldn't betray me"...
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So when Tyrion asks to see the blade and she says she doesn't have it when can see that the "arrest" is losing it's basis as being an act of legitimate justice because there is no evidence just accusations thrown left, right and centre. And so, after a pointless death in the form of a Trial by Combat, we see our favourite Lannister practically strut out of the Eyrie...
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After Cat *SCREAMS* makes her and her husband, who gave her strict orders (in the book anyway) to NOT do anything rash and to go straight back to Winterfell to prepare for a possible war which is now a definite possibility because Cat "EXPLOSION" couldn't keep her emotions and impulses in check (I can understand the distraught mother excuse, but this act was just stupid), look bad in front of everyone. 
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But then everything escalates and the whole dagger situation is pretty much forgotten in favour of more imminent issues.
Now the theory has, somewhat, at least in the books, always been that Joeffery (don't care if I spelt the twats name wrong) was the one to send the assassin after Bran because of this epic scene.
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One theory is that he stole his uncles dagger and equipped the assassin with it to kill Bran because he got slapped for not paying his respects to Lord and Lady Stark for their sons accident, he felt so humiliated by the slap down that he decided to kill a comatose child and pin the crime on his "slap master” (that sounds dirty) uncle which sounds like something Prince Twat would do. 
But looking at the promo picture with Cersei holding the dagger I think that the whole assassination attempt should be taken into consideration again, the morning after Bran's accident when it's revealed to Cersei that Bran still lives she says that Bran dying from his injuries would be a mercy. Now that line is important to remember because the assassin says to Lady Stark that killing him is a mercy.
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 It could be that Prince Twat Face heard his mother say this and went I'll make mummy proud” and decided to take the initiative to give Bran "mercy", or Cersei organised the assassination and told Littlefinger to point the blame at Tyrion so that he would get executed for the crime (which we know is something she is capable of).
But the photo at the start of this post brings me to another theory, not to do with the assassination because I think I've covered that, about Cersei's fate in season 8.
I don't think it's coincidence that the producers decided to do a promo shot of both Cersei and Arya...
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Having this dagger on their person, I think that the dagger symbolises Cersei's demise at the hands of Arya just like it did with Littlefinger.
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It could also foreshadow Arya being the young and beautiful queen to cast Cersei down and take away everything she holds dear, A.K.A  her power. Which makes me think that Arya will be the Queen of Westeros alongside Gendry (Gendrya intensifies) but that fate for Arya might be a bit of a long shot, unless Dany goes back to Essos to rule over Meereen where the people would need her more after The Long Night.
Anyway, long story short. I have waaaaaaay too much time on my hands and should be careful what I come across on Google Images in regards to Game of Thrones :D lol
Thanks for reading :) 
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