#this goes to ppl who actually create this media too
everythingsinred · 1 year
it is so sad to me that people find it difficult to see a meaningful and emotional relationship with two people without making it romantic. that you watch two people connect and immediately say “people dont do THAT for friends--” like maybe YOU dont. but platonic and familial relationships can hit so hard, so profoundly, so deeply, if you just let them. ppl ship incest so much bc they cant imagine a strong connection that isnt sexual or romantic. they cant fathom that a person might do ANYTHING for their child or their sibling or their parent, that they’d cross heaven and hell for a friend. romantic relationships are awesome but fandom sucks the enjoyment out of all non-romantic relationships by MAKING them romantic, by forcing romance and sex in places where they dont belong or arent needed. you arent elevating the relationship. you arent making it deeper. youre just adding sex. these two people love each other, but theres more than one way to love. so many of you exhaust me
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solar-sunnyside-up · 8 months
hey! sorry to bother you, but is there anything a teen without transportation in a rural area can do on their own? im pretty isolated, and theres barely anything around me.
Hey ya sprout 🌱
**A disclaimer Punk comes with some risk socially. Particularly if your in a rural area this risk goes up bc people Know You and also typically these spaces have a different vibe to alt ppl in general. Some activities are more or less risky and I'll try and do my best to give you a range of stuff from the whole spectrum! Of course this is a generalization of rural areas. Some palaces will be more cool then others depending in so many factors I couldn't go into here**
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Rural solarpunk
Your gunna been to pick a topic, sorry babe. In order to not burn yourself out and in order to feel like you have an impact your gunna have to pick a cause to chip away at but I'll give you ideas! And remember just bc your focusing on one thing doesn't mean your ignoring or not helping others. Everything is interconnected and any help, helps all!
So let's give you some ideas to focus on:
Libraries- as a teen in particular you'll have access to a library at school, but depending on how big your town is you might have a public one as well. Become their biggest supporter! They are a great safe space, even conservative ones are still a good place to go for archiving/loitering purposes. They give you spaces to print stuff, to build clubs and community.
Archiving- if you cannot leave your house due to access you can always do stuff online and hear me out, i know when we do stuff online it feels like half points. Like we arent doing anything. I feel that with this blog, it feels so passive no matter how hard you work youll feel lesser. But Archiving is vital to humans! Think of the anthropologists wholl thank you down the road! Plus it does actually give you a way to have a physical representative of work your doing. Dvds, pirating media and archiving them to drives, collecting vinyls/tapes/cds!
DIY- To fight against fast fashion (although that barely exists in the towns I've been in tbh) and to stick out** you could make your own patches, battlejackets, gloves, etc.. They are statement pieces you can wear whenever your in town/at school/social spaces that ppl know what you stand for and who you are. Depending on who/where you are this might be risky so take what you can bare ok? You don't have to wear these items too you can just make them for later on!
Little libraries/little pantries- in a rural space you have more Gruella tactics you can take if you do them in random abandoned spaces. You could build a waterproof little pantry and stock it and leave info somewhere about it for ppl to drop off/pick up items. Stock it with mittens! With canned goods! With books! You might be able to do a space like this at school/library depending in how cool your town is too!
Zines- You could look into making a zine and even if it's digital you could have the QR code for download in places (stickers on lamp posts, flyers in school bathrooms, hidden in a churches pamphlet stacks >.>) making a zine is a cool task that is time consuming and informative and fun!
Vandalism- like I said you can often print off stuff at Libraries, or usually you can find a place to print stuff off near or at post offices depending on how modern your rural space is. if you have your own printer this will reduce your risk by quite a bit though! Create/find stickers or posters you want to toss across town or even school. I'd recommend starting off with some stickers and see how their handled, dipping your toes is important with these kinda things. If your really feeling it, and you know some abandoned places Moss Graffiti is also a good option! I've know ppl who have converted old abandoned stored to skate parks (I honestly have no idea how they built the ramps out of concrete but damn!! Good job guys!)
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Also I'll leave you with 2 book recommendations as well-
Moxie - a RIOT GRRRL story about a girl who gets so fed up with her conservative town she makes a feminist zine and distributes it via girl bathrooms (even having a basically me too stickers and encouraging ppl to put it on boys lockers who have assaulted them). I know there's a movie, didn't seem to capture the same vibe tho so book!
Braiding Sweetgrass - this focuses a lot on reconnecting and adding story to nature around us and having science along side spirituality
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yonpote · 6 months
under cut cuz i talk too much lol
i am not blaming dan or anything (and obviously this has been a joke in lgbt spaces for forever) but i do think he unintentionally enabled the like "homophobia is a good thing actually" type jokes and like i definitely make them too, and im always seeing jokes on here like "god why are they Like This" etc. but i think some people just dont know the line or view them so much as friends that they don't think about how it could read differently from someone who is essentially a stranger. ive said smth similar before of like, dnp (ESP DAN...) used to be not great at drawing boundaries esp since youtube and social media culture were so different back then, but now even when they draw hard lines ppl either continue to step right over them, or dont understand exactly where the line goes. they dont care if u write smut or dead dove fics, they dont care if u make shippy fanart, but like maybe dont tag them in buttsecks? (or maybe do, idk theyre being so unhinged lately maybe we gotta start @'ing them in catboy porn (JOKING))
i was talking w a friend a little bit ago about the exact differences between the generally speaking philosophies between older fans and younger fans. it seems that older fans embrace creating transformative works and having their own interpretations on who dnp are, whereas younger fans want to know dnp on a personal level and want dnp to know Them and recognize them not just as fans but as people. and OFC there are older phannies who want the parasocial interaction and younger phannies who write fic and people who do neither, and people who do both! (hi :3) but then some people have a difficult time being able to marry the two ideas maybe?
heres the truth. dan and phil are real human beings who have made a career largely off their shared dynamic together, BOTH because they genuinely enjoy creating and being together AND because a lot of people really get invested in it and it makes them more money. they don't mind fic or art, you probably SHOULDNT tag them in the saucy stuff, but they know it's out there and generally have been respectful of fan spaces and knowing where OUR boundaries lie (altho maybe the line was toed w the roblox video but thats debatable.) they really do care about their audience both in order to please us and keep us coming back, AND because they see how much theyve affected us as people and have a deep *Sarapocial Relationship with us.
there are both parasocial AND tranformative ways to break boundaries, and oftentimes they can be one and the same. they aren't our friends they arent our dads and they arent objects with no feelings. they don't stalk our accounts but they are still able to see whatever we post publicly. theyve seen so many horrible things and have had many horrible things happen to them, and while no one can be certain something like that won't happen again, now that they have been able to be more honest with us about a lot of things they are able to trust us a little bit more.
anyway ramble over back to me talking abt how dan should embrace their transness
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llycaons · 11 days
I’ll make this my last message since I don’t want you having to spend all day on another 15-paragraph essay because that’s just sad. I’d just like to state a point that apparently didn’t come across in my original message—one I didn’t think I *had* to state—which is that fanfiction *isn’t* published fiction. It’s amateur, free content on the internet and shouldn’t be held to the same critical standards and practices as critiquing trad pub fiction. That’s why it’s bad etiquette to, say, put fic on Goodreads, for example. Again, didn’t think I’d have to say that to someone who obviously spends so much time (so, *so* much time) reading fanfic, but here we are!
And just a note: if it’s ableist to say the word “weird” to you specifically and insinuate you, specifically, should go outside—which I *know* you do, I literally used to follow you lmao—then I sincerely apologize. That being said, I *know* you go outside, so I fail to see how that’s a broader shot at the housebound when… you are not. And I know that. And it’s shitty that you’d turn around and banter with your mutual who’s calling me a cunt. That’s fair game somehow, but “weird” is too far? Ok lol. Guess your pearl-clutching over what’s problematic only goes one way. Good to know 👍 Will hard block then! Cheers
it's a good thing that this is their last message but since they're hard-blocking it feels like a waste to even answer this one. I don't even have any other arguments since I was so thorough and said everything I wanted and ig they have no actual rebuttals so I'm taking this win. 'don't want me to spend all day writing 15 paragraphs' yeah right, they just don't want their argument to be DEMOLISHED again lmao and I don't think it's sad, I like covering all my bases. man I smoked that one. and I didn't spend all day on it, it took like half an hour? I was at work all day man lmao. and now I'm being held responsible for things other ppl have said? I mean I stand with my mutuals, but I literally never said that stuff in the actual reply
like I never said fanfic was just like real books, I just said you need to be held responsible for what media you create? did anon even READ my carefully crafted responses? friends. I am bereft. they're asking like this was an obvious oversight on my part but it's just inane to act like not being published equates to freedom from all criticism, which is what I SAID. it's not formal criticism, it's just what I think. you remember thinking? I can't turn it off! and since when was my SINGLE page a goodreads account?
as soon as they pull out the term 'pearl-clutching'...man how did this cunt used to follow me. that's right. I didn't even call then a cunt earlier when kiera did (WHAT bantering??? I posted my response AFTER I got this message) but now I WILL. you gotta be careful about who you tell to go outside, anon. and calling ppl a cunt isn't ableist lmao and I think it's perfectly reasonable in this situation. also if they used to follow me wouldn't they know my views already? what did they think would happen??? and since WHEN was saying cunt problematic???
and furthermore I appreciate the apology bc the comment about my tagging WAS out of line but irrelevant. my bigger complaint was more that 'weird' was a really vague criticism of my behavior. like nothing in ANY of those messages was compelling arguments that I should feel bad about what I was doing they just kept leaning on the morality of the words 'weird' and 'strange'. also just because you used to follow doesn't me you know me as a person?? ugh I just have to call them a presumptuous cunt again I'm afraid.
however this is bar none THE stupidest person I've ever argued on anon with so I will be sorry to see them go. it was so easy to win their weak, unsubstantial, shame-and-normalcy-based but somehow unapologetically amoral arguments...well it looks like I've written another lengthy response but that's fine, I like to chat on my blog to my neighbors and friends and anon shan't shame me out of that one either. how are we all this morning.
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redjaybathood · 2 months
Look it's a bad idea to base your politics on media - and not, like. History books and news reports and your own personal living experience and that of your friends etc etc. Like, the things that actually happened, are happening, or will happen.
It especially seems funny to me when ppl in fandom go: "you support copaganda", "you support death penalty". Nah, but I also don't support vigilantism. Because you know what vigilantism irl is? Like lynching. Like catching a guy who isn't from your country, doesn't know the language that good, and you cut his ear off and make him eat it on camera - that's right here is a real life and very recent example of vigilantism. And it doesn't go much better than this. It usually goes like this: a series of robberies in town? Let's go and rough up a Roma camp staying on the outskirts.
I dunno how to tell you, but there are no Batmans and non Red Hoods irl; you don't need to compare them as if you saw them on the news. Who's right? Well, what does the story say? The story say, the crime rates were down when RH did his thing. The story say, Joker dying is the only way to stop filling whole graveyards with his victims. The story say, explicitly, through the mouth of the Joker: (Batman made his choice to save everyone but) everybody still loses!
No, it does not mean that you need to go and become a crime lord. It didn't work in the 90s, it won't work 30 years later. Because life isn't a story.
What works: stable economy, enough jobs and enough pay for the jobs. Cops, yeah! Surprisingly they also work! When they are on your side. But that's about the state of society overall, not the cops themselves.
You keep voting Trump | not voting Democrats, you're going to have even worse cops. Among other things.
And no, becoming a vigilante also doesn't work. I mean, MTV created a better depiction of what vigilantism is than the comics you guys argue about so much. And even that was a pretty darn romanticized depiction of vigilantism. A wish-fulfillment fantasy.
Which is all Batman is, too. Or Red Hood. It's a fantasy of someone protecting you, or of you doing the protecting (depends on how much you're projecting onto the characters), or getting justice. It's not that deep.
Like, people seem to understand what's a fantasy vs reality when they talk about porn, and it's kinda weird, no gonna lie. And yeah, there are exceptions (antis), but still.
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inchidentally · 2 months
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ouuhh that's not…
I swear I read it three times and looked through their blog hoping they were joking alfhaslfkh nope
BUT I do not want anyone to engage with this so I'm hiding the link - not just because it's ridiculous but because the best way to confine rpf ship drama is to leave it alone. (edit: so I lied abt this asofgsalfga I did reply to one person but only bc they put it in the main tags) I don't rly like blocking but I also don't want to have to create a million filtered tagged posts on my dash - and tbh I don't think anyone I've blocked will care anyway. this way I can still see carlando content for fun but none of the fandom nonsense.
I'm mostly posting this bc up til now I rly wanted to set aside the behavior of the fandom to continue enjoying carlando content but I just can't be bothered anymore. between the larrying and the rampant, disgusting casual misogyny - and ofc the competing with which friendship or fake ship blorbo 1 and 2 are "happier" with asgfjsalfglja. and it's not just this latest thing I get sent tweets and posts abt whole agendas to "prove" that Lando isn't "happy" with Oscar/Martin/insert man who is currently considered threatening to their concepts of Lando's relationships. some ppl even friendzone Max F and Lando and pretend Carlos means more to Lando than him so there's no limits to the insanity.
so for me atp there just isn't enough about carlando to make it worth constantly being reminded that the way too many of it's fans truly believe that these are two men are either as close to each other as they are to their real, acknowledged close friends and/or in a secret gay relationship, that their girlfriend(s) are cold-hearted PR plants/escorts rigged by an evil all-controlling PR department and once the blorbos are freed of homophobic forces (oh god Carlos' old tweets tiktokboom) they can finally have the kind of toxic heteronormative version of a queer relationship that is right with the universe.
like, rpf is only meant to be for fun and more important it is meant to be kept away from anyone involved/the general public !! but when ppl's delu results in the actual women these men choose as their partners being at best aggressively cropped out of pictures and videos* and at worst stalked, harassed, their families and employers harassed, abuse and slander left in comments sections on popular social media and team pages - yea carlando laughing together sometimes and slowed down bro hugging isn't enough lol
it’s also slightly the fact that if you picked a bunch of Lando’s reactions to Carlos and Daniel and no one knew context clues then no one would be able to tell which one he’s reacting to. Carlos/Daniel teases Lando, Lando shriek laughs and goes red, James Corden style gay innuendo, slightly tense undercurrent of men wanting to one up each other with jokes, iterations of bromance that are half sincere and half for the cameras, hashtag hashtag. Lando goes to Daniel's ranch on a whim, dando is special. Lando goes to Carlos' sister's huge society wedding, carlando is special. Lando's family likes Lando which makes carlando special. Lando and Daniel share mutual friends outside of racing which makes dando special. like, it's the same dynamic just rotated around at different times. I enjoy both ships to a certain degree but I'm kind of mystified at ppl choosing to see them as super deep and meaningful and worth fighting over.
side note g o d do I fully embrace that ppl who do these ship competitions and larrying nonsense have ZERO interest in landoscar bc we love Lily and support Lando in his many probable conquests - and bc the Lando and Oscar dynamic isn't a big bromance for the cameras and has no fake gay for fangirl consumption.
like yes pls absolutely consider landoscar inferior to carlando if it means they stay away from inventing conspiracy theories and saying they "just have a bad feeling" about Lily and start attributing everything Lando has achieved to his teammate instead of himself.
also I could be SO incredibly mean using charlos vs carlando and the difference between PR and the public trying to tear one apart but it persisting vs PR and the public being a major factor in the other persisting at all. or the fact that charlos does everything ppl want carlando to do. but there's no point spending more time on people who think that two adult men - who've both said they're as much rivals as friends and the bromance is more what the public sees - are laughing in metrically different and lesser degrees of happiness with their new teammates vs a former teammate.
like, as long as I can now not be exposed to those opinions then they have a perfect right to express them. god knows I'm not saying my blogs is worth a damn but at least I don't trash anyone's gf or try to stunt on other rpf ships for no reason
tl;dr I'm p much done trying to make carlando worthwhile for me to rb or post about. I enjoy seeing it on my dash for myself but that's it! no one will be affected by this change lafhlsahf
*I know there are a few ppl out there who do this bc they have a no-private life policy on their blogs and that's np. they aren't die hard carlando fans tho.
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commajade · 1 year
Is it okay to like spiderverse and hate some aspects of it
it is rly not up to me to tell other ppl if it's ok to like something. every piece of big budget media created under the current system props up racial capitalism or else it wouldn't exist so with everything u have to reckon with what u will personally allow urself to be a consumer of and support. there r ways of engaging with harmful media that are more ethical than others. there r ways of enjoying things that r more ethical than others.
personally with spiderverse it's a superhero movie and therefore supporting the US government and racial capitalism and the baseline standard for mainstream media. watching it and enjoying it was rly easy, it's a superhero movie but very well made with a lot of artistic and storytelling value. i immediately identified and had a negative emotional response to the copaganda but it was easier to ignore than other movies because there was so much beauty and fun going on. and it's popular so theorizing and posting memes about it was really fun, for like the first day.
but watching the discourse develop and seeing the truly bizarre and racist aggression toward my mutuals of color for both liking and criticizing the fun cartoon superhero movie made me think it through. and the more i think about the movie the more nauseated i get by it and the more unforgivable it seems to me. it's rly insidious because the fact of its pro-cop narrative completely undermines every other effort to be uplifting and supportive of people of color. and because they needed to conform in that way for the story to exist, the story has been robbed of its efficacy and leave people with a dirty taste in their mouth for having enjoyed it. and yet i still enjoyed it and would like to be a part of the fun little conversations about it, and talk to my irl friends who are excited about it. will i actually be able to take part in this stuff without feeling that it goes against my moral principles? probably not. this is the position that the system puts people in and it's rly bleak to me. doesn't let u enjoy things that r supposed to be simple and fun by having structural violence be the foundation of it. and if u like it and criticize it ppl will punish u for that too.
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milkbreadtoast · 1 year
Your ouran thoughts are so *chef's kiss* thank you for pointing out the whole haruhi gender thing bc as a trans person myself it always rubbed me the wrong way too how it got treated
🥹🥹🥹THANK U FOR READING MY OURAN THOUGHTS... this is 1 of the first animes ive ever watched so its rly formative/influential for me and ive rewatched it several times over the yrs and noticed more things and watched my opinions of the show and charas grow and change... Haruhi is 1 of my first encounters(actually i think the first) w a nonbinary chara in media and I love everything about their chara and the way they were written (and I love the whole concept of them being the protag of a shoujo harem anime despite being nonbinary and very aro/ace... a host who woos girls at that)... I especially love the way she doesnt change herself for anyone, keeps being authentically herself the entire anime in a way that touches and changes the rest of the cast too... like 1 little detail that symbolizes this well is the personal pronouns they use in jp... Altho they tried using "ore" a few times causing tamaki to freak out (HE SHOULDVE LET HER😒).. the main personal pronoun they use is "jibun"(lit: self, oneself), and it's a gender neutral pronoun... and importantly, they consistently use "jibun", whether it's before becoming a host(in middle school, when passing/being seen as a "girl"), as a host(while passing/being seen as a "boy"), and just out in daily life... Just as she doesnt change herself or act differently in all those contexts, and is just authentically herself, regardless of how people see her... and consistent with her belief that gender and outward appearance doesn't matter, it's one's personality/who they are underneath that does...
Haruhi and Tamaki form strong narrative parallels to each other because they both suddenly came into the lives of all the other host club members, were able to see them for who they really are (and not just the facade they put on for others), and just by being their genuine selves, touch and impact them deeply, even alter the course of their lives (some more than others, like tamaki for kyouya and haruhi being the first 1 to be able to differentiate the twins)..... And this is why I think it's... unfortunate that Tamaki was written the way he was, as so close-minded in his views on gender(and sexuality), bc 1 of the core traits of his character is being otherwise open minded and extremely empathetic... the dichotomy of his chara is despite being a "vain idiot" obsessed w looks and himself, he still shows this surprising depth and ability to read others... And of course I don't think it's surprising at all for him to have these transphobic and homophobic views, given he's a teen with a rich sheltered upbringing and all, so it was prob just. Sigh. ingrained in him bc thats how he was raised but.... narratively, with the way his character is otherwise so open (and bro is literally bi too😭) it really is unfortunate... Like his openmindedness is 1 of the strongpoints of his character (like how he wasn't put off at all when he saw Kyouya's "true face"...) And I think it goes against his nature, so I hope that once he gets older he starts to listen to the trans/nb/gnc ppl in his life and change his views... LIKE HARUHI... WHICH IS WHY ITS SO STRANGE. That he never once listens to them abt their gender the entire series... and he cares abt her sm YET doesnt listen and repeatedly, stubbornly tells her shes wrong and that she needs to be more feminine.... ugh. Yeah it's painful... And then with the way the manga ends with haruhi marrying tamaki and having babies and growing her hair out and becoming more feminine, as if it was all just a phase... *Agonized* ...Tbh I really do think. That this is the product of the (presumably cis) author not knowing enough abt the trans(/queer/lgbt) experience to know what to do with the amazing, nonconforming characters they created... I really do feel like if Ouran was an anime made today, and the author was more informed about LGBT issues and experiences, Tamaki could've been written differently and maybe more accepting and open toward's Haruhi's views on gender... Sigh... Anyway rip. Tfw a work so virulently transphobic and homophobic and a product of its time can also have some of the most compelling trans and gay characters and have sm poignant scenes that stand the test of time... Ouran my problematic beloved 🥲🥹
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de4dlyniightshade · 4 months
heyy :) erm im gonna fangirl really quick and then the request will be at the end incase you wanna skip to that part or anything, lol. okay so this is very much unnecessary and unasked for and blah blah but i don't care! i believe writers need to hear how much we appreciate them and their works because whew mama! ive been trying to write fics for like months and it actually is so horrible. i genuinely start to angrily vibrate bc my thoughts don't flow on the notes app. but i just wanted to say, nightshade, (ehehe that's so cheeky and silly for some reason) that i reallyyy love your work. its actually like horrific how much your writing just makes me so 😜😊🤭 i know you're not like a celebrity or anything, so it's gonna be weird with this like mini parasocial relationship thing, but please know your work has an impact !! a few months ago, i did something extremely bad and out of character while i was spiraling, and i decided that the best decision for me would be to quit using social media. (and beforehand i had quit using tiktok for like 7 months already and i wasn't that addicted to my phone but i still was consuming negative media) so, ofc, i stopped completely for a good month or so and only ever using youtube every now and then. buttttt, one of the first social media platforms i came back to first... was tumblr! it's actually so silly too because i only used tumblr like 4 times beforehand so i was quite new. but anyway anyway (im a yapper UGH) i really found that your posts had made me feel happy :) idk they kinda reminded me of myself before i went big bad that one time and it made me inspired to go back to how i used to be... u get me?? you're writing literally haunts my brain oh my lord it should be illegal to read your stuff because afterwards i literally have this crazy ass urge to read more and more and more. im lowkey an addict cause i be having my deadlynightshade withdrawals. the way you write is just so 😫 gosh, it's beautiful. i also love ur sillyness because like ME TOO. your random little posts are so me coded and i love it. YOU'RE SO FUNNY 😭 uhmm i just wanted to say thanks for being super cool and talented because believe it or not, the stuff you put out makes me really happy! (that was so melodramatic like mf they write about spencer being a pathetic pussy drunk bitch why are you saying it changed ur life?? its true tho.) erm yeah that's the end of that part i just again wanted to thank you 🙏 i wish we were friends SO BAD like you're actually awesome what the fuck.... but like how do u even become friends w ppl?? LMAO ERM ANYWAY 😍 can you write a blurb or h.c or something (honestly anything will make me happy) about valentine's day?? 🤭 basically spencer being SO FUCKING SHY because you can't stop touching his hands or hair subtly or like kissing his cheek leaving marks from lipstick or like getting him his favorite snacks/drinks/books/textures/ basically a gift that made u think about him?? ugh or him doing the same with you like him being the best fucking nerd boy ever and spoiling you so much like he goes ape shit spending well over his funds limit but it's worth it because it's you? or like sweet soft cutie pie sex? at the end of the day and he's like... Erm.. Pussy for 1 please! you were so pretty today... You always are-! (I'm mentally ill and writing this at 8:37 pm on a thursday night.)
this is. the sweetest shit anyone has ever said to me i actually cried ngl to you.
i'm genuinely so thankful for the little community i have created here i never expected such an insane amount of positivity and love from people just for the whack ass shit i write but that's probably just my perpetual self hatred and disbelief that people enjoy anything about me🤞
i think it's crazy how people on the internet who have never met me, don't know me, what i look like, or anything can treat me better than any of my friends have and i'll always be thankful for that.
ALSO! i love being called funny pls kiss me i never think i'm actually funny istg
i was also planning on writing a valentines fic ALREADY but this made me wanna write it even more as a thank you for this message it genuinely made my week(can't promise it ON TIME for valentines but i can try!)
i'm also so glad that my work and blog makes you happy, there's no privilege greater than making someone smile even when they don't feel like it</3
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aqqleshiqqing-archive · 8 months
hii, it's the anon that asked about red earlier. thank you so much for explaining I understand now! but also I would love to hear what inspired u to ship w/ red👀
(no pressure tho, I love reading about what drew ppl to their f/os, in a way it's like their story of how they met)
WELP OKAY HERE GOES!!! (thank you so much by the way, im always so happy to know there's people out there who enjoys my rambles!)
alright... these pictures should help get the idea first
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so, almost a year ago - I actually started selfshipping with THIS red, but the twist is that he's a creepypasta equivalent for pokemon! or pokepasta I should say. keep in mind this isn't jaide :3 this is emme! she's only exclusive to the pokepasta media
this red design was taken from frid.ay nigh.t funki.n's community created mod named hypno's lullaby which basically revives the classic "scary" stories you'd hear back in the day but they turned it into a rhythm HORROR game ALSKAKKEKEKAA (if you know fri.day n.ight fun.kin then you probably know how this game could look like. it's so high quality for something that's community created.)
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anyway so while I was busy crushing on this red, (he is named glitchy red here!) I kinda got curious how he actually looks like (my common knowledge for pokemon was very poor at the time) and mind you, I did not play pokemon yet. at least, I didn't get addicted yet 💀 so I went to check, saw the many iterations of red via his gallery etc etc and then... i saw sm red 😭 and I just ???????????????? hello???? that was the first time I saw him
.... and then I saw the fanart..... 💥💥 (which means. i now dig him too.) and that's how it happened 🧍i simultaneously like the spooki and normal one :3
thank you for listening ☕
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sophieinwonderland · 2 years
i don’t get it.. so many people have told you that the usage of tulpa is harmful. you have a large platform, esp among the tulpa community - why not make your own term not tied to a sacred practice? it’d fix so much to just use a different word to be respectful of others’ religions and practices, and it would make a lot more ppl be accepting of tulpas. the word is what puts a lot of people off, why not coin something new?
All due respect, most of the people who are telling others that the word "tulpa" is harmful aren't part of the ethno-religious group they claim is being harmed. They certainly aren't religious authorities. Nor are their arguments in good faith.
While it's important to listen to others, it's also important to recognize that people may not always be honest in their arguments or motives. Anti-endos hate us for existing. They want to destroy the community that we built and resources we share, and will resort to any lie they can to justify it.
If the appropriation narrative had any validity to it, it would be Tibetan Buddhist spiritual leaders and teachers pushing it. Not anti-endos on Twitter, Tumblr and Tiktok. (Did anyone else notice how many of these social media sites start with T? Just me?)
As for making people more accepting of tulpamancy, I believe that's going to come down a lot to the psychological research into the subject, and general awareness. There are far more people who are unaccepting of tulpas, and endogenic systems in general, because they don't believe we exist. That's the real hurdle we'll need to overcome.
The Stanford Tulpa Study will be the first fMRI study into endogenic systems. If results are promising, more studies into the tulpa community will be conducted. The researchers conducting these studies are recruiting through places like /r/tulpas and tulpas.info.
I doubt that I would have nearly as much influence as you think I would with my few hundred followers, many of which aren't even tulpa systems. But let's say that I did, created a new term, and successfully divided our community. If fewer people frequent the tulpa community, follow-up studies will become more difficult to recruit for by psychologists. The community would become too disjointed and disorganized.
Important scientific research could be set back by years because of petty syscourse drama, all while tulpa systems continue to be harassed and fakeclaimed for our existence, regardless of what we call ourselves.
(And as I've discussed before, this research isn't just about tulpas, as the psychiatrists involved are interested in using the research to develop therapeutic techniques for DID systems as well.)
Let me summarize my thoughts on what I believe will actually lead to acceptance.
1. Academic validation. There are already multiple psychiatrists who believe tulpamancy is a real phenomenon, but the more studies that are conducted, the better. Especially fMRI studies. The "brain scans" that anti-endos point to as needing to be done.
2. Representation. Unnamed representation like Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is nice to see as a tulpa, but works that recognize the practice of tulpamancy by name would be much more helpful towards gaining acceptance. Sadly, what we have so far consists of little more than a Chicago Med episode. Media representation will be integral to normalization. Luckily, many tulpamancers tend to be creative, educated individuals who often have interests in arts and writing. And the practice has only been around for a little over a decade, so a lack of representation isn't surprising at this stage.
3. Propagation. This goes hand in hand with the other two. The more tulpamancers there are, the more people will be exposed to it, the more subjects for psychological research there will be, the more people will be interested in writing about it. My hope is that the research and representation will then increase the number of tulpamancers in turn, in a cascade effect.
This path is not something attainable if we split the community. We need strength and solidarity against lies that are hurled our way.
Anti-endos want people to believe that tulpamancy is harmful to Tibetan Buddhism. It's not. No Tibetan Buddhist has been harmed by us using a word that's tied to this etymology.
But there is an ideology that we have the potential to be very harmful to, just by existing. Research into tulpamancy has the potential to even further undermine claims that plurality can only come from DID and OSDD, to show that it can be intentionally created. It has the potential to change how multiplicity is treated throughout the entire field of psychiatry. And because anyone can learn tulpamancy, and we have hundreds of guides designed to aid in and streamline the practice, the tulpa community presents a threat of actually growing larger than other plural communities if successfully cultivated, and overshadowing the anti-endo community.
Anti-endos push these bad faith narratives so strong because our existence is harmful to their ideology, challenging every lie they've ever told. Breaking up the community is the only way they can try to stop the research happening now that will ultimately be their undoing.
To liars, nothing is more harmful than truth.
So I will not change how I identify to appease a hate group.
I will not shrink away from or surrender to those who seek to destroy what we've built.
I will fight for my community. I will fight for those who have been hurt by anti-endos. I will fight for a world where plurals no longer have to hide or make ourselves more palatable in order to find acceptance in society.
This is the path forward.
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let's start this out w the following statement
i do not support d*sney, i am simply a product of someone having survived 90s media, this post took more than an hour to make & i'm tired of this rattling around in my brain
Maximilian 'Max' Goof Was Created & Killed by Disney Through Neglect & Number Go Up
max was created in 1951 for the episode Fathers Are People Too, as a plot device for goofy.
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his early design is finalized and acts as a stand alone character for the singular episode.
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his second appearance is in goof troop in 1992, this was the first attempt to establish him as a side character to mickey for the 90s. this secured his existence in older kids minds (read older sibs) so that their younger peers would hear about it.
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here's where you probably know max from. we all felt like we knew this character & he'd been around forever! he hadn't. they just established him that well & made the goofy movie that good. bc indisputabley, the goofy movie is a fucking well made classic story of parent child bonding. certified 1995, with the target age being 5-9, the sweetspot demographic for kids cartoons
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the next appearance we see max in is the direct to video sequel, an extremely goofy movie (2000). (no, im not counting the direct to home 1999 christmas special where hes somehow younger again) now, depending on your age you may be surprised there was even a sequel bc you mentally merged the two films together. and if you're one of those people? statistically blessed. the movies not that great. good moments but not great. at this point the target age group is 10 at the youngest, starting to age out of younger kid cartoons.
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we've been talking about max the entire time, but let's actually talk about max. max has grown up, he's been taught by his dad, then in turn teaches his dad how to live without him & that he did ok & leaves for college. both father & son acknowledge his personhood. he goes off to live life. now he's 20 years old, working as a valet driver who also hosts some non descrip montage show that he wasn't invited to. he's not even a guest at this show. and idk about you but some of these guests read as the interns were asked to draw papers from a bowl featuring d*sney's least used licensable characters as a throwback to get people to watch the films again.
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yall even remember this throwback? bc that's exactly what it was & how it read on screen. "hey, remember this guy??"
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that throwback was the last time we see him on screen & likely the final time. we aged up & newer, more profitable charqcters were available to peddle onto younger audiences. so, naturally, d*sney shelfed max. but you have to admit, it's kinda funny. d*sney created this character from birth, for the sole purpose of us watching him grow, learn. growing from the character. watching how he learned enough that he could even teach his father that they'd both be ok when he left for college. his dad cried in pride of a son well raised, a son who loves his father & his community. he learns to be a good person & then gets to do absolutely nothing with his life, stuck working a min wage job w presumably a college degree. kid got to headline with powerline & now nobody knows his name. hell, they don't even know who his famous dad is. bc at least if you have famous relatives, ppl might remember you exist on some level just by association. they created this entire backstory for max, from birth, through neglect & the pursuit of profit
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You know what’s so super fucking insidious to me? When some black immigrants hold their ability to travel and their experiences with travel over the heads of African Americans as an “I gotcha” as soon as a particularly ignorant African American person says something ignorant. I hate that shit. It feels so icky.
And on occasion, I see these takes from the same people that talk about how bad capitalism is. It’s even more insidious when you consider all of the “to prison” pipelines that there are systemically targeting AAs which not only financially limit us and in general limit opportunities, especially for black men, but also creates difficulties for securing visas to actually live and travel to some of these other places. Like I literally watched a man at the shelter I volunteer at break tf down because he won a trip and can’t even go because of a charge he had in 2004.
Like let’s bffr, in a country where race, ethnicity, and class are highly intersectional you’re gonna flex your access to a luxury? Cause… travel is a luxury… I mean cool I guess. But there are also ppl on the continent of Africa and across the diaspora in general, who literally cannot afford air travel and vacation and it is not at all attributed to or related to their intelligence.
I understand that American imperialism has done global harm and being American gives us some privilege outside of America, but truly the bulk of us will never get to experience it or don’t know that(this is another conversation on how American media, propaganda and education systems are systemically limited and under funded in the communities the majority of us reside in).
As AAs in this country we experience a specific type of systemic racism as well as ethnicism from the American government that consistently goes out of its way to harm and hinder us. Like yea black immigrants def experience racism here too, and more than other immigrants because of global anti blackness/stereotypes and discrimination against africans. But the structure of American racism was specifically built off of oppressing african americans which is why the success of immigrants and the accessing the American dream(not just black immigrants) is weaponized against(see examples model minority myth).
I get being frustrated with the ignorance and xenophobia that you experience from some AAs and I’m not tryna tell you how to feel…. And by all means call them out on their bullshit….but my god please pick a better way to address without being terribly tone deaf, elitist, and classist.
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golbrocklovely · 7 months
I think what’s upsetting to people the most about all this is they feel like they were lied to. Like “I didn’t know SnC acted this way” or “they seem so nice and down to earth”. Truth is: social media, in any form, is mostly fake. Yes there are real elements to it but for the most part things posted on there are fake. Creators post things they WANT you to see and will make them money.
I think the Gabby Petito case is the perfect example. She posted happy photos all the time. How great it was living in a van and how happy she was with her fiancé and it was all a lie. People who followed her were shocked he killed her and was abusive. She never showed it in posts.
You have to create a false narrative because truthfully, real life is boring. No ones going to watch videos of people being real and dealing with real life problems. We all live that. You’d rather see someone go to a haunted place (which are businesses so, that should be telling right there how “real” these places are) and ‘act’ scared or shocked. It’s entertainment. Entertainment isn’t real.
Moral of this post is this: 99% of the things on the internet and social media is BS. Take everything with a grain of salt and don’t believe everything you hear or see on the internet/sm. If you do believe everything on the internet/SM, go out side more. Really, go enjoy the real world. For the most part, it’s pretty cool and will always be real.
this could get into such a longer discussion with so many tangent topics, so i'll try to be as concise as possible lol
you are right about this feeling of being lied to, but i think bc it goes in two different directions, it makes this situation more complicated than it really is, imo.
but i also want to note that i personally don't feel lied to. but i get that other fans do feel this way.
first, you have the fans that put snc on this weird pedestal as these pristine, perfect angels that never do anything wrong and are the perfect gentlemen who would never say something bad about anyone. and the issue with that is putting someone that high up as a saint, they are doomed to fall or break your idea of them. but i also feel like these things aren't mutually exclusive. as i've said before, even the nicest ppl can be assholes sometimes. no one is on their A game all the time. good ppl have off days too. but just bc you act like an asshole once doesn't mean you are an asshole.
for example, having a negative thought about someone doesn't make you a bad person. it's what comes after that thought that can change the path you're on. i could think badly about someone, but if i take it back in my head or even think "oh that was a bit harsh" then that means that i am a good person, who just sometimes has bad thoughts or is judgmental. and snc being immature in this instance, but then apologizing and paying back what they broke is proof they are good ppl, just ones that make immature choices sometimes.
i think it's the ppl, both fans and haters alike, that immediately think this one off instance is proof of a deeper problem are the ones that put snc on an unattainable pedestal. so snc were bound to disappoint them at some point (or in the case of those that hate them, prove them right).
then the opposite side of this is the ppl that are surprised and feel lied to that sam (which was actually seth) would say "all of this shit is fake" / them acting calmer off camera than on. i'm gonna be honest, like i said before (but a bit more blunter the first time around), if you genuinely believe that snc would just ever so casually admit in a random house half way thru an investigation that everything they have been doing for the past couple years, what they have MADE their careers about, is a lie and they are fooling their audience by keeping this ruse up……. i don't think we have anything to discuss. bc one, you have absolutely no common sense or ability to think critically. and two, you already had your mind made up on snc and this was just the "proof" you needed to justify your beliefs.
(not saying this directed at you, anon. just the "you" in general to everyone else)
i've stated before in the past that while yes, snc ham it up, i don't think they outright lie. snc collab with too many ppl that would somehow have to keep the secret quiet, and there's just no way that would happen. snc have money, but not enough to pay off ppl to keep quiet. not to mention a lot of ppl they have collabed with are skeptics, so what do they have to gain by keeping up snc's shtick if it wasn't true? and i would like to argue that while snc definitely do the most when the camera's on, that doesn't mean that they are fake or frauds for doing that.
everyone acts different around other ppl, depending on comfortability. you act one way around your family, another around friends, another around colleagues, another around strangers, ect. does that mean these tweaks in your personality, to save your ass from being completely exposed for something you would rather keep hidden, makes you fake? no, it doesn't. and the same can be said for snc. if they acted like their true selves, it wouldn't be completely entertaining. not only that, they would get eaten alive for their insecurities and everything else in between if they bared it all for everyone to see. i mean, that still happens so in the long run, it's better for them to put on a mask that is similar enough to them, but isn't quite them, to both be entertaining and to keep a distance between them and watchers.
but i think it's wrong to assume that bc they ham it up for the camera that somehow that means the content they create is fake. you can act over the top and still get real evidence. you can act calm as shit and still fake stuff. i think it's a silly argument to try and make, personally.
this also doesn't even get into the talk of what is someone's "true" self? is my true self who i am when i'm alone, or who i am around other ppl? is there even such a thing as a true self to begin with?
also, not to get into what would be an even BIGGER conversation, but haunted locations being business kinda has to be a thing bc one, no one would know they existed if it was just a random family or whatever living in a space. and two, we live in a capitalist society, money is important and everyone needs it to survive. of course ppl will try to profit off of this type of thing, but that doesn't mean that these businesses are fake inherently. it just means ppl need money to survive. maybe if we lived in a society that didn't value money so much we would be able to have places like this exist for free but that's just not gonna happen, especially not anytime soon.
and i do not agree whatsoever with "entertainment isn't real". entertainment is very much real, or at the very least is based in reality enough to be real. when you tell stories of things you experienced, do you tell it 100% verbatim how it happened? bc even then you're not telling the real story, you're telling it thru your eyes, or your truth. most ppl when they explain something that happened to them, they tweak it a little. maybe they're a bit more dramatic, maybe they fib a bit to be funnier, maybe they overexaggerate, but that doesn't mean what happened to them didn't happen. it still did, but it's thru their eyes. bc you and i could experience the same thing exactly, but i might see it differently than you. does that mean i'm not telling the "real" story? no. a lot of entertainment is based off of real events: music, movies, youtube videos, whatever. a lot of it actually happened. of course, molding it into a way to make it more entertaining doesn't mean it wasn't real, unless it was something that just completely didn't happen at all.
snc go to actual places and get actual evidence. whether or not that evidence is bc a machine malfunction or if a ghost is touching it is up to the audience and snc. bc plenty of times snc can paint this idea of the rempod going off as real, but there are many others that will just see it as a malfunction or them clicking a button they apparently have to make it go off. it depends what you really believe. bc i believe that a rempod could be getting touched by something there, but i also think it can malfunction too.
i get why fans feel lied to in some way. i don't personally agree with it, but i understand it. my complaint is that what actually happened is that some of these fans put them on a pedestal that they were just never gonna actually be able to reach. snc have flaws, like all of us do. we all make mistakes and dumb choices we wish we could take back. a one off is not proof of a pattern. a one off is not proof of a deeper problem. and i think setting snc on a standard so high that we don't even put ourselves to is a bit hypocritical.
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sage-nebula · 2 years
why do you like the idw comics? i've seen ppl talk abuot how sonics character is written poorly and the plots arent good and are copies of stories from archie so i was wondering your thoughts ?
I'm going to assume this question was asked in good faith, but also put up a disclaimer: I'm not interested in arguing about the IDW comics. If you don't like them, that's fine! Everyone has different opinions on things. But I'm ✨ 🎶 a 32-year-old lady 🎶 ✨and I don't have the time or energy to argue pointlessly with someone about why something I really like is bad, actually. So if you reblog this to tell me why it's bad, actually, I'm just going to block you. And I also don't want to further engage with asks debating about it. Whether you call it arguing, discourse, or whatever, I'm not here for it. So please don't bring it to my doorstep again.
That said:
I like the IDW Sonic comics because I find them to be very fun and engaging. I like these characters and I like seeing them put in situations. For the most part, the events and characters in the comics jive with what I'm used to from the games, to the point where honestly they all blend together in my mind, which is why you see a lot of IDW stuff in the Sonic fics I write. I love most of the original characters. I love all of the unbreakable bond content we've gotten. I love the angst and drama that we get because it's dramatic without it tipping into something unbelievable for the series. I love that any romance that happens in the comics is toned down and off to the side and that the friendships come first. The art is magnificent. And I can tell that a lot of joy and love goes into these comics—joy and love for the art, the characters, and the world—and that's not always a guarantee when it comes to licensed media. So the fact that the people working on the comics are Sonic fans first and foremost, and that really shows in the work, is something I enjoy a lot.
There is not a single piece of media out there that is perfect and without flaws. The Sonic games—all of them—have flaws. The Archie comics had flaws. The Sonic animated programs have flaws. Non-Sonic media has flaws, too. This is because every piece of art that has ever been created was created by human beings, and human beings are flawed creatures. Our flaws transfer into our work. But as a flawed human, I can engage with media that has flaws and still enjoy it. I can say, hey, maybe "Trial By Fire" wasn't the most interesting arc in the world to me because it was very Belle-centric and I'm not a fan of her character, but the comic as a whole is still enjoyable to me and so I'm willing to keep reading. The pros outweigh the cons here. And I can also say, this is a comic that makes me happy, so instead of focusing on the aspects of it that I'm not a fan of, I'm going to instead talk about the aspects of it that I love, and not engage with people who hate the comic and spend their time talking about how much they hate about it. Because that is not a productive use of my time and energy, and I only have so much time left on this earth. How much, I don't know. I could die tomorrow. But if I do die tomorrow, then I want to die knowing that I spent my free time doing things that brought me happiness, rather than anger and upset.
Again, if you don't like the IDW comics for whatever reason, that is fine for you. Everyone has different tastes, and the world would be really boring if we all thought the exact same things all the time. But having said that, freedom of speech means that while you're free to say what you want without persecution from the government, it doesn't mean that others are required to give you a platform and engage with your opinion. I really like the IDW Sonic comics. They make me happy. And fruitlessly arguing with people whose opinions I will never agree with any more than they will agree with mine does not make me happy. There are things that are worth fighting about in this world. Civil liberties, for instance. Workers' rights. But a comic series about brightly colored anthropomorphic animals is not one of those things. I'm not going to waste my time fighting about it, and I would recommend that you not waste your time fighting over it, either.
So tl;dr:
I like the IDW Sonic comics because I think they are fun and engaging. And I don't like arguing with people who dislike them. So if you feel the need to do that, please go do it with someone else, because I am not interested. Thank you.
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The issue with Tara goes beyond victim blaming. It's even more fundamental than that. Even if Wolfman and Perez had written Tara "correctly" as an irredeemable, evil character, *they still would have failed*. As Marvel failed with Captain "Hail Hydra" America. As DC failed with Azrael as PunisherBatman. I could go on all day. Some tropes should not *be* subverted. Even if you do it "right", you're still wrong. Heroes have been deconstructed and subverted to the point of absurdity.
In general, I agree with you some tropes don't work subverted, but a) the post you're referring to was not intending to discuss whether a trope should be subverted, but meet the comic where it wants to be met and state how it fundamentally failed to achieve its goals, and b) I don't actually think the trope Tara was intended to subvert is un-subvertable. At its base level, Tara is just 'what if the teen girl hero was Actually Evil'. There are ways to do that that don't suck. I do agree that Tara's character concept fundamentally wouldn't have worked, but that is because Tara's concept was deep as a puddle and did nothing but subvert the trope directly. It didn't make any statements on the nature of evil or appearances (other than the base 'some ppl are Just Evil' and 'appearances can be deceiving'), something a good subversion of this trope would've done.
For example: a Tara who was intended to be a tragedy, who was once a good kid who became embittered by the world, and who was too scared, too stuck in her ways to allow herself to be saved, ultimately betraying the Titans and dying, could've been a good character. It could've been an opportunity to ask what makes someone evil, explore trauma and trauma recovery, whether it's possible to help people who don't want to be helped, etc. The narrative would be a depressing one, and likely still controversial, since a lot has been written on refusing trauma survivors and abuse victims closure and recovery in narratives. But personally, while I agree that there is a trend of demonizing abuse survivors in media, I also think it's possible to do an arc where a traumatized person spirals deeper into negativity until it dooms them without innately demonizing their trauma. You simply have to be compassionate and delicate about it. And this arc would've still subverted the trope; it would've just also been interesting about it. (To my memory, this is essentially what the Teen Titans cartoon did with Tara, and it worked very well.)
Furthermore, while I understand Tara was intended to subvert the Kitty Pryde archetype specificially, the idea of 'little girl is evil actually' is not exactly an un-doable one. There's been tons of variations on it, to the point where it's a trope by now. But it's important to remember that The Judas Contract was written in the 80s, when this kind of trope subversion, especially Tara's specific variant, had been significantly less explored. Part of the reason the Judas Contract is seen as such a staple is because this was one of the first major arcs to subvert the trope. Yes, nowadays, 'this little girl is evil actually!' is a huge cliché, but it wasn't nearly as much of one back then. The Bad Seed, the quintessential 'what if the little girl was evil' example, doesn't hold up for modern audiences, who can see the twist coming from a mile away (and who will likely take issue with its firm stance on the nature vs nurture debate), but critiquing the book for being cliché doesn't work when it invented the cliché. The same applies here.
Also, I don't read Marvel, and have no more than cursory knowledge on Azrael's Murder Batman. But I will say, from everything I heard, that the issue with Captain "Hail Hydra" America wasn't 'trope subversion', but the usage of a character created by Jewish writers under a time of extreme murderous antisemitism/nazism specifically to oppose said antisemitism/nazism, and then turning him into a Nazi. The issue here isn't that they subverted the trope of the righteous patriotic hero; the issue is that they were completely tonedeaf and antisemitic about it. In fact, the righteous patriotic hero archetype is one that (like the innocent girl archetype) appears in its subverted form more often than not, nowadays. It'd be far weirder to create a hero called Captain American Patriot and have him not be a jingoistic bigot. What worked and was progressive in the 1940s is not necessarily progressive today. Tropes and archetypes have shifted to reflect that. The issue with Captain "Hail Hydra" America was the failure to take a character's history into account when shallowly attempting to shock, not necessarily the subversion of the patriotic hero trope itself.
And lastly: while yes, superhero subversions have at this point been practically done to death, that doesn't mean they can't be done right. The issue with most subversions is the failure to engage with what made a trope compelling to begin with. In the case of the teen girl hero, that is the innate innocence of children, the need people have to protect and care for them, as well as the automatic tendency to underestimate them. Playing on this instinct to create a narrative that challenges the knee-jerk response does not have to end up accidentally implying that it's bad to care about kids, or whatever. You can also subvert it by crafting a character the audience will want to protect so badly, while setting them up for tragedy, asking what happens when they can't protect the children. Or you could raise questions on what innocence really is, by creating a character with stereotypical 'un-innocent' traits who is still innocent. Or you could create a character that merely looks like a little girl while not actually being one, of course, which opens up a whole range of possibilities. A Tara who was not actually a teen girl but actually, I don't know, a robot, could've worked just fine as a trope subversion while sidestepping just about any controversial or outright bad takes on trauma. This variation of the trope subversion doesn't even have to touch on how to best care for and protect children, or on questions of innocence; it can instead play on the 'automatic underestimation' angle and exploit that part of the response.
In the case of superhero trope subversions, the issue with them is an unwillingness to engage with that made the heroes good in the first place. The Murder Batman Archetype doesn't suck because subverting superheroes is innately bad, but because 'Batman is the bad guy actually because who lets a guy go around beating people without being held accountable' is a shit take on the Batman archetype. So is 'what if your favourite hero but evil'. Subversions should have interesting insights into the original trope, or at the very least, utilize the original trope in a new, interesting way. Simply flipping it on its head without doing anything else is narratively shallow and can often lead to unfortunate implications, such as implying that the teen girl is bad because she *checks notes* has self destructive behaviours, was taken advantage of by an adult man, and likes wearing make-up.
You, personally, are well within your rights to never want to see another superhero or innocent girl trope subversion ever again. I personally strongly dislike almost all iterations of superhero subversions because I tend to enjoy the fantasy that superheroes provide more than the questions a subversion may raise, and find those questions raised to be typically shallow anyway. And I would've strongly preferred a redeemed Tara over any iteration of tragedy Tara, or even secret robot Tara. But that doesn't mean these trope subversions are, inherently, a literary dead end that no-one should be allowed to explore. And it especially doesn't mean that nobody should've been allowed to try subverting the tropes forty years ago.
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