#this bitch is squatting in my blog
songmingisthighs · 2 months
imma just pop in here and say that kpop groups have been going to american music festivals since the 2010s, why is it only a problem now? and i mean, ateez isn't even headlining, so i lowkey feel like yall are making this out to be a wayyy bigger deal than it is. like, it's giving possessive, its giving delusional. and not like "delulu" but "Delusional." capital D. kpop has been getting popularized in the US since psy came out with gangnam style, and then even more so in 2017 when BTS dropped DNA. like it or not, kpop is a very popular genre in the united states, and a large amount of companies revenue at this point comes from ticket and album sales in the states. also, calling the girls at coachella "bandwagoning blind basic bitches" isn't the serve you think it is, bc guess what? at this point, kpop is basic bitch music. and it has been since like, 2018. and that's okay. you will live!
you're missing the context like i'm over here on earth and you're in the next galaxy because
a. don't talk to me about hallyu wave, i've been here since 2009 so you sit your dumb cowardly ass back down and stop shitting in my ask box
b. you're missing the whole point and you not asking context or explanation and just jumping into conclusion says A LOT about your comprehension skill
c. i didn't aim that title at anyone in particular it was just me being dramatic but hey you seem to be triggered so i guess you feel like a bandwagoning POTENTIAL blind basic bitch and i feel sorry for you, do think of yourself a bit more highly mkay dumbass?
d. no kpop is not basic bitch music but maybe to you because you are a basic bitch like look at you so fucking creative hiding behind anon trying to go off but failing like pls you sound like my 12 year old little brother trying to justify his bad grades like go off, loser, waste more time and energy, this is fucking entertaining for me like seeing a muppet get angry lmao
e. kpop is popular everywhere, just because the us had FINALLY catch the fuck up doesn't make it special, okay karen ? there are us kpop fans who have been around since the time suju members could bend down without their backs cracking but rn industries in the us just wanna use kpop as money printing machines rather than actually welcoming the culture and that's how business works, i know, but doesn't mean i have to like it and i can comment on it
f. i don't have any problem per se, i just have opinions like yours but mine is not infringing on other people's spaces and i actually have a point
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dawnstarranger · 7 months
It’s really cool and valid of me to have picked up a game in order to run away from a book-induced heartbreak only for the game to give me a whole cast of characters who are also capable of shattering my heart in new and exciting ways <3
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uniformbravo · 1 year
ok i caught up in bnha anime & hmshnghmsng i like fucked up angsty nightmare deku....... motherfucker doesn't sleep...... hasn't showered in weeks..... stopped eating all might's bentos, gloves are morphing into literal claws for some fucking reasoHe's becoming For Real feral. he has fleas. fucking Creatre. Gettem, Boys
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currentfications · 8 months
Ocean Eyes | Part 1
Pairing: Bada Lee x Producer!Reader
Synopsis: You’re the newest member to Jam Republic Agency’s South Korean branch, starting next week as a music producer. You’ve arrived a few weeks in advance to settle into the area, and was advised by the agency to stop by JustJerk to greet another fellow member, famous choreographer Bada Lee.
Warnings: Swearing
AN: Recently relocated to this blog, hope you enjoy the read!
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Standing in front of the building, you take a deep breath and hope that the heart throb dancer you’ve seen on the dance show is as down to earth as Latrice have previously mentioned. Knowing that they are still filming the final few episodes of Street Women Fighter 2 and the possibility that the team’s schedule is jam packed, you crossed your fingers that you’ve arrived at a good time for a quick hello.
Walking into the reception area, you were greeted by the receptionist and stated your reasons of visit, along with a few administrative details. Once that is completed, you waited in front of the elevator, quickly checking your outfit. You’re wearing a turtleneck and an oversized coat, skirts with an opaque black tights underneath. Almost every inch of your skin was covered, a lesson you’ve learned during your visit to Akanen in Japan - people tend to stare a lot when you have this amount of tattoos, little artwork you’ve collected like stickers all over your body. Then there’s the intimidation factor, where people tend to find you inapprochable; you’ve decided to cover up a little for your first meet up with your agency member.
You noticed a loose shoelace right before the elevator arrived and squat down to lace up your platform boots - a signature piece on you that you never leave home without, a relic you take from your past life in Australia. The elevator dinged and you straightened yourself up to walk in.
The metal doors opened up to seven girls already inside, presumably coming up from the parking lot. Your eyes widen as you recognised the members of BEBE looking back at you, pausing their chatter to give you a polite nod. Initially planning on greeting the group leader in their studio, the sudden encounter took you by surprise. You entered the elevator with the girls and returned the greeting, only to promptly turn around to press on a random floor button. The doors closed and a moment of awkward silence filled the room.
When the elevator next opened up you excused yourself from the situation, “Have a great day lovely ladies,” came out of your mouth as you contemplated between ‘great day’ and ‘lovely day’, you marched down the corridor as the metal door slams behind you, trying to maintain your composure. As soon as the elevator moved on to the other floors you squatted down near the corridor, trying to bury your face from the encounter. You pulled out your phone to text the other Jam Republic dancer for a rant.
Latrice: Wdym are u still standing in front of the building?
Latrice: Just walk in already u cowardly bitch 🥱
Y/N: b-but they were just in the elevator and it was so cramped and so awkward and I freaked out 😭😭
Latrice: Ma’am are u telling me u were silent the whole elevator ride and followed them to the studio like a creep??
Y/N: What no I’m not an idiot wtf
Y/N: I went to a random floor instead
Latrice: Oh god you dumb cunt, I told u she’s really nice didn I?
Y/N: … yes :(
Y/N: … but they’re like really cute
Y/N: … and I was in an elevator with ALL 7 OF THEM
Y/N: Your honour it’s not my fault that I have problem talking to hot girls in an enclosed space
Latrice: boo, u whore
Y/N: Yes now come pick me up I know you and Kirsten are still in the area
On the other side of the elevator, the group exchanged a look and all started giggling. Your all black attire and looking statue, though did not help to make you any less intimidating, made quite an impression on the dancers. “Who’s that?” Sowoen was the first to break through the giggles. “I think I might’ve had a crush.” The youngest of the group twirled her hair between her fingers.
“Oh wow what about me?” The leader of the group interjected, her supple lips pouty, feigning a look of heartbreak.
Lusher lightly smacked their leader’s shoulder, “No but Sowoen is right, ‘lovely ladies?’ Damn that was smooth.” Tatter nodded and hummed along in agreement.
“Y’all see another tall hot dancer and have forgotten all about me, I see how it is.” Bada complaint and continued to fake-sulk. When the elevator opened up at their floor, your cotton candy perfume dissipated and the tall dancer found herself missing the sweet scent in the air.
Tatter side eyed her leader, “Emphasis on hot dancer, so you agree with our sentiment too huh-” her sentence was cut short by Bada poking her sides. “Attention ladies and gentlemen, Bada Lee has her eye on someone. I repeat, Ms. Lee is checking out someb-” the blonde was again attacked mercilessly by the taller girl.
“Excuse me I think I called first dib?” The youngest of the group protested. “I had eyes on mother first and I’ll fight.”
The group turned to her and all chimed in with disagreement, “Baby girl have you seen her? She’s gonna break your heart. I’ll have her instead.” The fox-eyed dancer added. The team laughed in unison as they got ready for the Performance Battle, putting aside their curiosity for the stranger.
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kyliafanfiction · 2 months
I know this may seem rich coming from me, since at least 50% of this blog is complaints and bitching by volume, but enjoying something is a choice. You can choose to enjoy a thing, warts and all, or you can let the warts consume your enjoyment.
Nothing will be perfect. No perfect book, no perfect game, no perfect show. I'm not saying 'settle' or 'never criticize' - again, this blog is at least 50% complaints by volume - but ultimately, you have to decide:
Are you going to enjoy the thing, while also admitting flaws, or just let your hate for those flaws consume your entire perception of the thing.
Or of course, you can set it aside, but this is about the things we can't set aside. The books or shows or games or w/e that just won't leave our brains no matter what.
And if you can't just set it aside and move on, like a rational, sane person would (or so I hear, haven't meant many of those in my time here in fandom and on tumblr), or you can choose to... just hate. Just bitch. Just refuse to like it, and stew. Just... stew.
And the thing is, I don't actually do that. I don't stew. With the exception of my endless rage at Captain America, who continues to squat rent free in a corner of my brain, I actually don't spend much time in my real life focusing on what I don't like about the things I love, or enjoy, or otherwise consume my life and brain. I have things I don't like about my favorite book serieses (What is the plural of series?), or my favorite shows, or my favorite games. Things that bug me, things that annoy me, things that make me wanna pull my hair out.
And when I bitch about them here on tumblr, it's 'I had the thought, I bitch, I move on'. When I have a whole string of them, it's because I'm consuming the thing actively, and I'm venting about whatever annoys me. But if I genuinely hate or can't stand the thing... 99.99% of the time, I just stop. I stop reading, I stop watching, I stop playing. If there's nothing or not enough drawing me in... I quit. Boom. Done.
Because, at the end of the day, I choose to enjoy. That game that I love to pieces and that so many people make snarky videos about how much it sucks compared to the earlier 'good' part of the series? Or about how the game's developers suck because... other game developer did 'basically the same game' better? (When, 75% it's entirely different and not comparable, or actually didn't do the thing better, just different in a way that appealed to the other person's idiosyncratic tastes) Or that book that's trash that sooooo many people insist X or Y or Z did a better version of? That show that 'became garbage' because of a choice you're still butthurt over five seasons later?
I can give you chapter and verse about what's wrong with them. The little things, the big things, the minor annoyances, the quality of life changes, the big picture sweeping reworks I wish we'd had. The stuff that has left me up mad at night when I really can't control myself. The things that I understand why the creator(s) did the way they did, even if I don't agree, and the things that, to this day, I still don't grasp the motivation behind.
And yeah, sometimes those things bubble up to the front of my mind, and sit there for a while, despite my best efforts.
But frankly? I refuse to let that shit stick with me forever (again, Cappy-Fucker excepted, and for the record, I don't like that my hate for him is so deep-seated). I have shit to do. Books to read (again). Games to play (again). Shows to watch (again).
I'm not going to let my hate or annoyance run the show.
I'm going to choose to enjoy it, god fucking damnit.
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mariacallous · 6 months
In early 2006, Russian Pvt. Andrei Sychyov had his legs and genitals amputated from frostbite after he and at least seven other conscripts were forced to squat in the snow for hours during New Year’s Eve celebrations, during which they were brutally beaten. It took three days for him to get any medical aid. In 2018, Pvt. Artyom Pakhotin had the word petukh—meaning rooster (figuratively, “prison bitch”)—carved into his forehead as a punishment for smoking in the barracks. Two weeks later, he killed himself with his AK. On Oct. 25, 2019, conscript Ramil Shamsutdinov opened fire on fellow soldiers, killing eight of them, after what he said was a prolonged period of beatings and threats of rapes.
Every six months, approximately 130,000 Russian conscripts are called up for their year of service, where most of them will face sadistic hazing. In Russian, it’s called dedovshchina, a brutal internal army regime that began in Soviet times but is thoroughly embedded in modern military culture. Western militaries have worked hard to reduce bullying and hazing in the ranks with some, but not complete, success. But in Russia’s army, dedovshchina is a unique cultural staple and a formative part of the military identity. It’s a process that leaves Russian soldiers brutalized and traumatized; it in turn teaches them to inflict pain on others.
Multiple sources, both those who served in Soviet times and those with experience in the modern Russian Armed Forces, have described this hazing to me as not just a byproduct of service but as a deliberate part of Russian military indoctrination. (I interviewed these sources during my history studies and early journalism work on this subject and reached back out to many for this piece.) The same attitude is expressed all over the Russian internet. In 2006, as Lenta.ru reported, the then-prosecutor-general of Russia, Vladimir Ustinov, even admitted in a speech to President Vladimir Putin and his prosecutor colleagues that he “is unable to do anything about the criminality in the armed forces.” 
The survivors of this hazing say the main goal is to break young men. They are turned into submissive, intimidated, and obedient drones who will not ask unnecessary questions nor show any independent thought or initiative. The methods are brutal. Take punching the plywood, used as a so-called toughness training exercise and also as a form of collective punishment. Service members stand in formation in a single line at attention. An authority figure passing by the formation hits each of the standing service members in the chest with the butt of an AKM assault rifle until the bolt jerks in the frame. Soldiers who’ve been through this say that it leaves your chest black and bruised for at least a week. 
Then there is staking the moose, especially prominent in the Russian Air Force. The soldier puts his hands on his forehead with the palms facing outward, like a moose’s spread antlers. His abuser hits the center of the crossed palms with his fists, or a rifle butt, or a stool, or whatever else is on hand. The task of the “moose” is to remain standing. Failure to do so will, undoubtedly, result in even more severe beatings and other punishments. There are various versions of this, such as “suicidal moose,” where a far-off wall is chosen and the conscript is forced to run toward it as fast as possible until their “antlers” slam into it. If they don’t run fast enough, there are more beatings.
Not all punishments are physical. In a blog called Army Diary of a Conscript 2012-13, the author, who just goes by “Sergei,” writes: “It is one thing when you are awakened at night by a blow on the head with a stool, after which you get bullied just for ‘fun,’ and another thing, for example, when younger conscripts are sent to hard and dishonorable work in the first place. The difference is in the goals—sometimes suffering and humiliation is the main purpose, and sometimes it is a side effect.” 
Another former conscript posted about his experiences in a link that’s now only accessible through waybackmachine: “Fear. Misunderstanding. And fear again. To the point of shaking at the knees. It’s a strange feeling. I’m surprised it’s so prevalent. We weren’t ‘guests for three days’ in the old army tradition. We got picked up and beaten senseless the first night.”
“Guests for three days” here means the unwritten rule once adhered to in Soviet times, where the conscripts were treated with overplayed kindness and politeness for three days, before the horror began, just to see what kind of people they were and how they would act in stressful situations. Such niceties have largely disappeared.
But those are just the regular methods. Some of the ways to dedi, or break, the young conscripts are genuinely disturbing—and those who’ve served seldom want to talk about the worst experiences they’ve had. This isn’t surprising, because oftentimes it’s on the same level as the worst punishments in the prison culture, and parallels incidents in today’s police torture cases in Russia. There are cases of rape and being forced into prostitution and threats of such. Then there are abuses like the infamous sitting on a bottle, often used by Ramzan Kadyrov’s Chechen units to punish those who oppose them. It’s all about humiliation—some of it imitated from the ponyatiya, the sadistic regime of Russian prison culture. 
As the name, literally the “rule of the old-timers,” suggests, dedovshchina is based on the superiority of veterans to rookies. While there’s always been bullying, going back to the tsarist military, Soviet dedovshchina began right after World War II, when the army was still swollen by the wartime call-up. Of course, the military command realized that hazing was a foolish idea, but the army severely lacked manpower, due to the immense number of casualties it had suffered, and there was little appetite for cracking down on soldiers. Due to the lack of manpower, prisoners were also often transferred to the army, which led to the spread of their own unwritten laws, the ponyatiya, among the armed forces.
Veterans who had survived a war that killed 8.7 million of their comrades and around 19 million Soviet civilians were not interested in peacetime military affairs and everyday chores like washing floors or cleaning. Nor did they care much about proper dress code and discipline. Their officers had often served with them in the war and tended to treat them with well-earned respect—so these veterans instead delegated all the daily work to the fresh recruits and also took it upon themselves to teach them proper discipline and the ethos of the army, severely beating them in cases of disobedience. And then the veterans demobilized and the previous victims took their place, creating a permanent cycle of violence. 
This only intensified after Leonid Brezhnev’s 1968 reduction of the term of service in the army from three to two years. Since the Soviet Union had become a stagnant bureaucracy, the reduction had numerous flaws and was implemented carelessly and haphazardly. Those who had already served one year had to continue serving for two more, while the new recruits had to serve for only two years. This caused resentment in the older recruits and hatred in the younger, so the older service members began to amplify the violence and humiliation they inflicted upon new recruits, who then did the same to subsequent conscripts. 
After the introduction of the one-year system, in another half-hearted attempt at military reform in the mid-2000s, these term-based beatings became less formalized. However, this didn’t mean a stop or even a general decrease in violence, just a change in the reasoning and pace behind it. Today, the older service members just beat up whomever they like. A soldier used to take beatings for a year and then spend another year giving them to the fresh recruits. Now a conscript does both for six months apiece. Once-organized violence has become general brutality. 
Another form of hazing is zemlyadstvo: hazing on national or regional grounds. It started when the various nationalities of the Soviet Union—and today the Russian Federation—formed cliques and clustered together to collectively deal with “outsiders.” The nature of zemlyadstvo has not changed much since the Soviet era—save for the general disappearance of some of the nationalities, like Georgians and Armenians, once involved. But there are still plenty of minorities inside Russia, and they’re particularly targeted for conscription. It is disproportionately the minorities, especially those from the eastern regions, who bear the brunt of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Despite selling itself as an international workers’ paradise, the Soviet Union was anything but. Russian culture was always pushed to the national republics as a superior one, and if you weren’t seen as properly Russian, then you’d often be treated as a second-class citizen. We in the Baltics were always “evil Nazi sympathizers,” with Estonians especially portrayed as slow and dim-witted. There was a range of ethnic slurs: Caucasians were chernye, “blacks,” or “black-assed”; Central Asians were cherka, “blockheads”; Ukrainians were nothing but khohols; and so forth. Those attitudes have persisted, producing conflicts between the ethnic Russians, who tend to view themselves as superior, and everyone else.
For some groups, these were essentially protective alliances, shielding members from the brutality. My late father told me that, in his unit, people from the Baltics used to hang out in the vehicle workshop, doing all the necessary work there, while those from the Caucasus took over the canteen. That spoke to their power, since it was always warm there and they had access to extra food. Neither of these groups spent much time in the barracks, thus avoiding the dedovshchina that took place there. Teaming up in this way was vital, because otherwise Russian racism led to minorities being subjected to the worst bullying—as in the tragic case of Shamsutdinov, an ethnic Tatar from the Tyumen oblast who snapped and shot his comrades.
This case blew up all over the Russian internet at the time. My interviewees agreed that because he had an “Asiatic look,” he must’ve been treated extra harshly by the ethnic Russians. “He must have jumped higher than his place,” a Russian sailor currently serving in the North Sea told me on the phone. “Must’ve tried to complain to someone about the beatings or dared to stand up to someone. Bad idea. For the army, they (the non-Russians) are meat. They’re far from Moscow or Saint Petersburg. Nobody cares when they die.” Today, the attitude of Russian superiority beaten into soldiers feeds into the racism of Putin’s war, where Ukrainians are portrayed as subhuman.
To some extent, dedovshchina thrived during peacetime in the absence of anything else to do—and traditionally it diminished during war. However, as Putin fuels and supports hate groups within his own country for political reasons, it’s only getting worse. One traditional aspect that hasn’t changed about brutality, however, is that it tends to play out in violence against civilians. Ukrainian civilians suffer war crimes from brutalized Russians, just as Chinese suffered from the brutalized imperial Japanese. That, too, was a militarized society, where people were taught that their lives belonged to the emperor. Training was brutal, and beatings—for very little reason or none at all—were often. And those who endured became brutal and desensitized themselves, capable of justifying any cruelty. Similar parallels can be drawn with the South Korean Army of the Vietnam War, whose ultra-harsh internal discipline and brutal training produced its cruel treatment of the Vietnamese.
And the internal violence in the Russian army has gotten worse—even before the brewing ethnic tensions are taken into account. There are reports of those who want to refuse fighting in Ukraine, or just misbehave in the Russian army, being beaten by the military police and then being put in torture pits for days. The soldiers who are returning home are committing crimes, and violence in Russia is becoming ever more normalized. 
This is nothing new—statistics published by the U.S. Department of Justice in 1992 showed that, in 1989, when the Soviet-Afghan War ended, the overall number of recorded crimes grew by 31.8 percent. Obviously, the last returning soldiers weren’t the only cause for this, but they certainly played their part. And then came the 1990s, when veterans of the Chechen wars played their part in creating the peaks of murder reached in 1994 and 2002. 
Another generation will be put through the wringer of Russia’s self-inflicted misery. Russian opposition journalists are already talking about how Russia has changed and what it’s going to be like to live there after the war. But none of this brutality, nor the hate groups and crime that have spawned from it, is going to go away easily.
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quandaryqueen · 2 years
hello! can I request something with btas and arkhamverse riddler where its just a very soft intimate moment where their future s/o is cleaning up his wounds from a fight with batman and the riddlers being unusually quiet and both him and the reader are just thinking like "what if we kissed rn? 😳"
also I just wanna say I love this blog :3
What if we kissed rn? 😳
Edward Nygma X Reader Headcanons
Ooooh, I love this omg 💝
💚 Batman the animated series
"So. What kind of stupid had possessed you today?" To think he can take on Batman, it was probably pride, the stupid kind of pride.
Having already been battered by Batman both physically and emotionally, Edward was having none of it... But he can't do diddly squat about it since you hold his own life hostage against him. All he can do was to huff out and cross his arms to his chest, his scowling face concealing the sting he feels whenever the cotton ball would touch the various scapes and gashes he has from fighting the Bat. If you were able to see his face that is, he insisted not to look at you like the proper bratty child he is. You couldn't care less about his bitching and refusal to look at you, but when it came to treat the cuts on his face, you needed him to turn.
"Alright, look at me."
He did not, in fact, budged. He continued to glare at thin air, hoping you'd be the one adjusting to cater to his stubborn needless necessities.
Oh you were soft for the first time and you will not give him the luxury of that treatment again if he continues to bitch. Taking none of it, you grasp him by his face and turned him to face you.
"I said, look at me." Uttered in a dangerously low voice, you finally grab his attention.
He released the strain on his face with a different kind of strain, his eyes widening in shock at how close you pulled him to your face and not to mention, how he felt the depths of your voice to his very core. Lightly humming in satisfaction, you picked the cotton soaked in disinfectant, you gently dab the cuts on his face.
Finally he's done being a hissy bitch.
At the duration of it, he remains compliant, which made it easier for you to clean his injuries and eventually had him bandaged up in no time. He seems to be too dazed to actually feel the sting of the alcohol against the open cuts, as he was concentrated between your distance, or the lack thereof.
After sticking the bandage on the cut on his cheek, you finally press your lips to his after noticing he's been eyeing it for so long.
"There, happy?"
Wanting to assume to his usual bravado, he clears his throat. "Well, colour me elated."
Before pulling him for another one, you scoffed. "You dork."
💚 Arkhamverse
I mean... What's new? If it's not the Batman, it's one of his machineries... Well, not really his machineries, but himself. He's a hazard to society and to himself. It feels difficult to watch him go about in his box with no ventilation, there's the smoke from the welding machine, the scraps of metal lying about, along with the tools... Forget about the final forms of whatever these things are, the progress of its creation itself already looks like it can make John Kramer blush.
Your worries has came to life when you find Edward bleeding when a piece of metal was mishandled, flew and pierced his goggle. It was an accident quite reminiscent to that of Final Destination's deaths that you shot from your seat and bolted towards him.
"Oh... My god, are you okay?" You held his shoulder whilst he takes his goggles off.
Thankfully he was wearing goggles, god knows what would happen if the metal shrapnel pierced through his face instead... It's not good to think about that right now. Though he was safe, there was a small cut on his forehead dripping steadily. The sight of the dripping red made you step back with your breath hitched at the back of your throat, for a moment Edward thought you were going to faint on him.
But no, you just quietly left to fetch the first aid kit that you kept around. At these living conditions, it was best to be prepared, lest you want him to bleed out.
At the duration of it all, none have spoken a word. You were too absorbed in your work to treat the gash on his forehead, whilst he was too absorbed into trying to contain himself with how near you were, how if you were to inch further you'd be close enough kiss him. Occasionally wincing the from dull sting of the disinfectant, you can only wince apologetically as well whilst continuing to path him up. Breaking your concentration for a small moment, you notice how close you were to him, suddenly you were aware of his breathing and how it hits your skin, which subsequently caused you to glance on his parted lips... Oh those lips.
Edward holds your gaze when you glanced back at him, your face heating up when you didn't mean to make eye contact with him, but strangely you didn't look away. He certainly saw it when your eyes darted down to his lips, which also pushed him to drop his daze to see you biting your lip.
Unable to take it anymore, he suddenly puts his hand at the back of your neck and pulls you close. Being mindful of the cut on his forehead that he seems to neglect, you pull away just enough distance not to press against the gash.
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randomperson351 · 2 years
Hiding in plain sight** - Harringrove.
Summary: There is a monster hiding in the woods, and he’s very happy to see a certain familiar face.
Do not repost or rewrite any of my work. Minors and ageless blogs get blocked.
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This is an 18+ piece, I will block ageless, blank and minor blogs.
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Steve was going to kill those fuckers. 
His boyfriend had seen the glowing tree in the woods and goaded Carol and Tommy into daring the recently reappointed King Steve to climb through and see what was on the other side. Now Steve, Steve has already had his fair share of seeing what was on the other side, fought it with a bat in fact. But does that stop a thoroughly pissed off Steve from climbing through anyways to shut his moron friends up? No. It should have. But no.
The other side was red and stuffy, the portal completely sealing off the voices behind him until they were nothing but murmurs. Steve decided he was just going to take the safe route and stay there for a little while; do some looking around, maybe do a bit of stretching but staying firmly near the exit should an emergency arise (as they often did in this place). 
Unfortunately this would be easier said than done. A swarm of demobats came hurtling right for Steve’s head, some of their sharp little claws scraping across his back in the process. Steve leapt to his feet and went springing forward, getting further and further away from his only exit and deeper into the woods in front of him. His back stung something nasty when another bat landed on him, only to be viciously ripped off when a vine wrapped around his foot and sent him sprawling to the ground face first.
“Ow.” He whimpered, running his tongue along his teeth to feel if any were missing. He happily came to the discovery that his teeth were all still in his mouth, but there was still a vine attached to his left ankle that didn’t look as if it had any intention of letting go. Steve gave an experimental tug (which was not a good idea) which enticed the vine to wrap further around his leg to his knee, and drag him further into the forrest. 
With the demobats gone Steve’s scream for someone, anyone to come and help him echoed through the dense woodland all the way back to his own ears. When the vine finally stopped pulling him, Steve’s beloved polo was rucked up beneath his chest and he could feel his stomach bleeding onto the dirt below. That’s gonna be a bitch to disinfect.
“Tommy!” Another vine wrapped around his right ankle, slithering its way up his leg as the left one had.
“Carol!” They twisted up to cover Steve’s thighs.
“Anyone!” He was desperate to get away from the vines getting dangerously close to his unprotected crotch, trying to army crawl away with his free arms with no success. He opened his mouth to call again when someone answered him. 
“Easy Bambi, you’ve got a long night ahead of you.”
Steve froze. He knew that voice. That voice was supposed to be dead, dead and buried. He closed his eyes and hoped it was all a weird dream, he’d wake up in a drunken haze with a skull splitting headache and a vow to never drink again.
“Stevie.” The voice taunted, rounding on Steve’s prone form until it was coming from in front of him. “You can’t get away from me that easily.”
Blue eyes met his as soon as he dared to open them. Squatted before him was none other than Billy Hargrove himself. The ghost. The dead man. The myth. 
“There he is, back for more little Stevie?”
“One time not enough for the pretty princess?”
“No, just-”
“Aww, sweetheart you shouldn’t have.” Billy cooed in a condescending tone, flicking his wrist to make the vines flip Steve on his back and carry him back to Billy’s little fortress.
“I just need to get back to my friends!” 
“Not so fast pretty boy.” 
The vines came to an abrupt halt and sent Steve sailing through the air into a familiar bed of darkened leaves and moss; more vines trapping his arms above his head and holding down his middle. “You know the price of freedom.”
“You know how well that worked the last time.”
Billy shrugged. “Worked well enough for me.”
Steve grit his teeth and struggled against the vines, inadvertantly scrubbing his injured back into the leaves.
“Stop it.” Billy placed one of his heavy boots against Steve’s vulnerable groin to still him instantly. “The pretty princess is going to hurt himself.”
"They'll come looking for me."
"Not till I'm done with you." Billy pressed his boot down harder until Steve was hissing in a combination of pleasure and pain-Billy's specialty. When he believed Steve wouldn't try and do something stupid, he released the boy's crotch and relished in his sharp inhale.
"I think it's time we go somewhere a little more comfortable."
Steve could only groan, eyes fluttering to see the blonde's wicked smile as the space around them turned into a bedroom, one identical to the one he'd been in before, laying on a much more comfortable bed with his hands still tied up by his head.
Billy was stood at the foot of the bed looking down at his prey, black veins traversing up his skin and rippling beneath the surface watching Steve wriggle to get loose.
The restraints on his wrists tightened, joined by vines creeping up his ankles beneath his traitorously loose jeans, slithering against his bare skin. Billy almost shivered as they reached Harrington's soft creamy thighs, licking his lips like he was tasting the boy. The unyielding pressure snapped the seams of Steve's jeans and boxers as other smaller vines came up to take the clothing away leaving Steve exposed once his top had been ripped off as well. 
Billy undressed himself and crawled up between Steve’s legs until every inch of their skin was touching, Steve hissing once again as Billy’s belly melded to his own scraped up skin. He was huffing and puffing when the smug face finally came into view, directly above his own.
“Obviously, you are the one who dragged me along the hard-ass ground to get me here.”
Billy ground their dicks together. “Enough of the attitude Bambi, yeah?”
“Well get off then!”
“You still owe me from last time, and I intend to get what I am owed.”
The vines attatched to Steve’s ankles wrenched his legs apart, Billy sinking down nicely between them as he weaved their mouths together, unable to stop himself from writhing closer to Steve’s warmth, his thudding heartbeat pushing blood through his veins down to his steadily rising dick. As Billy claimed his mouth Steve felt something prod against his hole, it was small and slick; too small to be a finger, not to mention Billy’s hands were currently on his chest or wrapped around his throat.
Steve jolted as the slimy thing managed to wriggle its way in, detaching himself from Billy’s relentless mouth and trying to move away from the thing buring itself in his ass. 
“Just relax Stevie, I need you ready for me.”
Steve ignored him and gave another fruitless jolt as the thing started expanding, massaging his walls in a frighteningly pleasurable way with its thrusting and wiggling. A hand planted itself in the middle of his chest, holding him still. 
“Look Stevie, just relax and let me get you nice and loose or I can fuck you dry, hmm? You’re already doing so well, why ruin it now?” 
Billy’s condescending tone brought him back from the edge, enough so that he could try and limit the jumps and pulling that he was doing, although that remained an impossible feat once the vine had reached his prostate and began rubbing against it like a cat. Whimpers, moans and keens were punched out of him with each thrust; Steve was mercifully close to the edge when all the sensations stopped as the vine slithered out of him, hooking teasingly on his rim.
“Sorry pretty boy, you gotta wait for me when you cum.”
“I hate you.” Steve panted.
"Not for long."
Billy eased his cock into Steve’s warmth torturously slow, dragging out every milimetre of pleasure until he’d sunk all the way in. He laughed as the brunette gasped when he began thrusting relentessly, a full belly mocking laughter that created goosebumps on Steve’s skin. 
Billy dipped his head and ran his tongue along Steve’s stomach, feeling each contraction when he made the wounds sting and subconciously clenching down on the blonde’s dick. When he’d finished Billy lowered himself back down so he was completely covering Steve again, mixing their saliva together as they kissed making him taste his own blood as their tongues swirled together.
“You gonna cum for me Stevie?”
He was already painfully close to the edge from Billy’s version of foreplay and the constant rubbing on his trapped dick wasn’t helping much either.
“Come on Bambi, together. Let’s do it together.” Billy licked at a tear trailing down Steve’s cheek.
The brunette let out a soundless gasp as his hips pressed flush against Billy, cumming violently against the other boy’s stomach. Billy followed in much the same pattern, filling Steve with his warmth and collapsing down on top of him. 
The boys panted while they came down from their respective highs, the vines unravelling themselves from Steve’s wrists and legs.
“That was fun.”
Billy chuckled and rolled them over so Steve was led on top of him with a sleepy, sated smiled on his face. 
“I’m glad you enjoyed it pretty boy.”
“Thanks, for doing it for me.” Steve said almost shyly, moving his face away from Billy’s gaze despite the fact that his eyes were still closed. Billy pressed two of his fingers underneath his Bambi’s chin, eyes lighting up when they met two endless pools of glossy brown.
“Out of everything I want to do to you, this was pretty tame Stevie, not gonna lie.”
He snorted and ran a hand over his face, exhausted from the night’s activities though blissfully aware the scrapes on his stomach had healed up from Billy’s touch.
“I should go.”
“Yeah or, you could stay with me for a snuggle?”
“Jared’s waiting for me.”
“What if he wasn’t?”
Steve narrowed his eyes at Billy’s innocent smile. “What have you done?”
“Relax Stevie, he won’t remember a thing. Hopefully.”
Steve forgot the rest of his protest when he was rolled over onto his back and kissed all over, swiftly leading into round two.
Oh well, Jared would be fine.
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When you say “no one is actively hurting each other”
How do you KNOW? Like how do any of us KNOW for sure they are a perfect couple that has never hurt each other and are equally in love and committed and will be together forever?
None of us can know any of that. We don’t even KNOW if they are real. If you claim to KNOW despite what may happen in the future, that’s a cult. You’re not dealing with reality if you have pre-determined everything that will happen.
Because I don't see anyone actively hurting anyone based on what I see, hear or read. It's a bloody observation not fact.
Also, I know I can't see the f'ing future, but I can make rational assumptions based on what's in front of me.
It's not cult dear it's called using common sense. Something you may want to use some in the future before you come on to my blog and bitch about stuff.
Also, I don't profess to know diddly squat about anything and all I can refer to (in fact all any of us can do), is state things we believe based on what we see, hear and read. Something perhaps you did very little of when coming to my blog. BTW that was an observation, based on what little I know about you, not a FACT.
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ashrifts · 1 year
it's my blog i get to be as self-indulgent as i want!!! messy and unorganized talk about ran and kids down below but tldr ran adopts a kid (later on, not during the verse itself) in the final timeline✌️
i read this comic a while back and i keep thinking about it... you know that feeling when you find a piece of art that perfectly aligns with your headcanons about your muse? yeah... yeah........
while ran watches kakucho take care of the kids at the orphanage, he wonders what's so good about raising children. one kid in particular always likes to ask ran to play with him, which confuses him. ran asks if the kid's gotten used to life in tenjiku (the orphanage). he says yes. he gets to eat every day, and kakucho and izana are kind, but izana can be really scary when he's angry. when the kid first arrived, he said he was an unwanted child, and izana got angry and told him to never say that again the kid says ran is really nice. he's always bringing snacks and games, but ran disagrees. his "kindness" is only out of selfishness. ever since he was little, ran has felt as if there's a "scary monster" inside him, but he didn't hate it. no matter what he did, rindou would always follow him, so ran didn't care about what the monster made him do. ran did whatever he wanted. he thought that maybe one day the monster would go really far... but then he met kakucho and izana. for the first time in his life, he found something that he "longed for". izana and kakucho were unreasonable and extreme, but they were good guys. "when i'm illuminated by that light, i can keep being human. that's why, for my own sake, i'm kind to them." the kid, understandably, doesn't really get it, which ran wasn't really expecting him to. but then he asks ran to squat down and gives him a hug, saying, "when i’m not feeling okay, izana and kakucho do this to me. there, there. it’s okay, it’s gonna be okay." ran thinks to himself that funnily enough, by trying to raise a child, he ended up being raised instead (aka by trying to teach a kid a lesson, the kid ended up teaching him one instead).
that bit about the "monster" is something i've had as a headcanon for ran for the longest time (in less childlike terms anyway lol), because ran is... usually apathetic, doesn't care about anything except himself and rindou. i doubt he cared much about killing that one guy when he was 13. he lives his life in a neutral kind of numbness and needs something to keep him entertained.
i do blame wakui on not properly utilizing the s62 guys and just making them lose to make toman/south look better LOL, but i really don't think he took any of his fights seriously, simply because he couldn't be bothered. he had no stakes in any of them... until kakucho and izana got shot. aside from situations with rindou, that is the only time we see him show genuine emotions as opposed to him just being there acting nonchalant, mocking, or wearing what i call his fake bitch smile.
he says so himself: somehow he came to respect kakucho and izana, which i would say was the very first time he came to care about other people (and listen to what they say), ever. these two singlehandedly pulled ran back down to earth when he's always believed himself above everyone else. if he hadn't met them, he would have stayed completely apathetic to everything that didn't involve rindou. in a way, they do keep him "human", even if it's not by the normal moralistic standards.
this is especially true in the happy ending timeline, where he and rindou settle for a relatively peaceful life being club owners. though they didn't follow izana to work for his non-profit org, i KNOW for a fact that ran visits the orphanage frequently to give tons of gifts to the children there and they love him for it LOL. this, too, isn't because he cares particularly about children, but because he's still looking after izana and kakucho in his own way... also he likes to look good and these orphan kids adoring him makes a good impression for him lmao
.........and i loved this comic in particular, not only because of how well it portrayed my headcanon, but because i'm very fond of tired old men being worn down by a cute optimistic child who they end up directly or indirectly adopting <3 which means i'm half-stealing the comic's kid and making him my oc to incorporate him into my ran's final timeline verse <3 (half-steal bc the kid is just a stock character with no name LOL it's free real estate)
i don't really see ran with kids, but i also don't think it's unlikely. he's very much a family-oriented man, so it can go either way depending on the timeline tbh, but personally i always saw him with a daughter who inherited his diva attitude because of how much he'd spoil her rotten LMAOOOO but i see her existing more in a bonten-like verse tho, so for the happy end, i wanna give him a kid who also "keeps him human."
i'll have to make a whole entirely different post for their relationship and their history later, but for the final timeline, ran is very close to this boy from the tenjiku orphanage whom he ends up adopting years later and naming ren, obviously to match with him and rindou's names because being more "human" doesn't mean he's more "humble" LOLLL
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doxiedoctor · 2 years
Sooooooo…please tell me you’ve seen the news…I haven’t cared about Castle or the actors in years (except I’ll always hate Fillion) but when I tell you I broke my neck running to your blog the moment I found out that Stana had a baby! I need to know your thoughts.
MY GOOD BITCH i am not handling this well! me and Cee @rebel-bexxx have been obsessing over this for a full 36 hours. a Secret Katic Baby™️ is what has finally broken us. i hadn’t thought about that woman in MONTHS a and then the news broke and we were like russian sleeper agents who just heard their code word. a few things occupying our thoughts include:
- did the baby inherit her Old Nose? and her husband Wolfie’s innate greasiness? did it come out of the womb smelling like patchouli and microwaved leftovers?
- WHAT DID SHE NAME IT we are so very sure it’s something off the wall bananas and also probably very slavic. sidebar: can they both do the Slavic Squat? i feel like probably yes.
- we have a strong feeling it’s a boy and she’s gonna raise him totally feral. no pants, long hair, rarely bathes, rejects authority. like a serbian Dax Shepard.
- do we think she hired a doula and gave birth in her bathtub? or did she just tell people she was doing that and then arrive at a hospital and request every available drug
- how did she feel hearing this called a geriatric pregnancy?
anyway as you can see we have spontaneously reverted to out 2016 selves and are feeling very normal indeed.
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atdutiesend · 1 year
random hc/munday ask but!! in what ways do you and dove differ? personality traits? habits? did they inherit anything in particular from you, such as love for food, etc.? only answer what u feel comfortable answering tho!! no pressure hehe
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Dove's a lot more aggressive and openly fighty than I am. Dove will kick a mofo in the balls and call them a bitch for insulting them, while I uh... I tend to shut down and internalize a lot. As for what they inherited from me... Well, click readmore if you want to join me in celebrating how far I've come as an artist, and get waaaaaay more information than you asked for!
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So, if you want to get technical... Crow, on the left there, started as a character for a project based around a modern Bloodborne 'verse. The characters were very loosely based around us authors in our college years. The project fell through pretty quickly - but it had a really cool concept. I really liked the worldbuilding I'd done for the character, so I made enough changes to make her less Personal and threw her onto tumblr.
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Crow quickly took on a life of her own, and I developed a robust backstory for her, rewriting it a few times to put more remove in there - visually symbolized by her going from a brunette college student dying her hair green for cosplay reasons, to a formerly high-society urban explorer with naturally white hair. She was squatting in a modern-day version of Yharnam that had been abandoned to the beasts for a century; and due to being an Eldritch Location, it had connections to other times... and even other realities.
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It was in one of these cracks in reality that the events that lead to me making an Undertale-verse specific version of Crow, colloquially dubbed "Dove," happened. It took a few months, but eventually I was playing Dove more than I was playing Crow, and moved Dove fully to their own blog and spent the next several years playing them - at some point, the egg cracked more fully, and Dove shifted from she/her to they/them.
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I also made a lot of AUs... including a dragonborn AU that was also a crossover with Bloodborne, because my hyperfixations will come back to bite my brain years later. Anyways~ A few months after my fascination with Undertale ended, a friend who'd been playing XIV for years dragged me and another friend in kicking and screaming, and so I made a version of Dove for XIV. The very first version was a raen malera, followed by a xaela malera... and eventually I went femra because if I'm gonna stare at an ass all day, I want it to be a pretty one.
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Then I got to the Azim Steppe, had my brain explode, and sat down and finally wrote a proper, FFXIV-centered backstory. Which is a very long-winded way to say, Dove's got a number of my traits, as filtered through three fandoms and at least six thorough rewrites, and some backstory notes that've been exaggerated, rewritten, and been dumped out and put back together like a box of legos.
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On that note, here's my POV if Dove ever met me in person--
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adhdhead-full-of-bees · 9 months
This blog is going to be 1000x more feral
Please do not try to comprehend my actions for even I cannot translate the gospel my brain bees whisper to me in the darkness of the night.
I end my first post with a question.
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Why does this bitch have arms like that!!
It’s hands are like the shitty cloth gloves that did jack squat to keep our hands warm! It’s missing it’s other limbs, he’s just an oval! His eyes somehow portray an overwhelming amount of joy but are also dead inside staring into the deepest depths of my soul.
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tabsterfm · 1 year
The Big Catch-Up Wall of Text Extravaganza 1
I really love using this site as a means to just, write about whatever's on my mind or to write about things I've been doing and my thoughts on them- y'know, like a blog. Most of the time, though, my procrastination gets EXTREMELY in the way, so that doesn't happen as much as I'd like it to. So, for days where I have nothing else to do except for playing catch-up with all the things I wanna talk about, there's gonna be these kinds of posts!
This first one's gonna be kinda all over the place and out of order, but hopefully for next time I like, write down what I want to talk about in the order it comes to my mind so that I don't have to go "huh, what did I want to say again?", but with that said, let's get this started!
First thing's first, I wanna talk about my time with the Vital Bracelet BE because, holy shit, the BE is just everything I wanted from the VV but actually realized: Infinite training, tracking of said training and steps baked into the watch, raising stats with training with a rank to go along with your overall training with the 'mon, being able to see evo requirements IN THE WATCH LIKE HOLY SHIT!!! It's still not perfect, however- my only gripes with the watch are that you STILL can't skip battles, BE 'mons late-game require SO many damn squats being done, and the app for the watch right now is absolute sewage water. I have no plans on using that shitty app unless I'm using it to store completed runs. Speaking of completing runs, holy shit it takes FOREVER to complete a run for me. Why? WELL, since the BE has 4 character slots, I've decided to load this bitch up with two BE 'mons and two DIM 'mons. What I've been doing is that every day, I switch which mon I'm raising in a set rotation, going from a BE, to a DIM, to a BE, to a DIM. This way, I can have one day where I go all out in grinding stats for my BE 'mons, then chill the next day with my DIM 'mons since the stat system is exclusive to the BE 'mons so doing all the exercises for the DIM 'mons on a BE device only increases their PP, or what they need to evolve to the next stage. For those who only stick to raising one 'mon at a time to completion on the BE, I HIGHLY recommend this method of going about things, it's super fun and a nice way to spend time with multiple buddies at once in a span of time.
Speaking of monster-collecting franchises and fitness, I've also decided to get back into Pokemon GO since some of my other friends are giving it a shot again, too. I originally played this game when it first came out, and like, man it fucking sucked. I have literally ONE Pokestop in my general area and the only way to get there is to cross a busy street and complete a bigass maze before having to come BACK from that. Horrible. Because of living in the middle of fucking nowhere, I run out of Pokeballs really quickly, which is why I quit GO on my first playthrough and is something I am getting close to doing now. It fucking sucks that this is the way it has to be, but oooh weeell, if I have to buy a few hundred balls just to continue my search for a (Galarian) Slowbro, I'll do it I guess. And speaking of Pokemon, I have made a huge discovery- especially as someone who really likes avians... Piplup and their line is like, EXTREMELY slept on. I realized this when one of them spawned out in my front lawn and caught it on my first try and decided to make them my buddy 'mon instead of the Bulbasaur I caught when I first started my new account. At that moment it just hit me, like, why don't more people ever talk about them? Why don't I ever talk about them??? Like, I didn't remember Empoleon being in Pokken until I looked Empoleon up, that's fucking awesome. I will be the change I want to see in this world and bring up those silly penguins whenever I can. Doesn't mean their a top 3 favorite of mine I think, but I'll make sure they aren't forgotten.
Uhhh what else what else... oh! I got a new controller for my PC after using the same fucking Afterglow controller for like, 6 years. The "deadzone" issues or however you'd call it were getting so bad that I had to just get a new one. It's a PowerA controller, and I have nothing but good things to say about the GC one I got from them for my Switch, so let's hope this controller lasts just as long as my Afterglow did. Oh, I also fucking tore my old controller apart to hardest it's face buttons lmao.
Oh, I also started a (Hardcore) Ironwoman on Old School Runescape. I started one for two reason: the main one being because I've essentially maxxed out everything I can do on my main account without buying a membership cuz IDK if I wanna commit to a subscription like that, and the other reason being that my friend has started playing OSRS again after forever so we're playing together and making progress together. Holy fuck man, the Hardcore experience is STRESSFUL!!! I don't care if I die and lose it cuz if I want to do a Hardcore thing, I'd make a dedicated account for it, but fuck, do I want to hold onto it for as long as I can because the Hardcore armor looks so much better than the default Ironman armor. Like, why doesn't the default one have arms??? What the hell??? Anyways, I don't think I'm gonna be doing a log or whatever about it. I'd love to make videos about my experience with OSRS, but I don't have the SSD space or really a drive for it at the moment lmao.
The final (and I guess the "biggest?") thing I wanted to talk about was the fact that I saw Puss n' Boots 2 for the second time not too long ago, and like, FUUUCK, it's such a good film. I could go on and on and on and on about what I liked about it, but that's not really the point. When I saw the film the first time, I got sad. When I rewatched it, I got even more sad. Why? Just, the EVERYTHING about that movie, the music, the character designs, the story... it makes me want to CREATE things so FUCKING bad, but like, I have literally zero drive to do so and it almost pisses me off to the point of doing something to spite myself, but I just can't. I have so many songs stuck in my head, so many story/game concepts I want to realize, but I just don't have the motivation to DO it and I will bring that frustration with me to my grave in hopes that a beautiful tree can sprout and do the things I never got to... why am I talking like that I still got a lot of time to do shit lmao. I'll get to it eventually... but I wish eventually was now.
WHEW, I'm fucking finally all caught up with everything I wanted to say. Now, I... don't know what else to do. I guess I can get that 10 year Smite thing done so I don't have to worry about it again, but that's all I got going on lmao. Until the next time y'all hear from me, take care, everyone!
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buckybarnesdiaries · 3 years
i won't let you down
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© @snyderzack
bucky barnes x reader. ⎢ masterlist.
Bucky helps you and gives you hope.
word count: 1.196 words.
warnings/tags: very brief mention of domestic violence, the winter soldier coming to help you.
author notes: none of my stories contain reader’s body descriptions to be inclusive.
Join the tag list here.
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It was the fourth month he was living in the same building as you, concretely, in the apartment next to yours. Since the very first moment you met in the lift, you were extra kind with him and he couldn’t help but think that you were hiding some kind of intentions, until the days passed away and he discovered it was part of your naturality. He remembered, as if it happened yesterday, the first morning he knocked on your door asking for some coffee and you practically invited him to have breakfast together. You two talked about your part-time job in a cafeteria by morning, close to the neighborhood, and another one in a book shop by evenings. Bucky was fascinated by how much you used the hours of your days, letting you work out and have long walks in Central Park.
And he also remembered the night you knocked on his door for the first time, after hearing him having some nightmares and not being able to go back to sleep. The walls seemed like thin paper. He didn’t get it out of his head that time he heard you crying in your room, in the small hours, after a fight with your boyfriend. A punk who didn’t deserve an angel like you. On all the occasions you two argued, Bucky wanted to intervene, but he didn’t because what was his right.
Until a night where the heated talk escalated too quickly to swearings coming from him, and a painful scream coming from your lips after a loud hit. Bucky kicked the door down without doubting, panting furious and breaking into your apartment like a bat out of hell. As soon as he reached the living room and saw you crying and lying on the floor, all his rage contained during months got concentrated on the same point. Five cold fingers closing in a big and dangerous fist.
“Who the fuck are you?” Your boyfriend spat raving mad.
“A guy who’s gonna disappoint his therapist for breaking rule number two”. The soldier hissed, not giving time to the other to react.
With his left hand grabbing your boyfriend’s throat, Bucky pinned him to the nearest wall with so much uncontrollable strength that he almost opened a hold in it, straight to his own house.
“Listen to me now, you son of a bitch”. Their faces were separated barely for a couple of inches, drinking each other’s breathing. “If I see you coming again, laying a finger on her… I promise I’ll turn your life into a damn nightmare”.
Bucky could see the horror borning in his eyes when your boyfriend recognized him. That voice. Those blue orbs. The metallic fingers cutting off the air from his lungs. He was in the news for a long time. The Winter Soldier. One of those freaks with superpowers, with the difference that he was a trained assassin. Only a fool wouldn’t obey his threat. But for some reason, Bucky wasn’t able to loosen the hold around the other man, driven by the desire he had for killing him. After all the suffering he made you go through, after all the nights hearing you crying, after all the time waiting for your boyfriend to change. He wanted to end his life.
“Bu— Bucky”. Your weak sobs brought him back to reality. To New York. To the year twenty twenty-one. To the new century.
As if it was an automatic act, his fingers opened making your boyfriend fall to the floor. Coughing, choking with his own saliva and the lack of air. The poor coward ran away before Bucky could blink twice. Shaking his head to shut up the voices inside his head claiming him to chase the man, he turned around and squatted next to you. A thin thread of blood poured out from the upper right corner of your lip, as your cheek was burning in pain after the punch. The soldier held you onto his arms, listening to the sound of the police sirens coming. Probably some neighbor called them, fed up with the fights inside your house.
You were crying inconsolably and ashamed when he walked into his apartment, placing you with so much care on his sofa. Bucky didn’t utter a syllable, heading to his bathroom to take something to fix you up. He had a good medical kit since he didn’t want to visit any kind of hospital. Coming back to you, the soldier knelt next to you, feeling a knot inside his chest pressing out his skin. He wetted a cotton in hydrogen peroxide and placed his warm free hand on your untouched cheek to urge you to raise your head towards him. You couldn’t help but draw a grimace of pure soreness that broke his heart in one million pieces.
“Sorry…” Bucky murmured, earning your look filled up with sadness. “I, uh… I wanted to… So many times, I…”
“Thank you… for saving me”. You stuttered in low tears, while he continued healing your lip and cleaning the blood on it. “You’re a… good man, James”.
“I just did what I had to”.
“We’re… more than fifty persons living here… And you’ve been the one who has saved me”.
Knocks on his door interrupted your little chat, causing him to frown as the two of you heard it was the NYPD. Bucky left a delicate caress on your cheek before standing up and attending the call. The cops came into his house without asking if they could, knowing very well the man who was living there.
“Ma’am, you okay?” One of the officers inquired walking closer.
“Yeah, it was… I just… slip off to the fl—”. Tell them about your, now, ex-boyfriend wasn’t an option for you, feigning a soft chuckle as you cleaned the tears in your eyelids.
“His boyfriend hit her”. But Bucky interrupted you.
“And you helped her, mister Barnes?”
“Yeah, and she’s gonna make a complaint”.
That wasn’t an option for you either, but by the look coming from his eyes, you knew it was the only one for him. You couldn’t persuade him.
Bucky licked his bottom lip, shortening the distance between both to grab his cozy and baggy black hoodie to offer it to you. He was determined to help you. He really wanted your welfare.
“C’mon”. He almost begged you in a whisper, shaking briefly his hand holding the piece of clothing to convince you of taking the good road. “I’ll be with you, I promise. I won’t let you down… Not again”.
It took you a couple of seconds to nod your head, getting up from his sofa being helped by the cold hand showing up. Bucky made you wear his hoodie, with so much careless to not touch your right cheek still burning because of the pain. Under the attentive look of the cops, he placed his flesh arm over your shoulders, not caring about the lack of distance when you clung yours around his waist and tried to hide your face on his chest. For the first time since you started that toxic relationship, you felt safe. You felt liberated.
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babymagi · 2 years
Magi as Kardashian Quotes
All contributed by the lovely @yamraihasgirlfriend
Swearing and vulgar topics under the cut!!
Hinahoho: "Enough about my weight, let's go eat some dinner."
Sinbad: "I think you have different soulmates throughout your life."
Ja'far: "Yamraiha can you please stop taking pictures of yourself? Sharrkan's going to jail"
Kouha: "I love when people underestimate me and then become pleasantly surprised"
Judar: “I’ll cry at the end of the day. Not with fresh makeup.”
Sinbad: "I’m kind of shocked I’m getting a fashion award when I’m naked most of the time.”
Sphintus: “There’s a lot of baggage that comes with us, but it’s like Louis Vuitton baggage; you always want it.”
Sharrkan: “If you’re not into what I’m posting, don’t look.”
Kougyoku: “Holidays are the best. I couldn’t imagine being from a small family."
Pisti: “Give me that fucking bread.”
Yamraiha: “You’re doing amazing, sweetie.”
Hakuryuu: “When you feel like something is really wrong, it’s usually wrong."
Arba: “I’m going to sew up my vagina.”
Muu: “Costco is a passion. Costco is like a massage."
Ja'far: “I’ve actually trademarked the term ‘Momager’, which is what I am.”
Rurumu: “I’m strong enough and have a pretty thick skin, but when people go after my kids, I just hit block-delete, block-delete. It’s my mantra.”
Sharrkan @ Sinbad: “The bigger the hoop, the bigger the hoe.”
Koumei: “You have your whole life to be old but a few years to be young.”
Aladdin: “Yes, David. What do you want now, more money, a check, a car, my soul?”
Kouha, answering a call from Kouen: "Yes, Satan?"
Kougyoku: “I live in a world where there’s magazines and blogs, and people feel like they are allowed to criticize me, and in the meanest way.”
Aladdin: “I have a nipple obsession and personally love when women show their nipples. Perhaps I was a member of a nudist colony in my last life.”
Judar: “Knowing you’re a badass bitch is just all what life is about.”
Pisti when someone calls her short: “First of all, I’m incredibly athletic, so fuck you.”
Arba: “A lot of adults don’t think it’s their place to interfere with kids. I interfere all the time."
Morgiana: “I don’t believe in revenge. When people are bullies, it’s because of a deeper-rooted issue. Either their family life is tough or they’re being bullied by someone bigger than they are.”
Pisti: “I would save Hinahoho because he has kids, and Yamraiha has a fat ass, so, like it would save her herself. It’s like a floatation device.”
Alibaba: “Ever since Aladdin called me a troll, I love using that word.”
Kouen: “I’m Kouen. My siblings say I am a 'bitch'.”
Sinbad: “Did you guys know I’m the most Googled person this week?” Ja'far: “That’s because he Googles himself.”
Koumei: “Thank God I have no friends."
Rurumu: “Being a mom is what life is about. I hope people realize what the priorities in life should be and know not everything has to be perfect.”
Ja'far @ Sinbad, Sharrkan, and Yamraiha: “You’re acting like drunk slob-kabobs.”
Rurumu: “I’m probably the least harsh on myself, and I try not to scrutinize everything about my body. As a new mom, it is what it is, and we just have to do our best.”
Scheherazade: “For me, juggling mommy-hood and work is a challenge, but each day I learn little tricks to make it all come together.”
Kouha: “Fashion is so subjective, and I think it should be playful.”
Sinbad: “The more people that love you, the more people that are going to hate you.”
Masrur giving Morgiana love advice: “Love is when the other person’s happiness is more important than your own.”
Alibaba: “It’s always the people that know the least about you that want to judge you the most.”
Dunya: “I feel like I’ve lost so many amazing traits because I’ve listened to stupid people, ignorant people who are bullies”
Judar: “Don’t fuck with me, I woke up at 6:30.”
Aladdin: “Holding your pee is no way to live life.”
Myron: “Do your squats, eat your vegetables, wear red lipstick, and don’t let boys be mean to you.”
Literally everyone: "I feel like I grew up too fast a long time ago."
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