#this applies to discord requests too!!
magicpiano · 1 year
I often see people making posts looking for beta readers and getting no responses, and I think I think a big reason for that is just not providing enough information. So here is some advice of things you should mention in your post:
The rating (and maybe why it has that rating)
Any relevant content warnings
The main pairings, relationships, or characters
The (estimated) length! Committing to betaing a 5k work is very different from committing to a 20k one
If you have a deadline you need to work posted by (like if the story is for an event or a holiday, ect.)
What type of help you are looking for. Do you just want a spelling/grammar check, or are you looking for someone to brainstorm with and point out plot holes?
Maybe just a small summary of what the work is about. It doesn't need to be the fleshed out thing you put in ao3, but a short "coffee shop AU" or "season 2 ending fix it" goes a long way in letting a potential beta know what they are signing up for.
I understand the desire to keep your wips a secret till they are posted, but if you can't find a beta, this is probably why. Many times someone would be willing to beta, but doesn't want to offer because they don't know the above and would feel weird backing out after agreeing, so they just don't say anything.
Finally, remember the person on the other side of the screen is a human being. You are not owed help, they are doing you a favor so be polite.
(Please feel free to add more advice!)
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Dirty Work 18
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as bullying, familial discord/abuse, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You start a new gig and find one of your clients to be hard to please.
Characters: Loki
Note: happy weekend.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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“How do you like it?” Luciana asks as she spins you to face the mirror.
Your eyes round at your own reflection. You can’t help but lean forward to get a better look at yourself. You never had a haircut like this. Nothing more than the discount trims that were often worse than not just growing it out or your at-home hack job.
“Wow,” is all you can utter.
“I hope that’s a good wow,” she chimes.
“Uh, yes, yes,” you sit back and tear your eyes from the mirror. “Thank you, it’s–”
“Oh, aren’t you so lovely!” Frigga interrupts as her heels click across the salon, “oh, it’s so wonderful. Look at you!”
Before you can react, the chair’s turning again. Frigga sweeps your hands away from under the cape and pulls you to your feet. Luciana moves to undo the long black shroud and swipes it away from your body, littering more hair onto the floor.
“Just a moment,” Luciana girds and brushes the stray bits from the back of your shirt, “there we are.”
“I must say, darling, you are even more stunning than I thought,” she keeps a hold of your right hand, “oh, Eliana, El!” She tweets across the salon, “what about makeup? Hm? Nothing too heavy, maybe a lip and some mascara–”
The platinum blond chuckles, endeared by her demanding client. You see where Laufeyson inherited that; the way the command rather than ask. You could never.
“I’ll take the little fawn,” Eliana agrees, “I have just the thing in mind.” She approaches on her long slender legs, “she has perfect colouring.”
You can’t help but preen at the compliments. You’re not used to them yet, you doubt them. These women are all so put together and gorgeous, surely they’re just being nice. You’re so much the opposite, your like a novelty; a doll for them to dress up.
“Sit,” Eliana points to another chair, “just relax, honey, I’ll take care of you.”
Frigga lets you go and you obey. You climb up into the chair and gasp as the back reclines. Eliana starts by swabbing your face with a cool liquid then pats it dry. Next, she applies a fragrant moisturizer. Her touch is relaxing but strange. You’re not used to anyone touching you.
You close your eyes as she sets to her work. She explains that she’s applying some liner and how to get a little wing at the end. She says you should keep it thin and subtly, then has you check your first eye in the mirror.
“You see, a nice brown, or grey is all you need, black is so harsh,” she shows you the pencil she used.
“Oh, thanks,” you murmur.
“Let’s even that out,” she nudges you back again and you appease her.
As she draws on your other eyelid, you hear a subtle buzz, followed by Frigga’s shrill greeting. She apologises to someone unseen before she carries on her call, heels tapping further and further away. You can hardly focus between her, Eliana’s directions, and the chatter all around you.
“Mmhmm, yes we were thinking of the Garden…” Frigga trails off as the door rings then swiftly blocks out her conversation.
“Mascara, look up,” Eliana directs, again, you obey. There’s nothing else you can do.
As nice as it all is, the hair, the makeup, and all her lovely plans, you can’t help but be embarrassed. Frigga, and Mr. Laufeyson, know you can’t afford all this. It doesn’t feel as much like kindness as it does condescension. As if they are the blessed elite giving you, a noone, with all their privileges. 
It’s not a kind gesture, but a statement. You’re so far below them, you don’t even know what you don’t have. If you are to be anywhere near them, you have to fit their mold.
After the salon, Frigga drags you down the shopping strip. You shy away from the gleaming windows and the faceless mannequins in their luxurious outfits. You couldn’t wear any of it. It wouldn’t look right. Anyone would know in an instant that you don’t belong.
Inside the first shop, you make yourself as small as you can, crossing one arm to cling to the other, folding your shoulders in. You’re frightened of brushing against anything or knocking over that hand display with all the jewelry on it. As you pass a mirror, you nearly trip. You forget for a moment that it’s you staring back.
You shake your head and back away. You don’t like that feeling. You don’t recognize yourself. Even if you never really loved the girl looking back, she was familiar.
“Darling,” Frigga gives you a start as she nears, “how about this? Hm? It’s absolutely adorable.”
She holds up a purple dress; almost like an overall but more refined with three buttons along the right side. She has a plain white blouse behind it. It’s lovely but you don’t know if you like the length. You don’t think you’ve worn a skirt since grade school.
“Oh, it’s… nice.”
“Come on, try it on,” she pleads, “it would look so good on you, darling. With your figure.”
You gulp and blink, looking down at yourself. What figure? The boxy button-up and straight-legged tweed don’t betray much of that. Your body is your body; it’s just there.
“I’ll try,” you relent. It wouldn’t be polite to say no.
“Alright, you take this to a dressing room and I’ll find some shoes,” she shoves the hangers at you, “excuse me,” she turns and waves to the associate who greeted you on entry, “yes, please, she needs a room.”
The woman with ginger curls approaches and you hand over your, or rather, Frigga’s picks. Her name tag reminds you of her introduction; Celia. She guides you into the back to a large room lined with curtained stalls. She takes you to one and hangs the clothing within. You thank her quietly and turn to stare at the lilac fabric.
You sigh and pull the curtain shut. You strip away reluctantly. It’s all so surreal, you don’t want to believe it. You’re wary of the unusual good luck, the unearned generosity. Why would Mr. Laufeyson agree to this? And why would Frigga want to spend time with you, a maid wearing a title beyond her means?
“Darling, are you ready?” Frigga calls through as her heels tap out her arrival.
“Almost,” you call back, shimmying into the purple overall as you try not to rumble the sleeves of the blouse. 
You refuse to look at yourself before you face the curtain and brace yourself. You step out as Frigga waits patiently, sitting on one of the leather poufs with a pair of white loafer flats in her lap, little silver bows clasped by the toe.
“Oh my,” she gasps as she rises, “oh darling, that’s… that becomes you. Oh,” she nears and hands you the shoes, “put these on then. Let’s see the whole look.”
Like most things in life, you let her bowl you over. You just go along with what you’re told. You go through the motions numbly, waiting for it to be over.
You bend to slip into the shoes one at a time. Once you stand, she ushers you around to face the mirror. She squeezes your shoulders before playing with your hair, setting you straights as she stands behind you.
“Look at you, darling,” she purrs. 
You falter as you see the woman staring back at you. That’s you! You can hardly see yourself under it all. You press your hands to the skirt, wishing for a few more inches, and squeak the soles on the floor as you shift awkwardly in the stiff leather.
“This is it. It suits you so well. Sharp collars, cinched here,” she touches your waist, “I think we have a good start.”
“Um, thanks, but er…”
“You can wear that out. It’s a lovely outfit for lunch,” she insists, “but I’m thinking a few boucle jackets, some matching skirts, a splash of pastel,” she rambles on dreamily, “pearls, of course, maybe some rose gold…”
Your brow pinches over your nose. You don’t know what to do. You can’t say no and even if you were brave enough to, you don’t think she’d hear you. She’s like her son, that way. She only sees what she wants and there’s no denying her.
“Oh, thank you so much for humouring me,” she drawls, “you know, ever since the divorce, I’ve been terribly lonely.” You’re startled by her sudden shift. You blink at her, “my own daughter was never one for the shops, at least, not with me but Sif… she… well, c’est la vie.”
“I… I’m sorry.”
“Why? Oh, don’t apologise, it is me who should,” she laughs at herself as she leads you back into the shop room, “to you and your own mother. I have accosted her daughter!”
You nod and seal your lips. You feel the pluck in your chest. You distract yourself with a nearby dress; it’s beige and boring.
“I hate to overstep but Loki did mention your father is sick. I’m certain it can’t be easy,” she hums, “it never is. You and your mother–”
“My mother…” you pipe up, voice cracking. You shake off the wave of dizziness and sigh, “my mother is dead.”
“Oh dear, I’m so sorry,” she touches her chest, “dear me, I didn’t know. I shouldn’t have–”
“I’m not upset. I never knew her,” you shrug and move on to a more colourful dress. “Just me and dad.”
“Well, it’s nice you have each other,” she says.
“Yeah,” you agree dully.
She’s quiet as she browses beside you, sifting through hangers. Tension ripples between you. Neither of you know what to say.
“How about this?” She holds up a satin blouse in a dainty shade of rose, “it would compliment your complexion.”
“Um, sure,” you let the thickness in the air slake away, “I… I’m not picky.”
“Oh, darling, you are too agreeable,” she teases, “you best not let my son play on that. He could always hear a no or two, yes?”
You nod, uncertain what she means. He’s your boss, you don’t tell him no. He doesn’t ask for your input. He just says and you do. That’s why you’re here. He needed a toy to give his mother, and you’re playing along.
The restaurant is just as resplendent and upscale as the shops. You try to keep stride with Frigga as she struts up to the open doors, a hostess standing behind a podium just outside as the sunlight beams down in a mid-afternoon haze. She smiles at the elder blonde as she greets her with enthusiasm.
“Good afternoon, we were hoping for a table outside,” Frigga declares.
“For two?” The hostess asks as she looks down at the tablet in front of her.
“A bigger table, please, we have someone joining us,” she answers.
“Great, we can fit you in,” the woman assures and waves you through the small gate of the patio. 
She takes you to a table near the colourful flower beds and offers the drink menu. Frigga thanks her and sits as you mimic her. You do your best not to fidget despite the persistent displacement zinging through your nerves. She browses the menu and taps her groomed fingernail on the table.
“Is it too early for Zinfandel?” She wonders.
“Oh, I don’t… know,” you put your own menu down, content with a glass of cranberry juice.
“Or perhaps a white?” 
You shrug. You don’t drink. You never have and never really thought of trying it. You rub your cheek and look around, squirming at the other diners in their carefree conversations. What are you doing here?
A new server approaches and takes your orders. Frigga gets her wine and you murmur your request for a glass of juice. You hand over the menus and she checks her slender golden watch.
“Mm, I did say two,” she tuts and takes out her phone.
It’s almost amusing to see someone disappointed in Mr. Laufeyson. To be on the other side of the table. You’re not the one rushing to meet a deadline for once. You twiddle your hands in your lap and peer around at the din.
A table of women sit with cocktails and green salads, gabbing loudly. They are probably your age. Friends. Something you never had. Probably never will.
“Mother,” a voice proclaims across the patio and you wince. It’s familiar but not the timbre you expected. Maybe it’s a coincidence.
“There you are,” Frigga stands and you turn to look over your shoulder at the burly blond. Oh.
You rise too, not wanting to seem rude. Thor hugs his mother and kisses the top of her head, “I was caught behind an accident,” he explains, “oh,” he faces you, “and who… it is the little maid!” He takes you by the shoulders and you flinch as he bends to kiss your cheek, “you remember me, yes?”
You can only nod as you wriggle out of his grip. You resist the urge to wipe your cheek.
“Maid! Do not call her that,” Frigga chides as she sits.
You lower yourself back to your seat. Thor drags out the chair next to you and you try not to show your discomfort. He is almost too wide for the seat as his thigh presses to yours.
“I never got a name, you know? Brother hides everything away,” he sniffs, “so forgive me,” he leans as he tries to look you in the face, “a proper introduction is in order; I am Thor, you recall, hm?”
You nod again and eke out your name. He offers his large hand and you hesitate to take it. You won’t be rude though. His grip swallows your hand up, tight and unyielding. When he finally releases you, you let out a slow breath and stare at the table.
“Speaking of,” Frigga remarks, “he is late.”
“Not surprising, he can hardly be bothered to leave his cave,” Thor scoffs, “what a nice colour.”
He touches the button on your dress and you squeeze your legs together, trying to sidle away without being obvious.
“Thanks,” you murmur.
“Oh, we had a wonderful day shopping,” Frigga supplies, “she’s so sweet.”
“Ah, yes, I’m certain father will be happy to hear you had a spree,” Thor chortles.
“What he doesn’t know…” Frigga giggles.
The server returns and sets down the stemmed glass of dark wine and your juice. Thor orders rye as you lean forward to sip, the tangy flavour tautens your cheeks. You feel your chair shift and sit back, only to meet the curl of his fingers on the back rest. He doesn’t draw away, his leg splaying wider to touch yours again.
“So we are waiting on him?” Thor challenges and slaps his stomach with his other hand, “I’m starving.”
“We’ll give him another ten,” Frigga girds, “perhaps he is also stuck in traffic.”
“Not to worry,” Thor booms, “we can have fun without him, eh. Probably more.”
“Oh, don’t,” Frigga reproaches, “this is supposed to be a nice family meal, you will not start with him again.”
“It wasn’t me. He’s the one who stormed out–”
“Enough,” she interjects, “we are moving past it.”
“I’ve moved on,” Thor insists, “mother, really, I am not the one who keeps picking fights.”
“Mmm,” Frigga purses her lips, “nor do you discourage them.”
“Me?” Thor feigns innocence, his fingertips brushing the back of your collar, “I only said hello and he went out of his mind.”
“Um,” you sit forward, knocking the table slightly, “er, I… is there a bathroom?”
“Oh, yes, darling,” Frigga turns to you as if only then recalling your presence, “just through the front door to the right.”
“Thank you,” you stand, “sorry, uh, excuse me.”
You turn and scurry off, clutching the sides of the dress to keep it from riding up. Once you get inside, you roll your shoulders, trying to shake off the sensation of his touch. You reach back to tug at your collar.
It’s peculiar to think, but you hope Mr. Laufeyson gets there soon.
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shubblelive · 7 months
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summary : you and tommy have been dating for months, and there's a million things you love about him. however, you're usually not doing that in front of your entire audience. but after a surprising mcc debut, what's one more good thing?
genre : fluff
warnings: mentions of reader breaking a bone as a kid
pairing : cc!tommyinnit x fem!cc!reader
pronouns : she/her, reader is tommy's girlfriend
featuring : cc!tommyinnit, cc!philza (mentioned), cc!smajor (mentioned), cc!shubble (mentioned), cc!orionsound (mentioned)
request : I was wondering if you could do a fic where y/n (with fem pronouns) is a streamer and wins her fist mcc and when she wins Tommy comes into her room and is so excited that she won that forgets they hadnt told the internet they were dating and kisses her <3
word count : 1.1k
note : i love writing for tommy so much but unfortunately i don't get a lot of ideas, so whenever i get reqs for him i get super excited. for context, i wrote this around mcc 26 because it's my favourite (i KNOW it's almost a year old at this point, like i said it's my favourite). reader replaces fruitberries on the violet vampires team, he won that mcc with phil, oli and shelby, so you can probably tell why it's my favourite lmao but also i feel like tommy would call you girlfriend in place of a petname, i think it's cute. i hope you enjoy angel <333
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When you were six, you broke your wrist. You and a group of your classmates had been out at lunch in the playground, engaged in an intense monkey bars contest when you fell. You didn’t remember much, the ambulance ride to A&E, maybe. Being comforted in your hospital bed as you awaited X-ray results with cuddles and cookies, definitely. Not a lot of pain, not a lot of suffering. You never got back on the monkey bars after that though. Competing with the other kids just felt like a bad idea after that. You learned to run your own race, and you’d been living like that for over a decade.
Your left hand twinged, aching slightly. Maybe it was that the bones never realigned on your wrist, but it was most likely due to the intense keyboard-pressing you’d been doing for the last five hours. You weren’t big on MCC, you were a builder rather than a combative player, and that suited you just fine. You tuned in once a month, sure, but that was mainly to support. You and Tommy had been dating for eight whole MCCs now, and he’d been the one to encourage you to apply. 
Your shooting skills were… fine. You knew how to play the game, of course, you’d been playing it for over half your life. You just didn’t do much of it recently, hence the two hour practice you’d taken before the start of the event. The first game had been Parkour Warrior, which happened to be your best. The early confidence boost (combined with the encouraging messages you and Tommy had been exchanging on Discord between each event, unbeknownst to your chats) had helped you - you’d come in second overall. But by the fifth game your team wasn’t even in the top 5. You were nervous, worried about letting your team down but, as Phil rightfully pointed out you had “did the best out of all of us, dude.” You’d been really lucky with your team. Everyone on it was someone you knew at least vaguely. You’d spoken to Phil a bunch since starting your relationship with Tommy, and he’d been a big help. Shelby and Oli, your other two teammates were both complete sweethearts and you’d loosened up massively since the beginning of the event. 
Things picked up after SkyBattle, and no one in your chat even noticed when you and Tommy took breaks at the same time (two waterbottle refills and a reassuring kiss that had you on your A-Game for the last hour and a half of the event). 
And then came DodgeBolt. 
Your shooting skills were fine. Truly, but your entire team getting killed in less than five minutes leaving you and Scott in the arena alone. You were silent, focusing too hard on not dying to even think about addressing your chat. Phil was murmuring encouragement into the VC that you were actively tuning out in an attempt to concentrate. Tommy was sitting at his desk three rooms away, quiet as a mouse. He hadn’t moved in so long that his chat had started spamming lag. He had been trying not to be too obvious about it, but it was you versus the manager of the event engaged in a 1v1 for your first time in the contest. Your hand was cramping and you were biting the inside of your cheek so hard it was painful, but you had an arrow and a shot. Scott had an arrow as well, and you knew that if you left it any longer he’d get you, so you let your instincts take over and let it go. 
Shelby was screaming in the VC before you could comprehend what had just happened, and before you could even move arms were around you. Your office door had swung open as your golden retriever of a boyfriend all but lifted you out of your chair, pressing a proud kiss to your lips. 
“Oh my god,” you murmured, face hidden in the blue fabric of his shirt. “I won?”
“You won!” Tommy was yelling, grin taking over his face.
You let out a squeal of delight as you kissed the corner of his mouth in return, your temple being peppered with supportive kisses. “I won! Chat, oh my god-” You turned back towards your stream and were suddenly struck with the fact that you were, in fact, broadcasting this live. “Chat. Oh my god.”
Tommy was suddenly very still. You did a double take between your monitor, chat zipping past so fast it was making your head spin, and your boyfriend. You had about three seconds to make a move before it was awkward and you already knew that the cat was out of the bag. You’d be trending on twitter within an hour if you weren’t already. 
“Chat, I won!” You turned back to Tommy, wrapping your arms around his neck. Tommy was stiff, but you pressed a kiss to his jawline, right below his ear, out of frame of your camera. “We’re okay, boyfriend,” your voice was soft as you held him, his hands coming up on your back, squeezing you tightly. 
That snapped him out of it, and suddenly the two of you were back to screaming. “I’m so proud of you,” you were swaying on the spot, you gazing past his arm to your monitor, evidence of your win right there on your screen.
“I love you,” he kissed your hairline. “Girlfriend.”
He had to get back to his chat eventually and you needed to get back in the VC with the rest of your team members, exchanging congratulations. You hung around on the server for another twenty minutes before excusing yourself and finishing up the stream. You and Tommy had both silently agreed to not address what had happened and you reconvened in the hallway half an hour after the end of the event. Sitting on the sofa, you pulled out your phone and were immediately introduced to the downside of having a famous boyfriend. His full weight was put on your, your phone slipping out of your grasp and between the couch cushions. He mumbled into your neck. “No twitter. Don’t care.”
Your hands delved into his curls as he closed his eyes. “But-”
He lifted his head off your chest to glare at you and you missed the weight. “Fine. But you’re ordering me dinner after my spectacular win.”
He laughed, rumble of his chest spreading warmly throughout your entire body. “You don’t even need your phone, see. You’ve got me, and don’t worry, yes I called the papers to tell them how well you did. Being a girlfriend gets you perks.”
“Being a boyfriend gets you perks, too.” You point out.
Tommy lifted his head again, only slightly, eyebrows raised. You kissed him one more time and he nodded, content. “I think maybe I win, actually.”
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duckprintspress · 1 month
Become an Advance Reader for Duck Prints Press!
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Reviews are essential for showing prospective readers that we’re publishing awesome books that they want to buy and read. We’re looking to recruit an active group of people who post reviews of our work, and to do that we need your help! For the first time, we’re offering Advance Reader Copies (ARCs) of one of our projects: Aether Beyond the Binary, our most recent anthology, featuring 17 stories of characters outside the gender binary exploring modern-esque aetherpunk worlds.
How it works: You see this post. You think, oh, I love reading! I love leaving reviews! I want to join the Duck Prints Press Reviewer Program! Then, you go and read the rules for our Reviewer Program. And, if everything there sounds like something you can do, you fill out the form, and – we’ll be in touch! Even better: this program isn’t only for Aether Beyond the Binary, and isn’t only for “advance” titles. Our reviewers are encouraged to claim titles that are currently released, too, to help build up a robust collection of reviews of Duck Prints Press titles!
You must be over 18 years old.
You must be prepared to post reviews on Goodreads and/or Storygraph.
You must also post the review on the appropriate listing on the Duck Prints Press webstore (for advance titles, you’ll have to wait ’til we list them there).
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Reviews must be at least 100 words long must and engage with the actual content of the work being reviewed.
Reviews must be left within 6 months of claiming a title, or you will be removed from the program.
What isn’t Required:
That the reviews be positive. Reviews are for readers. We require that reviews be honest to your own experience of the work, not that they be glowing.
That you post the reviews to social media. Doing so is definitely a bonus, but you don’t have to.
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We’re accepting applicants for claiming Aether Beyond the Binary ARCs through April 10th, 2024. On the 11th, we’ll randomly select 25 of applicants to receive ARC copies of Aether Beyond the Binary. Everyone else will still be entirely welcome in the program and invited to start with a different, back-catalog book or story to review. We’ll make another pool of Aether Beyond the Binary ARCs available in May.
So… those are the basics. Interested? Go read the full rules, then apply to be a Duck Prints Press ARC reader TODAY!
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pickles4nickles · 9 months
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The whole Maui wildfires event is something that hits both figuratively and literally close to home for me (I live on O'ahu, so this whole thing basically involves my neighbors) and I wanna do something to help out. SO. If you make a $5 donation to either the Hawai'i Foodbank or Aloha United Way, I'll draw you a little sketch commission like these:
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I chose these two charities in specific because they've been around for a long time and I grew up hearing about them. I've also background checked them on Charity Navigator and they've gotten pretty good ratings, so your money isn't, like, being thrown into some shitter's bank account.
How it works (A step by step)
Make a donation to either Hawai'i Foodbank or Aloha United Way (Maui donations link). My Twitch streams have a donation link set up to Hawai'i Foodbank in the UI, so if you donate $5 through that way, that still counts and you can just request what you want while I'm live.
Screenshot your donation receipt and DM it to me either on Tumblr, Twitter, or Discord. I normally don't have DMs open to everyone, but for this brief period they will be. You can blur out your name and stuff, I just need to see the amount and that it went to one of the charities.
Lemme know what you want for your sketch! Usual commission rules of "don't request something you wouldn't show your grandma, but if you want boys kissing or something I may be able to oblige," no mechas, "I do have the right to decline your commission but I'm open to discussing other stuff" apply. Also send any relevant references!
These shouldn't take me too long to finish, but give me like 2-3 days because, y'know, life. But I will give you a timeline estimate.
I'll probably keep these open until September 12 or so, but depending on the mental spoons situation, I may close these early. We shall see.
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Marauders With Palestine Project FAQ
Can volunteers open themselves up to more prompts if availability changes/can people change the number of prompts they’ve marked themselves available for at a later time?
Absolutely! It will all depend on how many prompts we get, though.
Will there be a social way to contact other participants in the project?
Yes, they’ll all be added to a discord server shortly.
Where can people send proof of donation?
We’ll post the link to a form where the contributors will be able to send proof of donation as well as their prompt(s).
What is the deadline for art/fics/edits?
They may be posted all throughout June, so the hard deadline is June 30, 2024.
Do I have to post the art/fic/edits on my account when completed? (particularly for nsfw)
Preferably, yes. NSFW art can also be posted to ao3.
Will we be able to contact the person that submitted the prompt we're given, if we have any questions?
Yes, that will be possible. (Applies to art, fics, and edits)
Is it ok if participants don’t use discord/are only available for contact via email?
That’s perfectly fine, we can contact the participants via email, tumblr, or twitter, though discord is preferred.
How long will prompts be?
No longer than 100 words.
Are there any word count expectations for fics?
None at all, but we encourage writers to make their fics longer than 1.5k words.
Should the fics be tagged any specific way on ao3 to make it clear they’re for the project?
The fics need to be tagged with MWPProject 2024 Fandom Initiative, and they’ll also be added to a collection. 
Will prompts be filtered/checked for inappropriate/hateful content before they are given out?
Yes, any and all prompts will be checked and approved by the mods.
Can volunteers reject a prompt assigned to them if they are not comfortable with it?
Yes, the volunteers can contact the mods if they wish to change their prompts. 
How long do volunteers have to complete their contributions?
Prompts will be assigned between April 23-30th, and posting begins June 1. They can, however, post their works all throughout the month of June. 
If a volunteer doesn’t have any public socials, do they have to post their art/fic/edits?
They may create an ao3 account, there’s plenty of time for them to request one.
Do artists need to attach their names to the art?
If they want to remain anonymous, they may post their work to ao3 and we’ll keep it anonymous within the collection.
Are simple prompt requests ok?
The prompts can’t be longer than 100 words, so simple prompt requests are ok.
Would I need to donate the equivalent of 5USD or am I okay donating 5 dollars in my currency? (non US based donations)
It has to be the equivalent of 5USD in whichever currency you use.
Can someone donate on the behalf of another person who is unable to do so? 
Yes, they only need to let us know about it. 
May I post anonymously to the collection?
Do volunteers have to be a part of the discord server?
It’s not required but it is highly recommended.
Can you keep my email private/make sure it’s not shared outside of the mods?
Only the mods have access to the emails, you don’t need to worry about that.
Are there any preferences in terms of characterizations/appearances of characters?
No, but it is recommended to not be too specific so that the volunteers can work with their prompt as best as they can.
If donors have specific requests for how characters are drawn/written, will they be in contact with the volunteers assigned to their prompts? 
Yes, but at the end of the day, this isn’t commissioned fanwork, so the end result will be entirely up to the volunteer in question. Micromanaging will not be allowed.
If a volunteer is filling multiple prompts, can they decide how long each one is?
Yes they may.
Will prompts include tropes?
That is up to the donor, but being too specific with the prompt may make it hard for the assigned volunteer to fulfill it satisfactorily.
What will the prompts look like?
We will provide a form where the donors will be able to specify the pairing and their prompt. Please note: when listing pairings, use the Character Name x Character Name format (i.e. Remus x Sirius), versus ship names (i.e. Wolfstar), as some ship names aren’t well known, or vary across the fandom.
Does sketch mean actual sketch, or should there be a more polished final product?
Up to the artist, as styles and practices vary person to person. 
Can volunteers post their contributions on any social platforms?
Yes, they can.
Should writers characterize based on their own headcanons, or based off the wishes of the prompter?
The priority is fulfilling the prompt as it’s been given, but the volunteers can find a middle ground if they’re not entirely comfortable with something.
Where/who can I contact if later questions arise?
You can send an ask to the MWPP blog, or you can send an email to [email protected]. All mods tumblr urls are listed on the MWPP blog, and all mods will be available to answer questions in the discord server as well. 
How will we navigate if a volunteer is assigned a prompt they are uncomfortable with?
You may contact the mods and we’ll change it, bit please only do so if the prompt is genuinely something you cannot work with, as reassigning prompts may be troublesome for the mods.
Will I have to explicitly state in the final product that it was created for the project?
Do I have to post the fic/art/edit, or can I just send it to the prompter?
It needs to be posted, but it may be posted anonymously via ao3.
Can I participate as an artist with a collage rather than a drawing?
We won’t be accepting collages, as that is technically not original work and it wouldn’t be fair for the prompter.
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actual-changeling · 9 months
Hi, you can call me Alex or whatever variation of my username you'd like. <3
I'm in my early twenties, use mainly they/them pronouns, and there is a lot wrong with my brain (both affectionately and in a decidedly not fun way). I have memory issues, so I can and will forget things, including replying to messages. You are ALWAYS invited to send me a reminder—please, please do, I will not be offended, pinky promise.
This blog is 90% fandom, 5% personal shit and 5% misc posts that I like. My inbox and DMs are open, so feel free to message me and interact however you like! If there's something you want me to see, I don't mind getting tagged in posts either.
Please don't be an asshole, and you can find my opinions/rules about discourse on my blog right here. I'm incredibly bad at judging my own tone, so if I come across as overly intense or upset, chances are I am actually not—I'm just passionate about the things I enjoy.
Mulder and Scully have taken over my brain and body, and I don't think they will leave me alone ever again.
I will be tagging spoilers for any newly released shows and episodes. If there is something you would like me to tag spoilers for, just shoot me an ask or dm!
Currently following and tagging for:
The X Files: alex watches x files
Doctor Who: alex watches doctor who, dw spoilers
(PJO The Series: pjo spoilers) show is on hiatus
The Magnus Protocols: alex listens to tmagp, tmagp spoilers
I write fanfiction both here on tumblr and on ao3 under actualchangeling. Requests or ideas are fine, though I cannot make any promises.
Wanna chat with other people about good omens? I have a discord you can join, mostly angelfish focused but we talk about all our beloved idiots.
My other misc current active special interests are Doctor Who and Good Omens, but I dabble in a lot of other fandoms, too. Among those are Marvel/Iron Man, Lucifer, TLOU, The Magnus Archives, Welcome to Night Vale, Prospect (2018), and many more.
My tag system for original posts applies to all fandoms I am currently actively engaging with and follows the same patterns. I tag spoilers when I remember to for about a week, so consider this blog to be very much NOT spoiler free.
alex talks x -> meta, analysis, interpretation, or opinion posts
alex writes x -> either self-promotion or tumblr specific ficlets, without any fandom addition it's original writing of some kind
Any personal posts that are not fandom related are tagged as following; feel free to block them if you're just here for the fandom madness!! I really do not mind.
alex yells at the void -> misc personal stuff
alex gets personal -> potentially triggering discussions of my trauma or mental health, vent posts
Last but not least, the tag for my queue is I’ll follow queue anywhere you go. It's a TLOU reference for those who are curious.
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Signups for the Fourth Annual Jaime x Brienne Fic Exchange 2023 are now open! 
What is the Jaime x Brienne Fic Exchange?
For the past few years, we’ve been running a mid-year (or thereabouts) exchange for all JB writers. Interested writers sign up via the above form, and are assigned prompts from another participant. They must then write one completed fic of at least 1000 words incorporating one (or more, if inspiration strikes!) of these prompts. Fics are then posted, anonymously, between August 21st and September 4th, before identities are revealed on September 12th! 
By the end of the exchange, a participant will have written one fic and received one fic. There is no upper limit on the length of the fic you can write, however it must be completed and fully posted by September 4th.
Is there a requirement to join?
You must have an AO3 account and be willing to write a complete story of at least 1000 words before the due date. It doesn’t matter if you’re an old pro or it’s your first time writing a fic for the fandom, or even your first time writing a fic ever. 
The only other requirement is that if you participated in the past and did not complete a fic or inform us before the no fault default date, you must complete a Little Oathkeeper of at least 1000 words before participating this year. (Unsure whether this applies to you? Please reach out and I’ll check!)
How does matching work?
We use Google Forms to try to ensure everyone gets prompts within their expressed interests. When you sign up, you will answer some questions about both your reading and writing preferences–ratings, canons, squicks and triggers–as well as supply three prompts. The organisers will then match you with someone whose preferences and prompts align with yours on as many points as possible, while keeping an element of randomisation. If you’re interested in reading E-rated book canon, we won’t assign your prompts to someone only interested in writing T-rated modern AU! 
What are prompts?
Prompts can be anything really! Maybe it’s your favourite trope, or a song that makes you think of Jaime and Brienne. Maybe there’s a piece of fanart that makes your heart go pitter-patter, or a fic premise you would love to see. All forms of prompts are welcome, though we ask you to keep in mind that they are meant to be a jumping off point for your writer and anything too sparse or too detailed might be difficult. A good rule of thumb is to provide prompts that would get your own mind whirling with possibilities! 
What are the key dates?
Signups are open from TODAY until MAY 28TH, 23:59 UTC. (What time is that for me?)
Assignments will be sent out by JUNE 5TH, and completed fics must be posted by SEPTEMBER 4TH. This is a later writing window than previous years due to some real life commitments.
Consequence-free dropout deadline is AUGUST 14TH. Any writers who dropout after this date or have incomplete fics at the end of the posting window will need to write a bonus gift before participating in future exchanges.
Fics are to be anonymously posted in the Ao3 collection between AUGUST 21ST and SEPTEMBER 4TH, and authors will be revealed SEPTEMBER 12TH. 
Fic posting guidelines will be published closer to the due date.
Are you doing Knight Writers again?
Of course! Life happens and you may not be able to complete a fic on time, and that’s okay! Knight writers are wonderful volunteers who will step in and write a fic when people are unable to complete their assignment. This year knight write requests will go out via email and the Transformatives Werks Discord, and you don’t need to be an exchange participant to join–just keep your eyes peeled on Discord, or shoot me an email as [email protected] to be added to the mailing list for Knight Write requests.
Any questions? Send an ask!
Sign up here
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anachronism-ahitzine · 6 months
Anachronism Applications open now til the 18th!
Clarifications from questions asked:
Characters are NOT limited to a certain person. However, we just request that you list a few just in case one character gets saturated with requests and mods suggest you switch to a group piece or switch characters.
Shipping pieces are allowed but must remain PG.
Finished pieces should ideally remain unposted until closer to the zine publication date (February 2024) Posting sneak peeks is fine though!
Guidelines undercut:
This zine is all ages! As a result, please refrain from creating any content that wouldn’t be present in the game. There’s no theme planned, but if you want to find a way to incorporate the title into your piece, props to you!
All communication will be done through Discord due to the nature of this project. Mods will message you within a few days once applications have closed with the link to join.
Please submit the finished piece with the account(s) you want to be credited under and an icon to represent you in the discord during the final check-in (Jan.22) .
We want all characters to be represented! When applying, please submit a few characters you are interested in in the format of first choice, second choice, etc. Mods will contact you in the event that there are too many people requesting the same character. Cut characters are fine as choices as well! Group pieces are exempt from this.
OCs are fine to include in your piece, but please keep the AHIT characters as the main focus of the piece.
Totally optional, but feel free to submit a small blurb about your piece (2-4 sentences)! This will be attached to the piece at the bottom with your icon.
There will be three check-ins, including the submission date. The estimated timeline for them will be a few days during the weeks of Dec. 17th, Jan. 8th, and Jan. 21st. The zine completion date with all pieces submitted, edited, and published is the first week of February. Final dates will be posted in the discord once everyone has applied and we know the general number of people participating. Mods will give ample notice if this publishing deadline moves. Due to this, if you miss two check-ins without notifying mods, you will not be able to participate and will be dropped.
Artists (illustrations/comics):
Pieces should meet the minimum dimensions of 2500px/8.5in by 3300px/11in (letter size paper!) Ideally, send as a .png or .tiff
Pieces must be finished and fully coloured with the exception of comics after the first page. Comics must have the first page coloured but can have subsequent pages be monochrome. This means that unless the piece requires large amounts of white space, the background should not be left blank.
Please keep in mind that pieces that do not fit the dimensions will have to be rescaled and mods cannot ensure image quality will be the same.
Please sign somewhere on the piece! I want the art to be credited correctly. If you don’t, I’ll add a small watermark with the account you want to be credited.
Each piece of allotted a space of 5 pages or 2500 words. If you feel as though what you want to write would go over this amount, contact one of the mods and we can discuss it.
All forms of writing are allowed. However, if the piece needs to be formatted a certain way, please send it as a PDF so I can ensure the format is correct. Otherwise, please send as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf
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findroleplay · 1 year
Rules: do’s & don’ts
There is almost no rule for what is or isn't allowed on this blog, we are accepting of basically all and any content. When something is not allowed there is a good reason for it, so please try not to break the rules.
What you can not post
Anything too explicit. Detailed NSFW starters, graphic GIFs or pictures used as decoration and the like. If you really want to share a detailed vision of the scene that will be acted out in the roleplay, send a link to google docs, carrd, another post, etc that people can check out. This is primarily about smut but it applies to gore as well. To be super clear, smut and gore are not banned from the blog, you can request any kink/situation you like, but you will need to discuss the details with your partners. For example, asking for a BDSM roleplay is fine, writing out details of the smut scene in your request is not. This is to avoid possible reports based on the NSFW ban.
Wait 24 hours before submitting again from the moment the ask is posted. You can post ads requesting different RPs, just not the same ask. This is to avoid cluttering.
It goes without saying, this is RP only. You can't send requests for dating or similar.
You can only send ads through asks or submissions. If you need help with those I'll be happy to lend a hand, but don't send your requests via DMs. If the inbox is closed it means it's full/I'm not active, please be patient and, again, don't try to get your ad in through DMs. I won't be able to post your ad from DMs.
That's it, pretty easy, right?
What you can post
Generally, anything not mentioned above is allowed. However, since some things get asked often, I will make a general list of things that are allowed for your convenience.
RPF is allowed. 
Discord servers and other groups are allowed. 
Things related to RPing, even if not strictly roleplay-seeking, are allowed. Other roleplay finders, RP resources, and even questions about roleplaying are all allowed. 
Minors are allowed. 
Dead dove content is allowed.
What you should/shouldn't do
Your ask will be published even if you don't abide by these rules. However, keeping this in mind will make for a better experience for everyone involved.
Be as clear as possible about the fandom and other relevant information. I can't tag it if you don't tell me where these blorbos come from. If the fandom has alternate names/acronyms include everything!
If you're going to include more than 20 fandoms in your search, split the post into two separate requests. There's a maximum of 30 tags allowed on a post, out of which only the first 20 will show up in searches. If you include more, the rest will go untagged/will not show up in searches.
Don't censor triggers. It just interferes with people that have these words blocked. Don't write inc*st, write incest.
Miscellaneous other stuff
I am not the police, your parents, or HR. If you have a disagreement with your RP buddy I can't intervene to solve it for you, nor can I put them in time out. Unpleasant things happen online, learn to block and move on. Please don't message me - or worse, send anon asks - with callouts for certain users and ask them to block/warn others.
If you feel stuck and the blank page is daunting, you can use this form as a base. Feel free to fill out everything, just some of it, add items I didn't include, or just send your own personal ad.
Pair: (fxf, mxf, mxm, ccxcc, ocxoc)
Plot ideas:
Where: (discord, Tumblr, reblogs..)
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gigi-the-writer · 1 month
Hi! My name is GiGi! I’m a gender-fluid teenager and I’m taking commissions for the first time to collect money to save up for moving out at 18 and getting away from my religious household, or once I can get a real job and drive.
How it works is that you’ll DM me either on discord or on tumblr, describe your request, you pay half of your total, I’ll write it out and collect the other half when I’m done.
3$ for headcanons (200 words) 5$ for each 100 words you want to add to the 200
15$ for a story (1200 words) 10$ for each 500 words you want added
I only take Cashapp! DM me and I will give it to you.
Alright let’s get to fandoms!!
Villainous is the only fandom I will be writing for now as it’s the only one I’m motivated to write. I may add more in the future
The characters I will write for are:
Dr Flug
5.0.5 (Platonic only!)
I’m a minor, I don’t wanna see nsfw nor do I wanna write it
Commissions at max will take about 5 days to a week, the lowest being about 2 days.
The rules in my pinned post apply to my commissions as well.
I can do platonic, romantic, or just general headcanons about the requested character!
I don’t do character x character because I’m just not good at it.
I can do OCs!
Not too much detail unless you’re asking for a story. If you’re asking for a story then specify the plot as much as you want.
Dm me either here or on my discord
Check out my headcanons and other work and decide whether you’d like to commission!
This is my first time doing commissions, please be patient while I try to figure things out.
If you will not commission, I ask for you to reblog or boost in some way please!!
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ezras--moon · 11 months
Hot Knife
named after this Fiona Apple song
Came up with this idea a few days ago, talking about it on Discord with the hoes I decided it needed to happen immediately.
Feeding Javi on his yacht turns into something more delicious than fruit.
18+ Minors do not interact
word count: 2623
Warnings: food play, oral (m receiving), Javi G being a whimpering mess, spoiled boy Javi
Tumblr media
 Applying a fresh layer of sunscreen to his glowing skin, curls still wet from the dip in the sea you’d just taken together, wearing only a towel wrapped loosely around his hip - you couldn’t help but ogle Javi.
The sun was relentless this afternoon, but that made the fruit you were eating somehow even more delicious and satiating. Thinking about grabbing the can of whipped cream out of the cooler off to his side, an idea sprouted in your head.
These strawberries were dark red, almost overripe, parts of them even softening already, but the sweet deliciousness was only outperformed by your lover’s presence next to you.
“Baby, hurry up, I wanna feed you” you purred, your sunglasses sliding down your nose just enough for his devastating beauty to nearly blind you, sending a tingle of affection through you.
He put the sunscreen back underneath his lounge chair where the sun wouldn’t heat it up too much, then curled his soft lips into a smile. “You want to feed me?” “Yes.” you emphasized, getting out of your seat and crossing the distance between your bodies. 
Then, impatiently, you straddled his lap, his hands instantly finding your hips and squeezing you with a low hum in his chest.
The scent of the lotion mixed with the salty air of the coast, a warm breeze tickling you as you reached over to pick up a particularly large strawberry with chocolate sauce drizzled on, messily dripping down onto his chest and getting your fingers sticky.
“Open up”, you said, one hand splayed on his sternum as the other brought the sweet red fruit up to his mouth. A low chuckle rumbled in his chest and he complied with your request. Your own mouth agape, eyes locked on his lips and tongue as he let you pop it into his mouth, not without more chocolate sauce getting all over his chin.
You leaned down to lick him clean and he laughed; a beautiful sound, making your heart jump.
As he chewed, you’d already picked up a piece of pineapple to follow up with, and he cocked his head curiously.
“Is feeding me really all you’re looking to do right now, princesa?” he teased.
“Be quiet and let me do this, baby” you shut him up, pushing the juicy yellow fruit against his lips.
His hands began to wander, first up your sides, then coming to rest on your thighs where he pawed and squeezed.
The yacht gently swayed in the waves, just off the coast and out of view from the harbor, and you watched Javi chew. A deep breath of relaxation rose and fell in his chest and he closed his eyes for a moment, enjoying the weight of your body trapping him right there and the tastes of the treats you were feeding him.
“Yeah, that’s right baby, open wide” you cooed when a particularly big piece of watermelon found its way in front of his handsome face. He whimpered at your words, squirming a little underneath you.
As the juice ran down his chin and neck, he reached over to grab a handful of grapes, tilting your chin down with the pad of his thumb and groaning at your lips closing around his fingers and sucking as he fed every single one to you.
You leaned in to tongue and lap away more of the juice on his face and kissed him softly at first, growing hungrier for something other than fruit.
“Hand me the cream” you breathed, nudging his nose with your own, then discarding your sunglasses off to the side. He popped open the cooler next to his lounge chair; the hundreds of ice cubes inside glistened like his wet lips in the sun.
“My love, what are you-” he began, but was cut off by you gently pushing two of your fingers between his lips and onto his tongue, and he sucked on them lightly. “Good boy” you praised, “such a good boy for me, baby.”
He whined, a desperate and needy sound that vibrated through his chest and into your fingers. With some polite pressure on his bottom teeth, you made him open his mouth again and squirted some of the whipped cream onto his pink tongue.
It made you smile, the way he took everything you were giving him so eagerly, just the way you liked it.
Your fingers stayed where they were, encased in his hot mouth as he let the cream melt into a puddle and dribble down onto his clavicle.
“God, you’re beautiful - you’re so hot, Javi” you hissed as you slowly pulled your hand away from his face and steadied yourself on his chest.
Feeling him up, letting your fingertips go on a little adventure all over the expanse of his sun kissed skin, you found the trail of dark hair leading down beneath the towel.
He was blushing at your words, watching you get to work as you lifted your weight off of him and moved down between his knees, untucking the corner of his towel that was holding it in place.
His own hands gripped the armrests of his lounger, white knuckles as you sighed, enamored with the sight of him slowly coming into full view. 
You took your time peeling away the towel to either side of him and your eyes feasted on his soft tummy and his cock already half hard beneath your face.
But you didn’t let him have it all just yet - you were going to leave some marks first.
With a featherlight touch of your fingertips tickling the insides of his thighs you crawled up to nuzzle his neck, feeling his strong arms loop around your shoulders as you pressed open-mouthed kisses and bites to his skin like leaving your personal signature on a work of art.
The chocolate sauce picked up off the little table between the loungers came in handy then as you popped off the cap and painted a generous swirl around his left nipple, the syrupy sweetness quickly laved away by your eager tongue.
Javi hissed when you circled his nipple, closing your lips around it and giving it a soft nudge with the tip of your tongue before coming back up with a wet pop. “Fuck” he breathed between gritted teeth, a shudder rocking through him.
You grinned before kissing his mouth again, this time letting your tongue gently press into his own, the delicious sweetness of the fruit still lingering.
You parted with a string of saliva connecting your lips to his before it broke and dribbled onto his chin where he wiped it away with the back of his palm, darkened eyes watching you go down between his legs.
Javi reached out to brush your hair behind your ears and cup your cheeks in his palm as you settled in a somewhat comfortable position with the whipped cream in one hand and the chocolate sauce in the other, planning to make him moan and beg for your pussy right there.
“I love you” you almost sang with a smile; he smiled back, crows’ feet at the edges and dimple prominent as ever, and the soft skin of his thighs was so warm and inviting.
You used him as your culinary canvas as you had the cream and the sauce turn him into a walking dessert platter. He took the initiative to hand you the tray of fruits and berries, which you accepted with a giggle and put down at his feet within your reach.
Squishing a strawberry and some raspberries into pulp and letting the juice and the cold mush mingle with the mess on his belly, you finally came down propped up on your elbows and lapped at his skin.
Was it healthy to eat away the sunscreen like this?
It didn’t matter to you then, all you could think about was the heavenly sounds he was about to make at your command.
He watched you lick him clean with his mouth agape, burning desire in his eyes and huffing breaths increasingly desperate as you worked your way down to his happy trail.
The hair was sticky with chocolate sauce, the mix of the flavors so good you let him hear a moan first, hoping to encourage him to join in the wordless love song - and he did.
A pained groan in his throat as he carded his fingers through your hair, the deep rumble in his chest spurring you on to wrap your hand around the base of his shaft.
His groan was cut off by a gasp when you flattened your tongue against the underside of his cock, licking up to the ridge just below the thick head where you left a sloppy wet kiss.
Your fist just lightly tightened around his girth and he grew even harder, making it difficult to form a fully closed grip around him.
Leaving kitten licks at the most sensitive parts you let him wait a while longer for your mouth to capture him completely. You wanted to watch him fall apart bit by bit, knew which buttons you could push to get him there.
“Please, my love” he finally breathed, and you smiled at him. “Not yet, big guy” you denied, instead letting the chocolate sauce aid you a little bit in your quest to turn him into your main course of the day.
You spread the sticky liquid all over him with your hand, giving him a few tugs and earning a gorgeous array of breathy grunts and his fingers in your hair curling and tugging at the roots.
His cock looked so filthy like that, glistening in the sun, completely covered in burnt umber sweetness. Finally, you fed him into your mouth agonizingly slowly, torturing him for as long as you could muster before you’d grow impatient yourself.
The heady taste of him, just the tiniest hint of sea water lingering there, along with the chocolate was new and exciting and you hummed at your discovery - this was something you’d have to have again some time.
Making a mental note of it and tucking it away neatly behind your bubbling need to feel him hit the back of your throat, you let him guide your head further down his length until your nose was buried in his dark curls there.
You swallowed around him once, twice, making him buck his hips in reflex with a gasp, before moving back up and sucking away the sauce you’d coated him in.
“So needy” you tutted, stroking him languidly and keeping your eyes fixed on his. There was this intoxicating glint in them, his lashes and thick curls of hair slowly drying in the sun shielding him from the sting of the light burning down.
“Yes, I am so needy” he agreed, stroking your cheek with his thumb and loosening the grip he had on your hair as he smoothed it away from your face.
He was slowly getting to where you wanted him, but it wasn’t quite enough yet. Slowly continuing to pump him with your fist, you leaned in to leave a trail of wet kisses from his balls to his inner thigh, settling there to leave another mark matching the ones peppering his throat.
Javi’s breath became increasingly labored as he watched you suck, lick and bite at the sensitive skin and soon there was a beautiful reddish bruise blossoming under your lips.
Giving it a loving peck before going to throat him once again, you watched him sink down and lean back in his seat, head rolling back with his eyes closed, giving you a wanton cry.
You hummed around him, vibrations through his groin turning him into even more of a mess in your hands. Whipped cream came into play when you squirted a straight line of it right over the juncture of his hip and his thigh, wiggling your tongue as you ate it up - and he was eating it up too, with his eyes feasting on what you were doing to him.
“Baby, please, I need it, please” he begged then, breathless and eager to fill a hole, any hole, and those words finally convinced you to give him what he craved.
“Want me to make you cum in my mouth, sweet boy?” you asked, loving the way he squirmed and leaned into your touch when you made him plead for release.
“Fuck- god, yes, please” he whined, and with one more satisfied smile you went back down on him.
He filled your mouth so tightly, lush and thick and warm just like his skin in the sun, your right hand finding his soft belly and your left loose around the base as you drooled all over him.
You got him nice and wet, coming up for air and to spit on the head, spreading your saliva with your hand generously pumping - he was so hard.
You let your jaw go slack and started to bob your head, twisting and slurping and humming against him as the series of whines and grunts you’d been craving filled your ears.
The noises he made were praise enough for you, but they came paired with soft reassurance in words whispered as the waves splashed against the luxurious boat. The sound of seagulls fighting over fish and crabs in the distance and the wind in your hair were fading into the background.
“Oh- oh, god, yes baby” he babbled, tilting his head and biting down on his lip “keep going, don’t stop, please”
You had no intention to stop now.
You’d teased him enough to get him there quickly and the way he was throbbing on your tongue indicated he would be filling your mouth with his release soon - you couldn’t wait any longer either.
A palm cupping his balls and gently thumbing at the soft skin coaxed a filthy, guttural groan from his chest, his fingers in your hair curling tight again.
With a wet pop, you let him fall from your lips only to huff a command, “cum all over my tongue, beautiful boy”
He was back in your mouth in an instant, sucked down your throat and pulsing as his thighs tensed up and the intricacies of his pebbling skin around his trimmed hair all you could see with how deep he was buried.
Then, he did as you’d told him a second ago and his hot release hit the roof of your mouth and then the back of your throat as you kept bouncing your head on his cock like any of your other holes usually would.
Tight lips closed, you caught all of it, not a drop escaping the suckling vacuum you formed around him. 
His guttural moan punctuated by his hips bucking into your face satisfied you deeply and yet left you wanting more. Your hands were all over him then as you moved off his cock and back into his lap to kiss him with your mouth full of his cum.
You shared his release like it was the whipped cream long forgotten rolling away from the lounge chairs and leaving speckles of white all over the wooden flooring.
He moaned into the kiss as if you were still sucking his fat cock, which was twitching with residual pleasure underneath you. 
Steady on his shoulders, swallowing what was left of him in your mouth and parting with one last sloppy kiss on his pillowy lips, you cradled your head in the crook of his neck, his arms looping tightly around you.
He held you there as he caught his breath and you listened to his heartbeat, smiling to yourself. 
Yeah - you could do this every day for the rest of your life.
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srmt-zine · 7 months
At last, some details!
(A while back on @srmthg we had a zine interest check, and it remains open for any additional suggestions/feedback about what you'd like the zine to be (you can also shoot this blog an ask) but I don't plan on doing a second interest check. If enough people feel this is a mistake, there's still time to do one, but as it stands I don't see the point. I will continue to accept feedback and take it into account moving forward!)
By the way, my name is @netbug009 and I'm your friendly head mod for this project! This will be my first time running a zine, but I've been helping run projects in this fandom for 18 years!
The Format
SRMTHG Zine (cooler name tbd) will be a free PDF zine scheduled to release on September 18th, 2024, AKA the 20th anniversary of the series' first episode!
I know a lot of folks (myself included) like to have nice, shiny, hard copies of zines, and I hope to get the zine onto a publishing on demand site such as Lulu to let people buy them at-print-cost if they'd like, but a free digital edition will be the first priority. Since this zine is a celebration of the anniversary of a relatively small fandom, I want as many people to be able to access and enjoy it as possible! Plus, this is my first time running a zine, so I think it's smart to keep it simple. This also lets us worry less about page counts - if a lot of cool people contribute cool stuff, a PDF can be a chonk as we want!
The Content
The zine will include both fanart and fan fiction (and maybe even a few QR codes to some other digital goodies like AMVs and fanmixes if there's enough contributor interest!)
Light shipping will be allowed, with a few exceptions - no adult x child and no monkey x human ships will be allowed. (This was THE overwhelming request in the interest check and is not open for debate.)
We're going for a general vibe and love the idea of getting copies into the hands of voice actors/staff, which should give you a rough idea of the type of content we're going for - if it's too creepy/fetishy to hand to Ciro at a convention, it's too creepy/fetishy for the book. (That said, Monkey Team is a very silly and weird show with a love for classic horror tropes so I hope people don't let that limit their imaginations too much if they wanna do something spoopy!)
NO AI WORK WILL BE USED OR ACCEPTED IN THE CREATION OF THIS ZINE. I hope that'd be a given but just to be 100% clear, no.
The (Rough) Timeline
March 2024 - Contributor Applications Open!
April 22nd - Zine members selected and invited to Discord
May 1st - Zine members finalized
June 1st - Zine check-in 1
July 1st - Zine check-in 2
August 1st - Zine pieces due!
September 1st - Zine layout finalization due!
September 18th - ZINE RELEASED!
You might notice this is a pretty long timeline for a zine and we're starting pretty early; because this fandom is fairly small and this is a big occasion, I want to provide extra time so that as many people can hear about the project and participate as possible.
If you're looking for something to do until contributor apps open, SIGNAL BOOST, SIGNAL BOOST, SIGNAL BOOST! Reblog, post to Twitter, tell your friends, get the word out so this can be the biggest celebration it possibly can! If you make any graphics in your quest to help get the word out, PLEASE tag this blog so they can be shared!
Aaaand that's the basics! Again, feel free to send an ask with any additional questions. If you're considering applying in January, it's never too early to start sketching/considering ideas!
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cgfreddy · 10 months
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[Not my image]
Hello! You've reached a littlespace checkpoint! I am Glamrock Freddy/Viktor, but for nicknames a lot of people use Fred, Viks, Glammy, Papa, or Dad!
I am a part of the Greenlight System!
My pronouns are He/They/Blue/Red/Electric
This blog is specifically to reach littles who:
☆》Don't have a caregiver
☆》Don't have a babysitter
☆》Need support or encouragement
☆》Feel embarrassed about being small
☆》Are looking for requests that aren't closed
☆》Just need someone to talk to, not even that sometimes just a hug!
☆》But you can stay here too, even if this doesn't apply to you [But if your blog contains NSFW, go away]
I am always open to DMs and requests or asks unless there's a family event going on in my life! of so, my inbox will say so. But you can still request if you're okay with it being later
☆》Request anything you'd like!
]]Must be SFW
]]Banner, Icon, Moodboard, Stimboard, Coloring page, Emojis, Product Recommendations, Paci Edits, CG or Little Headcannons, Short little stories
]]May take a bit to get to yours, but I hope its okay!
☆》DM me if you ever want to talk or need a cg or babysat!
If you DM me, let me know if you use tone tags beforehand please! And in your first message, explain why you're DMing me
I am very happy to be able to get to know you all!
I can gladly have the following content with requests, but it isn't required
Disability Aids
Discord Designs
Color pallet specifics
Fandoms I will do
Sun and Moon Show [+TSBS]
Hello Kitty/Sanrio
Adventure Time
Steven Universe
Teen Titans Go
Blues Clues
Sesame Street
Slime Rancher
Yo Gabba Gabba
We Bare Bears
What I will not do with requests
Thank you for your time! Have a great stay~
Hey look, a littlespace safe haven for all sfw littles!
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-Glamrock Freddy [Greenlight System]
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sasslett · 8 months
FFXIV Swap 2: Enchanted Balls and Haunted Halls!
The time has come - FFXIV Swap #2 is upon us! There are some key differences from #1, for the sake of making a better (and more organized) event!
This time (and for all future swaps, most likely), there's a host of themes for you to choose from! Our second swap's themes are: Masquerade, All Saint's Wake or Autumn! Who doesn't love a midnight, mysterious masked ball? Or perhaps some harrowing haunts in the spirit of the spooky season? Or mayhap you just love the colors and aesthetics of fall?
Signups are on our Discord server exclusively! To sign up, you must join the Discord server and react beneath the announcement post to have your name added to the list! Link here: https://discord.gg/KskCdHT5
What is this, anyway? FFXIV Swap is an event in which you will be assigned a partner (at random) and will make some manner of gift featuring their FFXIV WoL/OC! Gifts in swap #1 ranged from gpose and writing and art all the way to decks of cards, drink recipes and custom weapons. The creativity of our community knows no bounds!
Changes from Swap #1: We will now have a deadline. This was a hard decision to make, but it's just too hard to have people waiting months on end for a gift when they finish in the first few weeks. The deadline is still plenty generous, giving two months to complete your gift, making the deadline for this swap December 3rd!
FFXIV Only! I'm sure your OCs for other media are awesome but this is a XIV specific event (and our server is likewise XIV specific)
Any type of gift is allowed, so long as it features your partner's OC in some manner! No, you can't choose what kind of gift you're getting and no we will not be pairing people based on what kind of gifts they want (this isn't a free art trade).
Any skill level allowed! So long as your gift comes from the heart and you put your effort into it.
Gifter/creator chooses the theme they'd like to use - no, you can't request which theme your gift will be.
Likewise, all gifts must in some way associate with one of the chosen themes! You can do more than one theme if you'd like but only one is required.
Only one OC unless your gifter says otherwise!
No discriminating for/against mods. If you use them, keep in mind your gifter may not, and you cannot require them to download anything they don't want to create your gift.
If you participated in swap #1 and have not finished your gift by the start of swap #2 (Oct 1), you will not be able to participate in swap #2 (exceptions to this rule apply! I know many of you had temporary setbacks or weren't able to finish yet due to issues with your partners. If you want to participate but have not finished yet, please contact me and we'll look into it!)
Discord only! Tumblr is too difficult to organize on, so to participate, you MUST be a member and sign up on the FFXIV Swap discord linked above. You do NOT have to be social but you do have to be able to be contacted on discord!! This also means having a Tumblr blog is NOT required this time!
Have fun! Further, less important rules are on discord.
Sign ups close on Sept 30, and pairings will be randomly generated and posted on Oct 1! We hope to see you there!
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discord-emote-customs · 4 months
Pinned Post/Info!
Welcome to my emoji drawing side blog! Here you can request for me to draw any discord emotes you'd like. Everything is free to use for its original purpose, if used for other purposes please credit this blog!!
Will not draw: NSFW, slurs (reclaimed or not), heavy gore, non-emoji people, discriminatory emojis, backgrounds to emojis (does not apply if it is the emoji itself), asl/hand emojis, and animations.
Will draw: Basically everything else, but this can change! This includes wordmojis, emoji people, animals, pride stuff, and anything disorder/neurodivergent/mental illness/medical condition related. Will draw religion/belief related emojis.
Everything will be tagged accordingly, so if you see something you don't like, don't complain! Simply block the tag!
I can and will refuse anything I don't want to do, so please don't take it personally.
Main blog: @arunningjoke
About me: You can call me Zen/Chara/Knife/Vela/Zaniah/Mira/Fulu and my pronouns are she/they/it/he with any neos (no emojipronouns!)
DNI: NSFW/kink/paraphillia/fetish blogs, no LGBTQ+phobia, ableism (of EVERY kind!!!), and those with gacha/Noelle Holiday (Deltarune) profiles (just request with anon, gacha is a trigger for me and Noelle makes me extremely EXTREMELY uncomfortable T^T")
The emoji archive carrd
Other stuff to know:
If you send me anything to base an emoji/emojis on and dont give a creator + don't have proof of permission, I'll either ask for creator/proof of permission via private answer, or if you're on anon, I'll just delete your request.
If you want to edit/recolor my emojis and put them anywhere but discord, link the post the original emojis you are using are in. When using for Discord, put EDITED or NOTMINE in the name. If someone asks who made it, link the post the original emojis you are using are in. Never never NEVER edit my emojis for hate speech or harassment or anything in my DNI. It's absolutely unacceptable behavior no matter what/who you are using them for/towards.
If you want to send in a lot of requests at once, please wait. At least one or two days between each request. On the other hand, you can put a bunch of stuff in one request. If it gets to be too much for me I'll post a bit and then reblog later with more/the rest so that people get their turn.
Requests are currently closed!
What I'm currently working on:
More samoyeds
Happy goldfish & taiyaki
Little holding highland cow plush
Little holding fox plush
Little cuddling mary meyers marshmallow stegosaurus plush
Little holding personal plush frustrated/overwhelmed/happy
Event stuff:
Frodo Baggins & Hobbit stims (ears, kicking feet) (Lord of the Rings)
Cupid (Kaitou Joker), Yatterchat
Marcy Wu (waving & hand flap stim) (Amphibia)
Martin & Jon (Magnus Archives)
Young Greg (basic emotions) (Steven Universe), Don Lothario (Sims 2)
Kangel (Needy Streamer Overload)
Zim (Invader Zim)
Sherlock Holmes (autism smile (???), "what's wrong with them"), Draco Malfoy (sipping coffee/tea in muggle cup), Agata Katsuhira ( "numb right now") (Kiznaiver) Noriko Sonozaki ("too much pain") (Kiznaiver), Lucifer Morningstar ("I'm better than you") (Lucifer Show)
Sprinkle & Blue (stims & wags) (Blues Clues)
Xion (hand flapping) (Kingdom Hearts)
Solar drinking out of a cup with a comically large silly straw (will make extra silly for friend)
The Shroud Siblings & Ortho Shroud (Twisted Wonderland)
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