#thinking of making this a seris bc its so fun… idk want to do next tho so open to suggestions 🫦
rewritingcanon · 1 year
hp next gen red flags for @sunflowersandscorpius 🫶🫶
rose: will think she is better than you because she reads something with more literary merit
albus: will act like such an asshole to you bc hes tired or hungry or something small but when you snap back at him he’s completely shocked like he didn’t just deserve that
scorpius: something bad will happen to him and his anxiety has him warning you and making you stress over the most random ass shit. like he’ll say “omg last week i said i felt pretty and i said ‘i feel pretty today’ and NOW i have a pimple on my chin. NEVER call yourself pretty. uh huh. in fact, never say anything good about yourself because you will accidentally JINX yourself yeah uh huh”
delphi: literally tortures kids she gives off the vibe of a weirdly conservative alt siege mask girl idk
victoire: will complain with you about how HARD that test was and how she is going to absolutely FAIL it bc she did so bad. then she will get a 98% and you will get a 67% or something and she’ll be like ‘omg you did so well! 🤭’
teddy: type of person that you will spill your heart out to and you wont know a goddamn thing about him because of how fucking secretive she is
james: will break up with you by saying ‘im sorry im just not ready for a relationship’ and then will ghost you forever and find a new girl in two minutes
lily: you will tell her a secret and everyone and their great aunts will know it in an hour
lysander: worst person to be spilling drama with. he could tell you his parents are getting divorced and when you ask him why he’ll say “idk i didnt ask 😐”
hugo: has wayyyy too many friends to the point you could give him the most thoughtful carefully crafted gift ever and he’ll be like “omg thanks this is so cute 😻” and then chuck it with the rest of the just as thoughtful carefully crafted gifts
yann: hes not exactly problematic but he has friends that are, and he’s the type to say “oh no they’re really not that bad 🥺” as polly is beating someone up beside him
polly: will say the most fucked up thing EVER like its nothing and add a ‘lol’ or ‘xoxo’ to it at the end 😨
karl: cannot have a real conversation. try to strike up a mature conversation to better the relationship with him and his attachment issues got him saying “damn aight” to your carefully thought out heartful speech
craig: plays devils advocate in history class 💀
sophia: will offer to massage you if you’re feeling stressed and will end up breaking your bones (accidentally but still… unpleasant)
dominique: thinks shes better than you because her eyeliner is better
louis: will call you poor (as a joke but still)
molly: will point to someone literally getting run over by a car and will say “omg thats so embarrassing”
lucy: says “its on like donkey kong”
fred: says ‘who’ and then pauses and says ‘asked’ and acts like he roasted tf out of you
roxanne: will tell you in detail about personal things and dgaf about TMI topics. she just took the most massive dump and you’re going to hear every detail. you’re also going to hear about this incredibly steamy scene in the book she read last night, and all the random places of her body where she has weird bumps that she thinks she should be concerned about.
lorcan: doesnt wash his back
alice (bonus): will do work of her own free will and then complain about it. same vibe as your mum going “i slave away in this house”
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danandphilplay · 1 month
im going to put my answers below bc i know some of these vids are likely not returning to dnp and i do agree with that i just wanted to do a fun poll abt if you could have another of these vids then which would you choose. ofc like ive said before we have no control over dnp uploads and i fully know some of these won’t come back lol
ok first of all i don’t think pinof is coming back and i think that’s been clear for ages anyways like ten is a nice number to leave it. HOWEVER i do think an april fools dapc pinof would be hilarious. answering crafties questions and whatever they send to craft universe dnp.
same with amazingdan BUT maybe there’s a slight chance of reacting to amazingdan. maybe not since so much time has already passed since pinof reactions (four months …..) honestly out of the options i’m not that bothered about pinof or amazingdan i feel like they’re classic dnp content that’s fine left as it is
ok for the pizza mukbang thing i don’t care for it to be a mukbang video lol like the actual thing was the nice sit down talk vibes pyjama pizza w friends maybe this is exactly what dan means abt being parasocial 😭 but that video is nice so i don’t think the actual mukbang part of it is that important it’s more the sit down talk style vid
i think i would do anything for another day in the life but i feel like it is prob peak parasocial content. would it count as phouse tour probably. do i think there will be a phouse tour no bc it sounds like it is still having a lot of work done 😭 and i honestly don’t really care abt it… i think the sims renovation was fun and an insight into their interior design opinions lol and that is enough for me
i put it takes two bc a lot of people want to see the next bit i like the game but not rly enough. idk it’s been awhile since that first vid and in terms of other games and things from dnp i don’t rly mind about it takes two being ignored 😭
i know baking is not a discontinued thing anymore bc HALLOWEEN but BUT i really believed easter baking would be a thing 💔 dapc had so much put into it that i kind of forgot about wanting a baking vid but 💔 i can’t lie i think i got set on the expectation for it. like the baking vids have always been absolute classic staple dnp content but definitely the cinnamon roll one was like the baking vids to the extreme… the full potential AND THE BAKE WAS GOOD TOO. the vid was also pretty popular. so my expectations for easter were a bit high. ok so if this poll is like magically summon a dnp vid 🪄 maybe id consider baking because i just love it so much like irl as a hobby but also then dnp doing one of my fav things too and it being so fun idk it’s some of the best dnp content imo. i would love them to try a series of making food from videogames but no offence to them i don’t get the vibe that they cook a lot…… so i think it might not happen. but dil is turning TEN in september so maybe dnp special dil birthday cake baking vid 💔 pleaese pleasemaybe
i think tumblr tag is totally plausible although ik the april fools tumblr tag thing 💔 bc the twitter vid happened i think they’ll do a tumblr one at some point. there’s so much amazing art on here not just fanart but written stuff video and photo edits so i’d want them to see all of that as well as the funny stuff. this isn’t like top of my list of things i’d want to see but it’s definitely one of the more plausible things
dapc behind the scenes content its either happening or it will never be spoken of
honestly idk if they would do reactions to the super amazing project. bc like what vids would they choose. maybe i can see them referencing it or discussing it if someone asked or in a live but idk about reaction vids.
ok draw my life would be fun and i’d watch them. i’d watch an updated dil draw my life too. they put so much effort into that dil draw my life. maybe an updated one for dil’s 10th birthday will happen? that would be pretty fun.
i think if i had to choose it would be a ditl vid. top 3 would be ditl, mukbang or literally just any sit down talk vid, and another baking video. ditl may literally just be bc of nostalgia i don’t really see it happening again but who knows. again just a poll about which vid you’d want to see if you could magic up a dnp vid i definitely know some of these aren’t coming back or very unlikely to
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juneviews · 7 months
What you said abt p'jojo, I feel this.
For Chueam, I thought for sure she would be more developed but I understood quickly (but not so quickly) it wouldn't and i was sad. Yeah sure it's a BOYSLOVE, but I thought.
The thing is, I started the first 3 eps of the show and realized it wasn't what I thought it would be, and that is saying smthg bc I had zero expectations. So I did a thing that I already did for a little few other gmmtv shows, I stopped watching, let loose of my thoughts, and started over 2 weeks later and catching it up live again. And honestly it was better. But I wasn't like other ppl in the fandom lmao. I had no analysis, no theories, no nothing. It was just vibes😅 But then something happened and idk why, but I got bored of it ??? Idk maybe it's like you said and this series had lots of shocking value, but in other departments it was lacking.
 Like the lack of repercussions or like just you know, finishing somethings, having resolutions. And having it makes sense for the characters, bc how you feel with something tells you what kind of a person you are. But they seem to kind of always cut that ? I don't know the words exactly English isn't my first language sorry (I'm so mad I can't find the words it's killing me my god).
For me it was also too much for the stable pairings if it makes sense. Like the first and khao and book and force (Mark and neo in this series as a couple was a great choice bc I didnt that 'problem' with them). I don't follows the actors closely at all but sometimes I could sense something weird. Like it's for example an actor interacting with the other actor he's close with, and not another entity interacting with another with their own (fictional) feelings. Again I'm really sorry for my weird English I don't know how to say it 😅 hope it makes sense lol.
So all in all, kind of fun, I don't mind having characters that have a grey moral, in fact I like them the most, or having characters opposite of my morals, bc it makes me think, and keep things interesting (well usually).
I like the mess usually, and I did like some in this series, but maybe this show is not for me bc it was a mess yes be for me not the right reason in a way, I think. Also I love a series that is concentrated on friends but sometimes hum something was lacking idk.
There is one thing that happened who made me rrreeeaallly think. Bc a character isn't supposed to always be the light of reason, and can make mistakes, or just have a different opinion of mine the watcher. And I like that. But yeah at one point I wanted to wake-up-slap Chueam. Bc I dont understand what the show/the story/the show runners whatever  was trying to tell me. And that's what I talked abt earlier. Bc either it is something that is not well resolved until the end, or it is and that's just that. Honestly idk.
[ Boston find a new group of friends. Bc they're like yeah we're messy and fucked up and then act or pretend like they are morally white and the he is evil. But I do like though how Nick and Boston broke up. That he should find someone who is okay with his way of life and share the same sentiments abt monogamy.]
And lastly I like the actors but i I'm so tired of seeing them with the same couple pairing. I want them to grow up outside of their couple pairing bc you can sense a sense of safety net when they act together. I find they are GOOD actors, I just want them to fly more.
But then again, all of this is my opinion, it's very subjective (apart from the lack of development of chueam, of course).
Maybe I'll rewatch this series next year in a binge. I'll be waiting for your review, if you will do one.
Sorry this is long, I send you my regards 🐝
I agree with everything you've said above. I think that when p'jojo announced this show as the gay friend zone, I was hoping it would bring the one thing that friend zone does not have into its show: queer community. I was hoping that, despite the drama, this would feel like such a relatable show to anyone who has a queer group of friends... but it really wasn't. the only parts I truly LOVED are sand being openly bi, though sadly all of his relationships are with men, and the kiss scene between sand & nick when they just laugh bc they realize they're not compatible. THIS! this felt like the queer experience. if the show had leaned into this kind of scenes, I would've honestly overlooked everything else. but again, having watched friendzone where 1) its female characters are developed 2) its WLW characters are loved & developed 3) stud is the best "slutty messy gay" character and boston WISH he could be him 4) topmew are just a re-hash of samearth's boring ass relationship 5) arm's character in friend zone was everything boeing should've been... the purpose of only friends becomes only the audience being shocked bc two random actors kissed and/or fucked. and by the end? I got mond & first kissing yet I felt nothing. ME! the biggest not me stan & a fan of the gramyok ship... felt absolutely nothing about seeing them kiss. bc since everyone kissed there was nothing to be surprised about. I'm glad that despite the show's popularity, people are FINALLY opening their eyes & seeing that it was not a good show and never was from the very start.
note: I feel the need to say something bc a few people have been misinterpreting what I mean when referencing the queer community. I do think this show represents some of the queer community well, and perhaps I relied too much on people knowing my opinion of jojo tichakorn & his previous shows for it to get understood. what I'm saying in this ask is that the show didn't lean into the queer FRIENDSHIP enough like the nicksand kiss example that I stated above, not that the queer experience reflected on the show is bad or unrealistic.
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mykatsudon · 10 months
Ooof I am also in my feelings about YOI. I can't believe I actually watched it as it was airing. I was still a teen and related to Yurio the most, now I come back to watch it and I'm older than Yuri!! And he's so relatable, it's like I was missing a whole part of YOI then suddenly I rewatch as an adult feeling weirdly sentimental despite that year being pretty bad for me and just oooofffffff.
I was tearing up constantly. Like when I watched as it came out I thought Victor seemed kinda cold and far away and I liked Yuri well-enough but thought he got over his anxiety quickly, my main focus was Yurio. Now going back it's just holy shit, I lived Yuri's life, minus the sporting achievements lol but I felt everything he felt, and Victor too was so much more interesting, clearly so much going on under the surface and profound loneliness covered up with a cheerful facade. I can't believe how different it was to rewatch years later at a different age. I still love Yurio too but now it feels like oh god please someone help this child rather than relating to him.
I remember even thinking at the time later that maybe it was overrated but going back to it now is just like god, no it wasn't at all, it really *was* that great, it really *did* deserve the hype. And I don't really know where I'm going with this but I just wanted to share it with someone bc I was never really that involved in the fandom and it's kinda died off now and I have no one to say it too in irl so it's just my farewell ig to YOI. Like I love that I can rewatch it but the whole hype around it at the time was so cool, it reminded me of watching shows on tv then talking about it at school the next day. Like it somehow re-created that experiance but even better bc it was sooo many people all at once. It was just so optimistic and sweet, and I feel weirdly sad now whenever I see anything about it. I almost wish it had done multiple seasons and movies and milked it for all its worth so I could just move on from it like anything else but now everytime I see it I'm suddenly thrown back to being a teen and comparing my life from then to now and suddenly remember every emotion I was feeling, it's so brutal.
This is overlong and kinda clumsy but basically I want to send the show off somehow like kiss it on it's cheeks and wave goodbye but I don't know how so I'm writing this all to you. Please don't feel pressured to reply, I know I've sent paragraphs. But if you do want to anyway, I'd love to hear all and any thoughts you have about YOI and what it was for you. I feel strangely lonely about it now bc I never had irl friends who watched it and I never paticipated in fandom. Now I'm like, idk mourning it, on my own. YOI coincided with a little bubble of time where I was relatively happy and hopeful, It's hard to let just that go now.
I understand you. I was 16 when yoi aired and I was actually waiting for it's release months before because the trailer seriously caught my attention, so I've been here since before the first ep was even out. To this day I count being able to watch Yuri on ice as it aired as one of the most positive experiences of my life. When yoi came out, I was in a particularly dark spot in my life, and this anime was my anchor through and through. It taught me the power a piece of media can have on a person as I do believe I couldn't have pulled through that year if yoi hadn't come in to save me at the last minute.
I remember it being so fun, I actually don't think I've ever had more fun with any other piece of media, it was magical.
It was many combining factors too; the fact that yoi is an original anime so every single Wednesday we had no idea what we were getting, the fact that yoi was so original in it's story and heavily deviates from your average sports anime, the huge community that formed around the series, making theories, trending #1 on Tumblr every single Wednesday and of course, the fact that there was actually a love story playing out between Victor and Yuri and that we as the audience got to experience it. l wonder if people truly understand how unique that is. This anime really went above and beyond all my expectations. It fed me too well and spoiled me too much.
I miss Yuri on ice in the way one misses a high they know they'll never obtain again, and I chased that high the remainder of my teenage years.
Having this blog, making friends, talking about the series, eagerly waiting for every Wednesday and having something to look forward to like that, I don't know If I'll ever experience it again. I don't think so. It really feels like the planets aligned for me to enjoy yoi to it's full potential. No one in this world can understand how much this series means to me, how close it is to my heart.
People who didn't watch it while it aired or who weren't in fandom have no idea how it felt. To this day, it was unlike anything I've ever encountered in fandom. It really is a "you just had to be there" kind of experience.
To say I miss it dearly would be a huge understatement. But I've been grieving yoi for the past 4 years. I'm currently in the acceptance phase. Whatever happens, happens. I agree with you that I wish they would've milked the series for all it's worth and we were on season 2 with a movie coming out soon. But that's just a selfish desire. What I wished the most is they hadn't played with my heart like that and gave me hope. I wish they came out and said "this project is over, sorry". I do believe something went deeply wrong in production, as you may have seen in my essays I've written on this subject.
I controversially believe Mappa is not entirely at fault and that this is something to do with the creators. It just makes no logical sense for Mappa to can yoi when it not only saved their studio, it's one of their best selling anime, pulling in crazy numbers. It even outsold Chainsawman. I think that if it were up to them we would be on Yuri on ice S3.
but enough especulating, what I mean to say is:
Allow yourself to mourn and say goodbye to a piece of media that greatly impacted your life. I think the best thing to do is to redirect those feelings you have towards gratitude.
I'm grateful for the memories we made together and the incredible chance they gave me to run a blog that had 25k+ Yuri on ice fans in it's prime, for the friends I made. I feel like I had a lot of fun and enjoyed every bit.
I will forever look forward to anything yuri on ice related, but if this is the end then so be it.
you gave me a long ask, I gave you a long answer.
Thank you for your heartfelt message.
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80pairsofcrocs · 2 years
baby scarab || 29
anon - reader giving steven little pats? he deserves them 😌💕 doing late night legos with him? LETTING HIM HOLD ONE OF THE PLUSHIES WHILE THEY TAKE A NAP TOGETHER?? 😩😩😩
anon - Hey!! By any chance do you think you could have the boys comforting reader with a stomach migrane(basically really bad stomach pain that nothing really helps it and often can throw up wether from pain or just nausea) I have one and its prob gonna last a few days lol T-T
Feel free to deny or ignore this, no pressure what do ever!! :D
anon - Love your baby scarab series!! Idk if Y/N gets sick anymore bc of the spider bite but it would be fun to imagine the boys freaking out when Y/N has a fever and is delirious lol
A/N : funky time
Tumblr media
masterlist - marvel masterlist - series masterlist
A/N : busy busy chapter. never be afraid to leave requests!! and dont worry if you dont see yours for a while, if i havent answered it, that means im working on it.
please enjoy, and don't be shy if you want to be in the taglist, just ask <3, sorry for the long wait
pairings : steven grant x (platonic)reader, marc spector x (platonic) reader, khonshu x (platonic)reader, jake lockley x (platonic)reader
TW : medicine (pills), language, spidey stuff, sickness, mentions of violence. let me know if i missed anything
you and steven were cleaning up from dinner, you and the guys haven’t talked more about why you distanced yourself for a couple days.
and like everyone has said, they understood.
you were drying the dishes while steven washed them.
“so what’s in the bag?” marc asks you, and you turn to face him in the window.
“just something i picked up” you respond, feeling embarrassed all of a sudden.
“it’s dumb so don’t worry about it” you say quickly and set a now dry plate down to reach over to the next one.
“i’m sure it’s not” marc starts. “but you don’t have to show us if you don’t want to” he finishes and you smile to yourself.
it’s quiet for about a minute until jake speaks up. “so are you dating ese niño?” he asks and you cringe.
“no- maybe- i don’t know” you stutter, and jake chuckles.
“but you want to” 
you don’t say anything, while you angrily dry the dishes.
“stop making that face, he’s just being a dick” marc tells you and you chuckle.
“still a hypocrite” you respond, earning a scoff from marc.
after finishing the dishes, you and steven were on the couch watching your favorite show while he asked you what was happening every five seconds.
it amazed you how dumb he could be sometimes. 
only with non boomer things though, he was really smart otherwise.
you all had been so engaged in just watching tv, that you didn’t even notice khonshu perched on the top of the couch also watching.
you suddenly felt light headed, and sat up completely compared to being leaned up against steven, him looking to you in worry.
“you alright?” he asks, marc and jake suddenly focusing on you too.
“yeah.. i just feel weird all of a sudden” you say, and you take a few deep breaths before getting the chills.
you shiver and steven sits up properly so that he could try and figure out what was wrong.
“my head feels weird” you mutter, steven getting up to get you some medicine.
“i’ll be right back” he tells you right before he leaves.
you just feel out of place right now, for some reason.
like your body is trying to decide wether you’re sick or not.
you feel kind of sick, but not sick at all at the same time, frankly it was confusing.
steven came back with medicine and a thermometer, while you just stared at him with squinted eyes.
“why’s it so bright in here?“ you ask him, your own voice sounding loud in your ears.
“it’s.. not?” he starts, handing you the thermometer.
“under your tongue” he reminds you and you stick it in your mouth, under your tongue like steven told you.
you both waited for a couple minutes before you got bored and yanked it out of your mouth, seeing your temperature to be 104.7.
“oh shit i’m dead” you go completely limp, falling onto steven.
“wait wait wait- what?” he asks confused, taking the thermometer from you and panicking once he saw it.
“holy mother of god, are you okay?” he feels your head, it being way hotter than usual.
“fuck” he mutters and you gasp dramatically, sitting back up.
“steven said a no no word” you look to marc and jake who were eyeing you weirdly.
“guys- did you hear it?” you ask both of them and they nod with small smiles.
“yeah.. we heard it” marc mumbles and you start laughing.
“what just happened? did she take drugs?” steven asks, looking at your eyes for any sign of drug use.
“no, we would’ve noticed sooner” jake says.
“maybe it’s the spider bite” khonshu pipes up, making everyone look to him.
“it would make sense that it would protect her from sickness” he starts. “but she would still feel tired” he elaborates and steven nods.
“that makes sense, yeah?” he asks jake and marc, who both shrug.
you were still sitting up, squinting at the ceiling. “do you think khonshu has ever pecked somebody’s eyes out?” you ask steven, turning to face him.
“like in the birds?” you clarify and he looks at khonshu who was nodding.
“no- no he hasn’t” he shakes his head.
khonshu bangs his stick on the ground out of anger while you reach your hand out for the medicine steven brought you.
he opens the bottle and puts two pills in your hand, and shoves a bottle of water into your lap.
you scoff and open the water, sticking the pills in your mouth and swallowing them.
“i feel like i got hit by a car again” you mutter, steven looking to you in a panic.
“wait- again?!” he asks, and you nod, lifting up your shirt do that you could show him where the bruises were- since they were already healed.
“i got hit righttttt, here” you point to your ribs and put your shirt back down, ignoring the look that marc was giving you.
“and when was this?” marc says in his interrogator voice.
“ay ay ay..” jake shakes his head.
“it was when i stopped the robbers” you tell him excitedly.
“they reversed their car and then i got hit. nobody got it on camera though” you sigh disappointedly.
“good thing they didn’t otherwise you guys would’ve found out” you sigh.
the three of them just stare at you like you’re crazy.
“okay- but how did you not get some kind of infection?” marc asks and you hum in thought.
“my guy in the chair” you answer, earning a groan from marc.
“and who is your guy in the chair?”
“of fucking course it’s casper” 
“hey- everybody just chill the ‘f’ out” steven starts. “she’s fine now, just clearly not right in the head at the moment”
“i’m never right in the head” you glare at the floor.
“yes you are” steven says quickly and you smile to yourself.
“it’s almost just like she was when she was sick last time, we can handle it” steven says.
“but this time we have to make sure that khonshu doesn’t tell her she’s going to lay eggs” marc scoffs.
“yeah, she woke up later that night crying because she was seriously convinced she was going to lay eggs” steven replies, marc nodding along.
“i’m not fucking stupid, i know i don’t lay eggs” you speak up, and steven gives you a look.
“watch your language” steven murmurs, but you still hear it.
you just smile innocently at him and take a breath.
“shh” you shush him, and he scoffs. “you’re so loud” you cover your ears.
“do you think her abilities are acting up?” steven asks marc and jake.
“probably” “si” they both answer at the same time.
“y/n, darling” steven starts. “how can i help you?” he says in a quiet voice, as to not hurt you further.
you still heard him perfectly even though your hands are covering your ears.
“do i still have pop tarts here?” you ask and steven nods.
“can you please get some?” you ask again an get another nod.
steven gets up to get you pop tarts while your hearing calms down, not expecting what was next.
you sniff and smell marshmallows as steven gets back.
“thank you- and do you happen to have marshmallows here?” you question and steven shakes his head.
“i can smell marshmallows” you clarify, and marc makes a face.
“what? but we don’t even have any marshmallows here” he tells you and you shake your head.
“i know but they’re coming from-“ you look to khonshu.
“i knew you ate them” you tell the tall bird, and he shrugs.
“no i didn’t” he denies it and you wave him off.
“dude you literally smell like them” you start. “and that’s a compliment because you usually smell like a corpse” you chuckle to yourself while marc laughs at the insult.
“shut it, tiny spector” he grits out at you and you just laugh harder.
“yo, i can smell sand too” you notice and you see all three of the guys giving you weird looks.
“you can actually smell sand?” marc asks and you nod.
“there’s probably still some under the worms bed” jake suggests and steven scoffs.
you sit there for a minute while your sense of smell goes back down to its new normal, wonders which sense would be heightened next.
you rip open your bag of pop tarts, almost sending them flying across the room.
“god damnit” you mutter, steven chuckling at you.
“i will hit you” you threaten, angrily eating the pop tart.
“ooh so scary” marc says from the mirror on the coffee table.
you glare at him and flip him off before rolling your eyes.
“what would you like for supper tonight?” steven changes the subject.
you think about it for a second while chewing on your pop tart.
“‘m not hungry” you say, while taking another bite of your snack.
“you are literally eating a pop tart right now” marc points out and you shake your head.
“but after that im not hungry” you say.
“well, dinner is in a few hours so what do you want” jake cuts in and you hum in thought again.
“i know what she wants” jake says with a small smirk.
you look at him curiously as marc gives him a warning look.
“she wants casper, isn’t it obvious?” he chuckles and you gasp dramatically.
“why are you like this?” you ask, and jake snickers at you. 
“you’re too easy”
“am not”
“are too”
“you both need to shut up” marc says, and you glare and jake, to which he glares right back.
you just huff and look away from everyone, closing your eyes while you chew on your pop tart.
“why do you think nobody adopted me?” you ask suddenly, surprising even yourself with the sudden question.
“i mean i was in foster homes almost all my life, so how come nobody wanted me?” you expand the question.
“maybe they knew that we’d want you” marc speaks up, surprising you.
“they were idiots, but we’re glad you didn’t get adopted. if that sounds right, you know what i mean” he explains further and you snort.
“i didn’t think i was that bad as a kid” you tell them.
“you’re still a kid” marc reminds you and you scoff.
“am not”
“are too”
“am not”
“are too-“
“shut up, knobhead” steven directs it at marc and you chuckle.
“yeah shut up” you add on.
“you too, y/n” steven adds even further and you make a face.
you lean back into the couch and pull your knees to your chest, resting your chin on top of one of them.
“are you cold?” steven asks and you nod, feeling him get up off the couch and shuffle stuff around in his closet.
you bring your head up when stevens back with one of his barely used sweaters in his arms.
“would you like to use this?” he asks and you nod, making grabby hands towards it.
steven chuckles and tosses it onto you, so that completely passed your hands and lands on your head.
you yank it off you and pat down your hair, it being a bit static-y.
steven comes and sits back down next to you, while you slide the sweater over your head.
once it was completely on, you leaned to the side so that your head was on stevens shoulder.
“is the medicine helping?” he asks you and you nod.
“that’s good” he says to himself. “are you tired?” another nod.
“get back to sleep, kid” marc speaks up, and you nod again tiredly, letting steven move you so that your laying your head in his lap.
marc and jake just observe as steven runs his fingers lightly through your hair, while you work on trying to fall asleep.
which happens pretty quick because of the medicine and the calming sensation of steven playing with your hair.
you were also very comfortable at the moment. stevens sweater was fairly large compared to your own, which was comforting since it felt like they were all just hugging you as you lay there.
“i’m glad she’s back” jake says almost right after you were asleep.
he could tell you were asleep by the way your breathing slowed and you unconsciously leaned deeper into steven, and also clutching his sweater in your hands.
“yeah, we are too” marc speaks for himself and steven.
steven didn’t mind letting you sleep on him for the hour that you did.
he found it calming after you’d been away for a while.
you eventually stirred awake, right around the time steven would make dinner.
although the three had switched a couple times to be closer to you, steven ended up being the one fronting when you woke up.
“feel better?” jake asks and you groggily nod as you sit up, now leaning against stevens arm.
he chuckles and taps your shoulder the best he can.
“you have to get up darling, i have to make supper” he tells you and you nod, sitting up completely and taking in a few deep breaths.
“i’ve decided that i’ll just make your favorite for you. as a ‘welcome back’” you both chuckle at his statement.
“if you want, you can set the table when you wake up completely” he tells you and you nod, and stretch as he gets up and goes to the kitchen.
you did end up setting the table, after you completely woke up of course.
you were both eating dinner now, just chatting about whatever.
“so who kissed first, you or casper?” steven asks calmly and you almost choke on your food.
“i’m not answering that” you say, taking a sip of your juice that steven had for you in his fridge.
“aw come on” he teases. “it’s cute”
“no it’s not” you cough, trying to get him to drop it.
“okay fine” he says and you let out a sigh of relief.
“thank god” you hear marc groan, making you chuckle.
“why do you even want to know so bad?” you ask out of genuine curiosity.
“because he’s a lip virgin, so he’s curious about what it’s like” marc answers for him and steven gives him an offended look.
“hey- i’m not.. i’m not a lip virgin” he cringes while you try your best to ignore both of them.
“yes you are” 
steven stays quiet after that, deciding not to fuel the fire.
you’re surprised you hadn’t lost your appetite.
the night went by fast, you and steven cleaned up and now you were on the verge of passing out again, this time scrolling on tik tok while laying with steven in the bed.
“if you’re tired, you should turn that off” he advises and you reluctantly do as he said, tossing the phone to the ceiling and sticking it there with webs.
“don’t worry, it won’t fall” you say tiredly, while steven eyes it wearily.
“if you say so” he mutters, bringing you closer to him.
you wrap an arm around stevens chest, while your head rested in between his chin and his collarbone, and it was still comfortable for both of you.
“goodnight, kid” marc says and you just hum, already almost asleep again.
the three guys just engage in quiet conversation as well, until they all got tired too.
it was almost 11 when you fell asleep, and almost 12 when they did.
and you all stayed asleep, right?
you woke up at two in the morning because you were bored.
well, that and your stomach hurt really bad. like someone was stabbing you.
you looked at web md on stevens phone and diagnosed yourself with stomach cramps.
so you carefully peeled yourself off steven to go get your bag that was discarded on the floor.
you reached into it and grabbed the legos you bought, the original purpose being a peace offering.
but now you were bored and awake so why not just build it on the coffee table.
and it would’ve all gone according to plan if steven hadn’t woken up.
“what on gods green earth are you doing?” he asks quietly, yet you still jump.
you stare at him for a second. “legos” is what you answer with and steven sits next you on the floor.
you were in a special position on the floor, for it made the nausea go away.
he picks up the box, and squints at the words to read it correctly.
“death star, huh?” he asks and you nod.
“3,803 pieces” you smile at him while he smiles back and gets up to get his glasses.
you know, because he’s a senior citizen.
he sits back down next to you, and you slide over the instructions, which were already about a third of the way done, so that he could see them.
“how’d you get this done so fast- how long have you been up?” he asks concerned.
you sheepishly smile at him and click more pieces into place.
“like a half hour” you say and he gives you a look from over the edge of his glasses.
“you need sleep” he tells you.
“so do you, grandpa” you deadpan and he smacks you in the arm lightly.
“what happened to you calling us ‘dad’?” he asks and you stop building the legos for a moment.
you don’t answer and just keep building them.
“don’t be embarrassed” steven continues and you sigh.
“i just.. i do see you guys as.. as  my dads but it just- i’m not ready yet” you explain the best you can.
“that’s alright” steven assures you and you smile.
“you said ‘yet’, so that’s all that matters” he chuckles and you so the same.
steven debated on asking you a certain question, but decided against it to give you more time.
you guys built a lego death star until a bit past three in the morning.
you went back to bed after you were done, and slept in of course, but you couldn’t have been happier.
your weird sickness came and went as it pleased, certain abilities dialing up to more than eleven at certain moments.
but it was fine, because you had steven, jake, and marc.
and sometimes khonshu.
your dads and your angry grandpa.
your family.
A/N : almost to 30 chapters!!! thank you all for your support, you guys are lovely.
dont be afraid to leave requests!! see you in two days :) <3
taglist ---
@alexloveskili @ihatemyselfmorethanmydepression @thebiggestsimpshrimp @guyinachair27 @astrobuzzsstuff @mooonlight-and-stars @moonlighting87 @mateihavenoidea @inactive-things @alondrashultz @femalemarvelself @queenthorin1 @haileymorelikestupid @jvdethirlwall @justtiredandvibing @winterfrostsarmy @themapoftinyperfectthings @littlebird101 @atzlena @httpslinow @arrowurboat @m-brekker @lifeandbandmembers-blog @adamcarlsenslvr @violet-19999 @seninjakitey @bestgirlpip @panic-in-the-multiverse @in-between-the-cafes @branolagar @bl6o6dy @annoyingmarvelreader @bee-a-cool-kid @buzzitsbeee @wintergirlsoilder2 @crow-carcass @you-bloody-shank @distinguishedmakerpandapatrol @magnificentcreatorpenguin @50shadesofcrocs @rayrlupin @kingshitonly @brekkers-desigirl @hutaos-gh0st @kayane28
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jovenshires · 5 months
I was soooo disappointed when Courtney said “next time we’ll do ff”. I cringe every time they talk about it, I prayed they wouldn’t reach their goal when it was “we read ianthony fanfic”. I remember I left the games stream when Spencer started explaining A/B/O to Shayne. Those are not for them, I hate when they take things that are made by fans for fans and make fun of them. I mean, is there really someone who enjoy when they read fanfics? I feel secondhand embarrassed physically.
to each their own; if people enjoy this then that is fine and they are allowed and smosh is welcome to do whatever they want. and as someone very kindly pointed out to me, for this spt they're doing it on a volunteer basis. (im not 100% positive they've done this in the past?? i was pretty sure the 'tis i' person didn't get a heads up but maybe i'm wrong bc. its been probably five years.)
but we can all talk about rpf and the intersection between person and fiction and what 'is' and 'is not' for them all we want, but our own personal takes on that matter aside, i think it's undeniable that, in certain points in the past videos, it has felt like a mockery of the fanfiction niche of the fandom. i think jazel (@shaymiens; i asked her if i could steal these tags and she very kindly said yes) said it better than i could here in her reblog of my ask:
#but i think the problem is that they have so much power to uphold fic writers the same way they do fan artists and editors #yet they almost always punch down #as katie puts here it's hard to stomach that they're bringing vaguely negative attn to smthn that was made in earnest with love #spt sorta makes the author the nonconsenting subject of a roast #held by thousands of viewers who have no reason to defend them against their favorite content creators #idk if smosh just doesn't Get fic culture or if they actively decide to mistreat/misunderstand it
and that's exactly it. a lot of the time it turns something very positive - something i, and a lot of you, turn to for comfort and peace and enjoyment - into a target for hostility. and this isn't a criticism of smosh alone (ive seen a lot of creators do this with fanfiction), and i'm glad that they're asking people to volunteer their work now (and again im not sure if they have in the past), because that at the very least makes it a consensual interaction. but i still feel like it's making fun of fanfiction at large and that's not personally for me. maybe i'm biased because i write fic; maybe i'm thinking too hard about a non-issue. maybe! but that's just my take on the whole thing.
anyway, tldr: if you enjoy this series, that's great! if you think what they're doing is fine, that's great, too. but i personally probably wont be tuning in.
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anyway here’s my two cents on who’s making the cut for these 10 shadowhunter romance stories!! (See Cassandra Clare’s latest announcement about better in black)
tid: idk i feel like this could be a rogue Sophie/gideon or cecily/Gabriel moment. or wessa with jem existing too. who really knows but all of the above i would enjoy <3
tlh: um maybe hopefully plz thomas and Alastair we barely got to see them actually be a couple I feel like so that would be fun. I would also love a luciejesse or herondaisy moment <3
tmi: um well OBVIOUSLY this is what I’m most excited for because i have a normal attatchment to the characters of the mortal instruments. ANYWAY i want sizzys proposal in full detail. we got the clace and the malec ones give them the lovely proposal that i deserve to read. pay them RESPECT. i would also looooove a clace story like any at all. i love and miss them dearly. I would also love a malec story with the kids bc we have literally hardly seen into their family life after they got Rafael but maybe that’s what tec3 is for idk cassandra doesn’t acknowledge its existence. but also if they’ve had two books I’m not exactly sure if she’s writing more about them. DO NOT GET ME WRONG!!! I would loooooove more malec content im not an IDIOT but like idk. but also they’re fan favorites so i just don’t know. im trying to see into cassandra’s mind and it’s not working. i would also actually drop dead to the floor and cease to exist if it was centered around the tmi gang as a whole going on a date night all together triple date moment!!! THATS what i want but i think that’s a bit idk it’s j not gonna happen. unfortunately for me. whatever ill take what i can get and reread the brunch story. I love the brunch story.
tda: well Cassandra’s use of the word throuple makes me assume it’s a safe bet to think one of them will be kierarktina but there’s also the delusional thought that she’s talking about herongraystairs. so idk abt that but yeah kierartina. a Diana and Gwyn moment would also be like somewhat shocking but fun and fresh. idk there’s not that many tda couples tbh. emma and Julian already got their moment in sobh and i don’t wanna read about them so I’m hoping it’s not them. idk
misc: the thing is i feel like this project is very ambiguous bc the theme is just live and romance so it could be anything like people who were never officially couples. unrequited love is fun. kit and ty moment. but also they’re the focus of twp so im just not gonna go there and Cassie may not either. i was also thinking abt this and a malcolm and annabelle story would be reallyyy interesting. also they don’t really fit into one specific series but they’re around in tec,tmi and tda bc they’re awesome i would LOVE a Helen and aline centered story like tell me about their time on wrangel island because we know next to nothing about that seemingly important place and what the hell goes on there. and helen and aline get fuck all in these books. anyway. that’d be a good time. also like. she said there may be some spice . but like i want love confessions and silly goofy character moments and actual stories not just characters going at it yk. so liek what are the vibes here cassandra…
this post got really fucking long for no reason feel free to leave YOUR thoughts on what you want to see in these stories <3
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ghostiiess · 7 months
[NSB HEADCANONS] - watching scary animes with kane
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pov: title says it all!
warnings: scary animes, mention of blood, kane call you a good girl (not in a 18+ way lol)… i think that’s all? Let me know if there’s more!
type: fluff (but there’s a bit of comfort too if you’re the kind of person to be scared of horror)
member: kane ratan
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So as we all know, kane loves animes
He recently made you watch a lot of animes and let’s say you became a fan
A big fan, actually..
(More under the cut!)
It was a ‘tradition’ : every saturday you would watch at least one episode of your favorite anime
You would sit by the couch (on in the bed), cuddling with each other while eating your favorite snacks
That way, watching animes at the end of the week felt like a reward after studying for so much time
Usually, at Halloween, you would have watched an anime series, not really minding if it was Halloween themed or not
But this year, since you both wanted to do things a bit differently, you both decided that you would watch scary animes
I can’t lie saying that idk if Kane loves horror or not. I tried to watch as much videos as possible and doing researches, but i can’t find if he likes it or not 😭
So I’ll do both: if he was scared or if he wasn’t, so we can have both sides
You get what i mean?
Let’s start if Kane was scared while you weren’t!! 🤪
it was Saturday and you decided to watch this horror anime you’ve been wanting to watch
« Babe, are you sure you really want to watch this? We can continue our anime series we’ve been watching, you know…? »
« me? Scared? I’m not scared! I was just asking! I totally do not mind if we watch this horror anime! »
He would be the type to say « I’m not scared! » then do 34 jumpscares after it
This man would never says he’s scared
Unless it’s like very very very very very very very scary, and even with that, idek if he would say it
He would be like “this make y/n’s happy! I can deal with that!”
He would be really close to you
And whisper « hey, are you scared? »
And then you would say no
But then, he would ne like « okay, alright, me too, i am definitely not scared in any ways! »
But if you do are scared, he would try to comfort you in any way he can
« Hey, I’m here, it’s okay… »
« Me? Scared? No, i told you that i wasn’t scared, why would i-OMG!!! WHY IS THE DOLL SO CLOSE TO THE SCREEN?!!! »
He would try his hardest to act like he isn’t scared too
But what if Kane wasn’t scared of horror movies and it was YOU who were scared of them?
Omg, he’d be the cutie patootie
Like he would either make fun of you or comfort you (and still make fun of you)
Not make fun like « omg ur such a loser bc ur scared, ur so dumb » no.
Making fun like « that’s not even scary omg, c’mon!! It’s not even that bad, babe! »
All for teasing, obvs.
But if you’re reeaaaalllyyyy scared, he would be next to you all along the movie, he wouldn’t leave you one sec
He would also hold your hand
“Hey, I’m here, baby. Nothing’s real. It’s all fake!” (Also, if its based on a real story, he wouldn’t tell you)
“Hey do you want us to stop watching it? Could it help you?”
He would also say at the end of the movie (btw, he would not be mad or upset if you ask him to turn off the movie if its too much for you… like this man would not hesitate any seconds to stop the movie just to make you feel more secured) that you did so well and that he’s proud of you for trying new stuff and doing this with him
« I’m so proud of you, y/n! »
« You did so well, baby! »
« Look at you watching horror with me… such a good girl! » (not in a 18+ way dw)
Watching horror movies with kane would be fun ngl
I, myself, do not really like horror that much, but im sure that with him, it would be fun!
Btw if kane see this (prob wont), can u tell us if u like horror or not, bc i am really curious 👀 thank you
Do not know how to end this headcanon, but hope you guys enjoyed!!
Taglist! (Open! Send an ask if you’d like to be in it!) : @nsb-rkive @kentisbaby @firebenderwolf @hyuneee0 @yawnzzznnn @ghostyycat7
Bold can’t be tagged.
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book-buni · 2 months
heyy what are your thoughts on the romance genre? do you like all of it, some of it? do you hate it?
personally i feel like i havent read enough romance books to draw a clear conclusion on my taste in romance, but i really loved "if you could see the sun" and "a pho love story"
on the other hand, i tried to read "book lovers" bc it was trending, but i dnfed after 4 chapters because i disliked it. i also found out there was smut, which is.... personally not something i enjoy. at all.
i also tried to read "the hating game" because my friend kept recommending it but i HATED IT SO MUCH and dnfed it aswell 😭 .
idk if this is weird, and i could be wrong, but i think i like romances where the main character/s are asian... 😭 idk maybe its cus im asian, so it just makes me sm more attached to the characters and i find that i root for those characters getting together more? (after all, the romance genre's enjoyability does depend on how much you like the characters right?)
idk idk
also ur ask message is rlly cool
honestly I don’t hate romance, especially since the fantasy trilogy I just finished is basically centered on it. it really depends on how the author handled everything for me to be honest. like for school book club I had to read “The Do-Over” by Lynn Painter recently and I didn’t like it. the book wasn’t the worst, but it was really predictable with the fact the brooding guy had a tragic backstory and the the girl’s looks weren’t really that noticeable. it really reminded me of a wattpad author who wrote a short story purely to make fun of those tropes. I think a romance book I read a month or so ago is one I might actually re-read, “I Loved You in Another Life” by David Arnold since even though the characters might’ve had a “tragic backstory” it actually delved into how the main characters felt and how it affected their mentality, actions, and how it all affected their lives. maybe I also really liked it because of being able to relate like what you said, since one of the characters had a sister, and how she felt about her sister was something I could definitely imagine myself feeling (made it vague just in case you want to read it one day). but there’s a fantasy trilogy that I was technically supposed to read before the one I mentioned, and right now, I feel like the author just wrote something similar but with different characters (I’ll mention the titles when I post what books I’ve read in march). like the same thing typed but in a different font. and speaking of fantasy trilogies, I also really liked “A Darker Shade of Magic” series because even though it did have romances, there was so much importance placed in non-romantic ones as well. the fantasy trilogy I’m reading right now does have importance in a sibling relationship, but I still can’t love the series since it feels the exact same as the other trilogy taking place in the same world. I also agree about avoiding the smutty ones since I feel like reading fanfics that had that stuff at an age where my mind was not prepared to handle it lowkey traumatised me in a way. I’m okay if the scenes are really vague about what’s happening, but I hate it when they go in detail so I’ve tried avoiding those types of books (with the exception of Normal People by Sally Rooney but the way she wrote it was just different in a way that I could handle). I’m also gonna read a fantasy-romance book soon whose main character is Korean (and a gumiho), so maybe I’ll really like it since it’ll have mentions of the culture I grew up in (technically still growing up in right now). and if you have asian romance book recommendations please spam my inbox or messages with it :DDDD
also I have no idea what timezone you’re in so when you read this I hope you have/had a good day! and even if it’s a bad day, that you have the hope the next day will be better :))))
also thanks for saying my ask message is really cool - it’s because I read “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” and the term “wallflower” stuck with me since it resonated with me.
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celestie0 · 1 month
you putting “message in a bottle” in the kickoff playlist is so spot on bc i was listening to that exact song after i finished chapter 1 LOL. and “gold rush”??? one of the most gojo-coded songs ever.
i just wanted to say how much fun it’s been binge-reading this series. you put so much thought into the reader and gojo’s character, and i think it really makes them feel like real people. every few minutes i have to rant to myself about their actions bc i’m so passionate about them lol.
i love that you made their vulnerabilities feel real too. a lot of times characters like gojo who are heavily flawed tend to lack understanding from the audience because we can’t fathom why we should feel sympathy for a character like him, but the way you wrote his backstory made total sense as to why he is the way he is (like no joke right after chapter 6 i was like “this man needs to be humbled i can’t stand him” and then 2 seconds later i read his backstory in the next chapter and go “oh,,, shit,,,,”).
the digimon convo made me laugh LOL IT WAS SO CUTE. idk why but seeing guys be obsessed with a show or movie they loved since childhood is so precious to me 🥹
i cannot wait for the grovelling to continue. as much as i love gojo, he’s gonna have to do the most to show that he’s serious about the reader after everything thats happened 😤 and thE WAY I WAS SCREAMING AT THE RECENT CHAPTER OMG. i was begging the reader to leave and she did better by smacking tf out of that asshole, like YES thank you for having a backbone 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
i hope the reader becomes a super successful director and makes a movie that wins all the awards!!!(bc she does NOT need those gross men who kept belittling her) and thank you for writing, it’s been such a pleasure to read 🫶
my loooove thank you sososo much for this ask omg!! 😭💕 your comments on the series have me cryinnggg it means a lot to me :””) sm serotonin rn aaaaaa im so happy you’re enjoying the series!!!
YES message in a bottle is so glitter pen feel good happy song n i listened to it sm when i started writing kickoff (to me it fits the vibe of the sunny utoykyo practice field scenes where gojo walks her out to the field n stuff lol)
you put so much thought into the reader and gojo’s character, and i think it really makes them feel like real people. every few minutes i have to rant to myself about their actions bc i’m so passionate about them lol.
thank you SO much for saying this 😭 i do indeed think a lot about their characteristics LOL more than i do ab writing style or plot or anything else so to hear that it’s coming across to readers makes me so happy :”) BAHHA omg ranting about their actions is so real tbh i take breaks writing to do the same sometimes LOL
like no joke right after chapter 6 i was like “this man needs to be humbled i can’t stand him” and then 2 seconds later i read his backstory in the next chapter and go “oh,,, shit,,,,”
PLS i only realized after i published ch7 how weird it must be for readers who are binging to go from ch6 to ch7 😭 it goes from like horny & angry to just depressing JSKDJDHD but i’m glad it wasnt too much whiplash haha n that you enjoyed the characterization of his backstory :”) tbh that chap was almost gonna be in reader’s pov (w/out gojo backstory) n so when lovely readers like u mention that you appreciated the chap the way it is i really feel as though i made the right decision :””) ty for that
HAHAH i lovedd including the digimon scene it was so silly n cute n its also canon gojo likes digimon so it was just so much fun. AND YES READER SLAPPING TF OUTTA REN N THROWING ALCOHOL IN KAI’s FACE WAS 10/10 MOST SATISFYING THING TO WRITE I FELT THE CATHARTIC RELEASE OF A HUNDRED SUNS FROM THAT
yess 🙌🏼 reader is gonna slay in the film industry fosho, i’m manifesting for her n by manifesting i mean i will write it into existence LOL i’m excited to write some post-grad content for them once the series is over :”) tysm for this ask bb im sorry my response is kinda long LOL but i just had sm fun responding to your words 😭💕 have a wonderful day!!
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lowkeychenle · 3 months
see my sea is my comfort fic fr like i love the trope of mc being anti romance due to prior experiences and love interest changes the fact ,, i enjoy them cos i relate to it n then the other reason is bc its chenle ?? theres a lack of GOOOOD written works for him (or any written works for that matter) (i mean like aside from like 7drm headcanons n reactions, theres not tew many chenle x reader in comparison to the other dreamies)
so the fact that your blog is enriched w chenle works = immediate follow
+ oh and ur chenle smut is so good too?? = post notifs on! literally digging thru the chenle smut tag is sooo 😐😐 so i can only rely on u my friend 😔 thank u 4 ur service<3
i would like to reiterate how much i love ur jaemle series as a fellow jaemle stan..... pretty sure i sent u an ask about it and your guidelines surrounding it but idk if i ever sent it bc i was half asleep (no like actually frl lmao) or if tumblr ate my ask
i also was the anon who asked ab emoji anons n oh i def would love to (/gen) but idk how much i'd be interacting cos im in a bit of a mental rut atm so my social interaction is looowww. still supporting my fav blogs tho no worries, w rbs opposed to asks :<
all that being said , i was js curious ab ur current wips if u have any or if ur main focus is on 'is it over now' ? was wondering what we could expect from u is all, no pressure whatsoever!
HIIII <3 omg thank you for reading my work and loving it and also following me that's so cute :')
I've received a couple asks about the Jaemle series and I do plan on continuing it, I'm just not sure when lollll. I have a bunch of misc. smut ideas I'll be writing at some point. These next few months are super busy for me as I'm hoping to graduate in August this year, but that means I, unfortunately, do not have much writing time.
I hope you feel better soon for real :( mental ruts are the WORST I was just in one myself so make sure you take care of yourself <3 if you ever just want to chat, you're more than welcome to send me a message :)
Some of my current wips include:
Is It Over Now? - Chenle x Reader / Jisung x Reader! Based off of the song of the same name by Taylor Swift. This one is crazy and I'm still kinda questioning myself on how to end it (because I'm a chenle slut but how do you like...pivot on bad behavior idk)
Somewhere Else - ??? x Reader; lol I'm thinking Mark or Jaemin for this one. They seem to fit the picture in my head more than Chenle for this one unfortunately. Basically just an achingly fluffy piece with some smut in it lol
Stars Aligned - Chenle x Reader; basically Mastermind by Taylor Swift but he for sure knows the whole time and when the relationship becomes public (ex. gets exposed), things start to switch up
Several miscellaneous smuts that just pop into my head randomly. I have like 10 docs of just random smut scenes I haven't completed yet LOL
And then, of course, I have some text au reqs in my inbox I'm working on and my new smau titled Musically Inclined. That one is fun lol.
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stinkrascal · 11 months
get to know me sims edition tag thingie ! tysm for the tag @rebouks <3
1. What’s your favourite sims death? ummmm getting eaten by a cowplant tbh. gets me every time
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? maxis match hair, preferably the kind with the hair strands, and then alpha everything else
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? when im doing gameplay then no, but if im taking screenshots for my stories then their weights dont really change bc i dont play w them anyways so they dont change much. so i guess the answer is still no
4. Do you use move objects? always!!
5. Favorite mod? probably slice of life? idk i think its so fun!! i also like mccc for the utility but thats a boring answer so sol wins
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? ive basically always torrented ts4 so i got the eps when they first came out and idk which one i played first. but the first one i bought on an origin account was cats and dogs!
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? like alive!!
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? breanna!! caspian!! vaughn!! i like them all can that be my answer
9. Have you made a simself? yeah!
10. What sim traits do you give yourself? lazy, goofball, geek
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color? the white/blonde color!!!!
12. Favorite EA hair? that one hair that came with the luxury stuff pack that was vlad's hairstyle for like 3 years before i changed it.
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this one!!!
13. Favorite life stage? young adult duh. thats why i have vampires so they can stay young and pretty forever
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? both duh!! it's all fun for me :D
15. Are you a CC creator? no but i can make simple recolors and adjustments to meshes if i need to! id love to learn how to make meshes from scratch. i really wanna make my own trees for story stuff but i dont really know how to start that. but one day!!
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? all my mutuals of course :)
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4) honestly probably 4 because even if the gameplay is lackluster, w all my mods its pretty fun and i always gravitate to it. i think ts3 was the first game i ever played from the series and its great too. i played ts2 about a year ago and it is also fun but its too ugly for me so i never wanna play it lol. and i never played ts1!
18. Do you have any sims merch? no
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? yes but all the videos are unlisted, you can only access them through my tumblr. i just upload random silly things and tutorials sometimes, but i havent uploaded in years. im still gonna make an updated editing tutorial vid i promise aha
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? i think my sims are more blushy now, and they have more skin details and textures since i use alpha skins now. but besides that not much
21. What’s your Origin ID? actually its stinkrascal but i dont use it for ts4. i just have my dragon age games on it ha
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator? umm idk!
23. How long have you had a simblr? since 2017 :) but i made this blog in 2019
24. How do you edit your pictures? photoshop 2022! i promiseeeee im gonna make an updated editing tutorial one day
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? i want horses, fairies, and a new city world like san myshuno! besides those things im pretty happy w what we have
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? growing together or werewolves! obviously i like vampires too!! oh or island living that ones great too. idk i like a lot of them
im gonna tag @gothoffspring @woohooincoffin @itsmariejanel @pxltown @omgkayplays @lucidicer @barbieaiden @void-imp and anyone else who wants to do this!! <3
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fitia · 1 year
hmm top five series (can be anything but naruto 🧐) (if u would even consider that in ur top five)
Send me "top 5" anything
My "top 5" series is just a bunch of things I have an emotional attachment to tbh so yeah it counts, sjhfkshdksjdj. So again, in no particular order:
Listen. It's not very good, like everyone who's ever watched it and analyzed it on Tumblr will be only too pleased to tell you, but being properly into the show for the better part of my teenage years genuinely had a huge impact on how I approach media: it made me consider, for the first time, what author biases could be written into the story and its characters that hint at what their political and ideological leanings might be. Baby's first media analysis, etc etc.
Also the Naruto community is the one I consistently have the most fun in and I've met some really cool people! + I'm still very attached to its characters and the potential transformative stories I want to write with them, so. Idk I just think Naruto is one of those things that's just gonna stay with me for a while.
Anne of Green Gables:
This one's important to me bc it really took my love for reading and writing to an entirely different level; I adore L.M. Montgomery's style of prose, and often just return to the books at no particular spot just to appreciate how she works wuth words, woth rhythm, and how she describes nature in such a loving way that she makes everything sound magical. She's always been a main inspiration in how I want to write (though obviously, I don't want to completely imitate her, I just want what I write to come off with a similar vibe).
Also I LOVE Anne so much, she's one of my favourite characters in anything. I appreciate her particularly when she was a kid, since as an adult she gets a bit boring (but you can still see traces of who she was and she isn't quite letting go of them. She's a character I really see myself in, and who's also really fun. I thought her habit of giving things new, prettier names bc their old names were plain and unromantic to her was so fun that at some point I was looking at pretty nature photography and trying to give everything a pretty name myself. Also I have a tag on Tumblr entirely dedicated to gorgeous sights/landscapes that Anne would like.
Death Note:
It's not good, bad, but a secret third thing, which is that it introduced me to Light Yagami and I think he's the first character I came to like properly for the reasons of "oh god he's fucked up I can't wait to see what he does next". Also the manga, despite its glaring flaws, is a really, REALLY fun read. And also unintentionally funny. I had a really great time going through it in a way that I'd just love to forget it all just to experience it again.
Yu-Gi-Oh (specifically Duel Monsters series, I haven't read or watched GX or 5DS or anything beyond)
Again, not "good" but. So incredibly ridiculous and camp that I insist everyone experience it at least once in their lives. It's just so fun. Less for the card games but for how dramatic everyone acts about the card games.
Dragon Ball:
I just think it's fun and I've been a fan of it since I was 11. I do love mindless fighting and explosions so I'll come back to it every once in a whilw to get my fill.
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skadream · 1 year
Rudy's Book Reviews: You Will Get Through This Night by Daniel Howell
yeah thats right im gonna be a phannie on main for a second. this is the start of my book review series which i hope to actually folow through with lol. this one ive been listening to as an audiobook but i do have the physical copy as well cuz im like that! next review will hopefully be gideon the ninth so tune in for that, but for now, read this review under the cut:
this book is a practical mental health guide, honestly a lot of it is stuff that you can learn in therapy so like if you have a therapist that you like then maybe its not worth it BUT theres like slim pickins for mental health books that arent just anecdotal evidence without actually talking about what people did to help them get better, just "yea i was sad but then i got therapy ✌️" or books that are so couched in psychiatric jargon its hard for a layperson to get into OR just vaguely inspiring bullshit.
its all written with the help of an actual licensed psychologist person, so no bullshit, no just do yoga and drink water shit (although obviously exercise and hydration and physical health are talked about) and yes he mentions medication and LICENSED therapy if those end up being necessary steps to take with your mental health!!! which again, in the world of self help type books, tends to be rare advice which is DEPRESSING IN A DIFFERENT WAY LMAO.
ofc it should go without saying that a book can never be a replacement for therapy but Considering How The World Is, this book is good for like maybe stepping into learning some coping skills as well as figuring out a plan before, during, and after crisis mode. i would say the tone is more serious than humorous but dan puts a lot of his own natural snarky sarcasm stink all over this book which obv that can be a taste thing if youre not into brit sarcasm mode but as a One Of Those i like it lol
in terms of Dan And Phil™️-isms, theres a sprinkling of cute winks and nods and inside jokes that people who drew sharpie cat whiskers on their faces as teens would understand but Normies will not find to be out of place or anything, there's also some storytimes of like his previous tours or living as a dropout youtuber being stress-inducing and things like that but not a ton which i kinda prefer cuz it makes it easier for me to recommend this book to people who dont give a shit about Phandom Memes
theres an introduction which is kind of a short summary of who dan is, basically just summarizing his youtube videos talking about depression and when he came out as queer and all that fun stuff, if youre a psycho hardcore fan person like me you might find it to be a long and unnecessary read, but if youre someone who didnt know about this guy and are curious as to why he would even write a book like this its a pretty good synopsis.
the american cover has dan's stupid face on it, and as someone who is a big fan of dan's stupid beautiful face, i wish we had the EU version with like tasteful yellow stripes on it bc it looks so nice, but i mean i just keep it on my bookshelf with the spine showing which is just a nice yellow spine with the title and looks unassuming so its not THAT big a deal lmaoo.
in terms of the audiobook, dan's voice is quite soothing and there's all these like audio cues and fitting music which i really like. the only downside is, for example, he reads out this timed breathing exercise that is meant to be like a five minute exercise, but it's not actually timed? so like i want to do the breathing exercises along with him reading it out but he reads it so fast its kinda like bro slow down you said breathe in for five seconds why you going ahead two seconds later homie. thats my only criticism i think obv if you are reading it and not listening you can just do the exercises by timing yourself lol.
ummmm idk if im gonna give a number at the end of these reviews!!! i give this book a big thumbs up!! 👍 woohoo yeah baby i am very proud of dan's current life journey thing that he's going on and i think this is a great book for people who need help which is everyone alive today right now :)
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dethbug · 9 months
dear maria count me in, ain't it fun, and bring me to life for ur choice!! :3
HI HELLO THANK YOU!!!! :,-D for this....ill do mr CFO himself... charles offdensen !!! tehe thank u again :,-) pls enjoy this gif of him ... "rapping"..............
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🍷 DEAR MARIA, COUNT ME IN :: What’s your s/i’s relationship like with this character?
we have a looong slow burn, starting with becoming his assistant -- and for anyone unfamiliar with the series -- that means i was a klokateer, meaning i had my identity erased + am permitted to wear a hood [like this] ... so he genuinely knows nothing about me at the start aside from the number i was assigned once i got the job ... which makes it even more interesting once things from my past do come up, and he comes to find out im a lot more intertwined in the narrative than he'd ever thought .... HMMMMM.... but yes we do fall in love and kiss HAHJASD
🍷 AIN’T IT FUN :: When in canon does your s/i come in? Do they play a certain role in the plot?
thats a hard question to answer because im still plotting out specifics, though i have the major bullet-points down ^_^ so i dont have an EXACT answer but i want to say halfway through... season 1? because narratively its important im present for the s1 finale yk? dont quote me on that though, like i said very up in the air -- my next move is to bullet point all the episodes and figure out the timeline so i can insert fake episodes that hint at my backstory, so theres proper build up for the big NO WAY hypothetical "reveal" as if my lore was canon YOU KNOW AHJHFDS im crazy i think
🍷 BRING ME TO LIFE :: What’s the one thing that your s/i deeply regrets more than anything else? Was it something they did? Or was it something they didn’t do?
OHHH VERY HARD QUESTION bc i think there are a handful of things, but the main one is not helping pickles sooner as kids? LET ME EXPLAIN-- i know we're talkin' abt charles here but even in the timeline where loffdensen becomes canon, pickles is important to my insert lore ^_^
idk if this needs a content/trigger warning but i do briefly touch on a**ction / a*use / n*gl*ct in the below segment!!! nothing graphic, just generally kinda heavy subject matter
so, in my canon pickles and i grew up as neighbors and were close from day 1, meaning i knew about the ab*se/n*gl*ct caused by his parents-- but we always had each other ... i was there for him yk
but in rehabklok we find out his first drink was when he was 6, and i think as his a**iction gradually spiraled as he grew into his teen years, resulting in him keeping more things from me and generally distancing himself from me :-( so i think when he was kicked out [presumably at age 16-17, unsure if we have a canon age for when this happened, i just remember he was a teenager] he fully cut me out -- not because of anything i did, he just wasnt in the right emotional/mental place to accept help because he was angry and hurting ... and spiraling into a world of a**iction as i said :-( i think id carry the burden of the idea that maybe if i had found a way to help him sooner he wouldnt have gone down that path, even though logically i knew that wasnt true bc we were both just kids who only had one another looking out for each other -- and i tried in smaller ways but he already felt too far away for me to reach yk DONT WORRY all this gets resolved in my canon and things are good -- if anyone is kind enough to read all this and wants to know more id love to answer any questions anyone happens to have !!!! anyone taking any ounce of interest in my writing means the universe to me and even that is an understatement DSFHJSJHD SO THANK U
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stilldancewithyou · 2 years
I love your blog! I know this has probably been discussed, but do you think we’ll get more content of Belly and Conrad dating in the next season, or it will focus more on Jeremiah since parts of the second book are his POV. Im excited for season 3 bc Jenny said it would follow the books with a few surprises, so I’m really looking forward to seeing belly and Conrad in cousins even though they aren’t together while Jeremiah is interning haha. But belly and Conrad are endgame. I’m just so excited to see how this plays out in the show. I’m literally obsessed with the show and the books, I don’t want the series to come to an end lol. I’d love it if they showed Conrad and Belly’s wedding, especially them dancing to “Stay”. My heart would explode. And also if they did an ending scene where it showed them in the future with kids. Idk. The way the book ends is perfect, but I want more than 3 seasons of the show. I could seriously talk about this series all day. It’s nice to know there are other people who love this as much as I do.
I think they will definitely show some Belly and Conrad dating content because a lot of their moments in the 2nd book were really important. It will be really interesting to see how they show it though bc it was all flashbacks in the book so I wonder if they will show things chronologically or flashback. I think they might even include extra Conrad/Belly content that wasn't in the books bc season 1 had extra Jeremiah/Belly content in order to really emphasize and hype up the love triangle. I'm sure there will be plenty of Belly/Jere in season 2 as well. I hope they have some Jeremiah narration added into season 2 to show that we're now getting his POV and I really hope we get to see some of the moments between Jere and Conrad from Jeremiah's chapters in the book bc I loved that. It's going to be a fun season (despite her being with Jeremiah at the end) and I can't wait to see the dynamic between the three of them as they all start to realize both brothers like her. If they don't show Belly and Conrad's secret December night in Cousins in its entirety I will actually riot (I have faith in our girl Jenny though bc she said she's trying really hard to include all the things readers want to see). I'm also wondering if they will show the Valentine's Day under the stars in season 2 or save it for season 3 since it was in book 3. I'm also hoping season 2 has more flashbacks- I want to see Junior Mint's origin (how can they not show that as important as it was in the books???) and the glass unicorn and the slurpee debacle. And I truly can't wait to see boss bitch Laurel saving the house and putting Adam in his place. And the motel scene! I just know Chris Briney is going to rip my heart out with Conrad's pain and in season 3 too. I'm just so excited to see how it all plays out on screen cause I know everyone is going to do such a good job.
I don't know how I'm going to wait another year+ for season 3 because that's what I've been the most excited about since I read the books the first time. I was like omg I just know book 3 would make a great movie. And the fact that it's a show will make it so much better because they will have the time to show everything. It blows my mind that people don't like the third book and don't like the wedding plot and are hoping for a totally different ending and third season. I LIVED for that wedding plot (for any wedding plot tbh); the drama, the romance, the suspense, the jealousy (it kinda gives me Something Borrowed vibes lol)...it's going to be so good on screen! I just think it has everything to make a great season of the show. There's so much going on that they can work with and expand so they won't even need to add any plot lines. And just imagine Conrad narration! Can you imagine if they have him narrating "I would rather have had someone shoot me in the head with a nail gun, repeatedly, than have to watch the two of them cuddling on the couch all night"...I would be dying. Also I'm with you- I want to see their wedding and the proposal. When they danced at the deb ball my heart exploded so I'm def going to need an actual wedding dance bc the entire deb ball dance sequence I was screaming "IT LOOKS LIKE THEY'RE GETTING MARRIED!!!" (and the fact that he had a tux that stood out from the other guys just added to it) ahhhh I'm so ready for to see their endgame. I'm also hoping we get an ending scene where everyone is in Cousins together too (I have a whole other ask where I wrote out a summary of it and talked about a season 4) and they have kids and everything (I actually got carried away and have been working on writing a little fic of the ending scene). In summary I just cannot wait for season 3. And if they want to do a season 4 and expand on the letters and Belly in Spain and really show how she and Jeremiah reconciled their friendship and how she ended up with Conrad and how he proposed I'd wouldn't be mad at all. Honestly as much attention as the first season has gotten, and as successful as it's been if season 2 does just as well I feel like they'd have to be stupid to not seriously consider season 4.
anyway. You can talk to me about tsitp anytime you want bc I could talk about it all day too and I am so happy to find people who want to talk about it/discuss with me! It makes me so happy I'm not the only one who loves it so much.
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