#theyre so kinky and weird i love it
spn2006 · 9 months
normally i dont like straight ships but sam and ruby…they do something to my brain
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wetdogsyndrome · 5 months
I want someone to admire my bruises and to also apply pressure to them.
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valve3nthusiast · 5 months
oh that post you made a while back about using decepticon pussy as a water bottle got me thinking so hard
so like, imagine a con who gets captured and they're expecting the usual; torture, imprisonment in a cell, the normal deal when one gets put into custody by the other side. they've heard stories about the autobots being a bit kinky than what most cons would have thought, but this bot for sure isn't expecting to be strung up in the mess hall, an energon dispenser routed through their systems and just sort of left there, like some weird decoration
i'm thinking of one of those water bottles you use to feed like a hamster just sticking out of their valve for the autobots to use whenever they need to refuel. hell maybe they've even got tiddies and one of the medics rerouted a few of their internal fuel lines to get them up and running, so now bots have a choice between the valve spout or energon straight from the tit
ough i'm thinking about a prewar high class party where some poor gutter mech (maybe drift~) spread eagle on a table, with little treats and snacks spread all across their frame and they just have to sit there, not moving as they're basically treated as just a piece of furniture. maybe the person who hired (or captured depending on how dubcon you wanna make this situation) the newly serving bot has used really pretty chains, covered in engraved flowers and crystal clusters to decorate their new platter and maybe they've even forced the mech's panels open, with a little container of sauce shoved in there for extra flavour
this is less like a food kink and more of a kink for being strung up and ignored, a mech being treated as nothing more than a piece of furniture for others to ignore
-burnt ice anon
Hello anon. this is a direct bullseye to my kinks. are you perhaps a mind reader
Hnggg I'm imagining they take the energon dispensary and route a fuel line to the top of the cons valve, and then seal his slit shut around a spigot... that way the autobots can have their plain rations flavored with his yummy lubricant
Of course his node and spike are uncovered, the autobots play with them to get sweeter fuel before they open the tap and release some of the pressure in the poor 'con's valve... an autobot that likes their fuel as sweet as possible, rubbing his node until he overloads, so they can get the most lubricant in their fuel...
A medic got the code to get his refineries up and running, now theyre sore and overful, hanging heavy down his chest... 'bots will squeeze one of his tits to squirt some frothy, milky refined energon into a cube, but some skip that and suck straight from his nozzles instead...
Also I love imagining cybertronian noblemechs doing kinky fucked up shit... I will gladly jump at the opportunity to put Drift in that scenario.
Completely stripped of his nasty dirty armor, bound flat to the table with nothing but jewelry and treats to hide his protoform... I love imagining stuffing his valve with food, yeah. Maybe there's a little tray of rust sticks next to him, and you can either swirl it in his valve or gently dip it into his drooling transfluid slit...
Maybe it's a party game to have a "serving platter" with an array coated in candy, the goal of the game to see who can lick it clean without making a mess by letting the platter overload...
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smalltestaccount · 9 days
okay i think ive come to the conclusion that i dont really fit in with most other trans women, like personality wise, and thats okay. Like i think recently a lot of trans women, not just on tumblr, have been making me think i have to be kinky and bizarre or something, be blasé about transitioning or gender roles, or even just like be okay with some borderline harassing behavior. Its okay if that is you (except the harassing behavior some of yall need to work on that), but like thats not really me. Acting this way just makes me feel bad. Just ignoring that Im a total straightedge, that im like a 1 on the Kinsey scale now. Ever since i was like 11 my biggest desire is just like being a normal cis girl. I always am happiest embracing basic American femininity, and i only just re-realized this after after it helped me get out of a depressive episode (along with antidepressants and an increased estrogen dose). I don't care if im "enforcing gender roles", because i fucking love female gender roles (in modern American culture) cause they make me feel like not-a-piece-of-shit. Also i don't strictly adhere to many anyways. And i just don't think terfs would have any issues with cis girls who love the color pink, flowers, being boy crazy, and dreaming about being a mother. So like why should I feel like its wrong to like that stuff? I don't think there is anything wrong with it. And you know if you don't have that relationship with gender that is fine, you need to do what makes you happy, that's why feminism exists. I'm just saying I don't want to pretend like my personality is something that really just makes me uncomfortable.
I dont like when people here imply being a trans woman entails being sexual cause like i just want to be normal and that stereotype is harmful, especially to transgender children who are really likley to be targeted for some kind of sexual abuse because theyre trans and being trans is already sexualized more than it needs to be. Adults can navigate that to some extent, but not kids; I couldnt really navigate that when i started transitioning in middle school and im lucky it only stayed online. Trying to even somewhat fit in with tumblrs idea of trans women has made me encounter tranny porn on my dash and whenever i post images of myself I'm followed by gross accounts that just reblog that stuff . A lot of trans women don't hate it, because sex work is very much as part of the trans community. But honestly, seeing trans women be treated in those ways just makes me feel bad for the actresses and sick about myself and very dysphoric.
Im not saying that you cant express kinkiness and hyper-sexuality, because I dont want to dictate how you act any more than i want you to be dictated on how I act. But I also want to encourage thoughfulness in what you say. Saying you, yourself, is kinky and weird, is not that same as saying trans *girls* are kinky and weird. In the same way I'm not going to reblog tradwife content, I don't think its productive to make an "all tgirls be kinky" post. You shouldn't try to paint that image of other trans women.
As its the first day of june I'll just tie it up by saying that not all trans people fit into one personality and if you want to show support its best not to suggest trans women all act a certain way, and please don't think talking about "gock" is a good way to show support. This isn't a "kink at pride" discourse post in the very slightest cause I don't, and never have, given any shits about that, cause I've never been to pride. This is just me talking about how I fit into the trans community.
Im Alexa and I'm going to reblog and post shit i like, not what other people like or expect. That Includes not doing tummy tuesday cause i really only briefly did it out of fomo and peer pressure. And please don't say things about me that you wouldnt say about other women
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thyfleshc0nsumed · 3 months
I really hope I can build my own strange kinky queer family someday, thanks for sharing parts of yours! It’s sexy but also heart warming?
This is legitimately so sweet. It honestly made me tear up a little
It's weird it kinda just... Happened. I met my sweetie 5 years ago now. We met on Grindr and she brought over some drinks and I was like "oh if you're at the grocery store, can you pick me up some milk." We dated for about six months and stopped seeing each other cuz life kinda got in the way. We saw each other a handful of times over the next two years and when I moved I asked if she could help, which she did. I hadn't even realized that I had moved less than 10 mins away from where she lives (she always came to me when we were dating)
I was still madly in love with her (tbh I'm realizing that she was really my first love) and she knew she couldn't give me what I wanted from her and she told me that. I needed a couple months to feel my feelings (and also get footing in my sobriety) before I was ready to be friends. Late fall of 2022 we started hanging out sometimrs again, and then probably spring ish of 2023 I met her Daddy. She started modeling some leather for me not long after I started doing it, but it wasn't until that spike strap photoshoot in ~ Oct 2023 that things got weird in some fun ways. That was like the first time I feel like I really domd her in a way that wasn't just for the camera. Since then, it's been a rollercoaster of constantly developing so many dynamics. She's my sweetie, she's my lover, she's my auntie, she's my sub, she's my best friend, she's so many things to me.
Her and her Daddy started dating like spring of 2022 and I was maaaaad jealous, I projected allllll my insecurities onto him, despite never having met him. The first time we hung out one on one was in late July of 2023 where we went and saw a screening of a porno. After that I think we saw each other at tranny takeover nights at one of the local cruising bars and just started hanging out in group and solo settings. He's truly one of my best friends in the world, and the brother I never got to have
I met his husband (the rabbit) not too long after and we've gotten really close too. One of the most insightful people I've had the pleasure to meet in my little time on this earth. Such a profoundly compassionate person who consistently challenges me to be kinder and gentler with myself. Theyre witty without ever being unkind, and goddamn can they carry a bit. Also they're really fucking good at pointing out when I'm letting ppl be transmisogynistic towards me cuz they're hot lmfao.
I met the femme, the rabbit's girlfriend at the rabbits birthday party last November. She's such a delightful presence and really admire how strongly she stands by her values. I remember a month or two ago, I was on some fuck shit, I don't even remember what, and she was like "hey girl you're on some fuck shit." I respect the hell out of her, and am so glad she's in our weird little crew
I didn't realize what we had was a family until recently. It was a lot of things tbh but I think it was this moment I had in January that really showed me. I was having the worst mental health moment I had had in probably a year. I was feeling so unstable. I was out and I was feeling impulsive. I was planning on either going and getting fucked by some guys at the cruising bar or getting in the lake with my clothes on. The daddy told me to come over cuz I clearly wasn't okay. I did. By the time I got to their spot it was probably 11p and I was nonverbal. The rabbit made me a bagel. The daddy got me a stuffed animal to squeeze. It was probably 45 minutes before I got even a single word out. And they were fine with that. They didn't pressure me to talk, but they didn't ignore me either. They let me be with them the way I needed to be. And when I was ready to talk, I was met with such compassion and emotional intelligence and love. I was taken care of in ways a family does.
Idk. This was long. And maybe over share y. I just. I fucking love these people so much and it kinda all spilled out.
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You guys had a bunch of stuff to say about the polls in the Queerest Character in the Dungeon Tournament, so here's some comments I thought were particularly funny, grouped by which poll it was commented on.
Kaka vs Kiki (round 1)
if kaka is gay hes scared about it. kiki fucks
(in response to the namari x kiki comic) kaka is like ??? when kiki is just I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE. A BOTTOM
Hien vs Benichidori (round 1)
kissing hien would solve half of beni's problem imo
Otta vs Cithis (round 2, part 1)
theyre both gay but otta is gayer
Otta is so gay and kinky she went to jail for it
Gillin vs Senshi (round 3)
Thistle vs Winged Lion (round 3)
this is bullshit the winged lion had gay sex on screen
destory that lion u funky lil elf
thistle sweep im sorry lion but theres no straight explanation to the plant thing.
Kabru vs Marcille (round 3)
hydrogen bomb vs hydrogen bomb
my horrid son and my cringefail daughter
Lycion vs Otta (quarter finals)
pitting two kings against eachother
Falin vs Izutsumi (quarter finals)
ahhh this is difficult. always gotta choose cat girls tho
Thistle vs Marcille (quarter finals)
whatever thistle has going on is some weird sibling attachment issue also marcille literally necromancied her gf
Falin vs Marcille (semi-finals)
this is evil u hate lesbians. <- /j
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the real winners of queerest characters in dungeon meshi are the fans dedicatedly yuri-fixing the polls in the name of love
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anxiousgaypanicking · 9 months
!a series of me uploading the kinktober fics/drabbles i made years ago because i didnt back in 2020 for some fuckin reason. if these are bad/poor quality its because theyre old, and ive improved since then :)!
Loceit (Logan x Janus) Day 8: Voyeurism Warnings: Voyeurism, getting caught masturbating
Janus didn't expect hearing such explicit noises coming from Logan's room. He had almost missed it, initially, when he was walking by. But he had managed to catch a moan. He did a double take, when he realized who's room he had just passed.
He backed up, noticing the door was open just a crack. How unprofessional; Janus would have expected Logan to at least be smart enough to close the door.
He had peaked inside, not expecting to see Logan bouncing slowly on a dildo. He still had a shirt on, but his tie was untied, just hanging loosely around his neck.
Logan's face was flushed, and his eyes were screwed shut. Despite the fact he was hardly moving, he looked to be in heaven.
Janus wasn't surprised. It only made sense that Logan got off very rarely, and was therefore more sensitive. How cute.
He stood at the door, continuing to watch as Logan bounced on the toy, enjoying the moans and whines Logan let out. He felt his own cock twitch in his pants at the sight, and he bit his lip. He could go back to his room and get off, which would be the smarter option, or he could stand here and get off to the sight of Logan.
Janus quietly pushes open the door, before quietly shutting it behind him. He then clears his throat.
"Well, isn't this a sight," he begins, watching as Logan's eyes snap open. He sinks fully down on the toy, but he keeps grinding against it, seemingly desperate for friction. Janus continues, "It seems you accidentally left the door open."
"Absurd," Logan responds, almost immediately. He's panting quietly. "I don't do things accidentally."
Janus raises an eyebrow. "You left it open on purpose, then? Were you just hoping someone would walk by and catch you?"
"I was."
"Shameless, aren't you. And rather kinky-"
"I'm not kinky."
Janus tsks, strutting up to Logan and quickly grabbing his chin. He firmly tilts Logan's face upwards, bringing their faces close together.
"Oh, Logan, you and I both know that's a lie."
Logan's the one who ends up closing the gap between then, desperate for human affection, or just human contact in general. He knew what he was doing leaving his door open - of course he did. He was hoping someone would walk in on him - he was hoping someone would catch him. Both due to the thrill of being caught doing something so unlike him, and the way he felt when that person inevitably touched him.
As Janus was doing now.
He had released Logan's chin, and his hands had begun roaming over Logan's body. It felt weird, because of Janus's gloves, but Logan was just desperate for any contact in general.
Janus's tongue slipped into Logan's mouth, Logan moaning at the unfamiliar feeling.
He got off occasionally by himself, sometimes finding himself randomly aroused, or stressed and in need of relief. But he had always craved another person. He'd never admit it, of course, because then he'd sound stupid.
Logan sat up on his knees, both trying to deepen the kiss and get off the toy, but Janus's hands are on his hips in an instant, and his roughly forced back down.
His back arches as he lets out a high moan, nails digging into the fabric covering Janus's arms.
"Janus?" Logan asks, questioningly, his face flushed. Janus raises an eyebrow in response, a smirk on his face.
"I thought you were-"
"Going to fuck you?" Janus chuckled, hand coming to hover in front of his lips as he did so. He glances at Logan's pathetic looking figure, eyes shining. "No. I'd much rather sit here and watch you get off. It's such an alluring sight."
Of course, he'd love to see Logan beneath him at some point, but that was best saved for a later time. Right now, he just wanted to watch, and maybe tease Logan, as he fucked himself on that toy.
Logan's cheeks turn a bright red, causing Janus to raise an eyebrow. Embarrassment, perhaps?
Janus takes a seat on the bed across from Logan, watching him expectantly with a smirk on his face. Logan dares to glance down, and he notices that Janus was clearly hard in his pants.
Logan clears his throat, looking back at Janus. "Are you sure you don't want me to help you with-"
"I'm sure," Janus cuts him off, at Logan swallows the spit in his mouth. Is he too shy? The little nerd, the one who wanted to get caught, too embarrassed to keep going.
"Are you too flustered to continue, Logan?" Janus purrs, words more meant to tease than to accuse. Logan swallows and shakes his head, before shakily lifting himself back up, and slamming himself back down, letting out a loud moan as he does so.
He definitely seems more hesitant now that he knows he has an audience, but he was still horny and in need of relief, so he kept bouncing on the toy.
Janus watched him intensely, watching as Logan let out a moan every time he went down, how his hands toyed with himself, and the way his eyes would look at everything but Janus.
How cute.
Logan slowly began bouncing faster, a single bead of sweat dripping down his forehead. He didn't do things like this often, so he got a bit of a workout from this. He was spurred on by Janus's groans and moans as he palmed himself through his pants, eyes never moving anywhere but Logan.
Logan's face was flushed a light red as he moved a bit faster, moans continuing to spill from his mouth. His head rolls back as he lets out a whine, and his back arches as he sinks down one final time, moaning as he comes.
He sits up and pushes the toy away, before sitting back down on the bed. He looks at Janus, who's face has a light dust of pink on it.
"Enjoy watching?" Logan asks, panting slightly.
Janus is quick to nod. "Very much so. Does your offer of helping me out still stand?"
Logan nods, and shuffles closer.
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freakkisser · 25 days
Tell us more about your dynamic with Vincent :))) (sorry I don't have a specific Q in mind just go nuts)
- @thedemoninmywalls
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thank you for the ask! <3
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during the events of the game
i like to think that the way vincent and sol met is slightly different to the events of the game. (i am very seriously thinking about writing farz out of their story [sorry farz] so theres no need to have them bump into farz like they do in game) i want them to be at route 66 with like a friend (moots if youd like to volunteer your s/i’s as the one to drag sol to a bar be my guest) and i still want them to go home with vincent that night but i want sol to imteract with vincent a tad differently. i want sol to be slightly more confidently flirty than the mc is in game.
i also want sol to have a different reason for vincent deciding to keep them in the bunker. i dont like the “wrong door” thing that happens in game, so instead vincent just decides to keep them because their interesting but he hasn’t actually fallen for them until later on in game. kinda want sol to be stuck in the bunker for a little longer than in game to really let vincent fall for them hard, which leads him to decide to save sol from himself.
everything else is pretty similar. also havent decided if sol is gonna be a werewolf of just a very doglike human. so maybe vincent turned them maybe he hasn’t.
after the game
vincent grows to be very protective of sol, i think it would be in a really possessive way though. like if someone was fucking with sol hed kick their ass, but then when sol and vincent were alone hed get angry as sol for getting in that situation in the first place. (gotta love the toxicity)
they are a generally lovey dovey couple though. sol is vincents prized pup, and hell take care of them no matter what, hed genuinely do whatever sol wanted because he is smitten, hes just a bit of a dick yk.
i like the thought of them being really touchy though. vincent constantly having his hand on sol’s thigh or back. sol constantly brushing their hand against vincents arm or holding his hand. the couple that cant keep their hands off each other in more ways than one.
some spicy stuff
after the events of the game, and the whole kidnapping thing most of the physical abuse is purely a kinky thing (so it is no longer abuse, because sol is technically consenting) like vincent is a little rough with sol outside of sex and their kink dynamic, but the hitting and the knife play and any of that kind of stuff like that is done with sol’s enthusiastic consent.
for me calling vincent the piss wolf i dont talk about his piss kink enough, or generally his “weird kinks” but to expose myself here i genuinely love them im just not sure how to work them in any way other than just writing a piss or feet or vomit kink fic. so yk if you want that ill write it. if not just know those kinks are absolutely present in their dynamic and i do think about them often.
i feel like theyre my most sexually actively self ship. which would makes sense since the game is a porn game, but i think its silly because with real people and even some of my f/o’s i am some flavor of ace so i just think thats silly. love talking about their sex life though, should do it more often.
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timidloner · 2 years
OMG… rambling here or ram as you said (which is so cute btw? living for it <33) just to say i consider you a friend too!! (with all the similar interests and thoughts we have itd be a crime not too) its not weird at all no worries, honestly really glad you think its the case because with the amounts of asks i sent i was worried that id be giving you inspiration for joren’s behavior jajaja
on another note, the many scenarios other people spoke about gave me a brain rot woah… for example, the cornering hed to the mc, what if the mc put his hand in front of him as to calm him down but instead he grabs their hand and kiss it while pleading for their help because he needs the mc………. (WITH A MC THAT IS COMPLETELY NEW TO SEXUAL STUFF TOO WITH THE GUILT AND ALL PHEW) or even the thought of mc dying made me wonder, since you talked about violent mc in the past, what about if a mc tried to kill him (stabby stabby im thinking) in a moment of panic if theyre scared of his advances and remembered the trauma of being forcefully taken away already once? then what would happen? and what would happen if joren accidentally killed the mc??? cause thats a delicious plot line to think of: so used to violence you murder accidentally a loved one, frankenstein monster style AAAA (if you ever make a gc for this story like some authors do… itll be wild from the amount of theories)
AHHH, you have no idea how nervous I was while writing that. I was afraid that I'd be crossing some boundaries, PHEW! And don't worry, I've met intense people before, and all you've ever come across is friendly!
And yeah, we really share some brain cells!! Maybe the real yanderes were the friendships we made along the way! Jajaja!!
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But going back to our babygirl!
"[...] he grabs their hand and kiss it while pleading for their help because he needs the mc". That's soo good?? I'm swooning.
But I'm taking it even further! He's fine with the dirty thoughts lol, and he already knows that MC wants him, so this feels like a (kinky) play. Joren is taking a role and giving MC a scenario to indulge themselves.
And that man is nothing but committed! So after he confesses that the someone he can't have is MC, he would ask for a kiss. So he can know what it feels like, they won't even be sinning since a simple kiss doesn't break any rules (technically), and they'd even be helping a sinner in need.
But when MC kisses him, he would take advantage of their naivety about sex. It's not a sin to roam their body with his hands. It's not a sin to bite and use tongue. It's not a sin to press them close to him and put his thing between their legs.
And they're allowed to masturbate, so rutting against each other is fine. They can use his body (hands, things, tongue) to get off, it's not sex, right?
omg.... I know I said he can't lie, but I haven't realized the power this holds. From now on, he can lie with technicalities, half-truths, and by omission.
And making a sudden change of topic! MC trying to kill him in a spur of panic would be better received that a MC who tried to do it with a plan in mind.
If he knows it was because they panicked, he'd try to calm them down, which could backfire and make MC even more hostile. And here's where the tragedy (potentially) comes in.
Joren reminds MC of their trauma, and MC reminds him of his. Both lash out in response, making everything worse, until Joren gets blinded by his feelings, uses a little too much force, and kills them by accident.
It'd go the same way as I described it before, but Moon's reaction would be different.
If Joren kills MC before they make a decision by accident, then Moon would give them a miracle. Not in this life, though, in this one Joren goes crazy and stays with MC's corpse for the rest of his days.
And authors make GROUP CHATS?? What. I actually had no idea! Like in discord??
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what i love about aeon is that how it can be angsty and fluffy and kinky. like, i could ramble about how its tragic that theyre very much compatible in all areas but the circumstances of their life (which caused the compatibility and attraction but is also something that are thrusted into them with both people having little control over it) will never allow them to actually be together. they love each other! they would die for the other! they would try to kill each other! they fucked! they never hold hands! theyre like a married couple! theyre exes! the tragedy of finding and losing someone because of the same damn thing that will consume you. my god. i know a lot of leon ships fits the bill (metaltango, chreon, etc etc) but ada just hits that sweet spot since theyre both purposely written as foils for each other which makes things sweeter. THEYRE DOOMED 😭
but also aeon can be fluffy and cute because ada saw leon when he's just a panicked rookie trying his best but she never really have to force him into a badass, she justs wants leon to take care of himself. leon himself doesn't really expect ada to be her femme fatale persona. well, he never really expects everyone to be strong all the time. i think out of all my favorite leon ships, aeon is the one where both parties could be vulnerable and tender with each other the fastest. toxic masculinity and emotional constipation is hot, but sometimes you just want that sweet sweet hurt/comfort that are heavy on the comfort.
but honestly, i also like the interpretation of ada as an evil woman for the purpose of seeing fics and art where leon gets his ass handed to him by ada. jokes on cleon shippers calling ada manipulative, leon (and me) are into that shit!
also, pegging. what i love from aeon is the pegging.
it's definitely a very multifaceted ship, especially since it's had 20+ years in the making of it. there's so many different stages and points of their ship that i find so appealing.
they love each other! they would die for the other! they would try to kill each other! they fucked! (they flirt in front of helena after her sister dies!) T_T
i think a lot of leons ships where there's a male counterpart are just as interesting as aeon imo. all of the leon x female ships are either problematic or weird. honestly it's just the shippers that has ruined it for me lmao.
aeon is just so interesting to me and just UGHH the desire!!!! the want!! leon stans that hate ada make no sense.. like BOY that BOY WOULD BE DEAD DAY ONE WITHOUT ADA
i do think that aeon fans need to at least acknowledge that ada was using leon in re2r (but then developed feelings) like yes we support women's rights, but also women's wrongs. and i think it's clear that re4r was made to give ada a redemption arc (even though i think that she always had one, particularly in re6)
ada has always been a morally grey character, an anti hero, she helps the heros out when needed, but she has her own desires and wants.
like yes she manipulates?? she looks good while doing it ??
also by the time it's damnation, leon's literally like,
imma let ada do what she wants
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first of all THANK YOUUU~ to 🌶 anon
i am so flattered other ppl read my LONG ASS ask,,,, i hope you enjoyed it~
i took some time to rest (aka i fueled my introverted battery and baked a cake,,, gave it away (dont ask, i felt like baking), showered, watched some tv, ordered pizza and am now chillin on my couch hehe) and now i feel very talk active sooo here i am ONCE AGAIN
AND @shanice-1104 U ARE SO RIGHT
ITS ME,,,,IM THE SIMP (intelligent people are just so😫),, I AM INDEED OPEN FOR A SUGGAR- I MEAN FOR A DOCTOR TO PAY FOR MY NEEDS 😁😁😁😁😁
anyone wanna be my yamqn!beomgyu but without the yandere 💗🥹🤌🏻
and what is a turn off…
like i said i am one kinky bitch… which actually literally no one i know personally knows😭
but i have some no gos and also some unpop opinions aaand this is the perf opportunity to just talk abt them i think its fun
so one thing i find rlly off putting is ddbg😟
or age play.. it makes me a little uncomfortable cause sometimes it feels like they’re sexualizing things that should be kept innocent and not be smth that has to do with … well sex, in my opinion and also THAT LACTATION THING BC ITS THERE TO FEED BABYS (with women) AND THATS WEIRD ON ITS OWN SO WHY WOULD U LIKE IT FOR MEN ????
and i know many people like roleplay but ill be honest, i never get the appeal of it, it kind of just puts me OUT of the mood immediately when i read it in fics or someone mentions it..
and exhibitionism, i do not understand the appeal of doing it in public for example, i can see why the ✨forbidden✨ aspect might be fun but in general i do not like the idea of random people seeing smth so intimidate and i also always feel bad for people who maybe notice it 💀
what i do find interesting and fun..
is somnophilia… and the thing is its kind of risky and a lot of people dislike it
but i think with the right circumstances it can be so nice?!
first of all having a partner you trust and have talked it through with completely! all the limits and what you do like/want
and then i saw this idea of having little necklaces, since it could take away some of the fun of having to personally ask your partner the night of, if they consent.. bc it could take away the suprise for example,, but generalizing and saying its always okey isnt great either… bc maybe ur in a bad mood or had a shit day and dont feel like it at all… so those necklaces could be customized to say yes or no or smth and indicate if the partner consents to it on that night or not
i think that just makes it a little safer for misunderstandings NOT to happen!
what i like abt it is the idea of waking up to your partner pleasuring you, or think your partner is so needy at night but they dont wanna disturb you so it just opens a lot of possibilities and i think its fun and maybe exciting which is what kinks are supossed to be i believe!
and what i RLLY like is marking up my partner i srsly love it (an obsession of mine here we go-)
i dont like it in the childisch way of having an obvious hickey on your neck and then flaunting it at school like youre THE DUDE… it feels a bit immature tbh
i love it in the way of (and i have written this a bit ago, explaining to my ex why i like it so much)
“i dont want others to see, i just wanna look at my work at the end of the night, making a mental image and the next time they look in the mirror they’ll be reminded of what we did”
which is also why i have a soft spot for thighs, hands or wrists, collarbones, lower bellys, backs and chests/boobs… theyre my fav places to mark up and i just love the idea of cuddling with my partner, counting all the hickeys or bite marks i left and recalling memories, the idea of them knowing i “own” them in the sense of theyre mine and mine only to ✨see✨ (although in general im not rlly possessive and don’t get jealous easily) so i can even bite their thigh for example and im the only one who’ll know (like our lil secret) or maybe leaving a cute lil hickey on their wrist and next time i play with their hands fingers i can see my mark- oftentimes when i find someone insanely attractive and their collarbones and neck show (in a photo (maybe a nude- for example) the idea of me being able to ruin or corrupt the beautiful sight with bitemarks makes my heart go 💗💗💗 and me in general 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵
yeah i def got carried away AGAIN. i even wrote this in my notes so i wont get distracted and delete everything… and now i have completely exposed myself, everyone be careful i might bite ;)
-❄️ (feelin a bit spicy today now are we)
that sounds restorative. glad to hear about it ❤️ but i can't imagine going through the effort to bake or cook something just for someone else like that could never be me. i too need a yamqn gyu which is probably why i prefer him to tyun lmao
and omg y'all are blinded by the doctor title. i don't have shit to my name. my 5 years younger brother makes around three times my salary lol you only make good money out of being a doctor in america i swear
i totally get the ddbg and age play thing. like i get it the appeal to some extent like being taken care of and spoiled (is that the appeal? idk) but i just find it icky when the "baby" character can't speak or they have very obviously child-like mannerisms. it grosses me out. i've seen more than a couple fics of that type around felix lmao
and yeah lactation both ways freak me out but especially on males. i don't remember if i've written female lactation for iyym or not but if i have it was only to increase the crazy factor of felix (says I who writes noncon scenes)
roleplay is tricky because in real life i don't think i could ever take it seriously and in fics it wouldn't be roleplay it would just be the characters being the actual roles like teacher/student etc. but maybe if i tried it in real life i'd like it? idk i think i'd just laugh
oh man exhibitionism is definitely a kink that only belongs to the fics for me. i may have done a couple of things in public before but that wasn't because i was into it. i just didn't have a place to do it lmao. but getting caught is THE WORST (which i did like 3 times lmao)
somnophilia (with consent if it's in real life) is such a good concept. it's like the feeling you get when you wake up from a wet dream but better lol. but it does have it's drawbacks like morning breath and maybe having sweated through the night 😂
yesss the necklaces are also sooo good for the free use kink. like if you put the necklace on, it lets your partner know that they can just grab you and fuck your brains out whenever they want
for marks i like it for both ways honestly. the sweet one you mentioned and the "mine" aspect but the mine aspect is only for the fics again. i'd never intentionally mark my partner for the world to see that would be mortifying lmao (i did it once accidentally and it really was mortifying :'D)
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corruptedwraith · 11 months
3. If you could be dominated by anyone who would it be? 
4. If you could dominate anyone who would it be?
11. What’s your favourite sex toy that you already own?
throwing this under a cut bc it got a lil long 😅 thanks for sending this tho dear anon!! 🥰
3) dominated by ANYONE?
uHHHH //sweating nervously, looking at the list of "fictional guys I shouldnt have the hots for but 110% do"
I'm in COD MW brainrot hell right now so first thought was my blorbos from there lmnkjbhghjk but a classic is always the Winter Soldier- also like. Hannibal Lecter. Dexter Morgan. Krieger. Kylo Ren / Hux double dom team-
The list goes on.
Actual people? I mean. if you know you know. but. @clouded-king LISTEN, I'd let him do things to me...
4) dominate anyone? eh here's where it gets weird. for those unfamilar with me. I am not a Dom or a top persay. I'm a submissive who's sadomasochistic. So like. I would 100% engage in sadomaso play as either party (giving or receiving) but that's about the extent of it.
One concept that a lil group of us have come up with is uh. well consider a kidnapper who has all their lovely lil pets. gotta break em in and all that. but youd also need a guard dog, yeah?
yeah Im the guard dog. attack k9. fuckign god that concept gets me mkay
11) Im gonna split this into two sections; fave sex toy (normie) and fave sex toy (kinky)
for normie, I gotta say its my satisfyer penguin - just a gr8 lil clit / tcock stim toy,,,, def my fave for that style ahhh. tho, my wand with any of its toppers is a close second, bc its a plug in so no batteries to go dead >:3 (couple it with a forced O belt and heheheh) (not that I can O very easily... rip)
for kinky, its a toss up. I love my various impact toys, esp the liquid cane, the fuckign. flat metal one I just got, and of course my vampire gloves bc sensory and impact and good.
Im also a sucker for any of my hoods / masks. I need 2 wear them more tbqfh.... My pup hoods, or my gas mask (Canadian C4 model gas mask, in green)
also, pump/suction toys. nip, tit, clit, pussy pumps... whatever. idk what it is exactly but goddamn theyre so fuckign FUN-
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kkanmei · 11 months
just realized i can actually make original posts too and not just reblog things that remind me about my ocs
anyway! vanea sex headcanons under the cut
i dont think vaneas heavy into sex, i think hes overall very sex ambivalent. he wont go out of his way to seek out sex, but he doesnt actively avoid it either. for him sex is deeply emotional much more so than it is physical so the only people hed ever sleep with would be his partners
haurchefant is horny though, i get a very horny very sexually active vibe from him. haurche is definitely the person that vanea has had the most sex with no holds barred. but even though i think haurche has a very high libido he also treats sex with vanea as emotional and romantic. its always face to face and theyre always as close as possible. cuddling afterwards is a must and it lasts twice as long as the sex itself
i hc aymeric as ace and sex ambivalent like vanea, so i dont think theyve had very much sex at all. when they do its less of a big romantic ordeal, even though they love eachother aymeric isnt wont to scattering rose petals and lighting candles as haurchefant is. the only really clear and specific hc about aymeric/vanea is that aymeric likes to have vanea under him
ardbert is a weird situation because like they cant touch, so mutual masturbation is kind of the only option they actually have but like im into it. i think itd be mostly a bonding thing, but its nowhere near as romantic as haurchefant is. but i also dont think it was sexual very often
emet and vanea did NOT have sex. BUT. i cant make a post like this without talking about emet. i think emet fucks. emet and vanea would probably be the closest thing to kinky that vanea gets, also they would have the biggest roster of positions because its not a romantic bonding thing so vanea wouldnt feel the need to be facing him. i see them more as a friends/enemies with benefits situation, except vaneas earnestly nice and likes emet and sees him as more of a friend than an enemy. trying to get him to stop doing rejoinings after sex. vanea took one look at emet at the beginning of shadowbringers and was like "i could fix him"
i dont think vanea and graha have had sex yet. like they will eventually but rn graha hasnt worked up the nerve to make a move (hes shy) and since vanea doesnt seek out sex himself they just havent done anything yet. i do think graha is more submissive than vanea whose pretty middle of the road, so itd be the only ship with vanea as a power bottom. i think graha like haurche is very romantic and intimate with sex too
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You know. This is the first blog I've ever created that I tired to create content on. Like, I've have another tumblr account that I had for YEARS but I just kinda rebloged stuff on and didn't make any of my own posts.
So having this account? Wild. Actually having people engage with my stuff? Waking up to 99+ notifications? Extremely Wild.
It's also very, very weird whenever I see someone who I followed before I made this account interact with my stuff. No one is like, celebrities lol, but I do just kinda sit there like O.O "do they know? Do they know their stuff inspired me to make and share my stuff?"
OK but actually shotting a few people out because their blogs are GREAT and inspired me to create smut:
@koumine their sub Lucifer stuff is literally AMAZING. I didn't actually care much for Lucifer before I stumbled across their blog, but after I did I started to play more attention to him in game. And omg. I love him. As you can tell by how much I post about sub Lucifer. Their words are SO pretty and flow SO nice. Go read "wear your independence like a crown" right now because it is one of my favorite fics of all time. Also their fic "the devildom diaries" is absolutely hilarious. Not smut just pure hilarity. But it's also really good for feelings!! Loved Asmo's part.
@demon-fucking-therapist Go read their yandere bros series right now go read their yandere bros series right now go read their yandere bro series 🌀🌀🌀 (I am hypnotizing you) ok but actually just go read everything they wrote because it is SO GOOD!! I wasn't the biggest fan of yanderes before their blog but omg. They changed that real quick! I absolutely love how they write Mc in the series, they feel like a real person and they never did something I couldn't see myself doing. Even when theyre with murderers I couldn't help by nod my head like, yeah I would probably do that do. They post a different of every brother and I absolutely love that.
@thedevilsdom exposed to a lot of different kinks I didn't think I'll vibe with, but now I absolutely do. A lot of their stuff is very sweet and loving, while also being extremely kinky. Everytime they write about the boys I just wanna scoop em up and wrap them in blankets. Does really good smut dialog, like I have trouble figuring out how people talk when theure getting absolutely ruined but thedevilsdom write it beautifully.
@domreader-headcannon-scenarios writes mean smut and I absolutely love it. Some times I just wanna be a bully and a tease and their work is great for that. If any of yall like my pact play stuff you're absolutely going to enjoy their stuff about the kink because it's TOP TIER. Honestly I didn't even really consider how the pacts could be used for kinky stuff until I read their stuff and something unlocked in me. Some of the stuff they write are for fandoms I'm not in but I don't even care because their writting is just THAT GOOD.
All of these blogs are amazing and write like absolute crazy so yall should check em out if you like my stuff lol.
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sscoutregimentss · 3 years
I was gonna make a request based on your Eren x Gamer Reader post but then I saw you take poly requests... Erejean x Gamer Reader? (She/her pronouns btw ^_^)
sure thing anon! your brain is huge. i started a one shot which is now sitting in my drafts bc i literally dont know how to finish it. maybe i'll post it later but for now here you go headcanons woohoo
eren and jeans dynamic makes it look like its impossible for them to share a girlfriend but it actually? works surprisingly well?
arguing is kinda their love language in a very strange weird way. if theyre not fighting somethings wrong but their like constant bickering actually is rlly important to you three's relationship lmfaooo a lot of communicating is just eren and jean fighting and then you pick up on something they say and you three talk it out. plus its gets all their energy out at the end of the day... like when puppies run around in circles bc they didnt go on long enough walks
jean is the planner of the couple, always making sure you guys get tickets to see this that and whatever, always figures out how ur gonna get places and when everyone will be picked up, makes sure everyones schedules are free and that theres no big game release that you'll miss and eren doesnt have work and jean isnt volunteering
in terms of nerdiness jean is a decent middle ground between you (who says "ummm actually..." unironically) and eren (who thought dungeons and dragons was a kinky thing) because he lives with connie so he gets roped into playing stuff like rainbow six seige and watching battlestar galactica into late hours of the night. also he's an only child who was prone to boredom as a kid so he played video games like any other only child. that being said he has a more extroverted personality and aptitude for sports so he just never got as absorbed in it as you did
this kind of makes eren jealous tbh because he thinks jean has more to relate with you then him. but jealousy is like a natural feeling and despite his feigned reluctance jean is happy to share his knowledge with him.
plus eren realizes that what he lacks in video game and movie knowledge he makes up in anime bc jean is clueless on that front. once you went on this huge rant about how sailor moon would decimate goku in a fight and jean just goes "gokus the pirate with the fox spirit, right? hes trying to become number one pro hero right?"
speaking of eren eren and jean are on the same volleyball team (i hc they play volleyball bc theyre tall but i think theyd be cute on any sports team because im weak hearted) and you become their fave cheerleader <3 they look for you in the stands before each game and have their own little ritual for good luck. when he spots you jean jumps really high (despite the team captain, levi screams at him to save it for when the game starts) and makes a heart with his arms and blows you a kiss when he gets in the air and its so embarrassing so eren just dogpiles the embarassment but giving you an over exaggerated wink its the worst theyre gross
jean gets you into connie's discord server after you complain that people are really rude to you in online games and eren is quick to demand an invite too even though he literally plays nothing and has no idea how discord works. he will log in and ping you to show you a meme and even though connie's server is really chill with rules (like 10 ppl max, just some friends hanging out) he has always wanted to say "no memes in general" so he does it every time. you have to show eren how to use private messages once connie jokes abt eren being his discord kitten.
cuddle pile while watching movies... jean is a film buff so you three have movie nights rlly often. its usually you sandwiched in between them with jean behind you and eren in front of you so you can play with his hair. jean's movie taste is actually really broad and you and eren both find a ton of new favorites through him.
they both really like listening to you ramble. you can explain soooo much lore abt your fave series and theyre both really invested. eren is more invested in the characters while jean is more focused on what happens next, but theyre both listening rlly well and making sure you know they care. they kinda care in different ways though? while eren is just passionate and because he's so passionate he must know about all things you like, jean is either interested or just likes hearing your voice. of the two jean is more likely to give you short answers and he'll be more dozed off so he's good to go to when you just want to rant. eren is going to ask you more questions and get wayyy more confused so he's good to go to when you want to explain or flesh out your points.
jean finds eren's jealousy of fictional characters sooooo ridiculous. whenever eren is pouting about some new video game guy youre in love with jean is rolling his eyes because of course its eren jaeger he's just looking for things to get angry at. "what are they gonna do idiot, come out of the tv?" but then one day there's a character that looks a lot like eren and suddenly he understands everything. but he realizes you have a thing for guys with long hair. he'll keep the mullet around for a while
they both really like having you sat in their laps and (unbeknownst to you) in order to avoid conflict they created a system. cozy game? eren. reading? jean. watching anime? eren. watching something live action? jean. playing a game on your phone? eren. watching an analysis video for your favorite franchise? jean. just messing around on your computer? rock paper scissors, best of three. eren likes to hug you tight and rest his head on your shoulder while talking to you. when it gets quiet he'll nuzzle his face in your neck and give you small kisses there. while jean likes to put his hands under your shirt and rest it on your stomach while you two chat. he's puts his head on your head or throws it back depending on your height and kinda just likes letting his hands wander, like rubbing up and down your arms or tickling you lightly.
you: i hate this stupid game
eren: yeah babe that game fucking sucks (has never played it in his life)
jean: then stop playing it?
you and eren, at the same time: what? no.
all in all they are good boyfriends 10/10 would recommend.
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volfoss · 2 years
Omg can u pleaseeeee rant about fanon prosciutto 🥰 I already do every day but I love the salt. Also fanon Kira 🤨
omg <3333 ok <3
ENOUGH OF MAKING THIS MAN A DADDY!!! ENOUGH OF MAKING HIM CRAZY DOMINANT!!!!! HE IS ANCIENT!!!! as someone who (unfortunately) consumes a lot of LS content and regrets going into the tag, its SO bad. people really just kinda? treat him like hes insanely kinky and weird about shit (i mean they do w like ALL of la squadra but <3 this is about prosciutto rn). i HATE suave prosciutto too like literally where in canon is he smooth talking or even really anything other than giving his little awkward pep talks to pesci/talking back to bruno. neither situation really feels like hes suave or would... well, be like how people treat him in fanon? like i rly rly think people take ONE aspect of his personality and run w it, which ig is understandable for him showing up for 2-3 episodes but also like think critically!! also omg i nearly forgot about sexist/misogynistic prosciutto which is SUCH a bad take... girl why are u writing abt ur fave and being like "wow he beats women 😍". i THINK its all derived from the ONE line towards trish (at least in the dub, i dont remember how he acts in the sub or manga off the top of my head and quite honestly i do not care enough to rewatch/reread) and people just are like omg hes so so full of hatred towards women. he literally never interacts w a woman like?? the entire time hes shown??? but yeah sure lets make his ONE trait be hates women. or that oh wow he REALLY hates pesci when its literally just a mentor mentee relationship! u literally DO NOT have to make them hate each other!! or make it so wow prosciutto hates spending time around him or like wow prosciutto is MADLY in love with him. there are literally other ways of viewing a relationship other than wow theyre best friends and they hate each other!!
also omg ship time!!!!! i hate rispro <3 and brupro (and obvi propesci) tbh. so uh lets start w rispro! ENOUGH of shoving the smaller guy into the mommy role!!! enough of being like wow prosciutto is such a twink!!! literally stop forcing two men into hetero-normative roles but sure ok <3 also literally?? they rly dont interact a lot in canon but the jojo fandom LOVES to ship small guy x kind of intimidating big guy (cough cough jotakak) for no reason so its not rly surprising. rispro makes prosciutto very feminine for literally NO reason, in the way that they have to contrast with how big and strong and so so scary risotto is. like theres art of them out there thats just like prosciutto tiny as shit and risotto towering over him when theres like what? 3 inches of a height difference in the anime? to me it rly feels like a ship for people that don't really think about either characters differently than the common fanon perception.
brupro time omg <3 so bruno is 20!! important factor for the jojo fandom who doesnt rly like to check ages for characters <3 and prosciutto doesnt rly have a canon age but definitely seems older than bruno (idk i feel mid to late 30s). and the common dynamic ppl put them in is wow ex bfs/divorced. all important info before i get into my problems with it. to me it feels rly rly weird bc bruno is young (and as someone who is 20 it feels weird as shit for people to be like omg divorced esp w the age of marriage in italy being 18 iirc) and like?? you just want enemies to lovers when they fought once and again!!! barely interacted!!! its literally not interesting or fun, and people just rly rly dwell on their dynamic being either divorced or idk pta moms (😒). like its literally so so boring bc again they literally barely interacted and its just?? rly rly dumb.
anyways to conclude- fanon pros is SO bad and like one of the worst fanon receivers for LS and i am literally so sick of any ship w him!!
prefacing this with i do not consume a ton of fanon for him bc i am SURE it is mostly rly bad. from the little ive seen, its a lot of either wow hes the worst (true as fuck! but hes also more nuanced than that side of the fandom perceives him) or wow omg... best dad and husband ever. taking the first half on first, i think its genuinely a lot of perceiving him as rly just a villain and not as a character if that makes sense? not saying that they dont really understand him but it feels like on a sliding scale of sympathetic nice guy -> completely irredeemable villain, people go to the opposite ends without realizing there can be nuance in his character. he is literally just a little loser that kills people and sucks!! onto the other half because holy shit the dad kira and wow husband kira so domestic stuff is so so prevalent. the good dad thing is so??? guys... guys listen to me. did we forget the entire second half of DiU? where he literally killed hayato and trapped him in a death loop? but yeah sure he would be SUCH a good dad, wow i cant believe that trying to kill your kind of son is such a good dad move omg... like again i KIND OF get wanting to make a dad thats in jojo be good but also literally he is the LAST candidate for being a good dad. and as for being a good husband, he literally only showed care for shinobu once (when she nearly died bc of stray cat) and everything else was literally all manipulative. he wasnt kissing her before work on the time loop day because he wanted to, it was LITERALLY a powermove over hayato. it wasnt because he actually loved or cared about her. genuinely he uses the people around him, he isnt a nice guy like remotely. i understand wanting to romanticize stuff but this guy literally thinks about (and nearly does) strangling her multiple times?? but yeah omg wow best husband ever award.
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