#they're feeding you lies <3
debtsunpaid · 4 months
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these expressions are so 💅??? the completed klavi-jalla merger creates the cuntiest demigod alive i fear.
#OOC.#i've got 3 stages for jalla & klavier and they're all Very Distinct#there's Pre-Ritual where jalla is a curious traveler trailing the lure of accelerated ley line power. then becomes VERY angry to be trapped#and klavi is just a quiet calm guy who loves his work + his fiancee & is gleefully giggling about getting to go to SPACE for the first time#THEN there's Bad Roommates where they're both struggling for control of the body. klavi is traumatized. jalla is seething.#that's the venom movie stage for them bc jalla is trying to coax klavi into either disappearing or getting cool with murder real quick#and klavi has his fingers in his ears going lalala i can't hear you i'm gonna go teach a math class now this can't be REAL#and FINALLY there's the Merger. where klavi is broken down or spiteful enough to agree to fully incorporate jalla into his consciousness#that's where we get this cunty zemo energy where jalla is practically lounging in the comforts of the material world like a house cat#while klavi is discovering his dormant god complex and realizing that actually? it's pretty fucking GREAT to be the one CAUSING the pain#and not the one RECEIVING it. he spends SO long being absolutely powerless. forced to run + hide + be locked out of his own mind#so when he realizes just how much agency jalla is willing to give him? all for the low low cost of feeding them? it pollutes him entirely#you can do everything people want from you & they still don't have to care about you or help you but this god? they keep him safe.#and the result is this sassy sardonic little fruit with kubrick eyes and a mocking laugh. absolutely unafraid of anything.#content to live the high life while they meticulously rip open the seams of reality one thread at a time. what a freak#KLAVIER VIS. ( can't you see them floating like black ash? )#JALLAKUNTILLIOKAN STUDY. ( you tell them lies. you tell them all. )#JALLAKLAVI V.03 ( and to history we will say: we were right. )
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suiana · 1 year
Speaking of Coraline, I thought about other lover in the process, your lover doesn't treat you as well as they do and other lover had been waiting for a chance to get you to their side (literally) they wouldn't resort to a similar method of other mother in Coraline like locking reader up, but rather manipulating them into thinking readers lover is a manipulator when really, nothing was really wrong in the situation. Read the first line carefully, your lover doesn't treat you as well as they do
omg are u ok with me making this into a yandere oc?1?
✎ yandere! other boyfriend headcanons . . .
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✎ warnings . . .
― obsessiveness, possessives, manipulation etc.
(gn! reader x male yandere! oc)
✎ yandere! other boyfriend whom you first met when you crawled through that tiny door at the top of your attic in the new house you and your original boyfriend bought together.
✎ yandere! other boyfriend who has been waiting for you since he was created. watching you through the eyes of your old doll that you've kept since young. he's practically your childhood friend at this point! except it's completely one sided.
✎ yandere! other boyfriend who knows of your sad relationship with your original boyfriend. what a sad relationship! so boring, an extreme lack of love and romance :( worry not, he can provide that to you <3
✎ yandere! other boyfriend who is extremely obsessive and possesive over you. he just can't help it though! you're so divine, so perfect ♡ he'd be a fool of a man to not worship you. throwing shade to your original bf now LOL.
✎ yandere! other boyfriend who feeds you lies and deceives you. you can't help but fall for them, he's too convincing! his words- they're not forced, they're just so natural that they sound like the truth! you just couldn't help but believe that your other boyfriend never really loved you :(
✎ yandere! other boyfriend who always throws a tantrum whenever you tell him you're leaving to go back to your original world. what do you even have there anyways?! clearly not him! so stay! just stay!
✎ yandere! other boyfriend who always has to hide his murderous tendencies and his monstrous side. he can't ruin everything he built up with you. he doesn't like doing things the hard way, you know? you're going to stay with him, whether you like it or not. you never had a choice.
✎ yandere! other boyfriend who smiles happily as you come running back into his arms after your original boyfriend screamed at you when you returned. see darling? what did he say? he's always right, so be a good sweetheart and stay with him forever. he can and will take care of you. don't worry your pretty head <3 just stay with him. that's all he asks for.
✎ "so stay with me, my dear. I can treat you better than he ever can, than he ever will."
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Megumi Fic Recs
note: i do sometimes link my reblogs bc there is literally nothing i hate more than clicking on a link only to arrive at the ghost blog page.
@romantichomicide95 i got you girl. lmk if you think i missed any.
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blogs to just read through:
girl I could read your megumi fics for DAYS. and you have so many, you truly feed me. the FLUFF. the ANGST. the SMUT. everyone else should go read them too. right now.
honestly, if you're looking for jjk fics of any sort her blog is the place to go. again, she has amazing reader representation and plot diversity, so i highly recommend.
her fics are timeless and classy, and i absolutely love the way she writes megumi
all of her one shots are top notch, but her series unholy matrimony is literally my holy grail (no pun intended). go read it now
definitely a top contender for the number one megumi simp, and you can see that reflected in her writing. it's just so cute and they're like my comfort fics. except for that one that made me bawl how could you do that to me??
and of course, she may not have posted a fic in a little while, but this list would be incomplete without the one, the only, @kasumitenbaz!!!! you can and will find her losing her mind in the comment sections of any and all megumi fics. love ya kas <3
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Make This Drive Last 'Til the End of This Song (fluff, two-shot)
Megumi's ears turn pink when he lies (fluff) He never wanted to have children but- (fluff, dad megumi) Megumi's the type of man who...(fluff, suggestive)
Until I Found You (fluff)
Divine Dogs (fluff) Rodeo Station (fluff)
Cherry Blossom Springs (fluff)
divider by @cafekitsune
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yuri-is-online · 2 months
Sorry for making you explain all the yutus but can you do Jades? Bros gotta be so overprotective 😬
Jokes on you I am always down to talk about Jade Leech (my beloved)
notes: they/them used for Yuu, for context on the fyuuture kid au can be found here and here. I think I typed up way more for this than anyone else up to this point, I'd apologize but it has been a second since I brain rotted about Jade, so excuse me for feeding myself (づ_ど)
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Put yourself in Jade's shoes for a second.  He is a merfolk from the coral sea, only able to appear human through the use of a potion but still retaining his inhuman features.  He tries hard to appear human, he goes to a boot camp where so many things have to be explained that he is able to mimic but doesn't fully understand.  There's no reason for you to like him, he knows that better than anyone; he doesn't fully understand why he's attracted to you himself but he is.  And he longed after you for so long, he was drowning in his desire that had such a little chance of being reciprocated but by some miracle it was.  You stay in Twisted Wonderland, you let him take you under the sea and agree to be kept there.  You're going to give him a family, he's beyond excited and filled with feelings of love he didn't think he'd ever get to have.
And then it's gone.  There's no evidence as to why, no one to tell him where you went.  Azul starts off confident, excited at the prospect of revenge and encouraging Jade.  They'll find them, between him, Jade, and Floyd they'll find Yuu and someone will have a very bad day.  But there's nothing, they're being lied to and stonewalled at every turn and when finally (it's been 10 months 3 weeks and two days, he could count down to the hours and seconds but who would listen?) Riddle of all people contacts them with a lead, he's dead almost immediately.  Turned into a phantom, all of those friends of yours he was so jealous of too… no one is telling him but he knows.  You're not coming back, he's never going to meet your child, he failed at a moray's one job of protecting his cleaner shrimp.  When he's alone he talks to you both sometimes, nights when you can see the stars are becoming increasingly rare as the sky flares up with ink but he likes to think you found your way up to the sky.  
When he loses Floyd and Azul he sort of loses his will to live.  The only thing that keeps him going is the promise of one day being able to lay them both to rest eventually, but until then he bar tends at NRC and listens to all the little things people talk about when the world is ending. If he was in a better place he'd probably find it funny how lose people's lips are getting, Azul’s business would be doing so well if he were here now…
That's what he's doing one day in September when one of the mage students runs up to him out of breath, Sehrish he thinks her name is?  
“The headmage needs you in the hospital wing!”  She sounds scared, out of breath like she's run the whole way and Jade is just curious enough to go.  Something spurs him on to run himself, through the mirror and into the wing and-  
He doesn't even hesitate, his body acts before his brain does launching him towards you and grasping desperately at your hands.  They're cold, you're going cold and he doesn't have the warmth in his body to give you.  Something has mercy on him and let's your eyes open just the bit as you reach just as desperate to be close to him as he is to you and he feels your strength pass into him.  
“Don't apologize.”  He manages to whisper.  
“But I'm sorry.”  You cry.  “I love you so much and I couldn't forget even though they wanted me to.”  
“Who did this.  Who took you just name them and I promise you my pearl-”  he gets to kiss you one more time before your gone.  Jade doesn't move, he thinks Crewel is yelling for his attention but he can't move, he wants to stay here forever he has to protect you, why wasn't he able to protect you?!
“Oh holy fuck that tastes bad.”  There's a dazed voice Jade has never heard before, heavy with sorrow, and though he doesn't quite have it yet, Jade feels purpose begin to return to his heart.
Jade! Yutu is a menace.  I like the idea of him being some form of punk or goth, with piercings and a few tattoos that Yuu doesn't know anything about.  He grew up with a small group of close knit alt friends who would come over to Yuu's house and shoot the shit.  Yuu was really popular with Yutu's friends actually, he had mixed feelings about that. (No, his parent isn't accepting step-father applications, Joshua, keep running your mouth and see what happens)
Has a mixed ranged of emotions about his parent's amnesia. When he was younger not knowing who his dad was made him really sad, he'd listen to other kids talk about doing things with their fathers and he'd dream about doing them with his dad, but the picture was always blurry and felt just... wrong somehow. As he gets older and starts forming his world view he starts to think his dad might have left Yuu for any number of reasons. Did it happen before or after their amnesia, that's what he wants to know.
He has a pretty big problem with authority, residual trauma from the trip across worlds he thinks now… but back in your world he just didn't see the point of respecting someone just because they have more money and power than him.  Almost everyone does, that doesn't make them special!  But he's so sneaky about it, if it weren't for his clothes or his friends Yuu would hardly know what he gets up to in his spare time. It put a bit of strain on their relationship, Yutu sees his lies as something he does to protect his parent, while Yuu sees themselves as well.  A parent.  Who is the one who should be protecting their child not the other way around.  
When he tries to pull similar stunts with Original Timeline! Jade he gets a rude awakening. He tries sneaking out to meet up with some friends only to find his dad sitting with them, polite smile on his face clearly reveling in how awkward he is making this.  Oya, did Yutu think he was being slick?  He's hurt, no really this is the first time Jade has had to fake cry in years, he'd almost forgot how.  Didn't Yutu ever wonder where he got this from?  Because he had to know it wasn't Yuu.
Jade! Yutu also played in a band in middle school and also played bass, it just wasn't a jazz trio or an upright bass.  He would have liked continued to play in bands, but he shares his dad's issues with stage fright which makes it sort of difficult. He has tried his hand at writing his own music from time to time, but he's waaaaay too shy to ever play it for anyone other than the woods.
He really likes horror stories and cryptids, so he wasn't super afraid of the monsters when he first arrived in Twisted Wonderland.  One round with Phantom Riddle changed that nonchalant attitude quick, and while he still is very attached to the stuff he read about back in your world he hates blot monsters and Twisted Wonderland fiends in general.
Speaking of those monsters, Jade hates Yutu fighting them.  Father and son are an absolute nightmare for Crewel to deal with, one is threatening to drown him if Yutu is allowed to fight, the other is screaming curse words and saying it doesn't matter what Crewel does, he's going anyway.  He needs a drink (but not from Jade's bar he's going to get poisoned) 
I don't think Yutu actually told Jade he was planning on going back in time because he was angry and just assumed that he would try and stop him.  He's really proud of himself for the first few weeks he spends in the past thinking he got one over on his old man finally (he didn't, but he did hurt him quite a bit), but the more he interacts with the younger version of his parents the more he starts to regret that decision.
Past Jade is so… fun.  He thinks his dad is fun?!  His weird obsession with mushrooms was never something they talked about beyond a few compliments his dad gave to a mushroom patch he had on his jacket; watching his old man prattle on now he never would have guessed any of this.  Yutu never doubted that Jade loved you, but he didn't really think about what that looked like, or what you might have meant to Jade.  They just didn't talk about it, now that he's forced to think about it Jade was probably trying to focus on having him back and how lucky he was to even have that.  And instead of being honest about how angry he was to have lost you he lied and said he was fine.  With how good his dad was at knowing when he was lying Jade had to know that's how he felt, but respected his boundaries and didn't push. All those comments about being there when he's ready to talk, all the times Jade said he loved him, and those long nights he watched from afar as Jade sat with tea next to your grave, just talking to you as if you were still there are put into context. Yutu isn't able to sleep for a few nights after that.
Jade finds Yutu interesting.  He's a potential source of information about Yuu, a lot of his quirks remind him of himself and he finds the new kids blatant disrespect for authority to be hilarious! And hilariously good blackmail material, now now don't be afraid he really is just here to help...
"Nice try old man you won't pull shit out of me." Yutu sounds smug, but Jade knows when his spell has worked and when it hasn't; how delightful he doesn't seem to remember someone ever being so cocky about it before.
"That's a shame." He makes sure to make his face fall to keep the new kid off his guard as he continues his questioning. "It's just I am curious where did you come from? I thought Yuu's world doesn't have magic."
"I mean it doesn't, probably never would have been able to come back in time if I was still stuck there." Yutu blinks, clarity starting to come into view as Jade pushes through the surprise to ask a final question.
"Oya? And just why did you come back in time, were you worried about Yuu?"
"Of course I'm worried about my parent what sort of stupid question is-" Yutu returns to himself and treats Jade to a look of shock so rare and downright delightful he can't help but smile himself. "Hey just what did you do?"
Old man? What a disrespectful thing to call his father, no wonder his future self never told his son about his unique magic. Jade doesn't have time to doubt his affections for Yuu, once Yutu realizes he's fucked and can't get out of admitting that was the truth he tells Jade who he is and a bit about what the future is like. Jade can tell he's keeping a few details back, but he knows himself well enough to know that everything Yutu is describing would have changed him to a degree that he might not have been in the best mental space to help his son through the loss of Yuu.
Speaking of Yuu, Jade asks Yutu to keep his existence to himself for a bit. He wants to win over your affections without the help of the future looming in your thoughts, he only gets to have this part of his life with you once and he intends to savor it. But the confidence boost he gets from knowing you do end up as his mate does have him acting a bit goofy for a bit. Floyd and Azul are legitimately scared.
They are brought up to speed as Jade insists on introducing Yutu to them "properly" and he is every inch the proud father showing off their new baby to the relatives even though Yutu is practically his height and has a bunch of piercings. Floyd takes a liking to him immediately while Azul is a bit more awkward, not that he doesn't like Yutu he's just a lot different from anyone Azul has ever met before so he's unsure how to sell himself. Luckily he doesn't have to because Yutu appreciates his genuine self just like Floyd, Jade, and Yuu do.
Jade gladly invites Yutu to join the Mountain Lover's Club and is very excited when he says yes. Yutu finds a lot of enjoyment in helping his dad work mushrooms into Azul and Floyd's food by pretending to agree with their complaints. Floyd is so mad he calls Yuu and tells them to come get their kid.
The over protectiveness doesn't end exactly, but Yutu is more willing to understand and Jade is more able to explain himself. They're both extremely protective of Yuu and in sound agreement that nothing like Yutu's future can ever be allowed to come to pass. Jade wanted a family, so to learn that he got that and someone took it away from him? Future him was overwhelmed with grief but current him is overwhelmed with rage. Remember book four? He described what he would do to someone who betrayed him, and it wasn't pretty. His plans for whoever did this to his precious mate and child is going to get so much worse.
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electrozeistyking · 2 months
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Hello, welcome to The Rare Bites AU! I was going to draw J and V, but my eagerness to show this to you was far too strong. Here's some notes on it:
-the disassembly drones are pretty much starving and scrawny. uzi hates that her colony basically lied to these guys because they're only attacking because they're desperate to feed. she's like "DAMN WE'RE A BUNCH OF FUCKING LIARS HUH."
-j, n and v are some of the rare few disassembly drones that reached close to adulthood. they're all shaky and weak by this point, but still strong enough to take down a worker if they absolutely pushed themselves to do it. their population has been shrinking for years, due to starvation, overheating and killing their own young.
-"And our parents are leaving these fuckers to starve over one stupid deal they failed to uphold and won't even tell us about?! Like, come on! If these guys were human, they'd be all bony and shit! That's gross! What the fuck is wrong with us?!"
-n unwittingly reveals how bad their situation is by announcing that j and v might kill him in order to feed themselves when they find out he's had more than enough to drink (uzi's like "damn" and gives him some extra oil canisters. the workers have enough as is, so she doesn't bat an eye over having to give any up to disassembly drones).
-because these three don't really have a major reason to hate each other, i like to imagine that n, j and v basically fell asleep in a very shaky cuddle pile in order to feel less alone in this cruel world, and eventually begin to include uzi. at that point, they feel safer and start gaining weight and showing their true personalities. :3
-long story short, they start off in a bad place but then everything gets better because of uzi's input. :3
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keqism · 10 months
⌇ feat. itoshi rin
⌇ premise. your boyfriend is a liar with a sweet tooth
⌇ cw. GN reader, rin & reader are aged up (20+), profanity. not sponsored by haribo !
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Orange gummy bears are the bane of your existence. 
Tart with a bitter aftertaste, the revolting flavor is enough to trigger your gag reflex. Fortunately for you, they're Itoshi Rin's favorite. It's the reason I'm dating you, you joke sometimes, only to be scoffed at. But despite the cold glares, he secretly enjoys it when you hand-feed him the orange jellies.  
It's a ritual between you and him that started in high school. The two of you were seatmates, to Rin's delight. You were pretty, he had always thought. Sitting next to you allowed him to sneak glances at your face, admiring the curve of your nose and the plush of your lips. But despite the close proximity, he could never muster the courage to say a word to you.
It had started off as an awful, rainy day. Rin had slept through his alarm, missed his morning bowl of ochazuke, and sprinted to catch his bus in the rain. Soaked and hungry, he opened his emergency pack of Haribo gummy bears and snuck bites of the colorful jellies during algebra class to tame the loud beast in his stomach. 
He had been biting the head of an orange gummy when a piece of paper landed on his desk. 
the orange ones are the worst! it read, once unfolded. Cautious teal eyes flicked up to meet your unabashed staring, and Rin felt his heart skip a beat at your teasing smile. And when the teacher turned around to face the blackboard, the paper was flicked back onto your desk. 
everyone knows the white gummies are the grossest. You laughed quietly at the note, oblivious to the way his eyes lingered on your lips, before scribbling something back.
if you don't like the white ones, could i take them? they're my favorite :3
And so on a slightly less awful, rainy day, Itoshi Rin found himself sharing gummy bears with you in the back of his algebra classroom.
It was your shared sweet tooth that brought you together. The once awkward silence between classes was filled with your bright laughter and the crinkle of the cellophane gummy packet that he would always split with you. As the school days flew by, Rin realized that he wanted to share more than gummies with you. His first kiss, his body, his cold, guarded heart—he wanted you to have it all. And so when the last bittersweet days of youth came to an end, he asked you to be his.
That was years ago. Now, Itoshi Rin is everything you could ask for in a boyfriend. He brews your favorite coffee every morning, does your skincare routine for you when you fall asleep on the couch, and hides you in the safety of his chest when days get difficult. He does his best to hold his sharp tongue and soften his personality when he's with you. He marks your birthday and anniversary in big red letters on the calendar on his wall. 
So when you storm into the living room, your face livid, Rin has no idea what he's done wrong. 
"Itoshi fucking Rin!" you seethe, your arms crossed over your chest. From the couch, Rin gapes at you in confusion, trying to remember if he accidentally washed your white underwear with the colored clothes again. 
"What? What did I do?" An ungodly squeak leaves his mouth as you push him back by the shoulders, clambering into his lap. 
A sharp finger pokes his chest. "You're a little liar," you spit, "I stopped by the grocery store with Bachira to get you gummy bears and you know what he told me? He said that you hate the orange flavor the most!" 
Rin snaps his eyes shut and groans, cursing his friend for being so mouthy. "Hear me out—," he tries to explain, but you slap your hand over his mouth, his cheeks stinging from the impact. 
"Don't even try," you hiss at him, expression petulant. "I'm not even mad that you lied. I'm mad that you let me feed you the disgusting flavor." You push off of his lap, storming away to your bedroom. The door slams and Rin flinches at the sound.
A moment of bewildered silence passes before he slowly makes his way to the bedroom. Gently opening the door, he peers inside to see you on your bed, wrapped in your duvet. The bed dips under his weight as he sits on the edge, a hand coming up to rub your back. 
"I'm sorry," he whispers. "I don't hate the orange ones, I promise. They're just not my favorite."
The bundle of blankets on the bed rustles as you slide your hand out, dropping something in his lap. The cellophane of the opened Haribo gummy bear packet crinkles as Rin peers inside it. 
"I ate all the orange ones for you," you sniff, poking your head out of the blankets. "I hated every second of it. I hate you."
Rin laughs before pressing a kiss to your forehead.
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i-cant-sing · 11 months
What happens to Teen Fushiguro in the Shibuya Arc after Kenjaku & Mahito kidnap her?
Ah yes, I forgot about this one. Okay, so I imagine that they take you underground or wherever their lair is and like idk... cast spells on you to keep you from using your powers against them. You continue to threaten them, hurl insults at them and they find it amusing because 1. You're a child 2. You don't even know how easily they could kill you. 3. You're a child, why are you trying to fight the boss fights??💀
Anyways, you grow on them and they do end up becoming yanderes for you too. I mean, Kenjaku is like grandfather/guardian figure to you, and if like Getou is still alive/concious inside him, then he's like an uncle/godfather figure to you. They're bothe very protective, Getou more than Kenjaku, while Kenjaku is more like those veteran granddads who want you to become the best version of yourself and be independent, so they don't help you unless they absolutely do need to step in, but nevertheless love you. And once you do learn whatever skill/lesson he wanted you to, or actually become independent, he does not want you to use those new skills or become independent and stop relying on him for "protection" (even if u don't want it in the first place) or leave him/try to replace him. Nuh uh.
Same goes for Getou too, only he's far more gentle with you. Of course he wants you to be stronger and independent too, but he's far more likely too jump in to help you way before any true harm befalls you. He's softer in his lessons, always has that gentle smile on his face as he dodges whatever attack you launch on him. Encouraging words as he pats your head while you're on the ground trying to catch your breath.
As for Mahito, he's much more like an annoying older brother who bullies you for shits and giggles but God forbid if anyone else hurts you. I mean he'd still make fun of you for getting hurt, but rest assured whoever harmed you is now obliterated.
Your time with them is spent with Kenjaku provoking you and finding whatever it is that makes you tick and then having you spar with curses or with Mahito (who takes great joy in being a jerk). And sure, compared to all of their other victims, you're in "paradise," but in reality, your mental is taking a plunge very fast. Because Kenjaku and Mahito have realised your trigger point-
Abandonment issues.
So they use that against you. Everyday, they tell you that your father left you, that Megumi never fought hard enough for you because he didn't like you, that Gojo knew Megumi had a sister but he didn't take you in with him, and that the Zenin clan did consider you a nuisance which is why they let Gojo take you to Jujutsu High, just so that Gojo can use you as a weapon.
And sure, you'd argue that none of it is true but when a lie is told enough times, it starts to feel like the truth. So with the constant feed of negative words and being cut off from the outside world, reader couldn't help but believe all those lies, and that's how her self esteem and mental health took a turn for worse. She becomes more isolated, more quiet, more... dead. She lacks the energy to fight off those curses, not even fazed as they come a little too close to actually killing you (obv Kenjaku or Mahito step in before they can). And this is the point where they think that now that they have broken you down, they can start building you up again... and have you join their side of the battle. Of course, you're still against that, just not putting any actual effort into reacting to them, but then... they bring Megumi.
Or well, Sukuna occupying Megumi's body.
You instantly recognised them both- recognised the shift in the energy, recognised the monster who was disguised as your brother and you broke down. Fell to your knees, sobbed hard enough for your body to shake until Sukuna gathered you in his arms and moved to a private space, away from prying eyes.
You cried and cried, and Sukuna didn't need you to actually say anything for him to understand. You were mourning for your brother, who you knew has a target on his back now that he was Sukuna's vessel, who wouldnt be leaving him so easily. He just patted your back and assured you that everything will be alright if you just listen to him, made you remember how he promised that he'd always be there for you, made you promise to stick by his side and nothing bad will ever happen to you.
"Sukuna?" Your teary voice croaked, the curse king hummed in response. "Promise you won't hurt Megumi? Won't let anyone else hurt Megumi?"
Despite everything, you still cared for your brother. You didn't really need him, but the way you begged... Sukuna didn't have the heart to say no.
"Okay. Only if you listen to me." You nodded, sniffling as you rested your head against his shoulder.
From there on, I think that Kenjaku will continue to help you weild your powers to become the perfect vessel for Sukuna (who has actually no intention of using you as a vessel, no he just wants you by his side for eternity, all for him to spoil and pamper). You follow Sukuna's rules, stay indoors and only come out when he let's you accompany him, sometimes he'd let you enter his domain expansion so that you could meet Megumi, who tries to convince you run for your life and don't worry about him.
Now, I like to think that a point comes when Gojo is finally free from the prison realm and is now ready to beat everyone's asses, and that's when Sukuna mentions how he has been having a good time with you, which only provokes Gojo to fucking murder him and even Megumi, before he finally decides to just beat his ass and look for you (probably when you stop Gojo from killing Megumi) and that's how Gojo ends up snatching you away as you scream for Sukuna to not kill Megumi, beg Gojo to let you go because Sukuna would kill Megumi if you're not there. And all of this sounds like Stockholm syndrome to Gojo and the gang, who again, keep you under lock and key.
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thisismeracing · 11 months
It was always you | MS47
― Pairing: Mick Schumacher x reader (she/her) ― Warnings: curse words, Twitter environment, not proofread, etc, etc. Minors DNI! ― Summary: Mick and Yn decided to stay friends after breaking off their two years relationship, but it seems like things weren't that broken. Maybe having the same friend circle and seeing each other all the time meant that things were never really over. ― A/n: none of the pictures used are mine, they are all from Pinterest and other apps. everything else is made up by me and I do not give permission for it to be published on a different platform. I would appreciate it if those things could be taken into consideration 💛
⁕ based on this request ⁕ my masterlist | my taglist here ⁕ Support my writing by reblogging, and leaving me a message 🤍
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liked by charles_leclerc, mickschumacher, and others
itsmeyn highlights of the racing week (without the racing part) 🫶🏾
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danielricciardo You told me you wouldn't post it 🧍🏻
⤷ pierregasly I guess she lied to you, mate
leclercimagination she’s so pretty ughhh ❤️
gaslightgasly can you imagine working for Ferrari and being friends with the whole grid like this?
⤷ racinginitaly and the fact that she dated Mick, but now they are still friends, like.... how can you be so... mature? adult? lol
landonorris thank you for cutting half of my face 👍
yncloset Yn, what shade is the nail polish??
⤷ itsmeyn burning red! Not fancy though, I got it from Target lol
summerferrari bruh she looks like royalty 😩
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liked by lewishamilton, itsmeyn, and others
estebanocon recharging 🔋🤙🏻
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oconnational IS THAT AUGUSTUS? YN'S CAT?
⤷ ferrariyn totally looks like him
schumix47 estie bestie feeding us the best content
itsmeyn I love you buddy but your fashion sense kills me all the time
⤷ charles_leclerc I’ve head this before 🙄
⤷ pierregasly no but she’s actually right, bro 😅😂
⤷ lewishamilton I’ve never heard this before 😌😇
⤷ itsmeyn we gotta teach them, lew lewishamilton
sainzsalad Yn and Mick are back together, change my mind
⤷ directionerracing I won’t because I am as delulu as you so I believe it
mickschumacher 🤙🏻🤙🏻❤️
deathbyathousandcuts waiting for Yn to post something that tells us she's in Dallas with the Schumachers and Estie bestie 🧍🏻‍♂️
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liked by fan1, user2, and others
f1gossip It looks like Mick Schumacher and Yn Yln were not able to stay "just friends" after their two-years relationship... 🤭
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charlesgasly A FOREHEAD KISS I- *sobbing into my hands*
roscoetimme They semed to like each other too much, it was weird when they broke up, I knew they would eventually find their way back
ynandmick If even Yn goes back to her ex who am I to resist temptation??
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liked by lilyhme, lewishamilton, and others
mickschumacher it was always you 💙
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spideyfan world is healing, yn and mick are back together 🥺
schumercedes they're back and he's even more in love, his account is now a yn fan account
roscoelovescoco I’s waitings to haves playdates with Augustus and Angies
itsmeyn 💙 my end game. I love you, micky
⤷ mickschumacher love you, Liebling 😘
mickswife 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 its over for us and Im not even mad about it
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― ⋆🪩 VOICEMAIL: I hope you guys liked it! Let me know your thoughts, send this piece to your friends, reblog, print and put on your wall, screenshot it, like it, reblog again, you know the drill hahahah jk jk but make sure to let me know if you liked it, it means a lot to me <3 *mwah*
taglist: @sachaa-ff @kenanlotus0 @dalsuwaha @mellowpizzapuppy @mickslover @crimeshowjunkie @iloveyou3000morgan @mishaandthebrits @formulakay3 @carojasmin2204 @fdl305 @saintslewis @chaoticevilbakugo @wondergirl101ks @smiithys @shhhchriss @f1kota @lunnnix @leclercsluv @babyiscrying @balekane_mohafe @uuuseeerrr12
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isa-ghost · 5 months
Attention JSE Community: Important
This will probably blow up in my face, but something needs to be said. Besides, anyone who comes after me for this supports genocide, so. Whatever. Free blocklist if anyone sends me hate anons.
There's a person in the community, who runs a few blogs you may know, which you'll want to block if a) you're Palestinian or b) you wholeheartedly oppose the genocide taking place against them. I'm going to provide context, then list the blogs you'll want to block.
Back in November or so, when I first started reblogging pro-Palestine posts, I as an American wasn't as informed at the time about the war going on as I am now. Like any sensible American, I fully expected that any major media source I'd be given info from would be feeding me propaganda or just lies in general. (I'm right but I digress). As soon as I started reblogging pro-Palestine posts, I got concerned asks from two anonymous Israeli people who were formerly veteran followers of mine (one had been following me for at least 6 years). I thought their concern was reasonable, given I doubted the media sources I'd be most likely to get information from. I offered to let them correct me if I reblogged misinformation, assuming America would lie to me about both sides of the war, because of course I want to ensure I'm not perpetuating misinfo.
Mind you, I only reblogged 3 types of pro-Palestine posts: charity signal boosts, posts BY Palestinians, and videos of actual literal real life footage of proof or interviews about what Israeli forces are doing to Palestine and its people.
The anons I was getting started getting angrier, more aggressive, and guilt-trippy. I'm not sure which post was their last straw, but either the main anon (the one following me 6+ years) or BOTH anons I had previously heard from attacked me in my askbox calling me antisemitic and saying other nasty things because I was supporting Palestine. The main anon guilt-tripped me and straight up claimed Israel is not harming Palestine whatsoever, in other words denying the genocide is happening. Then they unfollowed me. This person owns the blogs I'm going to list to you.
I haven't heard from this main anon or the other one on Tumblr since, however they both were, until recently, also in a JSE Community theorist server I mod in, and recently blew up in there after the server mods declared their support for Palestine. The server owners AND the mods have been getting hate anons from Zionists (presumably the two anons sending multiple asks) for the last few days because of it, just like I did when I kept reblogging pro-Palestine posts.
One of the two anons, I'm unsure which, also owned a blog called @/hamas-is-isis, which is now inactive and/or deleted. You can still block the blog regardless just to be safe. Whichever anon didn't own the blog was reblogging its posts. So both anons supported the blog to say the least.
The main anon, the one denying the genocide is happening, owns the following blogs, two of which are/were major community blogs (which is why I'm fully expecting this to blow up in my face somehow).
@/aceofspades-lena (this is the main anon & possibly the owner of @/hamas-is-isis)
I strongly urge anyone who sees this post to block them, because I and at least 6 other people I will not name to avoid them getting harassed further, have witnessed this person being legitimately malicious towards Palestine and the topic of it. Again, they sent me an ask denying that Israel was hurting Palestinian people.
The second anon, the server mods realized today, had previously been sending subtle Islamophobic dogwhistle art in the server. We didn't catch it until after it came out that they're Zionists. Obviously, for any members of the server who see this that may be concerned, the mods have now deleted that art. The following blogs are theirs and I'm urging anyone who sees this to block them too:
On the spacetimesystem blog, there are other sideblogs they listed in their pinned post if you want to go as far as to block those too.
I won't share it on this post, but the mods of the server I mentioned have screenshot proof of some of the hate anons that have been sent (I don't have any of the ones I got months ago unfortunately), as well as some other things these two have said. We also have a screenshot of the art.
I also want to mention, we found them discussing the idea of making a JSE community space that would "accept them." If you see Discord invites floating around, be wary. You could unknowingly be joining a Zionist-owned, anti-Palestine server.
Absolutely mind-boggling to me that these two would do all this or be this way when the charity that Sean supported for Thankmas this year is helping Palestinians. Not to mention he just straight up doesn't want hateful people in his community at all. But I digress.
Anyway, I urge you to block the blogs I listed. At least one of them is genuinely malicious and has attacked multiple people on anon over voicing support for Palestine. The other made art that implied Palestinians are monsters.
Free Palestine, and stay safe.
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forcebookish · 9 months
another little detail i love about top: he loves taking care of mew and it's how he expresses his love.
i've already talked about how he really only bares his fangs when someone insults him or is otherwise rude/mean. at the birthday party, he just kind of stands there uncomfortably while ray goes on his rants.
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he switches to his annoyed bitch face when ray calls him an asshole,
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but it's not until ray says,
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that top truly gets pissed off and shouts at him. this is actually the first time he's shouted in the whole drama, despite being provoked multiple times. he's been a mean girl, he's raised his voice, he's pushed and punched back, but never yelled.
it's at the accusation that top doesn't take care of mew. this is something that top prides himself in, it's extremely important to him that he takes good care of mew.
(and he's not fucking faking it, you weirdos, it's how he expresses his feelings/love for someone. consistently. there has never even been so much as a hint that this isn't true. he feeds mew the night they are formally introduced and you can see it throughout the series, even before he knew that mew had a "checklist," he helped him at school, on the project, and with his laser tag headband. sure, mew is a bottom, but top has no way of knowing that being taken care of is the role that mew likes to take - this is just how he acts in relationships. if it were fake, he wouldn't have told boston in private that he would take care of him in ep 3. that's another thing that makes all these """"theories"""" that top is faking being a good boyfriend so ludicrous. not only do his actions match his words, they match the words that he says when mew isn't around: i want to date him because he's interesting, i'll take care of him, i still like him. these are the scenes where the writers would have clued us in if top's feelings for mew were fake, and boston wouldn't have been able to manipulate them if they weren't genuine. this is, like, writing 101, guys. there's no reason to hide that shit from the audience for that long. you're not slick, you haven't outsmarted the writers. in fact, you're actively ignoring the story they're actually telling and your misreading of these characters is insulting to the actors.)
similarly, while mew is screaming at him about sleeping with boston, he just takes it; he knows he's hurt mew and he's full of regret and guilt and heartbreak. he doesn't defend himself because he knows it wouldn't help and it would sound like a lie. he chuckles unhappily, because it's the moment he's feared; he knew they were on borrowed time. he feels he deserves it (inb4 if you say something snarky like "he did" i will block you lol boston lied to and coerced him by manipulating his feelings for mew, all after sexually assaulting him... and then assaulted him again after; boston had to be physically shoved away and had to be shamed to finally leave top alone).
it's not until mew suggests that top doesn't love him, that their whole relationship was fake that top "fights back."
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look at the way he suddenly snaps up to meet his gaze, eyes wide, and then moves his whole body as if to ask, how could you say that?
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his whole body language shifts from submissive and barely moving to active and swaying. he fights back, and it's not to defend what he did, it's to defend his love for him. not only that, it's to defend mew - to defend the way that top sees mew. he can't stand the thought that mew would think that's the way he feels about mew - especially when it's pretty much the opposite of what actually happened.
for mew to think top doesn't love him is intolerable. he can't let him believe that everything he's done for him wasn't genuine, that their whole relationship was a lie - he knows how much that hurts. but after he's told that mew can't believe a word he says, top can't even tell him that he loves him.
what was my point? i guess that top is genuinely loving and caring and it's something that is important to him, and that especially he wants mew to feel his love and like he's being taken care of. plus, his never seeking fights but responding with biting comments that pierce through others' insecurities is one of my favorite character traits of his. it's something that's been shown in every episode, and what makes the few moments where he's unable to fight back at all (see: episode 2 and 3 with boston) all the more shocking and meaningful.
anyway, everyone (especially book) did an amazing job, but force really knocked it out the park this episode. the direction for this series is also exceptional. everyone is putting their all into it, literally embodying these characters.
i love top so much sob
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bluehourbucky · 1 year
Team Work
pairing: Steven Grant x f!reader; Marc Spector x reader; Jake Lockley x reader
summary: your boys help take care of you when you get sick
italics are the moon boys talking to each other
a/n: first time writing for moon boys please be nice. Also would appreciate any tips of how to write for moon knight and the boys <3 if you have any please comment or send them in my asks :)
Oh no, you thought when you woke up with a runny nose and a sneeze. You turned around to see if you had woken up your boyfriend. Luckily, you didn't. He has a day off so he can sleep a little longer. You're not even sure when they arrived last night, so you were careful to get out of the bed as quietly as possible.
As you were getting ready for work, you felt a little dizzy. Maybe it's nothing, you lied to yourself. You really didn't need a cold or something right now, you were saving your free days to go on a vacation with your boys.
"Shit" you whisper, Steven is going to notice immediately that you're not feeling well, not that Marc or Jake wouldn't it's just harder to convince Steven not to worry.
"Love, you alright?" you hear him coming to the bathroom. He comes in and hugs you from behind, puts his head on your shoulder and kisses your neck.
"I'm fine! Just didn't sleep well last night, you should go back to bed!" Steven looks in the mirror, probably talking to Marc or Jake.
"She's hiding something. Ask her again." Marc scolds Steven, and Steven rolls his eyes.
"Darling, are you sure? What's going on?" Steven stops you, one hand on your arm, and the other is lifting your chin, so you look at him.
Right as you were about to answer, you sneeze into your elbow, which then turns into a coughing fit. Steven caresses your back softly, waiting for you to stop.
"I'm okay." You sniff, looking for toilet paper to blow your nose.
"Marc says you're not, and that you're staying home today, and Jake agrees. And I agree with that, my love, I bet you're burning up."
You knew they were right, so you didn't put up a fight when Steven made you change back into your pajamas and call in sick at work.
"Stay." Steven, tucks you in and orders you to stay in bed, you have a tendency to get up and follow him when you're sick.
"Steven let me switch with you, I wanna take care of my baby."
"Not a chance, I want to do it"
Steven pushes Marc away, set on a mission to make you a hot cup of tea and a soup. He makes you take your temperature, and you in fact do have a fever.
"Steven. Now." Marc is becoming impatient he wants to help but Steven is being stubborn as always.
"I want to help too."
Great, now Jake also wants to help, so Steven has to fight them both for control. He hates to admit it, but you being sick sometimes can be the best time to be with you. You become so cuddly and clingy, and Steven relishes in those moments when you need him. Unfortunately, he's not the only one.
"Here you go, love." Steven helps you sit up and feeds you the soup, then he gives you some medication for your very high fever. He can't believe you almost went to work.
"Thank you." You sniff, and your boyfriend gives you a sympathetic look. You know you probably shouldn't have pulled Steven into bed with you and then laid on his chest, but it's the best spot for sleeping.
"I love you." Stevens heart skips a beat whenever you tell him that. He holds you tighter and then he starts playing with your hair which makes you relax completely.
"This is not fair! You took care of her last time! You can't do this." Marc knows it's stupid to be jealous yet he is but so is Jake.
"Marc's right! Should be my turn by now!"
"You're giving me a headache!" Steven accidentally yells out, which makes you jump.
"Sorry, darling, didn't mean to say that out loud."
"What are you guys fighting about now?" you ask, its easy to tell when they're in a disagreement. They all show it differently, but you know. Right now, Steven is pouting.
"You're not fighting about taking care of me again? Are you? We talked about this."
"Uhh Marc has something to say."
"Hi babe." Marc is cursing Steven in his head for leaving him to make an excuse.
"We just want to take care of you, and well, I think we all enjoy your attention a little too much when you're like this. And also last time you were sick, Steven did everything and didnt let us help. Don't want you thinking that I don't want to take care of you. "
Doing a great job Marc now she'll think we like it when she's sick!
"Marc, you don't have to worry about that. I know that you're all there for me whenever I need you. I love you. And also you work best as a team."
She's right.
Of course she is. Okay let's do this as a team.
And they do. Steven makes you tea, Marc cuddles you to sleep, Jake wakes you up to give you medicine and so on. You're back in full health in no time.
A week later, Steven comes from the museum with a fever. No surprise, of course, he spent most of the time with you in bed.
[The End]
hope you enjoyed <3
likes reblogs and comments are appreciated <3
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b1mbodoll · 9 months
idk if vamp!enha thoughts are still open (if not, just ignore this <3) but if they are...
vamp!wonnie has been your boyfriend for a while now. he doesn't know how to tell you his little secret so he warms you up to it by introducing biting in and out of the bedroom (he tells you they're love bites !!!). but as time goes on he gets really desperate n decides to manipulate you so you don't run away!! meaning he tells you outright and BEGS for your blood SO dramatically,, like he would die without it. you're kinda iffy about it but he's been waiting for so long that he just sinks his little fangs into your neck and drinks from you without your permission. it makes you a bit drowsy and he loves the view,, taking advantage of how limp you are by pushing your panties aside and just rutting into you on his blood-high. and when you eventually come back to your senses, he lies to you n tells you you asked him to bite you. you obviously believe it because he's just soso good with his words and it becomes a regular thing. the next time the two of you have sex, he goes down on you beforehand n nips your clit while telling you how sweet you taste...
(sorry i think i went a little crazy here but vamp!hoon and vamp!won do things to me)
p.s. ilysm and i hope you have the bestest day ever baby!!
pairings: yang jungwon x f! reader
warnings: noncon + blood + biting + monsterfucking + oral + masochism
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it’s not that jungwon doesn’t trust you, it’s that he doesn’t trust himself to not take advantage of you after he tells you about his vampirism. knows he’ll come to you whenever he wants, as often as he wants for just a lil taste n knows you’ll gladly comply cus he’s ur sweet lil wonie n you dont want him goin’ hungry :(
before outright telling you he decides to try out biting in the bedroom. presses mouthy kisses to the expanse of your neck n licks the tiny little holes his fangs leave behind, too afraid to full on bite you bc he doesnt know if he’ll be able to control himself. he’s already itching for more as the small drops of blood collect on his tongue.
“‘m sorry princess, ‘m so fuckin’ sorry” is the last thing you hear, jungwon too wound up to stop himself from biting down hard n he drinks your blood til it smears on his chin and stains his teeth.
the opportunity is too good to pass up and he doesnt even bother taking your panties off before he slips his cock inside as he continues to feed from you, moaning deeply and sucking hard, his teeth puncturing so deep inside it makes more and more blood gush out.
jungwon’s sure he accidentally drank too much but when you wake up ditzy and begging for him to do it again he smiles before making his way between your thighs.
“knew you’d like the pain, feels good doesn’t it angel?” his words are slightly muffled as he licks over ur panty covered pussy, dampening the soft material with drool and your own juices.
his venom makes you desperate for more and has you pushing his head into your cunt forcefully, his long n sharp fangs accidentally grazing your vulva and shredding your panties.
once the blood hits his tongue jungwon just gives in to his instincts. shoves you into the bed as he sloppily makes out with your bare pussy and bites along your thighs every now and then. the poor vamp can’t bring himself to part with your wet hole n ends up catching your clit between his lips, fangs poking and prodding at your sensitive nub which makes you cum instantly, mind hazy and body sore as the pain from each and every bite begins to make itself known.
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The Arcana Mini-HCs: Brainrot's Masterlist, Pt 3
When MC loves all animals
M6's child has the Devil for a patron
Dipping the M6
When MC chugs their drinks
MC with agoraphobia
When MC's familiar is a hive of bees
M6 when MC gets COVID
MC who pets all animals
Ice skating with M6
M6 with an expressive drunk MC
When M6 catch their kids sneaking out
MC asking for a fake breakup so they can enjoy sad songs
M6 with a pirate MC
Pre-plague friendships with M6
When MC has a cute sneeze
M6 getting a surprise water call from MC
Hearing MC sleep talk about them
M6 when their kid has body image issues
M6's teen gets a surprise tattoo
When MC is half-blind and has facial scars/paralysis
When MC comes home in a cast
MC showing M6 favoritism
Wrapping M6 in a weighted blanket when they're panicking
When MC has a twin who is their polar opposite
M6 when MC makes excuses about treats
M6 helping MC cut their hair
Brainrot and the M6
MC with "unusual" top surgery scars
When MC's heard something hurtful
Seeing MC belly laugh for the first time
M6 realizing how much they love MC
When MC's body insecurity makes them embarrassed
M6 accidentally feeding MC soap
When MC goes into the cold in a T shirt
M6 when MC makes lame jokes
M6 saying "they asked for no pickles" for MC
When MC is a blacksmith magician
MC squeaking when they fall out of bed
M6 find their child's diary
Playing with M6's hair
MC and M6 have surprise twins
MC bringing home random animals
Orpheus and Eurydice crossover
When MC tells a dirty joke
M6 when their kid has a fictional crush
M6's kid saying their first swear word
MC with a scar on their chest
Nonverbal "I love you"s
M6 when their kid's tamagotchi dies on their watch
When MC gets sleepy-cute
MC cuddling M6 on their chest
When MC twitches as they fall asleep
M6 when their kid calls them the coolest
M6 when someone lies that they cheated
MC hiding an injury because they think they'll get lectured
M6 hearing MC say "tarot deck" in a Kiwi accent
M6 with a biology nerd
MC with arthritis
When MC bakes after dark
M6's dancing styles
M6 and their kid's birthday party
When M6's kid says they have raisins because they're a unicorn
MC falls down the stairs and pretend they're fine
MC falling asleep on M6's shoulder
When MC accidentally says "you're so beautiful" out loud
M6 when MC sleeps on the floor
MC is a Malfetto
With a detective MC
When MC keeps M6's picture in a locket
Sitting in M6's lap
Yearly Valentine's traditions
When Artist!MC gets frustrated and screams
M6 when a kid says they'll marry MC
MC using incorrect item names
MC wearing sfx makeup that makes them look hurt
M6 when their kid gets stood up
When M6 overhear rude comments about MC
When MC is really good at rhythm games
MC makes their own card deck
How many kids the M6 want
MC is a playwright
When MC is a psychology nerd
People-pleaser MC says "no"
When MC is struggling with LEGOs
M6's kid copying them swearing
M6 when their kid bids at an auction
MC gets temporary amnesia
When MC leaves M6 little love notes
M6's kid covering themself in temporary tattoos
When MC has a hard time reading out loud
M6 with a super smart MC
When MC is alone on Valentine's Day
M6 being lied to about MC cheating
M6 when their kid puts everything in their mouth
M6 in a haunted house
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fakeboycorrection · 1 year
Fakeboy storytime 3(I think?)
You wake up, tired and groggy, trying to remember what happened.
Last thing you remember, you were at the local gay bar. There were tons of dudes around you, but you had taken interest in one of the biggest guys in there. He was tall, handsome, and huge as hell, exactly your type....
Most of the guys around were twinks, a little feminine, or trans, like you. But not this guy. He was 100% masculine, and you loved it. You started flirting with him as soon as you saw him, and he seemed receptive. You were upfront with him about being trans and he was extremely respectful about it, still interested, though you were surprised at how much this shocked him. You never thought that you passed very well, but apparently he couldn't tell. Nice.
He offered to buy you a few drinks across the night, and you gladly accepted. You never considered yourself a lightweight, but the second drink he gave you, right after you got back from the bathroom, hit you hard. You were feeling tired. Confused. Dizzy. But he was kind. He offered up his water to you, took you outside, and got you in the back of his car, promising to get you home. You felt so nice and safe with him, slowly falling asleep in his car.
And now, there you were, waking up, strapped down to some kind of metal table. You felt like a piece of meat on display. You tried to yell out, but your mouth was gagged. You looked around. The room was dark and looked like some kind of basement. The walls looked thick and hard, and you weren't sure how deep you were. Wherever you were now, no one was going to hear you, even without that gag in your mouth.
You heard footsteps behind you. Slowly walking into your vision was the man from the bar last night. Your eyes suddenly widened as things started to make sense.... you couldn't believe how dumb you'd been. You'd fallen right into his hands.
"Well, good morning, sweetheart..." the man said. It was only then the you realized, you didn't even know this man's name, and he'd never bothered to ask yours. You two barely knew each other, and yet you'd been dumb enough to trust him this much...
"I'm sure you've already figured out where this is going, but if you haven't, I'll try to be upfront with you." He said, tearing off the small amount of fabric hiding your front hole from the world. You could only stare down in horror as he gazed at your body hungrily, getting ready to feast...
"Such a beautiful pussy... it's a shame that you hide it behind the disguise of being a girl." A wave of embarrassment washed over you. Not only was this man going to rape you, but he had lied about everything... he didn't even see you and crave you as a man, he wanted you as a girl. You struggled against your restraints, but it was no use. You were much too weak to break free.
The man started touching your pussy lightly, and you jolted up at the stimulation. "We're going to have plenty of fun, but I have another surprise to show you first..." he grabbed a remote from a nearby table and turned a monitor on, revealing a live camera feed of you, accompanied by a long list of chat messages.
"Say hello to your adoring audience, my beautiful girl..." the man smirked at you as your eyes flicked up and down, reading the chat messages. "They'll be giving me some... suggestions... on what to do with you tonight... you better hope they're merciful. Although, usually their arousal trumps any feelings of kindness they might have."
You read some of the messages.
'Fuck her pussy and make her cry'
'Breed her and leave the stream up 24/7! I want to see her swell...'
'Torture the bitch! She needs to know her place'
And there were some darker ones as well, some that scared you... some that made you worry that you'd never leave this basement again, if your captor decided to give in to those suggestions. You started shaking in fear, already crying, trying to plead with him their your gag.
"Oh? Feeling a little nervous about your first live performance? Don't worry, my dear... I'll start off slow with you, then ramp up over the next few weeks... but, by the end of this, I'll be doing literally anything they ask... I hope you weren't too attached to your freedom before this, because you can kiss it goodbye." He smiled, turning to read some of the messages for himself. "Ah, 'Make her admit that she's just a girl'. That's a good one... you did try to fool me at that bar, claiming to be a man and everything... you'll need some severe fixing for that." He started unbuckling his pants getting up onto the table and straddling your trapped body.
"Let's see how long it takes until you throw away all those silly "boy" thoughts, my pretty little girl.
You closed your eyes, trying to hide yourself from him in any way possible as he leaned in, kissing your neck and feeling up your sides. You could hear his throat growling quietly, right as his cock met the entrance to your front hole. Then, you heard him laugh.
"You're already wet for my cock? This might be easier than I thought..." your eyes shot open. Why the hell were you wet? You knew you weren't enjoying this, and yet...
You couldn't finish the thought as his cock entered you, deeper than you'd ever felt before. You'd only ever fooled around with other trans guys in the past, usually just doing stuff with your hands and mouths. But this... this was different... it felt like an entirely new experience. You felt your body betraying you, starting to enjoy the man's cock thrusting in and out of your pussy... you couldn't stop yourself from lightly moaning. The man just smiled down at you, proud of how easily you were being broken down.
"Such a good girl... your audience is loving it..." he grunted, thrusting harder. You couldn't deny it now, that it felt physically good, but in your mind, you were still terrified of him. Scared about what he might do to you in the days to come. Afraid of how far he might go. The chat wasn't scared of going too far though, as you read a few more messages, feeling his cock fill up every inch of you hole. You glanced over at it, reading more.
'Cum inside!'
'Never let this bitch go, she's taking it so well already. She's a keeper.'
'Get some of the toys out, this is boring'
And one more messages, the implications of which scared you more than you could ever have realized...
'Do you think he'll do an auction on this one, or just dispose of her when he's done? I'd love to own that piece of meat...'
Reading that made you realize that there were only two ways that this captivity was going to end, and neither sounded pleasant. You started to cry again, a harsh contrast to the incredible feelings happening inside your cunt. Your captor just laughed.
"Finally figuring out just how fucked you are, hm? Well, don't worry, I've got a gift for you..." he leaned in and bit your neck hard, probably drawing blood, until you finally felt a warm feeling filling up your insides, accompanied by his grunts. You could feel his cock pulsing as he filled you up with his load, to the point that it started dripping all over the floor, spilling out everywhere, such a massive load...
After nearly a minute of cumming, he finally pulled out, looking down to admire his work. "Yep, that's a properly used pussy... I'm sure you feel like a real "man" now, don't you cunt? Dripping cum out of your pussy, so 'masculine'." He said, laughing. "Well, that was fun, but we've got plenty more work to do." He got up and walked over to the monitor, reading through more chat messages. Your heart sunk as he looked through more and more messages, that just seemed to be getting more humiliating and violent by the second.
"Let's see... that one looks fun!" He said, pointing to a specific message. "Should help us break your dumb little boy thoughts..."
You read the message, and your heart sunk.
'Breed her.'
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Kni-Kni Lullaby Part 1
Had they all listened to Kirby... they would've figured it what it was... They will soon enough... (to be continued)
Kirby just wanted his lullaby from his papa~
Meta Knight has an incredible singing voice but is extremely shy about it (he doesn't think his voice is that good) and Kirby wants nothing less than his papa's singing voice.
(Lore/ backstory)
Dragato and Meta Knight were captured during the siege of N.M.E's Labe (which I will explain later because of spoilers), and Team Halberd had to go and save MK. The rescue was led by non-other Sir Arthur... needless to say, they all came in clutch.
To make a long story short, Jerca & Garlude were sent out to scout ahead for Meta Knight. They found him within an inch of his life... with him cradling the tiniest baby in his arms... they instantly knew, "We need to protect this baby..."
However, they're not out of the woods yet: while escaping, they spot none other than... SIR UTHER?! He was slinking around the containment unit where Kirby was... They knew something was up, so they hid away with Meta Knight's cape.
Sir Uther: Keep quiet! I don't want anyone to know I'm here...
Uther's Subordinate: They're all in the outer building... Sir Uther, why didn't you inform Sir Arthur that you were coming-
Sir Uther: (Makes a horrific reveal-and intentions for Kirby)
And the trio finds out something... something they shouldn't have...Something awful. All three were frozen in horror... and at that moment, Kirby was clutching onto Meta Knight for dear life. As if he knew of Uther's dangerous intention. Swiftly, Sir Uther leaves in search of Kirby...
In response to this:
Garlude: Oh that MOTHERF*CKER...
MK: We go... we have to go now... we have to hide him..."
When the trio finally returns to the safety of their ship, Meta Knight reveals the newest little member of their family to the rest of the team, hiding away under his cape... (they all fell in love with Kirby instantly and swore to protect him)
That was 3 weeks ago~
Since then Meta Knight has been on recovery leave, and the higher-ups (Sir Uther) wanted to interview (integrate) him on his capture and what he had possibly found.
In MK's thoughts POV: (Nothing, just an astral baby that I plan to keep hidden from you & your filthy hands... You f*cking piece of- )
So while Meta Knight was at this B.S. interview, the crew thought wanted give MK a break tonight with Kirby, and everything was going great... that is until bedtime rolled around.
Putting Kirby to sleep was always a daunting task: he would cry non-stop and refused to sleep. Until Meta Knight would come in to soothe him... and whisk him away in private ... making him the only one able to put him to sleep.
Kirby always favored Meta Knight, so no one really questioned it... Jecra, however, was the only one starting to notice the pattern...
The crew managed to distract him (from the fact MK wasn't there) by playing with him and feeding him (they lost half the fridge), but when Kirby realized Meta Knight wasn't going to be the one to put him to bed... he lost it! He runs to find Meta Knight.
Kirby just wanted his lullaby from his papa~ He just has high standards for nap time and for good reason...
Meta Knight has an incredible singing voice but is extremely shy about it (he doesn't think his voice is that good) and Kirby wants nothing less than his papa's singing voice.
This is a good time to introduce two members of M.K's crew:
Sir Perry (Peridot Fleur De Lis) Non binary - They/ them
-The youngest & precious been of the group
-former thief/ indentured servant
-forced to join the GSA, family and sold them to pay off their debt
Sir Avery (Avery Lohengrin) Female - She/ her
-She is basically like Pearl from Steven Universe, but a more laid-back version
-peacekeeper/ mother hen of the team
-choose to join the GSA to run away from an arranged marriage
I have more on them later...
Garlude and Sir Gregory (another crew member I named) will be making an appearance in part 2, as well as a maskless Jecra (a little tease for now~)
There's also a reason why Meta Knight is so in-tuned with Kirby... I tried to hint at it while Meta Knight was holding Kirby... but that will be revealed later in the comic.
Look forward to it!
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maaarshieee · 2 years
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⎯⎯ ୨ 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐨𝐫 ୧ ⎯⎯
➢ Kᴜɴɪᴋᴜᴢᴜsʜɪ x Gɴ!Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
➢ 1.3k ᴡᴏʀᴅs ┊ Fʟᴜғғ
➢ Mᴀsᴛᴇʀʟɪsᴛ
a/n - greeting scaranation. he's been in my twitter feed and tumblr reccs for weeks now. i cant escape him. so why not embrace it? heres a oneshot for that once idle animation he has! credits to my platonic spouse for their wonderful idea <3 anyways, i hope you like this one! ive never played genshin but i've made a character analysis on him to write him accurately, abeilt a bit soft on this oneshot to further showcase what i think his change would be after receiving a vision/being in nahida's care. titled "caring for"! have a good day/night!
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The Wanderer likes his Vision more than he'd like to admit, you observed.
Ever since he received it, there's this spark of life in his eyes when he looks at you and a slight upward curve at the corners of his lips. They're not noticeable, but they are to you.
Kunikuzushi cradled that Vision as if it was a baby the first few nights he had it. He wasn't aware you knew since you'd peeked into the room he was temporarily resting in before entering it. Tears threatened to fall from his eyes, hands shook uncontrollably. For a while, there was hesitance and doubt that resided in his mind.
Of all people, him? A puppet? Attaining a Vision?
There were times when he would entrust his Vision to you. He was still in denial. Holding that Vision was like holding a piece of burning coal to him. But you were very patient with him, so you cared for his Vision in his stead.
Perhaps he learnt to accept it when he saw you tend to his Vision as if it were him. You occasionally wipe it with a clean piece of cloth, polishing it and showing him the way it shines against the sunlight. When you held it, it was almost mesmerizing. The faint glow of turquoise complimenting the color of your loving eyes, painting beautifully along your features.
He had thought that it would be best if you had a Vision, not him. Eventually, he changed his mind. All because of you, of course.
"You don't want it?" You hummed, rubbing a hand on your chin thoughtfully whilst you stared at his Vision. It prettily fits you more, He wanted to say, but held his tongue and instead hid his face with his hat. "Alright," You quickly accepted which elicited a confused look from Kunikuzushi.
You just laughed softly at his expression, holding the Vision close to your heart. "This is undeniably part of you, and if you don't want it, I'll keep it for you." You say with a sigh, a tender smile etching your lips. "I'll care for it for as long I can, whether you accept it or not."
To the Wanderer, your laugh is comparable to the gentle breeze that greets him every waking morning, making his hair flutter against the wind and his skin quiver from the cold. Your smile radiated warmth, it reminds him of the campfires you two make every single night, where you share meals, talk about whatever, and enjoy the warmth of the dancing flames. It made his hollow chest clench.
He's never snatched something from your hands so fast before. "I was merely testing you," He lies, holding his Vision whilst he stared you down threateningly (not really), "This is mine, you hear?"
Kunikuzushi felt heat crept up his neck when you burst into a fit of giggles, nodding your head in understanding.
More often than not, there's a stride in his walk whenever he's outside with you, freshly obtained Vision placed right on the left side of his chest, where his heart should be. You didn't miss that when he revealed his new outfit to you. He would puff out his chest briefly when he spoke to you, hands on his hips and a smirk on his face.
Your chest swelled with pride when you see him be so proud of his Vision, finally accepting it as a part of him. It made your grin stretch ear to ear, placing a hand on his bright, glowing Vision.
A hand on his heart.
Kunikuzushi glared at you when you touched his Vision, telling you to; "Get your dirty hands off!" but he never made a move to push you off, nor pulled away from your hand. There was a scowl on his face, but it didn't reach his eyes. He invited it warmly with a softened gaze, his own hand wrapping tenderly around your wrist. He fully understood your gesture.
Out of all the people in the world, only you could ever touch his heart.
You were always the first one to notice. He always stares at his Vision with eyes filled with wonder as he drifts off into a daze. He holds it so carefully with his hand and just gets lost in its powerful glow. Today was different, for you couldn't hold back your laughter.
Kunikuzushi snapped out of his little daydream when your pleasant laughs reached his ears, albeit confused as to why you were laughing. His eyes bore into your figure that was not too far away from him, sitting on the grass. He almost melted when he bear witness to your joyous, carefree expression.
"What's so funny?" The Wanderer asks, at a loss. You quickly wiped away a tear that was forming, coughing into your fist as you smiled sheepishly at him, a little embarrassed now he caught you staring.
"Oh, nothing," You stood up from the ground, patting off the grass that stuck on your pants. Walking towards him, you glance at the hand that cradled his Vision. A chuckle escaped your lips and you softly stated; "I just think you just adore that more than you let on."
His eyes trailed down where your eyes were and he tensed, immediately pulling his hand away from his chest and shooting a small glare at you. "I have no idea what you're talking about." He huffs, crossing his arms and turning to look away from you. You don't miss the redness on the tips of his ears.
You giggle, stepping back into his field of vision, a teasing smile on your lips. "Really now? You were cradling it oh-so tenderly, it was as if like it was the most precious thing you've ever seen!" You teased in a singsong voice, further annoying Kunikuzushi. (Not that he actually minds it though.)
"What are you talking about?" He sighs irritably, a brow raised at you. "You're the most precious thing I've ever seen." Those words rolled off his tongue smoothly and naturally, but he hadn't meant to say that. The was a pause between the both of you, taken aback. Before you could even react, Kunikuzushi turned away and hid his face once more with his hat from you.
You caught a glimpse of his reddening face. You couldn't help but burst out laughing, holding onto him for support. All the while, the Wanderer grumbled under his breath but willingly assisted in carrying your weight. He may be embarrassed and quite annoyed at your existence at the moment, but he can't have you falling over, can he?
"Awwww, you're so romantic Kuni," You teased, tilting his hat upwards and leaning down close to his face, earning a silent gasp from him. Goodness, he wants to wipe that smug grin off your face. "Don't worry, you're the most precious thing I've ever had the grace to love," You whispered to him, planting a kiss on his nose.
Why does he even let you get away with this? If it were someone else, they'd be dead- err, beaten to a pulp. No one would dare to get too close to him. While he's learning how to mingle with humans, he can't bear to be this close to anyone.
Except for you, of course.
Yeah, his hat couldn't help him hide his flustered face this time. Not when you're holding his cheeks in place and kissing him so passionately on the lips. Before, he reprimanded you for sudden actions like these. But now? Instead, he held onto you tightly, arms wrapped around your neck and pulling you in closer.
He can't have you letting go of him. Of his heart.
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