#they're chaotic your honor
barclaysangel · 1 year
Junior being weird featuring Jake in the background
This is 100% a video Junior and Jake would make XD
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negative-speedforce · 5 months
Ficlet prompt for you (feel free to take in whatever direction you think fits lol)
"You killed someone?"
"Just a cop. You and I both know cops don't count."
This is definitely a Cat and Max prompt
"Thanks for solving my software issues." Max patted Cat on the back. "That glitch was really bugging me. Now, Kaiju is back in business."
"Who's the best hacker in the world?" Cat raised an eyebrow, awaiting the compliment.
"Felicity Smoak."
"Fuck you." Cat huffed, bending over to grab her laptop, her waistband slipping to reveal a gun tucked into her belt.
"Since when do you carry?" Max laughed in disbelief.
"Since I almost got arrested for releasing the financial records of six different corporations." Cat shrugged.
"Do you know how to use it?" Max asked, concerned.
Cat nodded. "Yeah. Yeah I do, unfortunately."
"You've used it?"
"You could say that." Cat replied, appearing somewhat unsettled.
"You killed someone?" Max asked, completely astonished that his usually so soft-spoken friend would ever do such a thing.
"Just a cop." Cat shrugged. "You and I both know that cops don't count. Especially to you, Mister Stomps-On-Billionaires-With-My-Massive-Mech-Suit."
Max thought for a moment. "Okay, yeah, that's totally valid. And the suit has a name. It's Fash Smash."
"Really? 'Fash Smash'? Like 'Fascist Smasher'?" Cat snorted.
"That's the one." Max replied. "This bad boy has been the cause of the redistribution of about fourteen billion dollars worth of wealth into low-income neighborhoods."
"Thats..." Cat paused for a moment. "...honestly really iconic. Slay."
"Aww, thanks." Max grinned wickedly. "I fully intend to."
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silvershewolf247 · 1 year
Glenda: Can I have a party while your gone
Andy: Fine, but you know my rules about anything illegal
Glenda: Don't get caught
Andy: Exactly
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vertexline · 10 days
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Shovel is the best character in the entire game, and I'll die on that hill <3
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lin-archive · 5 months
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mysticstarlightduck · 4 months
"Proud of" Tag
I was tagged by @pluttskutt, (here), for this one! I'm catching up with my tags after taking a bit of a break the past few weeks (due to health reasons, which I've now recovered from), so here we go!
Rules: Post a snippet you’ve written that you’re proud of and tag 5 people. This snippet can be from today, last week, last month, or five years ago, it doesn’t matter! Show us what you’re proud of 💗
[...] "What are you doing?" Teivel peeked through the bars of the cell, suspicion written in his features as he watched Lucian shakily fumble with a key bunch.
"Getting you out of here."
The young man answered with fierce determination, already moving to unlock the rusted lock. Teivel couldn't help but gasp, horror dawning on him at this recklessness - he reached through the gap, holding onto Lucian's wrist and stubbornly keeping him from turning the key.
"Oh. No, no, no." He shook his head, lowering his voice after his words echoed around the hallway "You're a fool, they'll catch us before we're even out of the dungeons and then we'll both be stuck here. Please, just go back, and we'll just pretend this never happened. It's not worth the risk, not for me."
Lucian looked up in disbelief but did not pull his wrist away from the other's grasp. Instead, he spoke with a reassuring smile.
"It is worth it because of you, not the other way around. We need to try. I'm not letting them kill you - I couldn't care less what my father thinks, and even if I end up tried for treason, at least that way I'll know I'll never be like him."
Teivel sighed, dejection and exasperation mixing in his voice. "We're going to regret this. Even if we escape this place, something will go wrong - that war out there kills everything in its path. I won't be able to keep you safe, and neither you me."
"What if I told you there's a way to stop that war? You know the old tales as well as I do - the curse out there isn't just that, it's a prophecy. 'The Dead God's heir will be flame that'll spark a new dawn', that scroll said." Lucian spoke, hurriedly, like an anxious scholar with too much to explain and not a lot of time. He looked over his shoulder and down the hall, checking if the guards hadn't come down for their usual patrol.
He took a deep breath before continuing. "My father's soldiers are seeking him, and he hates wasting troops. If they are making such an effort to find this guy, then it's because the prophecy is real - and if we find the prince before they do, we can change things, maybe even stop the war."
"So you're suggesting that we put our fates in the hands of your people's fairy tales, and hope we won't just get captured or worse?"
Teivel asked, nearly angry, though there was a glint of something else in his eyes - something that showed that he, as much as he feared to admit it, wanted to hope that maybe, just maybe, there was a sliver of a chance that things wouldn't end in bloodshed this time.
"No. What I'm saying is that we take this chance, we don't know when another will show up." Lucian gestured around, their bleak surroundings emphasizing his point. "Maybe the stories are true, maybe they aren't, but that doesn't matter - my point is, I'd rather put our fates on the uncertainty of what's out there, than on the certainties we have here, certainties like the executioner's blade that's waiting for you tomorrow morning."
Just as Lucian paused, a telltale creak echoed through the hallway - the iron door atop the stairs slowly swinging open. The guards must've realized the keys were missing, and they'd be here any minute. Lucian felt Teivel flinch, tightening his hold on his wrist for a second, before letting go.
Lucian turned the key, opening the door. "If we're going to do this, the time is now. What do you say?"
Teivel looked at him and then up the hallway, where the guards would inevitably appear in a blink. He shook his head, almost not believing what he was about to do, before stepping out of the cell. "You'd better have a spectacular plan." [...]
Tagging (gently): @little-peril-stories, @oh-no-another-idea, @clairelsonao3, @i-can-even-burn-salad and @starlit-hopes-and-dreams
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Chase "my genius knows no bounds" Davenport and Kaz "genius with a capitol J" imeras
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lost-in-horrorland · 5 months
Don't mind me, I'm just casually writing Senku x OC fics because I can.
"okay, Nid, what are you writing??”
Well, first is with the OC being the Class Rep of Senku's class and the Book Club President. She's fat. Why? Because I'm fat and I wanna love Senku. She's a book nerd. If it's a book, she reads it (including Manga and light novels). History, fiction, doesn't matter. She's a nerd and nearsighted. Oblivious AF to her own feelings for Senku, but compares Taiju and Yuzuriha to a romantic cliche while stating how obvious their feelings are. She's blunt, and won't hesitate to call Tsukasa an idiot. Enjoys going on hikes. Has climbed Mount Fuji. Likes tracing historical routes she's read about and note the changes. Her and Senku's club mates ship them. Has compared Senku to Sho Tucker from FMA. Kept herself awake by retelling and memorizing every single novel/manga she's ever read. Wants to bring literature back so badly cause she misses books so much.
Other OC is Kaseki's granddaughter. She's a fellow artisan. She's leggy AF. Gives serious dommy Mommy vibes. Leg power is over 9,000!!! Direct descendant of Lilian and Bakuya through her mother. Has a killer singing voice. Very touchy. Comments how scrawny Senku is after feeling up his chest and back before lifting him off his feet. She's a tease. Raging bisexual. She knows knots and is into rope play. Makes offhanded comments about tying Ruri up in decorative knots, only to get a rise out of Chrome. She makes the rope the younger generation of the village wears. 19 and single. Finds the men of her village to be lame cause none of them want to try new things with her. Makes beeswax to treat and waterproof the leather. Fuck with her projects and you're getting punted in the ocean. Yuzuriha and her end up being gal pals and start their own fashion brand together. Senku is unsure how they got together. It sorta just happened. It might be from her forcing him to sit between her legs so she can play with his hair cause she has zero care for personal space of the average.
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myscprin · 1 year
Jason: Dude YOU made fun of ME for getting capris suns and now I'm catchin' ya drinkin' eight of MY capris suns!??
Nick, sipping from a pouch: Bro you're like 30 and arguing over capris suns.
*chaotic fighting ensues*
Salim, watching from the kitchen: ... Capris suns are the little juice pouches?
Eric, seated at the kitchen island: Yes.
Rachel, slapping a $5 down: money's on Kolchek
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hoperays-song · 1 year
The Gang Being Brother’s Part. 2
Marcus, watching Stan being absolutely insane: Is he stupid?
Barry, not even looking up from his book: Yes, but he prefers to be called Stan.
Marcus, trying to figure something out: The odds of this happening by coincidence are vanishingly small.
Barry, nodding along: I would say infinitesimally.
Stan, feeling left out: And I'd say teenily-weenily. We all know words.
Marcus, confused: Teenily? ...Don’t you have a major in communications Stan?
Barry, also confused: He does. Did you just say-
Stan, slightly panicked: Look, as I said, we all know words, let’s just move on.
Barry: What are you writing?
Stan: The government wants to know what kind of weapons we have in the house. I'm letting them know it's private information.
Marcus, looking over Stan's shoulder: This just says 'fuck around and find out' in calligraphy.
Barry: So we’re gonna go back to jail. Bloody brilliant, I’ll start packing now.
Barry, exhausted after staying awake for 3 days straight: Do you think different paints have different tastes?
Stan, playing video games: They do.
Marcus, suddenly very worried about both of them: ...Stan, why did you say that with complete bloody confidence?
Marcus, running into the garage apartment: WHY. Why did you give STAN a KNIFE?!
Barry, just sitting on the couch: I'm sorry. He said he felt unsafe.
Marcus: Now I feel unsafe!
Barry: I'm sorry.
Barry, reaching for his bag: ...Would you like a knife?
Marcus: That will not help the- STOP GIVING OUT KNIVES MATE!
Stan, going through the kitchen cupboards: Who thinks I can fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth?
Marcus, cooking dinner: You're a hazard to society
Barry, pulling out his phone: And a coward. DO TWENTY.
Marcus, sighing: Do not.
Marcus, watching Stan scheme to beat Johnny in Clue: Stan, I am questioning your sanity...
Barry, raising an eyebrow: I never questioned it, I knew his sanity was missing from the start.
Marcus, rolling his eyes: Yeah, yeah, Stan, come off it mate, you do know the lad’s only 9 right?
Stan, manically: I. Don’t. Care. He’s won every damn time and that’s not even possible!
Marcus, whispering to Barry: You told Johnny the cards, didn’t you?
Barry, grinning: And I’m gonna keep doing it til Stan breaks.
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mango-sp1ce · 1 year
listen, I know if you've seen my last few posts and like, the time differences between them all you may think I'm going insane.
You're correct.
Danny phantom, yeah? Lego monkie kid, yeah? Yokai, Demons, Gods, and Kings, yeah?
Danny Phantom x Lego Monkie Kid.
LIsten, LISTEN. Danny phantom mentor "I'm going to teach you how to properly hero because what the fuck is your 'not-dad monkey guy' teaching you," (it isn't going to go well, this bitch does not know how to teach other people and mans is barely surviving himself) and MK "it's hot as hell in this dark ass roo- IS THAT THE GRIM REAPER?!".
Chaotic siblings. Can't figure out which one of them is older and will fist fight in the street about it, siblings. Will choke on noodles in an attempt to 'last one's a rotten egg' an emergency. Demon Bull King will be tearing up the streets and these 2 dumbasses will be having the most intense finish-your-breakfast competition before they even think about fighting him.
They're siblings, your honor.
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my chaotic-ass psych school family, the people i spend 50+ hours of academia with per week with, consists of
An emotional-support himbo who lets people win at arm wrestling because it makes them smile
Two women who will neither confirm nor deny that they are romantically involved- one an actual lumberjack, and one who is afraid of the forest but is the lumberjack's biggest fan
A man who's biggest financial vice is personally making sure all of his friends have eaten enough
Three disaster bisexuals, who are constantly forgetting to eat (much to the previously mentioned man's chagrin), dress like Tom Selleck in Magnum P.I, and have their heart broken every week by someone they met in the bar next to campus
A former English major who talks in riddles and is always having to apologize for not using an inside voice
A tiny but loud woman who somehow convinces everyone to go out for shots on friday, even though we all invariably regret it the next morning
A giant, soft-spoken man who I've never seen consume anything other than nitro cold brew
A pansexual powerlifter with full sleeve tattoos and insane eyeliner who intimidates everyone but is secretly a total cinnamon roll
A lesbian who falls asleep still in her business casual attire because "pjs are too much work"
a brilliant statistician who's first and only love is the formula for standard deviation, and is about to go deaf from blasting Beastie Boys while studying (she claims that it soothes her)
A mom of four kids who rocks power suits and purple eyeliner every day
all of them are tired all the time, and are talented aspiring researchers and clinicians. all of them are also total idiots (but in a really fun way).
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foxtamer113 · 2 years
Franky, texting Loid: Roses are red, Tony Hawk is a skater…
Loid′s phone, auto-replying: I’m driving right now–I’ll get back to you later.
Loid, texting back: Fuck you.
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sanegreen · 2 years
in my defense your honor, i just want to be a smol kitten and give up this adulting shit.
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Emma: hehe
Hugh: Michael Jackson???
Hugh: LOL
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chickenfics · 2 years
Chapters Summary:
The sun came out in the Dreaming. Everybody had come to a mutual understanding not to speak of the matter. That is, everyone but a certain someone, despite how many times Lucienne had told him to keep his beak shut. 
“So boss,” Matthew greeted Dream the next morning with an air of mischief. Lucienne lifted her head from behind a large leather-bound book. “Looks like you’re feeling better.” 
Morpheus shot him a boredly annoyed look before beginning to peruse the shelves. 
“It wouldn’t have to do anything with Hob, would it?” 
Lucienne slid her book across the desk, aiming for the raven’s twiggy legs, but he hopped out of the way.
“Speaking of -- where is the guy? Not a morning person, eh?”
“Give me strength,” she muttered to the high ceiling of the library. 
“Hob Gadling returned home last night,” Dream replied, his voice monotone. 
“Oh yeah? Come on, we don’t get any more details than that?”
“Can I help you find anything, my Lord?” Lucienne quickly interrupted before Matthew booked himself a one-way ticket to eternal darkness. 
“Yes,” Dream casually replied. They both watched as he strode over to Lucienne’s desk. Taking the quill from its inkpot, he scribbled something out on a spare slip of paper. 
“If you could find these for me at your earliest convenience,” he slid the paper over. 
“Of course, sir,” she said, wondering if they were actually going to get off so easily, with Morpheus not even mentioning last night. “I’ll get them right away.”
“Thank you,” he replied, straightening back up. “Oh, and Matthew?”
“Y-Yeah boss?” 
Morpheus leaned down to his level, eyes staring over the bird's wing. 
“The details that you are so adamant to hear are not possible for me to give on account of them not happening,” he slowly pronounced, eyes panning over to lock on Matthew’s. Then he spun on his heel and headed for the door. 
“Regardless,” he continued a moment before leaving. “Even if Hob Gadling and I had spent the night together, you, Matthew, would never know.”
The door shut soundlessly behind him. Lucienne turned to look at the bird. 
“Not even a little,” Matthew huffed. 
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