#they’re jumping away from Cavendish
kyuyua · 10 months
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This is my favorite image now
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lesbiankoby · 4 months
what is the kobyluzo kids relationship with each other like? (if they have one idk how big their age gap is xp)
i’ve been making jokes about luffy undoubtedly going out of his way to collect a “treasure baby” ala uta and shanks for ages so they actually have an older sibling with an indeterminate personality that’s like six years older then niku but that kid is really probably more of the collective responsibility slash kid of the ship and was like, three when adopted as a cabin boy. and likes ussop the best anyway.
but it was evidence that any of these clowns can be trusted with the responsibility of a human baby, lol. im pretty sure Eldest Sibling By A Country Mile has a bit of a complex about asserting his big brotherly authority…… good luck. lol.
anyway the kobylu baby / niku was an accident (lol!) (koby is extremely embarrassed by this) and is something like three years older then tanto the zolu baby (who may or may not have hatched out of an egg)… she’s pretty protective of them as the baby but they think she’s stupid as hell (and unlike zoro tanto actually has an uncanny sense for direction…. they never bother to tell anyone where they’re going, though).
the cain instinct jumps out pretty embarrassingly fast considering the not insignificant gaps in their ages but they get along pretty well at the end of the day. you know how siblings are. but especially when they’re all crammed on the same ship…. whatever crazy custody agreement where koby yoinks the youngest for a while is the only thing preventing a bloodbath from happening in closed quarters. (cabin boy likes having the ship to himself again before he leaves on his own journey lol koby is like the awkward stepdad he largely mistrusts…. treasure chest gacha ssss+ pull shooting at the fleet admiral or whatever koby is to defend captains honor…… zoro laughed.)
anyway mainly niku thinks her baby sibling is cute and helpless uwa (except when they’re messing with her vintage cavendish posters or whatever die die die die die) and tanto thinks she’s stupid as all hell and kind of ditzy (debatably ironic coming from them) but will silently hamstring losers who think they can get away with bothering her. their dads are all chronically embarrassing people who named them meat and sword. (koby tried)
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greeneyedsigma · 2 years
She couldn’t pull her eyes away from her reflection; Cavendish brought her fingers up and touched the angry red scar tissue twisting the skin at the corner of her mouth, marring her cheek and turning down the outside corner of her eye.
Her breathing stuttered and a heavy lump formed in her throat, choking her.
She wants to scream. Wants to cry and break all the mirrors she could find, again, so she wouldn’t have to see.
So she wouldn’t have to see how hideous she was.
Cavendish doesn’t hear Barto, not over the sound of her internal anguish. She jumps when he grabs her hand gently, pulling her shaking fingers away from her face. “Cav, look at me.”
She resolutely turns her face in the opposite direction and she hears him sigh, his breath stirring her hair. He doesn’t let her pull away.
Not that she tries very hard. His rough fingers are warm and familiar around her hand. And when he brings his other hand up to cup her jaw and turn her face to him, she closes her eyes and leans into his palm. “Don’t look at me.” Her voice sounds flat and muffled to her own ears like she was hearing it from beneath the water.
“Oh, baby, I’ll never stop looking at you.” Normally she loves to hear those words, but right now they sound almost malicious. Her eyes open and she realizes he’s frowning, his large incisors poking out from behind his lips. “Cav, listen to me; you are beautiful. Even with a scar on your face, you are still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”
This is Barto, her ridiculous rooster, who has never once lied to her. Even when they’re butting heads. But Cavendish can’t believe him, even as much as she wants to. She doesn’t enjoy feeling like this, doesn’t like hearing the voice in the back of her mind tell her that she wasn’t worth anything if she wasn’t beautiful.
He kisses her, lips brushing across the scar softly. Proving the scar made no difference to him.
Cavendish started crying anyway.
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tooweirdforyou · 3 years
When The OP Boys Are Sick
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A/N : idk enjoy. And honestly all of them would be very needy for attention :p
Includes : Kid, Law, Luffy, CAVENDISH 🤍 and Bartolomeo.
Summary : how these five boys react when they’re sick in bed.
Luffy is a child so he wants attention, but he’ll be the wailing, sobbing type. If he isn’t, then he’s the drunk type.
The poor rubber boy suddenly became weak and falls back into bed with a thud, his face exploding in the burning fever he was having.
“Luffy..” you sigh in exasperation, rushing over and checking his temperature before tucking him back in. “Sanji’s making you some soup, with small bites of chicken, you can’t have big cooked meat yet.”
Luffy cries out in agony dramatically, wailing at the thought of no meat and groans. “I WANT MEATTTT! Get me meat nowww!”
Your head began to ring with Luffy’s cries, his tears staining his cheeks and pillow, while his snot began to fill up and drip down his nose. His sniffles were heard and you can tell Nami was slowly fuming outside the room from Luffy’s childish cries.
You just smile softly and go over to your Captain, placing your hand in his and leaned close, pressing your forehead to his.
The action made Luffy stop as he quieted down and stares at you with teary eyes and small sniffles.
“Luffy, your fever is slowly but surely going down. If you relax, rest and eat Sanji’s delicious soup then you’ll be better by tomorrow afternoon. I’ll spend some beli’s to get you meat, okay?”
Luffy’s teary eyes slowly went away and a hopefully and starry glint shined in them. “..really?”
“Yes, now relax and get some rest, alright? When Sanji’s done with your soup, I’ll bring it to you.”
Luffy then plasters a wide grin and and chuckles eagerly. “Shishishi~ okay!~” he sang out, gripping the blanket and shutting his eyes.
You shake your head playfully at how easily he listened and just smiled at him, letting him rest.
“Good night, Luffy.”
Law is the strong silent type, so he won’t say anything, he’s just all shy and embarrassed easily when he’s sick~
“It’s amazing that even you can get sick.”
Your lips curve up in amusement as you sat in the chair beside Law’s bed, said male currently resting upon it with shallow breathing and shut eyes.
Your legs were crossed and in your hand was a good book you were reading. The appearance was similar to Law’s whenever you were sick and honestly, it made you feel prideful and great to have the roles reversed.
“Shut up..” Law turns away onto his side to hide his face which was surely pink, but not due to the fever.
You giggle at him and set your book to the side and lean closer to him. “Don’t be embarrassed, Law, everyone gets sick once in a while. Even doctors.” You tease, making the poor boy flush further as he clicks his tongue.
“Stop talking. Leave, I’m sleeping now.”
You just giggle further and stand up. “Fine, I’ll be back with some soup for you. You want bread with it?”
Law pales and he gives a sharp look to you with the tilt of his head. “I swear if you try that, I’ll-“
“Yeah, yeah. See you in a bit.” You roll your eyes playfully and went to walk away when Law grabs your hand.
“What is it-“
With force, Law pulls you back to the bed and into it beside him, and he turns to wrap his arms around your torso.
Your back is facing him so you can’t see his face but his tight grip on your waist and legs around yours let’s you know you aren’t going anywhere.
“You literally just said to-“
“I know what I said! Now I want you to stay!”
He buries his face into the neck and hair and inhaled your scent a bit, relaxing his grip and just held your closer.
“Just stay with me..”
Kid is literally a giant ass toddler who wants nothing but attention, but his stubborn ass will act all strong and tough.
“Fuck off! Leave me alone! Come in here and I’ll rip you to shreds and blow you to guts!”
Kid’s loud yells and scowl made the poor lackey outside the door jump in fear and scurry off with his life flashing.
You gave a sympathetic expression to him and exhale, mentally cursing Killer for insisting the Captain to let him take care of those Pirates yesterday, only for Kid to be stubborn and take care of it himself.
It lasted longer than intended since various sea kings appeared and the snow appearing just made it much worse, and now, Kid was sick.
Knocking on the door twice, you wait for a response before letting yourself in.
“Alright, stop yelling already.” Your voice interrupts, slamming the door shut behind you and tossing a cool towel in Kid’s face.
The red head scowls when the towel drops onto his lap when he sat up and scoffs when he sees you. “Get out. Your face irritates me.”
“Thanks.” You lazily smile at him and walk closer towards the bed, setting down a fresh glass of water and some meds for him. “Here, take these.”
Kid eyes the items you set down and turns away. “No way. That shit is disgusting.” The visible sweat forming on his face makes you sigh as you grab a cloth and wipe it gently, much to Kid’s dismay.
“This shit is what will let you get out of bed, Captain dumbass, now take it.” You say, pulling away and Kid narrows his eyes. “What’d you say?!”
“I said-!”
Kid’s rough pull when he grasps your wrist is enough to yank you into his lap and he’s quick to pin you down to the bed.
He smirks down at you before dropping his weight onto yours, successfully crushing you and eliciting a painful grunt from you.
“Agh, get off me, Kid, I have to go help Killer-!”
“Too bad, I have to rest in order to get better, so that’s what I’m doing. You’re stuck here until then.” Kid says, adjusting a bit so both him and you were comfortable as he continues to lay sprawled on top of you.
You hiss and curse into his ear but Kid pays no mind and quite easily falls asleep, making you groan in annoyance and just lay there, exhaling heavily until Killer came in.
“...you’re so fucking heavy..”
Oi.. clingy baby omg- Cavendish is precious and so adorable because he’ll want nothing more than to just sleep but with you in his arms. Just pray Hakuba doesn’t show up.
“Come, [Name]! Lay down with yours truly and provide me your body warmth!”
Cavendish is visibly shocked when you refuse him and he springs up rather quickly, causing dizziness to form in his aching head. “Ack-“
You heave a sigh and push the tall blonde down on his back and switch the wet rag on his forehead for a fresh one.
“If I lay down with you, I’ll get sick. Who will watch after you then?”
Cavendish merely puffs his cheeks out in defeat and exhales heavily, feeling his forehead burning up despite the chills his body was receiving.
“I’m tired and cold and hot and hungry at the same time!” Cavendish cries out in pure frustration, making you smile at his pain, you patting his chest gently.
“I know, Caven.” You hush out in a soft voice, rubbing soothing circles on the back of his hand while the others played with his hair.
You pulled the covers up to his shoulders and let him rant on exhaustedly before slowly drowsing off with your delicate touches.
Just as he was about to completely pass and sleep, he mumbles out a few words at the end of his rant.
“...thank you.. [Name]..”
Bartolomeo is constantly passing out because someone like you is seriously taking care of him. He won’t ever recover, just staying sick for days.
“The one and only [Name] in the flesh!! Taking care of me!?” Tears began welling up in his eyes as Bartolomeo bit his upper lip to prevent making noise.
“What have I done to deserve such a blessing?”
He continued to sob tears of joy, his tears successfully soaking and wetting his cheeks and pillowcase, a bit of his blanket as well.
Suddenly there was a knock on his door.
Startled, Barto quickly pulled up the covers to hide his teary, flushed face and felt his heart beating a million miles a minute.
“Barto, are you awake? I made you some soup.” Your angelic voice calls out and Barto’s heart nearly stops. He was too tongue-tied to speak, only stammering out incoherent noises under the covers.
Assuming he was in pain, you set the bowl down and rip off the covers in a panic, just to see Bartolomeo teary with wide eyes staring up at you.
His face was flushed more than usual and you frown, placing a hand on his forehead. The action alone nearly made him pass out.
“You still have such a high fever... should I take you to Luffy’s doctor?” You ask softly, worry evident in your eyes.
At the mention of seeing the Straw hats, Bartolomeo’s eyes widens and he literally lets out a loud gasp before nearly fainting.
“S-S-S-Straw Hat Luffy?—!”
A/N : I wanna write something. I really do. I wanna WRITE, but my hands and head doesn’t want to. Ugh, I feel so unmotivated! >:))) but I’ll push through. I have something I want to do.
Also, I love Cavendish sm but I can’t write for him 😭 whyyyy?
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heloflor · 3 years
AO3 link
They exist because of him. They did what they needed to do to keep him safe. Nothing but him mattered to them.
So when he discovered them, the least he could do was give them a proper goodbye.
WARNING : this is about the island of Dakotas, meaning that some pretty dark implications will be brought up regarding what Dakota does to save Cavendish.
Note : Just some random thing that’s been on my mind for a while now when thinking about the island of Dakotas during the crossover. As per usual, Cavendish is married to Dakota. Also, for those who like to visualize the characters with some details : this fic follows an idea I mentioned here about the Dakotas on the island disposing of their engagement/wedding ring. btw, the fic I mention at the end of this post isn’t this one.
And another thing : a revelation given by Dakota in the second half of this fic is inspired by the ending of the fanfic “Flesh” by rotg5311 on AO3 (it’s about cannibal Dakota so be warned if you look it up).
Anyways. Enjoy !
The sun was slowly setting as the group of Dakotas was waiting for their boat. Most members were here, though a handful didn’t make it through the fight. Those Dakotas were mainly the older ones who lived through that event once and who lived longer with Balthazar, willing to do anything for him, even more than the younger versions. There were also the ones engaged to the man but never married, who used the frustration of their situation to fight like there was no tomorrow. Then, there were the ones most impacted by what they saw or what happened before they were replaced.
Overall, around a hundred of them lost their lives that day. But given how many they were and how little their existence mattered, these losses were insignificant.
That was the mentality the rest of the group had adopted as, for the second time in their lives, they were about to leave the world forever, becoming nothing than a mysterious dot on a map.
But despite the implications of their situation, the group was happily chatting. They talked about today, about how alive they felt to fight again to save the world, about how nice it had been to see Danville again, to see Balthazar again.
Most Dakotas still had their heads in the clouds thinking about the encounter. Never had they thought they would see the love of their lives again. So when he showed up on their island��Had it not been for the dire situation the world had been in, the group would have convinced the man to stay with them for a while. They had so much to talk about, so much time gone by without each other !
  Well…not exactly.
For dear Balthazar, no day went by without his husband. They knew this reality, they accepted it, no matter how much it hurt them to think about it.
It didn’t matter now anyways. They weren’t meant to exist. They had no intention of staying in town. They needed to go back to the island where they belonged.
It was with a heavy heart that the group started to embark on their boat.
    “WAIT !”
All Dakotas turned their attention to the dock when they heard the all-too-familiar voice. The word “Cavendish” started to spread among the group as they noticed the tall man running towards them. They waited, until Balthazar stopped a few feet away from them, breathing heavily from all the running.
“Don’t go yet.”, he managed to say despite his panting.
The Dakotas looked at each other, unsure on what to say or do. Then, Leader Dakota approached his former partner.
The leader was the first one. The only one who never saw Balthazar die. The only one who didn’t understand the charm the man had on his future selves, the only one who couldn’t understand. That was what led him to become the chief of the village. He was the only one who wasn’t biased by his feelings.
“Balth.”, the man greeted. “Something’s wrong ? You need our help again ?”
“No. I just-“, he took a deep breath, getting his composure. “I wanted to talk to you. All of you.”, he looked at the crowd, glancing at every Dakota he could as if wanting to look at all of them at the same time.
“I wanted to thank you all again for what you did. Not just today, but for me.”, a small smile formed on his lips. “I always knew my clumsiness could be dangerous for me. But this…I never would have thought you would be willing to do something so drastic. All for me…”
A murmur of “of course !” and “whaddya gonna do ?” spread among the group. The leader just shrugged.
“We’re more than glad to be here for you. We’re partners after all. It’s what we do.”, he commented.
Balthazar nodded, eyes glancing between the crowd and the leader.
“I don’t…I don’t know what you all went through or what you saw. And I know it’s not much after being away for so long but…I wanted to tell you goodbye. You deserve it. You deserve so much more ! And I’m…I’m sorry I can’t give it to you.”
“Aww. Come here !”, Leader Dakota approached the taller man and took him into a hug. Balthazar was quick to return the gesture, his smile never faltering.
“Goodbye, old friend.”, he murmured.
“It’s been nice seeing you again buddy. Take care.”, Leader Dakota replied.
After the shorter man pulled away, Balthazar approached the others and opened his arms. It only took an instant before the group understood and started to hurry towards him. Soon enough, Balthazar had to catch himself as one of the Dakotas jumped into his embrace.
Balthazar found himself giggle at the gesture and, as he heard a sob from the man in his arms, he started to slowly rub his back in comfort.
“Goodbye honey.”, the Dakota wept. “I’ll be missing you.”
“Goodbye.”, it was the only thing Balthazar could say. Those men all had a history with him, whether as an old pal, a date or especially a husband. He knew how terrible the separation must be for them, and he didn’t want to hurt them more than they already were.
When the Dakota pulled away, Balthazar was reassured to see the man smile despite the tears. Quickly, another Dakota took his place, followed by another and then another. Some were crying, some told him a few words. The olders, especially, told him to look forwards, told him with a wink that things weren’t going to be easy but, in a few years, he’ll be back to the right path.
Balthazar welcomed each and every Dakota with a smile. Giving them all the same goodbyes, the same reassuring touches. He wanted to say more, to talk to them, maybe find out what kind of deaths he went through. But he didn’t want them to think about it. He didn’t want to think about it. He was there. He was alive. Right now, that was all that mattered.
  Balthazar stayed on the dock until the boat was no longer visible in the horizon. He waved at the group who was all too happy to return the gesture. The tall man found himself wishing to cry seeing them all leave after all they did to him. Even if he didn’t know, even if they worked from the shadows, it didn’t change the fact that, without them, Balthazar wouldn’t be there now.
His heart full, Balthazar headed home. He had his own Dakota to see.
  It was late when Balthazar opened the door to a dark office. Vinnie was on the convertible couch, reading something. Seeing that his sunglasses were put away, Balthazar decided not to turn the lights on.
“You were out for a while.”, the shorter man commented as his husband closed the door. “Got lost trying to find a proof of what happened today ?”, he teased.
“It would be a wise thing to do.”, the tall man grumbled. “But no. I went to see the others you.”
“Really ?”, Vinnie lowered his phone to look at him. Balthazar nodded. “Are you saying you’re cheating on me with myself ?”, he continued with a smirk.
“I did not.”, despite usually hating any implication of him being unfaithful, Balthazar didn’t find himself angry as he replied. “None of my interactions went as far as a kiss.”
“Ah. You must’ve disappointed a few of them then.”
“…I hope I didn’t…”, he tried to shake his concern away. “And for your information, I went to tell them goodbye. This is the least I can do for them.”
Vinnie smiled. “You know,”, he said after a chuckle. “I’m sure they’re very happy that you did.”
Balthazar smiled back. But as he approached the bed, he found himself frown again.
“Are you eating in bed ?!”, he criticized.
“What ? You were taking hours to come back. And I got hungry waiting for you.”
“You’re always hungry”, Balthazar mumbled. He went to his side of the room to change in his pajamas. As per usual, he could feel his husband’s gaze as he started removing his clothing. At least he could hear the shorter man standing up and having the decency to put his chips bag away before getting back in bed. Balthazar joined him soon after, sitting next to him. Vinnie rested his head on the taller man’s shoulder, and Balthazar was quick to put an arm around Vinnie’s waist, slowly moving his arm up and down.
“Balth, can I tell you something ?”, the shorter man murmured.
“hmm ?”
“I don’t think you’ll like it. It’s about the others me.”, Vinnie warned.
“…Go ahead, dearest.”, Balthazar replied, planting a kiss on his husband’s head.
“I…I’m not the original Dakota.”, he confessed.
“The original ?”
“Yeah. You know, the one who goes back in time every time you die and takes the place of the one who didn’t see you die.”, he explained. “There’s no Dakota who saw all your deaths.”
“May I…know why this is ?”, Balthazar tried, looking his partner in the eye.
“Honestly I’m not sure. Something about your death being too gruesome or traumatizing I guess. One day, I met another version of me who was all bloody and hurt and all that…and instead of changing with me, he told me how to keep you alive. And then it happened again. And again.”, he chuckled sadly. “I think I’m like, the tenth Dakota. Probably more.”
Balthazar just stayed silent, taking the information in.
“You know, saving you isn’t always a one man’s job. Sometimes the other me helps. Even-even if it means dying. But…I guess dying can be as bad as being sent on an island. I mean sure, being on the island with others me must be fun but…y’know.”, he shrugged, his smile gone and his gaze down.
“…I believe I understand your point.”, the taller man replied, wishing he could find the right words to comfort his partner. He couldn’t even begin to imagine how horrible this situation must have been to live.
He stayed silent for a moment until a question popped into his mind. “Where…where do you think that ‘original’ you is now ? N-not that I wish to replace you of course.”, he quickly added. “Original or not, you’re my Dakota.”
Vinnie chuckled, though that hint of sadness was still present in his eyes.
“He’s probably on the island. Or, y’know, dead after today. Or dead before. Honestly I have no idea how they survive on this island.”
“You…you never visited it before ?”
“When would I have time to do that ?”, his amused tone was back. “You already notice it sometimes when I save you. If I left for several days without explanation, you would definitely notice. And I couldn’t risk it.”
“…I suppose…”, Balthazar wanted to ask more. How long had Vinnie be doing this ? What was his first death ? Why did Vinnie decide to go back ? Why had he never told him before ? How long does he intend on doing this ?...Does Vinnie truly believe that he’s worth all this effort ?
But it was getting late, and the taller man didn’t know if he could take all the answers in one night.
“You’re okay ?”, Vinnie suddenly asked in concern.
“I’m fine.”, he replied. “Why ?”
“Nothing, it’s just…I probably just shattered your entire worldview today and you’re…you’re so calm about it. I thought you’d be freaking out !”
“It’s late.”, Balthazar explained. “And we just had a very long day.”
“We sure did.”
“And don’t forget the few hours I just spent talking to the others you.”, the taller man rested his head on top of Vinnie’s. “Believe me, I still have a lot to ask, and I am feeling overwhelmed by it all.”
“But it’s too much to take in for one night ?”, Vinnie finished.
“It is.”
“Well then,”, the shorter man pulled away, lying down. “Guess we’ll talk tomorrow.”
“I sure hope so.”, Balthazar replied, hoping his tone made it clear that his husband was not going to avoid this conversation. Not that they were any reasons for him to do so. The secret was out. There was nothing to hide now.
Balthazar lied down next to his partner, grabbing the shorter man and pulling him close enough for his back to touch the taller man’s abdomen. Vinnie partly turned his head around and the two shared a kiss.
“Goodnight dear.”, Balthazar murmured after resting his head back onto the pillow.
“ ‘night honey.”, Vinnie murmured back.
Balthazar closed his eyes, letting the warmth and soft breathing of the other man lull him to sleep, preparing himself for a night full of memories, memories of all the moments he could have die, all the moments he found himself somehow saved,
all the moments he now knew Vinnie had been there to save him.
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obsidiancreates · 4 years
Blood Blooms In The Crystal Glow (Chapter Four)
The stairs creak horribly beneath their feet, like they’ll snap at any moment. Dakota keeps looking behind them with wary eyes as Cavendish follows the scanner.
“I... think we may be heading towards the epicenter of the energy readings,” Cavendish mutters.
“Oh. Well that doesn’t sound good.”
Cavendish shivers, the feeling of being watched increasing with every step further in. “I’m inclined to agree.”
“... So... this a bad time for an ‘I told you so’?”
Cavendish looks back at Dakota and glares. “Dreadful time.”
“Alright, gotcha. ... Told ya so.”
“Just trying to lighten the mood.”
“Well, unless you can lighten the actual room, keep quiet for now. Every word feels like we’re breaking a rule of some kind.”
Dakota stops talking. Because Cavendish is right.
Talking... feels... bad. Like at a library, but... more intense.
The staircase winds down, down, down, darker and darker, colder and colder...
And then it stops. 
It leads to a short, twisty hallway.
As Cavendish and Dakota walk through it, their steps echo loudly.
The walls are stone brick. They’re damp. The floor is stone, natural stone, like this basement was dug out but never finished.
They feel like intruders. They are intruders. 
Observed intruders. 
They both feel it. Eyes. Watching.
Dakota holds the backpack tighter.
After what feels like hours, yet also quicker thank either of them are ready for, they come to the final turn of the hall.
The wall in front of them is bathed in a soft red light. A familiar red light.
They share a nervous glance... and walk into the room.
Cavendish drops the scanner, eyes going wide and mouth falling agape. Dakota stares, in a similar state to his partner.
A gigantic crystal sits before them, reaching up far above their heads. It emanates a red glow, the only light illuminating the room. It’s not flat, but somewhat layered, with some layers as spikes, some more like steps, some more like tiny shards...
And it takes up the whole back wall.
“No doors,” Dakota croaks out.
“But we found the energy source,” Cavendish says, nervous and shaky, but trying to find something to cling onto. “What is it? Do you think it might have a connection with... well, that thing in the forest had a similar glow, perhaps it came from he-”
Something grabs Dakota’s backpack.
Dakota tears away with a shout, stumbling into thee room and turning around. Cavendish jumps, whirling around as well.
The figure stares at Dakota with glowing red eyes. 
A necklace dangles from their neck, a piece of some kind of gray metal in a sort of rectangular shape. And at the top, a piece of the crystal, a perfectly round gem, glowing.
“Yeah, I think they’re connected,” Dakota says with a bit of shakiness to his voice. He shrugs off thee backpack and starts digging through it, as Cavendish keeps his eyes on the person/alien/creature/whatever it is.
“What are you do- what?!”
Cavendish stares as Dakota fishes out a hefty paperweight. He hands it to Cavendish, and then grabs an identical one for himself. 
Cavendish gapes. “You brought paperweights?!”
Dakota raises his and looks at the glowing-eyed figure. “We don’t have any real weapons in the office! Besides, it’s just one person, we can-”
More figures filter in, all with glowing red eyes and identical necklaces. 
Cavendish takes a few more steps back, shaking a bit. “Oh, bullocks.”
The figures open their mouths, revealing dagger-sharp fangs, and hiss.
Dakota tightens his grip on the paperweight, and suddenly wishes he’d brought something not for close range. “Cav? I don’t think it’s aliens.”
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blazestarninja13 · 4 years
Dianakko Week [Day 3: Rainy Day]
I got the basic idea for this one from by buddy, @pancat-n-sausage (Y’all should check her out). Super huge thanks to her! Also, thanks for all of the comments and kudos so far! Keep em coming bois!
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26081233/chapters/63538552
It was a rainy day in Blytonbury. The sky was dark and the rain just kept coming down for hours.
 Akko and Diana had returned from picking up some supplies from the Magic Item Cafe that they had just delivered to Professor Chariot.  Both girls were wearing thick black rain boots that they had borrowed from the school, though Diana looked thoroughly uncomfortable in them compared to Akko who looked like she wore them on a regular basis.
 “I seriously do not know how you can stand to walk around in these boots, Akko” Diana grumbled as she walked through the courtyard of Luna Nova alongside Akko.
 Akko chuckled and gave a cheesy grin
 “Because they’re so much fun to walk and jump around in!” she exclaimed
 Diana smiled. She really admired Akko’s playfulness and ability to make fun out of pretty much most things.
 Suddenly, Akko’s eyes started to mischievously twinkle. She usually had this look on her face when she saw the potential to do something stupid.
 Diana gave her a confused look. What was the brunette up to now? 
 “Hey, Diana! Check this out!” Akko cried out as she ran to a large puddle in the middle of the courtyard and jumped into it.
 Water went everywhere, leaving Akko looking a bit soggy and Diana looking less than impressed.
 “Oh yeah! That was so much fun!” Akko shouted with a big smile on her face. 
 Diana just sighed. Sometimes Akko’s playful personality could be a bit idiotic at times, though that was what made Akko, Akko. 
 “Did you really have to do that Akko?” 
 Akko nodded and then looked down at her boots as if there were something of interest inside them. 
“Of course I have to! Jumping in puddles on a rainy day is the best and not to mention, you can even splash people with the water that’s in your boots after you jump into a puddle.”
 Akko then took off one of her boots and threw the water out of it in the opposite direction to where Diana was standing, since she was the last person she wanted to soak.
 Diana stood there, feeling somewhat pleased that Akko decided not to splash her with the rainwater from her boots.
 “So Diana, Have you ever jumped in puddles and splashed people with rain boot water?”
 Diana then remembered a time where she did in fact, do exactly that.
 “Yes, I have before, though it was a very long time ago. I would jump around the in the huge puddles that would form around the manner on rainy days and I’d then take off my boots and splash the servants with the water from inside them. My mother always found it funny…” she recalled with a nostalgic smile on her face.
 Akko’s face suddenly lit up as if she had an imaginary lightbulb above her head.
 She gave a quiet and slightly evil chuckle. She had a good idea
 Diana could tell what the look on Akko’s face meant. She was probably going to make her do something that she would regret later on.
 “What ridiculous idea is going through your head?” she asked
 Akko smirked and whispered her idea into Diana’s ear. 
 “What?! Why would I want to do that” Diana responded
 Akko kept whispering her plan
 “Akko, you know she’s the last person we’d want to annoy”
 Akko continued to whisper until she was done and gave a mischievous smirk.
 Diana sighed and curled her lips into a slight smile. Akko was probably going to make her do it anyway and besides, their target had done much worse before.
 “Oh fine then, I’ll do it. But I know I’ll be regretting it later and I take no responsibility if she tries to kill us” she stated.
 “I think we’re gonna have fun with this” Akko grinned.
 Diana really was going to regret this
 A little bit later that day, Amanda O’Neill found herself walking out into the rain so she could go on a broom flight since she declared to herself that rainy weather was the best weather to fly in. Though the rain was quite a bit lighter than the rain she’d find in New York, she still decided to go out because not only was it still raining, but she also loved the smell of the air after the rain had passed.
 As she walked and whistled to herself through the courtyard, she didn’t realise that there was a surprise for her hiding around the corner she was about to turn.
 Behind that corner was Akko and Diana who were holding rain boots full of rainwater they had jumped in together earlier.
 Diana had noticed that Amanda was not in the correct school uniform and instead was wearing a hoodie with jeans along with her signature Converse shoes that she always wore no matter what.
 “But of course she’s breaking uniform protocol.” Diana quietly huffed to herself as she and Akko waited for their target to turn the corner. 
 “Shhhh!” whispered Akko so the two of them didn’t give away their plan and position.
 Amanda was about to turn the corner.
 Akko began to countdown.
 “3, 2, 1, Now!” she uttered.
 As soon as Akko signalled, both her and Diana splashed the rain boot water onto Amanda which got her absolutely soaked and made her look like a wet and angry dog from the looks of her now wet hair.
 Amanda furiously scanned around her surroundings and saw the two girls standing there, laughing to themselves at how hilarious it was to see the American getting completely submerged with water.
 That was when they both realized that Amanda was standing right behind them, looking really irritated. 
“I think this is the part where we run,” Akko muttered to Diana who was now regretting every bit of this plan.”
 Amanda then let out a growl and started to chase Diana and Akko.
 “Oh crap, oh crap oh crap!” Akko yelped as she ran alongside Diana.
 “Kagari, Cavendish! You’ll both be sorry for this!” Amanda fumed, chasing the two other girls through the courtyard.
 Though Diana was completely regretting this and knew that Amanda was going to get back at her at one point or another, she had to admit that Akko really did know how to make things fun.
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mcrvellouslystcrk · 4 years
Pairing: Paul McCartney x Reader
Words: 1732
Warning: Just some swear words 
Author’s Note: This was supposed to be pure fluffy fluff but it turned out somehow different. It’s still pretty fluffy oh well. Enjoy while I work on request!
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It was very early in the morning and the sun was not quite up yet, but you were feeling great. Being the only girl in a guy music group could be tricky, especially considering the conservative aspect of the mid 60s society, but you managed to pull it off like the boss you were. About a week ago, the band had been invited to a television set to promote your new album, and you totally showed off your guitar skills in a delicate solo. Everyone seemed to be in awe, and the interviewer, as well as the rest of the sceptics, stopped wondering what you were doing in the Beatles.
 Anyway, you were feeling much less tense than the other days when you began driving to the studio that morning, Paul by your side. You were living close to his Cavendish Avenue house in St John’s Wood, and you were going to the studio together most of the times. You put your feet up next to the wheel and leaned on the passenger seat, observing the quiet neighbourhood slowly waking up.
 Paul sneaked a glance at you and caught your dreamy smile against the half opened window. It immediately soothed him, and he felt quite amazed at how much he could be affected by you. He never attempted a move, though, sensing you certainly just saw him as a very good friend, even some kind of brother, and nothing more. It hurt him, but it was way easier to control his feelings as you were not seeing anybody and generally did not talk about possible love interests.
 You turned to face him, eyes still sort of sleepy, and stretched a hand to shuffle his soft hair. He sent you an amused look and tried to tidy it up again, eyes on the road. That is what you loved the most about Paul; he accepted your little outburst of affection and other quirks without feeling the need to say something. You both could spend hours not talking, just enjoying each other’s company while strumming some tunes on your instruments or sipping tea in front of the television.
 You mirrored his expression and took a box of homemade cookies out of your tote bag. He tried to take one but you gently slapped his hand away.
 “They’re for George!”
 His pouty lips formed an offended ‘o’.
 “Firstly, that’s unfair, and second, why are you eating them?”
 “Because I made them! I’m entitled to. And I’m sorta hungry.”
 Paul sent you a pleading look, making you chuckle. Sighing, you put a cookie in his hand as you were arriving to the studio. You could not resist that boy anything.
 “Thanks, love.”
 Your heart fluttered at the nickname.
 “Yeah, whatever.”
 Getting out of the car, you pulled your guitar out of the backseat and moved towards the entrance of the studio before getting stopped by a young man in his twenties, closely followed by a pair of giggling teenage girls.
 “Hello,” he started with a hesitant smile.
 You upped an eyebrow. He was different from the other fans you had to face; he seemed ready to back off if he saw you were not in the mood. And he was also quite pretty for a man. A bit like Paul…man, I do have a type.
 “Hi. Can I do something for you?”
 “Yes, I’m awfully sorry for the inconvenience, but my sisters over there are too shy to ask for an autograph so here I am…”
 “Oh, sure, sure.”
 Placing the guitar case down for a moment, you took the pen he was handing you and signed the album covers next to your face. Paul had been following the exchange from behind the car, and decided to move around it to join you after seeing the smile you gave the man. The two girls murmured something in their brother’s ear, and he turned to Paul.
 “Excuse me, could you also sign?” he wondered with a smile.
 Paul took the albums coldly and started signing mechanically as the girls were watching him in awe. He sent them a wink but stayed focused on the small talk you were having with the guy.
 “So I caught you on that show the other day… You were exceptional.”
 “Really, you thought so?” you asked, picking up the guitar again, smiling consistently.
 “Yes! It was amazing.”
 “Yeah, well, she is, but now we’ve got to go, we have a lot of work today,” Paul intervened, catching your elbow.
 He nodded at the man and his sisters, starting pulling you away. You frowned but smiled at them once more and shook the man’s hand before entering the building.
 “Paul! What the hell?”
 He shrugged, eyes in front of him as you both made your way to the recording room.
 “He was flirting with you, and I’m pretty sure he couldn’t care less about your talent. He kept ogling your dress! Which is way too short for a work day, by the way!”
 You scoffed, rather hurt.
 “You didn’t seem to mind it during the drive,” you exclaimed, pissed off. “I saw you checking out my legs!”
 “Well, I’m just a friend, right? So it doesn’t matter. And I’m not trying to use you for sex or to get famous or anything, because I already am!”
 He stopped right before opening the door and you collided. Turning him around, you pointed an accusing finger at him as the other three appeared, drawn to the scene because of the all the screaming. Yes, there were mostly cosy silences or lively conversations between you and Paul, but there sometimes were screaming and disagreements as well.
 “Oi, what’s going on with you lovebirds?” John exclaimed.
 He had started calling you that after he had found you two passed out on one of the studio’s couches after a long, tiring day, your head on his shoulder and his arms around your waist. You both had woken up like a blushing mess and denied any feelings involved, but it didn’t fool John and the nickname stuck.
 “Shut up, Lennon. What did you just say?” You asked menacingly to Paul, eyes narrowed.
 He crossed his arms, rolling his eyes.
 “I’m just saying you should be careful, Y/N. People are not always kind for no reason.”
 “So, you believe people only see me as a piece of meat? I don’t think so, McCartney, because I am talented, very talented, and people are aware of it. And if they also like what they see on top of what they hear, then I don’t see how it is your business!”
 “Y/N, you’ve got to accept the possibility that they just want to use you!”
 You blinked several times.
 “Well, I can return the suggestion to you, considering all the brainless things that jump you wherever we go!”
 You pushed him out of your way and stepped in the recording you. Giving a small nod to Brian, George Martin and the technicians (who had probably heard everything), you sat on your chair and started tuning your guitar. A pair of feet appeared in front of you and you were about to tell them to fuck off when you realized it was George. Trying to calm yourself, you smiled at him. It wasn’t his fault your morning had turned out to be bad after all.
 “Geo, I made you those cookies you like, you know, with the dark chocolate bits. They’re in my bag.”
 His toothy grin made his cheekbones look sharper as he took a seat next to you.
 “Thanks, Y/N. I’ll get you those scones more often then.”
 “That’s my boy! You know I live for these kinds of exchanges.”
 “Naturally. So… What happened?”
 “Nothing, he was just being an arse. I don’t wanna talk about it.”
 “Y/N, Paul may be one of the persons who admire you the most. I know that because he always asks and listens to your advice on a song. He has learnt a lot from you just as you have from him, and he cherishes the fact that you are part of the band. I’m pretty sure he considers you as some kind of gem – which you are, to be honest – that could realise she’s far too better for us and leave.”
 “But it’s not some random fan who’s going to take me away, like…”
 “Yeah, well, that’s because he doesn’t only love you, like we all do. He’s in love with you.”
 John, Ringo and Paul turned their heads to you, hearing your shocked tone. You locked eyes with the latter. He still looked annoyed with you but there was something else there. Something more intense.
 “I’m only telling you because I know you’re in love with him too.”
 For once, you did not even bother to deny it; it was high time to act on your feelings. Tapping George’s shoulder as a thank you, you got up and practically ran to Paul.
 “What the fuck, McCartney!”
 He got up as well, confused and frustrated.
 “What? What do you want now?”
 “Why didn’t tell me it was just a jealousy crisis and attacked my music skills instead?”
 “Who said I was jealous? And why would I be? I – George, you’re going to pay for this – don’t-”
 You waved his babbles away and pulled him from his collar, your lips crashing against his. He stopped trying to justify himself and pulled you closer, his hands on the sides of your face. You heard John whistle in the background but you could not find the energy to flip him off with what Paul was doing to you. You also heard a snapshot, probably Ringo’s camera, but you did not mind.
 The kiss lasted until you both were out of breath. Breaking it off, you panted slightly, palms resting against his chest. The air between you was electrifying, and you looked up to plunge in his hazel doe eyes. He let his hands slide to your waist and held you in a soft but firm embrace. Nobody around you seemed to want to break the silence that had settled.
 You felt a gentle smile coming to your lips once again and he mirrored it. You both let go of each other at the same time, sharing a knowingly loving look before getting your instruments. The ambient sounds resumed as suddenly as they had stopped and you grabbed your guitar pick.
 “Well, shall we start?”
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mintytrifecta · 4 years
Someone That I Used To Be chapter 3
Chapter 2: https://mintytrifecta.tumblr.com/post/618490750838177792/someone-that-i-used-to-be-chapter-2 AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22818781/chapters/55853956#workskin Dakota didn’t need glasses. After he became an assassin he got an eye check and had almost perfect vision.  As far as he was concerned his eyesight was 20/20. So why does he have sunglasses? Everyone asks. “Nothing, they’re just a pair of glasses I got a while ago. Nothing special.” Dakota slides his thumb back and forth on the handles of his shades. He sighs. He feels the scratched edges of the old plastic in his fingers.  Innocent plastic, a familiar comfort against his bloodied fingers .A pair of regular old glasses. The lenses have cuts in uncomfortable positions. The handles have snapped off more times than he can count yet Dakota keeps repairing them stubbornly with shaking fingers. He can get a pair in any mall he visits, yet he won’t let this one go. He’s sitting on his and Cavendish’s bed. A heavy silence weighs upon them as Cavendish ponders what Dakota told him.  He fidgets with his glasses. “Kota, You’ve saved me time and time again. Sacrificed yourself countless times for me. What you’ve done in the past, it’s timelines away. You said it yourself, that what you did doesn’t happen anymore. You’re a good person Vinnie. A hero.” Dakota chuckles, a humorless and dry laugh. “That excuses nothing. I know what I did, even if i’m sorry, even if it didn’t happen anymore. There’s really no excuse here, Cav. No matter how many times I say sorry it won’t change. I’m unforgivable.” Cavendish tuts and lifts Dakota’s face to his. Dakota sees warm skies love in them. “I forgive you.” Dakota starts to cry .--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dakota was a strange man, Cavendish thought. From the instant they first met there was something about him that Cavendish couldn’t quite place. As if he’d known him before. Cavendish found himself getting annoyed and confused by him in such a primal, instinctive way and for the life of him he couldn’t figure out why. Cavendish and Dakota have been working together for years. They know each other better than anyone else. Cavendish is not oblivious. Cavendish keeps his guard up. Cavendish is destined for greatness and knows the obstacles. One such obstacle, is the nagging in the back of his head telling him to run away whenever Dakota is near him. Cavendish wants to scream at Dakota. He wants to know what he’s hiding. Cavendish may be an incompetent agent but he will not be an incompetent friend. Cavendish feels in his feet the need to climb up a mountain. He wants the approval of his superiors. He wants to prove he can be more than what was expected of him all his life. He will create greatness and he knows it. What does Dakota want? Cavendish wonders. Dakota wants to sail in a long peaceful boat ride. He wants to see the beauty of life at every age. Dakota wants to see the smiles on people’s faces. Wants the loving embrace of his partner. He wants to watch the sunset go down on a calm summer evening.Dakota wants tranquility. So when hearing Dakota confess to him what he’s done, Cavendish finds himself unsurprised. Cavendish has seen the lengths Dakota went through to save him. He’s seen how selfless Dakota can be. Dakota is a good person and Cavendish pities him for not seeing it. Cavendish takes Dakota’s glasses from his shaking, crying, guilty hands and sets them aside. Cavendish moves in to hug the shorter man, not caring about how wet his suit will end up. Dakota embraces him and falls asleep to the sound of his heartbeat. Days pass and the two find themselves sitting on the Danville docks. Watching the repetitive lapses of the waves. “Do you know where I got my glasses from?” “Didn’t you say you brought them from your own timeline?” Dakota chuckles and smiles softly, the rose-tinted glasses reflecting the orange of the water as the sun strikes it. “Yeah. I got them from one of my missions. It was supposed to be a regular old mission but to be honest, I think it was one of my most important ones.” Cavendish raises a brow.“Well? Go on then, tell me this supposed ‘important mission’ of yours.” Dakota starts .------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Your next target lives in the south side of Danville. 70 year old Jonah Murphy.” “70 years old? Won’t he just be dead in a few years anyway?”His client shook her head. “Unfortunately not. By all accounts he should not be alive. Strange things happen around this man and we cannot take any more chances. He must be killed. For the safety of my people.” she spoke.
Dakota raised a suspicious brow and shrugged. Job’s a job, he guessed. Dakota left the building and stepped out into the street. Put his hands in his jacket pockets and started walking. Along the cracked streets lined with vines and fallen rubble he tried to envision his plan. Dakota supposed he could go with an easy weapon route, but he’d much rather not get his hands dirty, he had just cleaned his jacket from the last mission. Dakota stepped into a boat waiting near a bridge. The Danville dam broke down forever ago and the city didn’t have the money to fix it (they barely had any money but that’s besides the point) so they turned some streets into canals. Dakota guessed he could go with drowning but that’ll be messy. His body will be easily recognizable considering how few people live in the city and how they all seem to know each other. That option’s out, then. Dakota swerved the boat into south Danville. Let’s see, he lives in 5521 Druid Dr. Really Druid Sail now, Dakota joked in his head. He pulled the paddle to a stop near a small dock and got out of the boat. It’s showtime. He jumped the fence and found an unexpected sight. Broken glass lies on the tall grass, ivy covers the tree and burn marks show no hesitation in announcing their presence. The backyard deck has a suspiciously sized how in one corner, broken concrete in another. Smashed residue of what once could have been a grill lie crumpled under a now-rubble rooftop of the deck. You’d think an old man would know how to take care of his own health, jesus.
At least the back door is still somewhat intact. Dakota walked forward to it, leaves crunch with every step he made. The door’s unlocked and thank heaven for that. Dakota was sure if he tried to pry it open he’d be smashed under rubble.Dakota entered the house and found chaos. A flickering light welcomed him inside the dining area. A pitiful sight lied before him. A singular wooden chair stood on one edge of the table, it’s wood almost rotten and completely destroyed. The kitchen, once blue and white, was dusted and jaded. The sink dripped water repeatedly and the metal around it rusted. Whoever this man was, clearly didn’t care about his wellbeing. Dakota gathered. But why should he care? This man’s his target, it only makes Dakota’s job easier. “It used to be beautiful.” Dakota jumped and whipped his head towards the source of the sound. In the living room, a person sat. “What did you say?” Dakota stepped closer to the man and assessed his appearance. The man had his eyes closed. Bags under it showing proudly. His cheeks sagged with wrinkles and dark spots. Atop his head, light white hair stood up, almost like feathers. His lips dry and cracked, yet still smiling. Dakota swore he could see scars covering the man’s face. His hands sat on top of one another, resting on his knees. Long, thin fingers slowly moved back and forth on his other hand. His arms were covered by long green sleeves hugging his body. His pants were ripped and dirty but the man didn’t seem to care. Dakota inquired.“Who’re you?” The man didn’t open his eyes. “You know who I am, son.” Dakota blinked. This was his target.This was his target? Really? “You were expecting me.” His soft smile expanded. His thin brows curved towards his eyes.“Yes. Yes I did.” “So you know why I’m here. And you’re okay with that?” His Target let out a quiet laugh. Dakota couldn't help but notice the wheeze trying to hide under it.“This was a long time coming. I would not be surprised by this fifty years ago and I am not surprised by it now.”Dakota quirked his head to the side.The Target seemed to sense his confusion. If he did, he didn’t mention it. “Would you like some tea, son?” Dakota was taken aback for a moment before stuttering out a quick “Uh, yeah sure.” The Target took his cane from off the couch and got up. “Sit down, young man. I’ll be right back.” Dakota obliged.He watched the man walk over to his kitchen. A slight limp on his left foot, his back is slightly slouched. The Target seemed unfazed by it. “I thought tea companies shut down fifty years ago? They were taking too many plants from the environment?” The Target reached a top cabinet and pulled out two mugs. “They were. Of course, that won’t stop people from growing their own tea leaves, now would it?” Dakota’s face reddened in embarrassment. “Ah, right.” He watched the Target fill up a tea kettle with water and put it on the stove. The Target stepped outside for a moment. “Excuse me, but will you watch the water while I go get the leaves?” Dakota muttered “Okay”. “Thank you so much, young man.” Dakota stood up to head for the kettle. His eyes never left the Target. He watched as the Target stepped over the rubble and headed towards the back fence. A small flower garden stood beneath a blanket covering them. Hiding produce, clever. Dakota thought. Thieves will steal anything they can no matter what. He watched the Target bend down to the flowers with some struggle. He picked out some green leaves from the edge of one of the rows and stood back up. Just as he did, a branch filled with bird eggs dropped from a tree.The Target noticed this and threw his cane away, with a sprint he caught the branch safely and brought it to the ground. He limped back to his cane and picked it up, leaves still in his hand.The Target entered the house, his drooping eyes bordered on pettiness as he saw Dakota’s gobsmacked expression. “Close your mouth, son. Unless you want to end up eating a fly.”Dakota shook his head and stared at his Target. “How did you do that?! It was like ten feet away from you and you just ran towards it and caught it perfectly! Your leg is injured and you use a cane. What were you thinking running towards it like that?!” The Target let out a wild, loud cackle. His laughs echoing in guffaws and snorts. The wheezing was still there, but the Target didn’t care. “Curious, are you? I’ll answer your questions in due time. For now, just stop the kettle from overflowing more.”Dakota did a double take and turned the stove off, grumbling at the snickers coming from the Target. The two took the cups and Kettle into the living room and set them down on the table. The Target on the couch, Dakota on the floor. Dakota watched as the Target poured the water into the cups, leaves adding a golden colour to the liquid.“Sugar cube?” “Oh, no thank you I’m good.” Dakota spoke uncomfortably.“Why are you being so nice to me? I’m here to kill you.” The Target sipped his tea in small parts before setting it down and answering. “Anyone who enters this house is my guest and guests deserve common courtesy. Your visit just happens to be more er… urgent. But common courtesy is common courtesy no matter what.” Dakota hummed and brought his cup towards his lips. The warmth of the tea reminded him of a fireplace during the cold nights of winter. Dakota smiled. “What’s on your mind there, son?” “Just… thinking of old friends is all.” “Oh?” “Yeah, I grew up with a buncha siblings. I mean, we weren’t related but we were still family, Y’know? We all wandered around the city’s ruins looking for things to eat in trash cans before we met. Me an’ Joey went around all of town finding other boys and girls with no place to go and ended up forming a base in an old abandoned zoo. We all stayed there and helped each other as much as we could. Eventually, an old woman found us and took us in. All of us. I remember she’d sing to us lullabies every night. She was from Italy, I think? So all of her songs were in Italian. Of course that didn’t stop us from learning the words.” Dakota chortles as he continues,“I remember this one year, it was winter. We were all getting ready for Christmas and spent the whole day working for it. Lanna, Eva and Mandy took Mom on an “adventure” around the city, which they claimed had a dragon roaming through it. Billy, Nick and Sam worked on the food, being the ones to actually come from households who knew how to cook. While Joey, Cam and I decorated the house. By the end of the day we were all so exhausted we fell asleep in the living room before we could actually celebrate.  When the girls came back, they basically fainted into our dogpile and slept with us. Mom lit the fireplace near us and slept on her chair.” The Target nodded along to Dakota, his smile becoming wider and wider. “Sounds like you had quite a childhood.” Dakota let out a huff in happiness. “Yeah. I did.” The two sat in silence until Dakota cleared his throat. “So what about you? I mean, what’s with all the mystery around you? You’re practically the only person who lives on this street, you know that right?”The Target’s smile faltered for a brief second, barely seen.“Come on a walk with me.” He ordered.The Target stood up and started walking towards the front door. Dakota sat on the floor for a few seconds before processing what was happening and scrambled up to the Target.“Woah woah wait where are we going? You can’t just leave like that.”The Target stood outside of the door, looking at Dakota from the outside. “I just did.” The door slammed closed. Dakota laughed and ran towards the door. This Target is ridiculous! He opened the door and skittered across the pavement, almost falling into the water. The Target was already walking.“Hey, hold on a second. Wait up!” The Target yelled back, “If I can walk faster than you at this age then there’s no chance you’ll get to kill me!” Dakota rolled his eyes and sprinted to the Target. As he caught up the Target side eyed him and snarked.“Ah, so you can catch up. Good to know I’m as fit as a spring chicken.” Dakota lightly smacked the Target’s shoulders and kept walking with him. “You do realize that we’re not in your house anymore, right? Means I’m no longer a guest and can kill you anytime now.” “Oh yes I know. I just thought we’d want a change of scenery. After all, I still didn’t answer your question did I?” Dakota raised his finger to retort before putting it down. “No. No you didn’t.” “And you want to know don’t you?” “Yes. Yes I do.” “Guess you’ll have to wait with the killing, then!” The Target beamed. Dakota huffed in annoyance and stuffed his hands in his jacket. The two walked in a comfortable silence. At least, until a metal beam almost impaled Dakota. The Target grabbed Dakota’s shoulders and pushed him away as the beam struck the ground where Dakota was standing. The Target barely flinched. Dakota stood there breathing heavily.“Okay what the fuck! That’s the second time you’ve done that. What are you, a bad luck magnet?” The Target signalled for Dakota to keep walking. “You could say that.” “I hope you realize that doesn’t answer my questions.” “I’m aware.” “Of course you are” After the fifth or sixth time something weird happened around them, Dakota started getting fed up with the nonsense. How and why does this not faze Target? He didn’t say anything, but kept a close eye to everything around them.The two came to a stop in front of an alley. Dakota looked confused. The Target looked delighted.“So our stop for the rest of the conversation is… an alleyway?” “Quit your complaining we’re not there yet.” Dakota was soon to figure out, their destination was a hidden part of the Danville docks. “The docks extend into the lake here. Not many people know that.” Dakota looked around in amusement. “Neat place. Lotsa green.” The Target gave a chuckle. “Yes, lots of green.” They walked towards the edge of the dock and sat down, the waves licked the sand with soft calming caresses. “Murphy’s Law.” Dakota looked at the Target. “I’m sorry, what?” “Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. That’s Murphy’s Law. Throughout generations my family has been dealing with Murphy’s Law to its fullest extent. Extreme Hereditary Murphy’s Law, it’s known as.”The Target sighs. “That’s why I live alone. Why my house looks the way it does. It belonged to my family for generations. I thought it would stand much longer than it did.”Dakota nods. “You can’t control it?” The Target shakes his head, “No, sonny. No.” “We’ve tried to control it before but it never worked. We Murphys always believed that the only thing you can control it with is a positive attitude and good attention. ”His smile drops into a frown. “But positive attitude can’t fix blindness.” The Target twists his ring around on his finger. “Your wife?” Dakota hesitated. “She was… wonderful. Put up with anything Murphy’s Law threw at her. No matter how intense it was she promised to stay by my side. That is, until a broken ultraviolet light flashed in her eyes. She went almost completely blind. Watching her struggle the way she did.. You can’t understand how painful that was. She died months afterwards. Car crash.” “I’m.. so sorry.” “Absolutely nothing to be sorry for. We had good times and that’s all that matters.”Jonah spilled a tear. “And that’s all that matters.” Dakota gazed at the ocean.“What if… what if I never find that?” Jonah raised a brow.“Find what exactly?” “What you had.” Jonah took a deep breath and answered.“It’s always out there. You might have seen in already, you might have not. The good moments never stray too far to those willing to look for them. Seek out happiness and it will find you.” Dakota felt a nudge on his shoulder. “Somewhere out there, you’ll find your happiness.”Jonah held out a pair of orange glasses. Their lenses were tinted rose-gold. The outer part is covered in plastic gold and a small red line. “She would put on the most ridiculous pair of glasses she could find whenever we met with friends. She kept saying she doesn’t want pity, she wants laughter. On our wedding anniversary, she gave me these.” “You’re giving it to me? Why?” “Dakota, I have barely another day left on Earth. I’m sure she’d want me to give them to someone else before I passed. This is a symbol of happiness for me. I want it to be one for you too.” Dakota took the glasses from Jonah and hesitantly put them on. He looked at Jonah for approval. Wrinkled dry lips spread into a smile, old, baggy eyes watered. “They fit you perfectly.” The two sat on the docks watching the sun go down, Jonah leaned on Dakota and with one last breath, Jonah said,“ You’re a good man.”
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thenamesreader · 4 years
Kids Again
Are The Satos Gay or European?
It was a well known question for those that didn’t know them. Their parents were an easy question since the five siblings had two mothers. But, otherwise, they didn’t know if they were just highly affectionate with certain friends because of cultural differences or were just attracted to people of the same gender.
“They’re gay,” Diana stated, bluntly, surprising everyone since she was never this blunt. Maybe this conversation was wearing her out and she was getting tired of it. “If they were foreign, they would have accents.”
Akko, clinging to her arm, nodded in agreement. Of course she would. She could almost never disagree with Diana now that they were in a relationship.
“But, what if they were able to mask their accents?” Amanda asked. “Like Tom Holland.”
Lotte fixed her glasses. “She has a point,” she added. “Having been living in the US so long, they might’ve picked up the accent.”
“Their parents aren’t foreign,” Akko spoke up next.
“Doesn’t mean that they can’t be,” Amanda shot back. “I mean, isn’t Lance Cuban?”
Akko hummed. “Okay,” she sighed. “I see your point.”
“He could still have been born in the States and just had or has Cuban family members,” Diana argued. “And that’s not a European territory at all, Amanda.”
Amanda gave an embarrassed smile and glanced away. “Oops.”
Akko jumped up, excitement bursting from her. “Time to interrogate!” She exclaimed.
Diana raised a brow. “Who are we going to ask?” She inquired.
“Anyone and everyone who knows them better than us!” Akko replied, confidently.
Amanda nodded. “That’s a great idea.”
The others in the room voiced their agreement- Sucy, even. Diana sighed. What was she getting herself into?
Ilia gave a small hum as an underclassmen came up to her with her friends. Her red eyes were set with determination as she approached her. “Do I... know you?” She asked her.
The girl stood in front of her, back over exaggeratedly rigid. “My name is Atsuko Kagari.”
Ilia let the name wash over her before it clicked. “Oh,” she said. “You’re Jumper’s friend, right?”
Atsuko blinked. “How did you know that?”
One of her friends- a girl with mint green eyes- pushed her out of the way before Ilia could respond to her question. “That’s not important right now,” she said. “We have an important question to ask.”
Ilia tilted her head. “Shoot.”
“Are Jumper and her siblings foreign?” The girl demanded.
“Or gay?” Atsuko added, looking determined.
Ilia was silent for a moment. She, then, threw her head back and laughed.
“What’s so funny?” Atsuko asked.
Ilia kept laughing. “I’m... I’m sorry,” she said through her laughter. “I can’t answer this right, now.”
Ilia left them in the hallway. Jumper’s friends sure were a laugh.
“Amitola was a bust,” Amanda commented, rubbing the back of her neck as Akko nodded in agreement.
“Next up,” Akko started. “Glimmer and Bow.”
The group of girls started to walk on, looking for their next witness.
“Adora hasn’t said anything to us,” Glimmer answered. “And I know for a fact she’s not foreign.”
Bow looked pensive. “But, what if she is?”
Glimmer rolled her eyes. “Don’t be ridiculous, Bow,” she told him. “Adora’s our best friend. She would tell us anything.”
“But, she’s closer with Catra,” Bow replied.
“That doesn’t mean-”
Glimmer stopped as a realization came over her and she held up a finger as she pulled out her phone. “Hold on.”
Turned out that Glimmer did not know Adora as well as she claimed since she was now on the phone with her and asking questions that Diana felt were very personal.
“Onto the next person, I guess,” Lotte said, hesitantly, as they watched Glimmer awkwardly.
“Of course Yang is gay!” Nora exclaimed. “Have you seen the way she looks at Blake?”
“Monika’s older sister?” Amanda questioned.
Nora nodded, enthusiastically. “It’s so easy to see,” the orange-haired girl added. “So much so that I wish they would just-”
“Don’t finish that thought,” Ren warned her.
Nora pouted. “You don’t even know what I was going to say,” she grumbled.
“I did, too, and I prefer if you didn’t say it,” he retorted.
“And there you have it, O’Neill,” Diana stated, proudly. “I told you they weren’t foreign.”
“We only have confirmation that Yang is the gay one,” Sucy countered. “No one’s confirmed the others yet.”
“And we still don’t know if they’re foreign,” Lotte added.
Diana felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her. They were right. “Next person, then.”
Weiss hummed as she thought of the question. “I know for a fact that Yang is,” she answered. “I theorize that Adora and Jumper are, too. I’m not too sure about Ruby or Lance.”
Weiss closed her book as she got up to get ready for her next class. “They’re not foreign, though.”
“That’s another confirmation of Yang being gay,” Amanda muttered. “And a small theory of Jumper and Adora being gay, too.”
“Hey, guys.”
Amanda jumped as she heard Jumper’s voice. She turned to where her softball teammate was approaching. “Hey, Sato,” she called out, nervously.
“What are you guys doing?” Jumper asked, looking between them all.
They were all awkwardly silent before Akko spoke up. “Are you and your siblings gay or foreign?” She demanded.
Jumper’s face turned red. “H-how didn’t you know that I was gay?” She asked.
Amanda and Akko gasped. “You mean to tell me that Cavendish was right?” Amanda shouted.
Diana gave a triumphant smile. “I told you,” she responded with her arms crossed, proudly.
“Also, I’m not gonna out my siblings like that,” Jumper answered. “Ruby, in particular, finds it to be very personal.”
“Then, why did Nora tell us that Yang was gay?” Akko asked.
“That’s just, Nora,” Jumper sighed. “Yang doesn’t seem to mind it, though.”
Jumper, then, turned away. “See you guys at the party later,” she called. “I hear it’s gonna be the party of the century.”
As soon as she was out of earshot, Amanda gave a cheer. “Mystery solved!”
Diana only sighed. “I’m heading off to class,” she said. “See you guys later.”
“Wait for me, Diana!” Akko called after her.
The mystery of whether Jumper and her siblings were foreign or gay had been solved and it can now be put to rest.
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The Milo Murphy’s Law Wiki Guy AU: Balthazar Cavendish Vs The World: Chapter 6: Act 1: In The Windmills of Your Mind
“It can’t be!”, Cavendish gasped, but it was.
 Above him was a ceiling of dirt and sediment, hard and strong, near inpenetrable from here.
 Below him, even harder solid rock, which was ever more inmpenetrable than the ceiling.
 All there was in front of him, aside from tiny pebbles and the occasional Earth worm, was a dark, spooky cavern, a path that Cavendish dared not tread, a hole to a time before, a time oft buried deep inside.
 A tunnel.
 It wasn’t the most impressive tunnel, truth be told; It was moldy, it was dusty, and there wasn’t a single fancy curtain or welcome mat in sight.
 Why, what a refreshing change some daisy’s would do!
 Alas, this tunnel was no fancy tunnel.
 It was just a tunnel, one with major importance to Cavendish, but just a tunnel.
 Cavendish gulped. Despite never having been here before, despite being a complete stranger to this world within the core, he somehow felt like he knew what was at the end of the tunnel.
 And he desperately didn’t want to take the journey.
 In fact, he didn’t need to.
 Right behind him, a door opened, and oh was it inviting!
 In fact, if Cavendish’s eyes were not deceiving him, a party was being held there!
 Streamers, banners, and a glorious blinding light emanated from the doorway, and if his ears were as functional as his eyes, Cavendish could swear he was hearing his name being sung in celebration!
 Soothing smells wafted from the door, tempting Cavendish to join in on the fun!
 “Mmm mmm!”, Cavendish exclaimed, his stomach now remembering that he had not eaten in days and loudly reminding Cavendish of that fact. “Sponge cake and a spot of tea would do marvelously!”
 But a niggling need called for his attention, a feeling of curiosity and, perhaps, responsibility, demanded his presence in the tunnel.
 Cavendish licked his lips as he thought of the possible pleasure to be had in the party.
 He could feel its safe promise, its affirmation he so wanted to hear.
 In the party, he would be justified, he would be hailed, he would be king!
 In the room that was angonizingly close, Cavendish would be right.
 So why were his legs moving towards the tunnel?
 Demanding a reprieve, Cavendish forced his legs to turn, almost twisting them as he found himself once again in front of the dream destination of the room.
 And as he moved towards it, each step a struggle, Cavendish began to smile.
 Surely this was the right way!
 But there was that impossible to ignore concern again.
 There was that hesitation, that all consuming fear that…
 The hard way was right.
 He had to go right.
 Regardless of how much it could hurt.
 Cavendish looked back at the tunnel, his pupils widening with fear as he thought of going back to the tunnel, of digging deeper into his pain, his torment, his flaws.
 The past hurt.
 And Cavendish had been hurt enough for a lifetime or two.
 But try as he might…
 He couldn’t go to the party.
 Not yet.
 Not when his heart hurt like this.
 Not when the possibility of wrongdoing was still alive.
 For a moment he had thought that he had not thanked Dakota properly.
 For a moment he had thought that he had mistreated his partner.
 For a moment he had thought that he was wrong.
 And he NEVER thought that.
 “…Whether or not something is wrong… I clearly feel off.”, Cavendish reasoned, his legs slowly turning the right way.
 Taking a deep breath, he took a step forwards.
 “Even if this all turns out to be nothing and I am as perfect as I think I am…”
 He took another step.
 “I must be sure. I can’t rest until I’m sure.”
 And so, Cavendish gave up on giving up, and he took the terrifying journey down the trail of buried memories and traumatic pasts.
Like A Tunnel…
That You Follow…
 The tunnel was dark and cold, just as Cavendish had suspected.
 A pungent odor permeated the premises, and all Cavendish could hear were the crunching of tiny pebbles under his shoes.
 The party was long gone by now, and Cavendish had the terrible feeling that even if he wanted to go back, he wouldn’t be able to.
 Sometimes, he heard a faint sound. The shattering of a plate, the slamming of a door, the growl of a wild animal.
 Cavendish wondered if perhaps this place housed a Hobbit with anger management issues, but instead, he was met with something very different indeed: Floating shards of glass.
 The shards illuminated the dark tunnel, their brilliant light twinkling like a star.
 Cavendish was near awe struck by the beauty of it all, and for a moment, he forgot his troubles as he admired the sparkling fragments, sitting on the ground, his eyes focused on nothing else.
 But this rest was not for long: Holding his hand out, Cavendish caught one of the shards and brought it up close to observe it.
 But instead of a reflection, the shard offered a flashback: Playing almost like a video clip, Cavendish was reminded of his one sided fight with Dakota back in the dancing area of Chez Chaz.
 “Was that really just a week ago?”, Cavendish thought glumly, watching the painful memory play on loop on the tiny piece.
 For what must have been the hundredth time today, a shiver ran down Cavendish’s spine as he saw himself act in what he was told was the right way, but was increasingly feeling like the wrong way.
 Wishing to ignore the pounding guilt, Cavendish tried to let the shard go, but instead of floating away forever, the glass stuck itself to the wall of the tunnel.
 Cavendish, struggling to believe this, rubbed his eyes, only for the shard to not only stay there, but to begin to glow around the outline!
 “Like…”, Cavendish began to realize, the wheels of his mind turning. “…Like a puzzle piece…”
 In fact, now that he mentioned it, Cavendish noticed that a shard to his left that would fit perfectly next to the right side of the shard on the wall.
 Unsure of the meaning of this game, but too curious to back off now, Cavendish began to retrieve pieces, piecing together the answer to his present from the events of the past.
 The hard part was surprisingly not the logistics of assembling the jigsaw; Cavendish was quite fond of such games and he had an eye for detail, so that came quite easily to him.
 It was the memories that gnawed at his brain with no rest.
 Cavendish didn’t understand how he did not remember most of these, but the moment he saw them they all came rushing back.
 There he was, shattering a plate in anger, outraged at being told by Dakota that he wasn’t renting the movie this time; there he was, slamming the door, causing Dakota to jump in fright because he dared suggest not to spy on Milo; there he was, growling and baring his teeth at Dakota, who had just asked him to be less angry.
 Cavendish just couldn’t comprehend it. These were the actions of a monster, not of someone like him, someone poised, someone elegant!
 Balthazar Cavendish was better than that…
 But the evidence was there, pictures and everything!
 And pictures don’t lie!
 “Well, except for when they’re being faked, but I doubt that’s the case here.”, Cavendish reasoned, but it did not ease his soul.
 Still, something felt wrong.
 Nearly finished with the puzzle, Cavendish looked behind him to see that Matt and Megan were suddenly back, now present with not only their voices, but their bodies.
 Fearing the answer, but needing it still, Cavendish turned to them, a few pieces still shining bright in his hand.
 “…What will I see when I finish the puzzle?”, he asked, averting his gaze.
 Matt and Megan’s answer echoed across the halls of Cavendish’s mind.
 “You will see yourself.”
 “Considering how this day has been going, not something I will like, then?”, Cavendish asked, but the two were already gone.
 Turning back, he mumbled an unsure “Ok” and got to work on the final pieces.
 More and more instances of unrequited mistreatment from Cavendish were seen by him, countless shouts and put downs and insults and more.
 He saw himself distance himself, he saw himself block and deflect Dakota’s love away, and he saw himself act like, for lack of a better word, like a prick.
 Cavendish sighed gloomily. At least he could argue that the last few accusations depended on your point of view: Here, there was no argument that Cavendish was doing something wrong.
 Finally, one piece left, he couldn’t stand it no more.
 Steam blowing out of his ears, he threw the shard down on the ground, and while it didn’t shatter, it didn’t stop Cavendish from stomping on the ground in anger, enraged and furious at all this.
 “It can’t be! It can’t be!”, Cavendish bellowed, wanting to smash his head in and be done with it.
 His whole self was terrified: The very concept of him having been completely and totally wrong for 35 years shook him to his very core.
 It wasn’t just a matter of ego (though Cavendish very much wanted to have that restored): If all these accusations, all these claims were true, this would mean that Cavendish had spent a majority of his life making the wrong choices, doing the wrong things, being the villain of his own story instead of the sexy and badass conquering hero.
 And even worse was that it made no sense!
 Wasn’t this how things were supposed to be?
 Society just worked that way!
He was supposed to be like this…
 Cavendish reanalyzed his last few thoughts as he rested on his knees.
 Was he supposed to be like this?
 If he was, surely he wouldn’t be feeling this guilty, surely his mind wouldn’t be sending him through this mad quest of introspection.
 …SOMETHING was wrong.
 Maybe it wasn’t him, but something WAS wrong.
 Cavendish sighed again and slowly picked up the final glass shard, his reflection bouncing off of it.
 He had to find out.
 He HAD to.
 The shard played a final memory: Dakota’s tears as Cavendish blamed it all on him.
 Dakota, the man who had saved his life over and over and over again…
 And he had made him cry, just because Dakota had dared correct him.
 Cavendish’s eyes narrowed, his heart beat slowed down and his will grew steady.
 Something was WRONG…
 And Cavendish was going to find out what it was, even if it painted him as the devil himself.
 Fueled with determination, Cavendish stood up, took a deep breath, and, with precise movement, he placed the piece in its place.
 A moment passed, and nothing happened. Cavendish wondered if perhaps he was supposed to say something, or maybe he had missed a piece.
 But he was soon answered: The tunnel rumbled, dirt falling on his head, dropping him to the ground with a thud.
 The finished puzzle glowed and hummed, as the pieces began to form a single image, a solid solution.
 Shaking the dirt off of his hat, Cavendish blinked the dust from his eyes and rubbed them to clear his blurry vision.
 Straddling to his feet, slipping for a moment, Cavendish was finally able to look into the mirror.
 For a moment, he hesitated: What was he going to see?
 But the fresh wound of his actions still burned, and Cavendish’s good side roused the courage to look in the mirror and into himself and see what was wrong.
 But even Cavendish’s good side was shocked into silence by the man staring back at him.
 Years of denial and walls of self protection crumbled to the ground as Cavendish observed the figure in the mirror, not even daring to touch its outstretched whitered hand or wheathered face.
 For in the reflection of the shiny white mirror stood not Balthazar T. Cavendish, the great hero who never faltered, nor Balthazar Cavendish, the toxic partner and “friend” who rejected love, or even Balthy, the genuinely well meaning person who truly did love his friends, who truly was good at heart.
 No, none of those were present in the mirror…
 For in the reflection stood none other than Balthazar Cavendish’s Father.
To A Tunnel…
Of Its Own…
 Shock, denial, rage, all filled up to the brim inside Cavendish’s mind.
 Why, the very idea!
 The NOTION that he, Balthazar T. Cavendish, was ANYTHING like that monster, that awful man, was… Was… Was nothing short of preposterous!
 “It… It can’t be!”, he suddenly shouted out, a mad look in his eyes as he stared back at his beast of a Father. “It… IT CAN’T BE!”
 “Oh, but it is, boy. Don’t you see?”, Cavendish Sr. said, calm, composed, cold and calculated in his approach. “You’ve finally become a man. You’ve finally become me.”
 Cavendish’s nostrils flared and his ears buzzed with deafening loudness as he began to pound the mirror, trying desperately not to think of all the things he had done.
 “No! I refuse to accept this! I am not like him! I could never be like him!”
 Pound, pound, pound went his hands on the mirror, which shook and started to form small cracks, but as ever, Cavendish failed to notice such details until it was too late, and then some.
 Continuing to impart “justice” on this slight on his honor, Cavendish began to scream his defense for all to hear, but mostly for himself.
 But as Cavendish punctuated and emphasized the “SENSE!” in the sentence, the mirror shattered to a thousand shards once more, and as Cavendish tried to pound it again he found himself doing something impossible once more: He was falling into the mirror, as if it was a window to another dimension.
 Which it was, but to be fair, how could he know that?
 His eyes widened as he realized the fall that was befalling him, but alas, it was too late for poor Cavendish, who tumbled down, in what seemed to be, perculier as that is, a rabbit hole!
 As Cavendish fell, he began to notice a great many things that were wrong with this hole: Scientifically speaking, rabbits shouldn’t have maps or pictures hanging on pegs, let alone bookshelves!
 And what’s this? A jar of Orange Marmalade?
 Will the absurdities ever end?
 “Next thing you know, it’ll be wearing a waistcoat with a ridiculously large pocket watch!”, Cavendish joked to himself, whilst simultaneously noting that he had been falling for a long time.
 A gust of wind blew, and Cavendish saw his shirt fly up, which was odd, because 1. Gusts of wind don’t occur in rabbit holes, 2. His shirt shouldn’t be flying this high up and 3. He wasn’t wearing a shirt.
 He was wearing a light blue and white dress, with a blue hair bow which fit quite nicely.
 Suddenly, Cavendish realized what was going on.
 “…You have got to be kidding me. Surely I’ve done at least 6 impossible things during breakfast alone!”, Cavendish complained to the people in charge of his long psychological analysis, but they would not listen.
 And so Cavendish continued to float down, with the occasional eye roll, scoff or tut as the ground came nearer and nearer and nearer and nearer and nearer and nearer and is that a zebra? Why is it calling him Kevin and oh look the ground!
 SMASH! went Cavendish as he crashed down, and, fixing his dress and shaking off the dirt from it, he started to observe his surroundings.
 Sure enough, he was now in a purple hallway, with absurdly proportioned tables and chairs, a tiny wooden door, and two white rabbits with waistcoats and giant pocket watches.
 The two rabbits (really Patrick and Penny in disguise) greeted him with the next two lyrics.
Down A Hollow…
To A Cavern…
 “Ooh, caverns, tunnels and hollows!”, Cavendish “gushed” as he began to follow the hopping rabbits down the hall. “Did the budget fail to consider my comfort? I could use a nice water bed, or a cruise ship. Or a giant cheese.”
 Sighing, he watched the rabbits impatiently as they opened the door. “I assume I must follow you to find out why you’d accuse me of such insanity as being like dear old dad?”
 The rabbits nodded as they expertly brought down the key from the high high table and began to fit it in the lock.
 Cavendish sighed. He DID want to find out what was going on, his interest (and guilt) were too piqued to leave just yet.
 “At least for Dakota…”, he breathed deeply, and he began to glug down the Drink Me bottle.
 As he shrunk, an obvious question passed his mind: “May I at least wear my normal clothes for this? Dresses and I just don’t mix.”
 “I think it’s a lovely shade on you!”, Patrick complimented, and Penny nodded enthusiastically.
 “Well, I think that you’d taste marvelous in a stew, but you don’t see me forcing you in, do I?”, Cavendish threatened, causing Patrick and Penny to cower in fright.
 Cavendish’s soul guilt tripped him and he regretted the statement: Regardless of how baseless some of the charges were against him, these kids WERE trying to help him.
 And to be honest, he HAD sort of asked for it back at The Breakfast Burrito Place.
 Sighing, he offered an apology that wasn’t 100% sincere, but was close enough to make a passing grade. “I’m sorry, it’s been a long… Morning?”, he said, honestly not sure how much time had passed in the real world.
 “The sale on mineral water is most definitely off.”, Cavendish thought gloomily.
 Patrick and Penny accepted the apology, Cavendish found himself back in his regular clothes, and off they were through the door and into…
 “Great Scott! My old home back in Andford!”, Cavendish expressed in surprise as he stepped out of the door and into his past.
 Old sights and sounds and smells came flooding back, and for a moment, an odd nostalgia for a traumatic place swelled in Cavendish’s heart.
 He took a deep breath, filling his lungs with the smell of morning dew and daisy flowers.
 “Well, I must admit, I am pleasantly surprised! It’s quite dandy being back here in Cavendish country!”, Cavendish proclaimed, and he raised an eyebrow at the rabbits near him.
 “I’m not sure why we’re here, Patrick and Penny, but I’m not complaining!”
 As he went forwards to pick a daisy to sniff it, admiring the freshly cut lawn in front of him, Cavendish’s eyes were suddenly caught by something all together more interesting…
 “I finished washing the car, Dad!”
 Cavendish’s eyes widened and for the first time in a while, a genuine smile rose on his lips: In front of him stood none other than himself, at the tender age of 10 years old, looking spiritely and bright as ever.
 The younger Cavendish had just finished washing Cavendish Sr.’s car, and he was now proudly showcasing it to the owner in question, sweat beads surrounding the hope filled eyes.
 Cavendish couldn’t help but chuckle warmly, failing to notice Patrick and Penny being replaced by Peter and Sarah, who displayed decidedly more concerned faces than the adult sandwiched next to them.
 Cavendish crouched down to their level, proudly showing himself off.
 “Would you look at that? 10 years old and washing cars! Sure, it’s for a colossal asshole, but you have to admit its impressive!”
 He then closed his eyes proudly, showing off his waistcoat.
 “And I think we’re all in agreement that my sense of style has always been “hip” and “with it”, as the cool kids say!”
 Peter and Sarah didn’t respond, but not for the reasons Cavendish thought.
 “Oh, what do you know? You’re rabbits with waistcoats, you wouldn’t know what trendy was if it multiplied with you fibonucci style!”, Cavendish complained, but they stayed silent.
 Getting a little wary now, Cavendish looked at the rabbits with a mixture of fear and alarm. “You’re not usually silent unless something bad is about to happen. What am I missing? What’s the terrible thing I did here?”
 Peter and Sarah didn’t answer.
 They didn’t need to.
 Cavendish soon saw the cause of their silence, soon to be the cause of his shock.
 “…No…”, he could barely breath, as his eyes bulged out and his heart beat like a marching drum.
 For now standing beside younger Cavendish, shyly staring at his shoes and looking like he had cried for more than just a night, was…
 The name hung in the air like an unspoken tragedy, and Cavendish felt tears run to his eyes immediately as he witnessed the one memory he had suppressed most of all.
 “No… No, please! Anything but this!”, he begged, pleading, kissing the rabbit’s feet.
“Show me the mirror again! Show me my deaths again! Show me Mr. Block belly dancing! Just not this!”
 But his prayers fell on deaf ears, and Cavendish could not look away as he witnessed his younger self just ignore Oliver.
 Stand with his back to him.
 Shun him…
 His only friend.
 The one person who truly understood him.
 Oliver was heartbroken, and he silently walked back, mustering just one look.
 “Please… Don’t go… I didn’t mean it… I… I just…”, Cavendish stammered, but even he knew that he had no real excuse, as Oliver turned to dust in front of his eyes and younger Cavendish grinned at a proud Cavendish Sr.
Where The Sun…
Has Never Shone…
 Water sprinklers lightly grazed Cavendish’s trousers, and dew smudged his glasses, but Cavendish had no time for such trivial matters, his mind far too focused on clenching his fists like no person had done before.
 Somehow, of all the memories and accusations so far, this was miles away the worst!
 Anger rose up in his chest like a kettle boiling, he couldn’t believe the sight before him.
 Bad enough that the boy… No, HE, Balthazar Cavendish, HE had done that to Oliver, but he was also getting encouragement from his father, that vile villain?
 “It couldn’t get worse”, Cavendish muttered through gritted teeth. “It couldn’t!”
 But of course, it did.
 “Excellent work, Balthazar! Finally, you showed that puff what for!”, Cavendish Sr. commended, and he returned to the house with a flourish.
 Younger Cavendish beamed, his heart swelling with pride. “Don’t worry, Father…”, he said out loud to himself. “I’ll be just like you, and then you’ll be even prouder!”
 That was the final straw.
 Cavendish wasn’t sure of much today, but he knew that he LOATHED, no DESPISED, no ABHORED his Father!
 And here he was, wishing to emulate him?!
 This he would not accept.
 Looking at Peter and Sarah with a look of utter denial, he spat out venom with every word.
 He couldn’t take this anymore.
 He couldn’t stand this nightmare no longer.
 Thunder crashed and rain poured down like a storm as he began to do the only thing that made sense: Run.
 His feet pounding down the old cracked road, Cavendish did not dare look back as he kept shouting above a thundering heart “I Couldn’t!”
 He rounded the corner.
 “I couldn’t!”
 He passed the park.
 “I wouldn’t!”
 He approached a large building, seeds of doubt sprouting as he saw Oliver pass by in his Father’s car.
 “I shouldn’t!”
 And as he entered the building, the revolving doors spun like a spinning top, spinning him into the building, which was no longer a building, but a forest clearing.
 “I haven’t!”, he continued to yell, desperately, heaving now as he huffed and puffed, hands on his knees.
 His eyes suddenly darted to see his younger self on the tree branch all those years ago.
 His ears stopped buzzing as he saw Oliver.
 His mouth stopped emitting sounds as he heard himself wish to be loved.
 And his heart stopped as he saw himself finally give love to someone else.
Like A Door…
That Keeps Revolving…
In A Half…
Forgotten Dream…
 Cavendish watched with stunned silence as he saw that once…
He was someone completely different.
 Sure, the flaws were still there…
 But here he was…
 Treating a Dakota like a Dakota should be treated.
 What happened?
 “I… I… I shouldn’t…”
 And then, just like that, a sound caught his attention, he turned his head to the left and, with a resounding crack…
Cavendish Sr. Smacked him in the face again, removing a metaphysical tooth and sending Cavendish soaring through the sky.
 Clouds and trees zoomed past, and for a moment, Cavendish wondered if it would ever end, but then it did, as he began to approach a stream.
 Instead of drowning however, you know, like a normal person would…
 He began to skid on it like a…
Or The Ripples…
Wally (Not Ours):
From A Pebble…
 Suddenly, the kids were replaced with two adult men: One in the shower, holding a bar of soap, the other clearly a product of the 1980’s which had never been recalled. Unfortunately.
Someone Tosses…
In A Stream…
 But Cavendish didn’t even have time to be confused by the sudden shift to adult singers since as he continued to  skid along the stream, he began to feel different.
 Scenes of his mistreatment of Dakota, of his rash decision making, of his egotistical nature ran rings around his head, and the spectre of his Father, actually approving of all this only made things worse.
 But it didn’t last, as Cavendish reached the end of the stream and collided with a lonely lamppost in the middle of nowhere.
 Rubbing the sore spot that now resided on the back of his head, and feeling exhausted all over his body, Cavendish hung his head low, noticing a puddle.
 On the one hand, he really didn’t want to look in, as he knew that what he would see would upset him greatly.
 But at the same time, a terrible truth was becoming more and more apparent, and Cavendish couldn’t run away from it no more.
 Sighing, he shivered and shook as he glanced down to see…
 His Father, looking right back at him.
 But Cavendish knew that this wasn’t his Father.
 It was…
 It was…
 “…I shouldn’t…”, he began, throat clenched, a pool of tears forming next to the puddle.
 “…But I have… Haven’t I?”
 And for a few moments, Cavendish sat there, crying softly and silently into the night, as he finally accepted some criticism.
 The denial was slipping away, as Cavendish thought of all the times he had mistreated Dakota, all the times he had treated him like trash…
 And how scarily reminiscent they were of his Father.
 First his Mother, now Dakota.
 Good people were always suffering thanks to the Male Cavendish’s.
 As his mind continued to waver, the realization that he had become the thing he hated most continuing to shatter his soul, Barney and Bomber walked in, dressed like White Rabbits.
 They sat down next to Cavendish, who held his knees close to his chest and hung his head low.
 “Balthazar…”, began Barney, sympathy present in his voice.
 “I… I don’t understand…”, Cavendish whispered, disbelief stretched across his face.
 Bomber squirmed in his seat. Barney twiddled his thumbs. Both men looked quite uncomfortable.
 “I… I don’t understand…”, Cavendish tried to force out, but instead he continued to sob.
 “Go on…”, Bomber encouraged, a hand now comforting Cavendish’s shoulder.
 Cavendish glanced at him, and Bomber sent him a sad smile.
 “We’re here for you, Cavendish. Tell us what ails you. Please.”
 Cavendish turned to Barney, who nodded curtly. “It’s the job description, Cavendish. We want to help you.”
 “You shouldn’t help me.”, Cavendish professed, darkness and sadness invading his speech. “You shouldn’t help me at all.”
 “Cavendish, look, I know what this feels like…”, Bomber started, but Cavendish interrupted.
 “No, you don’!”, Cavendish shouted, and the shouts echoed down the empty street.
 Cavendish took note of the smog and ash and stormy skies above, of the near grey roads and sights, of the cobbled path he sat on that was cracked beyond recognition.
 Cavendish sighed and looked downtrodden on the downtrodden street.
 “I… I hate him.”, Cavendish finally professed. “I really do.”
 Cavendish shivered and visibly shook as he related his backstory.
 “He beat me as a child, from a very early age. Tried to toughen me up. Said I wasn’t good enough.”
 Cavendish’s scars began to glow as he took a deep breath.
 “Said I wasn’t a man.”
 Barney offered Cavendish a hankerchif, and Cavendish gladly used it, throwing it into a suddenly there wastebasket which then disappeared as promptly as it appeared.
 Cavendish’s breath flowed in the wind, his weathered face, now half shapen like his fathers, but also half shapen like his own, appearing frank for the first time in years.
 “And now, I just want it to make sense.”
 Cavendish licked his cracked lips, feeling how dry his throat was.
 “…I need a drink.”
 Out of thin air, Bomber retrieved a warm cup of tea, 2 sugars, and just a little bit of mint.
 He handed it to Cavendish, who was pleasantly surprised by the soothing mug before him.
 “Oh… Thank you.”, he said genuinely, touched by the gesture.
 Cavendish took a liberal sip, feeling a little refreshed.
 “That’s better. That’s better. That hits the spot.”, Cavendish said, and he set the mug down for now.
 Letting out a now warm breath, Cavendish returned to his introspection.
 Blinking to refocus his sights on the stormy clouds, which painted an image of his Father belittling his Mother, Cavendish began to truly dig deep.
 “My Father treated my Mother terribly. Shouted at her, belittled her, disrespected her…”
 A tear trickled down as Cavendish felt his Mother’s gentle touch in his heart.
  “The poor soul.”
 Four new singers appeared, encouraging him to carry on.
 Ms. Camilichec:
Like A Clock…
Mr. Decker:
Whose Hands Are Sweeping…
Destiny Summers:
Past The Minutes…
Edwin Garner:
Of Its Face…
 Cavendish continued. “And… And I remember seeing that… And saying to myself (when I wasn’t being beaten for protesting)… That when I’m married… When I’m in love… I’d treat my love right.”
 He smiled for a moment, remembering the wish. “I’d love them… And I’d never make them feel beneath me.”
 But his words, as did the picture, began to reflect the truth.
 “But now that I think about it… All the things that you showed me… All the things I did… And I look at them honestly… If I am honest… With myself…”
 Cavendish’s heart began to crack as he saw himself shout and belittle Dakota.
 As he saw himself in his father…
 And his Father in himself…
 “I loathed him so much… And I loved myself so much…”
 A great and terrible truth made itself apparent in the windmills of his mind.
 “That I failed to see… That I had become him.”
 Cavendish began to weep quietly, his tears falling down silently, causing a tiny pool that began to sweep him away.
 Erik Jones:
And The World…
Eugene (Milo’s Doctor):
Is Like An Apple…
Whirling Silently…
Mrs. Garner:
In Space…
 But Cavendish didn’t notice that, he was far too busy noticing himself for the first time.
 “How could I have been so blind?”, he asked no one in particular as he floated away, feeling less than real.
 Feeling like a spirit in his own body.
 Not in control…
 And desperate for relief.
 He thought of all that Dakota did: All the kisses and hugs, all the meals and laughs, all the quiet, kind moments that had passed by him like insignificant flies…
 All the times he wouldn’t be alive if it wasn’t for him.
 And in return, he had treated him like a deasiese…
 When he himself was the problem.
 How could he claim to be a perfect hero when he so clearly was at fault?
 How could he be the hero…
 If he acted like a monster?
 Cavendish closed his eyes and sighed. “Something IS wrong…”
 He opened his eyes. “And it’s me…”
 Suddenly, the pool he was floating on turned into stars and he was back in space, but he didn’t care.
 He could float here until the end of time, it didn’t matter.
 Nothing did.
 And if anything did, he’d just ruin it.
 Mr. Hartoonian:
Like The Circles…
Mr. Menke:
That You Find…
Jebediah Murphy:
In The Windmills…
Joey Logano:
Of Your Mind…
 As Cavendish’s body floated in the inky sea of stars, like a boat with no sail, almost peaceful in his solemn sadness, a voice that sounded almost like his Mother sounded out from the depths and echoes, from the corners and the borders of space, all over and all encompassing.
 Cavendish said nothing.
 He didn’t want to even try to defend himself.
 “…Cavendish…”, the voice pressed again.
 Cavendish sighed. He wasn’t escaping this either, huh?
 “Yes, mysterious voice?”, he asked, a voice full of pain.
 “Cavendish… We have to continue…”
 “There’s more?”, Cavendish asked, incredulous.
 He didn’t need to see it nod, he knew it was true.
 He let out a dark, lonely chuckle. “Well… I guess I should have seen that coming.”
 “Cavendish… You took a serious step a minute ago… Many people never admit to their flaws…”
 “Many people don’t spend 35 years being the thing they hate most.”, Cavendish darkly retorted, and the voice laughed affectionately.
 “Balthazar, you’d be surprised.”
 “Today’s been full of them.”
 “And they’re not over yet.”
 Cavendish closed his eyes in pain, wishing for it to just be over already. “Do we have to? I feel bad as it is.”
 “Cavendish… You answered an important question today…”
 Cavendish continued to rock softly in space, his vision blurry as he felt tired.
 “But…”, the voice whispered, sympathetically. “It’s not over yet. You must answer another question.”
 Time seemed to slow down to a turtles pace as the voice asked the big one:
 “It’s time to answer the most important question…”
 She whispered softly, in an almost curious tone:
 “Who… Are you… Balthazar Cavendish?...”
 Suddenly, the stars scattered every which way, swaying like waves in the sea, before suddenly gathering into one spot, where they all fused into one shape.
 The form the stars were taking was getting larger and clearer by the moment, facial features and memories one would rather forget forging themselves into an avatar of Cavendish’s frozen self on the alien ship more than a year ago.
 “Are you the hero? The all conquering perfect colossus who can do no wrong?”
 Cavendish cringed at the description, and it got worse when he saw the next option: Cavendish sleeping alone on the apartment floor, shivering and shaking.
 “Are you the failure? The “man” destined to be alone because he drove everyone away?
  And it then got even worse: An image of Dakota and him at Chez Chaz when he shouted at him.
 “Are you… Your Father?”, a hint of sadness, of warning was now present in the voice.
 Cavendish gulped at that and his blood ran cold.
 Was he?
 Was it too late?
 …Did he have any hope?
 And finally, another image came up…
 Of a 10 year old boy smiling at his friend and being kind.
 “Or are you the 10 year old boy who only wanted to love and be loved in return?”
 Cavendish looked down, wondering if he could ever be that.
 If he ever was.
 “In short: What is your part… In this vast universe?”
 Her voice turned to a whisper.
 “Who… Are… You?”
 The options raced and argued inside his mind…
 Making their cases, stating their minds…
 Waging a storm in his heart…
 And Cavendish wished he could just choose one and be done with it…
 He wished he could be human…
 But he knew that he wasn’t.
 So once again…
 Cavendish felt lost in the grand scheme of things.
 Once again…
 Cavendish was alone.
 “I… I…”
 He sighed, resigned to his fate.
 “I don’t know.”
 Cavendish’s tears returned while the voice tried again.
 “Cavendish… You keep saying you don’t know…”
 A loving smile crept in her voice. “But I know… Deep down… That you are better than this.”
 Cavendish continued to float, but he did try to listen.
 “You CAN improve. You just need to take the next step and learn what else you’ve done wrong… And why.”
 Cavendish, however, wasn’t sure.
 “What good will it do? The damage is done. Dakota is hurt, and it’s all my fault.”
 “And if I told you there was a chance? If I told you that you could make sure Dakota is never hurt again?”
 Despite his vested self interest in protecting himself, Cavendish was almost hooked.
 But he still had to ask.
 “…Will it hurt?”, he asked, fear present in his tone.
 “…Yes.”, she whispered.
 “…But it will help Dakota?”, he asked, more urgently this time, needing to know if it was possible.
 Cavendish took a deep breath.
 This was not going to be easy…
 But when was life ever easy?
 “If… If I really have been nothing but terrible for 35 years… And if someone like Dakota was hurt by me…”
 He took a deep breath. “Then I will continue… If it means I can undo it just a little. If I can help Dakota…”
 He choked down a sob.
 “If that’s the least I can do… Then I’ll at least do that.”
 He then spoke like a child, afraid of being punished. “I didn’t mean to do all this. I really didn’t.”
 “I know…”, the voice reassured. “But it’s time to make things right.”
 Cavendish’s voice turned small. “…I’m afraid.”
 “You won’t be alone.”, the voice comforted.
 Cavendish took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and made a decision in his heart.
 He then opened his eyes, determination emanating from them.
 “All right… Let’s finish this.”
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sailorportia · 6 years
Fictober Day Twenty: I Hope You Have A Speech Prepared
Anime: Little Witch Academia
Pairing: Hannah England x Akko Kagari
“I hope you have a speech prepared,” Croix told her leads, "because you kids are going to give us an amazing show."
"Our efforts are no more important than that of others in this production," Diana said. "We owe our success to yourself, our director, as well as Professor Ursula. One cannot ignore the contributions of the supporting cast, the production team, the costume department, the—"
"Calm down, Cavendish," Amanda said. "She didn't mean it literally and she didn't mean right now."
Diana shot Amanda a steely look. "My apologies, O'Neill. I can see that I've offended you by acknowledging the talents of people other than yourself."
Akko and Hannah nudged their respective acting partners. Diana and Amanda quieted down, but their eyes met over the others' heads.
"That was a great rehearsal, girls," Ursula said encouragingly. "But there are a few things you could polish to make your performances perfect." The lists may or may not have been slightly exaggerated in order to push the girls into practicing with each other.
Croix handed each of the girls a paper with a list of things to work on and some suggestions. Akko looked at hers and saw a note in Croix's handwriting: "Relieve your tension with Hannah." She quickly shoved the paper into her pocket before Hannah could read it.
"Now get to practice, kids," Croix said. "We only have a few days to make this thing perfect, so take today to iron out the kinks."
Ursula almost rammed her heel into her girlfriend's foot, but to do so would reveal something was amiss, if Croix's comment wasn't obvious enough.
Hannah linked arms with Akko. "You're mine for the rest of the day," she said. Her only hope to offset Croix's innuendo was to counter by leaning into it. She lead Akko away to the Blue Team's dorm room, while Diana and Amanda apparently parted ways.
When the girls were out of sight, Ursula elbowed her girlfriend. "You can't just come out and say that! You're going to make them too nervous to go through with it!"
"Don't worry about it," Croix replied, rubbing her sore arm. "I put the thought in their heads. They're not going to be able to focus on anything but each other. Let's check them out for love bites tomorrow. OW! Stop doing that!"
Croix's prediction was right on the money; Akko and Hannah were dwelling on? dreading? anticipating? their practicing the kissing scenes. They delayed the inevitable by practicing other scenes with each other first.
Akko took up the role of Benedick and bantered with Hannah. Unlike Amanda, Akko recited the barbs playfully, her tone more teasing than antagonistic. No wonder Amanda got the part; Akko was too kind.
They practiced dancing, the elegant movements of which had stumped Akko. Hannah's upper-class education demanded that she could dance as easily breathing; not only could she help Akko, she delighted in it. On reflex she held Akko close, put her friend's hand on her waist, and grasped her other hand tightly. Only too late did she realize what she'd one, and she had to go with it, regardless of the heat radiating from their too-close faces.
"I think you've got it now," Hannah said as the music ended. "It's been a pleasure dancing with you, Akko."
"Oh, that's good," Akko replied. Silence rose between them until they realized they were still holding hands. They jumped apart and rushed to their scripts.
"Um, which of the problem scenes should we practice first?" Hannah asked, nervously running her fingers through the end of her ponytail.
"Mine is first in the play, so let's do that first," Akko reasoned, attempting to assert logic over her unruly emotions for once. "Um, let's go from line 305."
Hannah cleared her throat and got back into character. "Speak, count, 'tis your cue."
Akko glanced at the script and began her reading, once again directing the romantic declarations at Hannah. "Silence is the perfectest herald of joy:"—both girls contemplated all the awkward silences between them—"I were but little happy, if I could say how much. Lady, as you are mine, I am yours: I give away myself for you and dote upon the exchange."
Hannah's breath caught in her throat. She paused before reading her line. "Speak, cousin; or, if you cannot, stop his mouth with a kiss, and let not him speak neither."
Hannah switched seamlessly from the role of Beatrice to the role of Hero. Akko stepped toward her and assumed the position for a fake kiss. Hannah found herself leaning into Akko's palm.
Their faces drew closer, their noses almost bumping, eliciting a nervous laugh from both of them. Neither could they ignore the negligible distance between their mouths, nor could they the tempting sensation of each other's breath tickling the sensitive skin of their lips...
"I-I-I think that's good," Hannah stuttered, withdrawing from their feigned kiss. What's going on? she asked herself. For a second there I almost considered...
"Y-yeah, y-you're right," Akko replied. What the heck? Diana never made that kind of face. Either I did terribly, or I did really well...
Both girls lingered on their scripts, pretending to have trouble finding the next scene. As if caught in the gravity of a black hole of sexual tension, their minds were inescapably drawn to thoughts about their truth or dare kiss and the resulting awkwardness. That was too close, they both thought. Any closer and I would've ruined everything...
Hannah couldn't stall any longer. "From line 91."
Akko stared at Hannah for a moment before reading. "A miracle! here's our own hands against our hearts." She took Hannah's hand in hers. "Come, I will have thee; but, by this light, I take thee for pity." Her voice was missing the self-deceiving tones of Benedick; she almost sounded earnest...
Hannah's pulse quickened. "I would not deny you; but, by this good day, I yield upon great persuasion; and partly to save your life, for I was told you were in a consumption." She found herself lost in Akko's caring, crimson eyes...
They stood very close, too close. Akko touched Hannah's face gently, delicately, and in a manner completely inconsistent with the stage directions. Not knowing why, she tucked a stray strand of hair behind Hannah's ear, trailing her finger down her acting partner's jaw line...
"Peace!" Akko breathed. "I will stop your mouth." She was extremely aware of the movement of her tongue as she pronounced the voiceless fricative in the word "mouth." She was also extremely aware of Hannah's mouth, which drew closer to hers—or maybe hers moved closer to Hannah's. They were mere centimetres apart, millimetres apart... The slightest jitter would bring their lips together, culminating in their second kiss...
They froze as the door opened and they were interrupted by someone with graceful footsteps and a mild voice. "How dost thou, Benedick, the married man?"
Akko and Hannah jumped apart rather than together, their near-kiss disappearing like dew in the morning sun.
"DIANA!?" They yelled in unison.
Diana wore something of a triumphant grin, amusement and vindication dancing in her eyes as she surveyed the scene before her. "I appear to have interrupted something."
"N-n-no!" Akko stuttered. "We were just, uh, um, practicing!"
"I see." Diana's amusement didn't abate. If anything she was delighted by the nervous response.
"S-so how was your practice?" Hannah asked, attempting deflection. "Did you make any progress with your scenes?"
"Unfortunately, no. Amanda and I are a poor match."
"Well, that's too bad," Akko said. "Say, I've got to get going. I have homework to do." She laughed apprehensively. Truth be told she wasn't as worried about what Diana had witnessed as she was perplexed by what had almost happened.
She was simultaneously relieved and reluctant to leave Hannah's side. As Akko crossed the room, she heard Diana whisper something only she could hear: "Next time, make your move a little quicker, dear."
Akko's knees almost gave out. She only barely made it to the door, and once she closed it she slumped against the wall. Her thoughts were a whirlwind of overwhelming stimuli. At the eye of the hurricane were two questions: Is Diana... telling me to kiss Hannah? Do I want to?
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Dakavendish Moments
for @disasterbrcught
Episode 29, “Backwards To School Night”
-That moment Dakota saves Cavendish from the car after they’ve left the restaurant
-The hug from toddler Dakota after Cavendish laments his lost piano career (not a ship moment, but still ADORABLE)
Episode 16, “Time Out”
- “You mean the Louisiana Purchase?” “You’re welcome.” Dakota leans toward him, and Cav is clearly smiling behind his mustache.
Episode 17, “We’re Going To The Zoo”
- “Dreadfully happy for you.” “Happy for uuuuus!~” In the photo booth after getting their mission from Block.
Episode 18, “School Dance”
-”Gregory Teacher’s parents!” “Smooooth!~” When Chad first notices the pair and asks what they’re doing at a middle school dance.
Episode 15, “The Substitute”
-Cavendish saving Dakota from the sentient pistachio fertilizer blob.
Episode 33, “The Island Of Lost Dakotas”
-And to parallel that, we’ll have Dakota saving Cavendish from being crushed, by offering him the corn dogs.
Episode 21, “The Little Engine That Couldn’t”
- “Hey look, a kitty! He looks just like you!” “He does not look like me!” Catvendish moment because that was domestic af.
Episode 23, “Missing Milo”
There’s a few here so bear with me
-Them celebrating their success, jumping around happily after preventing Milo’s stepping on the sapling King Pistachion.
-Right when they first arrive in the trashed future, Dakota’s like “This is not what the future is supposed to look like!” and Cav puts his hand on his shoulder.
-Sitting in the wreckage together, trying to tell Block that they saved the world near the end of the episode
Episode 27, “Perchance to Sleepwalk”
-The entirety of the “Ditch Day” sequence, but especially the boat
-Dakota serenading Cav with “Chop Away At My Heart”, and trying to get him to sing along.
Episode 31, “The Race”
-Saying “reckon” together, in the scrapyard with all the broken time vehicles.
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revenblue · 6 years
Finally watched MML in English, liveblogging under the cut.
when I watched in Japanese I called the whole thing with Heinz doing the recap "inspired". now that I can understand it, I can see just how inspired it really is (far more than I'd thought), I'm love. I forgot just how much I love Heinz
he doesn't believe Cavendish about him being Professor Time ;_; (admittedly I have Opinions about that whole plotline but)
the jingle for Time Chips, omg
Cav's so willing to strip off for his celeb crush omg. and Heinz is Uncomfortable. (also, looks like "wearing underwear with your crush's face" is a thing people in Dwampyverse do :P)
yeah, accusing Melissa and Zack of dating is sure to be ship fuel
of course the diversion's Melissa's idea, that conniving little (I love her)
"stop foreshadowing" omg
Baljeet's singing is so good. such harmony (my former church choir soprano brain provided the term "descant" but uh yeah)
that jingle XD and of course Heinz's priorities are such a mess that he'd rebrand before he saves the world
Heinz thinking Diogee's an agent, beautiful~ and out of "habit" XD then again, his best friend is short and furry, it's no wonder he'd leap to that conclusion
ahh, foreshadowing with that orange soda thing ("destroying the environment" wow)
Heinz's snark at the questions about Perry, ahaha I love him
okay so "time juice" (it feels weird to hear him call it that) isn't Pizzazzium Infinionite itself, just... similar. :/
"who keeps a clock in their backpack? that's just weird" not as weird as a gd anchor, Milo
"maybe we're related"
"he's either saying he's going with you, or he regrets the impulsive mistakes of his youth" both. it's both, and the """""mistake""""" is falling in love with you, Heinz (but he loves you enough to just sigh about it sometimes)
the way the music pauses when Milo falls into the bush, that's amazing XD
Perry's hypercompetence is so damn attractive, wow *swoons* god I'm such a furry
King Pistachion's instructions to his "kids" is so great XD
that mask gag XD
"too much exposition" "yeah that's probably why your show was cancelled" ooh burn
"yeah no pressure" that's gonna come up later isn't it
Milo's dancing is so great, haha. and that scorecard gag, so perfect
ah, Dwampy, always bringing us those classy bathroom jokes
"Ducky MoGo" I mean it's a catchy name... XD (her intro's kinda underwhelming though. that's where my nitpicks are, the plot)
joking about Ferb talking, nice. and the "yes, yes it has".
"well it does kinda describe us, but it's just rude", that callback :D
"what are the odds" "better than you think" ah yes Milo shows up again
Dakota listing off animals, nice. in alphabetical order, too. also I love that beard sight gag still
"you won't let me sing the zoo song" yeah that probably got old real fast
Go Fish with hot sauce packets. er, hot sauce packet singular. it really says something that Perry's happy to go along with that idea (it's bc it's Heinz, I think)
"'careful' or 'hurry', choose one" yeah it is kinda a choice of one or the other XD
and he squished the hot sauce packet XD
cupholder joke, I love it XD
that extended view of the window with the sounds of destruction. perfect cross-language joke
"what do you usually do when things go wrong" their silence here is telling. (also, the answer? Phineas yells.)
"we have no frame of reference for that" yup
Perry beating up Pistachions to cover for Heinz, I'm love
Candace's attitude to Milo is uh... not fun
"no human being has a neck that long"
ah yes, the duck is still after Elliot, of course
"hey, sometimes Murphy's Law" can be totally helpful!" yyyyyyeah...
oh hey, a woodpecker
okay, the thinking Candace is a Pistachion thing makes that scene make a whole lot more sense
"I was talking about me. we need this guy around" oh, Candace...
"my bad" "we still need him!" I love that XD
the sitcom gags are doubly amusing with the context of the dialogue XD they were good when I watched it originally, but now? amazing. but also wtf Heinz why
"and that's why we use a cupholder"
ah yes, The Island. when I first watched this I knew it was The Island, even before the reveal
oof, Cav dealing with his hero worship not being such a hero. never fun.
Perry's just standing there though, what are you doing Perry
ugh Heinz needs a hug, Perry what are you waiting for
"I know when I'm not wanted" oh Heinz ;_;
it's... it's this bit. where Perry kinda just disappears entirely? there's no other reason for him not going after his nemesis to reassure him the way he always does.
"okay now that's environment. no wonder they banned this stuff." ah yes the callback
and Orton showing up to relate, which is... it makes sense at least? (but where the hell is Perry?)
"oh look a ukelele" Heinz why
ooh the SONG
"and there's a future self up to which I have to measure" oof
"no matter where I go, oh look, I'm already there" *Homestuck intensifies*
and the gd mid-song genre switch. with the "throwing money away" sight gag. ye gods. XD
"I forgot where I was going with this" nice going Heinz
"apparently the locals are not music fans" yeah it takes a suave semiaquatic personification of unstoppable dynamic fury to love your singing voice, Heinz :P
and the reveal of it being The Island, this'll be... yeah
oh hey, voiceover montage song from Milo
is this an Uptown Funk reference? I'm not sure, I don't keep up to date with pop music, but it looks like a reference
OH yeah, Melissa did a ton of research herself. she'd be happy with all this new data
Baljeet's totally flirting there too
...the jokes about Zack and Melissa dating are... idk. they're amusing in the moment but the premise they're built off is uh. I don't like it.
oh boy, the explanation of Murphy's Law... you know, that kinda breaks my suspension of disbelief a little. because instead of unspoken rules, it's now spoken rules with details to find inconsistencies in
"montage time!" I love him
gotta say, I do love the occasional gag of "things spontaneously catch on fire", that's always fun
"several hundred" Dakotas? looks like the 102 estimate from that episode was lowballing... or he's guesstimating
"you're gonna laugh" "probably not" I mean if you set the death montage to cheerful music...
huh, he told the truth. idk why I was expecting him to lie but I was so that's a surprise
he took it really well, which. eh, idk, I figured it'd be used for angst at some point. but apparently not.
oh so it's this SPECIFIC orange soda. also Dakota's been doing this for a while I guess
"well I'm not the environment" these two are... far too similar. Dan Povenmire's typecast himself I guess
"we're gonna need a lot of cupholders" ah yes the cupholder joke again XD
aaaaaand they're captured.
"we had to switch over to the HDMI cables" I love this joke XD
"you and what army" "that army" ahhhh. cliché but always satisfying
oh hi Isabella, showing up in the last uh ten minutes. and flirting a little with Phineas of course but eh this plot point came out of absolutely nowhere
I love how, when Heinz falls out of the thing, Perry's first reaction is to jump out after him and save him. it's a fun dynamic to bring back. also did I mention Perry's competence is attractive?
"oh, that was touching" ahaha XD
"don't mess with Doctor Zone- Doctor Zone? who's Doctor Zone?" XD
welp, giant Pistachion
oof. can really feel its dilemma. poor giant Pistachion :c
giant Pistachion redemption ;_;
"here's an adaptor we needed" XD
AAAAAAA PERRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYy, my heart ;_; he saved them, risking his cover, I can't ;_;
and he retreated to pet mode just in time, ugh ;_; PERRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY ;_;
then he leaves as soon as they're not looking and disappears from the plot
"Murphy's Law And Order" omg
loving that accurate tech support gag
blasting familiar yet not plot relevant characters so we see how bad things are. gotta keep us invested
lemon callback, nice
radioactive watermelon is a bit... out of nowhere. why is he carrying that in his backpack again? (especially when he doesn't carry a clock)
"blowtorch and some peanut butter" nice refrance
yeah, seeing everyone as a Pistachion is... not good. (tbh when I first saw this my only thought was "I hope Heinz isn't in there" bc I'm er biased)
and Heinz is fine, that's a relief. Perry musta kept him safe... speaking of which, where is Perry?
"Vanessa's dad" hm... okay this is a weird epithet but it kinda makes sense with how they'd know him, considering Ferb's crush on Vanessa...
"no, I am Professor Time, and we are not out of time until I say so!" hhhhhh I have a lot of feelings about this. it's dramatic, which is always fun, but. ugh I'm biased, I love Heinz
and the deus ex machina. which is... not quite out of nowhere, but. hhhhhh I have Opinions.
Cav's squee is adorable
nice use of the Doctor Zone theme
ah yes the letter, almost forgot about that plot point from Missing Milo
"I don't feel so good" okay that's not the dialogue but still!
nooooooo not Giant Pistachion ;_;
oh right, in this timeline Doctor Zone wasn't a thing, so Sara's shirt was blank
"wait a minute, why am I still part plant?" amazing
"we're going to be in serious trouble aren't we" yup
rip DEI
"my building! ugh. can I crash on your couch?" CALLED IT
"feel free to cross over any time" heh
oh Heinz XD "where do you guys keep the extra toilet paper? I'm asking for a friend" so either he had an "accident" or Perry had an "accident" (...it's the latter. it's gotta be the latter. Agent Pee strikes again)
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AmeriGlide Stairway Lift Chair Firm.
Theresa Could has gotten in touch with Argentina to discuss running more trips to the Falkland Islands and raising its constraints on oil expedition in the area. When you struck degree five and visit a fitness center for the first time you'll be asked which team you want to sign up with. The cuts in his hand melted as he raised the chain out and medication it around to the front of the truck where he fastened one end to the bumper with the hook. Cavendish Elithorn, senior director of the OFT's Product and also Consumer Team, said: Numerous people are members of gyms and a subscription contract could conveniently be an economic dedication of over ₤ 500 each year. The genuine love for one sport, a passion so blind that Behan's father is convinced acrobatics has served as a kind of saviour. Require time to discover the benefits and drawbacks of every type of Interlocking Rubber Floor floor tiles and also the result would be a fantastic house gym floor. Yet I additionally understand that the process is more vital than the objective I'm going to enjoy this set, however I'll be back in the fitness center on Monday. Fitness centers have made a business out of taking apart olden activities, reconstructing them, injecting expensive packaging as well as providing them to customers in a quite studio. As the talented developers who submitted their job to our close friends at confirm, having the in-home gym of your dreams isn't really simply hassle-free - it's actually manageable. When deployed for use, the Overall Fitness center 1000 actions 88 inches long by 16 1/8 inches broad by 44 inches high. In October, Cuddy took a seat for a Q&A with the TED Blog and made a genuinely fascinating factor: that numerous leaders concentrate a lot on demonstrating power and competence that they cannot communicate warmth and also reliability. This is a way of thinking which drifts away individuals from power because they obtain embeded a simply globe impact. On the acrobatics floor, expanded a variety of wedge mats, panel mats, foam mats, balance beam of lights, blocks and also other devices, which will certainly be the islands" and the floor is the water." Have the children play tag, jumping from island to island. A straight staircase lift is one that takes a trip in a straight line up a flight of staircases uninterrupted by landings, bends or contours, as well as expenses in between $3,000 as well as $5,000 installed. And also I can not articulate why I do not trust her, why I understand the Wind Rangers are phonies. Wheelchair lift vans are made as though this van will certainly be able to allow mobility devices to be raised and mobility device come to be a component of the seats of a van. On June 15, 2009, a serene demonstration of 1.5 to 3 million individuals opposing against the results of the governmental election in Iran was repressed by federal government pressures. Throughout a near fatality experience, Tommy should fight his former selves as the Eco-friendly Power Ranger, the White Power Ranger, as well as the Red Zeo Ranger; in a dream where he is forced to fight for his life. Gyms throughout the nation will no question be loaded out this month, however experience recommends that few new clients will certainly still be there in June - although they'll still likely be paying the ₤ 50- ₤ 60 a month the swankier gyms generally bill using straight debit. When most have been pulled totally free, you ought to have the ability to raise the board (watch out for nails protruding from the underside of the board: see professional idea, over right). Proclaim ceci rapproche les Power Rangers des êtres humains et fait qu'ils sont des héros très appréciés par les enfants. Black Terran Ranger's power weapon is the Planet Sword, a powerful weapon with a razor sharp edge. What rate of interests me a lot more is just how in each story human life is placed relative to legislation and political power. The oppositions could not doubt whether the Clean Air Act licenses EPA to limit co2 contamination from power plants. The emphasis of his book is the result power has on those who do not have it. He damages his evaluation down right into 3 dimensions of power: the first is direct negotiating as well as participation, the second is the exclusion of the powerless from that bargaining procedure and/or agenda-setting by the powerful, and the third is the internalization of the perfects, values, and choices of the leading by the dominated. Rather counter-intuitively, the faster removable quad lift has the exact same uphill capacity as a fixed-grip quad. At the battered remains of the Command Facility, heaven and Red Rangers ended up consulting with Billy while the Environment-friendly Ranger struggled to keep Sentry consisted of in a surging cyclone. When previous Yellow Power Ranger Aisha Campbell started her mission for the Yellow Zeo sub-crystal, little did she understand that she would certainly not return to her life as Power Ranger. By itself or combined with Botox, he adds that the 8 Point Lift is 'ideal for patients that have actually observed the very early signs of aging but for whom it's too soon for renovation surgical treatment.' Botox and fillers are usually overwhelmed, but utilized well together they're as complementary as salt and pepper. For the power pull-ups, boost the rate as you would do a typical pull-up but keep the complete variety of motion as well as appropriate kind. They cover the lift device portion, which relates to around $300 towards your acquisition. Gillian Guy, chief executive of People' Advice, said: We handle hundreds of problems every month from people that have been swindled by dodgy fitness center contracts consisting of offers that don't accumulate, unexpected walks in costs and also contracts that unfairly secure people into long term commitments. Steve hung on to the gym for a few years and aimed to make a go of it, but after that chose to sell it as well as offered it cheap for $25,000. Not only will the warmed seats maintain your buns warm, the chairs will be removed from the line each evening and also saved in a huge barn near the bottom terminal, safeguarding the chairs from over night snowstorms. However with the recession in full swing and also the planet getting ever before hotter, this is an excellent minute to reassert your confidence in your fellow people as well as do something to assist this honorable lift sharing concept on its way. Participants invest a hr utilizing circuit training equipment as well as have access to a basketball court. The lift will certainly enhance the amount of advanced/expert surface at Taos by 50 percent. Have the leader gymnast lead the course around the fitness center doing different methods and also abilities on offered apparatus, while the remainder of the class adheres to. Seul ou en pair, nous vous invitons à venir découvrir votre studio Power Pulp, implanté au cœur de ville de Valenciennes, un espace convivial, chaleureux, où le confort côtoie les dernières innovations dédiées à l'amincissement et à la tonification musculaire. https://studiosante.de/artroser/ can scope out a health club from any kind of range away as lengthy as you can see it on the in-game map. Kimberly was among the 5 Rangers originally chosen by Zordon to secure the Planet versus Rita Repulsa. The physical fitness devices utilized in a gym, such as treadmills and also weight equipments, need normal upkeep for security. Inning accordance with the table, you could damage these 18 reps out right into collections of 3 to 6 reps. When the lifts are slowed down as well as utilize it to power One World Trade Facility, ThyssenKrupp's system will certainly record the power made use of. A stretching cardio-and-strength area with 450 pieces of equipment meant we never ever needed to wait for a turn. It introduced that such a saving sufficed to power a plasma TV for 158 days, light a space for 9,573 hrs and also keep a refrigerator competing virtually two entire years. A 3MW system would certainly be comparable in power to smaller sized wind generators yet could produce approximately 20% more power, the company claims.
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heloflor · 4 years
Present Anniversary
AO3 link
When you’ve known someone for over twenty years, it’s hard to come up with a new gift, especially when you have to get it in the present.
Note : Just some fluff that came to mind after hearing about the Cavendish appreciation day, though I’m not sure if this fits with what is expected (still going to post it on December 5 anyways). There are a few dialogues that may seem to go a little quickly, but this was written in like a day so yeah. Also this takes place after season 2. Enjoy !
It has been over an hour since Balthazar stepped foot into Danville’s mall. He had gone into a dozen stores and looked at the windows of countless others. It was hard finding the perfect gift, especially since he couldn’t go back in time anymore. Usually he would just get a dinosaur tooth, an animal fossil, a ticket to some old circus or go to a gladiator tournament. But now, what was he supposed to find ? He couldn’t just offer some random plush or pin ! And a shirt would never be worn ! And it couldn’t be a fridge magnet either. They didn’t even have a fridge ! Frustrated, Balthazar shook his head and tried to concentrate on the display in front of him.
“Hey Cavendish !”, the tall man almost jumped at the sudden voice. He tried to hide his sudden scare as he turned to look at the teenager who called him.
“Oh hello Milo.”, he greeted. “What are you doing here alone ?”, he couldn’t help but ask, distracting the teen while getting his composure back.
“I’m here to buy some new tools.”, Milo replied. “My third screwdriver broke earlier so I need a few new ones before my fourth breaks too. Like my dad always says, ‘you can never have too many spares’ ! What about you ?”
“Oh, well…”, it probably wouldn’t hurt to tell the truth., Balthazar thought “You see, I’m looking for a present.”
“Is it someone’s birthday ?”, the teen excitedly asked.
“Not exactly…”, the tall man went back to look at the shop window, trying to avert his gaze away from the boy.
“What is it then ?”
“Well…”, Balthazar didn’t know if he should tell him. Would Milo understand ? But at the same time, when he and Vinnie got fired and banished, Balthazar was the one who remade all their paperwork to fit in this time period, so he knew they weren’t doing anything illegal. Besides, this was Milo, one of the nicest people he ever met. Surely he wouldn’t say a thing. Making up his mind, Balthazar continued, not without still looking at the window. “You see, I’m looking for a gift for my wedding anniversary.”
“Wait. You’re married ?”, the teen asked in surprise.
“You never noticed ?”, the taller man replied, showing his left hand where a ring was clearly visible.
“Huh. I guess I never thought about it.”, Milo commented. “But wait, if you’re stuck in this time period, how can you celebrate your wedding anniversary ?”
“I beg your pardon ?”
“After all, isn’t your wife in the future ?”, Milo was clearly uncomfortable asking this, as if afraid to hurt Balthazar. But the only response from the taller man was confusion.
“My wife ? I don’t have a…oh. Of course.”, Balthazar’s expression softened, though he started to think that maybe Milo wouldn’t understand, that maybe it was a terrible idea to tell him. But it was too late now. “I don’t…I’m not exactly married to a woman. In fact, I’m married to a man, a man I will have no trouble offering something.”
“So you’re married to a man living here…”, Milo’s eyes suddenly widened. Looks like he finally caught on. “You and Dakota are married ?!”
“Not so loud !”, Balthazar half-whispered half-shouted, getting on the boy’s eye-level. “But to answer your question. Yes, we are married. We have been for sixteen years now.”
“How come you never mentioned it before ?”, seeing Milo be more curious than judgmental helped Balthazar feel more at ease to talk about his relationship, and more importantly the issue with it.
“Well you see, when your job is to travel back in time, there are certain things that are best left…unsaid. People in the past didn’t have the same view as now.”
“…I guess that’s fair.”, Milo’s sad look was enough for the tall man to know that, not only did the teen understand, but this time period wasn’t the safest either. After all, Balthazar could still remember the looks he received when he went to ‘renew’ his papers in order to still be legally married to Vinnie in this time. “So you’re looking for a gift for Dakota ?”, Milo continued.
“Yes indeed.”, Balthazar replied, thankful for the teen helping him focusing back on the task at hand. “I’m trying to find something with animals in it.”
“Animals ?”
“Yes. Dakota has a strange liking for animals, especially exotic ones.” that have long gone extinct. , he decided to keep that last thought to himself. There was no point in telling the boy about the bad side of the future. “But I need more than one of those ‘pins’. I always make sure to find the perfect present and I won’t let our current condition change that !”
“Maybe I can help !”, the teen suggested.
“I suppose it wouldn’t hurt…”, as he said that, Balthazar couldn’t help but look around for any possible hazard. He was not going home with a cast today.
“What are you looking for exactly ?”, Milo asked.
“I need something with several animals on it. Something cheap but lasting.”, Balthazar started walking, looking at the windows of the next stores.
“What about a shirt, or a hat, or a bag ?”
“Dakota and I always wear the same clothes. It would be useless.”
“What about a board game then ? I know Dakota likes having fun !”
“Yes…well…”, Balthazar thought of the times the two tried to play a board game. It often ended up in some shouting from his end and frustration for both of them by the time they’re almost done, though they never hold the frustration for long. Besides, what kind of board game would be about animals anyways ? “I’d rather buy something a little more…decorative.”
“Huh. Decorative. Decorative.”, Milo mumbled. “Oh I know ! What not buying a snow globe ?”
“A snow globe ?”
“You know, a globe made of glass with snow in it ? And when you shake it, that snow flies around ? I’m sure you could find one decorated with animals !”
“I suppose but…”, Balthazar sighed. It was far from the perfect gift he had in mind, but he had no idea what else to buy. Besides, he knew Vinnie would like something like that, so it wouldn’t be a total loss. “Yes, I suppose you’re right. Thank you Milo.”
“Anything for a friend !”, the teen cheerfully replied.
“Now, do you know any stores that has such things ?”
    After about another hour of searching, Balthazar was finally walking back at his ‘apartment’. He parted ways with Milo right after finding the best globe he could, to prevent anything bad from happening to it. Luckily, the teen was understanding and even wished him and Dakota a happy anniversary. And speaking of Vinnie…
Balthazar opened the door only to find his husband at his desk. The shorter man jumped at the sound of the door and quickly hid something behind him while standing up. This made the taller man smile. Every year was the same routine.
“Hey Cavendish !”, Vinnie greeted.
“I see you haven’t forgotten this year.”, Balthazar replied.
“Oh come on !”, Vinnie playfully replied. “I only forgot five times out of sixteen. And for three of them we were on a mission. And I always make it up to you later.”
“I know.”, Balthazar gently replied. He couldn’t help it, his wedding anniversary always put him on a good mood. Sure, from the get-go, their relationship always went through a lot of ups and downs. But Balthazar would be lying if he said that his wedding day wasn’t the best day of his life. And every anniversary, he couldn’t help but remember the happiness he felt that day, how hopeful and peaceful and complete he felt, all because of the one man that was now standing in front of him, the same man he now spent twenty-one years of his life with.
“So, are you going to stare at me all day or are we going to celebrate ?”, Dakota asked as he sat on the couch, patting the space next to him.
Balthazar shook his memories away. “Of course.”, he replied as he joined his husband one the couch.
“Here.”, Vinnie said as he handed his gift.
Balthazar took the time to remove the paper wrap without making a mess of it and found himself with a book on his lap. It had some kind of superhero on the cover.
“It’s about a man who fights for what’s best and who never gives up, no matter how much he fails.”, Vinnie filled in. “Sounds familiar ?”
“I don’t see what you are talking about.”, Balthazar replied. He tried to glare at the smaller man but his smile was betraying him. After a few seconds, Balthazar turned back to the book. “It’s a good present.”, he commented.
“Yeah. I’m sorry I didn’t get anything better.”, Vinnie was suddenly apologetic, a hand in his hair. “I wanted to find something more fancy and all but…”
“You couldn’t find anything in this time period ?”, the taller man finished.
“It’s alright. Here.”, Balthazar handed his present. Vinnie quickly removed the wrap and Balthazar tried not to sigh as several small bits fell. This will be annoying to clean. However, that thought went away as he saw the way Vinnie lighted up at the view of his gift.
“I hope it’s good enough.”, Balthazar still couldn’t help but say.
“Are you kidding ? It’s great !”, Vinnie looked like a child on his birthday. It sure was a warm sight to see.
After a few seconds of shaking the globe and admiring it, Vinnie put it down and turned towards his husband, putting an arm around his shoulders. Balthazar got closer as well, glancing at the light to make sure it wasn’t too intense before slowly removing Vinnie’s glasses, gazing at the colors that made him remember how lucky he was to have fallen for this man all those years ago. Slowly, the two closed the gap between them, sharing a kiss, enjoying the warmth of lips that felt all too familiar and yet all too rare, reminding Balthazar of how many times he had wished to kiss that man during their missions, to take a moment to be just the two of them, but was stopped by the fear of what the past would do to them.
As they pulled away, they kept gazing at each other.
“Happy anniversary Vinnie.”, Balthazar whispered.
“Happy anniversary Balth.”
    After a few more minutes, the two finally left the couch.
“So, where are we going to eat ?”, Balthazar asked as he put his hat back on. It was a habit at that point to let Vinnie chose where they eat.
“Well I found this small place in town. It’s not really some fancy restaurant, but it’s good and cheap.”, Vinnie replied, a hint of uncertainty in his voice.
“It’s perfect.”, Balthazar reassured. He had to admit, he usually liked going to the best restaurants for this anniversary. But given their current situation, he knew better than to complain.
“Great ! Come on !”, Vinnie was already by the door, making Balthazar roll his eyes. If there was one thing that could motivate the smaller man, it was food. Nevertheless, Balthazar followed his husband outside, giving one last glance to the apartment before living.
Things may not be perfect for them, and they may not have the comfort they used to have in their own present, but they could still make the most out of it. As long as they were together, it didn’t matter what they did for their marriage anniversary, it wouldn’t stop them from creating new memories.
Besides, when has their relationship ever been perfect ?
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