#they willingly target women & children
robthegoodfellow · 27 days
I'm Glad My Dad Died
mungrove | slightly expanded version of fic written for @strangerthingscharityzine | ao3
Billy had a secret: he was glad his dad was dead. So glad that even when his mom sold their house in Ocean Beach and moved them to Hawkins, Indiana, uprooting him from his friends and the sea and everything Billy loved, he still wouldn’t go back to the way things were. Given the options—California, dad alive; or Indiana, dad dead—he’d pick the second every time.
He would, even though Hawkins was its own hell. Learned the hard way that among prepubescent country bumpkins, embroidered roses on your shirt and hair like Shirley Temple bought you a one-way ticket to Loserville.
It was the fall of 1979. Disco was dying and former flower children were gearing up to vote for Reagan. Kumbaya over, time to make America great again.
So, yeah—sixth grade sucked, but stuff at home was world’s better. They were living with Aunt Doris—because San Diego was too expensive, his mom said, and wouldn’t it be nice to get a fresh start?
Mom was really into the whole fresh start thing—which Billy suspected was fueled by guilt and determination to be the kind of mother she hadn’t been before. And… he appreciated that. He did.
But—he wished she would stop? Put down the pen, step away from the extracurricular sign-up sheets.
Because if the outfit put a target on his back, swim team aimed the bow, and band fired the arrow. 
You’ll miss the water, honey. And you love music! 
She wasn’t wrong. He did love those things—but not enough to willingly wear a Speedo in public or blunder through some Beethoven on the flute. Also in public.
Oh—why the flute? Because she’d fed him a steady diet of hippie tunes from the cradle and knew how much he dug Jethro Tull. Perfectly reasonable explanation—his peers would definitely understand.
Here lies Billy Hargrove, innocent victim of social homicide. 
The bullying was relentless, but Billy figured he could take it. No middle school bully could come close to the one he’d lived with all his life. 
You know, the one he was glad was dead.
Billy hadn’t wanted to attend the talent show, but Mom insisted it was important to support his friends. By which she meant her friends—women she’d been palling around with who had kids in said show.
Kids she’d been aggressively arranging playdates with like Billy was five. 
Patrick’s talent was making twenty free-throw shots in a row. Robin’s was singing “This Land is Your Land” in four different languages. His mom and Mrs. Buckley had laughed about keeping the less than patriotic lyrics, assuming the Spanish rendition would fly over people’s heads.
Billy felt bad even thinking it, but he did wonder if his mom pushing these particular friends at him was part of her fresh start campaign.
Pat was black. Robin was a girl. And his dad had a habit of muttering snide remarks about anyone who wasn’t a WASP packing a sizable stinger—who wasn’t a clone of Neil Hargrove, basically.
And look, Pat and Robin were—fine. But he knew and they knew that they were only hanging out because their moms wanted them to, which was awkward as hell. Made his palms sweat whenever they were together or whenever they said hi at school despite him being a fairy freak according to kids whose opinions mattered. 
They were nice, but it felt like pity. Embarrassing in a way that made him shrivel up inside.
So he wasn’t in the best mood, slumped in the auditorium between his mother and Doris, praying no one pelted him with shit from behind. Mom felt crappy enough about all those years with Neil—Billy didn’t need her kicking herself for scooping him out of the fire and into a frying pan.
Pat set a record—28 in a row—and Billy clapped. Robin sang her song wearing a daisy crown, and Billy clapped. Dully, he watched as stagehands set up the next act, hauling out a drum kit.
Gareth, this shrimpy sixth grader, sat at the drums. Then an eighth grader came out, followed by a couple kids in seventh, the former bearing an electric guitar, one of the latter a bass. The guitarist waved, leaned into the mic—skinny guy with a buzzcut, eyes big and dark as an alien. 
We are Corroded Coffin—paused as a contingent of the audience went nuts—and this song is called Paranoid.
In the next row, a kid whispered, excited: Think they’ll make Coleman pull the plug again?
Gareth banged his drumsticks, counting them off. 
The opening riffs were like nothing Billy had heard before—this grind of chords that rattled teeth, thrummed in the chest. He straightened, compelled forward, a fishing line hooked deep.
Buzzcut was bent over the strings so low that all you could see was the top of his head, a fuzzy cue ball. Then Gareth kicked in, and the front man wailed the first verse, this nasal staccato, sort of speak-singing.
Billy scrambled to decipher the rapidfire—caught bits of the first verses. Then the bridge begged for help, and the rest landed loud and clear.
I need someone to show me The things in life that I can't find I can't see the things that make       true happiness I must be blind
The words were meant for him—just for Billy. It’s me. The guitarist leapt, plunged into a driving solo. The song’s about me.
Make a joke and I will sigh And you will laugh and I will cry Happiness I cannot feel And love to me is so unreal
Helpless, Billy turned to his mom, who grinned, whispering they’re great, aren’t they? He could only nod, swinging back to the guitarist, riveted until the final blaring note.
For Christmas, Billy unwrapped the smallest package under the tree—a cassette. It was all he’d asked for: Black Sabbath’s greatest hits album.
Because that night of the talent show, he sold his soul for rock n’ roll.
More specifically, for heavy metal.
More secretly, for the boy with the big brown eyes.
Eddie, he’d found out at school the next day, gossip overheard at lunch. The boy was Eddie.
Eddie Munson.
And whenever Billy caught a glimpse of him, the rest of that year, he thrummed like an electric guitar.
Unfortunately, his passion for headbanging and powerchords did not meaningfully improve the remainder of middle school, and by the time he walked the stage at eighth grade graduation, Billy resolved to make a change—give himself a fresh start on his terms.
First, he mowed endless lawns and bought a new wardrobe: bootcut jeans with matching boots, which lent him some height and a certain swagger; button downs in dark colors worn open to his sternum and white tees like the crew from Outsiders; a bitchin’ leather jacket.
His hair had progressed from Shirley Temple to Farrah Fawcett, so he trotted to the barber for a Bon Jovi bi-level. Almost chickened out at the mall when he got his ear pierced, but loved the way the earring swung from his left lobe… though the right would’ve been more accurate. 
He quit band and swim. Thought maybe he’d try basketball instead, and enlisted Pat to help him practice.
They were actual buddies by then.
Lastly, he took up smoking. Marlboro Reds, because they were badass. Soldiered through the pack all summer, suppressing a gag on every pull till he was puffing like a chimney.
August before ninth grade, Pat’s brother let them tag along to a party at the quarry; if Billy got in good with upperclassmen, it could pave the way to social acceptance—maybe even… popularity?
Total pipe dream, but then… it worked.
That night was one for the record books: first time smoking dope, shot-gunning a beer… first time a girl went down on him.
First time he’d seen Eddie in two years. Wouldn’t even have recognized him, except the eyes hadn’t changed. Eddie was a junior and looked it: taller, wild dark hair to his shoulders, tattoos peeking from his sleeves. He made a brief appearance and vanished—there to sell some supply, not socialize.
Billy wished he’d stayed. Admitted then what he was most excited about for high school: the chance to see Eddie Munson again.
Ironically, the object of Billy’s obsession had suffered a fall from grace in the transition to the big leagues: swirling rumors swore he was a Satan-worshiping anarchist and a burnout to boot. A weirdo who played geeky games with his loser friends.
Except—unlike Billy, Eddie didn’t give a fuck. While Billy strutted around vaguely unsettled, ill at ease with his costume, this immersive performance for the foreseeable future, Eddie had unveiled his freak flag—reveled in it, let it fly.
Regret gnawed at him, grew in Billy’s gut—knew if he were a little braver, he could trash this cool kid stuff and… 
End of Eddie’s senior year, Billy was sick at heart. Knew he’d missed his shot.
So imagine his confusion, surprise—his hidden euphoric delight—when Billy spotted that dark mop atop a wiry frame loping across the parking lot on the first day of eleventh grade.
Eddie should have graduated, but for whatever reason… hadn’t.
Thus, a new resolution: seize this chance. Be Eddie’s friend.
By second semester, Billy had worked his way up to casual chit chat and also, incidentally, was a raging pothead—so much so that his mother was worried, and she had spent the 60s stoned out of her gourd.
Let him experiment, Doris advised, winking at Billy over dinner. His grades are fine. What’s the harm?
The following evening, Doris showed him her special cookies stashed in the freezer, cautioning him to only ever take one bite and be patient. Billy asked if he could give one to his friend.
Top tier moment, right up there with Dad dying. Eddie’s eyes lit up all starry, demanded Billy come hang so they could make like Keebler—try the old elfin magic—and Billy was blessed to learn that Loaded Eddie = Handsy Eddie.
Blessed and cursed, because Eddie learned that Blazed Billy = Honest Billy. Tell me a secret, Eddie said, tickling. Tell me a secret.
Nothing happened. Eddie was just… affectionate. Bit of a snuggler. Who now knew he was the reason Billy was such a metalhead. 
And that Billy was glad—about his dad.
Eddie was held back again, and suddenly math and history were Billy’s favorite classes because Eddie sat next to him in the back row. Seemed to do decently with Billy there egging him on.
Thus, his final resolution: graduate with Eddie. Drag him across the finish line if necessary. Billy held study sessions he didn’t need at the library after school, invited Eddie to join—and Eddie did.
Eddie invited Billy to come see his band play at a local bar on Tuesdays—and Billy did.
Tell me a secret, Eddie said one weekend, when they were sharing a bowl, and Billy snorted, gazed into bloodshot eyes. Glad you got held back. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be doing this. Eddie smirked, soft. Getting high? Billy laughed. Hanging out.
Billy turned eighteen that March, and the Buckleys and McKinneys came over to celebrate, as usual. Unusual was the doorbell as they were about to eat, Eddie and Wayne trooping in, sorry for being late.
Robin picked up on something that night—cornered him in the bathroom. Are you and Eddie…? Billy went tight, and she rushed to reassure. It’s okay if you are. I am, too. So Billy breathed, calmed. I am. I dunno if he is. Robin arched her brow. From where I’m sitting, odds are good.
Billy spent weeks yanking hope by the roots.
Come May, they walked in green cap and gown—hugged in the milling crowd, Eddie cackling wet in his ear, a clinging koala. Didn’t think I could do it.
Billy brought him along to Robin’s graduation party. In the backyard, her old childhood treehouse beckoned, and they heeded the call.
Tell me a secret, Eddie said, sitting back against mossy boards. They weren’t even high. He flicked Billy’s earring—set his heart swinging. That should be on the other side, Billy said, and stared until Eddie flushed red, understood. I got a secret, he said, and Billy didn’t dare to know but did. 
Eddie said it: I’ve wanted to kiss you all year.
A click as Billy swallowed, bone dry. Then do it.
And Eddie did.
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imsorryimlate · 9 months
there is something about the way charlie (newton) is emma’s substitute.
like…. emma and charlie (oakley) love each other so much, she cries at the thought of being separated from him. and she specifically positions her marriage as one of the things that came between them after they had been close as children. and joe, he looks at them with jealousy throughout the film. and emma named her firstborn child after charlie!
then there’s the fact that charlie (oakley) specifically targets widows (older women), and then give their fine clothes to emma (his older sister), and their jewellery to charlie (newton). (but charlie’s dress was from him too, right? was that one also from one of his victims?)
emma couldn’t be his, so she gave him charlie instead. not consciously, but it’s there. she encourages charlie’s affection for her uncle, giving her the “secret” photograph of him, and as mentioned she named her after him, like a name tag on a present.
and charlie (oakley) forms a special bond with her. she’s his. she’s him. and she’s emma. perhaps she even looks like her mother did when she was young, when she still “belonged” to him, before marriage snatched her away.
perhaps that’s one of the reasons why the charlies are twin souls… she was given to him, made for him, and formed herself to match him.
so charlie (newton) became the substitute. the comfort. the bandaid. the sacrifice. and even at the end, she willingly keeps silent to keep emma and charlie (oakley) together.
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yodeleyewho · 6 months
(An incoherent rambling/pondering below about when people say things like “the good old days of television” when things weren’t so “woke”)
Sometimes I truly wonder why people say, “ahhh, the good ol’ days” or “this couldn’t be made today!” when they think of old shows/movies that they watched when they were younger. Shows like “All In The Family”, “My Two Dads”, “Miami Vice”, etc. or this movie that popped up on my dash called “Blazing Saddles”. I know when some people say that phrase “good ol days” they mean the times where things weren’t as “political” (aka diverse or caring about minorities), but it seems that a lot of them missed the point that these shows were teaching. And when people say “couldn’t be made today!” they.. also still may be missing the point (I mean, perhaps one reason why people might be offended by something is because of misunderstanding of what the piece of media is trying to say).
If y’all have seen these shows then y’all know what I’m saying. But I think when they say “this couldn’t be made today” I think they’re right… but for different reasons. Let’s take “My Two Dads” an 80s show about two dudes taking care of this girl, but they aren’t sure who she belongs to. They raise her together, they’re very loving, and heck they even had an episode about how they are equal to families with a father/mother structure and they have a right to keep their kid. People nowadays would accuse them of pushing an agenda and brainwashing the children and tryin to destroy the nuclear family.
Next, let’s look at “Benson” a spinoff from the controversial comedy “Soap” (check out Matt Baume’s video abt them). “Benson” is a hilarious show and it’s about a wisecracking, sarcastic/smart alec African American man climbing the political ladder. He starts as a butler on “Soap”, he’s moved to the governor’s mansion and becomes the head of household affairs, later is promoted to state budget director, then Lieutenant Governor, and finally runs for governor… but unfortunately the show ends on a cliff hanger so we’ll never know whether he won or lost. Benson is the smartest one in the governor’s mansion, but the governor himself is a bit of an airhead, he’s silly, a little bit.. incompetent. But if this show was made today, people would say that the show is saying that black people are smarter than white people, they would be missing the point..
And Miami Vice, an 80s show that has been terribly warped by pop culture (think of what happened to Star Trek). People think of this show as the “cool cars, hot women, expensive fashion” type of show, but it’s so much more than that. Mutuals could explain this much clearly than I could. This show addresses issues like mental health, the cop system being very corrupted, lgbt rights, sexual assault (they don’t get it right all the time, but when they do, they do). People idolize Sonny (the main character), and wish to be him, but they fail to see how depressing his life is. They only see him as the Cool Guy™️, but he’s not necessarily that. If it was made today.. it would either just turn out like a “Fight Club” situation, people misunderstanding it, or people calling it propaganda.
And Wiseguy, a show abt an undercover agent things and such. There’s this arc that will forever remain relevant. The KKK arc (I forget the actual name for the arc). The racists blaming minorities for their loss of jobs, ruining the world, saying that the white race is in danger (the same old, same old racist shit). This show has been forgotten and I don’t really know why, it’s really good. This show would be labeled as woke and would be written off.
I think some of this also comes down to bad media literacy skills and such.. they fail to see messages that were targeted toward them, were trying to teach them something, but they miss it completely or they willingly ignore it…
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horizon-verizon · 26 days
Alicent being praised for scolding Aegon after he raped Dyana is wild to me because she admits that it’s not the first time he’s done this. She’s only making a big deal about it because Rhaenyra is in town and they’re under scrutiny and because Dyana attends to Helaena and her children.
So yes she didn’t have Dyana killed (the bar is below hell at this point...) but what about the girls who came before her ? Ones that weren’t maids close to the family... what happened to them ? Alicent isn’t shocked, astonished or horrified, she literally had hush money and moon tea ready and waiting like it’s a regular affair in the Red Keep. “Think of the shame on your wife, on me”, her son raped & destroyed a teenage girl, and she make it all about herself, her family, their reputation.
With Dyana come back in season 2, I can clearly see how she might have a hand in B&C... she knows Alicent is a fake religious hypocrite who willingly covers up her son’s vicious crimes and shows complete disregard for his victims, who made him king and gave him unlimited power despite knowing exactly what kind of man he is, and Dyana probably knows about the child fight clubs. Alicent and Aegon abuse lowborn women & children. It makes sense she’d want revenge on the family.
Dyana probably knows about the child fight clubs.
Idk about that. but like I said in other asks about Dyana, I wouldn't hold it too tight against her if she somehow helped B&C to hurt any peorsn especially close to Alicent or Aegon. But we don't know yet if she will be present or even if she will know for sure that those kids would be the targets/B&C's directions were for them. If it happens, I think the writers will make it so that Dyana doesn't know and lets them pass and even points them the way when they happen to see her. Or she pretends not to see them, or just not report them if she sees them and they don't see her. Because I don't think they'll go the route of her flagrantly trying to get these kids killed since that contradicts the heavy anti-war/violence here, but who knows. We shall see. They could make an exception to lay a consequence on the greens and use Dyana's non-aristocratic status to further highlight how the greens/the blacks' noble civil war is going to and has already harmed the peasant class.
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bimgtt · 14 days
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yeah no olmar or thorfinn should go after hatred or love for battles and honor cz olmar was able to save his farm by not proud and arrogant against cz king wanted share of the farm and will listen and kind enough to not stupidly discriminate or continue exile bc of direct negotiation with thorfinn even aksed ketil clan to surrender but they are too much proud and went against kings men without negotiation with king unlike of konoha who didn't want to meet fugaku but rather spied on them or thorfinn who went to revenge for one man get killed but in doing so he killed so many innocents and raided their villages like konoha did with small villages for their gain,
only survivor of full scale genocide like sasuke or guts has the right to go after revenge for hatred and for honor and justice for their fallen loved ones who were victims of pure conspiracy, oppression, discrimination and genocide,
even king canute is gentle enough to not to harm innocents like elderly, women and children only military age men willingly and recklessly or discriminate them or let his soldier exploit them but kill his own soldier for such deeds and only killed opposite stupid hot headed Norse men very unlike of Konoha who will love to target innocents too for greater goods crap,
genocide and full scale massacre victim has every right to pursue hatred, revenge and honor and seek brutal retribution like sasuke and guts against konoha and griffith and his evil comrades cz they didn't let victim's generation to thrive or continue to live but kill them in full scale genocide with locking them into somewhere before their demise cz they had no option to run away unlike such didn't happen with olmar clan and free to choose their fate against king,
in that case only Anne from vinland saga has every right to go after brutal revenge against askeladd group of men and they didn't have legitimate family and clan and most get killed by thorkell only 2 or 3 survivors remained, that's enough for Anne cz her revenge is complete and lonely brute men with no actual family and pure long lineage like clan had died cold blooded and justice served.
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microwavedautism · 1 month
I am going to rant about my two Hazbin Ocs because my brain wants to think about them tonight and I don't want to get my information fucked up
So. We have Captain Widow, known by her friends as Amelia. This is her casual look, she dresses like a pirate otherwise. She, unlike most other sinners her age, isn't against embracing the modern.
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She was born in 1596 and died 1643. She doesn't remember her place of birth, but it was somewhere around England. She was married at 15, but ended up killing him and running away after three years of putting up with him.
She ended up in a pirate crew a few years later, and eventually took over the ship once the previous captain died.
Don't misunderstand her, she is a very sadistic woman, but she tries to pick her targets carefully. When she was on land she'd go around killing off abusive husbands and the like. Occasionally she'd bring the wife onto her crew.
Her crew was almost entirely women, sides from the two queer teenage boys she'd picked up.
She ended up drowning, turns out she wasn't too experienced at swimming with a broken leg!
In Hell, she looked pretty much the same as she did alive, but with six more eyes then she was used to, two more arms and fins for ears.
She now is an overlord who runs several fighting rings and gyms around the city. All of the souls under contract with her are sinners she personally tracked down, kidnapped and tortured them into giving their soul to her. Her contracts are things like "You give me your soul and in turn I will no longer harm you."
Those sinners are now training dummies or punching bags for her establishments! Afterall, it's not HER harming them, it's everyone else!
Now we have Gaspard, 'the artist'. A french painter from the 1400s. It's been quite a while, the only thing he remembers is the century, not the day he was born or the day he died, or even how! He was 37 when he died, he remembers that at least!
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He looks more human than most sinners, aside from the fact he is completely greyscale. His body is like a messy 3d sketch, the lines are always changing slightly when he moves, like someones animating him but can't quite keep the lines the same.
When he was alive, not many people knew him. He made an effort to keep to himself, unless he was looking for a new muse or restocking his supplies.
He'd stay locked up in his apartment, spending hours and hours working on his latest piece. He'd done sculpting, he'd done drawing, he'd done everything. But painting was always his favourite. He enjoyed how the colours mixed, especially with the subjects he drew.
See, he would stay out, looking for people who caught his attention. When he found someone, he'd bring them to his apartment, willingly or not, and pose them. Sometimes they lived for a while whilst being posed, most of the time not.
He'd paint the most beautiful of women on their knees... with their hands up above their head and their guts spilling out.
He would paint handsome men, with nothing but their hearts remaining.
He even painted children! Though that was only once.. getting references for how skipping with intestines worked was quite difficult.
Needless to say, he was a horrific serial killer with a fucked up sense of beauty.
He continued his art in the afterlife, only this time. He had plenty of models to choose from!
It's surprisingly easy to get peoples souls, so long as you have a way to protect them from extermination!
And if that 'protection' just so happens to be eternal imprisonment in a canvas well... thats not his fault, they should've been more clear with what they meant, protection is such a loose term really.
After all, what angel is going to attack a painting?
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dr-spencer-reids-queen · 2 years
Scared to Death: Part Three
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.9k
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there is any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them. If you’ve seen the show, then it’s the same level of angst unless otherwise stated
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"Okay, we know this guy used Wildwood Trail as his personal graveyard for six months. That site's been blown for him now, which means that he's been forced to change part of his MO," Derek starts off the profile meeting. "Which won't be easy for somebody who thrives on being in control. The reason that he's gotten away with these first three murders is that he's been meticulous at every stage, from how he chooses his victims to their torture and their burial."
"To us, his victims appear to be nonspecific. Other than being new to Portland, all they seem to have shared was a torturous death," Emily adds.
"You think the unsub chooses them for another reason?" Bill asks.
"We think so."
"The tortures lack a sexual component, which is incredibly rare. I think it's more about not necessarily about exerting power, but more like overcompensating for a lack of it," Spencer explains.
"This guy craves control. He's coming from a place of weakness, trying to demonstrate strength. Now we see this a lot in unsubs who've been abused. The lack of sexual assault could be as simple as the fact that he's impotent, something that he's trying to hide," you say.
"A man who is obsessed with control most likely feels powerless in his everyday life. So, he would crave stability and security. He's most likely married. If he is impotent, he could keep up appearances by adopting children."
"Yeah, and someone this methodical has every moment planned. If he is captured, he'd most likely take his own life rather than give up any sort of control."
"The victims' lack of defensive wounds suggest that they willingly put themselves in danger. So, someone of authority or otherwise easily trusted put them up to this," you note. "Also, the victims' families were led to believe their loved ones were alive and well through emails written by this murderer."
"He's calculating, and he's intelligent, and we're going to have to do something that he's not expecting."
"Like what?" Bill wonders.
"Like warn his potential victims."
JJ sets up a press conference immediately after the briefing is over so she can control the media by using them to get to the public. She will be releasing the profile to them, and you have a TV in the station to watch her. You know that there will be some people watching who will call to give up information. It may not be accurate information, but you know that her message is working.
"We found the remains of four victims on Wildwood Trail. Two women and two men, all in their twenties, all transferred to Portland. Because the victims have this in common, we are confident that the person we're looking for latches on to people new to the city. He chooses them because they make for easier targets. If you are young and new to Portland, or if you know someone that is, please call the number on your screen for more detailed information about how to stay out of a dangerous situation. We believe the person that we're looking for is able to fit into many surroundings--"
You're watching JJ on TV when the phone at the desk you're sitting at rings. You reach over and grab the phone, putting it to your ear. Hopefully, this person has useful information. When you answer, you can clearly hear a dog continuously bark in the background.
"Yes, I didn't know who to call about this. One of my tenants, Patrick Walker, moved to Portland for grad school, and he's been missing." The dog continues to bark, and the woman huffs in annoyance. "Lucy, it's okay. It's okay."
"Ma'am, how long has Patrick been missing?"
"Since this morning. I know that that sounds crazy, but Patrick sticks to a routine. I tease him that he's more predictable than I am. He jogs while I'm watching the morning shows and walks to class with his backpack after that. He--he's always home for lunch. That's when he walks Lucy."
"You're in his apartment right now? Does anything look out of the ordinary? Is his backpack there still?" you ask.
"Well, we know he's not in class then."
"Why would he just leave like this?"
"I don't know. I appreciate you calling and letting us know. I am going to let you talk to one of the officers here so he can gather your information."
You call over an officer and hand over the phone because you have more pressing issues to deal with. You know Patrick is dead, but you hope to God that you're wrong. However, when two hours have passed, you heard of another body popping up. It could very well be Patrick's body, but you have to go to the crime scene to confirm.
You, Emily, and Derek go to the crime scene while the rest of the team stays at the station to work the case from there. The body is found at a nearby lake since the victim has drowned, and since the body is fresh, you'll be able to see the final moments before the victim died.
"Local police ID'd the body. It's Patrick Walker. He's got deep abrasions and bruises on his neck and shoulders," Bill says to you three when you arrive.
"Shit, I knew it," you mutter under your breath.
"I'm going to go see if they found anything else in the water," Derek says.
"I know his landlady called you about this guy missing, but what makes you think this is related?" Bill asks you.
"He fits the profile of our victims. He's the same age, lives alone, and is new to the city. But he wasn't buried like everybody else."
Something isn't right about this case, but you feel like you're right at the tip of things. Patrick is trying to tell you something, and it can only be told if you see him.
"Well, they found a rope at the bottom of the river, but that's probably been there for years. A couple feet out, they found this," Derek says when he comes back, holding up a blue object in his hands. "It's a shepherd's crook. Lifeguards and rescue workers use it."
"Oh, I bet he didn't use it for safety," Emily scoffs.
"We haven't seen any evidence of a struggle with the other bodies. This is the first one." Derek hands off the item to another officer for prepping. "Do you remember any open cases involving suspicious drownings?"
"Since I've been in Portland, we've had two or three. I can call the office and get the files to your other agents. Maybe they can make a connection."
"Thank you."
"I'm going to check out the body," you say.
You grab some gloves on your way down to the water's edge where Patrick's body is. You lean down and touch the area with the bruises, and it's like you're connected to Patrick's spirit. You look toward the water and see someone out there, but only their eyes can be seen. You look down at Patrick's body and force one eye open, realizing that the person in the water is Patrick.
You look back at the spirit of Patrick, staring into his eyes. There is so much emotion and feelings in his eyes. They beg you to listen to his story, but what kind of story would they tell? How he died? How he suffered? He drowned, but why? Could he not swim? If not, why did he get into the water? Did he have a fear of it?
Your eyes widen when you figure out why the MOs are different.
You remove your hands from Patrick and head back to your team, shedding the gloves. Derek has Hotch on the phone to exchange theories about the case.
"Hey, that landlady Y/N spoke to was right to be worried. We just found Patrick Walker dead in a river."
"Fire, hanging, and asphyxiation. Now we've got a drowning."
"I have a theory, Hotch."
"I'm all ears."
"It occurred to me when we almost got stuck in the elevator earlier, but just now, I know it to be true. I saw Patrick's spirit in the water. He wouldn't have gone into the water because he couldn't swim. He couldn't swim because he had a fear of it. I have a fear of being burned alive. All these deaths are associated with a fear or an anxiety of something. A phobia."
"So it's all about fear. These people are being killed by their fears."
"With that being said, our unsub could be a therapist or a psychologist. Someone you might tell your fears to."
"Good work. Head back. I want you guys to scout the area."
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You and Spencer were paired together (shocker), and Emily and Derek were paired together. One of the things that your victims have in common are the places that they lived. Someone must have seen something if they all live in the same areas. You and Spencer are in one town while the other two in a neighboring town.
"Spencer, are you doing okay?" you ask, stopping outside of a laundromat.
"Oh, I'm--I'm great."
"Do you want to talk about it?
"Talk about what?"
You knew from the moment he came to your rescue this morning that he was upset Gideon left a letter instead of saying goodbye in person. You've been wanting to talk about it all day, but you had other things to do.
"Oh, no, he left a letter explaining everything. Just like my dad did when he abandoned me and my mom."
"Spencer," you sigh.
"Yeah, yeah. You know, Gideon stood toe to toe with some of the sickest people on this planet. I think that took a lot of courage, right?"
"So, why'd he do this? It's addressed to me, but I'm--I'm not--I'm not the only one that he abandoned."
"Spencer, first, Gideon is not your dad. What your dad did is terrible, but Gideon isn't like that and you know it. That man has been through so much, even before we were born. He was never the one to openly talk about his feelings. When Frank took away the last thing he ever had, the last person he ever felt safe with, he couldn't take it anymore. He didn't abandon you or anyone here. There is a reason that he left you and only you a letter. I think you need to reread that letter to find out why."
You lean up and kiss Spencer on the cheek to let him know you're here for him if he needs it. You head into the laundromat to see the kind of people here, giving Spencer some time alone if he needs it. He enters a few seconds later, immediately heading to the vending machines on the back wall.
"Derek said this is the laundromat closest to Patrick Walker's apartment building. So, we have washers and dryers, and we have a bulletin board," you say and stare at the bulletin board covered in papers.
"Snack machine," Spencer grins, holding up a bag of pretzels.
"Yeah, I don't think he's luring them with pretzels." You take a careful look at the board again, noticing something off about it. "Look at this. All of these things are normal, but look at this paper. 'Participate in a controls research project, and you'll receive $100 to get over your anxieties.'"
"You only have to attend two sessions?"
"I guess. It's easy money."
"Just one stub is taken."
"$100 that Patrick took it. Now we know how our unsub is luring his victims to him."
Just then, Derek walks into the laundromat with Emily.
"Hey, well, Patrick Walker just joined a pretty sweet boxing gym, but that's about it. Did you guys find anything? Well, I think we should go over to victim number two's coffee shop, see if any of these are hanging around."
"I think we figured out how he's luring his victims," you say and yank the paper off the bulletin board.
"Let's do it."
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46 notes · View notes
merlot-and-chardonnay · 2 months
A Lark Among the Wolves and Dragons: Chapter 45
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Chapter 44
--------Flotsam Tavern-------------
Aemond stormed into the tavern, anger in his eyes as he thoroughly searched the establishment for the target of his ire. He looked over at the patrons, who had looks of concern and some fear, sat there silently, hoping the prince's tirade would end.
"Where is he?" Aemond demands of the patrons, "where is the bard?"
"My prince!" Criston runs in.
Aemond pulls away, scanning the room, seeing if any of the patrons looked like they were hiding something. Seeing no signs of Jaskier or the dwarf he was hanging out with, Aemond clinched his fist, turning around so as to take a deep breath, trying to remain as calm as he could in this situation.
This is not how things were supposed to go, Aemond thinks. He was supposed to he the one to find Aemma, he was the one who was supposed to rescue her and bring her back home. She was supposed to come back with quietly and willingly.
In hindsight, Aemond should have known things were not quite going to go according to plan. For as long as he could remember, Aemma had a tendency to go and do her own thing, not giving much regard to the rules, even when those rules were there for her own safety.
At this point, Aemond blamed himself for that; he recalled that time he learned Aemma had snuck out of the Red Keep to go to the docks even though his mother had forbid her to do so. And when Alicent had saw fit to question Aemma about her activities, Aemond was the one to step and cover for her, allowing Aemma to skirt off without suffering the consequences.
Had Aemond been more vigilant, had he been more insistent that Aemma follow his mother's rules...had he actually told the truth to his mother, than maybe Aemma would've been more inclined to listen both to him and Alicent more. She could've grown more into a woman and an upstanding lady instead of running away and becoming as she is now with wearing boy clothing and carrying a sword on her back.
Maybe if he done all those things, she would've stayed in King's Landing, had never set foot on the Continent the first time around...if she had stayed, the two of them would've eventually married when Aemond came of age.
"My prince," Criston gets Aemond's attention, "we need to find a boat and follow that barge. If that elf bastard lays a hand on the princess again, her and Ser Ivan-" "she ran off with him," Aemond tells him. "What?" "....Aemma was not abducted this time, she ran off with that elf of her own volition," Aemond elaborates, recalling the way she swam onto the barge after jumping out of the burning building with Geralt and the elven women they rescued with Ivan. He saw how Aemma climbed on the boat, accepting Iorveth's hand when he pulled her and everyone else onto the barge as it set sail.
"I don't understand? Why would she go with the same people that meant to harm her?" Criston frowns a bit. Aemond knew why, "She's gone off to find her mother."
Before Criston could ask for more, Roche stormed into the tavern, shoving Criston aside and pushing Aemond against the wall, dagger in hand as he pressed it against Aemond. Criston was about to draw his sword, but was stopped by Ves, knife pressed against his own back.
"I should have known," Roche sneers, "I should have fucking known, the more your family got involved, it was going to go to shit. Now that whoreson Iorveth has escaped, and YOUR bloodkin had a hand in that. And since my shit spy of a bard is currently absent, someone has to pay."
"I had no idea my cousin had such plans," Aemond insists. "Horseshit!" "I swear on the Seven!" Aemond insists, "She never said a word! We were supposed to go back to Westeros, back to my mother the Queen, that was the plan. She never told me otherwise. Princess Aemma has always done things her own way, she was...she wasn't exactly the docile type, even when we were children. It has clearly gotten worse with the time she's spent away from home. It was clearly nurtured by outside forces, I didn't know how bad it had gotten."
Roche looked into Aemond's eye, trying to find any hint that the prince was lying, "If you need someone to take the blame for your prisoner's escape, than I will do so without protest." "Prince Aemond-" Criston tries to intervene, but Ves stopped him again. "I didn't know Aemma was planning the escape," Aemond continues, "but I do have an idea where they are going." "Where?" Roche demands, keeping the dagger in place. "A town called Vergen. I don't know why, but Aemma mentioned about wanting to go there. That is all I know."
"If you release the prince, we will do everything in our power to rectify this situation," Criston speaks, hoping it would placate Roche enough to sheathe his dagger. After some consideration, Roche steps away, sheathing his weapon, giving both knight and prince a stern, and rather dangerous look, "don't make me fucking regret this," he says in a low tone, "should I find out you have been lying about not knowing, let me make clear there will be hell to pay....all seven of them..."
"Laredo escaped," Geralt informs Iorveth as soon as he and Aemma and the elf women climbed aboard.
"He'll not live long," Iorveth assures, "If the local folk don't hunt him down, someone else will. Anyway, it's meaningless. You rescue our women, you and the princess and the in'heid as well. We are indebted" "No thanks to you," Aemma sneers, to which Iorveth ignores. The Scoia'tel commander was looking at the bigger picture in that moment, something he felt required sacrifice.
Ivan, however, was not about to let this go. As soon as he wrung out the excess water, he confronted Iorveth head on by shoving him back. "Ivan!" Aemma exclaims in shock. "Indeed was no thanks to you," Ivan sneers, "the women were screaming for help as everything burned around them, and you were prepared to let them do so!"
Iorveth only gave Ivan a slightly amused look before speaking in a serious tone, "I don't expect you to understand, boy, it is clear you have not communed with your elven brethren as much as you should. True, you have to hide your ears in order to pass as d'hoine, but I can see you never truly had faced hardships the way the full blooded Aen Siedhe had." To drive his point across, Iorveth reached for Ivan's headband and yanked it off, revealing his ears. Ivan shoved the elf back once again in response. "You don't know a fucking damn thing about me," Ivan glared, "Flotsam was my home, until my mother and I were forced to leave. We escaped to King's Landing, and we lived in near destitution for much of my childhood, and I was living on the streets after her death. So don't you dare say I had faced no hardships just because of my human blood. Maybe if you had stuck around, such things would not have happened! If you had stayed you would have known about my hardships!"
Iorveth only gave Ivan a confused look, having no idea what the half elf was implying.
"Ivan-" Aemma placed a hand on Ivan's shoulder, but the man pushed it away, turning to storm away to silently stew elsewhere on the barge.
Iorveth still had that confused look on his face. Aemma pondered if she should say anything, but thought against it; she may have told Ivan what Cedric told her, but she did not feel it was her place to disclose this information to Iorveth, not until Ivan was ready to say anything.
Still, the princess couldn't help but recall the memory she acquired from Iorveth months back when she was held captive by the Scoia'tel. The memory of him and this mystery woman, whom Aemma realized had to have been Ivan's mother. She recalled how very much in love the two of them looked when they shared that kiss. She wondered how they had met...and how they had parted ways presumably before Ivan was still in his mother's womb.
"We are going to Vergen still, yes?" she decides to ask, to which Iorveth nods. "Help us find Triss and the kingslayer, consider the debt repaid," Geralt adds in.
"Hold up!" Jaskier's voice catches the group's attention as he and Zoltan show up on deck. "Uncle," Aemma was the first to speak, "did you and Zoltan stowaway?" "Hardly call this stowing away, lass" Zoltan snorts in amusement, "given the current circumstances."
"You didn't think I was just going to let you leave, and leave me out of the action, now did ya?" Jaskier interjects, looking both at Aemma and Geralt, "how else am I supposed to find inspiration for my ballads. Also," he places a hand on Aemma's shoulder, "if you what you just told is true...I don't exactly want to miss out on that bit especially."
Geralt gave a confused look at Aemma, who only nodded at her uncle.
"Unfurl the mainsail!" Iorveth orders his men. The barge gained more speed up the river as soon as this was done. Aemma looked over to see the village slowly disappear from view. She wondered if Aemond and Criston would try and catch up with her...or if they would simply give up and leave her to her devices. She was not overly confident in the latter possibility, especially given Aemond had professed to her before she jumped into the burning building.
Aemond still cared about her, even after all these years. That's why he came to find her.
"Looks like we're going to make it," Geralt states, standing next to Aemma. "and this is only just the beginning," Iorveth quips in, standing next to Geralt, "you chose the right side and I'm pleased." "...wish I could be so sure," Geralt admits.
"So do I," Aemma quips with a sigh. "Are you thinking about your cousin?" Geralt asks, which Aemma nods. "I don't know if Aemond will forgive me for this," she admits, "this wouldn't be the first time I ran off somewhere without him. He didn't appreciate it last time I ran off to the Continent without him. He admonished me for it even. And here I have done it again." "Given how adamant he was to find you before, I think he might come around," Jaskier quips in with confidence, though Aemma still wasn't confident in that statement.
"If I may ask," Aemma turns to the elf, not quite fully certain she could trust him, "what does Saskia want with me? I realize you never answered that part of my question." "I am not so certain myself," Iorveth admits, "if I could venture a guess, perhaps she is in want of more allies." "She wants my family's dragons?" "Not likely," Iorveth shrugs, "Saskia earned her reputation from single-handedly slaying a dragon, I do not know why she would recruit dragons in her cause."
Aemma's eyes widen a bit; she knew Saskia was a warrior and one who meant to establish a free state for humans and non-humans alike, but she had no idea Saskia also had a reputation as a dragon slayer. Part of Aemma now had some concern if Saskia had any intentions to make an example of the Targaryen dragons, especially if her own had decided to fly back to her rider.
In that moment, Aemma felt her vision begin to distort slightly. She saw trees from the view of a flying bird- no, not a bird- a dragon. Aemma felt her vision move side to side to see the black and gold wings. "Cirillia?"
"What was that?" Iorveth's voice brings Aemma back to the present.
"Nothing," she tells him, "Iorveth...if you are the one to bring to this Saskia. When you introduce me to her, can...can you do so with this name?"
The voyage upriver to Vergen took about two days.
During this time, Aemma got to know Geralt, Jaskier, and Zoltan a little more. Though Geralt himself, could not remember much of his life from before, Jaskier was able to cover much of that ground.
Aemma, remembering her time at the docks of King's Landing, seeing that play, she had asked her uncle about that story. Jaskier, who had a look of disbelief upon hearing about the play (even though that was his song to begin with, the same song that brought both him and Geralt to stardom on the Continent), so he decided to tell Aemma the real story about what happened at the Edge of the World.
Aemma listened intently during those times, wanting to soak up more of what she could learn about her mother and the life she led before her time in Westeros.
And, much to Aemma's surprise, the princess found herself having bonding moments with some of the Scoia'tel as well. It is worth mentioning that right around the time the prison barge departed from port, right after successfully commandeering the barge and getting some distance from Flotsam, Iorveth found another Scoia'tel prisoner in the cells. His second in command, Cieran, his beaten and lifeless body laying in the middle of the cell. Iorveth had said nothing during this time, merely closing his comrade's eyes and holding him close, speaking final words to Cieran in his native language. 
The Scoia'tel had a funeral of sorts for their fallen comrade, electing to bury his body in the river, bidding him farewell. Despite the sadness of it all, no tears had been shed during the service. Aemma had to wonder how many lives the Scoia'tel had lost over the years, decades, centuries even.  How much have these people have had to harden themselves to the harshness of the world. She felt a certain level of empathy from all this; death was the one thing that did not discriminate, it came for all, no matter who they were or where they came from. She knew this better than most.
Aemma had to admit to herself, many of the Scoia'tel were actually pleasant to be around when they weren't busy holding her captive. Jaskier had admitted that the Scoia'tel did make him nervous, but they were definitely someone one would want on their side in times like this.
During the evening time, the elves would gather around, telling stories and regaling tales of their youths. The young ones would get a little restless, to which Jaskier resolved by playing jigs on his lute. Aemma would join in on the singing, finding she and Jaskier could create quite the duet (Jaskier did find himself tear up during those times, realizing how much of this reminded him of his sister).
Try and imagine Aemma and Jaskier singing this on the barge with the elves for just a moment:
Iorveth surprised Aemma even more when he would join in on the music by pulling out his flute and adding to the music.
Ivan kept to himself mostly, though some of the elves tried to engage in conversation with him. The half-elf kept his headband off during this time, though he felt somewhat naked without it. Ivan had kept his headband on for most of his life for fear of being singled out in King's Landing, but as far as he could see, he wasn't treated too differently here. The elves already could see his mixed heritage, it didn't make a difference right now if he wore that headpiece or not.
It did baffle him, also, the way he saw his supposed father join in on the music and merry making in the evening. The flute Iorveth possessed looked familiar; in Ivan's childhood in Flotsam, he recalled his mother having a similar instrument in her possession. The carvings looked similar too. That same flute, Ivan also remembered, was left behind during the first pogrom.
Eventually, after some convincing from the other elves, Ivan joined in on the merriment. He wasn't really much of a dancer, he never had to learn, but he picked up on certain steps real quick. It wasn't too different from his sword training.
After two days, the barge eventually made it close to Vergen.
Having inquired more of the situation during the voyage, Aemma learned Vergen was in the middle of building up its defenses in preparation for Kaedwen's invasion into Upper Aedirn and the Pontar Valley.
By the time they actually made it to the Dwarven town, a strange looking mist could be seen in the distance.
Walking past the town, Geralt, Jaskier, Aemma, Ivan, and Zoltan make their trek towards a groups of dwarves conversing with one another. One dwarf looked over their way upon hearing the sounds of the group's footsteps; said dwarf had a look of joy on his face the moment he made eye contact with Geralt.
"By the milk of Mother Creatrix's tits. Geralt of Rivia!" the dwarf greets, before eyeing Jaskier, "and in the best company to boot!" "Yarpin Zigrin!" Jaskier greets back, welcoming the dwarf with open arms. Yarpin then turned to Zoltan, giving him a hug as well. "It's been years, ye old prick," Zoltan greets, "it's great to see you in good health."
"Aye, same as yourself," Yarpin says before turning to see Aemma, "and who's the lass?" "Ah," Jaskier steps in, "Allow me. This is princess Aemma Targ-" "Silverlark!" Aemma interrupts, Jaskier giving her a confused look, "that's...that's how I want to be known as for the time being," she shrugs, "it's what the Cedric called me before he..." "..alright then," Jaskier nods before continuing, "this is Aemma Silverlark. The daughter of my late sister."
"Your sister? The Lady of Lark?!" Yarpin's eyes widen before taking another look at Aemma, and then laughing in response, "Ah, I see the resemblance. The Lady Lark herself was a real beauty. It's a pleasure to finally meet you, princess," Yarpin shakes Aemma's hand, "I was sadden to hear what became of your mother. She was a true jewel if there ever was one."  "I appreciate the kind words, Yarpin Zigrin," Aemma nods.
Yarpin then turned to see Ivan standing near, "Ah, I remember you!" "From where exactly?" Jaskier questions. "Ran into him at the Seven Cats Inn in Novigrad," Yarpin explains, "Well, more like he ran into me. Lost me ale to that oaf. It's all in the past now. How are you faring lad?" "Quite well, thank you," Ivan nods, "It's good to see as well, master dwarf." "Call me Yarpin." "Ivan, then."
Yarpin turned back to Geralt, "Geralt- starin as if ya seen a ghost! Come muster a hug for an old friend." Geralt only gave a confused look in response. "Geralt's head isn't exactly on straight these days," Zoltan explains.
"Hah!" went Yarpin, "Meaning he truly did Foltest in then. Fine by me. Foltest was a ploughing bastard. You did right, Geralt."  "Not the point," Jaskier explains, "Geralt has lost his memory." "And he wasn't the one who killed Foltest," Aemma adds, "it was another witcher that did the deed." "Right, right, what's the difference?" Yarpin shrugs, "Someone did. But we've bigger problems now."
Right on cue, Iorveth and the Scoia'tel come onto the scene. "Where's Saskia?" Iorveth demands. Yarpin makes his displeasure at the elf's arrival. "Aye, what's this butcher doing here?" "I've come with a hundred archers-the best in the world," Iorveth explains, "here to aid your cause." "Well you'll need to wait," Yarpin spits, "Saskia and Prince Stennis went off to parely with Henselt." "The king of Kaedwen?" Aemma asks. "Aye," Yarpin nods, "me and the boys are waiting. Case something goes wrong."
Once more, on cue, Geralt looks to the sky, seeing something was going wrong. "That can't be a good sign" Aemma notices. "The sun has gone dark," Yarpin exclaims, "Call the sorceress!"
"What does it mean?" Aemma asks, sense of panic setting in.
"Not sure," Geralt admits, though he knew something like this to happen was usually not seen as a good omen. "Come Geralt. Silverlark," Iorveth gestures for the two to follow.
The trio ran towards where the mist was concentrated, seeing several Kaedweni soldiers flee the scene. A woman with long gold hair and dressed in armor was left tending to a man who looked as if he had just fallen in battle. Iorveth, Geralt, and Aemma run over to help.
The moment was cut short when the sky darken some more and dark creatures materialized in the form of undead fallen soldiers.  Aemma knew this had to be wraiths of some kind.
The wraiths attack, but Geralt and Aemma were able to drive them away with their silver swords, giving everyone else the chance to get away.
The group was silent as they made the escape back to Vergen, but Aemma had a feeling the woman that was part of this was the one who wanted to meet her in the first place. "Are you Saskia?" she asks. Before the woman could answer, a snowy white owl flew over their heads. Yarpin showed up to greet the group when they made past the Vergen gate, right at the moment the owl transformed into another woman.
"I hate flying through fog," the sorceress mutters before turning to the gold haired woman, "Saskia, are you alright?" "It's just a flesh wound," Saskia assures, "You and the witcher, we owe you our lives, Phillipa. And..." Saskia turns her gaze to Aemma, "this young woman as well." Phillipa looks to Aemma and then turns to Iorveth, "So it looks as if you had heeded my words after all." Iorveth turned away with a scoff, "welcome to our little club, princess Aemma Targaryen," Aemma addresses, "We've been hoping you would join our cause." "Thank you," Aemma nods, "but I would prefer to be called Aemma Silverlark for the time being." "Well then, Miss Silverlark," Phillipa says, "you are still welcome all the same. I am familiar with your family. I was there when your father's family was hosted by the king of Redania himself." "You...I don't recall my father or sister mentioning a court sorceress in their letters," Aemma admits. "I am rather surprised at this," Phillipa admits, "I found an admirer in your sisters. Princess Rhaena especially, we had many interesting conversations during meals."
Phillipa turns to Geralt, "And you, witcher?" "I'm after the kingslayer who kidnapped Triss Merigold," Geralt tells her. "And brought her here?" Phillipa asks surprised. "Is this an interrogation?"
"There are warrants on your head from Kaedwen, Temeria, and Redania," Phillipa points out, "and I'm responsible for Saskia's safety."
"That's enough, Phillipa," Saskia speaks up, "You told me yourself you thought him innocent."
"Saskia, the folk are riled up," Yarpin quips in, "firs the sun went out, then the Squirrels arrived, and now this fog...it's too much for the common folk." "True," Saskia agrees, "Summon all the commanders to the meeting hall. Iorveth, give me some time. I must prepare them for our arrival," she turns to Geralt and Phillipa, "you two must be there as well. I wish to here what we can expect from this anomaly and how we might be rid of it."
"And...what about me?" Aemma asks, a little scared to find out the answer. Saskia turns to the princess before answering, "follow me, Silverlark. I wish to talk to the princess alone for now."
"Saskia-" "Worry not, Yarpin," Saskia assures the dwarf, "the legendary White Wolf and the equally famous Phillipa Eilhart should have a remedy for several hundred rabid wraiths." Phillipa made eye contact with Geralt, seeming to agree to work with the witcher for the time being.
Saskia orders the town's alderman to shut the gates and then gestures for Aemma and Prince Stennis to follow. Stennis keeps a certain distance so Saskia could converse with Aemma.
"It is a pleasure to meet you, Aemma Silverlark," Saskia tells her, "I only wish it were under different circumstances. I heard of you. A young woman of silver hair who was traversed the Continent in search of her mother, the Lady of Larks. Last I heard, however, your mother perished in the pogrom in Rivia six years ago." "I thought she had," Aemma discloses, "but it turns out that may not be the case." "Oh?" "It's kinda difficult to explain, but I know she survived and is still out there. I spoke to the elf Cedric. He told me in order to find my mother I had to come here to Vergen."
"...I see," Saskia nods.
"I have heard of you as well, Saskia," Aemma continues, "I heard you have been wanting to meet me. But as to why, that I do not understand. I heard you defeated a dragon in battle. I don't imagine you wish to use my dragon, or any of my family's dragons in battle, so why this desire to meet me of all people?"
"...I had asked to see you...with hopes of a proposition," Saskia admits, "I heard a story of a silver haired woman traversing the Continent with a silver sword sword strapped to her back, one who stood up against a band of men who were intent on causing harm to non-humans in the establishment for merely being."
"Oh," Aemma realized, "yes, I remember that, it was two years ago." "You put your life on the line for this less fortunate, even though you knew not who they were," Saskia continues, "when I learned who you really were, I knew I wished to have by side for when we secure the Pontar Valley for the non-humans." "Who I am," Aemma repeats, "you mean a Targaryen." "A daughter of the Lady of Larks," Saskia corrects, "she too had put her life on the line in similar situations, the last one costing her life. It seems her sense of goodness was passed onto you."
"But I still don't understand why it must be me," Aemma says, "I am only one person. You have the dwarves of Vergen, Iorveth and the Scoia'tel, you have a sorceress and a witcher now, I don't why you sought me out of all of them."
Saskia makes a small knowing smile in response, stopping when they came closer to the meeting hall where the commanders were waiting.
"I don't know how much Iorveth has told you, but we have plans for this place, for the Pontar Valley. It will need someone to govern once the new free state is established. A leader...and an heir to succeed them afterwards."
Aemma's eyes widen at her meaning, "An heir? You want....you want that heir to be me?" Saskia nodded in response, "I know this is a lot to take in, and it is all so sudden. Believe me, I wish we had more time. I will understand if you need a moment to consider this proposition. You can take the time during the meeting with the commanders if you must."
"Me...an heir," Aemma mutters to herself, "excuse me, Saskia."
Aemma turned and ran off past Saskia and Stennis back outside the hall. Aemma felt herself start to hyperventilate, so she took deep breaths to calm herself.
An heir. The heir to this new free state. Aemma couldn't believe what she was told. This really was all so sudden. Aemma never imagined herself as heir to anything. In Westeros, she was a princess of the realm. The closest she ever got to that position, as it turned out, was when she was betrothed to Aegon, when Alicent made it known that meant Aemma would be his queen consort. But when the betrothal was called off, Aemma made her peace. She knew quickly that her cousin Rhaenyra being made her father's heir, despite her gender, was the exception to the rule of Westeros, a society that valued sons over daughters. It did make her realize that despite being her father's oldest child, any titles or lands he ever would possess would be past to his male heirs, not her or her sisters. Hells, Baela and Rhaena were older than their cousin by several months, yet Lucerys was seen as heir to Driftmark.
The Seven Kingdoms were not like Dorne, where the firstborn inherited everything, regardless of their gender.
Now here Aemma, a woman, was given an opportunity to be an heir to something, anything. Yet, at the same time, it all felt so much, almost like a burden placed on her shoulders. She was nobody in this part of the world, nobody of importance anyway, and what did she truly know about ruling, she was never given the tools to learn such matters.
Surely this could not be what Cedric meant when he told Aemma her destiny awaited her in Vergen. There had to be more to this. But what if it was?
What if this how Aemma would finally find her mother? If she joined Saskia and her cause, then maybe she would somehow find the Wild Hunt, and in turn, rescue her mother from its king.
The consideration was bluntly interrupted the moment Aemma saw Jaskier run over to her in a state of panic. "Uncle? What is it? Has something happened?"
"Aemma, thanks the gods," Jaskier huffs out as he catches his breaths, "you are unharmed." "Why would I be harmed, uncle?" Aemma asks, confused.
"There is commotion in the hall right now as we speak," Jaskier explains, "Saskia has been poisoned. She's dying..."
Shocked, Aemma runs back to the hall, Jaskier following behind her.
Chapter 46
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foxieflower · 8 months
(You can remove the link if you want to)
Kinda tired of gluskin fans, fic writers etc being accused of something. Also funny how she calls Blaire a cute baby, dude, you can dislike Gluskin, of course he is not a saint, but Blaire literally gets advantage of people with some mental illness and child abused victims, and even use their trauma, allowing beatings AND rape, for the experiment to success. People sympathize with Gluskin and Walker since both were victims at some point. Trager gets a pass, despite him RAPING women willingly (though people like him because his design is cool and his BUDDY) before the experiments, and as far as we know Eddie never targetted children or raped women, he mutilated them during some kind of psicosis
I'm gonna be very straight forward, but I cannot stand to watch videos that just berate things I enjoy, so I will not be watching the video for greater context but will however respond to the actual information you sent me directly.
I absolutely agree in the points you made. I find it incredibly contradictory to find people who like one character disgusting but then immediately turn and love the character that's just as bad (or worse). I have gone at length for my dislike of Jeremy and you put it out plainly that is simply due to the fact that he is the one actively creating these monsters. And he knows what goes on within the walls of that asylum. He's a terrible man, but it does make him an incredible villain, so I can totally understand why people enjoy him, I simply do not.
Something important about this game is that it's very blunt, red barrels does not beat around the bush, if they want you to know something about a character, they will directly tell you. So it's easy to very much note that none of Eddie's crimes are that of the sexual nature. He has some wild dialog and very handy in game movements, but if they had wanted you to know of him as someone that executes crimes of that nature, we would have seen in in those flashes of life during the locker scene. Instead we just continue to see a delusional and violent man. Which is a very important thing to note, as when anyone takes part in horror films and enjoyment of the slasher genre, the fact people die is meant to be scary but it's never meant to be some sort of damnation of the monster that is doing it. Or else you wouldn't see so many people enjoy characters like Jason or Michael. Where as if a horror film takes note of a rape scene, it's meant to feel much less like an action scene for your to scream and get an adrenaline rush from, and is very much a tone shift to make you feel uncomfortable and distressed. And not in a pleasant way, it's something entirely different in film versus a villain killing someone.
Now it's to note that from here, it's pointed out that it's obvious that these people in the asylum are essentially just a bunch of slashers, aka, the fact they are killing people is just meant as actions/excitement. It's what you are expecting to come from playing these games. And instead what you are meant ro focus on, story wise, is the underlying information. I'm just going to focus on Eddie to make it easy, but you find his papers that say he has a terrible home life and was assaulted by his father and uncle, you learn that he mutilated women but never did anything uncouth with the bodies, you find out through Waylon that... the scientists are just as gross as his father and uncle were, and that he wasn't cooperative with the obviously bad therapists and would lie to try and get himself in a better situation. People chalk this up to him trying to be manipulative bit it feels much more obvious as a defensive tactic. He's scared and wants out. You are meant to feel for those in the asylum, just like Miles and Waylon do. When he dies, he gifts you with a weakened and delusional message.
Jeremy on the other hand, you get little to no secondary backstory to him, you are meant to see him directly as he is. The man with the money that is making all of this happen and knows it is happening. You are meant to just see him as the man making this asylum work, this terrible place exist. He is only there to kick Waylon at every chance for his escape, to tell him that he wants him dead, he is not there for you to sympathize with. He is supposed to represent the reprehensible company you want to see fail. That's the entire point of Waylon's and Miles' characters, to be the breaking points to destroy this company. When he dies, he is destroyed, he stabs you and then is mutilated by the walrider. He doesn't give you anything to sympathize on.
Now this is not to say that I wouldn't allow people to give him sympathic headcanons, I have read some, I have enjoyed them. They simply aren't my takes on the character and that's fine. I would never send hate to those that like him, but it is fun to bully him as the villain he is.
What does all this rambling mean though? It means that anyone that viscerally hates Eddie snd those that like him while actively saying how much they like Jeremy is entirely missing the point of the first game. The point is that no matter how terrible of people all these variants are, you are still supposed to hate what is happening to them, you aren't supposed to think they deserve to be there and should be without help. No, you are meant to see this as the greater ide aof how mental health is often toyed with and overlooked, how people are often let down and made worse by how terrible many systems are. How money can make those with just as devious thoughts be CEOs while those without are just tossed into a dirty box to be laughed at and prodded, destroyed further. It's meant to show that power imbalance.
You aren't supposed to agree with Murkoff, the point of the game is to see them as the villain. And if you instead are siding with the evil company at the end of the game, either you didn't play it right or you need to execute better critical thinking when enjoying media.
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abyssal-debonair · 1 year
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I posted 6,371 times in 2022
That's 3,652 more posts than 2021!
215 posts created (3%)
6,156 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 6,362 of my posts in 2022
#lol - 2,036 posts
#other people’s art - 1,318 posts
#queer - 1,090 posts
#sky: children of the light - 909 posts
#trans - 539 posts
#other people's art - 397 posts
#humans - 347 posts
#wow - 311 posts
#psa - 255 posts
#cute - 240 posts
Longest Tag: 90 characters
#happens with my writing projects i'll almost finish a story then won't touch it for months
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Deciphering the new murals be like
109 notes - Posted January 17, 2022
What is voidpunk?
voidpunk is an aesthetics subculture that rejects human identity and embraces being nonhuman. popped up from marginalized groups who are often dehumanized as an excuse to mistreat them – trans & nonbinary folk, arospecs, acespecs, neurodivergent & disabled people, and people of color are often the ones welcoming voidpunk but that's not an exclusive list.
as a result of our marginalization from society, people in voidpunk may feel disconnected from their humanity. I liken that voidpunk asks "so what if we're not human? That's not a reason to mistreat us." they challenge the normative social elements regarded as "innately human."
voidpunk embraces aesthetic elements that are not considered human. sometimes it manifests as looking entirely alien, though humanoid shapes are still common, albeit with deviations.
I love it. I've had this sense that I wasn't human, at least didn't feel human among humans, since I was little. I distinctly remember wondering in first grade whether I was an alien wrapped in human skin and dropped off on Earth. I just felt and still do sometimes feel detached from others, like a distance between people irl I just couldn't relate to. I am much of a social pariah. finding voidpunk and the community that came with it made me feel valid in my feelings and, in part, excuse to go wild with creative liberties.
142 notes - Posted June 6, 2022
I want to talk about current events, but I don’t want to be doomerist about it. I want my blog to be an escape, but I don’t want to ignore things that are very relevant to my wellbeing.
Back when I was religious and when I thought I was a girl, I was told by my church that God wanted me to have “beautiful black babies.” It terrified me then as much as it does now. Realizing I’m not a woman and that I’m sex-repulsed asexual does not absolve me from that possibility. In fact, that paints a target on my back for those who still want me to have “beautiful black babies.”
I knew the risks I was taking in regards to my healthcare when I changed my gender marker to an M. Now with blokes declaring abortion and reproductive autonomy a “women’s rights” issue out of ignorance and malice, I am second guessing myself. I think of my friends who are and are not seen by such cisnormative language. I fear for them. I fear for myself.
I hate those who willingly erase my gender, my queerness, my disabilities, and my race in all this. They think they are acting in their best interests. Instead, they are pulling everyone back.
I hope and I believe things will turn out for the better with enough people rallying against all this bullshit. I see it. Yet I understand progress is slow. I fear for what may happen in the time in between.
216 notes - Posted May 4, 2022
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Have a
264 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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snapped a shot of Megabird during the transition from blue to gold
655 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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kati11 · 5 months
BLOG 1(FINALS): Navigating the Seas of Product Launch and Marketing
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Launching a product is akin to presenting your brainchild to the world, a moment when you strive to captivate the attention and interest of potential customers, urging them to invest in what you have to offer. However, it's vital to distinguish product launching from the broader concept of marketing, which encompasses the entire process of introducing your product to the public, with elements like the marketing matrix—product, place, price, and promotion—firmly in place.
But pause for a moment and ponder, are you truly ready to launch?
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According to Mr. Carlo Calimon, director of Startup Village, amidst the cacophony of companies vying for attention, your idea might get lost in the noise. So, how do you ensure that your customers not only hear you but are genuinely interested in what you're bringing to the table? The answer lies in understanding your customers.
Calimon defines customers as the entities who willingly part with their money to fill your pockets. To convince them to do so, you must first identify the value of your product. Does it address the needs and wants of your target audience? The interplay between needs and wants becomes crucial in this context.
The Parable of the shoe maker eloquently illustrated the axiom
"Needs begets wants"
It underscores the primacy of addressing essential human needs before catering to desires. As entrepreneurs, our focus should be on discerning and fulfilling the genuine needs of our customers.
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The tale revolves around a miner turned shoemaker who, recognizing the need for foot protection, crafts sturdy shoes. As demand grows, diverse customers emerge—women, children, and professionals—with specific wants regarding style and comfort. However, the core need, foot protection, remains paramount. The shoemaker's success lies in adeptly addressing the fundamental need while accommodating secondary wants.
The parable imparts a valuable lesson for entrepreneurs: prioritize understanding and meeting customers' needs. Listening becomes a potent tool in crafting products that not only satisfy but exceed expectations. By focusing on the fit between your product or service and the genuine needs of your audience, you pave the way for a successful product launch and subsequent marketing endeavors.
In conclusion, the art of launching a product extends beyond mere presentation; it requires a profound understanding of your customers' needs. As entrepreneurs, our journey begins with attentive listening, evolves through addressing essential needs, and culminates in creating a product that not only resonates with customers but becomes an indispensable part of their lives.
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sardlaw · 11 months
AI porn is easy to make now
The content she shares does not contain nude photos, she says. However, someone on the internet created and used a QTC Cinderella likeness of her in computer-generated porn. Earlier this month, celebrity streamer Brandon Ewing admitted that he had seen these images on a website containing thousands of other deep fakes, citing a growing threat in the AI ​​age, namely that technology is a new threat targeting women. It attracted attention for creating tools.
"Those who say it's no big deal don't know how it feels to send family a picture of themselves doing something they've never done before," Cinderella said in a live streaming video. rice field.
 Broadcasters usually do not reveal her real name and only use a pseudonym. Cinderella did not respond to a separate request for comment. She said in a live stream that her response to the case was "heartbreaking" and shouldn't be part of her job.
Until recently, creating realistic ai porn required computer skills. Thanks to new easy-to-use AI tools, anyone with access to images of a victim's face can now create realistic-looking explicit content using AI-generated bodies. Abuse experts say incidents of harassment and extortion are likely to increase as malicious actors use AI models to humiliate targets ranging from celebrities to ex-lovers to even children.
Women have few ways to protect themselves and victims have few recourse, they say.
In 2019, an analysis by AI firm DeepTrace Technologies found that 96% of deepfakes on the internet were pornographic content, and virtually all pornographic deepfakes featured women. Since then, the presence of deep fakes has proliferated, but law enforcement and educators have been slow to respond, said Daniel Citron, a law professor and online abuse expert. Only her three states in the US have laws against deepfake porn.
 Criminals didn't need powerful machine learning to create deep fakes. Deepfakes were already easy to create with “face swap” apps available in the Apple and Google app stores. But the latest wave of AI makes deepfakes more accessible, and the models can be hostile to women in novel ways.
Since these models learn what to do by ingesting billions of images from the internet, they can reflect societal biases, sexualizing images of women by default, said Hany Farid, a professor at the University of California at Berkeley who specializes in analyzing digital images. As AI-generated images improve, Twitter users have asked if the images pose a financial threat to consensually made adult content, such as the service OnlyFans where performers willingly show their bodies or perform sex acts.
 Deepfakes` harm is amplified by the public response
People viewing explicit images of you without your consent — whether those images are real or fake — is a form of sexual violence, said Kristen Zaleski, director of forensic mental health at Keck Human Rights Clinic at the University of Southern California. Victims are often met with judgment and confusion from their employers and communities, she said. For example, Zaleski said he used to work with a teacher in a small town who lost his job after his parents found out ai generated porn was being made without the teacher's consent.
 The growing supply of deepfakes is driven by demand: Following Ewing`s apology, a flood of traffic to the website hosting the deepfakes caused the site to crash repeatedly, said independent researcher Genevieve Oh. The number of new videos on the site almost doubled from 2021 to 2022 as AI imaging tools proliferated, she said. Deepfake creators and app developers alike make money from the content by charging for subscriptions or soliciting donations, Oh found, and Reddit has repeatedly hosted threads dedicated to finding new deepfake tools and repositories.
Asked why it hasn`t always promptly removed these threads, a Reddit spokeswoman said the platform is working to improve its detection system. “Reddit was one of the earliest sites to establish sitewide policies that prohibit this content, and we continue to evolve our policies to ensure the safety of the platform
 Machine learning models can also spit out images depicting child abuse or rape and, because no one was harmed in the making, such content wouldn`t violate any laws, Citron said. But the availability of those images may fuel real-life victimization, Zaleski said. Some generative image models, including the
Dall-E, have limitations that make explicit image creation difficult. OpenAI minimizes nude images in Dall-E's training data, blocks input for certain requests, and scans output before displaying it to users, Dall-E's chief researcher Aditya Ramesh told The Washington Post. Told.
 "It felt almost eerie," she said. "It's as if a man takes a picture of a woman he's just found online and puts it in this app and imagines her looking naked."
Deleting your own existence is not practical. AI abuse. Instead, experts urge victims to avoid ingesting non-consensual sexual content and understand its impact on their mental health, career, and relationships.
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starringsheshitposts · 1 year
Caroline: :( Ew...! I have a pimple! I’m so ugly!!
Alex: It could be worse. You could have grandma glasses and a children’s haircut.
Caroline: :( Hm...! (desperately putting on concealer)
Archie: Yeah, well, you could have no discernible personality traits other than “undermedicated” and a poorly crafted pun about tea and punishment as your Twitter handle.
Alex: Ouch.
Caroline: :( But what about my pimple? I can’t cover it up!! It’s so gross!
Archie: It’s not gross, Caroline! No part of you is gross! (kisses her pimple) See?
Alex: I don’t know what that was supposed to make me feel other than nauseated.
Archie: Don’t you think Caroline’s pretty, even with her pimple?
Alex: ...Well, to be honest, Archimedes, I hadn’t really considered it.
Caroline: Archie kissed it! Now it’s your turn!
Alex: I’ll kiss it.
Caroline: :) Really?
Alex: Yes. As soon as Archimedes kisses the seat of my trousers.
Archie: >:C
Caroline: :( You think I’m ugly...!
Alex: I’m not kissing your pimple, Caroline. That’s disgusting.
Alex: I did not! I said that willingly kissing pimples is disgusting.
Caroline: Even though it’s on your best friend’s face? :(
Alex: Did you just declare yourself my best friend?
Caroline: (looking in the mirror at her pimple) Well, who else would it be? I’m not being nasty, Alex, but you don’t keep a lot of friends. It makes sense for me to be your closest friend.
Alex: You’re not my closest friend.
Caroline: ............Oh...
Archie: Well, if it’s not Caroline, then who is?
Alex: It’s this! (he holds up a completely unidentifiable object)
Caroline: ...... (she tilts her head) What is it?
Alex: I have absolutely no idea, but isn’t it great? I found it in a pond.
Caroline: ...................Okay, so back to what’s important!
Archie: Me.
Caroline: No!! :( My pimple!
Alex: Caroline, for the love of God, it’s only a pimple! It’s not that bad.
Caroline: You wouldn’t understand, beauty standards aren’t the same for men as they are for women!!
Alex: I understand why you’d say that, but I think you’re forgetting what I look like, Caroline. I wish my only flaw was a tiny pimple!
Caroline: Aww, you think that’s my only flaw? :)
Alex: I think you need a reality check.
Archie: I think we need a dog.
Alex: We’re not getting a dog, Archimedes.
Archie: C’mon, you know you want one!!
Caroline: (kneeling and pawing at Alex) :) Woof?
Archie: Pretty sure its not the first time she’s done that in her life, lmao.
Caroline: :( .......Woof?
Alex: NO! (he smacks her on the nose with a rolled up newspaper) BAD DOG! STUPID DOG! HORRIBLE, HATEFUL, LOATHSOME DOG!! GET UP!
Archie: You’re literally playing into it at this point, I don’t know what else I can do to stop it from happening.
Alex: Stop what from happening?
Caroline: >:C Ow!! That hurt!
Alex: I should warn you that the last dog I had died under gruesome circumstances so you should probably do what I told you to do if you want to live.
Caroline: ........ (sadly, slowly starts to stand up) I just wanted to be a cute puppy...
Alex: I’m not your target audience for that, Caroline, and to be honest with you, I don’t know who is.
Archie: OnlyFans, lmao.
Alex: WHY must you turn everything sexual?!
Archie: Bold of you to assume it wasn’t already sexual...
Caroline: Can we all say something else other than the word “sexual”?!
Alex: Putrefaction.
Caroline: ..........I was thinking more like “Let’s all go out for coffee”, but I suppose that will do.
Alex: We can go out for coffee, if you wish, Caroline.
Caroline: ...But what about my pimple...?
Alex: OH MY GOD! Alright, hold still! (he puts his hand over her cheek)
Caroline: :) I don’t know what’s going on right now but I don’t ever want it to end.
Alex: (he takes his hand away) There! It’s gone. Are you happy now?
Caroline: :o (looking in her compact mirror) ...Omg! Alex!! How did you do that?!
Alex: It’s what I do, Caroline. Will you stop your incessant whining now?
Caroline: :) You never cease to amaze me, Alex.
Alex: Good. Shall we go?
Archie: We’re going to a place that serves decaf, right...?
Alex: (putting on his coat) Nope, we’re going to poison you.
Archie: :( Aw...! Not again!
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iomontecillo · 2 years
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“Retrenchment” was the term describing prison-rape introduced thrpugh the school system, “encouraging” girls to subordinate themselves to “an Arian male” as a means of denying them 1) the tools for selfdefense and autonomy 2) a fair wage and work environment 3) the basic Human rights and the protections attested by religion, international conventions and common sense - in the hopes that mob rule would compel the woman to willingly allow herself to be raped and offer such a mob the blood of her children (which would be slavery). This practice was then organized into “the wandering marriage”, consisting of a caravan of men travelling between towns to transport brides, thereby re-perpetuating a circle of negatove social heritage. The male Hyena practice (from Africa) describes a male being paid to deflower/impregnate girls once becoming fertile, after which custody battles May ensue - and this is imposed surrogacy. On the other hand there’s also the custom of Female Genital Mutilation, which seeks to sterilize the female and enable other means of exploitation (eunuch practices). When these are joined into the harem practice the result is a Black eunuch surrounded by a crowd of females - or more accurately a group of prison-lesbians so full of hormones they’ll use any Lie and excuse to create an inappropriate context. The descriptions of the harem are full of harem-generated drama centered around the stories of multiple women generating offspring by the same male - making it gang-rape. A multitude of Danish films illustrate this “game” plottes out and pursued, which isn’t “a conspiracy theory” as much as history being taught to us at all levels of Education, which is then applied as a means to violate “newcomers” in a local village form of hate-rape-tourism as took place in Salem, Massachussets (See “Adam’s Apples/ Adams Æbler”). The central goal of “the game” is to create an at isolere of fear and paranoia (domestic abuse and terrorism) as a means to “encourage” the targeted to “seek medical attention” (drug-dependency) and thereby become chronically exploitable, which is trafficking (pimping and slavery). https://www.instagram.com/p/CfGYLZUtU6F/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vampirebrunoau · 2 years
Hi! Sooo… both Vicente and Bruno feed on human blood (right?).
I imagine Bruno has difficulties on adapting to his new diet, feels shame and grief and feeds only when strictly necessary. He absolutely avoids kids, women and the sickly and attacks only strong men who could potentially recover from blood loss. Bruno tries not to kill (?? Does he? Idk? I’m asking? He did accidentally kill his priest friend...). When he’s ravenous I guess/suppose he has less ethic concerns about his victims. Maybe? Please, correct me if I’m wrong I'm just assuming.
And what about Vicente? He’s older, more powerful and supposedly has more self-control (right?). What is his policy about who to feed on? Does he select his victims based on blood type or other preferences? Or does he go full apex predator and attacks indiscriminately whoever he wants, no matter the age, gender or condition?
Thanks in advance! :D
Vampires can feed on any blood, with some limits. Human blood is always ok; animal blood is enough to keep them from starving (and going feral), but doesn't nourish them; and vampire blood is ok in very small amounts, but too much can have the same effects than eating human food (getting really sick)
In the main story, Bruno never kills a human willingly. He starts feeding on his rats, (usually the sick and the old), then he is able to buy animal blood from the local butcher. As said before, this allows him to carry on normal a normal life. However, he is very weak and unable to use his gift and fully take advantage of his vampire skills. At some point he will kill humans under Vicente's manipulation, but Bruno is against it at all moments.
As you said, Vicente is in fact older, stronger and more experienced. He no longer has the same moral dilemma than Bruno deals with. If he is hungry, he will eat. He chooses the victim depending on how easy and subtle attacking them will be.
Both agree that children are out of the question, other than that, they don't care about age or gender. Bruno would try to feed on those people he considers "evil", since he has a very black and white thinking; Vicente doesn't think those things matter as long he can eat.
Of course, when they are starving for too long, they no longer are thinking rationally, and anything that contains blood can be a target.
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a-study-in-crime · 2 years
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The Fritzl Case: The Kidnapping [Part 1]
I have divided  the story about the Fritzl case into three parts. This is the first part and covers Josef Fritzl’s life, Elisabeth’s life prior to the captivity, and the kidnapping. 
Who is Josef Fritzl?
On April 9, 1935, a baby boy named Josef Fritzl was born in Amstetten, Austria. Amstetten, which is about an hour away from the capital Vienna, would remain Josef's home throughout his life. Not much is known about Josef's childhood, except that his father left the family when Josef was young. Josef was also often physically abused by his mother, which may have resulted in Josef's violent tendencies later on. Josef married at the age of 21, and his wife was named Rosemarie. Rosemarie was four years younger than Josef, but it seemed to be a happy marriage. It did not take long until the couple had their first child, and they ended up having seven children.
The Fritzl family life
In 1966, the Fritzl couple had a daughter whom they named Elisabeth. Elisabeth would later become Josef's main target of severe abuse and rape. However, Josef was not just interested in his daughter; he was also attacking other women. A year before Elisabeth was born, Josef raped a woman in the nearby town, Linz. Josef also exposed himself on several occasions.
Despite Josef's obvious sexual deviance, his marriage to Rosemarie continued. The couple lived in a house together with their seven children; three sons and four daughters. However, as mentioned earlier, Josef took a special liking to his daughter Elisabeth. Josef always took Elisabeth with him when he left the house, and she was not allowed to leave the house alone. Josef became increasingly possessive over his daughter and even started to rummage through Elisabeth's possessions. When Elisabeth turned 11, Josef started to sexually abuse her.
At the age of 15, Elisabeth dropped out of school and decided to become a waitress. However, the abuse she suffered at the hands of her father became too much to bear, and she decided to run away from home. She managed to stay hidden for about three weeks until she was found by the police. Elisabeth continued working as a waitress for three years; at the age of 18, something truly horrible happened to her.
The kidnapping
Unbeknownst to anyone, Josef began building a secret basement. He wanted to make sure Elisabeth would stay with him and decided to kidnap his daughter. The family already had a basement, but Josef expanded it and built what would become Elisabeth's home for many years. The secret part of the basement had three lockable doors, which would ensure that Elisabeth would not escape.
On August 28, 1984, Josef decided to carry out his heinous plan. He lured Elisabeth to the basement and pressed a towel soaked in ether to her face. When Elisabeth had gone unconscious, Josef took her into the secret part of the basement. Elisabeth's mother reported her missing, which resulted in Josef forcing his daughter to write a letter. In the letter, Elisabeth stated that she had run away from home and did not want to be found. Josef handed over the letter to the police and told them that he suspected that she had joined a sect, possibly a religious one. Sadly, the police did not investigate Elisabeth's disappearance further; they simply accepted that she had willingly left. If the police had investigated just a bit more, then perhaps 24 years of suffering would have been avoided.
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