#they think they're so smart in their little gaming chairs
vanikerch · 2 years
Hypochondriac, Histrionic, Hysterical
The three H's of ableist assholes who definitely don't know psychology trying to use it to insult you.
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Was having some thoughts about Steve joining Hellfire. They are as follows.
I'm thinking maybe they start him off with smaller weekly oneshots. Unbeknownst to Steve they are also still meeting for their regular other campaign, he figures that out later. That Eddie's been writing one shots for him on top of his other bonkers story he's got going and Steve is like "oh 🥺".
BUTTT! during the one shots, all the kids have their moments of being RUDE to Steve. Mike is the worst (cuz I dislike him and his fucking attitude). But everytime one of them is rude to Steve, and it's like legit mean stuff, like them calling him stupid. Things like that. Steve usually kinda gets quiet. And then, whenever the kids do that, Eddie starts making notes in his notebook. Then whoever said the mean thing, their characters die.
Like, Mike gets the worst of it cuz he's just such an ass. But Eddie's got a SYSTEM in these notes okay!!! There are straight tallys, for actually hurtful mean things, there are wiggly tallys for things he can tell are meant to be teasing but that he can tell definitely still kinda hurt Steve a bit. And then there are stars. People get stars for helping Steve along the way.
Be that helping his characters, or just helping him with his math or helping him understand something about the game when Eddie is busy or "distracted". Cuz he legit always notices when people help Steve. Most of the time it's cuz he hears Steve's genuine thank yous. Lucas, and surprisingly Erica, have the most stars, aside from El. Max gets stars sometimes just for back talking Mike's rudes comments with shit like,
"mike what does it matter? we're all about to die anyway. That sphinx is gonna fucking eat us. Who cares. Leave him alone."
Because her and El have of course been invited too. But they've been playing just a LITTLE bit longer so they know a small amount more. El only has stars because she is legit always helpful. Steve has taken to sitting between El and Erica because they're the nicest to him. Lucas usually sits across from him.
Dustin has lots of wiggly tallys cuz he just can't control his mouth sometimes. But one day Mike gets brutally killed again and starts whining about it and Steve has noticed Eddie making little notes. Has no idea what they are. Cuz he doesn't look through other people's notebooks. Thats rude.
Everyone has noticed the notes. No one has asked. They all have theories. And when Eddie is like,
"I'm trying to teach you a lesson. Not my fault you aren't smart enough to figure out what it is." And his voice has such a BITCHY tone when he says it. Because Mike had JUST been hounding Steve for missing "obvious" clues and not being smart enough to figure it out and walking into a trap.
And steve had gone red from his ears all the way down his neck, he also felt bad cuz he'd gotten El's character hurt. And then Mike had been an ass. Steve was upset. So Eddie killed Mike. And then he's whining and Eddie's about to say something else when El speaks up, looks across the table with a scowl and says,
"just be nicer! It's not hard to be nice. Steve is our friend. Be nice to him." And she rolls her eyes at Mike, puts her hand on Steve's arm and is like,
"I will be fine. Will can heal me." And Will pipes up and is like,
"yeah. I can heal her no problem." But it's El's outburst that makes Steve kind of wonder more about the notes Eddie takes.
He'd never ask, and never look. But he stays behind one day to help Eddie clean up, they have weekly games at the community center.
So Steve's staying after and helping with chairs and tables and getting books and dice and things stored away and Eddie's notebook is RIGHT THERE. Open to the page he's always scribbling on. And Steve just sort of... stops. And looks at it. And it's everyone's names with tallys and marks and stars. Erica has wiggly marks AND stars. But mostly stars. Because she helps him with his math almost every game.
Also she "accidentally" let mike get hit with an attack in the game cuz he was being rude. El's is all stars and scrawled under them in Eddie's chicken scratch is,
"She's a literal angel oh my god."
So Steve's eyes are just wandering over this page and his brow is all creased and he doesn't hear Eddie come back until he says,
"figured out what's missing yet?" In that teasing sweet little voice he uses on Steve that makes him feel a little dizzy sometimes, give him butterflies in his stomach, and his whole body jerks and he looks up and Eddie's leaning casually against the wall near the door. And Steve immediately apologizes and Eddie laughs, shakes his head, walks closer. And is like,
"It's okay Steve. But you didn't answer my question." He licks his lips, steps closer. Steve looks back to the notebook for a second and then back to Eddie.
"My names not on there?" He asks, worrying his finger into the table top next to the notebook. And Eddie is nodding.
"Yup." And Steve's like,
"The tallys are about... me?" And he's frowning. But Eddie steps a bit closer, standing next to the table now. And he smiles, all shy and soft and is like,
"yeah Steve. They're about you. Got kinda tired of all the kids talking shit about you. And to you. So I came up with a system. Anyone says anything about you being stupid, I kill them." He grins, wide like the Cheshire cat and Steve feels kinda pinned down by it. Feels kinda hot all over.
"You didn't- have to do that. It's fine. It doesn't bother me. I mean I know I'm not smart." And he just shakes his head and looks at the ground and Eddie kinda slams his hand down on the table, startling him. He looks up and Eddie looks mad. Not at him. Just, mad.
"You're not though. Is the thing. I mean... you're incredibly good at strategy. I know you don't know enough about dnd yet to know this, but you've been a crucial part in winning like, the last three games." Eddie steps closer, his fingertips brushing the back of Steve's hand.
"You're not stupid. You're just smart in different ways." Eddie shrugs. Gives Steve a little lopsided smile.
"You think I'm smart?" He asks, biting his lip to stop the giddy smile that's threatening to spread. Eddie doesn't stop his smile, just lets it go, lets it dimple his cheeks and make Steve's knees weak. And he's like,
"yeah man. Just cuz some jumped up little tweens can't see it doesn't mean I can't. You're kinda hard to miss." He does bite his lip then, fingers playing with his hair, Steve knows he's trying not to hide behind it.
"I just uh-" Eddie clears his throat,
"I'm really petty. And protective. And it's ridiculous cuz you're not even mine but- I just- felt like I had to protect you. Or stick up for you. Or something? I dunno. Feels stupid now that I'm saying it out- oof!" Eddie huffs when Steve slams into him. Arms wrapped around his neck. He may or may not be crying into Eddie's hellfire shirt. But he gives Eddie a squeeze and then pulls back, looks at him, smiles and says,
"I am though." With a little shrug. And Eddie's like,
"you... are?" Confused. And Steve laughs, light and sweet and says,
"Yours. I am yours. If you'll have me. Or want me. Or- mmfph!" Steve's words end in a high pitched hum as Eddie's lips hit his. Just a firm press. His hand on Steve's cheek. He pulls back fast, pink in the cheeks.
"Sorry I just- if you let me have you, Steve. I may never let you go." He chuckles, giddy. Steve snorts, his head falling to Eddie's shoulder for a second before he looks at Eddie, cups his cheek genlty.
"Who says I want you to?" His brows jump, challenging. Eddie goes redder, down to his neck.
"Wanna try that kiss again?" Steve asks.
"God was is bad? I've never- I'm not... good. At that stuff." Eddie cringes. Steve cups both his cheeks until Eddie's wide eyes are staring at him, his cheeks a little squished.
"It wasn't bad. It was kind of perfectly you. But we can get you good at that stuff. You're a fast learner right?" Steve smirks, Eddie's eyes go impossibly wider as he nods aggressively, cheeks squishing even more.
"Yes, sir." Eddie mumbles between his squished lips. Steve nods, once and then moves forward, slowly, determined to show Eddie just how thankful he is for him. How thankful he is that Eddie sees him.
And protective.
And Steve's.
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ramu-ego · 1 year
I hope the requests are open, if not ignore..
But hear me out!!
The boys as tiddie suckers ??? I just know some of them would non stop.😭
and have a wonderful day, sweetie. I love your work so much ! <3
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(nsfw) TIDDY BOYS :: xfemdom!Reader
can confirm yes yes yes we have some tiddy obsessed men here ♡ -askbox open cw: fem!Reader, dom!Reader, aged up, nursging/nipple play/etc, sexual content, subbier content in Ego's, unedited word count: sloppy headcanons character(s): Isagi Yoichi, Itoshi Rin, Ego Jinpachi, Kenyu Yukimiya, Nagi Seishiro
DNI :: minors, blank blogs + m!Reader blogs
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one word; OBSESSED
your tits are the reason for breathing as far as he's concerned and Isagi has no problem reminding you of that daily if not hourly - schedules permitting
size doesn't matter he's a nipple man anyways
hours can be lost to them which he happily relinquishes his free time to worship your chest
squeezing, groping and licking every inch of your tiddy while he lays on his tummy kicking his feet like a happy little school girl
adores your nipples
cannot stress this enough your nipples are where he'll wrap his lips around them for hours on end
nursing, licking and the occasional bite (nothing a thump to the head won't fix)
pretty sure his mother weened him too early with how hard he'll go with his nursing kink
swears nothing in the world turns him on like your tits and it's true
9times out of 10 he's rutting into the bed mindlessly while he's nursing only to end up in a gooey puddle of his own cum from simply nursing on your tits while you play with his hair
sucking on your tits while he's inside you expect Isagi to loose his mind like a good boy
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shy tit sucker
not because he sees anything wrong with it, just, shy about how much he wants to do it
your tits are constantly on his mind which frankly is unacceptable but the only remedy for his plagued thoughts?
that's right, planting himself face first in your boobs!
100% stress reliever for him but he's too dense to connect the dots and often times thinks his obsession with your tits is a vice
a vice that he inevitably gives into almost daily but it's cute to watch his internal struggle the second you walk around barless/shirtless
stares all the time it's so obvious
will blatantly tell you he's not looking at them only to come over five minutes later and put his face in them
the fattiest part of your tit is his favorite
loves the mouth feel of it and sometimes you have to remind him to explore other parts of your tit instead of just sucking on the squishiest part like a dumb calf
pls why is he this smart yet so obtuse sometimes
once he finds your nipples it's game over his lips aren't going anywhere but your clothes sure are
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they're there for him to look at and touch all he wants so why would he ever invest in something as dumb as stress balls
nothing compares to his fingers diligently dimpling the fat of your breast while he massages them mindlessly going about his work
extremely handsy and perhaps a little possessive
your tits are his favorite thing and Ego sees no qualms in making the most of his love for them of course
and with fingers like that who would complain
plucking at your nipples, rolling them between his fingers until your squirming and then just pulling you back into his lap to reaffirm you can get up when he's done
Ego wanted a bigger office chair so he could accommodate you sitting in his lap and damn well he's going to get that bigger office chair for exactly that
if it's been an extra stressful day full of idiots expect his mouth to be preoccupied by what he explains is the best stress relief right under fucking
sucking on your tits of course!
mouthful, face buried in your tit for as long as he wants with a tongue as dexterous and attentive as his fingers; Ego's going to be down here a while so might as well get comfortable
bonus his hair is super soft and pettable so don't forget to pet him like a good boy
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another shy tiddy sucker
but he's not as forward with his vice as say some other strikers
he's thinking about your tits 24/7
but who can blame him when they just feel so good in his hands and Kenyu couldn't live another day without the thought of getting his mouth on you
it's cute though, when he tries to control his little impulses
tries so hard but mommy knows best for a reason
the second you brush up against him Kenyu is struggling to keep his composure without making a fool of himself
but his foolish side is so cute!
take it upon yourself to force his face into your tits and watch him give into his greedy little needs like a true egoist
loves loves loves to feel them against his face
laying on your chest, nuzzling and the occasional motorboat when he gets a little excited, he just can't help it they're so warm and soft!
different levels of neediness with this one
sometimes rubbing his cheek against you while you pet his hair and hold him is more than enough
other times Kenyu won't be interrupted by even the end of the world if his lips finally find their home around your nipple
he's not very shy after you extend the invitation to let him play with your tits and good luck getting him off before he's had his fill
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default nursing kink
default mommy kink
these are his factory standard settings and there is no getting rid of them
Nagi sees no issue with using your tits as his gaming pillow or even a reason why it might be inconvenient to have him sucking on them while also trying to play videogames
spoiler he drools at this angle....a lot
an obscene amount of nonsexual touching is just a given with him
hand down the shirt groping to find your tit until he's got his hands on it
then it's like an almost full body sigh like he's got his security blanket
yes you should just buy that extra large shirt bc all 6'2" of him is going to attempt to crawl into it to be closer
has a favorite boob, it's your left one, because it's closest to your heart
and yes he thinks this is just top tier romantic to love the boob above your heart
expect him to fall asleep with boob in his mouth, to sleep with boob in his hand and as just a general rule have some form of contact with your boobs whenever possible
and yes...Reo knows how obsessed with your boobs Nagi is
no thanks to Nagi
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doyouknowbtsswag · 5 months
Hiii, hruuuu i loved your chishiya fic and wanted to request a chishiya imagine/oneshot where he tries to fluster YOU but it backfires and he gets flustered and embarrased and shy (unnecessary detail but the reader is also rlly quiet and is good at manipulating and stuff like that)
Also, no rush, hope ur gonna write this and hope your doing well, eating,drinking and sleeping well, love youuu byeee<33
Playboy |Chishiya|
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I am so sorry it’s been so long since this was requested hopefully you like it😭
The sound of loud party music and people messing around could be heard miles away. The people around me to hyper for their own good and the alcohol they were drinking wasn't helping. I awkwardly sat on one of the sun chairs annoyed at the current outfit I was wearing if it counts as one. The stupid bikini I had to wear that showed off almost everything on my body. I saw a guy coming over near the group of people in front of me ready to attack them with water. I quickly got up from the chair and wandered around to find somewhere water-free which was inside. I cringed walking past the bar filled with people drunk out of their minds and doing the most vulgar things that belonged in private. I walked faster through the halls not wanting to take the risk of bumping into Niragi. I internally gagged at the thought of him in general. I stayed by myself the whole time I've been in borderland not wanting to cling to someone and then lose them. I opted on going up to the roof knowing no one would party up there. The breeze countered the stuffy feeling downstairs. The smell of alcohol and smoke leaving my nose and having a fresh smell. I leaned against the railing looking out to the sea. I smiled thinking about what my life will be like after Borderland and I don't intend on dying anytime soon.
I play the game as if it was Chess. I collect my allies as if they're my pawns once I don't need them I knock them off the board. The day I ended up here was bittersweet. I need a reliable pawn so I can make my way up to one day get rid of the people in my way to beat the game and one of the people who are in my way so far is that bastard Niragi and the militants who are nothing but assholes. Once that happens I'll get them in my clutch and knock them off my board and make sure they shatter. I groaned in annoyance hearing the door open thinking two people were up here to hook up.
"I didn't see you come up here," a girl said as I glanced over my shoulder.
"I've been up here" I shrugged in an unbothered tone. "It's a nice spot" I turned around to see who it was.
"I can't blame you," the familiar face said. I've seen her multiple times and played a game or two with her.
Perfect pawn
"What's your name again? We've played quite a few games together It's funny we've never exchanged names" I gave a fake smile.
"Oh, I've never seen him before," I said casually nodding to the mysterious guy.
"Chishiya," He said giving an unbothered grin.
Another pawn
"Nice to meet you," I said a little pissed at his perfect grin that matched his face perfectly.
I walked a bit closer so I wasn't so far from the pair but I stood at a comfortable distance from them. However, the blonde seemed amused by the interaction.
"So what brings you up here?" I asked watching and listening to them carefully.
"Why should we tell you?" Chishiya said with his hands in his pockets.
He's confident
"Just wondering since I'm planning on staying up here" I crossed my arms.
"You will eventually so don't worry about it"
Stop with the smug smile
"Maybe I will or maybe I won't" I shrugged.
"So Y/n how've you been?" Kuina asked derailing the topic.
"I've been fine just hanging around" I shrugged. "Not much to do"
"Your right about that"
"Not much of a party girl huh?" The blonde piped in as if he wanted to piss me off.
"Not really I'm not interested in getting wasted when I have to play games to survive wouldn't be smart would it?"
"Your right about that" He moved his head to the side chuckling. "You just look like a party girl"
"Oh really?" I uncrossed my arms. "How so?"
"Your swimsuit and the way you have your hair"
Is he trying to flirt with me or catch me off guard?
"So we're going by looks"
"Maybe," He said confidently.
I walked closer to him till we were shoulder to shoulder.
"Then I guess you look like a playboy" I whispered in his ear. "Thanks for the compliment earlier by the way”
I didn't have to look at his face to see his cheeks tinted red. The way his body tensed up told me I won the silent confidence battle.
"I'll leave you two to talk about whatever you need to talk about" I walked to the roof door to get back down. I waved goodbye seeing Kuina's confused look and Chishiya's mouth wide open. "Oh and don't die" I winked and grinned walking downstairs.
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persesphonestears · 1 year
More cod incorrect quotes
A/N: There is an obvious pattern cause I used a generator lmao anyway
C/W: uh swearing? i think thats it for once
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Ghost: Favourite horror movie?
Soap: It
Price: Saw
Gaz: Annabelle
R/n: High School Musical. after watching it I spent all my middle school years terrified that the entire school would start singing something and I’d be the only one who didn’t know the lyrics
Price: You're a loose cannon, Ghost.
Ghost: No, I'm not. I'm a cannon maybe, but a loose cannon? Is that what you think of me?
Soap: I think you play by your own rules.
Gaz: No way, they think rules were made to be broken.
Price: Those are all attributes of a loose cannon.
Ghost: No, I'm just a reckless renegade. R/n is a loose cannon.
R/n: *smashes a chair*
Price: Good morning.
Ghost: Good morning.
Soap: Good morning.
Gaz: You all sound like robots, try spicing it up a bit.
Price: Where's Ghost, Soap, and Gaz?
R/n: They're playing hide and seek.
Price: Where?
R/n: I don't think you get how this game works.
Price: You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast?
Ghost: Several traffic violations.
Soap: Three counts of resisting arrest.
Gaz: Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks.
R/n: Also, that’s not our car.
Price: Nothing in life is free.
Ghost: Love is free!
Soap: Adventure is free.
Gaz: Knowledge is free.
R/n: Everything is free if you take it without paying.
R/n: We need more help. Maybe I should call my friends.
Ghost: ... Your what?
R/n: My friends.
Price: Are they saying “friends”?
Gaz: I think they're being sarcastic.
Soap: No, no, no, this is delirium, they've cracked from being awake all night. Hey, R/n! All of your friends are in this room.
R/n: I have other friends! You asked me to make new friends, I made new friends! It was a task. I complete tasks.
Price: Good responses for being stabbed with a knife?
Gaz: Rude.
Soap: That’s fair.
Ghost: Not again.
R/n: Are you going to want this back? Or can I keep it?
R/n: Is having a penis fun?
Ghost: It has its ups and downs.
Soap: Sometimes it’s a little hard.
Gaz: It’s a pain in the ass.
R/n: Oh, Jesus, fuck, guys, come on.
Gaz: That's it, we're gonna go out and find what we need!
Price: To the city?
Gaz: Yeah, no matter what!
R/n: Well- How exactly do you propose we do that, exactly?
Gaz: I... I don't know!
Ghost: Oh come off it, be serious!
Gaz: I am serious!
Ghost: You're insane!
Soap: Why, if only we were all wiener dogs, our problems would be solved!
Price: What???
Soap: Or maybe it was a basset hound!
R/n: no no maybe Soap is onto something..
Ghost, panicked: YOU'RE ALL INSANE!
Price: We’ve been conducting an ongoing study to see what R/n will and will not eat.
Ghost: Grass? Yes!
Price: Moss? Yes!!
Ghost: Leaves? Ohh, yes!
Price: Shoelaces? Strange but true!
Ghost: Worms? Sometimes!
Price: Rocks? Usually not.
Ghost: Twigs? Usually!
Price: Soap's cooking? Inconclusive!
Gaz: How did you… test this?
Price: You just hand them stuff and say ‘eat this’ and if they eat it, they eat it.
Gaz: ... I don’t know how to feel about this.
Price: Are we really going to let R/n keep the cat?
Gaz: Hey we kept R/n.
Price: Why isn’t the statue smirking at me?
Ghost: It isn’t smirking at anyone, they’re all just imagining it.
Price: Three of us saw it, Ghost. How do you explain that?
Ghost: *points at Soap* Sleep deprivation. *points at Gaz* Paranoia. *points at R/n* Delusional personality disorder.
Price, trying to convince R/n to join the task force: You know... I thought it'd be good to have someone alongside us who's really... smart!
Gaz: And loud!
Soap: And grumpy!
Ghost: And oblivious to reality
Price: Bridge the generation gap by combining old and new slang into one!
Gaz: Tubular AF!
Soap: Mood to the max!
Ghost, annoyed: Groovy, I hate it.
R/n, just as annoyed: If she breathes, she’s a square.
Price: Tf
Price: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the items you have lost throughout your life
Ghost: Self-esteem, haven't seen you in years
Soap: Oh wow, my innocence! Thank you for finding this!
Gaz: I knew I lost that potential somewhere!
R/n: My entire childhood and happiness, is that you?
Price: I was just gonna show you this cool trunk my mother left me but do you guys need a hug?
Price: What does 'take out' mean?
Soap: Food
Gaz: Dating
Ghost: Murder.
Price: Anyone d-
Ghost: Depressed?
Gaz: Drained?
Soap: Dumb?
R/n: Done with life?
Price: -done with their work... need to get Laswell to get you all therapy …
Price: So uhhh... question: my ‘friend’ keeps on going into the pantry and grabbing handfuls of fettuccine... uncooked...
Gaz: I would hope they're not grabbing handfuls of cooked fettuccine!
Soap: In your pantry!
Price: Yeah... and eating them raw, and they keep calling them 'chips'. ... How do I make them stop?
Ghost: Is your friend here?
Price, motioning to R/n: Yeah.
Gaz, to R/n: You're a monster! Words MEAN things! >:(
Soap: Does anybody remember- I haven't been to Olive Garden in many moons- but they DO have a like- fettuccine bottle that you can just- grab em out of and chew-
Everyone else: No.
Soap, to Gaz and R/n: YOU FUCKIN BASTARDS
Price: What did you guys get in your yearbook?
Gaz: 'Prettiest Smile'
Soap: 'Nicest Personality'
Ghost: 'Most likely to start a bar fight'
R/n: 'Least likely to start a bar fight, but most likely to win one'
Price: What if the person who named Walkie Talkies named everything?
Soap: Pregnancy tests are Maybe Babies
R/n: Socks are Feetie Heaties
Gaz: Forks are Stabby Grabbies
Soap: Defibrillators are Heartie Starties
R/n: Nightmares are Dreamy Screamies
Gaz: Stamps are Lickie Stickies
Ghost, annoyed: You are disappointments
Price to Ghost: You agreed to join the team.
Soap: I’m an idiot.
R/n: If you’re waiting for us to disagree, this is going to be a long day.
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This stupid long omg, uh anyway I used a incorrect quote generator cause I'm lazy but edited most of them so the make some more sense :>
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bigfan-fanfic · 2 years
A Fire Burning Quiet (Male!Reader x Bucky Barnes)
Requested by @thenlookatyourphones for Can I request a scenario/headcanons of sorts for bucky and his boyfriend for old times sake? I was wondering if you could do one where Bucky is super stoic and serious when he’s out in public and a man of very few words and kind of stand-offish, but behind closed doors, he’s super dorky and always trying to make his boyfriend laugh and he’s super cuddly with his boyfriend
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There's so much going on with Bucky.
He just tends to keep it to himself.
With his PTSD, Bucky tends to close up around unfamiliar people, which makes it hard to bond with others.
But you are one of those others. You wormed your way into his circle, and then into his heart.
And you just realize that there's a whole other person locked inside a tough shell, just for you to see.
Bucky tends to respond in one word answers and short vocalizations, at least, outside of his small friend group.
He doesn't smile, and he takes things very seriously, finding it difficult to recognize humor in modern speech patterns.
He is always on high alert, scanning surroundings and people for threat analysis, and he hates crowds.
But when you close the doors, batten down the hatches, build him a fortress where he finally feels safe... Bucky emerges.
He's a dork. A huge dork.
He geeks out over scientific discoveries, despite finding it difficult to pronounce a lot of jargon. He's way more intellectual than people might give him credit for, and he learns very quickly. Bucky likes technology a lot. He thinks it's incredible to see how people have made their lives easier and safer, although he also recognizes downsides, and he absolutely doesn't trust unnecessarily smart devices.
He's decorated his own space and picked out furnishings - he generally goes for state-of-the-art appliances, but just a step away from fully-smart. He refuses to have anything connect to the internet without him knowing why. Sam gave him an Alexa as a joke and Bucky lobbed it out of the window.
Bucky really likes video games and web shows. He likes seeing how creative people can be. He gets invested in stories and loves watching them with you. More than once you've seen him taking notes - Bucky has a knack for analysis and the time to do research on symbolism and references.
He's silly. Not just funny, but silly. He has a biting wit and sarcasm, but you've come to recognize that as another wall, a defense mechanism. Bucky loves jokes that are so terrible they're funny - he likes puns and creative riddles and he smiles so much around you that you wonder why it's just here, just with you and friends.
And the other thing - Bucky is touch starved and not afraid of physical contact. In public, he's too tightly wound to hug or cuddle, but once all his defenses are down, you struggle to find a time he's not somehow pressed against you. Even when you sit at your computer desk, he sometimes likes to just sit against your chair and do his own thing. Bucky's got a lot of room to multitask, and he enjoys just having parallel time with you, yet still connecting.
He'll cuddle you without warning, make stupid faces at you across the dinner table to make you laugh, and be so wonderfully animated and expressive around you.
It makes you a little sad that no one else gets to see this beautiful man you love so much, but you feel such a sense of honor and privilege that you're the one who does.
You love the Bucky that playfully makes little puppy whines while you braid his long hair.
The Bucky that pins you down on the couch and peppers kisses across your skin when you seem sad.
The Bucky that looks so absorbed in a YouTube video analyzing the music in some game that he's played that you feel bad disturbing him.
The Bucky that strings up fairy lights around the rooms, who orders a bunch of fuzzy blankets and demands you try them out with him, who learns to cook and bake just for you, and who pretends to die at the slightest injury so you'll baby him.
And you know what? You love the Bucky he is outside, too. Because even when he grunts at someone out in public, even when he misses a question because he's surveying the area, it's still the same guy. And maybe someday you can help him feel safe enough to not have to lift up his walls every time you're not alone, but maybe not. And that's okay too.
You love him, all the same.
And he loves you.
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unrequitedloveletter · 11 months
Hello! If you’re comfortable then I’d love to request a Jesper x reader where the reader uses a wheelchair + crutches due to chronic pain in their legs. Having grown up in the Barrel, the reader never got a proper diagnosis but was resourceful enough to make their own mobility aids. They’re smart and enjoy helping the Crows wherever they can. Eventually they open up to Jesper about being worried that they can’t contribute enough due to their disability. - 👾
Reassurance- J.F x gn! disabled! reader
hi! Thank you for sending this one in, it's been a bit of a while since I wrote a good bit of hurt comfort so writing it again to get used to it again was nice!
On a more general note with things though--requests (both for the summer event and just generally) close at 11:59 my time, which is about seven hours and fifteen minutes from when this fic is being posted! I won't be accepting any requests from that point until August 1st because I have some other stuff I need to finish up and there are things for this account that I need to plan out and fix up a bit.
Fic type- this is very hurt/comfort-y
Warnings- one indirect mention of ableism/implied ableism (people are afraid of the reader because they're described as a jack of all trades but also described as a collector of secrets and the reader learns to like that people are afraid of them because they're good at secret collecting. They state that it's better that people are afraid of them on the basis of their ability to collect knowledge rather than what they say are "alternatives that they might've thought of, though the alternatives are ones they didn't much like to think about at all) and there's a mention of the fact that the reader takes pain medication sometimes (a bottle of painkillers is described to be sitting on the windowsill) and a bit of internalized ableism (the reader directly states that they feel like a burden because they feel like they aren't contributing enough but are being paid as though they are.)
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People in the Barrel had given you a bit of a reputable reputation since you'd climbed up in the ranks of the Dregs and had made it into the small circle of Kaz's most trusted. You'd grown up in and around the Barrel, and by the age of twenty-two, had heard people whispering about you as you walked or rolled past with your crutches or your wheelchair.
"Don't you get too close to them," they would say. "They'll steal your secrets when you're not expecting, and it'll never work out in your favor."
But you didn't just specialize in secrets. You liked helping out wherever you were able, be it sitting in your chair and glowering at cheaters until they noticed you and had the good sense to go back to playing a fair game--though it never mattered anyway. Kaz caught them too, and his consequences were much more lethal--or acting as look out on heists and participating in them wherever else you could. You did what you could and you were compensated as fairly as possible, so the Dregs was a good deal for you all in all.
You brushed the whispers off after a time, learned to like that people were afraid of you on a basis other than that of your chronic illness and your disabilities as a result of the illness. It was better for people to think you were actively on the hunt for their random misgivings--things like littering, not giving a homeless person one kruge as they walked past, not tipping a barista because they were short on money--than for them to be afraid of you for any of the alternatives that you might've thought of, and those alternatives were ones of which you didn't like to think much about at all.
But, for all that your reputation provided, all of the protection and even the modicum of safety it gave you in companionship with your partnership with the Dregs, you still had days where you felt like you were not enough. There were days where the pain was so bad that you had to skip out on jobs, days where sitting in your wheelchair was the only option and a little inconvenient given the bumpy unevenness of the Barrels walkways and roads.
Sure, you had something of a reputation but that was crumbling as your condition steadily got worse and you were beginning to feel more and more like a burden than anything else. You weren't contributing enough in any area and if you were, it didn't feel much like that at all.
Jesper was the love of your life, though. He was the never ending sun to your relentless storm cloud, the solace in your life and the peace that you had been wanting to find since you realized just how much chaos had been in your life during the Ice Court. He was everything and more and you loved him wholly.
It was because of the fact that Jesper loved you wholly in turn that he knew something was off. He'd been able to sense it for weeks but had figured you would've brought it up if it were bugging you so much, but then it began bugging him as he picked up more and more on that sense. He needed to broach the subject but it seemed you were ready to one night as you sat in the bed you shared, legs crossed and a bottle of pain meds resting on the windowsill with a book in your hand.
"You don't think I make things harder for the Dregs, do you?" You asked. "I feel like I don't contribute enough but I get paid like I contribute more than enough and a thousand times over. I feel like a burden lately and I just don't know if anyone else feels like that--does Nina? What about Inej? Wylan and Matthias?"
To Jesper it seemed to come totally out of left field. You pulled your weight just like they all did, and you got paid because you pulled your weight just like they all did. Disabled or not, you were not a burden to the Dregs and nobody had thought of you like such.
Those who did were given a shot to the leg, a sharp but painful small bone fragment to a nerve ending in their finger, a loss or six when they gambled at Kaz's table, a passable imitation of Kaz's glare and the idle running of a knife from shoulder to shoulder along the back of their coat.
It was a general rule of thumb in the Dregs that nobody messed with you. Kaz had done the same thing to several other disabled people in the Dregs, looking out for them in silence because of some form of solidarity, a slight understanding of chronic pain caused by disability. Kaz had worked with you because of the fact that you were a jack of all trades and the rule had come up when he watched you punch a man in the face for daring to say something negative about someone who walked with a limp as the two of you moved past. You'd thought it stupid, and Kaz had thought it stupid too, but admirable in the right situation rather than heat of the moment anger.
"A burden to us is the last thing you are," Jesper said. "You're more helpful than you realize, darling. Even though you're out of commission sometimes, the days that you're in commission are typically our most successful. Nina complained about you not being on the heist a while back because you can handle Kaz's endless sarcasm. We notice your absences--especially me, but that's biased because I've been in love with you since I was sixteen and didn't say anything til after the Ice Court because I couldn't figure out what to say--and we miss you when you're gone."
"I just don't feel like I'm doing enough," you said. "And it kills me because I want to do enough and I want to feel like I'm worthy of existing here, but I just don't. I don't know how much of all of this I deserve and I've been doubting it."
Jesper nodded at you understandingly. "I've dealt with it too," he said. "Not for the same reasons, of course, but doubt is something that lingers. Just--if you weren't doing enough, Kaz wouldn't hesitate to tell you. There are no expectations for you to meet and you are not a burden to the Dregs, nor are you not doing enough. You are wonderful, you are amazing, and you are the love of my life."
Jesper sat next to you on the bed, wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pressed a kiss to your forehead. "I love you," he said.
"I love you too," you responded.
The two of you stayed like that until you both fell asleep, taking a bit of comfort in the silence.
You knew not to expect the feelings you felt to go away sooner than they would've naturally, but that reassurance was nice, and as you fell asleep you decided to let yourself have it and hold it close. Jesper was the love of your life and he would always be by your side, reassuring you whenever you needed reassurance, and you would be the same for him.
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Phoenix and Hangman with innocent reader!?! Like she’d be the same age as them but focused more on being in the navy then sexual things…
A/N: Ah!!! This is so cute! I'm writing an established relationship because I think Phoenix and Hangman would be so protective
Warnings: Filthy pickup lines (kinda) and mentions of sex/orgasms. Minors do not interact. If you do you are agreeing that you are over the age of 18 and consent to reading this
Title: Eco-friendly
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You were sitting on a chair, watching Bradley and Bob play a game of pool. You sipped on a glass of coke as watched, cheering Bob on. You looked next to you as a random guy sat next to you. "Hello" he grinned, "Hi" you smiled. "Can I help you with something?" You asked, furrowing your brows. Bob and Rooster both kept an eye on the guy, right now they were watching you since Phoenix and Hangman were out. Normally they wouldn't because they knew you were an adult but they could tell the guy was going to try to get you to go home with him and you just didn't really get sexual innuendos. You were incredibly smart and a fierce pilot but when it came to that kind of stuff, you didn't understand it. Ever since you learned that grades affected your future when you were in elementary school, you threw yourself into your work and made sure to be the top of your class with everything and learn everything about planes before going the Navy. Your boyfriend and girlfriend were trying to teach you but it was taking a bit.
"Yeah, I have a little problem and you seem like you could help" he grins, you tilt your head. "You seem like an... Eco-friendly girl. I've got a little package in my pocket and it expires tomorrow. Can you help?" He asks. Before you could ask what the package was, Rooster was pulling you away "Yeah no... Let's play some darts y/n" he said. You looked confused but grinned as you saw Phoenix and Hangman come in. You waved at them before you both started to play, you were beating him easily. You both joked back and forth, never seeing that Bob was filling them in on what the guy said.
You went over to your boyfriend as he started to play with Bob at the pool table but you were stopped by a different guy. "Hey beautiful, are you winter? Because you'll be coming soon" he winked. You just tilted your head "What do you mean?" You asked. Phoenix came over and put her arm around your shoulder, kissing your neck where a hickey you had hidden was. "Don't worry baby girl and you sir? Don't worry, I'll be making sure she doesn't get cold tonight. If you catch my drift" she said with almost a shark like grin. You leaned into her happily and walked with her to Jake. "What was that?" You asked softly. "He wanted to take you home sweetie. From what Bob told me the other guy earlier was trying to" she said. Your eyes widened "I didn't-!" You started. She cut you off and kissed you deeply, almost possessively "I know and so does Jake. It's truly adorable baby. You say the filthiest things in bed but don't get the innuendos" she murmured, touching your slightly swollen lips. "The first guy was talking about a condom and the other was talking about making you orgasm, hence winter is 'cumming'" she explained. You flushed and smiled shyly when you said, "Only you and Jake get that opportunity" you murmured. "You got that right baby girl" she said.
You both made it over to Jake and giggled as he picked you up in a hug, spinning you both around. "Missed you today" he murmured, kissing you. When you pulled away, you raised a brow "You literally saw me earlier. You were telling me to lighten up on those new Top Gun entries. Not my fault they write like they're two" you grumbled. He shook his head with a laugh. You cupped his cheek "Did I ever tell you how pretty you are?" You whispered with a grin. He rolled his eyes and leaned over, kissing Phoenix's cheek "All the time baby, all the time. Now, how about we play some pool. You and me against Natasha?" He asked. You nodded and grinned as you felt his body flush with yours as he whispered how to play in your ear. You giggled as he touched you lightly in certain places, enjoying the feeling of your boyfriend guiding you. You also felt him slowly hardening against you and it took everything in you to not flush bright red but you saw the knowing smirk on your girlfriends face.
You eventually checked the time and groaned, watching as the young aviators piled into The Hard Deck. "Games over loves. I'm not doing this with those egotistical brats" you muttered. This group was unbearable lately and it took everything in Phoenix and Hangman to make sure you stayed calm and didn't rip into them.
When you all got to the car, Jake pushed you against it gently and kissed you deeply and hard enough to bruise. You pulled away, gasping for air as he smirked down at you. "I think tonight is a new lesson, what do you think Nat? Our girl is very Eco-friendly" he said, his smirk getting bigger of it was possible. "Mhmm. I have a promise to keep too, can't let her get cold tonight" Natasha grinned. You blushed, knowing you were in for a very, very long night. Sometimes being innocent is good.
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crowofjudgements-blog · 2 months
I saw your posts about your spidersona (?) Bonnie, and I wanted to ask if you have random fun facts about them (things like they usually dress their cat in cute clothing)!
I found you character really interesting, so I'd like to know more about them :)
Hi!! Thank you so much for your ask. I'm literally fiending for any reason to talk about this crazy cat lady
Bonnie grew up in and out of the foster care system up until her father went to prison when she was 14.
She took on her mother's last name because their father refused to sign the birth certificate of a daughter.
She raised her two younger twin siblings from the time she was 14
They had the entirety of her undergraduate degree (philosophy, housing, and Juris Doctor in New York paid for in scholarships and bursaries (she's a damn smart cookie).
During their post-secondary education, Bonnie worked as a cam girl to help support her siblings back home and would frequently make trips back to New Orleans to make sure they were taken care of.
She had a deep, irrational fear of clowns.
Bonnie's world and New York are harshly polluted and damaged to the point of no return. The age expectancy is like 50 years old because of how bad it is. There's literal acid rain every once in a while.
Bonnie lives in a tiny studio apartment with barely a pot to piss in. The contents of their apartment are as follows; an air mattress, a fold-out chair, a box television, ALL the cat necessities, and a spork. (This lady is destitute)
She takes better care of her cat than they take care of themself.
Fenêtre's full name is Fenêtre Maximilien Alexandre-Beauchamp Soileau and he is a distinguished little gentleman (street rat).
Bonnie, as it stands, is not currently working at the age of 32. They took bereavement leave after the death of her fiancé and could just... never bring herself to go back, couldn't stand their coworker's pity.
Bonnie was bitten by her spider later in life, around 31, around the time when her fiancé died and she had to terminate her pregnancy (that's right!! They were briefly pregnant)
She mainly survives on fiending and gambling.
The judicial system never gave her justice for the murder of her fiancé so, well, they had to take it into her own hands (she killed his murderers in cold blood).
Her New York thinks they're a villain.
Bonnie nearly beat the daylights out of Peter when they first met because he interrupted a poker game she was about to win big on (prick).
Fenêtre is just as sassy, if not more so, as Bonnie.
Bonnie never really celebrated holidays as a child so as an adult they go all out, but their decorations are always ass. Think of a bald Christmas tree. Literally no one tells them though, they just let her live in their delusional happiness.
She does, in fact, dress Fenêtre up in little sweaters, especially around winter cause they don't want their baby to freeze (he's a Serbian cat, a literal ball of fluff).
Bonnie has a terribly weakened immune system which only got worse after they were bitten so she's frequently sick and bed-bound.
Bonnie LOVES ferry boats, to an unhealthy degree.
Bonnie instantly became friends with Hobie Brown and those two are menaces together. They cause absolute chaos in the Spider Society and laugh about it over tea and buttered biscuits.
That's all I have for now!! Please let me know if you want any specific information or if you'd like me to dive into any part of this character. They're my passion project, I foam at the mouth for her. Thank you for your ask :) In the meantime, enjoy this image of a very happy Fenê.
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ssamou · 7 months
all that running around, a short trip through many impactful memories with your loved one.. only to come back to where you started. you've returned to the park, but this time jimin is nowhere to be seen. since the little wild goose chase had taken so long, it's now dark and the lights on the gazebo twinkle in the crisp night. but your eyes aren't focused on that, they're staring out at the figure that's leaning again the railing and staring down at the brook near the gazebo.
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╭ ಣ 🐰 정국
jeongguk hears chaewon approaching and stands up with a beaming smile, short hair styled and he's dressed smart—not quite a tux but he's got dress pants on and a dress shirt with the first few buttons undone and a jacket thrown over top in an attempt to stay warm in the chilly season. she doesn't see it, but his shoulders simultaneously slump in relief that everything had gone as planned, and tighten in nervousness due to what he knows is his next move. he watches her eyes drift past him, knowing she sees a dinner set up; the table, chairs, table cloth, china and crystal wine glasses before moving back to land on him who's now walking towards her to take her hand and lead her into the gazebo. he tries to hide how his hands are sweaty and shaking, but he's not too sure it actually worked. once in position, he's spinning back around to face her and let his gaze dance over her features while his thumb sweetly smoothes over the back of her hand. "you found me. did you have fun..?" he asks lowly, hand sliding up her arm to cup her cheek before pulling her closer and placing a long kiss on her forehead. it's his way to procrastinate as he gathers his wits. slowly, he backs away and lets his hand slide back down her arm until all that's touching is their finger tips. "but i'm not quite done yet. turn around for me?" he waits until she does, taking a slow but sharp breath before lowering himself onto one knee with the ring box in hand. softly, he mutters a 'turn around', and that's when she sees him on his knee and slowly opening up the box to reveal the clearly expensive-looking diamond ring with how it sparkles under the gazebo lights. meanwhile, jeongguk's gaze sticks firmly on her with a determined resolve sparking in the deep depths of them. "chaewonie.." he breathes out to catch her attention, a small smile on his lips as he watches her expression. "i hope i didn't make it too obvious what i'm doing here… but even if i did, i hope, above all else, that this had been memorable to you and you've enjoyed yourself." he swallows, "it's been a long time coming. since early on in our relationship we talked about how we wanted end game, how we wanted permanent and not temporarily. we would talk about marriage, how many kids we wanted, how we wanted to live our future… and one thing that's always remained the same, that's always been consistent with us is; we were each others future. i can't think of my future without you in it at this point, and frankly, i don't want to. i want to grow old with you, i want to have stupid arguments with you. i want the hard times, the impossible times, and the easy times. i want the love that you've shown me this past year, for a lifetime more. i want to make more memories, decorate our place with little knickknacks that we'll smile when we look at because it reminds us of somewhere we went or something we did. i wanna sleep next to you every night, holding you in my arms. i want to wake up to your sweet kisses, your adorable way at lulling me awake because you miss me and even in sleep i feel too far away. i want you to decorate my place however you wish because i know that makes you feel at home. i want to be your home, just like you are for me. i want to continue being the one you complain to, that you cry to, and more importantly… the one that you bless with your selfless love. i want to be that person. i want to call you mine; my wife, the (future) mother of my children. i want to be by your side until death do us apart. so… kim chaewon," he pauses, a warm smile tilting on his lip in contrast to the tears that had been swimming in his eyes since he begun speaking. one slips down his cheek, but his voice remains strong, sure, determined. "will you make me the happiest man alive and allow me to experience all of that with you, to be by your side.. for the rest of our lives? will you give me the honor of being able to call you my wife? my world—my heart… will you marry me?"
chaewon was never one for bright extravagant plans. she's probably talked about this a lot before to multiple people. she felt as if the concept of it would make her shy, that she wouldn't know what to do besides stand there awkwardly. honestly, she hated the idea. everything needed to be personal to her or she wouldn't enjoy it—yet walking up to the glittery scene of the gazebo, perfectly designed in everything romantic.. oh, she fell in love. her eyes were tracing over all the details he's put so much thought in to. maybe, she did enjoy the more cheesy romantic ideas such as this. well, at least when it comes to him.
besides, he even remembered to make sure the two of them were the only ones there because of her dislike of being the center of attention in these situations.
all her thoughts became interrupted when his hand graced her skin, his scent filling her up so warmly despite the cold atmosphere mixing with light flurries of snow. the entire event was about his gift to her; she just incredibly missed his delicate touches and sweet words. it has her melting underneath his hand until he pulls it away, leaving her with a bit of a pout lingering on her lips.
but she did as she was told. she turned around with full trust in his actions. although, her heart was racing in her chest even more in this moment than the previous settings she's been in all day. she knew what was coming. he made it obvious in the last letter, yet she's still racing back and forth in her head before he finally mutters her chance to turn around.
the ring caught her eye very quickly. jeongguk obviously knew her well. a giant tear-dropped shaped diamond that's probably made from pure materials—then the band interlaced with smaller diamonds that sparkled under all the lights. oh, it was beautiful. the view of it caused her hand to cover the bottom half of her face. she was already reaching to tears, taking a step closer, then he started speaking and her heart stopped when she looked back up to his own teary look.
his words were an easy way to cause those very tears to fall down her cheeks rather quickly. chaewon was having a hard time breathing through her nose at this point. this entire thing? just to ask her the impending question? he could have simply slid it on her finger while they were at his apartment and she still would have been just as satisfied. but this? this was far out of her expectations. she wasn't even sure what to say for the longest time as he spoke of all his desires and wishes, the only thing falling off her trembling lips were various nicknames that were stuttered.
chaewon takes a deep breath, her eyes leaving his gaze as she looks around the beautiful gazebo and how the snow adds a perfect touch to the scenario. she really wanted to take this moment in, to remember it for the rest of her life, but most of all she wanted to run into his arms to allow the both to sob their emotions out together.
"you know," she finally speaks out after a few beats while her gaze drops back down to him. "if we do this, that means you'll have to let me decorate and add whatever i want to your apartment. no ifs, ands, or buts. even if that means i want to paint a wall pink or put plushies and posters everywhere."
"if we do this.. i'm going to need you by my side every single day, no matter what. it's not 'till death do us apart,' because promising me every single day includes the ones after what we get to live through together. it means holding my hand even when things get hard, even if we're fighting. it means pulling me closer when i'm scared—because i am a lot.. you make me watch a lot of horror movies with you. it means to love me more than anything and to tell me that every single day. it means.. it means—.."
she's having to look down at the bouquet in her hand, the necklace, the bracelets, the gift boxes; but her vision is getting a little too blurry for her to even see it properly anymore. she wanted to say more, she did. she jut finds herself focused too much on her emotions that she couldn't fully say everything that she wanted to. "i—" she fumbles under her breath, fingers clenching onto the pretty arrangement of flowers.
"what kind of stupid question is that? what do you mean will i marry you?"
"of course i will, you dummy.."
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
Hi Leah, just wanted to tell you that I completely missed the newest installment of the Kas/Jake series and I am screaming because of how realistic and in-character Jake is 😭
I do have something I wanted to ask for your thoughts on. Have you ever heard of an Angel Shot? (look it up if you haven't, it's a way of asking for help from bartenders)
My question is it really a question or a thought idk anymore is that how do you think would the TGM boys would react to hearing their teammate/someone they're close with ask for it?
I love all of your work but 🥺 Chaos and Rooster have a special place in my heart
Ahhh thank-you so much! You’re so kind!
I went to a adults putt putt golf course that did angel shots when we went to Brisbane in November. They had the flyers on the backs of the doors in the women’s bathroom.
To answer your question. This is how I think they’d react. And to save time we’re gonna go with the same scenario for all the guys. (I’m just gonna do Hangman, Rooster and Bob because those are my three home bois.)
Let’s say you’ve gone on a blind date. A tinder match perhaps 🤔 You’d decided that having your date at the Hard Deck was probably your best bet at making sure this guy wasn’t going to get a chance to cut you up into a million pieces—you know, just incase he turned out to be a serial killer.
But he’s giving you bad vibes, really creepy vibes and there’s warning signals blaring and red flags waving right in front of your face. So after you finish dinner, you’re planning your escape.
“Look, this has been really fun and all but I think I’m gonna get out here.” You’re smiling the fakest fake smile you can muster up from across the table. “I’m just gonna fix up my tan real quick.”
“How about, we get outta here instead?” Your dates meeting you as you stand, towering over you and suddenly you don’t feel safe at all. It’s fight or flight. Looking around—everyone’s occupied, so you’ve got one choice. Keep calm and play it smart. “You wanna get a cab back to my place?” His hand is running from its place on your hip to your ass. A wicked smirk spears across his face and in the blink of an eye you know this is genuinely getting to a point where things could go horribly wrong if you don’t act fact.
“Sure, but I gotta fix my tab up first, and while I’m at it how about we get a few shots to finish up?” You beam, playing into his game. Heading over towards the bar, you see an empty chair beside Rooster. He’s sipping a draft from a schooner talking to Penny while it’s a little quiet. A lull in the rush of regulars who need there alcoholic fix.
“Hey Judge, how’s the date going?” Roosters swivelling on his chair to face you a little more. Taking a sip of his beer as he reads your expression as something less than great.
“Great Bradshaw, it’s been great.” It’s the hand on your shoulder that has Rooster frowning, your date was standing right behind you. “Just wanna fix up my tab before I head out if you’ve got a sec Pen.” You smiled quickly before it faded back into your less than ideal expression.
“Judge—“ Bradley coos. You’d got your call sign because of the Bachelors degree in pre-law you had before you decided to enlist in the Navy.
“Can I get a couple of angel shots to before I close out?” That immediately had Rooster on his feet pushing your date away from you. Penny was ushering for you to get behind the bar with her. You did—with haste.
“Out, now.” Roosters hissing as he causes a scene—the rest of the squad are at his beck and call when they see him squaring up the dick who tried it on with you.
“What’s wrong man? Take it easy!?” Your date is shoving back.
“You try anything with her ever again and I swear you’ll be dead before you hit the ground you got it?”
Heading over towards the bar, you see an empty chair beside Hangman. He’s sipping a draft from a schooner talking to Penny while it’s a little quiet. A lull in the rush of regulars who need there alcoholic fix.
“You still here Judge?” He’s taunting with a thousand watt smile. “Thought you would’ve left a few hours ago at the promise of a roll in the hay.”
“Bite me Seresin—“ Its the way to comes out that has Jake eyeing you off with curious eyes. Your tone was off, your eyes told him something was wrong. “Just wanna fix up my tab before I head out if you’ve got a sec Pen.” You smiled quickly before it faded back into your less than ideal expression.
“Hey—“ Jakes shaking off the teasing for a few moments to break through to a more serious conversation. “You good Judge?” His eyes are trailing up and down your face looking for any sign of injury while a hand sneaks up onto your shoulder, gripping your a little harsh.
“Can I get a couple of angel shots to before I close out?” That immediately had Hangman on his feet pushing your date away from you. Penny was ushering for you to get behind the bar with her. You did—with haste.
“The fucks your problem man!?” Your dates hissing as Jake shoves hit towards the door.
“You messing with my girl huh?” Jakes seeing red, he’s ready to rock and roll, any excuse and he’ll swing. “You ever fuck with her again I’ll make sure you end up breathing through a fucking tube.”
Heading over towards the bar, you see an empty chair beside Bob. He’s sipping a lemonade from a glass talking to Penny while it’s a little quiet. A lull in the rush of regulars who need there alcoholic fix.
“Hey Judge, you heading out?” Bob’s asking as you slip in beside him. “How was your date?”
“Peachy Bob, just peachy.” You pressed your lips together and the second your date touched your shoulder you froze up in a way Bob had never seen before. “Just wanna fix up my tab before I head out if you’ve got a sec Pen.” You smiled quickly before it faded back into your less than ideal expression.
“Hey you okay Judge? You seem a little off?” Bob’s pressing while he eyes your date off. Bobs off the clock and out of uniform.
“Can I get a couple of angel shots to before I close out?” That immediately had Bob on his feet pushing your date away from you. Penny was ushering for you to get behind the bar with her. You did—with haste.
“Oh you are not gonna try it on with me—“ You date growls as Bobs shoving him towards the door. Usually good with his words, Bob can’t muster up a proper sentence at the mere thought of this guy messing with you.
So he doesn’t answer—he simply throws the first punch he’s ever swung. It connects with a fierce crack and your date is on the ground.
“You don’t get to get away with being scum in here.” Bobs hissing before the rest of the group are pulling him away. “Get outta here before I break your nose!”
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mothytheghost · 6 months
Fnaf au short rewrite because I feel motivated to write this old story
"Wake Up"
Solis woke up in a cold sweat. Trembling from what happened. Who were they?. The man in a rabbit costume. He spoke to him.
Solis rubbed his eyes on the palm of his hands. Trying to remember what happened. He looked at his right hand. The Headset. The blonde haired boy was trying to play this stupid game for the company. His voice was raspy. His throat felt dry. He couldn't breathe well. His heart was racing. Feeling like he wanted to cry. He just wanted to go back to the daycare. But because Solis was a smart guy. They thought he could help with it. His character was a Sun After all. Stars are the brightest.
Giving him a small job over the week while the Plex is closed. He rather just stay home and just enjoy himself. But, there was something wrong with the game. There's glitches and really weird stuff keeps happening. He rather do arts and crafts with the kids rather playing some ridiculous game that's suppose to scare people.
Solis held his head. Keeping his balance as he was careful not to fall over. Holding the headset and taking it back to the desk. Solis wiped his tears. Trying to calm down. Keeping himself together. His headache felt awful. He didn't know what that Thing was. Looking up outside as he looked at the bright full moon. The moon made him feel uneasy. It made him feel horrible.
Solis picked up the office phone as he held his tears back. Dialing his sister as he felt as she would be there to pick him up. She picks him up after a long day working in the daycare. She was a security officer. They would always make jokes when the Plex closes for the night shift. Helping her out while still in his moon character. Telling stories about their day and how much being his character Sun wore him out. Having to drink a lot of fizzy faz to keep that character. Thankfully when he swaps into the character Moon during nap time. He would take a breather and tell children stories. Singing them to sleep. When they are. He sits on a chair eating a snack and reading a book he brings with him. Solis' Characters made him realize he has very split personalities. The guy that messes around and makes others laugh. To the guy who reads a book at home on a rainy night. He loved his characters. They aren't his. But he loves being them.
He waited till the phone is answered as he heard his sister on the other end. "V-Vanessa.... I need you to pick me up... I'm not feeling well...."
Vanessa sighed. "Okay I will... "
She hung up. In her heart she knew doing so much work would overwhelm him. She didn't know what happened to her little brother. To her he was a best friend. She was there for him. Even when he was back in high school. Years ago on his first play. Solis was a guy with anxiety. When he felt overwhelmed she would hug him and tell him things are gonna be okay. And tell him about the breathing practices she taught him. Seeing him enjoying theatre and being in character now made her happy. She knew Solis is strong. He can fight. His mind takes over him and attacks him. Solis is a good brother. He wouldn't do anything wrong. It's ever since they introduced him to a game they're working on. Help Wanted. At first he had fun with it.
But now he keeps telling her that someone is watching him. He passed out on so many kids in the daycare once because he thought he saw someone. Causing him to stay at home for two days and close the Daycare.
Thinking about him caused her to run outside and get in her car. Hoping he's doing alright.
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hms-tardimpala · 7 months
writing pattern game
Rules: Share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able and see if there are any patterns! (from most recent to least recent, starting from the top)
Thank you so much for tagging me @jaynovz!
I'm going to tweak this a little and use my two current WIPs as they stand, because otherwise all the fics would be from the one fandom I wrote for and am no longer in, and I think it's more interesting to study patterns over several fandoms.
Marriage of convenience bagginshield (working title)
Bilbo hadn’t seen Thorin in days – since Oín had declared him fit to walk and work – when he was summoned to the throne room one evening.
2. Schrodinger's WIP (working title)
The pub smelt of beer, sweat and smoke.
3. You Say I'm the Worst
Danny signs the report, closes the file and sighs, stretching in his chair.
4. All the Way Home
Danny sulks in the Governor’s jet.
5. Who can grow me a new brother?
Matt looks sideways at McGarrett while Danny tells an anecdote of his time in the Newark police.
6. Share Your Address
If Danny learned one thing in nine years of partnership, it’s that, given two options, Steve will more often than not choose the one that’s bad for him.
7. Punch-drunk
Steve is really making it hard for Danny to stick to his resolutions, isn’t he?
8. Status Quo
In Danny’s opinion, it isn’t a big deal.
9. Hold on to me as we go
Wo Fat smiles.
10. Fake it till you make it
Steve swipes the data relative to the case from the smart table onto the screens.
I expected this to yield no results, but there are patterns here indeed! So it appears that I like to do an establishing shot that gives the reader an immediate idea of where they are and who is in the scene, as well as who is the POV character. Most sentences here are short, which is pretty representative of my overall style. And the sentences that are not establishing shots are POV-focused, they're in the character's head and give the reader the tone of the fic by showing what the character thinks. (and apparently I loved to start my H50 fics with Danny, but ultimately, they became Steve-POV most of the time)
Let's study the latest, because I think it does the job very well (despite not having been written as a first fic line, it's just the first line of the scene that comes first chronologically in this project):
Bilbo hadn’t seen Thorin in days – since Oín had declared him fit to walk and work – when he was summoned to the throne room one evening.
What does it tell you?
Thorin was wounded and recovered, and a throne room (where he has authority) is mentioned. So this is set in Erebor and post-canon, and it's an He lives!AU
the POV character is Bilbo, and he seems out of the loop
what you don't know yet is that Bilbo and Thorin are married in this fic, but what you do know is that they don't see each other and
Thorin "summoned" him. Not very husbandly, now, is it? Reads pretty estranged and formal, no?
Now you know the situation and you can guess that the meeting in the throne room will be the action of this scene.
I'm really happy with this one because it's simple, it looks bland, but it tells you everything you need to know and I always prefer efficiency and readability to beauty.
If you feel like playing: @narastories, @septemberskye, @nijinskys, @eveningalchemist
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hannahhook7744 · 1 year
6 Detectives And 1 Civilian Play Never Have I Ever;
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Summary: The Badun Detective Agency plays Never have I ever with Ariel's daughter and Jace's new girlfriend, Elle. What could possibly go wrong? Trigger warnings: mention of organ theft, never have I ever gone wrong, underage drinking, and child endangerment.
This takes place after d3. Hermie is 14. Eddie and Reza are 15. Jace, Yzla, and Harry are 17. I do not own the characters but hey, they're free real estate to expand on in fanfiction since they're practically blank slates so here we go. Also sorry this is terrible.
The warning signs were there long before Elle had even considered inviting her new boyfriend and his friends to spend spring break with her and her family at her uncle's castle in Melody's Tirulia.
They had been there long before the barrier had even been brought down. Back before Jace Badun had ever stepped foot off the isle and into her life. Back when there was just Mal, Jay, Evie, and Carlos. 
But Elle had paid no mind to it.
Had just brushed off the warning signs. 
Because no isle kid had ever spared a second glance at her before Jace and his friends and Elle had wrongfully done so in turn. Never bothering to read too deep into them and the isle. 
Until she got close to one. 
And even then, the warning signs hadn't raised too much alarm in her mind. 
Something Elle regretted deeply at the moment as she sat on the couch in one of her aunt and uncle's many sitting rooms, entrapped in a game she swore she'd never play again if she could help it. 
“Never have I ever had to save a kid—Hadie, cough, cough—from a horrific death," Eddie called out, leaning back in his chair with a smug grin on his face as the other 5 occupants of the room immediately started protesting. 
" Bullshit !"
"Now I know that's a lie—"
"Don't lie—"
"You totally have—"
"What utter nonsense is this, Edmund—"
Eddie's grin didn't falter "Nu uh! I have not once saved the little dude from any near death experiences. I've just taken him home while we investigated minor cases where we had no fear of being harmed. So drink up, suckers. Me and El are safe for this one."
Jace, Harry, Yzla, and Reza all grumbled, shooting him a glare as they each took a shot. 
Hermie pouted at him, looking betrayed as she followed their friends' lead.
Then it was Harry's turn and he looked vengeful. 
Elle just knew that she wasn't gonna like wherever this was going. And to absolutely no one's surprise, she was right.
'Well, since Eddie wants to be petty.... Never have I ever woken up in an ice bath after getting my kidney stolen."
The room went deathly silent. Looks like Elle wasn't the only one horrified by that one.
"Dude! Not cool! I told you that in confidence!"
"That's what you get for being a smart ass!"
"I cannot believe you—"
“When the FUCK did you lose your kidney?! Why isn’t this in your medical file?!” Jace hissed venomously from where he was sitting beside her, cutting off their bickering. He looked quite a bit like a mad bull at the moment. 
Eddie was quiet for a few minutes. So quiet that Elle thought he wasn’t going to answer. 
But he did—making the situation worse as he did so. 
“Around the same time Harry lost his spleen, I believe.”
Harry squawked in outrage, paling as Jace’s anger was transferred to him. 
“Uh, well. You see… I got stabbed in the wrong place a few years back?“
Steam was practically pouring out of Jace's ears at that point. "And you never thought to mention this?!"
"It didn't seem important!"
"How—you lost a whole ass organ! How the fuck did you think that was not important to mention?!"
"Well it's not like I'm the only person on the team who lost a organ!"
Jace shot Eddie a glare. "I'm well aware of that! And I expect an explanation and updated medical records from both of you! Am I clear?!"
Harry looked like he had swallowed a lemon at that, but didn't argue and Eddie gave a sheepish nod. Both clearly unhappy with the situation. 
"Good. Now that, that's over.." Jace grabbed the bottle of Bourbon that they had been using to pour the shots and chugged it, beyond stressed as Hermie pulled Eddie out of the room—no doubt to have a go at him for not telling her something so important.
Reza was muttering under his breath to Yzla as they looked at something on his phone that he had pulled out sometime during the confrontation and Elle was forgotten in the chaos of it all, like she had grown accustomed to during the years. But this time, it didn't bother her because it allowed for her to shoot off a quick text to the family group chat as well as to the band kid group chat without any of her guests noticing. 
Elle: Never, EVER, EVER play 'Never have I ever' with a group of isle kids. EVER!
Arabella: Why???
Elle: You don't wanna know.
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hangon-silvergirl · 2 years
Thanks for the ask, Ariana! (From this Dash Game.)
✨Which fictional character (book, show, or movie) do you relate to most?
This is honestly such a difficult question, and an answer that has probably changed a lot over the course of my life. Characters I used to relate deeply to still resonate with me, but I couldn't call the connection quite the same; at some once upon a times I might've said Anne Shirley, Astrid Magnussen, Rose Tyler; maybe Hermione Granger, Elphaba Thropp, or Andy Sachs; even Usagi Tsukino, Edward Elric, or Haruhi Fujioka. (And most recently Eddie Munson and Chrissy Cunningham, as well documented, and both for a myriad of reasons.) But I think that, in more recent years, one character that has weaseled into and nested in the core of me, like a baby with feet in my ribs, is Keyleth from campaign one of Critical Role. For anyone who doesn't know, Critical Role is a web-series where a bunch of (nerdy-ass) voice actors play Dungeons & Dragons. Keyleth is one of the played party characters of the group known as Vox Machina, and is a half-elf druid. She starts out as very reserved, shy, socially (and generally) awkward being, unsure of her skill and words, and a reluctant pursuer of her own destiny of leading of the Air Ashari. Throughout the course of the story, Keyleth becomes confident, lets herself fall in love, and grows as a leader; her strong, brave, and just foundations are built on through her experiences, and she always remains true to herself and inherently, wonderfully kind. She loses a lot, but still carries on, and Keyleth accepts and embraces her path, in the end, and becomes the Voice of the Tempest. My own path is life has been a little more mundane than all of that, obviously, but the looming voice of imposter syndrome always tries to sneak back into my subconscious and tell me that I'm not smart enough, strong enough, or capable enough to do whatever it is that needs to be done; that I'm going to be found out as a fraud. I am a very competent woman and professional, and I have worked hard to get where I am, and I know this, but that niggly bit of self-doubt can be so, so cruel, and hard to ignore. The path to self-actualizing in any capacity involves squashing that dumb DUMB voice and flipping the script, and then doing the thing anyway and KICKING ASS AT IT. We don't need to stop being kind, or vulnerable, or human to succeed, to be great; to step into our present and future with confidence, with faith in ourselves. We can retain all that and use it to our badass advantage. We also need to stop sometimes and look back on the journey and see just how far we've come. I keep a little Keyleth funko pop on my bookshelf, guarding my plants, and every time I need to move her to water them, or if I just look at her offhand and remember that she's there, it brings me a lot of joy.
🐝 Describe your aesthetic in emojis:
👩🏻‍🦰👕👖 🥾💅🏻🎧 They're missing a chunky sweater emoji, for the record, because I have an obscene collection of those that I live in. I am, in fact, wearing a big ole beefy one right now.
💫 What is your sun, moon, and rising sign?
Full disclosure, I had to Google this: - My sun sign is Gemini - My moon sign is Aquarius - My rising sign is Scorpio
🌧️ Favorite thing to do on rainy days?
One of three things: - Sit in a lawn chair in my carport and smoke a joint - Sit at my kitchen table with a cup of tea, and write - Cuddle on the couch with my kids and watch a movie
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rakunsarebetr · 2 years
you're a smart girl right ?
underdeveloped heathen a savage
I was propped on a chair in front of the principals office Hearing all of the words they used to describe me as they explained what happened to them I didn't mean to hurt her I just wanted my doll back I couldn't lose it
coming out of the room I could see how my dad was hiding the anger in him mom's lips forming a thin line taking my hand rougher than he's done before dad pulled me out of the chair and started walking me to the car I winced trying to ignore the discomfort of how tightly he was holding my hand going to the car I sat on the back seats as they glared at me through the rear view mirror " What did you think ?!" He questioned hitting the wheel making me tighten my grip on the doll holding my eyes closed shut to hold onto the tears " look at me when I speak"
I quickly opened my eyes trembling as the tears started escaping and going down my cheeks
" What were you thinking when you did that ?!"
trying to force myself from hliping more I blinked the tears away "they...they took my toy and didn't want to give it back" I finally said as he snatched the doll from my hands
" no please !"
"they got this and your decision was to attack right away?!"
"You're supposed to be doing better than that"
I shut up at that tightening my fists and keeping them on my knees as I lowered my head
"..I'm sorry.."
we drove home without saying anything else he didn't give me my doll back
When we got back home I went straight to my room sitting down on the ground by the bed hugging my knees I didn't deserve to sit on the bed
I sat like that who knows how much crying quietly wishing I could just go back in time
maybe I'll figure out a better reaction
no, I'll just go back to before all of this
I'll be back with Katsuki and Izuku
I never really got to tell bye to Katsuki this time I'll do that it wasn't fair toward him
why can't I just change all of this
why did they take me here
why couldn't I stay at Musutafu and live with Izu or Katsuki
a knock on the door brought me back to reality causing me to stare at it shaking in fear that he's gonna scream more
"Kieru ?" dad asked this time It was back to his softer voice
"can I come inside ?"
I bit my lip for a bit before getting up and opening the door slightly  looking up
he was offering the doll to me with an apologetic smile
"I'm sorry I yelled and took this" I looked at it for a second before taking it, hugging it tightly to myself
he walked to the bed and patted it offering for me to sit by
so I did at a bigger distance from him than offered
" I know this whole moving is confusing to you" He began leaning his hand on his knee "and I know kids can be mean"
I nodded in agreement to the last part
" but in life, we need to be smart"
I looked up at him a little confused as to what he meant
"and that means we can't always act out on people because they're mean , we need to have a plan for the longer game"
I nodded a bit still not fully sure I understood him " You're a smart girl right ?"
I nodded quickly at that, oufcorse I was!
" then I'm sure you'll act smarter next time" ruffling my hair he gave me one last smile before walking out of the room
I waited till mom and dad were asleep and then put my doll down on the ground " Hi Izuku"
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