#they don’t have godparents
smilesrobotlover · 1 year
how would /will the outer champions treat link and miphas children also I’m betting Zelda is their godmother 1000%
They’d treat them all well! I’d imagine that the champions would grow to be a close family so Daruk is def uncle Daruk, Urbosa is the wine aunt, Impa and Zelda are the fun aunts, Revali hates being around the kids but they adore him so he can’t get rid of them, overall good vibes
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writtenxrecords · 9 months
finally was able to change my password on my old tumblr, so i’m gonna begin using that one instead soon. will post the handle here after i update it a bit.
my roommate asked me to be his kid’s godparent the other day, and i said yes. i love both of them very much :”3
i’m dealing with sooo so so much awful health stuff lately, but i’m trying my best not to spiral about it. on most days i fail and meltdown hard /:
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
People who idolise celebrity couples and are like “they make me believe in love 🥰” I’m happy for you but I cannot relate. My godparents (who can be best described as an unhinged cat lady and a short king) are the only reason I believe in love
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voiceshearingyouloud · 11 months
It makes me so happy that despite the fact that literally any other reminder of my life at the beginning of 2022 makes me feel like I’m back there in hell, but the playlist of songs my partner made for me that I listened to every single day has never made me feel anything but safe. My PTSD is so bad that even walking down the street and seeing the light of a streetlamp a certain way will trigger a flashback, but these songs are still comforting even though they are so attached to that time of my life for me.
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starkwlkr · 3 months
mother (no, literally) | f1
I’m so happy you guys are loving this series 🫶🏼 this one has a bit of a time skip lol
part 1 part 2
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“Did you hear the news?”
“What news?” Lando asked. It was the first race since coming back from summer break and Lando was excited. He had arrived a bit early so he could eat breakfast with his grid mom, but the mention of ‘news’ stopped him.
“Y/n is out of for the rest of the season. Porsche announced it yesterday.” His PR manager, Charlotte, told him.
“Who’s taking her seat?” He asked.
“Juan Manuel Correa.”
Lando stayed silent. He started to think of the worst possible scenarios. He knew she went to to Mykonos with Charlie for her break since she posted on Instagram and texted him that she got him several gifts. Did something happen on her vacation? He prayed that she was okay.
“Do you know if Adam is in the garage?” Lando asked.
“Yeah, he’s still there.”
And so Lando was off to the Porsche garage in search of their team principal. He definitely had the answers. After greeting the engineers, Lando spotted Adam talking with Juan Manuel Correa.
“Hey, man.” Lando greeted the older man. “Where’s Y/n?.”
Both Adam and Juan Manuel looked at Lando with a sorry look. “Did something happen to her? She didn’t text me anything about leaving Porsche.” Lando wanted the truth.
“She’s not leaving. She’s taking a break and don’t ask me for how long, I have no idea when she’ll be back, but for now we have Juan and I’m sure he’ll do an excellent job. Excuse us, we have to have a short meeting right now. Don’t worry, Lando, she’s not sick or injured. She’s fine, actually she’s more than fine.” Adam squeezed Lando’s shoulder as he passed by to get to his team.
“Do you know something?” Lando asked Juan.
“It’s not my place to tell.” Juan said then excused himself to follow his team principal.
Lando figured that if it was one thing bad then surely someone would tell him. But he received no answers.
The F1 off season was here and Lando had plans. First, he needed to see his grid mother. It had been months since he last saw her and everytime he tried to make time to go see her, she wasn’t home. He found it odd, but at least she responded back to his messages.
Y/n was in her LA home with Charlie making dinner. She had found several recipes she wanted to try out. Her belly had grown, obviously, and she couldn’t hide it anymore. When she went out with Charlie, she would wear baggy clothes, but now those same baggy clothes couldn’t hide her bump.
“I’ve been thinking.” Y/n mentioned, grabbing a chocolate covered strawberry and eating it. “We never talked about godparents. Do you have anyone in mind?”
“I assumed Lando would be the obvious choice even if he doesn’t know about the baby.” Charlie replied, grabbing a strawberry and eating it.
“He was my first choice the second I found out. But I thought that you would choose one of your friends or costars from sons of anarchy.” Y/n stood up from her chair to check on the mac and cheese in the oven.
“If you think Lando should be our baby’s godfather then he should. He’s a great kid, babe. He’s technically your first kid.” Charlie teased.
“I miss my grid kids.”
The doorbell had rung meaning Lando had arrived. It was Charlie’s idea to have dinner with Lando to tell him the news. Well . . Once he noticed the big baby bump on Y/n, he would get an idea. While Charlie went to answer the door, Y/n got the mac and cheese out the oven.
Lando had gotten used to being around Charlie. Sure, he was a bit skeptical at first, but once he got to know the man, he knew that Charlie was the one for his grid mom.
“Hey, mate. How was your flight?” Cherie greeted Lando once he opened the door.
“Same as all the others. How are you and the missus?” Lando asked, bringing in his suitcase since he was going to stay with Y/n and Charlie for a couple of days.
“We’re great. Y/n was counting down the days until you got here. She’s in the kitchen. Babe? Lando’s here.” Charlie announced as him and Lando walked towards the kitchen.
The younger driver was stunned when he saw how much Y/n had changed. It it wasn’t a bad change, it was the best change. She smiled at Lando and walked to him to give him a hug.
“You’re pregnant! That’s amazing! Oh my god, you’re going to be an actual mum!” Lando gasped. “Is this why you’ve been hiding?”
“Pretty much. I didn’t want to make my pregnancy public until the birth. I wanted to make sure everything was okay. But it’s more than okay. Baby Hunnam is healthy and growing so fast.” Y/n explained.
“I’m happy for you. Wow, you’re going to be a mum.” He said it as if he couldn’t believe it. “Congratulations to both of you. Do you know the gender yet?”
“We decided to keep it a secret until the birth.” Charlie added.
“Well I think one thing is certain. Baby Hunnam is going to have a lot of overprotective uncles when they make their paddock debut.”
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rinnysega · 2 years
There was a baptism at Mass 🥺
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izvmimi · 1 month
cw: angst. character death. you and izuku are married and have a young son. godparent!katsuki. katsuki has an unnamed wife.
Your son always starts a fuss when you bring him to his grandmother’s house, but for some reason, as you slowly trudge up the steps to your mother-in-law’s modest home (she’d refused to let her son move her out into your large shared home or even a much larger, more roomy domicile of her own), you find that your son is eerily quiet, as though he can sense the turmoil inside of you and is choosing to give you a much needed break. 
By the time he makes it into Inko’s arms, he’s always less fussy, but today he’s quietly looking at you, curiously, as if he’s waiting for you to break down and cry. He’s unnerving that way, gifted with practically the same emotional intuition as your sweet husband, and it doesn’t help that he has practically the same face. Inko is quick to take your behaving not-yet-toddler from you, and gives you a sympathetic look. She is not going to the funeral yet because she plans to watch your son, but she’s spent practically every night this week at Mitsuki’s house, preparing food and helping her through her tears. You’ve helped your best friend, Katsuki’s wife, grieve similarly, but now that the final moment has come to lay him to rest, you feel dread rising in the pit of your stomach. 
You should not show your face. After all, you killed Katsuki Bakugou.
After you repeat this statement again out loud to your mother-in-law, shaky hands folded in your lap as she hands you a glass of water and tries to steady your nerves, she reminds you, as all good mothers would, that it wasn’t your fault.
He’d meant to save you. You hadn’t been the one to force an unclosable hole through his chest, and if it hadn’t been you standing and vulnerable in that particular spot, it would have been someone else he’d have aimed to save. 
Perhaps that last part is true. Or perhaps, because you are one of his closest friends' treasures, he fought a little bit harder, moved a little bit quicker and a little bit more recklessly to ensure that you made it out, that you’d be the one to explain to your best friend why her husband is not coming home to dinner, rather than he have to explain to Izuku why the mother of his child is no longer of this world. It’s a moment that plays in your mind constantly ever since you first heard the sickening crunch of bone and sinew give way, the spray of your child’s godfather’s blood soaking your clean clothes.
You’d just been at the grocery store and run into each other by chance. It’s been over a decade long gag now to pretend you hate each other more than everything while acknowledging that you’ve both intertwined your lives with a person the other holds terribly dear. When you saw Katsuki you crinkled your nose, a joke akin to ‘look what the cat dragged in’ muttered in some variation by you both, before walking side by side and catching up. The four of you had dinner plans that weekend anyway and Katsuki takes the idea of godparent far too seriously for being an only child, and thus was far too interested in what you were putting in your cart.
“I read kids develop their tastes early in life and I don’t think this” - he picks up a six-pack carton of juice that was admittedly laden in sugar from your cart - “is particularly conducive to healthy development.”
“Katsuki, I didn’t ask you,” you hiss, snatching it out of his hands, then sheepishly add, “in fact, that was mine.”
He laughs and shakes his head.
“Figures for all that chaotic energy you have,” he jokes. 
You had more to say to him, and then merely ten minutes later, in a flurry of explosions and debris, screams and scattered people,  you were staring straight through his chest to the other side.
Fuck? You thought. Katsuki looking at you, then looking at the gaping wound in his chest, then looking at the incapacitated villain and the destroyed supermarket, then looking back at your hands deep in his wound, pressing down at his chest desperately to stop the bleeding as best you can, tears running down your cheeks. You who so often were joined at the hip with the one he loves, who’s grown to merge their natural smile with Izuku’s over time, whose face is distorted in fear and shock and desperation to keep him alive so you don’t have to tell your best friend that you are the reason he’s no longer here to protect her.
Because he was protecting you. For his friend. For his wife. For the kid you’ve entrusted to him in case something happens to your or Izuku's child, who better not get that goddamn juice box.
“Hey, it’s okay.”
You want to scream, no it’s not, it will never be, how am I supposed to tell her-
“I forgive you. I’m not mad. Just take care of her, okay?”
Katsuki’s voice was the quietest, calmest you had ever heard it be since you’ve met him and you hate that he smiled, and you hate hate hate that Izuku would have done it for him, too. 
The shaking turns into sobs again and Inko holds your hands tightly. Your son is upstairs, too occupied with toys, again far too polite and considerate, and you wonder if he’ll remember how hard you are crying right now. If he’ll remember his father crying and holding you that terrible evening. You wonder what he’ll do when he’s old enough to know why his auntie doesn’t have a husband and why there are four people smiling in that wedding photo that hangs in your home instead of the three he knows, and who bought him nearly half of his books and toys. 
“I can’t go there,” you whisper again. 
Inko tilts her head. 
“But she needs you,” Inko murmurs. You wipe your tears with the back of your hands. Your husband, who isn’t the coward you are, is already at the funeral, working through funeral arrangements. Your throat dries up at how much he must be apologizing again, or perhaps he’s not apologizing at all, keeping his head up high and reminding everyone that Dynamight died saving someone important to him and what he did was not a mistake. 
“Kacchan is a true hero.” Izuku repeated softly into your ear, then to himself, then to you again, then to the world, then to his wife. His wife who should hate you but is too mournful to bother.
“I can’t go there,” you repeat. “I cannot look her in the eyes.”
But your best friend needs you and cried in your arms that very first night.
Inko nods.
“But she’d do it for you,” she says, softly.
She would do it for you, the same way Izuku would have done it for Katsuki. 
Moments later, you’re squeezing Dynamight’s widow’s hand as Izuku praises him, and you wish it hadn’t turned out this way but you’re at least fulfilling your promise.
Just take care of her, okay? 
You will, for the rest of your life.
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tiredfox64 · 2 months
I was wondering if you could write about Smoke and the reader have already been married and they have kids of their own (2 or 3) and Kuai Liang and Harumi decided to give them a break by watching the kids while Tomas and the reader go on a date night and when they come back they see Kaui Liang and Harumi look exhausted and lost while the kids are being rambunctious? Lol
Never Again, Not Even for Cake
Prior notes: I’ve babysat my niece once. I ended up telling my fiancé my baby fever was gone. Still looking for it. (I’ll get to the other requests soon)
Pairing: Tomas x Afab reader
Warnings ‼️: A child (no)
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Ah yes, life’s pleasures. Fall in love, get married, have yourself a little family, the good stuff. Ah but hey, did anyone tell you have difficult kids could be?
Well, Tomas was a child once, but that doesn’t help. You did come from a large family, that helps. It was like living with bunnies. Even if you were the youngest there was always a cousin, niece, or nephew to help with. So you got the hang of this.
The first were a pair of twins, god help you. Two rambunctious boys who went behind their father’s back and learned smoke magic themselves. They aren’t skilled but they like to use it for pranks. And when they turned five, what do you think happened? That’s right! You fell pregnant again! This time with a baby girl.
So now you and Tomas have a family with a pair of six year old twins and a one year old baby girl. Take a guess, when was the last time you ever caught a break? Long time ago. That’s why Kuai Liang and Harumi stepped up and decided to babysit. That’s what good godparents do. You were a little skeptical since you never really knew how good they were with kids. But they constantly said it won’t be bad, you two need a break, you guys haven’t had a date in a while, etcétera etcétera. You caved, now the lovely couple stands in your home, ready to babysit.
“Are you sure you two can do this? You do realize the twins are sneaky? The little one found out she can grab things now.” You kept blabbering and Tomas had to reassure you.
“My love, I’m sure they will be fine. Kuai Liang helped raise me so I’m sure he can deal with the boys.”
“We know the milk is in the fridge we just need to warm it up. She is teething so there are frozen teething toys in the freezer. The boys will eat anything and they like to sit down to watch Power Rangers.” Harumi quickly shut you down by going over some of the key points you told them.
“I still don’t think your use of the television is a great idea when calming the boys down.” Kuai Liang critiqued as if he has any say.
“It’s just a tv, Kuai Liang. Other parents do worse you have no idea.” You snapped back.
“Okay, love, I think we should get going. They look like they can handle themselves. Goodbye! Thank you again!” Tomas thanked his brother and sister in law before dragging you out of the house.
Finally a moment of freedom.
A simple dinner alone was already a treat itself. Not having to force the twins to sit down, stop fighting, and just eat their food was a relief. Or your baby crying in the middle of the meal and having to listen for a good minute to figure out what she wants. The worst is when she’s just crying for no reason and you can’t do anything but let it pass.
There was none of that. Just you and Tomas having a yummy meal. It took you back to the time when you two were just dating. You could never really sit down since Tomas seemed paranoid he would be caught sneaking out of practice. He’d always scare you by popping out of no where from a puff of smoke. It wasn’t ever a big deal and he’d take your hand to go get some food. You commonly would steal from his plate whenever you could but you would give something back in return. A trade. He was happy to see that you still do that even when you guys are now married. You haven’t changed a bit and he was happy with that. Not even becoming a mother could suppress your personality.
You still look as gorgeous as the day he met you and he still looks so handsome. You never doubted your relationship with him. Never doubted marrying him or having kids with him. This date shows that there is a still a strong spark between you.
Not even when the dinner was done did the date truly end. You guys walked, talked, and laughed together. Never even a mention of the kids. Oh that’s right, the kids.
“It’s getting pretty late. You think we should start heading back? We did tell that that we would be out for three hours.” You suggested.
Tomas took a moment to think about it. Yes, it was getting pretty late. Late enough that the kids might need to be put down for bed soon. But…
“Nope, I think they will be okay with us being out for another hour. It’s not like the kids have anywhere important to be tomorrow so they can stay up late.” Eh, good enough, may the date go on!
You and Tomas felt more rejuvenated. All smiles and laughter. You even felt good enough to get Kuai Liang and Harumi a whole cheesecake as another thanks for babysitting. You of course had to get the twins their own slice or else they won’t even shut up.
What you didn’t expect is to walk into was pure chaos. Your motherly instincts kicked in the moment you heard the baby crying. A cry of pain, probably the teething. Ah but Harumi looks like she’s in more pain. The baby had a tight grip on her long hair. That’s what you forgot to tell her. The baby yanks so she should put her hair up. Well at least Kuai Liang was safe from that.
…never mind the boys got him. He looked like a shell of his former self. His bun was so close to unraveling. At least nothing was on fire so that means they didn’t trick him into using his powers.
You placed the desserts on the kitchen table before running to Harumi. You forced your baby girl to open her hands and let go of Harumi’s beautiful black hair. It looked all messy now when it’s usually all smoothed down. You opened the freezer door and popped in the first frozen teething toy you could see. Immediately the crying stopped and she was satisfied once more.
Poor Kuai Liang, the twins are yanking at him and asking him to do more tricks. What is it with boys and arson? Tomas came over quickly to yank them off him, holding them by the back of their shirts. Looking around you could see the living room was in shambles.
“What in the world happened here?!” You yelled out.
“Why didn’t you say anything about them using smoke magic?” Kuai Liang asked in a tired voice.
“We told you they were sneaky.” You said.
“That’s not-!” He stopped himself from screaming at you.
Tomas placed both boys down on the ground again before scolding them into apologizing and cleaning the living room up.
“I mean look, you lived. You still have head on your hair,” You pointed at Harumi, “And you still have your sanity in tact.” Referring to Kuai Liang.
That was a lie they look utterly exhausted. Traumatized even. You’ve never seen these two that disheveled before. Hell, not even you looked this way after giving birth to the twins. Though their looks didn’t stop Tomas from asking for something else.
“Thank you so much for taking care of the kids, Kuai Liang,” he pulled his brother in closely to whisper something, “Could you come back next week? I want to take her out again.”
Kuai Liang damn near looked like he would kill his brother. He didn’t say anything. He just took Harumi’s hand and went out the door. They didn’t even take the cheesecake. Oh well! More for the family!
After notes: I’m sorry if this seems disfuncional. I ended up crying during my speech today so I feel off. I’ll be done with this semester soon. Only three weeks to go. Adiós!
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fluentmoviequoter · 3 months
Mini Me
Requested Here!
Pairing: Tim Bradford x shy!fem!reader
Summary: After giving birth to your twin boys, Tim is upset that they look just like you. He's momentarily distracted by a visit from the godparents, Angela Lopez and one of your best friends, who Tim only refers to as soldier.
Warnings: fluff! soft Tim! a quote from The Godfather, inspired by/based on the Modern Family scene in the request
Word Count: 1.3k+ words
Picture from Pinterest
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“It’s not fair, that’s all I’m saying,” Tim insists.
You hum, tilting your forehead toward the baby in your arms.
“They’re half of me,” Tim grumbles.
“Is he still upset they look just like you?” a kind nurse asks as she enters the room.
Tim huffs, and you smile as you give her a nod. She takes the baby from your arms and moves it to the nearby crib. You watch as she looks over your new baby boy.
“You know I’m not really mad, right?” Tim whispers at your side. “To be straight with you, I’m glad they’re mini yous. I mean, I’m not thrilled that they seem to like you more, but they did just spend a lot of quality time with you, I can understand missing that.”
Lifting the shoulder closest to him, you try to hide. Your shyness evaporates when Tim puts the second baby boy in your arms.
“We do good work,” Tim says, one hand on your shoulder while he brushes a finger over the younger twins’ cheek.
“You certainly do,” the nurse answers. “How are you feeling, Mom?”
“I’m okay,” you answer softly.
“Well, let me know if that changes or if this husband of yours gets too big for his britches.”
“I would never,” Tim replies, a dramatic hand raised to his chest. “She loves it when I tease her.”
“Yeah, she seems overjoyed. Press the call button if you need anything, hun.”
You smile as she leaves, purposefully avoiding meeting Tim’s eyes.
“Have my kids and immediately fall out of love with me.”
Tim’s tone lets you see his smile even though you’re looking in the opposite direction. Leaning back, you sigh when your cheek hits his arm. He’s been by your side throughout the pregnancy, but everything shifted when you went into labor. He still teases you constantly, but you’ve never seen him so happy.
“I need to take these beauties out for just a minute,” another nurse says, moving your twins into the cribs and rolling them out. “Just a quick checkup and they’ll be back. You also have some visitors; they’ll be in shortly.”
Tim thanks the nurses, taking your hand in his.
“Who’s coming?” you ask, glancing up at him.
Already looking at you, Tim smiles when he meets your eyes. “Angela and Wesley, Lucy, solider.”
“He has a name,” you point out. “And you were a soldier too.”
“I was better.”
“I, uh, I offered to let you choose both godparents,” you whisper.
“Hey, look at me,” Tim requests, brushing his fingertips over your jaw as you look up again. “I’m just teasing you. I- I’ve never been this happy, and I’m glad that you have someone like soldier to trust as the godfather.”
“Well, you can do anything, but never go against the family.”
“Nerd,” Tim jokes.
Closing your eyes, you hide again. Tim’s used to it, and his kind hand on your arm is an apology. Though you’re not sure he’s ever really been sorry.
“Are we in the right place?” Lucy asks, opening the door to your suite. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m great,” Tim answers.
“I don’t think she was talking to you,” Wesley interjects with a smile.
“Well you know it’s just emotional.”
“I’m also good,” you answer. “We have two little boys.”
“She’s happy ‘cause they look just like her,” Tim grumbles.
“Dodged a bullet,” Wesley jokes, nodding once in your direction.
“What are their names?” Lucy asks excitedly.
“We haven’t decided yet,” Tim explains. “We can’t narrow it down past three.”
“You can’t,” you correct under your breath.
“Tim, this is for you,” Lucy says, pulling a mug from her bag.
“Best dad?” Tim reads.
“Yeah, I bought it for my dad, but Tamara wouldn’t let me give it to him, said it wasn’t true or something.”
“Wow. Uh, thank you... I think.”
“How was your vacation, Wesley?” you ask. “Sorry Angela cut it short when I called.”
“We were happy to come back. I’m pretty sure we’d tried every restaurant in a five-mile radius of the hotel anyway.”
“Hey, everybody,” your first (and favorite) nurse calls.
“Where are the babies? I want to see them!” Lucy exclaims.
“The godparents wanted to do something; they’ll be right in.”
“This is so much worse than I thought.” Tim sighs, running a hand over his jaw.
The nurse turns the light off and presses a button on a phone, 'The Circle of Life' from The Lion King filling the room. Tim sighs again, lightly squeezing your hand.
Angela and your best friend, whom Tim (lovingly) calls soldier, enter in matching robes, each carrying a baby.
“I love this!” Lucy whispers, clapping her hands over her chest.
Stopping at the end of your bed, Angela and soldier wait for the nurse to turn on a flashlight to hold the babies up, imitating the scene when Simba is lifted over the rock.
“Where did they get the matching robes?” Wesley asks.
“They’re so beautiful,” Lucy gushes, rushing to Angela to meet the babies.
Tim’s hand moves to your shoulder when he sees your tears. You never imagined being this happy and lucky to have friends and family who care about you and treat your children as their own. Leaning your cheek on Tim’s hand, you smile as you watch Lucy and Wesley take your sons.
“Your dad is probably gonna buy you dog beds, but I’ll be the best aunt you could dream of,” Lucy tells the older twin.
“I can hear you, boot,” Tim calls, not moving away from you.
“You’re next, huh?” Angela asks Lucy.
“Oh, no, please don’t,” Lucy begs.
“Soldier,” Tim greets, shaking his hand before walking from you to hug Angela.
“Thank you for coming,” you tell him.
“Of course. Nothing I wouldn’t do for my best friend and her babies, and the guy that helped make them.”
You chuckle at him, offering your hand. “Where did you get the robes?”
“Oh, that wasn’t me. Angela had them made when you asked us to be the godparents; been carrying them around since then.”
Glancing at Angela, she doesn’t look away from the baby in her arms to say, “Hey, it pays to be prepared. Lucy’s just lucky I’m not in the same realm as her, she wouldn’t stand a chance if I was an aunt, too.”
“That’s not fair,” Lucy accuses.
“And labeling yourself as an aunt to my kids is?” Tim asks.
“I didn’t label myself, it’s basic relations. You tolerate me, which is practically an acknowledgement that I’m family.”
“I- why do I even bother?” Tim asks himself.
“No one knows,” Angela and Lucy answer together.
“You’re going to let them talk to the father of your children like this?” Tim pouts as he looks at you.
“Man, you’re begging for me to get in on this,” soldier adds, shaking his head. “There’s a reason they’re already mama’s boys.”
“Don’t start with me, soldier.”
“You do know I’m going to be around more because I’m the godfather, right?”
Tim points at you before you can quote the movie again. After Lucy trades babies with Wesley and Angela moves to talk to the one in Wesley’s arms, Tim returns to your side.
“I think you’re right about the names,” Tim admits as he holds your hand between his.
“Yeah, about that…” Wesley begins.
“This is ‘Boot’ because he’s a kicker, and this is ‘Tiny Tim’ because he grumbles like you,” Lucy explains, pointing to the twins as she gives them nicknames.
“You nicknamed my kids after the term for rookies and a sick kid? You’re a terrible aunt,” Tim replies.
“Tim,” you warn quietly.
Everyone silences, looking between you and Tim with wide eyes.
“Sorry,” Tim says (reluctantly and begrudgingly).
“She’s right, though, he acts just like you,” you tell Tim, kissing his knuckles quickly.
“Can you survive two of me?” Tim asks.
“As long as you don’t tease both versions of me.”
Angela, Lucy, Wesley, and soldier talk to your babies, and you look on with a smile. Tim was right: you did good work.
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ellecdc · 4 months
hello loveeee 🩷
can i request cbbh universe jily take harry to diagon alley and shop for school supplies before he goes off to hogwarts for the first time 🥹 i cant stop thinking of their reactions when harry gets matched with a wand (+ jily getting emo remembering their first time at ollivanders too 🥲) and james hyping his boy up as they get him his broom 🥹
this is totally not me tryna heal from canon trauma ha ha…
I fucking loved this - thank you for requesting! May we all heal from the trauma that was the canon HP universe.
CBBH James Potter x Lily Evans Potter // Sirius black x Vixen
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The boys were practically vibrating with excitement as the group of six made their way to Diagon Alley. And by boys, Lily meant Draco, Harry, Sirius, and James.
“Okay, so we’ve got to go to Ollivander’s for your wands, Flourish and Blott’s for your books, Madame Malkin’s for your robes, and the Apothecary for potions ingredients. We’ll also stop to get you your own cauldrons...” Lily read from her list methodically.
“And we’ll go to the Pet Emporium and then we’ll get you brooms!” James cheered like a kid at Christmas. Lily wanted to chide him, but she was (nearly) just as excited as her husband and son.
“Okay,” Y/N said as she patiently patted her husband’s shoulder, urging him away from his best friend (and thus, a source of trouble). “why don’t you go with your mum and dad Harry, and Sirius and I will take Draco.”
“Wait.” Sirius barked dramatically. “Can we do the fun parts together?” 
“It’s all fun, Pad’s.” She chided.
Sirius grumbled but continued. “I mean the brooms and the pets. I bought my godson’s first broom – I’d like to buy him his first school broom too.” He stated with pride.
“And I’ve always wanted to carry on the tradition with my godson!” James said excitedly.
Draco laughed. “Aren’t mum and dad technically my godparents already?”
This earned him a gentle pat up the back of the head from Sirius. “Don’t talk back to your godfather.”
“Yes sir.” Draco said good humouredly and shared a fond eyeroll with Harry. 
“Okay. Why don’t we complete our checklists and then meet at Florean’s for ice cream before we do the fun stuff.” Lily relented.
Sirius and James cheered while Draco and Harry shared a high-five. 
“Onwards!” James declared. 
It was very important to Lily to get this experience with Harry, as well as for Draco to get this experience with Sirius and Y/N. 
Draco already lost the opportunity to experience this with his birth parents; he deserved this chance to make happy memories with his parents like Lily and James did at his age.
And she couldn’t help but marvel at the fact that had the war gone differently, she may have never gotten the chance to do this with her son. 
Remus and Regulus agreed to spend the day with Jasmine (Potter), Aurora (Black), Posie (Potter), Lyra (Black), and Leo & Stella (Black) at home for both sets of parents while they were off with the boys. Regulus grumbled and complained but also showed up to the playroom with an astronomical amount of craft supplies, while Remus was out-and-out giddy at the prospect of spending the day with his nieces and youngest nephew. 
Lily and James decided to let Harry choose which order they did their shopping in.
They began by getting him a cauldron and his potions supplies. James moaned and groaned the entire time, muttering about “Slytherin’s this” and “Snivellus that”, but Harry (the good lad he is) just assured his dad he wanted to get the boring bits out of the way first.
Then they went to get his books, which Lily was most excited about though James continued to whine. 
“Next year we should let Uncle Moony bring you to get your books, he’d be in heaven.” James said.
“Okay but only if mum can come too!” Lily called from somewhere else deep within the store. 
After they left the shop, Lily started trying to redistribute the bags so that they weighed roughly an even amount as they got heavy. She suddenly realised her son and husband were laughing at her. 
“What?” She spat in faux irritation.
“It’s like you forget you’re a witch.” James said as he looked at his wife’s confused face with unconditional love. 
James quickly cast a weightless charm on the shopping bags and shrunk them down to fit inside Lily’s tote bag.
“There ya go, love.” He said with a smack of a kiss on her cheek.
She rolled her eyes but couldn’t help the heat moving to her cheeks. Some habits were hard to break, she supposed. 
They then continued to Madame Malkin’s to purchase Harry some uniform robes. They bumped into Sirius, Y/N, and Draco whilst they were there, and James and Sirius spent the entire time pretending to be strangers to one another exchanging pleasantries.
“Ah, nice to meet you, good sir. First time?” Sirius asked in a deep register.
“Yes, yes. This is my first born, Harold Jameson Potter the Seventh. And you?” James responded in like.
“Naw, this ain’t ma first rodeo.” Sirius said, transitioning to a (terrible) Southern American accent. 
“Yippee ki-yay.” James returned.
The boys were giggling from their platforms as they were being fitted, causing Mrs. Malkin to shush them as Harry received a stray pin to the shoulder. 
Finally, the part everyone had been most excited about, was Ollivander’s. Lily couldn’t help but remember her poor muggle parent’s – dragging a petulant Petunia behind them – trying to be supportive of Lily even though they had no idea what anything meant.
When a witch or wizard get their wand – the hope is that the wand will remain with them throughout their life. The wand chooses it’s wix, and throughout the user’s life, they learn from the wand and the wand learns from them. 
A wand is nearly synonymous with a marriage: perhaps more. 
Lily chose James and James chose Lily – but both could function without the other. If they fell out of love tomorrow, they’d both find ways to move on.
But Lily’s relationship with her wand is her longest relationship of her entire life, and without it – she would feel naked. The wand provides her with protection, strength, knowledge, and power. Without it, she’s just a girl.
And today, she gets to watch her son as he finds the wand that will provide him protection, strength, knowledge, and power throughout his whole life. She felt her sinuses sting as the bell rung above the door.
“You okay, love?” James whispered into her ear as Harry eyed the rows and rows of boxes lining every wall.
Lily didn’t trust herself to speak, so she simply nodded and offered him a watery smile.
“Oh, my flower.” James said as he rubbed his wife’s back, but Lily didn’t miss the wetness of his own voice. She knew he was probably thinking about coming here with Effie and Monty at Harry’s age (and his near doppelgänger) to choose his own wand. His parents would have understood the significance of finding his first wand - how momentous this moment would be – just as Lily and James did now. 
“My, my, do we have another firs- oh!” Mr. Ollivander started as he poked his head out from the back room, interrupted by the scene in front him.
“Why...it can’t be...but, wow!” He cheered as he came around the register. 
“Introduce yourself, Haz.” Lily encouraged her son.
“I’m Harry P-”
“Potter, yes." Ollivander completed for Harry. "Of James Fleamont Potter who was matched with an 11-inch mahogany wand with a dragon heartstring around this time about twenty years ago. And Fleamont Hari Potter some thirty-eight years before that. My...”
“I never forget a customer, you see.” He clarified when Harry turned to his parents somewhat concernedly at this stranger’s familiarity.
“It’s nice to see you again, Mr. Ollivander.” Lily said with a smile.
“Ah, and you, Miss Evan’s, or, Mrs. Potter, I suppose.” 
Without further ado, Ollivander started pulling boxes from the stacks, trying Harry on for size.
The first one nearly singed everyone’s eyebrows off and was quickly returned to its box.
“Temperamental, that was is. Hm,” Ollivander said mostly to himself as he carried on.
The second set off the sprinkler system above them and got sent back to its home as well.
Finally, a wand was handed to Harry (the wand) from the stack. An 11-inch holly wand with a phoenix feather core. Harry picked it up, and (quite beautiful, in Lily’s opinion) fireworks sprouted from its tip.
“An odd combination of wood and core – I’ve not seen many like it myself.” Ollivander admitted.
“Well, Haz is a bit of an odd guy.” James said as he ruffled his son’s hair.
“Dad!” Harry screeched as the two began to roughhouse.
“Okay, oi, this store is not big enough. Boys!” Lily reprimanded.
The trio finished up their shopping and headed towards Florean Fortescue’s Ice Cream parlour. Sirius, Y/N, and Draco were already seated, which Sirius was very smug about.
“Must be hard being second best at everything, Potter.” He called out to James. This resulted in James leaping over the barrier of the parlour’s patio seating area and landing on Sirius. Y/N had her face in her hands and Draco was (unsuccessfully) trying to smother his laughter. 
“Oh, for Merlin’s sake.” Lily grumbled as she shot an auguamenti at the two boys men.
The two men shot apart like cats in an alleyway after someone threw something at them for howling in the middle of the night. 
“Go get your wives and sons ice cream.” Lily barked at them.
“Yes ma’am.” Sirius and James responded, each bringing their first two finger to their forehead and offering a salute before walking marching inside. 
After their quick treat, where Draco and Harry compared their wands and showed each other all that they had bought, they carried on to the ‘fun stuff’. 
“Have you thought at all about what kind of pet you’d like, Draco?” Y/N asked the boy.
Draco appeared to consider something before a blush permeated his cheekbones. 
“I think...I think I’d like a cat; like my mum had.” He admitted quietly.
Sirius offered a sad but delighted sigh at his son and Y/N pulled him into an embrace.
Narcissa Malfoy attended her first year with the company of a regal white long-haired half kneazle. That cat (monstrosity, if you asked Sirius) was her most prized possession for years to come after that. 
“That sounds like a beautiful choice, my love.” Y/N offered as they made their way to Magical Menagerie. 
There was a pure white long-haired kneazle cross available that Sirius was positive Draco would beeline for. 
However, surprising everyone, Draco found a small tortoiseshell kitten with a missing eye. “This one!” He proclaimed.
And so, it was.
He named her Larissa – after one of Neptune’s moons, and in the same vein as his mum’s name Narcissa.
Harry insisted on getting an owl so he could “race them with his new broom.” He landed on a beautiful snowy owl with piercing yellow eyes. Lily found her a little off-putting; “no owl should look like they know so much” she had said.
To name her, Harry decided to flip open to a random page of one of his textbooks. Harry named her Hedwig, which he found on page 158 in Bathilda Bagshot’s book “A History of Magic”.
Y/N and Lily found a bench near Broomstix and watched as the four boys walked (skipped) into the store, speaking over top of one another in their excitement. 
“God we’re so lucky.” Y/N said quietly.
Lily felt like her heart was a well that was just overflowing with love.
“We really are.” She agreed. 
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in1-nutshell · 4 months
Hello! Sorry I’ve been putting a lot of asks. You can feel free to push this one later. I just wanted to submit this ask while I still remembered this idea. A while ago I read your post about Optimus Prime with a daughter who was his exact opposite, and I loved that one! So may I request a similar idea with TFP Ratchet? Like TFP Ratchet with a daughter bot Buddy who is his exact opposite. Like who had a gentle and sweet and that “Does it hurt here? Aww, you poor thing” “Hey you are doing so much better! Aww! Great job” type of classic cartoon nurse personality, as well as the classic “I love these little creatures! Can we keep them? Father pleaaase?” type of little girl personality (probably to the humans, to Ratchet’s dismey). And she also looked up to Arcee a lot. Like, A LOT! Her absolute idol! she would want to copy every way Arcee talk and behave (even the bad examples)(much to Ratchet’s dismay) and copying the way Arcee battle too. And thanks to Arcee she now wished she could join the battlefield and do all these wonderful cool and dangerous things too! (Once again, much to Ratchet’s dismey)
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! YES! Give Ratchet a child!
Hope you enjoy!
Ratchet with a daughter who has the exact opposite personality to his own
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Cybertronain reader
Buddy was originally a sparkling from a dear friend of Ratchet and Orion Pax’s.
Their caregiver was an extremely pacifistic bot who wanted nothing more than peace on Cybertron. But once in a while the caregiver would join a rally with Pax and Ratchet. They believed in change and agreed something needed to be done.
They sadly passed away from natural causes one day when they dropped Buddy off at his clinic to pick up some rust sticks for Buddy. The two friends were devastated hearing the news while the sparkling was happily playing around with her toys.
Their caregiver had placed Ratchet as the primary care giver if anything should happen, Orion was to be the sparkling godparent.
Ratchet took on the new duties immediately.
It was the least he could do for his friend and the sparkling.
Ratchet made sure to let the sparkling know what happened to their caregiver when they were older.
“And that’s the story.”--Ratchet
“So, they’re really gone then?”--Buddy
“…Does that mean I can’t tell bots you’re my caregiver?”--Buddy
“I mean, you take care of me, you feed me, you help me with stuff I don’t know, you helped me choosing my alt mode, you let me rant when things get too much, and you love me… right?”--Buddy
“Of course, I do!”--Ratchet
“…I am…I…”--Ratchet
“You don’t have to say it if you aren’t ready. I love you, you take your time.”--Buddy
“… I love you, Buddy. I love you, my sparkling.”--Ratchet
“To Luna 1 and back?”--Buddy
“To Luna 1 and back.”--Ratchet
The sparkling grew up with a peculiar personality contrasting his.
She wasn’t as sarcastic as he was. If fact it was rare to hear her say sarcastic things. Buddy rather expressed herself open when she could.
“Hi Arcee! Hi Cliffjumper! How was patrol this evening?”--Buddy
“It was fine. Not a Con in sight.”--Arcee
“And too bad too. We would have knocked out their processors out right away!”--Cliffjumper
“Any wounds today? Dents? Dinges? Scratches?”--Buddy
“Yeah I think some of the gravel clipped my servos.”--Cliffjumper
“Oh! Let me!—”--Buddy
“He was joking Buddy.”—Arcee
“…But I do have some cool looking rocks to add to your collection.”—Cliffjumper
“Really! Awesome! Let me go get my collection right now!”—Buddy
“Nice save.”--Arcee
“No thanks to you ‘Cee.”--Cliffjumper
She was a very sensitive individual and extremely empathetic in nature. Just like her former Caregiver, a near perfect image of them.
That being said, Buddy did pick up some of Ratchet’s habits.
Sleep schedule? Never heard of them.
Perfectionist? Absolutely.
Think highly of a certain bot? Yes, but not the same one.
Buddy cleaning some of the medical equipment.
Bumblebee coming out from his habsuite.
“Beep beop! (Morning Buddy!)”--Bumblebee
“Morning? But it was just—oh! God morning Bumblebee!”--Buddy
“Beep… bep bep bop? (Buddy… how many hours did you sleep?)”--Bumblebee
“… So, are you going to pick up Raf today?”--Buddy
“Bep beep (Like Daughter like Father)”--Bumblebee
“Bep bop? (Am I wrong?)”--Bumblebee
Buddy stayed by Ratchet’s side through the thick and thin as his nurse. It seemed like the best role for Buddy to play. They did get taught by the very best anyways.
The kids for the longest time thought that Buddy was simply a student to Ratchet.
“Hey Buddy, do you have parents?”--Miko
“What it’s a valid question.”--Miko
“Umm… I’m confused. You know him already.”--Buddy
“Wait your parent is one of the bots on the Team?”--Raf
“Yes? I thought you knew already.”--Buddy
“Who is it! I bet its Optimus!”--Miko
“Actually, he is my godparent as you’d say it on Earth.”--Buddy
“Then who?”--Raf
“What’s wrong?!”--Ratchet
“You’re Buddy’s dad!?”--Miko
“Yes? I thought you knew already.”--Ratchet
“That’s what I said!”--Buddy
“But how—I want a Cybertronain DNA test, cause there is no way sweety Buddy is related to salty you.”--Miko
“I’m actually adopted Miko.”--Buddy
“But that doesn’t mean you aren’t my daughter, Buddy.”--ratchet
“And that doesn’t mean you aren’t my father Ratchet.”--Buddy
“This is too cute I’m going to go puke.”--Miko
“And you ruined it.”--Jack
This clears a lot of things for the humans.
Buddy was the eldest of the youngest group on Team Prime. She took her job as big sister seriously with Bumblebee and later with Smokescreen. She made sure to always be there for them in any way she could figure out was necessary.
The two bots enjoyed having someone have their backs and fixing them when they came back from patrol.
“Hey Smokes’, you’re doing amazing there.”--Buddy
“Yeah, just a bit longer and you’ll be on your pedes in no time!”--Buddy
“Then you can start the physical therapy.”--Buddy
“Can I skip that?”--Smokescreen
“Did I studder?”—Buddy
Bumblebee accidentally crushed a tool with his pede.
“Bee… Honeybee… I needed that.”--Buddy
Ratchet on the other side of the base.
“…I suddenly feel proud for some reason?”--Ratchet
Like Ratchet Buddy looked up to certain teammates.
While Ratchet looked up to Optimus, Buddy looked up to Arcee.
Buddy saw a hero and great friend in Arcee.
A part of Buddy, like Ratchet, wished she could do more to help the team. When she saw Arcee sparring and hearing the retellings of her stories, she could only imagine doing the stuff Arcee could do.
“Then what happened?”--Buddy
“That’s when me and Cliff went into the groundbridge while Shockwave shot at us with his canon.”--Arcee
“I remember hearing that cliff was knocked unconscious when he went into the portal. What did you do to Shockwave?”—Buddy
“Are you sure you want to know?”--Arcee
“Heh…I shot the Cyclops right in that giant optic of his! He fell straight back to Cybertron with a BANG!”--Arcee
“Please don’t influence my child.”--Ratchet
“No promises.”--Arcee
“Yeah, no promises!”--Buddy
“…Maybe you were right…”--Arcee
Ratchet just hopes that Buddy doesn’t follow Arcee exactly.
He is too old for these jump scares.
And its not like Buddy would go into battle with nothing more than their med kit for Arcee alone, right?
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whiskeynwriting · 11 months
How the Boys Act With Their Brand New Babies
Captain John Price, John “Soap” McTavish, König, Simon “Ghost” Riley
Word Count: 5.1k
Warnings: Pregnancy, descriptions of birth (natural and cesarean), breastfeeding, established relationships/marriages, mentions of drugs (during C-Section), godparents, and I think that’s it! 
A/N: The baby fever is so real you guys. Also, the only one out of this group that screams “boy dad” is Price and no one can change my mind.
Thank you so so much to @thesleepingmusicneek for helping me with beta-reading and general plot additions with this piece and so many others I've posted recently 🥰🥰🥰
Masterlists - Price | Soap | König | Ghost |
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Captain John Price (~1k words) 
Benjamin Price
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John’s base instinct is “protector and provider” and Lord does that skyrocket with your son.
“I said no, not happening.” Turning, he held your son out of your mother’s reach. “She hasn’t washed her hands.”
Chuckling, you crossed your arms. “Baby, I think it’ll be o -”
Reaching over to grab a bottle of hand sanitizer, he held it out to your mother. “At least sanitize.”
There was something ridiculously funny about John, your hardened soldier, holding onto this pudgy, little baby. And what made it even funnier, was that Benji had a straight face nearly the entire time; staring over at his grandmother as if to say, do what my daddy says. John and his son were two peas in a damn pod. 
Watching others hold his baby wasn’t an easy task. Regardless of whether or not they were family, it made his palms sweat, made his breaths shallow and fingers fidgety. What if they dropped him? Pinched him too hard? Bounced him too fast? Made him frown or cry? And by the time his thoughts started spiraling, he’d just get up and snatch him right back. 
While John was more than proud to show off your little family, he might as well have “look, don’t touch” painted across his forehead. Even his own parents didn’t have access to Benji unless they followed his standards. And family friends? Strangers at the park? Yeah, they can forget even saying hi to him. 
“He is a cutie, isn’t he?” John beamed, nodding along to one of your friend’s comments. “Hey,” He then said, holding out a hand. “What’re you doing?”
“Oh, I was just going to hold his little hand!”
“I don’t think so, Deb.”
“John, she’s only being nice.” Chastising him lightly, you tilted your head with sympathy. 
“Nice or not, she’s not touching my son.”
John acted as if everyone was out to snatch up his son and take off running. And he didn’t care if he hurt anyone’s feelings in the process of protecting him. 
“Love, you’ve got to be nicer.”
“Because these are our friends, our family!”
“Just keeping him safe,” He then turned to the chubby bundle in his arms. “That’s all.”
As per usual, Benji had that straight look on his face, expression matching that of his father. And Christ, do they look alike. He’s practically a carbon copy of John. 
Shaking your head, you chuckle. “You and your mini me.”
And John’s face lifts with the brightest grin, cheeks cherry red with happiness. “Handsome chap.” He says, bouncing Benji on his lap. 
Try as you might, there’s no changing John’s mind. In order to keep your baby boy happy and healthy, everyone and everything had to be clean. John ran a tight ship, something you’ve gotten used to in your marriage. And, you figure, in the end it’s only helping Benji. 
When it came to the birth of your son, John made sure to have a plan. You and your doctors discussed a scheduled C-Section beforehand, and the two of you adapted well to this. They informed you of every detail, and after that, you discussed things on your own end. Back at home, John helped you devise a game plan, a list of things that you’d need and the exact steps to take when the day came. And when the moment finally arrived, everything went surprisingly smooth. 
While it was difficult for John to see you under the influence of so many narcotics, that was the least of his worries. During your procedure, he focused on yours and the baby’s health. And even though you weren’t entirely conscious, he made sure to stay by your side. While you bore the weight of the most intense struggles, your husband intended to take on the burdens of every other task that he possibly could. That meant aiding in your recovery, and your son’s growth. 
Once home, John was your round-the-clock nurse. On a timed schedule, he’d clean your incision and make sure it was healing well. He kept your nightstand fully stocked with water and pain medicine, as well as your comfiest heating pad. The ensuite had all the postpartum pads you could need, and he never left you alone in the shower. When it came to Benji, John did all of the nighttime feedings, and all of the nappie changings. He didn’t want you lifting a single finger, not while you were resting. 
In the evening, John often cuddled in bed with you, bringing Benjamin along to nestle between your bodies. You both admired him, pet him softly and kissed his little hands and big, round belly. It was mesmerizing to you, the fact that you created this perfect, little soul. And while you focused your affections on your newborn son, you and John made sure to save some of it for each other, too. 
“I know,” Cooing quietly, you smiled down at him. 
“No,” Shaking his head, John drew your attention back to him. “You, lovie.”
“I’ve been in bed for three days, this isn’t beautiful.” While you laugh, John tuts sadly.
“Don’t know how you could be so blind.”
But what you certainly aren’t blind to, is John’s unconditional love. And that is more healing to you than any medication on the market. 
Though, that doesn’t stop the rest of the boys from trying. In their thoughtfulness, Johnny and Kyle have brought you gift baskets full of after-pregnancy goodies. Snacks and sweet drinks, fuzzy socks and cute onesies for little Benji. They were even kind enough to include postpartum pads. 
“You guys are too much.” In the midst of it all, tears roll down your cheeks. 
Shrugging, Kyle just grins. “Least I can do for my godson.” 
Out of the entire group, John was the first to have a baby. And he wasted no time in making Kyle Benjamin’s godfather. And the boys understood; John and Kyle had a bond that exceeded brotherhood. 
Of course, Simon tagged along. But he wasn’t exactly familiar with babies. Soap encouraged him to bring a gift, but all he could come up with was an Amazon gift card. 
“I um, well… here. For his… things.” Ghost handed you the card awkwardly, but you smiled brightly regardless. 
“Thank you, Simon.” Bringing him into a firm hug, he released a soft grunt, eventually patting your back. 
“Alright, alright.” Johnny announces, “I think it’s time, Cap. Where’s that baby?”
Christ sake, John internally groans. “Have you sanitized?” 
John “Soap” McTavish (~1.2k words)
Elsie McTavish
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Is so excited about the baby that he sometimes forgets himself.
“I know, I know.” He’d respond, only half annoyed.
“Just, p-please,” Reaching out with shaky hands, you watched as Johnny swung your newborn infant around in his arms. “Watch her head!”
“Aye,” Johnny sighs, rolling those beautiful blue eyes. 
Pulling her to his chest, he lets her head rest on one of those broad shoulders, bouncing a bit as he pats her on the back.
“How’mie supposed to have fun with my daughter if ye won’t stop nit-pickin’?” 
“Baby, I’m just, I want her to be -”
“Safe, I know, bonnie. She is safe with me.” He then grins, turning to your daughter as he holds her up in front of him. “Aren’t ye, wee lassie? 
And you suppose he’s right. Being a helicopter parent isn’t fun for anybody. Besides, Johnny loves your daughter enough to keep her safe and you should trust him with her. 
“Ohh,” Johnny starts, and you think, here we go again. “Elsie and her daddy, say he’s a good ‘ole laddie. He’ll keep you safe and happy. We’ll play all day and sing away, yes Elsie and her daddy.” 
Your husband’s makeshift songs never ceased to put a smile on your face. Johnny was always a fun and carefree man, but with your daughter? He was the goofiest dad. 
Whenever you needed rest, he’d jump right to his feet, swooping in to take her to wherever she needed to be. The changing table for a new nappie, the kitchen for a bottle, or simply to the couch to give you some much-needed alone time. There was never a complaint, never a sigh or roll of his eyes. Oftentimes, you’d stumble into a room to find Johnny enjoying himself even more than Elsie. He became so animated when reading books to her, acting out scenes and making the noises of each animal. And it made her giggle wildly. He’d fidget with the toys on her playmat while she laid with him, roll the rattles around and build with the rings and blocks. But most of all, he’d interact with her. Regardless of her being barely two months old, Johnny had full-on conversations with your daughter.
“And then what happened?” He’d ask, sounding completely interested. And she’d babble back to him, as if she was truly joining in.
Nodding, he raised his brows. “That’s wild, lass. Shouldn't have to put up with that.”
Another babble, a little giggle. 
“Aye, nothing wrong with that.”
Sometimes, she’d slam her little hand, and Johnny would raise his own in defense. “Oi, no need to get political about it.” 
Johnny’s newest baby obsession is doing her hair. She was born with so much of it that he decided one day, he ought to do something about it. And so, he bought a pack of colorful bows, using them to make a little mohawk in her hair. You happened to walk in on him in the middle of it one day, your daughter sitting on his lap and cooing innocently while he made her look like a rockstar. 
When he looked up to find you in the doorway, he grinned. “Like it?” 
And you’d be daft to say it wasn’t the cutest thing you’ve ever seen. 
Your husband truly embraced the excitement and general fun of fatherhood. He figured enough seriousness surrounded her birth, why not make the rest of her life as joyful as can be? 
It was an emergency C-Section, something neither of you were prepared for. There was no question of whether or not he’d be in the room with you, he simply put on the plastic hospital gown and cap and followed you in. His hand didn’t leave yours, not even for a second. Even though you were given medicine to dull the pain and any real feeling, he wanted you to know he was there. 
When your daughter was successfully taken from your womb, things finally started calming down. After that, your health went back to normal. You didn’t lose too much blood, your stitches went in properly, and you were wheeled back to your room to start your recovery. Johnny was thanking the Lord that the two of you made it out okay, that both of his girls were safe. And while he waited for you to wake up, he sat in the room with your newborn baby, laying her over his chest while she slept. 
“Little bonnie,” He whispered, kissing her head. “My Elsie girl.”
It was at that moment that she became his new best friend, his partner in crime, his perfect angel. He saw it as a privilege, really, taking care of you in your recovery while also caring for Elsie. Not everyone has this, he often thought to himself. My wonderful family.
And he couldn’t wait to show off his little clan. 
As soon as she was ready for visitors, he invited everyone he possibly could. Friends, family, an entire get together just for her. And she was definitely her father’s daughter, blue eyes bright with excitement as each and every person greeted her with delight. Ever the extrovert herself, she giggled for hours, bouncing on people’s laps as they each took turns entertaining her. 
“Oh, oh! And watch this!” Johnny says, setting down his glass and leaning toward his little girl. “Elsie, look at daddy!” And that’s just what she does, watching as Soap widens his eyes with his brows raised high. Perfectly, she mimics him. 
“The smartest little thing!” Her nanny cheered, clapping with pride. 
“Ah ken, ma!” Johnny responds to his mum, agreeing with her wholeheartedly. “She’s just a wee little thing, already clever as wits.” 
And your side of the family couldn’t possibly be more proud. They’d been waiting for ages to have a grandbaby, and knew if they waited for the right time, you and Johnny would give them just that. 
“Oh, what’s this about?” You chime in, frowning when Elsie suddenly begins to cry. 
“She’s hungry, eh?” Your husband chuckles, reaching out to stroke her mini hand. “Go on then, go to mummy.”
The two of you were lucky enough to have a respectful family, entirely understanding of whenever you needed to take her away for a feeding. And oftentimes, Johnny would come with you. He saw it as a bonding moment, for all three of you. When he first asked, he seemed incredibly timid about it, not wanting to make you uncomfortable. But you thought it sweet; him holding you, while you held your baby, lulling her to sleep with your warm milk.
“She’s dozing.” Johnny whispers into your ear, head dipping to kiss your shoulder.
Together, you’d gone up to your marital bedroom, sitting up on your bed. Johnny’s back rested against the headboard, while your own rested against his firm chest. He’d butterfly his legs out, welcoming you between them and holding you close with every limb. And sitting like this, is when Elsie was the coziest. 
“You’re amazin’, bonnie.” Keeping his voice hush, Johnny rests his chin on your shoulder, admiring your baby from above. “Thank you, so much.”
“What for, baby?”
“For givin’ me her, our sweet Elsie. And just… bein’ with me. You’re everything to me.” 
König (~1.2k words)
Gisela and Avelina
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He had been enamored since the moment the test showed positive. 
The word paternal is the perfect description for him. Even before having a baby in his arms, König embraced fatherhood wholeheartedly. He read all the baby books, took you to all your classes and participated equally in them. Every night, he’d sit by your tummy and read, talk to the baby and sing German lullabies. He thought he had everything figured out, thought he was prepared in every way. 
That is, until he learned that there were two of them. 
“I… I can’t believe it.”
“Oh my gosh…”
Your collective shock made the doctor giggle, continuing to inform you that not only were they identical, they were girls.
“Daughters,” König then said, eyes widening. “Two daughters…”
Worry began to swirl inside your belly from his words, his hesitancy. Glancing up at him from your lying position, you asked quietly, “Are you not… you’re not happy?”
“My love,” Releasing a quick breath, he knelt by your side, immediately taking your hand. “I couldn’t be happier.” And he was beaming. “Daughters, Schatz. We’re going to have two little girls.” (Sweetheart)
And to prepare for their arrival, he bought nearly everything in sight. 
“Schatz, look! Look at what I bought for them.” (Sweetheart) 
Lumbering in with three shopping bags, he sat you down in the living room to show you everything he got to welcome your baby girls into the family. One by one, he pulled each item out, displaying multiple onesies, mini dresses, bows for their hair, new blankets and swaddles, the list goes on. 
“So cute,” He muttered to himself, holding up a purple dress. And just hearing this mountain of a man use the word cute made you smile from ear to ear. 
“Gisela will wear pink,” Your husband decides, “And Avelina, she will dress in purple. Matching, but different, ja?”
When König found out he was having two babies, he knew he’d have no problem giving them both an equal amount of love. He never once worried about having to devote time to each of them, make them each feel cared for and adored. In his mind, it wasn’t even a question. He knew he had more than enough affection to give to each of his girls. 
He’d even gone out of his way to stock up on the essentials - diapers, creams, wipes and bottles. And although the twins won’t be able to use them for a few months, he also took it upon himself to buy some toys - mostly soft blocks, rattles, play mats, and stuffies. 
“They’re going to be spoiled.” You grinned, not the least bit annoyed by your husband’s overzealous preparation. How could anyone be annoyed by that? 
And now that they’re here, König finally has the opportunity to truly shower them with all his love. Every nighttime feeding was, in his words, their best time to bond. When the world is quiet, and you are finally resting, it’s just him and his daughters. And with his imaginative and resourceful talents, König figured out a way to tie their bottles to their little rockers, pushing the chairs back and forth as they ate. He never wanted to feed them one at a time, he thought it cruel to have one watch their sibling eat while they themselves were hungry. 
Whenever the girls were done eating, he’d hold them, lay them both over his broad, bare chest, allowing them to feel his warm skin. It comforted the girls, cuddling with their father. You thought maybe one of them might favor you, but that hope quickly dwindled. They are definitely daddy’s girls. But it was hard to be jealous when every one of this trio’s interactions were breathtakingly sweet. Their bond was something that genuinely brought a tear to your eye, in both sentimental and humorous ways.
“GG!” He calls to her, holding up his phone. This nickname for your gorgeous daughter came quickly, along with Gisela-Bella, Ella, and your personal favorite… “Meine Schnuckel!”
“What does that even mean?” Chuckling to yourself, you watch as Gisela’s father attempts to take a picture of her. 
“My cutie!” He answers cheerfully, your daughter looking right at him as soon as he says it. 
“Yes! Perfect, my beauties.” And then he’s leaning over to show you. “Look, look at them. The cutest things. I’m so happy Ava was already looking.”
Avenlina’s nicknames consisted of Ava, Lina-Ballerina, and… “My little Spatzi.”
As if responding to her German name, Avelina babbles back to her father, just like she always does. Between the two of them, she was certainly the talker, always chirping away, König’s little sparrow. 
The photo he shows you prompts a small laugh from your end, a wide smile growing across your lips. He’d dressed them up in the most adorables outfit you’d ever seen, strawberry and blueberry dresses. GG wore the pink one, of course, with Ava in blue. Each outfit had a berry hat and matching shoes, too. 
Genuinely, he could never get enough of them. Whether it was spoiling the girls with presents or giving them every bit of his time, your husband did everything he could to be the best father. But there were times he’d have no choice but to hand them over to you, their daytime feedings being one of those scenarios. Although, it’s not like he didn’t join you. 
Laying beside you in bed, he shifts onto his side, watching with love in his eyes. You’ve gotten used to feeding them both, being blessed with the ability to produce enough milk to sustain them. And while sitting back against the headboard, you do just that, rocking the girls gently as they drink. 
“She has my eyes, don’t you think?” Reaching over, König taps little Gisela’s chin.
And he’s right; her piercing blue gaze is just like his. “Absolutely.” 
“Sie sind so schön.” Whispering, he stares up at his daughters with sincere wonder in his eyes. “You made them.” (They are so beautiful)
“I know.” Giggling, you nod in response. “Do you think Ava has my nose?” You wonder aloud, watching as their eyelids begin to droop.
“Of course, that perfect little button.” He adds, gently booping his younger daughter’s nose. Though, only younger by two minutes.
Unable to help himself, König then leans in, placing a gentle kiss to Avelina’s head, being that she’s closest to him. And then one of those large hands is lifting, petting gently at his eldest’s thin, blonde hair.
“Let me put them to bed, Schatz.” (Sweetheart)
“No,” Whining quietly, you puff out your lower lip. “I wanna.”
It was something the two of you often ‘fought’ about; neither of you could get enough of your precious daughters. Even while giving birth, he practically tried to catch them with his bare hands. He was the first to hold them, each of them, even before they were placed on your chest. It made for quite the special moment, though. It was him who laid them onto you, one at a time, your little family coming together as you finally held your daughters, your sweet babies. 
To König, there was nothing more inspiring than seeing you give birth to his daughters. You were fierce, powerful, and he was there to support you every step of the way. Hell, he was practically your birthing coach. He cheered you, doted on you until you’d insisted you were okay. In his mind, no one could care for you or your daughters better than him. And that caring instinct only continues to grow as your family does. 
Simon “Ghost” Riley (~1.3k words)
Charlotte Riley
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Isn’t quite sure what to do, and always looks to you for guidance.
It’s not that Simon doesn’t love his daughter, or isn’t interested in her, he’s just afraid. Afraid he’ll hurt her, make her cry or just do something wrong. He’s so big and she’s just so… little. She’s the most precious, fragile thing he’s ever seen and honestly, he’s wondering how he was even capable of making her. 
“Do you want to hold her, Si?” Your voice is gentle, looking up at him with encouragement in your eyes. “She wants you.”
“I don’t know, love.” 
The huge, menacing man you grew to love was quickly dwindled down to a nervous wreck when it came to your newborn daughter. He’d wring his hands, rub the back of his neck and constantly shift his stance. When Charlotte was with you, he was calm. But in literally every other scenario, he felt like he was about to lose his head. 
During the birthing process, Simon was sweating bullets. You were in an ungodly amount of pain and he had no idea what to do, there wasn’t anything he could do. But after a moment, his instincts kicked in. Thanks to his background and general personality, his body often chooses to take action in these fight or flight instances. And he figured the best thing he could do was to just be there for you. He leaned down, wrapped an arm around your shoulder and kept his head right beside your own, holding your hand with his free one and letting you squeeze and claw him as hard as you needed to. You called out for him, crying miserably through the pain. It tore his insides to shreds, it was heart-wrenching. 
“I’m here, I promise I’m here. And you’re so strong, sweetheart. You can do this, you can.”
And now, it’s your turn to reassure him. 
“I promise it’ll be okay.” Pushing your folded arms out toward your husband, you bring her just a bit closer to him. “You don’t want to hold your baby?”
“I, I feel like…”
“Don’t be nervous, Si. She loves you, she trusts you. You can do this.”
He gulped then, eyes floating down to the small bundle in your hands. Only, it’s not just a small pile of blankets. It’s his daughter, his Lottie girl. And so, with a sigh, he nods, straightening his stance. 
I can do this.
With a smile on your face, you watch as he gently, slowly, takes her from your arms.
“How, how do I -”
“Support her head.” Answering softly, you show him just how to do it, gently maneuvering his strong arms and large hands. “There you go, just like that.” 
At first, you were annoyed with him. Did he not pay attention in your parenting classes? Did he not actually read the books you gave him? But an honest conversation quickly put those worries to rest. Simon did pay attention, he did read those books, he had all the knowledge he needed to succeed at this. But he just didn’t trust himself with it, with her. None of those classes prepared for him an actual baby. He thought he’d surely and properly fuck this up if given the chance, but right now, he’s proving himself wrong. 
“Look at you, Si.” The reassurance in your tone makes his heart beat with happiness and pride. All he wants to do is please you, both of you. 
Glancing down at his daughter, Simon nods, uttering a quiet yet confident, “Yeah…” 
But a breath of air is quickly sucked in when he sees her squirm, his body stiffening immediately. You hold out your hands and pause, urging him to just wait. And within seconds, she’s calming down again, tiny body snuggling into his chest. 
“She, um…”
“She loves you, baby.” Stepping closer, you slide a finger over her little hand, cooing, “You love your daddy, Lottie?”
“Stop it.” He orders playfully, eyes unwavering from Charlotte’s sweet face. And when you quirk a brow at him, he continues grumpily, “Making me all emotional.” 
But what you said was true, he can do this. He wants to do this. 
And he does. 
It takes less than a week for Simon to get used to this, becoming so comfortable with your daughter that he openly scoops her up from your arms whenever he pleases. He hasn’t quite gotten the hang of how to feed or burp her yet, but he has been helping you with diaper changes. He’ll watch you perform the task or explain a piece of it, and then he’ll do it, testing the waters a bit. It’s slow, but it’s progress. 
What helps with this is his best mate, having a baby of his own to demonstrate. 
“Hold the bottle like this.” Johnny instructs, showing Ghost how he holds his own daughter. “Yeah!”
“Alright,” Ghost nods, voice quiet and a bit shaky. 
Charlotte’s head rests on the bulk of Simon’s bicep, the rest of her body cradled on his lap. And with the bottle perfectly angled, she drinks easily and happily. Elsie does the same, but that’s nothing new. 
“Have you read to her?”
“Read to her? But… she doesn’t understand it, Johnny.” 
“Doesn’t matter,” Soap shrugs, grabbing his baby’s backpack to pull out some of her favorite stories. Well, Johnny’s favorite stories. “Elsie loves it! Surely my little godlassie will, too.”
How that came about, nobody really knows. It sort of just… happened, the two of them being their daughter’s godfathers. Nobody fit the role better than them, it was just common knowledge. 
Opening an interactive tale about animals in the jungle, Johnny reads to the girls, their eyes watching him intently. Now that they’re done eating, they focus on Johnny and the way he’s speaking, his facial expressions and movements. 
“The monkey says… ooh! Ooh! Ooh!” Reaching forward, he quickly tickles their tummies, watching as they erupt into laughter. “Here Si, you give it a go.” 
Shoving the book into his hands, he watches his friend gulp. It’s as if an entire crowd is in front of him, and not his best friend and two baby girls. 
“The, um… the lion says… roar.” 
The girls do nothing, and Johnny rolls his eyes. “Oh, c’mon, put your heart into it! The lion says roar!”
Clearing his throat, Ghost nods, staring at the simple picture book. “The lion says… ROAR!”
But instead of giggling, the girls start crying, and Simon is tossing the book down in an instant. Scooping his daughter up into his arms again, he mutters a grumpy Christ while patting her back and bouncing her lightly.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. Daddy’s sorry.” His voice is barely above a whisper, but Johnny can still hear him. And he smiles. 
“Don’t worry about it.” Keeping his chuckles to himself, Johnny then says, “Lottie’s got a great dad. I can tell.” 
“How in the bloody hell is this so hard?” His voice is still low, keeping his cheek beside her own in an attempt to comfort her. 
“You’ll get the hang of it.” Soap is resting easy, having calmed his daughter down in less than a minute. “What d’ya say we have a day together? Just us four?”
“And do… what?” Simon hasn’t yet mastered the art of interacting with his tiny baby. He doesn’t know what she’s receptive to. But how will he ever know if he never tries? 
“We can go to the zoo! Practice those lion roars.” Johnny jokes with a grin, watching his best mate roll his eyes. “Really though, it’ll be good for the girls.” And you, but he doesn’t say that part out loud. 
“That… actually sounds nice.” The hammering heartbeat in his chest has slowed now that his daughter has grown silent, only small coos slipping from her lips. 
Honestly, Simon doesn’t know what he’d do without you and Johnny. He’d be completely lost, and in more ways than one. But with your collective encouragement, he finds himself growing into his fatherly role more and more every day. 
Bonus - Uncle!Price (~500 words)
Warnings: 18+ (minors DNI) Underage drinking, mentions of drug usage, partying. 
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“You’re shitting me.” He says into the phone, dumbfounded. 
“I didn’t mean to, Pricey. Promise!”
Charlotte’s tone on the other end of the phone only makes the situation worse; she’s very clearly inebriated. The background noise doesn’t help the conversation, either, nothing but boisterous teenagers shouting and singing. 
“What pub are you at?”
“Not at one,” Hiccuping, she then swallows. “At a… party.”
“Christ, Lottie.” But he’s already walking out to his car and starting the engine. “Text me the address, lovie.”
“You won’t tell dad?” She whispers on the other end, as if Simon could somehow hear her.
“No, hun. But you’ve got to be better about this.”
It wasn’t the first time John had picked his niece up from a situation like this. Out of the group’s kids, she was definitely the partier. As soon as she hit her teenage years, she ran Simon up a goddamn wall. But she honestly didn’t mean to, she wasn’t a bad kid. She just sometimes got herself into bad situations. There had even been times at her friends' houses where she was uncomfortable and nervous, times when they’d bring hard drugs she wasn’t expecting or willing to experiment with. These situations made her far too nervous to contact her dad, fearing he’d just be angry with her. That’s where Uncle Price came in. 
Of course, if she was ever hurt or in serious danger, he’d tell her parents straight away. But in these types of situations, he figures he’s helping her dodge a bullet. He knows how harsh Simon can be, and after all, she’s just a teen. At the end of the day, she’s safe, and that’s what matters. 
“Thank you for calling me. Last thing we need is you driving like this, or driving with someone else like this.”
“Yeah…” Trailing off, she sighs. And in this small lull, John hears a familiar voice.
“Who -” He pauses, did he really just hear who he thought he heard?! “Who was that?!”
“Um… who?”
“You know who!” 
“Is he coming?” The voice then says, and Charlotte is quick to hush him. 
“Benjamin!” John shouts, eyes wide as he continues to drive. “You’re there too?!”
Handing the phone to her cousin, Benji gives the excuse of, “Had to look after her, da.” 
“Yeah, right job you did there.” His father returns, nodding. “Anyone else I should know about?”
“Well… maybe.”
“Elsie! C’mon! Uncle John is almost here!”
Christ sake. 
Groaning, John rubs the bridge of his nose. “You lot are out to kill me, aren’t you?”
“Nothing wrong with a bit of fun!” 
“Yeah, yeah.” Rolling his eyes, he peers out the window while at a stop light.
Internally though, John is grinning. This entire situation is reminding him of his own memories, recalling the crazier nights of his youth. What an absolute shitshow, that was. And on top of that, he didn’t have the type of parents that could get him out of tough cracks, they just didn’t understand. He had to rely on himself. And now, he’s glad these kids can rely on him, too. 
399 notes · View notes
sainzfilm · 2 years
can i get an insta edit of charles revealing he has a whole family? like he’s a dad and reader + kids have been kept a secret from the press forever
a/n: aw this would be cute!!! hope you like this anon :)
this is home - charles leclerc
instagram edit
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Liked by carlossainz55, lorenzotl, and 948,373 others
charles_leclerc i protect love, but it’s about time to let the world know about my beautiful family. ❤️ glad to have the off season exploring new places with them.
view all 484,738 comments
carlossainz55 missing the pequeño ángel! regards to the wife, mate. can’t wait to see the family soon 😊
yourusername your godson’s been asking for his uncle “los” and aunt “sa” lately, you need to show up with isa soon
isahernaez we’ll come over soon for dinner when you come back for vacation 😉 missing that little rascal a lot!
lewishamilton lovely family, bud! hope you have a wonderful time 🤎
charles_leclerc thanks, lewis! would love for you to meet them soon :)
leclercupdates WHO WHAT WHEN WHERE 😭 charles’ caption…..raising the standards for real
chaleclerc16 im so happy for him!!!! he deserves so much happiness ❤️ we’re the leclerc protection squad now
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Liked by isahernaez, pierregasly, and 897,363 others
charles_leclerc mon bonheur, mon monde. few snaps from the vacation! everyone, meet jules anton hervé leclerc ❤️ my happiness, my world.
view all 797,373 comments
alex_albon he’s grown up so quickly, jules looks so much like you now 😧
yourusername he acts like charles too. a literal clone of charles
georgerussell63 make him wear a banana suit for halloween Y/N!
charles_leclerc you should play goat simulator with him too, mate 😴
charlosbestboys so much cuteness in this slideshow 😭 the thumbs up photo owns my heart
cha16updates he looks so much like charles :( the cutest baby EVER
pierregasly need to see my godson soon, mate! send my regards to Y/N
charles_leclerc hope you’re ready because he’ll never stop talking your ear off
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Liked by lewishamilton, carlossainz55, and 993,373 others
charles_leclerc another addition to the leclerc’s. im finally a girl dad, thankful for my amazing wife for being so strong. meet marion isabel leclerc ❤️
view all 848,375 comments
carlossainz55 congratulations, mate! so happy for you and Y/N, your little growing family ❤️
yourusername best believe the two of you are the godparents to marion
carlossainz55 you got it 😉 can’t wait to spoil the little one
estebanocon congratulations, charles and Y/N! you have such a lovely family 😊
charles_leclerc thanks a lot, mate ❤️
16lecupdates SO SO SO SO CUTE 😭 he’s finally a girl dad!!! such a beautiful family :)
lecsaiupdates im going to cry did she name the little angel after isa 😭 BEST FRIEND GOALS
yourusername yes i did 😉 wouldn’t have met cha if it wasnt for isa, she’s my other half :)
isahernaez ay, Y/N. don’t make me cry over here, i love you all three angels. not charles, carlos will get protective of his “bromance”
yourusername sure…bromance 🤨
charles_leclerc mon ange, im married to you. what are you talking about?
carlossainz55 charles sainz does have a good ring to it 😝
2K notes · View notes
deadlymistletoe · 7 months
Birthday Wishes
Pairing: Pirate!Killian Jones/Captain Hook x f!reader
Genre: Romance, fluff
Description: As your birthday comes to an end, you begin to doubt that Killian will show up, however when you go to your room there’s a surprise for you.
Warnings: None - fluff, insinuations/mentions of smut.
Word count: 1333
You let out a silent sigh as you caught your gaze going to the door yet again, tearing your attention back to your friends.
You knew better than to think he would walk through the door, you truly did, but a girl could hope.
So when you blew out the candles on the frosted cake, your mother reminding you to ‘make a wish’, your mind immediately conjured an image of a dark haired, red vested, leather wearing man.
If only. The cake had been cut and shared out, guests mingling and laughter filling the room as they ate, and he still hadn’t come.
A nudge to your side drew your attention from the half eaten piece of cake you were picking at to your best friend sitting beside you. Your table was otherwise empty as you looked up, meeting her knowing, sympathetic gaze.
Your affair with Killian Jones was unknown to all except the pirates first mate, and your best friend. She had once jokingly commented that if you ever eloped that she would have to be the maid of honour and Smee the best man.
You hadn’t had the heart to tell her that such a thing would likely never happen. That a pirate like him would never marry a nobleman’s daughter like yourself.
“He might still come. There’s time.” She tried to encourage you even as plates were cleared and collected, the party drawing ever closer to an end.
You sighed, shaking your head as you placed your fork down on your plate, letting the server take it away. “He’s not coming. I might as well accept it. He wouldn’t risk getting caught just for this; he shouldn’t.”
Your friend’s gaze turned disapproving. “Don’t downplay your feelings, Y/N. Pirate or not, if the man loves you as much as he seems to, he’ll be here.” Her lips twitched, although you could tell that she was completely serious as she spoke her next sentence. “And if he doesn’t turn up, then he’s a bastard who doesn’t deserve your love, and I’ll make sure he knows it too, fearsome captain or not.”
You rolled your eyes as the two of you moved towards the door to see the guests beginning to leave out.
She lowered her voice, giving you a reassuring squeeze on the hand. “Seriously though, he probably just got delayed. I’m sure if he knew how you were feeling now he’d be here in an instant.” She winked, “Maybe he’ll make up for it later with some hot pirate sex.”
You choked on the very air you were breathing, brushing off the concerned looks of your passing godparents as heat rushed to your cheeks. You shot your friend a glare before you both burst into what could only be described as a fit of giggles, earning yourselves confused looks from those left in the room.
Shortly after your friend left with a promise to talk tomorrow, you made your way down the halls to your room. A forlorn feeling had taken hold of you once you were on your own, and you desperately hoped that at the very least a letter would be waiting to wish you happy birthday even if the pirate himself couldn’t be there.
As you turned to face into your room after shutting the door, a breeze washed over you and your eyes were immediately drawn to the curtains fluttering, the window wide open - definitely not how you left it.
You hurried over, cautiously peering down into the garden below. No one. You frowned reaching out and pulling the shutters closed.
You were about to turn around when a hand brushed against your waist and you jumped sucking in a sharp breath, ready to scream, when the hand moved to place a finger against your lips and a familiar voice sounded in your ear.
“Shh, love. You don’t want to get me kicked out, do you?”
You let out a silent breath of relief, relaxing back against the figure behind you. A wave of happiness crashed over you, the forlorn feeling gone with that one sentence.
“Killian.” You murmured as his hand went back down to curl around your waist, holding you against him. You could feel the cool metal of his rings through your dress. “I thought you weren’t coming.”
His voice was low in your ear as he answered, thumb rubbing over your hip. “I’m sorry I’m late. I wasn’t sure your parents would appreciate a pirate crashing the party. Besides, I had an errand to run and it took longer than expected.”
You turned around in his arms, hands going to his leather covered shoulders as you eagerly drank in his features. Ocean blue eyes outlined in black. Lips slightly parted. Dark hair falling across his forehead. You couldn’t hold back your smile now that he was finally within arms reach. “I guess I can forgive you. How did you even get in here? We’re on the second floor.”
He flashed you one of those crooked smiles that made you melt. “Pirate, love. Or did you forget?”
You giggled, shaking your head. His smile widened at hearing your laughter, blue eyes sparkling with his own amusement.
You sighed, resting your head against his chest as he drew you closer. “I’m glad you’re here. I thought you might have forgotten.”
His arm tightened around your waist, lips brushing the top of your head in a light kiss. “I could never forget your birthday, love. I could never forget you.”
“I love you.” You whispered, “Leather and all.”
You pulled back slightly, tilting your head up to look at his face. “Now, are you going to tell me what errand was so important, by any chance?”
He stepped back even further, a strange look in his eyes as he gazed at you, and your brain seemed to short-circuit as he took a small leather pouch from inside his coat.
“I know you won't be able to wear it in front of your family, and I understand if you don’t want to go forward without their blessing, but I had this made from jewels I came across on my travels - they reminded me of you. I picked it up on the way here.”
Killian swallowed, and you vaguely registered the wetness in your own eyes as he dropped down to one knee in front of you, flicking the pouch open and letting a silver ring fall onto his palm.
Tendrils of silver wove around around two gems - one the colour of his eyes, the other of the dress you were currently wearing, and you could remember once commenting to Killian that it was your favourite colour.
Your eyes went back up to the man in front of you as he spoke, “I know our relationship has been uncertain at times, and there will always be challenges in a relationship like ours, but I am certain about you, and that will never change, so what do you say? Will you marry me?”
“Yes.” You whispered, feeling him slide the ring onto your finger as you held out your hand. You sniffed, using your other hand to wipe away the tears that had escaped as he stood up and wrapped his arms around you.
“I’m really hoping those are happy tears, love.” He murmured into your ear, and you laughed.
“Yes, yes of course they are. This is the best birthday ever.” You pressed your lips to his before he pulled back just enough to speak with a smile.
“I’m glad. Now, I believe I heard something about ‘hot pirate sex’ as I passed a window downstairs?” He raised an eyebrow at you, amusement shining in his eyes as a light blush covered your cheeks. “How about we make that happen, eh love?”
The last coherent thought you had that night was that tomorrow you would have to tell your best friend that her elopement fantasies would be coming true.
Your birthday wish must have worked after all.
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toasttt11 · 5 months
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January 25, 2021
Charlotte was in Quinn’s arms as they walked through the halls of the Canucks Arena, they were heading to where the Senators are set up for the next week, Quinn saw one of his best friend and his girlfriend.
“Brady! Emma!” Quinn called out grinning slighty having not seen them for awhile, Charlotte lifted her head up looking slighty curiously looking at the two.
Brady and Emma turned hearing Quinn and Emma gasped seeing the little figure in Quinn’s arm.
“Q-ball!” Brady smiled quickly meeting him in the center of the room and hugging his best friend being cautious of Quinn’s daughter.
Emma was right behind Brady lowering her self slightly to be eye to eye with Charlotte, “Well aren’t you just adorable.” Emma widely smiled at Charlotte getting a grin from the young girl.
“Isn’t she.” Quinn proudly smiled looking at his entire world that he held in his arms, “Charlie Girl this is Emma and Brady. Emma, Brady this is Charlotte your goddaughter.” Quinn grinned seeing his two friends snap towards him in shock.
“What!” Brady sputtered out in shock, “But what about Jack and Luke?” Brady having thought Quinn would have chosen his brothers.
“They share blood with Charlotte they don’t need anything else.” Quinn chuckled, “Besides we promised we make our first kids each other’s godchild.” Quinn and Brady having made that promise when they were very young.
“But then why me?” Emma softly asked knowing they aren’t as close as Quinn and Brady are.
“Because you and Brady are going to always be together and i know you would two take care my girl if something every happened, and she’s gonna need women advice someday and i won’t be able to help her with most of those things and i want her to have someone she will be comfortable with asking.” Quinn knew being a single parent can be difficult and knowing they aren’t the same gender and there will be things she goes through he will have no idea how to help or understand so he wants her to be able to talk to people she’s comfortable with and he knows Emma will be very supportive person for her daughter.
Emma smiled seeing one of her good friends have become such an amazing father, “Thank you.” Emma gently hugged Quinn before looking at Charlotte who was looking at her with curious eyes, “Hello Charlotte i’m Emma, your godmother!” Emma grinned widely at Charlotte.
Brady walked closer to the girls smiling at Charlotte, “Hi Charlotte I’m Brady.”
Charlotte smiled slowly waving at the two, “Hi!”
“She’s already speaking!!” Emma looked awestruck as she looked at Quinn in question.
“Mhm for the last few months, she’s getting better at saying sentences now.” Quinn proudly explained always being proud to show off his daughter.
“Is that a Huggy-Bear i see!” Josh Norris walked into the room with a wide grin on his face walking over to hug his best friend.
“Hey J.” Quinn smiled hugging his best friend back.
Josh excitedly gasped looking at the adorable little girl in Quinn’s arm, “And you must be Miss Charlotte!” Josh held out a hand to shake as he grinned at her.
Charlotte giggled gently grabbing one of Josh’s fingers with her whole hand and shaking it up and down.
Josh looked like he melted on the spot, “So cute!” Josh mouthed to Quinn.
Quinn smiled proudly, watching his daughter enjoying her time with some of his favorite people.
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coffeeandbatboys · 2 months
This is such a cute idea.
I’d like to request Howzer with At Last by Etta James. It’s a classic.
Please and thank you. 💕
Ok literally I was just talking to my godparents and apparently this was their first dance song so, of course I had to write a wedding fic with our Baja Blast man.
Warnings: crying Howzer (happy tears ofc) fluff. Fluff. Fluff. FLUFF.
At Last (Howzer x Wife!Reader)
Laughter bubbled up from your chest as you swayed with your new husband. Howzer’s eyes gleamed with so much joy at the sight of you in his arms.
“We made it.” You giggled, pressing up against his chest.
He smiled and kissed you for what seemed like the millionth time that night.
“How did I ever get so lucky with you, cyare?” He breathed, kissing your temple.
He had been crying all day since he first laid eyes on you, bathed in the soft light that radiated off your wedding dress.
“I got lucky with you, captain.”
He nudged your nose with his, lips hovering over yours in a well planned tease.
“Oh, now we didn’t get married just for you to call me Captain?”
You smirked. “Let’s see. Darling husband, hot stuff, love of my life. Pick your favorite.”
A chuckle fell from his lips. “And what am I to call you, Mesh’la? My light? My love? The prettiest thing I’ve ever laid eyes on? Ooh...Mrs. Captain?”
You blushed with a giggle.
“Mrs. Captain has a nice ring to it. But only for introductions.”
The two of you were blissfully unaware of the people watching your first dance, for you were so enraptured in the love you’d found with Howzer. Never in a million years did you think that a clone trooper would come bounding into your life and sweep you off your feet, but here you were, practically in heaven.
“I can’t believe this is happening,” you whispered. “I don’t think I’ve ever been happier in my life.”
Your husband looked ready to cry again. “You have no idea how much I’m looking forward to spending life by your side. It’s all I’ve ever dreamed of since we met.”
Tears pricked your own eyes. “If we don’t stop we’re both going to turn into a crying mess in front of all of these people.” You chuckled.
Howzer leaned his forehead against yours. “Let them see us. I don’t care who knows how much I love you. This is the best day of my life and I will make sure that everyone knows that before I keel over and die.”
You let out a shaky breath and tightened your arms around his neck, resting your chin on his shoulder. You were vaguely aware of the song ending when He whispered into your ear.
“Trust me and hold on tight, Mesh’la.”
Before you could react he picked you up and spun you around. A squeal came from your lips as he set you back down and dipped quite impressively. You had no idea he knew how to dance like that.
You beamed. “Aren’t you just full of surprises, husband.”
He smirked. “Oh there’s so much more in store, wife.”
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