#they both get the short end of the stick
analyticalstarz · 27 days
Sometimes I think about Tsukasa and his quite desperate craving for attention and external validation A big part of Tsukasa's character is how he's overflowing with confidence and enjoys being the center of attention (which is quite literally stated in his in-game profile), and while his need for validation can be stemmed from the fact that he's a star and that "stars should always bask in adoration", it can also stem back to a lot of his experiences during childhood. In his second focus event, On This Stage Of Dazzling Lights, it's revealed that Tsukasa was often left by himself at home due to the fact that his parents had to attend to Saki while she was being hospitalized. And while it's clear that this was in no way intentional because his parents didn't have much of a choice, this still does count as a form of child neglect. We can take into consideration Shiho and Shizuku's childhood experiences, because despite the fact that their parents were busy with work and couldn't take care of them often, they were still being watched and taken care of by their grandmother. And now in comparison to Tsukasa, he was left at home by himself for presumably hours to watch and take care of himself, all at the tender age of 7-years-old.
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Obviously, you can see the problem with this. Oftentimes when a child isn't receiving enough attention at home, they'll begin excessively craving it, even negative attention. This is often the case for when children are lonely, too. Despite his insistence, we can make a case for Tsukasa being lonely as well. While this was changed a bit in the English server, seen in flashbacks in On This Stage Of Dazzling Lights, Tsukasa says that Saki, who can't be at home, "is more lonelier than he is".
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Based on the way he phrased this, it can be inferred that he too felt lonely, but was just attempting to convince himself otherwise. In the first side story of his Big Brother's Agony card, Saki says "Hehe. I know you're not alone anymore, but I couldn't help myself..." after seeing that he was still awake late at night. This could be implying that he felt alone, but it could also be taken in a literal sense, and could be taken as her saying that he isn't physically alone anymore because she and their parents are at home with him now. Now, combine how he was neglected and his presumed loneliness together, and what does that get you? A need for attention and validation !!! And as I mentioned previously, this trait of his can be passed off as something he wants only because he's a star, and obviously stars should bask in attention and validation, but I feel like there's a line between wanting something because it should come naturally and genuinely craving something, if that makes sense. His need for attention and validation is so apparent that his classmates have watered him down to an "attention-seeking troublemaker", and he's shown to want to be praised for even small things too, such as coming up with a good idea.
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But anywho, that is all, so thank you for coming to my ted talk. thumbs up emoji
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nerdpoe · 5 months
So like...Sam's Liminal. Definitely Liminal. She's also very pretty. Constantine's a little tipsy, but he's very, very sure he just accidentally sat next to a Fae at the bar.
Heavily influenced by certain lines in Inferno, buttttt
Sam's a very pretty young woman. Beautiful smile (with too sharp teeth), lovely eyes (but they're a little too wide, a little too bright), fantastic skin (unnaturally pale, suspiciously cold), and a very pretty face (perfectly symmetrical)-first glance anyone who leans towards women would get instant butterflies in the stomach.
But Constantine's been around danger enough to recognize those aren't butterflies.
That's fear.
There's a deep, instinctual fear that is telling him he has to run.
Just as he's about to leave, though, her hand rests itself on his arm.
"Leaving so soon, Hellblazer? And here I thought you'd want to take a look at this...interesting contract I found."
Ah. Shit.
He sits back down, next to the Unseelie Fae who, apparently, owns part of his soul.
Sam, for her part, just wants to scare the idiot straight so he'll stop making work for Danny. (Danny's days are almost nothing but fielding complaints about Constantine and he's so fucking close to hunting the man down himself).
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chaotic-carnifex · 8 months
No hold on I'm gonna make an extra post about this:
I wouldn't choose to be alloromantic
If I were given the choice to either remain aro or become alloro again, I would choose aromanticism.
And I think a lot of people need to hear that.
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kiteou · 4 months
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I technically dont care of the new game but I NEED TO KNOW THAT HES NOT DEAD!
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nightowlssleep · 6 months
One thing I'd really really really want in an Athena focused AA game, is having Trucy as your assistant
Weird girling their way through a trial, with the Mood Matrix and honestly, I'd love if we could also use Trucy's Perceive in place of Apollo's and it being similar but still different
Like the background would be blue instead of red, no need for the bracelet, maybe more ✨magic✨ incorporated, etc
Tbh I just want that Athena-Trucy friendship with both of their personalities explored more lol
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horsegirlhob · 5 months
I'm not an Angel hater by any means however I do think Spike should get to be as big of a dick to him as he wants to be and people shouldn't get to say shit about it.
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2k3raph · 7 months
one misconception i've seen abt 2k3 raph's character quite a few times is that he dislikes the nickname raphie. he's called raphie by mikey and donnie throughout the series and casey at least once, and he never responds negatively to the nickname itself nor is it even Implied by him or any other characters he feels any sort of negative way abt it. he also calls Himself raphie ("it's not nice to invade mr raphie's neighborhood") in space invaders part 1. like the mischaracterization's coming from Inside the house.
edit: i'm scared but making this rebloggable now.
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here-on-occasion · 3 months
If I ever acknowledge just how ooc the mcdonald's stuff was for sylvie I'll probably never get over it so i'm gonna ignore the whole thing
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dreamboyf · 3 months
literally if ur a fem or gnc trans man i love u so much and ur SO fucking strong
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no-brand-gays · 2 years
if i became a school idol and the other members made my image color gray i would try to take down the group from the inside
#i’ve never said it but i’ve always thought it and i think a lot of people have given all the attempts to pretend kotori’s color is green#i do actually think it works for yoshiko but just for me it would feel so much like the short end of the stick#like everyone else is wearing sakura pink and sky blue and warm orange and i’m over here in a gray costume like yes this was my first choice#the reason I’m thinking about idols actually is that it took me 2 months of living in japan to realize i can go see idols#more specifically it took 2 months and the member of an idol group to hand me a flyer on the street and like very persistently and cutely#ask me to come until i was like okay yes ofc#i had literally just gotten off the bullet train i was wandering around and there she appeared#i love idols dude I really love idols so much#kpop is so much more accessible between fandom loudness and content more regularly being available for free but jpop!!!!!!!!!#jpop is my first love!!!!#i saw that live Friday and they said they were performing again Monday and o just happened to be staying in akiba again#so guess what i did last night#i am not immune to idols also you get to take pictures with your oshi as a thank you for your first and second time coming#so after both shows i got to talk a little w the member who found me#ik it’s their job but she remembered me the second time around and also the performances themselves were so fun and cute#it just really reignited the jpop flame in me i love idols so so so much#personal#hope you are all having a nice start to your week!!!
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The Otosaka family... I'm sorry, it just sucks. The adults, anyway. Like, mom and dad get a divorce, and I don't know how Japanese law works, but apparently mom got the kids and dad, for some reason, never gets to see them (or doesn't want to). Mom, apparently, doesn't give a fig about them, so she just shoves them off an uncle, who in turn just gives them money and lets them fend for themselves.
And we never see any of these three people. This all must have happened long ago because we don't see them during any of Shun's time leaps. But worst of all, unless that was Mrs. Otosaka patting Yuu's shoulder and saying "Time heals all wounds," we never even see them at Ayumi's funeral! The heck kind of bull crap is that?!
Is it any wonder Yuu turned out like he did? He pretty much got ditched by his entire family, except for Ayumi, who is the one person he still has left to care about. He's repressed everything about his own family, probably in an attempt to keep from feeling his own pain. It went so far that the only way he can tell when he cares about someone is when he loses them. He doesn't even know himself how much he cares until they're gone.
And as for his lying and cheating to get ahead in life... yeah, that kinda comes with the territory, of being (as far as he knows) the oldest son, left alone to take care of his little sister. He was just a kid, himself. His main priority should have been to figure out who he was and what he wanted in life, and he didn't get that chance.
TBH, I was a little surprised that Yuu wasn't totally pissed at Shun for leaving them, as well. But by the time they met, Yuu understood everything that was going on, and had recovered his memories. So maybe he understood why Shun had to leave. Because the only way Shun, as the oldest brother (and a very responsible and protective one, I might add) could protect his family was to protect all the power-users. In addition, Shun was apologizing for having to leave them right from the moment they met, so it was kind of hard to be mad at him.
And anyway, how can you hate a guy that hugs you to calm you down when you're screaming about what a pathetic loser you are?
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And then proceeds to blame himself when it's your (fully justified) self-hatred that nearly caused the building to cave in on the both of you?
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oveliagirlhaditright · 9 months
So for no reason at all I'm thinking about this:
Sora was not chosen by a Keyblade Master to be a Keyblade wielder, but he becomes a Keyblade wielder before anyone else in the Destiny Trio (yes, I know, Riku's Keyblade--the Kingdom Key--had shown up on the Destiny Islands for Riku, but when Riku chose darkness over light, it opted to go with Sora instead: and there it would ultimately stay and Riku would get a different Keyblade later).
Riku was chosen by a Master to be a Keyblade wielder, and he's the third of the Destiny Trio to get his Keyblade, though still treated so much better than Kairi is, and truly gets to use his Keyblade before her (in having big adventures where he gets to use it, and whatnot): as I'm sure no one is really counting the three Heartless that Kairi killed with hers in KHII.
Kairi was accidentally chosen to be a wielder by a Keyblade Master (Aqua triggered the Keyblade Inheritance Ceremony with her by accident, that is), and this actually happens before the scene where Terra chooses Riku. But it's an accidental thing, which definitely stings a bit. And Kairi is the second of the Destiny Trio to get her Keyblade... though in a lot of ways, you wouldn't guess that.
Edit: I'm wrong. Riku gets his Keyblade second, and Kairi gets hers third, as Riku has his Keyblade when he protects Kairi and Naminé from Saïx. I, and another user on her at what point, just got confused because of Riku (if you talk to him as Sora when you beat Luxord) mentioning how he doesn't think Sora needs the power of darkness or his Soul Eater yet, which almost sounds like he still has Soul Eater at the time, when he doesn't. What a weird line just overall. -shrugs-
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inkymari · 1 year
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tfw you get nice Dragon Empire support cards but they cost CB so Jheva can't fully utilise them
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cesium-sheep · 3 months
oh dang I just realized that the price I suggested for the unicorn, if they give it to me, should be enough combined with my allowance left for this week to buy the princess peach game instead of waiting until I get more allowance next week.
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diseaseriddencube · 4 months
alastor having 30 minutes of screentime in just 9 episodes while cutthroat has 17 in the same 💀💀💀💀💀
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dulcewrites · 2 years
Honestly…. I feel like explaining/deconstructing the complex dynamic Aegon and Helaena have is more interesting than the helaemond theory. I will be very perplexed if the writers actually do that
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