#they are so romantic than yet even romantic couples I could find at my area
another-ruuka · 1 year
Another YnM manga panels that live in my head rent free:
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Billy The Kid is me— (and the fandom)
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They're married, Your Highness.
Yuukoku no Moriarty manga chapter 75
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Christmas promise
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IU X GN!Reader
Genre: Fluff
Note: this was for the user who gave me full freedom on IU. Sorry, I accidentally deleted the request, but at least I hope to making up writing a Christmas fic for her😅
You looked at the calendar, sighing. It is the 23rd of December, two days to Christmas, but for some reasons you were not enjoying the usual atmosphere: the entire house was decorated, the big Christmas tree in the living room was shining, even the red pullover you were wearing didn't seem to match with your mood.
"Did you stop to like Christmas so suddendly?", a female voice asked, entering in the room. You didn't even need to turn your head to know that it was just Jieun teasing you as usual. "You know I never liked it in the first place", you said, keeping to watch the calendar. The steps kept coming till reaching you. "Liar", she argued, pinching your cheek.
She sat on your lap and studied your face. "Do you want to tell me what is ruining your mood? Or do I have to go for the street punching whoever looks like the Grinch?", she asked, making you laugh. She was so dork sometimes and it was part of her charms. You met her eyes again and you understood that she would have not let that topic unsolved.
"It's just that...I don't want this year to end", you explained, sighing again, your face getting even more sad. The position of her eyebrows showed that she was confused by your words. "But, baby, why? I mean, sure it was a good year but-", she reasoned out loud, getting interrupted by you in the middle. "It was not just a good year, it was great, it was fantastic", you corrected her, a lot of emphasis in your voice.
"And do you know why? That's because you worked less than all the previous years, we haven't spent so much time together not even in the first months of our relationship", you said, leaving Jieun surprised by your words. It had been a year dedicated to rest for her, so she kinda got where your words were coming from. A series of memories hit her in that moment...
That time when you brought her to the zoo, after talking about it so many times. It was so fun and adorable to watch her falling in love with the panda. Or that other time when she surprised you with a romantic dinner on candlelight, you still ask yourself if such an amazing night was real or just made in your fantasies? Or simply when you two had the most chill walk in a rural area near Seoul, for a day she kinda forgot about being a celebrity.
"Do you know what I mean, right?", you asked with a sad smile. She hugged you tightly in response, her arms around your neck, her head resting on your shoulder, a slow nod of her head giving you the answer. It was actually rare for you to see Jieun being so soft. Like, obviously being a couple you two cuddle a lot, but this time she was clearly vulnerable.
"Do you know that I love you, right? More than everything in this universe?", she asks you, speaking directly in your ear with a serious voice, and now is your time to simply nod. "Then trust me, because I promise you right now that it doesn't matter how busy I will be next year: I will always find time for you", she said, looking at you, while cupping your cheeks with her hands.
You knew since the start that this year was an exception, and obviously you were grateful about it, but you won't break up with her even if could see her just once in a month. So, seeing how serious she was in her promise, in making you understand you were important for her, you couldn't help but smile.
"I trust you, baby. I believe you with all my heart", you reassure her, posing your forehead against her, enjoying the contact between your skin. That gave goosebumps to your gf, that pulled your face closer to capture your lips in a kiss. It was long yet kiss. You could feel like your relationship made a big jump ahead in that moment.
"Thanks for trusting me, I love you", she softly whispered. "I love you too, Jieun. Let's enjoy this Christmas together", you said, caressing her face, making her melt in your hand. "Do you wanna still going to punch the Grinch on the street tho?", you asked out of nowhere, making her laugh. "Sure, let me get the baseball bat to smash his green ass".
And... done! This has to be my first Christmas fic and honestly I enjoyed that a lot. I hope you all have a merry Christmas ❤️🫂🥳
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Leoichi but make it Oblivious x Oblivious Part 3
(I just realized I’ve been projecting my ace-spectrum ass to another ship.) 
Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
心の友 (Tomo no Kokoro) (Heart of a Friend)
Usagi first learns about ADHD from the turtle brothers and sister. 
Usagi is delighted it’s another thing he shares with Leo. “It’s amazing how our ADHDs synchronized,” Usagi says to him. “It’s like we’re twi-”
Donnie slams his hands vehemently on the table. “I’m sorry but the twin title has already been taken,” he says with more force than he intended (not).
Usagi didn’t seem to mind. “Old friends?” he tries.
“Nah,” April says, even if she’s only teasing, “I think that would be MY title.”
Leo raised his hand for a high-three at him, “Shell yeah, soul sisters!”
Usagi brightened. While his English is not yet native level, he tried to match Leo’s words. “Soul” plus “sisters” closest in Japanese is tomo no kokoro, so in other English words....
He clasped Leo’s hand instead and smiled at him. “Soulmates,” he agreed. 
Usagi is very much confused when everyone around him and Leo hoots as Leo chokes, jokingly shoving him while laughing with a darkened face.
Later, they all have to clear the air that the word soulmates in English mostly has romantic connotations, and when Usagi meant tomo no kokoro, the closest word in English is a platonic soulmate. 
Of course, someone tattled to Gen, Kitsune, and Chizu, and they didn’t live it down for a few days instead. It’s just a few days because the incident gave them insight into why Usagi still isn’t dating Leo despite having an intimate friendship. 
After the teasing at Leo’s side from his fam, Leo just put it at the back of his mind to try to focus their team on whatever needed them in New York because of his narrowly-avoided-apocalypse guilt. 
Eyeliners and Fluttering Claws
Yuichi Usagi feels put out, but April has never been so amused by how he got excited over friendship rings and plans to buy one for Leo until she has to explain they’re for pre-engagement with a romantic partner. 
Luckily, Kitsune and Chizu find a makeup stand and make Usagi one of their “blank paper.” Usagi asks if they can use red for his eyes. The girls teach him how to use an eyeliner. 
Usagi wears them for a couple of days in Neo Edo, like getting used to a pair of shoes before he finally feels confident wearing it in New York.
He’s a tad nervous when he enters the lair. But Leo takes one look at him and fucking squeals at the sight of him. 
Like scoops him up and twirls him around as he takes a good look at his red-lined eyes. “We match! Well, kinda.”
Usagi grins, “I was inspired.”
“Looks great on you,” Leo said, running his fingers through the fur on Usagi’s cheeks. 
Leo pauses, looking at his hands in confusion before shrugging. 
Basketball and Bunny Circling
Leo and Usagi made a makeshift hoop on the flat area of the farm to teach the ex-ninja orphans how to play basketball.
Leo almost regrets introducing basketball to Usagi because he became a match his turtle brothers couldn’t compare to.
Usagi is fast and likes running circles around him (even in their sparring), so Leo responds by running around him as they both try to get the ball from each other. 
Usagi’s aunt passes by the area to see them playing. She knows Usagi isn’t that much of a show-off, but there seems to be an unnecessary amount of running circles around his friend until she realizes he was circling. 
She continued on her way, smiling. She has never seen him do that since he was a kid.
Sunbathing and “Purring”
Leo likes sunbathing, which he and his brothers can only do with a giant sunlamp in the lair. But on Usagi’s farm, he and his brothers could soak up the rays without alarming anyone (more or less). 
Usagi tends to flop on top of Leo’s shell for a few minutes (it makes an excellent back stretcher, as recommended by April and agreed on by Kitsune). 
Leo was taken aback by what he thought was purring until he realized Usagi was grinding his teeth.
Usagi has to reassure Leo that he wasn’t teeth grinding out of stress and didn’t harm his teeth. Rabbits just have that habit.
Title: Two Voices, One Song
Donatello has to wake up to a song playing ON LOOP for the whole lair to hear while Leo belts out along with it.
He’s clawing for coffee when Raph appears.
“Leo! Turn that down!” And “Isn’t that from the Barbie movie?” Raph asks.
“Yep!” Mikey answered, jiving to the beat.
“Ah yes,” Donnie said loudly with an eye roll after straightening up brew. “That song. From the Barbie movie. From one of the most heavily queer-themed movies of the Barbie franchise.” 
The lyrics,“…Somehow when you're around / The sky is always blue”, play, and they all get on the same page.
“Aaaw, love is in the air,” Mikey gushes.
“Wrong,” Donnie says, putting on a gas mask. “It’s neurotoxin,” he promises.
Okay, he’s joking. He’s just going to gas the lair with nitrous oxide to knock Leo out, but the others still feel the need to stop him. 
Days later, they heard Usagi humming it. 
“Sorry,” Usagi says when he sees them staring at him. “Leo introduced it to me, and it became our song.”
Cool, cool. As far as Donnie is concerned, best friends have their own songs sometimes. As much as he likes to be knowledgeable about everything, there are some things he’d rather be ignorant of. Like Leo and Usagi’s… whole situation. 
What does the fam think
Raph is torn between “Please only date when I’m dead” and “Where did I go wrong?” with his brother not even noticing what he and the rabbit have. 
Mikey is more chill and has Dr. Feelings ready if Leo ever looks conflicted and needs someone to talk to. 
Splinter almost has a heart attack when Usagi asks, “I would like to ask for your permission to ask Leo... to go on a training pilgrimage with me.” (Draxum has to listen to him rant that his sons turned his hair white but that Yuichi boy will make him bald.)
April and Casey Jr. are content to wait in the “let them figure it out” league (April is waiting with a bat, just in case).  
Disagreements with Leo often end up with someone exploding or confrontations because Leo tends to use avoidance tactics and show that he isn’t mad, as it wouldn’t match his cool persona.
But that doesn’t work with Usagi if he senses something wrong. Because whenever Leo tells him, “It’s cool, so drop it,” Usagi doesn’t drop since he’s not much of a listener, so they can work together to fix it. 
Let them be Ace
“You know, I think I’m ace,” Usagi confides.
“Ace?” Leo asks.
Usagi nods. “I thought I liked both, but it turns out I don’t really care either way.”
The next day, Leo speaks out of the blue. “I think I’m ace too.”
“Yeah?“ Usagi asks.
“Yeah, I read about it. I’m still gay. But I’m just more of a cuddler than the other, y’know?”
Usagi brightens. “I know! Sometimes, I have the urge to nuzzle my face on yours!”
“You too? Me too!” Leo exclaims. 
Leo wakes up one night. “Waitaminute…”
Daydreaming at Night
On the same night, Usagi’s thoughts were running.
Usagi has the tendency to space out with his comic book fantasies inspired by his Usagi Yojimbo comics. It’s his favorite thing to do while waiting to fall asleep.
It’s normal to fantasize about meeting your best friend as if by fate and having to fight together like you’re both reading each other’s minds, growing closer along the plot, declaring to each other that you’ll always have each other’s back, and overcoming the bitter rivalry of their ninja and samurai clans with the power of your friendship, right?
But after his ace talk with Leo, it’s like his mind was finally allowed to explore a little bit further...
Which has Usagi sitting up all flustered because-
And suddenly, the realization hits, and the pieces fit. 
The sun rises, and Usagi still hasn’t slept at all.
(I’m really trying to exorcise all these ideas into a post since they won’t leave me alone, but it seems like there’s gonna be a part 4 for the conclusion.)
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sellouttoyourself · 1 year
There’s this part in Giovanni’s Room where David describes trans women/crossdressers he sees at a gay bar as “grotesque” and compares his disgust towards them to the disgust of watching a monkey eat it’s own feces because, as he puts it, the grossest part of the latter is seeing something human (like you) behave in a disgusting manner. I’m trying to get better at reparative readings and set aside paranoid readings, so let’s unpack this for a second. David is the epitome of a self-hating gay man, and the novel itself is plainly about how society teaches gay people to hate themselves. So what he finds so grotesque about trans people isn’t trans people in an of themselves but what they remind David about himself. Trans people are this funhouse mirror to David, a warped reflection of what he’s terrified he actually is. He sees trans people as visible mockery of his own failure to perform the masculinity demanded by his overbearing father and society at large, that if he’s in this club with people like *that* it must mean he is *of* them and similarly absurd in their aesthetic.  David takes the disgust and rage he feels about himself and his own sexuality and enacts it against these trans women as emblems of everything he despises about himself. Which is strange, because so many DL men do that to the gay men and trans women in their lives. Trans women are most likely to be killed by a domestic partner--someone they had a pre-existing relationship with. I’ve read enough testimonies from men put on trial for murders of trans women to know they usually took out their fear on these women. Not the fear of “gay panic” upon learning the woman they suspected was cis was actually trans; more often than not they knew their victim was trans and likely sought them out as a romantic partner or sex worker because of it. What often precedes the murder is a fear of *other people* learning their partner was trans or they were partners with a trans person. Their violence is an embodiment of their own shame for wanting what society tells them they should never want, and the trans woman herself becomes a threat to their masculinity even when desired for their femininity. Violence, as gendered violence so often does, then becomes the means of recapturing the masculinity they feel is at risk.  When I first read David’s derisive description of these trans people, my instict was to shelve the book and decry Baldwin as yet another great author who gave into their worst impulses and failed to learn their own lessons when it came to trans people. But the more I thought about it. the more I saw the value in these expressions of David’s insecurity.  This vision of transphobia--visceral disgust at the appearance of a trans person--is harder to come by than it must have been in 1954, but it remains the atomic unit of transphobia. The impulse to erase us from public life is based in this gut-level rejection that David puts forward, one which rejects not transness per se but what transness reveals about the observer.  For most, what we reveal is a sense of instability to a world they thought they knew. Gender is baked into the rules so many build their lives around. The cringey couple throwing a gender reveal party isn’t doing so because they hate trans people; they’re doing it because they’re excited about this little life they’re bringing into the world and are eager to “learn” more about them and what to expect. Whether the cake contains pink or blue batter reveals, to their eye, a lot about who their child will and can be. That’s no small matter! Trans people, by virtue of our very existence, destabilize the certainty that surrounds that joy. Truly, we destabilize the certainty that surrounds a lot of misery as well--misogyny, gender roles gendered violence, and much more. But people, generally speaking, abhor freedom, most of all that freedom that leads to uncertainty in an area where they could previously sleep soundly. The impulse to deride us is learned, surely, but not simply by poor representation of trans people as people. It is learned by making people dependent on the gender binary--a constructed, fragile mess to which people are nonetheless loyal as hell. I knew this. What I’d considered less often was how frequently trans people represent for cis people their own failures to live up to the gendered expectations they navigate. David has a deep-seated fear of being feminized, of losing his own masculinity to the love he feels for other men. Instead of seeing the potential in trans lives to separate masculinity from sexuality, he sees us as sad reminders of how he fails the former because of how the latter manifests for himself.  I don’t think this kind of fear is limited, however, to closet cases like David. I think lots and lots of cis, straight people reject trans people because of how we amplify their own failures to perform their gender identity “correctly” and the absurd, even grotesque, steps they take to avoid that failure. A few weeks ago some cis female writer went on Tucker Carlson and mocked Dylan Mulvaney, calling her performance of femininity a kind of minstrelsy--”womanface” as akin to blackface. This was odd to me, since she was literally on cable news while saying this, so was almost certainly plastered in a full face of makeup. She was donning more artifice than Dylan was, most likely, but shaming Dylan for how hers was made more apparent when contrasted with her assigned male gender. The disgust she was voicing is not terribly different from the disgust David expresses in Giovanni’s Room, one of anger at what Dylan reveals about herself as a woman--the effort and performance and costume and habits. Consciously or no, she sees herself in Dylan--even if it’s a kind of joyful embrace of femininity she killed long ago or to which she feels entitled by virtue of her biology and gender assignment. 
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Meeting and Dating Ray Thurston
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(My gif/I NEED YOU TO IGNORE IT)(Requested by anonymous)
(I tried my best with his impressive three minutes of screentime lol. I also don’t know how their powers work but everyone was talking about a painless death so I went with that and made a cliffhanger. Sorry)
- “My first and last boyfriend”. Before moving to Dark falls, that inconspicuous statement held a far different meaning than it does now: it would have marked the start of a beautiful love story; a retrospective tale of pure romantic perfection. Nowadays, it marks the start of a terrifying horror story wrapped up in a sickly sweet coat of devotion. 
- When you first met Ray, you’d only been in town for a couple of days: having just finished cleaning your room and unpacking your things in the home that smelled of dust and mildew. You’d resigned yourself to thinking of the place as a prison, a lonely and boring abode that would continue to stay that way until you; hopefully, made some friends at your new high school. Fortunately; or unfortunately, for you, you’d end up waiting for far less time….
- Maybe that was it, you’d thought to yourself, staring up at the gray sky and straining your ears to listen for any semblance of a bird call; of any sign of life, coming from the area around you. You came back with nothing, nothing but the swaying of leaves and the sound of the wind: up until a rustling nearby jostled you out of your thoughts, sending your heart into a fit of erratic beats and your head swinging in order to find the perpetrator.
- Walking in woods that you weren’t necessarily familiar with wasn’t exactly your idea of fun, but the cable hadn’t been set up yet and your belongings were bringing you little to no excitement, so exploring the trees behind your home was the next best thing. 
- The place gave you the creeps whether you wanted to admit it or not. Dark and seemingly completely devoid of wildlife, the eerie atmosphere sent a chill running down your spine. The place felt wrong, wrong in ways you couldn’t quite place: it felt like everything around you was screaming that you shouldn't be there and yet, there was absolutely nothing at all; not even the chirping of birds. 
- Nothing, nothing at all, nothing until you heard a low whistle coming from the opposite direction and whipped your head around to find a boy not much older than you, slowly walking in your general direction. 
“Was that just you?” you’d called out, wanting the assurance that he’d thrown a rock or something; that there was a logical reason for the strange happenings surrounding you.
- But when he lifted his head to look at you, his brows furrowed slightly and he merely asked if you meant the whistle, shifting his trek so that he was approaching you fully instead of the wide berthing circle he’d seemed to be making before. He repeated the sound as he stopped in front of you and you shook your head. 
“No, not that. The rustling.”
“The rustling?”
“The rustling over there.” you pointed behind you, a slight hint of frustration finding its way into your tone. 
“How could I have made a noise over there if I was coming from the other way?” He asked, his voice harboring an air of amusement.
- The question hit you like a bucket of water, sobering you up and making you feel slightly silly. It was probably just a bird; the same type of bird you’d been searching everywhere for just a few moments prior: and here you were, making yourself look like a total freak in front of the first kid you’d managed to stumble upon in your new, weirdly quiet town.
- You relented, admitting he was right before apologizing, explaining that you’d just moved in and that you were probably just looking for things to freak you out: that you weren't used to the area yet; that sort of thing. He reassured you that it was alright, his tone oddly smooth and somewhat robotic, as though he was thinking very carefully about what to say. You chose to brush it off, wanting so badly to have some sort of friend in your new town that you were willing to look past the weirdness; at least until summer ended. 
- You started to make conversation, asking him questions and offering up some information about yourself, awkwardly moving on whenever he answered you with silence. You were torn between finding him strange and thinking that maybe you were the weirdo: maybe he was the norm around here and you were the outsider who acted odd and talked too much. Him being older and handsome certainly didn’t help…. 
- Regardless, just as soon as it had started, your meeting was over. Concerningly suddenly, he’d interrupted your rambling and told you that he had to go, almost immediately walking in the same direction he’d come with hardly a parting glance. You stumbled over a goodbye, wondering if you’d done something wrong: too confused to take notice of the sun that had just begun to shine directly down onto you.
- It’s a few days later when Ray finds you again, plopping down next to you as you’re sitting in those same woods. He ignores his prior speedy exit, looking over you silently as you nervously look anywhere but him. You shyly tell him that you thought you’d made him mad or something, laughing off the awkwardness before he earnestly tells you “no”, that he just had somewhere that he needed to be; saying it with such finality that you can't bring yourself to question it.
- Things continue to carry on like that: him disappearing for a while then randomly showing up again. You get used to his fickle presence; same with his cryptic way of acting and talking. You even start to get closer to him, considering him a friend of sorts; especially after meeting more of the kids in your town and realizing he’s one of the least weird people living there.
- You start to spend more time with him, letting him take you through the different parts of the woods and inviting him into your home, even finding yourself dreaming about him on occasion; feeling a bit like he’s never really gone even when you don’t expressly see him. It’s a foreign feeling and just as much as it worries you, you also begin to find it sort of exciting; particularly because you’ve begun to develop a bit of a crush on him.
- The feelings seem to be mutual: what with the way he holds your hand and your shoulders, sits thigh to thigh with you, makes a habit of always showing up and never staying away for too long. He looks at you with this certain intensity that no one else ever has, this sort of unabashed interest that most people would be too nervous to show. It makes you nervous, it draws you in....
- It’s the way he looks at you when you cut your leg on a stray branch, blood seeping from the wound as you hiss and stop in your tracks. He stops too and asks what's the matter as you kneel down to examine the damage. He remains silent while and after you explain and before you can straighten up with a disappointed tsk, he’s already kneeling before you, gripping your leg as his eyes remain glued to the bleeding slice. 
“I’m really okay.” you assure him, wincing as he strokes a finger across the angry red, gathering the droplets as he goes. Your brows furrow as you watch him, confused by his behavior and suddenly feeling as though he might be a lot weirder than you’d already anticipated. 
- He leans down even further as your mind races, pressing his lips to the wound, causing you to recoil at the sensation, stumbling to your feet, your own eyes training on the stain of blood on his pale lips. 
“I should go home,” you say quickly, gulping a bit. “...Clean this.”
- And with that, you rush off, long gone by the time he licks his lips and places his red stained finger onto his tongue.
- It’s only a few nights later that the inevitable happens. You awaken in the dead of night to find him in your room, scaring you half to death. You ask him what he’s doing and he tells you he wants to try something, telling you to close your eyes and assuring you that it won't hurt. You hesitantly do as he says and before long, you feel his cool lips pressed against your own, soft and tentative. 
- Though it takes you by surprise you slowly start to kiss back, melting into it before you start to feel strange. You pull away slowly, ignoring the way he momentarily chases your lips. 
“I don’t feel so good.” you say quietly, your vision blurring at the edges and your heartbeat feeling far too slow.
“It doesn’t hurt, right? I don’t want it to hurt. You shouldn’t feel a thing.” He tells you and your brows furrow further in confusion, your mind struggling to keep up and your body squirming away as he reaches out and pulls you into him, cradling you to his chest. 
“It’ll be over soon, then we’ll be together again. Really together.”
“What did you do?” You ask, voice just above a whisper, vision cutting out before your face can lift completely and look him in the eyes. 
- It’s then that you drift into unconsciousness, asleep for the last time, never to truly wake again….
- Even though the meeting portion of this story very obviously points towards you becoming one of the walking dead before your relationship really takes off, I’m gonna treat these headcanons as if the two of you got together before you died, just because it’s easier and because I think it adds to the dynamic. 
- Ray has a somewhat concerning habit of giving you a blank stare whenever you show him affection, which usually winds up making you feel a bit like you did something wrong; though that’s definitely not his intention. He actually really likes when you touch him and he likes touching you even more: it’s just that he doesn’t know how to respond whenever you suddenly grab his arm or decide to give him a kiss. He always has a slightly confused look on his face, like he’s trying to figure out what you did that for. It fades the longer you’re together but it’ll always linger; mainly because the emotionless look is just a product of being dead. 
- Pda is give or take depending on the weather and how recently he’s fed. He’s not an incredibly touchy person to begin with; most people would probably mistake the two of you for being close friends if they ever saw you out in public together, but he doesn’t necessarily have anything against it. He just doesn’t have a habit of partaking, aside from a random kiss which tends to surprise anyone who’s watching. He’ll also hold your hand quite a bit but it tends to give off creepy sibling vibes to onlookers instead of “cute couple”. 
- The two of you are kind of unnerving with the way you gravitate and push off of each other like two separate magnets constantly changing charges. It would have an especially strong effect after you become a permanent member of the town: kind of like those semi-racist Siamese cats in the lady and the tramp except unnerving and supernatural. 
- Have you ever seen a couple; more or less, teasingly act like each other's parents? That’s how Ray acts; except he’s pretty much being completely serious. He just has this really doting way of treating you: standing in front of you with both hands on your shoulders to tell you something, pulling you in to press a cold kiss to your forehead, holding your face in his hands and gingerly tucking hair behind your ears. If he wasn’t so earnest, it would definitely feel a bit condescending. 
- His kisses are always soft and sweet, his lips cold and slightly chapped. He tends to leave you wanting more, the featherlight touches just barely enough to satisfy you. He kind of likes seeing you yearn: and considering the fact that he’s dead and no longer attuned to wordly emotions; it’s easy enough for him to hold off and enjoy your desperation. 
- He calls you by your full name; regardless of whether or not you have a nickname or express any interest in couples pet names. He just doesn’t find a point in calling you babe or something of the sort. It’s another thing that sets him apart from everyone else; and would probably make your friends think he’s weird: like a strange home schooled/Amish kid that acts more like a youth pastor than a boyfriend.
- Cuddling is a great hobby to have when your boyfriend physically cannot be in the sun and it’s something you do fairly often; even though it’s borderline like snuggling a mannequin. Most of the time, you lean against him and cozy up to his side, letting him wrap a somewhat stiff arm around you while you sit down together. He might be a little unnervingly still but you learn to get used to it. 
- I should probably inform you that he’s not always as emotionless as I’ve been portraying him to be: it’s just that, when he gets livelier and a bit teasing, it’s usually not too good of a sign. Seemingly at random, you’ll find yourself being clung to, having him scare you half to death by suddenly appearing and snatching you by the waist, his mouth nibbling playfully on your neck with a slight growl. You’ll learn soon enough that it’s a sign of hunger and while it might be fun to see him let loose and show more passion, you just wish it was under better circumstances. 
- Admittedly, that's one of the pros of being the undead: being able to truly enjoy his playfulness without the fear of being eaten. You’ll grip onto each other and smile evilly, making mocking comments to the newest residents in town as you lick your lips and await your meals. 
- Speaking of his affliction: there’s probably going to be a moment in time where you find out what he is; probably in one of the worst ways possible, and flee, running away from him in a stereotypical horror movie fashion. He’ll stalk you for the next few days or stay at your door, urging you to open up and talk to him and how he thought that you loved him. 
- Gaslight, gatekeep, girl boss. Ray is not someone you should expect the full truth from because; even though he fully believes he’s doing what’s best for you, he’s bound to lie to you at some point and won’t always be on your side. He thinks that you’ll “understand in time” and that he’s protecting you from the truth but he’s still keeping secrets and borderline manipulating you so I don’t know, chief. 
- That being said, if he truly loved you, he might just have a change of heart and let you go during your final confrontation, allowing you to escape the town and survive because he knows that he could never make you happy as a member of Dark Falls. No one would ever believe your story but god would it stay with you for the rest of your life....
- But, if you were more on board with the whole killing people thing, you may or may not have been enticed into helping them lure new victims into the town. It’s probably one of the only things that would wind up keeping you and your family alive for any length of time....
- Oh wow Ray! You sure do have a concerning understanding of the lay out of my house! I never noticed there was a hidden closet in the basement or space between the walls that people can fit through! I sure hope no one else knows about this and decides to watch me through the walls! Wait a minute.... 
- Getting visited in your room; oftentimes at night. Sometimes he’ll show up just to watch you sleep, dancing his fingers across your leg before clasping a hand over your mouth to stop you from screaming once you wake up and see him standing there. He pecks your lips once he removes his hand, momentarily stifling your anger as you contemplate how deranged he is. 
- Your entire family sort of just learns to expect the unexpected because he’s simultaneously nowhere and everywhere all at once, always showing up at random and surprising you with his presence. You’re not sure how he gets in but he always has an excuse, no matter how implausible you’re beginning to find them. 
- Having to get used to his fickle appearances. Though a large part of his appeal is the fact that he’s someone you get to come home to and have a sort of escape from reality, he’s not always around to greet you after a long day at school. You’ll begin to bemoan sunny days; though who’s to say he isn’t hiding out in your room with the curtains drawn tightly together. 
- He probably occasionally walks over and surprises you after school, walking home with you and sparking a few rumors about your relationship and where he came from: since they never see him anywhere else unless he’s with you and because of his generally odd behavior. 
- It’s best not to introduce him to anybody, unless they believe in the supernatural and/or are wildly nonjudgmental. You’ll just wind up making yourself upset since they’ll undoubtedly find his inability to pick up on social cues and his usual blank stare creepy, giving you humiliating looks as you grab him by the arm and haul him away. 
- You’re honestly probably the sunshine girlfriend to his stoic, “moon energy”. He’ll look like he’s merely tolerating you but he actually secretly loves you and the way you stick flowers and feathers in his hat, kiss his cheek, and always give him a bright smile whenever you see him. It definitely makes him feel a little guilty about having to kill you….
- His sister also feels a bit bad. Even though she’s a bit younger than you, you still find yourself hanging out with her and having her tag along on a few of your dates. She’s generally a bit more lively than her brother and it’s always nice to have that extra bit of enthusiasm, no matter how used to your boyfriends behavior you get. 
- Taking walks together, usually in the woods around Dark Falls; so long as there’s plenty of clouds. 
- Picnics. 
- Playing baseball together. 
- Balancing on the railways that run through your town and making a game of who can stay on the longest. 
- Showing him all the new stuff in the world; since he obviously can’t just enter a random shop and experience it for himself. You show him new music and movies, tell him about your day at school, describe different feelings to him, etc. In turn, he describes to you what it’s like to be dead; though he definitely tries to persuade you into letting him kill you so that you can feel it for yourself....
- Jealousy is almost completely foreign to him; or he at least never shows it whenever you manage to make him green with envy. He might feel a bit guilty over not being able to be a real boyfriend but he reasons that it’s easy enough for you to leave him if you really didn’t want to be with him; or that he can just kill you and make you totally his for the rest of eternity....
- Considering the fact that your boyfriend kind of wants you to die, its hard to explain whether he’s protective over you or not. I guess its in the realm of hey, only I'm allowed to kill her! So I guess that counts as something, right? 
- Arguing with Ray is near impossible because he never gives you anything to work off of: he remains completely silent and emotionless as you rant to him or try to fight, so much so that you usually just run out of steam before you resolve anything. Most of the time, you’re just gonna have to silently deal with his shortcomings. 
- He occasionally calmly apologizes if he did something to really upset you but I wouldn’t get my hopes up: he doesn’t mean it a lot of the time; merely trying to placate you since his calm talking points aren’t offering you any solace. He’s arguably not the best boyfriend but you’re the one who’s dating a zombie vampire so, ya know. 
- He tells you that he loves you but it tends to feel just a little bit off, like there’s something different behind it or like there’s a hidden condition to it. He shows you that he does; at least partially, and he seems much more sincere when you finally become one of them. 
- If you want to stay with him, you’re gonna have to let the town feed, there’s really no other way. You’ll be together forever after that; or at least until one of you gets left out in the sun. 
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emmy-dekarios-bg3 · 2 months
Heart of the Weave - a Baldurs Gate fanfiction.
CHAPTER 16 - an outing and a dance
After about an hour of Gale and I enjoying each other’s company, we hear Jenevelle wake up from her nap. Rather than being fussy, she seems happy and full of life. Gale gets her a warm bottle ready while I get her dressed and ready to hang out with Karlach. I hand her to Gale so he can feed her while I finish getting ready for our outing tonight. I put on my maroon dress with gold braces on my arms, feeling dapper and delicate, actually rather happy with how I look tonight. My dark hair is pinned up, and I decide to actually have my bangs pushed out of my face for once.
I’m finally done getting ready and walk into the baby’s room, noticing Gale burping her and snuggling her against his chest. He is speaking to her in such a soft voice.
“Your mother is something special to me,” he murmurs. “Oh, how I’m glad I chose her. How I fell for her. How she swayed me away from trying to please Mystra. One day, when you’re much older, I’m sure you’ll find that person. When you do, never let them go. You’ll know.” He kisses her forehead as she stares up at him with sincere eyes. “I am so glad we have you. I am so happy to be your father.” I smile as I watch them both, and notice him stand up with her in his arms. He turns around, noticing me standing by the door. He blushes, then stares at his feet for a moment.
“Hi,” I say, still smiling at him.
“Oh, you heard me. Well, I meant what I said, by the way.” I laugh lightly, approaching him with a soft kiss on his lips. “You look beautiful.”
“Why thank you. Your words… They make me so happy. Thank you.” A sudden loud knock at the front door startles the shit out of me, which means Karlach has arrived. Leave it to me to be easily spooked, even when I knew it was going to happen. We walk to the living area to open the door and not only is Karlach there, but so is Shadowheart and Astarion. This could make for a rather interesting evening.
“I know what you’re thinking. ‘Where’s Wyll?’ He went to visit with his father, so it’s just us three. Yeah!” Karlach says, trying to contain her voice volume. I roll my eyes and smile. “I hope that’s alright. Sorry for the unexpected visitors.”
“I’m not opposed at all, I’m just curious why all three of you are here. Like I said, I don’t mind,” Gale says. “Just don’t destroy the tower and keep the baby safe at all costs. Which I imagine you’ll do.”
“Well, Astarion and I… We’re going to adopt and could use the practice,” Shadowheart chimes in. What? They’re together? I think another important question would be: Since when did Astarion want children?
“Emmy, you look just as surprised as I do. I didn’t even know these fuckers were together until a couple hours ago when I went to snatch them from their house.” I can’t help but chuckle at Karlach’s words, but I’m also glad I’m not the only one in shock at this news. We knew Shadowheart was planning on adopting, but had no idea her and Astarion were even together. They’re good at keeping situations private, I’ll give them that.
“That’s so exciting! Wow! Congrats, you two. I’d have more input but alas I’m at a loss for words. In a good way,” I mention.
“Completely understandable,” Shadowheart says with her soft voice.
“The usual schedule is written down and on the kitchen counter. She had some unusual behavior that caught us off guard earlier, and we believe she was afraid of something. Please advise us if she shows any sign of peculiar behavior,” Gale says.
“Aw, we’ve got this! Little miniature Dekarios will be fine. Good ol’ Karlach is here to provide top quality entertainment.”
“Why in the Hells am I so nervous all of a sudden?” Astarion questions, followed with a sigh.
Gale and I walked out of the tower and shut the door behind us, ready for a lovely romantic night out in the town. The sky is a beautiful shade of lavender as the sun begins to descend, leaving a vibrant yet calm aura throughout Waterdeep.
“Hm, so what is the destination, may I ask?” I ask Gale, curious as to where he’s taking us for dinner. We hold hands as we walk through the outskirts, admiring the quietness of the city.
“Oh, just a fun little place you haven’t been to yet. I don’t suppose you’d be opposed to some live music, maybe some dancing, all while having a delectable dinner?”
He ends up taking me to this exquisite restaurant and bar just a couple miles down from the tower. I’m trying my hardest not to worry about Jenevelle, though I’m sure she will be alright. We make it inside the building and sit at our table, with Gale sitting across from me looking handsome as ever.
“Thank you so much for taking me out on yet another wonderful date night,” I say, smiling as I look up from my menu. “How about I buy this time?”
“No, no, my love. You just sit there looking beautiful.”
“I’d like to buy. Please? You do so much for me and I’m dying to.” He hesitates for a brief moment, but smiles at me sweetly. It’s about time I returned the favor, though he tells me I do enough already.
“You win this round, but I’m buying next time.” Right past Gale is a bar and the bartender resembles an image of Raphael. I think I’m either paranoid or this man is a mirror image of the corrupt devil. He looks at me with an expression I’m all too familiar with, flashing a grim smile as he notices my eyes on him. I blink and notice a totally different man standing there; just a wood-elf with long brown hair, attending to the patrons.
“Hmm, I think I’m going to fancy a delectable bowl of the Neverwinter venison. How about you?” Gale asks. I snap out of the weird moment I just had and stare down the menu, trying to figure out what sounds delicious to the taste buds. I don’t want to tell Gale I may have seen Raphael, though it could just be an illusion my mind decided to make.
“I’ll probably have the same as you. It all looks incredible.” There is a fun band of bards playing live music on stage and it reminds me of Alfira. She was so passionate about music and they’re playing one of her tunes she performed for us once. I observe the tieflings and elves dancing within the tavern, some are a little tipsy, some are more than just that. I observe them, smiling as they’re having fun and being themselves. This brings me an immediate idea. I stand up and take Gale’s hand, nervously smiling.
“Dance with me?” He chuckles and takes my hand, standing up in agreement. I lead him to the dancefloor and he places his left hand on my waist, his other hand pulls my face in to kiss him. As we dance, I notice myself nearly falling on my arse a few times, other times I’m wondering what the hell I’m doing.
“Just follow my rhythm, baby. Like this,” he says, guiding me with his hand. My feet follow his as he slowly moves me around with his hands, twirling me and then catching me as I fall backward. “There you go.”
“If I were a bard, maybe I’d be proficient in performing some insane dances.”
“Eh, perhaps. Though it’s safe to say, not all bards can dance either.” Our bodies sway with one another, and he stares deep into my eyes, holding my gaze as we continue to dance. “Just focus on me.” He moves both hands to my waist, our feet moving back and forward to the calming beat of the music.
“I think I’m getting the hang of it.”
“Remarkable. You’re a quick learner.”
“It’s a good thing I didn’t dance at our wedding.”
“On the other hand, Karlach did take over when it came to the music and she…may have had a few glasses of champagne. You weren’t exactly keen on wanting to take that spotlight anyway.” I laugh, reminiscing of Karlach’s insane dance moves at our reception. “You are my heart.” I look up at him, his eyes sinking deep within the depths of mine, as if he’s staring into my soul.
The entirety of our evening was amazing. The food, the music, the presence of being with my incredible husband…all of it. As we leave the restaurant, a familiar voice growls within my ear: “See you soon.” It seems Gale did not hear it, but boy am I feeling rather horrified right now. Okay, well I can confirm I’m being targeted, but by who? Why?
We make it home, and as Gale opens the front door, we notice Shadowheart on the sofa holding Jenevelle, smiling down at our cooing daughter. Astarion is next to her but unsure how to process her holding a baby. I’m curious as to why he agreed on an adoption, or if there’s something I’m not quite seeing.
“Oh man, did we have fun! Once again, happiest baby ever. Little one didn’t have any issues, but…” Karlach pauses, as if she’s blanking on what to say. Astarion sighs, placing his hand on his face.
“Is Raphael a frequent visitor by chance?” he asks. “No particular reason really. Just wondering if he’d want to come by and have tea sometime.”
“Um, explain please,” Gale says, bewildered at what Astarion is implying.
“Oh. You didn’t know. Delightful. Well, we saw images of that rancid devil – and a few others – in the mirror. They went away after like, two minutes.”
“Shit,” Gale and I say at the same time, feeling a sense of overwhelming stress.
“The good news is they don’t want anyone dead. At least, that’s not what it looked like,” Karlach chimes back in. “I’m sure they would have killed someone by now if that was the case.” I sigh, feeling beyond frustrated as I try to figure out what the hells they want with us. Shadowheart hands our tired baby over to Gale and smiles.
“Emmy, I wouldn’t worry too much. I’ll come by and check on you tomorrow.” She and I exchange hugs, and I begin to take a few deep breaths. She’s right. I am looking forward to having her come over for a visit; maybe then my mind will become clear of all this.
Everyone leaves and heads back to their comforting homes, and I’m actually so thankful more than just Karlach was there, just in case. While no one actually expected the devils to pop up, I feel like Karlach had an inkling something would happen and that’s why she invited Shadowheart and Astarion. Or, maybe I’m overthinking it, and she did it to help them prepare for parenthood. Either way, I suppose.
I can’t help but feel anger and fear within me after knowing the devils have been keeping tabs on me. I worry about Jenevelle’s safety. Gale and I head to Jenevelle’s room to prepare her for bed, and we are both silent for a moment as we try to process what we heard.
“Well, we may have to stay up to see what these hedonistic devils want from us, given they actually approach us. It would be delightful to live in peace without their obnoxious interference. Answers are at least deserved, is that too much to ask?” He’s right. Our infant is only three months old and being exposed to the dangers of devils. This shouldn’t be happening, but why is it?
“Agreed. I thought I saw Raphael at the restaurant, but assumed my mind was playing tricks on me.” Gale’s worrisome expression faded after he placed a kiss on my forehead, trying to hide his irritation. I can sense his frustration at the situation.
“Let’s just be alert and keep our eyes open, at least until we get answers. I know at some point we will need to sleep, and if it comes to that…let’s take turns.” Gale places Jenevelle on the mat by her crib to get her changed for bed. Her sweet, sleepy face puts a smile on his, and who could blame him? Having her puts us in a trance it seems like; it’s hard to be upset when she’s as happy as she is.
It sucks. We can’t summon ourselves back to Avernus, for I made an oath to Raphael we wouldn’t invade anymore. If I break that promise, I’ll be his little torture toy against my will. So what do I do? What do these devils want? Gale puts our daughter in her crib and we both watch her drift into a deep slumber. Sigh. To be unaware of the horrors of the world and sleeping without a worry would be nice, but I’m glad she isn’t afraid. I’m thankful she’s at peace.
Gale has to work tomorrow, so I try to convince him to just go ahead and get some rest, but he wouldn’t give in. I head to the restroom before going to our room to lie down – I’ll be awake, mind you – and as I walk in, an image of a devil I’m not familiar with pops up in the mirror. From the way this devil was described by Karlach before, I imagine this is Zariel. Shit, I was hoping I’d never come across her in my lifetime. Her fiery eyes stare me down as I try to process seeing her in front of me. I body feels numb, my heart is pounding, and I can feel sweat drip down my forehead. Oh Gods.
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ayahachitwister · 5 months
Heya! I came to say hi & ask a fellow writer something! So earlier this morning, I was reading your worst encounters Neshiki Fic. (Adorable & made me almost tear up) I’ve been wondering, as someone who also loves to write, what is the fix you’re most proud of & had the most fun writing? I thought be fun to ask this since writing is, forever, gonna take over my brain! XD plus, I like hearing people talking work they’re really proud. Never fails to make me smile. ^^
:D Aww, thank you! That one took some effort to come together, so I’m really glad you liked it so much~
For the fic I’m most proud of and had the most fun writing, I mean, I’d have to say the most obvious one—The World Ends With Witches. I know I’ve talked about how I was hooked on writing with the Hex Cait battle and did like 3 chapters in one day… but even with the recent stuff, though I’ve been slow, I’ve been so excited to finish it and show everyone. 💕 I love the way that story’s coming together, and there’s still so much with the adventure to come that has me excited—so I hope you all enjoy it, too~ :D Plus, the world building’s been a lot of fun, and just… Honestly, as much as I love all my one shots, the type of story TWEWW is honestly hits more along the lines of what I usually like to do with my original works. The mix of a building a huge mystery with subtle hints, taking you through twists and turns as the characters develop and learn more, deep world building, along with fighting, humor, friendship, romance—all of that together in one magic-filled package feels like home to me. 💕
But, since that one is kinda the most obvious answer I could give, I’ll also give you an answer that doesn’t include that one.
For most proud, I’d say Crossing the Stars. I really wanted to bring the magic of Tanabata and its celestial myth to life with that one, and I still love the way it came out 💕 I even made Kazea fangirl over the kiss in that one when she was editing >.>~ I had to do a lot of research, too, on the general area it was in and special ways they decorate for Tanabata. Like you can see the sea of lanterns at the Zojoji Temple here and the Tokyo Tower decor here. So yeah, I really wanted to bring those images to life in a romantic way for Neku and Shiki’s first Tanabata together~
For most fun… That’s a hard one. I always have fun writing them ‘cause of how silly and ridiculous all the characters are 💕 Like even in serious stories, there’ll still usually be some light teasing and quips that I always want to share way before I should >.>’’ So we’ll go with…~
I Want To Be Your Canary. I loved exploring how the characters would be in the world of Final Fantasy 9, especially with Shiki as a runaway princess in Garnet’s role 💕 And by centering the story around the play and Shiki’s escape, I got to have fun with a wide array of characters in those new roles~ I had fun selecting who’d be what character in this world, which left me with an interesting set-up since apparently Shiba’s leading an acting troupe with Neku, Eiji Oji, and Tsugumi. XD’’ Plus Souma—Kazea’s version of Neku’s dead best friend. While I have written him alive in flashbacks before, it was nice finally getting him interacting fully as himself with the group~ (Though really, he’d make a much better Zidane than Neku since he’d actually do the dumb pick up lines, but whatever >.>’~ Blank still fits for him… considering yeah.)
But I also want to make a mention of one that’s not published yet—Eri’s Guide to Love and Dating. It’s my first BeatEri fic, and I really had fun exploring that~ Though they’re not a couple yet in it, I still tried to bring some of the same romantic magic I had in Crossing the Stars, but instead of celestial magic, this one’s full of snow-filled wonders~ So yeah, it was a ton of fun to research and write, so when I finally edit and publish that one, I hope you enjoy watching as Eri tries to recreate romantic cliches for Neshiki and Rindoka—only to find some happening with her and Beat instead >.>~
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how many OCs do you have and what are their names?
Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy? No, seriously. I do not know. It's easier to count how many story ideas I have and have the desire to write, really, which is around 30 (and counting!). I'll say some of my OCs names, though, the ones that are at the tip of my tongue:
Captain Catherine Ross is a pirate from 1719, when the Golden Age was already in decline, and she was being hunted down for sport. There's a still unnamed 'bounty' hunter after her, I put into quotes because there was a job back then that worked just like a bounty hunter but that wasn't exactly the name of it since the hunters were other pirates who worked for the Crown and the Marines, and during a conflict with him, she ends up falling down the ocean. She manages to survive, albeit with a bunch of rib fractures, but it wouldn't have been long until she died for real; if it wasn't for a siren. This siren takes her to an island where the settlers take care of her, not knowing about her past as a pirate, and she spends her days plotting her revenge. She hears stories about the siren that lives around the area from the townsfolk, who try to scare her with the thought that any of them could he a siren in disguise just waiting for her to be alone to eat her, but she's frankly unphased. She ends up befriending this young lady named Sophia, who the townsfolk say that has a habit out of showing up for a couple of days and disappearing, with lots of stories about how she's very rich and vanishes to go back home when the night dawns, when she sees her singing at a local bar. She starts to get interested in her romantically. Sophia confronts her with her true identity, but says she won't snitch and that she herself has always took an interest in pirates but she could never truly join forces. When the opportunity arrives, both Catherine and Sophia steal a ship and head to get Catherine's revenge. And yes, just to make it even more clearer than implicit hints: Sophia is the damn siren.
Hadassa Coelho is a Math teacher in 19th century Brazil, and she 'invests' in this small, failing bookstore owned by sr. Domingos de Gusmão. Her interests? The right to, every end of the month, go to the bookstore and take some of the books home without giving away even more money. One day, Domingos shows her a book he recently acquired and says she would probably find it interesting since it seemed to be about theology. She accepts, and as she's starting to read the book, she notices that the author isn't talking about the Jewish God, as Domingos initially expected. Hell, he isn't even talking about any pagan god she knows of. She gets curious and decides to investigate, discovering not only that this book was written by a dangerous cult, but also that the entity which this cult adores is cosmic horror-worthy: they call it The Hour-Glass, because it's main job is to destroy worlds when time has come.
Laerte Yoshida is a 29 yeard old japanese brazilian guy who lives in the Bairro da Liberdade, São Paulo. Due to his type of autism, which one of the symptoms include just Not Speaking, he's not fully independent and that frustrates him beyond human comprehension, because that gives an excuse to his mother, Fabiana Yoshida, to keep acting overly motherly, which in turn makes him feel like he's still 7. He earns money online, making freelance document translations from English to Portuguese and from Japanese to Portuguese; he also writes books, but hasn't been able to get a contract yet. Fabiana earns her money selling baked goods, but she's the boss AND the employees so it's not exactly an easy way to live. Laerte's writing expertise are mystery books, and his 'core interest' is Sherlock Holmes: he knows all about the man, and uses him as an inspiration whenever he feels let down. He isn't the best fan of videogames, but for Sherlock Holmes he'd make an exception and play the Frogwares games, that's how obsessed he is. His mother forces him to go to the weekly meetings she has with other """autism moms""", and he only goes because he found a friend there: her name is Joana, 19, and unlike Laerte she talks. A lot. He's trying to help her overcome some adulthood anxieties and even if they'll always be somewhat distant from each other due to the age gap and difference in interests, they still trust each other enough whenever they need someone to listen to them. AND THEN THE ACTUAL PLOT HAPPENS: he becomes a key suspect in a murder case after he's found alone, examining a dead body that was right below him. I kinda inspired him a bit on a friend I had in high school, and he's so important to me
There's a LOOOOT more, but I'll stop here for now
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Motion Creates Clarity
How often do you downplay your own successes? I fail to acknowledge the magnitude of my risks and accomplishments often.
As soon as I achieve a goal, I just move on to the next, and this is something I am becoming conscious of.

My current location is on the West Coast in a beautiful region of Central California. A small college town by the beach. San Luis Obispo.

Within a few minutes, I can drive on the beach and sand dunes, go surfing, lay out on a beautiful public beach full of happy people, or park on a mountain top with panoramic views of the city and ocean while I edit videos.

This area is not congested and homelessness is far less prevalent than anywhere I’ve been in a long time.

This mission of “Adventure, Kindness, and Wellness” in the pursuit of freedom and self sufficiency sounds foreign and crazy to some. To others, it sounds romantic and inspirational. Few, if any understand a journey like this if they have not engaged in some form of parallel experience.

Just over two-years ago, I was at the end of a 7-year phase, living in the place that I wanted to be most in the world. Breckenridge, Colorado. One of the two most visited ski towns in America. See the Book of Mike G YouTube for more awesome videos!
When I moved there in 2014, it was still possible to own a home, buy land, build something, and create a middle-class life through hard work and consistent income.

Within a few years that dream became unobtainable. Even with jobs like grocery stocker paying $30.00 per-hour by the time I left in 2021. 

Our housing economy and the community were changing quickly and in 2020, that process accelerated exponentially.
By 2021, our town of 5,000 residents had "lost" four-thousand housing units of all sizes to wealthy Air BnB and short-term rental owners from different states and countries… Housing for local workforce was effectively gone. Literally impossible to find. Thus the concept of a 4x4 camper that fits into a normal parking space and has room to comfortably work on my laptop.

 Sadly, after 7-years living the ski town life, I had to return to my hometown.
Once I lost my housing as the result of my divorce, I could not find anywhere else to live and honestly did not want to live in that small town and watch my ex wife move on. I knew everyone, everyone knew me. It was just time for a new chapter.

came home to Wichita defeated, depressed, but out of debt with a couple thousand dollars in the bank.

I returned at age 39. After a few weeks, I stepped into the gym for the first time in years.

Here, I developed habits and made changes that will be beneficial for the rest of my life.

I had the opportunity to take my contract work for the world’s largest custom motorcycle manufacturer, Big Dog Motorcycles and turn that work into a full time job for the next year.
During a moment like this, if one chooses, it is a wonderful time to truly assess what you desire your life to look like.
If you ever find yourself having lost a relationship, housing, possibly credit and additional objects, it can be one of the most liberating feelings, if you take the moment to acknowledge the gift of freedom that you have received.

My intention was to stay home for a year, save some money, figure out my next destination and make the move.

I obtained my Cannabis Masters Degree from Cannabis Training University and began pursuing that as a career path, but without any real direction. Previously, I worked in the industry and thought it could really be a good sustainable career path.

It’s funny how much time, money, and resources went into my prior university degree in video production and journalism, yet I never found the place I fit into the world happily trading my hours for dollars to make another person, party, or business profit. 

So, I got myself locked into a 1-year lease to work with Big Dog Motorcycles. I stayed home for a bit over a year, then my engine broke down and needed to be replaced.

During this two-year period at home, I spent hours upon hours daily, thinking about Who I am, who I want to be, and what purpose I will pursue with this moment of freedom in my life.

Remember, I was debt-free with cash in the bank when I arrived home.
Due to the engine replacement and taking a risk with a different friend’s business, which did not turn out fruitful, I was now $13,000 in debt on high interest credit cards.
Around this time, my mindset began to shift. Now that my eyes are open, I have been focusing on shifting from selling my skills and abilities to an employer to realizing all of my past challenges have been equipping me to pursue my own path if I can just find the right direction.

As a Video Producer of 17-years, I finally realized something so simple. I can make a legitimately sustainable career creating content for YouTube. The hard part is developing the concept, believing in myself enough to fully commit to the challenge, and being willing to see things through, even in moments of stagnation or hardship.

After deciding that I was completely serious about my YouTube career, I had to define my channel and content.

With much time and thought, I developed the concept of “Adventure, Kindness, and Wellness” Three things that are important to me in my own life and will be appealing to others who are also interested in similar pursuits.

If you delve into my first podcasts and live videos, you can see how much of an amateur I am in front of the camera, even with nearly two-decades of professional experience behind the viewfinder.

I was never interested in sitting in front of the camera in a studio and talking. At the same time, the adventure element that is supposed to drive everything was just not present in the flat, industrial conservative Midwestern city of Wichita, Kansas. 

The clarity I sought was still far away. At the same time, I was 40, closing in on 41, living in my hometown for nearly two-years.
At this point, the reality of my own mortality started to become a prevalent part of my conscious thought process.

Around that time, I realized that if I didn’t have a drop-dead date for departure and a destination, another year could pass and I might be in even worse financial shape, or something else could happen that kept me locked into a place and life that I did not want.

So, without having ever been there, I chose Palm Springs, California for my Winter destination. 

Next, the Redbull Imagination freestyle motocross event popped up on my Facebook feed and happened to land on the last day of September 2023. This was pretty close to the time I wanted to depart for my next adventures, and even though it is one of the biggest and most progressive Redbull FMX events in the world, it was only a few hours away from home in the middle of nowhere.

I bought my tickets and set this event as my drop-dead departure date.

So much has happened since that time. Make sure to check out my channel to see all of the adventures I have shared since then.
The point of this story isn’t to describe the adventures, but rather to explain how important it is to start moving, even if you don’t know exactly where you’re going.

At this point in life, I know I can be some thing amazing for myself and I have the ability to make this world a slightly better place.
I will be selling myself short and depriving the world of the gifts I can produce if I throw out all of the skills, experience, and fortitude I’ve developed… This is exactly how I see trading my hours for dollars to build something for someone else, literally throwing away my strongest attributes that I have painstakingly developed throughout my life.

What happens when a person like myself with this much experience and professional skills begins working for others? most of their skills and experience are disregarded.
That person is trained to follow directions, produce the result they are told, and use a small portion of their knowledge and experience. Meanwhile, all of their capabilities and strengths outside of those directions are not utilized, even if they are the most valuable skills the employee possesses. 

When I recognized how much of my time and energy will go into selling myself to others for their benefit, I realized that I was disregarding my ability to do amazing things with my life for myself and for others.

The amount of work, stress, dedication, education, time, and energy that goes into seeking an employer is substantial. 

I’ve come to the conclusion that in my life, I can dedicate that time and energy to my own pursuits… If I have the self discipline and dedication needed, I will be able to produce a far better outcome in life that will last the rest of my life, and it will only take a few years of hard work, dedication, and discomfort to get off the ground.

The hardest part is getting started.

Living in a world full of modern comforts, conveniences, and working for others while eliminating the need to figure things out and make them work, I see American culture turning weak, soft, and dependent. Not to mention depressed, unhealthy, and addicted.
One of my biggest pursuits in life is freedom.
What that means to me is that I am able to thrive without having to depend on an employer or clients to allow me the ability to feed myself and pay for shelter.
It means living beneath my means, owning land outright, and building my piece of the American dream with hands-on sweat equity instead of trading 30-years of my life for the currency to pay interest and taxes on, while not being able to save enough to comfortably retire. 

Realizing that I am selling myself short following the directions of others for their profit, and understanding that life is getting shorter by the day, I no longer have time to waste, dreaming, thinking, and hoping while living a soft life full of comfort and convenience. 

All of the comfort and convenience was coming at a high price. It was keeping me from moving forward and pursuing the man that I am capable of becoming. It was making me numb my dissatisfaction with alcohol, and it was not allowing me to become my authentic self.
Instead, it was forcing me into a mold that I was not suited to fit into.

This is where I do not give myself enough credit for what I have accomplished… Check out my channel to see all of the hard work I did to prepare for this new life I’ve decided to design and pursue.

I’m now on the West Coast, living in a place that I really like, making 4x the same income for literally the EXACT SAME JOB with the same company.

My location is perfect for my vision of parking my 4x4 mobile office camper in beautiful places to work on my laptop and shoot amazing, visually appealing videos.

By the time I began generating an income in California, I had accumulated several thousand dollars in credit card debt from the second friend’s business I wasted my time with, combined with travel expenses, and 20-days without income.

At the same time, I’m years ahead of where I could be if I stayed in my hometown with low income and a low cost of living. Especially sense my transmission is now failing and will also need to be replaced with credit over the next few weeks.

Imagine if the transmission broke down in Wichita and I did not depart on the day that I set. I would likely still be there, working for so little that I can’t pay for the transmission or get on the road. I wouldn’t have the subject matter or visually appealing locations to capture content and tell my stories… Who knows, maybe I would have gotten myself a DUI or worse. (I’m 81-days alcohol free today, by the way.) 

My path is still fairly undefined. It is coming into focus and I am learning more, while improving my plan, tactics, content, and online presence daily. 

When I think about how far I’ve come over the last two-months, I realize how substantially vital this decision to move forward and risk everything I had left to put into this life truly is.

When I consider the monumental challenge of my failing transmission, I recognize that it is just another opportunity to build more fortitude, overcome a hard moment, and become even more dedicated to the mission that I am on.

Now, this challenge is part of my story that I am still writing. At the same time, I’m locked in. I’m on the West Coast, I have solid income, and even though I will be able to move on soon enough, I’m going to embrace this moment. Work hard, pay off the transmission and some additional debt, while continuing to create content, learn, develop, evolve, and pursue my mission of self-sustainable freedom with the theme of Adventure, Kindness, and Wellness.

When I think back to the moment that I chose the date 9/30/23 for my departure, I know that it would have been much easier to work for even another month before departure, yet I also recognize the substantial progress I have made on my mission over the last two-months, and in the long run, I believe that a single month’s progress is worth far more than the money I would have been able to save and dedicate to this adventure.

Now, my blurry vision of the future is coming into focus… Choosing a departure date and location were possibly the most valuable things I could have done for myself at that time. 

Now, I am in a position where I cannot find a better path or option than to stay the course that I am on, sail straight through the rough waters of transmission troubles.
Along the way, I have come to the conclusion that I have a far FAR higher likelihood of achieving the financial freedom for myself on this path, than wasting any more of my precious hours begging employers or clients for work, or going back to college for an MBA.

When my mind finally realized the substantial limits of the career world, it became obvious that the world the Boomers experienced will produce less buying power in my lifetime, and basically no chance at a comfortable retirement if I try to do things the way they did.

When my mind was able to break free of the idea that I must do what education and society says I should, then I began to realize that every moment not spent pursuing my dreams, goals, and vision were moments lost that I could never get back.

And now, here I am on the coast, proud of the progress I’ve made over the last few months. Moving towards my dreams on a daily basis, and making good enough money to pay down debt promptly and free up more time and money to focus on my desired outcome in life.

If I didn’t set that departure date and location, I would not be as far along as I am now, even if this is just the very beginning.

So if you are ever feeling stuck or lost, take some real time to understand your personal mission. Choose an outcome and a time. Commit to it, even if it is uncomfortable, then take action.In the end, you will develop courage, self esteem, grit, and joy. True joy.
0 notes
ayazure · 2 years
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For you, to say that Ayato was a good boyfriend would be an understatement. You knew that he was much greater than that. You'd even say that he is better than anyone, better than any person who has come into your life.
Ayato had the charms that tend to cause ripples in your heart. A gentleman who manages to sweep you off of your feet every time. His words felt like gentle rain on a spring day. And those same words contain assurance and affirmation.
In your six years together, he remained sweet and endearing. As couples, you two normally shared a few fights here and there. Ayato had his own way of dealing with these arguments. Whenever you find yourself leaving in utter madness, he would grab one of your wrists and pull you towards him for a kiss.
Let's just say it's an apologetic kiss. It would feel a bit odd because the roller coaster of emotions would flood your brain. You falter for a bit but you aren't someone who backs down easily. You'll ignore him like a tsundere until the tension naturally lifts up.
Ayato's lack of time for you results into these fights at times. However, he learns from his mistakes and tries to make up to you atleast. Just like now, after a long busy day at work, your lover invites you to a fancy, romantic dinner.
After that, he would take you on soothing night walks.
The nightfall showed a dark hue, twinkling stars were filling the gaps and spaces. The full moon was at its peak brightness, shining the way you two were currently taking. With the moon, street lights lit up the city park. It was undeniably beautiful and romantic.
You and Ayato walk side by side. Both shoes would clack and tap against the hard ground, harmoniously sharing the same pace and tune. Both hands creating contact with each sway, seemingly looking like shy teenagers who desire to intertwine them. You two would laugh at your own awkwardness.
You'd realize that these little things make every moment saccharine.
He always end up taking your hands though, and you'd take charge on intertwining them. You two would sway them again, at the same time humming the tune of a love song.
"Six years, we've come so far haven't we?" Ayato starts while staring up at the night sky. You shot a gentle glance at him, then your holding hands. "Indeed, yet you still managed to make me fall in love with you every single day"
Your lips form into a genuine smile and you may not know but Ayato's heart is jumping under his thumping chest. "You do know that your words have a great impact on me, right?"
You only chuckle at his reply.
"You're so sly, you always have a way with your words" he then say, sighing in fake disbelief, as if teasing you. "Oh my, may I remind you of yours.. I falter because of your words too" you replied as a comeback.
"Then, if I say I love you right now, would you be blushing instantly?" He challenges, a playful smirk can be seen on his lips. Your eyes widen slightly "That's not how it works I-"
He jumps right in front of you, leaning in closely. "I love you more than I could say" he whispers softly, preparing to lean in more. You close your eyes in advance, thinking he would kiss you. Seconds go by and nothing happens. You open your eyes to Ayato holding back his laughter.
"stop teasing me"
"I'm sorry ! See, I was right, you'd be flustered-" you interrupt his words, beginning to chase him in the empty sidewalks. He strides away, playfully muttering multiple 'sorry's. At one point, he disappears from your vision.
You'd guess that he probably decided to hide well.. somewhere. You hurriedly tried to search every nook and corner of the area. With no luck, you had difficulty finding him. Worry taints your heart and mind. 'what if someone kidnapped him?'
Just as you released a heavy sigh, someone taps your back. Quite hesitated to look, you stop for a brief second. You still looked anyways.
The moment you did, Ayato was down on one knee, reaching for your hands. You froze in your spot, astonished as your mind turned blank. Another odd moment, could it be?
"Y/n" he calls out and you snap off of your astonishment.
"You stole everything from me.. my heart, my dreariness and possibly.. my last name?" He starts off. This opening statement made your mouth slightly open in agape. You felt heat rise in your cheek and even the tips of your ears.
He gave a light chuckle. "I was thinking of a life without you but I can't imagine it at all. A bed without you there, not even a hint of your scent. Or possibly moments without your presence."
You listen intently as his hand caresses yours. "That's why I took the courage to finally decide.. I want to be yours, and yours to be mine for a lifetime. Darling, will you.. spend the rest of your life with me?"
He takes a velvet box from his back pocket. Opening it infront of you, showing an exquisite ring. The rims holding the jewel formed a heart. His eyes staring directly at you and yours. Purple eyes glistening with hope and realness. You couldn't be more emotional, your heart currently overflowing with shock and a feeling of being touched.
"It's a bit too sudden and overwhelming ain't it? I can always provide you with plenty of time so.." He slowly closes the box in slight withdrawal.
"No no!" You prevented him from doing so. He was slightly taken aback but his expression softens. You clear your throat.
"why wouldn't I say yes? A life to spend with you is worth a wish from a genie"
With teary eyes, he stands up to give you a warm hug. Momentarily pulling away to put the ring on your finger.
"Trust me, I'm the happiest man in the world right now" Forehead to forehead, he smiles in delight. His very own hands were caressing your face and you placed your hand on top of his. "I trust you"
You then smile as well before linking your lips to the most endearing kiss. As soon as a minute passes, fireworks bloom into the sky, audible sparks trail with each explosion.
"Hmm, they were a bit late" Ayato comments with a tiny pout. "You did this?" You ask him, being utterly amazed.
"Of course, I had to make every single thing special.. It would be quite embarrassing to do it on a mediocre atmosphere"
"Quite typical of you dear.. but that's what I love about you" you gave him a peck and you both watched the rest of the display with satisfied hearts and fulfillment.
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Another 1 am product GSJAGAJA ! I hope you guys liked it<3 oh and ! Thank you all for 20+ followers, you guys seriously blowed up my posts too T^T♡ I'll be releasing a special out of gratitude soon<3
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favoniuscodex · 3 years
"you know, i think my parents would be proud if i brought you home" with childe?
pairing: childe x gn!reader
the snow that lines the streets of mondstadt is a peculiar sight, but not too rare to set the town into a frenzy. beside you walks childe, the newest resident at the fatui-occupied goth hotel and your long-term lover. after the hectic nature of his assignment in liyue, both the two of you were surprised when childe was assigned to mondstadt as his newest area to patrol. with the stormterror threat eliminated and a gnosis-less archon, mondstadt poses little significance to the fatui’s plans. however, the two of you know better than the question the tsaritsa’s assignment, nor the blessing of her pairing the two of you together.
childe navigates the snow with ease but you, despite being fatui as well, are not a snezhnayan native. your lover is smart enough to recognize this and holds your hand tightly, ready to catch you if you slip alongside him. he laughs as he clutches your hand tightly and tells you stories of snezhnaya. you’re fairly sure he’s bluffing about the way the snow piles up so high that they can’t leave their houses, but you don’t know enough about his home of morepesok to call him out for his lies. he sways your hands back and forth as the two of you walk through the snow-powdered fields of mondstadt, now outside of the boundaries of the city.
“in snezhnaya, we have these fearsome snowbeasts that are taller than any building in mondstadt. they’re harmless, but they like to take humans and eat their shoes-“ childe begins until you playfully bump your shoulder into his own, sending him an accusatory look.
“now i know you’re lying to me,” you say and childe holds up his free hand up in surrender, chuckling at your faux outraged expression at your lover’s teasing. “be honest, what’s really in snezhnaya?”
“my family.” childe says almost immediately. his expression softens at the thought of them and you look at him expectantly.
“you talk about your siblings a lot.” you nod and childe smiles wistfully as he glances at the snowy atmosphere before him. you give him a reassuring squeeze to his hand. it doesn’t take a genius to know that he longs for home.
“my parents are there too. they miss me, i can tell from the letters we exchange,” childe says with a soft laugh. “i talk about you in them, y’know.”
“really?” you ask, although there’s not much surprise in your voice. after how long the two of you have been together, you’re not surprised that childe talks about you to his family. you wonder if he talks about you to his family as much as he talks about his family to you. “hopefully only good things.”
childe laughs, before looking at you with a faint dusting of pink on his cheeks.
“i don’t think i could think of a single bad thing to say at you if i tried,” he says honestly, before clearing his throat, as if he wants to change the subject from his sincerity. you feel your own face increase in temperature in response, despite the cold that surrounds the two of you.
“you know,” he begins, glancing away from you and holding onto your hand just a bit tighter as the two of you walk. “i think my parents would be proud if i brought you home.”
“oh?” you ask, unable to contain your smile at his kind words. “are you inviting me to meet them?”
“well, if you’re ever summoned to snezhnaya, i think they’ll demand that i bring you home. they’re practically begging for me to bring you to visit already.” childe chuckles, glancing over at you with adoration in his eyes.
“but-“ he says before cutting himself off, causing you to tilt your head and narrow your eyes at him.
“‘but’?” you echo his words, urging him to continue. childe swallows deeply before letting out a nervous laugh.
“i’m fairly sure my mom would propose to you on my behalf if i haven’t done it by then,” childe confesses, causing you to burst out in laughter. “i’ve never seen my mother beg for anything, but i think she’s frothing at the mouth to adopt you as her newest in-law based solely off the way i talk about you.”
“so, why haven’t you proposed then?” you tease, but your lover stops in his tracks as his face blooms into full hues of scarlet. his mouth parts slightly as he stares at you with wide eyes and you’re half-tempted to kiss him out of his stupor, but your interest in his response prevents you from doing so.
“um- i- um-“ he stammers, clearly flustered. “i-.”
his hand fumbles to the hidden breast pocket of his uniform, slipping underneath the fabric to fish for something. his gloved hand pulls out a small object and his other hand falls from your own. with wide eyes, you watch as your lover kneels down on one knee in the snow, holding up the mystery object in his hand to you. your breath catches in your throat as the object gleams in the sunlight. a ring. tears prick at the corners of your eyes and you struggle to maintain your breathing as childe begins to speak.
“this uh... this wasn’t as romantic as i wanted it to be, but will y-“ he begins, but before he can finish, you instinctively interrupt him, throwing your arms around his neck and barreling into him, toppling the two of you into the snow.
“yes!” you nearly shriek as you pepper his face in kisses. “a thousand times yes!”
childe bursts out into laughter as you smother him in affection despite the thin layer of snow that now coats the two of you. his lips melt into yours and you forget about the world as you kiss him, only to be interrupted by him pulling away and grinning at you mischievously.
“you didn’t even let me finish,” he pouts slightly, yet his eyes gleam with excitement and his words are far, far too happy to hold any serious grievances within them.
“my answer would still be the same,” you say as childe’s hands rest on your waist as you look down at him in the snow. his eyes widen in panic as he quickly gestures for the two of you to sit up and he looks around wildly.
“uh, time for our first date as an engaged couple,” he says nervously as his eyes scan the snow. you tilt your head in confusion, baffled by his sudden change in demeanor. “we have to find the ring i dropped in the snow.”
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robynlilyblack · 2 years
Incident with a Time Turner
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Part 9: Disagreement
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Sirius x Fem! Potter! Reader
Summary: After a wonderful new year, things grow tense as they struggle to make progress
Warnings: cursing, mentions of sex, kissing
Masterlist | Series Masterlist | Previous Part | Next Part
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“Mornin” Sirius whispers, wrapping his arms around y/n’s waist as she makes them breakfast
Y/n smiles as he nuzzles his head into the crook of her neck placing a gentle kiss, the simple act making her blush.
“Morning” she turns off the hob, placing their breakfast on the plates nearby before turning around to face him, his arms remaining on her waist as he smiles down at her
Sirius smiles down at her, ever since Christmas the two had become accustomed to mornings like this, they loved waking up in each other’s arms, the good morning and good night kisses, the ease of it all.
Harry left just after the New year to head back to Hogwarts, the couple leaving the day after to head back as well, however they couldn’t go back to the B&B again, or anywhere else in town, it was too risky. So y/n went into town, coming back with a charmed tent, she had been planning on buying one anyway, herself and Harry had talked about going camping. The idea sparked by one of her stories about when Lily had taken them all camping once, and how she failed to mention it was with regular muggle tents, casing them all to give up on building them and sleep rough outside in the sleeping bags instead.
They setup camp little ways from the Shrieking shack, since the proximity would allow them to use the passage there, letting them easily sneak back and forth to Hogwarts when needed. Much like the bike they charmed the area to hide it away from any wanderers. 
On  the first full moon of the year, neither of them could sleep hearing their friends cries and howls. Sirius comforted y/n as she cried, there was nothing either of them could do to help him, instead they focused on their efforts on finding Peter, once they found him they could be reunited with their old friend and help him just like old times.
“I have an idea of how we can find Peter, it’s clear our Crookshanks idea isn’t going to work, not when Ron and Hermione keep intervening” Y/n states as they finish their breakfast
“Agreed” Sirius moves the plates into the sink before taking a seat next to her “What’s you’re amazing idea my love” he places his hand on her knee as she turns on her seat to face him
My love, she couldn’t help but hold back a blush, it was times like this she wanted to tell him how she felt. Little did she know the man in front of her was thinking the same. Despite taking their relationship from platonic to romantic, they hadn’t spoke about what they were yet, neither brought it up, whatever they were both were too happy to ruin it with that conversation. Even if both were the definition of fools in love, they both had insecurities.
Sirius was anxious about their new age gap, even if it was caused by time travel. Y/n was young, beautiful and brilliant, it didn’t help that Molly seemed to be hinting at setting her up with her son, Bill. When Sirius first heard he had to take a moment to do the math, she was only 6 months older than the eldest Weasley and from the newspaper article he’d seen, as handsome as they came, why would she what to be with him when she could be with someone like Bill?
Y/n had her fears too, Sirius hadn’t been with anyone in over 13 years, before that he was a serial flirt and famous lady’s man. She remembered their time back at Hogwarts, how her heart broke a little every time she saw him with a new hickey on his neck, kissing a girl at a party after a game, leading one back to his dorm room, or when some girls would brag in the changing rooms about their latest encounter with the famous Sirius Black. Even though he was older, he still looked handsome, she saw the smiles from the muggles on the street at him, how his flirting was still natural to him, she was worried she would just be another one of Sirius Blacks girls, instead of being Sirius Blacks girl.
“Well, you remember what Flitch confiscated from us in our final year?” his eyes light up
“Our map, merlin we should have been looking for that from the beginning” he sighs, feeling a bit stupid for not thinking of it sooner
“Yeah, I was thinking the maps definitely small enough that I could carry it even as a bird, and if I can sneak into his office I should be able to steal it back. Then we can…mhm”
She’s cut off by Sirius lips on hers, pulling back she stares at him in bewilderment “Couldn’t help myself, you can continue now” her expression remains unchanged “Sorry” he cringes, feeling guilty for being a bit too impulsive
She snaps back to reality “Oh no, it’s no problem just give a girl some warning next time” she smiles at him, the man smiles sighing in relief as he does, glad she wasn’t upset.
He flashes his famous smirk, glint of mischief as he teases her “Incoming kiss in 10…9…8…” he moves slowly towards her
The girl scrunches up her nose in fake annoyance, although she did love that he was returning to his old self even if he was still a bit immature. On the other hand, she was exactly the same, pulling him towards her by the collar of his shirt. Sirius chuckles at her impatience as he returns the kiss, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her over to his chair to straddle him. She wraps her arms around him as his come to settle on her hips, well maybe a little lower than her hips.
Just she makes her way kissing down his jaw to his neck, he reluctantly pulls away, brushing a piece of hair out of her face. After Christmas it was too easy for them to get distracted in one another, over the holiday that was fine, but as much as Sirius would love to spend the day in her company, they had a job to do and a rat to catch.
“As you were saying” she looks at him in confusion “about what we’ll do when you get the map” he prompts  
Y/n flounders for a moment, every time they kiss was magical, she never wanted it to end, she shakes her head “I’ll tell you later” she leans in to kiss him again but he stops her, causing her to pout, Merlin, she’s going to be the death of me
“Love as much as I want to, believe me, we unfortunately have a rat to catch”
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“Siri?” y/n blinked, waking to Sirius walking around the side of the bed
Sirius prayed she would go back to sleep, he kept his back to her. He knew if she realised what he was about to do she would probably kill him
“Go back to sleep, love” he replied, but something in his voice sounded off, rubbing her eyes she realised he was fully dressed
“Why are you dressed?” she asks groggily before panic begins to set in, suddenly she was wide awake “Sirius why are you dressed” she repeats moving the blanket sitting up
Fuck, he sighs, trying to think of how to explain himself “Y/n…”
“Don’t y/n me” she stands up walking over, noticing he’s wearing their bag, a knife in his hand “Why do you have a knife?”
“Because your plan isn’t working, we’ve been here for two months and we aren’t any closer to finding him, so I’m going to…” he trails off as he turns around, trying to look anywhere else in the room but her
“Going to what!” she exclaims
“Y/n” Sirius tries to interrupt but she just continues
“Saunter into Hogwarts armed with a…” she begins to gesture
“Y/n” he repeats
“…knife, no wand and…”
“Y/N!” he yells, finally getting her attention
“What!” she yells back
“For the love of merlin put clothes on I can’t argue with you when you…when you look like that” Sirius presses his lips into a tight line, closing his eyes. Usually he loved seeing her walk around like that but he couldn’t argue with her when she was practically half naked, the coldness of the room not helping with the situation
Y/n looks down, realising she’s only in her pants and a semi sheer vest “Oh” she cringes walking over to throw on one of Sirius large t shirts “Better?” he nods
“What exactly where you planning to do, sneak out, capture him yourself?” her tone was a bit calmer but Sirius could hear the judgement in her voice
“Yes, the plan isn’t working y/n none of them are. Frankly you’ve been playing it so safe that we aren’t making any progress. Ugh, I knew should have come alone” he regretted the last sentence as soon as it left his mouth but he was so worked up he couldn’t think rationally anymore
Y/n looked at him in disbelief, he did not just say that, she felt her own anger swelling up again
“Come alone? Sirius if you came alone everyone and their mother would know you were here! Without me you would have been wandering around, without a wand I might add, and most defiantly would have been spotted by now, not to mention what could have happened if you had tried to break into the common room back in November”
Sirius grimaced, he knew she was right but he didn’t care in that moment
“Well I have the passwords this time, I can get in and find him, I can end this!” holding up a bit of paper
“Wait, what?” his eyes widen realising what he just said “Where did you get those” she walks over snatching it from him, looking over the contents
She looks at him for a moment before she realises “You got Crookshanks to get you it” he gives a curt nod
“Sirius, why-” he cuts her off
“What did you expect me to do y/n. Sit around wait for you to get back, I’ve been cooped up in the fucking tent for months!” he yells angrily, dropping their bag to the floor
“Sirius calm down!” Y/n shouts
“Calm, calm? Y/n you’ve been trying to find that basted map for over two months now, what was I meant to do!” he rebuts, pacing around the tent
It was now the end of March, safe to say both of them were getting angsty, especially Sirius, he felt useless sitting around most of the day. Y/n managed to break into Flitches office mid-February but after over a month of searching she couldn’t find the it anywhere.
“You’re supposed to trust me, talk to me, not go behind my back and sneak off into the night!” she felt hurt, her heart aching at the thought that he was just going to leave without a word
“I’m sorry y/n, but without the map we won’t be able to find him, this way I can go in and…”
“And do what! Try to kill peter, run into the boy’s dorm knife at hand! You can’t have truly thought that was a better idea than mine”
Sirius tries to open his mouth to speak but she continues “And even if that was the new plan, you tell me Sirius, you come to me and you tell me. You don’t sneak off in the middle of the fucking night, leave when I’m asleep, for fucks sake what if you’ve been caught. This isn’t going to work if you…if you…” y/n voice fades, swallowing hard, sitting down on the bed, burying her head in her hands
Sirius looks at her, tears swelling in his eyes, it was clear she wasn’t just talking about catching Peter anymore. His heart ached, his obsession with Peter was reaching the point of desperation, he wanted to prove his innocence, get revenge on the man that killed his friends and got him locked up for over a decade, but more than that, he wanted to be free to spend every holiday and moment like the ones at Christmas. In his desperation to cling to that, he was pushing her away from him, the one thing that always kept him grounded, the one thing he loved more than anything, as he realised his mistake he felt his heart drop.
“Y/n…” he reaches out to her, she drops her hands keeping her gaze fixed on her lap as he sits next to her, “Please look at me” she can hear the cracks in his own voice
“We’re supposed to be a team” her voice is quiet, tears still gently falling down her cheeks
He cups her cheeks with his hands, bringing her face to look at him, softly wiping the tears “I know…I’m so sorry” he wraps his arms around her, “I’m such an idiot”
“You are” she mumbles into his chest, sighing before wrapping her arms around him “But you’re my idiot”
Sirius lets out a breathy laugh, pulling back, “You sounded just like Red there”
She chuckles a little, her eyes still a bit watery and puffy from crying, “Yeah” she wipes her eyes “Well now I understand how she must have felt with James”
Sirius huffs a little “I’m not as bad as James”
“No…” she smirks “You’re worse”
“Hey” he nudges her side playfully
His smile drops looking down at her “I’ll talk to you next time, I shouldn’t have I let my obsession with finding Peter cloud my judgement”
She takes his hand in hers “Thank you. You are right though, we do need a better plan, we aren't getting anywhere”
He hums in agreement, “We can tackle that in the morning”
Sirius takes off his outerwear, kicking of his shoes climbing into bed.
He pulls y/n into his side, “Team” she looks up at him, he nods as he traces small circles into the small of her back
“Always?” he leans down kissing her forehead, his arms wrap protectively around her as she snuggles into his side 
“Always” his words like a promise
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The two were currently making their way to Hagrid’s hut from the Whomping willow, today was the day of Buttlebeak’s execution. Harry had kept them informed of what was happening, revealing that despite their efforts the animal was still going to be killed. The couple knew Hagrid couldn’t let Buttlebeak free without them thinking it was him, so they decided they would do it while Dumbledore helped distract Cornelius. Y/n had dropped a note on the mans desk a few days prior, asking him for his help to which the older man was more than happy to oblige.
“Crap, get back” Y/n pulls Sirius behind a nearby tree, the man turning to look at her in confusion before he follows her gaze to Harry and his friends reveal themselves from under the invisibility cloak, running down towards Hagrid’s
“Well that complicates things. Why did Prongs and Red have to have such a good kid” the two look at each other, as much as they loved how much Harry cared, his presence defiantly threw a wrench in the works
“Cornelius, Dumbledore and Macnair will be here soon, so Hagrid will probably make them leave, while their distracted you free Buttlebeak” Sirius nods before realising she say ‘you’ not ‘’we’
“I’ll free him?” he asks
“Yeah, I was thinking, I have one last idea about where the map might be. What was the first big heist me, you and Jams pulled together in first year?”
“We broke into Flitches office” he smiles knowing exactly what's she's thinking
“There are only two people I know are 1, brave enough and 2, clever enough to pull that off, you think you can handle this on your own?” she looks up at him, asking him for permission
“Yeah love, you go see it through” he kisses her forehead
“Whether I’m right or wrong about the twins having the map, I’ll go to Remus after”
Harry mentioned Ron’s rat was missing, even Crookshanks was struggling to find him, so they decided they had to talk to their old friend. Y/n and Sirius agreed it was time to ask for his help, and she should be the one to talk to him, he was less likely to freak out, well he would definetly freak out when he saw her alive and well, but he wouldn’t react to her in a violent way like he might with Sirius
“Here they come, you better go” the man says spotting the group of men walking down towards the hut
“Yeah, oh!” she turns back, making him look down at her, she leans up capturing his lips, he leans into it, cupping her cheeks “Be safe okay, don’t let them see you”
“Will do, you be safe too little bird” his heart warms at her little smile and faint blush at the new nickname
“Little bird?” she bites her lip raising an eyebrow
“Just trying it out. Say hi to moons for me, okay?” she nods
The two give each other one last hug before she shifts flying off towards the castle, as Sirius makes his way down to the house, hiding behind the large pumpkins.
“Shit, they haven’t noticed them yet” the man mutters to himself, looking around he grabs a small rock, throwing it at the window, missing completely “fuck” he scrutinises himself before he tries again, this time hitting something in the hut hearing it smash. He grabs one more accidentally hitting Harry in the back of the head, making him cringe “Oops”
He hides as they inspect the window, before moving back into the woods as Harry, Ron and Hermione make their way out of the back of the building, before making their way back up the hill. As he hides he fails to see the animal in the red haired boy’s hands as they run off.
The man makes his way up trying to lure the bird, while Dumbledore asks Hagrid for some tea, leading the three men into the hut.
“Come on, if catch us not just your head” he spots some hares hanging over a fence, grabbing them he uses it to lure the bird away into the forest, throwing the rest of the hares into the woods letting Buttlebeak make his own way.
Sirius makes it half way up the hill before looking back down, still hidden in the treeline as Macnair seems to chop one of the pumpkins in irritation. He hears a distant sob from Hermione, seeing her cuddling into Ron as Harry holds her from the other side, realising from their perspective it looks like Buttlebeak was just executed
Just as he was about to head back to the Willow to wait from y/n he hears Ron shout “Scabbers!”
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Y/n flew through the castle, she knew today was the last day of exams so the twins would be finished with their last one and knowing them would most likely be planning a prank to celebrate. Sirius was in the back of her mind as she searched, she was nervous especially after it was announced he would be sentenced to the kiss of dementor if they caught him.
“George, give me that” she whips around, hearing the voice coming from the hallway ahead of her, distantly seeing Fred snatching something from his brother, the map
As she flies towards them, she sees the elder twin takes out his wand, starting to speak “I solemnly swear-” he’s cut off by y/n flying in between them, snatching the map from his hand
“Hey!” they complain in unison, looking baffled at the robin hovering above the ground, map in its clutches
She shifts back “Sorry boys, need to borrow this for a bit” as she’s about to shift again when she turns back “Oh use the charm on page 26 of the book” she winks shifting back leaving the twins in awe as she flies off
“What just happened” George turns to Fred who is currently pulling a book from his bag
Smirking he looks up at his brother, holding the book out to him. The book was in the box she had told Harry to give them, a book the marauders made filled with every charm and spell that was perfect for mischief, with a signed note from ‘Robin Evans the unofficial fifth marauder’ on the inside of the cover.
“We just met a legend”
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Y/n found an abandoned corridor to shifting back, taking out her wand she opens the map “I solemnly swear that I am up to no good” the map reveals itself
She huffs at the names as they appear, muttering a spell the change it from Moony, Wormtail, Patfoot and Prongs to Moony, Wormtail, Patfoot, Prongs and Robin “That’s better” she smiles to herself
Her smiles fade as she looks down towards the hut to check on Sirius’ progress only to see his name, Peters and Ron’s moving very quickly, followed by Hermione and Harrys, all heading to the Whomping Willow 
“Fuck” she looks over at the castle, spotting Remus in his office, she quickly shifts not bothering to close up the map
Luckily the office door is ajar letting her fly right in, causing Remus to stare at the bird flying in carrying a very familiar bit of paper, dropping it on the table. Y/n perches herself on the desk, hopping around, using her beak to open up the map fully.
“What are you trying to show me” He asked, feeling a little ridiculous talking to a bird
Y/n points towards the altercation occurring at the Willow, Remus’ eyes widen, mouth going dry as he reads the name, Peter Pettigrew. A part of Remus always knew Sirius wasn’t capable of it, but the evidence against him was compelling, especially after y/n disappeared. He looked back at the bird, becoming aware that the bird in front of him wasn’t acting like a regular one.
“Who are you”
The bird hops back a bit revelling the office they were standing in, Remus mouth drops, looking at the bird then back at the name next to his, Y/n Potter.
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@easypeasyweasleywheezes​, @depressedsleepysloth @buckybarnes4lyfe​
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211 notes · View notes
bukojuiice · 3 years
—the lovey-dovey things they do with you while you're both stuck at home during quarantine
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ೃ chars: izuku midoriya, katsuki bakugo, shoto todoroki, eijiro kirishima and shinsou hitoshi x gn! reader
ೃ  tags: headcanons, fluff
ೃ  warnings: none!
ೃ  my nav  →  my mha writing masterlist  → my katsuki bakugo x reader smau
ೃ  please do reblog if you enjoyed!! it really helps writers and content creators on tumblr!  
ೃ  if you want to be a part of my mha taglist. send me an ask!  ♡
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katsuki bakugo: cooking and baking with him! it all started on a cozy afternoon in April, you’re mindlessly scrolling through tiktok whilst cuddling with katsuki (your sparky bf practically asleep in your arms) when you stumbled upon some cute and interesting cooking videos appearing on your fyp. katsuki peers through your phone and groggily asks if you want to try out and attempt to make some of them and you immediately say yes!
the two of you start with something simple and basic, dalgona coffee! (even playfully arguing whether or not you should adding more whipped cream to your drinks or not), after that, you then take your culinary journey a bit further by making some baked sushi, cloud bread, and mini donut cereals among many other scrumptious delights! after a while, you decided to buy some matching “kiss the cook” aprons online and even started a tiktok account detailing all of the special twists katsuki made to the recipes (although he absolutely refused to make an account at first, with some probing and dozens of pouty faces and puppy eyes coming from his adorable significant other, he finally gives in) dancing and kisses in the kitchen, spreading flour on each other’s faces, leaving sneaky love notes by the fridge, and making each other coffee in the morning were just some of the little add-ons the two of you would do with each other.
izuku midoriya: online escape rooms and virtual museum tours! the national museum of japan were offering some free virtual tours around the museum and the two of you could not just pass up the opportunity to see all the intricate pieces being displayed in the museum. however, izuku wanted to experience something else that's similar to that and so, after seeing an ad on twitter for an virtual escape room experience, izuku excitedly told you about it. jumping and hopping around like a little bunny and you couldn’t help but agree as seeing him so happy and so excited for something will never fail to make your heart flutter. the two of you immediately book a reservation and even bring out your virtual reality gears for the full immersive experience. you’re clinging to his arm the whole time as you virtually traverse a horror escape game and your freckled boyfriend tries his best to be brave just for you.
with both of your intelligent and inquisitive minds combined together, with the occasional soft couple bickering, and having to listen to izuku murmur to himself for several minutes,  the two of you solved 7 escape rooms (for a week straight) in a span of three hours each. the two of you take turns in doing the tasks of the game, and whoever fails to do so, has to do the other person’s bidding for the entire day. although the two of you could never force the other to do any mean-spirited dares to each other, most of the bidding you told each other to do were peppering each other kisses on the cheek, long and warm hugs, choosing the movie for the night, cuddling in the bed and holding hands among many other things.
todoroki shoto: binging movies and tv shows on netflix with him! this was the perfect opportunity to help your icy-hot boyfriend finally indulge in everything pop culture. and what better way to do so than on netflix and other streaming sites? the two of you end up watching every romantic movie dear to your heart. mixed with bed or couch cuddles, blankets wrapped around the two of you, a lot of cheesy and loving whispers said, and paired with some comfort food you ordered online. your watching area varied. sometimes the two of you would watch in the bedroom, living room, and sometimes you would even make a pillow fort with dangling fairy lights attached to it filling the tent with fluffy stuff toys to lie on just so that the two of you can watch on the floor.
shoto cried when the two of you finished watching the notebook and the eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. and all you did the entire night was give him all the hugs and kithes you could provide him. ever since then, the two of you opt for more light-hearted movies. rom-coms, disney movies and sitcoms where he endlessly referenced iconic lines from friends, the office, how i met your mother, and brooklyn 99. the days in quarantine go by with the two of you just mindlessly singing and dancing along to disney songs, rewatching rom-coms for the umpteenth time, reenacting some scenes from iconic movies with dry yet hilarious acting, and just discussing movie theories whenever he cutely and innocently asks you about some small details he missed every time you finish watching a movie for the day
eijiro kirishima: training and exercise routines with him! your shark-toothed boyfriend is a fitness buff through and through. to the point that a room in your house dedicated to just gym and fitness equipment exists. but when quarantine struck the world and your lovely home, you slightly lost your motivation to work out. eijiro continues to encourage you to do so ofc! with the two of you occasionally going outside to jog but aside from that, nothing much else. when he catches you watching a chloe ting video on youtube, he scoops you up from the couch, and you giggle trying to tell him to put you down yet he refuses to do so, as he carries you all the way to your little gym room. you notice that there are yoga mats sprawled about and since then, the two of you would do a lot of yoga as it has been proven to decrease anxiety. sometimes the two of you would get distracted and start dancing to the exercise music, accompanied endless laughter and giggles when kirisihima would do his daily planking exercise with you sitting on top of him as he does so.
there were also times when the two of you were so tired and sore. so you would give each other loving massages, there were also times when the two of you would just sleep it out or just lounge in the bed. excercise couldn’t stop your cravings and so, and there were also times when the two of you would do some food mukbangs you’ve been craving for recently.
shinsou hitoshi: playing video games with him and taking care of your little pet kitten! right before quarantine started, shinsou surprised you with a pet little kitten that the two of you decided to name gigi, named after the cat from kiki’s delivery service. the two of you always running around the house as if you were parents to a newly-born baby, watching your cute little kitten frolicking around, touching and interacting with everything he could find. after watching some “cat parents” videos on youtube and learning some tips, you attempt to give it a bath, resulting into a very wet failure. with the only time you can feel peace and quiet was when gigi was asleep or whenever he would be drinking his vet-approved milk. your quarantine life was hectic and chaotic but taking care of a cute little bundle of joy with your equally loving and handsome boyfriend... well, life couldn’t get any better than this.
when you were finally able to get the hang of the cat parents life, you and shinsou finally found the time to rest and relax by playing video games. may it be a horror, action, adventure, rhythm, or fantasy game, you were always playing with him. maybe as a player 2 or just as the supportive significant other who helped him solve puzzles, make story game choices that could change the game, and even help him with the buttons if he was trying to fight some hard boss. whenever there are jumps cares in the game, he would hold your hand and give you reassuring pats. whenever the two of you would play against each other on the other hand, he has his arms wrapped around you, with you still being extremely focused at the game at hand, he would give you pecks on the cheek to try and make you distracted so that he can win. your little pet kitten, gigi, sleeping on the couch as the two of you play to your heart’s content.
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ೃ taglist: @chibishae34​  @lovelytarou​ @ramunegoddess​, @serossimpy @laudthingcat​​
628 notes · View notes
needleandhammer · 3 years
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Female!Reader
Word Count: 6216
Summary: You're the Governor's daughter and you've caught the eye of Boston's most eligible bachelor.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content. Unprotected sex. P in v. Reader's first time having sex. Cunnilingus. Dub con. Possessive!Ransom. Sort of Dark!Ransom. Historically inaccurate. Slight breeding kink. 18+ only!
A/N: Period au. I kept the time period and nobility ranking real vague because I'm not about to research and actually world-build a mashed 19th century American colonies and Victorian period au :D It's not quite as dark!Ransom as I had intended, mostly soft. Inspired by Bridgerton, yes. And the amazing debauchery of @stargazingfangirl18 for their Soft Dark 5k challenge. Congrats and thank you for such amazing stories!
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Yet another season of balls, picnics, and courtship.
“Have you heard the news? The young Drysdale is to be named heir to the Thrombey estates.”
“That makes him heir to both Thrombey and Drysdale legacies.”
“Do you think he’s in search of a wife?”
“It’s Drysdale we’re talking about. The only thing he’s in search of is someone to warm his bed for one night.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. All that inheritance must require a wife to keep in order.”
“I wouldn’t mind warming his bed even for one night.”
“Shh! That’s scandalous!”
You heard your name and looked up to see your friend Vincenza approach. “Have you heard? Drysdale is to be—“
“Must I endure an entire evening of talk about that boorish man?”
She giggled at your complaint. “But it’s the talk of the city. Lord Thrombey has replaced his own son with his grandson as heir. And…” She glanced around, leaning close to you to whisper. “I heard that the transfer of inheritance was all due to Drysdale’s uncle’s inability to produce a child.”
Your brow folded, unsure whether such a decision was fair. “Well it’s not our business, Vinnie.”
“But that’s the thing!” Her whisper grew breathless with excitement. “It’s all of our business. Well, those of us not determined to narrow our marriage choices in the name of love.” She shook her head at you with good nature. “If Drysdale is to produce an heir, he needs a wife! It’s certain that all the available ladies of Boston will be trying to earn his favor.”
You sighed as Vinnie hooked her arm around your elbow, both of you weaving slowly through the ballroom.
It wasn’t like you weren’t used to this, hearing gossip about the infamous Drysdale son, the eldest grandson to the retired Lord Thrombey. How such a noble scholar could be related to the notorious heartbreaker sometimes stretched your comprehension. And even more ridiculous, autumn found you as Drysdale’s target for humiliation. You knew such a flirt had no intentions of settling down, yet, he had endeavored to make sure he danced with you at every ball thus far this season, and even called on you at your city townhome. You were quick to inform him that you were uninterested, yet he seemed unbothered. In fact, upon your firm rejection, Drysdale seemed to make it his goal to visit your brother as often as possible - as the two were college pals - ensuring you encountered him several times a week. Drysdale was not outright courting you, but he made his attentions evident to you. Most frustrating of all, he seemed to have a knack for cornering you under the guise of innocently keeping his friend’s sister company. It irked you that your family could not see what you saw.
You caught sight of your brother waving at you, so you led Vinnie in his direction.
Perhaps Vinnie was correct and you were closing doors that were better left open in the opulent realm of nobility courtship. Your chances of marrying for love were slim, but that didn’t mean you could not at least try to maneuver your way closer to those slim chances. Even in Boston’s ruthless high society of meddling mothers, envious debutantes, and arrogant “gentlemen.” But you were the Governor’s first-born daughter – beauty praised by all, poised and sharp, and most accomplished at a number of activities thanks to the Governor and your mother encouraging a diverse array of talents since you were young. Theirs was a happy and long marriage resulting in five children, and supported by a successful political career that you were proud to celebrate. You had no doubt that no matter the pressures of society, your parents would support you if you opposed an incompatible proposal in your search for the right person.
As long as you navigated the nobility’s courtship rituals with the wits you inherited from your own mother, there should be no reason you should lose the romantic interests of countless eligible bachelors, or heaven forbid, fall upon a scandal that may prevent a proposal of love.
Well, there was one reason you might end the season in scandal, by way of delivering a swift knee to the vulnerable private area of one particularly irritating gentleman in full public view of hundreds of good folk who have gathered to enjoy the Senator’s autumn ball. Alas, you were not going to bring that kind of shame to your parents.
The particular reason, the gentleman who irritated you so, was currently greeting your elder brother quietly, whilst his penetrating gaze remained on you. Determined not to be ruffled by his attention, you kept your shoulders back and chin high, sweeping your eyes through the crowd and dancers.
Your attention returned to your group of family and friends when your hand was captured. By him. Hugh Ransom Drysdale Thrombey.
“My, don’t you look breath-taking. It is my pleasure to get to see you tonight, Miss Y/L/N.” Drysdale’s eyes flowed down your form, and much to your chagrin, his smirk widened. No doubt the warm flush on your bare collar would be apparent to him.
You couldn’t help yourself, with those glowing azure eyes of his so clearly admiring your figure. The man was completely inappropriate.
“Yes, it surely is.” You offered a pursed barely-there smile and tugged your hand. He tightened his grip upon your fingers, raising them to meet his lips. You cursed yourself for choosing the delicate lace gloves this evening, as you felt his warm breath feather through the lace onto your skin. He deliberately kept his lips upon your fingers for longer than necessary, curved in that signature smirk.
“Mr. Drysdale, if I may have my hand back. I must obtain a beverage for my sister.”
Mischief twinkled back at you from his eyes. “Allow me to accompany you. I’m sure your brother and mother would both enjoy a drink,” he was quick to close down the objection posed on your lips.
Your brother thanked Drysdale with a clap on his shoulder and motioned for you to go on. You could only give Vinnie a frown as she preened at you with excitement. You proceeded without protest, knowing your brother’s attention was occupied, searching for a Miss Amarea Dane, whom you were certain you would welcome as sister-in-law very soon.
You smiled quietly to yourself, once again dreaming of following in your brother’s footsteps and finding a match so certain and true, so compelled by love and affection, rather than simply honor and title. To think, it had been Drysdale who had introduced the couple.
Suddenly, a man backed up straight into your path. You couldn’t avoid stumbling aside and directly into the arms of Drysdale.
“Watch yourself, Chen. Maybe go easy on the wine,” Drysdale called to the man who raised an empty glass at him with a laugh.
You attempted to straighten up, aware you were surrounded by several people and had just fallen into the embrace of Drysdale, who was notorious for seducing the city’s ladies.
“Let go,” you insisted quietly, dropping your gaze to your wrist which he held on to.
Drysdale gave you stern glance and led you close behind him, keeping his grasp on you hidden as he pulled you through the room.
When the two of you made it beyond the side entrance, you tried retrieving your hand.
“Mr. Drysdale, let go.” You had not wanted to draw attention with so many guests around you. You would die of embarrassment to allow anyone to see Drysdale’s hand on yours beyond the required polite greeting.
“Come, my lady. You cannot blame me for wishing to acquire your attention all to myself.”
“You are being most inappropriate.” You huffed as he pulled into the gardens. “Let go of me this instant.”
“So eager to return to your suitors? I’m sure I saw at least five gentleman who have called on you this month.”
“How can you know of the gentlemen who have called on me?” You dug your heels into the gravel, drawing up short when Drysdale stopped and rounded on you.
“Well, Barber makes no secret of his admiration for you. Or that idiot colonel’s son? And that Wilson fellow makes such noise at the gentlemen’s club about his intent to propose.”
You smiled at his apparent crossness. “Are you tracking my proposals? Are you requesting a fee for updating me about the intentions of my suitors?”
Drysdale stepped closer, his sharp jawline clenched. “So you’re pleased then?”
“Why shouldn’t I be?” You bit back a gasp when he tugged you forward, his hands on your waist which pressed against his front. “If you don’t let go—“
“What will you do?” His smirk returned and your fists pushed against the solid muscle of his arms. “What would you do?” He asked again, dipping his face close to yours. “If someone saw the Governor’s honorable eldest daughter, the pearl of the city, alone in the dark with a man?”
“How dare you? You better let go or my brother –“
“Would only be too happy to welcome me into the family.”
You did not miss his meaning. If you were discovered in this position by anyone, your brother would demand that your honor be redeemed by marriage to Drysdale. As handsome as the man was, you had no wish to pair the rest of your life with a man who flirted with dozens of women each season and broke just as many hearts.
“Well I am certain, sir, he would never force me to marry someone so crude as yourself. He is familiar with your outrageous behavior, so he knows you would make an ill match and I would never consent to it.” You tried leaning back from Drysdale, feeling a growl work from his chest. You couldn’t show him fear, no. You had enough of this man making your life miserable just because he was bored.
He didn’t relent, his palms flexing around your waist tighter. “You think that just because your father protects you, you are beyond the pressures, the claws of people of our standing?” He chuckled darkly. “I assure you, if it was between your happiness and ensuring your family avoids falling from grace, your parents would not hesitate to throw you to the wolves, to sacrifice your childish dreams in order to uphold their status. That’s what you’re searching for, isn’t it? Behind that pretty face are the same silly fancies as all the other girls. Dreams of love.”
“I don’t expect you to understand, so mock me all you want.” You continued struggling, determined to not back down from his burning gaze, but drawing short of breath all the same to have him so close. “Everyone knows you’re too busy fooling around and playing with women who, yes, want to find love. I only pity them for believing you have the ability to give that to them.”
He whispered your name low in warning, his voice sending a flutter down your stomach. You arranged a fierce scowl at him.
“It’s the truth. All you care about are your family’s riches and living like you have no responsibility to your community. Well, go on. Find some poor woman and give your family an heir so you can secure your fortune and continue your wild ways in comfort. But rest assured, I’d rather be thrown to wolves than end up paired with a man like you.”
Your squeak of shock was cut short when Drysdale crashed his mouth on yours. He molded your lips, swallowing your gasp as he sucked your lower lip. You felt suffocated with an intense heat blossoming from your stomach and growing further as you sensed the wet lick of his tongue.
Drysdale knew every time he pushed your buttons he got to enjoy your soft features lighting up just the way he liked; and at the same time he suffered your blatant disdain. For months he had told himself he was only after some entertainment in the form of your admittedly beautiful displeasure directed at him to liven up the droll season. Yet, here he was, unable to restrain himself from touching you, your warm smile haunting his thoughts, the silk of your skin an insufferable craving that occupied him at every hour.
You tried to twist out of his arms, but he held you pressed against him, a soft whimper from you further igniting his desire to wrap you up and make sure no other man witnessed you like this. Breathless. Vulnerable. So, so sweet, just as he imagined you would be.
You were unsure how to respond, failing to escape from his hold. So you fought back with your mouth, lips pushing against his, much to Drysdale’s delight. He barely allowed you to draw breath as he tilted his head, hand caressing the back of your neck to keep you close, quickly sneaking his tongue into the hot cavern of your mouth. He felt you tremble at his invasion, your hands gripping his jacket. He opened his eyes, appreciating the moon’s gleam on your cheek, your lashes fluttering. Despite your drawn brow, he could tell you were no longer opposed to his ministrations. He groaned when your tongue whirled against his.
It was the familiar quiver in your core that struck you and had you thrashing until you had pushed Drysdale away. You could not allow this man to awaken desires within you. You covered your mouth, panting, feeling tears sting your eyes.
You heard your name from him.
“Don’t!” You kept your face hidden with a hand, as though you could hide what had just happened. “Don’t every come near me again, Drysdale.”
“You can’t mean that.”
You stepped back before he could reach you. “I’m sorry. I am to call you Thrombey now, correct? You’ve inherited a title and doubled your worth. Well, don’t for one second think that makes me care for you.”
You rushed out of the garden, praying he wouldn’t catch up. Drysdale breathed deep. Your words stung him.
He shook himself, making a vow. Darling, you’re not getting away from me.
No, no, this could not be happening. It was still early in the day and your life was ruined. Or, it would be very soon.
“If you don’t accept my proposal, I will ensure that the whole city hears about your little moonlight tryst with Drysdale. We all know he’s not the type to step up for a woman’s honor. So you’ll be left with a scandal and no further suitors, you can be sure of it.”
That was the threat from Mr. Mildred, the colonel’s son who creeped on the edges of parties and was known to mistreat the help of his household.
You couldn’t stand the thought of marrying Mildred. Yet, what were your options? Your parents would heed your wishes, but the shame of a scandal would be hard for your family to recover from. You father’s reelection might even be impacted. Boston may be a modern city but progress was slow when it came to the rules of courtship amongst upper social circles. And your marriage prospects, well, very few bachelors would come calling once they heard you described as a loose woman.
It had been too much to hope that no one witnessed what happened in the garden.
You stood, restless and angry with yourself. How could you have melted into Drysdale’s touch? That was just as agonizing to you as Mildred’s words. Ever since you first met Drysdale, heard of his leisurely bachelor ways and his aversion to marriage and family, you had vowed to never fraternize with anyone of his nature. He was everything you did not want for a stable, loving family and spouse.
So many months, you had been forced to hear him mock you with pleasantries, intrude on your homely comforts, charm your mother and sisters, monopolize your brother’s time. And yet. His broad form hovering close to you as you practiced pianoforte. His many glances with those sky blue eyes during park strolls. The low purr of his voice that followed you into your dreams. Drysdale had managed to worm his way into your subconscious. At one point, you had thought he was tolerable, kind, and perhaps capable of sincerity; but that night in the garden had shown you his true colors.
Two days later, you fared no better. Your mother summoned you into the parlor, sharing that she had encountered Mr. Mildred at a tea party and he mentioned a dreadful whisper he believed to be about you and a gentleman together without chaperones in the Senator’s garden.
Had Mildred run out of patience already? Your mother’s tight frown was your answer. You apologized profusely, tears escaping as you tried to hold yourself together in the presence of someone you had sworn never to disappoint.
Apparently, Mildred informed your mother that such a whisper had not spread far, but he could not be certain of preventing its spread.
You were interrupted by the house maid, bringing a letter to your mother informing of a dinner visit.
The rest of your day, your head ached with the decision you had to make. Drysdale would not be affected by the gossip but you would not remain unscathed for long. Even with the respect your father received as Governor, your prospects grew slimmer than ever. Yet you could not accept a sacred vow of lifelong marriage to the conniving Mildred.
And Drysdale, well, you told yourself you would not entertain the idea. You had rejected his advances once already. You told yourself he had only courted you to add to his conquests and he only continued to antagonize you to alleviate his boredom.
It wasn’t until you entered the dining room that you realized your mother’s dinner guests were the Drysdales, including Lord Thrombey. You lowered yourself into a seat next to your sister, forcing a smile at Lady Drysdale before her strident tones returned to a conversation with your mother. Movement to your other side prompted you, but your smile fell flat to see Ransom Drysdale beside you. He only nodded to you, though you caught his eyes glinting with purpose before he turned to your brother.
It was halfway through dinner that Drysdale made the announcement. He had requested your father’s permission and was proposing to you this very night.
You scarcely noted your two families’ reactions, excusing yourself from the table and winding up in the dimly lit back yard of your home.
“Why?” you asked as soon as you heard footsteps behind you. Turning to Drysdale, you demanded, “Why are you doing this?”
He watched you, eyes dark and framed by thick lashes. His jaw tensed and then he stepped up to you, looking down at you.
“As you said. I have to earn my inheritance. I need an heir for my grandfather. For that to happen, I need a wife.”
You shook your head, his words striking at your heart.
“You’ll do just fine, I suppose,” he finished.
“No!” You shoved at his chest, barely swaying him. “You don’t get to do this. This is my life.”
“I heard what Mildred was going to do,” he said, swallowing hard. “If I didn’t propose, you’d have to marry him. Or –“
“I would deal with the gossip however I see fit! How could you come to my home and propose in front of our entire families. How could you—“
He wrapped his hands around your biceps, dragging you close. “You can’t say no.”
Helpless, you could only silently deny his ruthless words with an anguished shake of your head.
“You can’t say no to me. No matter what you tell yourself about how merciful your lovely society friends will be. We both know if you don’t accept my proposal…” He glanced away with a chuckle before eying you, his grin cocky, sneering. “And don’t even bother thinking you might escape from this by actually marrying Mildred. He’ll back off as soon as he hears the new Lord Thrombey has proposed. Either way, looks like you’re not going to the wolves.”
One hand grasped your neck and jaw, drawing your lips to his. He could sigh with relief. He had not been able to rest ever since tasting you.
“Drysdale –“
“Ransom,” he whispered, rubbing his lips to yours before reclaiming them in a deeper kiss that consumed all of your senses. You couldn’t gather your wits to question how he managed to force all thoughts from your mind. Surely your anger was the source of the sparks lit in your breast as you felt his tongue sweep into your mouth roughly. You sagged against him. Ransom’s lips released you, trailing along your skin.
“Call me Ransom.” His order came firm as he dropped kisses down the corner of your mouth to your ear. It pained him to be the cause of your tears, but he would be damned if he let that weasel Mildred sully your name, or get to twist his fingers in your dark tresses, learn your curves, taste your lips. No, Ransom would be your villain.
“R-Ransom,” you gasped out, so aware of his body heat rolling against you, his thick arms encircling you.
“Accept my proposal.” He knew he had crushed his very slight chances of being on the receiving end of your kind heart, forcing your hand like this.
He pressed his forehead to yours, warm hands framing either side of your face. His thumbs stroked away your tears, and you were struck by the earnest plea in his eyes.
He took a deep breath and stepped back from you, his face a cool mask. "Let us inform our families."
This may be another game to him, an easy means to an end. For you, it wasn’t a choice.
You made it through your short engagement and overly grand wedding by devoting your entire energy to convincing your family that you were the eager, blushing bride. You offered minimal answers as your dear sister asked about how Drysdale – no, how Ransom had claimed your heart. You dutifully picked out wedding bouquets with your mother and responded to the well wishes of your father’s friends.
All the while, your busy schedule served as an excuse to avoid your groom-to-be. With middling success. Now that he had claimed your hand, and more, proved your dreams were all for naught, he couldn’t resist reminding you to your face how naïve you had been. Worse, he took advantage of his status as your fiancé.
He took the opportunity at every lunch to sit close to you and toss that triumphant smirk your way. He invited you to the park with your family, leading you ahead and lacing his fingers through yours as he put on a show of holding you steady upon the walkways. He played the love-struck bachelor, dragging you between the far shelves of your father’s library and exploring your mouth with a frenzy that left you dizzy. Your resistance was no match for his determination to overpower you, to flaunt his victory. Yet, you could almost see the arrogant curl of his mouth morphing with each kiss as his eyes softened. And each time, you grew more hopeless - conflicted - as his touch grew familiar, satisfying a part of you which you could not control. You were truly out of your depth when it came to Ransom.
It mattered not. You could not take back your word. The Governor’s daughter that you were so proud to be could not collapse in your own despair. As far as anyone was concerned, you and Ransom had both discovered an unlikely, passionate love for one another and wished very badly to wed.
You should have been exhausted after the early day of wedding celebration you had endured with Ransom, the incomparably handsome and gallant groom. And after many hours riding out to Halifax, the Thrombey country home. Your new home.
But a new challenge was upon you this late night - your wedding night. At least, that had been your sole problem up until Ransom had deposited you in your marital chamber and excused himself. You had absentmindedly, nervously, glided around the room to admire the woodwork. Only to notice a parchment corner peeking from the drawer of an antique desk. Which led you to open the drawer and pluck at the papers with your name upon them.
The pearl of the city. An apt title, yet it fails to define your beauty, Y/N…
…Is it a gift or a curse that I should be visited with visions of your sweet face as I sleep…
Barry speaks highly of you, his sister, and your affinity for family, your desire for a true love. A shame that such an exquisite soul should be beyond my grasp. No, I have earned this torture. I could never deserve you, nor offer you what you deserve…
So many lines speaking of admiration for your character, yearning to learn what would be worthy of your affections, admissions that you were too sweet, too good to be burdened with him. Words hinting of curiosity, of desire for a future with you, a family unlike the one he grew up with.
…I can only laugh at myself for daring to dream God might have mercy on me and lead me into your arms, and lead us to the dreams you and I share…
The sound of the door swinging open had you looking up to meet Ransom’s gaze. He slowed in his entrance, seeing the pile you clasped in hand.
“Those are mine,” he said, voice tight. His hands curled with your big eyes shining upon him full of question.
“My name is on them. They’re mine,” you countered.
“Forget them,” he commanded. “They are only…”
“Fancies? Silly dreams of…love?” you asked. “You’re a talented writer.” You smiled seeing his flushed cheeks, his averted, shy grimace.
“I used to sit with my grandfather for long hours. Reading. Discussing stories.”
“Did your grandfather also help you practice writing love letters?”
He smiled without mirth. “No. I figured I wanted to make a fool of myself so I documented foolish musings.”
You closed the distance between you. Your face was uplifted, beseeching Ransom to meet your eyes. He could not ignore your presence, attention intense on him and almost more than he could bear.
“Is there truth in these words?” you asked quietly, careful not to spook this man, this loud, cocky man who had presented you with such a convincing disdain for anything sincere.
“It does not matter.”
“It matters. Because you chose me.” You pressed your fingertips to his lip, stopping his protest. Ransom closed his eyes for moment, barely believing you were touching him of your own will. He breathed in your perfume, disoriented by your proximity, your discovery. “Why did you never…?”
“Because I’ve always known such things were childish. My own parents proved to me a long time ago love has little value in a family.”
You shook your head in protest of such cynicism. But the bitter turn of his mouth reminded you of various instances in his family's presence - his parent's demand for recognition and power, his uncle scoffing at expressions of kindness.
“Because I felt foolish for even wanting something different. You were right. Anyone would be lucky to avoid me and my family. We’re a sham. There’s nothing beneath the surface for my parents and they’ve taught me well.”
“There’s more,” you insisted.
“Well then I’m a coward because I can’t bring myself to go in search for more. You were right. I am content with my family’s fortune. I would have been fine growing old alone, but I had to trap you with me. Now, you won’t achieve your marriage of love, your desire for a warm family.”
You cupped his cheeks, forcing him to look at you. “I was the coward.” You drew him down, closing your eyes and pressing your foreheads together. “I saw more in you, but I was afraid. Afraid of risking my heart, afraid I might achieve the very thing that I have been yearning for.”
He whispered your name. You hushed him.
“Tell me. Do you truly love me?”
His breath feathered against your lips. “I love you.” There was such a raw vulnerability in his confession.
“Then that is all that matters. You and I will build the family we dreamed of. I promise.”
Like your vow had snipped him loose of his control, he yanked you in and kissed you hard.
“Be mine,” he murmured between sucks of your lips, drinking you in. “Give me all of you, and I swear, love, I’ll be your family. I’ll give you anything.”
You believed him. Cupped his head in yearning. “Yes. Yes, Ransom.”
His hands tugged impatiently at your gown, dragging the outer layers down. Long fingers pulled at your skirts. You worked at undoing his vest and shirt. Your hands trembled to feel his bare skin, the tickle of chest hair and such warmth emanating against you as he drew you close. You gasped to feel his hands squeezing your curves through your thin shift, seeking with greed for more. He walked you both to the bed and placed you in the middle, laid out for him as he had dreamt for months.
His touch dipped under your shift, setting your heart racing. As his mouth danced lower, he growled, tearing the top of your shift to expose your bare tits and mouth hungrily at them. You couldn’t stop wriggling, clutching around his neck and shoulders, arching up to his tongue that flicked a nipple before sucking.
“I’ve wanted you so long. Want to taste you.”
Before you knew it, you felt him panting at the delicate flesh between your legs, no article of clothing remotely hiding your body from him. He stopped you from closing your thighs, fingertips bruising as he held you open and licked broad stripes at your sex. You had never imagined such sensations, such a heat as Ransom so thoroughly pulled you apart with his mouth.
He watched through his lashes as you writhed, testing what you enjoyed most. His tongue teased at your entrance and then breached you to lash your inner walls. Your sharp cry had him groaning as his hard cock begged for friction. Your gasps bordered on sobs and he needed to see you fall off that edge.
His lips closed around your increasingly wet petals, shaking his head back and forth and sucking hard. When his teeth scraped your clit, your mouth froze open, your back arched off the bed and locked in feverish pleasure. Your rapture pulsed through you as he pressed his tongue flat to your throbbing bud.
“Darling, look at you.” How glorious you looked, soft and panting. Ransom climbed forward to kiss you, sharing the earthy tang of your pleasure. You hummed into his mouth, still drifting in a hazy cloud.
“Look at me, love,” he whispered. You opened your eyes. He watched you, lust and joy burning in his gaze. “You’re mine.”
You nuzzled his nose, whispered, “I’m yours.” Your breath left you as his cock, thick and insistent, pressed into you, pushing in and in until you felt nothing but full.
His lips never stopped kissing your face, your jaw, your mouth. As if he could tell the very instant the sting receded for you, Ransom moved, thrusting shallow. You found yourself wrapped around him, clinging as you had never been so desperate for another person before.
His moans and grunts joined you as he sped up. Everything he was doing, his hips clapping your thighs, his weight caging you, rekindled the thrill in you, the pleasure mounting more when he managed to slide his hand between you and swipe at your clit. You keened, unable to beg him to finish you off, but you knew he would do it. Knew he wouldn’t stop. His mouth sucked at your neck and he angled his thrust just so. You were lost to the world, grinding up against Ransom, chasing the pleasure that crackled from your core. Ransom nearly crushed you to the mattress as his rhythm rose to a frantic end and he released his seed through his swelling cock to fill you.
Your name rasped from him as he ground his hips into you with the instinctual need to ram his seed into your womb.
Long hours later, after Ransom’s need to claim you again resulted in multiple releases for you both, when you had caught your breath, you let him wind his naked form around yours.
You drifted off to his sleepy murmurs of, “I’m yours.”
A month later and Ransom maintained firm control of your attentions, both mental and physical. He seemed intent on desecrating every room of the vast country home. One afternoon, the two of you had toured the family’s art collection. He had lured you into an alcove to view a Verocchio sculpture. You ended up with his face buried between your legs under the sculpture’s shadow, biting your fist to quiet your moans as Ransom’s tongue thrust into you. Right before you came, he slipped out from your skirts, bunching them at your waist and pushing you up against the wall. Your faced pressed into his neck with relief to feel his cock stretch you. Opened you up with rough jolts as your legs drew tight around him. His hips snapped urgently, quickly blazing flames within you until your explosive climax overwhelmed you. He fucked you until he came, biting your shoulder as he rutted hard to push his release deep into you, until you were overfilled and his spend seeped out and trailed between the two of you to mix with your own juices.
Tonight, his desire for you was unrestrained. Already, he had kissed and licked what seemed like every inch of your skin. Your release dripped from you and into his greedy mouth latched to your folds as you came down from your high, tugging his dark locks of hair.
“Ransom, please.”
“Yes, love?” His lips grazed a path up your stomach, then up between your breasts littered with red love bites. He rubbed his face into the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent.
“Need to feel you.”
Ransom grinned. He pulled you upward, lifting and turning you so you rested in his lap with your shoulder blades meeting his chest dusted with fine hair. You arched your back, feeling his hard, leaking cock so hot against your skin. His fingers combed your hair aside, mouth nipping and kissing from your neck to your shoulder.
His hand cupped your sex, groaning at the soaked heat of you. He guided you, lifting up just enough to run the sensitive head of his cock through your folds. Your whine forced more precum to dribble from his slit. He could resist no longer, his cock splitting you open as he drew you down upon his lap until he was buried to the hilt in your tight heat. Soft curses met your ears. You bit your lip, grinding back and forth. Ransom squeezed your waist, held you still.
Damned, how he loved the sound of his name falling from you, needy and wrecked from pleasure. And still wanting more of him. He couldn’t begin to guess how someone like him could deserve your affections and loyalty. Good thing he was a greedy bastard, unrepentant of his actions that had blessed his home and bed with you.
Shivers wracked your spine when he cooed at you with his gravelly tone. “You want me, love?”
“Want you so bad.”
He smirked at your whimper when he swirled his groin slow beneath you. His tongue teased along your earlobe, driving a plea from you.
“Want you, Ransom. Oh, please.”
“And you’ll give me what I desire, yes? Will you, love?”
You managed jerky nods, choking when he slid agonizingly slow from your cunt and pushed back into you. Only to stop and hold himself there, speared maddeningly in you.
His breath tickled your ear. “You, love, are going to give me a baby. Yes?”
He drove his hips up, drawing a moan from you.
“Isn’t that right, darling?”
“Y-yes…Rans…ah” You stuttered with his deep, hard strokes.
“Is that what you want? Hm? Big, beautiful family with me?”
“Yes.” Your response rushed out, breathy.
“Love you. Want to fill you up over and over.”
You whined loud, his words and the drag of his thick cock inside you driving you crazy.
“Because you’re mine. You’re all mine.” His hand curled over yours, pressing your palm and fingers to your core where the two of you were joined beneath dark curls. “Feel that?”
“Oh god.” You surely felt what he wanted you to. His steely member claiming you again and again.
“Yes, feel me and you? This.” He kept your hand there, feeling every push and pull of his cock, from inside and out, so you couldn’t escape him. “Feel how you belong to me? All of you. You’re mine forever.”
“I’m yours….” You cried out as his rhythm sped up. “Ransom!”
You threw your head back, both yours and his fingers circling the nub of your inflamed clit, his harsh breaths beating against your neck as his words blended.
“Mine,” he grunted.
Your pleasure burst like a dam, your release splashed and squirted out, then throbbed with his relentless touch. The wave spread outward, tensing your muscles, buzzing upon your skin. Feeling you squeeze and flutter around him drove Ransom to the brink until all he could think of was filling you, rooting his seed into you so you grew soft and big with his child. You were the beginning and finish of his everything.
Ransom couldn’t stop himself. His strokes grew uneven but remained deep, hard, determined. His arm wrapped around you tight as he launched you both forward, driving you onto your hands and knees so he could rut as deep as possible. You moaned, overcome with the hot rush of his seed filling you and his cock pounding it deeper into you.
You both settled into the bed with tangled limbs, slowing your breaths and the ache of desire. Your toes curled, enjoying the pressure of his cock nestled in you still, content that you both were looking forward to your first child. To a family all your own.
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mc-lukanette · 3 years
Now that Wishmaker is out, how would you rewrite that chaos? The Lukanette need is strong.
"Did anyone else see me?" Marinette asked, her hands shaking as she put on the mask she'd made with her newly-given knitting powers. They were sitting down in a shadowed alley, free from anyone's curious eyes.
"No," Viperion replied, his voice breathless from the revelations he was having rather than the fly to their hiding spot. "Just...just me." He glanced down at his wrist, noting the unticked snake bangle. "...I'm sorry."
"Huh?" Marinette's gaze darted over to him, then to his miraculous. A flicker of understanding passed over her expression as she whispered a small, "Oh."
Guilt tore up his stomach, even knowing deep down that it wasn't his fault - the akuma had surprised them, giving no time for him to use his power - but he'd been brought in to use Second Chance in the first place, and yet...
Marinette's hand fell upon his wrist, making him look up. She smiled at him, her eyes reassuring.
"It's okay," she said, though her voice wavered. "It was only you who saw my face, and even if you'd used Second Chance, you'd still know anyway."
He could tell that she was still processing, but let the subject go for now and smiled back. There were more important matters to attend to.
They must've been on the same wavelength too, as Marinette pulled away and sighed, thinking aloud, "I have to figure a way to be Ladybug again. The akuma could just be destroyed, but I need Miraculous Ladybug to turn everyone back to normal."
Viperion nodded, briefly giving her a once-over. Her power and wings were useful, but unfortunately didn't help them with the current situation.
It was also distractingly cute, and he couldn't fight that way.
"Wishmaker said that he wanted people to live out their childhood dream," he murmured in thought.
Marinette brought a hand to her face, pinching her cheek in contemplation. "Maybe...maybe if I live it out then, I'll change back?" She considered it a moment longer, then groaned and stood up, starting to pace around the small area they were in. "But we don't have that kind of time! Yeah, my earrings aren't here so Shadow Moth can't make a wish, and I could definitely make enough of a living with my new knitting powers, but that would take years, and—"
Suddenly, she stopped and looked over at him, catching Viperion briefly off-guard since he hadn't said anything. Her eyes scanned him up and down, mental gears turning in her head even if he couldn't tell what she was thinking.
"...That's it!" she gasped, hurrying over to him. She knelt down, clasping his hand in both of hers as she rambled, "Maybe I just need to live out my dream to the fullest!"
He blinked in confusion, unsure of where she was going with this.
"Part of my dream was to eventually make a wedding dress and tuxedo for me and my future husband!" she exclaimed. "If I do that, I might turn back into Ladybug!"
"Ah—" He shut his mouth before anything else could come out. He couldn't deny that it was a solid plan, but he wanted to tread carefully given his feelings, not wanting to make her feel awkward. "That's a great idea." He tried to grin reassuringly, though it came off a little crooked. "Should I go find Adrien?"
"What?" She shook her head. "No, it has to be you!"
He gaped, his heart doing confused flips in his chest. "Why?"
"The guy I always dreamed of marrying when I was little," she began, eyes practically sparkling, "he was exactly like you!"
— — — — —
Marinette hadn't exactly caught onto what she'd said until it already left her mouth, but the way Viperion's face turned red had definitely given it away. Things had gone quiet after the fact, with him sitting a couple meters away while she knitted away at the tuxedo; the tuxedo for him.
She found herself blushing faintly at the thought and immediately forced it down, reminding herself that she didn't love Luka, but Adrien. They were made for each other, like everyone said, and she—
She closed her eyes and took in a steady breath, knowing that she was getting off track. Things were complicated enough with all her thoughts and fears about the future, especially now that Viperion knew her identity.
Though, strangely enough, she didn't feel as nervous about it as she thought she would've.
Her gaze darted over to Viperion, who was keeping lookout and patiently waiting for her to finish with her knitting. He thankfully didn't seem closed off from her at all, and it just served as a reminder as to how mature he was.
Without thinking, she found herself speaking up. "M...my parents..."
He looked over at her, his senses still apparently tuned for her despite his keeping watch. She averted her gaze to the knitting needles working their literal magic into the tuxedo.
"We saw a lot of movies where the girl gets the prince in the end, so they made sure to teach me that love wasn't about money or power or fame or anything like that." She bit her bottom lip, Adrien briefly flashing to mind. "So, I imagined me as the knitting fairy, and I'd make clothes for the whole world until I found him." She peeked up at him. "Someone who wouldn't laugh when I fell on my face. Someone who'd be there for me and think of me first. Someone who wouldn't scold me for everything I did or make me feel bad for it. Someone who'd see more than just clumsy, nervous Marinette."
As much as it hurt to admit, the description didn't fit Adrien. Unless they found each other by coincidence - something that actually happened today, oddly enough - he didn't go out of his way to spend time with her; it was her putting in the effort.
"And..." She trailed off momentarily, lost in her thoughts. "after we fell in love, I'd give up my powers and live happily ever after with him, because we didn't need powers to be happy and it wasn't my powers he fell in love with in the first place."
She'd finished the tuxedo at that point, courtesy of her knitting powers, but her hands dropped to her lap afterward, not making any further movements as her thoughts took over.
Out of the corner of her vision, she saw Viperion take a quick look outside the alley, then get up to move over to her. He sat next to her, picking up one of her hands and letting it rest in his palm.
"I think your dream is really beautiful," he told her gently.
She scoffed, blushing in embarrassment at what must've been fake praise. "Chat made fun of me wanting to be the knitting fairy."
"He was wrong," he retorted immediately. "Your dream might not be realistic, but that doesn't make it any less nice, and there's nothing wrong with dreaming of the perfect guy."
She met his gaze, the softness in them having not lessened even since their break-up, and found the strength to start working on the dress. Being with Luka - dating or otherwise - had always been so easy, excluding all the factors outside of just them being them. She could vaguely imagine her younger self clinging to Luka, claiming him as hers and insisting that he marry her when they grew up.
But things weren't that easy. Nothing was. Marinette had spent her whole life fighting for what she wanted, needing to prove herself to people in order to be accepted.
Fighting for years to smile against Chloe's bullying, because no one would do anything about it. Fighting to be acknowledged by her parents as someone who could do things and didn't need their protection. Fighting against herself to be the one who didn't make all the mistakes or have to be the one to apologize in the end.
After becoming Ladybug, her future became even cloudier and the fighting continued. Waking up in the morning was even harder thanks to late-night patrols, getting through tests seemed impossible due to having less time for studying, and even maintaining a romantic relationship carried the struggle of not being able to tell them her identity.
Marinette stared at the shimmering pink and white fabric beneath her fingertips, it shaping and forming to her will. The occasional sparkle or flash from a beam of sunlight that happened to shine through reminded her of the day at the TV station, where Luka had confessed and she could see only him for just a moment.
"I'm sorry."
Viperion hummed in confusion, raising a brow at her.
"I made everything complicated for you—us," she explained. "All the time, ever since we met. I even got you akumatized, twice."
"Twi—" He blinked rapidly, then leaned closer. His hand came in contact with her cheek as he directed her gaze back to him. "You mean Silencer? How was that your fault?"
"I challenged Bob Roth, and when he grabbed me, you got upset. It pushed you over to the edge."
"You were defending me and my music," he argued, a sternness in his tone that wasn't there before as he put his hand to his chest, "and my emotions are my own. I'm the one who gave into Hawk Moth, not you."
"But..." She sighed, conflicted. "Even later, I kept my identity from you when we were dating. I made us both miserable because of it. I was so upset that I ended up yelling at my friends and they all got akumatized, and then I went and gave my identity to Alya anyway."
His eyes widened for a fraction of a second, though he quickly schooled his expression for reasons she didn't know. His gaze strayed momentarily before he looked back at her, asking, "Would you be upset at me for feeling happy for a moment, knowing that you were just as miserable as I was?"
"W-what?" She shook her head; if anything, knowing that he'd also been miserable made her happy as well, probably in the same way as it was for him. It meant that they both cared about it. "No! Not at all!"
"Then I don't blame you for your emotions either."
She pouted at him, but he merely smiled in response. She knew this wasn't a matter he was going to budge on, but it was difficult for her to understand when she was so commonly blamed for things. That was Luka though, she supposed, always forgiving and able to see through her faults.
She remembered her dream husband again and tried to act like her full focus was on the dress so as to not give her thoughts away. She'd only drawn the unnamed man once or twice, and it was just occurring to her that he had black hair and blue eyes as well. Having not understood the concept of kids looking like their parents in their own way at the time, the child version of her had thought it'd be "fair," because then their children would look like both of them no matter what. It was strange, just how much the "simple" version of her love ideals lined up with the boy sitting in front of her now, even with his temporarily green eyes.
Friendship had become something very precious to her ever since the day she'd gotten her miraculous, maybe even more than love itself. Despite the complications and their brief time dating, she was friends with Luka above all else. No matter what happened in regards to the romantic aspects of their relationship, their friendship remained unchanged, like they really would be friends even if they had the worst break-up in the history of Paris. It was comfortable, to the point where she felt embarrassed for ever avoiding him in the first place.
She was reminded yet again of another stark contrast with Adrien. She hadn't been scared of starting anything with Luka, yet Adrien was a constant cloud of dread above her head, the fear of being rejected or being made fun of holding her back from doing what she wanted.
If her child self could see her now, she'd be confused. Marinette could hear her now, asking why her love - or at least, what she believed to be love - caused her so much stress. That was never what she'd wanted; in fact, it had been the exact opposite. Crushing on Adrien had done nothing but humiliate her, the little girl inside her covering her eyes from the sight. Her time with Luka, on the other hand...
"It looks beautiful."
Marinette jerked her head up to see Viperion's approving gaze, then looked down to the wedding dress in her lap. It was finished, pink with flashes of white and blacks; exactly the kind of dress she would've wanted when she was younger, though obviously with an older touch.
"Thank you," she hurried to say when she realized that she hadn't responded to him. He chuckled in reply, though it was good-natured.
He reached for the tuxedo she'd set aside, but stopped halfway as if realizing something. He looked to her, then the dress, then back to her, asking carefully, "Do you want me to keep watch while we put these on?"
It took her a moment to realize what he meant; that he - wearing a bodysuit - could easily slip on the clothes over it, but she didn't have that sort of luxury due to her dress. She managed to summon enough of her inner Ladybug to focus on the importance of the task over the potential embarrassment, giving him an appreciative nod.
She trusted him not to look.
As she went to the darkest parts of the alley to change, Viperion heading in the opposite direction, her mind drifted back to the past again. The little journey there, even if it'd been unwilling on her part courtesy of the akuma, had been a nice change from constantly worrying over her future. As important as it was to focus on what she wanted to do and plan accordingly, the past was equally as important. It shaped her into who she was now and offered insight on herself that she couldn't have gotten otherwise.
"...Lu—I mean, Viperion?" she called just as she finished putting on the wedding dress.
She turned to face him, then giggled when noticing that he still had his back turned to her. "You can look now."
He hesitated, then slowly shifted to face her. He was mostly dressed, but was in the process of buttoning up the tuxedo, his hands fumbling with one of the buttons as he took her in.
She approached, gently brushing his hands aside as she started taking care of the few remaining buttons. Not wanting to delay talking to him like before, she figured now was the best time as any to say what was on her mind.
"I still don't know what I want for my future. I feel like a lot of doors are opening and closing every day, and whenever I want to try one, there just ends up being more doors, or it's already closed when I get there. There are too many possibilities and I keep being afraid that I'll trip on the one I really want to go to." Her gaze left the button she was holding so she could meet his eyes. "I just know that I really want you to be there for all of it... i-if that's what you want." Wanting to make sure instead of presuming like she tended to do, she asked cautiously, "Do you?"
His face didn't show a visible reaction, but she heard the slight sound of him swallowing, synced up with a single blink. Afterward, he absolutely beamed at her, the smile more blinding than the light being cast against his back.
"I do," he replied,
In time with his words, the final button was slipped into place. Marinette felt a warm sensation run through her body, starting from her feet and then making her shudder as it moved its way up to her head. Her body was turning white, just as before when Wishmaker first shot her, though Viperion's tuxedo had joined as well.
There was a flash between them, and she found herself back as normal, wingless Marinette when it faded.
Viperion, now lacking what she'd made for him, still looked just as happy to see her.
"I-I did it!" she gasped, genuinely surprised that it worked. "We did it!"
She threw her hands up in the air in celebration, but snapped back to reality as she remembered that she still needed to turn back into Ladybug and take care of Wishmaker. She opened her purse, easing as she saw Tikki already munching away on a macaron.
She looked back up at Viperion, noticing that he still had something to say. "Yes?"
"I might not be able to make enough sense of your inner music to tell you what you'll want, but I don't think you have anything to worry about. I know that whatever you decide to do is going to be as extraordinary as you are."
She stifled a squeak, blushing at the sudden compliment and thankful that Tikki was still chewing the last bits of the macaron. "A-ah, thank you. You too—with the extraordinary thing, not your inner music, because I can't hear that even though I'm sure it's really amazing!"
Had it been anyone else, she might've prayed for a hole to swallow her, but it was impossible to feel weird when he smiled at her the way he did.
Once Tikki had gotten her fill, Marinette transformed and they began to leave the alley together, though Ladybug stopped partway as she remembered something; something she'd done many times before and felt it time to get back to doing.
Viperion raised a brow at her sudden stopping, then stiffened when she leaned towards him and kissed his cheek. She flashed him a smile, noting silently that she missed these little exchanges between them, then leaped away to head back to where Wishmaker was likely to be. Viperion followed suit, but a split second behind his usual speed.
She was sure he'd be smiling back if she looked, but she didn't have to; they were connected, maybe not by some sort of magic thread or cosmic force, but by them and the relationship she hoped that they would continue to build in the future.
And whenever they got back to the fight, just in time to see Chat Noir allow himself to be hit by Wishmaker's attack, a few more doors would close and her future would start to look a little different than what she'd considered that morning.
Not necessarily in a bad way either.
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celamoon · 3 years
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Warnings: the cast is in chaos, a kabedon </3
Pronouns used: They/Them
Summary: You're going to get confessed to and the crew screeches at Saiki to do something
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‘Teruhashi asked me out today’ Saiki mentions. His friend chokes on their bento.
‘Not so loud,’ Saiki rolls his eyes. ‘I’m not sure how I should respond.’
“Accept her confession obviously??” They deadpan. “You pulled the most popular girl in school. Rejecting her would be setting yourself up for a death trap,”
‘It’s our final year,’
“Ok and?” Y/n mumbles. “You can teleport to visit her whenever you want. It’s not an issue for you,”
‘Y/n I swear,’
“And? Kusuo she’s in love with you, you think you have feelings for her, just take it and run. You two would have pretty kids,” Y/n hums to themselves.
“What? That’s why you asked me right?” Saiki glares at Y/n before he rolls his eyes.
‘Not exactly,’
“Eh,” Y/n shrugs before packing up their lunch.
‘You’re not going to eat that?’
“You want it?” They slide the lunch to Saiki. “You can have the rest of it. I’m not that hungry today,”
“Yo Y/n!” Kaidou runs up to the table, Kuboyasu trailing closely behind. “Are you leaving?”
“Hey,” they smile. “Yeah, I have a couple other club activities to handle. Being a third year is hard.”
“Good luck then!” The two nod as Y/n rushes off.
Truth be told, they were in love with Saiki. Sure it hurt to have your heart broken by your best friend, but it hurt even more keeping it to themselves. Teruhashi was the prettiest girl in school, possibly even in the universe. The fact that she was pining after Saiki made it all the harder to ignore the feelings. Jealousy was bitter, it bubbles when you experience it.
“Ah Y/n!” Yumehara smiles. “Are you headed to the club?”
“Yeah,” they beam. “Were you headed to the cafeteria?”
“Ah I saw Kaidou and the others while eating there,” they point. “I’m still waiting for the confession alright? Good luck!”
“Y/n!” Yumehara screeches, her face pink with embarrassment. They rush off to the clubroom to fill out the paperwork, their laugher filling up the hallway.
Saiki on the other hand, was not being let off by his friends for once.
“Look Kusuo, you have to confess to them,” Aiura slams her tray onto the table and Saiki feels a migraine creeping up his back. “You may be my soulmate in some way, but they’re definitely your romantic soulmate.”
‘Aiura shut up.’
“Tits has a point you know,” Toritsuka hums in agreement. “You’re head over heels in love with them and you don’t even know it.”
“I think the feeling is mutual. I mean Saiki looks at Y/n as if they were his whole world, or a huge serving of coffee jelly. He also goes out of his way to make things more convenient for them by cutting into his own schedule so that Y/n’s would be smooth. Not to mention how Y/n also treats Saiki so well. I mean have you see them bring him coffee jelly every day for lunch? They also give you their cute bento to eat each day. If that isn’t love I don’t know what is-“ Aiura tapes Akechi’s mouth shut while grumbling.
“Yeah yeah we get it, Kusuo’s in love with Y/n,”
“Saiki has a crush on Y/n?” Kaidou’s ears perk up at the news.
“It’s totally obvious, I thought you knew by now,” Kuboyasu peers at the boy.
“Wait Saiki has a crush on Y/n? My pal’s growing so fast,” Nendou sobs. Saiki grimaces at everyone.
“So when are you going to confess?” Yumehara was practically vibrating in her seat. “You have to confess by the way, or else Saiko is going to steal Y/n away or something.”
“Or I might just do it myself,” Toritsuka wiggles his eyebrows and Saiki sharpens his napkin. “I’m SORRY!”
“I think my pal should take his own pace! But Yumehara has a point with Saiko. He said something about the rooftop the other day,”
“Rooftop?” The group raises a brow.
“Oh I heard he ordered construction up there for a picnic area or something…” Kuboyasu mentions.
“Picnic… PICNIC?!” The group screeches.
Saiki rubs his forehead at his friends’ antics. He did have a crush on Y/n, but he wasn’t going to jeopardize their relationship as friends. Y/n never let their mind wander around Saiki anymore and they never talked to him about people they liked either.
Meanwhile with Y/n they had finished their paperwork for the clubs. They had ten minutes before the end of lunch would approach. They paused at the sight of the entire table in chaos. They heard their name mixed along with Saiko’s and Saiki’s, now they were curious on what was going on.
“Uh… I heard my name?”
The group freezes and Y/n swore they heard a pin drop in the background. “Uh… did something happen?”
“oH Y/n! Didn’t see you there!” Yumehara blabbers. “We totally weren’t talking about you! Nooo not at all!”
“Mhm! We were just discussing… about Saiki’s bento!”
“Yeah that!”
‘You know Y/n made this right?’ Saiki raises a brow.
“I mean it sounded like you guys were excited so I wanted to figure out what was going on,” Y/n smiles.
“Oh! We were just talking about how Saiko was building a picnic area on the rooftop!” Nendou speaks up and the rest of the group sends a glare his way.
“Speak of the devil,” Kaidou mumbles under his breath.
“Y/n! Have you heard of the new picnic area on the rooftop?” Saiko walks over and grasps both their hands.
“A-ah yes?”
“Would you like to go on a picnic with me after school today?” Y/n flushes red and pauses.
“OH HELL NO! Y/n I THOUGHT YOU HAD A CRUSH ON SOMEONE!” Aiura speaks up, slamming her hands on the table.
“A-ah well I have basically zero chance with him-“
“THAT’S NOT THE TEA-“ Toritsuka screeches.
Y/n blinks in confusion before Saiki cuts everyone off by dragging them away. The whole group was practically hollering at that point. How on earth had they not gotten in trouble yet-
“Y/n,” Saiki stops in the empty hallway.
“I like y-“
“Saiki-san!” Teruhashi’s voice rings through the hallway and she smiles when she spots him. “There you are! I was wondering if you had an answer yet-“
The sight of Saiki and Y/n causes Teruhashi to do a double take.
“A-am I interrupting something?”
Saiki looks at Teruhashi before pushing Y/n against the wall lightly, trapping them in between the wall and him. Classic kabedon energy <3
‘Yeah, I was just about to remind Y/n here about how much I love them’ Saiki smiles.
Teruhashi flushes crimson, her mind spiralling into a mess. ‘How does Saiki have a crush on someone like Y/n? I’m much prettier than them! I’m a pretty perfect girl! Is Saiki perhaps not into perfect people? No, there has to be a reason. What if Y/n is actually blackmailing him? That has to be it, I’ll save him!’
Saiki frowns at Teruhashi’s thoughts. He pulls Y/n’s hand into his own and drags them off again. Teruhashi’s thoughts were suffocating to him.
“Did she think… something?” They mentally reprimanded themselves for such an awkward comment.
‘Yeah, but more so that I could get you to myself,’ Saiki smiles. ‘Go out with me?’
“SHH THEY’RE GONNA HEAR YOU” Yumehara hisses.
“Then stop moving!” Kaidou whispers.
“Wait let me get the photos!” Aiura clicks and her phone rings, the group crashes down immediately after. “Shit.”
The two turn their heads to find their entire friend group huddled behind a wall, camera in hand, Kaidou sitting on (the now fallen) Kuboyasu’s shoulders, and Toritsuka absolutely squashed. I mean sure disastrous life and all, but seriously, this felt worse than disastrous somehow. and for some reason, Y/n didn't seem to mind.
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