#they are siblings . no common interests but you would die for them and also you hangout and do stupid shit
wibble-wobbegong · 1 year
anyway. firm believer in platonic elmike having a legit brother/sister dynamic
1 - canonically family coded. “will you be like my brother” YES.
2 - they ain’t got shit in common except maybe superhero comics but they’ve got the kind of bond that never needed that anyway. they got the found family shit where they deeply admire each other for being the person they wish they were and wanting to protect each other. that is incredibly siblings of them
3 - siblings by default whether they like is or not bc they’re gonna be in-laws. might as well jump the gun
4 - luke and leia parallels… >:)
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gotham-daydreams · 9 months
Okay we see how Bruce, Dick, Jason, Tim and Cass become Yanderes for reader what about Damian, Steph and Babs?
That question is exactly why I'm kind of debating on making a kinda "Part 2.5" sort of thing, and it would show how Tim and Damian got further roped into things like Bruce, Dick, Jason and Cass. Along with how Steph and Babs take the news of "heyyy, um. you know Y/n? yeah that one sibling of ours that's lived here for years that we've barely have like, 10 conversations with collectively? Yeah, that sibling. Uh, we just figured out they've basically been living an entire life without any of us knowing, and might've run away because we were barely involved in their life despite them making multiple attempts to have us be there. So, we kind of need your help to find them. Like. Now-"
Though honestly I'll just put the run down here, so-
Bruce kind of gave Damian the little push he needed before hopping on the train, kind of like what he did with Jason but a little different. With him finding Damian, and some questions being thrown around, before Damian just decides to help look for you.
Honestly I can imagine that Damian wasn't super serious about finding you or anything at first, and was more so just trying to help because Bruce and Dick were looking for you. Hence why he looks for Alfred first with the intention to get the search done and over with. Though, that does begin to change a little when he eventually stumbles upon your room and gets that small glimpse of all he's missed out on after having talked with Alfred.
The room itself doesn't necessarily get to Damian — not like it does with Bruce and Dick — but it's more of the contents of the room itself that get him started on the yandere path.
Honestly, how Damian and Tim begin to develop their more Yandere thoughts and feelings for the reader is through finding something in your room, leading them to find more stuff, and that eventually getting to the thought process of "i didn't know they did this... i would've liked to know about this before/share this thing with them." Which then leads to a more yandere-like mindset.
For Damian (since we're already on the topic of him), he finds that one art award that you got, and becomes curious. Eventually he finds the unfinished art pieces that Bruce had found earlier, and while he isn't impressed or anything at first, the more unfinished pieces he finds the more he kind of begins to see your potential, and that leads to his own thoughts on the matter. With him wishing he knew about how you liked to do art too, and that eventually leads to him thinking that he could've helped you refine your skill, and the both of you could've drawn or painted together.
What strengthens that mindset is when he gets his hands on a notebook that you had used to practice whatever you were struggling with, and left notes for yourself on how you could improve upon certain things as well. Maybe if Damian had known you were into art before, he could've helped you, and you both could've improved together. Refine each other's skills, and just be able to create together. Which Damian really begins to like the thought of. Especially as he sees how you improved the deeper into the notebook he gets.
So, he also sets out to find you, but with a more positive mindset and thought process.
Honestly, out of everyone, Damian is the least worried about you and your well-being. Not because he necessarily has faith in your abilities to stay alive in Gotham, while also potentially being by yourself, but rather he isn't focused on that part? Not as intensely as some of the others, anyway.
Besides, if you were to turn up dead, then he'd have the "you die, I kill you" mindset. You aren't allowed to be dead or 'missing' in his mind, and so you aren't until proven other wise — but even then he's going to need a lot of solid proof to even believe it.
Damian is just more focused on the "we have a common interest and I want to do this thing with them" part of learning that you're into art. Even if you aren't anymore, just knowing that it was something that you used to do is enough to get him jumping on the yandere train. You'll be doing art with him one way or another, and you can't do shit about it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Sure his reasoning isn't a strong, but it's enough to get him started and to go looking for you with the others when they eventually start tearing Gotham apart in hopes to find you. Damian now has a sudden need for quality time and your his main target, sorry not sorry.
Tim on the other hand just sort of, stumbled upon your room, and thanks to Dick was very quickly roped into this mess (as mentioned in "Not Here").
He actually looks through the box with all of your more personal belongs first as Dick tries to call and text you like crazy, while also trying to figure out more stuff.
The first thing he minds is an mp3 player, which, again - as mentioned in "Not Here" held very early versions of songs you were working on at the time, along with some of the very first songs you ever wrote. Which, after listening to a few of them, is immediately a big fan. Though that ends up being both his downfall and how he begins to develop his more yandere tendencies.
Like Dick, you had tried to call and message him about certain performances and such you thought he'd like, and hoped he'd attend, but to no avail. It sucks even more for Tim now because if he had just given your music a chance just a little sooner, maybe things would've been different between the two of you. Maybe you wouldn't have left.
Not to mention that, since he now really loves your music - just knowing that he's wasted so many opportunities to hear more of it, and the completed, fully fleshed out versions of some the songs on the mp3 player makes him upset. He really feels the hit of neglecting you, and that hit only lands harder when he goes through that 'List/Progress' notebook that Bruce had seen earlier in "Not Here".
A notebook which does reveal a lot about you, and how you only did so many activities because you hoped that if anyone in the family was into one of the activities/hobbies you tried, then you'd be able to bond with them over it. Though look at where that got you. Countless awards hung on your walls, with a number of accomplishments to your name - and yet not once were you able to use them for their original purpose. Not once were you able to hold a full, long conversation with any of them about any of the things you've done.
It wasn't even your fault because you tried to put in the work, Tim could really see that now, but you just weren't given the chance to actually put it to good use.
Maybe that's why he ended up helping Dick as much as he did, and maybe that's why he took the time to download some of your songs before heading out to look for you. He wanted to feel closer to you then he really was, and wanted your music to be something shared between the two of you.
Tim wants to not only get closer to you, but to hear everything you've ever made music wise. A want which he fully intends on making a reality.
Stephenie and Barbara are a bit different, however. Since, as stated in "Not Here", both of them are informed of what's going on after everyone else but Damian and Alfred absolutely loses their minds over you not being in the Manor. Though, again, both take the news a bit differently.
Between the two, Steph easily feels the worst. So her motivations and actions — like Bruce, Dick, Jason, Cass, and Tim — are more out of guilt and regret. She already doesn't like the thought of her own neglect having caused you to keep so many things to yourself that you basically hid yourself away, but the idea of her — along with everyone else — having pushed you so far away that you ran away? That... doesn't make her feel good, to say the least.
Sure, she doesn't feel as bad as Bruce or Dick - who easily feel the worst because of their respective roles in the family, and them feeling like they failed to even be a semi-present figure in your life for you to recognize them as your Father and Older Brother (to which they are correct, but aren't aware of that yet) - but it's still enough for her to try and look for you too.
Kind of like Bruce when he was looking in the Manor, Stephanie doesn't know where to start looking, and that only worsens her regret.
I guess her development comes more with time? Since the more she and the others look, not only do her feelings grow, but she also learns more about you as everyone starts sharing information over the intercoms. Things they just found out about you — like how you spent your birthdays alone with Alfred and had waited for them each year until recently, how you made music, what kind of competitions and such you've participated in, who were your teachers, how majority of what you did wasn't even for yourself - but rather a chance that one of the many activities you did try out was something anyone of them were into, so that way you could actually have a conversation with them - and more. (Which may be shown later? Not in a official post/part to the series but perhaps in a sort of side thing that shows the mayhem going on. But who knows?)
Case and point, while they are all looking for you - Steph slowly becomes more yandere for the reader the more she learns about you and how her and the other's actions impacted you. Like some of the others, she wants to make it up to you, but isn't entirely sure how she'd even go about doing that. The more aware she becomes, the harder she falls.
Barbara on the other hand, I'd say, is more lowkey as of now when it comes to her development as a yandere?
I mean, Dick, while very much panicking, basically told her it was an emergency and he really needed her on the bat computer because he had to look for you. Which, in the same breath, gave a list of locations and possible teachers you might've had in the past (you can thank Tim for trying to figure all of that out) and if she could look into it.
It's safe to say that Barbara's introduction into the whole situation was very chaotic. An emotional, worried, and panicked Dick is never a good one, so that was fun to deal with while slowly drowning in confusion.
Eventually, she got the run down and was quick to help, but like Bruce, Cass, Damian, and Jason - she was more confused at the start.
Ouf of everyone, and maybe besides Jason, Barbara has had the least amount of interaction with you - and the room for possible interactions with you for her were much smaller anyway considering that you aren't a vigilante, and never intended to be. So, it only makes sense that one of the people you've easily had the least connection with, was the person who communicated and mainly interacted with the rest of the Batfam when they're doing vigilante work.
What didn't help is that she barely even saw you at events or even holiday gatherings and such the family would have, with you being so neglected that they just... failed to even notice you missing at the time. The day she was introduced to you was when you were first adopted, and that was basically both the first and last full interaction either of you have had with each other. Other than that, she would hear small comments about you sometimes from the others, but even then it wasn't much and those soon died out as one could've guessed.
Even when she was in the Manor, she might've caught a few glimpses of you, but nothing else - so the beginning of her fall into being a yandere is definitely much slowly and lowkey when compared to the others.
I feel as if this whole situation may encourage Babs to want to get to know you better? After all, your disappearance did cause the whole family to basically start a whole manhunt just to find you, so I feel as if that would be enough to get Barbara interested at the very least. Not to mention all of the things she's hearing about you from everyone - it would be nice to try and actually meet you, not just know about you.
In other words, I feel as if Barbara may develop more as a yandere in part 3, seeing as I can see her more yandere tendencies begin to develop once she actually 'meets' you. Y'know what I mean?
So tldr; Damian becomes a yandere for the reader by finding out they're into art/have done art in the past, and now has a deep need to bond with them.
Steph becomes a yandere through her guilt and regret, and like some of the others, want to make it up to the reader.
Babs, on the other hand, hasn't exactly become a yandere just yet, but will once she 'meets' the reader and see them for herself. As of right now, she's just curious, but we'll get there in part 3.
Also, this is unrelated to the ask, but I would like to point out how pretty much everyone in the Batfam thinks you ran away rather then you just leaving. Do what you will with this information for now :]
Anyways, I hoped that answered your question, even if I got a bit rambly! If there's anything else in particular anyone else would like to know, feel free to send in an ask!
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akechiguro · 1 year
how hogwarts legacy boys would react to meeting your parents 💗
headcanons / imagines
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Synopsis | various of Hogwarts Legacy’s boys reactions and scenarios to meeting your parents for the first time.
Included | sebastian sallow, ominis gaunt, garreth weasley, amit thakkar.
Word Count | 1217.
Content Warnings | gender neutral reader.
Author’s Note | please let me know if you would be interested in a female version <3
sebastian sallow:
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“Hello! I’m Sebastian Sallow. I’m sure you’ve heard of me?”
-he’s very respectful and makes a point to show up with some sort of gift. he believes flowers are too impersonal, so he makes a point to get something that feels more homey than flowers that will inevitably die.
-he brags a LOT, not obnoxiously, but to prove to your parents that you’re in good hands. your father is very proud that you’re dating Hogwarts’ best duelist and your mother is very impressed that, despite being from Feldcroft, he’s a very polite boy.
-he offers to help with cooking dinner. solomon usually cooked for him and anne, but after she was cursed, he helped as much as he could— meeting your parents is no different. if all worked out, these would hopefully be his parents by law in the future, he needs to show them that he’s capable of more than dueling and adventuring.
-if you have little siblings, he’s very kind to them, even playful. after helping with dinner, he offered to watch the little ones, despite not being…amazing with kids. he showed them Levioso and Revelio as long as they promised not to tell anyone, and continued to answer any questions they had about magic; granted, with a bit of an exaggeration.
-after dinner, he bid farewell to them and brought you out of the house for a bit of late-night fun. an adventure was due after such a big event, even if it got his nicest suit dirty.
“Your parents are lovely! It’s no wonder you turned out to be such a gem.”
ominis gaunt:
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“Hello, Mr. and Mrs. [L/N]. I’m Ominis Gaunt of House Gaunt. It’s lovely to meet you.”
-contrary to Sebastian’s beliefs, he insisted on bringing a magnificent bouquet of flowers. his parents have money and he’s fully making the most of it. the flowers he chose consist of daffodils, yellow roses, sunflowers, and yellow tulips. all to symbolize the new, positive relationship between him and your parents.
-he keeps his conversation respectful and professional. he doesn’t ask anything too personal of your parents and tends to deflect any questions regarding his family. they’re apprehensive due to the rumors of the dark arts they use, but his silver tongue eases their worry.
-though his disability prevents him from being able to help with anything around the house, he still entertains any requests your parents make— within reason. if whoever is cooking needs an ingredient they forgot, he’ll grab it for them. same with any tools or miscellaneous items they may need.
-he’s very awkward around little siblings. they’re too high energy for him, but he still makes an effort to keep them entertained. his near-sentient wand fascinates them, so he plays it up like there is a wizard trapped in his wand and he’s just keeping him hostage for his own service. he also tells them about the mermaids outside the Slytherin common room, in the event any of them get sorted into it. they find this all very, very entertaining.
-his parents are so sad to see him go, and make a point to tell you how lucky you are to have him after you leave, saying that inheritance money is going to be life-changing. you roll your eyes at this and leave to hang out with ominis before he officially has to go home. he says he loves your parents, and that you won’t love his; but he’s enjoying the moment while it lasts.
“I adore your parents. I’m looking forward to what the future may hold for us.”
garreth weasley:
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“Hey, I’m Garreth! Garreth Weasley? Have they talked about me at all?”
-he brought sparkling cider for dinner after you convinced him not to bring a potion of his own concoction. he explained to you that the potion was supposed to make any food item taste better than anything you’ve ever eaten in your life, but after he said he’d never tested it, you concluded it was a bad first impression present.
-your parents fell in love with him immediately. they’re obsessed with his charisma and his overall energy and listen very attentively to his tales of potionmaking. they do worry about your safety, especially after hearing about how many of his potions end in disasters, but he assures them it’s nothing to worry about and he would never do anything to harm you.
-he’s actually very bad at cooking! he tried his hardest to help whoever is cooking with dinner, claiming he knew a “probable shortcut” (his words), and almost burned your house down. he lost favorability with your parents but made up for it by covering the cost of buying dinner from a local market…his aunt Matilda was not happy about this.
-this boy is a wizard with kids. your little siblings are naturally drawn to him and he’s excellent with them. he has a whole bag of tricks and treats to entertain them with if his already childlike personality isn’t enough. your siblings argue with you about sitting next to him at dinner because they like him so much.
-your parents invited him back home as soon as he left. your little siblings cried and begged him to stay. he came back after 10 minutes because he forgot his wallet. all is well.
amit thakkar:
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“Hello, Mr. and Mrs. [L/N]! I am Amit Thakkar. I have heard so much about you!”
-like Ominis, he also brought flowers, but rather than fully putting thought into the bouquet, he brought stargazer lilies as an immediate icebreaker; “I’ve brought you stargazer lillies because my favorite hobby is stargazing!” your parents love his dorky charm right off the bat.
-though his initial conversations with your parents are very awkward, he doesn’t say anything to make himself look bad. your parents were mostly interested in his story of how you met and asked to see the famed telescope that brought you two together. they’re entranced with the thought of him being fluent in gobbledegook, and since neither of your parents have had an authentic encounter with the language, they’re very impressed.
-he cooked beforehand and brought a side dish, Scottish Rumbledethumps. he was so nervous to make a good first impression that he didn’t want to overcrowd your kitchen while cooking that he went ahead and made his own. your parents, once again, fell in love. your mother told you that this boy is a keeper immediately after he revealed he brought food.
-your little siblings do not like him. he’s far too awkward to do anything that will make them like him and they’re far too ruthless to even try and get along with him. putting them in a room together led to a couple minutes of excruciating silence followed by panicked screaming from your boyfriend and the distinct sound of war-cries from your siblings. you had to go in there and save him– though, some relationship between them was salvaged when he started to point out constellations.
-of the boys, your parents love him the best. he’s very respectful and very smart, and absolutely adorable, ultimately just the perfect boyfriend. before you left to finish the date with a bit of stargazing, they joked that if you didn’t marry him, one of them would.
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novellafaire · 1 year
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Just some headcanons on what I think they would be like as boyfriends ♡
Heartslabyul - Savanaclaw - Octavinelle - Scarabia - Pomefiore - Ignihyde (here!) - Diasomnia
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• how did you even manage to get him out of his room to approach you? nonetheless date—
• he rarely leaves his room
• but!!! he does genuinely like you, other than Ortho you’re the only person he’s genuinely comfortable with
• video game dates!!
• he’ll teach you how to play anything you want
• 1v1 games can get really competitive with him — he’ll try to go easy on you at first, but then his gamer mode kicks in and he can’t help it
• but he definitely prefers co-op games where you can work together
• sometimes Ortho joins you as well!!
• you guys also have dates where you binge anime and just hang out together
• eating junk food and just lounging about in his room
• he loves that you’re willing to listen to his rambles about the stuff he likes
• he’ll do the same for you btw
• anytime you mention something you’re interested in, he’ll do some research on it as well
• he will try to get you into some of his favorite idol groups though
• maybe at some point you can watch the concerts together? Or learn the dances?
• he would love that
• he gets super flustered extremely easily though
• and it’s obvious because his hair will turn pink and become more erratic
• he’s constantly making you laugh though
• which at first was unintentional, but now he does it cause he likes seeing you smile and hearing you laugh
• to him that shows he is, in fact, important to you
• sometimes his insecurities make him doubt that ):
• speaking of which, he does get jealous fairly easily because he believes there are so many better options out there than him
• when he’s jealous though he isolates himself from you, trying to distract himself
• he also thinks you wouldn’t want to associate with an otaku shut-in like himself ):
• please reassure him that he’s perfect for you
• he will be super flustered but he genuinely appreciates hearing it
• given that most of the time you hang out in his room, PDA isn’t much of a thing
• and even if you do go outside for a date, he will combust and die on the spot if you display any sort of affection publicly
• the attention will embarrass him and it’ll take a bit for him to reboot and be okay
• so it’s better to not do any PDA lest you have a broken Idia on your hands
• he’s okay with holding hands though, just know the tips of his hair will constantly be pink
• arguments aren’t super common, but when they happen it’s probably because of his shut-in, pessimistic attitude being too much
• Ortho will help you guys’ resolve the issues tho, especially because he hates seeing you guys fight
• if he hears someone talking bad about you or sees them bothering you on the cameras (don’t ask how he hacked the security system) he won’t physically confront them, but he will make sure their next few days are plagued with minor inconveniences
• Ortho will help him out with this
• or if they play online video games, rest assured he found their username and he is now beating them relentlessly in game and mocking them
• you’ll have to be the one to tell him you’re fine before he relents
• wearing his hoodie!!
• he’ll say it’s something that only normies do, but he absolutely adores seeing you in his hoodie
• he’ll also mumble about how he made extreme gains on the intimacy level
• anyways—
• if you’re upset, he doesn’t really know how to comfort you
• but he will let you come to his room and watch some anime to get your mind off it and Idia mumbles that you guys could maybe cuddle but only if you’re okay with that
• he’ll reassure you that you’re like an SSR character to him, and that you’ll always be his main, so there’s nothing to be upset about cause he’ll always be there for you
• being called his player 2
• Ortho loves you so much!!
• sees you as an older sibling now too
• loves that you’re helping his brother break out of his shell
• Idia is also extremely happy you two get along
• Idia doesn’t care about you meeting his family (other than Ortho) cause they aren’t very close
• over all, Idia is an amazing gamer boyfriend ♡
[[ BONUS!!! Ortho as your best friend ]]
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• because you’re dating his brother, Ortho immediately gets attached to you as well!
• he loves spending time with you and his brother — it makes him feel like you guys are a normal family
• if you’re ever sick, he’ll be scanning you to check your ailment, and then do a search on what the best solution would be
• if his brother can’t accompany you somewhere, Ortho gladly will
• loves hugging you
• the metal may be cold at first, but you get used to it
• plus the sweetness of the situation warms your heart anyways
• he’s just as protective of you as he is of his brother
• will annihilate someone for you
• makes sure you’re also taking care of yourself properly
• if not, you’ll get a “stern” it’s actually really cute and wholesome talking to about how you need to take better care of yourself
• if you’re ever upset, he’ll do everything he can to comfort you
• he’s always there for you whenever you need him
• Ortho would be the sweetest best friend ♡
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moshieee · 1 month
Hello it is I, random anon who does not know you and has never interacted with you before, what is your opinion of your mutuals?
Oh hi @bixell-pixell I'll include you even if we're not mutuals I think you're pretty chill all things considered
That's kinda it idk you that well
You didn't specify so I'm going to list all my mutuals in the order of oldest to newest on my following page that I remember sorry of I missed anyone and for the @ s
@e-the-village-cryptid (I don't have a tag for e yet but it would probably just be E)
Not only the first person who I became friends with here but also the first one I ever started sharing my stories with, even if we don't talk too much I'm glad Every time we do and I see them on my dash, (they bring some of my favorite posts and when I do send posts sometimes I mix up and send them their own reblogs) I'm so glad we're still friends, thanks for letting me ramble about stuff for 6 hours hehe
@jaqofallgenders (no tag for jaq yet either)
my in person friend and the longest friendship I've ever had with someone, love you 🫶. I'll be more specific on Monday if our ADHD doesn't kick in and make us both forget
@strawberry-seal77 (seal-berry!!!)
Hi hi hi yellows my friend 👋 the person I consider to be the second ever friend I made on here, a lovely person as well and wait waaa and an amazing artist too 👀??? Love you silly goofball and the amazing posts and jokes you have we should chat more often I thinkith.
@rabid-mercenary16 (Rabid jumpscare)
Hey hey hey .... BWAMP! Hope you feel better soon
I probably have the most to say about Rabid but all try to make it a bit shorter. besides being the first artist to do art jokes and include me, with we also became mutuals and interacting around a time when my life started to get a lot better. Even if she's not the only factor in that I definitely associate her with stuff improving, and she did play a big factor in it (I already explained a lot on my Valentine's Day gift to her and the others). Also she's just an awesome person to spend time with and be goofy, amazing sense of humor and I just love being friends with such an awesome person and artist.
@dia-smthidk (Dia fren)
I'm assuming you don't want a bowl of soup
I also said a lot about them in my Valentine's Day gift, but we've become closer friends sense then even if we don't get to chat as much as I'd like to. I relate a lot and am surprised how we have so much in common. Amazing artist and person as well and I wish we could hang out more, idc if they think they're bringing down the mood when/if they bring stuff up about irl, and maybe I won't figure out their timezone but oh well, please take care of yourself gender sibling.
@bunnybunnsowo (BUN BUN BROTHER!!)
little brother 🫶🫶💝💞🫶✨👋❤️!!!
(I could have sworn we became mutuals before Dia?)
another person I shared a lot about with the Valentine's Day gift, I love you my little brother! Seriously one of the kindest people I've met and I'm so glad they have bug in his life. Bun deserves the world and they keep sending me opposum images!!! Gona die from cuteness and his kindness one of these days istg
@spookykittyzzz (greaah why don't I have a tag for you???)
A very kind person and artist I don't know too much sense we're not that close yet but love the few chats we have had so far. Hope we get to hang out more even if I'm awful at reaching out to others and saying hi.
@glitchyk (goop buddies)!!
Nooo the parallels
One of the first people who was interested to deep dive into my creations and ask about my stories and worlds They're probably competing with Rabid with how much I have to say about her/silly. Seriously it's incredible how much we have in common and now I get to share and collaborate our sonas stories together it's amazing. And as someone once said "you can yap for hours". I love how creative and clever they are, I just wish they would be kinder to herself. One day I'll make glichy see how awesome she is.
@unfunnyaceartist (Floridian disadvantage) I feel like I should change that
When I say I was shookith when ace asked to be friends I mean I was shookith first person so show up and ask that (the others kinda just happened). Amazing artist and don't believe her lies she is funny. I'm so heckn glad we're friends., love the goofy and silly idc if she's a bit of a simp they've helped me a lot start to understand slang and references I'm supposed to understand shhshsh (such is the curse of how I grew up) we need to make our mafia sonas interact at some point I can already imagine the chaos /silly
@neptunestoast (plushy slime)
Hugs hugs hugs*
Trying my best not to baby talk I swear. amazing person first person to show up and be like "hey I Wana do something for you and your friends". Love their humor and another gender sibling!!! Hugs for ever for as long as they're ok with it. I love their creativity as well and Noodle is so adorable. I just want to pick them up in a hug so much. Kibbity/silly
@ner5y (no tag woops ill figure something out)
What are you doing here??? How are we friends???
I was absolutely confused and startled when they followed me especially since it was during a spoons argument . Amazing artist like holy heck I wish I was allowed to curse on this blog. Their humor also took me by surprise when I got invited to the discord, and even if they doubt how well they're running it I think they're doing amazing. And I love our silly interactions like this one
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@vexation-816 (chaotic ADHD buddy!!!)
Why did it take me so long to follow you istg
ADHD ADHD ADHD my buddy oh pal we both got that and it's driving us insane/silly. Love how creative he is and the ideas for his sona and character lore. Also one of the first people who shared a character they added to my nightlight au. This is getting twords the end and I'm tired of whiting so much and am on a timer oh no. But your amazing dude don't ever forget thag
@butlerbugbunny (anxiety bunny buddy)
This is why I didn't respond to the DM yet hshsh
New friend who I feel anxious talking to sometimes but a wonderful kind bunny who I'm also incredibly happy to be friends with. Love his art so much it's amazing (shoot shoot timer is going off) I'm glad he's their for bun and wish them the best I possibly can 🫶.
@lilithloves-you (lillith my be-loathed?) need to change that
Don't you dare bring up grilled cheese
Glitchys friendo who I'm also friends with now. We don't interact too much but I've sent her on missions to go hug glitchy (to help both of them feel better but shhh). I hope we become closer friends in the future.
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moistvonlipwig · 6 days
can i do the same thing to you i did to sssammich and upend all the -corps on your desk or is that too greedy 🥴
looping in @yourlocalegotisticalqueerishere since it's easier to do these all in one post ! alphabetical order for funsies under the cut:
agentcorp - no...idk what to say really except the vibes are off for me. sorry chyler </3 i know you wanted to kiss katie so bad. i think alex and lena have similarities & differences (just like every character does with every other character lol) but i personally feel like their specific similarities & differences would cause them to either enable each other's worst aspects or to butt heads constantly. just my onion i know many people disagree and that's fine. also the triple hit of alex trying to nuke lena and justifying it by twisting all her previous good deeds to make them sound bad, lying about it to her face while asking for her help, and then not advocating for her to get her memories back and even encouraging kara to deceive her once again all in quick succession in s5 -- all of which got swept under the rug in s6 -- really soured me on the friendship s4 had built up between them. so i'm not even really a fan of their friendship. tragique :(
braincorp - they are my brotp <333 i don't ship them romantically at all but actually their relationship is probably my favorite relationship on the show period. it helps that they are my 2 fave characters lol but also they are so smart and so bitchy together and i love them <333 brainy is so ride or die for lena even when she gives him literally the worst advice anyone has ever given anyone else in the history of the world and lena feels safe with brainy to express how she really feels and they are kindred spirits. also the parallel to the comics dynamic between brainiac & lex luthor [which should've made it to the show!!! where was the original brainiac???] is poetic. braincorp 4 life !!!
dreamcorp - again i don't ship them at all but it's so bonkers that developing this relationship wasn't more of a priority for the writers. little sisters with asshole siblings who blame themselves for their mother's deaths (and also have magic powers i guess thanks s6 🥴)...the scenes write themselves! or so you would think. i liked that they had some rapport in s6 but also ngl it cracked me up in 6x07 when nia called lena "family" i was like girl this is your first onscreen conversation ever 😭 you are colleagues at best...oh well. i like the idea of them becoming found family though. i don't see the superfriends as a found family (they are actually this cool thing called 'friends' instead) but nia & lena specifically i think could come to lean on each other in a sisterly way.
guardiancorp - so as i've mentioned part of what really piqued my interest in guardiancorp was the reveal that james had 16 scars from lex yet he was able to look past that to see lena for who she was not just as lex's little sister. james as clark's best friend and lena as lex's sister are kind of inherently tied together by the superman/lex drama and i'm interested in how they can work through that to love each other anyway. one thing i find interesting about them is that they are deeply different in ways that could set them at odds -- lena is a luthor, james is team super; lena is a white woman, james is a black man; lena is morally flexible, james is much more morally steadfast/rigid -- yet they are able to find solidarity and common ground with each other despite those things and have each other's backs. a lot of people like to point to the scene where lena & james are completely out of sync at game night as evidence that they were never really right for each other, but the thing i always remember is that lena wanted to practice with him afterwards. she wanted to put in the work. that's actually very romantic to me. another thing i like is how protective they are of each other; morgan edge might call james lena's bodyguard and james might take a bullet for her and dangle morgan edge off a building for her but lena is also HIS bodyguard who would make deals with the DA for him and poison her mother for him. they're each other's guardians. also they are capable of being so powerful and bitchy together like when they went to confront morgan edge in 3x09 that was sooo funny and iconic. i do wish the show built them up better and let us see their friendship properly develop in 3a instead of having them flirt in a couple scenes and then not interact for 4 episodes and then have kara & sam hamfistedly tell us they have chemistry. if i were writing season 3 i would give them a slower build and probably not have them kiss until the balcony scene in 3x17. but oh well. if wishes were horses i would have lots of horses. i wouldn't even know what to do with all those horses. so it's a good thing wishes aren't horses, if you think about it.
kellycorp / goldencorp (that's the name i just came up with now that i am advocating for) - i quite like this idea because it's a kelly ship i can actually get invested in. hooray <3 i think kelly would be good for lena and, crucially, i think lena would be good for kelly. they both are more 'outsiders' to the superfriends than the other members are, as evinced by the two of them being the last to know supergirl's identity, and i think they could bond over that. i could see kelly feeling comfortable being displeased/angry with lena in a way she maybe doesn't with the other superfriends, while also holding space for lena's emotions in a way Certain Other People Who Shall Remain Nameless aren't always very good at. and i could also see lena really enjoying spoiling kelly with her wealth and kelly being kind of into it. also the fact that the showrunners seemed weirdly allergic to putting azie and katie into scenes together, meanwhile azie and katie were supposedly constantly flirting on set and working overtime to try and sneak goldencorp crumbs into the background, suggests to me that their chemistry was so palpable and powerful that TPTB were scared of letting them loose lest the fandom descend even further into ship wars. ...ok that last part is just a silly little conspiracy theory that i made up so please don't repeat it as fact or even as plausible speculation but also why Did the showrunners keep them apart so much 🤔 makes you think !
mirrorcorp [mirrorverse iris/lena aka a ship i invented] - so if you've never seen the flash you are probably thinking: who is mirrorverse iris??? i'm so glad you asked. mirrorverse iris is a clone of iris from the mirror realm which is NOT an 'evil universe' a la star trek, it is instead a world literally inside mirrors. mirrorverse iris was essentially created by mirror monarch (don't ask) for the purpose of infiltrating the normal world. she spends an arc impersonating the real iris and is similar in some ways but is also angrier, more ruthless, and more impulsive. in her last episode she figures out that she wants to be her own person and live life on her own terms not mirror monarch's and she defies mirror monarch during a fight with barry and then she dies. don't like that she died i wish she'd stuck around she was an epic character. but anyway this arc takes place in season 6b of the flash which you guessed it coincides with season 5b of supergirl. so my pitch is that instead of teaming up with lex to continue project nonsense lena goes on a sojourn to central city and meets mirrorverse iris who is impersonating real iris and undergoing an existential crisis/crisis of conscience. and the two bond and become friends. and then mirrorverse iris doesn't die and she and lena have to figure out who they want to be for themselves not just for the people who created them or tried to mold them in their image. and then they kiss about it idk just saying it could be good!
nationalcitydistrictattorneycorp - i mean. you've seen the scene. possibly the most sexually charged scene in the entire show. unclear to me why both actresses decided to play it that way but ok queens !
peggycorp - not my thing but i respect the warriors 👍
reigncorp - sam is imo the best & healthiest friend lena could ask for -- actually the best & healthiest friend anyone on this show could ask for -- but i don't really think their relationship is improved or made more interesting by them dating. i do think they have hooked up in the past and they decided they were better off as friends.
rojascorp - i'm not a rojascorp shipper actually but i believe in their beliefs...andrea and lena definitely dated, i see them as exes who still have affection for each other & sexual tension, i'm just not interested in the idea of them getting back together. if anything i actually worry that andrea might be too deferential to lena? i think she sees herself as deeply indebted to lena and -- whether you're looking at the pre-crisis more interesting timeline where she directly has blood on her hands or the post-crisis less interesting timeline where she tried to kill supergirl & accidentally put william in the line of fire -- i think she has a lot of guilt and she views lena as a moral authority in contrast to her morally 'tarnished' view of herself. which is interesting & juicy because most characters don't view lena that way. but i don't know that it's a great dynamic for a romance.
spheercorp - jack is sweet and rahul kohli is pretty. here endeth my thoughts on spheercorp. ...ok i guess i can say a little more which is that like rojascorp i prefer them as exes/bffs to them getting back together. i also will say that, while i think jack's death contributed to a disturbing trend on the show of killing off south asian characters, i do actually rather like it as a character beat for lena. i enjoy seeing him pop up in fics but in the show itself i think him dying is kind of a better story. sorry jacky :(
supercorp - i mean i think the premise alone is kind of epic and awesome. a super and a luthor but they're in love. like that's just plain cool. plus think of the awkward family dinners! i am always here for ships that will generate awkward family dinners. i also think they have a lot of great comedy scenes together which is always a plus to me shipping-wise, i like ships with a comedic bent. but there's also a lot of juicy drama/tragedy/gay divorce with them too which is also good of course. as a big fan of dramatic irony i like the secret/reveal as a storytelling device i just wish they handled it better post-5x01 (i think 4x22 and 5x01 actually kind of nailed it ngl). i like that they both used each other's kryptonite on the other person and yet they were able to forgive that and love the other person anyway. i mean the actual in-show process of forgiveness was wack but the idea is spicy. and i like that, as kara herself (clunkily) put it in the finale, they really do challenge each other and push each other to be better. as i've mentioned before theirs is a relationship where actions have consequences and where every scene they have matters and affects later scenes, which is unlike.....well, most relationships on the show, frankly. i also tend to think their scenes are just generally better-written and have more subtext (and i'm not just talking about the gay kind) and interesting things going on in them than most of the rest of the show's scenes. for all my many gripes about how s5 & s6 handled their fallout and then kind of just papered over it with platitudes, i still think their relationship is one of the best parts of the show and it's still the major thing that keeps me on the hook.
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class1akids · 11 months
I really would like to know if its just me or do you think Shouto had the same 'connecting' and 'hand-reaching' moment with Touya as Deku with Tenko and Ochaka with Toga? Especially when comparing the child images I personally feel a big difference. Within the one where Shouto and Touya are back to back he looks simply vicious (not that Touya looks any less angry) but also within the both boys crying panel Shouto is fighting and not reaching towards Touya in any way. This is also the case for Shoutos word towards Touya - he not once said, that he cares about him or wants to know him. You also point out, that Shouto saved Touya, but I actually feel more like he wanted to save everyone else. This is not meant as hate or anything, but for me it feels so devastating that between the villian-hero trios (even if Deku and Tenko are still to come) Shouto doesnt seems to reach out for Touya and I wanted to hear another perspective.
Despite the many common points, their situation is not at all the same. Toga was seeking acceptance pretty much from anyone, while Touya wanted validation ONLY from Endeavor. Toga wanted to live with the things and people she loved, Touya wanted to die with the object of his hatred taking others with him. Toga wanted Ochako or Deku to accept her since forever, but Touya had no personal interest in Shouto other than using him as a tool to hurt Endeavor or prove his superiority. Touya is clearly suicidal from the start - and Shouto's biggest challenge is to keep him alive despite his best efforts to burn himself to death.
Shouto never had the means to give Touya what he wanted - and let's not forget that he's been advocating since the PLF war for Endeavor and him go together to find Touya only to be let down by his father every single time. Plus Shouto believes his existence was the breaking point for the family (it's a belief nobody dispelled yet).
But still, Shouto showed up for Touya personally only to be told immediately that he's not what Touya wants:
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And yet Shouto is saying that he can't be a hero if he just ignores Touya's pain (like Endeavor did). Shouto rather not be a hero, if he cannot help his brother. He's the ONLY person in the family who properly faces Touya (even if he's the one Touya doesn't want at all). He listens to Touya's story and he didn't attack him the whole time. It's Touya who escalates the fight deciding to kill Shouto and take him as a trophy to Endeavor.
Now, you also need to remember that the villains' love languages are different. Toga's emotions are expressed in blood. Touya's "love language" is his quirk. It's his bonding experience with Endeavor,
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and he rejects any other quirk or move anyone else wants to teach him.
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In the Todoroki family, quirk and who you are as a person and what is your worth is completely intertwined. Endeavor's flashfire connects Touya and Shouto even more profoundly than blood does, as out of the four siblings only the two of them share this.
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so Shouto reaching out comes also essentially in a language unique to them - he makes an ultimate move just for Touya.
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It's a move specifically made to stop him without hurting him. It's coming from Shouto's literal heart, from his healing, from him asserting who he wants to be as a brother and as a hero. It's also proof that there is a different way than the path that Endeavor has set them on. Instead of raising the fire and destruction with it, Shouto's quirk can be used to nope out from the toxic competition and save the family.
Touya's reply is rejecting Shouto - saying that they are not at all similar and that they cannot "mingle" - which Shouto counters with mingling with Touya anyways, refusing to accept their "separateness" - that leads to his power-up and copying of that very same move - the first proof that despite what Touya says, they are not completely different.
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Shouto also tries to call Touya back when he tries to leave - this is a parallel moment when Ochako shouts at Toga how they haven't talked about love yet.
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But Touya leaves, because Shouto despite pouring his heart out in his phosphor move, calling him Touya-nii, facing him properly - he cannot give to Touya what he ultimately wants: Endeavor's attention, approval and love (along with the attention of the other members of the family that Touya felt rejected by) and proof that his existence matters.
And it comes together in this brief delusional happy moment for Touya - getting the attention and validation he craves from his family.
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And it's incredibly heartbreaking because it also makes it clear that Shouto could never give this to him, because it's not something Touya ever wanted from him. Because Shouto never denied him the way he perceived it from the others.
But also, this "perfect" moment falls apart almost immediately with Touya's realization that all he needed was just this small thing, something he could have gotten so easily, and he's unable to stop the explosion accumulating inside himself.
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It's the symbol of all the rage he's been holding inside and it just seeks an outlet. And despite coming all together, Endeavor, Rei, Fuyumi and Natsuo are not enough to do anything about it.
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And that's where Shouto comes in a second time - hits Touya again with Phosphor - just absorbing / neutralizing all that accumulated heat.
We don't get much of what Touya thinks of Shouto at this stage, but we his approach from Touya's POV in the moments when Touya is thinking about how it was all too late.
First he sees Shouto as this pupil-less monster, but then all the confrontation with Shouto and with the rest of the family makes Touya realize that he doesn't want to die anymore. He wants more time, he wants to say more things and at the same moment he sees Shouto finally as a crying child - as someone who is desperate to help his family, to fight for them and finally can give something to Touya that he wants - more time, a chance to say those unsaid things.
And sure, Shouto wants to save everyone - his friends, the pro heroes, the civilians in the blast radius. But also remember, Shouto doesn't know Rei, Natsuo and Fuyumi are there. Only Touya and Endeavor. And knowing his father, probably both All Might and Shouto knew that even if Endeavor had no ice to stop the explosion, he would take Touya up into the sky like he did with the nomu. I'm sure they both knew Endeavor's only option and the route he'd take.
So what All Might is truly asking Shouto is if he can live with himself if he doesn't try to save Endeavor and Touya - the two people who hurt him personally in very deep ways.
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And while it's true that Shouto saves everyone (because Rei's intervention stops Endeavor's murder suicide), it's with Phosphor - the move he made specifically for Touya. And if that's not clear enough, then Shouto goes on to praise Touya in front to Endeavor - for his quirk, for how he was the one who finally did what Endeavor wanted and kept surpassing the heat limits going as far as saying that he can't do that, putting an end to the competition. He gives Touya the win he wants. He also rejects the "masterpiece" label and with the same move, freeing Touya from the "failure" label.
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So maybe the ways Shouto is reaching out is not as straightforward and cutesy like Ochako or Deku in the spirit world vision - but Shouto keeps fighting despite Touya's rejection for his family, including Touya and when there is finally something he can give Touya (like a chance to live or ridding him of the "failure" label), he gives it to him.
He's been clearly paying attention and thinking what to do since he woke up in the hospital. Preparing for a chance to save his brother with training a move that serves no other purpose than to keep Touya alive. He's choosing the confrontation that's clearly emotionally very hard for him because he knows that Touya needs the family. He is the first one to ask him why he didn't come home, the first one to acknowledge his quirk and skill, the first one to tell him he's not a failure, but a masterpiece. And I think given what Touya's character is about and how his wants and needs differ from Toga's - it's really Shouto's best effort to save to him (being painfully aware that he's the last person Touya wants).
It all comes back to Shouto's arc - actions, not words.
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It reminds me a bit of Midoriya vs Todoroki - where Shouto didn't want Izuku for more than to prove a point to Endeavor, and Izuku had to keep fighting and breaking himself just to get his attention. Or how Izuku was aware that after beating Shinsou, there are no words he can give him - it has to come from someone else. Or the time Deku let Kirishima take the lead to reach out for Bakugou, because he knew (thought) it wasn't his hand Kacchan wanted.
Like, sure, there are situations like Toga vs Uraraka, where Uraraka had the key all along to Toga because Toga wanted her. But there are also plenty of times in the story that are like Shouto's situation, where he knows that his hand is unwanted, but he still has to give it his best shot.
At the end of the day, it always takes a village to save someone. That was the point of the Eri arc. Uraraka is not doing it alone either - maybe the endpoint yes, but she couldn't have gotten here alone.
And I believe that Shouto's actions also matter for Touya eventually, we just haven't really seen it yet so expressly (but I hope we will), because the Todoroki plot is the darker, more nuanced plot and that comes with more complexity and less fairy tale-like turns.
TL;DR: Each villain's situation is different. Shouto is reaching out the ways he can, the ways that make sense for his and Touya's relationship. He is rejected, because Touya and Toga are different people with different wants, but Shouto despite that rejection keeps reaching for his brother to save him, to give him and their entire family another chance. And maybe, one day, all his actions will pay off with Touya also opening his heart to him. Sometimes, these things take time. But that doesn't make Shouto lesser, because connection is a two-way thing and Touya was clearly not ready to connect with anyone until he found some closure with Endeavor.
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drivinmeinsane · 3 months
In case you're not tired of them yet- I've got some character asks :]
For Holland; 8, 16 and 27
For Julian; 15, 17 and 28 (Driver)
For K; 2, 17 and 47
Thank you for the message! I appreciated the opportunity to talk about these guys some more!!! <3
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8. Unpopular opinion about them.
Holland loved his wife dearly, but Jackson Healy is the unexpected love of his life.
16. Deepest darkest secret they won’t even admit to themselves.
Holland is worried that Holly hates him. He thinks he genuinely might be a bad father. He couldn’t fault his daughter if she blames him for the death of her mom, he certainly does.
27. Their guilty pleasure.
It would be easy to say alcohol, smoking, or self-flagellation, but really? Holland likes all those cheesy family activities (this includes Jackson of course). He didn’t get to spend enough time with Holly and her mom together, so he tries to put in the extra effort these days for family game nights, dinners, movie trips, anything they can do together. He also gets the bonus satisfaction of seeing Healy’s face flush every time he’s included as part of the March family.
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15. Worst thing they’ve ever done.
Julian has done plenty of terrible things in his life. He is a product of his upbringing. As gently as I can put this with the understanding that he was victimized, the worst thing he did was not love himself enough to save himself by cutting ties with his mother and his brother. Without them in the picture, he very likely would not have been engaging in the destructive (both to himself and to other people) behaviors to the extent that he was. Crystal truly was an epicenter of bad.
17. Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with them.
Off the top of my head, here are some of the songs that remind of Julian » I Bet on Losing Dogs - Mitski » God's Gonna Cut You Down - Johnny Cash » Afraid - The Neighborhood » Knives Out - Radiohead » Grip - Seeb x Bastille
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28. How they feel about Driver.
I feel like Julian would find common ground with Driver. Neither of them had a stable childhood, however Driver was able to come out of his experiences being able to connect with others, to love, despite everything. Julian might be able to let him in. Perhaps he could heal.
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2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on.
I firmly believe that Deckard would have left that upgrade center with two kids, Ana and K, if he had truly known what was going on from the start. By all rights, they were siblings. K had found his family. He just would not -could not- consider himself human enough to deserve it. By the time Deckard realized, likely when Ana explained the circumstances of K visiting, it would have been too late for him to claim K in life. In a happier story, he would have pried K off those steps before he succumbed to his wounds and the thought that he wanted to die. Maybe he could have been saved. Deckard had loved a replicant as a partner, he could have easily loved a replicant as a son.
17. Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with them.
Here's just some of the songs I associate with K. We'll go ahead ignore that I'm pulling some of these off my Six/K playlist... » Like Real People Do - Hozier » Star Hopping Lover - Chance Peña » Take me to Church - Hozier » Achilles Come Down - Gang of Youths » Way Down We Go - KALEO
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47. Their dream job.
I think that in another life, K would have really liked to do something involving agriculture. As we see in both the script and in the movie, he has a genuine interest in Sapper’s occupation. He wants to know what he farms. He wants to know what’s bubbling on the stove. He’s intrigued by the cowslip he finds on the ground. Anything involving the creation of life and the tactile use of his hands seems right up his alley. Personally, I specifically see him as keeping bees if he were not… leashed by the LAPD (if he were to survive defection or were allowed to openly have his own interests). They captivated him from the moment on landed on his hand. As he is, they’re part of a system working for the betterment of a colony. I also think that in keeping bees, he would feel closer to Deckard given that he has his own. It might feel almost as if it were a family business, and we all know how desperately K wants to belong to a family. I’ve included some of my notes on the script and some shots of K finding the hives. I have too many feelings. :(
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Hunger Games & Descendants crossover
Aka me showing Descendants characters into vaguely hunger games setting because it sparks joy. Keeping one (1) Hunger Games character: Ceasar Flickerman, for the reason that Descendants Verse moderator (Snow White) would faint within a minute of having to share a stage with exhibitionistic pirates.
Also. Haymitch. I feel like he and Harriet & James Hook should meet.
(I hope you don't expect any plot)
The Hooks are the Fourth District. The sea side one. Uma, too, and the Smees.
James Hook is a Victor long past, and he lost a hand in his games. He had it replaced by a hook, because he's committing to the bit. Drama queen. He's a Capitol favourite and still very much haunted by the children he fought in his arena. (He's so perfect for this au, I can't)
Harriet is also a Victor, from two years prior.
She volunteered and didn't have a good time ever since. (Didn't have a good time ever ✨)
She didn't lose a hand. This does not stop the Capitol from styling her with a hook.
Both of them are rather heavy alcoholics by this point.
Harriet was a difficult Victor. Stubborn and way too happy to speak her mind. It took Capitol pointing at her siblings and going „If you don't shut up, they'll be next“ to get her to cooperate.
She shut up. She was not happy about it but she's not letting her siblings die in the arena – or otherwise.
Either way, after her, the Capitol needed a Good Victor (tm). They found their Victor in Claudine Frollo, a brainwashed career from District One.
She was ready to lie on her knife for her (District) people rebelling against the Capitol, but her Games were pretty heavily rigged. She was not allowed near sharp things by the gamemakers.
Her trauma from the arena is unsurprisingly not helping. Claudine gets unresponsive for huge amounts of time, and she's still not allowed near sharp things.
„You were raised in a fucking cult!“ „...oh.“ This conversation between Harriet and Claudine definitely happens. Harriet is this close to snapping at Claudine at live TV.
Either way, deal somewhat holds, right? Younger Hook siblings are not reaped.
... wouldn't be the Hooks if there wasn't more chaos, okay?
Next year, Uma is reaped, and there is no way Harry is letting her go alone. He volunteers before the boys are even reaped, threatening murder to career girls who didn't take Uma's place and career boys who would take his in the same breath.
This flies, because Capitol lives for drama.
Also, surprisingly, Uma's reaping wasn't rigged. And even if it was, she was not a part of any deal.
Ursula was an actress, a singer, dragged to Capitol from District four and tossed back when they got bored; when she got too old or otherwise unsuitable. She blames Uma for this. Her most famous role was that of a Sea Witch because Why Not.
Uma wasn't a career, but Harry was. He didn't graduate yet, and his older sister insisted he doesn't volunteer.
Anyway. Since this is AU, I feel like it should be possible for the Games to have multiple Victors if the people like them enough.
It's not something common, but it can happen. It has happened before.
Mulan and Shang pulled it off. Mulan while posing as her brother or male cousin all the while. It was one of the earlier games, but people loved it. (Consequently, their son got reaped the year before Harriet. Pure coincidence, you see. He survived, though.)
The other people winning together were Raya and Namaari, because I said so. They had no children for reasons called "they're lesbians, your honour."
And Uma and Harry are gonna win together too because this is MY self-indulgent AU with zero actual plot.
They're having way too much fun on the stage. Survival instinct (the bit that Uma has) gets overshadowed by the need to a) shock as much people as possible and b) drama✨
They end up making out at the tribute interview. Ceasar is having the time of his life. He hasn't had this interesting tributes since Harriet Hook and Ivy de Vil.
(they obviously make out at the Victors interview too)
De Vils now, yeah?
Third district. Technology, for Carlos. They're inovators, the driving force.
Cruella, much like Hook, is a victor of long past. She went mad in her Games. Her victor talent is fashion, obviously, and Capitol has no problems with the more unethical aspects of her designs.
Her reaping-age relatives have the unfortunate tendency to, well, get reaped. She lost a brother, two nephews and a niece this way.
You see, de Vils are rebels. They need to stand out, they need to be heard. (Much like Hooks, but in better clothes, thank you for asking.)
Ivy was the last one reaped. Now, she knew her odds – one in twenty four and worse yet. The Capitol is not letting a de Vil win again.
Consequently, she might have started riot on her tribute interview. I mean, what are they gonna do? Kill her?
Yeah, I thought so.
I'm getting lost, aren't I.
Tremaines. Officers family from District Eight that thinks themselves way too important (they really aren't). All accusations of Anthony's reaping being rigged will be denied.
Anthony is in the same games as Uma and Harry because Drama.
His stylist is Audrey Rose who got caught high in public one too many times. But hey. They're vibing. Also, this conversation:
Anthony, talking about Harriet: "... she's just so pretty-“
Audrey, an aro ace, just trying to do her job: „...I suppose? She could use to wear something different than the red, and a bit less eyeliner...“
(Ginny, barging in: „YES SHE IS.“)
(I'm projecting on Audrey and you cannot stop me.) (She isn't being mean, she's just struggling to see it.) (Struggling in general. Girl is dissociating more than not, but actually trying her best as a tribute stylist.) (She and Claudine should meet. Attend some therapy together.)
Ginny is Capitol, too. She's a medical student, a medic apprentice, whatever you want to call it. Aesthetics and cosmetics surgery specifically. She's shadowing some doctors at tribute-victor-centre.
Which, let's be honest, mainly means that she, Anthony and Harriet can meet ✨
Like Anthony, she thinks that Harriet is gorgeous. She thinks the same about Anthony.
She flatlines Anthony's medical tracker while he's sleeping but still very much alive in the arena. This goes unnoticed because Harry and Uma are kicking up too much drama. And Ginny and Anthony are pretty good at disguises.
Faciliers. They live in Capitol. With documents that are certainly both legal and theirs.
But hey. No one is gping to kick them out. They smuggle in expensive drugs and absinth and other interesting stuff.
They also know way too much blackmail.
Celia and Freddie have accidentally befriended the gamemakers while making deliveries and now the gamemakers let them play a bit and design new fun mutts!
(Stuff of nightmares, I tell you)
Mal is a way too Capitol-propaganda enthusiastic Victor from one of the poor Districts.
Jay is from District Two, a secret rebel. Jade died in the Games.
Oh! CJ sneaked into the Capitol with her older siblings despite being specifically forbidden to do so, and is now setting something on fire. Ceasar practically gave her a permission by calling her "a little firecracker" in the interview with Harry.
The Smees were supposed to watch her, but the Smees couldn't be paid enough for that.
I'm almost certain I forgot someone. Please, ask if I did or if you find something interesting and want me to elaborate?
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 month
Fluff alphabet w/ knubbler (remake)
Remaking this because skimming through the old version some of my hcs have changed + I wanna get back into writing for mtl while the rot is here... maybe I'll do some other characters (winks)
No queue we die like men (I'm inpatient and wanna post mtl NOW!!!!(.. quickly realizing why I dont do long posts like this on mobile anymore. Not proof read we die like dethklok fans
Bonus prompt ♡ is PDA
Notes: reader is GN though this is mostly focused on general knubbler hcs
CWs: edit
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I would say hes a bit shallow but I'm a dickface shipper/j, serious note I think depending on circumstance he can overlook surface level stuff if you're charming enough! I mention in the original post that I think he enjoys feistier folk; outspoken and ready to dish it back if its tossed at them. It keeps things interesting even if it can get frustrating at times. Needs someone with humor, though
He tries to make time for you when hes not working, he usually takes you out somewhere. Usually dinner or to the mall- hes bit materialistic and he doesn't mind spoiling you. Music fanatic, listens to everything and looooves listening to some of the stuff you're into, most definitely dissecting it too thanks to his career
Average older person body type, a bit on the cooler side temperature wise. VERY handsy when cuddling most of the time. Prefers to be big spoon but would not object if you turn the tables
As mentioned he spoils you, so going somewhere nice (and a bit pricy) is a common date experience. Flirting and innuendos aside, dates also double as a catch up thing for you. Again due to him working hard a lot of the time to keep up with his career
Hes pretty level headed, though seeing him getting frustrated or annoyed isnt an uncommon occurrence. He has a pretty normal threshold when it comes to bullshit in the day to day- does get a little more emotional if hes under the influence, its just hard to guess which emotion it'll be until hes drunk
Hes not interested in having children, for the most part. Hes had those fleeting "what if" thoughts, but anything more than that? No. That being said I do personally headcanon that he has siblings, who might have children of their own. Rich aunt knubbler supremacy/j
Gift giving
Again, he spoils you. A lot. He can afford it thanks to working with dethklok, and that's assuming hes not also producing for others. Even if hes not giving you something significant, hes sending you roses to remind you you're his
He can get short when hes angry but he does try his best to reel himself in and try to find a solution, and depending on the context willing to compromise so both sides are satisfied. Naturally hes easier to work up if hes stressing out. Prefers to go to the side to cool off if things get too intense
Very similar to the old post, he reacts accordingly based on the nature of your injury. He can be a little insensitive to it, though, but like.. in. a "oh we have different pain thresholds and I kind of forget that" kind of way
Oh this man gets jealousy with a capital J. Want a quick way to get him worked up? Make him jealous. I mean don't becahse that's kind of shitty but. You know. Depending on the context and how the relationship as a whole is going hes either going to toss you to the side or play your game- has the "I didnt lose you you lost me" mentality, kind of gets nasty with it if you really fuck things up
Lots of kisses- quick and light, or deep any passionate. Any kiss is a good kiss- tends to favor your mouth of course! Loves being kisses on the cheek
Love language
Guys I don't think I said this yet but he likes buying stuff for you/j
No serious notes, he listens to you. You're someone he can just talk to, no having to worry about your job or your reputation. Just talking. Hes a good listener, actually. Physical touch is another way he shows his love. Not even just sexually; reassuring and innocent hands on the shoulder or a hand steadying you on your back when you're faltering. Things like that
Similar to having children hes never really thought about it. He doesnt strike me as the type to settle and commit to something long term, even just having you long term as a non-spouse is a change for him. He might warm up to it one day, he might not
A quick dealbreaker is if you put his career in jeopardy. Hes worked way too hard for this and hes not going to let it get wiped just like that. Not even necessarily getting him fired, just interfering in any negative way can put in a lot of tension
Goofy ass laugh. Laughs at his own jokes, most of which being bad or corny. That's not even touching on his sexual innuendos. Horrid. Tomato tomato tomato
Naturally he calls you babe and baby. Hon and honey are thrown in there every now and then. Oh he would definitely use dumber names in passing, partly because he unironically thinks they're cute and because he likes seeing your reaction
Quiet time
Well I guess it defeats the purpose of this segment being called "quiet" time but that idea earlier of the two of you just sitting and enjoying music together and analyzing it sounds nice. Outside of that the two of you can sit in silence doing something on your own. Life can get hectic, especially when one or even both of you work for dethklok
He takes risks, calculated ones though. He thinks about the pros and cons of everything before acting, and if it would be better to do it than do nothing if the outcome doesnt look too good. But that's in the context of himself and his work. But with you? Unless you're dying or in danger he tends to play it safe even if he can still come off as a douche every once in a while
He has his healthy share of secrets. Nothing wrong with that, privacy is important. If he needs to tell you something that he thinks you should know, he will tell you when its appropriate
Maybe its because I'm going insane over these songs, and I hope you can forgive me for not linking them but:
Modern day cane and mx sinister
Both by IDKHBTFM. Less of a "you guys listen to these together/it reminds me of knubbler x reader stuff " but because the songs kind of remind me of him in general/I feel hed listen to these
He tries to work through things when hes upset, but he does separate himself from the situation if it gets too much- whether it be to keep him from saying or doing something hes really going to regret later or because he just can't deal with it in that moment
He offers to listen to you when you're upset, he tends to be unbiased so he can offer a good solution if that's what you need. He does try to spare your feelings but get ready to sometimes hear what you dont want
Roses, candies, and a reservation to some fancy place- something higher quality than the usual. Definitely the type to try to initiate intimacy on Valentine's
If it DOES happen, hes going all out. Maybe it's the fact hes rich and famous and he can overindulge a bit, but an expensive wedding is likely. It may not be huge, in terms of attendants though. Just friends and family
Hes gotten very good at reading people over the years so good luck trying to act normal around him if something is going on. If you seem avoidant about talking, he does try to drop hints that you can talk to him
Oh this man yearns, both innocently and not so. He copes well enough between the times you are apart or see each other less
Snores in his sleep. Has a long routine. Sleeps like a sickly Victorian person; on his back, head tilted backwards, arms sprawled across his torso. Primarily sleeps on his back, though, maybe you can cuddle into his side
Bonus prompt ♡
Looooves PDA, always holding you in some way. If the setting is professional he will keep his hands to himself. Does not mind showing you off, either
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epicspheal · 1 year
You know with Pokemon leaning more into Parents as Antagonist/Villains, I'd love for them to explore different types of Bad Parents. Because the bad parents that have gotten the focus (Giovanni, Ghetsis, Lusamine, Sada/Turo) pretty much fall under the criminal neglect/manipulative/controlling/abusive category. And while these are fantastic topics to cover...they've kind of been done a lot for the series. And there's definitely a lot more types of bad parents than just those and they have really good narrative potential in a Pokemon game. I'd love for them for example to really expand on the overprotective parent. We've seen this a bit with Wally's Family (due to his respiratory condition) and Bianca with her father but it ends up being resolved rather quickly within the main story. I feel like the Overprotective Parent can work well as the basis of an entire villainous team of well-meaning but very over-bearing helicopter parents who are trying to prevent kids from going on journeys because it's either "Too Dangerous" (Since we know from both Legends and SV that people can die from being attacked by Pokemon) or "To Protect Kids from Failure from having their dream crushed" (there is a common theme among rivals about having their dreams take a shift after constantly losing to the player...and there are many parents who just don't take kindly to the idea of their kids failing and being hurt by said failures). Basically a reverse-Team Plasma. What's great is that this team can follow the trend of recent villainous teams not being straight up evil...but more misguided. You can definitely work the plot of it the founders of the team maybe having been crushed by their own failures and in the misguided parenting are trying to protect their kids from that. If we want to get dark maybe they know someone (their sibling or another child of theirs) was seriously hurt/killed by Pokemon and they really don't want a repeat. The Overprotective Parent also works as just a standalone. This is one of the areas where I'm really hoping BW gets ORAS style remakes because I want them to explore Bianca and her father's storyline in a deeper manner.
I'd also love to see a parent that tries to live through the rival vicariously. They see their child has some potential in battling (or another thing if they bring back sidequests like Contests, Pokestar Studios or Pokeathlons) and because they (for whatever reason) couldn't be what they wanted, they decide to push their kid into becoming that to the point the kids starts to lose interest (or perhaps want a different career path entire). Personally I'd love to see the plot be the kid wants to be whatever it is they're good at, but their parent's ambitions and demands for perfectionism sucks the joy from them and they have to regain their passion independent of their parents. There's a lot of potential for growth in the parent with this one as maybe by the post game the parent stops badgering their kid and they themselves attempt to restart their hobby as a trainer/coordinator/etc. It's important for parents to know that they can still pursue their dreams even with children it just takes balance and not living vicariously through others. One that would be really interesting to see is the parent who thinks dealing with Pokemon (let alone training them) is a pointless and doesn't think their child should want to do the same, despite the kid clearly wanting to go on a journey themselves. We've seen a bit in Legends people not wanting to deal with Pokemon (granted this was a bit more out of fear rather than complete disinterest) and we've seen in the anime kids who weren't interested in Pokemon (Chloe/Koharu early on most notably but also some COTDs in early seasons). I think it's something the games could really use for a character. Like it's refreshing to see characters not necessarily be gungho about Pokemon themselves (let alone battling) and it'd be interesting to see how in a modern timeline that could cause conflict in how the kid deals with not having their parent's support in a "I don't give a f*** about your interest type of way and you shouldn't either". This would be really good for an older rival NPC whose parents feel like their ambition to be a trainer is worthless, partly because they personally don't see any value in Pokemon, but also because they see the notion of going on a journey to be something naive kids do, and as a older teenager/young adult they should be focused on trying to find a proper profession. This is one path that could involve the parent learning to like Pokemon in the end. Honestly though, I'd be okay if the end result is that they still personally don't care about Pokemon or training, but they become more supportive of the character because they realize that their child is their own person and are allowed to have different opinions and aspirations. I just really hope they branch out from the neglect/abuse path because while very important topics there's others ways parents can be not great and those deserve spotlight
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vagonca-rigo · 20 days
top 5 games?
Okay kinda tough but let's see
Felvidek Okay, kind of an obvious choice given my recent obsession with it, but it's so great. It's an RPGMaker game where you play as Pavol, an alcoholic knight whose wife left him, who is at first tasked with finding out what struck the old castle, to later joining an emerging cult that has been recruiting the locals and making them disappear, accompanied by Matej, a priest from Debrecen, who's original task was trying to get Pavol off of alcohol. You don't need to level up, you just need good equipment and strategy to win all battles you encounter(and there are optional ones too, but they're not worth it unless you want more crowns). The ending is also extended as you help certain NPCs.
Kynseed Harvest Moon/Stardew Valley kinda farming game where you inherit your uncle's farm, have a little fight with your sibling you gotta make up with later, and some mysteries to uncover. There's wayyy more to the game though, for instance you have to have good reputation with the villagers in all villages to initiate certain quests or buy certain shops to maintain AND if you are particularly nice to some villagers and their family members(even in later generations!) you get to piece together a code you get bit by bit as you talk to them after a certain friendship level for a locked chest with money or resources. You can get boons from some sort of hare time fae in exchange for some years off your life, there's also combat regions and the combat mechanics themselves are really neat. You can also gather notes to find out how to grow high quality crops, learn recipes, and read journals for additional lore about the world.
Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight Okay so, Momodora is a game series(I'm almost through 4 of them!) and playing all will give you some lore, but the 4th and 5th entries are the best. The 4th, RUtM honestly made my jaw drop, especially after seeing the previous games. You play as Kaho Reinol, a priestess from Lun who seeks the queen of Karst to combat corruption, but the queen has been cursed along with her country, and it's up to you to fix it. The visuals are absolutely stunning and the combat is really great, and along the way you can collect items to apply modifiers to your weapons or gain a certain ability, as well as for healing and damage boost(some of which get permanently increased as you find more of them, and every time you hit a bell to save, all restock). You also get boons for defeating bosses without taking damage, which is difficult, but worth trying (note: if you do wanna attempt, quit to the menu and reload to the last save if you get hit or die). There's also a spider at the beginning of the game that if you don't kill, it will sell you great items later(and is the reason i had to make an entirely new save T_T). I can't tell more, as it would slip into spoiler territory, but this and the last game in the series(Moonlit Farewell, that btw, has notes in a menu about lore you might be missing out on) are absolutely worth checking out.
CrossCode You play as Lea, a girl who lost her memory, wakes up in an MMO(CrossWorlds) as a rather rare choice of fighter class(spheromancer)among players, who also happens to have her mic broken, so with the help of Sergey(who got you into the game in the first place), you get basic lines as you progress, like your name, greetings, questions and basic answers(so her talking is often just "Hi! Lea! Yes! Lea! Lea!"). There are many regions in the game, most of which you can only access if you acquire a certain elemental extensions to your Circuit tree(these you can get in select dungeons full of puzzles). The combat is really interesting and you get to have fun with elemental modes, but you have to look out as you can get overheated using one mode for too long, so you have to switch frequently. There's also a wiki and plenty of guide videos from the editors of it.
Moon Remix RPG This is an anti-rpg, so it parodies common tropes present in the genre and doesn't take itself seriously. You play as a little boy who, at the beginning, is seen playing some generic RPG about a mighty knight who defeats evil. He is told to go to sleep, but in the middle of the night, the TV mysteriously turns on with static, and takes him in, right to the world of the game he was playing. He is invisible, and only after visiting his...grandma(?) does he get clothing items he is able to be seen in(which looks real reminiscent of Rayman as his arms and legs are not covered by any in-universe item). Your mission is to learn about love, expand your heart, and sleep. Speaking of, as you level up your love, you can stay awake longer and explore more. You can do this in many ways, like quests or finding creatures according to hints in a book. If you "oversleep", it stacks, and you can also recover sleep by eating certain items. Along the way, you also get to observe the knight the boy played as in his game, which reveals that the guy's just a big strong idiot, not giving a single shit about his surroundings and using his fame to not hold responsibility for his actions. One thing I love in this game is the "voice" of characters. You are mute, but everyone else has some sort of 'yap' or 'wobble' or 'eh eh' that vaguely sounds like a voice and they vary a lot. From what i know, the game has only recently been translated to english and released on steam, so you might not find much about it if you're stuck somewhere.
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liongoatsnake · 2 years
You’re Never “Too Old” To Realize You’re Fictionkin
 By Sky Singer (he/him/his)
1 October 2022 – Word count: ~1660
  Talk about coming out is pretty common in the alterhuman community, even if it’s not always framed that way. Telling others about being alterhuman; being open about being alterhuman to others. It’s a common conversation: how to be open to others about being alterhuman, whether it be actively telling people directly or just passively let it be open in some way or another. Parents, siblings, close friends, partners… Less talked about is this being brought up in the context of the alterhuman community itself, though.
 Maybe that doesn’t automatically make sense: why would one alterhuman need to “come out” to another alterhuman? But coming out isn’t always about making non-ingroup people aware of something and expressing they are part of that group. Sometimes it’s just about opening up to others about something about yourself. And it’s not like this “opening up” is always a topic that goes smoothly, even if both the speaker and the listener are all from the same “group.” Opening up about being a certain kind of alterhuman, or having a certain kind of ‘type, or so on isn’t always easy peasy. The person wanting to open up about something can be worried how others will react.
We remember a time when grilling was still common. Where coming out about an aspect of your identity could lead to issues. People demanding to know the logistics: How long have you “properly” questioned this identity? Have you considered every alternative explanation? Can you write a small thesis detailing your reasonings to hold this identity? (We’re only slightly exaggerating on the latter question, though the old Awareness Forums certainly did have its moments of desiring thousand words long replies to questions…)
 We don’t expect that sort of mind-numbing, soul-crushing analysis from anyone… Except ourselves, unfortunately. We are our own worst critic. It’s not a conscious thing. It’s not even something we want to do. It’s just something that got drilled into us for years, and our issues with crippling anxiety keeps that methodology alive in the recesses of our brain. Our anxiety makes us uncontrollably nitpick and second guess ourselves. Imposter syndrome is strong in us.
 Not so fun fact, the origins of our personal essays on our experiences, both the ones we have actually finished and the dozens of WIPs languishing in folders, almost all got their start within a question that we were grilled about. We hate reinventing the wheel over and over again, so we just started writing out these monstrously long explanations just so we can copy/paste parts of them over and over again when the same questions would crop up again and again. We write and update our personal essays still today because we hope they might be of interest or use to someone else, but we would be lying if we said we didn’t go into painstaking detail about things because we fear someone might think we didn’t explain something in “good enough” detail.
 Some habits die hard. Some linger like scars.
 Not even a decade ago, if someone came out as fictionkin they were either doomed to be the community pariah or, if they were lucky, the community might have accepted them if they could play the grilling “game” well enough to placate any self-appointed gatekeepers. A “game” where they could never stop playing and if they fumbled the ball, they could possibly be ousted from the community for their loss. We remember that time in the community too well. It pained us to see fictionkin treated like that back then, and it hurt to see the people in our system who were open about being fictionkin have to be ready for scorn at the drop of a hat. Now, those old fears are weighing on not only my shoulders but also those of the other two hosts here at the House of Chimeras.
 It’s funny. Our system has members who are very open about being fictionkin. They’ve been open about it for years. Several were even open about it in the late 2000s and early 2010s when fictionkin were still treated with so much contempt and ridicule. (Ebony the thestral, Miushra the Named, Cavern-Risen the Black Spiral Dancer garou, and others.) So, one would think that other people in our system discovering they too were fictionkin wouldn’t be so destabilizing. Yet here we are. Maybe it’s because I and my siblings have grown comfortable in the way we are perceived in the community. Yeah, we’re part of a large multiple system but we were “just” polytherians with only two theriotypes. The most likely controversial thing people found with us was either the fact we are part of a system or that Ocean Watcher’s theriotypes are a shark and a sea slug. (In the past there was controversy in the therian community if it was possible for someone to have fish and mollusk theriotypes.) Outside of those possibly controversial things the three of us have long felt like just a face in the crowd. Maybe our anxiety of changing the status quo for us publicly has rattled some old fears about how fictionkin are perceived.  
 Maybe what also raises our anxiety is the fact that we actually were aware we were these characters before we knew we were these characters. That sounds so paradoxically absurd, but here we are. We’ve known since we first saw the movies, each just over a decade ago. We knew. We just never thought about it. We never questioned it.
 It’s particularly absurd for me, Sky Singer, because out of the three of us, everything was a lot more obvious in my case, looking back. I didn’t always go by the name I go by today. Growing up, as a kid, my name was Jim, and I went by that name until only a few years ago. Moreover, I didn’t discover my theriotypes, red-tailed hawk and Sinornithosaurus, until our early 20s. So before then I stuck exclusively to my human form. So as soon as we first saw the movie my fictiotype is in I knew right off the bat I shared the same name and appearance as one of the characters. (Since myself and the two other hosts of this system were aging roughly at the same rate as our body, I was even around the age as the character in question, so it was even easier to see the resemblance. However, it wasn’t just the name and appearance. Seeing the movie, it was almost like watching old home videos from your childhood: you just knew that was you from some time ago, you generally remembered stuff (give or take some hazy spots) but from a first-person perspective, and everything. But bizarrely enough, that being weird somehow didn’t click in our system’s brain. We knew I was Jim, but we didn’t recognize that as odd. We just went about our life like that knowledge wasn’t anything noteworthy. Even when our system discovered the term fictionkin because of the therian community, I didn’t connect the dots.
 It wasn’t until a month ago, while talking in-system about what movies we could watch that this anomaly was highlighted. It wasn’t even me who brought it to light. While glancing through DVDs I saw our old copy of Treasure Planet and dismissively said I didn’t want to watch it which led to Miushra asking questions as to why I didn’t, and it was her who pointed out how similar I looked to the character. It was only then everything fell into place. It wasn’t even a question of “do I actually identify as this character?” It was a realization of years of knowing I was that character meant I was fictionkin. I had made the discovery long ago. I just never connected it to fictionkin. Somehow. Cognitive dissonance can be one hell of a thing, I guess. I hadn’t “missed the signs;” I had hit all the signs and hadn’t bothered to read any of them or wonder why they were in my way.      
 And it didn’t end there.
 Long story short: the three hosts at House of Chimeras: myself, Earth Listener, and Ocean Watcher don’t just have names that really follow a similar pattern. Everything about us kind of does that. If one thing is the case for one of us, then something along the same lines (but not in the same way) will be the case for the other two. That is why we call ourselves siblings. So, when I realized I was not just a therian but also fictionkin that got Earth Listener and Ocean Watcher thinking if there was any character they knew they were but hadn’t ever made the connection either. And they did. Earth Listener realized her being San from Princess Mononoke was something unusual as did Ocean Watcher with the character, Tetsu from Blue Submarine No. 6. (And they also had to deal with the feeling of “how did I never question this?!” like I did.)
 Since discovering this we’ve been equal parts wanting to talk about this to others (because what the fuck, this is buck wild) but also highly anxious to talk about it as well (because of all our bad experiences with fictionkin being treated terribly in the not too distant past). But also, talking about it to others, or just writing about it, is useful for us to get a handle on our thoughts. Like, how we connect our fictiotypes into our existing personal mythology regarding our origins, and more.  
 This essay isn’t a grand splash but a timid dipping our toes into the water. A shy opening up about the three of us being not just therians, but fictionkin as well. It is so bizarre to have known something for a decade but were not aware of it until recently. We are anxious how people might react, either to just how ridiculously oblivious we were for a decade or to the news we are fictionkin in general, but we want to share this anyway.
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taddymason · 3 months
asks about kaida? don't mind if i do
what does kaida rhink about the other children in the ninja team (arin - sora - wyldfyre )
if she could die her hair any color which colro would she choose
is jay ever going to drag her to therapy
what is her vaforite fruir
would she go insane over hot chocolate or not
and one last one: when is her brithday and woul dhr celebarte it
Ty for the asks!!!
-Of the team she would probably get along with best is Wyldfyre, they would have fun making jokes and getting into trouble so it would be impossible to leave them unsupervised for less than an hour. I also imagine that Wylfyre of the kids would be the least interested in the whole amnesiac Jay drama, or that Kaida and Jay are such jerks to the entire team in the beginning. Like, she just wouldn't care and that's why it would be easier for Kaida to interact with her.
with Arin, I don't know why, but I imagine their friendship would be like that of Aang and Toph from ATLA, like siblings who fight sometimes with Kaida calling Arin nicknames and things like that. ALSO it would be important for these two to have something in common and that is that Arin really has no problem taking out an enemy, you know, by killing them, even if it goes against Lloyd's teachings. It would be curious for Kaida how someone who is practically a cinnamon roll at the same time he has her mentality of quickly having no problem killing if he needs it.
And with Sora, it's really interesting because I've been thinking about these two interacting and apart from coming from quite oppressive and strict realms, they are extreme opposites in many ways. Sora was the Imperium's prodigy that everyone had high hopes for but once she realized how badly things were working in her kingdom, her family completely abandoned her and she ran away the first chance she got. Meanwhile Kaida was a rebellious girl in whom no one had expectations, and she tried to run away and failed. But once she had a family she had no problem staying in the Administration even if she was aware to some extent of how bad that system was. So I think it would be interesting for them to interact and think about how they practically reacted in quite different ways to the problems of the places where they lived.
-I had this idea from @fancypersonaskeletonturtle, and that is that if Kaida could dye her hair it would probably be something reddish or white because fox colors.
-maybe later because that would require Kaida to agree to go to therapy to which she would just go into denial and say "traumas? pfff I don't have any trauma". guess who she learned it from
-She is not a fan of fruit but her fav would be kiwi.
-ACTUALLY, I have a christmas one shot of Kaida trying hot chocolate for the first time and deciding that she would be happy to drink that for the rest of her life; so yes. If it were up to her she would drink that every day instead of water.
-Her birthday is July 24. Since there are really no celebrations of any kind in the Administration, it would be strange for her to celebrate her birthday, but once she gets used to the idea of gifts she would ask to go camping somewhere really cool (she loves traveling between kingdoms more than material gifts).
Thanks for the ask, I love rant about the hellspawn
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Welp, I played and finished Fire Emblem Engage!
NGL, it's really, REALLY good.
Like the people who reviewed the game before it was released did not do it justice. (not that I cared for those reviews anyways). Sure the story is simple when compared to Houses, but that doesn't make it bad. Sure plot points are rather predictable if you've played past games, but their played out in more interesting ways.
Like while it was fairly obvious that Alear was related to Sombron. It was surprising that Lumera wasn't Alear's biological mother. Found family tropes aren't really common in FE games (since parents usually die). Yet the bond that Alear and Lumera shared, despite Alear being taught to kill divine dragons and Lumera's family dying because of the Fell Dragon... and said bond being so strong that she took years out of her own life to bring them back?
That, right there, is family.
And on the topic of Sombron and Lumera. There were already plenty of parallels before the game was even out. Lumera's name meaning light and Sombron's name meaning shadow, divine and fallen. But then you play the game and you find one more thing that they have in common. They both lost everything. In the final battle you find out that Sombron's people were killed and he was exiled to another world (aka Elyos). The difference is that Lumera found a new family in Alear and by the looks of it, moved on. While Sombron HAD someone at first, an Emblem from another world known as the Zero Emblem. Yet the Emblem vanished when Sombron was taken in by a village, and after that he decided to stay alone, pushing away people who genuinely cared for him like Veyle.
He's still obviously the villain. Even with that backstory, he hurt too many people, was willing to destroy a world just to get back to his own. Sombron killed his own kids because they were 'defects'. Because of his treatment, past Alear behaved like an emotionless puppet due to trauma and fear of being killed like his siblings. You can sympathise with a villain while still seeing them as the bad guy.
Same can be said for Zephia. She did so many horrible things, tried to erase the real Veyle, killed Marni, which honestly that scene brought tears to my eyes. When we learn her backstory, we find that she was also alone. She never got to know what Love really was until it was too late. Zephia wanted a family, a child, and she genuinely thought of the Hounds as her family. Hell in the scene where she and Griss were dying, she finds out that Griss truly saw her as a mother/sister. It does kinda make we wish that they could have joined us, but oh well.
Also glad that they actually gave an explanation as to why Alear and Veyle never turned into dragons. Past Alear gave their dragon stone to Veyle (which then breaks when Alear dies), and Veyle in a wake up event reveals that she buried her dragon stone. I would have liked to see how a Fell/Divine dragon hybrid would look like, however, as despite not being biologically related, Lumera giving her powers to Alear made them in part a Divine Dragon.
Then there's these little moments in the game that just makes it shine. Like meeting Fogado's retainers, aka Pandreo's hilarious reaction of 'Oh hey it's God... GOD!?'. King Morion (despite not lasting long) being revealed to absolutely loving both his kids was nice. I really thought that he wouldn't have been a good guy, but he was a sweetheart? I wish he lasted longer tho.
Honestly the whole Brodia fam is just great, I love them.
I like how if you get a game over during the final battle, you don't just get a game over screen, you get a bad ending. Alear loses their divine side, Veyle is under Sombron's control again and has Alear's emblem ring. Everyone dies. There's not really that many bad endings in FE games. At least as far as I'm aware? I mean there's the 'right' thing to do, finishing Grima off as Robin so that the Fell dragon's gone forever, choosing to side with neither Hoshido or Nohr to save everyone. But never an ending that straight up goes 'you fucked up big time'. Even Three Hopes, despite the fact that sure, recruiting Byleth is the 'right' decision, with the exception of Scarlet Blaze, there's no huge consequence for choosing to kill them (though the story just kinda... drops at the end so we never known what happens afterwards)
Granted it's a small scene and you get brought back to the fight soon after, but it's still really neat that they did that.
All in all I really enjoyed this game. It makes it abundantly clear that Engage was meant to be an anniversary title that got delayed. I can't wait for the next instalment which there's a 90% chance of being a Genealogy remake. We should find out about it in about 2-3 years since that seems to be the release pattern FE games have atm. Unless there's any delays.
I didn't get the DLC yet, but now I think I will. Just to see the side story we'll get and also to meet new Emblems/new Characters.
Oh and yes, I married Alfred.
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lizardrosen · 2 months
I'll Board Him Presently
Part Three of my ongoing Viscount's Men series, about the Bridgerton siblings performing Hamlet. This covers the first half of 2.2: Hamlet's antic disposition up to the entrance of the Players (Part One, Part Two)
tagging @glintglimmergleam and @avocado-moon
Anthony doesn’t think Eloise should go to university, but his Hamlet thinks her Ophelia should get to go study wherever she pleases. It’s something he has in common with Benedict’s Laertes, and with Benedict himself for that matter. (Hamlet would say one of the few things they share; Laertes would say one of the many things). They’re both in awe of her “most ingenious wit” and the more Hamlet observes the corruption of this place he’s always taken for granted, the more he thinks it’s no place for her.
Hamlet also shares Laertes’s irritation with Polonius, which is both less personal and less tempered by love, and now that he’s pretending to be insane he can say whatever he wants as obnoxiously as he can manage, and no one will stop him. When he tells Polonius, “Let her not walk in the sun,” he’s mocking his policy of keeping her locked away because it’s obvious that he’s the one behind Ophelia refusing Hamlet’s letters.
Hasn’t he learned by now that she’ll find a way to do what she wants, with or without his permission. Hamlet’s also playing a game with himself to see how silly he can get Polonius to act to try to humor the prince, and the answer is “quite a bit, actually.” The asides justifying his near-nonsense as wiser than his years is even better than Hamlet could have planned.
“Will you walk out of the air, my lord?” “Into my grave?” is a sincere question, he’s really asking if that’s where he’s headed, and “except my life, except my life, except my life” starts out joking but then he thinks about how hard and how easy it is to take a life, and if someone kills him first he won’t have to kill anyone. It could almost transition straight into To Be Or Not To Be, but even though Anthony is fairly open to different character interpretations, he’s a purist when it comes to rearranging scenes, so instead he’s greeted by Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, of young days brought up with him.
Tom Stoppard hasn’t come along yet, and neither has Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot which inspired him, or the world wars which inspired that, so Ros and Guil don’t have the existential terror of being written characters with no context but each other, or the double-edged sword of fate and probability. What they do have is Gregory, who’s quite used to playing small roles that move the plot along and are forgotten again, and he gives them enough of an inner life to make them interesting to perform and to watch.
As far as he’s concerned, it’s just saying the quiet part loud that the king and queen have summoned them from nowhere to learn as friends what royalty cannot, and even though he’s destined to die offstage, Horatio’s horrified reaction to Hamlet’s casual slaughter is memorial enough for him.
So here they are, wearing a hat he can turn around on his head to show and R or a G depending who he is for each line. Sometimes he changes his name with a flourishing bow, hat in hand, but if the dialogue’s quick enough he’ll just reach up to spin it around. He’s also got enough energy to move around quickly and appear to be in two places enough, if you suspend your disbelief a little.
Anthony agrees that Hamlet hasn’t seen them for several years, almost a decade, which is of course an unfathomable amount of time for Gregory. They were schoolfellows, but not at Wittenberg. Hamlet hasn’t talked about his life to his parents for so long that these two were the only ones Gertrude knew for sure he’d ever been friends with and knew where they were living so she could send for them. And clearly they don’t know Hamlet very well because if they did they’d be trying to hide incredulous snickers at “Sure I am two men there are not living to whom he more adheres,” because ma’am, Horatio is right there.
Still, she’s not that far off the mark, Hamlet does remember them fondly and becomes a younger, more carefree version of himself — “Then you live about her waist, or in the middle of her favours?” “Faith, her privates, we,” becomes a tickle fight.
When Hamlet asks why his friends have been sent to prison he’s not testing them or doubting their motivations, not yet. It’s just self-evident to him that Denmark a prison and no one would come here willingly, but he thinks it’s bad luck and not a plot that brought him here, so he’s a little jealous that they’re such strangers to Elsinore that they don’t feel trapped by it.
Ros jumps on the chance to steer their talk to ambition and shadows and dreams, and Guil follows his lead because that seems a likely reason for him to be acting so strangely. Hamlet takes note of the abrupt change but is more interested, for the moment, in chasing down the shadow of a dream, but he’s observing them more closely after that, and after intentionally muddling the imagery of who’s following whom, the kings or the beggars, he abruptly changes their direction again — “Shall we to the court? For by my fay I cannot reason!” — and they’re too quick to wait upon him. This is when he really starts feeding his own suspicion with little tests and needling questions.
Gregory doesn’t play them as nervous or guilty when Hamlet questions them more in particular, or even sly when they’re trying to figure him out — they’re just innocently doing the task they’ve been given, so they have no idea how much danger they’re in, and they’re confused why it’s so important whether they were sent for or not, but there’s no hasty consultation for them to get their story straight, and no awkward regret before Guildenstern answers, “My lord, we were sent for.”
Hamlet’s almost relieved that this was relatively easy, but then he gets suspicious of the feeling of relief, and weary of his own suspicions, and he figures they’ll come up with something to tell the king and queen no matter what, so if he at least gives them something true that doesn’t touch on Claudius he’ll be that much safer.
And maybe he hopes they’ll understand how he’s feeling, and he’s disappointed but not very surprised when Rosencrantz makes it into a joke. Why should he have hoped for them to be other than they are? Ros fumbles for an explanation and comes up with the players, so Hamlet switches his attentions to finding out everything about them.
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