#these episodes have been so scrumptious..
nemnums · 9 months
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it adventure time…
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fluidstatick · 26 days
I can't stop thinking about the latest episode of Critical Role. What a delicious gut punch it all is.
Like DAMN, wallpapering over the black mold in the house that is Bell's Hells didn't backfire at all, did it? Y'all spent so much time people pleasing, and overextending yourselves, and letting each other slide for hiding Heinously Important Shit.
Was it worth it?
Your Warlock's abuse cycle with her patron is turning into PVP roulette. Your Sorcerer says she's got everything under control, but she's stretched veeeeery thin, and her tether isn't tethering effectively at the moment. Your Druid can't be left to her own devices for five minutes without following a cute walking honeypot into something Fucking Heinous, and she's too scared of losing her dumpster fire of a found family to put her foot down about much of anything, even if she wants to - Zathuda being the one exception, somehow. The Cranky Punk Barbarian is rapidly becoming the Calm and Reasonable One, the Unhinged Bloodhunter has become The Practical One, The Fighter is rapidly losing his grip on what it means to be part of a team, and the Cleric, despite spending half the campaign demanding My Way or the Highway, succumbed to their own obsession with self sacrifice a couple days back and y'all haven't even BEGUN to grapple with how vulnerable that makes you.
So now the question isn't necessarily "Can these chucklefucks save the world?" -- It's "Hey! Was it worth it, kids?" Is repeatedly reassuring each other, without actually examining the threats within or around them, actually doing anything constructive?
I've been frustrated with the Hells' lack of communication for A Year of Episodes, and now it's finally catching up to them, and the vindication is scrumptious. Are they gonna keep painting over the corruption in their midst until their house rots through and crushes them? Are they gonna turn on each other, and burn the house down around themselves? Is Ludinus really the baddie, or is it each and every one of our so called heroes, and their neon flashing weak points?
Gimme the Banality of Evil, gimme the Fantasy Centrist to Authoritarian pipeline, gimme "oh gods, what have we done?" Gimme "What if the REAL treasure was the perspective we lost along the way?" I'm here, I'm queer, and I'm rooting for Nobody.
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zootopiathingz · 3 months
Genuine question: Why do you ship Radiobelle? I've seen a lot of people doing it, and I'm curious as to what the appeal is!
The real question is, why do people ship anything? Why do we all see two or sometimes more characters interact with each other and imagine how cool it would be if they both had deep-seated romantic feelings for the other?
Answer: cuz we can!😌
Idk about the rest of you, but I don’t exactly have much control over what I ship and don’t ship😅 I just see the characters together and my brain randomly decides either “yes I want them to make out” or “nooo I don’t really see it”. (I am in no way a pro shipper though cuz no)
But as for Radiobelle specifically, there’s just something about them that my silly fangirl heart can’t resist. While I am fairly new to the HH fandom, I did watch the pilot around the time it came out and a small part of me did ship them back then. But I never really allowed myself to indulge in it and I just wasn’t that into the show anyway so I didn’t bother. Now, after actually watching the episodes and engaging in fandom content, I finally embraced the cringe to the full extent and let myself be consumed by the radio demon and his charming demon belle! :P
Now I’m aware that the majority of people don’t like Radiobelle, or even full-on hate it for multiple reasons. Sure, whatever. You don’t have to like every ship, nor does anyone expect you to! I can understand it’s not for everybody. The main thing that bugs me, though, is when people try to start arguments about why it’ll never be canon and why you shouldn’t ship it. “Charlie is with Vaggie and Alastor is aro/ace!” People ship Alastor with a multitude of other characters and nobody bats an eye,, why is it only when you see him being drawn with Charlie that you lose your shit and get offended about his sexuality being ‘erased’? (That’s a topic for a whole other post tbh). And people can ship Charlie with other people. Hell, they DO! I’ve seen numerous art of her and other characters.
Then there’s also the “Alastor thinks of her as his daughter!” See, I want everybody to actually watch episode 5 again and come back to me on this. No, he fucking does not. The only reason he was saying any of that was to get under Lucifer’s skin. That’s it. That was his whole intention. He doesn’t like Lucifer and wanted to rub it in his face that he has been a lousy father to his daughter, in comparison to all the ways he has helped her, with the hotel and whatever else.
Phew, now that I’ve gotten that out of the way! Onto why Radiobelle has stolen my heart!
I just love their dynamic and it all really started with the pilot. Alastor—this mysterious force of nature who can kill anyone and anything, is capable of unimaginable power and torture—randomly showing up on the doorstep of a hotel to help out. And literally no one else trusts him (reasonably so) but Charlie, the good-hearted soul she is, lets him in. She’s cautious, of course, but she’s giving him the chance to do some good because that’s what her dream is all about!
Now while I do wish they had some more interactions in the actual show, what we have so far is scrumptious✨ Alastor may have been giving an abundance of praise to Charlie to piss off her dad, but I don’t think he was lying. Deep down I’m sure he is enjoying the time they’ve spent together—even if he doesn’t fully realize it. Charlie defends Al’s sadistic behavior to her dad because he was doing it to defend the hotel (and bc he’s a cocky mf lol but it’s endearing to her in a way).
Oh and don’t even get me STARTED on episode 7 bro,, omfg the content!! The way he’s extra touchy with her even after they’ve made their deal. Her being nervous and stressed out but he encourages her anyway and verbally admits that he had faith in her the whole time. Him giving her his microphone—which is likely the main source of his power as shown in episode 8 (where he let her use his mic AGAIN!!!) which just shows how much he actually trusts her,, UGH it’s just 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻 give me more!!
Now, do I expect Radiobelle to become canon? No. Would it be fucking awesome if it did? Oh absolutely. But I know it won’t, and I don’t care! I’m having the time of my life shipping these two hell-dwelling idiots and I don’t care what anyone says about it!😋
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saliosis · 9 months
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your subway order total is $19.21
(extra notes below)
ok, so here's the deal with the slight design change! (i swear, it's cool)
i wanted to make chuck latino because i joked about it once (w/ fred stoller being on handy manny saying "my amigos 😆" and then saying his colors look like the flag of colombia 💀) but it stuck for some reason. to me, it works PERFECTLY.... if becky can be an alien who is
"ambiguously brown"
then why can't a sandwich person like chuck also be brown, yknow 🔥⁉️
(help i keep accidentally latinoifying wg characters--)
chuck? nah. he is now, officially
chuck el sandwichero perverso 🥪🇨🇴‼️🔥
(as they call him in the spanish dub aka chica supersabia)
for starters, i wanted to experiment with changing the type of bread he's based on. i can assume chuck is based on the classic sandwich made up of white bread (...💀) so i wanted to change it up for latino chuck.... yknow... yknow.... yknow.... 🕴️
i'm also just not a fan of plain white bread 🤕 LMFKAJDKSN
i had a couple of options to chose from so i can upgrade his sandwichness™ 💭 but i decided to settle onnnnnnn..........................
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funky multigrain bread!! my favorite 🥄🥄‼️ anytime i make a sandwich, i usually reach for this bread... (and when i say "anytime" i mean the times i'm extra and watch a chuck episode while eating a sandwich 💀💀)
i like the idea of chuck having seeds and grains on his face... think of it like moles, freckles, or even acne scars if you will 🤷‍♂️ brent straight-up has seeds on him that represent freckles so why not, right⁉️ we can get creative here w/ it!!
plus- he's so much more bread-like this way
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above is a fast doodle, but it is what i ended up sticking with for my design. if you see in the final drawing, i did shift around with some of his costume colors to make it work with the bread type-colors!!
i imagine brent being a variation of bread that looks similar to chuck. that way chuck can be multigrain bread and brent can be another type.
parent who is multigrain bread + parent who is another type of bread = two siblings, each being one of two options of bread because of genes™ (wow. sandwich person science 😍😍🥪🧬 /s)
my two options for brent's bread type? because i will probably never draw that man? either molasses bread (left) or even dark rye (right)?? but i lean towards dark rye brent because that idea seems so scrumptious to me
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ngl i have never been too sure what type of bread brent is based on......
the wiki doesn't really help me decide. he has freckles that seem to be like seeds, so that means he's a type of bread that has seeds. but also, not that many seeds.... which is likely an animation thing since animating all those damn seeds must be hard. but idk? but his skin tone is very slightly darker than chuck so that makes me think he isn't white bread based™ (help what am i talking about)
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if any bread experts™ out there have some guesses, let me know so we can talk about that more. for some reason, this is really fascinating.
anyways.... latino brent can be real too 🤷‍♂️
brent 😍🥪🇨🇴🔥‼️
(because i swear to god they just call him brent in the spanish dub instead of his long ass name)
but yeah 👍 that's my little hc-chuck related ramble. i may not talk about him, but i really fuckin love chuck 😭
............ .. . . . ... . .... . .. . ...... . .. ...... ....... .. .. .. .....typing this out has made me realize how much thought, effort, and research i have done all because of a joke i made. a joke i made about a cartoon character from a kids show where we haven't gotten new content in years. and that it's likely that i'm the only person thinking so deeply about a family of sandwiches--
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opticfile · 8 months
hi there! i absolutely adore your writing it's so scrumptious !!!!!!!
i was wondering if i could request an alfred x depressed! gn! reader drabble? where reader has just been stuck in a major depressive episode for weeks and yeah, you can take it wherever you'd like. thank you so much! :))
✧ thank you?? for the req?? this is the first one I've gotten and its not for genshin YIPPEEEEE,,,,, also warning my only point of reference for a depressive episode is my own experience so I'm sorry if this doesn't represent what its like completely accurately!! i also didnt want to like be too heavy in "you're so sad rn!!1!!!1! and depressed!!!!1!!111!!!!" so i tried to make it like,,, moreso implied? I'm doing my best here D: also had no clue how to end it LMAO
—✦ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬 // insinuations of depression, self loathing, fluff, bathtime teehee, completely sfw
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Alfred wiped his feet on the welcome mat in front of your apartment’s door. He transferred a few of the grocery bags from his right hand to his left and fished his keys out of his coat’s pocket, humming gently to himself. The air was humid and chilly; he just wanted to see you but when he walked into your home he did not find the warmth he usually found.
Your apartment was like a warm hug to Alfred. On cool fall days, you’d have a space heater on low in your living room and a candle burning in the kitchen. He would walk in and take a deep deep breath and smile. Your couch was plush and there were countless pillows adorning your bed and no matter where he was sitting he felt encompassed by warmth.  He found comfort in your home, and in your arms.
But today, he did not hear your voice call out for him when his boots hit your crooked rug.
The first thing his eyes found was days-old take-out boxes on your coffee table. He frowned, browline creasing as he suddenly felt this unease in his soul. It wasn’t like you to leave take-out boxes just sitting on your coffee table, especially not for days at a time, and the slight smell of old, possibly rotting, food was only deepening his frown. 
He ventured deeper into your kitchen and was met with dishes piled in the sink and grains of sugar still lingering on your countertops. The kitchen towel that was usually hooked over your oven’s handle had fallen to the mat below it and was piled upon itself. He gently placed the grocery bags in his hand on your floor, turning from the sheer mess in your kitchen to find you. He just wants to see you, he just wants to see you, he just wants to see-
You were curled up in your blankets dead-center on your bed. There were pillows discarded on the floor and clothes sprawled out across it. The corners of your room were collecting dust bunnies that looked as if they were huddling for warmth and shivering in the cold atmosphere of your home. Your phone was held loosely in your hand as your chest rose and fell.
Alfred turned on his heel.
Alfred was always told he knew how to lift someone's mood. He’s been called a golden retriever, a ray of sunshine, cheer incarnate. He’s always been able to make people laugh with any old joke he threw out, and he’s always been able to have a good time no matter what obstacles stood before him. Some people thought his joy and optimism were extreme, too much, annoying, obnoxious. Alfred has always been sunny, but even the weather got cloudy for him, sometimes. 
(and for you it was storming, and he wanted to be your umbrella)
But he was always told he could make anyone smile, and for you? He would give everything to see you smile.
So he grabbed your sponge and pumped it full of dish soap and got to work.
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Your eyes were reluctant to open. 
Rain pounded against your bedroom window, your phone buzzed with the sound of a random YouTube video you weren't watching as you removed your hand from it and turned over in your bed. Your legs were tangled in the sheets—the ones you probably should wash soon—and the air was musty. If it weren't for the obvious shuffling you heard in the rest of your apartment you would stay like that and wallow in self-pity.
Your feet hit the cold hardwood and you made a mental note to find your slippers after you figured out who was in your home (you already had an idea of who it was judging from the light humming). You felt the grime and dust beneath your skin and you frowned. You really needed to sweep.
Your door opened with a creek.
You hated seeing the disgusting state of your home, you were ashamed of it frankly. You needed to clean and yet had none of the motivation to do it so you just sat in your dirt and grit your teeth. The smell in the air was heavy and stuffy and only reflected how you felt inside. You had been getting nothing done, no work, no chores, not even your little hobbies you did for fun were bringing the joy they usually did. 
But by far the place you avoided the most was the kitchen. The kitchen was nothing but one big chore. Dishes piled up and stains on your counter and spills down your cabinets were the only things you could see in that disgrace of a room. You didn’t even want to cook, it's not like you even could with the messy state of your stove, either. So the takeout boxes on your coffee table (which were now missing) stood as evidence of your laziness and poor habits and frankly you were sick of yourself can you do anything right-
“Y/n?” An all too familiar voice called out from the kitchen, “Are you awake?”
“Yeah,” You responded, voice groggy and mouth thick.
You rounded the corner to see Alfred drying his hands off with a fresh kitchen towel. Your kitchen was… spotless. Alfred flashed you that bright grin of his, pearly whites lined up perfectly straight, and you let yourself relax a bit as you waddled over to your lover.
You found comfort in Alfred’s smile, in his arms. In that sunny warmth of his that he always carried with him. It felt like the skies were clearing up when he wrapped himself around and nuzzled into your hair, kissing the top of your head and ignoring the fact your hair was a bit greasy and unwashed. Alfred didn't care. That’s why you loved him. Er, that’s not the only reason, but it sure did help that he could hold your hand as you puked your guts out from food poisoning and he would still kiss you after. 
“Hi.” You murmured into his chest as his arms tightened around you.
“Hey, baby,” He laid another kiss on your head, “I missed you.”
“I missed you too.” 
“Feelin’ ok? A little stormy?” He ran his nails along your scalp and scratched a metaphorical spot that no one else could even find in your soul as you nodded into his chest. “D’ya wanna take a bath?”
“Mhm.” You spoke weakly, eyes filling with tears at the sheer amount of care in his voice as he rubbed your back.
“Hey, look at me,” Alfred pulled back gently, hand now finding your cheek, “No crying, the hero’s here, remember? I’ll save you.”
You frowned. The hero. Alfred always was your knight in shining armor no matter what the issue was. When you got fired Alfred was the one to buy your groceries and pay your bills and help you with your resume. When you got food poisoning from a seafood restaurant he took you on a date to he was the one to buy you medicine and rub your bad when your stomach was killing you from the inside out. And now he’s the one who’s squeezing shampoo into his palms and rubbing it on your scalp while you choke on your own sobs.
He raked his hands through your hair and rubbed circles into your head and down your neck to try and soothe you as you fell apart in his hands and let everything out. It was the kind of breakdown that was snotty and ugly but Alfred still saw nothing but perfection in every part of your face. From the tear droplets caught in your eyelashes to the curve of your nose to the shape of your chin, he saw nothing but the love of his life.
He took the showerhead down and returned to his knees by the tub, water soaking through his jeans and socks as he kneeled next to you to wash your hair. He had you sit up a bit and put his hand on your forehead to shield your eyes from the water as he rinsed the shampoo from your hair and whispered nothing but love. Hiccups bubbled from your ribcage as you came down from the peak of your crying and let your nails scratch your legs, peeling dead skin away in red stripes.
“Feel better?” Alfred slathered some conditioner on your hair. 
“Why didn’t you call me?” He raked his hands through your hair gently, “I would’ve come over sooner.”
“I wanted to, I just forgot.” You frowned, “Sorry.”
“It’s okay, I love you.” Alfred took the shower head and started rinsing out your hair again.
“I love you too, Alfie.”
He grinned at the nickname, heart fluttering against his ribs.
He stood from his place by the tub and stretched out a hand to help you out of the bath, handing you a fresh towel. He took one of your hand towels and draped it over your head, smiling brightly at you as you wrapped the towel around yourself and pulled you into his arms. Your skin was still damp and the air was hot and foggy as he wet his t-shirt with the water dripping from your hair.
The door opened and in flooded crisp, cool air as the steam fluttered out of the bathroom and the smell of a burning candle invaded your senses. 
You rummaged through your dresser and found a t-shirt and pajama pants, pulling them on before making your way into the living room to see Alfred fiddling with your T.V. remote.
“What’d’ya wanna watch?”
“Something funny,” You responded, plopping yourself down onto your couch and laying back on it. 
“Sounds good to me,” Alfred murmured as he crawled into your arms, sprawling himself over you as gently as possible so he wouldn't smother you.
“Do you wanna order takeout?” You ran your hands through his hair as your attention was grabbed by the T.V.
“Sure.” He nuzzled into your neck and finally relaxed in your arms, “I love you.”
“I love you more.”
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✧ navigation.
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the-stove-is-divorced · 3 months
What is your favorite scene in Invincible?
Personally, I was extremely hooked by the eighth episode in season one. GOOD LORD I rewatched Mark and Nolan's fight at least 50 times. I love how Mark's desperate denial, anger and slow acceptance of how things actually were is shown on his face the whole time. Everything happens so fast he doesn't have a choice but to react in the moment and process later. The people in the subway die beacuse he wasn't strong enough. His father started this whole mess because he was getting antsy about Mark not getting powers and his mission breathing down his neck. Maybe if Mark had developed his powers faster, he would have been stronger and able to stop his dad. If he had taken his training more seriously, he would have been more capable and less people would have died.
Was his whole life a lie, the years spent admiring his father worthless? The now downturned family pictures a constant reminder of what his life should have continued to be like. How many nights does Mark spend awake thinking about this, replaying his greatest, most painful loss over and over again?
Shower thoughts. They come and haunt me for the rest of the day. Week. Month. Year. Send help-
But funny enough, that scene is actually one of my favorites! I can confirm it will never stop haunting you. You will be consumed by the pure what the fuckery of that scene and all it's delightful implications forevermore. Like oh my goodness, it is such a good fight scene! It's incredibly well animated, first of all. Like hello, give those animators a raise and a paid vacation. But then complimenting the animation is the VA's and writing! Also deserving of a raise and vacation. They absolutely cooked here, it's so scrumptious it's actually sickening.
There's such a masterful display of dread and horror building as Mark's own world, how he views his father, how he thinks about heroism, his power, his blood, is being completely will forever be changed! The way he views his own father will forever tainted by Nolan's completely willing displays of such egregious cruelties.
Literally everything you said above is something I'm sure Mark thinks about constantly, and how could you not? It's horrific to witness in general, but so insidiously personal as his own father slaughters innocents while insisting it's his fault. The massive amount of guilt that falls upon Mark's shoulders has got to be insane. And he almost died himself! By his father's hand! When the show switched between Nolan beating him bloody to Nolan proudly holding a young Mark up after a home run? Bro, I was sobbing.
And YES! How do you comprehend that the same father who said he loved you, that loved a planet enough to protect it, who saved countless of lives, who was proud of you, raised you, helped you, is also the same person who slaughtered thousands and blamed you for not joining him in planetary colonization, killing with his bare hands and insist it's Mark's fault, all while Mark is struggling between saving the victims, fighting Nolan, and trying to survive Nolan, himself. INSANE!
What makes it so much worse is just before this Mark kinda got what he wanted, if he was fighting side by side with his Dad! He still was feeling hopeless about how impactful he's supposed to be, but in that moment he was helping his Dad fight some beast together. And then it completely unravels.
And speaking of unraveling, the s2 scene as Mark is held by the neck from Nolan, whose screaming at him why he cares about an entirely different civilization being destroyed after just showing Mark he meant every single word about replacing his family entirely? I was gagged. I was screaming at the TV. I was sobbing on the floor. That lives in my head rent free every single second of my life. There is no escape. It felt like looking at a healing, deadly wound that just barely cost a victim's life, one that still aches on bad days and could make one wince if straining, and then tearing it open with a rusty knife. Oh my god. Nolan confirming everything he told Mark in s1 and then holding him by the fucking neck, and screaming at him?
Tysm for the asks!! ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡ I fucking love this show so much. Mark my beloved and Nolan my beloathed.
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orangejuice-flowers · 11 months
Omp so I have been watching “Celebrity” on Netflix and holy cow! Shit just hit the fan.
Highly recommend it! I love just the right amount of drama and story!
The idea for the show is wonderful and I love also being able to see the fashion presented in the each episode. Haven’t finished it yet but man is it scrumptious.
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theydemily · 2 years
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Entertainment Weekly ‘Exclusive Criminal Minds’ - February 2007
the fact that morgan and prentiss were supposed to have this little flirtation in future seasons is such scrumptious news.
without going so far as an inter-team relationship, i imagine they could’ve toed the arena of banter and slow-burn desire as often as they pleased. tbh whatever crumbs they wanted to offer, i would’ve eaten it up.
however, with the departure of mandy patinkin, it seems that some of the character exploration that was teased got scratched. on top of this, i think the real life banter between shemar and kirsten bled through and ultimately became part of the show’s DNA.
BUT STILL. “prentiss and morgan will continue their flirtation” as to confirm that they had ALREADY been flirting??? calling back to the moments near the end of season 2??? (yes, i’m looking at that coffee & kurt vonnegut scene and the deleted scene from the very same episode.)
anyways, if you need me, i’ll be ascending. there’s nothing anyone can say to me when i know that the writers were gonna give me flirty demily.
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ranhaitanisgf · 5 months
OH YEAH THIS NEW ANIME THAT MAPPA MADE CALLED 'Bucchigiri?!' CAME OUT LAST SATURDAY AND LET ME TELL YOU HOW EXCITED I WAS. I waited a full on YEAR FOR THIS MF TO COME OUT‼️ I literally woke up early to watch it right as it streamed 💀 this anime is one of the few things getting me through finals let me tell you 🙁😭 Within the next day my friend got hit with any and every bucchigiri post I could find, but it's ok because she gets to do info dump about her shows too. The new Percy Jackson series and Hazbin Hotel. 🤭 How about you? Hyper fixating over any new shows?
BROOO i legit watched bucchigiri as soon as the episode came out the redhead is so cutie !! the mc had me cringing so hard tho like he was sayin that shit w his CHEST like gawddamn 💀💀 second hand embarrassment … he literally gives 🤓☝🏽 energy
we gonna have to debrief when next episode comes out 😁 (i was gna read the manga but then i found out it’s an original production so FUCK )
idk abt new shows but i have finally been catching up on the new two seasons for bungou stray dogs !!! it’s soooo good i forgot how good it was omg .. it was my fave anime in middle school so this is like amazing !! andddd rewatched kamisama kiss for the millionth time it was scrumptious as always !!
literally just realized i completely lied LMAOAAO i’ve been watching kdramas !! marry my husband cause i read the webtoon , my demon (they r soooo fine ) , welcome to samdal-ri , & rewatching a time called you !! one of my favesss 🗣️🗣️
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puffledthomas · 2 years
A rant on why benapuff is an awesome ship, and why all the arguments against it I’ve seen against it fall apart.
“Benatar/Puff isn’t gay”
The easiest argument first, the character have no outright confirmed sexualities and bisexuality is a thing. Also, I’m just saying how Puff acts towards Deejay in Pity F*ck isn’t very straight. What the hell do you mean “Seeing his friend in a new light” what like one of those rainbow LEDS? And the amount of lines Puff says like “It’s time for some Man on Man action 😎” definitely aren’t very heterosexual behavior. And, Benatar in the my balls alt cover. “How big are they?” This argument is made towards every single queer ship and it all adds up to blatant homophobia or just not liking a ship and being a asshole about it.
“It’s toxic because the way Puff treats Benatar/they hate each other”
That’s a nice counter argument, but unfortunately I had sexual intercourse with your mother/j- But seriously, this is a fair point on the surface, but seeing as I over analyze characters that didn’t have enough runtime to even develop into characters, I have a few things to mention. No time in the entirety of yfm is does Benatar act genuinely hurt towards Puffs comments, ever. Like sure he might frown but he’s always frowning. Always. That’s his reaction to everything, he’s a bit dense. I think the Fandom Wiki says it pretty well, “This could be friendly bantering, but it is not clear.” Another thing, Benatar joined in on the bullying in Road Rage (the episode), he was smiling and everything, he thought that shit was hilarious. And Benatar willingly does things, like he’s never manipulated into doing anything for the band, and yet he’s featured in a majority of the songs, ends up saving the band in Zombillies when he himself clearly didn’t give a shit, and gives Puff advice in the beginning of Bus Arrest. They’ve been good friends sense high school AT LEAST. If they hated each other they wouldn’t do any of that.
“It’s Proshipping!”
Uh, no 😨??? Proshipping is shipping character who are canonically abusive, related, underaged and overaged, etc. And if you read my last point you’d hopefully understand it’s not any of those things, they’re not related, and Benatar is 22 while Puff is at least 21, seeing as yfm likely takes place in America they’re all at least in their 20s. Using the term like that to describe unproblematic ships is really harmful, it paints us in a really bad light, and it over shadows the actual proshippers that need professional help.
“Shipping is RUINING the fandom!!!”
Ok this is a dumb point but I see it in a LOT of old revived fandoms, and this just covers all the popular ships, Axeben, Deepuff, you get the gist. So no, shipping is and always be a thing. And every fandom has bad apples, all of them, especially yfm. The fandom has always been overly-sexualizing, harassing people, etc. It was never good. Ever. There are a lot of good things, yes, but with the source material being the way it is what do you expect? A person shipping some British guy and his annoying ass friend isn’t going to make it worse I promise.
And now, drum roll please, why this is a cool and awesome ship 🤭 a numbered list of just a handful of things
The HARMONIES and the DUETS oh my FUCKING GOD I LOVE IT. Them singing together fuels my soul, that’s true love guy shut it.
Ok so we know that Puff usually values looks over everything. Like he loves Tig, in a genuine way (a post for another time), but he values her looks so much so that it’s one of the first things that actually come to mind. Imagine how much fucking delicious character development you can have, if you had him slowly develop feeling for someone he wouldn’t immediately find attractive, especially if it’s Benatar of all people. Fucking scrumptious.
Do you know how many tropes I can fit into these two? Depending on the day, or how I feel. Lovers to Friends, Friends to Lovers, Highschool crushes, opposites attract, only one bed, etc. Benapuff works so well for it okay? It’s perfect.
They can make each other better I’m telling you. They balance each other out.
“How big are they 🇬🇧😆”
THEY SHARE BUNKS. AND BENATARS ON TOP PEOPLE IT’S RIGHT THERE. Look I’m clenching st straws give me credit.
Their shared energy in We Like Them Girls is immaculate. Benatar literally ran a Woman over with his car what an icon.
It brings me joy and the shippers are like really cool
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the-pale-goddess · 1 year
What other fictional couple (it can be tv, movies, books, or even another fanfic couple) or celebrity couple reminds you of your OTP?
If you have any other pairings, give us one for them too!
Elsa! This question is everything, you have no idea how excited I was when I saw it in my inbox 😍 Please, forgive me this very late and extremely long reply!
I can think of two fictional couples that remind me of Ethan and Tiffany in some ways:
Roy Kent and Keeley Jones from Ted Lasso (aka the most perfect depiction of the grumpy/sunshine trope that scratches my brain just right. They’re literally Ethan x MC in a Premier League/Football AU ksbdkbdkdbdkb)
Aragorn and Arwen from LOTR
Some explanation below! Warning: spoilers included
Roy and Keeley are two charismatic individuals who are seemingly different, but end up being the ultimate OTP—two wholes that compliment one other.
He’s the type of guy whose happy face and mad face seem to be the same and people are both frightened of and impressed by him. She’s a huge flirt with a heart of gold and everyone loves her—as they should. He’s a football legend on the verge of retirement (don’t remember the exact age gap between them, but the internet says 8 years and I gladly accept jdhdkhdkb). She’s ambitious, capable and desperate to carve her own path.
From their very first interaction you just know that you’re in for a scrumptious slow burn; their chemistry is palpable, top tier banter proves how smart and fun Keeley is, uncovering how Roy’s exceptionally rough exterior softens significantly only for her. It’s obvious that they’re 100% horny for each other they’ve been into each other for quite some time now. They seem inevitable.
I absolutely adore how painfully real they are as a couple. Neither is perfect. Their flaws and insecurities make them do foolish things sometimes, but they always manage to find a way to communicate like adults, acknowledge their faults and solve the issue. Their relationship is based on honesty and accountability. They make a great team and together they’re unstoppable—they encourage, challenge, inspire, support and care for one another deeply.
They may seem tough and confident, but they’re never afraid to be vulnerable with each other and I think that’s the essence of E&T’s relationship too.
What’s more, we don’t really know much about Keeley and it gives me an impression that she’s one of those characters who are very friendly, honest and lively, easy to talk to and trustworthy, always around people, always nurturing others, and yet they share very little of what’s inside their heads, keeping any sign of their trauma, fears and insecurities locked from the outside world. And I bet there’s plenty to unpack here. That’s quite similar to what I imagine for my Tiff.
I could talk about the similarities between Reeley and E&T for hours or do some episode analysis, but I’ll spare you an entire dissertation on the topic kdhdkhdkdhkdh
As for Aragorn and Arwen, I obviously won’t delve into the fantasy and its irresistible charm, because it doesn’t apply to OH’s fictional world, but some bits of their love story feel oddly familiar:
The circumstances are against them and their relationship seems impossible.
He pushes her away. She never loses hope, never gives up and always chooses him despite all odds, inspiring his strength and igniting hope during the darkest moments.
So basically…That’s a short summary of OH1 and 2 kdhdkhdkdb Plus Liv Tyler has that ethereal glow, she’s giving off Tiffany vibes 👀
Thank you so much for thinking of me and sending this brilliant ask❤️
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khunvegas · 2 years
Compilation of Bad Kisses in BLs (Part 2)
1. The Tasty Florida
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it’s giving “i don’t know how to kiss” energy and at this point, i’m not even surprised. disappointed but not surprised. not only there was no real substance in this one, the tension was WASTED because how can you explain this horror? it makes no sense. the scene where eunkyu is helping haewon to put on the apron was scrumptious but they just gave me NOTHING with that kiss. next.
2. Given
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the thing with japan is that it’s always gonna give you good plots, you can’t go wrong with them but if there’s a kiss, it’s always gonna be bad. that’s why i think they choose NOT to add one because look. what is that. can you even call that a kiss? and it’s just sad because the anime version was GOOD (according to a lot of people) but this one didn’t live up to the expectations.
3. My Sweet Dear
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see because this one had the potential. hell, it it even had the chemistry (that scene when they first met with the apron and shit? GOOD FOOD) but you know how it is in korea: no money for workshops. the show was good, it really was but man, why can’t they deliver a good kiss? it’s like watching two walls kissing. it’s not fair.
4. Dear Doctor, I’m coming for soul (KheetaNathee)
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this happened in ep 10 and the series has 12 episodes, so can you really call them a couple? their first kiss was a spur of the moment thing when one of them was drunk and the second kiss was censored, at this time and age. so this is it. the show in general was interesting, a little overdramatic but watchable. however, them? they really didn’t add much to the mix.
5. Tinted with you.
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can you really ask that much from a show that has 8 episodes with a 10min run time, $5 and a dream? not really. however, this cemented the idea that we do like period dramas in bls and that we also like kpop idols starring in them. so, yeah, the kiss was shit and the plot could have been expanded but i loved junhee and i really fell in love with his acting, so a round of applause for him. hopefully you can kiss better in your next show, bestie.
6. Paint with love (NuengTharn)
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i wanna tell yoon he’s such a bad kisser. that he has to give it up. not only that but he’s always paired with people that don’t help his cause either. either that or he doesn’t know how to choose his roles. it’s sad.
7. Star in my mind (KluenNuea)
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i have several bones to pick from this show and the kiss(es) are one of those. not only this was directed by new and felt like a studio wabi sabi production, it felt more of the same stuff we’ve seen so far. there’s nothing remarkable about this show (if you girlies like it, you do you). what triggers me is that joong did excellent in the kissing department in 2 moons 2 and then here, that experience just disappeared. this is what happens when you pair a moderately experienced actor with a rookie. 
8. Ocean likes me
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i will open a gofundme that will be dedicated to find and hire acting coaches that are not afraid of success and will train these actors on their intimate scenes. this can’t keep going on, korea, we need to do better than this. good show tho.
9. Our days
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this show was 12 episodes of absolutely nothing, the plot was all over the place. boring and slow, hella slow. one of the leads had more chemistry with another actor than with his on screen partner. that’s how bad it was. this was on the very last episode, 5min before it ended. yes, they had sex. out of nowhere. like this show. next.
10. Senpai this can’t be love
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it’s like i said. japan always brings the most amazing plots out there, the comedy is out of this world and the quality is good enough to watch. they could have the number 1 spot for their bls. problem is, most of their shows have shitty kisses. like this one.
this silly little series was good, i liked it. there are never enough office romances. it had age gap and power imbalance that could have gone sideways. but now, it was handled good. but this kiss felt very underwhelming. that’s where it went kaput for me.
11. Fish upon the sky (both couples)
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i’m gonna be real with you here. the dialogues in this show were smart in the sense that the show itself was calling out a lot of bullshit we have seen in previous bls (the shippers, for example). it had its issues ofc; i’m not gonna talk about them because that’s not the point of this post. the point is the godawful kisses we got, especially with neolouis. this is gonna haunt me forever (i would say they got better in the eclipse but i will talk about that later). 
honestly, this show was a classic in the sense that had all the classic tropes some of us are starting to hate (the use of the character going to the bathroom and saying they are pooping is getting on my nerves and i’m glad the later shows stopped this madness). the story? 6.5/7. the kisses? -10/10.
12. I want to see only you.
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like i said before. japan knows how to their plots right, they just don’t know how to deliver a kiss. which is kind of sad because it takes impact from the show. like i really want to enjoy all of it but if the kiss it’s ugly or looks like the actors are not even into it, it’s very disappointing. show itself was a 10/10 tho.
13. Once again
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i’m once again asking korea to please PLEASE invest in some workshops because this is ridiculous. i get that the budget is low but come on. give me something more than this. like it had time travel ffs (and a very open ending). they got the materials but the execution was abysmal.
14. Takara-kun to Amagi-kun
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like i said: japan knows how to do plot but on the kissing department they are lacking. idk, i mean, i guess that it was kind of the point of this show. two high schoolers that get together and everything is awkward around each other and so, it’s not a surprise that the kisses are weird too. but it’s not just this one, it’s the majority of the bls produced in japan. good plots but almost nothing in the intimacy department.
15. The Eclipse (both couples)
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ofc i have to slander the biggest show right now. i have to be fair and like the truth is these kisses were fishy. one was supposed to be a sleeping kiss and the other idk because that was the moment where akk and aye finally agreed to be a couple so you would think their kiss would be slightly better (but akk was living in a constant state of panic up until this point, so yeah). still, they have to be here
they do get better after this tho (especially neolouis, i thought this was all that i was going to get). 
in all seriousness, this doesn’t take away how AMAZING this series was. yes, there were some loose ends here and there, ep 11 was kind of weirdly edited and it did deserve at least two more episodes but overall, it was such a good show with amazing actors, a good script, the music was great, it had everything to be that bitch right now and the most important part is that no one died at the end like the trailer suggested. nothing but praises, honestly.
Compilation of Bad Kisses in BLs (Part 1)
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koolkat9 · 1 year
7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 41, 42
Hey babe, Hetalia ask game dropped!
7. Food-related headcanon? (im hungry)
Afonso has been giving lessons to Arthur on how to cook. Because Arthur is tired of relying on other's for proper food.
Alternatively, Arthur's significant other making meals for him that he can heat up over the week when they're apart so he doesn't starve.
10. How long have you been in the fandom? What's your lore?
I've been in the fandom I think about six years? I got into it winter of 2016. Basically I watched a top 10 video regarding anime Christmas episodes and the concept sounded interesting so I added it to my watch list. I actually almost dropped the series 3 episodes in because I was watch the dub and certain jokes rubbed me the wrong way, but I'm glad I came back.
As problematic as the early content was its a series I deeply love and owe a lot to. And its a rare case where no one really cares about canon and the fandom has been able to make it something beyond just canon and I think that's beautiful.
11. What book gets you daydreaming about Hetalia?
Hmm...Books don't really get me thinking about hetalia tbh.
12. What film gets you daydreaming about Hetalia?
Hmm, I'd have to go with either Chitty Chitty Bang Bang or Treasure Planet.
Chitty Chitty Bang Band has GerEng written all over it. Arthur as Caractacus Potts, inventor and single father working hard to give his kid(s) the world. Ludwig as Truly Scrumptious, heir to a big candy company and a non-nonsense person who ends up running into the little Potts' family and coming along on an adventure in their flying car. I've literally casted the whole thing and picture the musical numbers casted as the hetalia characters.
Tresure Planet is perfect Atlantic bros au. Alfred as Jim Hawkins, a troubled kid who comes to possess the map to the elusive Treasure Planet. Arthur as Long John Silver, feared pirate captain who disguises himself and his crew to get onto the crew embarking to Treasure Planet. In the process however he grows close to Al/Jim and they develop something of a father-son relationship with Silver/Arthur being one of the first people to see Jim/Al's potential. Great for angst and sweet moments. Also pirate Arthur my beloved + steampunk like aesthetes.
13. What song gets you daydreaming about Hetalia?
Hmm...There are so many. But one of my favourites is "Doll on a Music Box" from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Because I love imaging GerEng disguised as dolls and doing the duet at the end.
Also almost any Beatles songs, specifically from the Sgt. Pepper album makes me thinking of GerEng and just them being cute listening to records together and going to concerts. But "Maratha my Dear" gives me a particular images of Ludwig singing it but replacing 'Martha' with 'Arthur.' And Arthur is jus so smitten.
41. Something positive the Hetalia fandom has done for your life?
Finally made me realize just how much I love writing. If it weren't for fanfiction writing, I don't know if I would have gone down the route of Creative Writing for University.
42. Any Hetalia merch (og or fan-made) rave-worthy?
The Alice Merch standees I got. My most valued piece of merch because I love how you can so easily turn that au into GerEng.
I also have a sticker of pixel GerEng for my computer that I just got.
Lastly, my hetalia shirt from hottopic. I don't know it makes me feeling much more comfortable wearing it. Probably because Hetalia is a big comfort for me.
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Voltron has swung a lasso around its head, thrown it at me, snared me in its trap and reeled me back in
alright so after a hiatus from Voltron stuff, and getting into Hazbin Hotel, suddenly i'm back!
i've been missing everyone, especially Acxa and Ezor (and don't forget Shiro) so i decided to get back into VLD. as i'm watching, i'm progressively getting sadder and sadder. now here's a little rant about what i noticed and shit
yes yes, we all know i love her but i was rewatching (starting on the last episode of season 6) and HOLY HELL SHE IS HOT LMAO she is an amazing fighter and is super fucking fast lol
next, so is Ezor! at this point, she's a bad guy, right? like more so than in previous episodes. i am starting to think she is a psychopath. like, she wants to torture them and she thinks it's fun! we all love a sadistic character as much as the next person but she tried to hurt Pidge and that is crossing the line!
next, Acxa again. i was looking at some screenshots of Veronica and Acxa's interactions, more specifically when Veronica says "the Acxa who turned her life around" or some shit i dunno man. that makes me think about how hard Acxa must have really tried and wanted to become good, after being raised by Galra (a mostly evil race) and being faced with discrimination.
on top of that, her leader literally went insane and threatened to wipe up the whole Galra race. she had to make the choice (several times i might add) to spilt him and the rest of the girls up. if that doesnt kill your trust, i dont know what does.
Coran is silly as fuck
Lance is stupid
poor Pidge
and Hunk
and i dunno, everything seems pretty swell 👌
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corazoncitodemelon · 8 months
oh my gosh im back ! (∩ᄑ_ᄑ)⊃━☆゚*・。*
long time no see and i am probs most def speaking into a void BUT just in case someone is listening soo much has changed since the last time i posted! ok soo i went to go see beyoncé and i am forever changed !!! she was so gorjus and sounded sooo beautiful and what made this experience that much better was that i went with all my friends!! i also got to spend some time with my family and pup which made my heart fullll <3 anyway after that super fun vacation, i had to go back to my new work location and it has not been a fun transition haha (↼_↼) ok so here's the deal i got moved to another location for work and... u guessed it i have to make new friends + get used to the location + generally entertain myself and feel comfy in this new place! and i feel like i have been doing that a lot this year which is making me super worn out and tired :p on TOP of that i think i am entering another depressive episode and this time i am alone and not around my support system which is a little concerning, but I have been using other outlets to kinda make time for myself and just do things i enjoy yk ? but okie i do def have to think of other things to talk about on here to make it a lil more fun ! i want to try a cooking challenge <giving julie and julia yk> OR a baking thing ! i have my eye on the stardew valley cookbook soooo that could be fun... whenever that comes out LOL but also on that note, i have been wanting to find a cookbook for healthy but yummy recipes ! I want to get better at that and also eat scrumptious food to nourish my body ! also did i mention i started the gym ?? (ノωヽ) hehe ik i talked lot about that BUT i have been needed to move my body and i am glad i am taking that time to do that now ! also i go in the morning and its all the girlies and older (senior) people and i love that LOL I feel better about being in that environment w/o feeling judged :3 ok well i have said so much but nothing at all at the same time and its time for me to color ! sooo byee and see you next time ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡
ps. i have been styling my hair more and i abs luv it ! it makes me feel gorgeous and like glaMOUR yk also if anyone has any tips on styling straight hair (im talking PIN straight which is def hard to work with when dry and esp after the shower as in it does not hold a curl or have volume or ANYTHING) please let me know ( ◡ ‿ ◡ *)
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gorambling · 9 months
A Time to Rest
A little fluffyish fic after the end of the last episode of the first series.
Yesterday, an angel and a demon watched Armageddon fail.
This morning a demon and angel fooled Heaven and Hell.
This afternoon an angel and demon lingered over a lengthy and scrumptious lunch.
All in all it had been an extraordinarily busy couple of days.
Aziraphale basked in the warmth and scents of his bookshop as he strolled by the shelves, eyeing the various titles until he returned to where Crowley draped in a lanky sprawl over the armchair he'd thrown himself into earlier.
They didn't need sleep, but Crowley had, as he'd once put it, gotten into the habit of getting his head down. Peering up at Aziraphale, glasses set neatly amongst the clutter on a table beside him, and slouching so deeply into the chair he was in danger of ending up on the floor, Crowley looked tired. Maybe sleep did help. Aziraphale almost said as much, but bit back the observation.
Instead, he said, "Well, he certainly knew what he was doing."
Of course, he trusted Crowley's word that everything was nearly as it had always been excepting some choice additions, but there were some things you simply had to see for yourself.
Crowley opened his mouth to reply when the phone rang.
"Bother," said Aziraphale.
"You could ignore it," said Crowley.
"I couldn't. I do have a business to run, you know"
"You're closed," protested Crowley.
He caught the twitch of Crowley's wrist, a hand just starting to raise and Aziraphale stopped him with a look. The phone would stop of its own accord without interference at the rate they were going.
"That's quite enough of that. I'll be back in a jiffy."
"If you say so, Angel."
One stubborn inquiry was gently steered away to other paths and Aziraphale hung up the phone with a sigh. Some people could be so insistent.
He returned to Crowley, saying, "Now, where were we? Oh."
He had been wrong about Crowley's risk of hitting the floor. Somehow, he'd managed to sink down just a little further, truly testing the limits of a good slump. Legs stretched out, one arm rested across his torso, and the other dangled over the side of the chair. His head sunk to his shoulder.
Aziraphale smiled. He didn't understand sleep's allure, but rest was rest, he supposed, and he couldn't deny the relief at the sight. Fetching a book and a cup of tea, he settled into the other chair for a good restful read himself.
One demon drifted in sleep. One angel lost himself in a book. And the world turned on.
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