#there simply aren't enough
intermundia · 10 months
Other than the ROTS novel would u mind recommending any books that follow George Lucas’s themes and world building? Cause I’ve heard a lot about how some of the authors kinda end up misrepresenting the Jedi and their beliefs either due to misunderstandings or for the sake of the plot and I’m just starting off reading Star Wars novels so I’d like to stick as close to the og canon as possible before I branch out.
unfortunately the issues with the jedi are a pervasive problem, so i was having trouble coming up with a good answer beyond i guess the other prequels novelizations which are decent to start with bc they're based on the scripts lmao
SO i went up the mountain to consult the sage, and @gffa gave some great advice:
"The High Republic books are actually really pretty good about sticking close to Lucas' worldbuilding and Light of the Jedi is a GREAT place to start, Soule's writing in that book was really good.
Padawan by Kiersten White is the only book that has ever come close to dethroning the Revenge of the Sith novelization by Stover. Good worldbuilding AND Obi-Wan characterization!
If you don't mind a kids' Choose Your Own Adventure book, Choose Your Destiny: An Obi-Wan & Anakin Adventure was actually really great, it had good thematic moments, it had Anakin being an adorable disaster, and Mace Windu: Theater Nerd!
Force Collector only had the briefest of established characters, but the worldbuilding was pretty perfect for me. During the time of the sequels, a Force-sensitive young man is basically set on a quest to discover the truth about the Force and the Jedi and I like the way the Force abilities worked here A LOT.
Brotherhood is a mixed bag. It comes with some serious side-eye of the way it writes Anakin (if he's an unreliable narrator, it's a good book, if you take him seriously, fucking YIKES the way the book treats Mace), it's not actually about Obi-Wan & Anakin that much, but the Obi-Wan half of the book knocks it out of the park."
so give those a shot!! i haven't read the high republic stuff yet (obikin brainrot too strong) but i've heard very good things!! i enjoyed padawan far more than i expected to, so big plug for that.
honestly one of the worst parts about being a star wars fan is dealing with the fact that lots of the novels are unfortunately not that great at delivering the same kind of depth and magic as lucas's films, let alone his values or his worldbuilding.
imho their target audience of the novels is often older and more jaded, their authors are less familiar with or interested in jedi altruism, and the plots aren't significant enough to matter (that's the trouble with writing within a fixed larger continuity).
the result are books that are enjoyable but bland, or ones that are trying to be edgier and almost smarter-than-the-source-material, and thus veer further away from the spirit of lucas's saga. this is NOT to dissuade you from reading them!!!
obviously i enjoy them a lot, but you do kinda have to set your expectations beforehand and understand what you're getting into and what you'll get out of it haha. you're wise to start closer to canon and then branch out, so you'll be able to parse what transformations are happening.
good luck and report back! 🫡
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bixels · 5 months
I think 90% of my gripes with how modern anime looks comes down to flat color design/palettes.
Non-cohesive, washed-out color palettes can destroy lineart quality. I see this all the time when comparing an anime's lineart/layout to its colored/post-processed final product and it's heartbreaking. Compare this pre-color vs. final frame from Dungeon Meshi's OP.
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So much sharpness and detail and weight gets washed out and flattened by 'meh' color design. I LOVE the flow and thickness and shadows in the fabrics on the left. The white against pastel really brings it out. Check out all the detail in their hair, the highlights in Rin's, the different hues to denote hair color, the blue tint in the clothes' shadows, and how all of that just gets... lost. It works, but it's not particularly good and does a disservice to the line-artist.
I'm using Dungeon Meshi as an example not because it's bad, I'm just especially disappointed because this is Studio Trigger we're talking about. The character animation is fantastic, but the color design is usually much more exciting. We're not seeing Trigger at their full potential, so I'm focusing on them.
Here's a very quick and messy color correct. Not meant to be taken seriously, just to provide comparison to see why colors can feel "washed out." Top is edit, bottom is original.
You can really see how desaturated and "white fluorescent lighting" the original color palettes are.
[Remember: the easiest way to make your colors more lively is to choose a warm or cool tint. From there, you can play around with bringing out complementary colors for a cohesive palette (I warmed Marcille's skintone and hair but made sure to bring out her deep blue clothes). Avoid using too many blend mode layers; hand-picking colors will really help you build your innate color sense and find a color style. Try using saturated colors in unexpected places! If you're coloring a night scene, try using deep blues or greens or magentas. You see these deep colors used all the time in older anime because they couldn't rely on a lightness scale to make colors darker, they had to use darker paints with specific hues. Don't overthink it, simpler is better!]
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parvuls · 10 months
no, because - famous person starts dating less famous person and is then gradually overshadowed is a trope. a trope often used to bring external conflict into stories. but jack and bitty are carefully constructed as the opposite of that, and I'm fucking feral over it.
we joke about how jack will eventually be bitty's trophy husband and be thrilled about it, but it definitely has a giant grain of truth in it. it's how they're characterized. bitty is an extrovert; jack is an introvert. bitty reached out and built himself an online audience to deal with his trauma; jack shut himself out and started avoiding the public to deal with his.
bitty finds comfort in being able to talk to others and (as seen in spotlight on eric bittle) considers being a public figure a sort of healing experience: coming out and being a public person (in every manner of speaking, not just sexuality wise) and putting himself in the limelight is such an important part of his journey because he sees it as a way of helping others who were in his situation.
jack grew up in the spotlight as the only son of two prominent figures. he grew up as a child with anxiety with the media's eyes on him as he was compared to his father. he grew up as an overweight teen featuring in trashy gossip columns as he was compared to his mother. he got into rehab in part because of this attention and it only attracted more attention to him. a lot of jack's anxiety stems from the notion of people looking at him and thinking about him and talking about him and judging him, and it's unfortunate because jack's dream is to play hockey, and that comes with even more attention.
but that's the thing: jack and bitty's story is (once again) a demonstration of two people making each other's lives better.
jack's fame thrusts bitty into the spotlight post-cup, and it's a giant push forward in helping him reach a bigger audience and thus grow his independent fame. bitty's growing fame slowly overshadows jack, to the point where ngozi says they'll one day be Eric Bittle and his Athlete Husband. and that means jack gets to play hockey, and win cups, and achieve fame in his own field, but the media's attention slides off him to his husband, and the fans on the street gradually approach bitty more than him, and jack is free to have his success with less of the personal scrutiny.
it's not that jack becomes less important than bitty. it's that bitty gets to stand in front of the direct sun and flourish as a result, while jack gets to stand in the shade bitty creates and flourish as a result. it's symbiosis. it's beautiful.
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tatakaeeren · 8 months
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Levi Ackerman | Shingeki No Kyojin Final Trailer
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Does Gideon still have any unnecessary human habits after becoming Hunter?
— naps after lunch — showers — blinks, though it's involuntary and he doesn't need to do it — horrible sitting and sleeping positions — changes into different clothes throughout the day
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 10 months
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A Blorbo You Treat Nicely, Right?
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pupperish · 1 year
I feel like dsmpblr is in the best state it could possibly be in. Barley anyone still cares about the prospect of new content and we're all just kinda chilling cause it would take too much work to move fandoms
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fromtheseventhhell · 2 months
Another round of asoiaf "prettycourse", another round of people ignoring Arya's self-esteem issues and how it relates to her arc because their enjoyment of the series hinges on an 11-year-old being considered ugly.
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starflungwaddledee · 3 months
Ok but what if she went to waddle Dee town in the forgotten land and all the waddle Dee’s just accepted her because they are really nice and not rude and they accept her and she has fun and a good time please I really need this for her
i considered drawing something out to this, and making it a happy ending sort of thing, because i think this is extremely sweet as a concept and i understand the desire for it!
that said, i decided that it would be a disservice to the lore i'm building for her, my biology/magic headcanons, and also the waddle dees as a whole. i might still draw it some day, because i could absolutely perceive a way it would work (ie: all waddle dee signatures messed up by Elfilis's portals, or their magic sensitivity nuked by it.) and i think it would be lovely
but for now, i have too many other things on the backburner to get to this promptly, and i wanted to answer this one sooner rather than leaving it for months
i will say, they're not being rude to her! there might be the odd one or two who is a bit snide, but there are some of those in every society. as a general rule the waddle dees not only understand that she is struggling, they want to accept and help her. many of them even know she's lonely, and feel pretty bad about it. but it's hard, and not just because she makes people uneasy!
i draw parallels with starstruck's gummed up magical signature to autism, as i'm autistic and so by merit (as a sona), so is she. but there are some parts that do not line up with the way autism functions in our world, and one of them is that touching or being around her can be genuinely, literally painful for some of the very sensitive waddle dees.
despite that, her waddle dee doctors actually pushed through it while she was in the castle dedede infirmary. because they were determined to treat her (mostly-surface-seeming) injuries and help her feel better. and they apologised for the reactions that they couldn't control anymore than she could control her signature; the various "sorry"s she parrots in this comic are implied to be from waddle dee doctors.
it's a fine line in alien-storytelling, especially with a real world disability parallel, and i'm trying to tread it as carefully as i can. but i don't intend to villainise the waddle dees at all for their reaction to her; they truly can't help it. many of them even do their best to push through it if she comes into their vicinity, especially because she often arrives with Beloved Celebrity, Captain Bandana Waddle Dee. but like a lot of us, she can tell when she's being tolerated, and so as a rule she just sort of tries to avoid it, one way or another
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telomeke · 5 months
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I wasn't expecting Director Aof to put in a cameo in Last Twilight (for various reasons) but it is his trademark after all, so here he is in the finale . 😍
It's the briefest of his cameos so far (see this post linked here some others) but I think it's in keeping with the messaging of his earlier ones.
In Last Twilight, Khun Noppharnach pops up as a white-gloved porter at Ep.12 [1‌/4] 10.01 offering to help guide Day to wherever he needs to go. But sadly, he's supplanted and seen off by Mhok, and hotel porter Aof then meekly makes his exit by slipping off quietly and almost unseen.
As Khun Noppharnach is expected to take a hiatus from directing duties for a spell after Last Twilight (see this post linked here), this reads like a gentle little goodbye (even if it might only be a temporary leave of absence from the director's chair – or so I'm hoping, that is). And Director Aof's cameo here is a mini-parallel to his more telling one in Moonlight Chicken (see this link here).
Just as hotel porter Aof's guiding hand has been rebuffed in Last Twilight, it appears that in real life Khun Noppharnach's directorial hand (that has leaned toward messaging more about LGBTQ+ positivity than squee-inducing BL romance) will soon be replaced by others at GMMTV, and he's moving along with the change quietly and graciously.
But goodbyes don't have to be forever, and based on his track record it's my fervent hope that we get to see Khun Noppharnach Chaiyahwimhon writing and directing even more queer-focused works (perhaps with more freedom from studio strictures) in the future. 💖
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areyoudoingthis · 8 months
one day ed's gonna do something crazy romantic like breakfast in bed (but better cause he's gonna have lots more practice) and he's gonna pull out a ring and proceed to be so confused when stede starts crying and just keeps going for 10 minutes straight until he can finally get himself to calm down enough to get out a vague explanation about always wanting to marry for love only to then start crying again. and ed will just hold him and let him cry until he feels better and then stede will pounce on him and yell YES 🩷🩷🩷
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kayfacedraws · 1 year
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alice in borderland: new horizons [id in alt text]
ko-fi- commissions
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yeetus-feetus · 6 months
Because the foster system is absolute shit, and I'd imagine Gotham's foster system is probs 10x worse, I've had an idea.
We know Stephanie's baby is not Tim's. But we also know Tim was willing to step up and help with the baby regardless, we know he was there for the baby's delivery too.
We also know Stephanie is not ready for a child, and that's okay. She was still basically a child herself at the time and she also feared for her babies safety if she ever was to keep it. It's okay for her to choose to give it up.
But I propose maybe Tim is the one who gets too attached here. And he's confused with himself because this child isn't even his. But he loved Stephanie, he still does though it's platonic now, and I just think he'd see that baby and immediately love it just as much.
And Tim knows he could never take this baby on just by himself, and Stephanie would never let him because again, their jobs are too dangerous.
Tim is also aware of how trash the foster system is, especially in Gotham.
So I'm imagining Tim somehow convinces Ma and Pa Kent to raise this little girl, because he can't imagine anyone else more trustworthy and qualified.
They're always down for a new kid. Ma had wanted a large family all her life, but unfortunately she was never able to have kids of her own. Clark was a miracle sent to her from above and Kon was a blessing in disguise, Ma thanks the powers that be for the chance to raise both boys.
But the Kent's have never had a daughter, and I feel like they would welcome this baby in with open arms. A little girl for them raise and dress up, and Ma's already started crocheting her a cute little cardigan.
And I think Stephanie was more worried than her child's safety than anything else too, so I think she would feel a lot less anxious handing the baby over to the Kents.
Like think of the story potential of the Kent's raising this little girl. She's safe away from all the vigilantism, and she has a normal childhood with two stable parents, just like her mother wanted for her. And then the heartbreak of that vigilante lifestyle still finding this girl despite all this anyways.
Just imagine how devestating a storyline that could be. You sacrifice a relationship with this child so she can have a better life, and it's all for nothing, because there's your little girl in a Kevlar suit swinging from the rooftops.
It was inevitable really, vigilantism is in her blood. Gotham is in her blood.
It doesn't matter that all she's known are the rolling fields of farmland, the soft embrace of a small country town, Gotham is still something living and breathing inside of her, and no one from Gotham can ever truly leave.
And you can't even be mad at the people who raised her, you can't fault them for this because they have done everything within their power, they've been good parents.
All Stephanie can do is despair. Because Tim promised her, he promised this child would never have to know the struggles of their own lives.
Her daughter will never be safe on the crumbling rooftops of this cursed city.
But here she is anyways, despite all efforts and sacrifice.
Also I feel like, if this girl is raised by the Kent's, when she does eventually come back it will be much easier for her to build up a real relationship with her mother when they reconnect. Because as someone with complicated family, I feel like it's very common for a child to want to seek out their bio-parents even if the parents who raised them were super loving and caring.
Sometimes you find your bio-parent/s and you regret ever looking for them, regret ever asking the people who raised you to help you find them. But other times you get welcomed back with open arms, wet apologies, and a good reason for why they gave you away.
I just think it'd be something nice to explore. More representation ig. Like all of Bruce's kids have known their parents before being adopted. But we've never gotten to explore what it's like for a lot of people who never even knew their bio-parents.
I mean sure, we got a glimpse of that desperation to fill the feeling of a missing piece with Jason, but we all know how that ended for him. His mother was a really bad person, and she's the reason he ends up 6feet under.
But I really want representation that shows not all parents who give up their kids are bad people. Some of them are actually doing what's best for that child because they have the maturity to understand that they wouldn't be able to provide a safe and stable environment for a kid. They're puting the child's needs first.
And I'd really like to see the struggle of a child who's only known the people raising her as her parents and despite how good they are, still feel like something is missing.
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purpleandstarlight · 6 months
I hope my mutuals know i adore them and their content and i hope I don't annoy them/creep them out when i interact with their posts a lot or say that they are great people sjshdsjsj
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the-busy-ghost · 3 days
There are many reasons my interests are more geared towards mediaeval Scotland than mediaeval England, but at least one of them has to be the fact that I am completely incapable of Being Normal about the Lion in Winter and Shakespeare's second tetralogy.
#Like I simply could not remain unbiased#Not in a 'taking sides' kind of way but more in a 'the real Henry II did not entirely resemble this fictional adaptation'#I refuse to accept it and I don't really want to#I could try very hard to research and write about Henry II sensibly- and I often do when he (or Hotspur later on) impinge on Scottish histo#But fundamentally my image of Henry II is the image of the character from the Lion in Winter#It's horrible to have to admit I'm like one of those unhinged Braveheart or Philippa Gregory people but for twelfth century England#Although with all due respect the Lion in Winter and Henry IV Part 1 are obviously twenty times better than Braveheart#There are other reasons#I kind of feel England has enough people interested in it already#I like to dip in occasionally and it's interesting to read about (and often necessary from a Scottish perspective)#But yeah for many reasons mediaeval England- though fascinating- is not my number one priority#One of the pretty big reasons is though my unfortunate fan behaviour the minute Richard II sits himself down on the ground#To tell sad stories of the death of kings#And you know what that's valid and probably acts as a useful research tool for many people#Just not for me#It's weird though because other than Shakespeare and the Lion in Winter there aren't many period dramas I particularly care for#Not only am I incredibly picky about my historical media when it comes to the Middle Ages (less so for the 20th century)#But I never really understood why people assume when you say 'I like history' you mean 'I like period dramas'#To me these are two separate unrelated activities/hobbies#Not necessarily better than each other just different
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cartridgeconverter · 2 months
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