#there are some easter eggs on the site too :3
fencecollapsed · 2 days
I love musical theater. I may not be a theater kid stereotype, but I always found it as an interesting way to tell a story. But despite the fact I personally don’t think it’s that big of a deal, a lot of my relatives seem to take me as “the musical girl”. My mother made my 17th birthday musical themed. A lot of my Christmas presents were musical related, I’m sure you’d get it. A couple of weeks back though, my cousin in Michigan, who I don’t really know, suddenly sent me a DVD with blue sharpie on it, simply reading “The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals” in all capital letters due to how much of a mouthful that name is, I’m going to refer to it as TGWDLM for the rest of this. The DVD itself was rather normal looking. She didn’t send me the box it came in, which is probably the reason why it was labeled in sharpie, cause without it, god knows what it could be. It could be a musical or a gore video, so thanks to her for that.
As for the contents... Well, it was a Pro-shot of a musical! The story was about a man named Paul, a guy who... didn’t like musicals! The opening song seems to portray this as a huge deal but to be honest, it isn’t. One day, on the opening night of a Mamma Mia! production in the real-life ghost town of Hatchetfield, Michigan (but populated, obivously), a meteor hits, carrying alien spores of a musical hivemind. One interesting fact is that the zombies are the only ones who sing, and dear god, some of their songs are so camp, but I guess that’s the joke. Also, I can definitely see an influence from Invasion of The Body Snatchers, hell, they even reference it. The musical itself had more laughs than scares for me, but the curtain call gave me fucking chills. The unusual parts though, come from not the musical itself, but what comes after it. There’s a behind-the-scenes, with a lot of content. There were audition tapes, director's commentary, easter eggs... I personally found it as fascinating as the musical itself! There was some mentions of a earlier version of the script, with some interesting parts that weren’t in the original, for example; Paul, Ted, Bill, and Charlotte all worked at a review site similar to IGN or Buzzfeed, or that Alice, in a strange trance, spouts out a bible quote. I began to feel like these random people, from an obscure theater company, were people I knew. But as fun as the behind the scenes are, that is not why I’m here. After the behind-the-scenes, there was just... A black screen. For like, 4 or 3 minutes… Then a blue screen with white text, with a font that looks like those fonts in analog horror, with one word. “APOTHEOSIS”.
There’s more after this too. The following is a very different feeling compared to the behind-the-scenes. It appears to be the night the pro-shot was recorded. It shows footage of the curtain call, when Emma was dragged backstage. Then, it cuts to security footage backstage. Immediately Emma’s actress, who I think I’ll just call Lauren, since that’s her real name, goes out of character. The others don’t let go of her, instead ejecting her out of the crowd. She lands on her ass and says “Ow.” in a tone that says “What the fuck dude? Why’d you throw me?”. The others are silent. Lauren gets up and after a moment looking at the others, decides to take off her bandage, revealing a real scar underneath. Lauren seems unsettled by this, but it’s made worse when everyone else approaches her, talking to her as if she IS Emma Perkins, despite her insistence. They then got closer, and closer. Lauren tried to back away, but they got closer. Eventually, Lauren was completely surrounded, and they... I... I can’t say it. I just can’t. All I’ll say is that audience members found the room covered in blood and mysterious blue goo. The blue screen appears again, the text now saying “THEIR RETELLING SUCKED ANYWAYS.”
After whatever the fuck that was, I kinda had to dig deeper? I had this mix of morbid fascination, horror, and an urge to somehow bring all this to light. Well... That and how at first I assumed it was a performance act, only to find out via a google search that it was all real, Lauren Lopez was presumed dead, and the rest of the cast are missing to this day.
So I talked to people who were at the closing night show. When it was recorded. They reported being genuinely convinced in some segments, like when Emma quote unquote “Looked at Ted’s eyes in horror, like she saw nothing there” and praised the “practical effects”. They also said that the few who lingered after the curtain call heard screaming. Those who checked backstage saw... Well, you know.
I didn’t find much about it though. Only this weird cult website when searching for random tag words related to the musical. It was talking about “His singular voice” or whatever and was saying that, like, all voices needed to be eradicated, for His is the only one that should exist, or whatever. Weirdly enough, there was musical theming in there. And... A page about the musical. I can vaguely recall the contents but it’s really hard to. It had a synopsis of the musical kinda biased in the favor of the zombies, with the implications that He caused the musical apocalypse over there. Me and my friends looked at the site once in a discord call and laughed at it. But then I found the actors' faces and how they all were brought to an “apotheosis”. Like... Like in the fucking musical.
It was just a rabbit hole I found myself in at the end of the day though. I easily tucked it into the back of my brain and went on with my life. But then stuff started getting weird. With me, I think. I’ve been more scatterbrained than usual, prone to zoning out for long stretches of time, wandering off conversations to talk about something else entirely, and I’m beginning to hate the sound of other people’s voices and I don’t know why, I was never a social butterfly but I didn’t hate other people talking... Everyday when I brush my teeth I notice my eyes getting... Bluer? I don’t know how, but my eyes have gone to a dark brown, to a light brown, to a hazel, to green, and now it’s getting closer and closer to blue. My friends online have been safe at the time from my sudden hatred of other voices but I can’t really go on voice chats anymore. And my fixation on musicals has only grown as of late. I can’t help but fight the urge to spontaneously sing a show-tune. I hate it.
I’d try to see a psychiatrist or something but I can’t bear to hear another voice, it’s so grating. And I know I should just grin and bear it but the last time I tried that I yelled at them. Not many people like me much anymore. I see why, I must’ve become an asshole to them, but they don’t get it. My eyes have become blue by now, and I think it’s glowing too.
I can’t help but play the songs over and over. I called it camp but I think it’s growing on me. I like Let It Out the most. I relate to Paul a lot right now. And then I noticed a split second shot of... His actor... Being... I can’t say it. I had to vomit. Why wouldn’t I? That was so fucking disgusting. And when I puked, I froze pale at what I just pushed out of my body.
It was blue, viscous sludge. It felt disgusting looking at it, even worse when you hold it. It smelled like ammonia. I ran out of the bathroom. I couldn’t stand to look at it any longer. And that’s when I decided to write this. I’m scared, to be honest, who wouldn’t be? I’ll most likely either be dead and have my corpse puppeteered, or go missing, for another poor soul to inevitably find the DVD and end up like me. I can hear the chimes and hymns of The Singular Voice. I know He wants me to become one with Him. He says it’s inevitable for me. And what choice do I have in the matter anymore?
I’m sorry, I lost.
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zarla-s · 6 months
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So I spent the last couple days making a HeavyMedic fansite and it is the most ELABORATE SITE I'VE EVER MADE and I'm so unbearably proud of it, it looks SO COOL!! Especially the Fictracker page!! It's even responsive!! You have no idea how long it took to get everything looking right and spacing it and everything. I've never made a site that looks this fancy before! I'M SO PROUD OF IT LOOK AT IT!! LOOK AT IT!!! LOOK AT IIIITTTT plz
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Also made some link buttons! Still don't really have an official name for the site as it is but WHATEVER maybe I'll decide on one later. YOU CAN USE THESE TO LINK TO IT FROM YOUR OWN SITE you have your own site right, you should make onneeee (here are some resources if you don't know how) and if it's a TF2 site TELL ME AND I WILL LINK BACK TO IT
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babkaboy · 8 months
Hi! Big big biiiiiiiiig fan of your obikin work over on twitter, both for the naughty bits :3 and your art style like omg I love love loooooove the angular character design and the way u colour with scribbles hidden in it to look like it’s pencil coloured and the double lineart over (is it intentional or aesthetic thing?)
I wanted to ask a question: I noticed whenever I see your twitter art and tumblr art even tho it’s the same fan art some of the stuff on tumblr is slightly different like obi-wan/anakin’s face is more structured on tumblr version or slight change of pose or adding new things like obi-wan’s red lingerie in your obi-wan’s history of bras/lingerie while he’s naked on twitter version. Do you purposely change it for tumblr?
Hi there!! What a wonderful message to receive 🥺🙏 First of all, thank you for such kind words ❤️ I hope you don’t mind I answer both of your asks here!!
My art-style has been mutating through the years since I graduated and nowadays I’ve found a nice balance with this sketchy one I’m currently using (definitely influenced by Mikael Ross, his traditional cartoonish style is a huge inspo for me when i do comics). but I love trying new methods and switching things up every now and then. And yes, the double lineart is intentional!! I like how it gives some dimension and dynamism to the anatomy and makes it feel like animation 💞
And you are very observant!!! Bc I definitely change things in my art when I post them to different sites. part of it is because I’m kind of a perfectionist, and once i post something on twitter i start noticing all the mistakes and tangents and I just know i won’t post it on tumblr until i feel satisfied and fix things or re-do them. on the other hand, tumblr is very strict with the nudity stuff and i keep getting flagged every time i post something slightly suggestive (or maybe someone is reporting me 👀 won’t be the first time tbh) so i gotta tone things down, like adding obi-wan’s red lingerie in that one fanart while on tumblr he’s showing ass and cock HAHAHA. so yep, twitter gets ass and tits while tumblr gets the fixed 2.0 stuff. but in some way i kind of like the idea of posting different things on each site, like little easter eggs 🥰
I’m so excited for you to participate on the #UnderTheJediUniform tag 🙏 also tag me if you do it cuz my shadowban sometimes hides some of the art in the tag 😭 it started as a little idea and it warms my heart seeing people doing their drawings or fics or hcs about obi-wan in lingerie 💘 But take it easy specially if you are coming back from a creative burnout after uni, i was there too and it was no fun at all. sometimes is a way for our brain to tell us to take a break and nurture ourselves from different things other than drawing, like looking at different artists or photographers, watching movies, reading books and from life itself. and when you less expect it, you will suddenly get struck with the need to grab a pen 😊
thank you again for this lovely message, it really made my day!!! as you said, there‘s always shit happening and disgusting losers trying to drag you down in this fandom, but messages like this and the wonderful people that i have met through obikin is an enough reason to stay and keep doing what i want ❤️
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naralanis · 7 months
20 Questions
Thanks @silv3reyedstranger for the tag! My meeting can wait, this is more fun lol
How many works do you have on AO3?
44 (my wife's saying it's bad luck, so I guess I better make it 45 soon)
2. What's you total AO3 count?
601,330 which is weirdly way more than I expected but also way less? How dare AO3 not count all the words I've never posted, this is homophobia
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I got my start in the Devil Wears Prada and Harry Potter fandoms, and then the supercorp gifs pulled a bag over my head, tossed me in a van, and made me hyperfixate on a really bad but really gay show, so. I've also written for Xena Warrior Princess and ATLA/ATLOK, but I've never posted for those. There is an errant OUAT SwanQueen one-shot out there, courtesy of some insane people I love.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
In order, they’re Perhaps, For the Better, Perfect, The Date and, surprisingly, The Wrong Way. I didn't expect that last one at all, to be honest.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do appreciate every single one (they’re a writer's main source of nourishment) but I am terrible at responding to each and every one. There will be times where I'll go on comment-replying marathon and then I forget about it for like, a year. My bad! I do love all the comments and I re-read them all the time when I'm feeling kind of shit. They bring so much joy to my heart and occasional (happy) tears to my eyes.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably Unshackled, but I'm not sure if that counts because the happy ending came in part two. But for the people who didn't know there was a part two… that was probably the angstiest I've managed! I love angst, but I have to have the happy ending, whether I'm reading or writing it.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oof, I don't know. I try to have happy endings to most things. I think the one that jumps to mind is i don't know how to dance so slow (to keep up with you). I don't think it's necessarily the happiest ending, it's just this whole fic plays in my head so clearly, almost like it's a movie, and it just gives me the good feels. It's short and sweet, and it makes me happy.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I think if I wrote more I'd get some lol. I used to get some trolls here and there, especially flames back on FanFiction.net. A couple on Perhaps, but the Cissamione peeps were awesome helping me deal with them. Nowadays everything's pretty chill.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
*points at The Adventures of Soft Butch Hermione*
Not to mention all the stuff I don't post. Smut has to be just right to make the cut. Nothing too crazy, but ya know I have to sprinkle some praise kink in there.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Nope, and I don't think I ever will. The most I've done is borrow other characters from within the same universe (see Luthor Motor Racing AU), usually as a joke/easter egg. I'm usually not a fan or crossovers (writing or reading), but there are a handful of exceptions here and there.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
HAHA yeah. A couple of times. Usually found on Wattpad, or translated into Portuguese and posted to some Brazilian site without my permission. Side note, why is it always Brazilians. I'M ONE OF YOU, PLS
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah! To Russian, French and Mandarin (with permission) and Portuguese (without), at least as far as I know. I'm totally cool with translations, just like. Ask me first, give me the credit for the original work, and send me a link! I love to see translations of my stuff, especially if it's in a language I can speak.
13. have you ever cowritten a fic before?
@shadowdianne and I had some incredible back-and-forth a few years back, but it never really went anywhere (although I maintain our ideas were FIRE). It was a frankly amazing take on Narcissa as a character, with some sprinkle of a Narlily friendship and Cissamione endgame. We both had other stuff going on, so it never really developed further, but I still have the docs with all of our ideas and frankly hilarious commentary.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Don't make me pick just one, I can't.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
At this point, all of them I think? Brain's just not braining that way.
16. What are your writing strengths?
It used to be world-building and environment descriptions, but to be honest I haven't flexed those writing muscles in ages. I think I can tell a lot with not much real-estate. I also think my readers/fellow writers would be better at answering this one lol
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
The writing part.
Jokes aside, it's actually stringing a plot together. I write by vibes.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I technically speak four languages, but I always worry whether whatever foreign language dialogue I insert sounds genuine enough to sound like a native speaker, so I always ask for a second (and a third and fourth) opinion anyway.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter, on a little known (to Americans) social media platform known as Orkut, and then on FFNet. Then I deleted all traces of that and had a fresh start with Devil Wears Prada.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
It's like asking me about my favourite child. Right now it's while all of the lines are blurring, which is a WIP but I just have. SO MUCH. To add to it. AND  I DON'T HAVE THE TIME OR BRAIN CAPACITY but I. Love that plot in my brain. Maybe one day.
I won't tag anyone this time around, but writer peeps, feel free to take it and run with it!
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acacia-may · 1 year
Take Care Of Yourself Masterlist (And Links to All Chapters)
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Masterlist with Links to All Chapters of my "Take Care of Yourself" story 💙💜
Story Summary:
Aspiring Demon Slayer Giyu Tomioka is on a quest to prove himself, and he doesn't think it matters too much what happens to him in the process. When he winds up in the hospital again, however, he discovers there is someone who does.
Giyu & Shinobu's relationship through the years and an origin story of how they became friends.
Story Details:
Fandom: Demon Slayer/Kimetsu no Yaiba
Genre: Friendship, Developing Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Angst
Relationships: Giyu Tomioka & Shinobu Kocho Friendship (though I suppose you could take it in a romantic way if you really wanted it to be) [A/N: This story focuses on how their relationship developed over time and how deeply and genuinely they care about each other so how you want to qualify that (platonic or romantic) is really up to you. My intention was to write about their platonic friendship, but I have been told that the final chapter could lean a little more romantic than the others(?) so warnings for that upfront...]
Characters: Giyu Tomioka (POV Character) and Shinobu Kocho. [Kanae Kocho and Sabito are mentioned but do not physically appear in this story. Sanemi Shinazugawa is briefly mentioned once in every chapter as an easter egg for my sister who loves him and encouraged me to write this story in the first place].
Rating: T for Thematic Elements (Please see "Warnings" below for more details)
Warnings: Heavy themes (i.e. grief, emotional trauma, & survivor guilt), mentions of (non-depicted) past deaths, and depiction of injuries as well as some discussion of demon slaying violence related to those injuries. Ch. 3 has some action sequences and mild, non-gory/non-graphic depictions of demon slaying. All chapters contain SPOILERS for and through Ch. 131 of the manga. Ch. 3 & Ch. 4 contain vague spoilers from and through Ch. 163 of the manga and some related foreshadowing.
Word Count: 7573 Total
Link to original post on AO3. Please do not repost to another site.
Chapter Description: Aspiring Demon Slayer Giyu Tomioka is on a quest to prove himself, and he doesn't think it matters too much what happens to him in the process. When he winds up in the hospital again, however, he discovers there is someone who does.
Chapter Specific Warnings: Chapter 1 contains spoilers through Ch. 131 of the Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon Slayer manga so please proceed with caution if you do not want to be spoiled.
Chapter Description: Though Giyu tries to take Shinobu's words to heart and take better care of himself, there is only so much someone can do when facing a Lower Moon. When he winds up in the hospital again, Giyu is sure he has disappointed her and waits for her lecture about how he didn’t listen to a word she had said—but it never comes. It seems Shinobu is avoiding him. Somehow this is worse…
Chapter Specific Warnings: Chapter 2 contains very specific spoilers for Ch. 131 of the manga and mentions/discusses a (non-depicted) past death. Please proceed with caution.
Chapter Description: On yet another joint mission, Water Hashira Giyu and new Insect Hashira Shinobu face off against a formidable adversary. Shinobu insists that being out in the field with him has she finally understand how he keeps getting all of his injuries. However, as she is getting to know him better, she is becoming more of a mystery to him--buried somewhere beneath what she wants him to see and the grief she tries so desperately to keep hidden...
Chapter Specific Warnings: Chapter 3 contains some action sequences and mild, non-gory depictions of demon slaying with some non-serious/non-life-threatening injuries. Spoilers through Ch. 131 of the manga, and some vague spoilers/foreshadowing through Ch. 163 as well as mentions of a (non-depicted) past character death. Please proceed with caution.
Chapter Description: When Giyu is injured as part of Hashira Training, he visits Shinobu for the first time in a long time. She patches him up once again--teasing him as always about taking better care of himself, but this time, there is something in her voice when she says "I'm not going to be around to patch you up forever, you know?" that gives Giyu pause and makes him wonder: if Kocho is the one who is always telling him to take care of himself, who is there to tell her the same thing? And would she even listen to them if they did? 
Chapter Specific Warnings: Chapter 4 contains spoilers and foreshadowing through Ch. 163 of the manga and has an angsty ending. Apologies in advance for that.
Author's Note: This story's title was inspired by the song "Take Care of Yourself" by Maisie Peters. Links below.
Maisie Peters - Take Care Of Yourself - Lyric Video - YouTube
Thank you so much for reading! 🦋
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7ban-sama · 1 year
@theevilthatismokke in reply to this post:
I’m a bit rusty when it comes to reading sheets and such. but the only difference I see lays in the last note. They’re both [fa], but the one in the manga seems to indicate a different scale? I’d just sound a bit higher. Other than that, it’s the same, beat for beat …I think. Like I said, I’m rusty
this is about what I assumed! :0 but i wasn't sure exactly, on my own.
i figured there could be ah, discrepancies between scales, fiddly details like that? tabbing through sheet music on the site I was using, there were slight differences depending on, whether or not a specific individual was arranging it + what kind of instruments they were for. Some were for piano, piano+voice, jazz versions, etc... (actually, I tried to source my examples from the same individuals, for simplicity's sake 9.9)
it was enough of a match that I concluded it's likely that AidaIro could be pulling from a specific arrangement, but of the same song nonetheless. idk what either of them know about music either. maybe they have a very specific vision in mind... (or, maybe they're doing their best, coming from a place of limited knowledge as well?) no way to know!
in any case, i tend to lean my guesses towards what "makes sense" from a storytelling perspective. i umm, also try to assume that details like these are for industrious fans who want to look into it & be rewarded by that... but also assume that they aren't anything that would be 1. so inscrutable that no one would be able to figure it out 2. too essential to the plot (since you wouldn't want to obfuscate a super important detail, for those who can't puzzle it out... [if this WAS essential information, i figure we'd just get told directly later, and this is just a tease, again for the industrious little nerd]) ; basically, like, a little easter egg. (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
I never get the impression Iro is trying to be so furtive with things that it'd take a super genius to crack the codex... or, at least, i figure the true madness would be in something extremely bg, like details in the architecture or something lol. if that makes sense.
/end ramble, anyways -!! thank you for your reply, it's reassuring to hear from even someone a little rusty. :3
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game-boy-pocket · 11 months
I'm just coming out and saying it.
If i'm to treat this game as a packaged deal with the rest of the series, then putting time travel into the story pretty much fucked the whole thing up, and even kind of retroactively made Breath of the Wild worse for me, when, previously, I really loved BOTW for potentially merging all the timelines and being set so far ahead that any number of things could have happened.
But they just had to have time travel in this story... that's not even the worst part, they sent Zelda back to "Hyrule's Founding", and Ganondorf was there for some reason, when he should not be around until Ocarina of Time. And Twinrova is ( supposedly ) there too, as young women?? So this is definitely from a time long before OOT.... And Rauru is the first King of Hyrule
Yeah okay, nah. The first king of Hyrule was some dog man, the very first founder of Hyrule, and people just up and forgot about him.... and the Castle was built around The Demon King to keep him contained. Despite the fact that this Castle is clearly a more recent Castle, and that the Great Plateau is where the original site for Hyrule Castle Town used to be.
This story can only be enjoyed by me if I treat BOTW and TOTK as a reboot of the franchise where all the other games didn't happen. And how badly I wish to throw Skyward Sword into this new canon and keep Hylia and Demise out of the old canon. But BOTW even fucked itself by making some Dog Man the first King of Hyrule instead of like Gapora or whatever his name is from Skyward Sword, the guy who was clearly inspired by the human Rauru from OOT, the one that Hyrule Historia establishes built the Temple of Time.
Like, I hear some people trying to tell me "Oh this is still canon to the old games, cuz the distant past in TOTK is still so far ahead in the future that they had to found a completely new Hyrule, so Rauru is still the first king of THIS Hyrule", first of all that's a cope if I ever heard one. And second of all... can you tell me the functional difference between that excuse and a reboot? Because a reboot that has an in-universe explanation is still a reboot. DC comics does that shit all the time and it sucks there too. Because it makes almost every little reference to past games in BOTW and TOTK feel like absolutely meaningless little easter eggs, especially the REAL Temple of Time on the Great Plateau.
Also, this game doesn't even really do a great job of connecting to BOTW in some ways... like a lot of very important characters don't know Link? Everyone in Hateno goes out of their way to say he's a stranger? BOLSON doesn't know Link, but HUDSON does? You HAVE to do the Bolson quest to unlock the Tarrey Town Quest, how does that make sense?? And then nobody seems to remember the Calamity? You do that school side quest where YOU, THE GUY WHO DEFEATED THE CALAMAITY, just hands the teacher some photo of a tapestry, and the teacher is like "Ah yeah some hero beat this thing" and they don't explain SO MUCH. What happened to all the shiekah stuff?? Where are the divine beasts? Every explanation I have heard is very weak.
Make no mistake. TOTK is a top 3 Zelda. I don't play Zelda for story or the ongoing lore and connections to other game, because this series does a bad job at providing those things, but when it actually does, it's a very nice little spice that makes the series feel extra special, so it's kind of hard to swallow when the series not only does a bad job at being a part of the larger story, but actively disloding itself from the larger story on purpose.
Again though. If I treat this game as a reboot that has nothing to do with the rest of the series... the story is alright. But it's never going to not sting seeing Lon Lon Ranch, the Temple of Time, especially in TOTK where they removed the Song of Time, or any of the other explicit nods to past games in that universe.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
1. Disaster at Delhaize: One month on, how did it get to this?
Belgian supermarket chain Delhaize has appeared in news headlines in Belgium for weeks now as reports of record profits at the start of the year gave way to consecutive strike actions called by staff and trade unions. Shops closed and commercial depots have been blocked, but what is actually happening? Read more.
2. Belgium told to freeze prices for 100 basic products for three months
Belgium should freeze the prices of 100 products for three months to make sure people do not get into financial trouble when buying basic products in light of the skyrocketing inflation, said consumer protection organisation Test Achats. Read more.
3. Egg-citing chocolates: Where to find the best Easter treats in Belgium
This April, the Easter Bunny is not just bringing delicious chocolates for children. Belgium, recognised across the world for its beloved chocolatiers, is the place to be during this time of year for people of all ages looking for that perfect Easter treat. Read more.
4. Human remains found on construction site in Brussels, investigation opened
Human remains were found by workers on a construction site in the Brussels municipality of Saint-Josse-ten-Noode. The works have been halted and the Brussels public prosecutor has opened an investigation. Read more.
5. Canadian companies looking to hire 700 French-speaking Belgians
About 50 companies based in Québec, Canada’s French-speaking province, are calling on French-speaking Belgians to apply for some of the 700 positions it has on offer, the Government of Québec said on Wednesday. Read more.
6. Belgium's Red Devils remain fourth in updated FIFA World Rankings
International football's leading body FIFA updated its World Rankings based on the national teams' results on Thursday. For the second year in a row, Belgium's national team ranked in fourth place. Read more.
7. Hidden Belgium: Cybernetic Tower
A strange tower stands next to the river in Liège’s Parc de la Boverie. Nothing explains its purpose. It looks like it might be a phone mast. Or maybe a relic of the Cold War. But no, it is a Cybernetic Tower. Read more.
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natsubeatsrock · 2 years
Ranking Mashima’s Series
This was a long time in coming. Let's rank the different series Mashima has written over the years. No, I'm not including Gate of Nightmares.
My descriptions for the rankings have been pretty small for other lists. This one will have much longer explanations. Of course, I don't want to spoil much about these series.
#6. Monster Soul
It feels weird that I'm putting this series here in this ranking. I've probably talked about this series more than anyone on this site. Though, I have the least interest to talk about this series among all of Mashima's works. To be fair, this series would have benefitted the most from getting more time to breathe. I get that this was supposed to be a short series, but I want more. It would have been fun to see the Black Airs do more in their world. I wish that this series was a bit more popular, at least enough to own a version of Aki's hoodie.
#5. Monster Hunter Orage
I read this a couple months ago, while I was doing a challenge to draw various Mashima characters. I'm not a big fan of Monster Hunter, though I have been meaning to get into the games. Even so, this was fun to go through. If you didn't know, Mashima is a massive fan of the Monster Hunter series. You can see it in the extra panels he drew of his staff "researching" for the work. Would I rank it higher if I was a fan of the series? Maybe. Though, I'm more settled with what we have now. Shiki and Allee might be my least favorite Mashima MCs. The addition of the main group's final character happens too late. This is another series that might have benefitted from more chapters.
#4. HERO'S
Yes, I'm counting this as a series. Why wouldn't I? This is ultimately a love letter for the fans of Mashima's works from Weekly Shonen Magazine. This was one of my favorite things to come out of 2019, which was a pretty stacked year. It might be one of my favorite manga series in the past few years. There are so many hints and easter eggs you'll notice if you love the different series. I noted out as many as I could a couple years ago. Mashima's the only person I know in the anime/manga industry that could possibly make a series like this happen. Several manga writers have two popular series, but I can't think of anyone with three. This was one of many things that made me fall back in love with Mashima as a writer.
#3. Fairy Tail
I don't know that I need to say anything about this series here. I've been writing so much about what Fairy Tail is and does over the past seven years of my life. As much as I've complained about how it fails and how insane its fans are, I genuinely enjoy this series. What I will talk about is why this isn't higher on this list. Fairy Tail is the Mashima series that has the most eyes on it. It's the only series that has had a complete anime adaptation. It is widely popular among anime and manga fans. I still see volumes of it in print as I go to buy manga and comics. I'm not sure that Mashima is as interested in it as everyone else is. Reading his comments after the fact, I feel like he's made peace with where Fairy Tail is, even as he's still writing for it. His more laissez-faire plans for writing Fairy Tail led to a worse overall product than the other two works. Still, I love this series more than many series I'd rank higher than it. In fact, my MAL scoring is based on my feelings for Fairy Tail.
It feels wrong to rank this series, especially this high. It's still an ongoing series. If current events are anything to go by, anything is possible. I have no idea where this series goes from this point. I went into reading this series with years of experience with Mashima's writing. I figured several crazy twists outright wouldn't have happened during the series. That said, Mashima is outdoing himself. He's doing some amazing work with this series. Mashima is creating one of the best next-generation manga series. Its anime adaptation is the best anime version of any of its works. Nothing is close. I love the dynamics between all of the main cast characters, especially this Shiki and his female counterparts. I've seen people who hated Mashima over Fairy Tail eat their words while reading EZ. By the time this series is done, this might be better than my current number one and more popular than even Fairy Tail. Of course, it can also get worse as it continues. Only time will tell with this series. Though, this series will tell you that time does not exist. 
#1. Rave Master
It feels like an insult to say that Mashima hasn't ever topped his first work. Fairy Tail's highs don't make up for its lows. EZ is coming close but still has yet to top it. Mashima's other works are too short to allow for their ideas to develop more. The reason for this is pretty simple. This series plays to Mashima's strengths. Mashima went into this series knowing what he wanted to do and he did it. He kept most of the arcs to at least 4 volumes. Mashima's gotten better at breaking both since Rave ended.  But this is very much Mashima in his bag. As for the story, it has some of the best versions of Mashima's characters. Haru might be his best-written protagonist. As headstrong as he can be, he earnestly desires to reduce the loss of life to as little as possible. Elie is absolutely his best female lead. When I look back at her actions, I can't imagine someone like Lucy or Rebecca in her shoes. Their relationship should be considered top 10 in shonen action romances. Mashima's dark moments and plot twists hit incredibly hard. It took almost a decade and a half to get anything close to as dark as Abyss Break. He has yet to top the big twist from the Truth of Elie arc, despite some strong challenges. The only meaningful knock against this series is its anime adaptation. Nothing seriously hints towards getting a new version of Rave. But with the manga readily available in digital form, fans of Mashima can and should easily read this series.
See you tomorrow!
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[Real Racing 3 Gold Rs Generator] 2023 ~(Real Racing 3 Gold Rs Mod) Real Racing 3 Gold Rs Android iOs
Real Racing 3 Online Generator.Real Racing 3 Cheats. Real Racing 3 Cheats that working. It’s very easy to handle. Cheat can add you Gold and RS! This cheat is free from viruses and other threat - Free Gold and RS. Welcome to the Real Racing 3 Hack Cheats or Real Racing 3 Hack Cheats hack tool site. Real Racing 3 so popular and the award-winning franchise that sets a new dimension for mobile racing games. After you hack Real Racing 3, enjoy the game. According to dexVl, Real Racing 3 contains more than 900 events totaling about 507 hours of gameplay. After a moment when i refresh the game I saw 999999 of gold and rs. Then i spent it for upgrades and cars. Real Racing 3 by Firemonkeys and EA is one of the best racing games out there for iOS. You need gold and money to fully enjoy it, and win races. Navigating to the Apps section of Settings in Android 8
Gold Rs For Free – Newest Gold Rs Generator! Free Gold Rs!! 2 Sec Ago. Template:Mwslay free Gold Rs No Human Verification Free Gold Rs Free Gold Rs Generator 2023!the Perfect Hack Tool That Generates Free Gold Rs Instantly! Easy Hack To Get Free Gold Rs. Noob Or Pro? Does No Matter As Long As You Have =#@>>---------=---------<< Mpire They Say Technology Is Good, But At The Same Time, If Not Well Applied, It Can Become A Challenge And A Ground For Fraudsters To Thrive. This Is Because, In The Recent, There Have Been So Many Fake Sites That Claim To Offer Gold Rs For Free On Real Racing 3 Gamers Which May Ends Up Messing Up With The Players. The Main Contributor May Merely Be Because, Real Racing 3 Popularity Is Growing In A Very High Rate And At The Same Time, Some So Many Desperate Players Are Ready To Try Up Anything To Be On The Go.this, However, Should Not Be A Reason To Worry Any Gamer As There Are Also Many Good Real Racing 3 Generators That Provide Services To People From All Over The World. The Original And Working Generators Have A Few Features In Common Some Of Which Include: They Are Compatible With Both Android And Ios Devices. They Should Have A Team In Place Tocheck The Compatibility Of Their Product To Ensure They Are Not Selective.easy To Use: The Primary Focus Of All Generator Providers Should Be To Make The Life Ofgamers Easy And Comfortable; Hence, Any Product They Launch Should Be Able To Reach Thisgoal. Easy To Access: Although There Are Some Steps Involved In Obtaining Any Generator, The Levels Should Be Very Minimal And Easy To Understand (Should Be Easy For Both Young And Old). Before Venturing Up To The Generators-looking Through Field, It Is Basic First To Have An Away From Of The Game Itself. This Is On The Grounds That You May Wind Up More Befuddled And Lost Toward The Finish Of The Cycle On The Off Chance That You Don't Have An Away From Of What You Are Searching For. Initially, You Probably Won't Have Any Need Of Getting The Free Gold Rs, Yet With Time As The Game Becomes Better And You Get More Associated Even To Different Players, They May Prove To Be Useful. Consequently, It Is Prudent To Have A Decent Blueprint And Be Forearmed With The Information On The Best Way To Hotspot For Them. In This Apparatus Page, You Can Produce Free Gold Rs Utilizing Our "Free Gold Rs Generator" And Furthermore You Will Think About Real Racing 3 And Gold Rs. Real Racing 3 Is Where The Player Would Have The Option To Cooperate With Different Players And Afterward Contend On Some Other Various Levels Also. Real Racing 3 Is One Of The Most Well Known Games That Have In Excess Of 70 Million Dynamic Clients Without A Doubt. The Greater Part Of These Players Are Adolescents Who Are Matured Somewhere In The Range Of 8 And 13 Years Of Age. There Are So Various Levels And Difficulties That The Players Can Go For Alongside Some Other Easter Egg Chases Too. There Is No Uncertainty That The Fabulous Game Is Loaded Up With Heaps Of Different Games That Would Have Various Guides, Models, And Levels. In This Way, You Won't Be Simply Playing One Game However A Ton Of Others That Are Accessible On Real Racing 3
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REAL RACING 3 GOLD RS [Real Racing 3 Gold Rs Generator 2024]
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Gold Rs For Free – Newest Gold Rs Generator! Free Gold Rs!! 2 Sec Ago. Template:Mwslay free Gold Rs No Human Verification Free Gold Rs Free Gold Rs Generator 2023!the Perfect Hack Tool That Generates Free Gold Rs Instantly! Easy Hack To Get Free Gold Rs. Noob Or Pro? Does No Matter As Long As You Have =#@>>---------=---------<< Mpire They Say Technology Is Good, But At The Same Time, If Not Well Applied, It Can Become A Challenge And A Ground For Fraudsters To Thrive. This Is Because, In The Recent, There Have Been So Many Fake Sites That Claim To Offer Gold Rs For Free On Real Racing 3 Gamers Which May Ends Up Messing Up With The Players. The Main Contributor May Merely Be Because, Real Racing 3 Popularity Is Growing In A Very High Rate And At The Same Time, Some So Many Desperate Players Are Ready To Try Up Anything To Be On The Go.this, However, Should Not Be A Reason To Worry Any Gamer As There Are Also Many Good Real Racing 3 Generators That Provide Services To People From All Over The World. The Original And Working Generators Have A Few Features In Common Some Of Which Include: They Are Compatible With Both Android And Ios Devices. They Should Have A Team In Place Tocheck The Compatibility Of Their Product To Ensure They Are Not Selective.easy To Use: The Primary Focus Of All Generator Providers Should Be To Make The Life Ofgamers Easy And Comfortable; Hence, Any Product They Launch Should Be Able To Reach Thisgoal. Easy To Access: Although There Are Some Steps Involved In Obtaining Any Generator, The Levels Should Be Very Minimal And Easy To Understand (Should Be Easy For Both Young And Old). Before Venturing Up To The Generators-looking Through Field, It Is Basic First To Have An Away From Of The Game Itself. This Is On The Grounds That You May Wind Up More Befuddled And Lost Toward The Finish Of The Cycle On The Off Chance That You Don't Have An Away From Of What You Are Searching For. Initially, You Probably Won't Have Any Need Of Getting The Free Gold Rs, Yet With Time As The Game Becomes Better And You Get More Associated Even To Different Players, They May Prove To Be Useful. Consequently, It Is Prudent To Have A Decent Blueprint And Be Forearmed With The Information On The Best Way To Hotspot For Them. In This Apparatus Page, You Can Produce Free Gold Rs Utilizing Our "Free Gold Rs Generator" And Furthermore You Will Think About Real Racing 3 And Gold Rs. Real Racing 3 Is Where The Player Would Have The Option To Cooperate With Different Players And Afterward Contend On Some Other Various Levels Also. Real Racing 3 Is One Of The Most Well Known Games That Have In Excess Of 70 Million Dynamic Clients Without A Doubt. The Greater Part Of These Players Are Adolescents Who Are Matured Somewhere In The Range Of 8 And 13 Years Of Age. There Are So Various Levels And Difficulties That The Players Can Go For Alongside Some Other Easter Egg Chases Too. There Is No Uncertainty That The Fabulous Game Is Loaded Up With Heaps Of Different Games That Would Have Various Guides, Models, And Levels. In This Way, You Won't Be Simply Playing One Game However A Ton Of Others That Are Accessible On Real Racing 3
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oldsalempost-blog · 1 year
The Old Salem Post
Our  Local Tamassee-Salem SC Area News each Monday except holidays                                          Contact: [email protected]                              Distributed to local businesses, town hall, library.                                            Volume 7 Issue 15                                                                                                Week of April 3, 2023               https://www.tumblr.com/settings/blog/oldsalempost-blog                                                         Lynne Martin Publishing
EDITOR: The Holy Week leading up to Easter begins with Palm Sunday, April 2, when we wave palm branches remembering Jesus as he rode in to Jerusalem on a colt. Over 2000 years ago people waved palm branches and placed their coats on the road to usher in Jesus,  as they thought Jesus was taking over to rein as King. But, in a few short days those same people yelled to crucify our Lord.  When given the opportunity to release this guiltless man, they demanded the release of a murderer instead of this innocent Christ. I cannot understand this absurdity that the Roman Governor, Pontius Pilate allowed.  We live in a strange world now. But looking back, Jesus lived in a strange world too. Some things do not change. Holy Week does not change. We remember the events that led to the crucifixion of God’s Son, Jesus Christ, who came, loved, and died for us all, no matter our transgressions. This Good Friday should be the most sacred day of our lives, when Jesus was crucified on a cruel cross to save the undeserving likes of all mankind.    LRMartin  
Town of SALEM: Community Easter Egg Hunt April 8th at 10am sharp. Help share the true meaning of Easter.  You can still drop off wrapped candy at the Town Hall.            SALEM LIBRARY:  Open Monday 10am-6pm– Tuesday-Friday 9am-5pm.                      
JOCASSEE VALLEY BREWING COMPANY,(JVBC) & COFFEE SHOP 13412 N Hwy 11 Open this week Wed-Thurs 12pm-9pm. Friday-Sat 8am-9pm.  Sun 2pm-7pm.  Events this week: Thurs: Old Time Jam 6:30pm Featuring Food Truck: Kiss My ASADA setting up at 12pm.   Fri– FOOD Truck : FRESCO LUNA 5pm Music: Chris Wayne at 6:30pm.  Sat–Music: JL FULKS at 6:30pm Food: Palmetto Spoon.  CLOSED Easter Sunday            
Tamassee DAR offers Spring Break Camp:  April 3-7, 7:30am-pm.  Breakfast and Lunch and afternoon snack included.  Open to all children K-8th grade.  Fee 100-120/ week. Register 864-944-1390 Ext 118.  Have fun enjoying activities and learning.
From a Reader:  This year is the 70th anniversary of the building of Lake Cheohee. Many will remember Lake Cheohee as the first man-made lake in Oconee County.  Locals came to swim, fish, picnic, and water ski.  Today Lake Cheohee is a 40 + acre private lake community.  There are 36 property owners and 11 owners call the lake home.  To protect the tranquility and peace of the neighborhood, gas powered motors are no longer allowed.  All property owners are blessed to own land in an area surrounding Sumter National Forest. The land has a large variety of native plants and trees.  One resident affectionately refers to the area as a lake terrarium.  Lake residents enjoy the occasional siting of a bear, a wild boar, bobcat, deer, fox, beaver, raccoon, and many more native SC wildlife.  Residents also enjoy herons, mallards, hummingbirds, bald eagle, osprey, Canadian geese, and more native species.  Of course, no area is without insects and snakes.  The lake is home to a native bat being studied by Clemson University and protected by the US government.  Last but not least, residents enjoy the bass, brim, sunfish, black crappie, and other SC native fish.                                                      J Young
The Clemson Area Food Exchange has been selling produce and table items from the farm in Pickens, Anderson and Oconee counties for the last 15 years.  SALEM is on the drop off on Tuesday 4:30pm -6pm, hosted by  Sisters Restaurant on the porch, 281Stamp Creek Rd. Order between Friday pm- Monday noon. First two orders complimentary, then $ 20/ year per household. Order on line at Clemsonareafoodexchange.com      
DAR SCHOOL STUDENT FROM 1942-1946 RECALLS EXPERIENCES (Fourth Installment) - Mr. Cain would often host a group of DAR dignitaries for a meal, and serving them made us very nervous at first, but we eventually got used to it. Mrs. Marett, the dietician, would always make out a more elegant menu for them than the students ever had, but it would not be anything extravagant. . .Every other month we would have to polish the dining room floor. We would move all the tables to one end of the room and mop and wax the floor. Then we would use old army blankets to polish it. This made the floor shine so that you could almost see yourself in it. When the first area was finished we would move the tables to the other end and polish the remainder. . .In the laundry we had big cement tubs to rinse the clothes in after they were washed. We would inevitably splash some water out and get the floor wet, and one day while we were in the laundry a thunderstorm came up and lightning came in on that wet floor and shocked us. Fortunately, no one was hurt. After that, if a dark cloud was nearby they would not let us in the laundry. . .Mrs. Nicholson taught us to iron sheets and pillowcases on a big ironer. Then we would return them to the dormitories. . .There was a water tank between All States Hall and the dining room, and a bell was on the water tank that we had to ring at different times. Sometimes it was for classes, sometimes it was to call us for meals, and sometimes it was for special events. . .One day the rope to ring the bell got caught on the water tank and we could not reach it. Although it was a "No! No!" to climb the water tank, Maggie decided she would do so anyway and get the rope loose. I was afraid she was going to fall and get hurt, but thankfully she made it back down safely. . .TO BE CONTINUED
EAGLES NEST ART CENTER , 501c3, 4 Eagle Lane, Salem                              The regular scheduled meeting on April 3 has been cancelled.  
ENAC Hosts : Saturday April 15, 2023, 9am-11am  Sons of the Savior M/M, Redeemed Chapter.                                                                                            ENAC Announces Trial by Fire, a Journey Tribute Band to perform Saturday, April 29, 2023 at 7pm.  Tickets are $25 and $30 day of the event, available at Salem Town Hall and on Ticketleap or call 8-280-1258.   Doors open at 6pm.  
The Power of Prayer:  We must pray the scriptures to protect our families, our children, our schools and our nation.  Psalm 127 reminds us, “Unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.” Ephesians 6 says, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” The March 27, 2023 school shooting at Christian Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee took 6 innocent lives. Join in Prayer:  We war for the protection and the healing only Jesus can bring! Lord, bring comfort to these traumatized school children, parents, and the shooter's family. Help us be vigilant to the needs of the broken and hurting as we seek You on how to keep our children safe. Let us not be complacent but give us a fighting spirit! Amen.   Contributed by, Marion Farrar   from article from the Reformation Prayer Network                                                                                                                    No paper  Easter Monday. LRM
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How to mod the XP/credit in World War Z - MPGH - MultiPlayer Game Hacking & Cheats
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 Cheats, game codes, unlockables, hints, tips, easter eggs, glitches, game guides, walkthroughs, screenshots, videos and more for World War Z: Aftermath on PC. The most trustworthy items get the most 'thumbs up' from our users and appear nearer the top! We have 11 user entries submitted for for this game on this platform at the moment. If you have something to share, Submit Some Content! Click a score button below to add your rating Although World War Z: Aftermath does not offer cheats in the form of built-in cheat codes or console commands, as a player, you can download a trainer that will give you access to cheats. Make sure that you download the trainer from a reliable site, install it, and you can get access to cheats such as:. The way to set these cheats is offered in the form of sliders and toggle switches on the trainer that runs in the background. So take some time and set what you like, sit back and enjoy the game difficulty that you have created. Thankyou for your vote! Comment 3. World War Z: Aftermath offers a few more weapon choices than its predecessor, here is a list of those weapons so that you can take a look and see what you are going to strive to unlock. This list includes the improvements that these guns have if any. Having newer weapons and variants can be a bit confusing, thankfully, content creators are here to save the day. Taking a look at videos made online, you can learn a lot from the content that they have created. Five and Six skull difficulty getting you down? Luckily, a user has found a bug that can make the Dead Sea Stroll mission easier than you can imagine. During the last stage of the mission, where you have to find car parts for Greengold, as you start the mission, head over to the right, and you will notice a guard rail with some rocks behind it. Run up the small rocks in front of the guard rail and you will find yourself on top of it. Once there, keep running towards the tree and you will find yourself on top of the rocks. From here, you can monitor the mission while the Zekes try to kill you, unfortunately for them, they can not reach you. The trick is that from this point will attract the Zekes while your friends go about looking for car parts. You will also have a good vantage point to defend Greengold, who has a habit of getting into trouble during the mission. Make your way through the mission making sure that you do not attract the attention of too many zombies. From this point, kill all your teammates and then attract the attention of the zombies to kill yourself as well. This, unfortunately, comes up with the Defeat screen, however, what you have done is farm tons of experience and coins for a small amount of effort and time. One of the mistakes many people make is the one where in close quarters combat, many people try to use their guns. This is a lot harder and can cause you to miss a lot and eventually get killed. The best move is to make sure that you are using your melee skill and killing those close quarters enemies with one tap of a button over missing half a clip before landing a kill shot. Changing your class every little while can be bad for you overall, as you do not learn how to best use the skills of the classes that you are playing. Sticking to a single class and practicing it will help you get better at the game and you will learn how to best use the class. The situations that you get yourself into are handled differently by each class, so learning your strengths and weaknesses for your class will help you survive in the zombie apocalypse. Sharing medkits can help your team survive and prevent headaches of having to try and protect a low-life friendly while trying to stop the masses from overwhelming you. Making sure to learn how to use your pings will help both you and your teammates survive longer than usual. Certain enemies are harder to deal with than normal, so pinging these will help notify your teammates that you require some assistance with dispatching these enemies. There is nothing more frustrating than progressing further and wondering why everything is going from achievable to impossible. One of the causes for this could be that your guns are not matching up to the strengths of your enemies, so make sure that you upgrade your guns as you progress. World War Z: Aftermath is a co-op multiplayer game, so using this to your advantage will be best not only for you but for your teammates as well. Working as a team is vital to the victory of the mission, it will make missions turn from almost impossible to an easy stroll in the park. Picking different classes will help the flow of the mission as each class has different perks to help you on the way, synergizing these perks will help drive back the hordes of zombies. Communicating and helping your teammates will help you complete the missions at hand and end up with more experience and coins for you at the end of the day. It can often be frustrating when you run out of ammo in the middle of a round, they have to dodge enemies while running around trying to find ammo crates. The best way to avoid this is to refill your ammo during the quiet times in between rounds. Learn where the ammo crates are during the rounds and then as the rounds start coming to an end, slowly edge toward where ammo crates are to save you time. This can mean the difference between life and death. Are you enjoying World War Z: Aftermath? Our users rate this game 3. Share This. Our most popular games. Fortnite - Playstation 4. Stranded Deep - Playstation 4. FIFA 22 - Playstation 4. Muse Dash - PC. Koikatsu Party - PC. Stardew Valley - Xbox One. Recent content Wolfpack - PC - 1 Cheat. Skylanders: Imaginators - Playstation 4 - 1 Glitch. IO - PC - 8 Hints.
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acacia-may · 1 year
Take Care of Yourself Chapter 4 (Finale)
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Chapter 4 Description: When Giyu is injured as part of the Hashira Training, he visits Shinobu for the first time in a long time. She patches him up once again--teasing him as always about taking better care of himself, but this time, there is something in her voice when she says "I'm not going to be around to patch you up forever, you know?" that gives Giyu pause and makes him wonder: if Kocho is the one who is always telling him to take care of himself, who is there to tell her the same thing? And would she even listen to them if they did? 
Story Description: Giyu & Shinobu's relationship through the years and an origin story of how they became friends.
Fandom: Demon Slayer/Kimetsu no Yaiba
Genre: Friendship, Developing Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Angst
Relationships: Giyu Tomioka & Shinobu Kocho Friendship (though I suppose you could take it in a romantic way if you really wanted it to be) [A/N: This story focuses on how their relationship developed over time and how deeply and genuinely they care about each other so how you want to qualify that (platonic or romantic) is really up to you. My intention was to write about their platonic friendship, but I have been told that the final chapter could lean a little more romantic than the others(?) so warnings for that upfront...]
Characters: Giyu Tomioka (POV Character) and Shinobu Kocho. [Kanae Kocho and Sabito are mentioned but do not physically appear in this story. Sanemi Shinazugawa is briefly mentioned once in every chapter as an easter egg for my sister who loves him and encouraged me to write this story in the first place].
Rating: T for Thematic Elements (Please see "Warnings" below for more details)
Warnings: Heavy themes (i.e. grief, emotional trauma, & survivor guilt), mentions of (non-depicted) past deaths, and depiction of injuries as well as some discussion of demon slaying violence related to those injuries. Ch. 3 has some action sequences and mild, non-gory/non-graphic depictions of demon slaying. All chapters contain SPOILERS for and through Ch. 131 of the manga. Ch. 3 & Ch. 4 contain vague spoilers from and through Ch. 163 of the manga and some related foreshadowing.
Word Count: 2033 (Chapter 4) [7573 Total]
Link to original post on AO3. Please do not repost to another site.
Tumblr Links to The Previous Chapter: Chapter 3. This Chapter (Chapter 4) is the Final Chapter.
Note: This is an older story of mine, but I am posting it here to Tumblr for Shinobu's upcoming birthday (since as much as I want to write another story to celebrate my favourite Demon Slayer character, I'm afraid I will not have time this year...)
Chapter 4 below the cut. Please Note: Chapter 4 contains spoilers and foreshadowing through Ch. 163 of the manga and has an angsty ending. (Apologies in advance for that). Thank you for reading! 🦋
“Only this once” quickly turned into a recurring, regular stop at small, hole in the wall restaurants or food carts after their missions. Eating together like that was such a mundane thing, but it almost made Giyu feel normal. In his life as a demon slayer, he had very few fond memories of the regular, everyday experiences others took for granted like stopping at a tiny diner and chatting over a bowl of Udon—or, he supposed, technically Kocho did most of the talking while he listened. He sometimes wondered if she, too, appreciated the chance to be ordinary, even though he knew that even in the absence of demon slaying there was very little that was unremarkable about her. Her skills as a doctor and pharmacist, for instance,  were extraordinary in their own right—especially when one was on the receiving end of her treatment, as Giyu was now.
“Hold still,” said Kocho as she stitched the gash in his arm which tensed involuntarily each time the wound was poked and prodded. Maybe that’s what she meant by ‘hold still.’ Giyu tried to make a conscious effort, but when he flinched again, she huffed, “Tomioka-san!”
“Sorry,” he mumbled. Given how many times Kocho had stitched up his wounds, he thought he should be used to it by now. Even so, it was a relief when the suture was finally complete. She huffed again.
“Shinazugawa did this to you?”
Giyu nodded but added graciously, “I don’t think he meant to. We were sparring as part of the Hashira training. Wind Breathing is rough…”
“And I bet you were spacing out again, weren’t you?” Kocho rolled her eyes but frowned at the gash in his arm and the other injuries that she had already bandaged. She shook her head. “At this rate, you won’t be in any shape to fight Muzan or the Moons.”
Giyu sighed. He didn’t think he would be in much shape to fight the remaining upper rank demons even without getting a bit beaten up by Shinazugawa’s Wind Breathing as he doubted he would be able to manifest a mark like he was sure the others would—they were so much stronger than he was. That reminded him…
“Kocho, have you participated in the Hashira training yet?”
She turned away from him and walked over to the shelves of medical supplies. “No,” she answered curtly with her back to him. “The Master has given me another task that’s kept me very busy.”
She sighed as she rummaged around in a cabinet, and her voice grew quieter though still matter-of-fact, “I doubt I could even manifest a mark anyway—my breathing isn’t like yours. I can’t…” She stopped. As Giyu expected, when she turned towards him, she had that hollow smile on her face again. “Besides, I spend all my extra time healing careless demon slayers like you. I don’t have time for any special training, and I’d prefer to save my energy for Muzan and the Moons anyway.”
As Kocho took a seat next to him, Giyu couldn’t help but wonder how much energy she had these days. She appeared more ragged each time he saw her, which had been getting less and less frequent ever since the demon activity had inexplicitly stopped and the Hashira training had begun.
He wondered if she was feeling alright—not that she would tell him or anyone if she wasn’t. Kocho was the master of the brave face—always pretending she was at her best and pushing herself to be strong for everyone around her. She looked out for others before herself without even blinking an eye. She had an unbelievable strength and resolve that Giyu still couldn’t wrap his head around—but he knew it must be a heavy burden and he couldn’t help but wonder if she was growing tired under its crushing weight.
“I think there’s only one left,” said Kocho pulling Giyu out of his thoughts. As she unspooled some bandages and began to dig through her pocket, a handful of something small and brown fell on the ground with a clatter. Giyu’s eyebrows twitched.
Kocho sighed and rolled her eyes as she bent over to pick them up. “From Inosuke. He had a nasty cut on his head that I bandaged up for him earlier today, and he gave me those for some reason...” She shook her head, but her mouth twitched into an almost-affectionate smile as she placed the handful of acorns on a nearby table. She turned back to Giyu with the gauze, he assumed, she was trying to get out of her pocket in the first place, and added with a teasing smile, “He’s almost as reckless as you are…”
"I would’ve thought he was like Shinazugawa…” answered Giyu dryly—the Wind Hashira and the boar mask boy both seemed to have the same hotheaded aggression.
“Yes, him too. The three of you are far too reckless…especially you, Tomioka-san,” glowered Kocho as she began to clean the cut on his shoulder with a huff. “Did you really get all of these injuries from sparring?” Giyu nodded.
“You need to take better care of yourself,” she scolded but her violet eyes looked tired and her weary voice started to fade as her gentle hands wrapped the gauze around his shoulder. “I’m not going to be around to patch you up forever, you know?”
Something twisted in Giyu’s chest. He turned towards her with a start.  “What?”
“Tomioka-san, hold still,” she snapped in frustration—his rapid movement having unspooled her bandaging. His brow furrowed, and he stared at her as if searching the irritated expression on her pale face for the unnerving twinge he had heard in her voice.
“What do you mean?” he asked, and Kocho whipped away from him pulling the bandage tight. When Giyu flinched, she loosened her grip and sighed with a slight shake of her head.
“Nothing. I just meant…you never know what’s going to happen. I’m sure you’ve felt it too—our final battle with Muzan could happen any day now, and it would be foolish to think that we’ll all make it back from it alive and unscathed. We’re Hashira…we’ve always known we might have to make the ultimate sacrifice—it’s just part of our job and our duty. That’s all I was saying…” Her answer was calm, nonchalant, and sensical—somehow respectful to the gravity of sacrifice but dismissive of her original comment—such were Kocho’s skills of deflection. Giyu blinked, and his brow furrowed as his insides coiled.
“Kocho…” he began. “You look tired…”
“Well, you don’t look so great yourself,” she bristled as she finished bandaging his shoulder.
“Maybe you should rest,” he suggested earning an indignant glare.
“Maybe I would have time to rest if a certain airheaded water pillar didn’t keep getting himself beaten up.” She flashed him a teasing smile, but Giyu could tell she had stiffened.  
With a guilty sigh, he downcast his eyes. “I’m sorry…”
“You should be,” she bantered before returning to her bandaging with, Giyu knew, no intention of continuing this conversation. He watched as her hands trembled as she wrapped his wound and noticed the dark rings under her eyes, the gauntness of her face. He couldn’t help but think that if he had looked like that, Kocho would be scolding him, ushering him into a hospital bed, and insisting ‘you need to take care of yourself.’ Something panged in his chest. Kocho was the one who had always told him to take care of himself, but who was there to tell her the same thing? And would she even listen to them if they did?   
“Are you sick?” he asked surprising himself by his boldness in pressing the issue, and, he supposed, Kocho as well as her hands stopped moving for just a moment before she pointedly tilted her head.
“No, and how is that any of your business?” Giyu supposed she had a point. He wondered if he should just leave the subject alone, but the knots in his stomach made him feel queasy. He wasn’t always the best at picking up on Kocho’s deflections—wanting to take her at her word—but this time…
“Your face is pale, and your eyes are red…like you haven’t been sleeping…”
“Oh, you’re one to talk about sleeping, insomniac…” she teased, but he could see the tension in her shoulders.
“Something is wrong…” he observed or perhaps admitted aloud as his heart beat faster.
“You’re so rude, Tomioka-san,” Kocho scolded with her empty, teasing smile but her voice hitched as she stood up from her seat and turned to leave with a shaky huff. “You know, this is exactly why no one likes—” Kocho stopped. She stared at Giyu’s hand which had suddenly wrapped around her wrist.
“What…what are you?” she spluttered as her gaunt cheeks flushed pink, and Giyu swallowed hard as he felt her pulse pounding against his palm. He hadn’t meant to do that—had only meant to stop her before she left and buried his concerns somewhere on the other side of the great abyss between them, with all of the other words they left unsaid.
Kocho huffed and jerked her arm away from him, but he asked, shocked by his own boldness, “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong,” her words tumbled rapidly as she grew visibly huffy and glared directly at him. “I told you I’m fine. Just forget it!”
“I said drop it, Giyu!”
Giyu’s mouth fell a bit slack in spite of himself as Kocho’s eyes widened in realization of what she had said. She had never called him that—not once in the many years that they had known each other. A blush crossed over her cheeks but whether it was from embarrassment or frustration, Giyu didn’t know.
She glared at him at him almost threateningly. “Please,” she gritted through her teeth. Her stormy eyes were irate and intimidating, but there was something else, something almost distraught, almost desperate. Giyu’s insides twisted. He almost wondered if he should try to stumble through an apology but couldn’t seem to find the words as he shifted under the weight of her gaze.
Seemingly shaking it off, Kocho bristled and stiffened before she gathered her medical supplies and said curtly, “All your wounds are taken care of. You can go now.” She stared at the ground and wouldn’t look at him, and when she sighed, her voice was calm almost quiet, different than the teasing banter with which she would’ve usually said the following words, “If it makes you feel better, I’ll try to get some extra sleep tonight. Okay? Happy?”
Giyu blinked at her. He didn’t know what to say, but he somehow managed a brisk nod. Kocho nodded in return, and they stumbled their way through awkward, curt goodbyes. However, when she turned to leave, something gnawed and twisted in the pit of Giyu’s stomach, a truly horrible feeling—the same one he had had when Tsutako had hidden him urging him to stay quiet or Makomo had waved goodbye before leaving for Mount Fujikasane or Sabito had run off ahead of him at Final Selection—an impending sense of dread that he was never going to see her again.
“Kocho…” he said the desperation creeping into his voice. She must’ve heard it too because she turned around to look back at him with surprise on her face.
For years later, Giyu would come back to this moment—agonizing over every detail, wondering if he had just pushed a little harder, if he had just probed a little more, asked a little more forcefully, been a little bit braver—if he had just had the courage to cross that great divide between them, between the things they shared and the things they couldn’t say, would things have been different?
But as it was, Giyu stopped on the precipice of that chasm—unable to ask the questions he so desperately wanted to ask, to say the words he so desperately wanted to say—so he said the only thing that he could, desperately hoping that the meaning would somehow reach her.   
“Take care of yourself.”
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mxgilray · 3 years
Loki Season 1 Thoughts
Overall, I really liked this series. It has some issues without question, but I sincerely don't think it's the dumpster fire so many viewers on this site treat it as. Did it go how I expected? Not at all? Did I enjoy the heck out of it and look forward to it every Wednesday? Hell yeah!
Loki's Good Guy Personality
A big complaint many have had with it is how much Loki's demeanor has changed and how his emotional growth feels rushed or his personality is ooc. Truth is, he saw his entire future, saw what his angry, power hungry, I-work-alone persona would get him in the end, and it snapped him back to reality. He has always been shown to be quite emotional and craving attention and lacking in self assurance, it's just in the past movies he's masked it with violence and fake narcissism, and he's always been a secondary character so his perspective is rarely shown. But if you really pay attention it's obvious he isn't truly villainous; we all know that, it's largely why he has such a huge fan base.
Right after meeting Mobius, Loki got an infodump of his future, saw his parents both die, found out that free will means jack shit, and learned he's absolutely powerless in this realm. On top of that, this is 2012 Loki, fresh off of being under Thanos' control, suddenly being shown that the guy who controlled him is going to end up killing him. Frankly,, I think it all broke Loki. He was too shook up by it all and by the sheer helplessness he found himself in at the TVA that he let all his barriers down momentarily. Just long enough for him to open up to Mobius about his motivation and his lack of self confidence. And you know what I bet? Loki felt relieved after talking to Mobius. A weight was lifted, because he bore his heart to someone and wasn't rejected or laughed at or treated like a psycho. And after letting his walls down fully, Loki didn't feel the need to put all of them back up. He stayed guarded around other people, but he didn't need to pretend around Mobius. Mobius has seen under the mask, so Loki doesn't feel pressure to perform as an all knowing, all powerful God around Mobius. That freedom is life changing.
People who gravitate towards broken, pseudo-villain characters do so because we relate to their internal conflict, their mental illness, their need to fake it around everyone close to them. Their turmoil and depression and self destructive behavior are familiar and we see ourselves reflected in their actions. Now, when a person really truly let's their guard down, drops all their layers of facade, and embraces themself, they tend to change demeanor and even personality pretty drastically. It's jarring in real life, so of course when it happens to a fictional character who you usually relate to it is going to be jarring, maybe even more so because it feels like a change you yourself would never go through. I know this sounds bad and people might get at me for it, but...
I believe the issue here is that a large part of Loki's fan base doesn't want him to get better. They don't want him to move past his mental illness, to learn how to cope with anger and disappointment in healthier ways, to be happy. They like his damaged persona, they like the internal conflict. Maybe it's because they're still at that low place themself and feel like a relatable character is getting taken away from them, maybe it's because they don't understand how much being at peace with yourself can alter a person and to them it feels like he's been changed too much. To those of us mostly on the up and up from battling depression and mental illness, it's comforting to see Loki getting a chance to be genuinely happy and accepting of himself.
Sylki and Lokius
First things first, I'm not anti anything. Ship what you want, idc. Personally, I do not see the Sylki dynamic as romantic, but I get why people read it that way. I thought the series did a good job of showing unrequited love, namely Loki falling for Sylvie and Sylvie feeling zero romance towards him. This was aware of his attraction and in the end used it as a distraction so she could get the upper hand. The show played up the potential romance because we are viewing things from Loki's perspective and he's become smitten as a kitten. I do think in the long run they'll have a more sibling-like dynamic, one Loki realizes that you can feel extreme love and care for a person without it being romantic. I enjoyed how the show explored their relationship, though I do wish they hadn't had every character under the sun mention their moment on Lamentis-1 like it was some big deal to bond with someone you're about to die with.
I'm bitter towards the development of Lokius. It had a strong start in the beginning, and in ep 5 had some potential reignited, but then they had Mobius not know who Loki is at the end. I'm still hoping they're playing the long game with this ship and that it'll come to fruition partway through season 2. The chemistry is there, and Mobius knows Loki very intimately and isn't put off by his past. Loki also feels much more at ease around Mobius than he does around Sylvie. It's the comfort of a deep loving bond with Mobius verses the nervousness of a new crush that he feels for Sylvie.
I don't think Loki is quite aware of his feelings for Mobius, simply because it's based in friendship and mutual respect and isn't a hot and heavy lust. Plus, as soon as he was away from Mobius he was thrown into a near death experience with Sylvie and developed a surface crush during their heart to heart. Since Loki's still figuring out what genuine feelings are beyond anger and sadness, he sees the simplistic crush he has on Sylvie as love and the intimate bond he's been forming with Mobius as friendship. He doesn't understand his own feelings yet, but I think he'll figure it out next season. I mean, he was probably already rethinking his feelings for her after she kissed and betrayed him, mentally kicking himself for expecting her to not pull a Loki betrayal like he would've in the past.
The Time Variance Authority
I really like the concept of the TVA, the structure of it, the methods they use, the deeply fucked way they recruit employees, the cult like motto, shady Miss Minutes who is definitely playing her own long game, and the blind acceptance TVA agents have of the Time Keepers' will. It's all very well done... until your dig into the core, aka He Who Remains. They built up the idea that the Time Keepers created the TVA to prevent a multiverse war and that they created agents to enforce their will. Then the creating agents turned out to be fake, the Time Keepers were fake, I expected the reason for the TVA's existence to be fake to. It felt too simple to have it genuinely exist just to keep the multiverse in check. Why the anonymity, unless it's to keep from having agents target and prune versions of himself which.. songs like a decent solution. HWR made it sound as though the multiverse war was just a bunch of versions of himself screwing shit up, so why isn't the TVA's focus on eradicating every other variant of this guy? Sounds a lot easier and nicer than fucking with the free will of every other living being. So either Marvel made a bad call when choosing what HWR's motive was for creating the TVA, or he was lying about it all to cover up something sinister.
Overall Storyline
I'm fairly happy with the plot as a whole. There were some pacing issues and I think a few missed chances for deeper conversations between various characters. While I enjoyed the Loki variants, I honestly would've been happier seeing Tom playing most the variants (except Kid Loki and Classic Loki since they are clearly different age ranges). If there is supposed to be one sacred timeline, it seems off to me that Lokis would be allowed to vary so extremely without it causing a nexus event(an alligator, whose nexus wasn't that he's an animal who obviously can't do any magic much less command Thanos' army, but that he ate someone's cat) and not just in appearance but in life path (ie boastful Loki collected all the infinity stones but it wasn't till he had 6 that he caused a nexus event even though him gaining control of the Soul, Power, and Time stones should've each caused nexus events since on the sacred timeline he never interacts with those 3 and taking any one of them would've fucked up a lot of other timeline parts)
I love the display of Lokis raw power, and 2012 Loki coming to the realization that he's way more powerful than he ever thought. And it wasn't just Classic Loki who spent thousands of years alone honing his skills, 2012 Loki reversed time on a goddamn falling building! I also liked the small magic, the fireworks, the tablecloth blanket, Loki yanking Sylvie away from HWR with just magic.
As someone who is both bisexual and genderfluid, I would've really loved more concrete representation. The comment about there never being another female Loki hit me in the gut; it undermined the Easter egg "Sex: Fluid" on Loki's TVA file. With how big a deal Sylvie being female was made out to be throughout the season, I expected her gender to play a key role in taking down the head of the TVA, like it was foretold that only a female Loki could end it all or some shit.
I don't mind the idea of Loki finding love in a straight passing relationship. I don't even mind the selfcest all that much. It just feels so obvious to me that Sylvie is written as not having any romantic inclination towards Loki, while Mobius is clearly written as falling in love with someone he shouldn't and trying to maintain an heir of professionalism to keep from wrecking his bond with Loki. I really really hope they come through on season 2 and give Lokius the canon relationship and proper representation they deserve.
Mmkay I thinks that's all the thoughts I've got right now. If you've been feeling cheated or clowned by how things went this season, maybe my perspective of things can help ease your pain.
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walkinginland · 3 years
Sarah J Maas "A Court of Silver Flames" 2/20/21 US tour interview: my rambly notes edition.
- ACOSF started as a fun passion project on the side. She did not originally plan on publishing it. She started dabbling with it while writing ACOWAR and doing final edits on ACOMAF. 
- She cries every time she meets an author she admires. Said that the "full weight of gratitude for what their stories have done for me hits me and I just burst into tears."
- The moderator told her she needs more main characters that are criers. Who just cry at anything and nothing. Sarah laughed and said she's exactly like that, so it's something she should explore. How to write that sympathetically and make it cute/funny, but not annoying. 
- How do you come up with character names? Everywhere and nowhere. Some of them (like Feyre) just pop in her head unsearched for. Sometimes there are characters that show up but she doesn't have a name for them, and she feels stuck on developing their character further until she can come up with a name. She searches baby name sites and looks up old Roman, Irish, other language names until she finds something that clicks. She asks herself "Is this name sexy?" if it's for a guy 😂
- She looks at the meanings of names as well as how they sound. Sometimes a name pops in her head for a character, and then later when she looks the name meaning fits the character almost *too* perfectly and it's creepy. "No Franks"
- Nesta's journey is one of her favorite journeys she's ever written, character growth wise. She is broken, angry, just plain mean at the beginning. And by the end, she is certainly not perfect. She is still working through all of what she did before, all the people she hurt. No free passes. But she has the hard conversations, and learns about herself to be able to grow. Nesta is still a work in progress. 
- Sarah's own mental health journey, while very different from Nesta's, played a big role in how she wrote the character. That personal aspect made it both easier and harder, and she cried a lot while writing. 
- For Sarah, the big takeaway from acosf is this: Learning to love yourself, learning to love others, and knowing that you are worthy. 🥺
- "No Prozac in acotar world."
- Back when she was writing ACOMAF, Sarah knew that Elain and Nesta would have their own stories and motivations. At the time, she only had the book deal for the first 3, and had no real plans of writing more, but she knew that they had more in them. 
- With the end of ACOWAR, there was more Sarah wanted to explore. The "big bad" was defeated, but how does the world move on? What now? How does a world rebuild? What are the politics like? What roles do Rhys and Feyre want to take on in these new tensions? 
- She definitely said that each of these new books focuses on a "couple" though idk if that was slip or if she really meant that or WHAT but excuse me *elriel*???? 👀👀👀👀👀👀
- She accidentally pitched these books to her old editor while she was drunk. She was just rambling about the characters (she was writing acowar at the time, doing final edits on acomaf), and what she envisioned for them, and then a few weeks later she had a book deal. 
- She didn't confirm who the next books will focus on, but she mentioned that she had had plans for what she wanted to do with Elain, Azriel, and Mor. So. 👀👀👀👀👀
- There are apparently lots of easter eggs and hints in ACOWAR and definitely in ACOSF about what plot lines and things will be pursued in the future books. 
- Which court (besides Night) would you like to live in?
Loves Autumn as a season, but "everyone in Autumn is an asshole." Would visit if everyone else left.
"Summer..... I don't like the heat but I have a thing for Tarquin so....."
  "Every court has something I like about it. I would like any of them. Except Spring. Because Tamlin sucks." 
- Every High Lord has a beast form. What would Nesta's beast form be? Something terrifying and beautiful. Maybe a snow leopard/dragon hybrid. Or a sphinx or gryphon. Something mysterious and terrifying and beautiful. Sarah wants someone to draw Nesta's theoretical beast form. Post it on IG and share what you envision!!
- Sarah would be a lazy sea otter. 😂
- Nesta reads romance books because there is a "guarantee of a happily ever after for those characters in a romance novel. These promises of a known happy ending bring her comfort." 
- Nesta's st*rbucks order? Something simple and strong, not sweet. Elain would get something delicious and sweet.
- Sarah used to listen to music more while she writes, but now with the 2 yo she likes to be able to hear what's going on in the house. Josh takes care of him, but she likes to keep an ear out while she's working. She used to listen to classical music and movie scores. 
- Advice for new writers: "give yourself permission to suck." She said her first drafts are *always* horrendous. It's ok. Just vomit the words out, no matter how bad. "You can't fix a blank page." 
- Least favorite part of the writing process is the really detailed copy edits. Making sure she hasn't forgotten anything. Continuity checks. Making sure things line up right, she hasn't changed someone's eye color accidentally, etc. 
- How long does it take to publish?
She sent first draft of acosf to editor in fall/winter 2019.
Sent to printer in fall 2020.
Working on second round of CC2 edits starting next week.
She wrote ACOTAR in 2008-2009, wasn't published till 2015.
Wrote TOG in HS/college
- Any inspiring couples for your writing? She's reread P&P 3 times in pandemic. Elizabeth and Darcy are her OTP. (She often thinks about what their wedding night was like 👀 ) She joked that Nesta = Darcy, Cassian = Elizabeth 😂
- Which main character do you most identify with? Probably mostly a mix of Bryce and Nesta. Each of her heroines has a piece of her though. 
- Moderator (who was amazing and a huge fan herself): "I am formally requesting another Throne of Glass book." Sarah: *crickets* 
And that was it! It was a little over an hour long.
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