#have a new appreciation for how slick the tf2 ui is
zarla-s · 7 months
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So I spent the last couple days making a HeavyMedic fansite and it is the most ELABORATE SITE I'VE EVER MADE and I'm so unbearably proud of it, it looks SO COOL!! Especially the Fictracker page!! It's even responsive!! You have no idea how long it took to get everything looking right and spacing it and everything. I've never made a site that looks this fancy before! I'M SO PROUD OF IT LOOK AT IT!! LOOK AT IT!!! LOOK AT IIIITTTT plz
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Also made some link buttons! Still don't really have an official name for the site as it is but WHATEVER maybe I'll decide on one later. YOU CAN USE THESE TO LINK TO IT FROM YOUR OWN SITE you have your own site right, you should make onneeee (here are some resources if you don't know how) and if it's a TF2 site TELL ME AND I WILL LINK BACK TO IT
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