septaylorsversion · 11 months
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“what are you doing to me now?”🖤
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😍😎🔥 Posted @withregram • @jayryanofficial Sugar & Spice, Naughty & Nice #BangkokRooftops #theblue https://www.instagram.com/p/ChozzcbInt3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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goldyknows · 4 months
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Me and a really neat guy!!!!!
Thanks for coming out to The Blue Iguana Bar and Grill Prattville Danny Loxx Danny Schnuck!!!! So great seeing you there my friend!!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOX
Coming back MAY 18th 2024!!!! BE THERE!
#GoldyLocks #GoldylockSBand #RodSaylor #JohnnyOro #BlueIguana #BlueIguanaPratville #TheBlue #TheBluePratville
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yebisucat · 1 year
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2023.3.29 昨日、 以前勤務してた時に 仲良くしてたお友だちと会いました。 ひとりは、 個展にご夫婦と来てくれたお友だちで、 もうひとりは、ひとまわり以上若いお友だち。 どちらも、職種は違ったけど、 なんだか、忘れずに思い合ってたので、 計画はすぐ決まり、 私が前に行ってお気に入りになった、 「THE BLUE」へ。 オシャなお店だって喜んでもらい、 色んなお話ししながら、 時間が過ぎていきました。 * テレビ局のデザインのお仕事で、 ドラマのオープニングにも 使ってもらったので、 ある意味、思い出深い会社なのでした。 特にその時に、 私の事を発掘してくださった 当時の取締役の方の女性の話しになり、 お亡くなりになったと聞いて、 切なかった… まだお若く、 私とそんなにも歳は離れてなかったと思いますが、 優しくて、動物が大好きで、 辞めてからも、 お会いしたりして、 お互いのペット自慢したりと、LINEにやり取りも残っています。 多分、その方と知り合わなければ、 思い出に残るようなお仕事は していなかったかもしれません。 本当にありがとうございました。 空のむこうで、 歴代のペットたちと、 楽しくお過ごしくださいね。 * そして、 お友だちのひとりは退職して、 次のお仕事も決まり、 もうひとりの若いお友だちは 社内婚で幸せオーラ満開。 今日もハッピーに包まれた〜♪ * かわいいディナーで、 前菜のブルーのディッシュは 白身のムースで、パスタはモチモチ。 丁度お腹もいい感じにいっぱいになり、 お目当てのブルーのケーキは、 さっぱりしたバニラムースに カシスソースが入っていて、 とても美味しかったです♪ ショーケースのケーキは、 見る見るうちに売り切れてました。 ホント、スイーツ美味しい。 また食べたい。 * さて、また当分は 絵を描く時間を費やしてながら、 美味しいものがあるところを 探索しないとなぁ〜。 * 書籍で参加したアートブックも 着々と進んでいるようで、 出来上がりがとても楽しみです。 今週末は、 次の出展の額縁を探しに。 合うのあるかなぁ〜 * ハッピーになるために、 またハッピーに触れていきたい♪ * #theblue #ブルーのケーキ #大切なお友だち #美しい時間 #会えて嬉しかった (Godzilla Statue) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqXtr5Dv6cX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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akc1906 · 2 years
The Blue, The Red, and The White House
Any aspiring individual in their 20s has a common dream of building a huge palatial bungalow, for which many of them don't have the money and work all their life, trying to make the money to build that dream house. In the process, they may or may not make that money, but certainly end up acquiring unnecessary illnesses. Also when they do build their dream house they rarely are satisfied with it and often most people don’t live peaceful lives in their dream homes, due to the illnesses they have acquired.
From that thought arose the idea for this painting to show people that any modestly built house can look beautiful, to build it anyone will take far less stress and sacrifice, and will be far more satisfying. If my painting can inspire anyone to live a modest life, in these uncertain times, then I believe my painting has served its purpose.
I believe that it is our modesty that will help us, in solving our human problems.
Copyrights are owned by @akchalakode.
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asgun · 9 months
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be brave, be patient, be wise, be eternal.
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Gayass /aff
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chissgender · 5 months
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Huevember day 2
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sidonius5 · 2 years
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Happy Birthday to you wonderful guy, may this day be as special as you are😍❤️🥳🎊🎉 @jayryanofficial #happybirthdayjayryan #jayryan #batb #marykillspeople #thefurnace #cramerie #itchapter2 #fightingseason #theblue #muru https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch1tNQFj3kO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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djchemo · 7 months
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Added some new things and cleaned up the studio. #DJChemo #CSawRecords #csawrecordsstudios #moboutentertainment #therollercoasterride #therollercoaster #blues #theblues #reggae #jam #mashup #crossover #guitar #izotope #newguitar #feelgood #youfeelme #hordion #harleybentonbass #customguitar #studioone #waldenguitars #morley #waves #nativeinstruments #izotope
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imogeneandwillie · 1 year
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Nick at home / CA,Feb 23′
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jefjanis · 1 year
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I swear I can hear you playing @austinwalkincane every time I see this image. This is another favorite from Saturdays session with Austin Walkin’ Cane. • • • #jefw1f #jefjanis #austinwalkincane #myfujifilmlegacy #blackandwhitephoto #bw_addiction #bw_perfect #bw_lover #fujifilmx_us #fujifilm_xseries #fujifilm_northamerica #fujifeed #fujilove #bnw_captures #bnw_greatshots #bnw_kings #hands #theblues #musician #guitar #westcottlighting #fj400 #studiolife #friendsinbnw #cleveland https://www.instagram.com/p/CoDlYOlpnsp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yebisucat · 1 year
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2023.2.23 昨日、出社の帰り道、 日比谷のゴジラスクエアにある、 THE BLUEへ。 美しいなケーキのお店。 ホントは、 看板メニューの青色のケーキが 食べたかったんですが、 売り切れで残念… でも、このフランボワーズの ムースケーキも美味しかった♪ * なんだか、 久しぶりにパティシエの 洋菓子を食べました(笑 たまには、こういうのもね。 その後、ハシゴで安定のスタバ。 * 今度、青いのあったら、 テイクアウトしようかしら… * #カフェ巡り #theblue #日比谷カフェ #久しぶりの 日比谷 #甘いものは人を幸せにする (Godzilla Statue) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpARl_vvzP4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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blueyisszy · 1 year
If you are not selfish you will not be unselfish, remember.
If in the world everybody is taught to be selfish, the whole world will be happy. There will be no possibility for misery.
Only a very deeply selfish person can be unselfish.
But this has to be understood because it looks like a paradox.
What is the meaning of being selfish?
The first basic thing is to be self-centered. The second basic thing is always to look for one’s blissfulness. If you are self-centered, you will be selfish whatsoever you do.
You may go and serve people but you will do it only because you enjoy it, because you love doing it, you feel happy and blissful doing it—you feel yourself doing it. You are not doing any duty; you are not serving humanity. You are not a great martyr; you are not sacrificing. These are all nonsensical terms. You are simply being happy in your own way—it feels good to you.
You go to the hospital and serve the ill people there, or you go to the poor and serve them, but you love it. It is how you grow. Deep down you feel blissful and silent, happy about yourself.
A self-centered person is always seeking his happiness. And this is the beauty of it, that the more you seek your happiness the more you will help others to be happy Because that is the only way to be happy in the world.
If everybody else around you is unhappy, you cannot be happy, because man is not an island. He is part of the vast continent. If you want to be happy, you will have to help others who surround you to be happy. Then—and only then—can you be happy. You have to create the atmosphere of happiness around you.
If everybody is miserable, how can you be happy? You will be affected. You are not a stone, you are a very delicate being, very sensitive. If everybody is miserable around you, their misery will affect you. Misery is as infectious as any disease. Blissfulness is also infectious as any disease.
If you help others to be happy, in the end you help yourself to be happy. A person who is deeply interested in his happiness is always interested in others’ happiness also—but not for them. Deep down he is interested in himself, that’s why he helps.
If in the world everybody is taught to be selfish, the whole world will be happy. There will be no possibility for misery. Teach everybody to be selfish—unselfishness grows out of it.
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zeepzorpsworld · 10 months
Waking up before the birds, and the sun. Roaming the halls while they're still quiet. Watching the vacant sky lose it's blueish hue as the bright of day rises among the clouds.
Driving on an empty road, with the ravens flying above. The sun peeks through the mountain as it wakes slowly. I find myself humming a low tune along with the radio. As my fingers dance through the mess of my hair.
I'll stop to catch a picture of the view, but it'll never capture the feeling I have in this moment. The emptiness of being whole. I am one being, alone yet content. Yet I feel forlorn, standing with myself and the breeze. It passes through me, chilling my bone.
I'll drive, far from my feelings. I run from my past and chase a better future. I've got the wind, the sun, and the birds. They bring a sense of comfort on my endless journey, to escape the blue within myself. Praying to brighten like the sky, from the countless sunrises I've watched.
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